t . h.~J Fru DmooRAT. 'Otirestalitlea orth'ellit Dlo TfOsE _3(ovrRlSEIt 11.19ist ' *urn can't: boTti - witit ht)10.11ebolliod hio Itholt:rotithit loafer' satir---taheibe ottut kickod- Oat ottootis.. - ,•.: -; • - A _- - • 41 / erahanga.POWlWlS4. l e 1 3 t al g nifico glotiansonottovt3tyrnk of naturetiowomon- - - tho tat mom—and then B o o Adam pigs. /[-Varier:whei flagellating of hiS boys var4ns kedtwhat he was. doing ;"ritiadlingt ne rd oati,' , wia his Howmelanshoiy. the moon . mist feet when itiunrenjoyed the fullnhss of prOaperity Mad gotrmllied to , Its lad tutoler.. ' • twPompey, , vot , vill you do - aren de debblo 031.3 for you r soul V' Ceaser, - I•tink 1 , compromise anti let r Nita take:, minoyife.' . troth,: I owe Yon a Wike, itm, her: that.' 'I Shalt not be . frightened ,; 114 eovor -"tnew''yon to pay onythipg, that you !Or "Good, miming, Mr.' Jidkfns, Where have you kept yourself, thig _ •,- --agept tnplelf I - -t don't keep myself,' ho.rd on 'Credit! - ' • I haTie Enticed thathe tithe thinks arecjituan shaves Ilitmelt, and-he ought, in Mercy ti his neigh , box., to surrender, the rascal to justice. • .Different sounds wilt travel. with different veloeityr. Atoll to dinner will run over a ton. au're•lot hr a minute' and a half, while a awn. mons to return to work will take:from five to elgbti minutes. ,Eurlidtnade a mistaie. A thing ear . be 40:ant' nllthough - it is-not a signore. c r hi st:Mee, Union Square, New` York, is orai l ;and • 'yet. it is a square, for -everybody tays mad %slat: every body says must be true II Theodore Parker says?, 411r:Leanincrboth: Tips - s n popular pelitidian in Amerir just ilVtr sitting- on the feMp ' between boiesty, and like, the blank leaf between rho Old' and Nerr-Testatnent,-belonging to neither tlispen nation. ) , . ' '' - The great law of nature is,•to eat and e eaten,' Tim alderman thatdineson,tuirkey tai Air, *ill in less than a century ,be conVertc4 into manure for the purpise of giving susten= 'tame to caulifloweni and a greater breadth to Dobbs thinks the' tree of knowfedge Aires ft - hi:beech tree, the "te igs of which, hare ,done more to make men acquainted with arithinetTe .titan all the other members of the vegetable, kingdoth combined: • - .'.4l.•inomber, in: alluding to- the bill for the tiriefit'or married teomen befeie the Mimi's.: lature . , asked iC,it,Would not be . bet- Aei Tor the memberato do aotnething for the 1 4hefit of si..rig4 tadies, - and riot trouble 'eaves siith othir men's wires: A gentleman observing a youth of ten years his month fu]} of r‘ ancient." asiFed him nb.at he chewed tobacco fort ' "What do I tobacco Tor e reheated thh promising ,'lonth I-why, sir, I chew ; it to get the strength out ,of it, to be sure What irye think Ichew fOi eh e: ' • • A mystic belle who came tripping into the 11; • Cuie . orieeieniod(rOin the fields, Witifildby her citiconsin 'that ihioooked ns eilh as ri iinyfel ,osc-bf that name, but , Jones,-that kissed nie ; - and, cnnfound • his- piFtnie, I beta him every budY would find him ont.' • . _ . • A recenttravelar in Franc?, saysthat in the ;tau n of Leiga there is a woman Wfib has - been I.6tOied nin o ye" and daring the time has prisentea her husb a nd with twenty.four &ugh te:ri!"tlaree each Girth!' ' -Thank heiwen*e are s hiehelo r yet."' "'. • jolter atcd'reinaried - i.liat Toting ta. ilea were like arrecia,mithey cooktmeeerVo Without a bean. There are exceptions to :at! ieneral rulekhowever—a-young - lady ran. ;Wray last:week after a beau. '*.iiiiggle'efsays r:iftift When tile Lt.* ,mects them, - the-heau _ leveler ~te a little fellwe whom he met clothed in pants' and roulade. iloat, bat without a ;ray necessary ttiticle of apparel ; , 'My lad, where's year,shirtr•MMo.: -my'S. washing it:- 'Have Yon no other! •No other I etelaitned the 4 ;tuthin, :With, indignant ,ferim - tivould'Yoti 3sant ithodytii a leitiand An Irishman who had a: Orin his posses ohairred_ to adiapttlreeonstant pins tiCe of...filling it to ieplition one &Y. Mitkostar singit!the next' On being asked:_his season be rePlied;iool9surF,•ind isn't it *4.1 likelo hive Ina% , with a awake o i Lit and,a Straka Maim, squally one- afteiloth= This a bellowed'feeling lends, And for absence Makes 6esends, ' ' 11/11e r , r we hold stone cherished friend's ;". i lkignerrecitype. Then lolly need you longer Kay Come: tberti's danger irt delay - • Have your pictures-drafts to day, `And You'll be prepared o say !!_e ir.,niti.!i - e 1,P1. 1 aboye II in 110010' .. wit'. hard teirolgited ther fir CsSe , FAS 111 er • , vu, g , 'SWAY* friend. itto.himi-laSt seen / 11 °4 babe place to gel foithro; rind pleesirig— church, but ha was now &aid = maillotaing a Too wan ta ig a , 44 - i pp i rm ai ty to told ., his , gr at is -et ve let a, and w a t er , at a t ro ldlib er .y e enn giiktiforigeknowii.dgmrsite to the,p o te o f bi t Altus saw yea' " at church =lag, 6,-„q=uniltilij l ll 4-hi5.,.. 45 " 10 erases al itie pat: • --- : • . • win enfluvilg."Terlinp the t tlintre.f. St t eo Ve ft ,t i kthe 1/0 1 P 1 To thrfonmeitaeilitictifie tmOiddid soito `ctutitti _ on h e re anikengrlrcle 4 eamaia, Ake aid Of irbfeh b. ! 4 :tiOtetOthilit after righteousness," mutt: P r O sit4l4l ilal# 516_131n;cr single puttiree is suswl"t:t _ isroa .A penor zeviiii ma t te u r. o 7 o , ►arty of ptsin and t4l . !TT • " emoswftirtio Piptor Ottit etAwa Er TWQ,,tai*orTar,, a nd p gold co__l7ateeallit '40 30 or 11 . 1 54 4 . I °Pd, Pleti4l , 4skita•lcm BroTAMa.propiiiMr Spyu:_YOU iniolairo lfeame mullet _iino ' f , thoub th e taaana t- zee' whabarOmmaipmysomeaadfitmaanatie it.: 4 A4e 9 - 7 -gr o u rriDi .11Malhati ever AIM; IriasAD Sar!vi.ms ohest not #C-`:!Pns :*4O Abet *pi; when ‘4:44! jot e:23 0152. ' , eteliinti* -411 4eiamin'oitik:Iret *44*g- - Ilintr-.7:AJOKNI Quarter Camera fei IWO at" WA/ es"to eiscovr if it had been eating 117 Tg odist. whin cot is his month may be', . attar out tar onawfbil toirrelei - gonad by iagairing e t t h e C s a y Stsop. • Thetis is[Rst objeetion'to .fiikatfoi' killi`tOlpithy.:Let, a ioait mailades ty inches arettad..the , .. infist,-. fall In love and tae to arsenic; Oid igesi-thaet a week he will . ,gtikiriy . ,:o :the character jn a comic: song _ Had Att ivelt: 01- Mu.' lantern. jawed devil, he wouldhave been g willow of a dozen .. Slit, ~,~'_ Theilloli-Dwgingic of Austraha ...#natralinivati4ces ham iairieheri - EnOindiky, ttio*eri 4 ild Toni ) isf4liet tlittr"F h tiritins 29th 3uly, being f vur. weekiiialef than . prnibnsly receiVed:', Fro*. Port .Philti they at to the ; 17th of :July: ease fuy. coadna-tk. recent atatepeats regarding ihiryield pr gold - in New 1 Snath Walesatrit Midis; tha,fattO cafari7„it appears .04:01 for -the*eks:iiiiling : iiv the; expected to bring. 100.000 - Ornica leaving oaneis conriniionif's tent te be s lirinight on , tho_ next oecatirea;.,'. the of lihose, taippliewtho prlca. Ind • 60s. or 625: po ,, ilunce; although the miners, beingnoW : riati, were gin erilliy indisposed in press sales. • it was - esti: ted that:tbere ‘ l / 4 •lts at least .£1.000,000 of nnpinployeri money .in the hands of : fail - owl's. , At;the various''itiiining localities of -New #th the :be inn:, criaisingly.ratbilbeti.iy„ old ongli aLvtits' 0'46 AN, sister :colony= caused -everything atices.s • be treated' with dififerince.. Several parties' connected wirh the companies rained in ,Londan'had. arrived at 'Sydney; , and . Firoceeded to the:Bathurst • E rhem:irliets:wCre...‘cleared. elf most, kinds of provissions - as -fast as arrival 'took : place: .1116 mat 4 - as 85 . .:641. pet bushel, flour £23 per MA hay . £6 'per . Gold; Sidney was -higlier than lit!. Port Philip, the- quota tiqn being - 64s.:for,the Tarim :gold, aryl t 5; rot that . of . ; :Aferuider. The, Pert Pftiiipaccaunts-of.the prospects ,ot ,the wool erip :are very Unfavorable rind corroborate thi) remarks in a letter.-quoted a few days cWhol said, !will be driven the 'diggings for slaughter, and the fliece and fat will ' lie Vara.' . , • I, fi On many stations next season no attempt toy shear eheep will , be made, ..In' fact' t ie'ems that labor' of any - jkind" =a almost wholly ;unprocurable. AMong other curious circumstances connected with-the state of the t Mini:et-4, 'it is . mentioned' _that the "price of bricks . ; at 11101311 nm was .ClO a thousand; and i trwas* believed that • ,both bricks and coals i Would be pratably imported from England. The edit rs of one of local papers state . that it onlyfeqairesproper Machinery to work the quartz in order. to dude?. the sorpas;ing richness of this portion of the Australian gold fields. The total shipthents,ot gold to-the-26- i th Itu haiLbeen Z1,759'745; reckoned at the price- f•62.-s-perlez. Gold was selling at 63s 6d 1. t' 6.5 - s, and the - e,xelrinffe- against -gold was , 1 1 ' "' 1;( pe. cent.disconnt. ' The Legislative Coon. cal wi n s 'rce - Ivied 'with the New 'Butie'e Bill._ The letters frbia - Adelaide, South Australia, are, taole 26th Of ;liiri, tint they fujilish little news •'nf importance. Aperson had claimed thO•tetraril:igAt pot) for; the: 'di:scovery, of a gOhi field at 13ioughten, abeut : lip thilcsdis tant, but an expedition to the spot had- , provea hieetriteteentite . be It fabricatioo. l The 'Ade laide reprket WascritirciiilMincd pf,golids,aqd Manyartiales fetched beer tepaiiimil \ prices than at Port Philip, owing to the !- forced.eircuhition of pie s- geld assyed in the - colony. -N, _ . 'Having, examined the citY, Mr.:Piles, What do you think pf it r Whyisir, I don't boo );\ --:•-bat I do think that nil but the latrein are a 'pack of • - And ,ichid of the laweri, Mr %Vhv, as for 'them, I'm , sure they -be. Not much 'made out Of that witness:: ' 7' dras , ;l;ters and . g4od 'elite:is almost tncartably make - exemplary .wines.- 'Common senseiond a vood - -.hearti ogle the mahrthings. Ira Wonnut peisesies. thisi; 'and really has an ..affition lot the Man she- Weds, it ia.ihi3 own fault if he has not pleassaiit home. • • Job, had' plenty of friends as' long," gibes money - lasted.; but as soori t as that was gone arid be - became as poor asl his•own eat, his friends left, and even . Mrs.lTo deSkrted.' A-ycitink lady, out went. liras so 'modest, that in disrribitig t e initrumeo. - used to for&3 ova- ter to - nseend, she, ealled:ii-alliytiranlie male !I'be:man who hung himself with a chord of muiie, has been 'en't dawn with,n slinqrinst _ - • TEE WOIRDIaItS 'OF ART! 2i 0111eECEISSITV OF . .0022t0 To Binghamton , . - • - osviErk.4!) What bath inazietictc;rei to trace Beautreloyelyienriend - grtice; Or the pleinetr . t,facmtelieit itkee,?'": - . lAsider.reatypel. ;What min intallit int:kiln engage— • • Dnprieate life', middle ehtge; ; . - - Ur the hoary hairs of age? -• r • • • ',pegtierreotyperl What Attract* ,the Isimet! cYtl, foieth - it:teil-tale trtgh - , - Though the.loved oat be. sot nigh? •z - z frgatlrreotYPel`--- What-giveaconifort-to the . heart-- -- - When enrdeitst _hien - kik - depart? thin vitintlei-viotkirM, att.— i,. Paguetmotype _ thilotaitliWO.dtit -..l. , ..ankpletnrentrenett;or,_snenttetiannereomityiiii - the Choeanntliaitry; etage/earingltoutroase;Detwd. pqut etiol4igkavranna Railroad and contietinot with , Atm ter 'Nut% indE, keit ac-Greit'Rebd, at , Mari dlimilettberefront,loseee the lastituthnideity.: Thodlitation between' the Depot and the Iluditetlonfile elatoldc Miteek'one hatf. of obi& to by . Plank bo w l; It le hem equally.distant front Binghamton on.the Xl* Yorlt aid trte ItdtrOadiatid.onnecto-eltli, di l teem - The_ reveler enures etlietrdettote tidminieet the ft iteaclWLtiOija and.Oreek- < l.ingnimoss . ieehnlios Ilieterri:.BecrtaphlOdithetnateii Thooto;lthetatio;.Na. tuter.andldotitehtl*Mhtand,Chrostetrv-Vetn- is potakerktOttileiittti!sconp",ntiuttiqepo4 the Bettye litrtult 4Prereet4misettheetudeet. , • 4 14talfgate Teeth:nine MI. she:first fdomnitte•Ber. teutber,and Midi 04 the .15th of, .1)07 7 , • Thp Pension for D. para. eject ttliti4tiy Pn7AVOl;ali yearly he advance; Is - . $lOO The modern" Litt4 , lllCPS;Oormen, Spaniel:l'llnd ttay • ien;-will direr= extra charge, each per annuoe, :$l5: Dooles, - 1 4 tetioneTty,•. and Bee cal attendance, wiW • . . Mresblag'und mending ilt form err extra ''barge;.'' It ie o dional with the studeilt. to 'frirnah hicrirelf, • with bed and holding. If furnished by the teflon Itwig term an extra charge, peratintini Day,Fehnlarm for al: months. • •", 8 15 newt-anaust Aulietios wilthe,sent to pneenta or gimp; diens Infatintng there orate bea U ll, PttelOsial4 4951. 1- ixient n. tbeirchiblren _- • ' 'Thorn. arlso"may desiro to here t . hkit had had bedding, urrilahed 'by tho mutated 's* wad preT sriom ciattao it the fact Jo either of the undersigned. ./1104111 who intend cosnint, by the way' of Sinlhaiston are reqoetted to give. previous natter, of their Ourposei hat they may be cone , yed to tho College 'without deist , connuunleatiors, /to., Ric the College alinuld etii.chlrelised, ht. JoiscpWs_ Post Ofilee t 813,qt . ipaant". county, Peu„ • • • REV..IOTIN - V.'iVittlLLEY;Pqiidett.' , ;' RFV:TIESIRY FITZSIMMONS, Vice•Prealdent. - '• .11icirp rein fe. J.: r d.-401es, cannel t, Chorotoit; Mon. 0. A. Grow, Glenwood llnn. 11.7WIliciot, C. 14 Ward. Fri., O. V . Card, Towanda.' • ' ' 371,03*_ -... • . . Avery family ehoutd have-I-Com% • Ait 'individgal book , only ~ g,5 copy _ Nan .&noio thy s elf ''' ' Ditubiotii,,,, , dedie.4 - Milliiiel'and Hand' ffeidtfdi the Alllcted,Centalning au outlihe of tho orightyr - - grove; Treatment and Cure of every ihrm ofdiscaae,con: treated by Promissuone. Sexual intercourse, ee, er by Sexual Excess, with advice fri their. previa . - tine'. that; cannot offend the ear of ilecency,lrom , the ee. sale ofsoino twentryeareadcee eful practice, extensively devoted to the tare of disease ore delicate or private na. , Mire. . _ „ To which is ridded. receipts for the cure of tlior above diseases. and ti treaties 'tort the.- cancel,' vymptoma and cure of the reverend Ague, for twenty-five-cents a copy 411 c.ples nue, dollar ; will be fnrwarded to : any part of the Vatted Stat,trblimall,tfree of vetegel: - Addrese post. age pall, • Box; 196 Poet Office;, or the Auttiorolff North Seventh Street. Philadelphia.' , FFTY dollars Sirkit; Dr..lithier will forfeit OD Irbil lug to Cure any ease ofsectet illseitase that roar come under hit care, no nutter how long standing or . Either sex ate Invited to his Private Rooms, 33 North Seventh Pt. Phile.withuot fear of interruption front oth erpatients. Strangers' and others who bare been un fortrinate In the seleetiola of it PhySichm are Invited to Ir—Throvigh unrestrained _indulgence. of the paisions, by excess or set realse, the ivileare name rens. Wm:dna. , Impotency, Involuntary, seminal charges.wisting of the organs, lora of memory. a diStarte for female society. general debility. or. constitutional de. rakement, tire - sure to follow- If necessary, cons ult. the Dueler with emiedeneez he otters a' perfeet cure. READ aND REFLECT , -Thit , ifilleied would do wellto reflect before trading their health, happiness, and in ma. ny.cilses their lives,in the hands of physicians ignordnt 'Attila class of maladies., It Is certainly Impossible for brie:Man to understand all the Ills the human family etc abject to. Rrery reveetaablephysielan has his peculiar branch. In which he is more successful than Ids, brothel profersors,and.to,thit he devotes most of his time and study, 'TEARS OF PRACTICE. exchtsirely devoted to the study end treatment of diseases oftbe sexual mgans,to gethei with ulcers upon the body. throat, nose, or legs, pains in the Lntil, or boner„meicurial rhenuistlrui,strie teirei, gravel, irregularities, diseases it:nixing tom youth ful excess or impurities of the blood, whereby the , con stitution has become, enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer 4pceily Fellatio all who mat'plato themselves under his rare. • Idedidne forwarded to any parlor the Vetted States,— Price flyc and tea dollars per package.-36y1. . ON IVA %Ik` ONE WI, !PIM subicribers respectfully Inform the Ptibile; that I the, hare received t.lraga addition to . theft.' foricrer stoak oratoves; coloitsting of a' cattail of tho , most ap proved kinds, eniong F9rest - Queeri. New World. : Star fthe Farmers 'Utica:coal „1110teni ,Stove; • Pkconiz • Porlcrr. Cook StOz*..e. Paragon, Premtams of various Cnlcidator arid' ltlas, ; 'Styles. . . . . .. /.t.son good wsortni 'cut of ' - ,"`• ''' ' , " ' '' - - Parlor - iind Hall- Stortss : - -, -- hi .40 4 or-c0.1:- - Ttox itt.vo oryaria*4rieli alla - Plit;. terns. All of which:they are pcepated biaell as cheap as _can be bOaghtia ftits rnartet.' - ' MmitPoscv ScP!.. W. igs2. : - C. TLl.hannor it - eci: • ~ , .1 - -7 -- -. -r ,: e ir •-,-:,: 77-.,- The 4tibidiiteitaijist " .. : .17 'r re c eived. a,largs stock, ..:',:p05r2,...., - -.- i & eiCellent -assortnieut 4 1 '7" , ::!,5 . .. - 7 'of,'Men'p - Pp& -p 11,se . 4 °' '--- ''.: - ' - -- , • ! MUM MADE ....,_ of latelt sales and aoited to the season. , - •• ' • Atli . i•-.llshienable Silk Hate, t Bethe's spring, style.). Kossuth Elate.. Leghorn, Straw Wed Palm' Leaf Hats, Caps, Shine, Stockiaga,.Giovea, Sus penders, Cravets, poSts and Shoes, Pc ita, Wrap. pail ancrAViiting .railer; Travelling. Bag's. Nail Paper. , (a good stock.) Curtain Ptiper,- and Fancy articles too nomeruntrto.speeify-08 etrapr'or which I Will soli ne - IPW es theliki can Ipi,bough! in ,Binghamtcie oi any othior town;.. -.-... . _ . .:. Montrose, Aptil .. 2o; 1852. -- '-' -' '- ' - , , .... 3000 PIECES OF PAPER:,IIANG. littlltit.ClNG a great variety of beautiful pat 14' tens. Whieli_Wer:Offee 6t,19;0: thar ever heard., of berme thesie ports [ la 4Boazo Wall Papers 9to 10 . eentes, roll. Also, ',large tot . ofPitiladelphia Pager. beaptiful pattenis and superior quality. We will snake if for tlie Inte rest of:1111 wishing co paper dwellings, old ot - new, to purchase' from our stock. Clibsois,ZatielBsl, 12,. . . . . VOW 1 I 11LAVOUD Sh4wl4cDresei Gpods - Empotitinv es..IIJYRIUD waold call the ..attention of, all con ", tented to Ids new and apleodld stock o.orenter. ,LoniandAttare Ladies:J:l7'o4. Roods. - and Rich /Woos of new • stile rddch In eonneetion with a large arvortmont ',Maple and ; Fancy , Mcy, Goode,' Gra eerie , . Crockery,' riardoari. 13toeu- Urdtalait9torti_flats nod Caps. &a.. will be sold on terms that /acute to 'posobasetstbemOst =Me, sollstsetiOn roadgreat beflegts. are'lXTr ciw recerving a large ,enpify, ref :Nei - .1 1- T. Goads, making ear stook iitnre. complete Man ever, and we invite'an examination of it by a4a.dd all wiahifg to porehave. - - - • . •U. BURROWS Gibson; Janel 2. 3852-• "NEW GOODS- --- JUS:rARR IV GAT D - ","Latlfroi) ItfONTIIOSE, BErr. 28', - 1 851 I . . - DRESS GOODS... IE ere receivine lorgo .sopey .of Mews Gos4l..trabia.ein ,a groat v4tietrof and of litatitifittitylei. And Imitiitio. 'dm fill. losilnittiodeof Potllio!r;•Delanett, Pl?r -i4l.l:lo4l"diwal;(l44li;strip'ed tolaid.) china btays;Bugliab...FrenCh andDorkiestic Prititod4. lee.; time: of Which dry,,ofilir . considerably lotvdr tifily . irp' riot • . z .o o*.iisugsAl-W . '•,.;.:i:. #/001.1.11. ~,Equiorapi er awfs,m i ringTs.,.. Ta. 1 11 40 14 stalticin! gOiceinfrivietffithinit)- andjietterPit igreo:4 if; Vila market: which Are °Ter alentremely low prienti Including a farga r lovof Vaasa:we Prints for dress: es.SA 6 pencicti ' . trwit r od torwoig by, , flaawittur - x -160 ,P14 ;out 102 . _ CAEIII for Obeap relta bp.C. p. LATHROr. nall Sand ' :: DlttAtle9 ; 20 e. eLiirrde a% h orth tt uning , -lov e on the, vliti ' e Leave Carbondae.inthe; teemingend eonnettiviihte t . thevenitgNitroteje(Wetpm&ChePenrantrmoF4 direct end cheapen rout-trent rent nand to CottoWete4 Patvengvve byvhbt line aleaye gat Into ttebondeleendter, In the evening than by anY other vont. , .; . Fare, nvelnted In VationdiOn , :ii , the Etnte of the nenibern, Alain tweet, gaol blues , s titter Bronson's lintel. .A.ntort, 1832. OILOWh VII.QTI,IEIIS: . • - Liver Cemp m . r aundfii, .Dy.spepii,a, chronic or , Nervous' • . Drbi/ily; Disesses of the . Kidneys; , Aitt) lot _4llseages fieto .*AisiOrdi 'en Urie or slozrakch such RS constipation, intreodplleilttiteese,l or blood to tire heed, seedily Of the.gtoilleeh,'terusea, heart burn, &gloat for food, fulness, or weight fn thel Stempel', sons _eructation', siwianif of StrilelirS The pit of the, Stomach; sour etantationabeadt largried oral , genic breathing, fluttering at the heart, 'choking, Mingo: eating irewati owl when In poeture„ dimes, of vision; dots pewits ber we the sight .ferer and Snriald In the heed, deficiency elperegirAtion,i l o lo, 9cf ,s "r Ate skin and eyes; pain Intlie,l•ida, back', chest' iimbs &e., middeninnehes °flown, burning to the flesh, Sorisient-Ini: nginings DIE'S. stud greet deptesslon' or eldrits,„ cep. be effectually aired by , • ' 4 Dr.'Hoolland,sl celebratiett;Get. ,:mtin`Dittcrft. Treparid by Dr, C. lit Jorksan. the , German; Medicine store,l.o Arch , street ThelePwerercts ' er t P tie hi atio la y d,e d i roe i t a e l i is not eiee L eed : ,ll manned, by any ether preparation in the United States, as the tares attest, in many eases aftersitllfat physie . lane These bitters nri worthy the attention of Invalids Possalsitig great sirtner In the reelincetion of diseases of the Llierand lesser giands,axercdslwg the mos tneatehing power in weattness and affections nr the digestive o•gans, they are, withal,safe certain, and ,Vacant. • f ..: .. 11.. i d ,a'nd-be:Convineed,..i . ~ The editor or th e Destine Wee said. Decembei Var.. ~ Dr. Ifogitand's Celebrated' German Oilier', for tile mire of-Liver Colnolalut, Jatiodleei • -• DYSpepsia-Chronic, - or Nervous Debility, iscieservelly one of ll:mune:W. popular I medicines of the day. Theseilitters have Leihyl thousands, and a friend at our elbow Isays he shimaelf received an effectual and permanent:cum of Liver cam; plaint ,frorn the use of this rituedpi , We tire'oonlineed that, in the use of-these bitters, thej patient OM! tautly gains strength and vigor-a fect,wortify of great con* eretion •fghey are pleasant In vaste.,and smell, and can be.used by.persona with the most'delicoto stomach. with safety, tinder any circumstances. I We are speaSing fora experience. and to the afilictet vri affair. theft tire. - , ' Scott's Weekly, one of the best Itteturypepets pub:. lished, awl& August 2Stl- , ...... . 1 „,. 4 . Dr. Holland's- German Ditter4, kominfXcluted by Dr. Jickson, are now recomMendet by ion or themost. prominent members-.f the melical faculty,asi an article of Much efficacy In Caste of female weakness'. /as such hi the rise, we would aalvile all mothers. to, obtain n bottle. and thus sive themselves Mitch slcktiess. ' Persons of de• billteted constitutions will Lind these Ditteis advinitage• °us to their neafth, as we know fiona experience the 'eel utary effect they have upon weak systews.l'. i - : • •• - More Evidence. .. 1 The Philadelphia Saturday:Disett cl. the bisrinfly pa: per sublishedin the tf nit eitfitates,says - of Dt. Iciofl4nd's German Bitters— -- --- ' '- ' l - - I f - 1.; . ' ..lt to seldom that we' recommentl what are termed Patent Moditines.to the confidence andnitrohuffe of fill• readers. and therefore when we, rerommenel Dr. lloof-- -lend'S German•Ditters we, wish io be Maack - 01Y under* stood that' we are not speak rag of the nostrums of th day, that are noised about fora bilef,perio4 and thenfer- i gotten after theyhave run their guilty wee 61W/scaler, ' twit ore me deino long establiebel, uffireeselikapprovett. I and - which has met the hearty apploval of' the , faculty itself.” ' ' Look welt:lathe marls of the Reroute. ' l'ili•rhavo the' written signature of C. SI. JaCKaON upon tlie.wrapper,, andfill; name blown'ln the bottle,Wilhouf tohfch tlieg are I spurious.. •,. - • ••• . •' ~. - ••",. -I-,:- - • . • Fee sale, wholesale and retal4ot the Sermon, Mei eine Stare. No. 120 Arch street, one dons!-bOlow..Eixtb, i Phll ade 1p hi end by respectable d j ealers generelly thr o'- I louttheec fitly. ' Priresßiitred.—Totnable all classes of,,invallds'•to egnitheerntae great Suiln tu,Tl a Clse. , I.: Also fors le by ADEL TlMRELL,Drugi:l4,Moutrose. lyl 1.31017 NT .PIIOBPECT . AVATEEICUIIE BING EfAiTol'l;, TOlS,antiinstitation. Mine grove nt th`e base of,Oottnt' Pr4OS is located ilr'n t.enutiftit , and peCt, nud , within• the-corporation . of, the ,viluge.; possessed of au' atiendant supply, of areal soft wateicadip.utites for exercise the !mire akr,it carriage and Pout walk op_ the mountain, over. looking- tr-scenery -unsurpassed fn ibianty anti grandeur. nudt.fico fronrrtkin• noise and turmoil of busy lifeP wiat oxcellentsaktieganditiwingprivi- - h.„ees oit that:dousing waters,,of., the Clienapg,P. r . These, are a few of the presentation lie !Sure!' oilers to the invaiid.;' , ' l'h,a house -is new and 'earrlitibdien ,-bathing apikirains - excell64l,- . -r:arelyeentilatedi',olth I'44' piazza. - • •-• r , The 'medical . 'departnient l'is'ondeilthenentlre care of Dr. Theyre and wife, whO ,large 'exprrience - in - 111,17drentithi& practice, sio4; are fa.i I vorahlv knowit us snacessfultinnctitioriers. . Courses of Lectures.- withfull plates and illus. tmtions. will be giveu•thronibont Illeaen ls . ll 'to; the Students and Patients, upotiAnatimy, olozy„ qydrepathy,and ffygieno,:for which there will be no 'cidditionalehaigr : :, - Females, whr,kinve bent cunfinedlo their beds years; are , invited correSporidlWith_us or glee usAn 'Oar succes s' , ' in' the ifiaititent of diseases peettlini deuce, and we say toalleueVesien if they . bait! "sut , red much - from ,Many ;physicians;' make '• . Teri 7ll r:6am WB B Per . weecilP s 9 ll6l according tei roam 'and 'attention'reqUi 7 red. Patients will proiiderforperainsat nae'ltem fortables.2 blankets, 3 linewnr colt9p!sheifsiind 6 tord, Tcrl%l'rrtriffift.rikt:A; (19tf!' &.11..MvRANNEY, Proprietors • L"' 'HT IMAX3 0Y TIM - PoettEr:ZSGITI,API: 'VS, oreeeryntte•ltiicnsit Phy . sielant••• sixth' - edition, aith tipiraide of a bruidied — SG •-engraviegsisitantni prtiate disease irlevery • - • shspeancl.P.rm;.and inalptinapons of" the • tjt.' "leneratirx• sysiep, `, • ."•• 11. BURItO*I3 & CO. ~;5t • .The time has now attired that pemoas lingering from recri , r dire:ores need no more become the ridimc quackery.ao by:the precripthme contented fa !Ids boidt, any one may.cart - blittrallf;WitholiV hindrance of bust .snsti.m. the ktrutledge cJ the most inthritte irleud, end with one tenth the usual exact*. • - In fuldithas - to •the general r mane atprivste,dieeose, I t•fally explain s the mire of MenhOod'e early deilloe,„ rah- isboirritions on rearriege—berldes - many which-It would not be i.ropyr to rpmerste hithe nubilearinte -o:7"Any. Demon readicur TWISN,T.Yr. - FIVE facia: seri in a letter. will receive ; one ,copy.:or:tltli book, by mall ; or fire coons will be sant- rot 0 5• 40 4 0 :7 - : Adaregg DII. W. - YOUNG; N 0.152 Syrucii.rtre . e6littiihat.litike.; Pol l lliald , • - • • rt rD recruited on any; of the dle eines den:rated la Ms dffreient pubfleathinsint_hlroliletc 152 Soruee etreet..mstry tlay,bytwg,tflitql 3 o'clock; Sundais exceoted.l. , 883,1 ~VICE. - LIORTIO:NO1 1 111E1 TILLMANyBerbei and Heirltressiiire• .: . ./st"ltsini Kir:thanks - to: hie - name:AO [fiends And patrons;;and having, hdpie, convinced alkof.'she 'great dangerl and risk 'DI mitling,sheic throats by *having themselves, he begs. that Alley soill'iliocontinue:thai berber,pus practice, end courage home-industry"; bi calling -on him - ,for shave. Col. Crefi - eceoAmplif Pros sail to. be so ,131 /, l a,rt that he• sfii!vdttniiptt ;with. fi f OF; figlanisia- Pettoim the parne,,fiust 'On nay whttlurfo that -trra goad mior,vif they.vtill call . 11„ his b elieve Searle's. /fetal basernerit:::!f.yess don't believe - it;'eall an d •" Montrose, 1110ye6,n52 , ':J-.C. Tit LEtAI+F; ..I.IMONEY TO gentleman arskrli_to tohorxtsty *oo,a . olters 1 .01-live-perefut A itsti , essonut ii- the autatatibe4bot.tteittlimesi.'consiss*More shoo 2S, ttf.,t`ent; hrtliettr - elisibiareapsitsellAlf 4etting lheltirefinifils had. at - .lrr#hbit,":lll,*lo4 the Aab the. t st assaversee,oVor shilthrtba int o hot ,ts diserinibiettrig:ond:taiitelel public ltno#Llvhsreit4 gat; -4472 noel. itlentiotalii*Vidiutll4o, vestii jacket.; siteite;sartoutsicbatevinadirtgaiVou-v;`,Tl lake iittWitraki fie viLtdrovia Mainittrart,:fitin etory,, , 43"Cotti ilone - as • 1.1-11.3 JOHN GitOVES. Moitroar,lime NY, 1052, , '*-ibleiiit,irOilliSEl4F .-::',....;.,P0t:25-,-.'eozitti;z.- : i',.. '...-! Tvitiians. M.D.' -:,':•- . . - -11:11,12011171110Wir , •", sl' . • -..-• • • • -::........,......„ ..z.::.,...,... le T i..., • '• . _ .. ~,,, ~. ~,,.„,., ..... . - Gteat,for , Dywysia , I D8.J.8. TRUG DIt- GESTltVE.etavlDeOßGttwt elo46icb, till De OR Gttattelo46lmb, , Ptcyared front' BENti= or tho foenth 13tcpach of the Oa, after , dirddiars' ilittren-LtshigAtei4titat. ;Photo. llogteal Chemist, by.143:1101.1.0#11)114: 0 1.!Bl' "bidet. : 11 t.Tthrf ft' s aleulV,Wendert-17611:'010 fbi7hl l ) ." ErYSPEXBIA, JAUNDIVRILIVEICCOMPIatINT, CON. STICATIUN lad DEBILITY; Mutat aftd,Natuto's 4 own . ' met ty d; by Neturea awn agent; the Gastric Juice. Eepaltits the chiettimndttor great Afeattee. tylacinio of the Ow rick Jukte , -the ElleentPf the leed. the Puri': Ohne. Preserving, and Stlanitating Agenr-tif . the Stomach and.l;:testibee. it ul directed from.thrVigestlie Stool-1 ach ofthe rd,,thiii-formhie; DIUES. 'JIVE ELLlD,,,peciriaciplike the:sturat,(llls4le Juice; n its Chemical power s , ull fa; Wafting trientpleteltild per-1 I feel substitute for it. .By the tridot this preparation the: I pains and devil' ladig talon ind Dysneptds adeentosed ' ji,ust as they would b If yr. a. hetithy atourach. -lit Is doing!, wooded fer dispentictricating cases or DOlLlty.tEmacia , lion, Nervous Decline, and DyspepticConstitantlon , sup: posed to ho do the vette - of the grate: Scientific est.' dead upet which: 4S based, btu tbildghestAtece cu., I Crontrand remarkablec' , 4,-, _ „,, Baron LicheinTiltralettri k ted 'iris:orb - die animal Chem istr,,eays.." Au. Aitifictid Digestive' PitCd• 'eusiege, mu consthe Gag-rid Juice: may be readily Prepare:lfs= .tlta n a/UP menshrtmeof the stomach, of the Calf,:in which Tali. 'ors rdlieles.Of 0 0 4. its m eat and Eggs, frili..4o; , softesiedi changed, 'ImI dtgettedjust lathe dameiconstrer as they Would be In thettumanwtemach. rt, : 7 .--trreeiliobftheilgtnt-trad,gcen. , dre'llArt gratis, glving.alarie amount of pientifie,eridend, emi r Mr to the ab o t e,' leather with: rep ditir or; rep:nu:halite curd :front allpartir of the rafted D.E..IIOIIOIITON'gr PEPSIN is 00,;$01 , 14 , pearl, all the dealers infine dings ~and popular podlehtee through.. out the Uhlted Steles. It is preperekin powder and in Bnl4 forma and preactiptive vialefor the vas of Ebyel., clans. PRIVATE - cfncilLATtg for, t here of Pheilciani, p ay he obtained' of Pr "Boukhion or hts. norm! deairibing the whota prdeds peepterstled, - eistior the . ' authorities: wenn which thttesalmtof thismew.temedY arohnsed.‘. At st,t e ee l q s eceet,refbedy,ttg pljectlou ca atm relsedegorriat its use by ,Physidans in respectable sian.dleg ottl, regular. praetlee. 'Price; ONE:DOiLAIt !poi bottle: onscavETlllSTlEtwer bottle -of the ;Wen Mee PEPSIN hears thWarritten' altmature of , novor- TON, N.. D., solo ,Proprietor Vriladelphia, Ca.. Copy'. rightend Trade ':,nrrk,edured; me- sold by sit Min7oo.ll and Dealerrin Medi:eines; Ety. Par sale by. ABEL TIIBEELL, Bruggiat,.lthonmee, Agent for Sasquehannz county . ; .; ; 61y.' .A.,ii-i,fird , itti , ::,ll - kAte:. Establishedfipeen. years mio by 11R-KINKE ;.:I,I2V,',. Nora gWgst • Corner ' Hof .I!ftin _`and S4riice and" Pine Pit .:" ::! . - IKTEEN 'oe'extenaire and inititOrrtigted F practlee spent Weds y, hav - Orendered lE, the most expert and successful wactitioner.Sar and near.- In the treatment of all dbeases of 'a private nature. Pet tern oftllntsd with- ulcers- on : the, body„' throat or legs, gainsin the load orbonea,mercurest rhenmatisni strict ure,. gravel, dIEC3SCS from.Youttiful excesses or imputitbs of the Mood whereby the.constitntlon hasbe come enfeebled are all treated : : with - suncess„ lie who, plaeea tinder , the' ear., of Dr. K. may religiously -confide In Ids honor as' ngentieniat;and con fidently Tel) , upon his skill na It physician. - ,"fax E I'suricutin Never. --Yr Ung:Men who have injured thimielveihy a'Certaln''practieginditigettin—m habit frequently -, liarned from ertll6,6mm:dotal .cir at school, , -the effects of,which ,areifightly felt.• even 'alien asleep, and dostroytmth mind and body, should apply :immediately. jtVeaknesa and' constitutional debility,{ loss ofinttsettfar energy, physient !lassie hde anti -general prostration, irritability and all !rier . vous f -affect lens, Jodi - gestion, cluggbhuttsa nf the liter; and' every disease In anyiray corm ea( d with thiproMecture ftmet Ions; cram' and fall vtgor`reatMeti. • • - -* : ' Read and Maiibaixt A . _ ~ _ - . • - 1 : /iritnz.self-prexervation: ~ • Ori/9,25 ea; ,-.! . This Doi* justpubltrhed la filled trith - nrcfrd Informs tlon,on.thq inGrmiticaqind diaf , aats of tliq gene atireoi, , Our. lit addreakor itself alike' to lrOrth, 214mhood . And ON A. le; and should be read 'by' all.' Tlia - Talrtablii ad. ;rice and linpreaolrearnrningitgir ea, wilt ptirventicara of gager/ aa4. P4frer'4 l 2',.., and, sace;Anntuilli f thourunda of liver. •PoreP". by reading ittlwill icM,:t InM to, pruirtnt the'd4iinetitin of theliebildien. •- •,. - '' - •'. ~ a , ,,;,* A raitttinee of 26 . beitts. , erielored is a tetier, , ad drersed tO Dr. KINK ELTN, NOV'. cernr i . of Tblrl , mud Union Srreeta. between, Spruce and pine, Philadelphia, will en,nre' a book' finder enirelopo,Periretutio mall: . . ''•Versona tit a distabce may addrega Drat. - tO' litlei, err 'eloairia aifee,anithe cured athonie. ~ ..,.- , L,,i , „ --,, ,- ~- , i: ~ Purl:age a af, Aredipine, Pireetionsi Oc., f rartirded,t4 's:rndil anaittan reie,oo pot up secure:4li Danaage:or ...Ittook-sellerrOeenri - Ao.intie, 'P laxii bin aarans,:and ' ?Welber. eu,PPliell Iti,th! Alia „aborP work , It. verf; l 97 . 1 rate. • •._! . ' , .., .- • tfly. Daily - Express :_.Liner TT. -,.. LA CEA 'TAN A :AND IV,SSTEIAN,II.6IL'It Oh D. 'Pragts, peczat 417e.xsen"- sengers fdi jihlearifihh• f 'llkietzaridisE • and Packages iTet:7l , Spcczi; ank - Nfite --- - m oTrAliring; tin,llllllW6 , lleAd; kill cirdieiraiteria .l3i.- proloposeso owlitiomocatte.rstol: ‘,.. l l%P:Attetkr. 4 * hat.l4wo ono • it..l'Vytttry44ltoitt'aml. oiriPaia-w , ll'os.t. al% agemtslor, Op:at:one xprem f tine. It.tOest4 - 45gon+ bb'ict - reikliorek Orion .ctii) "each Haiti et ScrehtenV le; fcrwant halal Ale patch; Met..: chandiza, Leonard,atarle,orNlontrOre.,lfTtAtikrized.to recris, and Freight froin.thaliapod to thO . ltoutr9v . s 1 -Ettotinn. rigid Statinir tO 3lontiore -, ; r • ' N: 17...31artin Tunkhonnock,,.sill,linietre_auttfor wanl Axprrs- , Srtlght rchtruthatto,...Tunkilap. F otsk Etattoo,olllloOrqrnif st.itlorb. • -); " 1 ; 1717 ,• 7 - . 7. " ' zDissolutlow TTin C.-PA le TNERSIIIi hi‘ofeie nil/tint= nnutn. the name-and Orin or Sisk at Mt* in the Exprrse tntemenrett - the L. daytihnattert by Mutu al consent ' EX itISK - .lan .1,1854 • f . ll. 11.2111t00P. P. S.—Tgo - bi ;;;' sTrieei or by 7becosti.4-Co' - • Mafract.from the .chnkcilled-Witekhasetonil trim thaf,irito f.yo ei:cpsfert 'of alitrlo oehelte Preseerele..-' 7 : .It will cure alirlocalpahaind Infternmatien; eld sores; fresh vuomds - rpol brufzes,pilev.ami all diseases the bowe's of sobs _plorrature. tootlaahe, erifealie, Enid an extelteet remedy, for fenialce, &c„ -'tt Is truly yehat.it prefesses7tirire; , if vzolum's amine 0.-” • -Providence: has scattered aloes - the:rugged paths of-life many : thine thatosonitituate greatly to the comforr:d:ld-baI:PMOS. , or OTciYillo4 o ;:heneso fhaly groat, value,,arklycllfnay therbecalled"Frlenris of the ,Pei: .ouoiiciAbei*l - 14 . gitaili•C*41b ingiOsilicici: • A iicati 4 by the name of Spenter nunnfactiarett' and or for ' vale- 'ripostes's-el:tide called! he `.!Coriol Maturefr...- 1 44 vrentd.bn extract , rout: thellesel-nuttli* goaaine is jis - White and' pure as, water, ishlietheepurlop-artielefacok; ented, whleh entice the public - 10 .. , ,Nonegrunlnehut thew's:ark:id rmiltelVakcPuctrion WILLIAM - ITATCII,' Montrose,' andAerIOgPIPWS a° 4 -- ""'l ld u e-deol gfa geflertqWvAkePYl..:l.; At'the - trpsotrillle Exchange.- rTHE eub9crabcr, H ith otilir, woks to hie titt meiously lucreiziogi patrons. would reaped- ItifornKktuttlettdo,' that invionowteculvittgst cliiiceitel'eUtiott =of mods' direit'Out:Netv . Yotk, which lottititlU„tou4killicti;the ; g4tott• old•fugh- Novi, pitociplen of in exchaiige forioitutitrir till kinds iit-Tirododi: ettult ;not Uxuejttrd.',. , MEAf11414.1.11 , .. - Upsotwitle. Atitif ARGIIIVS • vizim q',15. 11 L . of. J.R4vgLo if.:NroTOIIEPP,',4 I 7-', I 4`aRIENTT.I aputko priceicto make room for nPar.goodo.. , 3. L. • ' o'4 FtELV. -.Binghamton, April 23. IVE want 12,000 fo!'6l34l?''or .R: LATHROP inEIC -Mbotitlei,;3l4 '24; 1852. jasi iiesive4 ,'.ll-tt:TYPV %AIL. WitigglV*lftldf i fproyr.c . ,,otiotir.'or for P , :ci'fL 4 T l . l 4l. 4 4.7... i -171fp.r !nr . ,‘ - te-bbLi.ort-Pou ' " 141 4 int, r l r..fx - 4;,• vetaDEY6 - .4 CP • ARIIISON'S Pgapimisr .4t • . JJILL July , • Iff=l=M - • •':'' - .47ftrit'oo.i.iil i C t i al ir '-::• ."- r › : ‘l. '' l f .; '', •-. lOl; t ril,E L VORg ; OP `'' '''' -' ;COtratist4o t COLDS, - ' .1 4 4 , A50 11 1/. 1 0004.$0 1! : lir ki CP.UOL - CR.OIIP:AND , 3 — K " .'-' - 4 'CONSIIIMPTiON -,, .i ..:: In - offainestcrette!iiiiiiniiiint:rilili'lti`xiti ekiiiitiei ienittielet Wei:wife th 6 ibroat And: Inn" It hr teal yojw slob to;ttih s willkabe, P ' ot Or 4 oor thad t det edi.444 DA al ly dine Wore Med'thOpinlOtfOf lls: A titifflishid'tnen , anit-iamonttheieeidenterr;orit i {Woes; from libielpAlfrAlkildgetAlaTherA sincerely,pirdgeiourselves,to mere ncrwi/ govertioa or fable atetfnents of daderfltwe bold out lenY hoPe so.4lelTedidlateoYlikr:7 / 4 0 44 'PM net 1 : Many practfa)iiiebarelitiireaiiiiiiiiiiaileit itOnirtd: IV from the patio Itisotaffmt pabusbilaellig assured that they Will Odd - them perfectly reliable; end the Illediaine worthy thefr.brutneundenee !oil. katieussu• '1 . , . 'roliii. tillYdiatinguishedWoresibr ilf Chits ' ' istrY , iitiiilliitiatiS 3 l4ladrciAloyidoin ' ' '— ' ''' --- (large • '-• -- • Desoirm I'dfdayeitamitsteeitir Obaieeof t ptief your riniretr rem m 3 Vm h l.l.lr,Povina t A, P .4.l - .7 1 .., frienda• - • .. ' • l'' ': ,-:- • . :-..- --.!--'' k' - ' F . W. r Pore:110w. done , with siiikti'llestilsattstie• Awn, In Diteeluf bath adult, Mal children: , ' :-. - - • I bale found It, as Its ingysellopts oboe, a. ' powerful icsnOdYprelndsiend 'pulmonary diereses.' ---' ' . ,c • - i.: ",.. - , .).1:: . ..'.l , .ARltell. DLDwZDAND, at. D. . Dritruildaiol l l47?4 , 44) B FL:i ' '''• `.if ''' ''• it -• • : I?follloitk.Qwersier, A.Atie: rfatialtop. Mill", -,WB.o4liyie.t4, 7' , ~ - LLowell,dirra# 19,1849. . Dr,. , 4. C. Aff_etlf.'lAWrifiec,:i mad 00uworst congi .1' ever had In my life, by your Merry Preforal. and nee. er fail, when I hive opportunity, of reap:emending it to 1 others. - 'rause respeegutiy: S. p. zatknEoN. , irai'llesd the followintitind see If die medicine it worth a trial. This patient', had becOme very feeble, and the effect of the medicine. was tumdstocbtfais• tinct; -, Duffed Slates 'Until, Saratoga EfthigS, t i ' _ ' ' ~ ,_,. 3tlly 141E49.- .1 Dr. J. C. Ayer — Sirs flare been afflicted With apaln• fill affection of the lunge, end all the symptom:la:3f set tled 0 ersateption,lor more than:a year.-' • I: could - fled no paedleine :that,wovtid teach'. myvetse, until : l- come) taenced thettie of your Cherry PI otoral. which ^Tome i gradual' relief, and l' havelieeiv - isteadllY pinta: my , streastti tilt ifiy health is weirolgWierfored: ~.:' •• ,:...- ' `r Whileatsintyour Medicine; l'hed thelpritifleatiort of curing „with, It, -my, reverend friend, !My. Truman, -of. Sumpter flietrict; who' hid; been, eisseended from his i parochial dutiii by almierseatesek of ibronchitis. I - yhava pleasure in certif.) lag :bean facto to you, ' : Anil arm . kir, yours respectfully; .- - : • . • , '-- - .3,.7. CA LIIOUN, of South Carolina. Prepered slid-sold by Janet: il Aran, Practical Chendst. torrel,Plass.- ~ ... •.,.. . .. 1..., .. . ~ Ml' Sold by A..Turridli Mantras° ;I:telez Seaftitle. Pend, and byDtuffEikete Oyer:Y* l(7 , o f i -.:.: -e• - : . 5 B.il COSIPOUND SYR Er P.4)F PLOPOOOT, you, TIIE • , ' Aitbaag,'Erouclatlo;tint!rnigVeetigltit Wboopiag.l.lcmgh nad.tiOur• -1 • ". Mo 7; Cuiito Eratuterl6k CoUo;prlpee Iqaihra,llJrooterj anA choyra Infintsor atq,'of 'tls co*non Ms of infant - • • Dr. Throop'o Worm Poison ,.:.. Expel!). these !Nay lotrpdere Oftheluirnan ;system with. out exception of lands by number!. 1 • . '"" D Bill'iotiz Care Iridlieithm, Millions die eideril Costiven'ess. Ifeadiche;:purtburn.,• Yeier,"'lllifiazinationOidarties, Dysentery, and restores' heall.ll7 'action tf all the glano oltheUdy. ..; . • - , ; Dr,,l'hroop's Eyt3-Water,-... • , . le unsUrpssretfitt cural Ira virtues forany intlamtoatn rb or the eye, arid I• 1)r Throop7s Te unsurpassed for s , dressing fey Jli urni and Setildr; cers. Sulk Uhpum, or any abrastoi , of the shin.. A wait Read;,Bliratrose N. rangier dioectilttt h 11. ?.L outhnalt, rush ; W,lght..llbh.lietoutti B. 0 laden, rrierherille; I t t Darber.MiniciAt'i• Scutt & Mint, Dr. Lass bert.Anhur J James •Toutpklns brapkinsrille don & ; Nils Iliffold ; Mr; Iltolll- Croat Bend; Joseph L Meiriman, Ilerney, Little IteadOvis Jaiper Stindey; Charm:int Tifit&y,Brook lyn tra•II..1t.111Illarom;t1II abed Or. J.C:Oluistead. Bundsili; AobommA,ViTy,:itorfonip ,, ;', - I J. S. ULA.SDEI., General Agent Forest lake. lyl WIIIVTEVEIt concerna the: health , nu& cr aveopie is at ail times of the ;mint _Tamable tn. , portanee. I take it for granted- that, every person will do all in their poner tb satoitho . tires of their children and that only person epleaver,to„ primate-their oira health I feel Ie.to;?‘o my duts . '4o s:Memoir vvvriie - yon that Worm c `_ according' to' the opinion of ttei'liltrft . eCrobraticl., Plry..lilartgare the prP. mazy cause oral late Majority:of 'diicat.rth which chil dren and atltllla are stabler If you hail, alErletite Con tinually chlusienble froin ona kind of trot to • autither, • breatt, ; the .stamschi.,,pleitmg at, the. Rose, harditels and fa - ticss of the belly .. dry cough,. low fever, ptilse n irregitaf;r ni omeller thrie denote"' WOriris FA you should at Once apply thee 110CENSAA'S'Air011Itt Ao artlettatintilitien stienLliii t'itotaPoonded -rint:tnltoty x,emmt.vbie fUbit oartemly.: Safe whentalien, and determined itt.alt tis„ettcetv,„ and nut vsit , ratu a ditesill'otindition esAtioseadvet tied 110 itra :us for the reumeal of teorth, -commiseil 'of A . o l C 4 linin AVltta . tl ".I. l .4enies,,•Vertnittiges,-• performed Lilo meet astiinistargenrcit ant saved the liver of ttiontinit;'hoth'''idr a:v..o/o=4, who hare lei,il2 tieniteett hopeless , . bienfabielh.?-phyalcianv. 'Read ttie Moving Mithbenome-eilneleted.otita • eleitiq , aver-' all 13;161: - .. • liti.'..VN:l7seniaik—This Leto cutely that my 61/1141, 13-IMtis of ate; having been slat for, three yearii'enia ' tended for a disease of thespine,by.,f)rs, Loper, IN RIM, end Rhisler ford lour lime whhouti receiving nay - bine : fit - rfternitiniter up eit'lnenreble; Ti went to Willa delphin and:consulted-one , "of the'4iest , pliiriefatis .- itrr - dipato /t.wtteat this_ time r Via fa= 1 1004 to t bensack's Wortn,S.M•nci. and aftcf, flat= in; Inn ry„. bottles shei' ' her telitibi„, atter parstrgn-lyeat'qttent4y of norms.'" llMirrie Ml* will -be a benefit tp - partnita *lime ,children nice sled larly'eflocted, I sin yours, • - 1 OMENS AClta'w • art ofthisy•tetiOiltMorellaloiti,UiliseiteS than th• it ecnToglts,n filter tit purily the. blood, or 'giv t ng? t prophr seperatton setereti 9 4 eri.thie.bile_ so that . 4 91 13.0 ` , C lict.h.h,of t h e flyer affects I btintlitrimportant partsa th e' ayitete:atid restlte.eariOnalY is Liter COM". PitIiTLF,JUIWICIS.,DISEit!pI!ta:-.V#Cii; it ft , :WA thereto* 30:"et , eveiyi Erni - 04m Ittlit taiga Indicate a Irr f ,as acpoa ar the,llvee., ..Thero tieing oomposed of rootiandlilinis, flirotahiChi Stitt:net:4nel the 814, namely; 1 otti Exiieofeen_. .tikfAgifiearel t frOnt the pulmonary wilco; membrane, or promotes dischargethe- of - seeretiCmatter: , ,-.2l4..'altonOlve, ataol,c4aageata•solat tao,llcahla and ; Inse n sible man ifer,the certain morbid' stimuli of OM ,:a4,,sa.a .Tonle,.whielv,glees tone , and. streniOtt, to the, acmes ayatem; health end to.- all narta of the .body:.titti. Catimetio,:wblek acre peifeet hammy with tbe 'Other Intredients operallme pa Abe bowels and expelling the algae &lass of corturtilottitnd *Meted matter and tirlf4lng !kit bloodtniat!.#eakrola 44ease at Ilebriutaa'a Ctutter 46 add Orme ~ Trice: 2,s'nctits. sahrtii tit! pr/pcinat Dritmbits end stores generally throughout tlteeaahtty Dyagent kph:nary WarA An EHTFI-4ebePror . kilted . Blink/ 6. rose; Hayden & and.Vitit..C3 , itTatd, New X,Km•a Eaton & VealCiant'ilaxe Bermorir. , lFarfortti, 11:11nrennit tllbitint 1:1;t1; Welts &, nEttittenders and parch-it Ittinneq; Dundaln 0 A...Eldildge;;DrooklynOrme.:.& Jiros..litoteroodt,lmelen d cote - 'Jame* lizapkv. COM. Zeta; J.; XiOnan, Thakininneeek.;;Bartex.,* T • - • - ISO, - • • .r .. To,Dairymea . anrk arnert: . rqes4 for Sak. " " 411 i 1 •A* 4,/tl4 of 0 0'61 4 oifdaidltetiriagura . P. -Susquebsinta tountylind tate ot lierel of *Milt ire nndei tmproteuient. The tarat dealetitek to a 014;iiit4 . 11eapable feelllrigt..4o - emredileips gintstiand, errs, y, part ell Newell watered. •Ttiv.kullengs and laird art to good 4oridlt iott, aid the - frates, which:ate tr rtuti and tails, ;td also good.: 'Amato rito tan hunt aP.It Moduli Insides PM Ind convenient sheds:for Cia: 104: Three' ; frin t ipally! or OW d 'tialtir*ut o`thir Mgr tetrit.". l, • • " 2' If , - -- o'B,ld,isrii Ytn7, pteassitit tad dteltaille , httattati &WA:4 tio. t allas pits' liforitrote, the county. last at Bat. quaggas costal", ast. about afturvalltrfrogritbsi,:tm. totes Gap Railroad, tcryhtebitittili a !gull to iftettlngt Itpd;to4ooltiatl(l:tattlitti , les. Alec .00t6crialoiih a arm ttatfaiiiiii,Al tiii triborhE talultit 4 400 Oro, at- tibia lbalierts'artrder Hato or caltlvathat• -Upoa.it thirn U ClialtitAwo : home, sot out hallilliatt aptraipatol. and ;viola. art t" ,Kur &deed, / F RI ',Willis lidaptea'ta daklsrpfillsoe:,,r_ t'al. fag ; altrattitit milt it aolt-inatus6ibbiriiiinih poi: the tuntlff - sum 111111thliSCT. • •,• , Appi I qattOP tiklaortii:petilataitlylit. lbiletteir ItaitcWilllatit4MlA4o (it 11( . laves at Albatross, la aiil4 =sour sot tartlittPttti .algit,4o.o'ol47ll§4ll' _ tt . _ fiti r i g e 10141r•'11507-"fir---..:1L1416 +2:1:181 4 1f•'''. - britte , 4y .6 lllV;„•7',VlL • lung • batman 4 1in0t5.144., od er 4:74 I -4 - 44itiki - l oros - ortgaacti.; ailgowil - q44ftr idA 4 , 1 ° ,10 7: 4 =1" Pura bt-3 - 4.4..141 Ait; Inc Qrw a bli46,44lrilitsin - masks • ' Iternlngx,CtoteltiNeedlim *is. to. jetitotntled - Jalc 2111 _ 41. J. EV,ol3',Hteta.znatexi, routs':;: '' Di 14111E41's DOMESTIC • • vivilL .1. vs. " • 3 73 1 4#,L; • - . 1 maw aceartit bra. IlLawo e k, netWpia• (Bataan at Itaa.Tork pritis7, KANUIPAterittIIXR '0 IP SPAM 's 4ft un i t , - .IXJ; sial• 5P 1 '. 1 44.0. 6 ; 1. 011 4F?0, - P14 • - Ca, .?•vei t ir fIAB ANtreltAllt )lAistrir w V ittatilelitki÷V - ACTIMMIU art , MO. Irtitt1 3 : 4 5. 1110 g.4050 ,46.10i,‘ Prorts.6ob, out to gout i t all " ur...ebm orlh los !loopy to tilt opos - W , CriOnftaoliellosaiterv- . Itottroo•; ER4. 2,11162; . „ ... , .......,,,,,,,,.0 z --- tififeek -... piTivitiCtiN AND IRMO Eo?t, lieet nu i.p c ..... , liistE to' 01l ; bosom* tbet way b***1 2 6, 1 711, chifilN loit i pretosptoess. sod fidelity. on,, „ b i 7 2 11 Teodmo o p Iltrifpike street., Iteridestel;ikelkil hig,fuot of Publle lamps .. . . „ :t• , r- . !•,. , GO . ge 'lller, . .. . , TkEALEWIN•BOOKS, Readpolute ~.._ -.: -lA, CaPICP cols & A bc.el • *or. Eton tiro to; ' 4ql 4 114F ; c1g1114.011,,ifcikt;0se.. • . n . -; ftalteril)ll,ioCoiB; 0 roereettratietilit Tide, iluwere, Vlsb, fluid, PAH& t below also ba co Co u brtlic vro ueer ar for 01l kb U iro f Blll lMEg York • Chittlia Tzlhnail; rltiAvilui AND ItAtittollEfAlNO SALOoy,, 6,:oxiyo lg ; stem. dtroxto the PcnittAlet,/dlifrisql t T I ORNSRACLASY~ ti .I~nFkaancU~ nK sow: ' 'ID. D. Hinds.. TVZILYANDiraWIARDEPTatLi. Clatrgp below Keelt;'s Rotel; Mord rose Pg •ATTerit E. B. ..,&'Si B. Chase NyneB lees Mate, /3-1; eti; • Congdon,:ez.Sterlum I,O4LERsi. MOXIMILITS, Tinto n.. ramie &e.; Between the Caul &Ws oar. house,Cottrt st, pingliamton,N.Y. 14p7,Borkli; TrirrelylTAßf4;. ,11 a -M. eannnotS • - 11000 r AND SHOE' HAKES AND RIVATIn; „Lp . wirer Baldwin ¢ goy.'Fladdleyi , pop, 'rs 9 • - Dr. C. Edwards; 113IITEGGIAN AND BURGEON. Garfeni,Pa. QI N doors, below a. J. Pride's store.:. D P uYSICIAN AND SURGEON, and desk:Who ldedleinee;Parnts; Oilf, Dyes, e. CorensMini and Plant rests/ ow:site Cel.Y, Lest's, Oust iaL C. to-Virgil, • •.- - QURGEON DENTiSTi Altadrete, Pa.. Othe h Na 1.7 Fellnire Unfitting, etinter of Turnpikes:4.CW*. stmts. Operations Ern the teeth pg . : tonna *ma earelnilt Piste work done aitlth material and in the most improsed Mutsu, Di. .. .. _ mith,: -:, . .111.. S .... ... SIIROEOIT DENTIST , can be foinid ae meat eau D Aid iind To gin its of each week, si the Meek pi . Searle, Mont roan Pp.: ;Ile would call Ay karm. &Menden of those who nead full setts el tettb, is ii, manner of ineerting, on the atelosSerieprwirrep*, pre, which he Las mneticed for a number of ma E other work, extracting, Ailing, clawing, case at, • • most 'dent ille manner. . . 31Mstrom, July 12,1802: .'• - : NI Farms. for Salo; -.•- . ers - pogerb,p. wilt aot as agents for fee F i tt Sale -of Deal l'etate-aarms, Homes ond Lb. locatedios,Siwaehanna; county Pa. All theist, 'offer their property fo r a ale ears glee a minute limit '_otter their • Farms or Lots Welker : Nmthri ttiterV bow lasing imPrOved, and how litsoo4 r ej Inge.; ;Orchard, graftednr common (reit; mirth trees; - end shadelrees; how far ficmllottnw the nearest point to a depot on the Ns* Toot t Rodiroadvpoies , and terma of pas meat: All Oro tosell or putchaseitsat Estate, krill s. otive}nsfli tendon by calling on, oraddrtsslagctitgm esuiquehaansoiourtsr, Pa. ' • • •-- • . : go-Conveyancefrom Montrose to the proviso of-oharge • Oflieesso Turnpike st re etc 4 doors writ of sts Corner: Ile &Slowing Farm and Lotparenoitritratant No - . 1, 40 a crel,37 lthp oiled.Prsote lb use ord h Sib.2;Bo •do sold -10 to No, 3i 00 do-Eo' ., do do-i do 1'2'44 4,100 .116' 50 do sold do • .do No. 5,70 .do 40 .00ld do' do' . 1. N 0 ; 0. 011 ;do 85 dev• NO. T, Stoic, Waretmosoand Lot. No.B. 145 gory 25 imo rOT ed, framed foul at No; OS2 4 . • do! sold . .•: do''. • do- - ' do. ft, sold • . 4 , 16.'12 - 1(10 seta TO lootroved; fiime lona at -No- 23 340. do 200. - do' do' 'do No. 14 56 •doso '; do sold - N. 30 108 ,'do do , do do do 1 01 " 5 2 40d No: - 17:200 .4075 . doi • do . • . 14 No. 12 112 dub° do do I No. 19 200 do 150 ••, dd. do di No:.2.1i1lkido100 dii • - do k No. 21 190 do 120 do. ; do .19 '• No r .22 Odji do 45• . dri: • do iold du' -No.= 45;-•- 3) , • '; do di No 1402 uo 215 - • - ,1:• 'do • do • if' N 0.25121. 40100' . .dosolddo N . - N5196 do 140 -'.- do " do di: 27 80 do- '.,ld` N 0.28 314orieo.A.E*d and doeltig. tirb.'2ol2.lieres,oolmprooid a frame tons/kaki No. 20175'-' do, 100 — , -do ;do , di 31.135 . Atli: OS :do do • , .• No.= 180 -. do . 135 do r•-• Flo to O 3 160 .do 80 do . do 6 NO :&1- 160 dO - 100 -do ' l 6 -• 3516/ ". dcr.'• 80 do do • 7'Na-35 . 300 do 170 • do ,• do No. ST - 100 do 'loo' " do ' do 6 1 4 10.18 170 do 100 du do Si /75 do- 00,', do • ; '116:40 30 - d0, . 45 ' do do No. 41212 do 160 do do sold ' 210.42 92 do 60 ---do do 6 210.434 N0.44-18.f do, (is- -• ; do • N0..45409 do 200 : • do. -do • is 10.4810)acrioi`; baprosred, frame humid andgrlsionlll. , - • • - N0412091 do' -174 ..% di do , . • ' No.-18163 . 60, do • 41o• ' 49 80 do - - eo • - 410 ' '6 No. 6083 do 65 do •de -b No. 51 90' ;dos 64,1; de -b No. &1 126 - d'oBS do di, _ Ito. 53200 do- 150 , do • di r - No 51 lie .do -do - • is • No• 55 * 6O - do 40' •: do do 6 • No 56 165 do: 125 do tll3 - potelsiad sly olds and giving Oa numper amobtoln p 101 l Remittil • ALYAIDEM.Mia - E.G. 68800C1i...', . MontrolA,PB4oot4l6so.—.44th Goting - iitgi 'little above .0 Ttutscriber takia milt stock pit ant Boys' coarse and tine Boon; andnisat alt_s assostment of bales; Sloes, tad tidtdatfa to' ebess;vhlcli bets its's - tenatat . .lakaaatL' bosom:qt. 'nos Is ahopportaudtx fared laP• tblsllaa, • GO. RJ/ .Itebruary 4.-s °Moms Grind tonal ibe ti 4 "020001 ELspei and dintres Eres#lo pi., at 7,13,10 2 ,iit,ato pet Ithiseecin ill in' • ALSO, 2 tons or , nineilima u stir thno.the Berea; Old its retx rappatotstogi e workAitl,Va ter pel62..price S L N, MIX ttiPitil. Oltioon.,ln Is Sylo2,(2sOt-o V. 8040110 1,721.131810 21241 atr; T p 7I "P g ZMa e! TAITOW14711)1110111/1"11` 'ri ~, ; •- . , ~ —r , ,-;:, ' , - - ' ,. ~:T2311,11115. •_ a _ , ~ Ono dollar and fifty egestOPfr " 1 "" ° "" Cr in° dollars If ootyald "un Id the cod 4 %WWI or dotabriptioo. -24 0 lye P n olste ' Atl coav a a ad e na 63 *146 151t1 I I , I A O I ~ otargiortaingeosesp d &o 64l receiv h at r eollon;•Altletter o oceraereed iota 'should bri directed to 1),11. 46 N. F. CP"' 43ookuebanas ooliatie Pi. • • . ' A'- `‘... 4 *. t n"A'rEll ditAIIITIII I I IS 06 . iodlioli bilhree osleio;)1144416•.1 ' • Raab subsequent thatztlea, ' • ,Oark aqua» three ralartbe,, - ",. • 300411046 411:6600rhai ,-..- ~"• , 1 ;: . leeLeae,dirikoll IlAet or tet..-.....1eer," T44417"id0e0461164104, to I Oa 610.• •• ; eolarralaboo 061661 444 . ." ' " ' . ", ts ul . 4 It 'Only advertise alenu'irin be Ite - here ha 'Web they see eogsgeL , r e :':'•,-*:- . i 1 i ' 4 ; ..;,, 1i 7i 4c o ii .r. P p l l * a ri.iMdi., ‘ltKoi*.l'lt 7d'l 'n Outti,eopre Jobwo wth teaddetsoutde6Paw__h"-' .' i, e ' . Flllllaniks °revery desatlyg o4 ow g° 7 printed ed to order. - , , "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers