The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 02, 1852, Image 3

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The Bonapart Family—The Line of S aces'
We have published the. senates consultum
ndopted by the French,Senate, re,establishing
the imperial dynasty, by which Lents NaPoleon
is declared Emperor,-under the mune of Na
poleon-the third arid. the ithrierial 'dignity is:
made hereditary in the:direct :and legitimate,
descendants of the new EMperon In other
words, the Napoleoti dynasty is restored.
Louis Napoleon, being in the forty fifth. year
of his age, and still unmarried, the articles es.
tablishing the empire provide ,for his succes
sor, by declaring that if he hati• - no. male heir,
he may adopt the legitimatechildren and do
seendants in male line of the - "brothers of the
Emperor Napoleon the first. Under _these
circumstances, it becomes interesting to inquire
a to the living reale' thembers2-of the Bona
parts, who may 1 hereafter be entitled to the
throne of France. The'right .Of adeptien be
ing rested in Louis Napoleon; •we cannot of
course say which of his relatives he may choose
to?adopt-or exclude from the, first of susses:
sion ; - but the entire list'of surviving male Bo
napartsodthoUgh not very nutueroWs, is mere
so than that of the Bourbons.
In the new work entitled ' The Napoleon
Dytasty ; or, the . Histriry the Bonapart
Family, by-the' Berkeleyllen,'. we find elabo
late goneologierd statements; and a list of
giving members of the Bo part . • faMily; from
which we make np the following:,
Joseph Bonaparte, the elder. brother of Na
poleon, had no ROD but two daughters, one of
which married 'tier. 'cousin, Charles Luereti,
Prince of Canino. • •
• The sei;iiving sons ofLucien, second broth
er of Napoleon, are:— .
1. Chaleslucien,Prince of Canino, born at
Paris, May 24;1803. Ho was President of
the Constituent Assembly of the 'Roman re
public in 1849. Fora number of years hire
sided in
country,.`aret :author of the
great work et ornithology.. In 1822' he mar
ried his cousin Charlotte, (daughter of Joseph
Bonaparte,) by. whom he has eight children- 7
three eons and five-daughters. The family re
-side in Italy..
2 , - Louis -Lucien, son of Lucien, and broth
'er'ef the Prince of Canino, was "born JanuarY .
4; 1813. • -•
3. Pierrolqapoleon, another son of Lucien,
born September -12; 1815. Ho was - member
oflate National_ , Assembly of the- French re
The sobs of Charles Lucien, Prince of Can.
ino are
Joseph Lucien, born FebuarY; 1824.
2. Lucien Louis, born November, 1828.'
. ...
3. Napoleon Gregorie, born February, 1839.
Of the family of LouiS, the third brother of
Napoleon, the new emperor, Louis Napoleon,
is,the only, survivor. - - -
- Jerome, the only surviving brother of Na
poleon 1., and the President of the _French SO
ate, is now sizty-eight years of age. He was
l'.1:111 November 15, 1784. While an officer iii ;
the French navy, and en a visit to the United
- Statei, in December. 1803; bo wa.s married to
Elizabeth Patterson, daughter of a wealthy
merchant of - Baltimore. This :Marriage was
annulled by a decree of tne Emperor 'Napoleon
in Apil, 1805. Their son by this. marriage,
Jerome. Napoleon Bonaparte, Ras, born in
England in 1805 and now resides in Baltimore.
He inherited a large estate front his grandfath
er, Patterson; and married-a- Balthitore lady,
by whoni he has two sons, one of-whom Na
poleon Jerome, lately graduated at West Point
:is now , a lieutenant in the U. S. army. These
iiAmerican Bonapartes,father and son, are gen
lemen of modest deportment, and void of am
bition on account of their ttmily pretensions
t:But it would not be surprising iffutnre events
-should call the , young lieutenant to the other
'side of the Atlantic, to take his share in the ri
sing fortunes - of the Emily. • - -
Since his divocco, was proctatmetLbs , ttrAiari..
perial goiernment of France, and Subsequent
/y obtained by her from the Legislature of Ma
ryland. Mr. ..Jerome Napoleon Bonaparte's
mother Elizabeth Patterson—has lived an Un
married lire, residing with her friends in Mary
land, in the enjoyment q . opulence and the
society of a refined and intellectual circle.
Jerome, the elder, after the divorce married
' the daughter of the King' of Wurtemburg, by
whom he had two sons and one daughter. Of
the former, one survives, namely; Napoleon
Joseph, born at Trieste September 9, 1822.
He was a member of the National Assembly
of the French republic. - '
The male heirs to the throne of -France, af
ter Louis Napoleon, it appears; therefore, from
the foregoing, are : ,
1. darles.Lucien,Prince of ennino,-aged 4
2. Louis Lucien, brother, aged,4o years.
3. Pierre Napoleon, do., aged 37 years.
4. Joseph Lucien, son of Gbarles Lucien
aged 28 years.
-5. Lucien Louis, do., aged 24 rears. -
6. Napoleon Gregorie, do.,ageil 13 years.
7. Napoleon Joseph, son of Jerome, aged
30 years.
To the abere mar• possibly be • added the
Baltimore Bonaparte-s e if Louis Napoleon and
the French Senate should restore them totheir
rights of which they were deprived, throtigh
their mother, by an unjust decree of the Empe
ror Napoleon. ,
. • ,
- Sewing Machine's.
The Scientific American states that since its
first notice of the invention of the sewing,ma
bhine of E. R Howe, of Cambridge, Massa
chusetts, that paper has described seven differ.
eat sewing mathinee. Among. them is thema
chine of A. D. Wilson, which he has since
brought to great perfection,' and has Obtained
two American patents; nail- has 'Made arrange
ments to get it patented in the principal king
doms 'Of Europe.' The Scientific American
says.' WilsOn's Machine is,• in our opinion, a
great triumph of American genius. it is - no
, larger than a rient, Small work.liell, very porta
ble and Convenient,and we , have seen fittestrrrt
bosoms and collars stitched by it in- a ~m ore
perfect mannerthan we have' ever seen done by
handwork. There are now, we believe,:a
bout 500 machines in operation, Mid orders ex
ceed the supply., _ *' 4'.
The sewing machine is pit - on - the thresh
hold of _rte career; it is but partially; ,known
and appliedin this country. _P.iivate families
know nothing about its use, and. shoemakers
and saddlers have not yet tasted its ". benefits,
Mr. Wilson informs us that - he Ai - about to
make one that hxvill astonish all the sons of St.
' Any invention that shall abridge
these 'Winne labors, will ultimately prove of.
great "benefit:to all parties concerned—for
whatever lessens the at, E , negate labouperthrm=
ed by ,a whole-omrOnity,
,soon - results in the
advantage of e,i!ry member of that conuannity
One of %ration s machines - will viable - a wo-•
man to make a , fine shirt stith ail its seams, in
Pne hone. - -
igr The New York A-das apeaking of the
.narrAdministiition' -
"We do not profess to be at all advised, rn
reference to The gentlethenr-Who Wilrbe Palled
to theTabinet of General Pierce. We write
from conjecture- ohly;-andolo not Intend to
hazard-any positive speculation. It- has been
confidentlfaascrfed, that the office of Becre
, tary of. State, Sas been tendered te Mon
ona* James-Buchanan, ofPennsylvania: , We
have seen a fetter;siritten ;•e. reliabletent•
M%chic' It - was stated that such is the/
fact. If the Premiership' bas been plferod to
Mr. Buchanan, ire Ji Pello. tiyill accept it. He
18 2 0( 41 merlin 'the - eounby,"best Anglified for
the Office; and his Nitition, his eiPeriencrc And
great talent, Unite to-Commend him" tplhexteo,
President; at hiselioriounelloi.
Itvranntirun; Dtscirtnates Pstaus.,- 7 -A
mixed commission, embracing .-Erigland,-Rus
and Persia, is new 'engaged In establishing: l
the bonaddry line bet Ween Persia and Turkey.
Col. Well known -to many Awed.
cans; and a tuan'of character end talenkin the
English CommiasiOner.-- ' • -
5 ..1n the praseeutlen of 'this' work_ the Com •
nussionera have come irpon the remairts'of the
'ancient palace Shushan, mentioned in the sa
cred" Books of - Esther - and Daniel, together
with the' tomb
,of Daniel: the Prophet.;. - The
!minty answers to tho received tradition Of
its pbsition. and the internal evidence; arising
from its correspondence :with the, descriptio n
of the palace recorded in the-. isaered history,
amount almost to_ demonstratien.., The read.
er can turn to Esther, chap. i. v. . 6;-there he
will read rofa "pavement of red, and blue, and
white, and black marble in that palace." '' That
pavement still exists; . and as deserihed by Col
Winkling, corresponds to the . -description giv
en thus i n the sacred history. And in the.
marble colums; dilapidated rums, the sculpture
and the remaining marks ofgreatness and glo
ry that :are - scattered around, the Commission
ers read the exact truth of the record made
by the sacred: penman. '
Not far from -the palace stands a tomb ; on
it Is sculptured- the figure of a , man bound
hand and - foot; with a huge the,act of
springing upon" him to devour him. No his.
tory could, speak more graphically the story'
of. Daniel, in the Lion's Den. The . Commis.
sinner have with them an able corps of engi.
neers.and scientific men, and'most interesting
discoveries may be expected. .The Persian
arrow-heads are found- upon the palace and
the tomb. Glass bottles, elegant Vas those
-placed upon the toilet tables of the Indies of
our day, have been .discoyered, with';other in
dications of art and rignement, which bear out
the statements of the Bible.- Thus, twenty.
fire. hundred: years after the bistoriani of Est.
her and Daniel made their records their histe
ries are verified by the peaceful niovements of
the nations of our day.--toston Chronicle.
Opening of Electric Communica
tion with tho Continent of Eu-
A crowd of scientific and distinguished per.
sons congregated this forenoon at the office,
of the SubmarineTelep,Taph Company m.,
Cornhill, to 'witness: the- opening of the elec•
trio communication direct,between Great Brit.
ain and • the Continent of- Europe,
via France
and Belgium. • The company , have had to con.
tend with Much difficulty in carrying out their
intention, in consequence of tho,opposition
feted to their plans by the French government.
This; we are happy to say, has beewpartially
removed and by -a line of wires (just comple.'
fed) laid down along-the old coach road be London and Dover, vis Dorcaster and;
'Canterbury, in connection with, the submarine
cable across the straits of Dover, Ins' tantane
ous communication is obtained between London
Paris,Stceden, Crachtc,,Odessa and
Leghtrn. We art', informed the wires were k
ink carried onwar d
. to St. Petersbitsr, also to
India - and into - the interior tf Africa. Several
splendid machines tfe.resexhibited to the gnat.
fieation of. the - guests ; and, messages sent to
Paris and answers received within one minute.
• l;' The Presidential Electors will meet in
each State on the Erst Wednesday - in Decem-
Ibet, to east their votes for President-and-Vice
President. . The votes are sent under- seal to
the President of the U: S: Senate, at Washing
ton, and ion the - second -Wednesday of Febu
ary next, they are opened in . the presence df
both Houses of Congress, and the result odic
ally declared, For all purposes of practical.
utility,- the people might just as well elect dlr.'
ectly by their own ballots. the President and
ice President The Preaidential. _elector" '
servo no so °fug:trot puirposoothey only eon-
Inn what the people hare by their votes in
structed them tordo, and they would be a very
dangerous body indeed -if they did not. Cus
tom may Continue this. form of election for a
little while . longer, bat eventually the people
wit (consider themselvescompetentto elect for
themselves, and dispense with any intermedi
ate agency between them and their choice.—
' When they do this, they will , get rid also ofa
number, of claimanta for office. who consider
themselves specially entitled to executive fa
ver,.for doing nothing .more than the people
had done before them.—Leter. ' t
LatsC. i.R NEW Express, spea
king of the - rapid groWth of Now York sayi:
Another. novel feature•of the eityla the un
dergrotiut building whieh is going on round
about us. , laSotne parts of the: city half as
much business is transacted under; ground as
above it. - -Two stories !downward are lighted
from . aboVe, and :here ate at. work,: in thetas_
exceedingly -well fitted'Up:all _sorts of people
'upon nll sorts: jobs:- . Some of -Some
wareroOnis'Ure . beloW the surface' of the the,
The printing of newspapers is - nearly altogeth=
era subterranean business arid' thonsandS' of
people, too; live in the first and second base.
meat of eellni4 arid'sanie of them far into, the
bowels ofthe - earth. -- We are often thankful
-that New Terk, r enaWdid and Walled in' s kis
has a hole at the , top, fr om . Which' descends, a
little of God's dayrghts,.for if it had not that
would becoine Of. UST .
~~~~e~ e
In Sheshequiu,,Bradford .eounty, on the- lith
ult, by the Rev. Alburtua Vandenrater, 4 .llr..
LEVI I'l r4.s, of this Borough, and kiss
Maim E.,' oungest daughter of .le - sseßrOtpu
Esq., of •a. former. place.
The . Saturday Evezun' g - Petit'
Tito T.:enttilngLiteirtry, liyeekllyre.
- '
:Over thin one years hint bout- elapsed mace
,the Poit begni its week lY round O f, blended in.
[ streiction andamesement ; and never, in. all that
period, was its =weeps co 'flatbed as at the pros..
cut moment. I Possessing undeniably the largest
( circulation, by many thousands, of any paper of i
its class'in_the" Colon; its elks - Cabers have the
best ofeetwons torbelieving that it stands tipop-it
Permanent bailie, and that they . will receive'the
fall *aloe ofefery dollar intrusted te the peblish
era. 1a an nouncing some 'crow' preparations for
the conimg year, we May, begin by, etatiqg our
cat/tinned coattectipa with NM Botrrnwo4 - 91. et"
writer who, itil Fig:or:Add fertility ofgebbny is not
Carpooled by or otiy, , ,malti
female, in the Cultist.
'mpa,„O,tiuu c• Ain llcirrz, , a lady rl3olnit
=mild be eke,' t eupeilhiotte to praise , in: view of
the' ineial p o pu larity Of inch tiles
Mob Cap."- ", floe," f* Linda," 4. . Reni,",,ete.,-
f ,c,
also is enrolled among our contrib° tors,, -• %... ,-
We are - ire* cog aged
. 113!.the
,publiCation of a
gin rii*tiJed. : k . I: -:,, c - ':•r,...; • L-'•,I - i . •
'•-•'; • - ' ' •,_ :-• Clara' Moreland, ~,,- -; =. ,I ~.,
By Monson •• Elia:WIT; - Author of ~f,Elficht,"
'!Prairie Mier," s' 4 ,•Bindits of. the Osage,"eto:
' • And at-the opining of the sander year mode.
sign coMmonclgthe publication of the following
,r, f.,, 4/114,,,T , ura,'s Ay4o
itttA l , , "IW:. : ..: 1
iy Mns. lie iterriz'of.l Florida, Author of ~ 1.'.i0-.
F litte:!? B :Liedettkille'! eta.' . - . ...,,:: , 1-
This novel w :design following : by a story en
A. Sinty P , . from A.l.thcifattnah's, Quirt. , '.
-By.liu.;. tees es ..A. Gietr if of Ohio, : : widely
koolin as the elthor:of • seimo•adatirably: written
and t , ery,:effeehouseholdpeeins, sketchmetc.
I_ ' After this we' npeCt tote - eble to commence
The Lost Iloi*-0, - -AAtoryitf HotOlet - Hall.
I By.N'llerritii:sitTif; Apthor of" The
'Curio .44' 'pick; -; ,! yttgielit anti', hilitdaleite
g Shantiondale,' , Tile Deserted Witt:Atm, . r, -
addrUon to these and other Onginal Wales,
Involving a large expenditure of money,'we shall
lay before our readers, as heratotore,choice Tales,
Skatches,`'Essays; Narrative's,
,etc... from the,
Euglish Nagazineo—such as hare given the Post
a name 'for' the, excellence of its selections.
EsoftsviNas.:—lnth e way„ of engravings we 1
present at least tore. , weeklyie of an instruc.,l
tivo. and the other of a humorous character. I
AgriCtlitilrai Articles,. Miscellaneous matter,
General News, Wiity 'and Humorous • Sketches,
and Alicante*); Letters from. Europe, Editorta Is, ;
View ortho
•Produceiond Stack Markets, -Bank
Mite List; ete. - , etc, Wall also be, duly givep. ,
- 113* Of catnip, we shall maintain for tbo Pristl
the character it has acquired, Of being a 'strictly
moral paper = —note ridicalously 'squeamish.andl
straight4aced, ,but-really and truly moral 7 -such
as may, be takes, into tho family circle • without
fear. • Advertisements of an improper character
shall ba,lts heretofore, rigorously exclnded. •
3:17 Omar Posrtuk.—The postagoott the Post
to any:part of the limited States,When paid qnar
telly in advance, is now-only 28 cents a year.
And we trust that th'e public generally will show
their a ppreOiation of this'commendable , reAuction
or lunnagol - by largely inereaelar, the nimbi:4 of
niers taken at the -various offices—that- thus
there 'Maybe' no 'falling ar in thet.ovenua of the ,
!Post Office Department. ' This mil , insure; a
continuanceof the pre,sent reduced rates.- •
TE I 3/118.--Tlie terms of the Post are • Two
Dollars if paid-in advance. For Five . Dollars in ,
advance, ono,copy Is seat three years. We Cou-,
Thum the following low terms to Clubs, to be sent,
in the city, to ono address, and, iu the country, ' ,
to . "
4 copies, 85,00 pertumoin ; 8 Copies, and one
Jo Agent or getter up of club, $10,00; -13 copies,
and one to agent or getter up -of club, $15,00;
. 2 0OOpies. - and one toagent or getter up of club,
The money for Clubs always must ho sent in
advance. Subscriptions may be sent at our risk.
When the sum is large, a draft should be procur
ed if possible-the cost of which nioy be deduct
ed from the amount. Address, oltoaye post-paid.
• • No. a South Th ird
. Stieet, Phila.
(1;:r N. B.—Any person desirous of receiving
.of the Post, us a sample; pan be accommo
dated by notifying the publisheni by letter, Oast-
paid.) . •
To a Friend.
Sol . lir; Person has taken from. my shop. by Inis
taka or otherwise, a pair of Reddy.A/ado
-Pante cot from a woolen Shawl. The person
who ta; them will.confer a, favor- by- returning
Ihembiuncdiately. To avoid detection by THE
waterer Wiuld be hazardous. . • :
• Montrose, Nov. 29,-18.52.-49w1.,
- DAID for Wheat, Rye, ,and, BuCkwheat, at
J- the Mill of the entraeriber, in Clionntwn•
• ' 'SAM% .F.'CARMALr.
N0v..25. ,
Heed and be wise!
I NDEPENDENT of deneuneers, boastere,{or
the fete disaffected. who I am obliged to call
on to pay-debts tong.rtanding, I have a hand
some Kock of (bode on baud among , which may
l 'he found Superfine and Common Broad Cloths,
Gassatneres,, 4atinetts, Carpeting, Sheatings,
Batting. Buffillo Rubes, beautiful Dolanes., Silk
Plush and other Caps, fresh Teas, Oils, Paints,
Plaid, School Books, Iron, N r aliP, Steel, Molass
es, Syrup; Crockery, &c. &C.,.whiah I will sell
as cheap at least. as , the. same qualities for the
same pay can be had about these diggins or else
where among the nations. ': •
Abd thankful for all.paet favors, ollare invited
to call with their grian of any kind, Butter, Lard,
Socks, Flannels ,Beesn-ax, Feathers, Pork or
Cash, or any kind of Shipping furs, Coal) paid for
the latter, old accounts and Notes mist, be look
ed to by the t . fitat or Jzinuary next.
• ~
.Respectfully, .. M. C. TYLER
'Montrose, Dec:l.), .1852. _ - •
91114E1 copartnership heretofore existing between
JL: th 4 suleeribers, under 'the firmofE..-W • •
by mutual consent:
Tolliose indebted to ihe'firm tither Note or
Book necount,"we would hereby give 'notice; pa
one of the undersigned is about to move away, it
is 'necessary to have the businessof the firm set
tled 4 . , N. B. The Books and Notes will be
found in the hands ofW,
- • -
- F. AV.'S:. "E. ALLEN.
IlroefilYii Nov:27, '1852., -
-IT The basiness will hereafter he, conducted
by the subseriher. at the old location. where 11 , N.
would be grad to sell Gpods cheap for, really Pay
or short credit `(to those who do notlatend to pay
in false promisei.), W. ALLEN. _
Nov. 27 ' 18.5 0 .-48w3."
Millinei . yl= and: Mantas Making.
IISS TD.ERIIIS late of N. Y. Would inform
111. the ladies OfMontrese and.vioinity that , she
has opened a feney.miilinery store in the base
ment of . Mr. Searle's' H stet where she will •be
'prepared at 'all titnes to wait. upon customers
where may bashed hats ready made, or made to
order. A - splendid assortment of ribb . ons;• laces,
cuffs. embroideries , dress trimmings and various
fancy articles. Dress cutting and :mahiug done
on short-notice. -
-1 - ,-• • FERRIS.
Montrose Pic:2, 1852.-;;4B**4. .
TIIEUEbY give notice that, in accordance
' with the provisions of an - Act of the last- Ses
sion of die Legislature providing for the 12 ,egiStra
lion of Births, Deaths and Marriages,
,1-.have' on
hand the iiiiper Blaitke for distribtition, free of
charge Ack those entitled to • receive. them. The
law.rnakei it the duty of the attunding PhYsician
to report Malts and Deaths; and .the olticiating
Clcrgyiniu or Justice, 'that of -Marriages. All
thoseantitled to receive the Blanks - will at once
avail themselves'orthern; in -order that; the .Act
map be complied with iiithis county,
• ltegistei's °nice, Montrase; Dec. 2, 1&74 egister,
Railway Stoic! at Kirkwood. ' Tug - Mtitens orlarktromi and vicinity are partianlarli
incited to our stock ofgoodsjust purchased in New
York for cash, which will be-aold cheaper 034:Alley can
be bought elsembere in the - country.. Call and emunine
euristocratul wathlok we can suit you with goods
and prices ..thra a remember, that the new, stores . , sell
.chcap: . Our stock contdsta in part of the following ,arti
cles, via : Tea, Sugar; Coffee,..llohoses,Syrup.Plackerel,,
!Codfish, Olt, Tobacco, Frait, - Nnts; Soap, Candles, Pick-
lets [Weems Linares Drage, Medicines,. Woolen Ware,
Packing, bbl . ' Ina ragek,B34,. Flour, yrocislons, ,ito„
which we Intend keeping constantly-on hand and will sell
at the lowest possible marketprice for club. ,
Wanted at Itill,l4citst,rdthlndii ot
: Farmers produce Pr
We beleglet cash or
.geode, ;iied Ai' the Wilkiroo Depn ' t,rallt, attend
to all kindsof, Ghioda Conateszion Raker to Newburgh
or New York* Cash paid for flay and Strew, r • • r
iOrkerood„ Nov 20,1852i17103. SQuiREd•
aunarrr is cow readyin a farther Tact general
X; • assortment of ,IFlntss Goof s , lneludliq a groan.
day or Dokines Mtd oilier Dress . t7otiris sail • Winter
PlaWlS 'MOW cdlrmett front tall vests: :Beak, Robes;
b'tores.bce. 40. wllle.h.he wilt sell at tkellywast,pdss tot
eash, produce. or approrea erodlt. ".
'MOWED 6000 dos: Wool Soaks,
_soo'eards Woo'? Pork,
Gn,Batter, ;se, faawbfali eke higlieitt4o.??; will b?
New Milford Nor. 18, I 852: ".; --
• • • Adnun' tta-tot's Notice:••:,;„ liEitudeiiignvd :
baviogbeen appointed Ad 4
mirlistrator ot es - tatted Wltri - Ilcirieb3-.
late of the township of Pineock. deceased, notice
is hereby gives LO All 'persons indebted to the
Said; estate lciAnakiriminediato
those having demands against said: estate' ) will.
present them sliitir'afteitedifor settlement. '
JAMES - FMYROT.Jr4drier.'
Dimoelr. Nov 18, 1852-47w6.
Charter Application:
A,TOTICE'in hereby given -that applictitioniise
I.ll:lmieitintidele the Court of:Dernriustaleaa
of Sttiquehanntt County, .to-grant a Charter or
Incorporation yi ther.F7c# , Preapyterian ;Church
of Daidaff f itecardini the - Aot;,,otAatsentbly of.
fink Rtft.nt Dctoher A: D. 7841:1, - .., ;1 f ;`,
, . • F. A. WARTl,Tratiey,
:Proth'ea officii.lfontroae, 470.
.N0x. 24 .08 5 ,
.A.IAB;Gt 10C twrOtititi Rem peat Button Bizigi,Stee
Kttitingff, CfoylpOtell , 4l ,3 ,*te• Jolt Awareapt.
_ ; i„„„„. ~, . • f rltEllubscalbez lux thli weak
- - .2. - returned - from - .Neff York,
•.: t, . -,....., - with& vary oxteptiveassartment '
of Goods, to which be would ren:
•-;,:,. / 44, ...4A- 4' niedfully Invite theattention elf;
~; on 5.. his friends. Among 'hie stock
-- kj . r..;;', rtlll bo found an unusually large
(:) ,.. .4 • . 1- 4 4 t * -% v allati of Goidand
• SilvariVatcln
1 ._ - '
~, ,t , ,,, ----- , es, ,of every style and quality;
_ from aSilVer Lepine up to the,
finest quality"of Gehl linnting; English potent Levers,'
many Of which are of his min importation made express.
tyto order:- Every raeaty of Eat flings, Finger flings,
and Prenst p'ns, some of Which Ore extra Itch, Gold; Ag
a! e and fancy Bracelets, a large lot of Gold Spectacles
and. Thimbles, Silver,' do. do.. Mold. Bob, Vest ',and
CI usrd Chalet:, Watch Seals, Keys, 11 tickles ' and Ring,
.Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Cuff Pins and flattops, Co - ral
Beads, Call Baskets
.&c. -,, ... - • .
A large, lot of Sliver Ware in every- v ariety of *eight
,and pattern. both plain and threaded, Gold Pens and
Pencils.l, A beOutiful stock of plated +ea/dors, Caudle.;
sticks, Cake Itaskets,ke., Plated and•.cioromi Silver
Table and Tea Spoons, Enver and Steel Watch. Chaine,a
great variety of, Sliver Napkin Rings,',_ ivory and Bono do., Ofittorda Ware, Sewing Kea 'les; - Armlet,. Sliver
Cups, Sliver, Ivory, Pearl' and Leather Port Monies,
Can' Ctlitql, a fin. alnortmeht of Shell: Combs, llngalo
do., Knives,' Sessors, Coral , Necklaces and Armlets,
Gold Snaps; Leekets, Ten Ineibl.itr: &cf. A 1,,, a goo d
lot of Clocks of, various styles, allot which:wilt ,be sold
far each at n small advance from Manufacturers and
!rapt:lt-lora prices, -
Strict attention pall to Clock and Watch repairing In
all Its branches; Men engraving neatly executed. - - , :
: ,
Binghamton, Nov. IS, 1152. -: A. J: KVANS
One, Cent Rewatd.
D AN away from the subscriber, Thomas Void:-
at IM, an , indented apprentice tei' the -art add
mvstery of farming-'-:* persous are. hereby for.
bid harborin or trusting. said:apprentice on my
account. - - Whoever will return said +- tua.away
shall receive the above reward but no charges.
Lenoxvitle,November'Stk, 1852-7.45w3,'
W E rn hav °t removed
om fo r merly . 8 Tt i n il O g w e r " th e sh •
Battery, and Candy Shop on - Turnpilfe street, ono
door west of M.S. Wilson's store,
Montrose, Nov. 10, 1852.
IMERELY - wish to inform, Sou that P. A
LOCKIP has just opened a• - '
over D. R. Lathrop & Co's. store; where he would
he happy .to Sao - old customers end new ones—
pledging himself• to do their, work with seamiest]
and dirpatch. . •
. •
N. H.' Gutting dorm with care, for which pay
wlll be regaired whett it ie taken from the shop.
- Montrose. Nov. g, 151,5 P.: '
A World of
!TA:ED' iI , WOLL. VarßECu.
t/t 'end! yr dwellers 'ncatb th'e snit:
Behold the Wonders Art bath dons
. We talk by lightning, ride by siesta,
And paint by Sol's eternal beam ti .
But without stopping to enumerate the - many
benefits derived from the 'wire' and the '(rack;'
we would call attention to the advantage of pro
curing one or, more of those beautiful
. Daguerreptype Pictures
which are taken at the Odd Felloweflall,l4 the
aid of 'heaven's own anulighe and W. B. Deans,
the Artist.
'Re has fruit returned from the city,' not, with
his} head full of knowledge,' but With a new and
interesting supply of plates and cases, gold and
plated lockets, keys, etc; Among his latest styles
of cases are the Maclaine S , intag, Fancy .Turtle
Shell; had 'Ladies' Own—the most splendid end
attractive patterns ever oared to the public,—
Call andece ! AdmisSiou free.
P. S. IV. B; Dernis` has the tigeney of several
boOkSaatrinagazines, and will receive - Cabierip.
!ions for the , .Parler Annual; Ladies' Keepsake,
anm.Yeuli.Orytan oina:Al4l,4lkter• of Zia % -worry
fine book.juat published..Rersoniwishing choice
:reading will do well to cal and subscribe.
Montrose; Nov.-10,-1852.
• opozz
e cap. for - Ca sli
1111 subscriber respectfully Invites the attention of the
ar public to is large stook of -, • •
Fall and Winter Good§. 4 •
which he has just reeelved and will sell extremely low for
cash, among which may be found . • .•
, Unbleached ince:Digs at 6dper yard, extra heavy.
Bleached Sheeting,' from 6 , 1 t Is.
lush trains fnan 9.s 9,1 to -• ; L •
Prints at CI, 9.1, and Is—excellent cloths, and:warrant colors,
Ginghams of every large lok at Is a yard, Mad
der colors and very heavy. '
• -
De Gainer from fid to ss—some very fair "quallltiel at
0,1,10,1 and Is.
. Alpacas and Parimettas from Is to ss. ,
French 3lerinox of every grade and color. '
• Black and color d Silks, a complete assortment.
Uloths, Cassimers,SattinAtts, Tweeds,
awl all other woolen geode for Men and Boys. - • .
- Woolen Flannels of every calor awl quality, - frearls to
Cs—some red, all wool, as low as Is 61 Canton Flopinel
from 9,1 to is. •
, Mariners striped Shirting at 8,1,191 and Is.: , •
Woolen Shawl., a largelot. aong.tutd square,( ofovery
style and qttality, (rein 10: to :SS each," A'sant assort
-meat of-Di-oche do. extremely cheap.- • ' '
.Trunks; Tallow and Carpet Dagsoof every description,
emastantlyen hand, and alter ed at prices admitting ofno
competition. -.
, .
The subscriber purposes to be constantly trupPlied
With the above goods, in all their: varieties, and - wilt en
deavor to make It an object -to bbs - frienda
In rusaehan
na county, wile wish to buy goods very cheap for 'cash, to
give him a call. • W.:tr. WILSON,
ilicrrner of Court and 'crates-Street/linearly opposite-t
1 11 9Amerlean note!, Binghamton, N
Aditiinistrator's. NotiCe:.
T ILE niulersigited having been appointed Ad
minisirator df the Estate of Patriek Carroll,
late of Rush towtichip, deceased, notice is bereby
given to all persons indebted ta.the- said Estate;
to 'nuke immediate payinen t;_ and thOsi having
demands against Fluid • Estate will present-their
duly attested; for iettlement.
JAMES LOCAI , 47Adet. •
14814 Oct. 9.8,
.. „
,•..... .. ~.,....
. -
... .
CHEAPER than;fijr. terry 'Lay tho 'wilt:hie ' to
Ili pay Cady or on!, kind or y lcrchantabte pioderce, , or
that have not tanned the credit system, just rolling in at
Montrose, Oct. 28, 1&52. - ", • - '' - TYLEit'l3. '
, ..
- • Ltimbei - lbi-Sale...-: -
Di NE, 'ilinalobk.4l49 4 i-woo - d, Maple, awl:Ask
.Lumbei s ma') Shingree; for sale by '
Montruie;Nov. 1852:- =• '
TURNPIKE .PTEEET,...xonuosi.....,, . •
.117- PI WYATT Las just ritoined from - Nor' Yorriirlh
a new. aadbeaatifnl lISSOILUI vitt of Plothsi-eits-01-
theies, Vestlogs, ?ca./, all of which he offers
lowesviliing pekes for each of prodnee.
The enbscriber has on hand tha latest and nuistimPro
, Teti style of Fashions for Yall and Winter Vlothlng. . .;
W: will mationteture on ,the must - ressotaable
tinier acid lis thoixtoeVapproved 'Ay le Of fushlon,'in the
abetted netleb. •• • , -" I
W. P. W n
:. wants. tra ' de for. geode SOO. barrels of, la!
plea of the best quality, awl 411 - Ottlus or Butter, for
wbleh be wi allow 2ieents per pound for Abe boat
lty In b e •• '" '•-• • -• • . • W..P.'WYATTe
atom at Dlrooek's later Law °Tee, Turnpike shoot: lfoutroSevOct.l9lBs2.l • - - •• • • -'
oniv.Mail Lino" Stage s now Tanning
tielviera CarTeridale ike:leickaWanna
'W.estern Reilriad,trepa t i runkhannook Sta.,
tion. strips knee
with: Irvine, fol,New York and Dunkirk; return
ing, leaves. Tu ukha nook- Statfon: e 4 • arrird of
trains' from ;NoarYork end Thinkiric. &Melo 4 1'
eo leave Tindal an 'leak $ tatiett.foi l Tunkh alums*
on: arrieal..of:cars:from NoviNerk., Foreeete
November 3,.1852. '
%NEW. AU 001111141
• ArliVii4,.;JArti4i.'4ol7llrren.4k,')
:Pikes low-...he hot be tohieriold: a *ea.
e. Mantratte,tilor X842,,,f1
_ ..
Theonly- Tr= ...eolll32kt3X WaalflgiolL:......
Just PllblPalkedi J. 1e..-trficil!sn_rignirt
-,,.‘..„.....4.-,.,-.7i. - -. -cent !.i...: - .' ,--- .• .:.• ~..,
._ , :
• Engeared; : by permissioN'fion•i•Stuares , °ply
.oriLiinaliwneaft in the Athenipm;:i /0110. .
TTB superbpieture engraVednailer the superintend
ence •of THOMAS ' SULLY, Ant., Ulf/ 4 eminent:and
'highly gifted artist, 'gibe oat y correct likeness of Wash
logton ever - published; It has beenl C 1414.110 etisedAss the
greaten Work of art ever produced ;in this icoutitry. 'As
to Its ildelity,%. o refer to the letters or the adopted son
Ta, 'who says, "It Is a faithful representation of the eel.,
ebrated original," and to • CHIEF JUSTICE TANEY of
• the Supreme Court of the United Stites; who says, "Ass '
worker art its' excellence narl beauty must strike every
one wh s ecs it:. and It is no less happy,in its likeness to
the Father °this country. • It was ray good-fortune to.
•Irave seen him in the days of my boyhood, and hi , whole
appearance lige!. strongly impressed on my memory...,
11 he pertrait youltave issneduppears to, too to be an ex.",
fact .likeness, representing: perfectly the expression es
well as the form and - features of the Dice." And Bays:
iSENATOIt CASS,"It hi a I ife•like representation of the I
great original," PPE:UDE:NT FILLSIGItIi -says. "The
:work appnars to Me to - have been adtellisbly executed,
jand eminentlY worthy of the patronageolthe pubile."--.
,Says MERCK/CST. the eminent portialt,pahrter, and t h e
Tap!' ortituart, "Your , print, to my mind, is more' re-.
anerhable than any other I have seen, for presenting t h e
*hole Individuality of the original portrait , tegether with
the noble and dignified repose or ale and manner which
kill who ever taw him censidered is triarklol characteristic ,
of the 'Positions Man it erniamemorates." . =
I Po rthc great merits of this pieture, we would refer ev
ry lover of Washington to portrait itrelf:to be seen
, pt the oftlenel Mrs paper,and to ihd letters Of . the follow
lig nrtista, statesmen,. Jurists and scholers - ascompai_ r.
ATITISTS.- , 3lo.rebnnt and Elliott* trf: Tork ; ?tragic-,
./totherreeL ail(' Ltimbdin; of Philadelphia; Chester tiara
ng, of Bottom; 'Cherie's Fraser, of Charleston; 14:11.; 'end
to the adopted eon of Washington, lion: a: W. pr. Cur
ls, hltrlgfqf an artist. , Svs vestal:l-11k Eteelleney Mil
ard Fillmore, Major General 111115eld Seott, 116 n. Goo:
• Dense, Ilea William it- King, Lion. Daniel Webster,
on. Lynn Boyd.. Mon ; Lewis Cass. llerit Wm-. - Ai Gra
am, lion. John P. Kennedy, Ilatr, IL 0. ltiluthrop,,LL.
D. JURISTS—Hon: Roger D. Taney,: lion'. John Deer,
Flnn. John:McLean, lion. 'turns Choate. Stinotaitt.,C.
olsom, Esq . ., the well known Mimi - San of the Batten
Atheneum, who says, "1 would rather nem It than any I
Painted copy I have ever seen •" E. PI Whipple, R'ehard
Ifildreth, lion. Edward Everett , LL D.; 'Washington try.
frig, Ralph W. Fmerson, Esq., Prof: T. 0, Upham, J.T. •
Iledley; Fits James ll:Sleek, Henry W. Lonefellow. Wro.
Gilmore Simms; and Flto3l Ceti cps, Lord Telford, T. IL
Macaulay, Sir Archibald -A 11A0It, Lord Mayor of Landon;
403.&e. Tux Pa ass throughont the entire Union have
with rum voice pro:tainted the merits of thlssupo .!.' en
graving. -
- ..' To -enable all to possess this ralMible treasure, it is
° low- t ri ng:ll s b pe tiZlTGE - . cittr.Ds i _ .
1 N. SV. corner of Fifth e and y Arch streets, Philadelphia. '
I IDA> MYEILLY, sole agent for the States of Eastern
Pennsylvania and Delaware,'
(This portrait can only be obtained from Mr. litymiy, or
Motu his duly authorized agents,
- tAtiangements have been mole with_ the Post-office be..
partment, by which copies of the Portrait can be sent to
any point, per mail, in perfect order. . - •,• - •
' ' , P . E'ell'ol3ll by remitting five dollars to , D. D. liyeriy,
plpladelphla,*ill haves copy sent to them free of post
• 4:7-Magnificent Gilt Frames, got up expressly for these
Portraits furnished at the low price of $5 each.
' j Just . issued a Mangnfficent ',Portrait of .
. . General Jackson, .
~ • , ,
Etta raved by 'l'. B. Welch, Esq., after the erigi
,', . 77at Portrait painted by ',l'. Sully, Esq... • -
':. Thais Portrait- will bib match for the lTashiar,ton, end
is iii every respect as well , got up. ' • ' .. I- : - ..•
Brice $5 per copy. Address as above. , , 4.2na
To the
BEL TU*RELL•is now receiving-and keep;
.tl...ionatanay .on hand a large and deairahle as.
.soriment of - - -
which will be sold very low forcash or ready pay.
The stock is composed of a first: rate etmrtmentn
Whis, Medicines, Chemicals, Vainti, Oils',
Dye-Stull's, Groceries, Gless-wUre,Spinms;
Speetneles; llllisical Instruments,'
• • Yankee Notions, anti , . • • .;
. •..-
Dry. Goods,
I/Artie/are: Stoneware
- 311rmrs, Stationery, Dishes,.
Medical Instruments, Perfumery;
' *Tiussett,'Supporters',- Shoulder=Brnees;
. Shires, Caniphine, Burning Fluid, Lamps; _•
.Clecki; Watelles; Jewelry,. ;
persous wiShing:to purchase Drugs orGeotti
iti4ny of the i:foresaid departnieOfs, will fiftlet
theiHntettnta- proitiored -by cntritiE-firla pp t(te
Dreg utifi - Vatiety,.Storo of A BEVTURRELLI
' ASscirtmelit
rtfin,f..l,lly 7 r 4 tedo Clothing and. Hata Ana rapsicon•
rantly.,o4 tam!. A raw of the "KOssyith', flats
yetromato,aod a new ouYAloipos :day Or Ivo.
• • L•• •••••" • • • - • OECI.IYULLtni.
.. Er wisdom, and with all your gattings get
1 .anderstariding;a n d also cove ring ' for "your
Undqtatizidi9 . gs, which last • caznioddity; . if : 4 4iii
pokteAs the other ttfti, you ivill . h'e apt to seek and
fiiii at - ' ' "
Keeler and Stoddrird'..BOOt.and
.Shoe. Store..
; 'certain 21Terii.indn •
1 A dirrent tale ha's told, ~ •
' We'd harp ,the public , underetand
Ou. We pout be undersold:
r ttieoritn . ..tit l not general :e noughfo
mclude'.`Gen. Pierce, dud the Proph'etireaiah,
say otliiy 2 of Intrigue . groceries, is :dere rthelere.
"in - the toot end, ShO line:, very extensi ve'eomfilete,'and ire hope' yet_ `to Mike it include
somelof the lesser
. B. Work made ter girder, and. l repairing
doueneraly. - KEELER STODDARD.
Ok THE . PL4Vr - IZO)17) :'"
' . rt.
.litcantiec t ion with the
- 10011.SENGERS can leave, Mi le
ndroser New
. York .and, Dunkirk twice a doi,i also ; for
CarbOudale, Scranton end - Wilke shark!, •
N+ and commodious four!horse Te r se Douches
leaveAnitrose Holel ut_flo'clock.4. lit. and at
4 P. 41., connecting with the L. & Ty. Ittlilrond
for Nfvff:York and: ultkirlWalso hith, trains, for
Scran tot,' Carbondale, • Wilkeiba rte. ' •
-...- StageiJeuve Montrose Depot :v:1 the, arrival
thirtraine from New York forParlierd.,Yetinlng
GaveParford: connecting witk' iraita` for 'NeW
York hnd ..;cranton, Also.a *Stage - kir °vireo,
via: Finistifike; St. Yosephs, Friendsville. War. ,
renhap, &c.. Suuday,Vedieider 'end :.Ffidfiyi
returns Tuesday, Thursday; and - SaturdaY.
' 'L. SEARLD; Proprietor.
Montroie; 3, 1852. • ' • '
6614 shaplli: have a Copy:
An indiiftludibeiik iindyL.2s efs.t ie rvopy
. 3fan, i Skn9w thyself
DR.liuNTErvs..l.qidical - Manuel and !Inn& flook for
thoAttleted,Contaltdor.iia ontllnoet the oriffin,Pr
gross, Treatment and glare of every form of dlsetiss,con
tractedhy Peomisenous 'Sexual Intercourse :by SelVa
bozo* orby Sexual Eaters: with advice for Oz . * preven
tion, that cannot offend tlt e ear of deceitor, front the ro
' salt °rapine twenty years sueeersfnlprtietlee; extensively
devoted t othelenreot dlaeaserla delicate or prieatens.'
To whielits aJded, .reielpts for the mire Of the . , al'X;re
diseasesand a trestles on the causes, aymptotos and
'co:wont the Were/And Ainae,fer twenty-live eentem copy;
nix copies one dollar; will Ite forwarded-to any, part .of
the IlnitirffEtates,brroalt,free pOstaire, .Address pox
age, paid, BoX;106 Post . 014 e, or the Author, g 8 North
Seventh "street, Thliad!a,- •,
''' ' il t rew ; Milford Schaal: '
WIN,TER Tenti.,beg . ins' kifednesday;
convenient and pleasant moms
iecipttion and 111E14 have keen arcined, and our:purpose to make this achool •worthy.tho
patronage& it is - bow receiving. _ _
Tuition f!otn'B3' tils per gnaiter of 12 weeks:
' , Nonni N4411,504 . 1:1 1,75. per week.; -
'Siudeiitio &airing foNavd themselves, furnish
ed with ioame, at a moderate charge..
OSBOUN, 11.3 f,
New /1/11ford N0vi15"1852-46w3
AibiliNStriattlr6!-L Sale
the C
abuitainnonlrom e e s uld'onOe l toe tUlh ay! et; io;re ou ln r •
bar, all that cortga pleCtibr:lnireet of land late the Es.
tato of Exock.Thayre deed; ititilatichi the townibliF of
Ihillgewater, Sasenelutona eonnty.;. bounded ort.Alie lands ofdppm rancher, on thieshi.b7faiiitipt
Jnriathan illinkhn; on the gond, hy,landi or Willlayo
Shlpnian,atkd on the West la Inn dll of AblJat nlish;eall' .
taming oqe buudied itzuri on tottra 'ot tbereabou re alth
the aputtenaneea, q good d "Olio g honeo,ba ro, anl oth:
- Cr 011t'..hcittOod,otellara lke. 'Sale to be held :at ono
thiekt.'ll. • Tart mado kubwn -ad day ot
Lots for .Sale.
ffE Subscrfbes:.offeia pale the folio log
valuttble properties, to *it.; one farm -i the
totsPitaltip of Idartord .containing some sisty . a res,
about thirty`cirwhick iittprovd;., house, tarn,
orchard, ate.; thereon, -Slid tarn? Pic 613(4
and a, half fr . = • the village einarford, 'on the
route of the Moutroso and Ifarford Plank head
It is a, beautif9l and'dieittiblelocation, crefi iyttr-
Also ont, other. ; farm: 'lying , ' on the Bement
Turtylke, four miles .from Lanesbor9,aildlthe
N:1, and frrh3 Railrod, containing 'about 'Eighty
irires;'tsreitty fir in O ' re bf Rif reil;
house, barn,' orchard,. 'his is a. valuable
piece of laud fromits location, being:well timbered
'Alio'seye'rel gadding lets kit the vtllrie of Sus
iqueherma, on the New York . & Erie • Roil Read.
Thiele one-of the Most,- tirriving•lientiorie in the
conntry, being .the ertot of the,Roil Rood- iMuchine
iShope contains now irboirt latm
tante,. 'Orrif ha bnsinese facilities:tire niirivaled. 'ln.
connection.with the-above lots, ore four of tbebent .
rrrillteents in , the county bolt immediately op the
, tisrpMlinfinit river, with st4cient power tur any
purpose of Mann feturing &c: most surpassing,
inducements. ere held - out by' the above locatione,
[.for capitalists, wholvish in embark in the basins sii
of thanufectoririgonniiing;floWering-and Innitierir g.
The Rail . Reid - iiffbids Oa most commodious: iiud•
ready tronsportio» for everything in the aboveline.
'The nbove property, -in or.perti frill be•
sold.on terms the most, ndyan Pigeons pur:rthai-,
ern.' j will' - givii'.'grear.haigaimr. • Conrriminica, ;
lionit will be promptly answered from it , listener
and alt enquires !mended to promptly. •
Snsq., Depot Pa., June I. .18.52.• 2,3 if.'
Brooklyn .Stove :Depot,:
trIFFA NY, St :smut' eal I •the attention of the
I. citizens Of Brooklyn to their large variety of stoves mad
furniture. We attire:on 'hand the best patterns 'of the
' bast material. We shall sell at the very lowest prices,
and on the most liberal tunes: 'Cat% see, mid ex amine. -
Pall Goods. .
W .
have just - received Or large - seleeth.n or ,
Vail and
Winter Dry Goods of evikry description, which. we will
for cash or good pay - cheaper than war ever before offered
in this market.. We cannot particularize; but 'Weeilt ,
neatly °rm . /body to cast nod examine for them
selves.;- We k ! mow we. eau , suit :you- in price; quantity
and quality.. TIFFANY tt
Ertioklyn ,Oet. 16,-1852. , • -! ' '
500.Agonts Win.ted----$1000.: a
. • WANTED Year -
STATES, active end enterprising mill. , ci - engage
in the tale of some of the beat Hooka published in the
cen,utry."- -TO-men of good ;Oildrese, posaPt.slng
capital of from $23 to $lOO, such iudneements will be
offered at to enable them to make from $3 to $lO a doe,
15f.rTne,baoka puhli.hed.hy : tlf aro,all useful Ipoiii4
character, eitremely popular,, and 'command large sales
vitermrer they,are offered, , , . • ••
For further pat:doubt:is, addrese,fpomteeepatdJ
,-" • &ANTI:IL:4A GENT& •
, Suecemors to XV, A: L.orr k. CO., :
37m5J - 3Vc. 13F North Second Street,
Positively' - •
IrrNs• 2.4"ct'N - rIC/Z"s'
A LL persons indebted to the subscriber for fees
necrniag•itr'the cfUEri of thi Recordr,'Reg.
is:er and qlerk.of Orphans :Court, are hereby in.
formed that bills or. in the hands of J. T. Lan.'.
don, Esq., present Recorder, 4.e.. for Collection,
and if not paid nt• or bliftire November term
of 'Conn, next ensuing,. they avAj bo placed in the
hands•of.o Justice of the Peace. to bit sued.. St.;
Montrose, Oei. " I
• - PAY YOUR - MITES t .
The'Notes nod Ancona ta of the late arrmrilf.D. & Co. in tho, Wool Carding and Cloth
Drevsing hasinees, most be inxid'immadialply and
without further notice s....-
.The, subscribers give this notice, that
.411 ; who
have arisettled. accaants.. with, . them may sa ve: theinselica cost's. ' It SIBLEY.
• ". • • •. --, :r..CARPENVER.
Harford. --.-*33—m3
.. r ; • NEWGOODS,
. . • . • ••••
J. W.C113 is hail; rereivint his spring and
Xi 'ilturner kin' of GtiOds,'which arum
cheap,:., • • -
• Alontrose, April 13, 165 p.,
A , NEW supply of ' cheitip' silk,. Pitney.
,C. l l.Stmnr, - aucl;FreOch Gossauler 'Lace Bonnets
and Rich Ribbons. and Flowers;greatly reduced
train - si;rin ,, Pike's, by 11./P:iiIRXT,T
- Nets Goods-
TUST arrice4 at ' ' • • IVEDIIT
t.l Sept 9,1852.
-- • - Gold :Minting Wtitehes.•; ••,•
E X7TASuP;of my owtrimPortatihn; fot sate
BRE.4§T.P.INSL-Tlttee doz. fines Tir.enstpin ft,
soirne. entirOik patjerns; bis d
ay b 3•
, ./3irT 7 liatnt on, A u*2B,. - A.J; EVANS.t
. . -
TATANTED, 10,060 'doi ivoolen" Sot:ks'in aca
V change fin' Goods B EN.TEY 4:RE24
Itlonenne July 12,1851; 3w;
T ABBE additions or new etyles of CROCKERY ale
..1.4 • weekly. receiving at, the ,r Oroeitery, and. Hausa' Fur_ .
, Welling Establishment , by . J. 11. DE ITU
IlinghanitonfOet.;l4;l6,s2i` -- ' ' ' 1 ., • ".,'; -'. , '
' '',: Olt ilir% *.g r a' 4 4 "I Y h All 1 23ti r : '' i , .
• . in Imo vainty, etyle,,allape., and eolor. and at the:
I lowestprieeA, dfay he nand at - - r' - '- r DE PEWS. ,
Binghamton, 0et.14. ' • :... .. ,_:,.-,,
..,. ....
And 'others whe, are In'trant - fir r, , ,uiticto - or Coc.t-ery .
I and (Leas trete ! . latutpa,Deolting4 9,14e5p_14 Cotler,t, Sere
eik Britannia' 11, ark tlast43,,+:os.4reerr:ml,:lnieenilla,liells;
apoons.ClndlePticlo. Plaited Wares, Cloalte,-Finnyllas
kete, Wooden and' Willow Ware yr. alt - .kinds,- Window
Ehatles. 3latta,Bi , d tinges, lleenilleerlk Egg Deata.Bruh
eo;'Feathertluatere,rOornieeiki 3icat-Ciittetti.'Coal'Hoder
end eiders, ,and.-an ,ixtenalvo„arsortreent, of _Toyi _.and
Fahey Articles : 'We ad, lap them r tereall at this ertenaire
establishment both ax natio/14T. of flare r and:nnifki.Bii
here they can find all ihorlllllllA% wanted in - their line
and attliel foteeirposedble wesees.•:' • - .J. ff.:DE PEE:? .
Bingtuuntoni Oct It 1952, .. -
reat, E S citementt .
rrizin - minitro at fi ig *NIL to Thotupeon's tele
' : butted DettierritttiOallery , l , Llliinereea , taketinnil.
put up in neat Moroccutlates for gut,' qui
- Parentl!ai6l Dhildroi:ltrotbore add Sletera, one and
;tow le the time t peclUre- for yourieleet arid f. let/a . , one,-
of those memeutoet in the from of a Daguerreotype,
likeness, which at some: feline time may more of ince-,
Minable value. ,711 , fiispepso Ir eot.ltling that It ahould
- be an Indriermeirt thievery Alai*. while In :ilea Litt •10
StralWArrisclrfm.orAha br,nafits.o , tynyeterions. anti
Wonderful Art. Imprutatonanf" chlidren I.tiVer . in froM
Ato .10 secondir.•-.. Deemer:lnt- trill lie in tba Piriti4eU.;
clear and well deGned likeneaw,,aambrain4 . an cagy and_.
graceful attitude,; nut that - , expreiolon.whlONde- I
eo ;eery dcrimble, and which. can be cibraMed by a Tialt at-
Thernpoon'a DlagnalcolitSkY tight-Gallery', opposite the.
-,ThciritlhatirilicrarOuld fay ; t thrlme on hand and to:
wile. a !general Tassortmotit of Daguerrsuitype Material;
whlch - -eurralati of :Utunerste, Plates. Tuney.cod tlinartuln
Owes; Locket,. Chemicals, and in eliort altunet - every
thing tired in the trade.
.• - , •
• -- •1V etvSllalmbiss3l intt.
Jriskrierivel-tramAho ft3 3,l l l ltnetures, haatsrtrsetht
id' keys, and, "combines all the act ventakes .ortlie Ted
Den kid Ortne: It;eoutalne Ssse Lopdcorreapiniding` td
the Op - en Diapason and principal in Oswego. 'Also.. enup-
Irraad Snell Ara* Stop.: The arranremonf Ia stele - that
elsher, played' separately or together, gran s
With - tine blind Hind toth'irftb the cither , t—bue Tindal-a 061
g t id stipir s sh 0 : other. mjqi e{ni ali r etet :It pi•4lle' l
only internment D'xtTp Ppuitte Or.kark
uponivldtli.Orpn suotlieccan !be adqulrel.,siaffer ,
,llA,ney,rirlely, of comUnatlon',,nuttriwPr, it far sine[ iPn.;
es ant thinsnf tlirkind hriotefore ltsvehtet:-
ntl44 Wave litelodrans,f'er, sate; by the subscriber a his:
rPxnerrS. Koonce . • ' ' '-`l;•lllo.lll,BoN
•,l3ingokatutortiActolcrui x 552..
enbeerlberrtbankfai to friends: for their toil,
totisrowld remind Stand est h boxio,e,tTc7llllls
TAT4s P.AsRtaNs - , - : -
'ili'koraiiiiW4 044 Ce
croi-as gisteatOrtaitclothrec,bwidfl uk-mikkftittalftPh
handsomely, apd promptly.* • ' -
feriPlease. salt= alr to ithi tu ptin fr.tetoes titer% o tow
doors below the Democrat o eo, yow want
at fele
2ae?,tßeii7 - 74;17 110 Tl a'r) i .2; itE5::
31111/E COPPEAIIN a SIIEE,' - y'; ,1 1':.4`;:.:
He that he haa'reeelveti a 'IIOIOYr,.K.:.
Me former stock orStPves' CoplietiDit:,' try,.;
of the most apprili.dithatkamon *
STAXOFTHE. IV.EST-','-:;:t12:
A variety of Premiamovionte of new
A ;toed and titrions: - aisaitment of, I
Flair Stoves for Wcwid and toel: 'BOX
various sizes andnitterai' ha is - Conti
eeivieg, and intend's ta keep eel great a
the, most poi:mbar otos*, anaay dealer it
try. PerSi/He notches°, e
find it kith eitintirest: toiiilan , firm: -
find hie :
stove /1111litUrea
moue of:the atrongest, and ,belt,inateria
midair !')e bonghtliiiliia or flrior
aacl ttierchbeteri thin ofF'eried by
-Er - Sioaa,Pjpo 4k-Tiri , Ware kept :Or
mode to order..
.fartnere,.Win be • 6uPP:.
Puna, 'nadir of strong' niateriale, at Whole
s emi, all °Meta for work :in :his lino win
fully foneived and • Punattirilly' attended t
Great Bend, July
• ..
, • - Great Bend. . - -.•-1
.... .
VARIETY STO R...,• • ,
`nog .way; Ladles apd Gentle. T' . - I
TF. sabecribar woald invite his Mem .
-I. at his new store:in Great Bend; din. - . , ; , - , I
polite the "Lnsk M use " oodesemine I ..;,,,,.:
of goods, feeling assured . that they
. wil <.=;f , away dissatisfied. -'' ' ' ' ' •-• .'• '''
- • -,././a veoald.first; call the attention of el _ ::,
to his great variety of . ;
1) ._ . ..;:i i .;
consisting of embroidered and Firintedlao • :',ik ,l
tallies of uipinst early Variety and style - ; - lr ,
the. New York:market affords., black an , ii:'..,',
Sitfii; Prinis, Ginghainp,'&6 l : - tke: 'A ~, , ;. • - i
lot:of , Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Table co ,:.',..;'?
siery and Gloves, Straw and llfillinery.t ‘.,- :.,r!''-'2
Also, Bioadeleths,Carsimeres, Saltine:. -
, :
itigs, and every 'material "for boys and n ' •";i'
Hats, Capri • Boots and St
.T.rnnha, Valicas, Carpet Bap, Carpeiin
lags; hare keeeng,articies of, all kind . •
Notions', &e and in . •
e ryth ing a perion rieeda lot; ebinfOrt
in - Please eall•and examitte.
• Great Ilr'ncl', , jial• 15,
lliEsubscribets would.jarorm tho
. ai
Susquchauna county that thiy havt
hirld ul4rge assotithenrcir Di 4
andl6!qil;. : '
. . ._ ~_,
. . • . ~.
= '!. : GEN7,7I,EITEN:r. DEPARISItSIV:- ; '•; : . , i part of 6ra:6loloth - a e•IISAinItt,', , •;• I :--
.Keatuojry. : jeatla,, :vetptiPgg, ..a ind - ',—
gopda of q;iiind!. •-, ~
LADItB .1:011p4111:11ENT;
consistirig Of a laigtiotiriety,
cy do., satins. plenum, Scotch and Ant
prints of all: kinds, Mine et IS'itinee per
superior.quality of color* warranted,
Cashmere, implins,,gloves,,hosicry . c.of every.
,quatitp-; - .Whiti s gimds ri - DiOwn and Ile
slii•Othi,gs; %vide, hen , gatilitv,at
xiatinge;optringsmiolligi. SOTitdhdidtier;-4:7:
cyc:do.,_napkins;lrish linen, and oprot;
ahnOst - every thing itithe diikoOds
lay& lot of •' • -• • •
Three.ply, ingrains, cotton' and wool.:.'ec
druggits, wool and cottec—oil cloth,4
floprs,and tables. - - • ••••
We invite all-visiting oar place tocall as
amine out stock, for weliel ccufident,by SO
it whit be messing of ten'to twenty per cent.;
motto is quick ealee and emelt profits.: !;; •
Store nearly opposite the Postofiice.,BingL
ton,!N..Y. 'WICKHAM if BENNE
...April 708.51 - -
NY. N E 'DR GOODS ,::-.;. •
At' slur . AuLronD,DEIV:i
A T H. nemerrr'e may be found an it :i.
~4- _ v: :die and now assortment of My:Gizodf?';:l',,
,cluaing a great variety ot ~-.._. ' :
La es . Dress-Goo
In ,
Flab Prints; PiiiitSrl and tltnbraidered L ' 11".',,1:
extrci-rieh...thirege :Deane., , Lturterie ..rop
,'.''.:i , '
flitigliains and Chambray, of nevi styles A ‘,..';‘..,
and , fatiey silks ;' '
ike...i . Culltba Crepe. ' ' Bri.'l7 - ;:;:
Cashmere and Betege:Shairlse,' Silk:Aleut
Parasols, plain and figured Swim; Muslin', St . : Ti,77.
French. Luce and , Silk-. lboarit ta.l3onnet 13 . - :- . .:4
,Rihhpuir and Flowers. . ..:. .„ , . . , ~, ....; ~
' 0 E,:sa I 'LE l'il t'N :Aii:l iim tnEss . ;:'f.
StlAtilEit'erbODS: . •-:::..3
A large. assortment. .fiats,.Caps Doglike n,(l,S;kk,g:
Truuke Valides; Carpet gags, earpating..;':
- Challis ' for ficiore 'arid tablee, - painteif 'and priri .
Window Shades, Wall PaPer,Vomestie .Cotti,t
(gall kinds, etc. etc., which, in connection will `'
universal :assortment _ in' other..depnrtmente .
g00(19,74ud being.porchased entirely for.aask,ir i
enable to s!i - coikpoefito in price; efsi
and term, not to be found ILI any ath'eresfabti • ..*
.•'. Mil:- "Salt "and 'Slane Mal . ceristantly o •
hand. . 1 - ...,: ':: ..: . '"2 ~....!.= 7 .. '.'t'..'"
Newilli Ilford, Mayls, 185 P..-. •,.' , .. - , J..
. .
~NEW:_ "‘.
R E . 7 g. T . L,ll ;ititt E it2.lolm ile er i s a t i o c t il e f i Cl i 'dVl:;
consistin g of Dry Goods of iihnOol every deverip.';,;..."l,.
Lion, Groceriti;„2 Crick-re - ;$
4 Hardware. - Drogove,
31 edicines,.P.ain1 ; . Oils 'end' tlyevioffi4-,Booinc.'ir
'ShObtrozqLenthC ; Slontilfd - Tin wen, Matt e l
iJeWiliy:Silver' SpOoinq; Per,fuine , yo t id in . fit, - ,.. ..
ktlui-, Av entest: : variety- thit ton , bet found in 1117.4
vore:in the county-7ollotwhich tveLare.,pTerlirrlV'Y
••aviviiielllor Cash - Produc e op on approved credit iiit'J
I 1
low (nark as any of.oar neighbor ; Our.l42ollN' 4:
lEd 110 the toqno a n , oyor--"Not 10 Ile aiutmold." ',: '
• . . • ghSI•LEY &ite&v , -,ii
. ... • . _---7 7 ---- 7 ----_ •-•_;.:..,4:.
No* '111ilford: Stovp Pepot. .r'
..* ..c-i Q 52; ,
_•._ ..: . 1-. J... ;.-
_ 4 L.,
'; 7- '1 i ,'.! - •2:71: - .-111TRRIT71 -:: ~., . , — ,
r_T4Sjilet toeoived it new , cud lerge.oesorinteftt :
1.... L ot, Cepking,:_i'ar/or, qnd szp,e Storer( 1004
~ wood ur ietil, - Wlaelt. in eeduletjoit with hie previli , ;;''.:;
1 °tie- stetel will - reek° .•11 , 1 -arsoittiieift iAlotilielly..--::;V,
coilpteirOti the remit peordar..endimpreeed k' 4 ,: ,;
of .4ic-tig!it t Pere/fit (Nien.privit'ttvt pnd__plqw-1 , ,k,
r etfi r e e. Storo Piim.sll(4llroe,..Zine-.4toyeTtibeks
&.e,;' whieturho will Bell et the . "loweef piieer fott,g;Al
eath:erloOlircived efedit.i,.. •-;; i• . " ,-, .1. ,‘,.......,
! . .4 ti g t tqp lB42 ...-; :.• , ;.' :"': ,.•" ~.- :. ;. f, ' -,- .04
__L - •' ' - ' ------:-..—..-, te:`4
.•WAIs t iTED
ttit4i—'-ate6, graits;:biziter;
.6isi.ruiri.znild,heeßwax dir bidet
iffOutratm. JunetrAti::-
„ L EVU , Vashion, ~
Q I If AT$ (111,4p'p stj , le) 'just rf4i4Erid. '
' aech-Fuld.tra
I:r4 N9PBIf 11179NYT9,1VA7'CIIF,Q