The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 16, 1852, Image 3

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    From the Ne! York Times; Nov. 20;
The Coons d IBs—Facts' and
gip*. . •
The full report
of the census has not, to our
our city as yet. The eh-
and 'contains some !,Veleilisgbe'eor e us, leached
tot information in !sv r3, t
e.ryisao appearsm paet f
tha men. t du.
- ,
In respect to terrier},
theedears, we have extended the- 1
Ntates from 2,055,153 to
ring the last ten . y
a rea °I.
miles, without including the
3,230,57 2 square , .
lakes or the sea bays.
a - Th t e population gained by these accessions,
is i eeeeo. No full returns hare as yet come
a, bat assuming its popula
6inQ f 4
r e i T ar C ti alil°"'i
y b yes timte,
.iat 165,000,
d ikewholee
,s, 1 e leion °film Union m 23,263. . Ab so.
ase from 1840, 6,194,035; increase
per cent,
Jute incrc 36
or deducting that from addi.
Von of territory, and the relative increase is
e 7 Der cent.
The number of whites is 19.630,738; and
the re lative increase the last ten years, is 38,-
e 3 per cent.
The number of free-colored is 428,664 ; Tele
afire maw
• •se since 1840, 10.96 per cent.
If we refer to the data.of previous tables, it
in eeers that the increase of the whites in the
t' ll e eeever y deeztoB since 1700, has been very
al. '
being lowest from 1820 to 1830, (33,.
cent.) and highestin the last. (38,28
Per cent. ) Wit the slaves the greatest in.
c easewas from 1820 to 1830, 30,61 per cep*
end r the least from 1830 to 1840, (23,8 per
„.1) The average inerease,of'the free col.
e ret, on the other, hand, has regularly dimin
ished s i nce 1790; being 32,2 per cent. in the
first deende, 25,25 in the third, and rising- a
little in th e fourth, it fails in the last to 10,90
D e cent A fact worth considering as respects
the probable
• rce destiny of this race.
• In the most, favored country of Europe, the
report states, the decimal increase, is less.than
11.2 per cent per annum, while in the United
grates, i t i s 3 1.2, In 50 years with the pres
ent rate of increase on both continents, the
eop e n eon of the Union, will exceed that of
England, France, Spain, Portugal, Sweden
sad Switzerland combined. \
A s respects ¶k6 rate of inerense in the dif.
fent New England States, during the last
t en rears, it is greatest in Rhode Island, (35,-
57,) and least in Vermont (7,59)-which is al
so least in the" whole Union.
What is somewhat remarkable- the rate of
increase in the great States of New York,
Pennsylvania, Ohio and Maryland, is less than
i n e i t h er Rhode Island or Massachusetts.
in the whole Union, Wisconsin show the
the greatest ratio (890,48 ;) nett, lowa (315,-
84:) then Arkankai (114,85), and Michigan
In regard to thenumber of emigrants, the
re p or t goes into as extended, though, as: it
seems to no, hardly thorough enough. exami
nation. The conclusion is, teat there, are
nom of emigrants and their descendants, since
1790, in the Union, 4,350,934. Of these - 1.542,-
86t arrived during the last ten years, or about
doiNv the Umber of the previous decade.
Tables are given for the density of pontila- i
non of the States. Massachusetts are the, two
most populated-the former having 127,49 in
habitants to the spare mile; the latter,. 112,.
97. The least are Te`xas (0,89 to the square
mile) and Florida, (1,47.) Taking the 31
States. the average number is 15,54 to the
square mile, with the whole area, as it is.
The number of slaves manumitted and es
caped during the year ending June, 1852, is
given-The latter amount in all, to 1,011; the
eermer to 1,467. Maryland loses the most
(279), ht e Kentucky (96(, and then Louisia
na (90). Of the manumitted Maryland claims
494; Delaware, 267; and Virginia, 218.
Of the slaves of the respective States, Vir
ginia has the largest number, 472.528 ; the
next,South Carolina, 384,934; and the small.'
est. Florida, 39,309; and Delaware, 2,289.
The free colored are the most numerous in
Maryland-74,077; and in Virginia, 53,829.
The least numbers are in lowa, 335; and Tex
as, 331.
A table of the number of -deaths and their
ratio to the eying ineach State, has also beezi
made. This is a deeply important matter, and
it is to be regretted, for the sake of seitibee
and likewise for the stake of the national health
that there were no more fariili ties furnished
the officers of the census. They have done
well as far as their means would permit.
From this, it appefirs, that the two States
where the number of deaths is greatest, in pro
portion to the living, are Massachusetts and
Lamm, The - ratio in the former being one
to Bete 51,23. and in the latter, one to 42,85
Wiscnnsin, Vermont, lowa and Florit'a are op=
patently the healthiest; the average of the
UN; teing one to every 106.82; o f the sec
ond, to 100.r.29; of the third and fourth, to 94,-
96 and 93.67. Thb average of New York, if
ens . considers the terrible mortality among our
emgrant population, speaki well fur the
• We have not space here to. draw extended
conclusions from these interesting data. The
diseases which are the espeoial cause- of this
. great mortality in the two extremes of mar Un
on. are probably euneamption in the Northern
States and Yellow Fever in the Southern. It
appears, too, that the cold equable climate of
1 ermentend Wisconsin, and the - relid e 1
ble climate of lowa, Ideorgia. and Florida,
the most favorable to health. A result agree
ing singularly with the late inrestiontiolls
on 'The relations of Climate to T - überee u lar il-
Diseases," pat forth in the Boston _Medical
In these tables, the \ar raee for Minnesota
ridrd Oregon is very large ; e do c able that of any
er States. But weterritories ,
y trh 7 e n t elu l de e i L t t s u nc tep t
distant and uneettled
'mid hardly be exact eno n u,
factozy conclusions. Yet there, can ra Tie s littt
doubt but that the climate of our Pacific coast
mesh more favorable,
Ilea . ltktleh e t of our Atlaountietcloeaslim-1"
regards the Press, the result of the can
na speaks well fur the intelligence of oiarpeo - .
PIC The whole number
icals mire United te of
2,Boo:circulation, ain June 1.1850, evae
5.000,000, and the number
of copies printed annually, 422,600.000..
In the tuannfuetr
mehnsetts steeds first: eNof c otton
and-Mete Inland !dew Hampshire second
ing, next
• •
to wofieolod
le.r l ; goods, MassaehusettsErst ;New
v 4 an u r i g a
fooaerta. Connecticut third, and Peurtsyl
ill the man erecter° of pig iron, Pennsylvania .
Produces o„ aiili , )
_ abet! t half the - whole pro
aari land th irIT of the U 44. * Ohio stands second
Li n g, nary
castings, oetv York producea th
valu e; then e greatest
Pennsylvania, followed by Ohio and lfa smehusett s .
Of wrought iron, Pennsylvania works rathei
°ri tethan h a lf the m owed _ e Product of the whole. Union
is the. e/ ad eie a W York, Virginia and Ohio.
tiele __ er e k tion of melt antraphituons,
ted ; the
na g has the greatest - Capital loves-
Ohio 14 Pennsylvania; -and the -next,'
pmlthe6sagtithcaltund productions PennayleMitti
greatest number' of bushels*?
vzinLyealosio, and - then New . York, and thes
The 6 el follow&
- rat wool-producing State is _Ohio, tuad
N w t y or
Of lire stnek, New • - -
Valu e; next Ohio and
York has the",greatest .
Ohio ,Zeelo next, Peetteyji teem
renal ,Pare the most wine, followed -by
and then Illinois. • ,
thihitbe Kentucky leads ; Colion4 414i11'
-,-,4nothei Gal° on Lake Vie,
- 2 : .- Burruici,' Dee.
• Mother severe gale is no! prevailing' on
Lake Erie.. - •• ,
steamer Baltic,. watch leftinst*ning
feet Weep, eieountered the gale,beeasno, dis
ablad,•and wasi beating' about ttuflaltemmue
; ten miles from port thin snonatog,.
The'..brig Coneord which left hero yester
day, last two locomotires;:belonglng :to the,
Rock Island Ukase:l,' overbaeld, during tke
night. : • ' - - • - '
The Lemnion;Case;
• ' Alavreont,'Doe; 10th.
A - writer" in' the New 'Orleans Picayune,
who contendii, that Mr;~ L'ertion was injustly
deprived Of his ,slivei in New !York, °Mins thin
gentletmui a perinanent htimMin Texas, in the
fee sitnple; of as much:land as he may require
for farming, stock ruining, or the culture of
cotton. "The writer has fifty:thousand acres,
with Clear titlea, in different counties of, the
state, tout offers him a selection from any .one
he may, desifc. , ' , •
Heavy!Robbery - at Washington
-North Caroliiia IT. .S. Satittov
Ii r• •
• ' •s• •r AsaTsGros, uec. 10.
Mr. Emory, granite cutter, shanding, at
the entrance' to the Senate gailcr,)', yesterdnY
had his picket picked of a pcirt monnaie con
taining slBu in bank bills,ss,ooo ;in promii•
wary notei, and's2oo in altitnbre stock cer.
tificates. The port mcianaie was afterward
found in rip apartment ander the eastern port.
ice of the I 'capitol, .eontaining the n rtes,: but
minus thel cash nod - certificates.' - illO arrests
hive been made, but _'a Certain' in'dividnal
suspeted. !
A telegraphieldespatch fro in %Nih !states
the Legislature has not yet succeeded in eleo
ting MS ' 'Scnatoy iri place of. Mr. Blanguth,
whose terti exphes on, the 4th. of Jtareh near.
Later from Mexieo.• ..•
its, Dec. Bth.
We hay advice* from the 'cy rof Mexico
to Novemt er 20th; at which date the revolu
tion was naking rapid progress. -
The Tinantepee project 'continued to -be
agitated, aid it was thought the contract would
Ifinally be Awarded to Senor Dallaure, who is
said. to represent a Mexican-cempzny.
Honors; to thelllustriotm Dead.
INEWOALEA:cs, Dec. 9, 1852.
The obseipties of Webster, Clay and Cal
houn, are being celebr a ted here to day. The
procession!isthe largest ever know in thiscity..
BusinePs Is.auspended, and our whole popula
tion is in the streets, and vast numbersolstran
gets are'alSo present
NEW OsxMAics, Dec. 9,1852.
Private- - lavanaietters, received here by the
Cherokee state that the captain and crow of
the ship Lidy Suffolk had been released cans
inn., much excitement amongst - the British. res
idents' at
Seven or eight slave shipsare expected on
the coast, and all the - British vessels of war
are.cruising ow the island awaiting .thein.
This had been the objeet of so msny Eng.
lish vessels collecting at Havana. •
A new revolutionary paper, called the Vox .
des Pvelda, has been started at blatanzas. It
is published in manuicript, and several Copies
have been sent to the. Captain General.
Fourth of March' Convention.
The Honesdale Heraldsuggests to the sate
Central Committee the.• propriety of changing
the time of holding Democratic - State
Convention, a little earlier!or a little later than
the 4th of March; so as to allow the members
of that body to attend the ifianguration ofPrit
shied Pierce. - :
Convocation.of the 3. of T. at
A Convomtion of the Sons of Temperance
of Susquehanna and adjuinin,g Counties, will
be held at Montrose on Friday evening 'De
eember 241 h, 1852.
' Adjoining Divisions, n.nd the public rener..
ally are invited to attenct ,Further particulars
next meek. A. J. BREWSTER, It S.
Montrose Dec. 14, 4 851 •
• ,sMmtezttrz:
In New Brunswick, N. J.,lNcir. 19th, by the
Rev. Isaac N. Shaunon,; Mr. It 4; SprxcEs,
of Wyoming county, Pa., and Miss 8.61:All
R. Sacra, ..01*. the former place.
•. _ ' a'Sfa
Tn Je&Rupi, Nov:. 3d, :1852, J.,tazt.s . rACZOT,
-Revolutionary Soldier, age,lllB9
A• ',Atiditor s Notice.
//Matter Of SeilleMent '43 f the . Ratak of W'n.
Miirm, Deceased, ,W711.' Was= and Lewis
Pu,ghe, Adm'rs.
T Hk untletrigned, en Auditor appointed by the
Orphan's Court tif Sooquehauna County, to
make distribution of the Aw , ste ratnaiuing in the
hands of Wm: lifafon'and Lewis ?Pugh° Adm*re
Of the Estate of Wm. litision, Deceased, will at
tend to the duties of his appointment, at biz 9ffme
in hiontroee , ' • • • : •
Oil:Tuesday - the I 1 th. day ofJcinitary next at I
• , < o'clock P. lit, '
At:which time "allinterested will please 'Wend
and preseattheirelinine.
• • - E. S.CItASE, Auditor
Idontrose, Dei...151.h,1652.-50w4. j ,- •
- • ,
Registers Notice.
ULlVlC•Noticisis hereby given to all perione
conceruedia the following Estates, to wit :
Estate of ;,bailee Merriman, dee . d.
• _ 0. H. Frazier;
Estate of Benjamin Cole, dee'd4 •
• - "': Eliza COle; Adin'rz.,
That the aecituntiuthihaire settled their - embattle
in the Register's Office; iii aid for the County of
Sustinehanne,-and that the same will he presented
to the Judges of. the aipluine Court, of said
County, la Montrose, oft UM 13th day of .Ituoary
next, for confirmation and allowance.,
.11:T. LANG DON, Register.
Register's OffiCe. Montrose,. • .• .
• Doc. 14, 1862. 5. 1 ' •
Cabinet thori in Susque hanna.:
rrilEsoneeribee nosibeslag daof work daaa
to order, end also keeps on hand I Busereus, fables;
Stands, etc:, *wanted *ell made, Ind also tlhales. adze
Vag" that and nruntenr, goelsing Chaffs. in, Bedsteads
genetany on howl • All those wanting rata UM VIII do
ice/Lto ilepalring Ind :Varnishing done on short
Calms ready made and m ac h to cider in Chelan
• ' ; :IL lit„141111,..
FontriebllnniiDepot; Dei. IG, 1652:•••• 7 fpi1. •
z•- Caleb Weekii'
ADDLE f l7aieas and Trinik 4iia'ittricittre:44ll 4 , at
ortZ,lron l iZfe, 4 ;7, r 2" ! ouulo. r th e"l!le'z'•/41'`In
'Audttors .Notice. :!..-
IV-43,T10E, is, herebygivei thit iheAutdersilp-.
14.1 , ed. stu Auditor appointed - by the Orphou's
Ccitrt of Susquehotu3s :county, to - upportkui , ' the
Imeets in,theintuds sr Joruithes Taylor' adminil"
trstor of the mute of ,Williain !Pliyior-det'd; It•
rnong the creditor . ' of laid estate, will attend to
i i i
the duties of hatsippolutmentsst the office of B.
13, Ileutlerit3 Mo'utrOie on'Alculdo . )"...the loth day
of4rutuary it et two. o!elpels P. ni g st,arldeh
time a nd place all perilous itt interest ere required
th Ir el • ' hw debarred r
to prima e suns or . from c o pe ! for tidiare ofpc,h,asets:,; " - -
, •
..,. -'• •;. - .__-iur. mezi„
::,:xolitrosi,:vep.. ff , :.?x4,-.417, , ,:,, -:..-::,:,.i..
BY virtue oh errit - _ -- of
Pa. issued out of
the Court 03 , Conuttott Pieria of einiquehan
na caunrytjettd ritiXdirected, I will expose to
public male at dua:coartaionee - in'Montrose, ..on
Monday ill() 3d daroLlahuary" next k at ,o'ne
clock I% U., All 11111 1-ceitain piece, or parcel of
land situatel3l . 4 Ind' being . in the "township of illifford county of binqueltaidni and stole of Pa.
bounded. and , described as. -follows, • to.wit : On'
the noith - hy Nude of 8. O. Tittopkitie mad H.
VaddebaCk:ort thoe.iiit by lan* of Kline:Ste.
, Calendar, - 1. =X' ,Baker and 'Mat.
Tittber.'sorith, by land of Asa Iliniock;oud
the weetby hinds of Alfred blorrynian and Doric!!
Saidth; Containing Ali - Out sixty aoteli.moro orions,
together , with 'the appurtenances, ono framed
hottai.iniabitrei,,ona,orchard. - and 'atioitt• , thirty
, „
One otherplece or parcel of lend Sitgale An, the
totiiiship and county aforesaid, boudded de-.
scribed as folloWei t o wit: On the north by 1. - ailds
of Shannint - and James fiodgeon; :on
east, by latuttifiaines flodgaon,•ort the - tMtli by
Janda of Jaciph Ouddebitch and Win. S. Bat=
denim on the west by lands of .Wto..S. Baldwin
ond, Niartin. Decker, containing' Shout-110 area
be ttio same, more or less. together' 'With the ap•
parteuancea .one :framed house, our barn, one
wagon house, one and about fifty ricree
. .
Two Other, pieces.or parcels of hind in the to n
, eltip and county aforesaid and bounded and de
scribed as foiloWe, to wit: - the' first. on - the nol•th
by lands of Wm. Wells iud Edward, Orem. 'on
the east by lands of J. C.Stewart and IL Hun
ttirton'the &oath by land of Robert Wells'and on
the wan by lends fate of :IL L. Hunter, Jr. and
Wm .Walla 3d: Cuuteatling about five Rams be the
'erne more or lest; together - with the appurtenant.
Ces,'one law Mill, and outtsmall orchard and nil
improved. The second is hounded on ,north
eitst by lands of -4avis, on the south east
by lands of Edward.Orain, on the 'seed,' west by
land Of Wm. Wells 3d , and on the north west by
laud of NoirenThilitie, Containing about ten acres
of wild land, late the estate of John Baker - and
Orin. Thatcher late 'partners, trading under ,the
name and style of J.- Raker al. co. - -
Taken in execution at the snit of EdwatiOratri
against John Bakeritud Orin Thatcher.
. tl' D. DLDRED, Sheriff
outrite Dec:9oth, 1&52' _
sheriff's Otnee
- The United States' Review.
It htte become apparent to many that the'Dem
ocratie party of the United States is at t hie,tpne
hut partially and iniperfectly .represented -hi 'the
Periodical. Press... To meet this acknowledged
want, the subscriber has determined to issue on
the Ist oflanuttry, 1853, the first number of a
nienthly 'magazine, to be deketed to Democratic
National politics, and Literature, under the title
of the' United States Review.' Its principles
will, be Democratic and National, and co! the
echool ofJeliferson,4ackson, and -Polk. IS 'will
be decisive Mits treatment of political stibjects '
never losing sight of the opinions of the tried , and,
acknowledged leaders of the party-. and consider
tug carefully the rights 'end duties of the whole
'The Review will be temperately arid fairly
condacted. In it the . Democratic party can have
confidence as an exponent of its principles:. Pro.
gressive, but indulging in tie impracticable, ultra
ism, it Will sustain, defend, and attempt. to
Strengthen the acknowledged principles and poll•
cy . of the Republican. Party of the State's.
It has no,object, to effect but the substantial ben
efit of the Democratic Party, and the healthy
growth of those principles of Constitutional "Lib
erty which . have had their foundation , laid in
Compromise. Mutual Confidence, and Union.
The Review will be issued promptly on the Let
of each month. each number will- contain 96 clear, bold type, on paper of the hest
quality. „The annual subscription is three dollars
payable in advance, and the Review will: be de
livered m all of its subscribers free of postage.
All eomtonniestions to be addrapod to T. "Al Poster, 1
In Inoidway, N:
Please Obsenit,
Avg. M. C. SUTTON. Artist,. will visit different Zee'
tions Cdthe too:m4e during the emits , : sinter ;and
hash= had pind opportunit, topdge of his skill asan
operator, I can recommend dm to those who wish epr
rmt pictures. lie is now at Ditnock: Rooms nt .1. ti•
Dallara's.llotel. IV, IL DEANS. ,
11Iontroie. 1852.
J'lree.23ll:llsl" LATIIROP t. Cog,
PROMUI - 1 1 101i. •
- TATITEREAS the Hon.Davto WitStor,.Pres.
idetit of the , Courfof Oyer and Terminer,
end ;General Jail Delivery; Chart of..Qusrter Bes
sione.ofi ie Peace and Cohrt of Common Pleas
and i Orphans' Court, in the Thirteenth. Judicial
District, compoied.of the Counties of &Neel-tau ,
ne, Bmilford i ptid Sullictut;' and the Boum. 4ohn
BOyltrand Davis
,D. Warner, Associate Judges
ii,tißusquebertna county, have bitted their. pre
cept. hearing date tl• 27th day ist November, in
the rear of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
and7fifty.two; and to mo directed, for holding. a
Court of Oyer and 'Terminer - and -General Jail.
Delivery, - in the Borough of. Montrose, and cons.
Ity of Bustplehaanu, on the third Monday Of. Jan
nary -next. (it being the 17th day):
Nonce is nasenv owes to the Coroner, Jus- -
Uses' of. the .Peace, and Constables of said cutin
ty of Sesitehahnii, that they be then and there„
in their-proper pereotis, at the af
ternoon of said day. with their records, .Inquisi.
Lions, and other remembrances, to do those things
which. to their'oinces appertain to b. done.. And
those who are bound by recognizancei against
the Pritonete that are. or shall:be in ,thit . Jail of
said county,of Surapiehanna, are to be then and
there, to prosecute against them as Will-be
Dated at 'Montrose, the.7th day of December
inure year of our Lord one thousand: eight hull
dred and .fiftY.:tvie.
Sizigmfehernnts County ss
EW (..
MILLI/31 O,CriaDN In the . rou rt. of Conicnon
. 'vs. ' - Pleasof said Uounty, of
IMinv Attu Ginntant. Auguit T. 1852, Noa97
To . Mvry . Arm !Cards& :, - ,'Wheiens ta Sub
paina in Divorce was issued to August Term.
1852, which illEfti duly - returped non ,txt inventus,
and thereon an alias Subrxeva wee issued, in said
cane° returnable to Nov. Term, 1852,-u pon the
return of itthich; proof was inadete the said Court
that the Said Mary' Anti Gardner 'Could' net ho
fonimd in iriy Bailiwick. ,
‘, This notice is therefore - tot:squire you toeppear
before the indgas of the said.court : on the third i
Monday of January next,- to answer said com
plaint. &e. ••• .r '4 •' ' ,- - •;• ' : "
O. D. ELDRED, Sheriff'.
Ebetiff !gs OftleeMentrate, Dee. 6,1553.-19x8.
the lion. the Judgee - of the Cou'rt Qitar
4er. Sessions of, the Praco in and for the WWI.
ty . Susquehanna - •
THE Petition of U.K. Scheinerhorn of .Have..
harms Depot. imenshtp or Etsituouy ofsaid
county; respectfutlyrepresents that he is provided
With imitable clinvenie,nces to keep a grocery hi
the township arriressid, ina that it , is his inteu.
lion to' apply 16 -the next Court 'of Quarter see. - '
ph:Maui be holden in and for said county on the
third Monday of January next, for it license tc
keeps Grocery.and to sell strong beer, ole, or
other matt Jiimorsmccording to the attpf
hly of 14th Amil.lBsl; •
• • c. R. ramatrairourt,
- lam. Depot, Dee. 8; 1852.=-41hri - . _
rrnEundend e nti.d,-44-e,..,torc-4.11,6 kit wi ll
,L and ,teitiiinea oftriaia Etritcht• bit e of AP-
igaeim, ikeitiuted. hp here b y .f '
,ciooe,e i ttpit *ll
- *lithos ogaituttisid *gate- - atlyit.procrotO to
them immediately to/ iettleTeat,. mud_ th**o
debeed t4l4driitate mon attend,tqlll34 settli the
fq**Piltititif lidoY• • " • •
• ZDW‘ltto BARTON,
• f.: l-- 1 ' lAS SUBDUE', j Writ.
. . _
FIE cOpartnetihipbenitofore existioif betw een
the sulcoribensi under the firm et r. &
B.Atlen, ie this &ay dissolved hylniutualConsent.
To those indebted ;to . the firm' either by 'Veto or
'nook uecount;me. Mould.iierebY, give -notice', AP
one of the undersigned is about to move assay, it
da neceseury, to knee: the busMeespf the' firm set •
tied tip., 'N. H. -Tile Bootie .nod "Nisies, will be
&cud in,the hinds of F. W. Attila. -
- F. W. & Ei
- Brooklyn Nov: 27, 1852.
-..9r The butinele will hereafter, be .01140 4 )
by the subscriber,:et the old lonetiou, where he
would be glad to Sell Goode cheap: or ready pay
of effort credit (to those who de mot (Medd to pay
Lin false promises.) ' F. W' ALLEN
Nov. 27, 1852.+48W3.
, •
I give notice that,l in accordanc e
11 01 1 - 41 191C10 - • •
with the provisions of an I d iot the. last Ses
sion of theZegislature providing toe thOftegistra
tion of Births, Deaths and Marriages. 'I have nu
hand the
- proper Blanks for distrihution, free of
charge (ethos° entitled to receive them. The
law makes it therdoty - of the attending Physician
to report. Births rind Dt:riths, and ,i the officiating
Clergyman or Justice,. that of Marrindes. All
those entitled 'to receive the Blanks will nt oner
avail themselves orthetn; in order 014 the Act
may be intik complied with in this county.
J. tbIGD/IN. Register.
Register's Ogtee,.i.tonteose, Dee. 2, 1851-4Sii3.
• • Railway Storeat Rirkwood.
11 3 11 K cititens of Kirkwood atid VicinitY, are partlettlerly
./: ' invited to our stock ofgoodsjust pnrcbued In New
York for cach. , which .11 be sold cheaper• than they can
be bought 'elsewhere in the country. Call and examine
our stock and we think" we can suit yo with •tbe goods
and prices Aiwa a 119:11001ber . , that the new stores sell
cheap. Our stork consists in part of the following arti
cles, via: Tea. Sugar, Polfee„Mobosse,Syrup. %iisekerel.
Codfish, 011, Tobacco, Fruit, Nnts, Soap, Candles, Pick..
les, Preserve% Drugs, Wooden Ware,"
.Packing, Md.! and. seek "Safi Flout, ;;Provisions,
whirl, wo Intend - keeping constantly on band and will sell
at the lowest possible market price for cash. -
'Wanted at all time; all kinds of Partnere produce fir
- iamb or goods,_,'
We being located at the Rlrkwood Depot, will attend
to all kiwis of Goods on Cornut's.eon eine r to Newburgh
or New York.' 'slash paid for Kay nod straw.,
Kirkwood, Nov 20, 165 4 —lfm3.. 31. L. SQUIRES
.1111RilITT Ter now receleing a farther and general
awortseent of Winter Goods, Including a greaten
de!), of, Octanes and Other Dress Goods and Winter
Shawls meth ,miliseed. from fall Witt& Xatraid Robes,
Staves ike.'ve.vhieh be will dell at the lowest prices for
cash. produce., or approved credit. -
WANT ItD 6000 dos:. Mot taecils; 500 cords Woos. Pont,l
Orlin, Duffer, &c. for which the highest vice wilther
' •
Nesi 3111fonl Nay. 10, -
Administrator's Notice.
rrnrs nudersign.Jd havidg been appointed Ad
X mit:timelier of the. etnete of Win. MaKeeby,
late of the township of Diatock deepened. notice
is'hetehcr given to till - peitone indebted to the
said estate to make immjediate 'payment,. and
those haring demands naiiinst said estate
_present them doVattosted ifor Fettletneut:
Dimock. Nov. lEti 1,8524471v6.
0 1 0101EIS , •..1 1 30.11,:.
- Bentley - A=Eciad
A RE this ar4eit . tetil sing n large and desirable Stock of
131. sinter Goods, comprising their usual aseorthrot of
Bmad cloths, Cassitueres. 'l,"crtings, a large supply: of
of beautiful pattorns of Mouslia De. LIIILIN and Ladies
Dress Goods of different' fabrics, Blanket Shawls Denies
-tic Goods.t.liwo. ries, Croakers, lfardware, - Druge.*Dye
stuffs, Patent Medicines, Boots. Ehoes.:LLeather Clocks.
flats and Caps, Ilihbons, Watches and Jewelry, Paints
and Oils. and in'fact, almost erery thing utaa ally called
for in the country. all of 'filch see Offer on theinost
votable terms', far Cash. Grain, Butter. Tallow, Lard
Beeswax, Beaus, Flaxseed, Flannel. Socks, Deled Apples.
or approved credit. BENTLEY It ItEAIN
Montrose, Dec. 8,1852.
1000 dos. ail wool rneka and 10,000 yds Flannel
wanted immediately by the subscribers fnr which wemill
pay the Weird market price. • BENTLEY& REA.Di
Cason also Ws G n ass —A Or. t rate article. mil.'
mussily tf.ed where it hs known as Supe• Mr to anything
of the kind. , ' BENTLET & READ,
• Diastina Powder, Safety Ease, Satchels, Umbrellas,
India Rubbers. Ohio Oriodstniier, Carpeting, Oil Clothe,
Window and Walt Paper„lyhips, Clocks, &e. for sale by
Alontecise, Dee. 8,;852. BENTLEY & •
NM SV Envy Wagon, two new Cutters •ends two
XI bowie Lumber Mitt.. BENTLEY' tr. READ.
Montrose, Dec. 8,1552. ,
Layton's - Water Proof Oil Black
mg,. • • .
A N exeellent article foryarrlaxes. Fla neer, Rots ' and
.17L,Eltmeg. Price cents prr /14.01 e. ., -P r aalti at .
Dec. 9.18'42.
AAR. heat V LUID , or the ,1111 k of
:plants, . perfect curei tor a certain complaint.' or
disease that streets only the human family. pee.. $1;00
per Rattle* For sale at • 718.111tELL'9.
G. B. ItDßED,Eberig.
- -
. A 00ENXi 01 0 00M11011i 0/ .D/126.0, OHS. 0 Jai MU:,
0 toecnes.Notlonti, ike - TCRII4L'B.
r EST quality of Lamp OS, Eirrophene, Burnlfig fluid
0124 Caudle*, st ' • -- VIRSEGL*B •
A little of nearly every thing, as usu a l . a a
. Ifonfron t L@0..8:1852.: :
• An Assortment— • -
OF Ifeld/m 4 dl,..V. lo oini (late and i'ops,.ehrt•
Alanti). t few cif the "Kostutte'ilats
yet remaln, and it ut , ,F.sqpplyet s p eeted In day ay two.
Fall raigiioll, - '
st?iehj o. s . t r r u Pe t e L iv E rd 4
G .
AID (nr.,Wheat, Rye:: end ,flook ‘ ,h es i of
the/1141,pf the subscriber, in Chosonsi; • ,
. „ -. , - SA All 4 F. CAIIMALT.
T.B hereby given to the oink • holders to 'the
. lt.rooklyn 4nd Lenox Ttinipike I tned Gong:le
vy. that the annual Eteetlon hit held , at the
heals* of Oickte. 4.../38nheki,:ira Lino*, ea //outlay
tha 34 day Of January : nein ,
E. R. GROW, Piet.; .„
Glencened. Dec;B-148.—.49w3;
iinderengund having been appointed Ao;.
„L. r dnor,b4r.the.Orphatetscourt. to. apportiou es:
sets in the hands of Amass T. Trowbridge, .Ea'r
of the estate ef-Lyntan Trowbridge, doted. will at
tend to ths,perne. acids. Once, ;hi, Attigarpll . r, on
Moodie; theaddeir. of January nest a l -1. o'clock
in, ill" saternoott. r This is to give ; la SW In
iertstetl to eppere slut pownt their eleinut.:
N. NeFIFTOM - Audjtot4::
Mostrece, Dec.
oe -an VISO -
INDEPENDVIX Ot deq?ZinCo* . titter.. or
tfissferted.., vithn' lien obliged - 4o ca ll
mile; psycifebts of lonkittending, 1 have ichen . d..:
some stock Cf.asods op handamong-hick m ay .
be fatuad•SuperAte anti Poininett.•Brocid,
_cloths ;
Geminates; Satinette, -CarPeilllec'::Sheetinge,
- Dattibe,flutThlo,Rubeihjiesittiful. Oehler's. Bilk
Plush'und•otheiCips, fresh"''reciniVOils: Paints,
School Books, Iron; Multi Moles,.
co* SYrutty•CfnekerY. &c. Atn.; Which I wilt soil
as cheap ekt best, curthe'qualities for the
isicnifelpay can be Irsd :MOO these diggine or else
where tmuli , thinations. ••
' And thankful for all past favors, all are invited
,to mill with their 'Eden of any !chid. Reiter, Lard,
'Sochi, Fionnele Beeswei, iFeatherS,;;Tork or I
Ces4or ntiy•kinci of shippine furs; Cash paid tort
•the latter, old aecovnts and .Notelrmtvit" be look.
ed to by the Sisf ofJanuary•next. • •
• ' Respectfully, - ht C.•TYLER
Alontrose, Dec; 2, 1852; -
nrittinety. and Mantail'.Making.
ISS • '
D. FERRIS late of .Y. would inform
/7.1 the ladies orMeatn3sa nud Vicinitithat she
has opened - a fanciy
.the -base.
meta of Mr. Searle's. Hazel 'white ahie t will •be
prepared at all times to'.wait cbstorners
where may he had - tateready made. or inade to
order. • A splendid nssortmrnt of ribboliii,
cufFs, embroideries. dress' tritamiline,end _various
fancy articles. - press catting and making Alone
on short notice.
- - " - 'D. FERRIS.
Illontiose Des. Q. 1852.-480w4.,
_ ,
BE SOW:4Mo hal' Ude "'WV
..1; - rpturped hem Mew. York"
'With , %Very exteritdvaiwisorttnaud
lefi n eiodi, to WhEchles would re.,
ketf ullidifileidloill of
his friends. -. Among itbetitt
his stook'
',will be fountfilautiusuallyiente'
, vnidety et Gold and Sliver Wateht!
la , font of envy style intl'.quallty.
Quest quell
.mauYet wil t clihredat'his omit mortatton made expresd-'.
ly to eider "Ever)/ Variety of Eat/dirndl; Finger Kluge,
and Itriust ns; some otwideb ore extra itch, Gold, Ag.
Ale and fan Ilmeilets, a largo' lot of Geld 'Spectacles •,
and l'ltimb etc - Allier, do; `do..: 0011 Fob, Vest end
,GUardOltal e..Watelt Seals, Keys,•Buckles 'And !tinge; ,
Sttide;Slee e - Deft DO, Car Anus arid Dutton. , Coral j
'lleniS, Ca IhutketSdca. - ' ' • ' - " -' ' '.
or a
Patentfiu 1. : to ve t r b i o ,
A lake lo etAlliar Ware ih every variety or weight
7 ,
Lewd 'hatttun both pain end 'threaded. Gold Pens end -
I rend's. - A behtttl td stock . - )t plated 'castors; Candle=
stlcki, Cal: Baiketi,.t . e:, , Plated seid. : (l - ermin Silver
Fable' and T Apoet., Hirer and Steel Watch CluiltelA
great varlet •et Slifer Nitilltln Rings', IforY and none
do., Britten it Ware, Sewing. Plea lea. Armlet& Sliver
! Cups, Silver ,Teeryil/earl -and Viatlter, Pert•.3lonlel.
Card Cities; tine ay:torment of Shell. Combs,..Buttalo
do , . Knives • Bolster& ,Coral ttecklitos and Armlets.
Poid qpitea '
' hake 24. Taa'Belle,/tc. '&3l also argroad
! int o r .04 . k 9f, Tartug Mika; al I of ultlilt will. be, sold
for cash at small alvanoe from Manufacturers and
Imenrters prices. i- .•• , ~ - ', • - -- -
• - Strict attpation pal / to Cleck and IVatclifelwdaltlS In
.all Ita brimlce.alsel ongravlngit icily executed ' . ..
blughamt, n;tiovi IS,-1832. ,• : :., A. 4. MVANS.
h. 08 1%1210900 'air Tailoript establish:
, t‘to ant room forniooly hfiroven 00, thO
Baheit Quitty.BlMp on , T4irmaisstruet. ono
door weir, f M.B; Wilgoies -
MontiOr Nov.llo 185,2'
P 1.441
F I W =
LY Wish 'to inform•••you that,. P:-A.
hls just opened ll'
' atkrep& Co.. storo,-whera he would
o see old.castomera Sind new Ones-=-
self foi3o their work with pato*
uktiottidone with are, for which • pay
fired when it Wt.:it:afro= the shop.'
'Noi. l B, 1852. • - r". "
ever D. A.
be happy .
P!MgiPg hi l
aad - dispat
... N. 0.., r
World " of
gaTalia -
Al yr lwelters !meant the sun! '
I.ld the wonders Art hub 'dune I '
6 ulk by lightning, ride by seam,
palpt bi-Holbt eteruul beam! - -
out Atormina to enumerate the' many
iced frlDm the •ivire' and the 'track;
all attention to the advantage of pro
inorO of those b-eittirul
.uerceotype Plicturesi
taken ay the Odd Fettosvte Hail, by the
seafe olko sunlight' and W. B. Deans,
Bat Witt
bourfits de
we would
Curing ono
'which aro
!lid of 'sheaf
the Artist.
He has ' '
his head CI
plated lock
-of cases n
Shell, apd
Call midst;
P. S. Ti
honks and r
Lions for th
New York
fine hook. j/
reading wil
Alm/ ros,;
l'net etitrned.from the city' not with
ull of kilowleilge,' hitt with a new and
supply of plates and eine.i gold - 1111 d
key 4, etc Autumn; ilest styles
tho Mdame Samna, 'ancy Turtle
adios' Own—the ntest eplendid
.atternel ever offered to it.ti public.—
' ! AdMission free.
'. B. Define has the ageney of several
az.tzini a, and will receive Rubin:rip.
Patio Annual, &dive- Keepsake,
• man. a d Dauffhters of Zion, a ' very
4 publiAed. Persona wishing choice'
do wellito coil and enibscribe.-
Nov. 10, 1852. .
' ma•iy ow)vol.,:i
ClI E. ap, for •C a s li, , '
AlkllE subsc iber respectfully invites the attention of the
( di public t.,a largestock tif
Fall aod Mt later Goods,
o r,.
which be ha- , ust. reeelii‘l and will sell extremely lowfOr
cash, among Web may be found
Unbleaehe. Abeeti 14[ 4* at fkl per yard, extra heavy.
Bleached $ ertings friom ed t iv.
trial Liflitl from 2.941 tu ii/ s
P f rintas renl at 6 I, 01,asad Is—excellent cloths , and warrant
• L I • -
Gingham* uf everikitid-4 huge lot at Is is yard, mad
der color. and very heavy.
I- 1 De Lames fro u 13.1 to ss—lento very fair within-at
gd, Phl and Is- ' •
Alpacas and Partmetb s (rim Is to ss, ,
1 _ Preach Wends of -every grade and color.
, Bia A and colored Silks, a complete assortment.
Clothe, Gassimers. Pattinatts, Tweeds, Kentuckyleans
and al'miter woolen gnu& for len and Bins.
Woolen Planaele of creep color and quality, from Is to
gs—ootrie red. all wool, as low as is ILI. Canton Flannel
from 9,1 to 10. , .
Mariner. striped Shirting at $34.101 and I.:
- 3,lYoulen Shawl>, a large lot _ lion; an I square,( oft:non
style end quality. from 10. to 88 each. A good assort
ment of Broche do. extremely chimp
Teurets, Vance., and Caroccitags. of every description,
1 constantlyou hand, and offered at prices admitting of
competition. . .
' The subscriber 'nurpcilies to be conetturtly supplied
with the above goods. in all their varieties. and will en
deavor to make It ail object to his friends in - usqueliani
na eounty„who wish to buy goods very cheap for cash, to
give him - wall. esti. ' i . W.ll. WI vox.
Corner °rennet and Water streets. nearly opposite/ i
the America,, thud', Binghamton, N. Y. f,
i d ' o6llii •
C HEAPP,litican ever, frr'erery- bo ly that , wl•ibea to
pity Cash, or my kin at flTchtntabto pro , ludid, or
that hare not abnwd the Credit rystruidomt rolling in at
Stoutrdze, Qat: 2.3,18521
.Ltabeilor 'Sale, • -
Din, liendnek; thos-woad, Maple and Ash
-L Lumber, Wan Shing,lea. for auk by
• •
. Arontrose, Nov.k. 185.
iv P. WYAyT bas just retorted frona'New York with
'V V a ttew and beatutlful assortment of Cloths, Egossi.
metre, Yestlnws, ice :tke
.whinh he (rms at the
lowest living prices - far each or produce. • . .
The.vub;rriber has on hand the latest and moot interns
(red stile of Fashioas for Mill and Winter Chathing. • '
W. W. will manufaeture on theAsteg reasonable
terms and' in the most approved style of fashion, at the
chat test notice ' 1
W. P. W; wants Its trao for coedit SOO barrels of Ap
pl., of the boot nullity. end 41 firkins of Mutter, for
which he will allow gicelitt# per pound for the bes - ghat
ity in trate.— . , W. P. WYATT.
Mere at Dinieek•• late - Lew °Mee, Turnpike street,
Montrose, - Oct '19,1852:
"C _
T H b l e l ti
& Wept
two. q
_ . ..
py..3.!ail,Like""§t ag oe 'now run inng
ngon Pnrboaciala .and.the Lnckewe MIA
ornilailrouti s Tunkbannock Sttt
few virsies, leaire ,Culbotolate. connecting
lips foi . Nevi;,Ycirk,
Ilunkirki return,
lea Tanfantanbck Station .on arrival of
ml 4 ,ltv,YOrk.itad Dunkirk.. Stages al-
Ilitsktiannoati l titation,fiv"roukhannock
l of care (rota Netir York. • Fais-ata
1.1. 4.1'. MARTIN.
her 3, 7852.' ',
trains f
so leuv
• D a
' 4W- c I y. at,
.arr T pll* .
~ow=ho will not bffunticrnoid. dine.
n . Nov 4,1852. - T •
oft/ER wtitite4
4, 1852. : '
1 .. .
, r. 0 1 4 Watrh ' 4P, Doi6o Itlngr 2 Stee
illigx.Ctolo4 ft • miler:4 e..t e-Ja.c a rrfired a!
--: A. 4 . . B,v/0!1.8', Itinglasogorv.
A''` R l
July 28,
subscriber; tbsoltful to his frlendS for their Ms.
fin, would remind them that be has teceired the
`.7 1 F AfA4 F 411811110.3 -
for 1852; And that he Is serve .his custam
ors, as usual, with t.Tothitiq made up - substantially,
haattova.ely,lll3di promptly. L ,.
ht my sh p to lgoeler'e block, a feu*
doom below the Democrat office, It you Vont gopd wort
at fair prises. 1
07‘In ettttleg lam entirely at home. Ever coat
out f make a twelve:unto. boy had pins down, and tba
fed of Vie alley kuueirtel out. Xbat'e •
Montrote. October feg; HSI. 4 scrim annvEs. •
Siibir`has thiSAlity.geosisk nuother lot
of English - Patent " LsiOr - W'lttchl4, limiting
Caws; lOw:1 'Assign J: Evans,.
llinphnmyoa, 7uly ?A:' .2 044 Po•Ilows`
VS? argil
.:09A Hunt4tWatChei
ID_TRA e,-131 my - own impottaikwtorsals
,! • APITED.I,-.6VANN "
_ .
: Pituasiand 'Still Pnvilogesi:e4d
, .
-.-.' - - "
rpfin_Maktciftlei..roffo6l • for vole,. ihefolloWiog
-.l.,valutOge promties, to win ; 'otos farm" in the
township 'a Hortoid cumpiuitig some Sixty:Sorel:
about thirt'y of which-is 'improvei), '.house. berm'
orchard.'lec., thereon. - Said farm • lies out toile
pod a holl,froM, thp?village 'of ifarforcl,' ott the
' re.Olo of tile M o lttroito 'bud lisrford nook 'Rood
It iin btiastiforsoid.desiriblolocatiop. well wtkr...
' Moo one other farm. lying on the Belmont
, Turnpike, four Miles 'from Larieshorii; and he
4 N. Y.'llfil 'E t rie Ititilrokbontiinirie about Nighty;
acres. twentro.r.more of which is improved, with
house.. Writ. orchard; iSto.: Ails is a lislitabte
p.eoiorAild from its lecithin, 6sirig,Well timbered
and wOlcrOa. ' .
•AleWseVeral.Duilding loan at the itillage%f Sint.
Anetianna,ot tho lslew-Torlc.d: Erie • Rail Road:
Thio,ie ono of the most thriving locations in the
- country; being the sent Of Mc:R:O , II4W Medlin
mattains :now about. - 1300 iambi!
inn% end itolneiness facilitieSore tutrivaledgn
connection with the above lots, are four of the . hest
trell.seats hi thenunty. being inutiediately on the
4:mninemitine river, with sufficient power-for any
pet pose of triune fat uring Ths most surpassing
inducements • are .lieltfout by. the above locations,
for capitalists, who wish to rk in the business
'of mane fociering,tannitin:floworing and Mothering.
The Rail Road .airorde the most nounodians and
ready tratniportion for every thieg in the above line.
The above proneitY, in Whole part, will lei.
Bold on terms the Most advantngeons to, piarehar.
ere. [-will gives, great b;irguins,
:tine will be proMptly answered from a distance
lad all enquires attended to promptly: • '
June' I: - 1852. 23 tf.,. 1
• Brooklyn - Sto+e - Depot.
Tivraxy:k 8111-711 w e nbl call the attention of tit
eltlten of Bmaltlyn t o trial Itrge'virl sty of stove and
furniture. .We. have On Ilan/ the beg
,paggna , of the
brat amt.:ital. Vi'r. shall sell at the - very lowevt
and on the meat llblattertns. Call, tee, - anil esendoe.:
. „
iu.. . .
, - We bavel . cu . n .
resolvedr Larga 1 seta:4l4n of Volt and
Wintey Dry aphids 'orivery deserintron.'whieb we will ail
for or goal pay cheaprr than woo evvr before offered
In this market. We eaunnt . particularize; but ws.rar7,
neatly invite everybody .to call and eX41411110 for - Onto.
selves. We know we eau suit you-An price, , ,rinantity
and quality.' '.' -- -' . TIFFANY fr.; B.IIITIL
Drooklyu,Oct. - 1.3i . 1852.. . . . . ; - >, : ' •
.___ -. _ ,
1500. Agent - Wanted , ;---$lOOO 'a
. . - _ ' :. Yoai-.: : . :, .
srxrl , 44..w.:tivo and -enterprleing men. , o eng-age
in the f3lO or aomeior the beet hooks published 1u , the
country. To men or good addrese, poes-!Ang , a email
Capital Of from - $25 to $100„ such Indueernent4 . will ' he
offered Re to onable.iltem to make from $3 to $lO a day.
ra•The bonka pUbliehed by as are 01l dodo! In (holr
character. extrmuely,popuTer, and. 'command largeule.\
wherever they are offered.
- • kor further particulars, ;xi limut.( paid . )
.... DAMP:I.9 to,GENTZ.
' - ' Succeetora to I%'. A'. Leary k Co. '
ffilt!S) .., No. ISE North Second Street, Philadelphia. 2 1
„ .
LARGE additions of new styles_ of CROCKERY are
weekly reeeiving at the Crockery and Mines I'4
piffling Establishment, by - J. 11. DE PEG
Binghamton, Oct. 14, /852.' - .
141 Val24a
In every varety, style. 'shape,' and. color. an at the
lowest {{ trces. may he foundaL. .DE PELI79.
And others who are it want of .any•article of. Creeeell
and C ass. Ware, Lamps, Looking Clews,. Cutlery;'Serv.
Pre, isritannlo. Wore: Castors: Coffee and Sul ceMills.Dells,
, spoonv.tlupilestieks, Plaited Wares, Clocks. Fancy lles
ket*. Wooden and Willett War.' of all kinds, Window'
Shade,. Metts.ilvdCaxesol eef A lieers.-Egg Deats.dfrush
so. reather lloaters, enmities, Meat Cutters. Cual Mods
:MAl:selves, :and -an Pat./wive' assortment of .Toys end
Fanny Articles. We go Ise them to colt at this estensite
establishment both ash satink , of !line mid 'money, for
here they.cnn Cad *Utile minutia : wanted • In their lino
and et theloirett possible prices. 1. 11, DE
Binghamton, •
, . ......
'T""..„ , „...,,„. . Ustsf to Thwapson's cele
-,- bride& Daguerrean Gallery I - Likenesses taken and
. nut up, in neat Morocco Cases for only Owe nor.t.s a
IhirentCand Children: Brothers and einem, 'one and all,
newts the time to serum for youreolves and,Dienda -one
of thole little mementoes lii the fermi of a Dag tterreetYle
Likeness; which at 'some future time tuay,provo of hies.
.1 tamable - value. The expense is, sot i.lEng that It .should
bean inducement for every family' - while in meatus to
avail thcnisclvei - of the benefits of this mysterious and
usinderful Art ' Impressions of children taken =in from
,I 0 seconds Avery elDas wilt be made to produce
Clear and well deLned litenessec.iembleing an easy and
gieccful attitude, and- that •life.llk.l expression whieh'ls
so very - desirable, and which can be obtained by a visit at.
Thompson's 31agnificent-Sky Light Gallery, opposite the,
Echangellotel. ' . : ,.: -
i I
Tm:A if Pali '' " -
-.'Phe subsmiber would say that-he has on hind and lb: 1
silo a general assortment of Daguerreotype Material, I
which consists of CamiTiol, Plates, Panty and Common
tl , , ,, ies. Lockets. Chemicals', and in abort almost every
thing nred lu Ihe trade. , -- -
Minty Voluble At,47,11aTir... • ..- • .
• Juni receive() from the manufacturer. It has two aetla
of keys. and combines all the -ad vantages, of. the Two
flanked Or: tn. . It contains two elope correspe,pup g to
the Open Diapuon and mineipallu Organs. '-Also. coup
ler and Swell Draw-Stop. The arrangement .Ia Foch that
either atop may bo played separately or together, or one
pith one hand and loth with the other—one under a dui
se(.l,swell. the 'other -with an open Sven. etc. If. is ' tho
nal, instrument orcept tiouhle B,aukel,Church:Organ
upon which Ortmn'practice can he acquired. and for boil;
Iblncy, oar iety of co.uLinatintt.Und power, it far surpass_
penny thin; .if the kind heretofore Invented. 'Moo, 4.,54
and 5 octave Melodeone; for sale by the sabseribt:i :Whin
naluerrean Booms.. ~ -' - -
Binghamton. October 11, I - 352. . .. , . . -
In connection with the-L. & TV. Railroad.
13/I.43E.NGERS van leave Atm:twee for New
, York and Dunkirk twice
. a day, alto: for
Carbondale,. Scranton god Willtesbarre.
• - .
New and commodious four-horse Post'Coaches
leave Montrose Ilotel at 8 o'clock fA..M. and at
4 Pi 41., connecting with-the E. &. W.ThailMad
for New York and Dunkirk: also with trains for
SdrUnton, Carbondale; Wilkeibarre., - -
Stages leave Montrose Depot on the arrival of
the trains Irma New 'yin* for Ilarford, returning
leave Darford• connecting With train's for New
York and .. , crantori. Also a sta g e for Oweio
yid. Forest Lilt — St. Josephs. Priendsville. War-
realriun. Soudan. Weduaday, and Friday, 1 1
returns Tuisday 4 Thursday:and Saturday. --.
• L. SEARLE,..Propriatar. -
/IfOntrose„ Nov. 3, 1852. t - • •
faiallysmoatil Have a Col -
An individual book only 25.cti. per copy
, • Man.. -nozo..thpe • •
INRAIMITTEIt'S &kilted Manuel •ood Mind teriottl'Ot
the Afileted,Contnloing an outlito, of the oogi n ,p r
greII,ITAII2VIVIIII And Cure °Nervy P.M' of dilease.con•
untied by Peomieetwas :Settlal I otereearve, by Self tt ,
Lose,.e.bySextrtl Etzeva. With odvicol their,preveo•
tiorbth 4 4 cannot offend. tOo eve of deeney.-frotu the ic,
suit of emu e twenty year,' eicce•efulp.ectiee, eitt en ftirely
devoted toil:keel:ire of dlieaso ors delicate or private WI,
~ . .
To wldeh Is 'added. 'reeelpts far the earent the
&tiepin and is „treattee, .the entree. nyreptome and
into of the Peeor and Agile, for twent y -fire cent, a copy,. dollar witl be forwarded to '-nny part of
thorned Flat she man,free of sewtesse.; Addross post,
Re". paid. 11 0 24 Ind Post Office, or the Author', '3.3 Nokth
Settetth atreetp.Philad'a. : '
cr_ArAw sdorrm, nud with all your gettinge.get
tnid4stending, tind alio covering for - your
,whiob. last' coramodity,,; if you.
ramess t h e other two, you will be opt to seek and,
find at •
Keeler-wad Stoddard' Doer told
Shoo_ Store'.
'Far tlionglva certain ..Rerry-tnas
• -1 A dirreut tale hos told,
,WP d hitve. the public undereton • •
--We wont be undersold.' •
Oar assortmeut, though gencral,onough-,6
Gen. e i... ree ,ei w t. the gripliet lettiah, to
say nothing of 'various greceriei, is newirtheleal,
In thelkot and Shire very' eitteneive:oild
Completa, and ire bona -yet :toinakti it include
some uf the keser profits:,
;::(I.' r %tit- ninth+ tii - Order[titid - „ ,
done nently:...; KDELER &STODDARD , . 1
- D REASTPINSt—Th-te;dox.iltirattienitipins.
onge . entiierY uewintiterfie; reiNt dny, by,
Aug. 28:. ' 1 44. EV ANS.r..;
`, ,I
W4NtED: 10.0004 i 'woolen Socks in• e x.
change for Goode kw agNirr,*R4AW,
MOM rose Salv - 1/0 842, Say
Pall -Goods.
- • • •
- • ---r-s-- TAillifikiENT.
. . _
friHE'llukseribit I.l4.tukt
frOfilik hirio 'ii 3 4 1 t.19 IA
his (armor_ titttak 91Sttptie consisti ng ors variats
o r lA. moat appraiirt kinds: amon g *blab kik! : 1 '
- • tiLIN'fON - Alli
...IVESTERN-QUEEN; , :: - •
onelevaYid Pvfmt•i: ;9.4`.iisiurrtttir.tistit : Sts k tc t k
pnait4TX; PARIQ
~ORANGE mit:7:1(10z-
A. variety of Premithiliestonn'or rniarlitylv this
WALK ILI., A-14. FiVaNk
• good and variou s . aseert w e n t or ratior 110
!rail Braves Aar Wiva."gui4 Coat.. , - L'Ox . ..lloiivit 41 . -
varions siina and patterna. h,-ia-oopti o p e lly se,
ceiring, and intends to keep ae.great'n variety-0
the ! most popular stores as any denier in fitinotitt
try..- Pennant 'trisiting to porclissi, staves arili
find it to thairirkors* 401,m11.q4 110.: • Thai , it . ri4
and bis -
_ StOVO -.lllll3lllthree •
made of
,the strongest and best "monies ,snd - tu%,
cheap; as cuu be bought in this or Proirrii cosmtp
end mach better they offered by pedlars. .
Stove Pipe Ware kept for cola, stni .
made to order. yanntra trill be scpsohid, with
Ptini,inadiof stronennitericlii nt Wholesale "pis
ors, all osiers for work in "LIS Psi 'riffle thank%
fully received and punctually attended to+.
J 0131 0q04.411.4 7 ...
dietitfiendauly 1 38' •
, 'Great end, • -
VArti Et* 't - ron - t - i
ThiszvOlyi Ladles nua !Genilichien.t
THE subscriber would invite.his friendeto,call
at Ifigtmew store in Greet Rend, direciiy op-
Polite - Abe “Lusk Haase," and eXernina his stalk
of: ~ g oods,- . feeling--assured tbet the* will 'pot g
away dissatissed, . . = ' .
would first call the atteitioi - of - the'Latilini
to hit great variety - of`• • • • •
• ri
, Elltrazt. $O l Ot r" - tV
coireistioget embroidered and printed Lawns; Iht.
tames orelannsit eve!) , variety and style that the
the - New York market aflords; black an&colored
Silks • Prints / Gatgiaras, /kn. Itc. - 4-
lot of "S'llawle, Handkerchiefs ' Tabte Coveri, Ho %
Steil( and Gloves,: Straw' and Millinery - CoodS.
Also, firoadcloths,Cessimeres,'Sattlectts,•Vesk
ings, and every raptorial- torLoys and tigen's ale%
- Hitsx Ca s, Boas au. ak .
Trunks; Vulicee, Ciirpet . Begs, Carpeting, Sheet . %.
ings, houie keeping artielei.of all kinds. Grace%
rise, Yankee Noticuts,:ikc: 4.c., end in s - hort evn
orything a vermin needs for comfort and lusttry.,
a-711mm call - and
•' • v. • HENRY LANcrLEY. •
Great Mod, Julyls, 1852.
1 / 1 E fißbscptlre would Melia Of
• .ViAggue.hly?qu'cOuuty,thtt they - fiave Onyr oq
hand 41 ago askorlineqt of p r y 6004, at whol. i ,
slap mud retail. •
- '6oltLimENs DEpatlmExT,
Cousiaiiim iti pail of broadclints. enssimOica, Taf t
Kentucky' lowa, V! l !tiligfr 411 4 Il l ilt 6 "4
goods of all kinds.. • •
„LADIES DWPAttriTENT I ,..- : ••••
corniisting of alarge variety. viz: Black sil r , fan..
satins, , gingham% Scotch and 4tnerlean,
prints of all 'hinds, some at 6 pence per yard of;
eope'rior„ quality of colors warranted, in: deJableai,
Cashmere., poptins k ,glnies: hosiezy of every grade,
and tkintlity-:-iYhite'gr?ods.:. Brown "and bleache4
'sheet lagn; 4-4 widen, heavy iptulity,at ed. per vd.,
Ticking% drilliags, gent/pi% Scotch diaper,
eye do., napkins, Pith linen, and Fp:via§ ; in fact [
alnoriet every thing in tke dry gocds.A4P.
large lot of . •
• - -
, • , CARPETINO, , ,
Three•ply. ingrains, cotton undz.w o o, l .. cotton%
clot4a fop
. • ••
Roark - • -
invite all shilling - our place to catland eta
amine 'ear stoelk for we feel
.conficient by,se dein*
it witj be n saving of ten in tWenty per cent,4: Our :
tnottc. is shick safes tied. smell profits.:''
" §tere nearly opposite the. tiostellice. ninrebnuti,
n tnn, , N. • WiCACPARZ ft_B-Ali4P7r- -
'April:7, 1e;52,; - - -• '
_. ,
I` ft. El URRIt t's 'inky be found an ex ten t
LA.-sive qud,newAssorttneut of 17.ty.c.ottds in%
cludirt,g 4. kreat, variety of. ..
..‘ : ..., ,
' Ladies!:-Dtess - Goods 4 . 1, -:
ro rich Vriuts;rriitied and Einbroidered Learni,,
extra:Ash - thirege .Defuses, Lusteled• , I!oplius..
Ginghtuns and Chami!raYs of new styles; black
and fancy silks. drc r Coulon Crape, Birch%
Clio/mere iiid'Beirge .Shitels, Silk Mantilla%
Parasols, pleinand figtired Stars !dusting, - Straw
French Lace and Silk Bonnets,. Bonnet Silks,
Ribbons and Flowers. ~• .. • ... ~ . . :- . A
GEINTLE3Itqi Anp - BOYS - PngBE; *4,
- - 81.1.431 ER 000DS.
. . .
.... „ .
Abuja tiesortrrientAkteXaps; Mali and Sficies.,
;'Trunks : Valises, Carpet ' Bats," Carpeting, Oil .
L MOW{ , fog floors Atid tables; painted and frinfr4
Window Sr.ladri. Wall ?I'M:. POtneEtie CIAtiTUN
'•of all kjiide; etc.. eta.; which, in connection . with I);
uuwerpal agi.ortment -in - other den:temente , os
goods, and beingi-purchsped entire! 'for2esi4 k yin,
enable, porchssers to secure benefi tsfit price, sty/s .
and ternii not to tl? 'found in any tiler estatdish 7
-..N. D. , Salt and,Mone Cora lonsiially o 4
IsTeriliiiiforgf. Ably 15, - liiitl. ' . -' .
• - -, , „ • -, . . ,
, .
, _
' s . No.* Btraeid .sr
•.,... :„ i ...... p
-- ----:-' -i
HAS just 'received . a lies/and liege siesostinsitilk
of Caching, Parlor and' op .Storee v fot,
wood or.coal. which, in consiectio
,with his reek
oiiii itocit; will" make his - assort ent munually.
cumplete; in the most popolcr suiimmtnrii kilaji,
or Air-tightsißirvaol l .ovsms Pe _ iPlt.illit plaik
alopea.. Store ;kip* Sheet ;roil, gi 0 . t vu lc ,,..,‘ t x .o 4 .
l a
4c., lihtok'li. will:4;A 'tt Atli 'Ovilit 1 4 4t.* 1 44 ,
cash or ettM iAtt
oserectit t , ,/ t'•:. -, l,:. ', :
::• _ • .
-- AUgustill3s!.. ) . 7 - ,-,.: ",.. -.: ,-;;•?., ~- ,:r.. - :' -- • - ',
~ .•
NEW, : supply : of those. cheap-. on, False r ; AStra ty. AStniw, and rripiil Geisapier-Liei Bunairti,
mud Rich Ribbont sad - Flooreri. gitiotlirecince4
from isprhig prices; bar. n.nuantry
•, • the
A pr,!., Itn-E1415 aim, receiving nnd keep%
.M .bonstaiAlir:** bkran-farge and dcsirntqiircs
'ohm* Of ' • ,7
* -. ;•GOODS, , ..:. - ,
which wilt be solitirersr tow &realm ox ready pay,
The *lock is composed or Ain't :Igo t3lntartmout o;
" Wdga, Mediemes, Chatifionla, Paints; Oile ‘ ,
' nyo.Stufre, Or'oce VimifGloss.woreisPadrm % , -
sp e it a ele64 - ;./Utisiottl inateunie4ts, - ,-
....l'acikect...Notioilfw.Au4. 3.
:‘,.. ...LiAnot. ls ,t-.1 :.
;ALSO., 1-
Ury Goodn„..
'' ifoidnistre;:filt e 4Ortiii4 ` 1 -'.
' , lktirrorn,.Station , - Bruahosi! .. -
,-.,....,-: .-Veditlitl, l o4truniel.4 B s Pf.rfttQleov.. -.-
, ' , Wenases, Stipprtem,
..EihouldelpMes, ,-
fili'pia;, CamPhine,' Buriiing Fful nmpk,
Clookk - Wrilehiirti Jewelry "; dir-ti,' - - '''. -
:All persona artobtonio norohalelDM trfintidn
in -any,,o,t',the aNzargki,d,-'4.r,tment ; wilt am;
their.; interest. Promoted 'by , Mallon ral: al tip,
Igor; and Variety Store ot,A4NL 1110,14 p ,,
'••-,Montrdeiti Ifivnlialti leins.'- . ~.'. - 1 , ' . A
.*. ',' ' ..--' '' :' l'''' ---' •. =-: '' . - ~ .-