THE DEMOCRAT, The Largeet:Steentetteis ha. Northern . ..I"ethrsgivastia-10321cop.les"Vreekiv" , • - S:: . , i!:: : k.V.:: 0-c4Ag,'.*i:;=.;.'as;'.';,;',...l • ,TilafilraOSlEs DECEMBEIk /0 A The Mother's *aim Silentlya.young andgentle mother bat kick. higher oaly.ehild.; her work had fallen fr`olh her hands, and ;partly elippekupon',the,lloor ; while the dim _ light of the hing'inisnUffed can dla scarce changed the ruddy,hue, of ,bitrning enibers. , , •. ' - TWAS the birthday ofilowardt_ • In beauteous light scene :after- scene of a long lifeswept inpanoramie view befere)ier dreamy eye ._. , They passed, and -the Mist l of darkness rested upon them. • -; Oh God r stie murmured, ' that such.haight be my child. :Take, oh take, and' seal' him thine. ' Again she dreamad! *Rhin -a lovely cot tage, surrounded by the wide-spreading beech and stitely elm; sho stood and hcaid j the Vieeza . playing . With the echo of a . bounding stream; or, rushing up the mountain side; lapgh,. ing:at..tite barriers time .had placeil athwart bermay.. Daylight had faded,' theslisoir . and. glimniering tttilight gene, : andtwilikling stars looked out and smiled.. A ciadietviih.its holy treasure slowly rockod before her,— is looked -- nithinher . babe was ',there 1,1 &smothering cloud sloWly settled upon the cradle tand there , the vision 'ceased; she slept and' dTcamed no more ' A few short months passed rapidly away. A; an the " Mother sat beside her babe, but Oh, how changed l No more sho dreamed; no more her infant sweetly slept, but tossed its!pt tic arms in ,untolled pain. She knelt beside her babe, watching its restless motion; hearing its moans, and trembling for S its , Then came a moment's pause e —the little arms laid still upon the cheekard sheet; 'Father; 'she \ cried, spare', oh spare my C.bild: my darling and my only child!' • •In vain! for with a piercing shriek of pain her idol stretched its arms to her; shO caught it to her breast; it's head fell back hott babe • vas dead! • Two long days in tearless agony she watch ed her child and then they bore It from her the cold grace; There was no pomp, no ceremony 4s - when a man of wealth or :rank is 'hurried ; ah no! it was only babe they bore Few u ire the mourners, few were the- words' there spoken ; short the prayers ; 'twas only a babe thec=Varied. 'roe Sabbath came. Long. and .elognently did the than of God portray the benefits of Cori§t's atonement ; how daik Our state by -niture is haw aterly depraved the heart' how gracious God, how bright the gospel, how glorious the Christian's life, hoci rapturous borne. But - oh my friends, he cried, • not all Shall ' enter in r then hdw fearful was the. final doom he fired upon the sinner's course.. In words terrific. he painted theit home; he gave them nu peace, no liglit",:thelitriedfiames flashed up, and ooly painted' hollyl . `And Who, he asked, in slow and thrilling tones,' and who shall slumber there/ . Not hoary beaded vice alone, that for kit years has been adding sin to sin until its crimes sur. pas.s-lbe power of men. No !--not age alone bat w 9 sec 44 infant throng thieadini the sul4 priory streets and flaming igslek lof hell, and, amid the of the damned we hear their jiiereing, cries: A female Toice.came 'ringing through the Itouse,ol. God. like,a.'shrick of iiespir--the groan owe damned:—and they bore the half crazed mother to her desolate home. 'rho brightsun sank from . the: cloudless' 'sky' , into a sea of gold; the hill-tops became the blushing brides of evening and as the light, dappled with crimson rays faded away the lustrous stars shone brighter than barore. , the gentle moon poured a richer flood of !hill IA& cldianeP., and the soft breeze whisPered a sweeter song mid a mellower note in the weary. Beside the silent -knelt the stricken =. 'mother in prayer.. Darkness enwrapt her sawnoethe tablets of the' dead arround her, she felt not little mound before her, she only knew her babe, vinicilead drag= -;,, , ed heavily; each second- seemed en age, ,each breathing 'an etenrity. .But Suddenly d light dawned upon - her; the kind, zephyr breathed softer,-the mellow moon grevi =morn Gentle, the pearly, stars more,. lustrous. She ,acard a chime softer than . a be!p Miii,,Sweeter than the xolee of sour; it tuns arr nnge . l throng chanting Holy, Holy, Holy r 'and in their andst she saw hc . .ehild, 'and heard" its voice - joining the _ . street) elievita of the heavenly son. ' - It was enough if her child was safe ; she feared no morel . • • • . She hastened from the cold and detvy grave •With a luoyant spirit unto hex. tiothe; tie era rile still was there as when her infantdied 0.6 pitthing,s lay beside, as if to %MIN the wearY hour at ,every;_styi - she:recnl#zed her dar ling had 4erxtbote, but now. was gone; she fhlt the'Yeis' 3. but yet she did not murmur .trhe Morning came, and carefully ered np i the littlethiugs and strewed them aciay resting npUn her pale cheek Intl thr FtiCtelis Ito good tlie gre.4 doge, but: not she tad Seen her ail&.and'' learned pinn its own lips t.ttnt:ykintB:4re:yo God S 'AL= ri,sulliconar th ) SserzlePzelsirsi • Some two Years 24 E4: thPlowOryatOie of IL ID. Br:tried, ofßratieberorVenOont, was bio heti opeua,udrobbed 036 hille rim6iiatin watch es aud miscellaneotuijeweityesthi l :utted at the %Ake about $3O OO . - Foilm that day no trace of the etoleit,property. hae-,heen discov ered. Snspieioii however 'fastened - Iyou an indisidunl who .kis-all Aids time- been eleiiety oratct - ed, and as 1. 4 1.15. Oc i ired; 10' croseti thzt h would net Move or dispe,So ;of his Alto* treasure. , --Ailhort time einceherestored froin realdo* ana"* o # l er- ‘C mi4l7 ' eitered (43 , - , A few days ago,' iba= asjy f tub new:fait* soticed,fs one roots,:tliatibe" paper was lois. ' O4 Putting it haai to Phteel she 14 - • „ turbed the wall,mdn uttinlier'.of, gold watch es bars dut , Upoti - difloor ; and "hir6; the whets 4ittli l kiltolpti jeweliy to 'he.iirigina' ll l' , estrl!fat,e4.loE4, , • . . . :j• --:,Hotultollardiungreg - 1 , -• . . - - . ... , ..Tiati,-,pears.:whilia hard . and ripening them in suitn!ble places undereov. , t. i'ii' - ' ll ' llll ik r- r<if:).ad ' t aU'd'ofqn - ioserterrbii by, persqu i s, whia iiidie: 4114 Culture of i f tiii.6.. - to.' fessioa, hut it is nut_ lii6wn o many - who may illaileej to' limikai'vre•iii,tess - W. this, hind of i fruit, Whiel: they ., ii'•eiriti 'ltiiiiii, to :'prize more : . 1 ' follow: I highly if it were rightlyniatiagad., : The, ingii frotilTlioldis's Murk - on fruits: --;-' , - ly till PearS riped,Wit li a intich finer :ft tyor;.if picked and mitered in the house.: The.teseep. 1 tionit are very few.• • Sointa; which prove to , . be only; secieut or, fill rd ,rato I Which alleWtid to re 7 1 main tillithey - soften on the tree, become. rich, 1 theitiag,tind delicious, if house -ripened, Gather- iug the finit While yet hind, will, in nearly all eases, priiVetit or greatly diminish. The ~rotting , at the cdie, which othenvise--nearly 'destroy the valui; of, many'earlY sorts: . '', - .1, - .' i 411Iiiiiitrpears - should hang upon. the. trees 1 as'late ag Sl.fety, v..i1l allow, and ' when; gath - i! 'ered should be kept in .. a . cool 'anti' till:near 1 their.u.rulit partod'of;-,MitturitY, When the.ripeo 7 1 'ingis te , d.);t -vonipl et ad iu ,a - -7warru t room, at a I 'ftiiiiiiiii4reriolli•Oila,"Siitylo, - g . ,1•&F5.1 They i.latild be Covertiltd•pitiventsibriVelling. 1 Soule"-liYrilo' rs.limic aliofiliFL.Putlinted 11 7- iO) -. r i ter, l l.;:, I Merely - iton ui a wain of 'skill in the :nrattage4ent:of the:i ripen,g,.or t o e :wan of 1 ti good4Har to I Li. p' :the .: in. Some sorts, however; as tlat 1 Werra d' comb*, require, but littl,4lcate; others as th Vicaii of Wake 'field, n.etil.partieularattriti IL 1114 the trans. fee frotdpie cevi to the Wan roorri IsOf great hope:tare° to most, and : till, conyert tough and hardspecitueni . into those . VrhiCh are juicy melting; and i!xeelleut: . , 1 .- :• .. . . • 1 i ' Tha Apple Tradoi r ~_ , _ . , One town in Massachusetts rai4ticl ' 14,000 barrels this year, wide!' sold for an laverage. of 8:1, making the snug little setaof ,828,000' to a few persons; who haw learned I that . such 'small , growing and selling.,npples will ,produce la _sure income. Twenty-five hend!red barrels oh Newton Pippins went us freight in the last liiirOpean steanier: . They Cost five - dollars a barrel; the freight charged is one dollar twenty-five cents, and they are sold in Liverpool for tweuty-eight'shillings, or seventy chilla.-s, par.' barrel:, The expedition withwhieh peri-shable, merchandise of this de_ Iseription can be delivered, ensuring, its good order, i has given, rise; this-Season, to -- quite an 'extenSivetaritte. -.As there are thousands- of acres of wild lauds in the State and New Jer sey, which could be"coNerfed into - ,apple omit - arch; without much labor or expense,,the rais ing of-trait . for e:vPoration at - such prices Would proven- Proftablia Via Sins.s.'' iindeld, the prices feqomestie consunt i ption of late years would bring a good profit.. - • ' •-' • • Slioep.; Husbandry. We observe in a • late pWer acConnt the extensive sheep husbandry of the_ brothers !lose, near 'Penn-Yin], N. Y. On 1,500 acres of land, stocked with over 3,000 sheep, their rota tion is three years clover, summit' follow wheat,and clover (With plaster) fur three years ag,nirr. Such clover, and such wheat, are of 'course to be dxocted from this e i nriching treatment. Thu barns are_ about 30 by 40 feet and arc filled . with hay through three sue . cessive tier e'r• deers, ono above the other,— . thelay being pt# in through the lower first whenAlie f y are clOsed, the next above used. Sheds stand. on each side of the barn, made of boarded poles, and with . : board • pots, open in front, whiUo they are four feet high and 51-2 fe l et high at the back. .41, rack runs the WIIO I .O length. These barns are, conveniently dis tributed over the farm. They never keep over 100 greiwn sheep ia a,flock.—Alliany Cul*. Da. 1.17 Gus, : the celebrated poet having after vrtsysharp tentesl, carried the election . as representative, in . .Parliament, for the city of Dublin, was_ met a few .days after by a lady whsse family was very warm in the interest of the suce(msftil candidate: "Well, doctor," - slid ate, 'fad' yod have gained the election.' - - "Yes; madam." , • - .•• .'No-wonder; sir, nll the blaelquard.s .:voted for you." • • - • ' "No, madam, your two Boni did not," re plied the doctor" A President or a-western - town ,corn liplaining ;that Le ~coOld notsleep" one night; summed up tie causes:.; • . „ wailing • babe_ of seventeen days—dog • !how - iing tin3,u. the. - ivindotv.:• fight in the alley:4; colored'aerenide at the shanty over the tray--a tooth ache—and a pig trying the I Lick door.' • - • • • rt'avercn is about to be znaraed. Ile has recently,won the afiectionS oP. a,young dy who is worth one hundred and fifty thous and doitanond":9 affe;:ted wttl np oplectie fits. SiiatCii Considers- these great lotrodneernents for. ente t s 4rig the bond.s matrinienial. •,' -rgyl - 41r.-Slosuns,-you said the defendant was in, love'; how'do you know that`?' 'lle'readsa 'novel upside dowu,' and Urriie poetry in his Alay-hook,.when it. should `be ;icheese! - - • .L • • '. • '.Any-other Yemeni' , • • - Yes sir ;Izo slpvcirwithout lather, and very !frequently, inlet:dens ihS•slecres alas that for the legs of his -pant:Os:ono,. : error 'dont diseOfer Mille tries tcrfalin - the tail to Lis snitientlers:' • - • EfrA PcmazaLaqya, maze okSom,,r set am n tweerublo • b4helar., , - - 1 ciptiot faMO: for 4oweoold I hopo to p:tfail on any young )44,-possessesi of tho_ slightest notion of .delloey, to turn a Sommet---i-.- • • Alfnaiorryideri being gt, Exeter lets bas At 4-the-stoble-by=daiB4torm the- yard dog took jOrincti e '4 l sifVicit ll k ll * the 1- ibi*r-I 40 8 *Cr*, POI* and kought :unither:sioi lacrimultante, to re- Tengo ble:Fitim• A fart., lOSEPitS t e•-COLLEGE: • Tls Institution .16 "Sititated In (ho malt healthful „,,nd . p . lemiresiiiie"'part . or emsqUeleatuatt county, ilioChttoottin Valley.ninge, leaving-illontroso-Denot. on. the LacknwaluM aaltreld - and'oomiectmcwith‘lho New York And Vet, ltallthad ar Great ,Denil, - ut tance of Six mild theteßnatcps.Vies,the Institutiondaily. Thu distancu between the DeOlit'and the Instittitlon Is id/teen hag of which is byrltibk hoed; Wig alsoeqUally-disttult Iffughatutim ou the ugly York • and Erie Itailread,ali•lOopuested ‘ritlslt for hairthe dis- Linee by a Diana road. ' • . • • Thp reguwr course of Instruithirt •Compilses.the glish, French, Laths anl' Greek' Languages, inclirilug history, tiotgraphy,'Matheutattes,'Logie,'lthetarle,N4-. tura{ and DL,rnl Politisephy and tihethistry.' Care will bo taken to adopt the - cativo of itistrustlon to thu future parsult profrsrlon'of the Student.” The Oolleglite year bqins oil the first Monday of Sap tember, and ends on the pt.Vor July*. . , - ;- -• . • •• - • The annual pension fol• lltard and Tuition.payablo halt • yearly Its tol ranee, la . • • - $l.OO The modern Languages; ri ertnan;Spattlsh no ' ! 1 tin. • "fan, will farm nn extra charge, each per annum; $l5• 13ooks; - Stationery; and Medical attendance, will Tonu extra charges, • • - • Washing and mending will farm an extra -ehrugg, • per annum. • • $S It IS with lite stndent to fitin'sh himself oith.hed and bedding... If furnished by tutinn ft will twin nu extra charge, per annum — 'AR Day scholars for alt months, .. $l5 Oemi-anitudilniletitis will he split to partmts et; guar dians Informix's thour of the health, prozress and d 'Tart sue at - o. their children or wards. • •Thote *Who may desire to have their bed' and bedding urnished by th.!lnstitu'ion; aro requested to send pro. TIMIS notice of the fact meither of the undersigned.. • Those who Intend C 111111132. by the - way of hinihamton ere reqttested to give previous notice of their purpose, bat they may be conveyed to the College without delay., ttl-An commutileationWte., for - the College:should be addressed, iit....loseph , e'Post 0310 e, Su.,queltanna county,' • i • Jr) fis v. omtrt tt o it, 'President. .;.nrs.:llr..vuy virzsrmAroNs.:vitle-rriaident• fact oresicii..—Calett ("Arendt, liii. Clkoconut; Hon. G. A. Grow, Glenwood ; lion D . tYllinot, Ward, Ed 0. P. Daft. Toeistidu. , Vings. •• i7t Err dollars forfelti. Dr, aunt - LT wilt forfeit $3O If fall_ • Ing to curt' any e 11543 of sonet disesate that may come undtir tali earn, no mrttor boir long sfandiug or filictin;'. Either lira are invited to hie Private 14intus, 34 'North Beeenth at. Phila. *Minot fear of Interruption from otlo., witients. Stirangt..ra and others' wbo have -been un fortunate instil° selection of a Physician are Invited to call. • 1 %MOTE:qt . .: Y—Through mareArained IntitifgenrO of the passions, bleac's/I orscif nouse,:rthe evils are nume rous. Premature impotency, inioluntery seminal_ din.; charges; wasting of the organs. loss of memory.m distaste for female society, general debility. or constitutional. de rangement. are sure to fenne' If necessary, consult the Doctor with confidence; ho offers a perfect cure. AND REFLECT —The nillicied would do went .. reflect heron+ t [tiding their IMalth, happiness, and in ma ny cases their lives, in the Ithnds,of physicians ignorant thin class of maladies. It Is certainty luuiossilde for fine man to naplerstand ell the Ills the human family ore Übjerl to. Every renpectarible physician has his peculiar branch, in which ho is more succmsful than his brether professors, and t - a that he, devotes ,most of his time and YEARS OP PRA'CTICP., exclu■irely devoted. to the stuly and treatment of diserner , of tha SCUM! ortrans,to reth et ulth ulcers upon tire body, throat, nose, or leg.% mans In the or boner, me:eurial rheumatism:tort ric tures., grat el,lrreralari t les, Ilmertscs'orrislug from youth ful excoss. or 'impurities of the Wool, whereby the eon stlttitioh lifts become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to ofrrr.peely rallgt to athrho may place thmuselyes under Lb; rare. if;ttinine rertrantett to tiny pail of the Vntted States,— Price Ore ant. t en dollars per pukngo.-36y1.. Wi1‘ 4 5177.04, WiI'OVIPA% sohscribers respectfully Inform the public. that they have received r. *rage addition to their former stock of stoves, coulisting oho catieti of the most up prove4 Muds, among which are. Wear TVor ld. Forest Queen. Star of the Wed, Partners Utica'Coizl Western Queen, Stove, Pheonix, Parlor Cook Store, • Paragon, Preini 4nis of various Cultivator and Atlas, Styles. Allio a good assortment of Parlor and Hall Stories or wood or. coal. Box stoves of various - sizes end Pat terns. All of whleh they tiro prepared toed' as cheap as bought in tht market. '.s.lontro,m, Sept. 30, 1837. C.D. LATHROP & Co. ' - '. -••-, ' The suttscribor has just ~-; t r_, , ,fr.,...: , --m, receii•ed a large stock ,i . ::,- rroes.r4, -r i '2'elows; , ~.ZZ. excellent assortment '431- ;.: of Men's and: Boys' 14- i. --'—', -• • • ' READY MADE • - • r'l0 9 TRIW % of latest styles cud suited to the season. .1 Ataa-:-Fashionahte Silk flats, (Beebe's'spring style,) Kossuth flats. Leghorn, Straw and Palm Leaf nets, Caps, Shirts, Stockings, Gloves, Sus penders'Cravats. Boots and Shoes, Bc ke, Wrap. mug uud Writing Paper, Travelling Bags, Wall Paper, (a good stock,)' Curtain Paper, and Fancy articles too numerous to specify—all or any of which 'I will sell as low as the like can bo bought . in "Biuighannou". or any other town. CEO. town. , Montrose, April 520, 1851 3000 PIECE§ OF PAPCIt nA2c c4- MBRA CiNGr a great variety of beautiful pat. E'terns, which we offer at lower prices Mei,- ever heard of before in these pane. Handsome Wall Papers 9to 10 cents a roll. Also. a large lot of Philadelphia Paper.. beautiful patterns and' saperior quality. We will mitke it for the iute rest of all whhiug to paper dwellings, old or new, to purchase cram our Stock.._ ' •• • • •, - nur.r.oirs &co. • Gib50n,J0n012,165.1.. • , . - •' • NEW - . . Shawl dc Drosa Good§ liloaporiuna• 11-11I111.RITT 'itotild call the attention of all con • caned to his new _and splendid stuck -of Winter Long and square &OWE , Ladies Dresi Goods, - Itivl Rich Ribbons of herr style which-in connection nitha large a/Sortn3ent.ofEtaple and Fancy 'Dry °NAN Gra. curie.F.,Crockery. Illrawar4,StOvcsalnff e ilollobes,, Bate end Caps ate.. win be micron terms that Will SE cure to purchascre the most entire - satisfaction attd;reat bentrjt.t. IlOv I , lllford, ecpc.lBs2 . ODS: WE are now rec a farce sappirof Nev Goode; mbki stock mbre comp!ete thin ever; aud wain Win examination it • it by any and MI wishing tbliorehase. , 7.0 - ..EEEROIS'k& c o . Gitisoti;JtMeil2. , ..'..: J. - .:.:NEW:.- GQOPS:, ARRIVINGJUSr . AT .:..,.:-. D." A. -.Lit4p*:.& , p013; . ..: , - _.,. _ , _:MOSTAOS T , 5zu...,28„1852. : - - I - ---- • DILESS • AirE are tecolving a leige inpplp of , Mess Goods, eritklacing : a greaton:riot) , of kinds, and of beantiturityles, and pitteruit.and the fol lowing'kindeaf goods, vit . : Poplint, Detains. Her rage do.. 'Latins, (plain ' 'striped and . plaid.)Chain. brays. English. French andEontestic Printi,dso. itc,,,idaskof_ishialitheinffei considerably lower thatrairly 'spring ' , Gibson, Jane 12,1852. "- • 11:11M11081V5 si CO. • PRINTSOPELINTS,' PRINTS * largest steickandreateot yariety'Of hand. I.7 — edinotylis.and pattctna over offuredsiii market. )vliiett are offer, at iitiern r ely lone prices, iucludiugL large lot of handiomo Prints for dr*. es at li . pence a yard. , - Oilnion'June 1111MROWil & CO. ' woouwotna A.Sit paid for Wool by, IL BUistcl:rr - New Milford; June ten. • .; ..=..:,:.;`:; -..',. • :, 7..VASIr. ; ' ... 11'.04,(01:41641Pe1ti itirci - pj,A 71140,. TEE SAlLVirikr FIORE; 'II' - `ln;.Vatifoiieration; A.. LAROE stocker tittir,OODS loot, re" ceived, - "Nbieh will , benahk-for ready poy 4 or short"- approved -credit,j o werithan at any other store in this eeetioit '9l-tottatry: , .: The people of thineetinty, who like GOOD BARd4IAT9; : 4tudixamiiiii - my stock *Needs; and rthei.44ll•ltialhil abate tehe ,-7+14 trouble , to show florid& 7 e: ;r • soOkviili; woo; and ilemloCit wfulto _ • I. S. LITTLE. New ltlilfard, 14t;emher 4,1652. 441( . .. : ._ , ID ARBON!) IL E- - ST AGES: ''..-::. -`' A . i '''' ,4 L . ' ' -'•-y./ . , . ' . 051, 0 - tt.--••.-441811,1-7,„1w, :-...=:',77-;',./.:4,1';,,-' - • ..: -': ''' 11. 1 ' 1 A ta.M.-giat•A=J i • iEStilmerlbere are runnfogß aally line of tztageet - e.: TtAvenlltithondatetlna.lioptgottoin Station on tho Lark:anima% & Weateiu 101110 m l, Dletaneo'.2o tullee.• 'Leave Carbondale lathe moral UV, 110 donneet r 7:thtbo ears going North Returroug, •learer on the:a Ital •of the rundt.trainfroniSthe Or Rend. . Thu noires, ,Anost. direct and cheagUat rant front .0 root Bend to CorbOadale. PasFengrrs by this ibl..alwayi get Into Catborulale earlier In the' evenloglhatl by any other rout:: i - • . •, . • ~• pare I in Carbtmttale at thoßtore or tli t iii n b. seribers,'Staln ett ,street; few blocks beloarbrouscues hotel. A lign t, igs2„. , ~ • - Livor • -raundio,-..Dyspeptigi. Chroni c - _ or Nervous Debility;Diseci§eg-0 ,the k !idneys • ANi) nit .11seaSei irrising from ri illsoider . enr liver or , stomach, such IrS constipation, hatindpilesfullnnsn or blond to the ,betkacklity of the stomach, nausea, heart burn, disgust fbr food, fulness,.or weight in :file stonnseb,pour eructations, sinking - or fluttering 'a the pit of tiro stomach„ - tour ecrurstfeus head. 'Minted ordf fieult breathing. flattering at; the heart, choking orsua'o ea nog sewations when In a lying posture,., Wiriness of vision, dots or webs before 'the sight. fever and dal:: pain In the head, deficiency efpempitation, 'yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain: in the .ide, Inset, chest . limbs 'lice., sudden PAW' , of heat, burning In tin, flesh. coma antite. - ofrinings orovii: and great depresslou of spirits can be effectually c trod by • Dr. Illoollandts' celebrated: Ger- man Bitter'. Prepared by Dr. C. 31 jackson, 0 1 -the Gerinah acire;ll 7 lo :Arch streft, . l'kiladelphid . . -..i.Their powerovertim above diseases is -mot excelled, it ' equalled, hyrmyother preparation in the trotted States, es the cures' attest an many bases aftersitliftli Pblltieb4ille, I Thom bitters are- worthy the attention of frtrattdr:!— [Possessing crest virtue '- intim rectiffmtion of tile,easioi of the Lb/Grand less. - iglantle,excrcislng the mostsearchlim power h weakness and affections of the digestive o.gtme, they are, withalontre,- certain, and; lentant. ' , .- .. I Read,,land tie Convinced. - •. r I , The editor or thedlostettnee Auld, PeCetubivf 224-- -,, I Dr. Hoofiatut's Celebrated German Bil . lers, for the cure !of Liver Contelalnt,"Jautoliee, Dyspepsta. t:hronle, or f Nervous Debility; is deseM•edly one of rho nmst popular medicines of the day. These Ditters have beewnseil by thousands,. andu friend 4 our elbow says be has himself received au effectual and permunont cure of Liver/Mtn . plaint from the tire Of figs remedy. We are convinced Ithat; in the use of theseibit tent, the patient. constantly , gates strength a tittvigor--a -fact Worthy of great comdd eratloh. Theynrd 'pleasant' In taste and smell, and can I be used by persons with the toast 'delicate stomach' with 1 safety, under anycircumstances. , We aro Imes/dug front experience , and to the afflicted we IttIVIPC their: use. Stott's - Weakly, o n e of , the best literary impels pub lished, Willi, Aligitsttithj- - •' De. fo%land's 'German- Biller,, manufactured by Dr... Jackson , n aro now recommended by some of the most pretuinent.niambers of the meth:al faculty AS an article of much efficacy in case. of female weakness A..• such is the race, we tVould advise all Mothers to obtain a bottle, 1 O and thus eaTd themselves much sickness. Perfume - de. bilitated conitit,tions will find these Sitters advantage. ous to their health, as we know from experience the sai -1 utary effect they have upon wealcsystews." . . i " ." , More Evidence. . . . , , The I , lniede!pith Saturday Gazette. the best fatally pa pee eublsbetf lu the Vufled States, says of Dr. Ilootiazurs German 10 thin.-- .. . ' "1i- is seldom-that aio mammon.) what are termed i Pateni Medicines: to the confidence and pid.rquage of our roe:dere. and therefoto when wii recommend Dr. Mer 1, t3utri, °canna Miters we, wleh to be distinctly under- I stood t batlike accent speak of ot• the nostrums of tins day, that me nosed about for a brief period and then for gotten after they have run 440 r guilty lace of lidechlers but ale me dela., long established, universally approved, nod which bas metlthe hearty approval of the faculty itself..! .. . . •, „ Look well to the mirks of the genuine. They have the written signature of C. 11.1.1 A CK:tiON upon the wrapper, and name blown la the battle, tea/tout whictrthey are spurious. , For sale, Wholesale eel rettdl, at the German Neil eine Store. \o. 120 Arch street, one door letlow Sixth, ; Philadelphia, and by respectable dcalErs generally thro . ; i out rho cottutly; , -. .- ' , ,•. . Prices nu/ere:l.—To enobin all classes of invalids to enjoy tire advantages of tittle great restorative powers, SMILE BOTTLE, 75 CENTS.. tlro Cur ante Ly A...? F r ItICEL, . 7 ni , u7,7ost, 310a . trnse, 13'1 31017 NT PROSPECT 'WATER GUILE AND INSTITUTE, =Oll.l5ll'ON, N. Y. THIS institution ialcicated in n beautiful and romantic grove ut ;illy base of Mount Pros pect., and. Within the corporation of the vilage; possessed" of an ttbondunt supply of: purest soft water, advantages for.u;ereise iu the pure aii;a carriage- and foot walk: up the mountain, oVer fooking, a scenery. unsurpassed in beauty, and grandeur: and "free from the noise and turmoil of busy with excellentsailing and rowing privi leges ou.the pleasant waters of the Chenango. r . These ore a few of the presentation the '•Cirre" offers to the invalid. , , The . house is new ututicommodious—bething apparatus excelleut--well - reutilated, with 230 feet.yortaza. .1. . r. .Tho medical-department is under tho entire .care of Dr. Thayre and wife, who: have had large experience iu Ilydrepathic practice, and ard'fa vorably known as succeisful practitioners.; , . ' Courses of Lecturelovitlrfdll. plates' and illus trations; wilt be given throughout-the season to the Students and Patients, upon Anatomy, Physi ology, Ilydropathy and` fygiene,for which there will, be no additional charge. • Femnles who have been their beds for- years, ore invited-to correspond with us or give us a cull. Oar success in the treattnout• of - diseases ,peculiar to females, has given us cona detice„and we say to all such, even-if-hey have “suffered muck- from many, physicians; make one more trial. T6lllB from $4. to.sB per, week, (Payable weekly.) accorditit "to room and attention mini red.. Patients will provide for persoussl.uso 2 corn fortableff, 2 blankets; a linen or cotton sheets and 6 towels. • 0 V. II AYRE /1/. . • i Resident Physician. (19 t f D. NV, Sr.; 11 R3NNEY, Proprietors DOCTOR VOVIZSELV: For 25 cants. . • - ' ' Dr - MILANO Oft THE POCKET ESCULAn. fix;if• ' US;ot esetinelo hts Own Phisiciatil 41xth edition, aids upwards of a hundred . pngratings, shoving pairate disease In itedis , • shape and farm, and ' taalfsmintions. of the - ..:generative system, 41 , ,AVIlliaxtf Young., 111. D. . The this has now arrived , that persons ettseaing from ierr t t, opra.ea•need .ad more became the , pidicts of quackery, by the pre:m.44l6ns contained In dhb boob, any one may cure binuudr. without biadrsuiceof Wul f/rex, or tile knlwiel7..c.f the mortintinidie friend, and witliorie- tenth the usual expense. :In addition to the general rXtitine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of auullioott'a early decline, with obiervations oit ' Marrisge--healdes, many other derangctnentrxibleh it wank' not Proper to enninevntc lathe public prints L ,irrAny person sending TweNrit-FivE OTB. enehi sed In -a letter, will receive- one copy . of this book, by mall, or Elie copies will:be sent for ono dollar. Address DR. IVMOUNU, Qo.ls2Bpinebetreet Putx.tiaritomo, YOUNT eart ha eonanited an any' of the dis eases described in bin different' pubileations, at his - oilier, 152 Spruce street:every day betareertli and 5 'o'clock, Bundays eXeepted.) ' - 341 TKO LIGHTNIN G_IJNE!, CTILLMAN,./larberi uud ,Elair ,Dresser. re. s turns, his - tbatie- toAils: numerous _friends and Patrons ; and luiVing;iti ho hopes; ealatrinced all of the ., great ditnger,and rieli . est cutting their throats by shaviak thernselties;ha begs' that they wilt discontinua - that barber-ptia practice,iiid Cu courage home indiisttY , hi calling, on him for _a shave, Cot.: CroCkett's• tincle,tvuti Bala to tr:so smartthat he shaved Pinto& with dbe'ct lightning, and:C.Tillman will perform tho same feat on any who prefar that to a good razorrit theq.''vilt' cnli it-hisz•shopin'Btittrle's ifotelbaltetnelll• - Wyou don't beliove . call nod see: _ -111antrose; May. 6, 1852 C. TILLATAN; MONEY TQ : I4OAIVi . i. -- lany gentlemen wants to boriew lob u drillers at"five Pet: emit,, he cannot 'borrow. or ' the! 'subscriber. but gentlemen rag rave ; moro than:lS! per cent. in their' clothing expenies by'etting their ga rinint et fity Shop. jf Twae inthe habit of bragging;T:could polorto my work aim the, been assurance of myishill in the' aj; tat, ai disariminating and tasteful public know: trheretn go ko get _ ; Coats' Cottti!' not; te ;;•aention-nnineutionalilte • 'vesti;'`jitekettri sicks;iiiitente, cornea; • - g:rGentletnext will pleaSe , to take Italian that. i have remoie ray shop_ to bIW Illeislitoe btode. On etrist; lint 06ryi- IL7Cutting don't AI tali' •F' -C * JOHN GROVES. Itiontresti, Jane' 10, 1652. i - ..iI. , 7, ,:--, ~ ~ , ,, . ::.,...,. .- Z ,a ;t1_1:.1 'E'- co.,' , u ' t a•li l•lf .fr 01.5 ? v ... „ ,[ ... ~..., 1 %. - 1 / 4 Z lA* C. ~`` , : ' . • _ ' - , • , i ', 1 ' 14 ' 'Anothek. - 'Scientific Ironder ! --!,. Groat Cure for DyOpopsia , .,, DIVAI:B. itouGaro:v,3 pErscri. - , TuE TAUB DX, 1 if,i lENT I V it; IF Ili ID / 13, on G CIS tric. 4 p Icy, Dreyarvtlfrom-ItEvNEl` or the fourth Blinn:twit of the t)s, utter directions of Baron LIMO, tile, peat ph y d t ,„ logical Chentist, by J. S. U.DUOIITON, M, D., Plilladel- 1 Thisis a truly wonderful remedy for INDIOESTION, DYSPEPSIA, JATINDICE.LIVEIL (10MBLAINT, CON* STIEATION BU4DEDlLlTltioarintf after Nature's own inethrd, by Naturo's ortnagent, the Gastric? Juice. Pepsin Is the eldefelement or great Dbtestive. ptineleix atilt, Gastric, Juice—dhe Solvent of the Tom!, the Pikri• Vtilt, Preserving', aud.btimaletiog Agent of the Stomach nuit Ilmtinet. It is vitracted from the Digest Ire Stom ach of the Ox, thtt4 limning: nu ,ARTIFIAIIAL KO &S -TINE, FLUID, precisely like the , natural anotrle JUICO Ito Ehoutleal powers, and furnishing a ni,m t piete and lv led substitute (belt. By the aid of this prove-ration the pains nrol evile of 'lndigestion and DY.Pllsl3 are removed just as they would be by a healthy stomach.. Ills doing wonders for d yPpepties, e urin g CARCO fir limlillty. Ifin acia tion , Nervous Decline, told Dyspeptic Cerisumption. sup. ',peed to he on the verge vette grave: The ecientific evi dence arm) which It Is based, Is to the highest degree cu. rlousand remarkable. Scientific Evidence ,-- - . . ',Dar,on Liebegin his celebrated work on animal Chem- • bar} ;says, "'An 'Artificial Digekive - Pi nid. -ntialvigous to the Gnarl° Juice, may be readily prepared from - tlivimu• ovine membrane of the ant of the pair, In which earl. `bus C1..01*, of food, as neat and figs,: will be, - 'poffened, chaeged and digested put ititbe saultintaneld as they ISOUbIIS lii thelintrianistionSeli.'"- . - ,-- -,,, ~. -%. , .- , veal} ou.the street - aral.get 6.-Ilescriptive ; eircular, gratis,n giving u large tunount of f ! c fentlfia eridettce, oiml tar to. the - above, tegetber with repotte. Of. rtniarkithiu cares 11'111211M part* of ant:United Elates.- " '• 1 -- -.. 1/11, - .. HOUGHTON'S A'EPBllleir,inw Sold-.I I Y - pearly' all the dealere intim, dropout! pepohlr medicines .through out the United S kat*. is,prpppic4 ;n. powder end In 'fluid -feria, and in preserptite riali tor 'the uao: Of l'hysi, -... , PRIVATE 'CIRCULARS fertbe use efrhyide ne, may be obtained of Or lloonlkton orbit agents desetibing the *hole ereersisof preparation, and eit leg" tbe nuthrodses -upon which the Claims of this new rentedy are based. , - Aft It is not us secret objection cab bonder , ' against its live by Physicians in rerpectable trending and tegtdir rirertiec: Trice, ONE. DOLLAR per bottll. ;k3'OBSERVE:THIS n —Every bottle , . r • the keel:dee .p.flpsis bears the written -signature of. .. S.- HOID•Ifv* TON, .st. rt„. Fula - Propticior Philadelphia, Pa. , .tropy ripbt and Trade Mark secured. rrr gold by all pretests and Dcalcrs in liftilloincs. 03" For wile by A - OV.l.TUltitELL,Preggiet;:th.ntiote, Pa t .- - Agmt for Enaittelianna lonely : ! ~., - , '-', - dig. . AF'FIACTED' 11:EAD, Philadolphia Medical House- Established fifteen years a;ro,by l Dß. LIN,- Nardi West C7oenei. or Third and I.7itioa Stieets, between Sliruce and Pine Sts. Philadelphia. •' • - • FIFTEEN YEARS. of extensive and uninterrupted practice spent In thiseity; Mire rendered Ph: I. the most expert - and successful pi actitioner far and near,' in the treatment of all di, eases of a private nature. 'Per sons afflicted with ulcers. on, the body, throat or legs, pains in the head eirleoues, rnerettival rheumatism lariat bres, gravel, liseases arising trout youthful excesses ot Impuritt sof the blood - whereby the constitution hats be ening enfeebled are all treated with success.; lie who places himself under Ilse cam of Dr. li. may religiously confide Instils honer Mt a gentleutan,Mad con fidently rely upon his skill as a pltysielen. -- , • PAnTICVLatt N0T1C13.4--t. nog men. 'who - have injored.themseives by a certain practice. indulged habit frequently 'learned front enil companions or at schoolthe effects of, which are nightly - felt • even viten asleep-, and destroy both mind a Lid bod.V, should apply immediately.. Weagness and ,constitntienal lost; of muscular energy, physical, lassitude and general prostration, irribibllity and all. .ne'rvnus off-et ions, tridi gegioti, sluggishness of the , lirer, and: every disease - In .flay -way connected with the procreatrrefiznctioas, ennui and f ull vigor restored.. Read ! .Youth and Alanhood. A Vigorous lift or Prembiuro Death. .14,ke . tin on sey.preserration. - -Only 25 cis.% . This-Book jtuit inabltsbed Is filled with useful inform* lion, on the Infirmities and diseases of the Rene-lithe or grins. 'lt addresses Itself alike' to Yeah', ,Manhood and OiV Age, and should ho read by 'all. The' valuable ad. viva and impressive - warning it gives, will prevent years of misery and -suEering, and save annually thousands of lives. Parents, hy.rearling it. will learn how to prevent the destruction of theft' ceildren. A remittance-of 11l cents, enclosed in a letter, ad. I dressed to Dr. KINK ELIN, N. W. Verner of Thiel and 1 Union Srreets. between Spruee and Pine, Philadelphia, will ensure a book, under envelope,per return mall. Persons at a distance may addres's Dr.'B. by letter en. . 1 closing a fee, and h e cured at home. • - • Package.s.qf Aredirines Dire:liana; te:;finwrarde:l,l:g glendinx a renattanetcand put up eceura from Damage ur lioak-raper!,!ews Acents. Pedlar!, canraarera. and all others tupplied with the above wore at very' low rates. .; , 47.17. Thro o p co's Daily Express Line. LACKAWANNA AND RAILROAD. , Per Pasienget :Trains with'Spezial Menen congers for forwarding of Merchandise and l'achages of ercrydeseriplion.; Specie, Bank Notes ' 4'c. OTE S. , Drafts, and collected, orders attend. td to with promptness nod ut reasimaLle rates. • The Agents of the fou.kawanna' . & Western Railroad Company will Oct as agents for the . above express lino. . Express wagons will.he is rqadintws, ttpcin the arrival of earn train at Scranton, to forward with de. patcliilfer chandita, &e.. to Pittaton;Wilkeidiarri.,. &a. Leonard &Atte of Mont r oSe,is authorized t Wre tare and forward Express Freight from that Oleo to the Montrose Station. and from saki Stailon to Montiose- . • N. C. Marlin of l'unkhannock, will reeolierind for. ward Espreint Freight from that piece to Tuukhannook Station, andfrom taat station to Ttmß l o - anweß - • ' • `. ' .TD_ROOP.& CO.; NOveMbcr. 1651.—t.2tf. . • ,-•• • • • rrn cO-rAitixansitto here.nfoie eiltfing tinder the moue find firm'of Sisk k l'hro In . the gxpfras tvatun'ots on the L..3c, this day dlowliett by-mutu al consent. -;: • • ,j.t3tP.s SISK. • Jnn .1;1852 • IL TIIHOOt. P:1 4 . - -The - bnstness wiiLhereafteebe Canted On 1y Tbeoop 4- Co. advertisement, • - • , The People's Friend... T. T. Pond% of /thaw, N. Y., Pain Destroy _ I. ~:Li an 4 llealing Exeract. - = - A N , Extratt from the celled ,Witch latzel,and X.l . purely from that, nith.the exception of tt cobol to preftrve it.. ~_ • fla , : ' ••• It will cure all localpain• and inmrention,:aideriies, fresh wt ands And brulses r Pfice. and ail diat4see of the bowels of a chrmic nature, tootbrachtr, earnebe, end an excellent, remedy for females, eco,• . - . - It' is truly ' hat piofeaset to be '!ing. PeOptet entaitir." • Providence has scattered Mong the rugged Paths many thing" that. contribute •greatir to the Comfort and happineto .of every bode ; hence their great apl. yell may called "Friends of= the Peo. ide." = • • . One word here to guard againnt imposition. A men by the name of Spencer-has toefinfectured I4ind offered for Tole aepurionsarticlecolled Ociryi Extraet"—thit would be extract from the batel•u n t—the genuine is Its Whi andpnre es vmteii While the ipiattott• article to ored, which enables the public to distinguish. Nonegenuine but those marked Pond's Pain Dexteolter. IvILLIA3t Montrose, nud atiareAcepera. nuttmedielne dcateie genCiallea Agents: ', • • • • i': -- • GREAT - BARGAIN& .. ' - i iir CANFIELD is selling - oil (iii largo '.11..A• or. 367ELRY, WAl : Cligli t 4e., at -Glt6ATir . . . • , . . . . . iIteDUCEP prices, to nitiko roetns toe new goods. , L. pn. • ; ILLp. ! .Bin g tiamOrt, April 2q, 1852: . , t „ - ' WOOLL-WOOLU-., ';:; ..- , WE want 10,000 pounds or Woollit,cichinge ' _ for ortsix;or cloths, , ' ..' - • -,-. D.E. LATHE P - dr' CD. ir, l l -Moitrose, May 24 ; 182. - ' , . 21tr • ' 'LOT& OF,' _,.• 1 v.ani fit Shawls, MOutillutssniaPous,,qum ittet Stan tt rid • sprias, just re;Oveti ut:, _ •'Slie6p Pelts:.. WAp!TAD for Mani on nccounto,or for ma bY, - ' MoPirgite;AFg. - • - : • • _ pour by the bbl:i tint-Nem& by 'I .., • BENTLEY' . :14 : TTAIIRISQN'S Puirmar at rruß RR • • AY YO D g The' N 01911414 - Aeeientief the'lutei Waver 1;),. -Stst:tio& , Cat;'"ie'the eardiai'iind Meth Onitahig blest , p!yeiilioptio#ii4 , eiit,uld withoi4 , have aaaettleil.:ao,9au,te -1‘ q / g 1491 4-i9o4#::_ al : La SiDGEY* etinvevlipeoay. Votkp _ artin. tidied aud tor ' alo•-arut uttoe as rata as eeta—en • - r. CARPENTER. grayed gram by _ - - - =AN'S. Hartord Aug.le 1852.433. 412 3 linesmen, Jul 4e, _ .-. A ors. Chorry - PictOral , _ .---,,---- .• ~-;,,, -. , lPOitivilly CUR i - . vm,.. p.w t. ...„...., • - - -1 - ,rsA - :'`bouc I's- AND COLDS 1 ., - - •-"-• • ~.. -- :. . Yil., tt , , _ ,A.,,,.„. a , , r'InItICCLIANT TA LON. Ternplithist - ' '' 2 ' ''''''''''' -.'--BitONC11.1TIS;;• ASTIL.III.VI nourly ocenplsa 14 4: II: Ihmot k , tt p t , t , o r 1 i...,,, ig. .-- . 1 6 11 '.' -, = 11IA AND WDO.OPING"- ' 'l'.!' JYAI '" I " 4-*)thi'llr ' " ' -` Nc " ' " rk ---'.,, r . ...,,.... ,r i As fir Ty 1 A tiiNfl 111' . t SID ..Alk" r d, ' A AJW-j l4 ..teA"''' ' '",. I' - ,,. •• ~. , :i• •-• ;', • • PrOtiti . ' ..zo .1E - - rs; ‘ ‘ , ..,_,Trt(l) li ' ,•,•' .. ..."4.••• .....7.7:, ‘ , •'Y 4 1 9 L' IC' 1 4 `; 1 41;:\ :•T . 11A - AlillritTPltigit OP SPliVirr'i 0%1 311 '6 .. . .. . .. , 0 "ClS:fa gfirings;)lontriise-Vs !: . CA In Mitering to the,communr.y.thla justly ;slab t ... , _, • , , - , s "remedy for *Monsen of th ,threst and I urge. it. i hot i --' ' youritish - to trifle with tho'lli - tsi 01- health's:l thud let. 1 ed. bdt fra likly t.o lay t)cforn thera; . the - opinion of.dis.! Nwsuisiwil men.nud. some of Altweridences of lame.. (C 314; from Which they can' judge fdrthertiseiree , :AlFs' sinderely pledge ourselves to make no will corsertlals I or false AVlterllerltA 5r its efficacy, nor ull I we hold Mit any hope to autieringisuttlitfity-„wllcliflefs -will not Many prosti aro here glyin, and.we stole i an Inquil- 1 iy from the Info all;We publish, feeling assured that. tficy will find --. theut.. - perfektlY: relinhleouult. th,i Aledielcus worthy, their , best confidence and patronage. 1 PrOTI! the — distinguished 1 1 (efessnr.nreuk lte. . •-'. • istry stud .3interis illedies. 13etvdoiii - -', • , : , .;',*l -: 2 :••••-• -College.: - ,- ': ' • -,. ---- - . - Dwgfijr:;• , l delayed' answering the receipt of your prepamtlou Until. I land _au opportunity of witnessing PK el:NellIn in - ivy owalmully, or In the- iliudlivh Of my friends: :- . -: .• .. :, •1. • - - -- -,--. • ,:- T his There now lane' with a high degree nf . satiefac- Vtion. in cases of both.ainits and children.. , „ - , I lanes ,found it, 64.10 ingrollents . shon, a - powerful remedy fot colds, mid pulmonary dlsearek. . , PARKER tiLKIEL AND, dl. ~ : nrenswfek: , ,sxst-, vet,. 6 tsri - ' • - ' • 'L ,-.- - ! From an - •Overseen'tho . .llindltOu ' bfillS, I , . ~. . pi is city: • , " Lowell. A ugust, 10.18.6. Dti J. C. Ayry': .1 ilnYe bon' cured of the wo r st 'aiu-gli I ever foul iu my; life', by your Alheiry l'icteral. and nev er failiirlien flay° opportunity, of reeammendlnr It to others. Yours respectfully... - , h.-IL Eli ICON. I‹:42 , 7•Flead the following, end- FCC If tble : taedicini. 4s worth- a trial. This patient had i hecorne very fcehic, and the aleet of the medicine - was unmistakably dls- Num: .--; -. ;,- • --- -".. , - . , val!edstatts upto,piratopa Springed..: July tan' ' abr. 3.o.l2Ager—Sfr r !info becin afflicted nitli &pain. NI affection of theiniiipcorruluil. thelyropecunc tied omsuraptlon, for pore than a year. could. And 06 itieitlrine that RG,uld sena , fly caAaa until r vine incased the use of your Cherry Planta]. which ;envoi me gradual. relief, and I have been, steadily gaping my strews-111111 tnibeilth le well nigh restored. - I . While using your medicine, I had thin gratiflent ion or curinglt .my reverend : friend, Triiinan, of Pritrioter District, ha,t been susrendest Prom his parochial duties by'aserere attack of bronehltbs. I havc plereaure in cortif„) log these facts to yon, • And nut,. sir,yours.reepect fully, Enuth Caioll net. • . fa -Prepared and sold lay JASICS C. Aran, Practical Chemist.' • • : mr.sadar by A. Turrell. lilontroso Lincien•S cote, Gt. Rend, and by Druggists everywhere, a - • 6,y1 • , , - MEMOLINI)UIIi I DR. Tllllooj's DOAESTIC -.IIENCINES. comrouND nutT OF BLOODROOT, FOR TILE CURE OF • :Coinumption,,Aiktfaria. Dronelals, Influenza Cowin' 'Whooping Cough and Croup. . - Dr. Throopelefent Preservative. and_Jlo ' iher's; Rulief . • . . . . , Cases Flatulence. Celle. Gripes. I +iarhes. tlysent cry awl Cholens ol .lufants, or any of tb.c coannon ills of infaut life.. . . ... . . . , - . . Dr. T6roop'B,.Worm 1 3 6114n . 1 Expells there tritruaeir of,the Inman Fyatem witfi out eseeption Wadi, or numbers. . • ' De..Throop's pillinu.s Pills Cure 'lndigestion, Et Illous . disevlers. Costiveness.Pilei; lletelnelle, Ifeartburn, .Ilorer,..lnflannarttien,Dlarhea, ' Dysentery, and restores A Itelt I-y etiittt t 4 all,•the glands of the bony. • - - .' ' . Dr. -T troop's Eye Water - - . . . , , Is unsnrpassed In itrative virtues fer'any intlammata, ry affection of the ye, and 1) . Tbroop's bake . is masurpessed fora dressing fer 11 urns nod Scalds, In. cent, Salt. It hen w, of any ebrasien of the akin. - 3.2,,,prife,t pirtimen.—lientley 2 1 /.. Read, 3hintrose, N-Granaer lc Co., It u h; It. M. Southweit, Bush • C C. lirdalii. 3 1 ddlidowni. D. G Udell, Ftiendsvid e; • I'. 31 Itaoer,Dimeak; Scott 6, IliMt, sprinwrille; Dr..L.11. kuvt. Auburn ; Jaines Tompkins, Tompkinsville; Hay. 'dee At . Little. Neu Milfettl; Dr. Brooks. Great Bend; Joseph L 31ervintan. Irpronville; Dr.. J. Ilnrney. Little Meadows.; Jasper Stanley; Cheeenut • I.: Tiffany. Brook lyn Centre; 11. A.lllillarus, Clifford; Dr,),..C. 0 Imitead, Dundaff; Jensen As :Very. Ifarford. 5 .. ..1:145,DE,L,,Crinc . r,1 -tan Fared 41ter.,7 lyl $5OO CKALLENGE T con^einithc health and haPplucss of teat ail of rho most va;uatile valiance:- I take it for granted that every person will do all lu.their.power , to sate the lives of thew children And that every peratni will endevey t , ,,promote their own health at albsacritlees,- i feel It io he my "ditty to solemnly assure you that Worott 'accenting to-the opinion of thy nn' , t.eCi.brat4 l'hyslciansi. are the ph mary cause of large majority Of disease to which chit- Amu and Waits are pald e, lr_you chaltg - able from ono fish - of food to another, ballbreath, pain in tlid'istoninal, ple!.;.nght the r.o4e, hardness and;fu meals Or ' the belly, dry, cough, low fever, pulse irrejular, remember that all tlir u denote Intrais and you shoald at unto apply the:remedy. . 110aENS-ACE'S W4lllll. S ar.P„ A o article found upon scientific. ptinciples qj coropoun4d with purely- re •etahle...sub.itanc,,a7 perfectly safe when taken, and determined in all hi e ' lletts, and nit's, - leaving t syet. min diseased condition a' most adver tl:ed uostrtiais far the removal of worms, itc.mposed.':.of caloinel, Awls. or Ligeligell, Veradfuges, 4c.; but has performed thy ma = tastoni.thltg cures en 1 saved the lives of thousanlsi'both - old and young. wheltiVe been pro= - pounced 'hopeless. Incurable, by:physicians. Read the following and become-eonvieted - of its- elllcaey over - all others : Morris Sliver; N. 3., Aug'. 13,1651. Jilt 466 en sack—Thia is, to errtify that my 15' eariof been sick fur r hme year(, WWI at; tended - for • disc:Ascot the spine by trtk.l.nper, mid Plaster for a Intig time whhout receiving Any bene fit After giving ter triaalucurable: I went to Phila delphia and chum:Med onu ofthe bast physicians, !Irk' disease , still growing worse. • was at this thus I was in. .daces to try nobensaelestronn Syrup.and aftCr tek: lug two bottles rho entirely rwained her health, after passinga great - qttantltrof worms. Ifol,ing this will to a benefit to parcuts whorrechildrea aro siadlasly afft:eted, ' ant . yours, &c. n: nnew4: lIOBENSAGIC'S'-LIVER,'PILLS. •• , lia put of tint apical !snore liable to disease than the liver, it serving as a Giter to petrify tile blood, oe thopieper supnrstioa. and• adcretiorx to the bite, so that any tyro Action of the liver affects too other Itaportant parts of cue system, and rilZt!101 variously kr 'Liver COW. plaints;JUriritece:Ailii,GOsis, 'Ferric' e. We should therefore -watcti esery , ;mytuptom tint might indicate a wring actionlf the lirer.; These, ;tills being eomposed of roots and plants, Atmislied. by nature to b cul the alCk namely; tst„na Expect ors nk ,which , atuonentefthe seen. Alen from the pulmonary mucus membrane, or pre/Motes theAbellarge of accreted matter, an tiltrrative, which changes in some Inexptiphle and insensible man. ner, the certain morbid actions.uf t besytem: Tonto; which . given' tone :acid Strength. tb tbemervons system, cruising health and tiger. to all parts of the body.. 41hot f.lathartle,which secs hi perfect .hartoeny With the otheringredients by operating on the betels and expelling the whole mesa at corruption and Ntlate3 matter and purifying ' tie blood, vcbloh destroy*, disease swinger& health:. '- : - . 1 . • • - Pre-mend' et Itebeneeck's Laboreitiry; rhiladelptite, conierdth trait V.S.cerrta. 'For mole by the principal Lirtinisti and atorei'gencrillty, thwengtiout, the comas,. •Ily axent'Arilitwirr Ward,- rldladelphht. AP.M.r.rd—Abel Farrell end Gott rage ; Hayden & Little and Nut. 0; WA rd, lilaton & Pecteitd StiXllBeYnaeur; iferforid ; U: Burrows & co.. Gibson; & Chi Meilen and Church & PhioneY. Dundagi O' dlrritililytt; Grow & Bros:, Glenwondi Lucien Scott end tie Jams. Ittnokc s Great - Bend Lyniort. Thokliennork ; Darter & ./Wiell, - Gterlyirtlitc; ti. T-Fturderentllraintrize. 'e. , fOODS•-•:. iIE subs . atibeehaa jun recesvpd his winteit T stock of • • •• • • - • Ready! 'Made' . Clclhlng, , for men and boys—embraclfig every timely 'of style_ and qualify. -favercolite from. 83 to 812—' 1/rese, - Frockteee and Sack Undercoat!) .front $3 to;813 . i" Paws' from 26 Shilllngelpl' l Vestes good essoitnient, from 10 shillings to arnieeitin 'F4nnel,Under.ithirte;. - Diewere, Mtn - Shirts, Cbl. Stocks, Over.allel Over.shirtsr, - = - Suspend. 1" Also, a near supply of 116 ti and Cups. Boit* and,. 1 /wecAilalt Paper -andllerder:' Bioko and Stationery,E double, end &nolo .liarrel, GUNS, 11‘runke. Barning Fluid. littok . :Beoltii.lend'n ca.: tidy of smaller atnontWhich aro pock.{ et and poet knlrce,pocket.hoolte,uotePP.cfc.dri"V.* '.ing , paper.Tiud.pencite, Pose Otiokm , PookeLDri. ries. meniorandum • books,' beeketseliair'binsket, Ortiihes, 'tooth brushes faniry.reispe, knit Uila,!bisking_powdere, c., 07Allsoe$44 . 0 . thi lowest totei - uild fo r ,r ea dy • Those:Wanting ilOtAingl will do welt to totenuutfmg stock:be:fore itoittilig 1 heir . • .ehiscs, - ..r: 151Ontroseqq:Orernbei , . • =DX sa iltelp nue piegetrier,Tieeived• e Mir dayi by •A ; - • •- I. AV•O2 4 Odd tegtori.* I{o litivemaetan _ , S 434 Di Will; W. stn: iIITAILL 31; armor, iluntrooh ra. T.TAITIN 0 returned to 1100401 , e, JUL flee 6t his ter)fassion,aess be tend et Elute s wbere trieutts as Or e n e n eut. ll be happy to wait opna as n , 4 lloatroSe ! reb. 2 A 1852. , --.-,-,-- Z. , -:: . .._•..- . G_,' Dithock • '• . 1311YSTC1c.11 . 'AND SURGEON, Ifeath l t; p s c ilu. A. ..teto3o all b names* that may be entrant; 4,, p i cluirge, 'with promptness and fidelity. ,Rilt, ~ kiwi residence' on Turnpike street. Residence, Etick EC/. , Inc foot of Public Avenue. , . ... . 'Geo - -R,..0 Pullet, _ DEALER TN 800 'B, Ready-oriWre Clothing; W s k! ay. oot & fib oes, Etc. Et oro two 'loon belti Elatoleo Hotel, Etcntrizie; • - • - . EL C. Tyler, - P, A ; ,D Ltft IK DILT.O GODS, 0 nwerlecereek,s7,ll,4 , ware, Tinware, Fish, 011 s, Flaw, Nom atm pops cash for all kEtutsotElipplag rpis, below the Court linuse. SIIAVIKG: Vharles Tillma, _ AND MOIR DREKIING FOL ODN. aunding, um" door to tile roitoSe,Arcolfoltp4 S. S~ Winchester, Tiqinl , lllY Ai LAW, '4l.thokhoortoik,ro, on tt titark'e prick ROW: • • VIVE.II.T AND EICCIIANOB rTABLY. flesldotn * Li Leto*Ntepm'sHotel.Aloatrmr,Pa. Ntepm's Hotel. Alan:rose, Pa. S. - E .'. S. Chai:, , 41 47011.NEK8 , AT , LAW, , Montro s e. p 5 , Xi. es etre; E.D. e ll C: :.-Congdoh:& Sterling, . TN E 4. LX11,6 riaaar.n.l l oriunerriv, , ToXis tqw, JJ tancas the ,Canal Br i dge avd-erra bau AO. Court . ilinglialutori,N. 14F1.11.Thltrry Traveling Agent. .• - . - •• • . • . - M. Simmons,- • • BOOT AND StIOE NAKED AND REPAIRER. Riq over Ilaldwlo t Cues Saddler: fillop, -Doetron. . . . Di.. C. o.ld*aida DUrbitflAN AND EVIL GEON, Itarford, ra. 475,1 doom beldwG:J. redo's store. • cu • - . • - J a m es Btooksi nIISEIGrIAY;'ANT)'SUIIUEON,sod dealer it Drop Afedichi et, Pli.Vttr, ono, DTes, ke." Cornernalar4 istd rine itryets, op poi Ito Col. Y. Lost!e, Great Berl .7. . C. D: Virgil, - Q rim EON DENTIST, 3fonirage, Pa- OCee la ca corner of Tamplke end elte,na atree is. . OPertill ohs npan the teeth performed then* carefully and tenderly. , ;Flute work done •ith the teg material and in the most Iniproletlatyles. Clargulre. Farms for Bale. , , iri tilypribrrs tolli act as'aienti Air theyziedt sole of fleal l'ttati—Pattas, Mania kte• located in Susquehanna, conntyPa. All-sho old It oiler their property' fee safe eangire a minute incer am of their Farina' or -Lek,. :canter d acres; bow' ninny improved, and Ito w watered; WS Jogai Orchards grafted or common fruit. ' atlet fru trees, and abode trees; bow far (rem llatitten,et the nearest Point , to 6 4/tot on the New York & te, llollrolid; price:lima terms 'of payment. 1,111110v4 to toll or purchase Meat Pin ate, will t , Loire romp* tendon by calling on or tddresolitg no at Nostra; gutiquebnena eourty, Pa. ConreyanecfromMontrosetothepremitntm tbe of charge ' (Moan Turnplbestreet 01 doors welt of dabld corner. • 49t:1 : following Fayma and Lots are new offendfotedt N 0.1,40 acres,3l imptored.rratoe Uonseind - No 2,8 - 0 do - to do sold 40 do No. 3,100- do 60 do. • -do do N 1.4,100, do CO. , cold do do n - No. 5,70 `'do do sold do do No. 0.90_ : do . •31 do do ' a6l No. 7, Si ore, rmrehotote and Lot. , ' No. 8,145 nores7s itnptoved, framed boute tad ' No. 9 521 do -35 'do sold ' No. 10 2 do • do - do No. 12 100 mars 70 improved, frome hopitta/ 41 N0.:1,3 :SO.' do 210 do do ' do No. 14&1 do 60 do sold • No. Ii 168. do 00 do , do do No. 16 120 do 5.0 . • sold .No.. 17,260 ;d075 . . do . do do No. IS 112, dug° • do ' do, • de No. 19 200- dO 150 t ado 'do No. 2.0145 do.loo do •de .Nci. 21 190. do 120 do do- de No. 22 otg do 45' • do • do sold do No. ra 45 der 31 do do do No .24 MI: 110225 do do - do No. 23 125 'do 100 : dodo sold do No 16 160 !tin do NO 117 r V/ :.'sold \0.2811 acres, good saw mill nod dwerlimr. N 0.129 134 acteo r 9u Imitated, frame haunt:3la "—No. 30176 do 100 • do do do • No: 135 do 95 . do do • No. tt 180 do' 135 do do do -No. 23 160 do' CO ' do do do 84 150 'do- 100 'do do , do o. 35100 ,do 80 , - do' do - do 3tio do 170 . do Nn.37190 •do 100 do 3o ; do No. 38 170: do .100' da do , • do l'io..le) 175 do 00 do : do, . NO. 40 20 do 45 ' do . do do 44'212; do, 160- - do do • orad - N0:42 : do- GO . do do - do No. 43 4 'do I add fd0.44 135 do 65 do - ire do 4.5 800 - 200 . 'do do , do .No. 46 120 nereo, 50 Implored, tram, bolo or.Jtm soda-vet -- No: 47 200 '4lO - 170 • • 'do do do No. 48 143. do do do dt. NO. - . 49 RO -do: go do . . do to N0.'5053 do -65 -' do do ; "do No. 51:00 do 03" - do do do , N 0.52 126. do. CS. • do • -' do 'do No; 55200 JO 150 ;do • do .d 0 , N0:54116 'do 100 do ...L . ' Co N0...5 - 3 •60 'do .40- do do do -. No. 50 105 -Au 125 :do -- do do N. 11.—Pers - 001 &exiling to pnrehire soy of 'be d atn.l.4lelng'tbotinrat ex can obtaln a fall dereeptios. • AL1TM31151,9615. ", • 0; bADCOC I i. . - ''''' -. -Ilontrose,ta; act., 1250.-1412. - ong atja 111110 abovo - Cni. mllllsubseilhoi ibas 'a amen stock yet alien's a —L Ooarse and fine Boot I Rod noel. actl tai assort/neat of Ladies,llisses. soul Eblldren's Bow at Shoes, %width he Is now selling at paces bat skidoo bore coat. , Thom is an °pp:47lllles' for cowl 112 ; 1'2 II tblallno• • - ' GEO. ECC LES. February 4 ., .1852. • • - GRIM/ STONES. oNs of Deitsfirind etoaet, of the belt Won: rat - Fe. economical Fharte, and areal AIM from St to lb.. at 114, 2 cts per lb., accortha; to nat.., ALSO • 2ions ort rafts - ae , which ilil " eat awn" iv" than the Berea, ,and are Wary sappettor - stow fatal work;and water rwer. price col% di Per 3 ' . Gibiotvltily 8;1652,0.16W U.IAIMOWE • -; WANTED • 00 iot d:14,4 6 nd I'u3tr fell i o othh at, grain, "re; rugs: and brostvoi on accounts or for met, Alciu;t0000 Juno -IG:', • - NV TYLER -EnECjt2I.AV. rdLIAILED Znitt TUTIESMT 310.106, • & L ask VOITORB-ANDIM0111211:7010. itidilittecOteper annum. cul l " 6— or. barA'datlara lf Oat raid until tbe end of do P; 1 •°° suaimpoon.. • piper be A*oo l4 0 Walt alrailearages Ire'raß, except at t1; 400(3 . 2itt "PatAlattei..l. All corozonolestioni omit be Pot , r fPlhAY°4o,tentlon. Alt letters overloud ea do of &doubt be directed to 8. B. &ti C4 l "h Bnevebarduseounty • QnYs4 ;c 2ate liiik t ir ia E ti ll ae O s 0, F i A 00, 17 the r1 1 . 7 00 $111 : 0 12 : 'Zech subsequent Insortion, •• -* /P Opo Kann tbreo th mous, • •, • , ill •Ouo squitieslttuontbs, • . 1 ° Iluldness Ca?ds, non Ilueo or }es', • it Y~rUlldverittiegmits, 9 terouesVax .l pl 4 'oot(oulututono yenr;• ' ; • • I . dolt* YeatirlaySetheaneats tin rettrletri. • 114tits.uble.litbesurs ruPted. t r- . roitv u • , oh) otlotiootoriabl, otoproPored io clout. Job wort with 'licitness Rua demob . 00 - flank* otovoi aciirlptiontou bt O printed to ordtg. -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers