--''' tWiiigithatolt#o4ll4sl6),lnumt !,-: .AnotherilitAXiik4 l '.li77,4iftiirei4. :- tithe* Siii- i: tirofeSSien;:47,iiiihef.:liiteaded to .fell'e.' l . - -. : -..11 4shrhii)otiiiidiaft lika- -- * .-f o' ai r : ' * '* 4-14 i ' :11 ' the 4PlOtliiiiaii;:iiii*,*ll! - -qigiANt.:(ii 7 ferns 1 ,, , - . !' r4 .4 Colleizii4 7 ,':iiiiii*,:ioVlll l .4:'eaii(ckl.l:;; \ •• -•'eis eiteing*? 1, 1 "'Verb40. 11 ,::*44 . E - .q l ,W=g9HO - Oili ' ' 0. - :_yotir._4t,hti. -*in - eve ' s ow.-**ll'.o4ooo l '..Li..: 1:11C,:it":...,\,qc4,7'*.z4:4.04,1y,;1*31P,110A,:.. t' '....: 'acid earn ! 4.; . alid , :-.lti*O*6o Piej#o; l :k. ----- ' ' -_,•'' if in. Ore *issiiiiOriesiliehOt*p:tfig.. • g : .. 001-:eontiiiiiitWieliiiiiiiiliiii4ititenditilta- . i: - ., -, ..caAfiat 'iears,..Sihich: - Akeifirit'.4fi,h44.iiiiideil". - impression '. i'' ' 1 upon : -fiiiiiiidei - fiiiiie iiii4 - t,ii'hii 'el' . - treated iii' , , , ,_bitiiiiiiiiiel-V.WinterOtri ilf i e ' - ''. - i'dPie• , 01:Iciigitiiiir:',. - h6eVol*ii* : !,' , llioeo - ei . : ~. leas often ieetilitthi - Moithlyo - ;.neert .in : -eti. ,•• . ',... pany.,Sritif his . parimt.4:::'"ll6 •Nrsa-, also, - - .a me "II ber of..gahhathi..§.4ol". - -Ntre: are *are - tol4, tht -':- when thew pastor; atteinpted. te :: minister•yt ey :•catii44.4416R!,-,ofliiiedospelto„theaii,heSrtbroljett ..... Sat iiyiiiilighiealswentkaothi - iffir •!tfie .. fatai -..: . aeetirrenee, the.. only, repit of. the lither„wak* ' . tht.',loigniiiW4,inciaiiiii . viiiiiii:it: eitiotleOtiit, - ': ereh - ,s(Wer liaillietiOoi-;-'!C14.1441,1-04:414iPesS - :We round Oiiiiiilatm 4:l4tiiiii :464 judgment are'. liri,,the-thitiae."...!,•:-Sileif":!i,'liiititer...iri_ -04id7.4.,,1mi,:, :.. - : :Cita:4' eov*iriinent - *itii stleiip - iiiitiahi- the. heart,. tisiAer 4 . Atr9ke, likci-thil4 may-. it • be: able to ails,' '•' • ' is.thesi.iitliediAleoig, Journal. -‘,;... . : - : ....._......., ......_ ......., ~...,. ..... .... • . The Cntiteitt Circulation" in. 'Northern ...1 1 ,, L oinotrtraitin- , lB3B.lpoplee 'Weekly: , S. 13.::&,`E. B. CHASE,,Ennoxis.; / 1018 T 11.08 E 1 51-tiiell• 3, 18531 TorolAiderinen . the city' of New York , ware on Saturday --last," indicted for bri , bery . and Corrimtion .in office.... 'Then the In dictment 'Om& presented -by the Grand Jury, th two Aldermen - were sitting on the . Bench, officially;as associates ,''of the Recorder. - ,,rg7H The Pri:Ohl . t9l7 - Lhilior Law has heeP yelceted the Legislature of . New Jersey .by a lame rote.: ' `.- Cot Mott, of the House, has our thanks for a splekdongrsving of the "Semite ber for .1g . 1 ' . MATREn- A: GAI63LE IiOP St telAt the Cinal.Cotnnissherre, Osier ** on The North Braiich.Catipi. in pl. wai: Ftinte!; . reigpid. Y . -• , IMMTho Crane Iron WOrs, in thht *ire tinitinged theairoin of t 40,00 the explosloit - 'of a blnitt ! pipe, .on, Thu 'qz.7" TheNsnate has authorized the A c;isi Consul a Havana, to adannister the of.oinee to Hon. Win. R. King, the Vice idea-elect. '''lar . President Fillmtire his issued his * *tint} for an extra session of the Sena Co ~ tnenekatitoori •to-morrow. . - ~, ; t: . The Democratic. State Conventi4 Connecticut -has re-noininat,d Thos. 11. 'moor for Governor. ,'The trip of the Calorie Ship .E ' _ -;' \l'o from New rk to Norfolk was most ea , wry. Ttfg ship has been visited by the idc:it eleet,;' and tha officials_ at .Washing The- Seretary ()file NavV.has recomm 1 e passag e, of a vesolatien gr,e by Cons 1 hotlizing" the construction of a : Works., of less than two . thousand .tons.. ~ . • .con e_ .. . .Cirl racy ofSullies p...,r,...4" - Th 'D ot fheir recent: Convention,•passi -a rose • reMereederY of the BilfiNore our. •• tare, alloyvingslaveholdm to bring wi iheit dares, and hold as such. months; and recommended their Sena 'Repr -.- , . • esentatives to voteagainst it. Th • passed one in.favor of a Prohibitory La iecommended their Senator:: and .. -Befpr , 1 .tiveate support auelia measure. . . Or We. 'learn- fr,o,m the Broome Re , Wean , . • that the dwelling-house, occupied by ' ~ V. r: . • Snowden, of Warren, Brad. co.; was entirely ~.. , ° destroyed by - file on the .afternoon of-. Friday . last:, with all its contents. 'The , family were ail frchn hOme, and the day being cold and Mustering. Peel4e were.mostly withir doors, and the five was: not discovered =till the bowie . - • was enveloped lit fames. „,,,' . . ,- r tgrA Convention of the, Agriculturists Pennyiranin is to be bed .at ilarrisburg on the6o - of -March - next, for the purpose of ta king measures Di' the establishment of an Atr conner.ted A faiti for riipefiraentai and practical purposes. '• . - • -'. •• - '... ion. ' ---- - - :' -lii- lnaugura • * • dent i -.-• : '- • 0 • - - • • • • , ' ,L - : -- 0 -- -... :Gem ...,PIEPr I . . ou r • . l'—ilablT WI upon himself the - 0W! of'o , 7.lee,i .; ' :• ' : Magistrate; c,liii*ili-tik i .e -4 tili, mighty . . 2.4 -liiie6er V4!ei:-: -l i. ' lie: vas g r a d. -..- ;-?iiiiisiXi::-': One ye a r 'go in,ioLOliandivl) ro #i . i '' ••• • .--- f - i cfrie'llii• : P reifissi • ' ..o l . - outskirts oft , .. • I . . ' anent, f%3lllliiihlol eur e —.6 tr: oPect4 , l 9 l! . ? !. .: I :c: 1,011,,1te-,.. .. f •-.. - , .. ~...- :.-thi-raopTiv 1 z. /., - ' . o . iiig his sit r attri. ~F, n . ..teil states, ~.-:., ~.. • ' i cf ii :i;:: - 1:6 - e r 'i,th .,. e,ch .. ie'f a rI g i i i i . letraaa."-or.t:.hes,6i4ei',l[Jiniedi . 424, • ;h6. - I - • ~.. --- - Lotti).Aril : .t iu n . '4 o- ~„,,.....,,,,,ii! , ,,...it he. ,„; okai..., . - • •-• • ~ii,-.-',,,,iiigawivv.........--,,,_. tr i ed . vttriot:, .- ..... thit.::-.:-0f...):!1*J:...1ng- vi r tu es , .:-- freely alis4. o l l I 7 : • , .. --.;.:liildiiiiiiiiiiitY••::: • - . : :\• .• , 1 • . :- , : .-. ir! - - 1. ~ .k.iiiilltiiii. .'• • -"' -.: • - -I .-. ''''.: - ."'-;•:- . ii i4 nirr..Y ..., ~.- ~ .. ~• • • . hia i , -,i n d t h ey i. 4 -, .• • -..... .h0p e 5 `4 " -thi)'OciP'e%F, - , - ,- 1 i o i l i i ii . ~ . . -._.• , .:,• • ••:"TP*.-.. .• -,- ..itieintireilis of ' #r. , •-.,:. . - :• '• . \‘.. feel: - .,iiiiiied- - thi4 . ....., ' - . 4 3 : ; - . ": ...'• ',, , will be safe in 11 .. r. , week - ' forbids : - furth er thoug hts : mss;. -4t..... •: :..., \ - -:- ; ;$006....! iiil t ,ilitibl e .lP 8. 1 7 we *al - 11111: -Iw•Vu,r- • , --:-ii - • iattitkiii` MC --;:, .. . s'.;ei;eatiigilf±*6!Ps' P,-;„•„ : - - 4ii • •. -• .. , thi , • • Pr - •,,,,, ~ ..t hiiiiiiiiletii•ps...,er:!l ,. ....„ ~ ,•' :•;.:.:.-. :.. . -..,..., :,_... Cabio.44 .qF"...'„? - , ... , z . -. f- , .. , : -... ; . '. 1 •: .. ... '.......-. .:. - ..,.. : , .i., ofif'kel#l4/4-..,,.-'--- .--•-•,-;:.::-:--i- -•-. -., . 1 .9 -•-- 1, 14: 11..;0r' :., .•, 1 • - -: -. .. ' . '7 . ,.::::::: :. • •••• _--- , ~,- - ''‘: - •. :orthernifire rizt - f#A*T_ , ...,,...r P7l-; i,?-iiie--•Ai4itifligt94- .:''.:-.., ..'-_. lt,. - iitoi* - i - f4. - ip . h#,L.40,) t ..,,..:.,_:...:ri''.•.-,":•J,:.•:''. - .• -:. : ' I: -bs=iiiii;'o4.44!•:..l7;-:/".., rr -,,- ;:&,' -- .. Tll::..F4ti .-•',*., iiiiii - '.oii 0 1 - **1_ . _,0!':i. j. ,.. 4.6. - . .1.,.,.. , _-.,. iiiii i,. -..--,.. ~ -.:- • :... -' •-- ~,,4,6 464:01'iii 4.t.i. I°9q-,,7277"-77----. 'of' :i :.- ~- 5 h011r...: . :„- • ..,,,..- *e n -eilii;aillai_ iti*ll.O., _.„..-..,.,::-.-7. 1.:;-''';; :- A nfil t i f o t.: 4 .,rf - - - ' - -- -.-.; . - ' - itiaiiiiiisii ''' .' '.' - ..'tio - seen - , , - --'-'-'-'—' - 1-.., l', :-:.:----1F*71,,t; '''.-:;-*-iiiiiiillial**A-Pli.or,-6-:- • - iiiiiiiii -.7 ')iiiiAs ' ..l, l _4f.', • •••::4:liiiii44,-A*. , P ,14, ,•--. , , , , , .. , :•,- , i i•ii i §ik-,4- t * 4 ~-.:::-..-;fte lr, - - ,7 7. . 7.-,,---.-.,.-.1 , :, 7 ,-.9.?..•--- ; :, -....;.:--,-..-..-..:.•,-,,,:-.:=44.,;7.,-77,4,-1,-_,:5-.:-,q,iiiiiiiiionktitso-11,: -•:.--,_-_-'Zi-iithiii ideg- -. 7 igiii,i,iii . 41**4, •:-,;.,-.., n. „,- " - ' s:r,-4 ii i o ilit4 * ki :uo , , , t!!:: : !: ! ,i o„ ._._ , ,,-.,:*-;,, , -,., ; -i - o , t : . ~..,,.. -- ,, ,,,,,:A. : 4-.:0u... 4 : 1 i.,''.r',,..f,•:41 ! -..,-F,a,t:,.;,.' *4 1 X,!./c 411 : : -:, , d--...tiiiit.itioiii. : 1:1 ...,.,.....,-_,,5.,.„-, i ....• ii4licri , 4 :* + , ea ;, •,,_:,;',.. i . , ....* : ', _ • : - a i ii*A.:--- . ' •,:.'.*7.014'?„:-.l=7:=.i, •;;: 7 •` -,- .. - :' '. "r -hl ,alt - ......- --,--, %. - .-: -.- vr,.-,..,-•, , -- ? t ,, , , ...-:;:, -,,,..,..!..-.,,,,, 7 : --.;:, - .l. 1.;.• .-,....-„:.,__,;, - ,-,,ic--Ys-- rgtit"-t:4,;,.. - . - .,:c.„„,... ; .-. _-.,,,,:.,,,, ..-.,:,..:,.. -Z 4 4-3 : , :W 1 4* . zt ,- ; , •..:„':.5 - ' ,:::•-,),, _ ~:_,-,,,-4A*.V;tk-`,-3,=4.--`4l.:i.ti'VY•tr,ilf,z.r.-i--....i.•.7i-'_,.:i;:'.: ..•:,----;-::, ...:::. -2'"-'''',W,':.;.'2,;4.;-4:-.1.--f'b-:'-',V,7744::4'' ''',,;: - :;..f - i , : . '•;*:',‘B''. '-'' ' ' - ''' . ~, PIM _'''''''• tie Corte, i i ndent . has .fine ij , ventured' a 1 3 Ilab re d , lign , ' to our prop* Specie Depos 'it 'it's stein ;: ' .mittin i ethat it tail be, entire , , „old -,li --•-:.- Iyi, ~..., to:ill: bill-hir,, Wine Ii .l a ~vety ire-, P_lisr t admi . '10 1 11:**4• 1 0_ 11 44 61 nOi , ti;a 1 t e O.* . : Would' ior ibiiiicie#Jigiiin ihO_Siate ' - cA'f,t4iit Pith i se.' t 6 -01 - i-i a :1 - iiizai:so4i.is-, i L'ittillitt inili 'L -,:flafs. - :witeti. ' old 'and Silver tre,..if . , ,eo Ve' ' abunditti4 ivh - each - ".steamer ' Califon:; comes fre gh ,v. ith, two, or 'three - million --of, the p el `metal-rw when new and r' . ,i ~..,fiblds itiAtrn is Aye-yielding their golden:- - mmo es ;•t. at 6 ` r friend slionld , make the)2 --, iyiefency of spec a.: his only ob- t.s jeetiOnito ou Proposed b king system.' . , Iteproce • :to say; in sub Stance, that =by Our own sho lug nearly Ith epeeie is driv ''eti- fritn of ~. stien,, -, and stiff as :a Omit!. ; ` -- ' l ' .. ilia' - `flanks "..h l'o 'ash r 14 in!Fe, -.. • vA -.;• :The rom ,-ihci - 00ort,O.ii te4iditor ne al of thisetnie t ' , he linds. -- that , _ mugs_ only . ab t eir millions' iw, Of 4ieeie in he'''banks, - a d 4 nee_ that is'all , I there rain t i.'State, and itli ' at we can cent- I mend, for the purposes of ' bail log!. Now the: , Banks are th • last-place - to 14rik for specii!-- i*l . i t a th 'ln e - o never i any „ ere,. e thotoi h ly it.p i -r currency:' -11. Sat avwe propose to , depoidt gold and' 811- verilur iittti...at pleasure; alit 'ecurtty in lieu I of priblis.st ha , it becomes ti tessftry' forus, I ; in answer to . 4 X"' to look utithe .metaiic 0ur... 1 c reny,'whc h edniem.i t i t6t to be found, . ihe isi . 'save the six: illions in;ithe thit4s.: • - ...Now It is, ell.'laiil, community or 1 State.reqoi only julcuo . xrp r, h coin for its purposes 'uf, exchinge '6r ti.it,de ; .and if 'the , amount he i • dressed, its value will di.' mihish.; anti ice versa :.' - If 4siiipiipor" , money be : issued, tliiiuggregste . amduat Of, money is-! incieaSed; and so each doling (of peper ii 4e. doe6table4iih.silver,the relahve price ofhotli diminishei. Now there.is t' ' much money in the country.and'irthe. spccidi na. paper were (l t of spit talueim'foreign cOut riea,both would be'exported, but as tile upecit+ 4inly is valuable abrosd, that alone is exporte4 - 1 pay for'„Our I foreign or debts. He 6 then is one re•; - 1 [ Culver into.which our, gold and silver is . Orlien by- paper money 1' i i ' • - f• But ..t may likewbse be* ].driven into ;the" hands of private indiviluals `' - .home: Tp il -lustratejltis, suppose' any o< of our readers has&debt's:if fire dellars to ay, er wishes to i -purchase goOds to thaturriourkt, and has shelf. 'eagle, and a.firs dollar bank"ibill,in his pnise i. he*wilk. invariably offer' the . 'Oil-- for thatinr, I pose, lit preference to:the . gO3. This is:trail of every Imo•the woild over!. Id hence it is,l l even setting aside foreign Ili e and its 14iti mate tenden6Y to tile it abli ~that gold and ' stye?' will _not Circulate with paper. - Buti;it is I far fronkall beingin'the ban. so „far frotn it,",, that inited of' there dieingt - iit the Six ;fail). ions of ilipeie which is in tlid i banns, Liits isi this airy in the hands . of. p . inate -indfrid 't . 'l,cils,l 'inc? forty' millionsof gold - eptd siicer wt , ,this I State; er enongkaerordingl4 the calciillitioh of our eorrespontient, 'xvithentrthe sixmic,ions in the banks', and.withOut A diallar of raper_ money, for, all our purpoirl'f f trade an I :ex change. Tiue, this is out-of ii-Illimion but you have but-to•reduce yout paper curr i ency and it Will itrimediatelY beg to come bask ;1 and if you - strike your . papq. 'entirely colt; it will all i ,rie braught into eirmilition ; ,and If we have- .notl'enerigh Hereit iy II flow in,lfroln abroad, or -the :vac ram be' ~applied fro. • our mint. ' ,-, "X',' goes oh further about s , very..rarely, t#irsirig iffor granted that we have tit ill Mill- 4 . -; . ions of coin, and cannot codapand- any ilers., 1 and supposes d That in accord:irke with on plan,, we deposit ill's with the Stitelotliber, ii -re- 1 I ceiv . ti auequallUmounti of .bid's ; which , e:p ht into eirculatio; and-then hi Ssks what could our Farmers do '7ith'ilietri-produce i what would build Our rail "roadi,l&e., &el • Cer tainly we kroilii. be badly toff with a y six i millions of One to: .do *mess wit ', and doubtleis we I should malcit-S poet sli w be.. side 'our - sist4 eta ' in the; vent. • T eia he s prAeifis farther state, thittl if instead f this , six Millions oilipe ie, we de t sit state owls i intliistti bills to' he - imoiinti of - fifte 'mill- ions, this he think with . ttsix milli ns of specie, would ens le us to 1,.' i ll along- Ilv, and that-too, ' , hen wed r - uire 'for , es of trade fortinii7liona of t L oney. NV the' seventeen initlions defictt 'coining friend "X'? - - _ ' - C I Now this . hoc argtanrit ',throughout; is based on ttie spec ous ariP i ition that banks sTeat4 i te.aiiital and.; 1. r'"; , e i Y moreahumting; 7 nithei, of which'they 4ri e i. e i do. TheY mere lysuhstitute paper, whie g 414 and silyer. pre:: YiOU lY existed. lf f -par i 6li listleti° beyond 1.) the ' ants of the commutOt i , the specie will' be e '. rted,or driven info t hands otprivate indi iduals as Weatebefcir shown, - and there - s ,lof fit is 4 ris Trithdmwn. 19 1 1-.1 or'. oath res. I 're. "IL-1 nded . them or six '' arid . Iv l i v nom omd senta- remain until: sorp4 .tie paper is wi: sawn. If our state Feqeliet forts ti..llions of Azioney In its PiditlarY purposes Ufi r t,u ll Pgeitherl You. can only e.mpley bat the Idhe of forty mill : ions for thst-purpose. Tlie Only , benefit that a paper currency can ever . i ~e ven when per:: h: .fectly Sound, over a Install) , turrency; is its, granter-,-. convenience' ,in i, , ,' xl a hanging large ineo,nn betwreenplasee'Wl . ,ety ilista, ek—and 1. j it.is al considered by , ' o,ionare eeonomi , , cal, ,a s . cid, as e ,material. costs csa,. and . hence, tbed wear.., !early, carrying oi: not se much..,- Now we wiltsuppose thatiW _ ere isforty. mill.] foli:of goig -and silver .: 11 /'' ' f.P I 4 Oat : thePM- 1 eUt - 62 / 2 (a 04 11 :4 1 11,4 ', ' - eisititiY#Ale 44l 3% ] , be.linned,) tt-hich eMemtf i l : rind' fUr , es-1 'O3l/6gsl`'4l!nti=4lll 0910.4614.011141/1 t 4 ; has* - part:•9i, :iii isA 4 ti':' 'ge iii:;i l l. o3 1 ;3'... ileitis-o(l4er oi. :, ;', .4 : -vooeuei aay ,firiali: ! •ciiit . ...Wee -“' ", ' ... ; :alit it ,01040" DR ' .', ' '-; , 104:44e -,. .. iit if.apeci , 'eir; .de. den indiiia-- 4001.4 - / 1 . 4)0 ,t 9 Oak G-41 or 11 1 1, tiiia~e nor: 24 , *hit the toss ivot4he,;if.ii;of thwoonifo ailic r aelin a - stein-ink; 't lr"-7 .:fwuPte;r;ii a. that is to, the taysteto and e _br one o f 0,0 . sa t o in genies should hi" ' - th Ibe ; he I ' i t R aT3 to its Iyjens ell: and w deP w lve e i h at l e ve th a e li s a toe d° lt I allow th se vtibii',-wiitt/ ° .. 0 readers 1-116 t ‘Xit'lire-ficit-ypt enlightened however, l 4a o itY , or bjnsioelationat i. ga 116 4 4 does thsW4=-o_Viiie,7-a:n—yulg -Irdti?, &either t,!`' pPßele, d. i .it it,141,1h • • half i koroaiont l 1 oASlave'pl regal FREE 111111KIEDIG. No, 4. NESikS. EDlTO—Yau•inu . st.allukir me to say : that I 110 re heer t hi, Tilit 5= 113 0 if not'in structed by your dashing atticles, .l.he sub ject:Of OleaP, colii!iiimilcio o 4, , ' and ilost'freely do I acknowledge that they exhibit an adroit ,of the ."pottlingElogr 'order rarely' pot 'teased by any Writer.: T 404. -they: should ,be ; looked upon in some Toenlities, asd'iparticidar- : t it. ly in a certain quarter Id not Wish to name, al as "iettloris, is bt• no me s surprising. • • is an your last article I find thelellowing i‘xi• I , l .gra i Ph : 1 - - . --- , " Will ...' X' - tell us . why it IS if this systemis perftcllisccure to 'the mite' older, :that among thbs Free 13anirs that barest il I tO in ZijaY York, and some of them quits - re ntls; .we' find the notel of the Atlas Bank; F m era. Bank at.On ondsigic James - Bank, and'fla nk or - New - Ito.- / ehelle now selling in New,: ork city at from 2.0 to 49 cents drsceini4 in that too when - the: ~storks . of that.State _ arc at : ' preMium*r. ' The I discount is sufficient to m e ; thd money inn : - crirrelit. and as any one h riling one or tWo. 1. Small notes would not tak e the trouble to fia 1 to;a brokers to sill them, t i ii consequuncels 1 he iO3+ll-the whole. This htlcertainly a striate i iteettil-facts,":.... '--, i ~ • ' : . Now the "state of facts bere is not balf so I ~ . . ".strange,",,as th at ; the inte lli gent author of the . . , u paragraph - should have betrayed an ignorance which it glaringly indictites, .touching those Banks: . I um not willing' to believe: that he I designid to 'perrert even by'implication - ; for I the undisguised ftourish_with whieh it was put . .4• . roeth evidently indicates that it was considered • . i I a ter,andilotibtless ere this has beep gravely i pr' ounced in the - quarter . a bop _alluded to, I after mature consideration,its another ",settler ;" . i and, it would not surprise me to learn that it is being "extensively copied by ,the Demociatin I press" to "settle" the tact that State stocks pledged as Bank securities can only be dispos ed of at an enormous sicri fi ce,even though. the ,stooks are at a premium i" - ~' ' :. But, .seriously; h most. cheerfully give an swer te this' call, and in-doing so _have - Merely to ,state the fact, that the " - why" of the notes kof the Ihmks lanicd abece being at a disconnt, Tests . .simply upon the fact that a large propor ton of their Securities was in Bends and Mort-1 gages on 'keel Estate instead of PuNk Stocks. :When it became necessary to wind - up tbe af fairs of these Banks- by diiposing of the seen rides fleaged, the Beal Estate was struck off at a.gnark - much beloW the am:Mut credited by t'he Comptroller, and. Consequently on this there was a , loss. But on the stocks there Ina by 'tho 'ref was little or no loss, as appeal oy lit., of the Superintendant ortheßankDepartment of NeW York recently made by him. The seen ritiei-held intrust by.the State for the James Bank and the Bank of NeW Rochelle; were disposed of at ilt° same time. The amount of the Bonds and Mortgages held for - .the; jart.es ,Bank was $39,888. 'These sold• at a los of! 1810,413. : The stocks held in trust amounted to 39,000. These sold, for 838,527—making i l l s loss of 0n1y.5472, or . ti little more than - one' I per cent. . : - ,--* • 1 i Theitmount of Bonds and Mortgages held 'for the Bank of. New Rochelle, was $68,913.: . -. They brought at the sale but $37,000, shoW:i mg a losti*of forty-one per Cent. The stocks i held for this Bank.amounted to $76,481 10, on which.there was no loss. -• • . , . New; this-statement of the facts of the case i 1 suppose_Will 'not be denied to be a sufficient land satisfactory reason for the depreciation, of the notes of these Banks„ and that the call{ - made upoir me in the paragraph quoted is here fully answered. , But these,facta prove, also, the entire and undoubted "aTaitability of stocks tin the emergency of a Bajtk,failure, in orditia. ITy cases 'at least, and 'that if the . entire securi . ties of these:Banks had been in State Stocks, none would bavesufferea any material lois, by their failure. ••• -., • . . Your intimation, Idessrs.- Editors, that I pur . . posely avoided noticing your proposition. to , *require a " specie deposit" to - - be made with the Staie•for see.nrity, instead of stocks, and that . thave a diiposition to dodge . that point, is gratuitous, quite:. If it Were practicable to 1 carry:out a sys tett' :of that: kind; I:most cer- . taint); would be the list than it, object to It.— . But I could net suppose Vint - the proposition Was rea l ly inadein seriousness, in view the of ... ~ I present condition of the countr y; But-as m'Y ':visionmay be Clouded on,this point, we will i examine the subject a littfe, and .see •what we Ican maim out Of it. . - - . . • i ” • It appears by the Report made by the Aut: itor ctencral of this State,to the . Legislituke in January 18 53 (which l j a the latest report -I have been able to.lay. my hands on,) ~ t hat the 1 whole a:11°0'10)f "specie and Treasury mites! lWall, the Banks or,Pennsylvania at that, time, ' * * - f 11 that, i was a trifle over-six'and a hal .un ions o o - liars.- Whit proportion of this amount, cop. ;Meted of "Treasury notes". I haveno means 1 of ascertaining, as on that point, the :repoki: at Ards no light. - BaLassutning the 'whole six r add ithalt Millions to-be gold and silver, let ins eee.how.vour system .of " . specie depostte will world; for'aCeordiugio'ioui ideas as. yo u hive itared.thein, thepaPei . eurrencY • bait al., ready 4l4 Yel 14 specie out f circulation, and '. coUsequentlY the !gam : hife. gOt it, oj . the i 'Post9. l. ,Actin *air vataft. ...Plow what amount 4f,l4#PrOfal to w supply all 40 .°C4siiineki ittf.emplert*;:ter.PelOsYlveTike and lo 0 1 0;11 1 irr 4tii‘4 l .* • 44-ki 4 p , pee with gla progress -at opt 4Y4a, 1 :14 1 v0 4P! , # . 41 14 ;e 1 4 1 °0 1 .0.. - Pt' ; ._BPtFf Filly take ; as irgus44lWhillm;;=.49' 1 11, i0t 4.8T4.-eY.44Fithii-tke region ,cor- Aw. .mark, tke`ounpitiit of disccituttas:Ouidely:,* .- -# 4 .4 B *:. l * 6o l4ocl'l 4s hle a l. - . 11 . 1 0 4 0 , . * a iP ailil) ' l* lll4 o i * f o r g. F'D *. is :4 -ut , „ is r-tiarhfrsix. . iontordcdars. This, I' ~ i2pap 14 rif4 l l. biunt.l. ..PaPer; 00 6 50 in the 0 4 1 W1- L r'btkSsiito o f 40 11 ),IIPA itkrf..4.0:# 1 .4- 1 7 1 !*,. vii:1 3 4*.;:ii:04. 1 ,01?4 , 444,f4A*4.fr0*** 11-1r 1 r Y.:'J!4, 4 4 1 -4 1 444 4041 , 111 4i tai flir i O l til l i' 11*-4!fe-Ini-4:11#1.-:1:414;101 *!!;1*.i; itiu.a -1 0-* 4 4o 4 lsBilikA;.;: , - - ; .2ll riultk*k .4 ?*! - - 3. iiettiti4, - i;isieCi4iii : #eatitipi I 1 1 . 1 ,!SAPP I. M- A l r nr4S t ;lP t -t7 f, PAATISIAtirk — ,. ;-.."P" , - , ,li- , . 1 1 0 105 -,.1 ,141 4. 111 . , an*,9 1 : 4 i -1 '7 . ; -i,.t•- , , , -;,:i. ,- :::;::-, ; ; i.L-It.: - --;:,-;-?, - i IT i•-..i.;.4t'' . .. .-, ...- ~.. ~,..z., uslra— ,, To is from - 241 Prd "tatisti A *kir" ressOts Your fac i „eState, and thereuportissu e .. f paper dollikiii'' currOeSi d good, there is rio ,doubt '1 .o t uld there be - Su ffi cient Ada' , ands of trade ? And, they4.ltir the specie to circulate t . It, beirl the Treasury security for the: ting, it 'would be beyond t _real And . What would be the e ect 01 .on business! -That 'business 1 forty.nulhons narrowed do, Jai half millions, or suppose tte dii doUble.the capital, itad,BllY.l a, would l the Farmer ' s • Wheat, -tit (hall and Caws; Sza, Wag: a .wauld-.build. tiles Asa Roads ro , ,sylvania? : In short; ylitim wor old State - be, tMd what het ; esuallt 40. milli q Us of debt;squatteddtgv ‘upon'a nest-egg, while the states are Marching rapidl2i - :fet - ',Ward n i l ,d..g , . hiprovement anreatness, un of .-, (if you Choose to have it so) cif Public Stock securities ? I Tral?t, 'might be called a ~'sett)mt • if 1)11 1. was, forit'wouli " settle' I Pot+ redeinption,-unkss; sui recornut Supe.entendent of the Bank deli: St4te of Mew` York, her'Steclifi, there as security under their la*, credit in. some 4e0.6e - kept i vp . , 1 r b I ' in such an event - her steel.s woui jected.entirely. '- - ..I . I The Capital Stock of 4 !T 4 o Penasyfrania is about 191railli1con Suppose' the same amount' shol - id under the stock' security sy4t -1 plan sitggested of a margiU of 12 Phis" would give a paperl . issue !nil-lions, foi the redemption of millions-of stock is plitilged. i zimp!eerriployment then fir ail t in'the state.' :For it would ber ,L ie successful prosetutiori of their 1-the Banks to Jra..e in thou' vaults] ,cle . then as noir, for if-they failiA the counter their businesS 'mnat So, it . be..seen; that under L efen, more specie :will" bo- . like l lyi than . under the . one you proposo, being locked up, and . pliced .beY • of trade; it must riecessarily find in theilegitimate bitsinesi of Ban segitently will serve grdnfly to i than *pair the : character, of on Whoo . lien;" that s . dispoSed.to 'an uniorejudieed:ntind subj bearings; and With a .diapOsition right conclusion, eau doubt th. wilt work well and safely. - - Your defence of the ilemoerat' our'present Bank ehartor system er at iinotliez time, as - 1 --am fear extend - this artiste I tresp: on your columns. Feb-19, 1853. . }L'sottle ofpewsen .DEAR Dr.u.—Last Tuesday NA lative Sabhath,4-the birth day ol Both af,lhe rtiust morning, and Yu* rend the jour previous. A Committee then w Sonata and infroduCed _ the*- tiodylo iho Halt of t. 14 House ter, - iL.Committe! was 'a Nis ;.Exceliency,..G6veino . i. Bi Heads of. :Department The --\ tipuSe,. assisted .14 - tlie - Clerk then read the Farewell atkiress to his count4men;darirg:Whieh l ;;liteathles.k silence. , ties and lobbies Were filled.W.itli After the reading of the . addre Adorned, in token: f respect name 'and virtues are coneetrat of Americans, and revered all Washington now sleepS, in rut the:aide of his own Potomac— " Where is heard no-soinid - sar , . -• - ' - - 'fig '., I —with no monuments of •- bor rearblb to ral perpfuste his memory,-`an d grews .:i - brighter and brighter,: as. Time lengthens emt-1 the space between - Washington iivingl,land the ' i . .generations that siteceo him. -,- He filled up 1 1 ctl,t the fullest _measure of- g lory, ith great and 1 virtnous actions , that man ever iled:s and ; then I deposited the chart of principl ;that;had gui- I ded hits through the strUggle p liberating , and 1 , founding an empire, in the. bearps of hislieo.. 1 pie, for their instruction and good in 'all I . time to come. When the .Atsericari Ipeople forget i to do full honor to the - . [name rid inetnOry; of ; Washingtori, then will they d part ' frau* . the I iii teachings of the Testament be AS 1 eft;behinkl and; I might add, then too tali ey, jtay . Weill launched on the sea Of r acks i dsheSbi 'that have wrecked all Repuhlies in Ithe 14st.r! 1 1 - Mr. Frilton's Bill ferlibe\" arryi4 Out :or I 1 ; ()lir constitutional obligatio4,,,eaMir uP:list .week in Committee of- the 1 14+ Ole,And iisiso. to second reading, -when it w Mai : ! inn. ; ti on : to postpone. - A ri ' nmend ' - ent - !ng I , tl , indefinite was loiit,:tind OS *iliO4 's sist . 3i I 'Ale Prisint; by 'a ::vot e, ! of 65 t o "24.! -1 This isil etwatt .undoubtedly abdut the feintiv posit ioi o - the 'I TO ea Oa the question anybody, ge; - Pier° is no disposition with sinirhedY, to Violate or refuse tO carry out our '“ eenittfutional obliOi l . tions; foilfoe one, - that nrul ... Judynned to see.a files..: t3o time and waya stood by.her to the penally - instil _sontbern inett-bar3 , " Skye StAte north Sot pritY tett - un - * obritnitionittiptv4 tioblitionvin' feel) must - 14 iii.:*„?oii citizens, of awk 8 .herivileg".::- AS , ne h t l ea the*v*#.ol44. 4 7 ( :'...w 4 4.L' b . 'ffaiit 'nem i ,A at .when - 41 :eitizIT‘ A ° *o atiotkeitiS jte Atli 1.3;04,1 ta Bll, th°l Pi9viest l l4l4o ll *Ai tki on tiileaves 1 Lod t i *,,, vOr Mtfriheilitt z 00 1 $ 004 1 lint ow* 1ijk541141 , 044* .' 4 idloyaiilk so. i .1 - - - - ;,;,`,' - i ,7 --1 - 1 1 1, .u skil wo hl he u ll ‘ril . 4 ll43 ' e t .1 11 t ,: a r rl ii: a i ef l ni P r f i rl e :6 , :: tV i n : 1 1 4- t t i r t - ta i ,4,e !1: 1-8'. , no v :3 1 : h re nt 6 . 4, :ii: e o }:e . e ll' :. 4 : ll sl it . that, but [exists, to one wl‘re it does 04' i s : ai'cl Or- the - cie, ! the -Cominen.l.4o itself. tiq ,€7 iilhe °cio KO irrorognizing it; -thena ,-is. freoloM. , .,;.Su P PerSult l, - I been iiti&ed as On; law of ''patAire 04 Li r of_..vtifincfs; iioni . ‘and_htis 1 4_4(Acc.4)4 4 145".,v4 iF ta isYsto,lll isty from :Pufendfr.Snoi 'Vat Ito the p i •' h ret/ 1 0 311 1.day.f - -' It IS not only- the la k i ltthe not l' 0 SIX iiiht i 1 BtL4s, but it, is tile lavr , in th southern ' O J -- i un4 , ol:ould - 1 ii:i.s....Vtiat i er, .._Chgest, t, 11i? . .'. ..WlOttl tetiiifii.eliti.;' i . 1 :.our - nopci i - . i 11, with4er. , as-it= i zer l . . , I armin ler 1 , i th 9 -. ycity I o' I the rtiirupu! t Vankirig . ;eo 1 1 the - ilisi,ai,l • . i4Fo,fr ll 4ni:i a . .'11:01 . 1i4. 1: 7 4i. 1 ..5 4.:e4 .14 , : thcii in . pptlt,f tine li i. :4 .. t i i t s ell %:ti: i i Idil4e4 , tip,!' Id4tot,l4e re= ..i ' I : 1 . •J gial:POksi of is! -of dollars. be e'illiPl'63,H -91rip'Fiin*thii. per cent.'. : .- tfal?):lit,l Iti lieh :!1 . 0" i - ]9 cire,•ll4. be o.oeoiif 9e)v esiar-I l tellie* biisits I f'Or fai * . miielt ipg, to red l emidat 6 wound I up: Phis S l ysteM, to eiteul:tte 'for insteaaOf tal' the r e ach employment. king,and eon , iproveirafher extrreney;--- ~~smine With. fct in alit its sa airive at a .lit the system enaracter of I will eci fisid; 111 that :if I Pau too much '1 ' atmos. as-Our Legts ' Wlishingtan. h'oar the of the day tit.ed upon the bers of !that and, soon I nonneed with *lei, 'and' the lerkL:of the si*te ;. f Waihitigterr• time the r • . megt• sPfc.st.(l-7- both` Howes ,to lion , 1. in the hearts ever, eimOiei!.y,by e its 1 , letltl 01le iylrenis: al. ablitionions Seetb, that. be tbe only, Ito* line: littitetion# of 13**1.° *V“ , tlie tatM told ~ 4:!Wieiiiv* aitc_ I reeentlY iiblif i td a-.'ilecia cOur i ta of Xitittiipky, :* S rreedOm on' the ' round that fiiri.lahe 'liad reaj eit sii.or the 'free States ; th her Mis retnrnea roltin ten l ilijit l O kent gave•herfreede i ,i- &iying-. thislprihriple of '' inniorilaw entlited to her f'Oedriin t sh 'aipiive . .hirielf - 4 That: Tie surrender, whenOVir - sho lola.] l. • .1 , case of the - sato e !hirid was al s i !lain° . way, by I, i Louisiana law of all alyiliio#'lhtbint-if i even to the Souterners,,ina legislate it away.,liif-Pennsyll _do,not offer it4-4lrey do no; neither. our ' con; titutional two', but-if it.wire f it ahem I would, - go . as-fart 'to do 'it • : 1 • • simple question l iof , tho - rigl I ' passm* from B4tirhore - on .1 l4 this State with •lalaves, •en Slave. State, liquite ano • (lunation of exPeiAiency a stri i iing argument:fin its faro before the Hough; you ivill' foria: stay "Or six li l iiinths. .not l ed that und , er,i'this Doi, 14 • .t... • . \ heti° with hia ltites folir.fif All, hoyould hitie to do,, la 'witih- - them a feviidays., to 4 1 exi i iration of msilt . months - 1•1 back Oland. stir come againla of it ihn estahliehOs a qualifii giving to pie citizen. lunch greater litinnunitie thrtiieitizens of pnr oven SI strheouslitutioial obiigatij I notice thlt 4rue:of the heaping abuse tiwn Gover thivalr recoiiimended and was arisw6 ble for it.. Govefnor Messag,c, ple right of tra7pit thiroug, quite a . dilTerenf, cluestio froril a qualified ,rfsitlence trhe :State . .Tprperance . oenVenti menecd its sessiint here les , Wednesd nu:10110y ogenpy.the Ha 1 of the 31itnyable vend dAstingnishq , „spe4'ers fr ni''Nery Vorl4.New e el and' . el A severe cold_ haS prevent d me-fro. in , with the e4eiition of ine'eienit motto is.prohiNtion, and t e - billot , eonplish. it. 'eine et Tthe '4eakers: that u the question of T,mpetanee ihonlij be, purely a politic , l•ong : - .Finse&xne souteWhat, for I had 'alwa el it a great moral qumti.n, r and i ag E the progress; f; moral r fo l tna..: I shall he " nitre* political," I I fear . knell of -the. eattse is abbut seUnding. iThe weatheris quite cold and . no know. Ilow is , it with yen? . - '. • A- \ . - , • .iii Remarks of Mr.4Chasi Stlf/LTERAyA *NTT. In the Ilentse (fißepieseniatit'gs, Fe?? on thel•Pennillitania Coatria" I ille.firs. - Ilar4and . • nzrort'rzn roll. THE "DEUCFAATIC Mr CLIASE Otained the floor a said— i. Mn. SezAszn—When the moti An;* po. pone the consid ratlon it' of thii bill w bebdizg before the ,h ousel this morning, °I stated;, briefly l ' my.reasons for timirino• that motion. dtprevail, and-then intended to offerto furthe&pposi , tion to its riassage, than, the trecord: of iny,vote, for I had no desire . to obstruct or hinder...thy bias-inters of thitiliciuse ' with my voce.. The 1 opponents oF tW - a bill did not then eipee sir, to find the gen t lemen fromi Philadelphisainting 1 its•most zealous advocates,' # ind .noit till ‘ the j first of those gem ntleen ha taken:[his seat, and his colleange had`obtained theitoDT, did I , yeld-to the Isidicitatioris of [friends.l•frona* the ' 1 countyof Loxttoe, the great, focus of the op. i =Vona - of thi'CeomP.tilYi to ioY a f4W words i lin reply, as a representative -))t that;section of i the State interitsted in this questioni , I must bnpettnitted, Mr. 8 eater, to express my nstonishinent, that this ll,`soenormousin provisions,ad its ~., so extrao - miry in privileges' -1 1 granted, every! 4 which sintlirectrtago; - 1 , mini to the vital interests Of the orond metro polls of Pennsylvania, whir those g,entlemeri Irepresent wi!h#o much abili ' -on this tiobr '-i-I r, I say I am astori ' he.d, sir, tha those gentlemen should appear tere nape a t iosen and zealous ' champions in i advocacy and tho main pillars of its supptirt.l Why.- sir, >stiareiY ,iday tins eto 1 1 passed simin tlo‘opening,of .this'-sesiiinty that I we have not ll' "rd long and elogitent homilies -iron' thoSe ge :linnet), upon the,grootiotiteo* of l'hiliuleiph - 1 arid hosi cliisely - these inter-: eats were Id ded with every inteiest;afthiSl I whole mmo •w . , 3e ens ye e I CO ' ezilth -So - il - 'ha th yi I been ei their tikhts and the I /term; of thegreatf city:they rept*ent, that when one has dfiridt9,l lilt I advocate a lilt :railroad , le4ing from tinner.i kthem birder, unties; end Cbtinecting*lth the! • areatreadi. o , :";Dlew Yo'rkil l io as to open WI t i 4 that portion o, , eur citizens e iriarltete of thhi 1 country ,'': and ' evoltiphAio I reauhrcei# that,. I itoPott.Ansql oil df thoSto,tootii , Ml l 3, l #ef and, 1 4 1 denowiit4 , as i iiocatini'i terlastinntaginfi 1 tie:tn:Pentliioainii, and ilteitaintog Llio*it. ' hostile to hi \colotoofiw" lilt , ' Hos% now, - Mr. Speaker,lofiosthe aethi pf t _th*Aentiet , wen eoweidorovith\thei,:krovlOOkO4roet--• Vh6re nOw.h4•4lel . that 'eOriaistency,:which I will'do ttieliklio itiogge'O k iior,thijr 4 8, VeLgeIY criiii , preserved 1 . liert :i tc,mi a 10,I,,orTianzi oner a com Poi. 111-00 v , Intafv, 'aou., tooPitolt o!olot Oiti, oat tit -wh klx-,-OVlted , " tho'city :of . w • xorli 7. 4:1 .. 4/191 ; T„. t t introllia4 , giivivie , ~, 44 , 6 1 built kiiviifig' Net kid* fill& th riotknittit.ta, Jitaak the: 'oat 01 4 site tillortt:. 44: 11 , , 1) 10 -LEVki delphinia ha ristenea': pea;-tr .- welt wealth:jo -:' '6_liiefec io*W.S. a44.**6 liiirrt etainodt witirVlll!ow7Yls Ic w .tr %e titt 'll4l t .iiirtori . iir-lif theta tsar : s *;" -itt j l(it Nidilittli-Petritito' 1. - :i7:::''' ,. i:',Nk'i'4J - ='l , ' ,-, -:'''-''' , ' ,_ .. ..94-45 , ..,;::14.7v,1-.1.,„ AM , ..M 1 . 144 .M.r.0qWje.-F a 1 ° M .. . 1 ?).. , f,to". . 10.010•00.4.* . o.o.74*tsit*tf lii:t . ?arA4l4,oii.iktOid4* -- .*.illt iit*4) - ' - .F..4 .6 41 00 . - 4 4.- .,.tiii ,04..ifiiiiito :., A ... - 4:::Ati ti a47irkie i n ii iii , a ,w rii' . o :'' , ;: ii ite;;;;A: rtt) i pi* , oo** - ..:,tr..:, - ..Siiiitilirys .. .anf.::.:sire ,- pormlialV:j#4, , , i yi ridelthia - i,:`,4attllii4i; piegiAtie, - .:Wi4i• i4aopiehi*.?.:*:j, :044011.1inil , ..itieititoJiif..Triiieh - . .i...4 . 4.„,-. , 4 1* 7 . , ___, eitteit.:l4trxe*At,iiiiiit.ei;4ltoee'',-titittfejia'•vi?fi k -i,*' , .... _ -"i6 44 ii*:***dielic . 11 4 11 f-.' 7l ' - - # . :lt • l etypital*rn,own ,,t - bat _erty,..,; r 4, peeiteri, ~...„.e fi ..,-,..Pr..,.. •' - i'ii i pili „,,,,_,....-, _ ,-. , great .-. I W.lieti - itti; - - . _or..tiii . : .- ,rfortaiiiit* tlie - iey400# 4 .4:J . 0 -, ,:wt0r.: . 4 . 17 1 :1„ ..1.i14 - ': 4 - o;:','..trie.rgiriestfiiii,iiiiii, -.- . , ; , , , : 10481 - -OfileioOlieri*iiike4;4eiriii! 4 +444 l. 4. -1 ,1 P.4* -0 4 -11 0: 111- !Ifill ' ilit**l ll* .liatie' k.: ' !Oh.**Lee.-.thit:•ettOk , tP7here. )10:',40440:4**.i4i•-'#..P.lo4lo.o7iiiA:;4l:s*;4fi inaiiiiiitimiin..4 oirM - . : 1/4‘,apirlt. - . 4' . tkiejt - i*.mo, , ,' , *keeiii4 1) :::*:se ( 4 1 0 1 *Oi:Atit :;:**llitot , ' ..i- 4 1 .4" * b).ii:.iiir ,-":-.,:, . i iiii040, , ,,,-. , . - -w6__;6o:pfioiiiii , ..oi*l; . *;-*lfelit,i - * -. 4).,1i01, :AB:o:*iikbjittiki;*iiitiOiiistifiiitiafJ: I,o4Onilitantr;ninio.t::tbo:•, etortnonsilliti , *: Ir.l.go.e.ki!ii . i.4f:'. - i' :44111 , ,,iiitiiiiit.liiiiIii14 - 1-0.: iiiitte - otAtil#ll; - ,Oery ..60:iit Witrilli!:;,*ttißiOeldeo.4*-0,-* 4 4*.i ' 4 l krOliniiint . OtAtile±: , ._: ! 4 1i4tY-Nsk*Y4t -1 40 . . 44irCsii' ,411 : - Oliili4oi.iO4 '' l -44 r #i.P:,:* i .;. 4- 4ilt ,* ' - ''''rOkittiietii;4.44:4fri , o4.:.• i 1 1 E414400e; geittiOo would_ 4.14:410ki . ~01. 1 2'. , 0 1 ,e! - *Igt 1 411-yt,int; A•ieryjilait s iiiit - 04 - 06-',&uite,;,: . .. , :. tr,ol4e,'Oid;=*aind4je.fill with tie:: :I•;ltit.'or all -, :,..,,,1400: 1 * - •ti4t`,LH:4l7 - ,...iii..,..._ _dlianntAiiii4o4alr;.ll:-, •• tdiciVfeit)eeto : AiWthe 7iilollig7.4jiiP'vicir of -''A.,„5111,0 1 3_,f,** - AtltAtte. ,it...:l4iizitiiiiiiiiii. 7- o l e 0:0 f0,9; , .",-- . *::''''.: 7 _ ' ':'i ' . .-5:::': - :'-':-'' .. L ... ';'::::'' .. " 4 -' 1; ';::: - .; 2 ".', '\ 1-_ 54: ', : ' 341 ._"-et*... j 9k41.' , :i .4. L 42 * ,,, 'i: ,, iviV1,1ii --,, ii,h` ii::71: •.C1: . :11tW : hint beetti LiativiiiSp44r.ii!;••:::itia On" .1'.... 4- ' . .. - -4. 1 .F 43 .P., 1!:' ,- ..: to Prg!' , ."'fitiiii.i. r .:tik,:' , blii!iii -- io:,i .. Pelktic4:o9gr.4is.fi:;tij-'t4Aitte.i.ali.tCef.•Phjiedei:;'''itht*:;:':_ij''l''j,,:--4-,E,•,=Aitv:s-r, i:..,_,' ..phia." - ',•have... - 1-Oetit.44 - the'Statkr.iii4 ile:•fa4lo., further.- : .:_iileagion:wit -, Aaiii' , Aiiiiiiiliiiii - 4 -- - ~ nottit.,• thee' :wo4oaire , :_:•iii4 , :W.iithiaisiiiii4 - - ,:h*:4s4l - I,thic'i*-0400.tti:e':kiiiQlalit . : - :'.''' ' en,dOet - .th Y -.real* *00° 6 0: - 4 1 1-tierth of : those 4 1 4PPrthricq:,;:,: - .t.40 , -SoiniAtniiikio,o4iztitvi - 21iiiii..;:' --: - fileiiiirAO'.beliiite• Ittritlici-Statkat liiiiii,,, f i iiii ...oev:...alti44*ekat.4o:llo:r..thictoit, wa g tit iii - &,: . •::, - Aliegio. to - L: Oliialwii,.:ihat:Aiii .. irlitiota:46.tigi'i:4 . ,k0;,..: 4 44if* --1 141ii o*,!iiiirizioiiik2... , :z:::. Lk- luta',"*.copio, aeliteraLaait.,,, - ;,fikiat.)4:4,Wt ',4Y:i -I ,o l . l g:pg;'Lii*'§iiitiPot , Ti s e:iii.Woitaiiii - .. , ,4 .- .: • oupie;io..o4i r e *Mid * l lWBi.9 i,oll.loitriteli - . . 11 fir-erdr-0: 116 4' 6 40 - J4 l ofeli . iiiiiititiiiiil4ra.iiiiiis:j :. •Or i t'Otti - ii:il4 - fo*.. i iiiif' - ' , Viiiii, , o4i! , 'lol l :jr: , silit 4 c'. 4 iii: L ..:_,f4 ; l4o.k..thi.4'.fto4i.L..te!liii*iiiitie4:::. ; .. ---- . loyility - to the'kuitit' - reetrepolitandFV , Otai#Oir: . t', lll .. Ve#.':ol.,P.e:UPrl l .4; o _ . *OeetiCitifietftiii:T'. ' - Qt.altb...6tilenrisAiiiiil.ll, -- pd ,ti:to4ifil-:-..i:,opicii;:f State ',vri:9.:(tit my, immedia te ::'.46 1 024**06-1::;:::: -: . iiition at their . harida' as '''OjiTMA*4l.l4 . 4411100/11- 1 14 ni !. ,.13 ,? , ' tdi'l l4 ; 7 '#ll T il*iiiVii: 6 l.o : ii*O* . itWik:::- ''' brOthers ; •Nvit4..thein:: *4::4o.44oritigl4ii:i'llii: 911 : 43 - 1 :- 111113:1140::•ii4...40,10ncr;i'iiiitge,14.iiiiik;:iiiiit i::' '',c . eikrillifiiideic.2o'",Ouiz,o44- . oiiede&'• 7 ,-,..:....,,_ Pq.P*#4*aPt,..o'l! ll *(ffciiij'':slitiffestii`tiiii::: , : tl 2:.. '. ..: 7 1' . 4 , what othericiaielitaiiirr•ean' we iiiiiVel - t.4leirtei:_elid*ifik.kye'lcrisiiiisiiiiitii*i - aziare , , , *.:hylhis : eo4,: unnatural . .and - aid caikedlat *ei': . .7 -1 -9 3 4'ithe'00 11 : . :*$:. ttlay:;:iii4 , 4o -,= : : iiki - ,awitzini , • ~, .... . ~. _ ii ,,„,,.; ;,,,,,,,: ..,..„. . pulse; when a we ~toute:w lth op e n - Arm 3 Pa. ilew . '7.7.2' , -7'`-!:"`T'- , .r.;;t0.0-. U'ilili-i44 4 40:::,..;441i; _ county lies, }et : th e yl iar Vii.:: : inteitiiegwili , c , ' deteimitition;io 'fight the' . earetuoit'hattliza; liseaaailyania,, a: PeMiaililiniani .' loYel.-.„itoik pertainsl . th.i.*eif4ie.4 3- a.Oioni.i.i#43iii.d , :,-%:, • or illiq-,Nortt.: , - -*ai - 04640 ,, ,t.(eriti!trieegiii:,: - a.. , trite,:aye,'.raore,.t i.•ioted ' . iiiier'ritid''hOdt t® her; best . interests . i and: her mot, etittai •hilvP(iltin 0 4 t 44 14..:44 ; • .1.41.4,0101tt. Atic;iit.• Wh i t are ii*ineV et 'Abel:Very. thiesholiiiiiiial-1 -117) iri Ikioi:coiiii*)* 6l 4 ll ; B "4 - 434q7tifi.i s hiii :- . 1 .: - ek . i . osor* , i i h,t - uoliens ,- 40 , ,,,.... u0 . t o„: _b e ',-b o ii ip , and .o:o!Lviwiliey:i,!abpifciiii . O'Fotpcoitiviiik . ,;.,' 'luta obliged . to etitenit'tp.a measure -,i! . ti)Odiarcis . l ' i . it 'li r4-7. ,. i6 ei .: _..,. 0- ,4 46 -g, i1 i.,. 04 :1 0 ,,, 1i *LA ie : 6:- by: alt: our cti*e.O.iii.iioii.;'- iind . 44.Repi7e:4o4''! "if'n:s'4.sirea'sl4-i'.-”?.?l''''l'P:i_--j.41-'27-^_ heard` Alec , tatives on 114: floor, :el iiiiiind and entitled'. ter , -- M ee ni . t hat ::teeir N : eitel shalt:. pe ; fiegraf.,4itiat fio,' iletsei4e.igeel rights; befdrie.alo :tliti'Veri Wall: . T - - We!. 4 l. o .t'O t tilfelt:efiii,,,fiefengAii.• 1.10 4 fenimi: of . thoiar - - rights .oo. , the nihtS:olAke.: . I 'i n. : - 4. 4 ', liti ,.: 7 t.- 6 : 01 ... ,11; ° 0 - f e r *g i c -e P arie C* * *' 1- . I.,eotietipieits . We hare alto heaartl3: l fe . preSt;lit.t. .04 , ....pfit,l,pF* ,7, L.ivoi , ":, , riyit.ii" . 4 1= " ii:the - liiirieAg')iikiCti, : rpretet . "(Oink; illi : *t . : 4 iiiiti iiii..k4 , 714f0-....* 1 :4 00 : t f r * nenat aril .fiiiitMo:i ' and :..12... if thlitinivails. ligreting - , telle_lllifir - 4'..:i.. , !",;..;;T:6,..?,,i - „f,,' .- t-; . ! .. ...T;) 2 :t: , j,•,. : prePared; to Soreti. iii•intet: . ' iisitieri;et,iinee'Stil ~..../3utaay...: L . .e.'o4,ollit:t , 0!_k,!!.*::,y..a . ,t0i - bit . _:, depidi.Owinict;l:lipip4 . ..fisto, : ii.ioilioiiiiiiiitvo , tii*ld, ,:.'‘.* ,... ,'.•. , •.tg01 . 3i:::,...**4.t.i0E.wiwt#,Ate . .40 - ,ty -- ttii..;;._„ • a -tool -olottf.....roca , . o : the - stioffli., - -:L . 14cap'.pf. .",.,r 1 1 ' 2 4 1 ; : 1iP . ,.0 . e 1 .11,.. ?thit'!!s !. l,l4lSr t41 . 814*1iii., -- ,i - ; ',. he - , defitditert;:-.erid,thert demand; I, , ,i.,Whetright . •-• 71 . 4 " 1:.: #P - 4 ,l .!r:ili e 1 4 - :,0 the - We.W.er.elee.L - :- -,,. other sections: of thikState' - Itsatinte'te:illetate s 4u45:(41.0r4i1:: company' f3i74:-11*'64ii,f0tioii; olieioeilf eoneern§ t :: - ,'Whaittisirie:laii=e-veii .. 9 L a e . °lll ,.. : l fr _tt ..Ljt s t. : -' ,1 1*,,,, ,44,4 11 .t.; . T40 4 4`*: : ' .tb. tor& :.ti bin; local eti AerayiriAieri _ ""'n:-" * T' , Yail'F -7.9'ir',7 2 .. 7 ''urAvtuivar..44P44; - ; t - every: member lo us e of this ..F.OP IO . t:•*.j 1 . 11 .;0. ,3- *,-;XioYio4'Aro).:iSlih.•-,• , - ---- --, - , r. al:a - .. c ,; -- - t wirl .: (ro ad , some:- . -Niiv,ijerso7-:ii,lnairi.Vilitoliiiditlitiif -,, ...:: :• V opposes 1t.. 1 . 3 ....: - P. 3B sag , te , = 3 1- Al , ).s. -: ~.t : -..:7- - ,- • , ..:i s -• very .-'''',,,-;-- - but; ,-- " - eoroititaintaretaidircteitl . ': :' '. -, .:-..-',-• : :.'.: 1 •-:: - 1::- - j.,ti . 4 ‘r 44t4ge ( 0 1. 41. , . i.5.,-i-'P,) I !RO I P , i:k - kl . :- . l'regret,' 3 . ti.!Bpeaker;:thet - Fhai4 - feleablie. • P lil 4. - 1)6 CRC t):i'd fi ; OW . ctikipt#iii-liatz - 14#....:t - i ed iiipeeupy SP mach time-hi.thia.,iiereehatie. .the:d'Ellile.Peil 6 . - ,4:tittittigt, ply: - 1 :bOvo .- &oho:. so,.' ho m ing. p'thit in ft' contrac t -.Si' th4t: ‘.;0i:diikiA : hik0 1 0)9 3 =g;0. 1 4 1 .04.*4 .. , 4,-, , --, i; :- . : : geottenien *pi 1,,e;: it-not, o ro).*, :et their - lV4hi the ' Pli-*# 11: ' , 0 11;011 #* . : 46 V- -- , iO 'Bitting . ori .. .Phi iadel ob i d . ifi forests:- et 16.4( --.'miP4n,iir:::;r6i....:i:-Afrt;iltry44,,, `of --mivirciii,,.;,., and ' OiiOsistOnt An. 'iis -- -piiiiiial .i.iii! . pliOittoiii ,*., I , i ; , O I:,OF'. I ; .i P II4 4. t WTTC I _t fO/**F i4 4 4i;; . ...,' mid • irr tihtnre, if the great ' L.'rese'Uties'ref:tkirth-' . ....-..;47„ . . c .‘7. 0 %4 , -.e, ) °,4 * ,' 4 4 - ; . ' . . 7. -, # Pr a !,irizig.,l%,l; 4 l,;-:- ei,rf Pennsylvania , are ; e veto liklitiy:atidl. ii , airef'd' ~ o. i pi ale:, this . 06 7 1; „ .* .,... ,i4 ,0 4i t t , :. **-i oto - #7. .. , . 1, ,.. ~.. ~.,, in kr "the: marts 'er aiSter Soto,} icier 1 theses is . ..irrio tteiluedienreh is ' eenip lain rled be seek at '- is ‘ b i_ Qt ;ii"4-• in . I l i l, t 4ll : 44cit 44 ll ,• : # iel Ot il ri* - ' -- -: . : .: i n heartr,tberefof, we ; . .ali-to-:-l-,.''..'!iY,,----' °fYle*uetatere4444Bol.:.*:*6**o'*.-:,,.., - ......-4isik t our 'a -':) . - ,, 5..•••:: - : - .-;-.A.i. - 1 :oi.:PP.ilP4oyi.:* ~„ffii:-040461;10.ii--iiiditnir...);,.. :•: r. . . • In: ~ I' 17 ---' • -....•-•: ~ P.Ose of exciting} apn_iglififirrlhis,Binieethy.: - ' Locks at: there - and s' anti, tholi . eenet , ...not air, '. ' hii-s- ': 1.- - l , ,W , and monopoly -. , q - • '-'-. •'l-'' ' • • • • " r 1.0 1.. • - .: I :,- -- - ..--;'; --..k the c.FY - - 0 , 1, 1 0.1 04 ... i ;.,:.'„ , „1, .- L 15 ::_a* r . ::, •' , ~' • ''''.;:- ::. -i:4!"'1•!:-': ;: 7 1::-: i:;".".- '''l:'' :.!'.littOirAhieftrr.2:l 3 3!',ltie s '-inias-himsew4:iiiiei , .. -,- ... By ' a . latiqexamiitatioa.af the bill ender -;earki:, ~eiiities- : -.lWitit*ltraeg,'ipileet4:fraiiii,the- ' ,,ftleraW;..; eiderati oa; - . : , 1 'pow' . propose. - ; p:z. snow, sir, - 00* , ,t. , ,i,.4i,.4.1:di4 - .,.*kieh;in-opoos . . 7 tii`e..to644o:ig' 9t.it Ke'hidkciiii` features otit4-arid:Wlifi-its:eiSpo ..inid4o.y:giav*ii-.iiverlittiAitciNifitiillitOti:-•* petits ilesiiv l :itnciotint„;:.::.jit:tlitt,oisen-iin - 'l,tielitgiolniligiil,.athit : etin*iiiiiillil - : -- ;M: western terminus- i. near ...t:Cir - o . ' . oe, , iiOititio , ,Wiottlfiert„isi;4bet:Ol.licfsof:' , !'mfia:Ogifltif , 4014n:ilk po4:**to.iub atipr : .11:ts:teii - 14$ , ifi1thid4.h0 . ...p..:,,1ii4 1 .-",a4.oiipC4 '..•.iii:it' - ,.;rei:dfoliolri . i'k ; r t an everyWhere; : l,,belieie;bi.,tlie err . 'nal ' , (Ail; this ie:oroi. .6,itle'.tli be ' siildain‘;37tiiiii*i. ! iiiii.: - .i 1 company: may :'esitliiaStiCe 1 T.. the .'ii. tieireetion::ef thay ' not - only: reedibutoidi id:;• - ,!- .l ,briiiiti.': -thOir - road le - the.r . .vAtt4: . 4! NV ' 014, :•.''W.lierei ;.sir;:hutlettagig-liiiikikkJ_6liiiiktiiitiii:Kivir thSy.oethie;iiiiid follow thegreiii irtery,'efyroiii.: : 4-ivitipii;•7a:- road can be-: biiiWr, thiti.;:shilltiead I:§i4e-*or4s' the NOl•th •JBratath - earial, , :err , iii -.outefthet - eeal'.fieltli'ef thnlatiliiiiiiiiiiiii4 -- 2.. Ne4 - -tci.iv-p4iil; 4Oci:edezieetwitii: tie Xeiv 4 4.7 - 61.4: Oiereiriel . '...`'.-I'l_,: , '• '',.=•:-.:,1'..;..:?.'. 1 ::.F.- - . 4 ii - ;,!;--,:' 2 4:;;; - ,1:: 4 14:6:.i.:ii atid . ::':Erie" rail read'. 4t. rSiore:. - tii It es:: ra4; t4e - . '.. -: - 'ilir ,1V)..R.r...;:i - .(latiiiiititititX47..wileittiOilikteg f a'.eiore - .4Milli.eiiateiti; course. a . a.: 7 44.0:- thati '.ihitigeritleiaan:'; fraitt:;ii§(lo - billi - 0.,..,,ihie1i"44., I..eonneetioli at tiny. point ives;: , :'Ovooit.Of ,1.40. - . 'poti,iii6ir - . - 4 - foOik,Opi.lijr,c.iol4hl:i4to - **l*;: , , I:4)woiitg., - , liere:ip,-, -, 8ii;.46 . \ A ‘igiiiiei, - ;tiiiiin'LLl : :eoiox.ti4o.: - ',sii4 . 4ihievali4o - . : :? , :' , ..n , .: - Wv i; 'ut - 'bithe greiit' , WY.0 1 4 - - OW -Aiiirsiii,-..r-thit :'-';:lir:`ciit;it: -. '. ,-, .T . 1iii. :, : t ofeti,o2:•i..h . -4,oitliti* i direetien: that -they' nifty nut . : occupy, and with Ir-int•TiilAdOlpti4:.4 , 4:;:iindefiiiii - o , *.S: , :*** ): : .:l 1 a -pOrket ~ mertaplk. or , the::„e*ryiag: - ; tm , . gout 1,,r. to, s ay-,that.there2.wealiatorlepo34 , ,:::: drive . ind ividual! ati - 'and eirakale: tO themselves. the. 4.itisic(o - firet, [a. iiiiitti&:tibiiiWttikAhrfiviiilitit - ,.':01 1 4 1 C .- litabil , i:oo frot :off Oie r th4rkot::: :;Pasktki 4,.liip; iiir, : on4tirig to that, oty;_; , -, tiO'T.-:tetietii;44oo6:o" , 01,..:' , .4-1 - ' yoit-bury,-41e4pi*I-lig•I . .ctw'ili: •i) itiii:i:ithi:tl4 l "three .. ar: tottr - vips;7lo:**Z'altoo.l'4lo :tlilii: i v exhaustless: wealth:. eal thT. ot ilia '..1'7 'lir rerlapt**A7444oiii,l34liii; , *ol6&fii Mitik!.oottl-f060 1, i? country, ~ oio- -0 , f 0.- o s . ibikiil(; - _ fureigkitirati:-.l.,'Pan*-iii l 44ii4aiii4 6l .lairation, - wiiii - its 'exclusiv e Yittenepoly;': 'reaSi , ,i he ~ t fie!;(ine.-bitterideittii\,, .s..64o*oikijoi,i44i*j± • find: it , ta'• its . l ti interests-to dt,Volo . *: it: - _,:,-..ited:'..ynt :theiri'roattit4i.artfiNe lerisoyTheiiiit*i: ,, ;.,t': grerii,leFßei):ierk alio* der4apirtg the - , great.re:i 4 :.reatiti: nothing else, and . it: doe.;-0e:404044... , ;' , ~, g sources of- Pennsylvania under this; bill ': ''iliejilf - riSt4: Wilt IlidtiiiiiiiY:': -- ~ e trititiiiiily, i iiiiti develope it-with a iingeantet..,:}3Ottpaltrk,i-.evel;attempt.to::,attaei 44--oxpenopippt,;olho..,.,.-.;!j,,,, ;awn.. they Tioiso taid•-•hcild••tit',!paii.. , iata343*tie.r.Pbill'i, preveribicV tbem3 3 .*.om..oectipyinVthay.:R - :.; the , ehrfate of • , Whieh. Tina :an : 064,10i:Ofititi6int rii000:; - 'Aila::-. 11 ` 1 *-hi*- .6 4 Oia*h.; -, t4Off.'ibiltl':.',. treasure4,they strip iiigt - .6!aioie:: . frOOlikii.:,:o4: iii 0 strongly.-T 'in theiltifiiigiii6llliiii*thea; - : , trria4Katit . 'itwq to -§iit'lf. : their e'er :.,':Orked 'lO oii:4 . : - 0.60-:itiio9oo-;iiii**k iii'l*k:* -- . otrets: •._ They c ome, to find it iniiniosson - .6f . 1 .th005h., , i , .: ,- - - :: .:i.: ,- .. : . ,: , .:, - ,1 : ;,.. ; .. - : .,:er.,.:::i...:-,. 7 ; ,, ,f,:c ~,, ' NF,..,,.:-.:',.r.- - . kielf*;-: -.: they . ge r .A and ' leave us-, the-bare, and ..'2,.-wo:.**i,:,illeii'AtiOtAkiWO:,*itke t _':_Px., l *-It;g' 1 worthless . ruins :where• it . lay. -, `Thosifiiicii'iii ,tendon, o.r..;..ollt4iP`iiiiriti.o l *; : - 412 9.** 5 " 04 :X.;' ., : 1- ; . ;o:selt . :.gOr:-bii*iigltaltir.. a nio3s . ; :‘ , of % pottage, in a,Pyi , WerdS,.Wliat 'de : W6 find it Orl*lmke.q ., . - ...:, 0ri0 . 46411 turn :Oiled and demand v - 4 . ....fer- ; lhe i..Delavioi*.444-41040ti.4iii4ii? , .4 12 1..VA.0*40 -. _... - A -,- .: ',l.)iolckti oili - ii4 contained it. Carry : out Oneilila itifeat:.eapatity;:•Atiioi4if.4;.#hiOi , Aiti - tke; : P - E liritieple:: al developing the tee(iiirei*Ot . . s Piiiii:: :r ' ' - • -' )'- 04g , : -• :of A '' hii'co*P : aPY.:;BOti . i ' i_* ., , * ., :sl qlsitia,saiidta faxryOarkiittlitio on-ini>l4 for*gteat'4iiffneffja4' o V ort4 l 7# ll t W: . i . , , # 011„State 4iakot 4.lbiloiriloriyOohi Wesv?lo44'att4bit la'POPqe . ' 46 lK - 4 1 7fa, t; fieete.;-It-is for thieWo epteie.the*siameof 16 - •ttar noniinf , btthillbilL ,,, Theit 4 qet tt..-bili i 1, . I , e .ft - ro bs, - bk:Ofkaiiiititi'gbiiiii, , ,-- •• iii.'4640i44 -- ; , : , _ - .A , our inte r ests; . ' . ef‘oo: - 11*.ftir,i)04eit101**=it the italtep#MtiiitOriu. : thrr,toai'aUtttt.f! , .. ~ ~..,, calls for the pound VE . llloW;llnd4ii,i4, l ,'.iii i ri4. • • ..si.di:iii.towoliit;i44.*:o4.:,: r .r.hii3o*.3ol ,- i f,, iiiotioroioh.: - :we ~ , h 4vci,lireiliti:l l l .4 ur iii4iiii , - it'4 - E . oi**i:O i, iii4g.o'..Pfcal i .k* 4. * i ii ol) `` iido.l-, , 0ui., Y.F4lteys',.o6 latid,o4.liith iielnii, - , Alia 1 .tia'Oppit.-ithi'iigiasVonc nitioieniKiitoito,si*l;it!, *O l.- pioteit iigaiP4Jlll4l44lo-i4ii‘titieri,,N6 rut' -.,.' iliefaiatrithat .. thoie -are . ear:' - iitOlit'2:libises - ii464 dtVidtialj:ii•-t44ri,1449.4114:>44'-I*. ._s,,#4r,:,'-', eveo *Bl , by:, - the God..of,l+latiio,r_ariA ~ tfiiit- ia .. - Ate , :oo4o4,4Mligiiio,ll.g,o.:githl44oPWA - 7 - 4:i.:,: , .navo„oi.right - :',l4;.,diiioape , ;:giait*iri - . .:OitiliiWitf :stifte.l*-laiitle , :Way:illie. - 44.WitWi t l*# t tk i t" .: *ay,i . ijoiohill. :pidit::poo(, - .4iii.i-.Aitr . ,it:if,i ; ;fiji li. t)ii ilittietti*loot3tLll4iti*Piilf,*_ I'OA-:., 4ii* - 404iilotnii**iiptorii944iiir4i44,44, ''*1144;thi500‘ i "i44 . 004'.4410., - ***EIMY -. : *.'*0:8 1101...- nbtl' ' If .140,1*e';'iiiill'etfr:Itiic,ti4e :_iiiiiietloo.o.','iO4iv4osl.-tiit;:;ot;*c'T,koW;i''': to iwoiottiiiiii; - iii.*.iA:4ili. - *oi. oi?liii , :it .*4' 6 y . eo:***o :,- **:o l : o4 : o ,*__,PV - # 4, Its In Ratty,' y- -.,.- : • •:- ~: . -1, . ..1---::.t.,,, e ?-, , ,, , : r ..,:,,, p 1i4-• .. , ::„. - )N-A. -; ..epd equal tar. ! ,p144.0 440:14.cf0,!9i2--., ,i,-.,:-,:,: ; . ,• ?,i'iteEgentlnk*ii:: : ..sioo4 - phiindoliiiii.4o3o. filith. i,loitY.''l , o•44o-0 1 c.01 1,0 _ 3 *,1#_,f ii, „*..# 4 * , k -i . x,;?: 'Micro. - -iiiii . :b447 , o4 - ie&to,itiiii*tiie,:this, i:iiouptrY,::by.,o,olo.c. : ..vowl* r ir..: l #?;' - .F ---.-7,1- : -'`.itir:o. - itittitteleci/.., opposition -chea t Aitter* - 4 : -lii*illit fotiji, l o l4 i:ttikit 4o ot ' , o*' l !:- .l k: t Y l 'ig'-', , e047. - -*t tiiiit*ottilkoot&olikt. - .li:eiaa. - :,lf. ',W=eaith. , tl4*.liiiiitliio l o , ,E*.t# 4 '4 3 A*,: - 5 -, Oat W'ol;'' thei-itc? I: ,Olii4iiiiii*liiiiii.6t .: , ,, itiiig . -Ibolt*'Nili*?:;'9 ( A#:Y4. l Pk# 4- i*# VPliiti, - -: itidividnais;iiict4Meandlel7-'otelii'at th e hands' ' riiiiiiniitii.":;*ikV.o.444-:-00040; ;Vi'Alig:cl,V,7., iitibiti;;Legtstiiii* the -iiglit4:, - ::itiititow.,u. Aii . .464,tiiii***o,44.4o#o.P9: l l;* :xf.:0',P7 , ,,. , 53. - '" ,- : tsiiiiv:* , .. ciiii.ititiiiiciik , :iiiiir,liiis7 iit:,thw -01i:eis,;,4i.,;OIiiiiiiiiiii*-:,0)4pr1,#14 tlif,-*:: r potriitionWealth; : Hailit;:irid6a;:eo:iii64.o -, tht..4;. '4oii l4 4lkyßOliii s eib:kri : '- i 'APO . I . h ~ .eci l " -1 -' t : 7:. ''-' 04iiiiFtoeidoe , Of...iTwititi;libffiliiioiwii - iiik ' . ..iiial;;4o7irtiviiii , liitivgjo#, ':- ' ,,,..- OL _.-, , ,-.12 - ,,f'.L i kt r -i 4 ,t , :: ,fiiiiiii,E4'ol-o.,:iitikii;l4,:.*w'i,tiiiii*:iiiiViiii 4i'OiotOoii.,l:.B* . ftiet,-*** ll l:. : *,.o7' , F* o .. tivr;tg.'4.; '§',:fato,:,:thit.o.44l4.*.DOtitiii***o4;t .444:0433411,,A,0ki„t.)*04 4-, ,, 1 ,1 4 *1-t ',.... 41 . 1 .415 - c. -, iii-114:.:b414ti:-i.i§liiiiti'44'...iiiiiiiii'jtiOi..,O.f,lhii-'4XtiilifibOisllo.l:tp,T4#o.'-go.ket Plet•ril: I!:446'.iiid ? -rkioe*R - Oteinik: : 4iiittOit . iiiiilik lii;io,k:ft.4loViilo:l)-.*.0- f..-‘70'_541-P.P.4j,„4lme, o:6 o* *t 4 i.iiizfiie-itiiiijke-- 0 1iiiiffii:*14' -a 'AliOiti*Oili*. l ) lo *.' , ' '2,!P?- - P1 e. T.,,,,.,-,' 14 - -,, 0f544-OUthikiiiiih;Jiii4lo4-.o6s:ll46.lkititiiiiit ..iio,..':ii.#44f***,47,*it... :.:.4;rfFi - t0i...._.41__*11.8,'?'-f: 44)*:,**494.:**g4 F thigiOliii144. .1144.01**k i .44 4- Y o4l *-i ' -,: iO2*WMAr-7 - tc . . - .*.gq:Z4g 43 44F.f.al*Atit.;* l .o.*.lit Piiiiiiii* of: 0-00: 0 ?..:*i - A 1 0,40.041*0 ?. - -B,l,,,i,„„Lltgtisr, ,-- I.l.4i..".4ii;tTOW74falk_Otitioiltliiii7,:ficeili4i,-,0°,4 Notoitego4-,tiOlyvit,gr.4:„.-tew7dialtip * 4l*V: q r. s.'t'4r-I.6.77l(4itilara'iaki-liAi;'*ll'4iiigliC "litt*lii,ol.7-044040,L ,I+l l ll 4- -.7i .....'.-, 4 .1V-„,.-. 4, ,thie14; -4 10.L***jor Atii*ooo4loooii'4viiillii4Ciiiii 'itiJiii44.t.',7i'viiiifts*Ko.l*--'..-'4.:,,,5.:'''.,„:7'-'''.3-711 ,!!"..tit*b#444ilift44.,;o7. :AO.C-. l oiiiii'li.44 , '''''' . ..t - 11..'.":44:4.7*A4 40 0_ ._____L';.:',---" , •77, - •1 g .' 4 '1 , '• • • , ,.. -t 'es! ).40;tiorit*loo .- ..taigt)_ , ,iii - ..ioiilVl'liiitiiiiita iili.4it#V# 7 ,o l4 oft loo - ,.: . . 4e4 1 c r 4 PWL:1; . f.. 4 1 .- : 4 oiii*:lo.ohi-t.-:kiiiieli,idin iiii,e . .biVe2idiiiiif .4014ktaltOtifo*Wati .„?;41-t#4.!.,,..,,, ':, ~ ' ~,- q 4 :h'iiiTilttth''*r_iknti'nlftiol''. , -,..-. •;•!:;4010 iti4f110: 1 00,050 104 At ° ,.!..' - ` ! " .:1 '• - ''''' - S ' li4:*lopiiili;'4Oitirtot:iiiiilt*itkiiiiftik:Vhif 4'1 1 04, 440# 4- t #4*:,,iiiiiii24 • 4.oi - oi:ookeliiii44o - .'ii, 44. Y 0-,.....44*t0i1ik4424* ii0440.‘. , • f' ' '''' 41(iiitif ~._.... ft y , ?.,..,.,, -...:.i.. - 00 - 40. -L itiiil 4. I: `iW [ ''''', 6 ; - .4-• '\ lA - itefr' ;' rfir* Ir a :: ~..: _ . . t luiben K ok 4.1 7 / is Eli &list* Le; - les 1 - Np ..;. e them ihra. 1 ( 1 11 -1 11-111- e 4re lite4fo er gpera , eigbe mo , ,i res ' rid ha 'then", eliSr: The eit4t l ot 8014 a.iiis, ,:thit OnCe being • poiild no .titt - i' ,1) ) ; - a , i 6l '4 l l- rht I demand jt.:mil lipidecidcd tiethe . inool,ld. •I is the dillOviiidiatietis Iskthis atteMptio ' • dialok f They _ , I I .. e.:Kiteet it: It isl :r -netitrai obliga-11 be"daabi . aid 1i S A rtnybedy. The ' tor •ii•d'osit—say. , me: lroed "tiiro'l reide • to , nnotheri her thini: , As ail 41 comity,. it'Ka; , ,but the Bilfnwt , ezollect,- . ltrovidem, " a 1 - - it' t h 1 . 1 Is a o o e l ~, . . p6rsort rolght liye h . „ . „ . siof the' tiitic.;:--ii ( . 4.oti be to return,l 1 r4rce St.:tte at thcl .si + Oence—lttxtthe ,i)ther 'sir. Months ti c I tier rs he in 4,, slavery. ;in ; of othet, 'Statga mid pri~ilc e3'' Away int. iris-!` ` : . - ; 4 Nytiifr, t)aperii'tirei, or s ßigiviviipt,:as , i, particular.: Bill - : Niow I uralerstooa;, to! refer to I dle it all the State, which is' as' I sai ii , - a bove .' .:-i: • I ' .. ' it' • FO ,n eonlit y.• Eve:, 6r,4 11 ett I: atten Thek x 0, 1 dee . hilea • its;-:,uia, his ; slit';" sivgar4" • • plyir,tes, it . is PO he death- bidy, 8.. " 17, - 1815, U rtply o !vedi t • ‘ 1 4 91- - a" foriv -,' . ., - :' ,. .‘k -. . - . 4 ...:4,..,: , ; ;;;;, , . ... ~..,, -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers