lY~ar~r.`''t-'24'+.h'Xr'o~lh'brim!~cx -,• ~;Fc:Y?`~cev...:,nan..H ... TIieNEVP - CABLNET. Washington; Jan. 9th.• General Atbirton left tins city, _to:day, for Concord. 'The-accident to Gen.. Pierce seems' to have temporarily, suspended cabioet move._ annis and speeplation. bronze statue _of Jackson con r tin ,-? - nes tO l be the object of universal aCtiaction ' , and admiration. There is'a continued. - ero*d of visittirs - a.round it all- • :1 , CELEBRATION Or THE OPENING , ,OENTIIE- onto iniu.Roam, . , Baltimore 'Jail. 10 The President Directors of the , .Ohio . , 'Railroad Company, thiGovernor and mein*rs of the Afaryland . Legislature, the Baltimore City, Council, together with.fifty. members of the , Virginia Legislature, and hint , dred invited giiests, left, in a train of twdlve . cars, this' morning for Wheeling, to attend the formal 'operiing,of the road. • • , . . • , DEATH OF lION. •cHara.Es ATILEHTON. • • • Amhrat, Jan. I l Oth,- IliniTCharles H. Atherton,.: S. SLnator. _from - New ,-Hampshire, died_ in this pla‘F ; o. on saturdiv la.stt of pneumonia. - The aeeeased - was a ,mernbe.r, of the U. S.. Vouse of Representativts in 181.6. AY EDItOIiDEOW;VEL!:, W. Holland, Esq., editor 'of the Writ Trey. Adrocaie, aged talent lbrty-five years, t!,alkeci off the fe,rry bdat Whieh plies between thiS city and West Troy, into •the, on Saturday e.vening last,' , and . was, drowned. •_ His • body was recovered immediately; • LAKE IiANTIGAT.Wi erILL OPEN . .. - . . . -.- . The steamer .Anieriq wliielt . - ,ditived frotil tleveland on saturdily . *ith alara - plchliti•4 live and - dead .. .ll6v ' - left - 3-6teiday 'afteittoon'cor ClorOand svith frei - ght,:atvi passengers • Debt. of Pennsylvania • -•- From the annual report of the u tor en.‘ .eral,-juA published, we gather the= folloWing - Inter. , sting, . items of information relative: to thelgtite. finances.: The anneaied tables shows /the am4unts2of the several loans of the Commonwealth ;as they stood. on-the 'lst of PL;cember, 1852, and the periode 4 . '11 en re-imiirsable:.• Amount ovek-due, $1,952,130 11 'Do. u.-imbursablein • -'S3, 2i132,164 48 Do. do. - • . 2,900,210 28 DO. do: - 4 .55, 4;467,331:26 do.l 756,'2,722,643 , Do. r • '.58, _ 7,004,103 34 Do. • t. 40. • 1,201413 -25 Do. '6O, 2,676;936 98 Do. C.lO. 471 -'61.; 115306. 00' Do: 41•5„-4i-T .•'62, 2,282,161 91 Do. • • - 40. I '63, 168,200 00 do. '64;• 3,240.626 '76 Do. '' do. • 265 1,700,605 86 DO. do., 2,502,648 08 Do. ' do. 7 '7.1 1,900,636 AI Do. • '77, 2,015;006 00. -do Do. , • . '79 , - 4,00,000 00 D 0;.:.. 414) 'B2, :799,666 -67 Do ef:ounk :e.klartei loans. 618,391 00 Do. relief dls. in,\eiroulation, 650;183 00 Ni Ararat— Il.6bth Kai , ' -I - ' - i .i ; - - — 7- - .-r---=- 77 -- , - , :Ann aeort- 7 .:- , . Beardsley: i . I,l"ichael Cup ,• . g 4 J ` l '''l '45 18 iain4bani. .' 1 : - - . - - I, ' . L _ . . • 1 1,.; I • 'File w'. le afoot:tit - of f‘Reliknotes orioinal- ,4lburn--,Tona, an; 'Marry: Carter I . , , ty issu ed, ;32,220,265 ;Of this, sum, iof the-old Daniel - Sterl•h - 4, , Jahn TeWksbnry, .oilion 1 issem $,3:16;320 hare been 'redeemed. .The Ilnrris Geo. 1e , , ury.• - ..I " ,il l• 1 „mmouotila ciretibition'of the old issues is 56'- -.1 - friiiiewat r` • I,lis Billiard, vrofk .paldwin,.l L 945 and of the,re-isiue, $593A1 4 8. Of the ex, i Asa p. -- Amee,,' 519 tsleCollana, 'nr. G'dr - dney-, Ira is..uefi 0f122,750,by the Bank of /Iliadic- I Philip .t i eciiins, .it , ses 8. 'ryle;7. - ', 1 :,. i Sew& and :flank :of Susque taMm , -county. only Brooklyri4S. , " ':Breed; leidittati. Whip . „about $4 . ,233 are in circul tion. ,, -In iddition -, pie, fEdwardlPac , Daniel 'fOrry.' 1 ~, .1 ~ to the abos;!, tite:Berks e ,- ..ti:;anic - made an I. Tit - iie - orint•--L-Sa, n4` el -' Caretati,i , : , - I< - 2, ;over issue" To the am if of "8 501 , '''Ve DO*" .L-Attritani I,7.edsicird C/a& the'reciemploia of the3io ; thr:. - .ComniMiiVealth j • Gifford-- liph .et 11 ells,' WM- MlaS *_. ' 1 - )ecaiale resr.ongble, pursuant to the act cif 29th 1 Rolla .li.: 4 l , "' esens,.jr., Chas. .(I* - Iyest .i - 3anuary, l'E:45, and has redeemed the "sum-io(1 , Plutidatf-- iln • A r nold:` . ' --'. i . ; . s27,4oB,lexing still in circulatlim, $1,063.=...--. Franklin--1 4 4 , . s llrawin. • - 1 ~ infaer the onstructioft given to.ilieadollOth Friendsrill r ' t rt . ritus AL.'-Daip .• il 1 l i d Ajoil, 184 P. in accordance with . the oiyinion . of. gorest•Laish--'4- : atTett'• 'Sherer, : Sant. •D. .:t!' . late Atormey . General, many of the re,is : . C . ornp/7. ~- r. . 1 .., ' .- , ' '':!.•• ' •'• • •ki es as 'guy . became defaced were Cancelled Gibson-LG S. Mei, Be Dix. Dix. d reties:ed. -, _Of these, renewed re-issues;. Gr#at 'Den —I nary :Bird, Charles ham t e liartisirir.f,r Bank, has, 'made $BO,OOO--thei berlhi; 15. , -1 .1 ast'oo'ks 7 " -j. '! 1 Bank" of liddletown slko,ooo, and the Lan,.l, -11afford—= hn Blanding, . Shepherdl Car caster Bani $144,960.. , , , - - 'inenter,bbed ip. ..t nghliii, Solin',GilbOrt:Oobil . , _ -5' •$ n . " -- 1 J. golley, A ' _.- - hase, Sleph'cfr. Sz.hi,Cl.l H m Lis , av d Taylor, Jones Taylor. i Herrick - !ids. A. Campbell, Almon Spoor. I Jnekson-j- . a nti 'Hall; Daniel .111,2cOrrar, .laa I / rt..); inedt I L . " - .. .1 . :J /. ~ j • sup -.-11 iclet;Abel Sherpia4 Or ps in S. Beehc.- . 1 I.t.nox .'; , p 11 .aratng, Sim e on_ R u d e r Samuel Mi. hi. .. '.. '11; ; i'' i - Libeity_il niel, D. Stan ford,4: A: 13,ennan. ".Montrose ' amen:: Deans, - - 3 . . 11. - Salis!bory, s. A. AVoad ', If, Chas. - N. Siodfkirri. : ,l .: . i . NON Milfo i s —l;h - 11 - Badger, B...b. l .4letitcock, Josi'ai t . 'lrostr, 1/ • .iil McMillan, Smith; I:e ll en Rush-,-tr I. tas. Mayiiad, lifahl 1:1 Griffis, . I- ' - 1 -- ' ; ; .1 3 1 John.:Wrang; 1 . _ • 1 1' 11 Silver . Lai: ',Thorns Goiton, J a m k 5,.... c- Cortnick, /s• • 3 . Gaige,-:Datid 9......1 • ' er, Francis Qui : , - I fl E.; 4. Springvillc '.. 1 Scott Grqvcr,'Cidril;, {t o ' tr y .E'dward,Scatf. - , • 11 ,;. Tlionisit 7 -- eargo Sampson. . R,, J.- * Those n es in Italics are for the fsero ; d Wee ' ' .1, ' s• - ' ', • • ...1' •• IJ . ai i *al List= --Flist W k. ; k i Voting vs. N. Y....8z4 - i 4. 8.. It C0.,f,1ta . .. Brundagelfs. M„ &IC). T. Co. e t; s; ";. Dailey vs!, Roo, ~Trespass. ‘,./ .-, i Keilatkvis. Green, r .. f i , ___.........„- . - Dttn wore -vs: D more,. Dlit t eree: .- ' - `- ' - ---• ---• ' Foster vs. 6ree .Ty e. spas‘ -- ' The Truth Leaking. Out • ' Had . 6 ,. (~,,b),, levhi,l --, 4 1 .. trust, sir, - that - we.; shall be content ti lel s a3 th vs. Haw 11, AttsAintillt !mil emus! atone. The -country is. now'imi- - Iwo h vs. , as , 4ra1.1 vernally prosperous in its industry—the peo- Camp ell v.e.`Niliutt Li Vie do not complain - 7 1et -us notVegislate to. brink ys..Dod g e, lirwass- their in.itir'3l'' 1 - - • ' ~. ', .' . " ' .11 1-- i 1 , 1 The aboi-e is from Henry .If. Fuller's late I S: ,i , We k!. I. ' . i speech in Co*ess,snd haw diirei-ent its sound w ard r i s. L., , - ilf - ,,iit.,-.R.. ~- Detnge• I ,I from What, was. the Whig songhefere the, e l ete Pride's Ass? - ~,t4 Peek, Jr 0 0C Al' ,-, a lion. T , Then - the. ery ;was 4 taritr. tariff! r wan , Su m ,„, erir s . i i. jr, ; ,,,,R; . c o . l, Dasnoge q the tongue tired and the head ached 'With the, c aini r ys. Jima 'd.'.: g," A -13 t. I, i - t . .- 1 din. , The laborer wan appealed to to 'vote not, ch'v ers %., i raelo o 4. et: ill rekrieseit f 'for .General Si but for the `•‘_taiiif.', - Therti 8 - F ,, ,„' .. TifEiti nti n-1 . 4 - , eni , e- '' ..I ' .the country was not :t prosperous, but'utterlY CI .E. Lew" . .evirt.- ( I •--.-• . ( 4 'Mined by the Democratic Ipol • icy orlfr.-Nalk- witi g as s i . Ri..„ , Replsvi a , _ -..;- •1- . -er. Then ene-:ltitivizmull.nem,plaint went` up -Grig; v*:.ll9lot, ' t ' liactit.' ,-;:-._ -: 1 11 from the *bole - race of iron inert; and not in- ---;',#,_ .., , 7 , !s .l{,a a j;' • - 1.,-L . " --,,-- ..-_, e l . t . - •dustry,„birt 8,",. wonderful Whig tariff 1 4 : 81 ; 4° d ' irtii cil: M: &., 'P. Co., PIT' ,•1 ' 1 tits, Tinake wen ordliperons. . Industry was nothing it i, ..- vi i,- . :- :, 2 ,••! -.. .„4-‘,-:.,• i .- ' 2 ! I _,..., ~_-'..-• :., ', i the-tariff, wa.s everything. ,Mee.hanicii; after 'vo- I j o b'd e . ii x i i , Irerry,- - -Ap '.t.. - - - • '' -' ''' tingleithe talltr.s!ere to awake next morn i neTewksbury iv& Pinitizell;'Akienl- 1 ' .- I .. ,and find their . shops.lull • of , gold. Farmers - Pratt vs . Bieein,''''RePleviii. --'' , - ..- were to fi nd their crops growing witheutrtte &mock-III: va; , -,Stepheo a Appea. - - ...neeessity . ,to them of tilling the soikindiiowing lione'l-iii. 11011,,t;41eettnAn -',-- , the seed._ The•terilr'had.mpre eertifie4t444. Spencei,-is.:Tains,..etjrrni ,care from -Whig Politicians thantTerl:o ll Pk! Scrirliiiii. l3 ensOnrkllie ' end's SareaParille,eoni4 lielort - tvo:• - :`' _. ~_•:':''''' '''- -r. ':.• „re up& Niv.e43 , 4•Zevric Brit:•tiow=after -ipe.; .. otee - ft—pretho T y ! v s ;-.4i . e ,k ey ,,, , i n :Dit, iowitry,:is..4 pfuspereni:!`:: Whllt:W l /1449a-• Ste ens,va..M . ':-Y., - 46 f E.R..4 borers say to this - who, Wisre-iieluded*9-te Sur vO. Ciiiktliity . 44 !-..fiai General Scott IFor*d tribute, :iii-Ittde el.)- 4 -1 Ai ..- _.pi;nimere, - °-fession is. -to the:witida_m_ no jui*Attlie Ite., overzi,ii,wiipqn Democratic revennOliw,4t nefOrthel***. liiiailk*Tit42-7 es3s the -Hollow liiiii.:''-of..4hi!tiiriff?„,',*Tl4:4l/e • VArri*-Y,e;-Steen-i; si w ' the late eampeign . - '-.4t10- i ke46o4l Pn ' Ai t til h4 r , Gicakiir.; - W - ' ' :, Liu; wiiik partyiiiiiirOWoi9:o2,o4'*;44lel .;•. 'i..- 4si -future-.that 7-it oktoce ., k4i: - * , oun lt'3 l - . ' -: .: is prosperous Ataiieittzttli*".. - ,..40 1- ) , )..!**- .. .... willlie cut%ii*: , lemiik, - ii,44l::4ons4 , :lipf,t i , ~ y. -.. The P r eeelXtrgtloio*iidli'nin.bdretieit.Uel ; . - - ,Yi _ ‘isitipelleclA O :L e. ,44,4lo -- -- --0 411 4;47; L' 11 7 l 'T'i!tlt Mao, -hat 4 t o. 4v-ruklei-, k i - - .- . 1, tt 43 wan n ot ctlifel* * - ia-, := 164 -5 11 , 5 -., 1 F `: hitit u k pi a iiiiira:4*-4e#4. ''',..!':',.'f-,-/P,"4.....--' „.... ... t -,,-..:-....... .r.. I XN:i rr."`: ,- ;:; =. . , ...•;" : : - f ,?..-,” Qj . , , . ''', . - , ...,,,:. '' .-' : : ::. 1. ; '4 ,... ti.V.- ---;<,_t z .•..4.- - -W--.: , _ •;:. . ' 1 - , '.., . '7' '.l--A.-ii,: - . 7 .!1t?',.' - - 1- , -,* • . Gal; Piereck's Fortuna . . . As every..!)ing relating to the . Preildent elect possesses t.t this -time considerable . interest. .wegl.q. ti, i• following from - a correspondent of . 11 N- Y-joirnaL . • . .'. • .. :- - . Gen.l 3 j. ree when - nominated, was ,coMpara ;tivelv. a noor 'man pecuniarlijy 2- considered: • worth, peraaps , sondewhere‘ from :$15,060 to .825,000, %Ilia he had acquired- in -the_piarSiiit of an at•4441,1s legal praetice since he resigned his seat. in the United . -States ' Senate. Sinee .hiR eleetior, however;.his friends . appear': to be adding to ! , .s - fortune. material ly. -In, • addition tO the maglifiE'ent rincr,v ( alued at $3,0.00; which • was receal:v sent•from California, some of , his - . . ~ tends in t:lat city , are about lio . gy ` him:a splendid cf.:ach and 'pair of 'horses- A short - time since, a. few of his friends here= gave than .4 gold-hentied cane, on - .%rhich,' , lwastfgravid . the - different coats of arms or the. thirty-one qtalks• The' ladies or Concord -are IVIto pre, . .. paring to foward a -large and 'beautiful cow , of the lick Bible to the .White House ou-itie . 4th of .Alar e h. - Last, but .nlast, ,it is - cur - .' w ..rently rurtrired. that a ealthy elatifeybraiii. .Pierce, residing _ Boston ; oston, a checked - -the oil , General to the tune of s3o,ooo.:.This 'iaiter rumor, hawever, i - contradietedYin-- the New fiampshire Palriot. .- ,' ' ''- '. ' - 'La u" eof the. taw. 1 fliutnan Won' according to aii, I giie to an thei. .ap - oiarg , instead ilif syin , ilpre you th oiange;'lwli if one would thi k ['would be ail is en Ilea in , leial \ phmseole an tm lut conveylinee f all Tight and. title iherein,' tli phfase woul . run th .. .,: , ' I 're,: you ali an s - tig1111: my terest, right titletiand claim of. clrantage of din that ) . .inge,lwith all rin ,i alibi, juice; 1p and "pips and 'right and tidy:int:weal titer ~, with' . full Itoorv+4o....bite4 eui, suck, land oth wise eat:, th. Aril:Nei give the dathe_**ay, ' fullyy and .effietpl4lll the said A. 03.,,a !now entitled' to. fibite, e t suck and'atheivi e pat the sarni.,k;iange . orl give tifeAliae . l).W i with. o r withen4 Iti.rinit 1 skin;juiee, fulp.di is , -anything I .oeretofore. iir hereinafter; or in.any.other deed_rof (leeir . lb, instrument or instruments, of what_ nature or .. i m li - rid soerer, to tlie Contrary :in ,ziii*lset not x ithstandipg,;' with tnneh more to 'tlf,e same ef f Ct.', SUel is the language of lawyle01; and it i gravely held hy_the ost learned rifenl among, t etn, that - II the omission Of any of 4it, words' the rig,ht to the said orange irould niltipass to the perhon fcii whose Use: the saute :4aii. inten ded: -"' I f . • - I I - I I f ; -- Trop,' JaP. 14, Blifralo s 10 . , Jurynit i i g ati . ' Term -,, uary y 1853. ~ ° Aulm -L Jae ob 11" p .Lov - k . - ulu f ils* . -•' LI -Cliff ci 1' i n -=John Bake Peter BeiMet, 1 ' Dim o'ek- , -Charles., RCley; : bund4r-Peter Deeker.. , nankiin--.lohn Martin. -.- Frientikvillo:--3111es W. Bliss. '- ' Forest Lake—Coorge Ifamlin. . .. 4 . Gw ibn—Reulacfn Tuttle. - ' -• Groat•Ben&--, Lewis:Buel, Wm . Day, Hartsiony--S.telihe.n Jetlingi. ! i Herric 7-ll f illiam Churchill. . ;.', - ? , .i - Jessupt-;David Re.hhisnn. :. - 1 11 • - 11..enox—A. C. Tompkins. : ` 1- - 1 Liberty 7 -.Almison Chalker, Ira Cofficeek.., - I- , e. Middletown-, 7 -Galutia ;Constautined *-- 1 Strange. j ~ - . . - - f - I ,li ' , CNew ,1141.0.4Hliorriee 4 ,- rnnur,'Jtfii - is:tralt, ott.-, 1, • - _-.- . r: , 1 . - Rusli--Abraham NVileok.. -: ~• i;. .. 1 Themseti-inaaa.:.CroOer, IN - 11. P 4 Stod.. ,$ - 't , ,t - L ,, t, , •-.' - 1 -,, :4: 1- ' . t: ,-- ';: .. •r - --,-w; :','„l ;.,;.:,,,,Ed 4,x.'.. 'Th,f°,7:, : :101- I. ` : ,1,13-' - 7, ": .3 : 1 ‘, , ,M 4 ~','",,;',":,;;:.e:''''' ''''',.,'- ."-. 311,111?c,:',-,-Ef-i,':,it :.:;, ~. ..,,t .s. .1: ' • ,:':•:''' -,- , ,I. .- 0 i iii Niki t t r o4l 1 : il hastei Ailvertlier 13 "Agent' in relatr . to i Nations," now a ide li : i lt'-i.' Aecorcli ~ to 1 lhete vronsin Oa c -t ... ....:- . ..;-12 9 . . - -,, . ~- - .., .1 00 • '.; . •• •.: ..g, 49. -- ' ' ' " -- ', 1 •: 1., rd : !I .- ;'. 2 ? 3 -- . ' . .. li 1/ 1 , • -I , 1.1. - i,- ' • - 1 - • it Susqueluinna , County, .11.grietil ineLf the inAinn .rive in - - - tilra SOCietty.. j ' • ini b lion , and otht caP pe l S; . Tho - anniml meeting of the Society for ' the t of the! once f Onwe i ?'" ele c tion oro ffi eers for-the' ensoin,,,,e , vear Will is ' a n. to ur - th ba - S E , d A w be held at the Court House; liVedie;da2lovon eoei, pit ftres of tINIT fath is, in,„7, Jan. 19, 1853: i '. . es ltiva:risen' u p. l•tra° fir" .S. F. CA.R.3IALT, See.Y• . • i Sand 6 pale faces.' CI .- • .' . ' XlithallEl or , , - Mei findln th - stract of the 'lnd Temnntit of the 1 the Sta of Ne :" cenens , kenin oe c,_. • ~: - Tlilidarolll3, Cl 4 Itllir,al l / 2 Off. nairgast, _ On :idsis r 7 . "110"hil*kb .I ~~ 4 •a•• T 1 1 .6 rn f l e the ta4, from: ie seen'iii the:, ka " Nit- 1 00e,, I linger around th w ile . in thei', pl thundreiltli , nmons:* zivid 1 Averh Eduard ii ahah~, -q•z; 4il„ • I '7l -414 p :-.1 4411';'17,1 4 , ' e• ,- I ' - IV tk.:llO7i. die Judges - of the' Court It QUai- I • ter Onions of 'the Peace in an d: for Ike ietilui (i . Susquehanna:: - -- '-' -: ttiE pe lion .. of Jame! . /tell,of :the Village - of I Simla hanna in slid coAlity; risPec fully hp resent, ai l :ie.:is providad - witlfinitabl &mean" ienees to ; eep a Grocify:inlhe:ioWieh ripr fiat, may, a , &that it iplaeiiiitenticnto ap ly to the, next Con int:Quart-el: aeoalons *be, olden , = id and *kit id county, fot a lice l3 l 4 34l{egii. ii:Gra• cory`,,"an .:to sell strong beer; tile, Aid other Mali licliciria a .!m the Ad.,: of 'Aesembly' .of bith: AP '; /851; . ' ' ' • ;TX/UPI/ELL:, .. k ' - Dipot ',Vii.'2r 4 *52-:51*4: -Envie . tintok , J,„ . .. I C 1180.... slily it:- gitt, Co.,'ln'ql* T AKEB4 tuts.la4 fell stocliol a esove.o rofe-as low aisong bls s DO' Good*. I Venal 1 In lithangl rork, Best; stair Yob* that he Us / WO 11 9. 1 4 • P1et....; —; ixr NS. !iltandturis. fitattle s e! Ahort ZEE - --- --- -Donation - Tun 1- - - The frierelii . of the Rev. A. o,.'.4lsaarat are 0 tesPeStfullY invited to make; .the - if:Donation i ida I visit to his fantily;,st their_ .re.side ae, in the. Borough of lfriontrOie; _on .Weda y "after, _ noon end evening otthe I9th init. i c ker 'r. MontroSe, Jan.,6th, -• • The frzends of the- &Y... ire invited to make him DociatiOh visit, at his house ia.the Village_ *of ..GrOatlßend, on Friday'afterniionand. evening -of tl4ll4th inlet • , INtread:: i On the tlst or. Dee, last,. bY - Ithe Rei. 3 C. Keeney, Mr. R:' IC GAMBLE. of '-Aherdee 1 Monroe county, - Miss., and 3fiss Rut* . *. .. lierntrto. of Cherry -... Creek ,: Pontotoc CO. 311 1 1 iis!PPL. -- .- - On th Oth ifist , - by - tti Rev; I.R. Mecrear - ,-, ra,irt• Mr. BE Lr..ixis and *in .Afeni . JANE jt, both 'of Great Bel On the' 6th in qt., by :Eld.- D. bnoek. Mr. ZEn uLT.D. BULLARD' . ttnd Afi Ilasitut 'Kw- rldi ... - , both of Bridgewater..r - • - i . ~ . -' - -, 2LE'V • -- , - liliae. ;9 \ OII,CIU the '7th ipsi., Essizza,, Wife . {of . .. Ril'. I.: Cur ile, aged ..33 .yeas. • • ' - .She was a member_ of the - -Methodist Epic copal.- church, .an4Aiileft a huSband. and dough er to-Monru-hei-4iss... - - 'i Jesus - diid mid rilSe:igiiti • - •.'. - VictoriOus froni; the . dead ) , , - - - . S his 'disciples rise and reign With' their triumphant `head : - .*, - • ' - rest in Jesus' faithful- ai7ns,, \ , At rest as hi a peaceful bed, - N N ' , S 'care from all the 'd rer,dful. stoims •-.. N Which round:this sinful world iire.sped. . T ten let our mournful tears be dr%,- .- - Or in a - gentle measure Wow ; . . , •-. - - A c'll hail- them ,happy in the:sky, . 1 . - - And joyfullwait our call to: go,- ~------ -.- - --- 'IIR-S E. CltAl."'', fl a airiasr. tnYSItIAN, tikes this 11 nie. 'Oil Oqiilforaiiilglis friendi and .the public in g4neral bat ho lias- recently . returned frcin California, and lo " ed in the village of Owego , : County of Tinge, 1 and has stablished a pertriancnt rse on Lake • Streeti brig T.. 1 :Patch's/I:mg- brick store. and is ready at- tend to fbusiness in the line of hircprofessioa." 2 I Ills su*Crior method of arriving at a correct .;diagnosis I in diseases, and his unparalleled success in treating they various diseases Incidental to the , human System, More . 1 espeedalkir those of in acute, sUbacute, chronic, or coma I plicatea character,.are-an that is necerp.arY for-him to offer the inialida and d;seasetl of eirty character to efi I - title Zinn to the confidenCe of a discriminating: public.-- 1. for Abe benefit of ihoie unacqintinted with his method lof practice he would say that he deem-gets diseaxe by al. ... . W klik4ren i, V Wla sis ; .. , I chemical and microscopical' examination of the rursz. " , i sal - .• I . ' Persons may.serirl or bring a clean '(at I 20011Minlc.'Skiiii wanted to Alan : ordei- by the'fir , least two ittnce).vial, the first in the Ani)rning is prefer- : id' march next . for , Ohl h n gncJ price- will 't :reil, and as a record is kept of 41' the cares ',examined, I. paid in ca3ift , ..t r ints bought - usual.) lir . , .• the name dm; ago r: ^,1352 .41f10141; i : :,!:.....?.,*.,.' ~: ,:., - out stok'iLliii . -we'4bilik wtt can 4.9lll"*lttr. the. goodie, ~ ......,........—__....----4 ,-; '' ' ...-_,_.... awl prkes - • r Atech:---5 reinember, tlift . lhlAtaer• stores IOC: ' LI) ER wai fed '1 ~.tttjiltE'LL". 4 .- icIIC'aP :'="1) or eteck coot ay , In 4:0 - 61'940a iDa art,t, f 1 ., ~...,,:,..:., ~. ..... ..... . .... . ~. ~...,,i:. •Tea,'. cu gar, Ctilleiqssl . 3teicttregi.:siackeeel. , : ", : -1.-T.,..- . ,• : ;.“,:.• :• . ‘. •,., -: ,-, !. ••. I- C0:M . 1 . 4;0H, l'uh:.teco, Yri!jt,.tirttli,:. oapi.,Qatalhat, •P% • •-• ' - - • ' •.4 14, - Praierveso igaht, Drugm.'l , tedteiars; IYoWete Nitre ; i‘keitSog, .hblv anal • *sot Saii;•,'l',lolo, •I'to **tali \- ita..' ii'ateti iteltitui ) d keepleg conatootty Oa, baud and will JCL at the loweift)uhtetbat a tatk e t, '•)nienirnr*sti.s-j ; ' ''''. :-Wiin i fi at ,- .4110c4104a 11 ILind.KfitiTln!fg Ort)dge. t 'r ! mil l - s y g). , ri s ,,. - ;-1 , ._ ,, -i -- -:_ivy . „l:2 o . 1 - • Ite. Was lot st4fii the glstiiikAttepot, will att e " to ' i i'l i,tahle of, 004ida iqt euitlikialwo)l'eltin*c n Ntmbncg O . Ix NEWIVOI.,. I ' . VILI , II pail fortfaiikinittiaw, -••:, t - ntlikwoW, ?:43* 20, 18:12.•---4i'm3'; ~: Al. - :l,'. S. tiLIB.P.3 r\ . ' = .!.=-1 ,- •. ' , .... , .•:,,:•' . . 1 -.7 , -,-----.',.'. • , ,•?7 , 7: - -- - - -- - ; -7177 ''="--, *- _ , , fr '[. ;.•.-':. ' 'II MW. -- A, ' !‘-t . . : RIVA.I4:;, , 1. TT.:.. 43vTut ~.K.1.... avorttneu or, nriftlett.UotdsiW4Udiakili kratititot•i:f.---. ':•Atn c ••: fretinrßetillel: - . 4:;.. fithiti:;2)ritf:G"crear• - -arag -* - --* -- 'ST P- V01 1 ' 4411 . -41 .kOni'fair,144011;',11e0 - ,S:lizres.." e.;:4o:lyhteti, k*itt - eat! e;ktiir 1 . fai; is' nefq - or- 1 40476 .4! ftedrer" '.- : 1 1KAli ,-bot4.42es.:,lyataori• ,grattiilk ' ktelii - tie tar wlsle , . [ ea '64lii 7 -,:, ..... ::.- ! , t : : ,- ; : "-f - . 'l!eVNllie id 14y. , riSUE ebted t • ame wt, Kt 0 CleiVA Isions • nrrinhriqs:res . .tfslim6utilyi.lie 4 _Croel i" Lr , ,Z#l! tY; aui belonTul civ"-• ,W€C:r44E ,Ani) other ,rtto ere in *tint of any . Ara re; tannic - , Criffie spnorts e klandllot4elo. Pletrail Iriren; ketr..l4ililOs an Wilt9tr Wart_ at :TlatAft.rp„ F•fectli Pollticet';Neats; ;0144:r -; -apiVitit• ii;slh E.A l le ciArgeliec ," tab utlikeiiilir a'sticing pt •'2 Librialt a ll the zinnia tin wai 4. ' .serjokerf miscible prices;:: • "alb • toe; 0ct..14, 1852: • ' Eir.tkiesi - Company . Id 4-, Co, 8 Eiii-Pitlo of . ihing_ton ,steceis,[.[Pielitr arkt 4:*Ca., i 57 f Mum sired, [ pAriFf:e . optail f . )1 1, pow Agt tltlt• 1 D Aille .';, . O l ili ill-. .Pfrigsl6l; lrgrgs , `r Pule* Pidrrietw\ • iiniit eriOck-lcon , $21140 ITATiso pureliaand litatntfatiti Au. 'Ai Titronit in thaArpiaa 1243_ laotAkan— and Iresteniltalt.Reet47ea.fe to 'to form ther ate now Prettoktedilt doltilmetst tistik wanting hnslurat trout their ume:eion thit;l 4 , \ 6 11 , y,-4 3 qy tured.vantl seta rottrartt Plreritst 40 1 10tattYi zatllS`t W iltwith aonstoelitgatiii4 -thromkbout the °tide a4"fliTt, terkisterititlitititithi 4 et title a a Crottee tti iks 'W,Mfko l9 4 4 9***birsi,g nut( Territories, tl,thit MA - ' o ll olol ll j44lo4llldiyi, NIMOS:-V ' , l.' • f''''''' . t' , : , - i "e4-11 1-:`...:!,i14114VA 4 All goods forms 18 47 gall oo Paglt'lty, teoWtilltd" by careful anct; extatteeit litelatinijraras,?.n .; 4ta , .:Aigerr, Ottawa% *Ma - av41(104,40m4 AF-,4, ,, ,ir. --- r.. 5, ti, ' Pula c e teak , goilikeivnittre - 13 4 .*FA A4; •to their Intortat, — •tatAir#o their atter. itointrabnip. ' • sott=s7 *Cat4ter•L• Ilittulteki; k - glittOil 11 * . - 0 1 1454 07 . ..rt - Towriiii, itatims_pti-"* . I ! .f. :', w,•x4.4ox*ROuftwAo -. i t qtp:3l- 54,0 01 44/Piatoonkmkugyie.;•, - ," ' . -1.-, fi,ii.:::l-4,- .4 - 4.46:11i5g‘,* 2i.;.;, ; 7_,.0. Safety ,P rine t.Pe per, g,.3 552. GOOISS , .&; Co's,,T:toN MEE - g4 s Otikinitrifol Vitt. +¥ .0 • f V?.. ii ,, • -'.- ; ' ;-: i ',FoRSi!:,. ~,:, arAfort.. II( Oitrektrl ibri.e.o6iiil.Pir . 4 . 41*.r.Mi110 - .11 . 011'4, MeV:A:Timer 'kis , :#4ll:lotitlot,.lrfnlk7ve . i 4:74g,:tkitti.llruitz '- 1. 1 1. 1 1t1 1341 01 1 5.tbr 1," ent'.9i'TOYX . gind tt !1f!4 .8' t.,0113 eitiinsi ' . 1161 ',money:. f . tard - Irf I tirfr II ! ' 4:11.' Dr. PAIL i .•:{ ; : 1 4-; . ~~ :i ;.:::. is e / I ta ~....1 -..- I;fiffCgq , , i,. (0 it" •1 '). p , ..--..:: ' - -,:- --- • , . y ) . :4 , .., , • .....„.- ~,, ,mp.„:..................\.,,,,,, r _-_ :- ,Itil - WilidAVV.Mr t e: whleh he hateriliii itii•eivelll,o 4 cub. arognig..whlch netty44440614.• • Unbleached Shae•Uwvi.ll444olf. 111 esehed..Vheetinga from - . 941 CV lrllli Upham fro= 2t9a..tugl Lx. , peur.s. at tl cl, St.l ail Is-i-azegllf e ' d Ast colon, -- - ',. • . .. 7. ',_.:.. Olnebantstiterstiltioll--4 let P'" I.` ars -colors athl_very heavy.- •.--.... LI- De LAilier from 8.1 tc! 1 7 4. •, - IPett.l 1 ed;lotl.,"szutl4l.-• '-' - - ' 41, ..N.''. 4 '2. ittNiliM"rit;P . . i m , . .111aolfstici cogialiliiiiga,faiisp - la. ;Z:olo4o;Cat.troters.E.attlnettv, - Tvroet. lentiiitothetremslatigoodefor hlen - ant. s lroellta Flannels of erery eolor,and '' . 4l 411 ,6 440 - 1ne464, all woof, as low as It al:: Irinittid tills.: - ; " :.., -I, f‘ 'Molt:ins strfpetllittl*exte,kl;tafht • Wo-alpn Bt t awKail#Co l o44: l l4(- 'it style and zienlity*,[rica.„*lit4,- -., ' • t'-'- .Itnent of Broths 41o; iii ' .•)* - - , :e1.1-y,,, v i va", :-;• Truttla.,Valiew.itat4.o '' ' '' I , - , : • q eoratently on hand, turf" ~ ; -r , .• •II Iv a ",contpetltlon.. • .1 ,, .'•- - 1 , 41. -* *'`ll 4 p•L' t .. - *,,,..5 . . . 4. .."' • . The , sub._•,A,„ii . , - , , 'ttk.,l44‘-;e0 • 1. ih , titeibtoW;go•4l; '44.titstcs, .4 . eitvoi to malts Ipeitiktiliti t.144k,t ' l' - na.ootinty:owliti, Sillku? $001114144 give h telt',' retWaritt . Curlier l of Co : .' Iratailtieliii ..';'l•E .. -, lot h 4 • Zi . ', -,-- -- 7 7 -7 - --; 11(1-.. ' .' ' O --GOOlOll 111 4 PER. %tin cir4;jsi• ;miry holy t' t_ILA PM,cash, or any Oat Of ..atare mn r,.;? , that Ilaxe not ntataed ;he, craills.f#o„,l3l4: 11 3lontiosa, Oct -'s , ' •' - .T: , ' " via, 881;;,1 •-•.: Ai f: , - • • 2-0. e s Montr 6No v. NE .., •[••:;••-••-:•-;--.•:...--• NEW' 0 • . 1 .:. ••._ ~.i,..1 - ..c,.0 iv P. W Y ATI S` N_ lii' TV.4.:frIIcZ. E S/14* 1 .. :xx7.•.t... Ur YAtikaiiito .si t,; .41....., ~..tior;-5•..04,if. ke; kg".; kit 9 11 • lolitist.thri N g pitceirok taste ite ~ .6 Al, a iqab.teri 40-1* pit. bin* Ile iir Flia4tri*Crik-.1*.11* c:. , ::iir ' , 'ar.i4 l.- niiniata,a;tatti t . 'iiitini — iitid:. iii . Chi 'zilo.4 . iiißiOr . lio* -.. :'1-t:'-';.!--" . :i-'‘.l ..trilov4.l%. , *tik*.iit'Aiimii_tdp , p Nis oVnieliest•tsr d(Wcsti:tt!, i Tt l kekb*wilt .l oor4 4 *4 . ll ,- . 1-!.:7'::.c.: , ... 1 ;Seaticit:DloViiiiik i . l . 1 491 1 trogti. t), : ., 1! 1 ;;1AP..i'.i • i4,: _ , .. . ~ _: i It you want good Carly at home .% STer...ioat I, Lnj and/Mud down" iftP 74lll "' • • nt Thdt:B to ~• • . - Judi Q tfthe:poyit'o f f r - sloors below the Aitar pricep. r,r ; ;: z o4r:lci cutting scot -2 mkt*. VW:PAW gilej , Moritioeie Oe aziocrit , a. I ant vs art btr 2ft -1 4itfi.. -1-6 4... - rx:: . .. - ,-;.7c4., - ,: - . - ;1.7:5:7: 4 -1 : -. ,- rf• a:kir:,::t-e+:4Vf:.--•-: ; :*--. .-.- : '''' . I" lfiiiiitialitt4Pla 4" the Bo - - l;. 1 ‘• .t, r . . E - t n ‘d: :74 : 14 / 6 64 : t II ii 3 ri 11:; 14 14::::: 14d ; 13:1 41 4 "4) 1 : 71 1 ; 1 .17 : " 4 :413 ki : :4: : :ar I-1 4:1 t p t;ke I a r7 l iii 1 " : :: ; :iiili f b B hUa° 1 14 5 1 i r : I': h : T't:el'er.; : r:lPti:lB 4 'le el° r d IY I " l'it I: I:In z 4 : ll' . a°°ll Cll 17:1 1 tri:l- - " ; '- : : ::' :::: - ' --- - Y.7.110E5, .- . ~'. ::,1 ;,..;-..,./_,: ..=jrsiiti,44ii;=:tiAl-. ... .;r>\::.. • . • A No 44., put I Vzno j) TI re. 0 topic . 11)'' • • MIS A 1 V -t, good sur, 09154 ii• .:•;••_-1,:4-1.....:..-ca5.4.,.... . •• • - .", 4.. .- ir. h 74, 1 1 ,v ,1 / 2 .;+- .•&NTI ;,,..., h _ ItVOa . .Q4 - "14 , :a 5 " : ..". -" 44,.:'----;•-!' ..,,t4,,..,?•t;i?.:',: - WARN ;..i 'iware, ~,,.•,,c.,;f,lp,i; i.,-..•-•.. •-,.-., -:- ..W,..,.*W... - •,, .'2,.......1!V9Fetii #l .T t ~.. 1.114.13::: .. •044.:::: - • :i . go , ilaikTplef,..w.t. - •; , 17::....a!z---- • . _ .. ... . • • T h Onot 3rieGda au' Hring 411filSO. amd Asic - ?:-11 by • TURRELL. ~.;,,.. ~_ ~'s i'-~1 ~e ~`: ~y ,- . .1