Avunft 41, ; ; ,u' - ":„ - , „TIE - treamisirlirsatal4l2lll . hWiesWeitkly• y' *ow rn Encouragement - - -Phint' Mies. What has been done may-be done , 44.iiiind - we therefore - make :price - of ;the follUiing ex . ,,... tract from e private letter, for the enpurage - melt.of theen;whOtbink it iatioli_ too late to -7 hatin'tnplat s it fruit treert-41hat they may nev --., et Aye, te eet tbi fruit. _Well, suppose you do not;ifie: ii_yimi bile been worth your salt and the, space yen,ocenpied in the teorld,Yon have ~, Children whO bid fair to pluck . manya bushel of fair fruit from the tree yog may plant; ten or , 'twenty . years hence. , But: the :success .of em fkienli4-Ire-would tell you, in confidence that.oar correspondent 18 George Jaques, ' -of Worcester,- if - imam not`-that -he would-be vezed_at the breach of trust-=his success ' as sures the octogenarian, eren that he may safe ltplint and hope to eat." Says out good frietid - 17— ..... - 4 - , _ 4la the springo 1850, -tilers':WU pet a fruit.tree of any description . upon the place ,which my. brother and myself now occupy.— \This year—only twenty ninoMonths - from_ the planting of" the first tree—we have about three, and half bushels;of the finest pears.--., Of these we hayd , had twenty - seven : varieties, and were able to exhibit twentehree of - the varieties at the lite annual exlibition of the - Worcester Horticultural Societt. - Not one of thertreei upon which this splendid fruit grew, -.. is.over ten feet-high, , and above. half them are grafted upon iceffing pear stocks. Some ofl -the moat prolific, hotiever, are upon 'nee ; ttome. 7.sext. year we expect to be e to' ;send a - eonsideftible - quantity of' pea • to the i markeffrom -our little orchard . % have al - so a - gee:4Bol/ply of quinces,and over a bushel • of fine „winter apples. In regard , to other fruits, lere bad gouda:we xif'strawberries rurd-rcur , rants ,Hereafter,,in .favorable 'masons, we' skill probably -have a plenty of all our hardy fruits from our own grounds. Besides this we trans. - . planted, in. the month of ,Tar.uary,. int, four large shag-bark trees' of thirty:five to forty feet 1 high by measurement. These' tree* were se- 1 leeted the autumn before; from the good qual ity of the nuts - tennd upon them, they 'tvere . moved - by the frozen ball methed, a distance of about two. miles. - The whole cost of thel operaticie r whe.n completed, was not above $32 . -4i about the price lir. Snooks, the dari ..dy, pays 'for a fashionable dress coat to wear . to a ball.. They are; all four of them, alive, and in a promising condition. Two of theta tore fruit this year ;—and-I wish it were leen venient for Moto send you a dozen. Of 'as e nuts, from one : of them, as' you ever saw .: s they have now Hied through the second a - 1 l ict per since their planting. ont„ . all apprehension " of their dying may, of course, be laid aside.:; All this' frnm land twenty-nine .:Sears' ago as destitute of fruit-trees, shrubs or plants * as any part of the desert of Sahara. 1 Nor leit quite - elt Willifilierdiiiing - th - it' time over a hundred ornamental frees—chief ly various kinds of evergreensa, very large l pre - Portion of which have , grown admirably, and now al:lnd.-some fifteen, some twethy, and many, of them over, twenty "feet itr . height, screening; sheltering; and beaitifying bur place in such a manner 4111-to.,compeqsate a hundro, d - fold for tlie cost of:letting them - . Do wt, by any means understand that this is written too "boastivigly. It is intended only as a Word of encouragement to those who set about -build ing and improving with a faint heart. Indeed Men of more energyand industry : . 'than vt pestessouttlit aceompruih more than - thisi . even a 'briefer period of . time. Nor il.the • Preatinre, derived from the, production of such 1 \ results, less enviable than the lazy,enjoyment ~,; of actual possession, &O. : . . This is nafaney sketch 4rawn bylsome my poet; bat a woody realty, and, in sense, fruitful truth. Who will now I' l plant atree,lest he live not to eat'of its As well might we-dread to ,order g least we .tilloulkie" enshrouded - ere w- wear it.—:-Joicrnid of Agric ult ure To titan Csnanare fix, lirncrx - a; ! --Seleet a Anitable sPot in a ordee or 'fieldi, 'six feet in 33-t a . , liridth orally .devisci length, free from all. . . ding center : :runs furrow the *pined lea , , of your bed,- and throws, aek urrow .np uc --rabtailouble furrow will form a side -wall f p l . pour_cabbage house . .In the trench stand Ye r - cabbages on. their roats,`. leaning .towards' t e farrow, at an angle of: &Ir ,to forty lira -d - ,winea. Let the next farrow be thvin ro n u • the .roots led oftl,tecalkiengeLand nen - ier row be platOin-the trend'. made 'by e , se eo nd,r utr ii i iipi tbite.procad till year six ;f et \ ‘ oflibitlihtointed,Airen Jettho„last fa-row be adoublereskeeskikaie other side wall about - - the helekt'loe cabbage heid. ;.:Through.the - WhOleilength of the Middle of tiii patch : - lap : rads lengthwhie„ sup ~... by the crutehek ate height of ehont tiro feet from the cal**. "thirti,su Mr of the cabbage house. Lk?' liihtbrag' wood from . the ,. ;i s t ide Br . to th i MP PPles Akio throw on 11"114 .4s e.he- fit A depth. B . ' bog_ hay, or draw; t*! = !- , . .. .i int i anc **n thitold weatheredit throwion atm, _ d e pth of ), *tot ,eight.inele . 's you hares , sa or won more when thortntent are.= - • - with* soadee slat Siqi, 'tank the lint rog: -r-- r r it will 'shod 'ltin• Pill tip' 'lfill , * ll s - ? Yof r 111 illumAnanner s \ lacing Idly small 1161"1* in a 'diameter.ywhioh "'Air _bolo - 40-a toot or- two , be-ikmie4• ► _ 4FL ma y . en The • 7 ; - Ulkakir - UNA- . o f, I. fir odh im" g oath riai - : -- - sh4akt le is the so ng pa ,',l _ :your-,- - : ' - f their oil% • and PromiktP i lud Ou v . v& -- -: - Trrirrince - 5 ea sivbeihriving#4__ - '-‘77 , - ..,, 71) - it iii itiirteridtanrodso.-Aor I P . all , _ 4 firlifistratirasilblag mamma batwing- YmPlowo l7 A l,-4, ' " ee , ~ 1 -"V.lll****4-110111aft MMUNI ~FE~BUAS~.IO►:YB~S MERE , , i.: ••" , f- . : , .: 4 -..::::;:.:(-:•:: :'-',.: ';i' , . - - 4 - ,r , ': ~,- : ,- , - ; :.- 1 .- : -. _...'',-....7,-..,••_ s-•-•;.":!..4: - - -, , -- - - 4j - _, , •:' , ! . .1 - 4 -..!-- 'l. - PalMillalrarlOilitit ' •04) . 50.7e,i;;': : -: 1:-. " ''....' -: . ' ' . - -- - '' ' • 1 . - .1 1,-Bririt, - ' - --. 1 4 90 41 1; 1 1 _4 10111 ' 1 00 41 :),jetrigif , : 9il, ,846 . ratty - 7.&* - nit 1 ii * ft d.. , ll l 5 ilre 4 lia lilliidi. ( irdilit* fOilOitllr.C.3loll:Wctril, uhin..' tted Pri 4l ,f .i• 4: ' -' , - 11 - 1 11 -' • . '.; ,Fiiiiß, 41ania.-:-2iTra. ..ri '1 '- ' XY.- bread his , Mada in „the falla lifi . timun ,:r ,I boil, ilia' aili i +ry Sized potato Wild mash =very fine,"tlin Pont bithetrfa pin add a 11 . 1 f of Wii- . , ttr . ..in..tt 10 has bean baited ' hand `t of hOps c l ui to this 'attire I add- taro thi•ce taliile spoons' flit - of y r -- t. j Thanti:vele ihy mabfi l er.of ms.: , icing :p t i which will . keeg, -a 044 with the addition of ,ki little ult.. Ta:Malta irlo# of) bread`, i Itaanb quart offtdUr, t4o!ipoatisful 4:Tye:na l 'with ' asp oanful o' lard; mix_ ivith 1 1 warm wider an let it rise; niter- sight via the moinimilime it oter, pnti in mei let it rise lilltiin 1 10 0 a bake .;:. i: --' i I f i 7t.init - illak Di— t tifrs„ ,Geo . f !Shonts;-- 1 Take Ileui of e nv nillk, lOf hot ;: ' a , 2 of, limn% allittle , t f - hit it riga , Silia ben' put it intori q filtsi,-of flour ; add !now nu enouglikolinea - i. stand itne f . li rto iise • I bake in a quie .o ea; Made o 1 le eat of our own 4 .),-: 1 Ji , e ~ 1 MI? iu 4. - '-- , 1 1 i alias .)..141, • 1 1. !a Soars! of salt, 11; ~ iSait of sealdir. liOcaspoimtra d then thipaei ~ tli ins 4, ,:r Elbrus Tekel i pints or rye meth; iab e -NI ireem falter, cup cif i incilliss ; Litt, whole tolbein — ixt. i i ly with sweet.' nil ;1 - 1 4 1 ...E . t .oi, Take up 11)1 1-2 cu • inolas tableapo nflui) sal &Alit hone - hot. , , . )( INDIA / ti 4 114 rra l milk;. b ; b; an meal,. to the !Cl:am • tn.--; e.at two ''gti. > s " • tely witli them oni) itertpillf and one Virtt lt•oir t4poonful tiro Aisisolvo ono tab', lomtus, :ke., in a mid! • d to the mistime tlie la ndbakeka a paii and/ and 'a milk and a very *ird • --7-. 4 it ßig.Drindli3.l ii . , In--Nash Me, ma ny.iyears -a;43 - i' there resided a gentlem . of gret.hospitality,i;lage fortune and thong= . nnedui.ated, a: wi 4iolioessed of a bard knot -enee• .` poi. V. had b een i elected •to the !. slaters and had been also „judge! °I ~ the count covtit. 1 . :r - I I li . . r i t * His Cie -, ationiihewever, had ma , e him some. what pom . . nil, an4',be becanie.very fond `of:its lug big sr, rda.. pl.--'his" far' • thoi had a fer-y large:and Hischiercons ex,. tallet1; 1 " tiii; Brill. I.ldle'l whie freqkently -broke ;doviLn• his ..neith: , i bora' fenc • s, and eon] ruitted.oth er Illepredation s Imueh to , e colenets annoyanem . . 1 .one - rn, ming ,fter breakfast; iii presence of some gen , emen,whe had staid with him over night an. who were on their Wet, to town, he! 1 call,3d - V .vere er and said to hi iii : ,1 . "Mr. Hen; desire you to ;inpound 'Big 1 Brindle i . orde that I mik o hear , o -moreant misdyeisi ns on his eternNeirddatiens." . .. Allen , . wed and Walked off t :Siirely puzzled to t i khow . bat the. Colonel incaiii. - So - after .:Cisi--.W •i lb ..tatini_li - a trent tiithis-gtittiand_ asked) he i what col, W.Ment byylling him to " mpbund7 th osi 1 i ,r) ' "tWhY- said l'she, -4 the Qiloel mean t to l '. i .v, 0 - i c A xi ; tin ; e s : q ua ; h e n f ed t as t n o ft e l perform e e r,dfoe great n the i dealf.. t ; l i , : T . for tr - 6 i it was 0a n n . o d ; i c li o l;Y rs:d:b P l u e t. o h n i e, 4l -as in the aPe a rh ni " in .. ;l ' isvies wild and 16 Itol 4 W 0 .," I Said ;ho i wipinrithis perspiration 1 m his brow arid soililoquizlegi "this is ireJ i ending its it'll Nair l am deed.sure the old . - Colonel will ask m e i if I inspo;niiied ;Big Brin dle; andil* bet I puzklejiim as bad as lie did me 'j ''. :' 1 j .1 1 1 1 • ' . 1 The next day th 'ColOnel l . g i ve a dinner, party i and as he was not aristber i atic, 'Allen the i • 1 • i overseer, :sat down !with the ,:chmpany... 'Aft - er the eecond or third glass, was . !idiscas:sed, the Ctiiiiiel Mimed to''''he °vein ' I tlind said : - 1 ..1. . ..iirjfk Mr., Allcp, did you iin ,tind Big . Brin. die, air I" .'1 '. t 111 . hi il . .; ,•d . ,1 en straleistened himself . looked round 1 ,_ 4 - p _ i ':: il l i 1 i ‘e eot9PnLYi san d -_.. les, Idid,sir, but old BOndle transcended ipanneloflthe impound salad iscatterlopb- tted all over the eT n i r inty of the 'for !l . . le company buret into i nn immoderate fit. ightur,Wiiile the Coloneli i face reddened &See Store: . ..- i 1 i - 1 What o you '..mean kir diat, - sir 1' said c, i._ t , .1 1 Vhy, l' mean, . lonel" said Allen, " that old Brindi ' being prognOstieht4 with an ideu of the Cho ta,ripped and Mred, snorted and •.: e Illwfil 4 4 ;4 . iritni)ea lbßeece, tuck to the W oods, and W t be ikshriouldn'ded' do howl: * t . , This was . ttoir'i much : the Coca roared 1 "Company , PaPy again- in which Colonel w M forced tcrjoin, and.", s the midst +f the laughter Allen le ft the: t.ii to l ' dying to himself as : tie) 'went, 4 ." I reek.:' on eleWonel-nn't Ask, Use iii impound any 1 Cell."- ''' '-' . - gib! e..let a#: 1 , th i a is If 99 1, 1, iisl v a 41 I I 4 tii i 1 s k 4 111, If ioitfi:•t..lTe:- beio:..g, 10i 1'# -,g# in *4 , 44 •q „ YOgig i 4le4.7 : I - bent I r bta- be I o lliytbo .0. . to. .: , --.- _ ~: it! l''• •- - . 2 .: i W !: _ - . Ont Mar. thy rgol l !rend who do ! . (1412.'8E14ra 'Or than lielirp Od. j - - . i h ~;_.....qi ' o#!4:o4 l er tti,ait*ll4ood i ll. If ' -.:--, t: c; ,, lso7:hiitiiios,.f l'i kl l e 4.36 siviii4 - , . , . . 'IOW: much 00,., t,,i44 ) is in iti: : ~-.- . .., L L L. —! . i:.i, , • iti 1 E l er - MF ai _rg i ii 4 o l.. l - !! 1 1 ft 9", in . !lever 4 1 , - lot 'itt iii -iiiibigreMeOliar 11,10 &IN : - "-:.i:".. f 11 07. R. *led . 7P ut hl*ieflmiles i9Ote; 'itlii;' : l l 4 1 /*.. .4 '‘. '`*lit.. 41:04#3. ;axe f: u" 11 .4*• :: ,_-.i.., -..:..;.,..,...:,-.,... i 0 r.. --,-.., - - ~v r /4it-1491er**14:41.T4,:- th- w ord sl'. 4 ‘./4 0 ii 4 ) 1 1 -16' .1 1 -iii4( 1.61 406 -.'- ''' --;-::-: .tiliir lti!*:*, ~ , „*. 61 4'.',..i_1 4 . 3 11 .if.#4 l 4 - '.#l:ol,bsoilliat.: i Jai ' Itiiiite:; - -:" . :' r.. ,7tirt.,7 ,:r'-:-.-77.-7,'. r-iiiirliVr . .40.144;* .. ,' ' • t) 2 O - 444r1 I: ;..-y ; - .0,7*. -,.,:-,: ',;,, . - iat i iiiiiii#, N it . . : :. ' . 4., , ! •=1:'-i, .4-n,'•,(7-. - „, - - . - , c :',.,, :7 4 ,.-, 1 ,, : 1 , ';', -- 7-'-'-',-.,.. _,:,.:-:-::., •, - 2, 'Th ^-. .i ~,, H ' ..:: - , l b.4tefq. 4 A!!-OPelitn , ,- - .. .,- i - :. - , ', .i.f.,...,_.;.....___:,..-z, 1.,„..,...,,,.:i.:,...,_.„‘...,,,.,,.. I: I I 1: . !: • ' ';..- _ -, . -:... --: • . • for the I .the Mir inid took ior= I ? to of geeeon. w 9 or, 1 ft 4A the sufiictent- - IREAD. , -;Mrs 44' .1 1-2 pints • 46" use 1- te,. tic, -t-. ;ye mesl,l - with . , I aful Bait rerylight, .int of sour Ibf fine er, and add • spoonful of 1 portion of A thing, beat • •••• - nick 'oven.. r ail the tire to ilatik, %MOVE'S.% • 0,..... ~ a , t..404,.. : _,tiv1ue, , ppkß,lis & SIitiETIRONfE,- . 1 . : 1L , J7A81.1 HMENT.I - -: . T"'isibien `ber•retpeetfrilly informs the piib.; kie - that belles r calved a' large addition to hitOorrnar stack of St ayes, consisting:. ofrti•lftill, ll l of the twist . approved kixida. - aniang-,wlilah-nro '. • —1- — : -. : — CLI., TON A IRTIGHT, - - • . '- F IOR 3STr;EN, E . • .STA ,0E THE WEST, - • - Ek •- - I'VE . STERN QUEEN; • -•-•• iE .-- all elevated °asps. -PC/f , Square air light S over lira ~ : . • • ~ , •,. •i . .;,.. i " PH * NIX, PARAGON, - ,j 1- • WE . TERN EMFIRE, • ;I • OR. NGE-AIR.TIGHT, ,• i '''- . .UNI ED — STATES; - :--- , s FARME_ 8, UTICA COAL STOVE. - A varieli'of ernbitni sonte•'new stylei;'the I WALKILL: AIRTIGH T .FAR M ERS. 1 1 A good and Various and of Parlor arid 1 Hall Stoves for ?Wood and Coat -BaxAtoves of clharions sizes and•,`pattiirni In bi Continually re eiviug, and-intends to Wet, as. great a. variety_ of e most popular stoves as any dealer in the coin ry. - - Persous 1 'wishing to; parehase stoves will ud it to theiriutereat to Dutton him. -They will nicikis. '`.. • - - " - 1,,` • . . 1 , ' : Stovii l'ilittiture. 1 f the strangest and beat triiterials . and as 1 caw be bought in Mils or broom catcp!ty ' otter than offered y - pedlitra. - ' I • .. ipe 4i, Tin Wai!, kept fprsale and Fanners' will be , supplied with ig materials, at Wholesalelln k in his' line will be thank twill* attended t 0... •i, ' . 'JCiIIIV COLS TEN: i i:..w.iro .cosi srovE,-;( and oi — och Err Stove medeAO order. Nuit, Made argt ‘. cee, all Orderi for tg. I fully received and pn L •-• • • ...• Great. Bend, ,tt . ly 1, ,18.) . • . Great Bent • VARI 4 Y'ET STO E a . • - VA RI : Tnlte way,lLadles and . Gentle 3, en MBE subscrihgt ; Would'ingite his Mends t all 1. at. lig_neW stare in Great Bend, directly o posit. the ~L itik flange," and examine his -stock of - goods,: feeling" ngsnied that , they will nava away disgatigfiCd.l . • He would.figt call, ihe attention of the Ladle/ to his'ireat variety of . . • .• ' '12, 1 2'3 . '3 &.VDDN3 •-•• ' .. consisting of etithrbidered and printed Lawnai De= lames of &linen t:reiy yariety an..A style that the the lNew York market ailords ; black and colored Side; Prints,: Gingham. fez: Sic. 'A - splendin lot beShawls; liiindltet.chiefa ) Table:Corers, Ho-, sie& and Gloi.e4. Straw and Millinery Cocilal' Mott, Broadcl ot hs, Saftinetts,Nreet inO. and every%aerial for boys and mete* clo. . Hats, - Ca s; Boots - and Shoes. i f b'- Trunks, Valicio Carpet Bags, Carpeting, eet lip; hous,kee ink artidesof.all kinds. Oroce: river: Yankee slotionor i &c.- 4.c, and in abort ay.. erythine a Porediuneeds for cornfOrvaUd luxury. , p- Please call and examine. • ',' ' HENRY LANGLEY: - ANGLE Y: Ilea, July 150852.. - • - • -.21317a6 ' DRY GOODS AND CARPETS,' frIJE sabnribers wouldt intoim the citit.eas of \„.l. siligitehaupp-County thatihey have now on hind and asiortmeutof Dry Goads, at whole sale, s tuidretail. 1 . - fj - 1 'R!.Errtmaims' DZPARTXENT,:. • c onsistinzin part of broadcloths. cassintores, sat inetts. Kettiucky ic!tingti, - and s ummer goods of all.kiuds • 1 .. , I \_ , LADIES DYPARTMENT; , .. .consisting of a large‘v \ ariety, viz.: Black silkskfan oy do., oatins...iginght4ns, Scotch' and •Americsit prints of all kinds, somcst 6 pence per yard of itmeriorqualitY of colors Warranted,•rn. de laines, Cashmere, popfinti, gloves, hosiery olevery , grade anctquality—Whit o gootli : Brewn ,and bleached shtietings, 44,wide, helpiy qualitatGd. per yd. 2•1-3-• ,- • ..r...-....-....13-....-,..-1-_,3„,,...-,..., -1.-.............,-1...........L.,- el* do., napkins. Irish linen, and spr as ;in fact it li ost every thing indhe dry goods linit, Also, a la go lot.of . ' •-, -' N• . - . . - • • . CARPETING, • \- \ „ I' ree-ply, ingrains, cotton and wool. collect; tt ir. druggits, wool and co tou—oil cloths foi I rs and tables. - . •• - . . : • - • We invite all visiting our pl co to call ; and ex -1 . mos our stock, tor we feel c ufident by'so doing ?t will ba.a raving of ten to tla; my perient. Out lotto is quick salei and smal profits. . -. . Store nearltopposite the toffice. Bingham n.N: Y. - • WICKIIA I ij-',BE'N.ti ET. I April 7, 1852: . ' - - . . -1- NEW DAY,.GOODS AT -NEW4 . 3111.1F0 ' EP DEPOT.. ,t .T H. BURRAT 1 '.4; may be.found an exten t:l' give and new, asiortme of Dry Goods in cluding a great variety, of ' ... 'Ladies Dres Goods) 1 1l ll - I In rich Prints, Printed and mbroidered trawnt, extra rich Bareze Delaney' Lustercd Poplins, pingliams and Chathbrays f Flaw styles, black and fanny silks, Ste ; - Cunton'Crape, - Brocfie Cashmere and Berta' Shawls, Sitk Mantillai Parasols, plain and figured Swirl; Muslin!, Stfaw. French Lace • and Silk . Bonnets, Bonnet Silk!, Ribbons and Flovrers. - , : - GENTLEMEN AND BOYS . DRESS Aim SUMMER .GOODS. .‘ • Alarge asi , arlinent. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoe" Truuk3 Valices, .Carpet flags, Carpeting, Oil Clothe" for floors and tablei, painted and printed Window- Shades,-Watl Paper, Domestic Caton Pail kinds, etc. ete.i which, in connection With a .. nivereal assortmen t " I other departinents of . . . goods; and being porches d entirely foreash, will enable purchasers to secure benefitiin price; style and tering lot to be found'idany - other establish- N- B. Salt and St; iie constantly on 'hand. New • ; ' Milford,, - May ;1852. - Mk!lfflifcird!Stotre* D . opo _ .1 - Bö2 - ►- - I Er A4'inst received it new and largVementntent ILL of Cooking, Parlor and shop. Statics,. for w ,00d oi l coal, which. in connection with his!previ one atonic, itjilt tnake his assortment. undsually 41umple1e, in the most popular and Unproved kinds 'of Airligit,E/evated Oyes, premium and plate atones, istove'Phie:Sheeflron, Zinc; Stoven'tsbes' deci, 'which he will sell. at the lowest prkes rot cash ov[appniveAl credit; Ans , 1;..1852. •' - • : • v" )10/7TE; BONNETS. ' NEW supply;." of those cheap ank,:Fency .ri.Straw, and French Onesanier Lace Bonnet, end Rich Rthhons and- Flowers, greaqy reduced ff*ni airing prices, 4St ; , - H.x.flipirr -- • elho ABEL TURRELL is now receiving and eepe constantly „on bead %large and deans ono, iortmeni of • • - • , winch will fie sold very low for cash or road The eteeks is eian 'coWlo . l of if fit-tate amp rtni . rat of 'Drop, Makin* Chemicall4 • Pen* Dyeuthiffil;Gnkeis*Oldwiiiii,sporins, -6pectacleti,', MOW Inetrinnento, Taiikkr•..Notionte ? _and - • L I it s ' Miritviar,";*.luswAre., Brushes, 'TirstiesmappartewBhauldeparim", r -Aboal; 4 3lol.ob , *!Sarniair Plate o W lealiahlo , .&e; i s m. iret i 4 he l la o relial slatalbita i14141 . 4* . ' 41111 6 / I firlit r I ag4 VillinY Sion arABELOTUMMESig c. 0 Novembar, 1552: • - Mail La) Let the direr ~espest 4• Passeinivrs•hy this tine nleltys getturoearbondaleendier In the evening anin by-any either rent. 1•,• - • Fere reeelpted in earbendate at the State of the fesh‘' scribers, Main steeet,iitetebk;eics beloie l ßrontion'S An T /lc n t,.1832. • • GitO 1111,CRIIERS. I. ' MEIIOILAND U,ll . . or . - DL mugaors DONESTIO- lIEDICINDS..: • CO3iPOD. ND iItYZIIP..OI uLoopßooT, g.o!..TME • ' 'CURE OF • • . Consumption, Asthnia. Bronchitis, Intluritia,"boughs, Whooping Cough and . Croup.,, - • .! •. ; ... - Dr. Throopi Infant... Preservative and 3111- .. . - . times - Bullet • . Ciirettlriatulerae.-Colie, Gripes, Utarhes , Dy s ente'ci: and Cholera oflnfants, or spy of . the,eominon ills of 'lnfant I life. , . • •s: • • '""7 • ." . 'Dr.. tr s Worm . . Poison'` . Expelis these thy Intro eraof tnebuman systent,irlth; I out ezeeptici of kinds or umbers. •': . ThroOp's tiilions Pills . - Cure Indlges disorders,Postivroes,•Pilea, • Ifeadattr, heartburn,' , Fei•er .InfLaminatkut, 'Barbee, ' Dysentery, and restores a tkitalt bY action , of:Uhl:he ' glands of the body. " • Dr. - -Throop's Eye Water - Is nnsrapninia in curative virtues for any intlartirrutto; ry affection of the eye. adds• I . • * . - L • • s • : Dr.•Throop, s Salve • . . , Ti - rtranstpseseo"for a dressing for Burns and Sealds,lll;. : cars, Salt Rheum, or any abrasion of the . • A Frpt3 .l o.Mlinliell• - nel2o)eX It Read, Mulitrole. N. Graa..er tr. Co., lin h; H. M. honthwell,ltush ; It. P. Moilister,ll-ddletown B. Glidden; Fidendsvillo; Slott 'Pc Boit, rl•lTtgrille• ‘ Dr. .I.nttibeit. Auburn VI. S. Little. New !Word .; .Dr . Ilroas Great Bend; 'Jo seph L Merriman. trpronsille; Di., J. Iterney ' Little Meadoirs ;JasperStinleyi ChoreillUAT Z Tifiany,Bork lyn Centre; IL. A. Williams, Chiliad; 11r..1.0.0inistgad. Dundaff ; JohnsOn IV_Very„ llarford!; If. llough r letautp. • J S. BLASDZL,,GeueraI Agent, 'Forest Lake, ; lyl k k Janus'' , I, 1853 • . • ; T. J I ': sA . Gt. SQUEIIANNA - COUNTY, PA. T , ins,il,l teutiou 13'11 an Iti:the t most healthful and pie • reeque part of slusqtletianna county, In the iihoconnt % lley. -'s stage leaving:Montrose beoot on the Lockout" • a Railroad and connecting with. the i‘ew Turk and-1' Railroad at Greatßend, at. a 4 „: ilia binee of six toilet the frorn, - passes tile Institution ly. The distances between e Depot and the Institution la sixteen, miles. one half o which Is by [Plank . Road ;iit le also equally distint trout, Ili • onitonion the Nets York and Exie Railroad, an I tonnes. ed,with it for half tai dia. jance by a Plank road: [i . '. l , The regular course of -instruct sn -comprises th En glish. French, Latin aril Greek, L. ' s'grisiges. lad ding , History, Geography. 'ila-licanitses,,' c. Rhetori , Na- ' . tnral and Moroi Philosophy and Chi" , ( try. Gar ; will Near, he taken to adopt the elurse of instrurtio • to the f [ tubs pursuit °r profession of the student. - I • The'collegiate year hegius on the iltr Mon • 'of Sep , tember,and ends on the 15th of July. TERlts. .1 , The annual pension for Beard and. Tuition, payable If yearly in advance, fa f .. I I- . Sl' ' The juoJern Langssaces, Gremlin; Spanish and It „- al ian, will -form an extra charge, wich per annum, $l5 Books; Stationery, and 'Medical attendance, will , - fOllll extra chavitS. . - I I' j - "Washing and nieu e ding wit form an4lll. c h arge, per annum. -i 'j 1 [ . • - $5 It is witional with tbeterudent to fOrn'sh bimiself with bed and besidinsr. llf furnished by theiniti- . tutloti It will firm an erocharge,Sper win mai $5 Day Fcholfirs'fdr ale man tis,[ - I .: $l5 semi-anunal Bulletins wit be sent [to parents [or guar:. diens Informing thein of tpo health, progress and deport meat o their children or [wards. .1 j • I Those whii'may - sl e sire to have their Ted and bedding furnished bl" OW Institu'ion. are 'requested to Send pre-, .vious notice - of tbe 'fact to either of the undersigned • Those who Intend cosninsis by the nay of liiniharntonj are requested to give .prevlous notlee of • their 'Ptlri)oiril that they tufty be Otiveyed to the' Coillege without delay.l terAll communications, &c., for. Colleg e , should be "'Messed, St. JOieptve Tort OMee, Sisuqiichanna Q. county, Pa. .. ' J .. .. -- nr.v.3oTrst .0. ittg LtosT, P isleut. ; AFT. nEXRTIITZS/MMONSi Tice-Preside 't. ' Iteterenct..i.—Caleh Carthalt, 7.4 q.. CAocorait. jinn. 0. A. Grow I Glenwood; lion. M. Wilmot, C. I. Ward, Eel., GI. P:lBard. Towanda. . i Mine* ..".,.., ' L - 71' , LT tnrriartr - gricin snrrunisial,rl -••-•Irr,cosr.e+orrw4,.......F X mg to cure any ease °fettles legate thatmay com e ! underhis care, ncsimrtter boivlong tandingor Meting: Either sessare invited to his , 'Psivage Rooms 4 38 Rents Seventh at. Phila,Withnot,fear,ofinterruptionlfrom.oth-. 'erPatients.:, Strangers and , others[who have them un fortunate's:l' the selection eta g hysician are invited tes. 'call- 1. ' 1 '' s , I 1 : " I• ' IMPOTENCY—Through nurglitrained -induketsee qt the, passions, by eStess or sel tatstist, the evilsare num.- rolls. premature impotency, Javelin/fairy seminal die-: charges:wasting of the. organs, lties jar memory, a distaste for flunlie society, general debility" ! ur constitntional de. rararement, are sure to follow- If ucceeenry, cone ult She • poetcr with confidence; he offers aperfect cue. . READ AND\REFLECr —The afflicied would do well to reflect before trusting their.health, happinetati and In ma ny cases their lives, in the hand's all the ills hahuman physicist* ignorant of this elasi of malodiee." It Is . rtaintylrapcoutible for e l one" man to underatanii ifamity are abject tce, . Every respeetottablephy elan has buipeculiat branch. in which he is mop! stscg - *rut than is brothel professors, and to that hadevotes Most of hi time ant-. ettlY. -- •• • •.: i }..... -- •• • ' - i.• . TRAMS OP PRACTICE. °g el 'rely devoted to the . study and treatment of disersei o the sexual orgarts,to gethet with ulcers upon the toy throat, nore,orleo, paine in the head , or boner otie;.e vial rheum stism,etric 't tures, gravel, Ines talaritiee, dittos arrhing from youth.: [Weems*. or iMpurities of the Mewl, Wherety the eon. stittitinn has beeorntrenfeehlVl, enahlesthei .ilootor la offer ! speely relief Le all who mayface thetas Ives, under 1 1 ,. • I J Medicine forwarded to any part f the Unit 4 States,—.. ! Pric,five and tersdollars per pSe age. -36J1. ,_. • . ', —+-----.... P e 011-V4% 4 . • 4 4 /11 0 1 V _ t 4 411 ' 111 1E- subseriberityipeetft4li inform the nblia, that .1. they havememed a 'sage addition to . .sheir. former; stoclit .of consisting of ,a 1 vriety .of the most ap- ! proved kinds, among . which are: ` p • 1 '. 1 Pdrest - Queen - . . ' &IV Tritrici 1 • j., Star of the .Weet, ...Farmers U lea Coal, Western Qitein,, . . ' . - 1 -'- ' . 7. .1 Stove,. ~ , .. , Pheoniz,- - Parlor' Coo Stove, Parawon - Pre*rums oY varzofrs Paragon,' . , I Oaltivatbr and' .Atlas i Styles._ -'- I Also a• aisortmcot of : . , • • Parlor and-Ila i Striper. goxi anat.. • Box stoveSof various at f which they are prepared to se ht in this market.i - . • •••• ' Sept. 30,1852. f.C,ID.LAtiII -or wood Of terns. All can be bo Montros 3000 ' lECEO.OFI rt.LPIE I II. • -i . Ifir9S. ri i M13111A61 . N . G a greativarie.ty of b 4 L•.teruS, Which we offer at !osier I ever hearil Of before in • theie parts, Wall Papers .9` toll) Cents a roll. Al. lot of Ph#adelpkiis Paper. beatitiful p superior:. uatil We . will. tnalteit - fi rest of: al wishing to paper dwelliugs; to purehit e fAlin our stock. 11 i - . • • _J, , - 0, .itintm ' 'minor', 'nue 12 160 '.- 1 • t 11116 W Nllll2l‘ 0 Shiwl &Dress Goods Em •U. •BUltititt would - .the. altentle' II • eemed to bim new and viendid s Long and Square ;Shawls., !ladies/ Pre. Rath Ribbons of new Style sthicti - -41” huge assortment of Staple and fumy. Dtv I aeries Crockery, Itardwere. BtO es, Buff* and Caps. Ate. II besohloa t ente that purchasers tilt odt satire satiothetton and Neirdidt. • 8eit.1852: ; i • . I 1 1 . . . ..N EW GO " DSL I VIVE, are now receiving a large supply of ;STeO Tl' GoodOOOOki, all our k at• e •etanplet - !ban ever, and Iva hivite:i ' 'akeicaccii co: er it ,' • e any and . all wiiddrigte pe hare; ' - _- - ,! 1 I •-.- . • ' ILL URR I S, • .-C , Gibsoti, Jaime 12085% . -. ' 11 • DRESS are ye,csiiitts Vi ? Goodati aid or bemitifil sayffs, lowivickiiicti 4004 c rage br i tYilabir 6lll ; PreW * 4 14 11204 . 0 r which ;th.it i oath , 1;4'4 Otbriv, Jfiutit 12, lr Apitrirrl, r .., 44, sit'ss ponce- a] -Gibson' Aso]; ; • . .-• ~,,,,u:_;:;;;.;•7-';•.-1--;;;I:!'-'77- ICY. !ell and rid as cheat, . OP & Co: LiANGI &aural WO niCes ' th Re.,:ndociapit 'so. t tare atterne tin tlie ii te: fold or neic,, l , *5,.a CO. . , 4 1 I:011ll, i k at We ' I, Goods n ia*4 I tion wltkei lloods, tir+. /Woes"- ILO, 11 . ,seenArlio . • tbinteliti. be. tvid•app Prepred Qs t after IVeste) D'ISPEI , , ON szi em "Sown meth'd, r, I , Pepsh Incipli of the Qs. . 4 PIM !. I tying, Presenting, 4 utimu(tin Agent. ofAlie Stoutish and I -toothiest • It, s extracted f the DiOlitriti Stant &eh of the fix, thu s an ARTIFIU L lifelliS- Mß FLUID pr alylike di Patural &stria-)uice itil Meatiest p i ritra; laid farldlgh tit -comp teund Isar- I lee/Substitute or iti'l t y the ald eflthis PreParetlon #ie piins and evil of lii . di •stion an Dyspepsia are mulched just as they *mid ter., y pf.herit y stomach: .-Itie doinit I wonders for djtSpopilea eating sea of Debility * pt ? tion, Nervous IDecilhoi and Dy ptio Consamptt lit p posed to he on the Orge of the ve. Theleidenfitle eel diner updt which i+' Is eased, Is the highest slagrea u riousand, remitrkayeir -1.-- - -', I , 1 '" I ISctentific. idence.( ..:- - • i• 0 • . Damn Liebtight his celebrate work on animal Clit - hit*, days, "An A*tificiai Dige ve„Fluid,laitabigart to 1 the Gastric Juice. a:* belloodil - preparedfrom the n ewts mem hnine of tint stomach: f the Calf, to whieh Ilari cur. articles of rood, is toast an Eggs, will be stdte ed, changed, and digattad- i slit In - e• same Warmer asthey would,he 'alit° halmin stoma .*:. • ,t... -. 1,4r, - ,Call on the titgOnt , and g a DPecriptive dm tar, gratis4vingalstrialanaclunt o Scientific evidence; I kir to , the al° , e,t,ttogethir wi reports of -reurar hie ClrreP f;oin al parrs of the thi ' Rtites. (•.`:` '-• • % bit-tiouqrrTAN'll VIIPSIN o now sold y 'nearl ,i. thO dealers hi Hue drOge and po filar medicines' thro - out the ttniti4 Stirte,ll.- It is pr. pared in, powder Mal in fluid form, and in liroccrlptive als for tho useof Physi. clans. I, li: I , r ~ . - , , pir l V ATE} Clftprrt,Aßstyr , e use of Phvoiciane;lmay he obtained of Drialaughten o his 'tactual describing-the wboterprecess of preparation, a d eivina the • authinities upon , which the eliding Gribbe ew remedy, " re baled : 'As As it is not u,serfet rlitmety,po obj tion can he raised against its use by'Physichink In respe . hie standing and regular iteio practice. Price. PM: DOLLA : per bottle. , ;t:/". OTISIIRYSTIIIS it —Ric n bottle of the :zinc P,RPSIN h . :: tiOt *Tit thi •id _ . s t a re lof ,I, ti. no ‘4l. TON. M. M , mkt Proprietor Philatielphis,,Pa- FY riaht and e 'Mark reamed , - I I Ca - Sold kr al:Drusgists n , Dealers in Medic?: , car- For sale b'' A SRL TU RELL, Mniggist,llo rase, pa., Agent for Sttequebamik , unty. l , - _ - sty; . . . , , 1 f - t • thOlitecipli 1 i - , ....,_ 1. ' T. T., Pcincei;of Ithaca, i ! 1 - i. ee lielid Lfeaiiil l i kii Est let tilditike elm .., p tit el: fropi I .t Oat; with ;t eohol to preservefit. I: It will elite atlllOcal Pain fresh' w. uriUs aiod hntisesi..r bowels ore:Lehr ici i nat tire, t: remedy;excellen for teintles it is trdly wat it piefes yratsso." I Prolicidencei has pips of lite nuwil.:4llings t eomtsrt'and haAnnetie I of ei valtie; an iJ well teal; they be iil e .l* • • I -•N 1:, One tined - her; ItO guittil ..ai , •• the tuitne '+r Spengler his in: 'Fate a sporiourilirtielelealle 'would i.e extrasti; froin !the II white and pure 04 Wateir, whl ored,.Whieh enel?les tile .pu None genninefliut I belie in h LLIAM 4 'ili A tm ...3 ;Ali i adinlne•dpideris genera ElNt. ISt!' MT)IN •1 • si sub- • - bur 'haw this. , , of English raftent - Lel CasPe, (Or sa • very uly • 2O. Golda TitA .3n . ' ..Gi '" • - !- • .ea , rrtvtE'll ii. 4 60, •.a. brated Dtitderreat put Up la neatiM'oracr Parentsanti tltaltirert: now itt tire titikt n sect of those little ?beam? LikenesS, which it st thrtablejvalook! The 't. wail ChrmselT i e7tirtt wonderful At ',I i lmr 6to "10 secon s.:. 14. clear arg well ii4lined It , . gracefulattititde. and that life-ilk expreldon;Pch is so very ',10g0:J.)4e," and Which can he obtained by l a visit at Thompson's MSOdficent Spy Light Oallery,,opposite tin Excbasigellotel; • I t , • [ 1 1 10; tTo Artists. • ='l -` •: The artbsorlher would, y that hR has on Mani and for , Sale a generld! assortme t of 1) Itggeriebtype !Material, Which consist/4 of 4ieme s, Plates, Parity andiCommon 6tses, Locketsi. - leheutical and in short talroftst . every thing red in 14 trade. . ' i i ' , " • Ne f lllt 'DI 'tiro:Aeolian" I [ dust rtettived from the anufacturer.. It has twolitts of keys,"andi !dceMbitrettil the ad vantages of the Two ,flanked Organ ?,! Itconta in two stops corresponding to the Open Di4Paion and p incipal in Organs: Also. coup ler and. Swell'. ifiaw Stop. The arrangement is. Ruch that either stop rit:it beidaye separately or together, or one with one harfolland !troth ith the other— r osenntler a Co- Sed swell. the ;Other "wit an open swell. etc. .It is the Indy instrument , except.. p inthle Banked Church Organ upon which Ongatt practi . - cadtbe attitilit,...tilllztt 41:: I:6ney. ettricii of conthin ion, and poster'. it , : surpass. es any tWngrt 1,, heskita eretAifdro tlitVenfill. Soso, 4yi ;and 4 petatMelodeons, Or sato by the subs bi-t. at kis iLacuerrean Ilotians. , • • • L. TIIOSIPSON. I • Binttbarati.*;OctObcr 4,1452. •' - • • 1 '.. w . . . . . Subceriber has this .week 'tterned fromliew -York rimy eitensiversortment is, to: which he Would re.. ity invite the a tentioriof ends.l , Amongl i lds'stapt found animus ally large. OrGold and Ail er Watch trery ktyle 'an •kjuality, ;firer 11.epIne- up to the „Fligils htion f!ate , t Levers,. , m i l tmporti e exarew Ear Binge, Finger.itiogi, are 63tra tich Gold, Ag• ielot of uotd spectacles 10.. °did PUb,l :Vest and. :e3rsOtitteiclei and Rings, Ins Una' 'Buttons, -Coral - . -, e ;! ,‘„ , ,;, I; i :i ii. l ; o • f i;,;. ;lgit Zr e l ' calt l 4, l l;a l * Orel Batedand Gergian•Blirer 4 and S " ' I Waltth Chalwyk, n a ," leery and 'Bode Nee !'t ~' Armie.ts, 'Silver td. T;eather r Pti , rt Mettles, bf Oliell_Com a, Buffalo Neeklaces and *Armlets; 1, iket. Ice. also a good , .rs elite? which , will be kW for each . at a' iurmee froit'llantdhe.tarert and. ImParters prigres, • • .-1 , 1 - Stria atttfntion.patt tO Wok and iFitiell . iepid#rtgpt all Itk braa*Mtabo etrasing.ntatt,t,es fed, 1,.... - - Bleighampon, Nov. I 1852. .- .A. 1, EvaNs. . . .:,. . • idOU',h ) • PROSPECT,-. ... ,--. • , i ..,. N AT O, =.__,C_IJII' ' ANIVINSIIIIII, - ,: 1 . .I.zip, ti II 4:NITO ,- iti,ry - r' '.' • •-;- '''.: THIS ilsiitutiOn - Is locate iii. :a .6e iitiiiii and -4. ratan* grove it thel4isa of, ofint-Tijii-- Pee ..ituditi.;:khiul.tire:coreo4:tion'gr tliCiltiiff itt / .pmcisiirocibk an . .ah 'Wait ;lilt* or 'purest tioft urat:eri MlViptages o r exercise - in' tie pire'lli t 'a -earrlige:, ' kfiloot alk up ills mountain, over.. looking ' ' nnOe f f7 nsarpaseed iii lousity and gralideur afid .., re from thiuoiVejtiul turmoil. of, 1 , busy life," with eye lien% sailing end whitprivi,, ; le gt ii =° ° :.lMPt e l isa K'FALl.,Kicf.'-. 6 'lf . 'n,r4iO4'' ThV"sii '01! 'Nit 'iii . the Pininntiktinn e! PFlige3 oilers to lho inv4iiir.. • , ),. .."---'? f".'l2:- - ,-i- -I'7! - -: ' .:The hpuile'l is new and etramodiptis. z 4ething. r i e4. -apponit, :..iflciel4u ',--weit.tenliinfrOi-**23lt * fuel Pin' ~ IV_ 1 ..- 1,, :;-• 1 - The . teal de irltikent, lie.tuitlf care or, Kytpitre exiieirielti v ii ,filsd voiistily. ' , n4O 1 - tra y n.,_ c' tee tons. ilt be 1 the Studenr o en eloiry, laid imie Wilt - beftitAddi.i I l n - i k l #i l76 - •• of tin ebyrio- VITO* r ilr:.T. 0 : i lli7er.: .1 1 Ov er hito in my li - fer lill; w - )ten. I ,hay othets. , ..' Yonne , tereti;id the. i' imr-th r- artrial. T ad the .1 ,effeet .of ti' 'et. .I - , 2 • • Milt . . . .. ..-_,..1 ... .. 1: . s Frienas N. Y, IfttireDestroy: . , 'kr : E. - 4trti4t. •I— :1 , b eilltid *itch han4i,aOti e exceptioo of a little 41 71 rid. intbinthOntioq. old neirer;•, itf. and aIC-digeAses Of the , nth-ache, ear:nabOoind in' tie. J- - 1.. -• 1: • 'r . s . to be, ~,' TlTZ'Paget.E's tattered Along the . 'ragged t coots bnialrentivitolbe ry bckir ,• hence therr i grEth ailed ' i Ilipnds'of the ?eti , : . • . ,''. , ingtiniponition •••A th an by. utaitureik'and .othitled 19r the "Coryd 't k . traet'ii—that "zel-nut--tht genuinn is as etbo pportott:rartiele4 thil-' lie to disc ing-nish, ... 1t..1..' Iced Ponirn Pabi',Dirtthyor„ Ontroit;. and store-kiepers Ilv,, Agent.t.' , . ' ' 41' -. , ..1 1 . G WA rellES,6 7 The iec!ilied another lot _ vet\ Wattres- Auttin E4mgly 2 Odd Fellowie 111111. W Ihr ,-3, i i nt4 i ..1: ,r tri. .igt., ..i . otruthe.disti ishid:Prigfeinior=tif C ern i.:•, * m d - t- • Maids - 414v — ---:.' ~ 1 .1 . ..istr3 , , an . a ern' „ i _. - /7.!.-_-, - : - li‘- ". I', - .•. - :: - -- - 7 liege , -• -''! --"--'. .`'N' . •-' - ',itieostii r delayed insWerinic'thelrei_aint -git _your= preparation until • -liad-iiti aPpartunitk ofwitit off 114 effect" in' no - q Amok*, -0T:. in. thl families army t s ge n di; , , ..: •-.s .: --.., --..--,, ' -J • -.. • i.,.; I - -•,, • , l This Ihave now ' tiiir - *tiltii high d*O"or, aillgeti,:, tlortja.cintett of bo ad nit! suit children: : ' . :. ..r.: - .. 1-;-, : ,:.. 'l l , I have found it, s its inlftti , ti.'uts;liholk,', I ;Po* *fist remedy far 'colds,. iid t . kiihnogiarydisensese _- 1-' ? • 1-....„ ......, ~ _ ..... ; r I I, AittICR.V . I.F.AVEI4Nidi,III%,'D.,. 1, .... ininiarlek. Me., eb: 5, t 5,47.7 „. . ?, 1 ..., .. - ~.-. J. - „ „. - .. Fioni an ove Beef' j'n'llig . .llnintltnn, *llk . 2 -- - - .7::•'•:A.1 •jn Allis city: ' -. 1 . 1 .)--- • - ,-.-, ~ . •.-. ,_7,. '. ''Lowell. Ault:lit 14:1S;9. -, 'l f havebeen cured' of thriSrorsti coug h I lei, by your CherrY.rietortil.: andvev.-.I a opporitinlt4;•ofrecaunnetiditigitt to ' esPeetfitlib:.);•':'§: .l )l7 .l . 6l EPEQN. -- '' llogrjue, and seeLlf ti ka ghts.medlcitte - , Is patient bid 'become_ veryfeeble; the medicine. roes .titimistaltablydia., d States riatet,iaritiega SPAirga,:t -'-, It . 1 -.. -- ;,-- . ,Ju1y. , 5;4 .- i •-• Sir 11 have been afflicted Wit i a Palii . -, lungs, and' all' tlie.syinfita aof *oat.: for inorn.than?s, year .' - .I - ' Id ilieC Would reach my case} until I earn- . Yotir tlbetry Fiettal.whieb - stivome d ~'have been steadily,'-gaining my th is Well nigh restined...- '. -, -.- ~1 r medicine, Iliad the gratification Of y reverend friend;sli:' Truman, of who had'. beete.stiiiiiindid ' trawling y a sevive attacker bronchitis.::. - : re in certif3 ing:Lheal., feels to pin u int; sir; your* respeettiillrfi . ~ •s_ , .. J. F. CILIIOIIN, of South . Catiiimi: - . , t,iid. sold 'fiy.l'asisi:C: Aria, Pratitle4 Torren t Mnritrose; Lucien Seoit,4llt. - umslatparerywhere:'-: -;• -- - • --.--. 6yl' .. ~ • . !Dr...7". C. Ayer— fat affection of thi tied e meninpfloni i mit friedlaine:tha ineneed the CEO 0 gra4atit :Toiler ? ! ettenctlt tili rnyll -;:ty . bilo luting yo ertnaif :with h . Butrintty [Mottle parnoidat dill ielL . rfiave.tdia* 1 -;•, i:...; And e MrrrtAftred ulietniAt.-towel, 07-:solit by A Beqd, And by Pr _...`~5 , :0 CHALLENGE- . . , , \VILVIIEV Ell ,concernithe health a n d happiness Of , , ..',. - -it people i at .all tinsel of. the I most -, valuable im portance. II tiff it for ed _that every. peason - will' do allin their po, power to say the lives '.ortheir Children i :i and that It... Witty.. num Wilt endasior- to promote their min ttealth at all sacri fi ces. feel it to be my 'duty to solemnity. • ItSSIL you the • iirainta_-'aicordin to the i opinion, of i the ost Cefottra ed ;eltYtoicians. art. he pri-1 wary cause itta large majo ,ty or dhteMie to Wh ' eliil 7 , dten and lidulbi ' e liable, I you ltsvcia*appet &Min- 1 tit:featly chlutge .le from-'o a . kindieflood•So • nether, I hailbreath, pain ' n the '-eto ach; Plotting, at , t a noite,., hirdnesr and fu netts Of the eliy, dry cough, I wieter, F pniseirregular, member tat ail there''„deuote -Woript,' . and you shonld 't WIC° app y the refried"' .._ ... • - . • • . 41 •"•' I itilß SEA cIC. S . Al, 9 RM.; bY.RITIf . - 2' lAn article fonn upon seven ifie,principles ; &mitt:eluded with purely' vegetable ' su tante, 1 being perfeetly morel wheiNtakim, an I 'derermizi d ifs all its eMects,. arid .wit; I leavittgt he apt ..m in a di. sat condition fir most•fulver- 4 litted nostrums- Tor the cemeiad of 'venni, , :conipospd id' ' Calomel,, such as Lozenge t Venitifuges, &e.,.. but has performed the - mcst astimis mg 'curve and saved the liver 'or thausaids, both old an voting, Who have `'Read.. pro-' nouneeil hope sit. Incnra le, fty physician , . : 'Read. the folleelig, and- become con icted Or its ..effieficY ever s all • I others: • . . ; - - - . r. ~_ • ... r• , - - 2 i • - ,..•,1 , . •• , - Morri. River,.N.J.,,Aug . 13,1851. , 1 Mr. ;,r N. ensimk--- his is tucertify that my thild, l 15 • ears ttr, •ag having been 'sick fOr thre, leant, was at.: tended for adi age of the spine by - .Dn.. Dn.. per, Whiffle* and illtisler fo r. long time wifhent'reet4 'ilk antbene .1 t r fit After givi g. her up as incurable." X Went-49 pl;dla.:. delphiis and sult , sl one orlho best phyrielins,-her disease:4M wing worse. • "/twee at thie ; time .I.was M. ~need to try, t obensack!sWormifiirtqf „arid after telt. lug two bottles OM entirely' regained , her' hialthi : After, windage' grew to:nity of_worms. fleeing this - will =tie lihiliefit to pa etas whose children are sliollarlyareeted,' .- •..i . ' - - •I am yours; &e. - ~:, • -- ' l ' '-" . -: 1 2 '' - • ' - lt, BROWN; -' -: HOB NSACIC i S , ..L . TtVtix ( PILLS:' i . -NI? part of t e systeni is more e-liable tedisiaie thiUrtlia, liver,. it Berri -as a filter , o Puri fp` th e . blood., er . 'glides - ' theproper set station 'end secretion' to the bile:lse-that, tinylwro • g ac lon of ttwrilver iffeets the otheeliMortant parts of the , s stem, and results Variously in' Liver Gain . , 1 plaint s,J tin e, - Dyspepsia,: • FeVert; &c. .We ' should' therefore *at It every syMptorn that might inilleatu a wring action f thaliver: "Thtste.-IPilla beffig'reolitpored vVootaand f arils, fcirriished by,nature to lieu; the sick;- lely : lid. n Expectorant " which imminent! thetieifie.' , , from the prdmptiary. mucus membrane; or Promotes .tcharg of Secreted'-anatter. 2d, an alterative; anges in some inexplicable end . hist-MOW Mait rtain morbid actions Of , the *Vain., ' fill. es a \ \c„ gives - tone and Strength to the -nervous ing.hialth and Vigor - to,:all parte Or•the othartie, which itcfrvin perfect' harmony k. , redients ty operating on the bowels -bele mass of corruption, and vitiated. the blo9d, whiCh destroy! diseasp '-'s fialiorat)ory;Philidelphis, Price 25 cents. ;•..For sale by ‘toros-ienetalty'ittro put , try Ward,:Philiidelph .'- m up. tzlilei - ac' Read, • font- Ward,-New Milfordf • :aiford ; .U. Burrewa -den" and Chitehlt "ilyill - grow- if , , James. itroolta. ttki -Miner:iti: littrtts4:. - .. , • nc. tio. r the, which ner, the malt Tonle, Whi I g ItAtem, Tette int •body. 4th, II with the 'otherl And expelling the matter, and Purif7 l and retards - ht.& th - Pr_e ared at -lichen' • eorner4tll add George at, 1 the principal Druggists .an the countty. By agent - Asidi • • AG EN TS--Abel Turret] yid rose; Ilaydli&. Little aluilVm. Eaton & Retkland Saww - Seratour, t & co., Gibson; & Chit Rbinney, tindati; G A Eldridge, t Dreg., Glenwood; Lneir4 zzeott. arid 'D Ja Great &tit vcr rAiman: Thokhenn k fltiur4tY#4 Pr . ~ I . ... ... . . , I 1 . ' ..• . ....: ircip; - !., uooDs. ; ._.. rrllt i .stiliUdloei ' :i' Piet received bii : :w , X:, stOek •tf - .. i' '. *,-.- . : .' , -... , "• . ' . • iteltil l y. i ado clothing*. , .. toi.. Tne ‘ q and 'ha' . - • mbraqing -everimpriety,o little ikait.giality, smiled; from op ,iii.e4.R. Drees; feocktecs as SaclC.Utid.etcolitir Tiara 110 .td : 4lity.:l l !iats • fro '2o"Ohiflittice up ; Veit% a 1 .104.iiiiiittial'inti fro ' .10 ilsilMigs to a fine istia; PapailATuder-shirt , DrawOra 4 7o44l Shirts; Col. Itirty , Stocks, -Over Ifs,—Over-shietk-- Suilimnd -11.4*t4g. • } - '. • • ' .' - Also. anew suppiy of - Hats:And Caps, Boats ded:Shigist„,Wall Paper and Wider, Books and . 8.110114* . ery," double.'and sin efirliarr e i GU . NS, Tibilk*Alarning yinid, Blank Miiks. a n d a va 11eity:"Ofserialler 4 . traps," am oriiMdely are pock- t . sawiiiip.knives, pocket books,iiiiiii4er, draw,. 14 papir - and pencils; • Pass Baekii,„.Pticket Dia.: 1 1 44 4^:tneinerandurn books, basliat4hair brashes. - Otioth ;thrush es, , fancy, soaps; .builaiiithes, tooth 1 bliiiiisii.:faacy soaps, hair oikii;bakinc powders. "aii•ilit4i_llTAll for sale iit . thU lowest Faits and tailiady.:tut• Those wanting: arra fag:Will do iiiill . t4 exastune my stock latfOri.evial(int their pn ithaies ...* • -- • -:(3E0.: FULLER. .i : ' . .lllOptm4e,•!coveMbeir I; 1052. " _ 1- - pocroNt_YOIIIIIIIIELF, For;._ :- ~ ' - 25 cents +, , . 1 . ':•,:. :4 ,BY M EANS OP THE FOCKIST EF6IIII..API i 118, or every one his own PtlYsirian I Tidr sixth. edition, with upwards of a hundred engravings, showing private disease in every ; •i' . shape and finin, and malformations . of the ; • genorstivenrielit 1 1 1 , • , ''''. - UlitlirlrorbNs 3t• D. ritY • w 4 - .., • The ti a bariair inivet . that persons muttering from iteeret $ll mew need no more became -• the victim, of ginyxtery,aa by the preariptioal contained int is book, any one may cure himself, without hindrance f buel 4, ness, or the knowledge of the most Intimate, d , and with one tenth th e usual expense. In additi to the' grneral routine of privitte'dientia, it fully explains the cause of manhood's - early decline, with observations an toerriage:;-beeldee many otbseAletaktignaehte which li t olthi not he :roper :to enninetate Tn'the'publre prints '-ilnY`„,AtlY Perifon, lending TW4Nrt-IrIVE CY& micio sed in a letter, will receive gone copy of this book, by - revill.er%'s4loDies will be sent for ono dollar. Address , pft: w:. bisaiNo.ls2 Eprucestreet„Putta struts., post-pa...,: :I •'•• ' 1 . Ia:TDII...YnITNO can beennaeilted en any of thedie caw described in hit differemtpubllerations.at his Mee, 15s.8prlook street:every -day betweett Sand 8, o'• . , Sundaysexcepted.) . - • - ' 341 ... :zoo; .L. x, MONEY T o . ge tiettlint Willits 10 hOrroW,looo;iitHani *ltlffieltibt,he cannot : bon"' L c t he trr ,- Initlenttenten:ea**l. rm le-1 " 1 9/ I .' t; in th !Or.Philti***4lolo4Mlll4"r ptittinFnaffe at, 1 7 744,AT.minilt• - - Wagging, I could t 9 ml w ° - 1 1 g 42 assurance`of: -, nty;aitiii tktbe_arti_b,t- - a. mating attd'iuter#,tublic*!)°wltter"P A-- -, ..--; -- -- - -j.i' 4 5.4 6. 1 - ---, " V.: , ' --- , , ,7 --- ,' d'3 4 . 4 Cosisio Is ail 1 , . inenit(***olo4,l4 - 44istiiiiekfur,,, irtia wsiS u clit*ltWit r o,i- e qicia) itkile*4 V i ttio*t . m tig# 4 . 41 : 41 1th • 4/ l i Pt . Anoti:finif ilook . . Y-`?-: --,-._ ~,:-.. z•.-' '?“tiat ditkilurnaitaU , ,-,, ..:-. , 1,, -i. .)-....:,,.....,-...:,, -y ,j1:11 pry 1111;t:0 m o sti ve i t hit* 10i 18P. e 131:0 *Ott 0 1 Om) ac.l po. ' I=MMXIC=M==MM /4=MUW,.- h c- -- 4.#a >;:4l',- ,WYjktti Ist; occap!e4. by J-flt:'Dft.c.. / 40 * Price!' •• - . .11 . . = . f rr = IaANIMACTURER OYEAITOTMOSIAll'4110:1) c 41 ,, ?tate ... '._ W/13. W 2 :fIARTNirt Atlolif 4311A1 Vlitreeta 1 / 0 14#0 1 ~lei Rik • not Al*" t4nal d out net, xraviNG retiinet AL taco: of hi -ont1 " 1441- 4,0 116tikt ;white" " friends as wen se ego:: p e w 2 1852 - MOO furBiroi4;f - AiD svaaEON,Nontrose,-Pi.; tend .to- allitudnegithat may be:eutruiteCtditii ehiligi,:v4tlrprotiptnefiur,tid adelitzi • • ewes it 44 or, _Tumplke - steeef:"seiidenoc;Drlek lied. 40 " A ins foot ofPullio Avenue:: •.! :7 7,-. •- - - gteorgo:r - vataF t - , , enr* . Ceps. Down- k ShOeStab.. .1 3 ! 4 " ) ti c 6 '49 11 ar ll natill'aotel Montrose. - e , IE4 , TDEALERIIV 0iret..61.7-11:sed?artiti=n alsOp w ay r s el n u f w o l : klo s drOffiusiipkitet* r: 7 ' below he CoxiF . ,l.llipaxe. - . , ()hallos - glfghtiaw ,,,, d..'- SB din ;12 1) i ig rat ITN Zglitlitt4;4Bl; , . Limitikum& M IV ' d/Oder ' :••• • W znahamoick Malt ORISE AT task's Brick /tow- • I -D. . ERY A74IIVEXCITANOK ;.TAELs.,; :ogee *dant .0)oiv KelletlLlOteLitforAicose, . - _ • A +IVORY! AT 1.4 W Owed efaif, .L - X les a stors.-._• , ILL CHAIM' - Co do & Sterllug - 7111. .41.2114 H, /LABLII MOilltnltf T 1,4 TODOSTAIIIin : 2,4 duic c:, Icetwe, "Abe gattil 0,642 hoino,Conit. t N. 11%.7. 3, Wbitatt Trayfillw A -- • . - 27 ly 800T -A over Bal ~ . . .. .. • • ~ .. •.. . . .... . . ..: Jr ....._4- • M C::Ed*Ar , :,,--. ,;., 11011YSICIA . AND, SUROFl2l,,lfiliford, p l. :, ...4ffte,; 2l J., .. z4 , below .I I J. pride ' a Ftgre:- .'- -:: - `,..- . '4Tit ,- ~- . it , :lttirte ißrookat i [ ;DU A P•sq l / 1 4 - /IND. - SUlt 0 O . N, *rd - deo r , : 111rots ..1 liediclo r,leaintr - i. Qibt, Vow; ilie. , COrs'Oburelt •-, and'Pinortr7ets, oppoe Ito COL!. 4.14 , 5, Great Jrhowli i - itliiiii,;•:'.: IST,./fifontror , . -245fifeb fa OURGEON likiWT ' e . PW‘I - (IA kJ Followallianding, torrid. of Viirkpike and ChlfitOrt streets... Operations upontimitietb-petritrmed thew* .rarefully arid tenderly: • Plate work !took Witktkr liirk. material onlsin the moat improved styles: !Charges tar.' - .. -, . . oWeeks: QADDT.34.llritnesi and Trunk 1.3,..hia dwelling a frs rodiioi,ithfotithe,4l,pg* on.Mait 4tip.q,.lllontr9s44.Pi..' , Golng.at a: little' eibb*.e• IIE anbeerilber. ]fad:o.oeli yet .of ilen'trali .Boys'. edam and Fawn oota 'end Fibber, and a gint; assortmentof - '3.adlet4lhais. and - ebildrref'lloota ay' Shoes, which _ .deli now - selling 'at :luicia tout - alittlal buie coat.: Tbiere is en oppo rtunityForgood bargain hie tine . ?'43EC!..1:11.2441r. • February 4. 1852..:- ' z :" r" • _.G.IIIIIIIY. _STONESi , , - OTitirifc i if Demi, Grind Suittei, ot bestansiittraiit• re; eeonoinieal; Ehepe, • nit-of all ellen from 35 to' P r ' at,l •T-8, ta 2 Ji cur per , lb.; seenrdingAb. • -1 ,:.: ALSO - ,-; 2 tons, ()Pc:Bares . Jr"-which.will .2‘. 4 c utaw ay" tenet thanlhelleren, and are. very istipperier- stones for.hein, work; and.watier. newer,' price lA, to I X eto. Gibbon. Jutytt,llss2,(2B6no)"*. X.Bl3 . ltßOilf kee. - - - - IiTANTIM Ponds- Wool , d . 3,000 - d Ilati COi0()0 Cusr an o ti4.-utio, tinttor,lesith lira; inikitnd - biesarax on' account* or-for tiadir.i , At op 4. o.s e, Ju ne 116. . 1N C TYLER .arisis and -M i ll Privileges, and Letsfor Sale. ~.. T n g iViabsailbet.effens for sale. tbefollowing valuable iiifitpertliw,,te.witi l eas farm in the township of Iliifteril - esaitilitklg*Wie-sixty,scrtit i about thirty 'of. which is - iMprefed, house, barn, orch4rd, &c., thereon. Said .fine. lies one mils and a half front the village of Harford, on di route of the Montrose and Harford Plank Root- It is a beautiful and desirable locatien, well wig tered 4.c. -.. - .... 1- 2,..- . -• Ala° QUO inh4r: titan..liisE On the til oat 1--7, ° F. n P i ke!.f° 6 s- 9 311e4 1 .1 * - . l . l kneobara," nrd ril thi N. I . and Flrte liailtoditostaining about Eighty acres, twenty or moiii4Cwhich is, improved, with he*se, barn, orchard, lketi:...This is a valuable piece of laud fmniits ha* ing well timbered and watered. ..-i. - -:- .. y .A , • -•. , - • _TAlaci several Dniklin eta at village 'of SW g,i jhe §nebanna, on the Newilti*Vat'.Erie Rail Road. *This is one of the most' thriiligleiaiitips in - 'the: country, being the seat of the Rail Road Mac4iiir Shops ko. ItAnitajlic now about 13110 in bi, tante, and. iti:b.iiihielOscilities ars:uarivaleth/r. couneotiork4* .. dioo.ove lots. ar ‘ 6ll4t f °l l ll, i• .- • m ill- seettiiin )ste . ceinty; being irnmeihtferr, ~...,. Susignehanne jitter, with sufficient Pcitiiifeti . , , eir pa - ' fmiiiiikturing &c The most inhiesitisf iuducementi':twelheild out by the above lecatkies, -for capitalistic who'wish to embark in the basila of nienn factraing,tattning,flow ming and Ininbeiittii Via Rail Road affords the most commodious as ittirdy-tritoeporticin for everything in the above - 1,11 • above oroperty, in whole wind, . 1, .:04111,_0n terms the moat adiritetageous to purchat• ',.e . .tiiii'. I w.lll,give :great . bargains Commimicv :Megillyill:bitpesniptly answered from a distinct , and Slloiqulres. ttendedie'promptly. ~ SEMITE GRIS IV OLD, suss,D9iot. pa.; Juwil. 1852 .. 23, if. i Every family skald hate ' -a ectil...o . .... An.inctiviilual book only 25 - 4. c. pert. , Man know. thy_ .: . . -.... ; a surralva Medical "liivit" elqtrilfaad Boellif4 . • . • • ) •"the Allicted,Centedning an- oletUt tette orifiliP grits, Treatment and CureOf eiery Rom ofdtaval!,!! ?filleted - by Proven:motto 8. nal I ateretottrve i bf Ew huge, or bySernal Erase"; with advice for their Krim" tient, ttis i can not elle ad the of desette7, from the,l suit climes Lwanty yeilasSail palettes, ellt= l ll 'devoted to the mirror diseare of* ditikota evpfi ......_ .. ture, I ~,..._— . . 7..' ,;, To which It added, - rtietitpti for the eliteGe..._ ,lar_o o 7 4 t AIMMelt. and a treaties on' the +memo; igniplitenok_ . . Oltife of the Fever - and Altue, for twenty-live'ilatteii ,;inf 411Kimples nue dollar; will tits Pontarird, to . saiy)rartw the tatted Ettet.s.bv natio.. are/Alm, Addeetor W , - peiti,'Box,l96 Post° • oey.tor tho4 lll 4torr. 3 ! . Seventh street, Phllad'ojic . ! .,•;;•j,:i. , * . t71:1 - X.07 i .f: ... , .. i..".r ': 1 ...*:•..-• .!!: ,::.its.ii? ' :', ; 1-Y ,- -.:'.:l.:Te I:: zifzz:;i - • - „,...?4',41-:j. , '„ , F.:A?!.i . ~ ,: ::?..21, m 1,;, . .,i ;cx, ..,...,,,,,,..„,,,,,,,:,,:. ...r.z.i.#- - ki':;,..:.:,:-;::.,,E,..,,,, , g7 ,, 1.,,, , -i,1,::‘,.:f , ::: , :ri10piwun5ap.,. , ,,., , ...-.. , ..... , i: • , . - - - ; , -. , ; * - 2-:-..;.f- - :::;-.,;::::::v......„,,.;..v.i.. .:::.; ,, ,2.51. 3 ,, ,..3-3- , - , N ..- ' , ~ .,w- 4 ,tril. ~,,,,,tis t Y, -. 74 , 011 4 40 , -, 4 ,-E iu -,- , ;. y. , , i ; 4 ...: 004*.., _ . ... larew,73,l , zl..__v •gicflifitgoltikig.*Ylo.7ll -iiiiik-eintlito-4- i. p thisig 501041010119114IE:-..,,,t, .440kgiciptifOlort : liisill till linlii1 1 410.1••* , •r - m*M77r iiictii: gag giglit 0 idiggieg4,7:,;•4llgfoggistusill-- -,- - -.: T .- 6 0.:, , gor. •• , itiejotoii , 34,ll . ,ttittm..."ormair i r-r.." • iliablv libekitei4:3o- 14 4 , -..7 , 1i;:-7 we,,, - 00 - 00kammtsi'W - .4.3v; -- i7.W.,-K . - - . , •Z•!•, , i..t!: - : - .•;. ,, ,-,•lfiz -.- 7 , ..., : . • - ~ • • -,- . -.. -- ,.. , 7- , ..=y4-4. - ,,'.,-1.4 , 4 1,34 , ..: ...: , -;_5.: , .-TN2,- ; 4,..,y. ~ :4 16- ' , 1;1/ 4 - i' 114,41:11N11k1h -,. ' : iW ''''''' - ' 11 4 jlt - : - .1 ,- ,-, -- ' ... '00000 . : ir.,.. ,W..'''-''7:-01'',.t , ‘4 . ;.ki•Ye'cl;,,:;:: - aft - WM*ll ftg o ll it - o, PilgilleN-i. , :;A:4: 3 .: - .4, - * / ? - 0 4 . 491 . , :&%. , ;...-set,: vi tc TtitiOtioo44lokVU)lo4*ln f'f4-; . ..?,v , • 4 4 ,1 _4 7 : -, .*OR l Ar gt i , kr`Ann.. - -.?J' , : , 'Vt`•ion: l -7-t i iiV: .-Ogit - - 1001.07-1-eeid•iio:l*.:,..,••,sfl. M o‘tt tiito '? ttg ,- 0*, 11, 1 . : •.t...4efri'1:::i1- 1- ;' 4 AV irlikilth 'e 50514*1!!,-5‘:',,-4;-:,v-z.s%• -., '•*L.''''•trin i , :;:::,-7,, , , , ,,t1,......:,r.,;_=,,,:. =,...1i0t, •40-A,,k.40::,•,-,••;440,.... _ . __„ , ! - ;,:i.c. , g,.. , !.•,:;...i.:,.-,iiiiiiiggiollolllll!* idle:: Igirs.e.!: rii. -- , -- ' lixtiO!,ttai , - ioi: 4 44 41 4 0 : ' omr-i**-x , r- f ro i • .......,_.• a .„ ....,,,,,,,,, ~. , ~,,,,, r, , ...... ~. ~,....... ~, ~.... ....A.',....,i4,.:;:.::f-,',,,:.c..7. _ ;..:•,- . 1:',4 ' i:...'i - 1.-.,.,',.. - i V:1342,AZ.-_,:.!, OYES. 24M-P Fs!! • _ - . :E. C.: : Sirnino2ll3., - -:' , SHOE 3fAKER AND It EfilLtiLEß.: am ' !fin it, Saddle:7 Shop; •