• . . . „ • ' • • I n . , k T ,t ; ,•; ti,;) -; •- - ; - . : .• • • , . A r • 1 1 _1_ ; • fi‘3l:l •.gt , , n t „tnn, t 0 1 , 1 E 4 • , r.vn , ft . e ."l e • sil ,l 4FaVel _ ' P.‘„ , " 1 4 • h • „ , W/ 4/ /e/r/ig,' , " , ~f l. I , T ..)Itt;j;.l ce rte. g .!. 4.1, t ; fr % •'• '4/(' 4 ` .1. • 111 ) .*v: 4 4 , i f , „ , i, • -..,;•-•= --4cP; • .2; 2 ; , ,r; 014 • 'll4 , " It - - , / n T • `O.l p Y • • ' • t ,ra-.4 - .•,• 11 , ,4 0.; g - !?1 it- „,..1 .1, .13 0 4 • A ; fe 0 / . •7 ; v . ce, ; 1 • /..; ,„ ( ,-, e,„ r„ • • •• • . L 4 j. —,f 0 ,/„ •:1 ' ' d • ' , fr.'', • • 0 • • '4 , : P • •:. g az i ed • % "<4 ' ” • • '' .4 */ 41 " • *-• ' • , 4 -41 • : • • , • ' - • 2 ' l' • ' ~;. s±;.: • • "' „.ZA . ' t.. --,-t ••••.; ' ''" • • ttba ti Or, t ' Beni IVh To , ‘Vht Lin The An • rotrersa Renee , expresses so det-ided an written the following on the event of the day: lint* your - - yonrself than wid me. An' an The ...met as '*ell zit I enn in - `thel expeta— _ • Oc A nat ' to 011. Crinu Lie , e A Ca: Wht And Ashh. Front out ad ILlrsh6eld's , brow On tented the ocean OD tar shore he go. Our startled Eagle know,. 10, of plan, .Cs, or Ortl ISt. cans 11 4 had 'tt mon .! are I .Y; the 'mast, fat loo se Bad ' re bee tur, Gut tly We ; .Greif /LB vl E4tol, "FM ' , Area 1 I hut Zan BC bu • /LIR „ a rat 'ot I ban th( '" no ire; lath e •„itia , 'eat Alkre 44 Ills tv! 1 , 04 . the ' S. a I B. CHASE, r PRIETO , Sairro ,Cortuir. 4 _ General. tdu . cation, rticp• ' • , • Vie cat the following bold lines , ,from a po e m, by 114 Wallace, entitled 0 PnArrsvitir,'" it wade cillsoe, fotinded by Ilbn.4adOlt ti sdLo a lon 4,11 t No, meretricious ',thought lid o . ite walls the idle image, wrought,.. ; d r° aol° a e on g l s o iml eth theF s re tr e u n c a t n ur s e . l. t d a i l n d d i Tgbo4,eyed Leprning . spreads her pregnant Page , I d with thepast ea warn a pretendtaot age ;- D e w wondering youth how Huuttiolngitt: each Arse ; ' flow Bacon thought; how Newton stood sub. f . An a weighed the stars; how Lyon traced the. -•. ' ware Whose fivers wrote Earth's fife' in tnonnt . *ldeate; How Franklin brought the fierce, wild light ring down. Aridwore as splendor as a fadeless crown.: 0, who can tell the raptures of.that time, .- hen o'er their spirits science burst sublime, IPh le s teply step they, reverential, 'trod liiture's bright stairway up to Nature's Goal Rig of my land! while Halls like, this de• signed, Shllltooch the heart and store the youthful What soul so feeble as to fear thy foldliag - • erer o'er Columbia's tomb be rolled, And in its place some banner mot on tiigli To speak the tyrant to the quailing, eye • • • g o , botsting despots! yet shall ye behold The ear of Freedom round creation rolled,' While knowledge soars the guardian of the way, Her stir in evening, and her sun by RTap. • In rain your fingers would essay to wind Vent flab of iron round the wakened' Wild, Go, chain the whirlwind of the burning: south; witn yetir hands seal yon Voloatio's triouth; Carp the great Earthquake in ids' Titan spring, with a cobweb bind the Eagle's wing, ee o'er the world assume your dark control, ad every klpe and bind the subject sold. There Orient nations breath their idol-psalm"' e huninn,g,ods beneath the towering palm; here Russian hosts, on Poland's plain Or rayid, the red knout, and whet the thirsty blade, 4 soul of science yet shall light each Shore, And Freedom walk where ne'er she Walked be tore. The Death of Webster. Mr. J. Buchanan Read, of whose pcietieal Tema meat writer in the North British trim expresses so decided an opinion, has itten the following on the event of the dad : mat are falling from as,—to the 'dint ' or tWg droops midway, fall of many sighs; otion's glory and a people's trust ,• '• le in the ample pall where Webster ties. Treat are failing from us,—one by one fall the patriarchs of the forest trees ; • rinds shall seek them vainly; road pie stir Gaze on each vacant space for `aenturies, rolina mourns her steadfast pine; like a mainmast, towered, above Iter realm ; !land hears no more the voice divine ',the branches of her stately elm. ziant oak, whose stormy a tempest from the west; 'carded long—and now. , ws not where to rest. ;4~fi~~~Lll~ u~'~t~4~s~, Melancholy Accitie;xit—Poivder Mill Explosion ITe learn With sorrow That the Powder belonging to Messrs. Fowler and Trem wf Esitown, situated a few miles below, ae, was again destroyed by an esplo - Monday last.—Tne fatal result of the if explosion is known to all, and it may. it the late wilt result fitfully 14 human. NI) definite reason can be assigned us to inc of the explosion. A young man by we of Deieter, engaged in the Powder ad set the machinery in motion - bnt moments before, when it exploded. Bet h. his clothes and burning him hotri. Heah is literally burned off froth his Lrennd arms; his hands hang in shreds flesh, while his face is as Oink as a as his burns are, be is said not to :en burned as severely tis• the. other This may be accounted, for ,from that he threw himself into the creek, ,bare e accident. • alearned that the building. was not destroyed as in the former ease.-- What I have Noticed. , . Ire noticed that all men speak welt -.of virtues when they are dead; and that ines and are marked with the 'epitaphs vall irtuous." Is there , any Pr" winery where the bad men are bur. q noticed that the prayer of every iS "forgive us our debt's," bat makei bedy pay who owes him tothe utmost noticed that he thiekes eTerY rogue, to see one when be b iralelf, r and he r onht in knew po his or, corroder the rascal .to justice re nolieed that money is the fool's, wis. knavel reputation, the, wise, Daan'y the rich man's trouble, the poor wee arid the idol of all. , ; aaliced thatmerit, jrr,aliways measur-', by its slictegf• , , se rcoliced that where, rie,wropaporscatte, l a family. children nre always in. aotked that wh,e're a rulin Person ulAlces g motto reward la certain. •••• ( by haw tho ki?!. with &deka' tie.e nontlelo4 bilet!A "T ;,„" ha n ation—Dritiesf wwli; , 160 AvO jt,aiti_4l4lo-. TM e., e t ' - , pirA , A Meta's, : tatihtiaira::.:7 , , - .L --8.- 1 .., . 1 2462t0 t_ix 2 ml '• vititicA t ‘ ~ ...__,, ,' ..:::,-,1 Tate itisurtua'; ''-'-= ' • - ' ,31 ; . 2.,i• :.. ••.,:•.n. .4 •",,- ' --; • :. 9, 1 ;"0 7 4 1 ,1 1 ..11::;... ;' ."; Young O'Bri en wasTrireibly atrivelt:-by, the nneenell. 3o erthitrantne:o44lonotiODoneittalle n -i Fier pa tience,` good sense, nnif-amberlilitqui* neaca_in Ow *ilf „et Godt tittnler,sCeetiere a trial, were such as hefted never seen equalled: liTor.could hoibelp admitting to' blituielforhile coßteiPPlAting.hert coadOt, Alia, thd.:extioipiei ' of such a woman was not only The mailman tifuf comment , on,rilighlui t!ntft. hitt thOL.ne: blest testimony of its power. . 7 ..• ':. ,% ( A, I:1 ' Yes; Honor,` snid:.theibrisbeitid4in reply, ' you're right, for I know that youitayis Laiwnyetitrue. : . '="lt is, indeed;,: bit:. added,`-'ad.. 1 dressing O'Brien; • sheti, "aqui! te.'alwayer- I hook.' ~.,; ~-,•., .- ._ -.' -; : .. • .:. , 'Yes, And , far superior to any,' , .'replied. the fatter; • for-she not only gives -yoir the advice . 1 411 t 's'ets-Yutthe'tlample. - - 'Ay, the sorry lie in it; en, oh, lioner,lel not to die-Ae's not to be '11..' , ; -not-to suffer. Our son's to live! 04-Saver of earth make me me.thankful this:day-I'n' : ~. The tears ran Gast from hie eyes As be Wok. ed pp to heaven, and • uttered the.lest words. Indeed, it .was impossible :not to feel. deep compassion for this Aged.man, whose; heart bed been smote.El4 beititily, and , on-tbe , only two points where it was capable of feeling the blow . ~.- - After havinz indulged his grief for sons time, he became considerably more compoied, if oat cheerful. Honor made _many 'kind itr; quiries alter Una'a health,' toi - which her brcith er answered with stria- Candor, for he - had heard front Una that she-.was; acrlaninted With the whole history of their courtship..:.. Who. knoWS,' zaid sfle, speelring wit/vier , erence to.their tuelancholrfate, but the God who has sired his life , an' most likely ',hers; may yet doinoie for them biatbl While theie's life there's hope- ' Young man,' Said Fordorouglia;' - youCairy a blessito wid You Wherever yttu -go;an"; rosy God bless you for the news ynn hacelbrol to us this day! -• rlt'go to seti.him to.tooribiv, an' wid_a light heart lento tOo, - foi raf not to die: •_: - • , - O'Brien then Wok ; his .Itittivand returned home,.,pandering, es he Went, Om the sing,U., lar contrast which existed' between the char:' act& or Wag 'of - his . adtairatile wife, lie was no sooner gone than, Honor addressed her husband u fbilows '• . , 'Fardorougha, what do yeiir . -thlok ought both to do now either the happy, 'neis We've heard!' 'l'll be guided by, you; lionOr; be gold. ed-by you.' - • ' • , • z - • • • 4 Then,' said she, 'go an' thank God, - that has taken the edge, the, bitther; keen edge 'Off of oar 'aufferin';',an' the y best. waylir. my *phi.; ion, far you to do it;is•o go 'to the barn by yourself, an' strive'to put your whole • heart into your piners. betther yourself than wid me. An' in the name of God l'fl do - the "same as well as I can in - `the.' house here. -To-morrow, too, is Friday, an; plass our Saviciur,'.well both fast in honor .o.t his go9dasis to as to our son.' -; ' ' We will, Komar, said he for now I have spirits to est,. end spirits to pray, too. - What will I day; now! Will I say the -five Dicketis,, ( Decades) or, the whole Rosary r • • irytin can keep your Mind in the prayers,, I think you ought to'eat the-Whole of it: but if you wander don't/gay moreihin the five.', "Fardortitighe then 'went to the b4rM rather bccatise his• wife; desired him, than from a, higher motive; whilst' she withdrew to her Owil apartment, there huMbly , - to Worship God,JO' thanksgiving. - The next day had Made theionimotation of Cormor's punishment a' matter of.: notoriety through the w hole ,parish, and very sincere in , deed was the gratification it conveyed , to ali who heard, it, Public: faMe, it is true, took her usual liberties with the facts. SOme :Said he had got a free pardon, others that, hei,wes to liberated after ; sir menthelinprison 'went; end a third report atiserted' that the lord lieutenant seal, him doWir himilred pounds to fit hiiii_outl for marriage with and it further added that his excellency-Wrote] a letter; with his 'oinn finild;to Bodagh Buircl desiring him to give ;his daughter - to Connor on receipt of it..orif'ircif; that the' : Knight of the Black Rod Would &own; strip him of his Property; and hestow , it upon Connor and his daughter. " ' r The young man,himself was almost one of the first who beard of this fandrable change in his dreadful sentence. , _ _ _ _ lie was seated on his bedside reading,. when tbe'sheriff and jailor entered - his cell, ansiousi to lay . before him the reply which had 'the t morning arrived tlenroaverninedt. i - fm inclined:to:thitik,OlDonovati. that your case is likely to tura out more favorably than vat--eximeted , 'Jraid the humane sheritE IhoTpe,.with all my, heart, it may,' replied the other': 'there is no denying, sir, that I'd wish it. Life is sweet, especially to a • young man of my yeara.': But if we,shoula fail; .01nOrrod :the junior, I trout poi' wilt act the Out of a mail.' • ' 4 . 1 hope, at atevents, that I will act thepart of a,Christian,. returned O'Donovan.; cer tainly would rather; live;. but I'm not Steered of death, and if it comes, Wail will Meet it humbly, • but firmly!„ . I 41 -believe,' said the sberifV• you - need enter tain littleapprehensioa of death; ray inclined to - think that that'',part' of your -sentence is not likely : to be pain ':e.xectition.t - have heard us much. I think,, sir, by your monner, that yea Nive, returned Connor; '-but beg you to tell ine without gain' , abaut.s' - Don't-. be 'skated, air, that I'm too wake to-heir good•news The sheriff made no reply;: bat.-placed in his hands the official' document which remitted him' the awful penalty +Able life. Comer 'reed it •over elowly; end;the other kept.* eye fixed keenly upon bte4,leuntensince, in or der to observe his Scaring. tinder 'cliettinstrin ces that are often known to test:human ! Jade as severely.. as death . cold& however, -perceive change:lla eves the Unsteadiness of a wry! or muscle, wait visible, nor slightest fluctuation lithe bile 'of his coinplexion- • : , =-• i r feel :grateful;: to the lord lintitmuint - lor his mercy to me ,'.-said he; handing' him back ' the lette6 !es id& to the friends who Inter eeded.fer. pet tnever Wilt'or can forget their goodness. Ob; never;ntiverl" - t I believe ii,' said; theaheriffr A baetbeini, . g oil Pitt :I.,sAllul7Collttio,fna4eSilionlianexd* Nation; and it is_lbis. that faturttke;sotion Lion of your punishment is to be expected '.;- ' 1 4 11 altt ''- :Ailla " Maletat4lo : givlcattare ,i2letetitev - zztr • • .• - : - .., [fend goveriuntnt l so that you Merit..: , e up linty mind to leave your fnendarand, yo ; /Oen: , utrfor life,as you now kneed;"" ' •", :,- ' g „ ..'1 expect nothing more,' returned'' :ttuor' 'Uicept this,. that the hand of Gbd,M ii,, yet bti g the'guilt of the burning hank- e• the min that committed it, nod prey? ,',lny ihrei. t i , duce. Tani now not without amoeba that such, a thing mar be brought aboit'eetn how. I Xhank you, 3lister Sheriff, for Vent: Id(Mess inrcoming to me with this good news Wit ion; alli can say Is, that I thank you rfril :my l it heist. l' am bound to say, too; that any ovii. ity!M and comfort that could be own % s af forded me ever since I came he''l;eel it. an' Pin grateful for it.' "- ittrt .' ,- Both - were deeply imprenied liy:tite":firm 'tone of manly sincerity aid earnestneis [ivitk which he spoke, blended as it wasrWith ii met -1 unholy which gave, nt the same liiiit,rift leftar -1 acterotelevation and pathes.to 011ie' said.— ' Theythen shook hands 'with"him, after ehat ting;flirsormiltime on indifferent subjects,.the Jailor promising while he should'rern4h in prison, to make his situation as'mait 64 the . , regulations would allow him; 9r, iwholiiio;vs,' 1 heMdded, smiling, , but we inghtlfaake 'them a little easier r .. ;That's a fine young:felliiiv, said he the [ sheriff, kat! ; they, had -felt him. ,-- , -- -, ,;'_-: '. ' He's if gentleituin,'' replied the Sheriff. ~by 1 liustureli gentleman , , and a very Uncoramon ne , it too:- i defy a man to doubt.r. word that co is 'out of his dips; ".sal he says is Impressed 'ith the .statop of truth itself, : and ; by : it.- nk be 1 osier committed ihe,fektny,he's.in for! eep him as comfortable as you can. '''' •-• Theyithen separated. % • : ' ' ' , . The love -of life is the first and strongeit 1 principle, in our nature, and what. man - is Mere exeept'smeunttappywretch pressed down. by ' long and - galling misery ' to the uttermost depths of despair, who, knoiving that lifi'wei frerfeitetd,,whether justly or net matters little, ;it., the laws of ,his -country,, will not feel the 1 Miley 'WhiCh' bids him live with a correspond? ring sense 'Of gratitude? The son of the piciuS 1 motherActed.asifshe Were still his guide 4tid Imonitresk . ' ' 2 . -- • - ".. ' -•- '' ' • : ' - i He kielttlevrit imd 'poured out his gratitude to that great being:whO,had the first claim tip on ikand ,whose blessieg he ferventlyinvokal [upon the heads Of-those true friends by whcse exertions and influence,he,now felt that l ife !'was restored to'hik. ---- . L.,.. 1 Of libilife *IU-he *ordained - 3i thli cows -IY.3l.l.h.ere.lisliitlestnerei ito 4 bounid" than what usually .known to,-,.ectur.io the:cases of oth er-convicts similarly mrcumstanied, if we',ex eeptitiiiieption frordlhe 'feerpdriinii whit' were dear to hittf. , ..;He saw his father the next dayouid the old tun felt almost dis c " p: pointed on discovering that he was-deprived of the pleasure which he proposed to hirrtsdlt of 'being the bearer of such gladlidings • 4 6 ' him- Those who visited him, how4ver, ne... , ticed, with a good deal - of surprise, that he ap peared as if laboring under some secret mile-, ty, which, however, no tact or address 'oti -their part could- induce him to -disclose. ''' liiity-lot them, actuated by. ; the best motives, asked hien in distinct terms why he appeared to be troub led; but the only: reply they received Alms a goellAmmored remark that it was not to-be expected ho could- leave forever all that was dear to -him on. earth with a very eheerful spirit. , - - ' ~ it md was at this period the, As of,„ `NogherM'Cormialc came to pay him rsvisitl; it being the lastz.time, as ho said, that 'be' would over have an' opportunity of seeing hid thee. Nogher, whose moral impressiofis. were by no ioeans.so correct as Connor's, asked 'him, with a face of dry, peculiar mystery, I he had any particular wish-unfulfilled; or. it there remained V tof.lind him any - individual against whom ho.entertained a spirit of enuri . ' I ty. If there were ho begged him to nay; no scruple in entrusting to him a full statement of. his wishes OA; the subject, adding that hfi 1 ., might. rest ,assured.,of, having them . nccom i pushed: -•:-- " ' - . . . ' 'Orie . thing ;vett natiy.be aerial]) of; Noglier, said he, toile affectionate fellow, 'that I have ' no secrets to tell; ao,don . !t let that go abroad' upon me .; Vbiiii beard- to:day;'-' he added, ithat7theivessel we . ere to-,go in will sail dn this diti week, My father WAS her this morn-' lag;, but Ilsidn'l heard it then. Will you, blogher;''tell Tiny' initotherjrivately , that ,oho ;. musn't cotati to•seo tne - •ou thoday iippoitited With toy father. ' Froui the state ollealth she .i is in, I'm tould slits couldn't bear,it: Tell ter, preen, het to'come till iliaafore I sail; and:' that I iwill expect to see her 'early an thetdaY. 'I And, Negherots you know 'more about this .1 untuippY Jutsiness than any ono - else, - except the O'Briens and ourselm, will you...give,this little pack - et:to my mother,. There's three, or four locks of My hair in it;' one of them is ter Ilits;. - -imd'deiiris inY- mother to 's o b Mn, and togs.' o link ' s of her hair to: wear next. to my heart • MY Paw' father, stow that he finds he mast part , with MIN is so distracted . and . - dig., tressed , that I; I' coidan't trust him with : this message.. I want it to be kept a secret to ev ery one. but igen, my mother; and Una; but my poor father would, be apt , to - mention it in some fit of grief: , ~ •• _ . .. . - . ' "'But is - there UOthitig else Oil your. mind, !Connor!' :.`-• -- ' - • " I . ' There's no heav'y guilt rm - thy mind, No , gher. I thank IGrod-and my dear mother - for ft. 4 Well t ltaUlejl •you: onerbing before Yoh p',.Connizie:ktatiagrxieg -well watched. IC he has, been grli . lty; 77 ir,der§ , downs, who dbubtis itt-•;•irell, never tniad ; - ;111 honld a - tri-' flown get Idin:. to - show - the' cloven foot, and conderon hintSclf yet.' .. - ' 2 ',: • . . ' -- ' 'lle -villain,'.. said Condor, , 4 will be too deeptoo - polished for you.' , . 2 . ,-, .:- - , 'Teti to - osie he'itifit. - De ' you khow what we've found "Dirt since thfs business r' ' - - '-,- t . - ••• e.Why, the regiro the swig of pan*. whiskey; or liquor of - B.IIIY sort or size he el. low to pass the lips of him: Now, Connor srenttorou ,up to,liinitundre'villainy of the r. thraiter in thacmaynewrre 'I. urn; Nogher ; I see his design in it: He is steered if he got drunk that he might , not be Able to keep his own secret: tt ; - 4914 We, by.. tho holy, Nelly, well steep. him yet; or he'll look sherP• Never yon mind tNiighor said Ceunorfalmost itagii lftr!litt9; what dof you.matzo :by them last *Pfaff, -. 3 . Diva Irs'Amitt 0 1 0: 01 a, fd - I 'l ist:sitin . 041,-1 telt - you. ' e ere!, a few. Meals of }your. that Intends same o'these zightsvta,apart A. gtutsetunder.orie able eats *alit the digit a thing mere }Watt tb.takethsoutitappy,utatee iiiitrdhor .10 li:fletttCotinorvWie'silitititire 'amid; hart .:No only to mike Mtn.. lutes QS' breath OPMAllblaforo.44l4o-enoes•boAestuttruorr ax that 1344wevtufay thp1ikAr,ff1.1414 10 .9 31 .4 t rase .R9SE - ; : :I'Al;,Ilitlii0 - *ft,:SOVElla, MMEMaM 'Nogiter: reiified'. ontfiortr nit'l 2 l: an d trealiinr - With 'the tatt4oli, tr one ' drop' of his blood. I s.lapllled:onmy aceount,it !NI ng i gtolgeOuldo 'at Hama npon:the head of Reerrinaithavinga,hand , in it., Will YoU;teeituee:he's Ynureelf taut ' dealers t—taalte 'fil#ekei than he is *- .4: P, th. l l2 : ll4th ITT; .PC' e nal,reb. L avo•Yo!l your s eve n Biases abo Po.? rh# S' I good; as if if,ivas et sitito' Knock such a white I livered Jiiaas' tifkiWithtfibeld -riisave.tho:nicirsel - cts*: in' that; brit the - ow .th!Th: Sure pit's only,saryinthonest people I right, to 16iwek such a i dessiver on. the head," If ho' had 'perjured himself 'for the. sake of the truth. or to assist n beet er to throublo.i-iir help On - the good cauiti!--it would SO me thing; b.ut. : tp.,go to,-buil-pearrii, be tue,sowl, he'll sup aarm for i; sure enough ! -I thpught it would make we'd miad'aisy, or wouldn't mentiott we'd-let the 'breath ont of him.' I tlioglier,! . said-Connor; YbefOre you lore this unfortunate room, y_ou must take tho. Al. Alight) , tes.witness that,vou'll hare no band in this liloOdy business, add that 'you:11 put atop to-it - ttitogther.. you don't; and - that; his life is 'taken; In the first place; , hle fonlifor, and in the mei; take my ivoid for it, that the 'judgment' of God will tall haul lytipo'n every ono consa.rned in it.: • _ ; What fort Is it tor slitting the juggler of sic a rip? Isn'th e as as a eret c, an' h" bad ' h I worse,ifor :he turned against his own. He hlis got himself made the head of a lodge, too, an! houlds Articles; but it's not bein' an Article ' bearer that'll Save him, an' &ill find that, to 1 his cast.' But- itideed; Connor, the villain's is double thraitor, as you'd own, if you knew 1 what I had a hint • ' 'Well, but you mustlave him to God.' What do you think. but 1 got a vhisper that he had designs - Ott her.' "On who?' said O'DOnovan, stattiii„ff. 'Why, on your .own girl; Una, toe Bodagh's dapghter. •He intends, it is...whispethd, to, take her di'; an' it seems, as her., father.' doesn't staid-well wit the boys, that Bartle's' to get , a, great. body of them - to" assist 'him in lording •.. ‘' - Connor, paced his cell in •iieep and vehement igitatiod: Hisiisentment against this eyed , to a fearful piech; . 111.9,6)6r deepened; his eye shot.fire; ind,*.licichnached his hand :convulsively, Nogher , saw the:lnsp , which this intelligence lutd.escited in him. No, 'lie piticesil4„tit,,would be an open sin an' shatneliilit • siclinti'nutrnal limb of the divil escape.' " - . • it may- indeed ' be. said.thatlYDonovan nev er properly feltil,bo seusti,ofshis•restraint an-* til • this meinent, , When he :reflected en. the danger 'nth:A his belefed Dna WaS exposed from , the or this' detestable villain, mut recollected that there insisted lin the mewl ben-of The !illegal confehieractsuch• strong spirit or enmity inwards ,Biniagh Ante, AS would Itducethem - to; auPPorilartha *in hiS desinus' upon; his' daughter, ho 'pressed his: had - against foieltergiffid:stralßodnbdtir in.a.tumult of distress...and resentment,, such as he had, never yet felt in his, bosom. „,. It is, ic'ehsrity' it will isThAr, shrewdly availing himself of the coniinotion he had created, to stop the vagabond short in the coorse- of his , villainy. o He'll surely bring the darlin' ionng girl off and .destroy her.' Fet,a few mementshe felt as if his. heart were dispoied to• rebel against tho common ordinances of Providence, as they appeared to be manifested in his own punishment, and this successful 'villainy of Bartle Flanagan.. The reffection,loweser, of a strong and naturally pious mintlitoon' enabled him to, perceive the errors into which his passions would lead him if-not restrained and subjected. He made an effort tohe'calm, awl in a considerable degree ilgri`g • herrsaid 'let ni not ferget that this: BaVtle-4his—bitt I Will net say `it'•-4it ma, not forgot that , God - can aisily plans 4tinst himself:. To God,,thendat, lave him. • Xow,,hdar tue—yeu must swear in HIS preienie that you will have neither net nor part.in doing hini'an injury—thiqUiWilt notahed his blood, nor:alloiv it to be shed by others, as Ear as yott.can prev.ent.l ' , NoglterrObbad his chin gravely, end almost milled at Whitt hiietinsidered to. be - it'ptece 'silly nonionic nn the part of Connor. - " He de: termlned, tberefore; - .to satisfy his scruples as well as ho could; but, let the consequence be what it might, tritc.ge such un-oath. • Why, Connor; ..said. he, I surely, if, you go to that4,lTO .can have no against we'll d—n - ati" yo sts u don't wish it, we'll (ihrop.the thing so nova make your mind aisy, for another- word, you or any ono else wont ever hear s nbout ft. • 'And you'won't injure the rnan r , Huti - rie,' replied Nogher with a grimily whose irony 'was -barely perceptible, what would yfre murdher him for, now that you don't wish it? I never • had any particular wish to see my own funeral.' And, Noghor, you will do all' you can' to 'prevent him from-being murilbered - To be sure, 'Connor—to be num. By - H e that made me, we won't give pain, to a single hair of his 'head. Are,you satisfied now r .1 - am; -replied the ingenuous , young Rin, Who was himself too 'candid _to see through the;sophistry.of Nogher's oath. - • -,1 !Antitiew l Nogher, 'continued, pinybrave we spent together—you are, one of my oldest' friends: ' I;euPpose .this is 'the last time •yon`will ever ice Connor O'Donovan; however, don'tomuis—don't be cast down ;lon hear.fr,ona mei; hope, and,hear that; am well tee 1 Hentieredllais with awhile whieh'cost him in effort ; ftir,'onlooking Irito the face of his faithful old. friend, he usaw his musclei work,. fog under theinfiuenctt of, strongfeelinz—or, should rutTter say, deep. sorrow—which iolttinxiiin, by it 'shoiv of cheerfulness, to re ihave. •• The fountaink however, of the old, nun& headmen, opened, and;afterienie iti effectual eyempts to repress his:grief, be • fell UporiConner,ls.pecifs Pd wain aloud.? • Tut, Kegler,' - Saidlconnor: estirelv;'' it's g l a d yo u •ought•tertio, iiistead of +Mirk • What -would you have dopelf .my first - sentence had been 'acted upon r, .. _ _ . .. . • i ' I'm glad: for . your eakerroplied . the whir. .hut,, rat sorryfor_lnf, ?WX YOP, Mint:NV% ,Connor, in4,o4.uutT : y et - be baPill bat' hp ,thatofteu held-yob -Itt , his'arnis—that . iitton Waved withiyou, and that,- nest ta..yeur fathe r ran 4, your , WitttEr• YFRIP Lovef*ttilet quiPIVIY:, other living e, poor riogner, will ;toyer eeo hts boy wore.' _ ~ . , - 1 ,1 Qu atterinithes;Wnida: bO n ifirise himself I spin ' upon Connies - neek; and-we - are nit= l a abtosa to oi that their Win ‘'flewed' to -1 pater: -:,•'-, 1:-;,..'..; : , 1,1,.!! 7. ... - Jr:l`...: - 9 , i. -El-' 1 v. i r: 1 1 4 Y! #o 2 4?)?o , Co u i le r 4el" ;.-itigi. not., gee' 4. 1 F,0r.0 n VT of,initAiP,ng 9T I Of. ell*T; Wee 'of a 130/3134._'YoUr! peer 4atid - wilt lbook his heart l and the tiotlreet - 40 . 0 CC itorl• ~ 1 CM= 1 : i t4 ierqi e Connor,4 a n. t t i i b will o p po rtuni ty ' r 8 C i 1 i t h e I i n o i n 4 d ' b i 6 1 l f . r :1 iii i?fn helped r u e youfin?gi. pr i edor n t 1'. %1 a ..a d7'Y y t '(I o c Ili n t ' .. I f aP e t"i fttr i •A lin:"s li ll' eart vfa*" e l vr l 4 l .r oe iit h ill ia ° 7 l4 C g o be ti h t l" i ig ,n 7 e 4i t t hO ha ' Q , n‘v ta lair eens ßlii: gm(t i e b thb li , fi t:, a ll i a l4 .o e b e :gat i i tu e . n: it ,li n a de t, r•Lh e i ptlmi clt;:th:t• .. la h r ereus s. ' , l C Y° O t nn ll o 9 r, iT of Y° an . O W &l " ti ti m i e a ; °l4 l 4l3' n ;z e em r t -k h eti o li n vi gh ;. tfie le ` ul h -.)knd ind4at i able. 4.1. e'll' ic;ll9'."Y°4l6g )O'Brien) I P 91 1',/,_ L e • -v -er,_- th CiuLby , "-t° , 8 " this- 62 ff. - NO,: - .liu'ams Unn'il.brOthar, ind th ,1 ppr tl- ra il l i ' wenaner-014.114 wendher.that the fair b young,:.o4o.thidear ta-hirgav't to pit e hi: lo ta ' fer, nce hl ettiturd Should . ; he . paliff and Wein, ftfitt,,,r at ' a eiiincter'.',: 1341044 - iiity' t' on do rr n a ,, , 03 ,` r e ‘t ' I M il i e • a t' t d r id Y t: O ft; u ir rrel ' f. 'e.r nll6-Iv- a -il e r 4 - "r -er i e e r e'' w he n t l iC a tii v ito e r il ,l.' i 'lli de ti P en i Va r te c;i f l o" i ii l3 7 . ,, ll H a e .li r ad- bro P tli ro e ba r'- iiife 'n e li e ' r "‘lte, ' 4 ' . ' l -u m . a ld 3 o e u e t a t z liin po k n ili: ait ;ha tt vil a y i i h a T iii hi t ta ba ' a ibit b r ls F i ti r l a li w kiti a lt; t h ll e ii en otir received i t v , it b h ut ipi ii t n ni a n tid li ti n uxt ari t 7. ~b r ipti l t : h e ra T P .,, frnin-4 0 4 an'irnin all'ihat ever•loved.hlM.' :: 'nor IMOW:thet be now, coma on,,,beha l lf vil,T °n ti ,'.X. o l,ther;' repliiid Connor, q'tri not; whlsitit , herielf: ...it;Was itteretari; 'Ude a tumult P f I l id if l a e si tl n i ' il- righ b i lt to t t:Ttea l e l ic i f s af u liVa7fd Y " ti liti li d 4 6 4 l l b ill i3l i gem 4il P 3 tr Par t itil as en :i t i 7 ' . t gio l' o‘al l in' c ' iv ,tl 4 ;p li Pe,: 4 o o9 .; i - geodness , of government ;feizsParingloplifS, eillipi - 4 Inmanialairat'4oll/dsliiitra ?ewe a the Newi.farowellpit kforoyer.' Negher, end kit rigors o f Ilia penqpiiineot. - ' - Gird:: .. a friiteWar9t,to say; but yoa knew, that every ,7r cannot Weliiento o you; '`.,'til;'72;f4Z - i';` VlAii. :th . i ' l :: A t r li g h, .. 7 : o,.. ..4l:t t ia , : o A t .rt4 l 4 ' r ; l ' i c r i c . . r wi l t ,": i ttit at ' h 3 ti i . i i i ir if a u ct i:t t itiri w s td ' n t wii Y :s ,r. l :l",l o : o : l s e f i y:::i lt s : i iii '• at; •''' hie ' , d; ; . itai3 6; ;C.: 1 1 1 i; C ib i e i4 ci ° ,t i l t i ; e l f. 4 .en ti t i e ri fed, i ... , °;d ial :')v tli j O i egli i? , ,l l ,N i . 1 4 17 anywh ere, l" 718 , :i th ,iia . 4,`';.ittielf?7i,'°*ife . ! 3 .'it,'lPe 3 ' g '2 iteart is, to think. of tho way ! you're goire fr,ona here. -I'Anew- What,`,l, OU;O'yon','UtiWhclf You us. ' Farewell, then, QM° or , darlin ; an; 'rosy have done, for Me, -.:" ,-,'-''' '',“ `. ''' \ '.'' the tileSain' of God; Ma' his holy loather, an'of ' 's riailleGfd;' - iiplietl e the ittlirriifti;ingll : all: the saint:ibis:with you now mad forever.-. 4 gr with equal pressure, ' thank Ged;'lliiiti . b," 'Amin!' I:. ,iii • I. - • ''. -i..:1 .• . 1 •-'5 1 ..1. at a I eyeets, the.werit,"tif,what ,pro . .oxpeeted 7 . His team g o n, e d e as t, m i d he ao 4b e d aloud, will n0t.7±.,"..., He patiaed;lciron looking-at' whilst uttering those_ test words; lie threw hie o"D'onciihn,lfe,observedupen.hieOPeo:,brew ' arms 'about Connor's', iieelr, and having kissed it, 'siege)* depth` of. - ,cifefaitehOlY, mingled . less fano' by again wrung his hand, and passed out with' ali,extreitiiiili'ut,Shurpe,, thus iiitli'jhu , of the cell an _agony of grief. ,-... 1 . ':- . •: cab) bet Indignant ito'rrilv .:44 Otto, Alio could ' Such is the anomalous nature of that: u- feel Pe resentment againsehltri with whew' he liar temperament, whiehi Ip4reland, combines hpolie.":, .'--,'' -." '.• .-' ' ' ':' • -• ' within it the extremes,of gehereSity and erithe. • "O'Brien tuliv,.'ida 'klrinee; that :COnnar, - , in' Here was a man who 'had been-literally titres- unninan'eniu'iir something in`his niannek:Pin; lionate and- harmless during his whole past ed,to his inconiiderate 'eongratplatione,, Haag. life,yet,,who was now actually plotting • the inedthat he'belieSed hire guilty,•','He`-,iikat.het: Mosier of a person who had, never--,except re- a meinent,:.Airefore, is corre cting Mit' MIS:. motely, by his treachery to Connor, whom he Ulm }'''' ` '''' '. ' " '''''" ';''''' ' - -' ' '..'' an lov y et se ren a der o e treee. d h him an injury, or given him 'lt would haVitiendreodfid,' he - Piciceeded,' And what can show us 'to hee innocent bleed - Ohed; lliroilet the per: the degraded of :moral feeling among a juririf al sillain4fOr ' of course , you': cannot ' people whose natural, lovelies arc ha 'Pick to . !Opole far it momen t that one of, par 'fanaifir virtue as to vac; 'and the - reek:less estimate supposiYen'tObit guilty: '-' ' ~ "• r" '' • , Which the peasainry forinraf htlmailite;lnoic; ` 11:Wes pear dein' you loltistlen; then:, replied clearly than. the feet that Conhor, the *Me. the, 'otliet ;:,i hat; I ought to kat)* 'that ' if,„yon minded, heroic,, and &OS; posant,,,touht ad= did think me ao, you wouldn't - bow` tie, here, mire the honest attachment of his old friend,. nor net is jolt:did. Not but that I thought It without 'dwelling upon'thn dark point' in his poitiiblaii.on anothar riectifinf'Yeri,:-; No,' charm:ter,' and mingle his tears with a man he added; after•epausei.iihat would' be 'deli' who, wastiolibemtely -ebony to join in,•'or en- thChrother of Una ihjustiee' ' •''' ' ' • ' -'- compass the assinatien of Olellow-creature? - • 'You ore right,i ; returned O'Brien.' 4 , 2 ,kocir-. Even against : persons iif his own creed. thy cuMatances 'of anikind-had`he laid 'peen.' Irishinnti think& that revenge is a - ditty , which , liar vanpliesis ran the words.."-vini he'o*etrto`hirristilelz--but againiit'ihoie of aces of any . " . kind could 'bring steO.tiOrisit, &Man'. differentlaith it, is ' not'onti achity hitt ' tt''- air-. caPablei'br tileh' Mean and inwardrygact;:for; tues.'..tunt a/Y.:matt :who- , acts out , ef i thia feel: as to 7 lhei loss' wC anstained; I Wohldn't think of log, either a s a juror, a . witp e e a ,,..e r -2 ,40 , el e dr . ,it- - -yon. - Cenher Crneeti'ilii, not the man -2for ilie:printiple is ilia , nust,expeco ; toebtiataitiny'aet; either the'one ifrtherfither. t o id e a. s n o b re v r ibit r i4ru s i i cai-t i atige s ted ky: If Ida not '•Pt thie; yea 'Would ewe ' see jziii I 4 beadlike: -lilogher DlXermick'ii, which ' was -before yeti." , He 'extendedi hie 'hand' to' ' hire' °Melly* , affectionate_ Ail, honest, ur.,lri.the ~ tv., '. white" be . Spokeptidlhe brow-of Ctintior brighti . cret_eade, of perverted_hon4 by •which,dristi. cacaos be met his•grasp;' l : 1, " , 1 - .. %,"`i . .'J' iii4iS 463 guided, lie is itideuhtedly, the: Most 1 1 belreire' yen:- no replied;"land . noy'rll6o , borate and Manly, ind'ific Moit woitby ofitit we May•'sPalut out likermen'thatdellfieratand itation, who indulgesin,andreiechtea hisven.- one another. In case you hadn't come, flin.' geartee forinjaries,Whetherrearer•supprusect," • tend twirl° M.--rnefisagaTor *on iviiithaley , t wilit ,tho most determined-and -unshrinking ,mother..libelieve yen tuontall irtia r iimeretiir spit ; but the Dine eithe is-capable of „braving, -'l43(ii t '*Oed O ' Brien, sittstiaa • welt - alter` death, by quoting his own' initecenco'Cl;Mri• ta r ",e r onfehtior: ,-.,„ :J.: " 1 ...,_ ,i.t ,:,.. _ ; . 2" , , gement against " the; justice of the lace ; ; even '- • Yei,l , believe -, :that r i said- Cciiirsar.!- ' ' Th'e, when notoriously - , gniity;- is looked opal:rib* sun in heaven-is not purer;than' elle is.i. 'The' die peoPle, apt as an innocent man--,Pr,sueh ; only - fahlt, Ile ever could be charged ' . ith was accomplices and dGmlads knew-he is ' _riot -L.-but 1 her lore .forEme ;. and; heavily, :obi' far •tOo 1 its one who isifbere in hialrank of life; and 'hewrily,•has she suffered for it :- :,, • ~' ‘.•', .;.•.; l i t i s ss f ortt ifi ste l y s 'ki n d l e am bi t i on among{ tf,•tbr one, never blamed .her' Oti that-to. too .mariy.of -our fa -thinking. but generous count, raid her,. brother; , .41:knoel , that ; her ; countrymen, to propose such Inceims,the, hest (good sense; would have at any .time promoted ;models fOr imitation, not 'only in their lives, i her frotafcirtningan•nttachmenetWan unwor. but in- that 'hardened 'hypocrisy which `defies I thy , objeetr . ';and upon the' strength of her Own ra and trinmphaver the ordeile of death I°3'oE =- judgmentil apreved of that . hieh she avow- Connor O'Donowirr was iti happy' representa. ed for; you. ', ndeed,l ijeroeia ot t; it , m y ge if b e , ; thin of all that is noble and pious in the, Irish, fore she told me; but upon attempting'f6 gain character, without ono tinge 'of the crimes that I, her secret , the eandid‘.creaturo ,7 lit 'ono made darken or diacolorit: But heart that is . me her. conadant.', .• ' :, .." ' )-, , ,-.., •.• . father generosity and ,fortitude, is generally I '"lt is like, :Pier,' said 'Connor; 'she , •is ail , most susceptible of' the kinder and more au& truth. I•:' , WO Viliniti it be for her, if: he had able 'affections ? , The., noble., boy, who could never `seen me.: : , Not even 'the,: parting - from hea/the sentence 'cif death "without the Corn., my father and- mother sinks my heart with- so motien"ota nervec - Waifereedie Weep 'on" the, much tiorroor v es the thoUght that her love for neck of an old and faithful follower:Waif loved I me has mado, her IV unhappy..;•lea ttstrange I hiffia when,helornembered thatinfter that mei- i case ,- /ohn 0 . /We:howls trying, olie; but since aneholy visit, he uhenld see, ,his.. familiar fecal. it 14 the,Ntrili of OA, We,muet submit to .it,...4. no More.Whia:NOgher left hint,. a.trein, of Howclid‘ yOl/ have her ? , I heard she was get. painful relli`vtiOntrpatiaedthrihth hismind...;-; tillg'lctter.'4l , • `- , •-• i 7 ,- - .1-• :7! .'l'.. :•-• He ;thought of Unitycif his father, of his Moth; ~ ' She is better; said:/0hn...-t past danger,but my and for _alone time:was more &presort:l2mi: elill:v0)7. delicate Writ feeble. ; • . Indeed,- She .IS uspal....But the Oft pf lifq• ,t4 the young is ev .. . i so ,miteli worn down, that you would., seemly, er a cohnterlOilance to every.evil that, is less 1 knoW hco,-;..The brig,htoesa of her Alark IVO than death."lnte short time he ' refleked that ~ deno - 7•l l 9rl.nonfifiexien k9llO. :Sorrow, ass sire. the:fume - providence whickhad interphsed he:- 'ffitt,vs li.nuelf, is in her and upon lier. Never; tween, him and his recorded sentence, , hod, his I indeed, was a young (venture's • Jove -so pure future foto, in ~itti .hands'! ' and thstA ;ho hadiand trite.'' ', - • ~ . r . tieettN; arid Yeuth: , and : streng,th-and, above i O'Donovan made no' reply' for some time; a il ; i t go ad nonaafefeee'...4it, Bear" llin throughl beC Mandl* : observed. thaChirfurtiodc away thee future vicissitudes' of his•fipppoiriled fate. Ibis fhce freni;him, as if to conceal-hhiemetion To those whose bodies'and minds are erne. I:At. length. hisJbos: ni heaved•vehomently,three 'live habits, . there. can be .seareely, anything lor four times; and his breath • camel -and- went more trying than a pasition hn which the hitter . `with a , quick iamid kplieringtmollies, that 'he-, is'doprived of its usual occupation, and the trayed.thti powerful itruggle•which' he felt,:. , ;' fernier forced to eng,tigO itself only on tho Con. , '1; know, it. is• but 'natural for you to feel . :templetion,of that which. is painful.: In such deeply;'.4tontinued her brother; • s'hut. its'•yon a; siltation, the.mental.attcl PhYpical powers are I have borne everything heretofore with BO much tendered incapOle of mutually suatainiegeach firmness;you meat not break tiorrwriow. •1 f. other; for wo all know'. that' mein corpereal ' 'But you koow it is • a deadly thrittl'4o -be employment-lessens affliction; or enables us in forever separated , him hiehm gni. - Sufferin' ii;s barter time to , forget it, whilst' die' unto- I so: uch ris you say...-so Worn I-: Her dark eye nese of bodily, ant/bring, on.tho rather, hand,,is . clim.with-a-:.oh, it is,' it, is a deadly, thrial-a , blunted by those, pursuits- Witieh. fill the, mind : beartbreakteg,thrial I ' John O'Brien,' he pm withagreeable; imp - reside/li. "-Airing the .few ,Ceeded. with uncommon earnestness; "yen aro. days; therefore;' that intervened between the :her, enlybrother, an' oho• is',your only .iister. least interview which Connor held witivNogh.l , oh, svilivou, Or tho sake. f Ged,;itial for -tug 'er, M'Cormick, nnd the day of his fin , 4l depart.. 1 sake, if I may take.the _liberty of snyin so-- we he felt hitnseltrather.relieved than de.jbnt,..aboire all will yrOlt;' for,• her: own: presied by the , intritherraf frionda who came. to 1 Sake,. when I .am gone, comfort . and support visit him for the last time. " ,11, wan "left iesk - ltie.r, tin', raise her hood, if possible; out of this to solitude and -himself than be ‘-ollierwise heavYthrtioble l'-,..; -..: --.--,- 0, ... • •,, v would have-been, a n t, of course;:-the days .of Her-brother gazedranc him wilt; .it melancholy his imprisonment wero.neitheri so,Areary, nor smile; in. Whichmight be read both'admiration oppressive as the uninterrrallid ennieniPintiunand nYinPilfh.r ;t•i . -...,- • { of his. enemy destiny - would ';have Mideredj ' 'Do you think itiossible. that I.,wonid; I or, them.._:-Full of the irrepressibiCnrdor Of youth ,J Could Vrnit to :4,betielt nud sustain ?peer 'Una,' ' -, ;• • , ...' . 1 -'.. .;.,,-,, ho longed for that change which he knew must ' , Under, ,sneh ~trying, tireumstancee l:: : ': Every. bring him onward in the, p4h,..ef Ufa; Mud la', thing considered, hplVoier,:Your Words are en. ; this how little did ho resemble the geoerality ,ly oaturet;tiollynaturill.". ~i- .; !,.,., ~,,,,, , of other Convicts; Who 'feel 'JI4 If. time were I 'Don't Aftlint. think /9 0. 0/Pcli utboutilt,con- bringing about the day' of iheir departure' witt(tinued typpuomou. , .!Biing-her_ °et 'ea: meek painful and Moro than ordinary ~ ,eeterit,!', -At .IPi you can-iej; her, Ant ho :much by. herself, length the interview, between hhomnd mill theae. -Pot this is f,ollYi in ,O 10 :14 1 *ed ;.‘.,Y0l know wheal Inc the" to :zoo Were. CAlitlilliVJl, With: y9Unie/f pCsigijr, 011 0 . 1 ,unil,04quet yok hear, to the exceptions of three; *is': John - Ofirien," ea.'. ' •-, ••• ~ ••',.'; ",;---.....-- • . • ~ and his own - parettla;' - uitMeNiiiiii - tWei clear] 4 God I ilrnews# l , repligjho .I . i . tpOet., uftne*, dayi ititervenedlintil the ported ethis'detiad., sind,softenid s by the mournfur anxtelpfek her - ciroil - ,; -.." ... Y:-:' , : , ::e' .-_ : , ,:'. 1 :.' ~..-:, ,Iy:•31 , . ~.:,... ',..e.,:i t Welfare which Conner_ eapresaed,_Lgod 'knows t utt • : f iti t p, se p p y s Q o v t ii tit h e ifi ,ty ak .rd ili tii ii, pai i r p p r r ,l e t. v . i h e i r un i a b:i . t .„, tli is th h a ii t u aLt Y d a a ;: fa laal oi ;i l 4 l 4 - 4 r c„ eit it ni ii4 iliia o viirai iitbe ci ii i icl o c u s,; the me:Weedy° inidindefatictii,ble - =of 'All! those 1 Mind easy!',' 7.: 14 - ~ .. - 10olad.inttirested:thanotelieiv'for•hink - ;Wlta - • '-; 'I 6 404 011 ,trii44hii':ollai, -4 ,frOirtliny 1 wlnbtinced i ts requesting an interdeiv, - . If' Coo. seuren' - frern the: bottimi ~hfilly- k ok:i-thrink nor, although_preparelfeethis,oi.iperichhed on , yOu.' 'Eudealektti'make ffer„AirgetMe;lf On' -the, occasion; 1 01, Ov9rY high 401 0 , 41.1 Orsoili cani,.all',tY,4a when:,, passes, aivv olo . ,-0 ( !I ts ,..!' would de, O strong feeling Of,dtlin lion MAI intaai'af l oloty let, hit' hatill';4l"P , Y,l,w,_"'; shame es thd Predatrilluint - 'treesationi - _Thati - an' it'happY mot er,-;:nie'shoinp'thep.,o, 4 u l F3?! indepd,4ailot eitterial,..for.it.44itodoithdedly:`her' kiNfelorc'eetieor 'O'llionevipt - 071 1 1i'A',. it, , 'true ,thet WO feeldisgrano lieditenx heavily; Itßy• troubled drama stie'llsil fa Or: Oallf 1,) ft . if under the eyes of those Wat4tecipApirvol, f f Cador,". filar* etthfit';`o lll 4,if.!inf tr 7; ifo under suy other tireuhuittuidtiq.-' We fte- inn! meet - be ftraTekrEnt is' he uttere the I. . =~~s~~ MitllMl =WM ; VOLUXE; a' : N ; kr.nr ' Ni4M,BER .144 1 , -; , • - _ , ' , :ii:i t \ .,; J4C:1,.. EN= ISM • a wOrdslutteproug, the tia,*;alisleas sa me his 04 E 0 ~ .!„, , ,..i .4 S.IT --:, I:, 1... , ;'; ,Itc,sa me l co, # AS "fon my part,', con tinued'etettion; /What i.e , thigworld:to , ttle noW;ilitt The fait' heil..• • It is.-41.ie tries hard arid-a,dark , lktn, titre why 'it - should fall upon us; : [ do. not *MSC L''' it's' isi inittivaal,cau,dtrtcilitan itTalabtightt fttAVeKwe.ll4 l, l`oPflod ifshri*"`Adtk't dtie' ... much , mt its-',--Ihave ioinethingelield'itiiit to you übtistlie• .ii:111 ', • =,: ~ ,;,1 i: 7. , 4!;',V•r, ~-..- 7,.,,,*Dviell•aniitir.roturstidilte tithiiriiislikis4 is sto.ve me, she'll '- not ono iiilinite'ntte' , nfieer thotights - rmilltiell=You,-;:rd'isultet•thirdiSsii 'this mom cpt,i.thaw.for . getAter. " . ' s fieTSinblitik :nowih tins only Ainpiateess that is left tOitte-0 , ' Itey:onir , wifaitinialhis ANOrld.tn: .'i 1 1 • .. - ? 1 :- 1 •1 : 111 6:-. 1 141dJohnr`ltiamat. o:PontiOr',74 how , ,tinw a:few:Words, tol say to Lyeui.l andlittioW Ahoy, willpoo ve whether loci sio - si -- giserntits. A ,,,, yware , soid.tolbir;;,utut whither yourlotli 'f9rll)7, 41414r- is trulSt tender and disintaisatied„ You hsFoiltrunv ,ia, your:pots/tr.-1g ;Waiter ' - heart yery•muclvor .te harp Iliad ,Shisayteit • which she feels tm:Youn account: . .4 You fat& e. ll ,ltog 44titi,j.s.now a inined'bitin,ont Shona *Y. I.L. pa9r; op e.:: , :Von iht i guing, vizondeS , ciAt cuut.staniga „tho, : mplit painful. .Jalito iambi to,Whicti'yon are mahappily. destined, - you's'i I havp,s).trtendisand no one Jiving feels. this • /4erFAlllt.ll l iall••Una I lon, observe of 4 Ista . ne.Or &Pm , pg j oa , , her•behalf,:and•acting, in bar Iniale., ''!1 1141 INF,42 4 ni. : -Now tins lericher than you might imagine, 'being-the, possessor of a legnevlleft her by our, grandfather by.lo fa i her's aiae..o? tbis'legacy, she herself sum& ha n o need+lntt, you: may,, and,.will ,:when ye; reach 'a distant country. . New, Como!, yen see :how that admirable, .mentare loves-you.. you,'„see:lthw .that loi , e - woald'follow...you. SO the , etterinnst i entis id' the earth. WA y,ost e or,'int her o are,you'espablosf . being Is gettetuntl' as' Otis - isIL-and,'enn i you show, her that . you are: as 'Atha' above ther;tisurdirejudices it ; the World, and its cold fOaas as he ought to Its who 1$ lo!ed. by a creature so _truly. geaerotut and'aelleitti as Vila I . You know how re* poarly - phe fiat present in health; • and 1. WI you candidly,. that: %?,14, declining to- accept - this as , a loft.'!iind. m emorial by which to re. , rabiaber her; may he nttendedwith.yery aeri, oas'eopaetiaelieeste her beA4?" . ".:.:.- - .:Connor, gept his eyfti es.cd upon the speak., et: With a /4/44:0f 4PopAmli earnest attentions, and as °Wen 'detailed, with, singular address and delicacy; these striking proots 'of 11ua15..1., Peel9o;llM lOyortacdontepanco"bectime sa in.. dim.or tbe'thitb,, , ,Fitln wbich, Os beart'cone. ,speeded, to -1, the - inatin girra lendernesri., mut ' g eneltosiy; ', He seised altrien's hand... ,- .2,` „ .I.reim6, said -he, • 'Yea' are worthy of NW Ung'sbrelher. and I: could; nap. nothing higher: : 'IUDS , favoribut,in the - tonne time, you and sin ,heth .know Oat Twmit!nothing toenabla • nle toniimember,ber ,by 4 ,3.....:This seal proof, u gt ut;you. that she loess me truly; but /Arnow 10 /e ga welt t;iforeitielsid,now. la thlwbus., i,q*, teitt l lt.itoll l plyl 4 E her Wigt-leYoUref' 11n v e719* 42 0/ 1 Pregame, ; -Yee, I say tuasn't , press : ,me; I : . Thr oti gh my whole :. life .1. harts - nevOic.st my : 9tril good opinion; .bgto,l, dkr wild you want ine now to, 40,..1 conida:a so, spect rosself - -I*-puldferA lo w ered in my own Jiii. 1 itio*, Itit,feel unhappy, an', that 1., ;WAS- too , '''mno - e, to liti, wOrtby ,of , your sista... , On,e'o lai'2All; ':thei4 I, cannot comply WAIL. .bqOfieas,)v l l ll . 3 10- Irwiah.lta' h . ar'le- ' •,'; ~.: i 9314 the 'anxiety . pro duced :by: your reibsal-. ranY,,,„bArq very dangerous abets . on her health: '. .L.,=12 1, 12 0 4 Your ;mist contrive - iambs/tow to con. -- ‘ 54lU‘ • icRY reftisal.frgm...ber OIL BIM gets'reasver. 'ed. ' I couldn't do what Toil , . want,' me •'' are if - you press mo .furtber upon it,l l ll think you - 'dor*, respeci fuss as' much as ra whir her brOther.to do r , Oh, God loflboaieni',lre es. . elaiMedsclisOing his bands:- t omit I. lave ion,' - my darllnk Una, foreyer.l . I rnust,,lnutet/ae. i tlai dram of 141 ., ,v.vejloped•is I:wt.:44f .neyer, = never,: will ile lave toy heart! - Her.eye dim, an' her - cheek 'Pale; ; an .all for, me—for a 1:1414 , enVered s With''shnme and disgrace! Oh, John, `John; whist a, heart 1.--to,loys . me'in state of • all this, an'' 41 . -spite of the, world's opinion alegglvit4.itt ~1: • ,:- ~, ~ ~ -., , .. ' 'At. thia 'iddmeaterei of tper,tarniceys cater. . = 'pd,mlibpl hire Oat., his mother and - A young.. lady AO ra pialik,_up to see him.,- -,,•,,i ... ;-; '''' My mother ! 'ho eiclaiMed; ..1 stm-814'sher, - . is come ;," I:l4llidatt . -e x pe c t her till the. day:, • n fter.i c.thOrow A youngJa ,di! •. :Heaiene al:0 ,- whfit,Y0 11 4) 1 dY 914 1 kew9"4 Pr :motherl ; ; .:, •, - He'lni - OluaterlYexClangedlooki Witt'Ot -.: • , Brieri;iind a tilagght.: 'fiaalirit:`, on the, instant 'aeirisa 1 he i mind,3; - ut . uth. . 711 93',-Agmedia l ° l 7 :,, understood e - a41!"0thi.... ' , '... , _,, ~ • , - .. : *iltloulilivily,' said Jebn;:,?ltiziniiiiio Ob. ei=tt is Idie-4.1t is Una: ', Good 'Pod,. hoie s. ' l thitil ' The io9)3liel and' setiaritiOn will - be.„ morn than shei,eim bear-rslio will sink,Underit.., . Cdnnen'tnade no itpliclut - Sat • down - and ' . ,Kessi4l'lllo' right hand upon his forehead, Silt to Colkirenergy,aaMeient to meet the - Aeuble Arial' whidi was poVik foreMai.' .; 'I ha6'cailyloild n eatirsa;Xohn,lBllM he,' now, ; 41111415i is: to niipe 4 .lO ba—ivhat 1 am not— .'a firm - hearted I , man. 'l' inesi: tryle put Oi s e , smililt:tace befonithem.' '- r ? - - 'lf it be'Una '' riitprned tiii atiMr, ••',' I' shall ' . withdraw* fora6hile." -I lur l / 4 * l fief extiet 44 ' -- "bashfuliteas Iniainfy cases; and, I 'know - too; ,' that snythiritfliiio restraint 'upon "hen heart it ~ , present-4n trumni, fella retire - for ft little.',; 'lt may be as weir,' said Connor; 4 but'se" , far as "I aat,Conierned,it Makes -; no dlitetstnen •- ',Just" as you 'think Proper.!. '. ', .:, .. . -•Teur mother` wilt will be - entlialeni,'Witness,` ~,,, said the 'dellente.minded - brnth6r,'; what tseol " :sea'y'ou again aftei they shall ; left 'you.* ''', .: I r .YOA, in 14-0 ,. 1 ,f?P)la ' . 01) 0 1 i0FAIV: '-' .;‘ 4 Cni see mo--:see Ine,again.,, 3 4iin Sot:nothing:to , say .. , - 1 91' 0 4 jot moro_,saltio .meathati gantalifo.' ~_ . - Tite`da'or. thi'APPO.44l and: assistedi or mat.. .er supported, by thogorernOn of the gaol, and ~ one pf,1116 , ter,nkeys,,,,Honor,-oD,onovan and .I.hia i?'llrien intereCtitttlgiotont colt of_ the ~,,-. „ guiltless convinti --, .. - ~,, -, , ' .1 _ -,,,1(rft.4.6.4440.2.044-, tit iVi4T lii fkiTsiOilt•--.714.- • ppersitiontkor tho Phitadcitthio 1 0 .4% m 9 ntbi were pretty large.': Thefleppeitao 10 1 4 Mohr . ed : ,B4 01,006, which is s,botitlpippon inure, I,l,mil'ffel4,onAW last keirt 71119 ciihrage, gniA! for tho thcintk was St4t4 ~ ,1644pt0t0 ihan. iliteVi.tbOtha , 4't4;titilolttlt - ;in` ghtuT44,,2 enkteri. riirJurribei;gf: (moor, ...had h a ir o es Aolatit eolfieri.,l4 t i witi,•thqugh 'the+ stock ttii etc'ebis: , ilouianit 'Biliethutiltitr 410,0i1fed,1020.000. 1 1.-: Thd sit •ei 3 Ottir,ir,o aittotlit4t t altoo, to? Ot lbws ; quit • 847;007:' ''Viffs' are giscil,olestitzikki astiviiiiernipa, tor this"igii,:ooll.virkislA i go Top: ~Teiltifainjtoor VtifiNit4t Avihtti . ,"arfv,„ itittilatu:*o riT t3,,e4,81060 Jt. , :e10 . i41- ' . ,,,, , y.. 1 : - ;'S)-1.r.; '.:. 1;' ,. .;;.. .-)-"•:':::: • ....1
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