The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 24, 1853, Image 4

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    . . ..
. .
1 • .P,...0004 -,. ..t.....,., - :... ,
._ , - - ;.., , tu. , 4 , '.,.,. , ;-..,,..-,; ; . , 0y.--,-. (t ' : ,,-
' . 4..t.,' - - 1 -?-•4-iXi.,Al4 , .h. - Irt.i.
_ 1 —/11 i 41" -------7--- ` -- It- , ifirillalarirtib-71,gAprif
)[^ i l • °V7 T . AIL." stag MADE 11 * " 11 A 8 * — • -•in tlin - tAjtetj - ti l l6to l , *' ll" 31, * 1,rat*
Ira 1
gunny oi ii, friend of ours, e ,,, I attempts . we oil .IV
have been bade to divine th secret of table
eying, ofiair-dar.cing, and :other frenk; Of
household furniture, which .for part oc the
sp'nl -rapp*ng ex v i b . atone. i it t' eveling heY'
succeeded. perfectli.::Standing *round a small
table, five or six member* of ;the family Kept,
their hands upon its surface fe! a considerable
Altar, until the magnetic current idtween ems
solve,-and"the table wad . estilitliilled
I i; 4' 'the h' a
„then foudi that-by h I inn' e an I
a ithes distance fiom thetali!i C' attractioo re
in tinlii in full fires. The d hie without he
ing touched, was thus lifted, or hade to leal I
over`at an angle ,iir ferty-five degrees,and sub-1
sequently tollowea the operafois to olome dia.
tance., , •
~,_ 1 , 1
The i ado On which the toting people ex
perimented Was a very, striallilohe. Mee pre
sume that when the i lexperiaient luta teen a
few times repeated, the table will yield th the
attractive form, it'Lltiii,, ore reioly and wonder.
tul igility: Th cab- be no that it-i'
' magnetied, and if ao. each # l 3l wo believe.
will increase the power of airattion. This.
• ,
we take it. solv the wh 0 4 seeming mvstery
.yam E
()rpm" spiritual" imposition which has been .
I p l apticed so long upon the credulous and su
1 ',
The mtiiing of tables by ! in iselen peeler
h always beensc..t i unted 1 gee ter : feat than i
e pyoducitig o sound: Wt, have ea doubt I
t 13 same agi t can produce both effects. 'file 1
eel 'O4 rade 'Wi.l l th Canada. ti costu es sista, in the ii4tenee to su per
~.... Re ?WV last " , in the House of Represen- i torah i tee° mninnicatione..! We hope stinn
tatives Mr. Seymour. of New York, Chairman ! t hear iat . the key being: scovered, the
.-of the Committee ein Cointneree, reported _a, whole inn 'al eon: has tome to amend. Of the
Bill to establish - reciprocal trade with the 1 boldness of imposture 4o have lifd an i
'Batinit - North A ' ' ' ii '''
__--Merican Provinces on certain i are given illestrationa : and probably th • 1
i eontition Mt Benoit wet vety lengthy and 1 rappers will fi.i d sonic depos4rett iii spite et i
Alfa/ lim a !The of Satordov gives itientlre I evidence of their fraud. 4—'4 'IY Cron ll''ctai .
...and reMarking upon. the subiet't in,Ya: AdcertisSr. ' - t' -* 1
It recommends fa the stroegesTmann 1
T, the —L•eimosi.. I t
Iniciptien Of a system of reciprocity in thi Dcarn tr Mits. Sfauxiii lilistirts Dot - Gt./4s.
trade between the, united States , and the Brit- I ' - ' l , r es
terda r fs announcement! of the of
ish colonies in North Americf, andjurg,es i t t this excelhint I.t 3, the wife, ortho Hon. Steph
with, special tiefereere, i s tnit __,. To tivaae of our en. A. Don., ,l rlois, was too brie! to express on I
I ,
• great commercial CitiB4. 5...c.0 • * nli—Tue in- ;Purl - Rail" iir hq were well acquainted `with her .
• lani7 nat:igttlot, and transit trade of the States, Arnaldo charade, one deep 'skiise of the e ent
bosviering on the- British provinces. Third— lof the loss l involved in tit° !rUourn(ill e ant
• The agricultnralinearest. Fourth—The m in-1 Seldom, indeed, his degth•invaded the fi ilv,
ufatOrning inttirttst.- Fifth—The interests of i eiri4 "with Inure, he 11- rend '
eirlaf? * frt'et , n I ' 4l l
- the like trade and the northwest, asicontiee - . 1 .1 it more desolate h• 4 th than in l the in. *nee I
et i, w i t h t h e f ree imv i si ti on o f t h e l r i ver s t. l liere recorded. AI this etiMpinnity in hie!' I
'':Lawrence..Sixth•-:-The - fisheries. Sevenffi— I shle ha* resided for se' • end • *,Yeal".• has r rely
The revenue. This covert every i m p ort . int I had cinfe for dope sorrow.) IMI-4. D In. as;
• interest of the country, and every one tit di- 14ie 1 pit survivine c iid of thellate Col. RI Bert
1 Martin, of Rocking
- am enmity, North C o ndi.
redly vonneeted with the ayetem proposed.--
Itwould be; difficult to tell which would be h l, er" le I t ri e d lin ! A P tii . )8 1 :' and did tit 111. '
' the most henefittecl. Independent of Avant 1. 1 residemo of her hush ind, id,this citY, on the
gee derived immediately from a beneficial trade 1 19 th 1 n 'to in the 24t h Yeat fil 4 he t age.
, ~ .educatedl
with i eotmtry so itititiittely connected eAtiol I.trg- iv: eallived by n•tterfe hiahle
!the most densely populated portion of the tin-land accomplished, and p'lssessing in an emi- I
:i on. i t wou ld removet h e numerous
differences and difficulties 1. •. i 1 reset del tee ail the ami al!. - and lovely:stir, 1
ex i i ting an d pm 1 butes of her sex, gref ly
a dmired in so e i e te. '
.-venting the - ere &Lion of any new qnestions in Ana beloved and idoliz d athome. Of her it
ft is so eza_ erstion to t, .tia I •
t volving the si t t lo goveriiments in die rtes.,
- ,,• l ; ti iiid d t ; - ` ' y ent i re ly w ith thevAssity fi n., " None knew her h II td love her, '
' Orartmed her hot t lit.tise."
i w
'tin . yr mot,; treittt es, ana"-plaee the: policy of the
two countries upon such a baiii‘i as woulid se- Site ha 4 le ft to in- P ura h r1 1 1w 44 and alte r: and
cure permanent peace to eiiek. The committ.te berieved mother, a heirtltrieken and discon-
h a V e gone d ee ply i n t o th e ent . t iii \o f th e v l i lil soda ii hush uid, and threi jnfint ehildren I
....1 L whose tender yenrs itle_no !tionceil from their
ints at issue. It Ins presence a ...oat
- ous po .1
If irrep iri i 44 loci.-fi re,. ..,et:n. i
of rids and mores to strenothen the it eil ; the * ' 11 417 .
taken; andlthe reasoning is to soiled, the ni . „,, . „,. 1 ~,, . • .
-, , . , • • -!,•- -- - ` iPopulotion. of the -Gk; popolation
emissions so plausible and reolonable, the 11 i th e „,,.. . PI b , ; than
'so satisfactory, that it will without deubt be.l'. l o i 'ee i s SUPPISea tp li ess
. I 1 t4 1 11 4 a 1 1 1 1 in Mom-936.041,000. A French'
come time most phplllar publii movement or i -1,
. - 1 writer, 1 Aiding to the sninect R • iVii
the laa.Y. . . ._ ~ if all o f man Ind were coitected in one place,
- - The mereintile interest is deep l y inoeuten ... moats - .
,_ ,„_ se _ arear, the eh ar .. eir the co
•re every four mai occupying a 1 sqnare me
' 1 ” "'„" . 7 , . 1 . t o
~-l' whole might be clAitaimid in afield
mi4e.e..01 1 CofiltFtetee , r u t thle " le and lal P gr. ten Mil l es sprire. Thus,;;` 2' l 4neral v speakino
tent report. It , must attract great attention 1
the ,l• .1 , . - -
uloulation of a country, imioh b e pick-A,
A b roa d. It conveys, throughout, such a ittiiril . • ii - .. . . 1 ,J . , .
, 1 without sq u eezing,' in it%cipi 1. -But thi•
of n ty, of cone on—such a 4 • fi.. . 1 .
l ikiri ' latSi ai p 0,4 - ..
mean 1 l ea t h is gives hs orit e n mbe of the
~ t iea k ; vvel O rnea , te' to ilia „ . _ fnUent exte , ll4 ,.. i „ l n ell i hum • pc race, is counterblaiii4 by its carpitabit
, • 1
. eotetner° l2l ieralit ig !'‘ e k L ' etw t en A , m
~‘ 4 1 "'" e t
.. 1 11 , t lityo4exte n s i o n . r The nein world is said to ' I
' Ports-am/ these °I Sri
-t ie " Ne ' rtu --- r"' t ' — ` , Contiiin - of produ`n.ive land:`4 000 000 square 1
it canno t fail to receive the warmest supplirt 1 . • , „ .
~ ,
• , „,, , tv ,
_„.., h ." that i miles oftmildlingqii 414, 110 flap ible of sup
, in Great mirilaht- "e u u'rf eve n" I "f• 1 par/jai:lX) iiihilibuits; and 6,000,000 of v'
can bedesireti. We break.tdown all harriers. I . , . ~, .
tastier qu•dtty,, capable ot inipp.trting 500 per.
ati obAromiong to \ trill wi on all lines fl
.......° I sons. According to this cilchlatioh. the pop
septratiot or diadnaticel•ani le e v '''' 4 elation of the new world is p-ace and civil
of eacittiation free to, go and come—free to . 1 • c.
i , °atoll a ivances•mty a 0. to the extension
int ti n sny peaceful° way--wtoont re 4 tale" „4 - .4 033.033.10. If we min iso the sorrier
' " Thisis free trade—thin is tee- 'i, li ' • '
or TegitPl iee • '-' ,.
_,. of the Id w srid to be dmlnle f id, of America
iProeltY—bnt it, i s s et in a dvance 61 tile e gi (and notwith 4 Istdiog thal comp restive •
port r
'ltis a emitter of necessity. The geographica i • - . . i .
. ty of the , lana i this e eta N . 4l ilation may be icel•p-1
lonitlntl tif a" "en ea illitned"te. ) nC ' tea , if we ' say, nothing o - strata and '
the va- ,
°id in is ruttier requires sari a system, and I .
... ,_._ , , . • , ~.,„ 1
1 noes arcalpei.ig,otAv It wilt& suppor t cboruh,- i
they' Inuit Trive / ii. . * 1 • ` 1 r - . i
1 000 . 000 , ; and thus the aggreonte pulation of!
- the entire glohe might ainount to I ' 4 10,000,
000 or to tweltletlin oi the present nii!
TRE,c.'..-IDE OCRAt*:
The tartest Northern
v - Pe!taisrteltuti.-1 . 639 CulbilletOrreek I If••
B; E. B:caAst,*Dnois.
4 .o4,qatt4alt...ent—kloi.doxlfyini#—: irValchet ; .
Oh. get 9et—
Yoia know ougtl Ea, Aouldret.
•ru d ry n:wit,On dein% let me go-- '
now,it yam donl—:
0/14 your jaws, - you, elf . •
- 0.1 0 :. 04 1- 0"!:talt," 1161- 00 - 77and that '
giv!to(tbiteie yourself.
tt;-.+ ol '
- N*3
.1 tpre .
ir9g • t
-man go - -
•• t no - , t
1 11 ,
• - don,
I _You'ire uP Tuy,hoc—
' toultbut %nit, Ili giff. Vou one—
Noiartilt? it-rOere--111•3re—there?'
mportiu . g Announcement.., • .1
.. Martisburg, Jan 29th
r, , ~ r a that base I)'n. snine
Iretko" Pradellg 6 e*Pe 4 ikel v O ns Y lvBnl t j ell} "
rgiad COinpanyand.Messra. Bingham& ar.l
147firPre.4. 6 ‘ to the rvienger carriage th
`•4lrnatl, sieie In.niLitst to a s
Trod •terutiuttinu talav, and Abe. settl meat
• 46:4'11.Fie# 01 :of the ' - hilerte e,
*hi , interests, of Phil;delphis tti*
',U f eder• the `end rettiere4.
itlfo iii'Ahe'l*essuiyivanht -Rail/ova Q4o2oany'.
sad Binghuh& Doi4c, th .Matter gives
'- sp }he . , cosiitul of sit the
paiseaz train run
irig' in
0 ° 664 0 ,1 1th those of e:Peet'.
th C.Atirnhii
ROtead i*Dattrii
at puck arrangement ins
- g • 13 4 siteets*t rilhhaelPidek , ;
• -- l.l
• } .ligiiistaaaucit Eicestatz Jaz—A* l 4e'
' ~ilesiribing liw'.l.otWaiiii4ylnai as 'BI wells]
_. . ... Islaadomyw: "Here b . & woman, wilotitic Y 1
degewed of .130 tr aerawa. - - Her bus
.., 4,----:„ , z ..-., 1 111 44 4 , 1 4 #c
- ishila we r e`mi Gmrw *vent. w wa,
_, : , ~ ~,,, .. 1
*0 wwwaare every Gay:ww 1
widakiwieworhainrwearer the iieloweti ,
s eats th a t jay r ,boried- naith- the ataiiiidea.;
. - At ha 1 43 14.:'theak lan4ing film s,,ysitsel
. i• —list .WlO-I...LW4UPPODI.,,V 4 PIAt
At ,A-....-_-7e. - iir,
4' ,. ..- •
cp . liWill. ' th:-..-__.; rou , ...,...,,,_..,r,-,.... , .
- , ,t t i a ei, i i
itln*iiiinit its Of
;,-..- .L, .-....... ..., ....,, ._,- pA.-t-i.sitiiiwAtr
s-: 4?)t i l lti ll t:# 1 : 111 " 11111141111111 -' ' "Pt r '
- • *. t. ~ , e& - 4 -
• : - '1 , , - ; ; ;iiiiiiiiiiiiihiliti 40iinigt,,thitit. ~.- - - •
4 0
. Y./ .' i' :a:',410111- • 't ; ' " ''''''''''' '':' '''
' - ' , " 4 " - • -r-- '''''-'''-; ,- ' ' 4, ,, 4 ' 1 ..
-- ' ' I. 3 !A '...• ' t'''` .... 4 '5 .. '... ..1'
low --vr•
‘zar , l'k ~i irs •tl'el , 1 -
' . . ' lipillifilMlS • ,' ' ', v
4 4 44
_ '..%....f• --: f"..7‘ .. : - ..*!,k - ' ',' ' 2 '..` . 7 -.:.---: -' ' ..' -".. '2 ` :47- 1' ,. .1..=• 1
~. . '''',.. 41.- • .- AV,114.5'`,4.141,-A-..Nr,*,-*A4.I-4i.*.• - ..,
:,!..- :.,: - 4- ri - i', -'
'- - I j' . - n.,
;:ifillks 2 -kr- ~ -e-- - - - ii - - , , -fi l o w evou 1
, - -., -
, ~ „,......,, •a - . .- I- - .= - ~ • ...-.', ; " -;-
4111 12 1,7 • in 4+-'
'' -4 4 ' " ' ' , -,- '-, • 4'.. - .47 . ;' 0 1 . : -'-
A ' A F :.; - I,,,t , , , i ' Tar -' -'" ' Y.::' 7l4 ::'; , 5 °:,: , ..•TR425F - ::'..,T.,„,' : '' , .;::-.t.:
• —1 - c
—.— •
I- • -
1 „,„ ii -0717' ------$7.- f ur IAntSTERXEIT ETECTUA piper :pore
reflection, Si i heat's eoun*felt Deretr,' Iris
been pliceci 4 0 r on tablei: 1 It 11 nn . •excellent,
ulrer, bat e wonld4itppose, to gl.bwe over'
its pdg,: thtt 0-A4ierfi - u.9.t.t.s were '*)aut...4% -
iromertstis ss;tbotTenutsk - i -4010 the pre
h'Unani - sy;itero caaiilfut4 j s ii: pretniiie '. tilc;re
6001 i will UlltiliCelblity: fi4t4 new -hctrned pro:
1 :•.- 1 E . ' - to ''t 11 li xi
..,.......un.-,- very wst_ortl y wr - _are o +red'
whirr., by paying - one : litlf per cent, you c..n ,
eltain ;rat 'ln! - tii ..• h 'hi
4s e ..w. , i 0 . enay you sr e. 14
Will be 'Apr ciltttbfe .2'14014w the . ma 112 lily
as tliocriow imposed. ark' 04io And Kentucky
bikl.l4 . ,-Tne''euunterfeitiileteotst is b - iesisisd
- hat - 1 - ' - t . itisa 'll h' -
-ndurew vu Inntnont, - wr -, tve ' to be,
hoed unti l ;the new prieeinsiari ' cumpreircOtrip 1
~..,, ii.' - 4t al : ,;it:4 - d -;•:)" •1
v's" 4l •% f., is-accomPsio Jr ohe y.rt
zeiseileofbanittritimil TO A 144147" Wifkr....E.C4.
-... 45 - Dina ori:7*ie - 4" otwirsG - Tativ.--'
[A iitileoo,,Ay4r ,, Yeaf's nt,age, was
kaki' One, eieolog butyl! eAt in &Aga, bj
the erchtsioti , of onia =04114 Cemptlinti 4 bore.
..'41 1141 4,,1,.. 1 !„0 i ll' i l ** rie W/ *PI ter 44.l in
vie:. Tee' mother of tie child hzi iempirari::l
' of 1 , 41 4.1 w
' 0 ?S.
. .
; • . • . . ,
ally ea 'Lefler' tient Mr. R. TV,..K7ries. Chemist s
Prcivot itteikkVettpt94.4Uell.6Ult :Ittric,
To • Profeavor . I.o.llowar. , ;:Var :.•Yoar: PUN - arid Oint
uveut-havetotonlittialtiabeirnit,eur.,eaNtit of Ptoptie;
tatilltredfrtheit rot g'illtUt years. - A • crintoniti,-
entt....creffor at . ty efttittiriee, +mires tue bet yoir bunei
- :ttilifiaittrubira of her care. , stitmei. crannied tor
yearavattaidleattli;c4rltvirrl - bud divot/nu., Oa the
otaracentibtrarbei tile- virulence of the attack - at*
l'o,ettitlitlitte had, the itifietitation tel. in 141st r. ly; tioo.
,datibut trarettincertilineU tinuct , nttt being ibl6 tn)eat up
1 31%44 It; fast uttatrlrite wee; tailored to trz fro ,
tun eke inrortaa suetbirt niter rho diet. :and- earn pun
' et'ettkint- doorOttle' liiprat relief She tyautioned to
, take thilat. itithongbetai .
iierdunly three bowie, tale
iF nob in the eniyttieuvar'peeiertbealtbt -1 could hire
tient you many mare easen bat the ab hunt the se-
rertlitelhe, attit4 - ;:aturibe spee.ti cure; I tidak; speaks
mark= liivornf your to.tntilAing t Me. -
• - U. iv,.
AN Irrli.AoTiDluAlf.Y . cq lt,E or
- .
coil, of a Letter. biAeral itetlic Ifjhurt 71:41t Cpurier ,
aft he la .Milith. l ll 7 /1. 6 8r Ma jor: r- [Mech . ; '• '
AIA optipt M'Onnuigau r nmetrem years our age_ residing
it Neer Town. had hoett satfferlnd.from a violent rheu
matic fryer for upwanicasuf two mrseths, which had ett '
tinily deprived beret the rare ~ es., her limbs. dnrinz this I
period Site was undo the care t tit • incectonbitunt med
=rat men in 11obart'Inarti. a• d by:them to r casettes' CCM' 1
Ader•al.hopeltts .. 1 - fiimid prevailed upon hl•r to try
linllnwny's I'll s, Whieh She orsurented to do. and. in an
Incredible abort ottlatet 1). y *Arc edit perfect curr.
. ,
. .
Prom Atexsrs 'raw SCS'on. Proprietors qt - the ronnr .4 1.
rest 'set. who eon vow-kJ:or the fallowing .#lattriunt,—,
Aveusi 21 1811. - - - - - • , • ,
To Profnesne'l. desire‘ to bear testi.
minty to - Osgood, +effects Mliollosray's Pills/ Fel...tan.
years 2 sul•relaserrayfroht• a, Min and , tiglatne.s iu_
tile stomnet.. shish waif, Mei Iterompatd.d by a short
i nem or breath , t ha t prevenied me from walking eh , ut t
I ani St a was of-ate- aaul notwat.ustandung 111 W tulvanmal
erne , . ruflifa.:the.e Flightier so redeved me. •that .1 am
desirous that ruthars allonld b' 7innlit Itelnauntild with
.Iseir virtinsic lam Una; noviered by their mean tc. cam-
Privatively artiste; tierce Itetf'rliiP witliont. Mean- -• —-- -
hi r
vettirner or psin. w oh . cOttld not do before. DRY GOODS 11.10 CA
cSigned) lEENRir COE, North st.. Lynn, Norfolk.
t i l l :m i t ur i ' ;, l i
- _ cOF DIIOPsT. ' •- ' I hatid UI 4 tar alesortitteut ur Dry
Trninno snaning• from Dr. pey„, either abent.., the tu r n
' , ate IMt rrtnile
of life. nr at -thee tinfra. sin - mid immediately have r e .
enur.e to these I'llbc. aS ham! Ws nr.tuermns ATP Anti clai" .:
- 01.:N 1:1.1 , 141Na ' liErAni
• . '„ 1 ,
•r . .
u ly, euntal, be dirt ince. nf this direful rsentonint ill Irelmaneistind - in pritLin-sardatalint ns:
different stage. when nll other means had thiled,•
i• „ .
rettet. Kentucky jertuF, vesting
The. 4 celebrate T Int/4 are trowirrrat/y dietitians in the _a e,.. • i - •
Foods 01 all Ann ft.
- coitoictils Wl:Amis. - -
. Arm. Asthma. illitiona Comtvaints. itletehra en thee.
Skin. "IMwel Complaints. t Apes. COTtlitipation.fth;qinw- I eenehtting 01 a large variety. rV. t
els. Coalumnt•tun. Drunusy; Dysenr try. Erripeuttt, re. l ' . , y
do:, sait i n , , k i not . ni .: z. ... co:di
male tnetti tart ins. Fevers ofalt s bets. Fitr,Ciont,lleod- I - ' t . rill it' ' 6
a Me. Infinuittion dallndire. Liver Complaitits. Lumba. • Prin B ti III" , some / al re
' gal Piles, Rheumatism, Retention of Trine.'S r utuliv, or I stitiorior quality of colors warrant.
..son. Thronur, stn.... met Gravel, Set...Nil/try SYMl•tualt,,..(;nslinierr, poplins, Kluves.'llosirr
rut Ithitlourenx, Tu -,0r..: C-Iceric: Teneeral . :fref ' it°l ' s '' anti alit •-: ll' I*t ads'• n •
wnim. of al` aludil 'Weakness trim' adcati•t . r erns.. ter.'l, rill 2. , .llegu - - ruu
) 60141 nt the F,..tahlishruent of Prorr.s .r Hai unsay, 223. i ' , heel DV. 4 -4 wide. tiro rY, gull iii '
I‘ , Zirin , l. (i.lear Temple liar Gnndon.) unit by *ll rei•Preta• , 7'teki a;.,re. driliiiipt, tin tutelar, 1-Potch
11•4 1 .• Dru.••gi.t. tint' Dentrrs in MeJimuues_throdgbout the " eve.d.).. turpkisitt,lrtel; Allen, and
Schist. Empire.,A... of tho,e ..31' the tuit ed :gates. In tint. j ", • •, . e . .
es. at 37 hfr-,.. 37. , , an.' At 41. e.. ,4 .k. . ws...riftsk Puy t 4.1 almost ever thin 113 that dry goo
princlpte D erg tintp.r. in tie Ca. run; by Mee rs A. It i large ltd, of . I ,
..k. D. Sands. Sra I Teti , i an . tl 1:,/ .11e. C. D. - Knight, 7 t
Split S et, Phibidelrhia. „ .
n•tj'• Tll,-re is a Considerable soma by taking the larger ; Three-ply. inTratus,_ rattan ant
. ..
i•sir.e.. - _ , ,' • sldir. drticrls.• Moo! nud e eotte •
N.R.‘-rtiee-tlnett for the ga=d inee of patients in ' very i fi tuirs kind L;11 , 7,a.
aiworder arc affixed toieach 11. iv. ' 6.Y1 cati nv i te 1 - •
3 - r n.l vi.ittnr, oar p ine
, e a r )? ' , rl3lll:Sub.rtitser leis tins week t amine o ar a t ea .h . f or ~,.,„ f t , e i cowl
- - X ret“rned front' New Yurit } •, ~ • ,
.-.. _ - - „ • . •• , .. trt wrousatt a Salrltlfr o f ten In twent
• - ,ssn e . wi th a very extensive:trio tuent , -.. . . , -
-.. ••• , ,e lof Gond.. to which he non,4 re. i motto IA linn•l: sales : t i=d smull To: ,
. .4
, 1 „ ♦
.-11 rpeettulty invite theatrt•nriarint I •,,Szerre twurly oppcite ihe Pnqu
, i , i t
4 ,• ~.2(.... hi4 , li. rids. Among bis. stock 1 ton . N. •
, k • ... 1111 he found au tinu.urdl. la gr a ~ - , Q , :) I
_ Arz. .. c ." t2t variety nt (kdd awl Silver Watch. 1 .‘"Pri. i t ....... 0 -•
- 1,1 , "re.3r_ 3 -...„, - 7 o+l. of ev ry e•tyle and qu ility, i -------
4 ... - •-•-`•- from n Silver Lepinr up •to the
fia.e.t quality ot tie.l.l flnnting. English Patent. Levers,
man? of which art of hi. ow .1 inninctatinn h a uls ex•versA
-I,y to order .' Eery vdrirty nr Ex Itiag.. Finger Rings,
And tire:van nu, 5011IP fTWilieh are extra ich,Pred., Age
jn•e• and fanny itmerlet-. a large tat of Gold Spretat le.
and Thimbles. Silver, do. nn . (laid Fob. Vest end
I G u 4rd Cania. Watt , ' p l eat.; Key., hneld es aria Rings,
, ltud. qureve linttons, Cult l'lus and Buttons,• Coral
Rea+l4. Contiticukftts Wc.
A lame 13t 1.0 4 ilver ,%Tare in ere t ry variety cif weight,
an.l pattern . both plain and threaded. Grid Pens :mil
Pencils. .4. benutiful ..teak of plated moony:. t;arolle.
'4l' l Cf. CALO na.dcrta...te . Plated And Germ in Silerr .
Table and Tea 4 110 , 111 4 , '`llver arta Steel Watch Chainsat ,
:treat variety or Silver Nankin 'Eng.. Ivory and ltooe ,
do , Tiettnnut Want. Sewing Nee' te.. Armlets. Silveri
Cuaa, Silver. Leary; Prot and Leather. Port Monte..
;tar 1 Ca sait,.a fine metntr meet of Shell Combs, RuffnlO
dn , Kaires. 5i."3..4 r....C0ral Necklares and Armlets.
11-41.1 w rut.. ho-Arts. Tec Dells. &d, ha also a ;grin! .
Int of o.,ocks of rari .ns sty +es, ail of which will be mid
for cash at a small , advance tram Manufacturers and .
Inurcnrivr. , prices. . - --•
Strict attention pal to - Clock and 'Watch repairing in
all its hrtnelys.also nngrAring neatly. tszieentrd
Ulnabaniton, Nov.lS, list_. .. .-: A.. 1 -. EVANS.
'PItOSP,CT - 1
13:?,41711.131.t0N g• • IT•-
, . .
t .,,,,,,,,...0. is located in n beautiful and
, ~
romantic grove at 'the hese of Mount 'rms.
petit. and within the emit:ire-tier. of the vilage ;
possesied of an abundant supply of pi.trect soft
tooter, advantages for exercise In pure air, a
earriage and foot walk ;
Ilp the moudtain, over-
Woking, a ticensry unsurpassed in beauty and
rrand.:ur. and - - ftee from the noise mid turn - KO of
thisy 1i6., wilt -ticellent soiling-and rowing. privi-
'eget! on the pleasant waters of the Chettungo.--
TaeSe err a faw ofake pr-triftntiou the *-Cure"
idlers to the itivaiitt. . '
: 'lite house is n-cv and confmodions;-hathingi
.tpparittus excell6t—well ventilated, with 2311 i
feet piazza. •
The inn/lienl department. is under the entire
care of Dr. Thayre mid wife, who hev'e had lartr,e .
experietvie in Ilvdmpathic pratetiee, and are fit
vorahly known as snccessfitl practitioners.
Coursettof :lectures, with full.plates tint! illus
trations. Aell3.4re trivet thrultmhout the sention (0
the Students and Patients. upon Inittonty, l'hysi
',logy, llydropithy end flyty,ietse, for which - there
will be no additional tliftiei•• • I '
- , •
Females who have !teen confined td their beats
for - Foam:are incited to corremenal with ua or
give us it call. Oar *access •in the treattnetit of
&slams peculiar, to fenntiSi.-haa g iv e n tit
iven nfi.:-,
I . t co'
11.10 e..•.. and we sav to oil such', even if thew lump:
- 4 0uff•red much from many physicians," make
on , more triol.`‘ 'd •• '' • - - r- 1
Terms >ftoin .034- to ;:4R'3 per- week. (PavibtP I
. . •
, weekly.) seconfinz to room •and Ai teattort rstini-i
red: , Patients will proAtte: Gtr personal use, 2 cMn- i
1. Wei, 2 blankets. :3 linen ec.cotton sheeht and
i ii to Is. - o %%Tit Allik. M. 9..
' - ' Resident Phrsiciin ' '
4 I filf
~, • .W. & 11. M. IL% N S E.Y.• Proprietors
•lyt S. V. MAI. °tale/L . .4 Vossictssr. takes this
rth*l 4 lut,ratlii feendior .ud the pubic tol
%To ttblt he worm Vs° returned from , eatifortpta,
aud i cite tin tb ! vitiate . .ego. tiotroty of Tieg t,
arid iiertaibilined aportit eller Mt Mike-e's nail
tg ,t424t.
ores' T':Fitetei nen brick star ,sotd ly•A
•ta otaio •st. I
tend to any host e ' intim tine of bbkprofelmat i. =, ' 1
At -ii stn.-Fier oratial,A.o arriving at a oirrtia. timmtosis 1
in &sews. and hit unpareihked enacts* lit treating sl3e i
vacit,asfitesintildiatal to dr.hutlite =system, more
1 - especiatly Chitaitatial .Ilie4te.AlSlbAVAlcCocbtuale,* eum
pheat.A tbestaetor, are all
I ttutt ‘ JA.actry tor Min to
offer the invalids mot .I of every v diameter in - ito 1
*latrine , : -.) tit • coon Jane era dleittitabiatia: I abie —1
For the hemaleof bore fraseatiejateli , with his ittetesid
of-Practice ite staiatdegy that an deser.h.l.disetu4e by a
1.4 4 11 1 14 ` . `611 and teicromcopicaiesamitteli'M ItCAtsciftftfirs.•
Peratmitulj *midge inlet their Urine la s eittAT (at
, livar,tsto .tunca-Vvial, the Clio halal*, tooruht; Joinder ,
1 t. 4 sodas a record tit kept of all 'the eat** "!vitalsi . l;
she name spa age of thi videos ire also riquired. 0'
dotrite Is OW. for examining atom adman tai medic tie is
missnotieinesagerindtmilYSelectedfrma the ,Ttgee-a• 1
tile Kingdom- and are. oludnoterot samirdimt to the]
VISAPAATT - ~. ... ...... .1 . .., ~.. ~:
.-- 41 ,,-71Zi-'' thtehi l ate ims atiaitt emilsitta hupitil
} taut &settee. y in relation to tt imitaiittririt'eaielit
loam might, or gesso. This isit .inguraidefosittiiit.lmilt ,
M 017104040 el cry:44llll4e grain*, OIL gritty,. h a m, ( 0 4.
!hat of distinctly visible mono rlose moutinstiintz kr
l it may.cou44 isi-irogniar slopo tranapars , i• envie...
,t•if?9,•,,,Flitiratts - latz•lS4 he -Maly dhaitgp4sl ' by sye
„iyitinnil dettnnttnated thneill -.'-`. -.1. -„..;. ,-. ,- - .: I. -
', Inte preyttrmina thst,keittes-IntrolneedJe-_ 1441
idfiroltiaganat holding llt SAnOmidsikaints l ic , °oil
tatbsifetteaw web la chelloweer or biretta*: ea - Mei , i
----oiadve la ituatioriot thi
Abe tutry arg•lar and.
soercige Ile from krfolle living
State .4 - Nes Orki
Igii:lfltho . .-Aitile*to
fill initialer blniatni
;44 .031i4 ,3.. t0 0 **M 0
- t
:466V0V1V: . * - WMAIIra
r t
Great Bead &Lode i villot I.if
' - •
TABLSHM ENT. %. - Al-.7 . V.,,i,.
-.:1 i
T HE subscrber resk4ifully itforOrthe POI
„tic that he llas roecived a la ' ~,iiddttion lio
-iris fuitner. itock - t;1 Stoves. r -doiisisti g of a'variety_
of the - ost lipproved kind{[; a inon 2 l wlncl; att,' 1
l ' ' - CIA NTON : Alit ' l'lG kIT, ' —'
1 -1
[ . . FORN i
ST QUEEN, -. ,
I STAR. OF. T 11E.WI '
, 1 •
i --• WI ESTIRN,QI.II.IEN, ' 1
, .
. ,
all elevated Occult. -.".01 Square air 'tight Stoves , • I -;-i. or •
"1 "' "' • - I-
' - ':- ' ' I IL. -I
~ . PI CENIX PARA(I N ' - L4'. J - - ; 11 t - I
. - ~ i 1, comPolmw s'ility, or IILOO ROOT, kOlt Til 6
' . i
- - W ;STERN 1 1 :311 1 111,E ' ' 1 • - - ( - - " , J - - I''
, , II J - 1 1 i lung OF 1.2
1 . : PRANG 1.1i•Alli. 11(.4•11Ts 1.. ' {
. Consumption, RittniiN.ltronchltis,llnonertzs, Coughs,
1' • - 11.11 TED . I s .AT ES - i - ' wil "P lo g upu g tr • a° 4 9"'" u P• J'. ' ' • j
' • FAR M 11118 - . UTICA COAILISTOVi:''' 1.)r ! .; Throops li.fned, I'mservittive and _ 31n
.• , , 1
A variety -. of! v- of! Prentintos. lents« of to! wit ele„the• - I- 1 '• ~ t rite R it , llit . l 1
NVA,LKILL klit-nGuir, .I? j ll . R5.,.. - tii ,L,., rtarrste•toe'. dolie. Gripe.- itiePiles- D7thmt l ,l'l' nod
, s. t • ,1 . 1 Chnlera to I Infanta, ok ouy pf the etnrunatt ill& of; Joranc
A good and varions assortment nt Parlor and rm. -• . ~! ) , 1 . - ,
liar! Stoves for Wood and Coal. ' BOX 4'toves l oil 1 1.. , • Dr. Tlis4?lt's•WltriniPeison ~ , ... . I
varioos sizes and poitieruit he ise Optionally' hi- 1 txpellet throe sith , ,T4 - riod.m. Ili th*ittillati Pilltinn With..
. . • t
ceiving. and ititont.llllo keep as. gre t a variety! of.i lit except i on O f pr numbers-1.1 -_, 1 r 1
the moat ; 10 1 ,1 11 11 T P!4 , rel , tut 41 , Y, art , i r
itelhe,POOU 1 i I". D. , .. Thrii - hp's - OilliotiS Pill 8" •--I ' 1
. 1 ry. ir'ersonit .wit: t O purrhaila Moires ;wilt' Ore Indigrotion. Milieux distwder 1, Conti*. newot. Pflen, I .
litsd it to to con on Inin. They, will 'it ea.tache. Ileartbutp., l Fever.; tufleamftli" , Diato'*; I
find' his' ' • .i 1 . ' ftsfenterv. nutr reiAnres 'a tiealt LI . caul" t,t 44, the
, , ~_:_,_l- . . 2 ' , 1... , n.od, , ot'sp.. body. .i j J
~ • 1 1
i i - at 2 tirilltue. - i,i 1 1 ,De. iThir.nop'A. Eve l'ai - er • 1 :
in deof the strontiest and hest materials at las 1 . L,.._
'‘. - 1 Aa ....TITPIP.tOI in +lre v ir tues for any InfLutustatn
cheap as can he /alight in this or reams county Ipy haffeetion of thele‘, itlo t ~., * l' il
Pi InltCh better illools'otTerod bv chars . " ! !.. r - :I 1)r. illir 's S o ' - I - , /
o:7' Steve Pipe & Tin %Var.• k e i, for little and tta I nn, entriairsefll'or 4 dperatinfr •
r tint% isiitt Sralttal'Ul.-
mntirt,ln order. Fiirmers will if.; kii pplied With ! evriit Salt uheutn, 0 1 kn! al•rss oft t thvi'l'in• f . I
It !f
, •:•r,.. , '4 *it int t-n.--Itentley .Ic. Read. 'Montt se ,
Pella, made of strong ntaterials. at Vhnl"" ' , "
I' n• !NI ,, & Ca • Miih; 11. )t. So thweit.liu.b ', P.!
nen, alkorrf.-rn for work in his fine in be (hank; iTfalTetter.l.l' d•ltif.oved fl U alittion Priendaidtle; . e.ttt
fully - feteiied and
.punctuillv tett 7ed to. ; 1 , ik. Itto'st. -prineeitteii Dr. .r.vm. ..Auburn ; -1. N 1
. 10 II iv L i s rEN . , 4 'Joie. igeyr mill'oe411; s Dr. Drool , 1 1 1.•nt 1 hen4l;l Jo
s.• It. L . ':ltteirinian.;itte online; Dr ....1. ti,Y•rney... Littie I
Grtat fiend' July 1 * 1852 ' I '' :' mi1.4..%-;:bigperTss*lo."-.c.iip•ur t: F. , Many. Bre*. t
• • "' ' ' lyi , Ventre : It. A i . vt ID)ams. eiuroott Dr., I.Lfiltntwead
- , 1 ji natal ; Johns/T."4i y,ery. Ttairren i - D Itotteh,Jeretun. i
pETs. is Cleiseral Agent, ioresi Lake. ... 134 I
. . _ . 1- l iarimi.y.l.lt43 -1 ,i - 4.1 - , • i
Itie vittarita, 01 , _ _______. , ‘.....-.41. --...._ _.:........,..,___:.. .-_ -.2.-- 1
b'T 36::)`EPIIS's , COLLE GE
de, at whtle. t ' ..! . , ,
.- • f ‘i , -,-,
?EAT ~ ~ , Tuts to.tituonng Is s itu aeil ',lithe moot heattbfat l
•, ,i, i t t , and itieturgoiriel'intrt ...1 - ..tuti netuanna county, In
'1 8511 7,1 - ' . till . 1 the etio•amut vai...4. 1 c • stage te %,teg ...ttoutrore tteoet
IL, 12 • 1144 laill,lllirl I on th•. I. te:s a .. - .la ne 111)1rox.1 analtrunnentunt Puri h the
, 1 Nkir lior‘ and Ira Railroad - at Ortt Bend. at a die-
- , tenet- Ilfttlx,otilet t/te.frota. ptv-sei I inguitutinn ..laii), , ,„ I
9 -- . i 7itediAtonee betel. ti` 'the tteprtt and the Insthotion is 1
hack sil ks, fan• I eikteen mites. one hid; pf obieb l ls by monk it And s ; •it IP
-and American at elobily tli-ttnnt frtt:u Ifingloituten no tip New Voykl
: d e: ,
„ p i ! r d • ... v l a n r i d u,, t s t: I if tj o ir! + l 7 :r4 , : y.... l a tl i Zo n
n :a u, st • r a ,4 11 .
ti t - . e. , oneettb r r i ehlt it. for ri tfett t i bed r ia. I
, -01 Kr etrtr4elof inPtrnet n o'onp itts tto .n....
of erane fel, 11. Frenrh. Lithe ant 0 reez einenaces..ireetudioc i
1" "litt bleached I' i t
l it 't i r is:t i :; 'l T 3 rat l Piti . ;.ols i g l a li n ' i l i . b i fnlt e r i l t . "et - I gre e. Win 1
p'" n ' 66- per vd I ht• T :ttkett to !viontriL4'.e . : , nr..o oilltrairaetiotrin the Nen , r ,
li dialier„l bird steitvuit .6. profelwion Of the stuile t. I I ,
prpiii ; iii f a ct . IThe co!lezi . 4 te. Trott Innzitt . p on the lirs . tl3louday of Sep
. texolter tool mule eft ihe latkor Jul v. • •,•
' ' i TERM ' ' •
, i• ~ se..mon:ll intosloi for Board and Tultion.pnyable bolt-
I i
.1 ' ye.trly In solenhe .1. _ ' _ SUM. ) ,
It r I tenni. rot ton. , The tun tern hoo i x . %kilt; Germen.lpotti.han4 Its,. ••
. o il c i oi h s (6, ', rm. oorr.irai In air.' ,bane, coo. per annutn. SI&
77 •.1 r,,,,,k,.., .t,t...:rry iud 31tAteal attendance. will 1
i Pont extrnebsr; ..1 - f ... ,
v,,hi ng ~,,,i net i pjg trill rani on' eunr4e, _
1 per annum. ' ~r- . , , . v
J... aro,* wivi the student to furn eh himself
nitlehod •to,l be altrt• If furol•the.lby ti uihm ein:ti- '
tII wig f te-t an extra ehargot her au lon , [ It' S
ny Peientnr. tor.‘ll moutit. t _I • 81.5
r.tal anneal Itmietirs trial be sent to parents n. cuar.
l i ians Info mid: titiSni of the lowitn, pro,„;rt as and
pent n thew elel lien or wards. ,
1 , -• 1 ,
wo May it .'pl.r.-to hire their bei ittorti:iditioc
'lt roish'iT,l by - th 4.4.1 t a tam are reit 'ie.:tett or,Sellfi 'pre.
-ion. entice of tlielinet t welt her nttht• unders tott•tl '
rue.e who inienll etnoln.t by the way ortlin I amtort
ritrolurr.hxl tl"i :let torevinu-P noble of tltelr purpd.e.
hof they may hr mut• yeti to tie I;aq:it without delity.
I . 7 .- All eAtlnnutatatio P. ICC.. ter the COIN , should
ate nd.lresPett. ''st..i .I.seph•P '
PoPt Oftlee, Sti.luehonna
r+ortukt ,Pa 1i , 1 ' '• . 1
IN, JOITNT V. er nrA LT.P.V.
Rr V . 11E.N111* PlitZSI II MONS), Vier-President. -
Pt ere rev.e - lel-Cale!. Caroddt. v...q.. choem.nt;
Er..o. a. A. Giow4 Glenwood ;, lion. D. wittnol. lII} I
'l% . ..prd. VP - 1... ni P.411,ne11. Toward, e. ' . 371.6*
NEW . -Dflirf..,G l
BUHR' 1::1 !city he
31.• siva! awl tie vr.l.qtortitteitt o
clutling a variety of
Ladies' --Dress= e
In rich.. Truth*, Priu,tejl *tiatftEittb l ,
extra rich .
Ginn:tins anti chattitlirays of -a
and fancy t!Littonj
(3atihtttere; nud
. ifer-v.
Titration.. plain - and fiiuriidSwili4
French..-Lace avid Bouur
and - Floti•ers, - I
- .1
- .
-G ENTL EN, EN . AND 13pYk
SU M3l f;,it. .G Oa
I A tulp! muiprtine , ifiniiCupo l , l
1 'l:rOnks ..ratiCes.,, lais,oil Batfli
Goths` Ini awns li4k,bi;*„ imi
Wirsllollo Shuni, , ni, - Yreepet.l
of all kinds, kr:, r,•..libii.dt, 41( 1
- itnivetvitl 6asurt t 'in ork«.r
unudg. uud beim' tl-i:Ntie emir,
ril 11 ht.- pond! UPing; ,t , JP. cute. henei
andlerms no; to be found hi isii ,
mon!. . '
N.. 8. Sail iniol - Bone Col
1144 15. 1P5.2..
Tothio- Pub
,tBE. t;L lauuwrr
at u.iy au hatiii u lam;
lirhlcit . :witl be sold tits i ii for.
is - comisnidlif aiir . tifj
-• 'Drug's: I . etlitities.' , chetpic:/
• •
.41.1 . 4) t's
Obd 4,1
: lln id rt . C.St i in e
Tllldgeot, Stipp' lite n 4; 8 . 1 1 0.,lotutplrine 9
, CtAck's',.%VitteliV 4. 424k; :&.I
ail flers!litm,oo . porpli, I
any of !ire deii I
ttwir . niterea.til_pmm d ,
1.414.41,417_.tri LT A n
. 31nnt!osec. Norinhili,'l.l:44l:ll"l
......f. .. • .1, , ~
1 ; t
Ise Full , Oper
. Ilon. 1 ; . I
- LARGE stock ar NEM, (14.10DS:jast re-I
, awned, which will bn sojil , for ready; a '
A ... - ri i
(store nppmved credit.' lowPr than at UlSy oths:
. . .
store in this owntion of country 4 The ',roe* oi
this county, who liket - '• 1 - . : .... -. 1 { ',,
'. ' ' ' .'
' G O al) .. 8 ) .41?Ci MT " ?*
1;' -`
•am respectfully inviinifto.nal ..,-nt4 exa minty. 4 v . tk.
*toik of toads. and thet will ndthe above"toilsi
min., ,Na frouttfe' tosiikete di ,, '
, '[. ~ - 1
Arr Socks. Grain, Wood .840 Hendnivlt !Cali
IT It Ltrrt;R• 1.,
NewMilford,Npviintree-44117k 2 L 0 :t , 1 44tr
._, ... I "..- I
"fri•iii4 io for Ibiir q:n.
acitipteadived*tbe t
te. Per , ' ill! CUP n .
wp sabstaagati ~
Keater Mock. a few
hnine. Ever' neat 1
d`pins 4non, sad the
%at's M. ; , ::I , i '
tin; woliht reatitl,titrta.t • •
4 : FA ii - la'FASll'
.taitiis2;: *id that ha:
aroi - mil: With
turn Iwmdr, and P+Hr- -1
• "CtSrPirape. did ' 'at- nar ;11'100- 'la
• ticiartr- beluattAtt
rat - holy
.tst -titYY•A'
004.90 *Attar inileka4 tatit. • T
, ~ 01 1onituaci:Oet*r211; Tin;
I.kit s
weekly regthring act ::Crl
tibchtne EsulallAttoent.
Itingisanstect.l4 1
koweoi twice*, tolir fouS
BinbilintaSi 4 4.‘';'-'
s A TCII Ert—ThiP
ireeho--Asicehre -1 (
'illtiaariot -411.16 iii,
\Vika ,I..Evliiis,
, 4Croltool, nal.
,:.• : -...,
, F„. ,- - • . .11 4
tEli T U ----- -
• mr . " ' ix., cr
' t 'svEtf,tittkEl6rautel
RES i 0 1
~..,,e.4-'.;:ii,,..r:-.iii:.l,`,. -. ';,:,;.:
"----'''..A:';'_'it.' ll
- - ' - -''''''l''''' -
a - a
• ....
-----77-7--- - - L -4 11 ,- rilifiti -7 4 -, Y 4-- it - 1 ,,
", ----- 7 - IA ''• s' ':" "-#
, '-.- lirige," ' ":••••`. t --.."', ' "', ,, r.r: , •.7 7 ' - •`., '...*F - ....I
'• VET .11... ntrtifiXA2etiiiiiiiheilisiati 7 ic;•,. 4th ' - pplme
..-. CB : 11, -_-:. ► - . SC,:," ' l -VVJ','fittiettpleiatit'irtl.tittiatiO . Illd'.itlest.r3:taltittl '
.. , RV - E f --•• ,• 1 "A A g 0 ~.14, ' f,-, fp4iliil ec. 4- rtilatelt: , : Tor , panted; guit ,: iverye_porert :a 1
I ' . "•- "'''' -•-• .11' :dal-Alt : hi theft' power - la eave'the dlitar otttionitod
Tin: f Plmq-61: 10 17 1 44 tannin/Talk V. llll *.ig_ 444 _ !WI ~,...•,,,.0,:iht,i,,i,,r.. rwrmr:•.:arill - m 161 1 47 1" - to- : 1* 1110 tOth
' : :tr wvirvArointatta 41.f - iv:TA:mit * Coition : on • odta lteikh at elittlietilloor. , . Free lt “khe'oir3vticr . '
ta.,.k,,,„,„, a 4, - wkinettp gall jimaikd Metal= ;to 011.4.""', totimilif. , ll;64siiiveyeir that Worms- atteetidair 11
Leave tUrbon.bsiti fir. t ~tio Incollin c",,_4 41 : i4 _,._ 1 4, th .. „ 11 ,,:;'olitildonat,t1nriat - "dot-eciebtated . rbyeltlit*:.sterthk 1
congaing /Korth 4 !Wort:loge Jess on • Suu 1 1` 01 7 , '_
_' 51 lositertittekit'atilirgii.iiiiiiiirity_itil diginbint ttr whltiVe I
thepall train front thirileent bead..! Thor drtraeltelnee,. 6 . d io w i a , t4 - - ',,, ft , gyto e i,it yinV i mve • iku i voi i i .. t .-., c ti.
dir"t• "t 41 "P e l l : e. 0 t rma Gee ° " 11 tlalitna4ll.-e; "; dittnilif phi:tapAli: rodk -on. , kino - or rokitl , .(o=infoin r,
rnsivlngm-brth4 Pat Ittw l K - ii,- , 4 0 - 41 2. i l a r batll 4, . . l e aa l /1e .1 . ,. - 144 breath/ polo fit-Atio 4,1194 en, itp!ek.tilt Air the IO
Ii the evening the,l9.4[llllly.,Ohle' r o ut . ~' ;„' -•
:••'''_.' -',,.• : - histAgiisi iiia itt gietiii is( die brily; i t tryre,ough;.l44.l.4„ „.. . _ ..,. ,-,,,,,,- , fl••,- , 1.,.., ,-- ;. , :. , ;:z-l-f.-/,T;;i i ,_r -,,.- , :/ f ...7,, , ..,
Pate . reeripted itt',illeboaktalit . tit tits.,Store.ot - theetto.... 3 , o 4" nit .,, a bi t ; tein ik i ti e r t h a t n u 4, 11e. ... e -u oupter fr iorn a ...,.°,•,,,. .. ::•=:-..Wlriil',.._-IN Z.-,,SillgoßAClW:''i:43:l
senben.. main strid . toi (or bit...V..01r BrOilso.l . sl Ilift44; ii ,ja4ifiiflout4 11.0),1151101*firly . ttilltifilltii :.,,' 2 - 'T . : 'f'' t in Kript.z. 4.# kv NLIAkkl../kalftlitii„lntklegi,.lgi k
:" A 1 1 44 42 / 852- I '°
• 1 1 l - ' '-
6 ll° I' a. 8iL14.44.E". - " '''' -. i'' ' * 'jail:Hi MNS A ini:.B AViiii II .ii if flit/ P, l'' -t•: f . - ? " 6 '=" 1 0°1° Pli - 7 ' '--*=-;- : 7 ": 3- --' -:--. '' '''. 7--
An a leleteand'ilpett er entille eel le.. eentattunded ....,:.-:, -," „.-,:.- „,:,, v ,' - •:i• , re • ._, ..--„,.....-- ••--- ,- ....,-..,„
nitfi purely ::eiptalde .i.iitiArsinc.,, , ,'lsefkif i4ri s i t yy , ' , . a z e , :, : -,-;": ' ' - '.(III.ITX.i. 13:..rit114 --- i'.....:P.
1 wbetatakOn, And detormtned or all+ 6 ide ate;
,and? not iTIITAVWO ralitriteirtri 4 leatio6eittiritihol4ll
leaving he syet•"nt in a durekkrel co - rent/be se m ' .t isikkr,; 4 -A- 11 -' :ire - 14 -- ti3i:'.ll,zi feseioniturty,,bittairift ,g(ita; u4 -,--
. i, &Jinn; uostroud. foi. Pie maiitir 'of._irOiViiii'.. cilitisfrosiisirs.r . Hopi) orlterel. he „ler„,l..bes „floppy . _ t.i, wi i - ici p ,.- 02 7ir' , !,!,
I - ellionlel . , : nich Po , Lifstlne'si.Verilliftlies. :ac4. 4.0;.: h.:4 - Isiah& di.*4l net ir*+ --''.:-':: -:-- -,.., 7.:4 , ,, 1 .;4,:-';,-ii-7. 1 „.„ri.,
, nirtattled the lao't-tolvonoillit g etirire kis litiFeil Sts6 iltri:; ,. . , ? l4 i4i l PAiit ett.-21/4.i.:- . ... '--;;::: -. ±:''.'•: , ;;;- , ',..r'1:- '
ia r tPoui:irilly , both aid - ire i ytrunioNtio kii „ . - ;t4 , en . tii .... 1... . ,
.... ,
belayed hope.,ers'. Incunsbievloy .pbytfiehtie.,. - g ea d_, the i. - ' ..."., ilk , , 41'1' , ‘,..-; ,: , : , - - - 1 ..t...."7'',7:
- Villawit,g and: become tont toted qf ite,„efliency over all '"• • ' , I''''''g. - g* , •• a ,
.0 ,- "-i - ' , l - • , , • -
t. o theyi:
_-,- ,-= • , - :': ',, ', • I , :: ' - -, -..-• ~.-,., - "DIITSICIA A ism,glTßOEONAgopt ro pi t api t i..
}_T „; .: : . -_, ,
~.-.... m o i l i, gli , , r , i g .1., A ug .:lo,. int . : I i.11,-. tend . Wit!" hnetwillik.,iiiii'i,b-iriittetiett42-Wala
I - .....11V.", J . 22Variobearack -, -Thlit hi t,heortify.tlelt ity onild,, : iC har r 7, • Ifith. , rollinillP l4 / - allando-' ' -- '-- - -
1 13 -
ears .if a+. haring hair eiCk cor throo year. ,: At: ;Iregillegitll-08 'Thruplkejde t .ii
:tended fors 1.1 earn Or the Spine by : De's:Loper,. , Viiiillgi.liip4potOf r.nk9, A4nnoe
nud Phoder i: a 191.40110 *Thiiillt. Tes!...iii k v ^ by I ) ,,i ie '.y ' ~ , -, :4 .7 . .q::
i t i ite...Witur giii gr,. her up* hit-stre: r.... - wint - t4 pim a . j ', -' 2 -,-. -, - : -, . • ati or ,, , a r .,
, deiphin- nod waited tgt t o . : . to rat - .;ttest, l ,phyriciani,, her a• -,-'• -,,,-',,,.'', •,,", -,•-, 5. ,5 ?` . ,:i' . „.,. - - 1.7 ,, ,„,:5-..-, ,
Wiese!, Atli : grayling tro ' . 4 . /t Wil mt.thin ttine- I yraa lir- ilr'" r : 1 " T.,• , -, Books_. it o,o4,:i d i...t io lo it fiii -,, if iii i -, 14
d mold 1.. try • °ben:telt i'*ointitiafritji nod-atter::,,tia,,,,4 • 4 "*PICt9tITIL k,ftlimexiittee. , : , . sti* .. tii o , , : i fa twu t .......
invite - bottler 'this ‘ i tif ly: rivalled 'le, • hoittliti - ..efter , ! I - ate/I'4 ' 4°k/ .7- Montrose. ij - ''' - ' , . ; '" ,• -•-t , =' 4 't , lf-s.; -1 -44 1, 76- . 77 - ,
tita*eitolo great, quanuti , • r Wurtnil.-- Ito„vmjcititn - will
- -.--,-----.:— -7---:f .
~- - ,
:,0,-,bilieglt to pa..-etife.loivo *- 6110m1 11 4*sliullar4 in'ttt 4 4. 9 . -- .. ' - -:::, -*: 3. 111'..10; - g riiitii ~-,„:'...,-:-.:-.--:.=,- ....
, ----.- 1‘ rr am Y t itre , Zeo• ''.: - L ----:•'• --- -- .- " '•-' 7 17 V ' L '0 ' '..4 : '''2",' l- 0 .- "';" . !..
4 ' ~ : ' ' ' •- - L "
_j - -ki nitow. . *- Dg 4 VrAn I" *.plittl- 04 DS - ;OO - aierita -- etnekirjAi -'-
1 1
nwirr -, FAO- , Oil*. -Vitildz raint4*.k e . .;: -
•-- r - uo BE N'Sla C 'S . LI l i i:Ell :Pi 1,1;S .-• _ . st , i) ,
1.•. _ , • •., • .• ♦ •.•.. - • I _,. „ - . or...ra - ,fermi kinilt..4l•sfiliipintUi'i l ;..stiT i . k i s
- t 4; put 41,1 0 - 4y. • e;tl 2 falre tia le to donoir than tho; beiiiw-1417- P • 12it ' l kiii 11 '''' - b.., t- • ! . 2. - 1- ' - ' ;17 1 - I t ''' '''''''''''''''''''':-'
Itece, it Orrin; se a tiltei t to purity 1)1044 ; r . O .nr. . :...... . ....;.1. :,......xj.,,,,'
I Ok i -wove! A loitt.ittoz. : ,na d esoreti on tb flai hal so - 11/4 \. _':. 7 .11,111extt4,
; R., yrrei'g deti . ..ii al the i s iver ati.mtntkanthiir i ipnrcrant CITAtiNGIIIN!D ll A rtti
! part*.f tier sy'At..zio. 4nd minttg T4r.inuldy, 1n„ Liy et Onn- - 13'lltrilding; uoirdnnitf
iit a liitp,,Joll2t ,
• Dyi!pe ig1u . ...Fi...verg...4: 0...":1%', iiiii) . 4l4 :.,....:: • ' •
.th tir o4.4 noyAih every- 'eytnatenn tint !eight Inittetit4 a
no‘ng actiorOf the' liver.. l'h .I , e -PHIS bcitc, - -ontopkActi
t 61'v:04p..sod plans, etitl4,bed tifoni tt , «'tojieul th.. skit,
namely •::: Ito': Oe.lic.,teet,,ortet , arltioh mf.:4l.4ltriheskrer'
Minn front the putuumnry, tuuenn meentinTip, ot,•piernodiot.
thy ilischurgi! of eorreteL.l . Ida tt .r. 'ld 'an altiirolve,'
I - -
,cirtnive , iii smite , filexelical , e anil'iggrilsiiii• l oin,.
nrr. tile rertain
,nv!rlitif iwtioni) ~l abi.4au
te: , 1/:41. Se a
i Tonle: which 1.1 leo.- tone n.nll *tren,ttb " to` Ow -,i i ous
1 eyetein, inuew!aig Inguhli m .d vig..r to: nil par tic orthe
i10w,1y...441: n,untint.tip,_whit,h nrs in perfect tutetteny•
[with the ntlieringreaien,tg ty' :rit epoting' „ 'nu,,.titirl,bouiroli•
-an t i expotitoo' the abide steer nrcortunt,fait • s - ndkirituts*
nottcr. met pnrifying 11.1e..yiguni; which arioroiiraisTrase,
~t o r,lnrdo tmith.i. , - ....:;-•.- 1- - - : , '.- ~I L -.'".::' ---. 1
, I l're • net at 411eVyniselc•6 .la ieraters7.,.Phil Oeiphlo.l,
1 corDer4thatitt - 0. - Trge,tt , - Pripe tkr , e.Lrit.F..... Poll sale "hyi
ihe print Ipal Drity:nag And stem, geoe ' rt iny thi m ,,,,, nut
I..theyonntiy,,,Aty4..,'....ot itetilt nib l i erara.„ Plaile/lohdtia.: , •
'i AG XSTS—AbeI Terrell sod' 8 ntley,'& - ' Wed.. Monte
rite; Hayden & Little-air/. Win .., 10, - • ' , trot , Vt.* qiiror,t i
, L
EutonN.'Tnek nn , l"R--rxv geymortr,, Ilittot - 4...;11/. I , 4l .lTrierel
& en,,. tphentr,j 11.41. Well.. St c i ttendeti *IX ,hitt , ll : it
pm.„„. i kur ,,bier; 9, %., gwric . Brtio)ityli.;loittit .t.
Mae:, filename' ; l.ncien::aclii trt lir J3lll , i*lii:no g . ,
flrelit: ti-n , l Z . .1. IV hy.inln. *.r nik.n.trancric 7, - mtipty .a.
iznisell,- Sterling:rail ; s.l*- to event Braietrint.- -
• _ -.- . I.Kyl-• -.• •_ -. \ .--' -
Sri iall and ill-1,,, I. sir; tliiiiir !;
- ia‘r iiept.• On li LI
4:v5..; I ' - !I
ri . ffire. ilitikbatr-11 r
BENNF ; r :- ri d i '
1 . 1 . , -i • 1:11 ,
1 -,- ' • / .
lt .i . .
• )ODS - Li • i
I •
I :DEl'lli r. I 1 lif
1 - ,
driail ati e•xtetid
t i
'Dry Giitids in-', ~ b
100dS 1.. 'Vi
orciidereil totwur,-, - •
ttneittd' Pl'Illil";1
1W styli-s,: black i •
ir ICriip...litriiiyht !
1 Nt — lk - Maiut Ith 1.1
...i. ... 1 r li •
0 Muslins ,'`ltrztve -; ;
Li: Hulipt:e . Sitili.f 1
4 IDUESS , Ai4 it 1
Dg. ' . iI . II
iioi;ts altelAioi!., I
I (3 °-!1- 11 4k , 0 4 II
1 itvd mid 4viltiti•ei I
Josaeilic' (Ipt t !lii. , ll
r itinSi.tino with 1111
d.itirttni.ntoi a! 1
i• . . ,1
ireiv for. eash,v iii i 1
~fits rti-prtee.s4y/t
r l y i pther establish- I
iiicoastputly, Oil
1 .
. r . - 7 - - ' .' " tictiori'ite ;irts'itili'''''
CI E ;17 dollar* fi , (tre.t, pr. Junet. W4l forfeit .INail If fa, ,• , -,.. . ir , -, • n . „ Li : .; r,-1, ,
„,. ~..3
„L' -- tug to curnattiyrute of *eel et4dtsesase that way cams' •,• - r, : X - 017 • "46 Cent. 54.:,:::: „ , .'_. ;:::::,
under his care; Itahrtrtter Imw ' a g standinx. at. illietjnX- L L .' 2/ , • ' . IIY MEANS. k r. TILE PiItifi.ET•IqbETLJIPI:
Fattier sex are ; Ittiltrit to hi* • tarot Itoiareti, - 3S - Xlnrth' -
~ / , us:in.
er . 4
oi. .. it
.pkivpton , ri t :ill
.ileetith st. l'hlllt.iitithuNt fe ~ r 0 tioterruptinit ['rim" atii-,...;, --„.........,„. sixth etl - to n With tiptritril* at: h .- hundred
it- liitient*. . Sera ocers and op :rg wh o . heteit Veen' t o r .- -- m g. - . •- . -.. • .' - • • -
f,irtutiate in the• e l e ct ion i}r tihystelan are . 11:111404: 46. -.- .. . NrM 3 !" l'-''. "trill= itrtatate chseast itfercr:i
.-- - • -.-.- -. 'shop anil r tan. and -tualfliniatabrat • 'of' the
eau: .:
.... : i' ' li4 ''' ' . !i, '' ' -
:- F • t . :. re nitiue iimulUto ' ' ---- . ''' -' ' -. 1 --- -' ''
-1 tI P , OtEtitl Y;-;4ltronih n t*.trainedindul.„, •Ke - of r''----- ,- •
____. •,.,__..... • ! - '-•• '.
~....----'-' -'.- : . '
l i
theltassimisi,•Lyespes* ,r*elf tit's«. the evil* ar * nfititi.A4' • - -i .";" • -''''`.!V •' Ilt :! ll,l lw 6ll6 .lvrmig..l.nitti,trU' *- 1, '''
• ..,,,c.' , . ' , iii.i. ' - l':' . : .L'iiii i :l , .v.ivirii . -'. ,----
knilll. •Premaiuiy , ,beloureoey.:. intalustar.t. s oat 4/ , ..- t• , Tl3 , ..itate.- willow ittiketl.,' that,tursn. ' tr .* tr '' . l, ••••-•: _ - ' , !'n""'•, ;•(‘' .7 .?•:.;':ii •' ' w
~,.. .4 - 1 - . 4 , ~c saite•- i 'F' • '- --
kitirgiett wamit:'*ll,t l te PFO l '. Y4t. IT Mallinri 166A‘rt,e"; t.'-'4i ••tiqgetl:., ma& Iwc , Mlc •-•, ,t4 l, r• - ric.illac - 'Ol , !l.:11n*- 1 t , "..44*WW." i O -7;Aatikiii - 4,4i
For frniiiipsoei,ity. ; atniaal .trtipitii, :or
,eotii.t I ( utimptt de+ 1 vidi-.tzer .m 4 toi the prerriptieno eobtl•emed tn . :lii_haeik., ;Aletc*...SttuVr*;:TtnYlk• 4 --;,,itY •,..1•, ;
rIluIcole"t• s•r” , "•. ( cc tof.nhar ,I -If neeinwati.:e.atis oltiliti 'any o . e:uley cue , hitemar. withant lihidiaike of lima: IF ItrgiAlin,, t.iii: - 11.4., .20_ - .1.: .. .
poe -.with ',nth owe; he (aii•l';.• ie•wat,„et care . i-: • • Th.," .. r the loviai,,fg , . it the Mast intintat eittienit and ' ' -I , ''' -• ' •''' - '
.••• RE x 11 - ot N: Wit It f.V.C.T :--- - f ontlllried would (.14 well to lth . Orte'teiith the 11-.ll , tlext,F , n&n. -: In ndalPan ro" the
etifrit o•t Per their he Ith, haildne**, Mut iuirne- iyuerni roltin..).of tilllnt.X.i)l4Fint. Oft.
presweA.theirlicoii: in the hit di 4 phietkiant. 'iluoirntit)`estuAe of manhood's rusty decline, wiih nti*urva.ttnit-im
i ll 'i - thl" . ". 1 g . ! 4 ~ r , ' oda It.i•x. • i t .F 4 - rtlintY lo l l^.....ll4 t - r7: niarriaethesitlit* . sittany ,nther 'ltlertiatietit:;nta:WhiCti•it .
hai..inan -In 11 a tieritr,ind..t,ll Rh; • Int the. hnat In faatile are. witted not be ratter to critirdeiate in the itublielaints'
ni;j.. 4 .1•16, • go.:ry-rtt l ie ItAnble 044 +ln hAti hi4.1...2•0`10r str , Any ner*an *O9,I:ni,TIVIPSTY•PIVE• - •,k:T.S,, en:elei
!pun c h_ in nylith .pre ht atm, Ft inttpmfal than his : . :hk *el . ( in ra lett , v. wip reeetre one• copy nr,thiS: binth -:hy
prilfmnes, and I - I! that he dyv Ail fin-<t of hl*t . e tin y I mail. nr 11. ,- . ro ale* will he-sent' for flan:4low 4 (Mee**
Attaly. •.! 1 :. i ,•- • : --, 1I 1 ' ,•• : ~ - '...-- i 1 Illt. W •YOUNG:Se. l&I sproiestree4Piltuantiliitia.:
VirP. XER fIP 0, rziticrrtriv: eiellesii - ely de •nt4;daFit the.l poq-paill. -•- 'l4" :-,:" • ' •• ••• :- , '. • ',.: , 'il : ...---- ••::
!At toly ep , l treitt mOt of ilipers-ei.k. ef:thel%
~ al n geriU to. [ ' izrp IL r , ttlNft eau hiE..ennpeitted 'po - l ii k ii . c-0f,i1, - 4 .1,-
to - titct with 11 L'Oerr 4 , 1 Pii , i chit.
~ , at,. then. ~FlFtiotF; or !e1. 4 4 ea*** th4erihodinhilrilitit-rentanblieatinna;Wt-1040fll :e..;:'
unieg,iii the h 041.- bilge . ... e:sqlr . itit teunintriltoLittiie. 11n s:irn,:e ~ : trt4, t . Avery day between -: 4 1(1111::.: ‘• oreaWlt:
tnr:iscrevel. iteltUtorltieu.' 41. 1 eft4es rrigilk. f. am vnntl,.l sunder( ..kF t ptei;lo i - 1 :, .- . :-- . .,1 , --,H..0 %y i
iIIIPVTAIF or itoppyktiefit-ttf_' to br 1..4+,01.04 i . _.-_:, ..._ __:.' 1.. , .. _ ~, •':- ": ...- - - '',. -' ' ''' '
Alt ntion his Iterfmte IT r,, , ,,,, 4.
.enahle* the Pectins - tn:
. ntt..l.
:piss ty tUlhol to ollivh& • place thelligelees ululei'd
Ihis !ere.% ...1!. t - 1,;1 . • - • '. '-' - • •.. - ' .', '.
•..:4-likine fat:v . ollml if, i, _par of the .Irlnlte4 - Stains,
, peke tire' ani- I od:dollars, ei pat .age.--313y1. ,' ' ,
.:: •
. 7.7
I ...
1 — - 1 7 Complaintr - • '---,' ---
l i vel..
ChronicJaufidice;DOpepsiii. l or Arereprzis.
• ~ [ .• .. • .•... I
..t4c4tiiii'ff.i Disk , gsel . i f ' the - id tiiiii ; "' l,
NI ) „au iit-acte" tlti*trz repo a. disord*red Ilesi or.
1 tithmatli t i f III?" is etivitla t ithirt;inirird jiffea'fa•!ni. , oit.
. 14131 a v' . t , the heading:it:kr *ti -the ste;maehi nettr.
;, ..•
Lea rt/w • rn: ',1,14.1.14 pir.4 . )„,..1,1 fii , ne.s ite'welithti:iit .- he
, •••, stonvich.; - soli .imittatipitt, '''utiittit!w. flattering - il„ he
7, 1 ' , Of of the stole:telt., MO ern I a (ions bra I; . 'huttrji4 - -nr
..tifflen , t fire t.f hilli• ,Euvrerin at the hem t. etialilitst(r
sire t . , i - - I *ugh ...tin r 4.easinlons artlen n 1 lyrn.: itestknrie. ditOess
BritsilleS,] .=_. • ' [ at skim'. 44t* oi 1 31( en* li'T•fore the. *hest 'fever . quit 14u tt
t o ,- =
.1 pohito the h l'i It 4 . ..1.14 teiof ntat*oirttlesi, stellowne,ta
0"_...7.9, . i fifths +kin '114414i0k. re co hi Viitral te:htothreheit. tinihs
itlidOr-iltiOesis '.l;,te:,,utilloolllttith!sf of het;:; 1114 ming. iti:tlio 11$11:: kam
•l • rfuj4, ,-LnitiOs,„ I I .t.iiciarigiiotlst ',it' ir•irit- awl greit :lepreesihn of yptrite;
i, • . 1 . .1 s L *tube= ettt,l4ll3ileutrll3*- 1 ,:1 : :: • I : - --„ '-, _ , -„.•__ : -,- :
, ttee Druzit - ot• GnOtit , ll Rs*. a t aOlitacts celebrated •. Ger..
, •
r i i n""PTP I 6 1 ,11 1 "• - ': - - --1 . 1! , man -Bilierii;•'...-.- , ; .': . •:--- •
"'lint' fir* [ flt I ' l 'Pr - eparedlt Iv,' Dr. - C' ' ill jaeksan . atlllit
. 1 ,
T,uritttr,U. I • - 1 - .
• '- - - I! German .11 - 14tiefai .star .'-' 4:30 Aldi . ..-,sti!e - a
,-,.,,,:..,.•-- 1 f . i
-.A l ; d ' ,--: -,' :1, ••• '
• •••-• 1 i.... i el icc.- •.-- ! - - z , -•- -
~ Their , pot:- r, ~rr the -libure ANVIt7II, tot evittr4 it ;
bi ih.
I rv istro; . hy o •Otrizi • piopor 4 oh-mine - nited . 4Stes t
sago . ea. - a.tric 4t,,flit , mint tikteti ' liner ' -. Vint - iphY4 - 1
-etnnobad onia4. ii , -.1- . ' '.- ~---.•-:. t , • 1 . ;:.z : . •_ . -;',........ i . ,7 : ,„ . ,i ,
I r,ieiakbtA4t,cdre Yorthythe attention f invailill*,, , r,
P,O- 44 . 3,44 ud f•!.0,4-! 3 firta " lii fr: to ra..i".st.'t(9 uhr ..ii,...
, o r - n.l
_reset 4.14411. e;,. eairozi , fi,t.:thei,ufiadt
I - rearebing - 14`4, i,! ht. areakruikegistrinreeri s - cii - :t hi, '.. did
gertiva asp**, +, ara-'At ftbd4i l sist#, - eriOnlii and phadif.
. it.
. 13 ,.„ ..,
,; j. : %,_ , ..7): 1 i7 , •,. rf.'. . 1- ";t;':" :, : .
- . 4, 5 , ...!, Ri6 l 4 - 4gint, b6,:-CtwiPilid4;.:.i, - 4 --,--- •.`-•
• , ,-1. - ;1 ' , ..! , .•...1 4 - . 1 1,., .- ~ ...:.;.•.'
• The Editor or the Bastpn.Oel . eida. Deoeit:bei.27,44
. P. , • .4)1,144 .0-46eatelawin.41 4-11e4,.t, ror the enie
rot' !Orr ( Aiiu.04 1214 Janii., t. ll . •' .ll YrP .. tlir ; ;Y , tjli . r ; u 2 Ort : Cr .
lierrou , ,ileinu#l,: . ls ,telier.v.edlyi our oti l thintoitt:s..ol4o 1
• antaktictitx!i ,, te_,tali,43-,y.-,:.TtteAt.thtti_re *.-tt: bitetrAltica bY4
tti.ittoitots.[tttithi.r.entl'at ;ttietitO* - 40;)14 litirittiC,Al 14-
41-4ffyiet4 , 4 4 V - !:lfelleit Mil iittill iw**itisii4ot:iittit Oft:I:tile;
e o ini,tittswia *lbis _ltcar ot tus, retniity z;''' 1,-0 air:'l:ttir; -• 4.- -;:-•'-.':,--••;••• ••••••-•- ' ',' ' .:•-'-'' - cir L-. :, - =
_tittm-it thisti, t4tts wars , tit tkviio 1 4114 ii.ol4lofitit.t:ofi.:f- : : -:_!-',,, tirea t.E x c i -t e me ti ,., :; .„, : .,,„... ; ,..
i ii
Atat".o) 01 164 Pit* . itill I, fid.Yil'p . 7 =- 4.* . t• wart io„a - ' , - - - S J -- .. --.,, - - F 1 ~,, t , - ...• ,-,, • .3711 r ,,,,, ~,- r,
eiii.iiiletitooo _ l ithe:v-4e pb,n4ut,in.fisre•iiiiii #*1,1141144 T.Z.L.R. 11 ,,,,„ 14 10_4)_P5- , i.0.',"'.-1'' 0 ":0°.4 , 40-9 1 /?! . .- 0 / 6 ' -
riii bit 'a
ad. by illoropiiit wk.kin4ini4i'flatteiiti r .atiiiiiiii: RV- f , a ''- 0 1Y Y. l, -ffliniderrein - CiairyT , AiliitiO'fl.ek 2 3,
lat f o
wan m mik#.4 l l t .sui i,c r o ui p o l oit . c ii i , f -gii i i gv ii iiiii „4pli'Oittr- tyr *Vitt ire eiifte'lkislf. , !Zitlf
. iLliit-'?:...
(irons akier . ,:a;:td
. 4f.t.he.itilletKari:eity.fickhtip new J'ardata and ..(1bi1tretber19479.1t.. ; 4:4;,,D Aki4i4l,4.'
-, , •,- , - , -7- -,_, . . •?. , 4, , -.-,,,, :- •,, • , . niniiis iii rhae4"ep.eeurvilar4 , i,L via 4 ' 'I.. moo.. (11,1 e:
~legkell.ll7. . ', (IP' , or !Itpbe!4, - ,ityinkt7 -I!....iTwrAi!?-? . ,,e,t1i4. 1 / 2 0041,f-1- t iietiseiatir•itiii** iii . 4% - t lc, erroorypia
, ' S,r4tri!!! . l 4 , l 4,t„..2.4t,1i . -±77.. - _1)::-,,',. -- , : .:;,,;;-.. ,:',‘,:il-,,,-; , ,7--4,4,Dia:-,.... 7 o4,&ttmunt ! :fututii,tl.ool'`Vt*slkiiill.,+,4.,_tiwiA4
'-- ''' ir: Ir . . r 11; qettnii :rnteric, zoituttxrti+4 l , 7 liy!,tlmAtitojtatni,„::,;,Tjt*piritei;iktio:t-iti,itiiithitt!,ll.-AMtlid.ri
t e
toi1: iik: at; iii. tiOr - i . itiiiiiiititt* - liyio. • ie,tif ttskli,tWitit`tttatter - t./ . .r - e.itte7 riOniti;yr ila, - In ':0;. - 4 - ±.41/.',.fn
mart Dm ajOiaf Ortatße 4 • .'rht.:ntiiiicht fa'eui ' ;4.l2iipjweitirthima.ilii , ) ,;iliit,A Art:l4 l CW thria;. 4 oo l46lo * J'4' 4 :
jFfijebt_Of 110 -, t 1 ,141rti 1 44-4 1 1.:. ' ll l l . * sil i+irrni*littlYsigior . •. At oftittilettnV4V4C;,. Metrgim* - Of"9111 14 0* , „% i 0 . 4 `tk,= l li: &OR!
eb,b1,11i,..i . 404.eiliet„yorial.,,tadvt,t lasniAemtn,ita IC kta. : l„nri'ti
t 4irrtla; . 1 .41 , ,fgrt elf „CrX:rft4ibi l., 'Tanitaln , Ptj V
A Y =
4tl e :titslAtiif ate thetilreiroixiiieh , ..a c ietiiidAWl!le . iii,*,‘,li,i well; itoilicti,44B4iiiVitikiiVintalklaeqyrrarai
*me • nr driAltiao 4 :. a -nidit: tiaing . int I -1 10:ibiar.. , -11biderkr - f4tWaddliAkt ' , ad'? thitattrOliti-4400
at : W.o4bittlit' 4
rkraaknier 4, 43, o 4 l feß - niii 1 44 a;* Yr kittic , rnal . ,'vinieit: . `ills :,4extrilyfe, • 41NehirbearilCipbtilln IV( 07.TIrICIt
efir#avY l Wu 1 10 v! ri #i!!74Ffs, ll o l4- 1 0 7 0 , ,4 4ttg; ',' . "- Vhf ''. : 7 ii ' is: : lig*lt: Bl ol t 4 b- i l ii ii l, , •i'OP,RI 4 !"J
~ 'r•: A , •!....kuie :::Eilideiiiie„,.;,.:.: - .4..4 , .. : r.: , . z .;;4: , :•1. l Eic , ~' ''
WiOtetif. . .. - ...-•;,:•' - ', -1 1:•;•I' , 4?:i-`,,-'.7;.':'?•:4Z •
"=: i . 7 4 1: . - . .:- ' --11'. ....70;:.'":-.4,7: - 'W..,,,:•-• --- .,; , 00Arlift_tit; ! 4„..1u.f,, , ,,_ ~t•.,.1., - t- : ..•. - 7..-:.,....
• - --.4* - ..ihthiato-' ' , F ! ti.*.44l r oiti44ip•i:ibli::•beitk.siiiiirii:-1-•.i.'t14414tt: •.. Iwin .41.40 blowttlkof.t-tYlnoao.:i° l - •
*F .- thli-Rigks4.ikliSdhfii!OVaiVi;,iniihr.4 ',*it K i Cii*' _•'* . i.tiliYAtnk- r=', o *_ l( l-o.*it, 4 -# 4 l,ti;:
that, we iini.ool-o,4,..iii.;,fki*i!W44,ss.-----.1f0904 • It':.. ...' ' f', ..*,1' , ., '4.,—. # 1 ,11.1M - 4 , llllrAtgt,
4 , 6" .. - 44* 4 4 049014,, 1 HY11itc, ' l .io r el ti ll ir :-'' , - `• ' ll :" ..f ' 4:: '':''''''''' - '-''''''' 4 "''''' . i .Y. ;' 4 o : ° l ''
iat' 4, 7 !::01***,r4MIIIII.v;) ,T;l7:t - F.?:_eX i--- tt',l 4 -1 ;41C-: . ti#1,!,";:,0,1!4;10 . ,
..5..t.,V/,`,.,;.-, , Z.,!14...
”1441* :101 , 4044**1 , 04, - ,4*:.;641411it,4)*111t_,:*..1 11 ,',
lOC -.
. ,Fg44,0515,0`,00:0,/i4kantire*-YI,4,i4MTIMO 1 1.Y..44 11, 11V0r "Nl*
4 10 ' 4 ,0,1V403V4,0 : ' Offiti.»; , - -43 1 .4 1 0 . _tirltek:t . -fail t ., , , :qt. ° l, 4 -0, - 4 .. F*I.: 1 1.
til*L.fiittrf.P.N.fig*t , tltSr9o4.V.f4iiitc.**l4l.l4i4? ‘. t4f.y o " #l7 *ft
2 -- 1•.:-"w!'firdOs#Pirtit * fljtimitt-.S'irtil 4 )l l *.A.fort: , yi, 4 ..
' * •agiiktii47::•;lliitftiAriittr thit . !:?ithet4 f lid ttii il k i ga *
...:- '-' , T4i-'.4, , , i , &x% - ,„.A ., :t4.7.1,1Ntgi' '4**Likifiiirlilifftlktltiv - Al4.
t f
411-t`1141 4
vr ':: • .--‘7,‘iifiivirliwotztiii*lwi:'ll..:4lorit 4clik,*.
Ak' _L)roA. , ;_boitio*P o l7- 3 * o -ITA , --- 4,-,
*4 1 1.4,4,1,0,,,i_:..ida......,,,,n0ttk,01iti: 4
,L •
eivisif4 aid kePpf:
and deifrabla as-
rniertionniiiiirigr of
"l;ainfti, Oils:
ware. 9001 Mi -
sttunii.4it fs ' •
uQa• .:'‘' •
" a t us PT
•11 ,- eillor. - fand se
lat TURRE'LL'ik
11' r 1 •••
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t . , {
-..tji , --,7r . ,-; . : - .:.T:r..z.-]- . ..,: ; . : .. _ ::: -,.. 10 ,..: , ?, -1,-..-i: -:ry , .. ,•k -, - - , f, -.-
I E .11,...
Id -
1 f
-1 4,
n.iti ~.. ~./_:..
--- ' '-' -- ' 1V30117: GOODS - . .-. , -
rilitE :subscriber Fitts inst.!. recett;;!il -his , winter
-1: • iifii•lt• 'dlr', : -,
:- . • 'i . 1 :.• '. :.;: ' - - ',' 1r ,
Ready , :illjade:_Cieliiin4;-' , :. •.,.,
for, men ~Seed' boys--,etitlyrautnti , r everV •inirsety:of*
paylei and quality.. 'OviirroulP frl.llllll, 111 8 is-
, 1/r444,, Froiditres and . .34atk, li IlliftqCCl4 S. i'riilli 8.1 .
1,0- 8,34 Ponta : from ttil -41 i alit:24 till :. P. ;i
' f : 10 1 'll' t A '
loot! ii4sort moot. 10 R ...1t .1 ags o„ 1 ....13e satin:
Ftouni•l U•ndur-i-lii ft 4; . i)rlivrenr.: fine 'hilas,`, -- ,,( 'o'7
ttal F.,: •Str . elp'; ' Qvtir T ulla; . Oiier-sltirta -,Suspnrid ! :
1-7 rf. if e: 4T- i * ' -I : . - - -'- *.y- , ., - - .'
Algo. of /fats and . ilpv, :poi,:
u nei r-mipt , 0
t , indfih4ti, Wall l'iip4r and 13iirdet.i'4'4)kre an '
. on ,
Slat ia-nery. dtilvt m nil: I..nivi, !,i`rr7t -GO . Ns .
Trunks,. Ittirttit•g, fluid. !Punk itoult4: '-4,11d a - Ti;
is ofainuller*,•-trupil," among.w-icti` "iiro liorli
i .....; hint iii.zi kitic . i.e;*pilCkP t h'UnT:4,,rt'Uti:rili . P+ , r,, draw
in 2 pti Our' mai iii:tio l ,ilitt liii.s.M . ,,tri;ak4,, Poitlt . rt 0. -**.
. iii•a.,'inumonitaltftli l ilioks...tiii4l:4l4, Intir.l . brui3i4•.
, moth " - brosli'44, 'Null-- 4..titii,:: Itutr.'brin,h74."!biit
I to nsto4., in nry soa pa. jliiir. loill. )nitc!ti - L ir ,p,Aritui • .
' l , - 5t,e,....' lik.,c a -fA:I- - fair *lr. di . i hejiiiee/t . Oifilt, in
f t filer/4/4y' nay. T'lly6 /!t. wnutitif tint
. 4 " aint d
4efil to examine:3nyi . atocii,ti'ti' faro_ in
.iir,ttionzii i
elthaes .1 • ' / ~• i *‘. • .-** (;F,•: rela;Eli. ,
•' ; • ‘lnutroe„,Novetnbt'r li . 1i854 '-' -.. , 1.-'.' -- ‘•
. , .
Ear l in ' eSs Pia ' h ilt , 11 litti r ,. ,Vile g 0 1 0 1"
L ots t o i Dale ; ,, ....... .._
rlr FIE Subierfber otters lor ante. lltfollowltit •
..1... voldoble properties, to wit.-.;`• one one..fiiimit t 43
,'township of llattlord coidinumg i!goot:loaty berm,
about tiltrtY' or wive!) is 1 01Provcds - itO!#•et blot*
orchltrdi.&-e.:. theretio. Said raid. -lira-Cjill.:1114
toij ft b'tili from the villygo.'; pf.l4iirfetti - aitiiiiiir
touter fer the,\loutiose alai Iltirford tlydk'.ltisil',
It iRa ti;'' tilktirllt it Ild 'ilt sirabir loeatiqui *oirwiii,*
, .. , I ' - 1 it tin theDelmont
A lit', .t- .--- '- I Also ,otte other farm pn,,- -,, _
MONEY TO LOA•Lo -‘ - .. t, .. ~ _, v-- . ti o n , Lk' 1 ' 0 d
t F•nts;t• gAltiolltith Wallitlll borrow !,..40 . 0,0 , 0,1).111:_*1•NA:Al."..P-'41".; F '' , T ie i t r ll t ilL . .. er c 7 itii - iti l i r ti ‘! ti rt 's u - t 7 E P iihi l y t i
Aiths at ri fi be ve r. i Ll; cent
gettt ' l i e l ri e lI C a e l il l I ;s l o b v7, Trto lv re t 1 l ila \ () ;:a t c", .4 : 1 'lcre ' • A* t volcf-ir or 01"?.435?hic„nk is In'sfism!;4/;1-71::::
per eels( iit. their'. elm ititie:Lr' xyapose• s. h'y gettipr it h . t_it t; ise ..o , l4 b i at n r i t: a .
f lre u l ) t l o t ro s i oc °a 6 . ll,; _ tn z 1 li g t .wrii • a id:ilea.
their Learinetits ovule- a t myshori..:4l I'wttPirt the [P ` - r ' I
tred - 1 1 , •f"7 ,•„ ~• ~ ' :
wild wa
t i .i ii a , bt i t o. t a l • laug•Antiunge.e.l.,,,,,,.Q,ll:oy:k.,Titirtz.yi.z.:Lt4:; AisolwvntlaitifinN,lditln2,l-I,:titelt,bseriveillaitteilittilfsol7.
(II ' I •et a and tail:eta! pi:Abe know where to • q"" 11 " 04 - I t - !.° ,.- - • -- I
' cr ' m r-- n4 II - •
~„ ~ ,„,1 ~ ,- , ' T „,..i .. i g Aiy, ofthe .mn;4- thriv4 l - 1 7 4 ". ne ,.!"-!" - ` 1 ' •
'4° to get _ _, ' ' , tiontittry'Aehie the arat of the Rail Itmtna,-Alehini.
, e 331781 ti. 14 CII, I / 1 1 1 1 sh o v e f.o. IVeitittaisis. wise - eben,-4,)o ll 4 l *bri' '
Tint tr l ''' ; '" iall . vein. hts '' v !Tlr , j aekeis i ,, fitly , d liiii,,4..,;•ri fneithiee-ar irimitil4:J , ,
Iviel"*°ll(latc' cm"
. 4 ' 6
I in "' ' ' i t h the bow -lots on. ill fth bra
. - - -
trf Clem t.nton win +apt. i n *lke' ttrtitee edit I I . ii
ii la . the . -
ni . sty boinehm i i .dioot co os
hn ":1" 1311 " d m Y sh il -til • 741 .C .1 4 b1er S t t°l°4k' no ' I • r iver will, - saffieient-po ftriofianY :
Mitin Itreet. first storyi . -•• ''' ,'*: .- . " ~,, „,,,,,a• t iiiiiari t a,4 l ,i Ike.:llie ; mi!ilt_entrilowt
Ercitting done as Minot, ~.-,e t ~ r' ^'* - r, , ;17 ---, ,... ~..,. • = a r e t ii m d i / by t he al i ii*, ! hiditietrt ,
- ' ; 301 IN GROVES . - n ' ""'!" "'" - - '' k • t h e id m i d i
t ''''' --I - li 1 Q ",:' if ' - ' . for 4. r ,,,,.. who wish to embat ITC ,
.4011trpor.4itoi••• •^:••-•,. • - "- 1• ' o f i l ' w G ir l ritia t atinittedintrt4itigAtod lin rAl•
Tile P e op l e t g - F--
'd " - - '-'"rhe Re i t Rii4d hm,rd, , tir (in.., condi
..,,., 1 1 1 :
- - - : rie 3l . •-- 1 - A - - tinii - iiiiiiilll frt;irriyilliiktilak.cia‘cifl ll " v
T. : l
T. romr-s.01: Mayo. — ..11 1 .- k., , Paiit .6 estP4.: " 'rite ilbei_. , 9 inef:rty:Akwjiiito , ir fki;rt - -1 4 1 1 11 1 ir lit:' ,.
er (Ana ile - aTiv Xvinet.ll -.- , I pni g hln t e rmo the most-.,advlMi,a‘t e mittt Rail
. ~. - . • . • • . , - - _-, .-- c 'I. .?..-.41 Milt w ii re g reat b ot ers t riw-- Cirarinnw`
:IL N , I;:xtritet from the otnstrelthrit Witell-hezet: and ; el'' , -- ,,
_. 64 , 4 - 0 ,4 ti on iv. disii i ngt
Cl, put vit crow ttutt, elm thin exce_pthin:of eAttlir Al. lintip,rai 4kr p . rerpmiy-iftifi ~ ,_ ..T4.,.... 4 -.. ... •
eohot to le ,, eive it , , .• • , -‘, \ . ,j. - ' - - . '"i `'-'- 'r : , i and aii i .emitiiretkattentted tiNprortipliy,--t a t._.,
t . - , tt wilt . etire tin leeto rein and irknannalltico•o l d "rg• "- ' - i', ,' - T S,EDNI‘PA4I4II4", (4 I:D.-
,:t ( res it w , toms i*Wil billi.elt.„ Pirtle. And all dtkastwbr the ( • ; sr. I - - ' • - 1 - Jane .. . 1 . i..10527",i-At:..o 443 ,
home scot it rht• nit:' nature tooth-lithe, ear=eclit s ati.razi ;; ::,- $ O 4 Deppt...Pe n , Julie !..„,:„.„_-_,.., ~., ,, ,-, t ,i,v,..*:,-„,, ~
l 1 vx,cettvls. p.ttp•dy• the rilnities, tr.e. _ -.',, -. ~ ~ , z , 1 :, i• -. J , . , .' - .:`, 71- ' ' ~,
..--,5,,-...-„, ..
. 1,,, t , I, tr.ti ly whoa. it iworeoFeli to tie. •• - rite , , 4011..,_ ,It„- 1 1- - . - . i i ,-1-4 $ strew:i
i„,..,,, ,;. • Prarbletee /ins scatter... 4 along- the I.IIZ-trur -.1 --- , F N1;111. 4 14 , 1 hen 4-. , i,„. ,„.
~...,..„. .. 1 ,-
path* of ti re twin)" , hirix* that eatorilmee'vratle,,t,o - thv i • _. J . • ..,„,-,.., r iwik - tri a?) - . - 25 ipi; , -per. mq,
1, enin t irt , nn.thappitit,n. of ror„. ho d+ ; twner ;theirs,. 3kk I 4/1, Z_ utZittur*. w.-,' -..,,,
~_.. ,- : ,
a "nine; Ire t well etity.tliey be eallett.'fftfiredl of air - Pee-I - - : .- ii --m a . kney.iflyffeAr ..:,.•.. ,T.. 4. ....,
1 p 1i..”7 -., • J-: , - 1. - -- ' 4 •31 , -` 1, 1 'A-‘' .- -: i lv q. N - ;Afi r a *sing .314 - ilitli 44 ' l NO f or •
Que ward here to. stultdreVeloolltiPositioffi.. A gllslli lliti , ur, ~_,, .%_,,ig n i ng. i o ctilinin444,thimiii#,. , ;'t___„ ,, '
the lilinr of gpetiOet h4Ol utxrittritttsi .rtCalut-rdeted tor t
. . : -.‘etit__,* A1..e.v . `"..- - I 4: 4" 0 - r ,, ,, ,;r t i v iry airat",ormsvottityry• - •
sate a *joirlookartiele - oiliedfho':.o3ri,tl,lbaroot"•-••'Iott
~gve•lt: :: - c, 4 1f 4 n0° 0141 ::`,,,,;,.- 2 ,i6„,-t,,t , t ,,0g0ti,„111,- i•-.-
wmibi z t..... , ctr.tqrprit thit ivizot-nixt-tht.woininr 15 mg- ttette , tiY Prilnw t .. • , wit g 004 * (*their ip rik- ~
t *l i p e. , s i n 4 . ,i. t ire AO water. shtle the ifkuji,o3 fittlieltiPeca,ol`-InimovhVioso.' 4 7.,.! 71, i ,
4 , of 41 ,.., p6 .., 0 . ,:.
1 nreit.'ll, WA ranhlrithr priblhe It. en mgiih.,ll:, ~ 1 ',' O i n'i .tt ß. l '! - •- 19 - 9 ": l ,l:Viiii k * - ;ii . ce-sria e v i lieq. - f0 1.1 7?4- -
1 . Nona .renniorelott thoae ntirrVed Prod's Pito 'pertrt l yer. - atitt - o ,fkonet.*:
_l__ „,,-, -orikd • 4 i l ,gy it i nt e i o.-- .
' - trit.i.ttm it. trlvrett. morittortNi - as4l:ft9P'• 6 ": ifru0t z° 9 1 V.,5,7,71.`,' 1 1.,,' , .-...._-$,.....04t*. 3' , .!'''
Aro .Tie otahrik gravel eneianv, A . ttoks: ,',t- -- " , -=-,- - ''? ,„ ~. 1 t arr.- . . , , -..._,, ._/.
,•,___,...., r 4 t , hertof Aik e , l 4 6 ,n
- 1 , , , ,t- .I%),lthiti it' 111 ? 1 , 1 ", rri'''' . ;fi.7 ew ii i ir w „,,' ws l l)ftftita .- 1 , -
- - ' ' ditreeertE'reed er tteitt.or on -; -rlO -A l ia it. •.11c; '
Citi4 Oefhl:Ffrv4r 'ilia Xiivr*
for tw enty r `'.
Anpititlofe4oltifilir v i tArirl ‘ t " f.; ' Pr *
t h« valtelllfikt i , ** --t ni illivlm n il * ;e" lloll.74 :l ldt anoi tn.
' ter' new IN t l / 4 .4 ofileitior,t-tot-Mni!atft:lt.".7-. -, „,, ~
m kt it r. •- • t -, • ~-;,,---',, , -, , ,f."-%.° Tr;27', '..`
Egryit '-ottett; Phlt" A' ''''''' A " '• ^:-, , 4-,",-; , -.-...r ., 'fd.-s!' . "
", ..,-;.. . ,-,-, ', ,•,-. - r •
~,,,, .
- rr i;: t -:'''
Vr al . WW : ' D i 'tj
''' e- :4 D - i44iiiiitiikir',lW;-!
4F , Ps - F 1 T!!',T . " P F.1.i 4 L.,4k'Y . ,,1,i,i.
:::'' -- - 1 , V'fl . 'it h ieZ:,-Dii,t , .. - *`:'--
t o
-- -1 . .: , ' ). er• , 7.42,4ir' ,- "-,.' `:‘ , L 47 . 1 ,„,.. ‘..i r '' 4 ''-i • lr.rigi: .. - I ;(dV4 , c,.g.
; -q,. , f,•,' 1'i,:,7, Tzr ,- - - r ,TE, 0.1%1:0;11; , ,: - -21(•'^:' , '"'t4:1_' 4 ;, 7 -,. ;
~-",'..., 4 ,-4.,,,,,- , er k
f- 1 Oil f,, till4o- 111 q lIII.S. ~I....". 4i tt i lailod: ...t*li rekW4l
-- --i,4*- ,':rita.7l 4- :
• Atof" iitttifKloat.,,,l,`-..ia' N "-•'i.- 1 - `rAk_iitri ' '
k t,
.rack••7:4 lo ,kjoillipit, 4 1_, old.,,tk - r,qz::/ 41 ) '' 4 l" l .4* N e. idA t ioviit 4 , i let .loo
4dt4.0 14 . 4 " . '"" .• trialtlo-C* APT?, , :'
•t. soaliTS'lftifkitTett s ii..kt, ,,, l4Val:P; ijea-V- , :i . :' •
~,f . ,,,f , ,,
:il-rfattrAirtfivotilrA ,--• 7..,-- -- ' - •''.. 1
40 , 11,04 0,fitWA110- Ai '4l' '°ll'
~..,...,,.. ~.,_,....,,,,._,,,,,,,
4,.....,...,,,,,...„-1.164,6--4,.-$,:1*,., 0 ;
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