The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 02, 1852, Image 4

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',cue circulation id 'Northern
Icania-1632 Copier Week{ y. _ .. ,
B. CHASE,: Enyror.§,
TnosE, DECEDIUPe. la's 18 e 2.
The rellietteett
been a fancv, born of Otte- day dreams
' WA
every leaf .that fella, .a human sonl'as
for every l'eaf that , ,unfolds, a spirit
•tt rent the diui past into the active pre&
thickly as. fall the, decaying leaves,
s of human mould drop into; the soul.
watch the yellow leaf as it 'struggles
'downward tendency, eshinin,g in vain
in midair, shrinking from the cold
• Ate, and buoyed up, With a momentary
a stray breezewafts it upwards n,gain
descend more , rapidly. It ,seems to
110( • '• ...shriek, as it settles , nearer and nearer
etested soil. As it lies worn out and
' en the. chill= earth, the spirit whispers.
tit has gone ddtiri to thetemb : Nature
leaf for, every one who falls,m the
st'. naps a bead for every sin he 'thinks.
• 1 ve stand beside the spent leaf, sOitand
g ones around they new made grave. Ah
embalm their dernlis tears and undy
stories, so will . we embalm thee,
• er of human frtiltY.•=2±'hus ItetWerM the
of the book of. hooks the sickly hued
laid as a 'memento niori.' As I gaze on
rai 3100 form;l forow the . decay Of the
a4:-. • whom it fell,
,•and-turn thonghtfolly
• iv,ze up to the • tumid Of leaves; and
itt,: high one shall fall for me?' •
- Gums, WE LP:E.:N.—It is known as ,a
ik • geology, that below the depth of thirty
64 :c earth becomes regulaily warmer os
if I. : cend.On ':avern,,, , Tetho increase is at
acv - e of one degree of Fahrenheit for eve
e;feet. At the , bottom of the mines of
14 1 dl, a depth of one: thotisand two bun
; et, the thermometer stands at eighty
qual to summer heat. At this . rnte
Id metal would be melted twenty miles
:he solace and doWn in the bowls of
tliseveral hundred' miles, the heat would
ity thousand times hotter than Melted
• 7 ho can Wonder ^ ot earthquakes when ;di'
y ,t - - rest en a - molten sea of fin. ! •
Gems of Thought..
.e is not a more ridiculous animal. than
.iSt in:his retirentent. His mind . :is . in
;et DO-aptly° or lie cart only
60 er himself as an insigniffcant gg,nre in a
ape, and wandering up and down in a
.r a mealloi,under the same terms as
- k ennest animals about him, and ns sub-
II?, . ;as totals mortality as they ; ivith this
Dr: - , ration, that he is, the only one amongst
.....: -
i t trho`iies under the aPprehension4if it.
, _
f g- r , grpiness must be Sought- for in simplicity,
11J-.' a costliness—in the perpetnilly recurring,
?•,ntii:i'• than in the rare; inabriding peace, ratli.
' 7 ;l l _ tan temporary raptures; and next after -1
‘tir- i-iethar - iting it:atkr which sprtageTh up
cverlastinr , life, in no sourees else so se
, 4. .11 i , a sly; and in those fountains which arsfed
V.',..-ilie never-failing love of - relatives and
',ll ads.."
'' , r
4 1is
P '
$ 51 better
, . 1 o oney is spent tban' what is laid
ril,, far domestiesatistactiOe. A man ispleased
iA .4 J.,. iv:ire is dressed as well as, other pee
-1 --:::; and the wife is:pleased-that, she is dres
iik •,''.li97/ason.-
. .
, ro one has more eneMies in this world
an Upright, proud and , sensible - man dis
f itrtake perioniund things for What they
notfo'r whit they are not.
3en'tlirein hopo with your arms folded ;
tune ;smiles, on apse who. roll up their
'?Vcll:6(l " put . their" , shoulders to the wheel.
, •
.'Jcarrdog obtainod only by labor ; 'it can
be hotifbt withatoney • ifit could the rich ,
aldslvraysks intelligent_ : •
• Vis 'better to be Urn - with a' dispositiO to
things on tho favarable side than to an
Tate of teri ihnin'sarui a year,
e Anger yet knew amen disposed to scorn
who Was not himself a fah' object
,Ecorno ham blest
PerseTerrs everything that en. enligtened
f.44"usience tills you .is honesc and right, and
need.not fearlife 'result.
legacy is the posthumous despatch. AE
4 Section sends to Gratitude to inform us webers
Awls, kind friend,: -
good him whci . does ion evil" 4
smd , by
• - -the vicio4 - o ver
you. w4ll gam
'L. ' r7 - V4y was Sampson the - greatest . ;actor
k"hat prpg-appeaiedoi any. stage ?_ Ana—be,
'l.:Use he :'° brought down - the house,' when
Ali r i:Midielicewascomposed.entirely of his ene.
'T -.- 071n•whatIciom was s the 'azure mantle of
.'•: the,iiiirtioren r Ana:—fn an heir (air). loom
W7.'iWlay is, a-latcyer, a tailor t -Ans.
—Ale 11always ready to commence a suit.
'Why is a newspaper like the sun in a
-;442 : iti:-.Ans;4t is universally red (read)
-f4vli• LELYS , Collr carpe tb eing
4nat 'velltent.en, mad Creed from ,thast,taCk it
;as#4 - ii". 9 ..",:tiie - floor.'den half a pint of
tivio, gallons of sift
scrub it well with soap-and mixture;
it remain till quite dry; and It will be pen:
tccily cleinsed;lindlOoklikcAem, as he co
• ••
lefs be restored tci,tlieirorginalbrightness
_ 4 ,On not be too bard; btt
ndlier long in hair, er yon_will nib up the
14, and: <lnning° the article;
saw, boy, *moo
w, the o ,
tOlith eryina bitterly
14POrrila PI. 3
_lie'eause he could oot-ibarer::ono ,puliedt.too
../towaluch more totreseona - was be
' than
gkr 'vetatra,t,
*Carbtidie Acid.
Q `may does eieleielus . timke eniee
particularly if theyilre 'piked, with io4t. milk
A . .lleenese the sad 1)f the miik diseetiees
the ceilioriic'aeid contaiied hi the E:aleintas:l •
Wh'y does weed tievafT - 1
A. Because the OxfgAt of the eh. utiites
carbon . 1 h
the Weel a ndforms
earbonteacitteed water.l .; .1 -
Q. why 'do persona thiow limo into bins and
sewers, to, prevent
,tluir offensive alien; in
summertimel ; : „
A. Because they Con lain large, quantities of
Carbonic acid'readily combines
with lime; nal:lin:Our:44' carbOtiate of lime,
nantmlizes the - oireksivil gasses.!.
Wily is .quick-litri9. formers by burning
limeaone in kiln 'I
. .
A. Because the earl:aide:acid (which render.
ed' it mild) ts'driven by, the! heat'. of 'the
kiln ; and the lime , beimnes , quick or eau-.
• 3
- 11 - •
Whatis mortar!" s
A. Quick lime mi*e4,with, sand and wa.
ter. 3
Q. Wily does mor,lati:becorno hirdSfter-a
few 'ddys
A. , Because the - lime leimbibes from the air
the carbonic acid whicli ?lad - been _expelled by
Ore ; and the loose power again becomes us
hard as the original e-stane.
Exp!ain in what way' mortar.
sive 1
. A. When the earbonio acid is expelled, the
hard lime-stone is'oin+esvd into cpiich.litne,
which, (being mixed will) sand,and •t'atUr) .
comes a soft and stickyi piaster.; butt as soon
as it is placed between bricks, it iMbibes'cir.
bonic . acid again, and h4rdenstnto time -stone.
4,Nyheivi n doe's Ii m 4.stoac differ in a ppear
.anie from t I,
...A. Lime-stone is a tiara, rocky substance ;
but quick-lime. friabhit.
. Q. How is tho'carboide acid of water pro
duced!? • .. • •
A. From the presencd of lime, is rm.
, •
quently held inenlutiorei by hard-water; when
the carbonic acid es'eapfulY exposure to the
air, the lime is depositd,d as A earbonate.
Q. Why is hard._water more agreeable to
drink than soft waterl• •
A. Chiefly because it 'contains carbonic ac'
Q.. Why is water fresh from the pump more
sparkling than after it tias been drawn some
time r
A Ilceause water . fresh - from the puMp eon•,
talus carbonic acid, which boon escapes into
the air, and leaves the water[ fiat and stale.
Q. Why should hard-water (used for wash
ing) be exposed to the air I
A. Became it is male mere sea by expose
ure,to the air. '
Most spring nate C holal limo in solitien as
t o carbonate, in consequence of
,trio presence
'of abundant, carbonic acid: 'Carbonic acid es.
mpes by exposure , to aic--and the Hotels,
consequently deposited as a carbonate.
Q. Why is hard'Water made , rrrore soft by
exposure to tbe air? - -
Ist.—Because tha. mineral - salt., (which
cause its hardness) subside ; and 1 , •
2nd--Because the carbonic acid of the .wc
ter makes it escape into - the air.
Q. What is chekeidanip
A. Carbonic acid gas accumulated; at the
bottom .of Wells Slid its, It is called choke
damp; because it eh :ea (or'suffocates) every
:lama) that attentii to inhale - it. ``
_ It suffocates without getting into the limp,
byclosiug tbe outer brifice spasmodically.
Q. Why are rotting leaves hot.
A. Because -the fermentation of ratting
leaves produces carbonic acid'kus; which pro
duction always attended with heat. In fact,
rotting isa spech4 of slow combustion; -
Receipt‘ for the Sick.
STEWED PauxES.—Pour enough boiling wo
ter overyour prubes tO i cover them, and stand
them where they Wilt keep hot but not boil.—
They require six to eight hours to cook.- When
they are perfectly; dope mid sugar to the taste'
of the - patient. .`
Cocoa.--Put three table spoonsful of ecieoa
to a pint of water. Let it slowly foran
hour. Put some cream and sugar in a
bowl ; pour the Cocas .over it and'serve !hot
with toast.
Enc - anD Wrnce.--13eatthe yolk, of , , an egg
very light, add tno it a glassof wineand sugar
to the taste.
a.fresh 'egg, break
it in a sander, and with it - three-prtinied fork;
-beat it .until it is as thick as- kittek. dare
ready'llalfri pint ofiiew siiiik;sweeteiied with
white sugar, stir the egg into- the tetk,- and
serve it with apiece•pf sponge or slice
- 1 •
toast! It is considered very lig.ii r tionirsh. i
ing.feocl for an '.Sontekefcr the-yolk
and White of the egg. testi". sefidraisly,; The.
yolk should be beallemtilf it is very light - and
thick, then pool. it- intil.:the sweetened milk,
afterwards bsat it;tvill stand a.
lose; :Lad add ,gmdmilly halfa tea:spoonful - Of
white sugar; pile the white Orr top of the Milk
and serve . as before. • • I
Lstw tir ,one" tabte.spoonful of
Indian meal, mixed with a little cold water,in
to a pint of boiling water: Let it boil fifteen
and -add salt to the taste.=-Watiinal
Tratzrzansca Amt. Pthusiirm.otne
. • - •
English people . were visiting an elegant private
garden at Palermo, ISie'tiljcand suncitg thei
tic ornamtntal.bnildingi,, qley Oatnci: to one-up-
on which was writtoruricsi apperitep that is;
`Ana open.'- This-prohibition: ouly..served to
mite tbeir r euriosity, and they verf,anCivillY
proueededdikiki the' tunspitible owner's
•t .
injunction. On opening' the' 4100r . .5i remade
jet of water was squirted full in' their taena
very jig thought tuit4er'iriefern Leta of on.
is o eiagelai Suet; that weitenf"who dtiv._
120 „to, ileatb with their vocifeniali exchttailiime
fir! %Yowl* Rights; ake the first-44 ealtlar
thiree'privilegessvbieli areiutiersied
• -• • - • - - • +
"' - .. , 115V-RAWPMede.
, ncuyi-ury: wax.— A
4111113.'Insiltution- is the most health/WI
and picturesque part of: Ousquebanna coianty, in.
the Chocount Valley, A stage leaving Montrose Depot
on-tbs Unckwirmanw Railroad .and - isOttneeting - with' the
New York :and Brie itallrciatt at Great Bend, at a 'dis
tance arida miles therefrom, purses int Institution daily.
The distance between the Depot and the
sixteeas one half of which is by Plank head; -It is
also equally distant from Binghamton on the. Now. York
and Erte.italirtiad; arid connected with it for half the dis
tance ;by a Plankiroad. ... • .• ,
• Tbi: regular coarse of instruction" comprise' theEn
wllsbcFrench, .Latiti and Greek Langnages, - Ineluding
litstoey,-0 wagraphy; Mathematics, bogie, Rhetoric, Na
tural and literal Philosophy and Chemistry. Cue will
he taken to adopt. the rouse of instruction to the rotor"
pursuit or profession of the student. . • '
- The oallvgate Yipir begins on the tirs" Monday or.ali
teniber, andandel on the lather July.. • .
. : • • TERMS.
annual penalan foe Board: end Tuft lob, payable half
.yeaely In ',leaner, Is
The modern•banguages, Geriattn,Spanish and Itat-
Lan, Still fortia'an extra charge, each per Annum. $l5
Books, Statinnery, and Medleal.attendanbe, will
form extra charges... . ';. . . ' . .
:Washing 'awl mending will rural, on extra amigo, .
faro: annum,
wilth the ~. . .• . , . I , • $5
It IS sttident to,turnieli himself , ,
with bed and beddintt. If turnhbetl by:the instl- '
t tittion it will form an extra dharge, per annum ' @..8
Day scholars tor six months,. : , .. ..
need-annual littilletitis will be sent to parents Or. Euxr•
.dlaus informing thein of the health, prilreas and depoTt
ment a ..theirebtldren.or wards..... . _
Those who may desire to hire their bed and bedding
undated by the Instittelan.are requested to send pre
alone notiennt the fact to either of the undersigned .
Those-who intend emnln4 by the. way . . of Dinebamton
are requested tesgive,presious notice. of their purpose,
- bit_they May beiemstreynl to dr; College without delay.
1 ' i;11 - All conup :tissues', tan.; for the College should
be addreited, 8 . Joseph's -Post oDiee, Busqueltanna
cortnty,Da.l • ._.___ ' ._ - . . .
• i . i, 11E : JOUIXT.:O`ItEILLEV: President.
= - DEF. 11EiittY FITZSIMMONS, Vice-President. '
..111.eferktiC;i1..--Calch Carmalt, 'Esq.. ,Choeouut;
.Iton. G. A :pro . , Glenwood; lion . D. Wilmot, C.' 1..
in!. F-81,p• P.- I .Daid. Towanda. _ • . • Xmtl 9
. . . _ . ....
•1741FTY dollars forfeit, Dr.llunter will for/6E1;50 (frail
lug to cure any ease of sectet &sense that may come
under his cue," n o mrtter how long standing or filleting.
Either sex are. invited to his Private Items, 38 North
Pelican' at. Phila. -withuot fear of interruption from oth•
erpatients. , Stratigent end others who have. been tm•
'fortunate in the selection of a Physician are Invited, to
call. -
IXSPOTESRI Y-qhrottgh vinresttalned indulgence of
the passions, by excess or self abuse, the evils are nume
rous: 'Premature Impotency, involuntary seminal Ms
charges.`atsting Of the organs. toss of mentory,a distaste
.for female society: general debility; or constitutional de
rangement, are sure to follow- If ifecersaryi - consult the
Donee with enntitlencet he offers a perfect cure.
READ AND REFLECT.—The afflicied *void do *elite
reflect before tending their health, happiness, and In ma.
ny eases their lives, In the handspf. physicians Ignorant
of this elase of maladies. It is certainly Impossible for
one mad to unde r stand all the ills the human family are
.übject to. , Every respeetanble physician has his peculiar
branch, in which he Is more successful than; his brothel
professors, and- to that•he devotes most of his time and
study.. . •. . .
YEARS OP PRACTICE. exclurlvely devoted to the
stady . end treatment of disc:set - of the sexual orgaris,tc.
Petite* with ulcers upon the body, throat, nose, or
,pains to the h‘tart, nr boner, me:curial rheumatism,strie
tures,grattel,irregularities, dlvesses aritsing fmm youth
ful exeess. or impurities of the blorel,.whereby the con
stitution Ines become enfeebled. - enables the Doctor to
offer speely relief to an who may place then:melees under
Ms care.
Medicine tbrarinted to any pastor the flatted Statts,-.-
nice flee and ten dollars per package. —3CyI.
ST ®VMS, 3 " ir 01171 %
THE subscribers respectfully informthe public, that
the) hare received n 'raze additions to their former
stock girth:yes, eonsistinit.of s Variety of the most 11 P.
proved kited*, amain; which are.
Forest Queen. New
Star of the Weet, Farmers Utica coal
Western Queen, Stove,
Pheonix, • Parlor Cook Store,
Paragon, Premiums ofvarious
Cultivator and Atlas, Styles.
Also a good assortment of,
Parlor and Hall Stores
or Wood or real ' . Doi stoies of suf.:ins sites and Pat
'terns. AU of arbieh they are, prepared to'sell as cheap as
am be bought in this - market. -
Montrose, Sept. 30, 152.: C. D. unir.op & co.
' .. itto i.;,.. ;,., . The subscriber has just
,-,;(-: . '
-.-'-' received a . large, stock
-fesswitz;' .k .excellent' ,ckcellent asiortn3ent
• ' 41-- '). ~"":"",,,v. - - • - of Mon's. and Boys'
~- •t _. 4 ,y, -...-;:,- . , .
. 6 •' -•- ' '. ' READYIIADE
of latest style's' and mined to the season.
Avg.—Fashionable Silk lints, (Beebe's spring
ityle,)"Kossatli Hats,'Legborn, Stroh , and Palm
Leaf Hats,-Caps, Shirts,'Stockings, Gloies, Sui
t:tenders, cravats. Boots and Shoes, Be its, Wrap
ping :and, 'Writing Paper; Travelling Bags; Wall
Paper, (a good stock.) Curtain Paper, snd Fancy
articles too numerous to specify—all or any of
which I will sell as tow 'atithe like Can be bought
in 4 •Bin,ghaintou" or any other town'. •
, .
- - - ' CEO. FULLER
Montrose,2o. 1852.
.., a a,
3000 PlECitil , OF PAPER BANG..
tiS 113ACIN G. a gieat variety of - beautiful pat
lit terns; Which' we offer, at lOWer prices thar
ever heard of before , is Ahese parte.„Handsotho
rapers 9 to 10 cents a roll. Ahro..a large
lot of Philadelphia Paper. beautiful paiterns and
superior . onality: YVe will make for the inte
rest of all wishing topaper dwellings, old or new,
to purchase from our
- Shiiirt& Diem Gocidtiraxiliciriwzii
ICRIGTT - Tanta the 'attention of et eon
. Lit.• ceroed to We new and; splendid. etock ni Winter
Long and Square SbutrlA, Ladisr Dress" Goods. and
Melt Irak - lice? new style which in connection with a
tam rum:lament ofEtiple and Fancy Dry Goods; Oro
, eerier. crockery; lianlware: Stosea. Buffalo Rotors; Mai
and Caps ace 4, will be sold on terms that will acute to
'parch:were the moat attire eatteraeticin and^reat benefits.
New Millard, ent,,1852.
WE are now receivin2 a large supply of Nev' ,
Goods,..making oar, stock :mere complete
pan ever. and we invite , on examination of. it. by
an y and 0118444 0 g ,tcr purchase.. • ,
I. . I[I.OURgOWS &CO.. -
Gibicnajune . 052,
WlL'athiip:& ea's . .
310511205 E, SEPTa 28, 1852.
. .
' .
Nr" E are • receiviog• a large rnppty of Dregs
' tkitidrt, embitiairig a great variety of kinds;
aud of beautiful atjrlea, and pritierns,astr. ihe fol
lowing kinds et goods. viz:. Pealing: Defines: Ber:.
riga do.. Latrus, fplain, striped, aud
brays, Fretieh, lux!' Doinertie Priutedke.
he;, ; antat,of which. they. Offer, consideribly lower
than early epriag prices; =
- albson,Jane - i:;1632. mrartirys &
frliEjf:tg,est *foe' - 1 - Japtigi:p*stpitlify of hand
fome patternekever, Orerpclja,thie
ittiiiket; *bids -.c'tie bErsr 'extremely to* pfigeo,
disolpirrizqs•for drew
• tirskt. 6 pewee a ;.'''
:Giboont June 12;13M, -- Vi rrouisows-&-ect;'
AS II paid for Woof ‘,2 BU TT
NJ " z 'New Milford, JiM e ' • • ' •
',,, ~ i - V ONEY , TO - LOAN:
ru'itrifl4gepeiltrkernitZWan'eth.atillibofrbor°rwr . olw7l . 7t:i:f il lithrell
pc ' t. In theit• itottit4 -- eiPentier by getting ,
ier ea_ble r,ce ti n ber,-tud'gentlemen toweave more• he 25
6 RAILWArri xi. • their ffaimentetnade at mysliOp. - lll • wise hi the I
‘,- . '2 1 : - -14L1 - ; ii i i r i iii ipti,e - firabion._ , •,,, -I! , . ho„i -- o . .btitgifir;-I'einildpeluttiF i r ier lt . irt h ic = t ! s a ,
08 - 06r,f0 •thVbesi aseuranoo o f. My ' s kill . o) glit . II . -
1 i.AIIOO stock - Pt 'l4 . Vi r GOO 3 . ' I 'Lida - bad tasteful public know Where to I
- coifed/ whiob-wittbe'A‘oldlor•iiady pay .or dig°l ft) t g -
...., ~ - .. ,'.':•-•:.. , v , .'_
abort approved- crediti laver than Alta . py,tabr go to go
~..,__.____ .. :.... ~ • -. , :
itot * /// ,„ th t s se ..,,, ti°ll : ; c4 ' O li ! i , t . r Y''- :, ; '-'l 7 t - ! ! %)' !"- te, :: :° - f ' - o - i 't - e: ‘o . iiii i t t i=mllo s n'oblZieVo, jackets,
4 bil!* l lo*- -0 rik- - i -.,,-..,' , t yt , . '. i. ,i n teke• eartoOtti:ooateee,ittrinfiaituroc=l-
1 .... N- •.-' • GOOD-,BARGAINS, -- '' - ' if ' 'lt lease tabske-notice that I
'—' ' ' ' , ELFGron eine*, sr* p
stock.: . axi 'to 7 : juts tO l7; 7 :.......: c itivA tt_a , l ll 7 : lo ; l : .i. . , : "i . 4 : 4 ,4c - :, , g il- „,th. rj ,,, : %: ,= ;av , :ein „, ovedtny shop to- on
of goo ds, Pax .Wl .- -r.,4. , v , ••• • .-1 , .e 1 1 ,,, 1te:' , ". :u.i, ni t ree e_ fi rirti n or y,--- -•- - :-• :-... --- •
r -•
ve.of the .• Easszi the- ALsta - ' , ' vAsit '' - .., ~. ,„. , 4., _ c 05....................-... . .
L. ~. ,- :..
40 0 ikr 3o, H 4 1 1 , 0 DAL7 .4 4%. : . : liaid fra;Shaattelta ;byC. D. ZATAR . 9P .: ,....',... :, Nontroee, Juno 10, 11
Paid f or Sheri) Pelts _by C:1).:LAT;111/0P
rr onliecribete are running :Many line of :Boyce:e
-1 tweenCarbondele and llophottour Station on the
Lackawanna & Western Re3l Road Dietetic° 20 miles.
Leave Carbondale In the morning and connect with the
ears going North Returning. leave on the arrival or
the mail train rrem the 0 reat Bend. The nearest, most
direct and cheapest rout from Great Bend to Crehetidge.
Pa...mopes by this tine always get into Carbondalemblicv
In the vetoing than by , any other rout.
Fare reeelpted in Carbondale at the Store'ortheenb
scribere, Main street, a fewhincue below BronenOt Hotel.
Align t 4552 - ' GROW & DROTIIRRS:
• Liver Complajnt. ]• •
Jaundice . , Dyspepsia, - Chronic or Ncroons
Debility; Diseases of the Ki4neysi
ND - all :.diseases arising item a disordered neer or
stomaeh, such ne constipation.. low aril piles fullness
or. blood to the head, neidlty of the stomach, nausea,
heart burn, disgust for - food, fulness, or weight id the
stemma), tour eructatiOnt, sinking or flu tteting at the
pit of the stiqadelt, sour munitions bead, bunted Prdr"
ticnlt breathing, fluttering at the heart, choking mantra
eating seteditfons when in a lying posture, dimness of
Tision, dote Or , webs before' the sight, fever and dui! pain
In the bead, deficlencrof perspiration, yellowness "f t he
skin andrycs, pain in too side, back ; chest limbs, &0.,
suddemt,tl tubes of beat, burning In the flesh. consisiotim
aglninga of evil-and great depression of spirits, can be
effectually:mired by •
1 3 k. noollatid 9 a celebrated Ger-
man lilt teem.
Prepared•by Dr. C. At Jackson, . - aVthe
German• Medicine store, 120 , Arch. street,
•7 ;• `Philadelphia. L . : - • - •• •
• , riiilfro4eiirici , the Militia disetties' is net excelled, If
•byttny other preparatiottin the United States,
tin the cures at test,'lrt many cases after skilful physicians
bad . -
-These bitters are worthy the attention of invalids
Poroessiuggrell - virtues in the rectifimrtion of tffseases of
the Idecrand lesser glands;exerealog the most searching
power in weaknersand affections of the, digestivemgans,
they are, withal', safei , ee dein, atorpleaeant.
r . Read and be Convinced. -
' TLa etlitoref the floiten Bee • said, December22d— •
br.lloetfland'i Celebrated German Bittere, for the euro
of hlver Cemolalnt; Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Chronic, 'or
Nervous Debility. is - deiervedly one of the most popular
medicines pf .the . day. These Bitters here been used by
thou Sands, and friend,at oar elbow says be bee himself
received an effectual and permanent cure of Liver Com.
,plaint Irons the nee of this remedy. - We ore convineed
I that, In the use of these bitters, the patient constantly
gains streneth,and vigor,:a fact worthy. of great consid
eration.. - They are pleasant In taste and smell,und can
be tied by persons with the most deli Cate stomach with
safety, under any circumstances. We are spearing from
experience. and to the of we advise theft are.
Sclitre Weekly, one of the best literary papers pub.
When; said, Atlgust 7wtn • • • - •
"Dr. llocfiand's - German Bittert, manufactured by
Dr.. Jackson, recommended by some of the most
prendnent members .ef the melical faculty as an article
of much efficacy in eases of female weakness r AP/Ind:lin
• the ense,'ne would advise all mothers to obtain a bottle,
and thussatm themselves much sickness. .Perams of de.
bilittited constit , ,iions will and these Bitters adrintaae
ous to their re.mith, as we know from experience the sal
utary effect they have upon weak systems."
Mcire- Evidence.
The Philadelphia Saturday Ortzette.lbe best family pa
per sablished in the United States,says of Dr. flootland's
Gennan - Bitters-- •
it is, teldote that we, recommend what aro termed
Patent Sfedielties, to the confidence and patronage ore tt r
readers.-and therefore when - we recommend Dr. Hoof
land's German Bitters we wish to he distinctly under
stood that we are not speak ng of the nostrums. of, the
day, that are noised about for a brief period and then for.
gotten after they run their utility cane of mischief,
but of a me deine long established, universally approved,
and which bas met the hearty approial - of the faculty
Itself:" . • . ,
. ,
Look teillta the maths eat:genuine. They - have the
writtenalgratdre of G. M. JaCKnON upon the wrapper,
and his name blown in the bottle, without which they are
spurious. . ,
For pale, wholesale and retail, at the German Med
icine S tor e.tio. 120 Areh street, one door below Sixth,
Philadelphia. and by respectable dealers generally thrb'-
out theconntry. . . .
. Priced Rertuced.—To en:thin' all elasseS or tnritlide to
enjoy tho' advtuitages of their great restoratiKe powers,
Stanza Ilox -, 75 Caters:.
Atw ibr sale by ABEL TCBEELL, Druggbll,3lontrnsf,
Pcon'a. . , , . .
THIS institution is iodated in it beautiful and
romantic grove - at the base - of , Mount Pros
pect, and within the corporation of the vilage ;
possessed of-an abundant supply - of purest - gaff
water, advantages for exercise in the pure air, a
carriage and-foot walk' up the mountain, over
looking a .sceuery unsurpassed in beauty and
grandeur, and "free from the noise and turmoil or
busy life," with excellent sailing and rowing privi
leges on tbe'pleasant waters of the Chenango.—
These area few of the presentation the "Cure"
offers to the invaiid.
The house is new and commodious--hathing
apparatus ezeelleut—well ventilated,' with 230
feet-piazza. • -
The medical department is under the entire
care of Dr. Thayre and wife, who have bad large
experience in I.lydropathic practice, and are fa
vorably known as successful practitioners.
Courses of Lectures, With WI prote . ts . and Mug--
trations,Will be given throughout the season- to
the Students and Patients, upon Anatomy, Physi
ology, Hydropathy and Hygiene, for Which 'there
will be no Additional charge. . , •
. . ...
Females who have been confined to their beds
for Sears; are invited to correspond" with us or
give ne a call. Oar success in Ike: treatment . of
diseases peculiar to females, has given us confi.
dence,-and we may to i altsuch, even if they have
"suffered' much' from any phySicians; . Make
one moretrial.. . - , , •
. , - •
Terms, from $4 to Ft per • Week: (payable
weekly:racconling to rival and 'attentionfrequi
red. '.Patients will provide for personal use 2 vim
fortables, 2 blankets. 3-linen or cotton sheetian ,
6 towels. 0 V. THAYRE4f. D.,
• - Resident; Physician. -
[Mr: - : ..: 0.1 V.. & ll.' M. RAT , INE Y. Proprietors
u.bureitows re co.
' 11t*EANECOF l'ilE rocKir EscuLAPI
;•„. vs ; or every one hhirorn Phystelan I Tido ,
oluth , 'editiosr, with niniarde: of U hundred
engraving's, showing peratedisesoeln oven,:
• • -phone end form, And mianmations of the
• - IL • `gptierativOsysttm,•
atYWititistis l'ourrtj M. D.
The Sine how artheil ,that persona suffering from
seerit distairic nied 'no rahre become' rho victim. of ,
quarberyout by the prettriptiotus.rontisined
Ou'Y. One may cure himself, rithOtit laniLranca of bud
'near. or the Inairredge rice . most intini o' friend, nr K I ,
' Stith mita tenth the usual expense. In addition tii.the
genertif rititine or private dlsaase,lt fully eiplatni the
mime of manhood's eirlrileitine,-withpbsersations on
marriage—tatel4taCintivirothafsAtiran gel:gents which le
atoohlmot„beoroorr to rnnmerate in the publie prints-.
1151`Anyperson sendint TlValVTlVE:Cll3.'ertchr
sed in slettOr t :wiltreeetre:Aim (tin", of this%hookary
matt Om cooks gilt lib sent for one dollar:. Address
Dlt. W.TOI7NO, N 0.152 hpriretistreoff ILMADSS7IIII
eases de scribe 4 nl j4
:enni ffbeeeinOt nit n il b ti e d a tioOtyn a O M f tsh o e ff d ic i e
152 Spruce litreat. - erery.4sy 4eyriiin p and o o'cuick,
surOxyß excepted) 48.11.
N, Barber tied lifair".Dressir; re
tared hia"thaite to his numerous friends
patrons ;" and„ttavinis'ali'lle heopee,eoatrinced
all of-the great itanger and-risk of. cutting their
throats by phaeingfih'ethselee, hebige'thet . they
Will:diticonlinue!fhat biti ; Oir . ..lotzeprrictidicand au.
courage home indtistry by calling on hint:Ault
shave: Col. trimietee,'otjg:was said'to be so
lanaritha(beithavedhlthee r 'ffith sheet
'perfoitil the seine feat on any
6 , tei:preforitiat. to a good razor, ii they will - call
tt his_ shop in Searle's Hotel battentent ' - j("yoti
iion'ilieheye it,. Call Ana See.
'Plitatrassi;l4l44 6;1852Q
For 25 'cents.
- ,
• r
- ,
..:• Anotlier‘ :: Scientific t iVondcrt -
'Greiateuxe foi.Dyspeps a
S.IICitiOUTDN'S rErse PG ?RE TRUE lfik'
G ESTI VE fax a a, OR Gastric '.ltslcoe •.
Preyrired front RENNET , or the fourth StomaclrUf the
Oa a f ter directions $.l Baron Liehig. : the greet Physlo.
logical Chemist, by JALOUGIIITON, '74. D. - , Pi:Po:lel
phla; Pa. . 1 , •
trulyTbGiaa wonderful reiniely "for INDIGESTION,
STIPATION and DEBILITY, cutlet iifOrNature'SoWn ,
methrd, by Nature'e,own agent, the Gastric Juice.
Pepsin Is the chief element or great Digestive principle
attic Os:attic Juice—Abe Solvent of the Foodi..the,Proti
f/Ing,-Preserving, and Stimulating Agent of the Stomach
and I •testines. It la extracted from the Digestive Starve
ach' of the Ox, thus, funning. an ARTIFICIAL DIVES.
TIVE FLUID, 'preibiely like the. natural' OliatileJuicii
Its Chemical powers,l,and tatnishinge complete sad per. I
feet subetitutrfor 18.1,1ty the aid of this. preparation the I
jna and erne of Infilgestion end Dyspepsia are removed
ust is they. would be by a healthy stomach. , Ufa doing
ortinders for drspepties, c ruin g easel' of pcbility; Emacia.
Lion, Nervorts , Declink.; and Dyspeptic CondumptiOmanp.
poacd to boon h e:s4rge of the grave.. The scientific evi
dence npoi which it Is hued, is in the highest degree on
riousand reinarimble. •
SCieNtifiC 'Epidence: —
Deena Llebegla hli celebrated' work-on animal meant-
Istr, ;, says, An Artificial Digestive Fluid., atralagous
the Gastric Juice. may be readily prepared from the mu
ems membrane of ti(e stomach of theCalf,ln which rail
car; articles of N.J./is meat and Eggs, will lie' softened,
changed,-and 'digested. just In tile same manner as they
would he in the bunian shun:wt../ ••• • , '
Dr Call on. the agent and get Dkeriptlve eireniari
geode. giving a large, amount ofacientitie evidence, stmt.
far to the. ribose, tpgether with reports of remarkable
cures from'ell partauf the.Vnfted States... •
lIOUGHTOMS PEPSIN is now sold by nearly all
the dealers in fine 'IMO And populai medicine,' through
out the United States. 'ltts prepared . In powder' and 111
fluid farm, and In pteccriptive 'dale:rot-the use of Physl-
the tare efrheslelens, may
be obtained of Dr jjoughtoti Or his agents describing the
• whole of OC.Paa ot preparation, and giving the authorities
upon which the.mallos Otitis now remedy ago balled: As
it Is net a secret ten( virygioubjer Von cruise raised against
Its nse,by Physicians in respectable standing and regular
practice.: Price.. ONE DOLLAR Per bottle. •, ••
XY - OBSERVE TIIISI! —Every bottle of the genuine
PEPSIN hears the written signature of J. S. 11.0111,11-
TON, 51. D., sole Proprietor Philadelphia, Pa. Copy.
right end Trade Mal* secured.
fne• Sold by all I/m.osta and Dealers in Medicines.
• La" For sale by 4BEI. TURRELL, Druggist,Montros - e,
Agent for Sosiuthann=*county 51y.
FA, r, D READ.
Philadelphia Medical
gsteiblishedlliftien Years ago, by DR. RINKE-
L IN, North West Owner of Third ; and
Union Sireen'!; between Spruce and Pine Ste.
'Phitadc/plia.l .. ,
. . .
FIFTEC(TII.AttSt .of extensive Mid iminteirtinted
practice spentan this eltY,luive.rendered Dr. K. the
most edpert and suicessful practitioner far and near, in
the treatment ...f alftli.easestf a private nature. Per
eons nillirted with Werra . on the body, throat or legs,
pains in the head orbobes, mercureal illenni SUM strict
ures, antrel, diseases arising from youthful excesses or
impuriti-s of tho blood whereby the constitution has be
come enfeebled are 'all treated. with success.
Ile who places himielf cinder the cam of Dr. K, may
religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and can
lldeutly rely upon his skill as a physician.
TARE Panitcraita Notice—Young min' who have
injured themselves by a certain practice indulged ln—a
habit frequently limn:red foam evil companions, of at
'school—the effects of which are nightly felt. even when
asleep, and destroy bcith mind and body, should apply
immediately:' Weakness and constitutional- debility,
loss of muScular energy, physical lassitude and general
prostration, irritability and all nervous egret lens,. Ind I
gestion , sluggisbneSs of the liver,!...alid. every disease in
any way connected, with tht procreative funetions,cured
and full vigor restoked, . . .
Read ! Youth and llanhood. • •
A • Vi&orous Life or Premature Death. lCi”k
c` ! • • /in on- 71:prii•erralion: - Only 2.5 . 615.
.This Bookjustpithlt7berlls tilled with useful informa
tiott, on the hairedes and diseases:of, the nene. ativenr
mins. It addresses. tacit alike to Yorth,. Nunhood and
Ohl .4.;.i , and Shorn be , read by all.
• Tho 'Minable ad
vice and impressive ,. Sluing it gives, Will prevent years of
misery and Buffering. and - save annually .thonsands of
Jives. parents, by reading it., will learn how to prevent
the destruction of their children. ,
v.* A'remittance bf- 20- cents, enclosed inn letter, ad
dressed to Dr. RIK ELIN, N. W. Corner of Third and
llolon Srreets.betwr n Spruce and Pine, Philadelphia,
wlll'ensirre a book . ' coder envelopo.per return will. '..
- . •Pataaa. at a Ilistanee may address Dr. K. by letter, en.
Closing a fee, and beleured At name- . " . :
, Packages qt Medicines Directions, kr., forwarded,by
Sendlnca remittancd, and put up secure from DamUgt or
' Donk. selters-Igewa'Agents, Pedlar', Canvassers, and
all others Poppiku ;with the above work at very low
rates. .. . . ' • • 41.1 y.,
. .
- .'troop zi, - co , s
. . Dailt"EOrest Line:- •
Pei." Passenger Trains with' Speiial,afes.seiz:
sen , rers . for, filizrardin ,, of. Merchandise
-. and Packivrii Of erei.y, 4escriptioh.. ~
Specs , e, Bank Notes 4P.c. - . - •
NOTF.S, Drafts, aid Dills cnlleetcd , all rdera attend.
rd to with prom tneet and at rearm:l4lo rates. • -
The /tarot' of th .Datkawanoi & Nesters Railroad
Company will art as itgebte for the above express liar.'
Express vnae'. will be in .rtadinesii. anon the.arrival of
each train: at - Scranton; to forward•wltly do Pitch; Met.
chandita, &e.. to .Pittston,lfilkesbarre, ito. •-- • •
LOonard.Starleof Mont rote,ts raltborleml to receive nod
fonvard Express Evert from that place to the Montrose
Station:and front ea d Station to-Montrose. - ' •
.• N. tl.: Martin of 1 unichinunek,- will ' rerilve and for
ward-Express Frelghl from that place to ,Tunkhanuoek
S nation, and front fa t. atatlon to Tunkhannoek_
. . TIIRDOS a. - "1:10._
' ovember.-1851...-i2tf.: • ' '• : , • ' ''- - ;
rl i ftE C.I.*IITNEIIBIiIP here:otbre eximing underthe.
.1 • name End= firm of Risk 4, Thro in the Expreoe
busatexe;tl: - It,,ii Ode day diuolsed by man.
al eonsent JAIIES.SI2K..
I .lan ;1; 1832: - ' P - 11.111ROOP•
P. B.—Tbe basin'. a slog' hereafter he carried, on, by
- ThrDoP . ..ccrqc!eady F l:ttseulcut. ,
. .,
T. T..Pond!s, al tithaiai IC:Y.,' Pain Destro:y ,
- - tr an treating Extract
A' IT Extract from tie. shrub called' Witch lioiel, and
L 3.. . pniely !Vow the i,7lltlt'th exception of a ilitierAt
enhol to preserve IC , --* * • . ; . - .:„ • .- ..
It will caw. Alf lot I pain aunt inilatonistino., tild. sores,
fieih virttinda and hrpisex, riles. and all diseases of the
bowels - of a Chi: ni/ nature, tooth-06e, ear-ache, end en
exeelleriCiemedy for emelei, , Ae. -
Tt. IS truly'ashat 1 professes' tuba; " rirk"ozovEn'i
-Purism." ' Providen e has scattered along., the rouged
Pattie tIT lire L6 1 '4, 11 0 0 3* tatalnottitibuttegreitiv to the
cniofoitlitid happlttOS,sef evil', body t•hene4 their great
velneititi I well may ifie7bit2alle,l•"Yriends of the Pen.
'pie." , ,''. ' .' •i • ; ,- .
- - -.oitelinitt heft - to &aril ageing Imposition', 'A titan by
the II Am e of SpencrrPat manufactUretT• 41) a . &feted for
-Sale"a'spliriens article fated ilie"Tio rid Extract" '—:vhat
aroalithe eittractfretit the hatelqint--the• get:thin" is as
labile mid 'pureiti wet et.„ - villite the thathia • itthelele col
• &red; u Mehl" , nablee theptibiltrto dhainglifsh. -;' • ;
• Eine geenine lint tlioventerked Poud's PaitalettrOyei,
Wit.rhlAM , K TlATqllillenOnee,.ead:ste to-keeper*
and medicine' dealers , •nertillv, Avid': • •••. , ;,!,-••;:•. ; .
. .
-,. ~..- , N:__-
..... .
Atthe ItTploeclUe..lpx,enafige. -
T HE subscribe r , witli:many thanks to hie na..
meransty inc eaniar:patrune., woultheepect 7
fully_ inform his friends, that he in now iiceiVidg a
choice selecticur ofdLoodaditect - frem - New itork•
which he (Mende - i t avell nprn • i lbe gond . old Lath-.
India' princiide Of 4•,.?iii and lit - lire* '
_yrtnti t l,
• in *acquit4e forlopda, all kinds of pro d uce,
not excepted. - 1 -- : JOS 14; MERRINAN'. - .'
4 .. Upsonville, Ariril 30i . 1852.:••*•' --' . ' - IStf
'GREAT BARG/11118..., -
CANFIELD ht Trolling 4:10 his largo stock ,
Of Wainnaa, ut, GREATLy-
E cancidiricel, ioonitoi.nintrEnad a. , •
•;rIH“, .. 1 .:;•S - L CANE;ELP
Apri123,•1852 . .'.. :_ , .-:: r
, '• ; ;- = Woo t . :VirOOL
lATE, wan! 10,0.n0 pou udio f• Woo Lidexchanga
E ;•11 Tit-for crash cnielOth ,
; - LitTIJACIE4r: CO.
Maarpat,,Blty 1852.1...: 211.,
40T3-- P- ---- • •
U 3611511. vfinfililinnitllisei Ribbons, Sum.
liferstuffi stsibir, braids; flovieii
just:received:of: offOpTIVLER's
ITAlknto (0 7 i$tuife;1 1 1i' etinziiiicotTiiiritih
.:6 0 .TirtikR.i;
Fr, by th e btf., or ponhil ego Lird rot onto
INWAS,Virit'k •••
• 52. • 77.7.- Altirtgeo7.
- - „
rms. Merry -.PIA oral, -.•
s : a: COLDS
0 4. A
- .
• _I
Io offering to the'coinmeinmy eelo'brated
remedy for *Moneta of,Sh e throat, and lunge, It la not
your wish to trifle with the Jives or health of ,the filliet
ed, but. fra rakly to lay before them the opinion of die.
tiniuiihed•meu 'and som e of the eirideneeit , or its Imo
eess..from. which they ran, judge for themseirel. WS
sincerely pledge ourselves to fnake no.willassertiots
'or false statements Of lee eMeacy. tier wo holdout
ony hope to auffering humanity. which facts will net
Many proofs: are here given, aria we snlleit, un;ingiat
ry from the public Into on we publish . ; feeling assured
that. they will erot_ them perfectly - reliable, and the
Medicine Worthy their best confideneerond patrunsge.
From the distinguished Professor of Cfrein ,
istry Ana: Nateria , Medies..Bow dofn
. . .
DmicSie: nelnyed answering tbertreelpt 41 your
[ preparation until ..I had an opportunity of wit. casing its , elfeeto In own family; or - in the families of my
•.Ttili I linTellutl done wi lit A high dcgrce of . tliftie•
Con, in cares of both adults and children.
tbuie found it, as its Ingredients chow, s p oieeithl
remedy for colds, and pulmonary. discerns. • ; • I _'.
• c runswick;.sx - i i.;revios.n.. - - ,• 1 - •
Fecini••in'OversCer in'the;llithil ..
' tori'%lilli3,•
in this
' , • , •• . - •
• . -•—• ,•. . Lesvell. Aninst 10. ;SO:
Dr.'3, C: Ayer: I hniebien cured aftbe Ifore Gliegh
/ tree had in my life, by your Cherry Victor:li; to nay•
er faili'when I hare opporkuntly, of rev:rumen ding it to
others. •• ' Tones reepectfully.
." s: Dr PlEitb'ON.'.
' ffe*.liend tho followine L andeee - if Oils ' Medkrine:lo
worth :n trtal..' This patient .;bad become, very feeble,
and the .effeek of- the medicine wit =mistakably die
- ;'• •:; ' 'United States notel,Sar!lega.,,prinr
Dr. J.Q.Ayer-4h : : f have becgaSlieted with a pain
fnl thelupg., and alt the synaptomiof set-
tied emsnmptiOn,foimoyi than - a year.. I. could Aiul I
no medicine. th at, •trould teach my case, until. om
metio;tliho use of your - Cherry PleVral. which gavO trle
gradual redid, and I have been steadily tayl
strength till my health is well nigh restored: 1 -
While ' wing your medicine, had the gratification of
miring with It •tny reverend 'friend, 'Mr:'Tranitin; of
Sumpter District, alitp had been suspended from his
parochial dutit;ti - by a severe' attack Of . bronibititi.
. • have pleature - in Octlif)ingsheirr facts to
And 8111,41 f, yours reripectfully. - .
• :1 .
'...J;:i! , ,,CALUOUIq, of South.Caliiind•
0:7-Prepared' and Fold 11.J'Assea C. ATEII, Practical
Chemist. Lowe!, Mere.
Crj!' Sold- by.A. Terrell, Mont-role; Vaolen Scott, nt.
Bend, and by Druggists everywhere. pyi I
os, ma '
'• ' - GUAZ•OF
Consaroptlon; Aothina: Bronchitis, Irdinenza, - Coughs,
Whooping Cough and Croup., . ,
Throops Infant PreservitiCe arid Mo
ther's Relief
Carey Flatulence. Colic, Gripes, Matteis. liyseitterry. nod
Cholera of Infants, or say of the _
mm=l7ll.lllB of Infant
life. . --
Dr. Thibop's Worm' Poison '
Fspelts tbrie filthy intruders of the htiman System with
out exception of kinds or numbers. '. .•
Dr. Throop's Bilious Pills • • -
•ciro Indigestion, Billions disorders, Costiveneas.illes;
fleddache,.llcartburn, • Ferer, Inflammation, Diarhea,
Dysentery, sod, reitores a healt ,ly action of all the
glands of the body.. -• ° ' • - • . „ •
:•• • • -Dr:','.l%roopfa Eye W •
ater :•-•
Is nnimrpersed in.eurative,vistnes for anyinflatarnato
rr allectlon.ottbe eye, and. . , " . •
Dr. Thrgo s Satre
In o n. ori i ms id dies - 516F fcr BUITIA and Scalds, 111.
cern., Bali Galena', or any abrarinn at the skin.
Accra is' Jiumeis.---Dentler, Dead, Montrose,
Y. Granger co., Au ; 11. N. Sotithirell,P.Sish ; O:C.'
IViight; Middletown ;I D. Glidden, Fsiendrrille; • P. 3I
Itarber, Disnosk;Seott da Root, Sprintrille;•De. Lani
b.irt.Aularn ; Judea .Tanipkins, .Toropkiosrille; Hay
den. & Little, tleaddiltoid ; Dr: Brooks. Great , 'Bend;
Joseph L. Merriman, Upsonrille; •Dr. J: Berney, Little
Meadows; Jasper Stanley, Cho/aunt;
lyn Centro; 11. A. Williams, Clifford •; Dr. J.C: Olmstead,
.Dundall; Johrauin:&-Very‘llartord.' • • • ' •
• Ji B.l.lLASDEL,Getteral'Azent; Foreatlake.- -Iyl
et.tiltlrgit concerns the' health ` and happiness of
m • a people is at an tames or. too most vat 'seam Sni.
pOrtanee. I take it for granted - that every person sill
do all in their power to save the lives of their Children
and that every 'Meson out -*endeavor to promote their
own health at all uaurlacus. ; I feel it-to ho duty to
solemnly lissom you, that- according-Au the
opinioh of the most ecichratk 'Physicians. are the pri
inarY cause of a large majority or disease to Shich chil
dren and adults are liable, If you have an appetite, Con
tinually Changeable from ona kind of food another,
bad breath, pale in the stomach, piekingat- the- nose,
Maxine,'" and fu:nets of the belly, dry cough, low fever,
.pateeirrigular;temember, that all these denote Worn*"
and you shonid at one apply the remedy . •
110BENSA . CK'S: Wor,tirStretrp,
An article found tipo'n selenttne - prideiples i cOmpounded
'Pith purely : regetable. substancA, being perfectly via
when taken, mud .deteradned in all its effects. and nut
leavingthe system in a diieasel conditiOn as most atlter
nostrums for. the removal , of worms, composed of
calomel, such .as Loaengel, Wertnifuges &c.; but- has
performed the most astonialiirg cures aiditived the liver
ofthonsan,ls; both_ old, and young, who daroF been pin.'
Pounced hupcless., bleutable, by physiciaus.. 'lead. the
folluivinghtul botomecUtivieted orlts, efficacy - over all
othero:.. . •, '•-•; ;
77 • Morrie Paver. 18 51 -
X. Efoheitsock:-This Is to certify that my child,
lb) ears of age, hating been rich for three pearl', was it.
tended fors disea se of the spine. by Dri: Loper, Widths;
and, P hi nier"for a" long time without recciving,anytietie
tit; After giving her up as incurable ; • went to Phila
delphia and consulted one o f the beat physicians,. her,
diScaso still growing worse, it was ut tide time twasiro:
duced to try oobcoutack'sWorm Syrup,and Utter Ink.
in* twobottletshe entirely 're:kalited her health,' 'atter ,
passings great quantity of.worms., Hoping this twill be
a beitcfit to patents whoso'children arishnliorly affected;
' ' 'Duro; '
• No. Part of the system is inorellabla to disease than the
liver, It terviogras, a titter to purify the blond, or giving
tingproper separation 'and *secretion to the bn!, so that
ady tun , g action-of the ilvegaffeets the Other important
parts ettne,systein.and results variously JO L i ver Cora
pialnts,Juittlice;' Dyspepsia, Fever., &c. We should
'therefore watch every eyinntom that might indleato- a
wrong action of the liver., These „Pills being composed
or roots and - plains, famished by nature to heal the sick,
namely: I st, art. Expectorant. which augments the secre
tion from the pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes
the discharge of secreted matter. ' " 2d, an, alteratives
which' nhattges,an Some InesplicahlC anti. insensible 0100.
nor, the certain morbid actions of the Prem.. 3,1,./s a
'Tonfe,'whlft: gives tone-and strength tel the -nervous
system, renewing health, runt vigor. to all parts-. or the
body." 4th,lt Cathartic, which;: acts .
Perfect harmeny
with the. other ingredients byt.opetating, Oh the bowels
and rivaling the *hole mass Of cairn piton and "vitiated
matter and purifying the Biondi' which deitroys disease
Anarchies's health. L..
aced"at "Itehetisiteric 'LaTiOrithif; Philadelphia,
erwnertthweld George rm.... Price .25 Opts., Por
,sale by
irotes-VtigroU7 thrOugliont
the ennntty.'lty . agent Ashbrary Ward, Philadelphia.
rose . ; *lfajniebe& Little aid' Wm'. C: - Ward;NeaMilfordi
Eaton a. Peck and Saws - Seymour, Ifarford ; 11. Burrows
fe-im.;.Gibsed; tieudea and Cbrlieh &
phltmelr. Dander 0 ,Eldridge, Brooklyn;
Ilros;GlenwhOd i'LiteleWricott . and James Book',
'Great 1164;4:- W. Lyman: Thekbannockf Barter
'lttrkselt,lSterlirortilleos.,T Shutt:taut
lIE tsitWiitieilialljt s iliCTiceiiid'his . iiinfei .
'stock of - • -" “-r
for •ineri venety, it)
Ittyle ityd fa fro 4 $ 3 , 6
['rent'. Frockleers Und:Sziek VridOcruitif from $3
In 'Bl3 Pant.•frinr 1
.2Vehilling# up '_VeStll k a
Oka oestirtrilant, frorri . lofiti4linge to a finittrittit.,;
Flatirrisl CIA"
"6,:l.Stackr; SUOCUO
-1e! -
": hic4. 'Cqpi.tctilts
and-Shall; r 'W '.l"afkii , and Border: . ffoOklaiid
Mifirrifery, rdoriblir . I?ft'ircl . GUNS,
Trunks. Burning Fluid, Blank IkaritiOiridit'elr
'Fiety of oro o ltirri lrarirq' omiiiig which are pock , ...
ot aria pelt knives:puke thookii; note pispdri, dot*.
log paper land• periciloahro Baolro, Pocket: Via,
vow memorandurnlwoh,i.kaakota; bait brulilici,
:tooth: _brutiheo;:fancy• itoopai'Arrarbruebtoi, tooth
brueliea, fancy soaps, hair oils, baking ;potydarii;
.Ikm., &a . • 1110 , 1r411.f0r. !Ole at tik/orceatratia and
for readroity:i.lffiCris ivitirting . tiathirtg
volt to testi:arm nikritdclutatoro , itioklirg threir,ftio
Chases. . ;'.(3PEtt:FILILI;ERai - '
Z , : * 'lo - 411Elpir1nINGS
11EAtiii kit
ne e.putbmt,elcebed tDla 4Anttlt
t - K,VAI4O. .
r! ; V.t.
• " •
• "
nt ' - I . 4treynitiv . : ttestretir,
Tu,KELes, ,JErty2lll _ A
P: Wyatt,
irklitlllANT' TAW° lt, , Turnpike streeti;bbUietor.
mud, ems pied,by J. n. Dlusoek,;Esq.7l l 4 !Ipl!
• • nada 4.ll.:Gnink Diew York price!,
Sprouti'f , - • •
M.rtne'Spiiigti Mout rose, Pt."-
• ._Virm. Nir,;'Sri3Ath , & - Co; .;-,
tivaittlx;" A.ND:CILAIII, 4.1.011/FACT,Erio NM*
et : reeWlclitrpr?m, - Pa. • •
. Dr .- E. - S:l l kt ,
xiiviNu returned to llontrlite to revalue tbe pttir
ties •44 Mt • profession, rosy be. found et Sentien
llntel,,whore bemeill be; Loopy to veil upon: mg o 4
frieDds as well am ; -
Montriiso; Feb. 2,1852:- - : • ;
~•• - • ,
•. • .
'G: Z. DitlOCki;t
tend, to all business that iney.birentru.kfed. Si his
cbarkr, vitLpromptness and fidelity., Odle* Atlas oh/
residesiee On Turnpike street. Beeidente,Driekaltillit•
tug, foot of ruble Avenue. 2,
George Puller ' -.•
. . ,
riZA.LEICIN liOOKß,Restlputade CloadinGtrah.&
Cope: Boots & Shoes, air.. IRO* two* . deots boy:4r
Witch's Hotel, Montrose . • '• ' ;
= C.:Tyler, .r .
rkE A tilt IN ITItY GOODE; 0 riiterlift.trotitrin Vail%
waro i l. Tinware, Fish, Thlfill,rsintsi awl".
oaxb for atl,krod of 8 1 1IPPlaig. 1ig". 41 / 2 *
. .
blow thdiloort'llouse. ' -
Tillman; „
iundlitg, lieu &mete the reetoftee,/tfeeti:ett,
S. S. Winchesti3i
ATTOTI:NiIt Air tAW, Tunkiaiiactijra.", CHllis .
task's Prick ROW. '')
• D •D = •-•
- .
; • E.•B= &S.-B. 'Chase, • .f• =
A ttORNY4I3 At LAW; itringtrase.. °Mei ann.
...C1 lees attire: E.B. 011131 . 1. .
. ,
DE VLERaI Ix - 31 anat.i•Moilvigatrs, - Tuft/181%ml>
TA DLEO &C., Detween the Canal Relate'. and Conn
honeN Court at, fllothamtc f n,R.Y.- 071, B,Wbliney
Traieling Agent. rt
• -,4 : 7
C. M. Simmons, ,i
over Baldwin t corWaddlety
' ' l Dr. (Y.` Edwards;
ritUrSILIAN AND 8131.0 EON, /Jar/era, Qweel
doors below o.l.Pride's store.' ••• ,417tf
Mr; eTimed Btookit; -
DTI Troi CYAN. AND ',SURGEON; and dealer:ln Drugs
1 u edlaines,rainte, Oils, Dyes, &c. CorneyoChareb
and Plne streets, oppo: Ite Col. F. Lusk's Great Beiifl.
. , . C. D., Virgil,
Qin GEON DENTIST, illontroie, - Pa. hi' Odd
la • Fellows' Ilnildlng, corner of Turnpike - and Chestnut -
itreets. uperntlons upon the teeth performed Utmost,
carefully acid tenderly. Plate work done "It h the' bvlt
sr/Melia! and In.the most Imp:vied atylitr. 'Charges
• Dr• IC Smith
STA G ,Teia I ?r E :6 I ;O IS AL " 0
! b at e U l
r a tft d i tr:
goarle,ldonmose, Pa.. Ile wenidtatil; the gararehkr
iittentitn'of those who aead ftilieetts . of teeth, to his
Manner of Inserting on the almasphenciareasentrifiei
plii which he has practiced for $ entriber of iean.': , All
other, vett, extracting, filling; cleansing, domr. fin the
moat scientific manner. '
Montrose; July 12,1852: ,1111:01.
_ . Farms for Salo; -
... .
'duke jr130.6Crb..115 will act as agents for tics piling,*
I. sale of 'teal rotate—Perms, Houses acid Lotsa•
/twitted In Sasquelianna,,vonntypa:•'All wbotrish to
offer their property for sale can give -a minute deserip
thin or their Fanneor Lots arfolloss :. Number .of
acres, how manyimprored, and bow prateirid ;• Hand
lags ; Orchard, grafted or condnon,fmdll ;tribes:fruit
Creca,:and shade , trees; bey far front„l6ontrote,and
the nes t point to a depot on the New York '& Zrist
ftaXroad; price. and terms of payment. Al i Itho'ciSh
t 0 a ell "or orchase Ileal, Estate, nill sr telteprntapt at*
tontlon by calling on..dr.addreasing,its at .Iliontroty,
stmnnebannaCounty, Pa: ' ' - - • -
Er,p•Cont eyancefruna Sion troll. t o the prlllnliei tilmp
MOO ort Ttunpikestrce t,4 doors west pi' tließulsk
The following Parma and Lot a stetson offertilfor Paid:
No.l, 40 acres,3o improved„Praccia [forme and Barn
No' 2,8 i do 50 do ', sold '
.1o," . , do'.,
• N 0.3,1 odo 60 'do . ilo " do . -.'
s No. 4,1 odo 50 'do , sold.. do 'do +L.'',
N 0.5,70 do_ 40' •do sold do ~do:, -
N0.:0.96 do 3S do ' do. Sold'"'
N 0.7, Store, Warchonie end! Lot. - . . • . "
No.B, 145 acres7s i mproved, framed honanond.
' No.o 521 do 35 do - . sold: , . , , •
'.• No. 10_2 do • • • do , • d • 'do ,r.:.'' '
No. 12 100 4(3'0170 improvell,frame - lMnsiand bid!.
No. 13 810 do 200 do do • 'do.' •
,No: 14 56 do 50 - do I I sold ' ~,'•-• '••
No, 15 568 do 60 do .do,- .do". .• .: t
- No. 16 120 (In 53 " sold . . • • ', . ,
No. 17 200 !d0 75 do ' do ' to' ~ • '
_ No.-16 112 'doB , o . " do_•.: - :Mr ' do!
No. 19 200 do 150 do , • do . • .doc t
No. I.'o 145 do 100 - .' do' ' d;, dii ' '
No. 21 190 do 120
No., 22 ot;,}4, do 45 . ', do ~'.., ido itold*do, •
No: 23 45 do 34 do' do do
No 24 292 do 225 . do ,
~ do do • ' .
N 0.25 124 Aciloo.' .• • , do ' : _• , 'doloold do t"
No. 26 196 do 140 .. do : dp ,- --:: d 0,,.;
No 27 89 ,do acid' - ' -, `
• "No. 11 acmes, paid saw mill and dwelllttgi - ' . ;
No. 29 134 acres,9o improved, frantabnitseltridlharit.
No. 30 175
N 0.31 135 'do Od do:100 _
do • d '- d
. dor r . • „do - .
No.= 118 G 'do 135 , do • ' do . ,
No. 33 160 ,do 60 .do.-. ~. do :do -- 7
f -do -
N 0.34 150 •do 100 SIo-' "do ''l do
yO. 35100 do 80 do , do • ,'dd
No. 38 300 •do • 170 - -do -, 'do' •:" • -40',
N 0.37 109 do 100 do,, .do :
N 0.38 110' do 100 ' do, 'do '• - my:
:• N 0.39 175 do cm : : r..:'do - ;.; d 0.., •-,L: 40 , L..,
•.liti. 40 30 do 45 , -do :•, • dor - , , ~ -Mr. •
No, 41 212 du 160 -do .., .fffi Litldd ,
--' N0:42 92 do -50 • '..ido ••••- • Ilo•-• "•• - "IP
No. 43 4 do sold
No. 44 133 do. 65 , , do -,..-.., do ~. "do
No. 45 600 do 200 '' do do do
No, 46 P r lCsacres . ,l.6llm•Proyed, trims bittitie and barn
andgnst PIM; . • •
' 110:47 200 'do 17 0 -, do '. '` do •, r• - . do ,
, N0.48103.d0 . 80 2 ' A do , . "do., ~ ',
~110 ,
' No. 49 $0 do .60 , . do ` • 'do: .. ,de
No:60 63 'do '•B5 iB5 • do• I I
''de - -i -'"do c""
.. N o , 51 ft- :430•60, - 1 - 1 ~. - do',•._ :-:do 'I.-,
No. IO 126 .do iI:S „ • do , •.• da ~.• do , ,
- N0.53 200 do' -750 - •do - do '_ ('-' 'do '
...Net-54340 =do ..100: •'' do • ::'-do :,- ' l :'d° -
,N0.'55, 00 •do . 40, 7 ' •,, do , •. do • -3 • do ,•, ~
''NO 56 165 'do 125 . do.
-', do -. r -
' do
' , l4.t:—Presort4 deotrinittiptiintse li4 or the iti ' Pr
and giving the number can obtain ivictltdestription.
• . . -.< - • , ALIMED:II6I,Dit i IBI. ,
. .E. 0.1 IldfleOCN : ,
• .I.lffotnssr,
itPn.;Oct,;,.Mltt 1: , .:•',: : , ;-
;'..tiolitig-nt - isa little *balm Co
;a balm
trifE "man a, steak, yit Wall aid
= coarse' 444 tine Bbtsu and frb Ott, and sitciod
Assortuteka of ladies,Allatier. ant:Children's Boots iad
Stipei,loo4l bell,aol wk.", but-alltyla a
tiove coitt , Thciefsidoppoitunit7 ; tot toad "bstr i ia
FAmtIIFY; 4 /842:,. , t
4TOc s oFTlvea, o4 44 ftitOlkOo. br , be bal - zninatlisigt•
r °, .." 63 °mleta fhaPo, otor 0/011 15$04ftOmIS to 400
lb:jac't 7.43, , to 2i,tj 'dope/104 itecotaor WOW ,
2 , 4120 0 1, 20035' Jr!' rrhieb irraf! fain
than thoncrsok, and aio rery supped*, atenaltWcbM. v i
Ifor4;ao 4 Water kith; pee* 1 .344', : to 1% ell
'Gibon Jtql; 1432,080 W, ::CP.I4IIIIIIOWO *ea.
--Iraniq3apogozsg ,
rust:mum. riYrezt)( Tip* Ay L moßsuso 131%,
ik.:cgAli -Chases
initiitt..4 ND pitOkintE74llsi
• 0 .
, • •
Ono dollar sod Any orritrper /Doom,
etas drop tor
or two doltrrittlittt ,24 or the ' elf ' .1
tibia or wutuorriptlou.' ?No ;piper twi illierwttourtl
until oil aszcoingeo axe rq,eop ot lb* opt low of lb.
Publiatior. MleOUl attiostioor slut be poet ptid to
tortitroWttentloot . Ail 44411709;0 10444 a til t "`"*.. 4. 1:
ebpnpille:dlttcteitto S. S. Ir.:* U. 1,f3 ~, ..
',• ' •
)') -
; , ~txt A7tESI.OIVADVEWR/s ll l l 4 o *
.0 120 11 90 4 *.0 2 11 2 10a itltie,) tbett,loelll l oo4 - 11:1 4 11 1 ; 1 ;
u :Z° 4 4 l "AtortOttttt toetelloot ' 1,4 01' 4.
fle egeotre three m -- • 50
;0011 squint bleluitlba, ' 14410
, 1 1 - os lll 9, gitette4Auftitm tir k° l l • . 1 4 4, -°°
VFW; Atkvertiserewta, mat ova t_go)r,oitt*Ot . r l: 4°
Quo column one , par, lye IC 0
Toasty atlviatiseda eat* Wit be reeteMad te)
"P i 4 . 4 1 144 0 1 i 1t h 0 l 1-To 'POPO. , t`
; IT )
—OW ,
201 , 4 1 : 1 1•hiliaualkani),1;itus a Mtge' aissitimeete at4el
Ttletlak abetzevista;bnpaapared 1120oat$1111,111001i
V** feibta weseadtaa 404 ottePelebb
Ulank° ° , 441 ) . 4f 4 tl l44l° l 4,4 rf i n d ,
• et.
..1 et. 4iiiike,Jastairateeilsal; - mum..
.J. ETAl4o',Dlosbanitea. Vented to Ol'd*T:'