: - ' l 'l -1- '-',. TIIK DEMOCRAT. ?ho loirgeat .0 traiiliniolorliC , Northera Penap7&yinuatio32 copies Weekly. NON Ta - Oisii .6 *:!* * **. i 44,1 `l:Lovethitt rich_ Itroguo: fa re ferencea to = that'. cfe'Vd land -• epOiih of Gen. Scott, the touc hes Milt 4 4 11ie - 7:".• • ' " I toyo sthatrielibrogoe.7 Wow Giorslychire • .2 ••• -*- 'Tis cruel at Patrick stieh , fon , to he .potin. That'AltOgne" , you'vo heard ,two aeon? year every whit..;,:.,,. ~" Arid not foxed It lefoe,:z 4;4 a, bit. • "I love , lint rick brogue." You love it how Weir, . • ' • • Let your long efrken sentirouf rtone r gly, • 'You wonldWelCour us ..heiefrnttrin'tt icon taattiog lei' ynu'd, give. tut' tci ut toot thit rielbrogie l ." Did you love it 60, indignantly tre 4".ion:iiiitelled up your narler,aild earnstly wrote, Thai irlAtinea were not deserving i n: voto .- ' a Dovet.that rich -Intim." Aba you loved it indeed, , Whon you gave yonr - -ussent to in infamous creed. When you claimed :of party;l tho tinder Who would talus froth the Irish, their right tO be free. " Did-*rloie4l that rich br426,-; *hell you tplittur your mind I To repeal all naturalization inclinedl No' matter how daeint primmest theit'iid;' That'thiddi should-never flavethat"rich bioicte I !guar yeiu - lie long T o- - - -the. partly. which .-always - -lori'i Irishmen -'-strong • - • - 1>• , - By the ilty when theirsotes are waateddraws near, . - we're "bit' cattle the rest of the, .Yttoto:that riCh brogue." When you lie . gin - • When Greeley, told you, von coald'nt get in. That you never Could sit in the Pfesident's • -. 7, • ' ; !rlron get Patrick help put you toitiore it as well.perhapi,yon'll i he owin,' Faith after the election- day in the , therein', • When for- Pre.ident Pierce, it failS on your That - Fiamb "rich brogue" in cheers. I love that rich brogue." No doubti Mother .Scott, • - • - Our,voto you'd lore better still, would you Giniat be - rday,:gOkt coaxing and tazini, - When ‘PilfeOfther,vuting,, its: himself hell be, _ .•. .plaiing.• ••, • • - •°l' that - rich' lifogiie." 'Tie rblarneY,spld Xoc,can't sugar that pill so Paddy will swat- G plant he ace *lilt hal ind.de be oleo], covered with SHILLELAEI. _ i - 114)41:Lent - -Vndication; * from the>. speech of 'Hon.:Charles J. fifilknil of 'Virginia, Whig, de,lireted at the_fielno'critie'tzia4 in skin; , in Reading Pa ; This has been called the canvass •of "False. ivaod and FrantisAantl 'such it truly has been '*ithtint: ',WbA!coniti Anidn;iirit_franliPtirie? At first he was chirged with being a driankard.:. , but , thatieon tsl info - tie of loath - setae. - and foliat, t ealtusanlei. Thad iso . ..iollarsed with ‘ltitlernisie to his • Catholiajfellow . 'elitizena. but thiscsis 'very Catholics promptly 'resai.si;i'en laat.se,, with their reverend pastor at their head, and ' Pronounced the statement false; Thep ciae Foss: fahricatiOn;het thathats now tuck to; the 'tomb of the.capnleta.,:The-wlugs have . one feet loft; and upon 'that, they exhaust all thaPoWers of their:Wit - aid fainteton the , battle-field of Guernbuico!" Well, - -gentlemen; thO fact is PO. =not . ' deny it. , Gen. Pierce_ Taint on - the battle-field- of ; Cheruhusco, and ..yet the man who could, mph:inch- him' Witliftlic • fritt,hisnot the; heart' of nn' Aelerieafl ,irt. his hb`sdai, au to ao better_;.l)l3l a *can .4 g . and Gen.. Pillow-sa3r4% . -F.' here.*d tho neeortnts'7of th'e 'stet: inn from 'thidesiiateh of. pckti,,,i,na Ali thisis the jest -tkat.- : :unuie the AuSje't of - Whig jest—of wit 'cif Ibufrortiery. - Get Pieieelit .not the first brave- Man that; eyer'faigeil :on the ; battle field.- lf:isSena—the tCtizve lifassenaL-he t wilco:11,11a polioh Calla right arm-=tvliom' history has styled the favorite child -of victory—whon, „poctry.and Emile:Wive C ns - thethndOr„ IbOtoterar,--fainted - Upon: one of the Vern!. "test faelis of his fame, and fra Slie swine cause that -caused Gen:: Pierce to fiiint--pain and bodily exhaustion; arid, if the "w7aig9 twill 'hare ft soy et history then designate Pierce as the, fainting ?Sfassesta of Abe Meiican war as one s 'ga - hag siotritled:oikere ides- C3S4 and worn doirn..hody , could.noiffollow; =dile/et-6i me, geptleinen; if poetry tiithghigorical scene St thee - prostrate mien. `*led and .xtulus,te4„ Bol digt-41i,etaba Aspen.' the ::ground—whilst his-gallant spirit:4d! -be 'seen t.idinreVoiE!r- the smoite 'sit:Year - nage 0 hir . k I*kritakoir . po - iriptory, and sigh. i iatlia- mingle in ltie; dread ICI CV. DOCTOR WOURSELF .; ;.. 5 cents FO! - , • 0, i , DT MEANS OF, THE POCKET ESCULAPI- . / " us, oreret79llo,ltieritrw.PhYaidnal-P Thir-' -......--- sixth. edition, with ; UsiiritiCs or is' kindred , ' _ - .lj g, engaivingsokhoirlng private disease in every !,, -.... shape apitf•tM,:iud malt umattons of the' . ' - ulz. gruel:afire Solent, , ~ _ ,i ; - ~ .,..,..ir -William :radar, 41 -.• De 1 ''." '''.. I The time has now arrived that persons gaming trim • seer 4 .diseapes neett,.no . more become the victim* of 71 , tia?900 by-the preeriptions Contained in . this &kat ; i any may env? hintecif, without' lift:oroom of bust- 1 base. t.e the knowledge-of the most lathe in e. friee d, and i.telth one tenth. the,ustiotex . pente...:ln addition - to the 1 1 ri e n ae rit al o,m 'n a t il in hVa r ear t i; . d 4 3 7l;c e , l u t itro l fi: mP a la t i l i ginn e 1 niarrigffe-besides many, oth er e derangements *debit i would not be proper to ennmerate in,the public printa, 1 IXrA.ny person setelins TICtNTY4I VII 11178. 'info - aid In a letter, will receive one 'r.opy hr '-t.h.u- hook. by i mait:oritse copies will be sent for one dollar- Address DR. w. yeuNfitip.e!,47,l2l:llnrlmt, PtItt.AVELPI I/A poet paid. ti , I IrlocrsOlT. Viltrrikt . can be:omenßed on any.. Of thi die- , cur d*eibod ;31 - hp digereutpublic.ations, at ltisolles, . 1152 tpttiegratreit. tlf!ff Aly, between' Et and :,3 ' sr • ig,., k .. . •., r •-- Eton Oliver Cromwel l " -first •ed halt IiVOITIFIS - ni n e 0 A T IFAA -1 1 . 1 Air - gam ---. ... _ , ~.,.. - ,:. ,: . :: • , piownjvAil k tcrio;f4r4iiaill,o4 1 i'd t i r % TEE aubler/PeraresOectfaily inDosta lhe: public., that i' rat' . the shsf hi •1 +4 - ald ' - I "' ~ tend „ . ,, 1 . ,4; roof v a Irate e tl on _to the r former, _ anieririfir . tik. , :stf•Foitffiper,iikil' in i,i i i e Vid e,. ..4.0 .St9sk asttiVei;e o Maistioat of st variety of the most ap , 4 ,_. 6 ., _. 61 014116:11 ib: - 6 . 1..:"...Eit g . kan . 4 . _. 4)5.: de': ,-oiger 1 ; P rT o v i: 4 4; ° 4 4 : 4° een tig . :*ll', ,,77 re iv e k.i .. • ii. b . c.a., ~:-.„ l', t , iglidif?*/ acfeir4ll)th,;;:a, #,./.119g!**33:'.(1."4,31p '-starretkilreet;—:raehteps-pric-awoaz ,:ahotkireAtl,lri3llosp*iiitegudi4;',':,.: - r - , lii •-. 4 .e....., 1 Queen, - ; '.-',. -. ; 8 , , -,i..-- • - .. • • ~ . f,. :%. •:„. .: : 0 1 1:? 1 !....f.. , ...-.• . r ....,... PAU:0tP1i...,, , :',:. , :::• :, ,- , , INreor :Cook *or,: ,tirr4gon, -.,1 -, - J. •• .Premiums oftarioits - -Clittipatoi. alit! Atlaal'i Stsilet - ' , ';' -.l i. Also i'goid.otesotizegl of •-- - -••-., . L I l- ;1; ~- T4O O r„ ,1,2A4 ffall'Vocip;',:i.rif',---,; !ifcarwoW , striOggiitores ei siirlotui due and tit t;.• terbe 1 0 a litaltAlity ere priwased-losALLatas ' oust. tonal!! ta ttm•thoket. -- • -,.. • -*. - •- - P 1 4 1 Ipattsse, 155.111,1U2. ••••• 0:1J . UTESIOPA eat ' . 1,. , . . • tlir kre s t tn ... e .N.b.-1.7; 400 ,1:, tinited gt 3 11014Elii litiMbitWirditterir; wilne W/114)---(47141--WHOMPOrtintICILS. ~~~ -..-.=~3 J ill A ''tt'itl.:Ll-Ai. , " ..lt Mose wbo. dew , a Viod; destitly•titese: ..lA•zt , . • - Catifhient ,fpr.kiipted Zola • 7 ' Who passed 4 , 4 w, lb' 119Vextending the Veriod - of-Natundtzution.: from fire: to fourteen • ::AnsWci2---Thd 01!dral party uli = indonett their cnvn ticket in the*ciVy'ofNewTorliand wenvin ;Ind v i ec t v ,l th j ; Native Anterieln . fandidlte - r - tn iyori-Jumes ' Ifirpir; wlfo eine iroltiot, tience OftWeitti-one'yearti," fitti 14;riw4f 18441 = ' -5••'4 ; ' - :40.1—The Fe deral , • What, purty abandoned their own ,Congree atonal ticket ip t) fail 'of 1834: niftl -went in? and 'elected iitree ntenibZ:rs 4 of Congess.tn , the, etty. of New ,lork Ana—The Federal 'Whilrs... , - , • CV,hat„party did the ,sare, thing' . ;itthe city 'of Philadelphia 1--I - = Ans—The. Federal Whig,s.; Who : was the Nftt.ivo Auterii.att candidate for President in 18457 Ams—;Winfield ? Scott,. Who is in favoi l eta total - AtC:O of the net n. raliiation laws--sb that no ii,reigner can lie permitted ,to vete, • •Atts--Winficici:sentt. , Who got 4 ‘ fired . ;tritir iad igat4iOnl at the con oftiCt-of foreignerkia Ans—Winfteld Srott. ' Who dre‘rup,an, appottli'Nleslgned to rally a, NitirciAnYerician'Parti?' ' ' Ans—Winfield.Seott. _._ IVhe thinks-flag !we aro 11.)eral enough' if we allow the ~ebild+n of- forlgnera , who are horn her o to vote, wititoatallqwhig their rah- I 'era' to some and help govern us r - , : Ans--Winfield Se tt.. . . . , . . . Whol approved of the Phil : trielphia inove taent, aii,, he termed ,by the : Native Atner.i- Ona, a part of which. r mareinent consisted - -in ,huming tho chure4 of, tiaturalied : al. zees I. • * I; ' ATIS-Winfiefil Se t: n•eainmign caricature represen iinu sonic Irishmen i neciing to Gen. :Scot in the city, 6ijitivi, :York t Ans.—The. Fednil 1 Whigs. t. • . Who•*ere fn f l ower 'or , aving ities to . , •.. llei new vote in, Plod° were against giv ing the an - me privliges to foreigners I . Ans.--The Fede'ral I.Vhigs.±-Repub/iean. • patriot, _idol :lily and thtl'•• beloved:of ati his cpuntrimon; in n. !ate correapandence,scit.ltsoine,:oi the Union Dem disciCuratli a . a : . • - ,„ , "'I cheerfully nequiesee in the sdecrsion of theDemoyraticfslatienni Cenventimi, and shal inpriort_hurworth r y nomineesup,mly, have po'griefs In assuage, no reseniniiitsito giafifY,- r fan cied, to avenge. ; naive found my,conntry n most graieful. - one, as. far beyend iny.expeet.t. Liens as my .claima-L t if, tricked, -the.'ordinary servieem:which a citizen tins•it in :Ms pow e r to render can .constitute .s, e)nim to further confidence Med.-v*li grAttitude for what 1 liave'!reaivit,rint3 not, regret be cause I didnot rocviremore. •' . Aud'the Dem(). erat4 : 6- party,. -with ,vrtitch have.: lived, and in whose faithltritst.l shall 414,, wit! find me s:slime sup Porter in;liwiptei.aticV their ' 'nen,' now on:the verge of throe' score yen 7 , jjothing m Orel' 'to . as' h to 'receive, its in , the , days of yonth and politi eat expectitioe'r - - • ST :103EPHVB COLLEGE.:: _ SUSQUEIIANNA'COVNTY, PA. .rrnus basiitption is situ ,ted Ip, the ; most healthful J.:• and tociurentie is; Of ensenehanda ,cenots., in the Choconnt - Vaner. - Ortega leaving!, Stotitrii,k , fleeot lan4traLackittratma RallrOad and connecting , whit the ,Vere-Yuri. and Lee Railroad. et.-Great Bend, at a' dls, l tanee of alumna! therefrom, posses (HO liastltutlon daily. The distance ',between' the Depot add the IfiAlentiOn" is sixteen , mites, one half of eldcb - Is by Vault mid; -it is' Mso .1123113 , 4148rd' from Binghamton pa' the. New York ind Erie Railroad, and connected kith it fur half the dis- I 0nt . ...0'114h Plank , , - ,j , The regainr coarse of bistraethea erOprisei Vie in -rdfsh, Freo,..ti;Latirs - and - Greek - Languages; Including History, Geography,. Mathematics., Logic, Rhetoric, :Na:.. Surat and MoraLPhilosoihystud;Clarnistry. , Care alit be taken toodopt thacrearsn,ofinatruetlonAM {calve I oursuit_orprofetslon of the stioleid.- £ The eollerjat 'Clear berc,ins an -the &Stalin:44'ot ker, teniberrand eitaxott the 15th cif ?air. 2 i 'T a annual iension Tor Board and TulGon, payable hairj yearly, in adrance g !s $lOO Itte modern`Latignages,Gerainn,Epailk)s - airl 'Jed: arillAirni an extra eharre "each Phr siantlen . „ - ''.slsl Books, Stationery, and Medical attendance, :aril! fonme s tra thieges. . . . Wilda% arid:monding jai as extra charge, per annum, It is o'dlonal with the ettident tr etndent to farksh hlrrirelf with bed endikOdli3l... - Iffotaldio tatinn ft wilt f. mot an ciira charge, Day achOlars for als mouths,' • • • 15 • ‘ticial-atinual D Mirth* aril] -be new lo‘partrita or go or- 1 dinna infortningthenrof the !math, progratend:dtpurt• meet n. their children or wards,-.d 'b .• , „ - I '.whore who m27/.11414 bare . their anedding fornishnl by thi• Innitu'ian; are rilizoateiViciorttpre.: Onus hotter, of the tact-to-either of thelubtkreigned.-. inienderonhia. hy the ma* of iiirtztattnton are reonetteato give previous notice Of their peirpose,* Ida 'they may be onneryed to thi• ColleFelfithnut &lay. ft7•All connauleatioes, fee., for the Cellme should be addrested,;Vt; ,liiiieptVa Peat : 99104 BR:gadhanua cotEriti . "Pm - , ' ' • • • •- • - 7.-1" • • unrJourrx:lVßElLlATrPrefiarat:' RI Q.IIE~BY Fl27.4l.ll.lloblB,,Vice,Vresident. , „. - Choein.ut ; -1311eowntid..1 . tfoii. - D.ltilmot, 0.'1.. Mat* 0. :it: Buil. Towanda. •,• 2/0116" MaEl ;" i ,' Gonoral Cais CARBONDALE -STAGES; : -- _gal,. -..;.%' --•-•"*"177-'----:=-:f :,:.,.. .. s _N- - - - x . •;,-: C.' v., ,;.. T.,' - , 4 411111C_ , . ' Alf k - - 14.. - Y . ' -a-P'47, r ...„.,......„,, TUEfhtl;liclilbeiria alifilly bf twi'en Carbon ale and linpbottont Station on .tho T4u.P:astanna ec,Waltarn Ntdl Antid;,.- platanne..2o MOSS. Leave gachenflale, In .the morning and comical, with tho ears gplug• North ": ' learn oih'' ((hi' tnlvol of th§:t.taiftrain frbin the (itoat trend: , "Thenearest.intost dirert nett cheapest rout from gre,trecnit to, carbrantal ep, Passelip•rs. by thjfhnonlways zetinto.liarbarldltlec , llUer In the-evening iban:by any ntheirotif:' Fire ieceiptel lil I.larh4ndale /It the Store of the "0 . scriber., bait street, n few bli;cks below Itronion's !Intel. An;u t,„1 . 55,2. 'ltow nirontuns. . .. • ~ • 7, O,..tIyzitYgOT''GREETING , , . Deans, Park-a, , Co. •', . - . l' ' ''T t he present 'Proprietors of the • -,! .. ' lalilllZT-AND, CANDY-SHOP, vOttpi?'e,zill. attention' teethe fact that they, i . 7 T' ' me' tww carrying on business, at the stand' ' laiely lumpier] by :Stevens & Dunmore. They have secured the services of good work iluku, .whOtte ability - and' experienne will enable, them' to ProditCe artleles iu their line of a superior quality. :.1 ..,1 ~ [ It will he the constant_ effinle• of the proprietors to melte. itrapleirrOisition , for the wants of their eon:awn4 and„..us far, Ate ma y-bein ;noir. power. .willemicit'vor that their huirconmesvith such shall be both awed andpleasant. '- ' •- " -• • White,andinialvtillriadi Rolle and Rosh, fresh every 'Tuesday Zt. Friday afternoon t. tilitt,Crack- Ili; Eakei' tind'Oes ahvnye on. hand: ' i'' ' ' ..,. rr a. lii v a--4 tie'w article., possessing. the Ili ! , vor .of: different. kinds-of fruit—very pleasant. to Fl:nir,lty . the barrel Or rack, - ar the lowest initr ! • - kei price. i Alio, Sugars,.lllolaisett, a n d most kinds. • of Groceries, on the most reasonable terms. Great:and small, one and all, give ui a call. - '. It "A. DEANS.. ' - I /1. W. PARK. I . -.: , -,,, -.- ' : Jf LKIRK. A,quaniity of seareinedPinaumber for sal^. ~ DEANS, PA f% K & KIRK, :-.. --. TIIE. LIGHTNING LINE 1 -. 0 Tit,l,3lAN, Barber and Hair Dresseoo-. ‘..J• turn's his thanks to his numerous filen& and patronal and having, as holiopes, convinced all of the- great danger and risk of cutting thbir throws by. shaving themselves, he begs that they will discimtititze that barter-one practice, and ci;• bourage It me industry by calling on him for a shatte. C I.: Crack-tea uncle was fair) to be so smart.that te, shaved himself with elect lightning, and C. Tillman will perform The name feat on any 'Min proLal that to a good razor, If they will call it Ilk shop in Seurhi's Hotel basetnent; If you don't Mini.. 11, cull and sea. • Mentras l .; kay. 6, 1852 C.TILLMAN. YIONEY. - TO LOAN. , 6.tlymau wattle to borrow .1090 anllnrci ft.tr eent,;he cannot borrow it of the but gentlemen can cave more than 25 1, their clothing expengen by getting Ms Jnade at my shop. ,If 1 wee in the egging, I .could point In,my work ite Our:ince Of tny,skill in the ant, but a ,ing utul tasteful public, iinow whein to IF any g at five setircrile.t, pci ceet. i their. germ !lOW r of the best' DO atrMiimient go to get` Coats as is Coals! untnroliottables, vests, jaCtoeto, router,, ad infinitum. •,• mien will please to him limier(' that' I <4l toy shop to Mr.Keeleen block,on I . &fit' Flory. tlnt, suckß. hnve ,'elllo Muin etre'. 113" Cut , Ilm 120114 us usual: Man t roe , • . Jono•}0. 1852. • Beet 'Rita 'Shee Store ' ,' r• LER & STODDARD. ' or firm of .Knotrir& Staddnra'filoie ,11. /foot and , ,,Shoe noon ea Igatin.attret r 40v; 'tiro Brick corner, in which -tho 'tic Lat.ilrx . i . .l . AorocirttErti2r t ; , , ~. ~ ~,, noes nod rnlfillignAtt,tlia lamenf Fiefs I: IN - MONI'ItOSE.. •- • • •••• ' '0- ready pidy, atlit - hallrollioii , flris - .:elnitor the villOgn alu i Ceanry, are re, avited to call at a real. genuine BOot lore lirl!rfr, Boats and 'Moen are Old in er nod r Oystes. ' , ' , " rrilE nt PFencdl fifst 'door 1p rorlat or B'oot ' s, 1 ii,e'aelir I The eitil [ipeettn!ly ii Cud vhoe al , Istvial of BE 1 Tkicit. we hl (enumerate I ,Itly! , ii t i Co , f garinns. C a i liple 11411 ti, ! gait], Over . Tend's : boptitotc, • ; Litdis tr:ii Gait: front JuCe New :Ytirk kid ties. in Atii ,. .ci.s a enameled I : i. C.liildi•en boot, Gait' Among: o Oak and II pink. nud:wl Roam.. Bin , sotellather, webbing. ~..t 10. B. ~ 11, . . • lt,before t h e , People, aie a fullaspn;ta*aL aLtnoug . which we . -k bole; scoter proo f boote,long le>g gun. IlMlf,eole and. pump hoots, Kip hay* hick, hoots, calf, kip and. cowhide bro . tilt, Kip and cowhide hoato, bole thick • i rrnch % channel - Gaiteret. PaIVO!. .Pox enameled and id. ?Ans. enamored olkas, kid and 'Jra•,:v 11.4vo's tea, cacelsiors;'Jendy a Rosettua, -. . hers. etc. - . . , I :st and oat( Lace .!)oota;.i . Oopy Lili'l, i nikpp,,,Putch koOla,.etc. .; ' ' • ' button apos, gout cudenameled jaae re; DmiMmg's etc. ; ,•" s . • . r Findings via o'fil.i . Pradel; calf eking, mlock panned Gulf eking, Mordecai, 1 ito lining Aims. red,. blue, , mfirodn, Me, oppc!..lentheri oak and hemlock" intl. zi nu nailei-mpurabiee i beer ball, ork made to order, and repairiap.aast- fa.tqlv - 1 1 1 onl d': base ii t 041. —.. dual boilli billy '25 •cts. • per copy . . ~ ......„ ..,Nan . kizOvq, thpclf. -., ..- ..., ii rL iit.4 rim's ;%ICale.4l,Minn el and. Illnii nook Or , thO Affietpl;qontoinlng not Otallisti.of tho'oiiiiniPe,'- greti:Treattn nit 'dad Ou're,of every f"iiri,ordliesse.con ; I rAetel - by. Pr. mitt:flour.: &multi Int oreourFe., - by. Solt sr I..buk, or by Se rail IlcceA r e, with adrice-Pr their,preren laion,lhat. =lnapt (Aloud tae gar Or clocer.loy. from ,the 're i Olt orgoata ticearp, yoarsitie664fut piaftleO; exterodetly i 1 d.n , ottd to ttt - stite, or dike/Ise ors delicate or private iia -1 - To.which le i adder., r.ecriptsi'or. 0 - I'6 'mire' of the' 'chore dbiealitt . ao , l :arealle_s co o)e`:catipe,s, - evreptotai 'arid Fiery An -itidir tiro of thiaa ilx Pp . lef mie , the t,rti.ite4SPl up pabl: • Ito SevorittiStFea '1 er aiid Agne; tic rrtentY4tvit, Cants a copy oltair; , . wilt bo•forwardrtt to any ,pnrt.of r.lra mait.itrop,nrpprtage, Address post. 1,1111 Post Ordge, or rltir hi uthor,3B :North :Phil • Rdetyrbfa. , ' '. ' ' '''' '' ; Fl i t ict ' u fi o ll ; under Ids care Eh beraeo aria Seventh et. Ph alliStifuls. - ,R fortunate In ilit . ........._ ....._ i. 131Pol'EXC V—Througit unrestrained ; lndulgenco of , the p issinas;btetiess, ies4lf-anisse, the - evils are nume i rolls. Preotat are iiiiperSecy," Inveluittiwyr . seminal die, eluitsreii.trinitto,ridtbe organs, loci of mentor/. a diskitta Drirn fe:ire society, general debility: ic-cunstitutlonal AO ntiorditit. Orel tura to follow - if neceisarrivensult the IDocter with confidence; ho offers'n perfect ewe: ,• ' ,' r I ... 17.11MI)*AND REFLECT —The afilicied would do well to a licffeelliefore tr sting their health, happitlese;and to tan ; nytWAts thilr I j ves; lo the lands of Physicians- Ignorant . of this`,.dner of ncholies. It is certainly impossible for one roan tone wrstand *lithe ill tho huutan , family are .adhjeofttv. Er ry respectable phy,ifehtn hoe los penallar' branch, In wide thole more- socceesfol then his brother ',professors, and :o that he deloneS Most orbit, time and T'EARS OP PRACTICE. eiclusively devoted to • the • stridynnatrentineht of discises Of the vernal enotass,to. Itither with / Wet WI s Upon the T; throacneoitfoar leX 4 pains in the hvn , Or boner, me . :eutial rhooractlaraistrlg, tares, gravel. I ;Marini*, digeascs arriving. horn youth ! Integer/rent. fm Pritletrof ' , the Mogi, whereby the ,,, ion.. olitatlou tour he.!oino enfeebled. -enables the Doctor to 'Otter epeell/ relief tb all who marplocithatutolves ander. Medicine forwarded to any . port of the Duped States, Price Live andlendollarsper inteicage... , lll. - • .1 . , .. aOOO-_PII . ,• ... ryorfeit,pr, - ..luater will forfeit sso,ittall n auk mite ofeertet disease that maycome no mrtter how,lOng atindlea:'of filicting. 'lnvited labia Private Ro ii 38 SOrtte tn. without ftu!r.otiptanithtiottfroixt:Pth" rtwnters slid others who here been un scletlion of a Physician are invited to. . • , 'CES".d)r.'I°AIPEIt LlANA catiOs`,Or.bj.linitt9ro!-li. 11'0i lharr . I !violet. in thew. parts: • liamisoine tti• 1 cenia . a ikkci;:er !liege r ,hfa It i grer.' 1)e i 4 4 4. will make itfciv.theliute- Inver paper • in our,:plqcjr. " • tatii r 6t3 te co. ~" 5101/AC overimard • of oOlieruo,_qoalit •ii•Or or•oll %SIP to ¢utcbere'f'r • • "teloirlillif .IAL, ,W 0 0 Ori 'WOOL lar Wool *.% •v- ils DU Rill its cord; Imo (SW3I4aM Netv Mt • ' • -laver . Cenipbuct. - Jaundicc;Dyspepsia;,Citroßioor 21r0v.9 11 T 9 Disea.sesiof the Kidneys,. •it N,D arising from ),rev or A'etconittett,"stiChas cons tiptit hint' Mitutdpiles tallness •osi blood - to the head, 4teldityiast , thir stomach, muse*, heart tllust ,fr food, ot 'Wr du, she vitt:Ml.lo burn; . g oone eructa o tions? sinkinget, ilutter ight iug'ot the pitolthe stendielt, , sour est utatienettead ; Marled ciedf:. tttultbrodliing; ttuttering at the heart, choking , orsuffo, eating det.sti one when iu i a lying -,pbsture,Lutecuess, of rieleih; dets webkibcfore the Sight; fever and dull pain in' the fiedd,idetclericy:ef perepiration, yellowness tit the, skin pain In - the 'tide; back, Chest -; &e.;, atiddeli finishes of beat, , b crying in the flesh, cons:ant aglaings br and:greatdepression. of.spicits, can .bo effectually cutcd-by. Or.• UOcillaud's; . • • man Bittinem.- , Rrepared.ll.Dr 0.; 1 I ,Jackson ,'itachs'en; -at the German Medicine stere, 420, rch ',street,: • " r• • ''••• -'.Their power over the ninny diseases is -.ncifekerlia, : equalled, by any other preparation in ties Chifecl,States,; OP the cures attcet,in manycaseti after skilful physicians , b>d failed. 'Mime bitters are .nortlafthe attention of 'Wrath:B'i:-. ' Dixt ,, e'rehig grced virtue. in the rectification of diseases of ciefaverand lesser giunds,exerriel ,, g the most 6 51 15 54 10 8.!' powdr in weakness and affections et the- digestive o gans, they aro, withal, safe, certain, and pleasant.' Read and-beC . anvinced. • fThe eclitor ‘ ollthe Deafen Dee said, Deem:ober Pr.lloofiand's Citebratvl Ger6an Ii forthenure of titer Complaint; Jaundice, - Dytipeft , ls: Chrtitde; or Nervous Debility, is deservedly 015 of the most popular ntedichimi or, the day: These ratters, bast/been used by. thousands; and a friend of our ethosiSystihatakintifeir teieltod atkeffettital and pernieUent cure of Liter Cent.' pliint Isom the nstrof this cenieiy..:tra ilia confined' time s % tho 'usi or these bitters, the:patient *Stigma Cy piing strength 'and vigor—a fact worthy of great cintion: They "ere I:llea:twit' In knee and strcell;,and 'can" be used by persons with the most delicate stomark with sti,fet,funder ant circueistances. We are spetmipiponi experience. and to the alitictel we 'advice their use, , . brutes Weekly, dee: of. the best literary perils pub-' Ilihedonad,,August Dr. , tfcceana's- ,Girmati Bitters, ipicpatsetuied• by_ pichson, are non recominentied by some of the Most prominent, nnitubeis of the utelical radii:Di 'as au article' ormtichefficacy In cases of female weakne.'s mach IS' the rare, we would advise nil mothers to ()Malta * bottle, and thus saio themselves much sickness. Persons attic.. bilitated constitutions will tind these Bitters adiantate. mist° their health, as linen from experienee . ithe sal. utary effect they hare lipid weatt' systems."' • ,Mare Evidence., the Philadelphia Saturday Gazette. the hest fanny pa.. per eubtiehed in the 'Culled States, Says of Dr.lloofland's German Bitters-- • !•11. - IS seldom that we recommend .what-ar& 'teemed Patent 11e1leInes, to the confidence and netronttae of our feaders. , and therefoie when 'we*.recoutmend land's German - Bitters we' wish 'to be distinctlyi under stood that we are not speak Vig of the hostratua of th+ day,' that are noised about for a brief peeled and then for. gotten after they hare run' their guilty taco of solsehief, but of a UM ilelue long establishol, universally approved, and which' has met the hearty approval of. the faculty Itself." 1- Look well to the "narks of the genuine. They hare the written signature of C. M. JACK6ON upon the wrapper, and his name blevra In - the bettleocithout which they are epdrious. ' • ' • t For pole, wholesale anal-eta'', t the Gerntnnille.h. rine State,'Sci. 120 'Arch street, one -deo'? balow , Philadelphia, and by respectable dealers generally thre out the country.. Pricer I;educett.,—To enable all classes of Invalids to enjoy the advantages of their great restorative.peners, StNaLT: ItnTTLE, 73 UKNTS. , . . Also far Sale by ABEL T.UnRELL, Druggist, Montrose, Peral'a. lyl _ • • Daily Express:line. • , LACKAiVANNA AND WESTERN - it AILItO4D. Per .1 1 aisenm . er Trains' with special senger; far forwarding of Alaivhanclise, . and Packaacs erery descriptton.: Snecte Bank .117,citeF, 4 3 a.; ' , • VOTES, Drafts, and_ll . lllB collected, all orders a t e to with premptn CIS anti i.t•reasonahla rates. .The Agents of the Laaawanna. & Wcatern Connitmy 'will act as agents for the above . cipreas tine, Express wagon. will be in readiticss, anon the arr;ial of each train at ,S'aranton,„to forward with de patch, Mei chandiza, &c.. to Pittston. Wilkcsbarre, &a. • .., Leonard Etarle or 31ent rots Ada authorized to reCelfe and forward Express Freight front that .place tothalitatitroso Elation, and from told Station, toMentrose. -N t Martin et • Ton:htiantick, will receive; and, for- Ward Express Freight rim - that, place ta ,Tonlihatmook. Etatien, and from tact stattori• to Tunkhannech:. .• „, • T r, r4 nitoo Ncirembrr, JOHN GROVES • • DiSSO/UtiOni ei;:i r ei,yeensine brriiciforeeziFlln2 itimlertbe 4.:145.111Vand firm of ttla h Thio, the 14preett hee.ne4oohel.. 4c 'IV 8.,11 this day 1115roliell hriautii efeaoseni;:• "•- - .1.1311: 3 SISK: • - •'.1.iri.1;1952 - • • • '"U. hoelares will bereafteite eanhal roopCd..r (r.r. See ad*ertleetnent. - - The P.eople's . Fitend• • 7'. Pond's, ry" Ithaca, N. Y, Pain iDastroli • cr and 114ililiw. Extract. : ...A N.' attract from the shrub ellied“Witch hazel, and -FL plntily from tlaat, with , the exception of a.ll to - owe:v . oU: . truill cure all local pain end inflaunnation.ol Bonsai fresh ninth:a mat bruises,lPilee.aml all diseasea'Of . the Vowels of fiebr - late nature. tootb-ache, car-ache, and au excellent rranedy for fonalca, ace. ...It to truly shot trprofesecs to be, " TRU PEOPLE'S vaults o.'f , • Providence has scattered -along the rugged paths of life - many things that contribute grentlr'io the cam - fort and happiness - of every bode ;...Itence their mat value, on t well may they be c.alled.“l'dendo of the Pro, "One maid here tartar,' against imposition. A man by the immoral Spenerr has manufactured end offeled fur sat.. a emulous article rolled the,...Oaryd Extract",--that Vonld.befeatztet from the Ivizei.nut—tho genuine is as abbe and nuft. as 'crater, while the marten , efticiale col ored, u bleb onehlea t h e-public to Went gulsh. • • None genuine but those marked Ventre Pain Destroyer. • 'WILLIAM - H. • 31ootrose. end: stored:elopers and tnedielnedealere generally, Agents. 11100..Agbri0•:.Wantiid 4 .:.•. T 0 'ore'rr 'eainity. IhnOnifed,States, tO • 'circtilate the anthorited.ealtlen of the - ' • - ' • •Liftt Of Gan., Frank. - .l"ierco,' OF NEW 11AMINS11jEE,_ . CandidatOf•tho . lkinocracy Preside[ of ._• .the:Uttiftd Author: of ".What r‘satt„:ltt,7iOntlon, ..Bani nud Things to tho.greit Alotropliths7.lwitt.ologant 12 too vol. or - WO poges t rill' an Itc,c,uratoportrate,of.oneral Tho'b oeit contnins the particulars of his early life, an emittes ocaneeted with his private and professional his -I.tory,and 211 liStl 01114 of his public and military •ervices, ate.„ by a noantar.ticar. :England antharorlin has - visited Cocteau! for the . special purpotteof 'deeming : a reliable an Vaathtmtla Yot.nme,:umler the advicoAnd (counsel of prentineut Democrats., • . , v.. The ert vrt has Abe emetic% of, the. dlilinguishedi tsnb ject'at the. memoir, ihose sudden:and unexpected Me ration froara private citizen. to , the 'proud position of the leader of the Democratic. party ;-awl, ea tlie'De ntecrary confidently - belleee,,,Enon to be .elerated - by . .thein :to the mast 'honorable post In the world—tidef -Mites - trate of the United States—creates a - desire on the pert of_ every American to know the particulars of Ida , Uniform Ala) ilideetin ittnest cloth, 75 cants. .• • r . .Cop . les sent -liy post,poid, receipt:Of twroW.' • . For ftutpe?parttcpiare,a4dross, Pcotl , Pald. .• : ..' • • • ' • , • . • • ; DERRY,VIIII.4ER,', -.• • 18ole;Epbllsheri, Aphum, • _ •.. I Pabilthel.s of Democratic raperviwitldns4o tones of New EPA Stpte..lnderthm thwabore,, (Pith' this no- lice.) tides 'previous to the - let-of hop te inberatest,Oall receive a Feu of the some by mail, free of pottage • • • DERBY .51ILLER. July 2141852. - ' • Anbura,ll..Y.:: To - the - Xnblic:= ABEL' ItRB Ll' is now receiving and keeps constantly ou hand a large and desirable s as. 00 DS be sold yeilifow toiens . li or ready The stock ie composed-of afoot rate assort meta at Drugs; • Chemicals; Oita; - Dye-St'uff's, Groceries, Glosslware,sponnO, • -- ,- SpeetaetCs,- ,Musieal Instruments, ' 4:- : Yank& - Notiallge ' lll id ' Liquors ", A 4991 f7ry Goode, .4, '` •• . ' Mirrors, .Shitiopery, Brnshes',.: , 1 . t'".' 3reclical Instrutnents, Perfthnery, — :Trusse?i, Supporters, Shoulder• Braces; Shoes, - Crunphine Burning. --Lamps,. Clucks, All persons Tishine'ro; parents* Drugs or Goofy t4 - 21.,coresiicl . cloputtrifo t its, ~~il3 tad tlier J 'praiute:reins notrd Oirtling'4ol: . the' Drug and. VorietyStore of :ABEL. 1852. • • • • • ' W Ordr ii T woolat,rri ,g 4; • - wo-e EA?. qu it - 10,000 o°llll6lor ol 1_ , /4't St:Gl;:c A t • Montrose. 14 ,3' 211 r „ • - lour 6q t he , l4 l !l"cr:iiend,aliiLictcfilpo ty ,, & k)!•.1 • trAURISOII'S. Peavvugair=iit: .;1* .3111)%313. To4ortt'a4 Throop Co!s . ... . . . . . , - , DU, ROUGIiffON'S ; : .. . . .. . p, - ~, . Aizother- - 4%iiiirtifit .Wortilcr Groa, 'CurO',' for' DyspOpszii' . , , _ AIL .r.l.liol;cltricuses' rEP'4.IeS.• TUE Titu ; vE; t 4 IDO it Vasirtej MCC"- Proyared from RE vi.siET i the fourth Stomach r 4.09, I Ox, after dirootiomt of llaron.l.lehlfr, tho,'great logical Olitaidat, vbin, pa_ f.) TIMM a t rulf.worKeiink Trmo4 WDIGPSTION, DYSPEPSIA,. dAIINDIOtti LIVEIt DEDILITY; ettrinX• often Ifature'ri °wit muth-11.1ry Nritzte's ornoixenti thi Gastritodulco. ' IN•plo la the cldef.rdornent,or great Pipit:lvo principle; of the,Garitrio daleethe Seltent of Ilia Pond; the Purl.' flduj Preferring, and Stimulating Agent of the Storaxch ' sud lotertlnef., , , It li:extracted:from the Digratlee Stant— ngh nribp,Ox,' Out fialulig 'an AET/PICIAL DIGES TIVE ri.pi ry; . precisely pke the natural ( met ric ,it, Clwmfmt powers; and Om idollndoi complete. and -prr-1 feet substitute for It. Dy:the . old of this preparation Oro , ,pains and evils of Trelig.'Etinli and Dyopepela are reinovedi jnat ar they would bo byn'heul thy stomach. , liladuing wonder's_ for dirpoptio, sari ngtagoil of Rebillty, - farads:- time Ncrvou* eoline arid•Dyspept la Consumption,A4' 7 poted to berm' the 'iMgre of tha' grave'. • Ttia !Sedalia ell deuce Opel which it la bated, te in tha lilghpst.derrco cu. riourrand remarkable.; . e ,IS pent/ c,. Evidence..;,,• Damn Liebet,• In hiseelebeuted pork on Sininal Chem; dri' Digestive Fluldtitialagthas to the Gnat de Juice, May be readily prepared from the San• epos niembra ne of !Liz stinach: of the Calf, In which.sart. ens prtieles.of food; his meat and Eggs, lie' softened, emerigedi Mad' dikeeted. Justin the -saittle Mannerinithey isonld he hi thwbuniati.storoach.l!", 7 _ ',•.. ; Off". Call on the agent: Mid get a DsSerlntivu &Miler; gratis; tiring n large'araonnt of adenine' evidence, WMb lar to ltio abore,..logother.ltittr reports 'otsernarkabla caret from oil marts of the United Elates. • .DR- itouottTorOs PEPSIN IS now sold by, rigarly'all the dealers In floe drags and popular niedlelnes thromdi. out the Milted States., prepared - Jr' ; powder -and fluid form, audio preaeriptivuelols Tor die use of Phyal: P It IV ATE',CIRCULADS far' the use of Physicians, any lie °Unified of Dr.lioughton arida erenle Icserlidtur the whole processof preparation, and siting UM nuthorities, npon which the'cialms ofthis nevi remedy are hised: — /ta It is not wrecret rentelg,rio onerdienetni he raised against Its nee by Physicians. In respectable /landing pud regular practice., Trice, ONE DOLLAR peg bottle. ' - Dfr OBSERVE. I'lllFD,Etery Muth) of the gelinine PEPSlNimarsthe Fri tten signet ore: of J. S.. ;11/ULM TON, g. D., sole Proprietor: Philadelphia, Pa. civy.: right and Tradelisrli reenred; car- Rohl by all Drumists and Dealers In llicdicines. Dr.r.For sale by,,Els'initEELL, Drum,dat,l.lon 'rese t r.i.t Agent r‘n• Enginelnnlnn 41nIlneY, . I D RY'_GOODS NEW STOOK!! cliEspg4 TIIO • .. Wait !r, • ,W. N..l*-lislin . . ..:: . - hate_or the. Firm ,orWilson ' "& Miller, D . ESIEt ES to return hie gtitefudtbanks, to tbo,citi. zone of Suequeltanna county - for their liberal Pat; rounge thiriug the poet year, and r cipectfully fblicite , a continuance of their forme; Haying reopened the st ore In. Tompkiu s' Elock, (which hoe been enlarged and Improved.) with a full, week of Spring and Simmer Goode, he, invitee those whol-wish• to purchdie GoOde veyy lowi for cash, to call- nut) examine hisaseortment. The eubjoined.ll et of Gentle and pricee ho bilieree will rompare favorably with that bf any other •raerchout In this vicinity. •.!.• LadieJ ' . Dress Goods. A largo' aarortmtut of black tMdgolored Eiika, of TIP. dons grades and patterns, from 41. Od..td . 148.1.9' yd. Mouselind IJe . . 2000 yards of Spring•De Laine", of aTin'ost erary vurle ty'end etyte. that. the Nes' York market afford", from 11c, to as. petyncd. „ .;.; • -•• ~ -.• , -•.,, • Prints .and Ginm-Aams.., • . . 1.0,000 yordir of..3icrimar.k; Snll ,River. Corhico, Eogllfh ,ond — olber stAes 'of flints; nt . oc. de, 100, tina 1 x per yar I; 'Ort eakeiif sopetiO cloflis and color*, yard wide, at ' • tho low price of, J. 1000 yordP Lanc.nnter trilaggow iniburos,,warrontPd rapt colors, ld 'Also, Scotch .' and Ftenar froth f Is. . ... . i . : :.„ .1 1 10UrOng Goods:',.,; :..r . • : "i 71 Caßtol beep, Alp.arcs, MalsoirLustror, Par,r, sr. Cnrs ton Clothf .nll Irool Do I.:Ones, :ills Vu'suisyind all titl e: goods used In Illourning, . - ' • ' -- ' - 1 -' ' , ~:: • ' ! Whiti • Goods;' "-• . , Lrien, plaid' and striped 'Jneonet Irtistiti;C#nibein '& 1 %1 plain Irunl detted..S'aiss. -Xiainsonk 'fa.tten, Linen ennSrie, Bite< Eye Linen.' Lin.n Table Cloths, Neplchitii Scritelt and ltrosta ilin sere Liam Sheeting* Slartings, in. [c.c. at; awl prices' as cannot ;fail .to give entire e.stid'action to oust ; - • 1 I'7o lot of Proelle. - ei.ten Crape 'end castin,;ie twenty 'per eent:etveaper. than ~theY were 'SOW last pear. . , • • • . . - , handkerchiefs.::. Llned Hanactilats of el-cry frop..ed to 44 • , • •• ' • Table: Corers.. . „ . , Several ditch Co'!ered - cotrim. liarated end tint n, and all trod Emtvoised Covers, front 4i: to $4 apiece. ' • .1 7, ' , • , Good. for - Bien and -13°0. , llrriad tits of everi.cOlOi and vicars-, from. los. to as ; black nod fancy Vitssinieres. frotn • G to 20i. • Ken tucky' Jeans, - Tweeds ant Sat:nets; o 4s; Irlatingeof every description, 41:m1111-and price. : • - •• Domestic .IGoods, -•: 9000 fart<of broil% Sbeetinis and ebirtiorsifiem 5 to On. per. yd..; 5000 blenched do.,fcom 4e. to Is. per yard; tickiegs nionfarine•e'sbirtlegs. from Gil. to Is. per yd. .• Rosier'!" irnd' Glofes. • „ An'excellent sissortment and eery Olean, :.Amoti thein n lergelot of TeldteCottit: flosei very lair ruality.only ..,• Trunl,s Falises.an, d Ca27qt A wril n•Esorieil stork. Pnicirtieifillrect,- from the ost' ruannfacto6. in'this eonntry, and for Sale at such prices as will adroit et: no eorovetition. Straw and Gonda.. ,Th e swhieriber if difirt , U , .',e t o r !,, of the public port or turn tIP pcissesses great' facilities Tor etterp. tl4rr prrer cheap. keeping. constantly, On habil tdnring:.the Pea ' son) large stoc:knf , Strawliorinets, alter he wil I, offer per m;nt. cheapeethatilLey 'ran haliad 'at 'retail In New . liork 'City: • Eitlier 'Wholesale 'or retail enstemils vlli find-it :greatly totheir. a !ea n tree to examine his stock 10fore rankingpurchsseselscwhere. • ' Ribbon*. 'anti' press- firlianiines'n law 1-• Corner of Courtand Water streets. nearly ~` . „ opposite the Americanintel.' lingo Itinrosti 28; t ; -.. A.S.-.E1.1. - C,T111,D,,. READ-- .-, Philtidelphia , Flidical'irouse: , :v*iabzislipi fifteen -- 2ye'ail',4 k' ri;piDiz. 4 giNK7E - ' ..t.N;* . ' North :. West ' Vornei. — 61 Thlid:Wini U •. 'niein.., , Sweigi'zbetticeii SpitiCe and piiies'..E,i% Phitadeinhia.. -•- • • -A' ',..,, •',' .":.` .', •' '' ..._ VIIFTEM TS ftll.lf-::or extertSivO: Mat Witnterittpied t •L .- . - .PrUctity sPean In this oftYr haVO.OUggreti Dt"..-11,1bo most export and euemsful maetltioller far and !jeer. in the treatotent ed all d ie - Ml.lr cif-ii 'Jai-tato • nature.'' rei oeurvuitlietediwith - alters: ow theliody, -throat or. , legs, pains Itt tLe Lead orbanesonerchreal rheumatism atrtat- Iltes. giafcl, illseaais 'MIAs* . from .yeathfal exeesses'iii litinutitha of the ideal; erhexebyllbe - comfitation his be- Mita ntifftbled are All flreattd . with Aneeesv. -, fr- -::.:, :•-t Ala who places himself sinderthe a eam:et D. R, niir religiously confide hi his homer as :a zeuttelitaiWandenis-! -fluently set,' upon hirskill as a Physician. -.:-.--- - - -.._1- :,-, . f TAXIS .P.haTlCl4..all Nar.Ca , ..-it•CUIMIIICa * who lay! tnjared therriselvea by a 'eertaid,nrictice Italuhred.li .habit frequently learned from' 4.ril compdalorte neat school-41m effect! of Irhietr: alit nightly fott, , everOthen ~Itileep.anddcsfroylhoth rated, and ,body,'.ehould apply: I.lWataedlatel.f., Weakness' and t eonstltittintial• debility, .toss ofmuscUlat orientyy Physical • lassithda and- general .prastrationOrritablUty and all. nervous affeetions,_flndi . vegan., ilnyglidiniss of the- flier, And every disease'' ts say- wayentumetiti With - the pitierewliiefmtethiasiOured 1 attd. (ult. vigor vestnred,,; ~; f. - --1, ;''fi . ::-;r!'-.:',, : '-..:.:.! 'i ~f; ' .:- . Read 3. Youth and Illanhciod.:,.; ii. :' ••.• : , ./ii..VigprOtts• Life: iir Prehinturellealh.. • ..-.0 , 14. :::.ifiron ney:fireserration.:: , Only,2s.vs.- - Jl. -- • T l sJs.unou jcistpnbltshedjkfated • *ltttOolaktuforina Oen, on th , ,ltitirmitlei and dim tlete , Of tiio geno- 11 1 1 V . Oor• gans. ItiqdreSsesittwir 'alike; to' TreihtlffanheSictroul Old Age; tad sticeildhe read liji all; . Tito valustde ad. I wieoandimptessive.warnlng it giTfp,_wlllpreser4yearitof, ' misery and sitffeelnie; and rave= annually thrinsands or. lives. PoreUter, - hyretylinglt, wlll.learn /wy .dp prevent i the destruetihn;ut their "errildren.." - i 1"-: f r / -..t., A icinittan eit.of 20 xents. enitlosed iii a lettpr i nd. dressed to-Dr. KlNK.r.prmibi:llr.:Ceiner ,of Thin: -and Union Srreets, between 1 itri/re f t and Phic;, - Phitadelplito, will ensure alook; anderonvelone;rierleturrernall. ' -• - -'t Personilatasllstaneemay.address Dr: K. - dry lettor,.eb elordog &fee, and beeured•at homm, y: -..-- , -.., -- ~_ ._.--.. Packages at Meiieines Dietetasn.ii - 4T.,forwardel i by I rending a terattancer, and p rit,fup. scour/ from ,Dam age or; !'Curiosity....;: - . y :i ,-.....,-; f.:l-.--:-:'..c.f xf t.-.- ..-- .S - f.-. :. . flook.sellers, 'Nein Agents, Pedlars, - CanvasvetaSt -:_ and 'fa others trapplled r Mat 'tho.ntrov* votk.:.at --wevy,:low ..., - . . . . ___ _.. . ! r At thec:‘Wpsiittlalle-'Etelittoge. _..,.. ._..... THE subscribetv with:inany: thanks to his_ nu -7.11-ilrorguely: ittereysinwitettmwavpultl nturact 7 firlly arotqhiltat(irithclattlt he fie,ttiittetedeivitit a chrice - sqectit?tt-mt:.)..ootlidirept'fro . mNew -Yofki, ihrd,:iii,,ifitiniii.io (tell ttritii2ll344Cl .4d 'filth* totted pnitoipte tof le/ire.and.let - lite.": - -Wantoti t iti exchange for - toods:1111 - 1i lidocif_'lirodiee.'CiiSh ‘ noti i #iineft -,.. ; - '.3() .I...KE;RitIMAN.„: ~rUpsonyille.,Ariliq, 18 „1.-:•L _.,,,, .:•:!.. _.'480 .. , BiiliGa GRE&T. 0. _ . 011 hit e!toOtt i/ . .- - -, :.: cAN,F T EL T , ! . '.. i ellli i P a g i a. 4 - 6 , : i , ... 4 . e. , : 004 .. i,,,i,y :11.1!;‘,7iir ) ,. 41*I t i n i ',.,.,'' Z a al , ! tor:itomt,ioOlN• ' itenticrAltocell" '" - .;;IF.V.VANPIEI3D. -11;n/01mmen, April 23, 1 a,52. I • . . -- 114rtitis' Clititx3i' Pidinill ..., - . OP: - - ,OR THR CURE - : 01' -4. . - - • ' ' ' - '': 74 - -:"Ik . T-VOUGlig.' 4 isti:COLlY)3, '.'. 3 •`'' '13 : 1161VOIIITIS - : - ASTEP -44 • 'MN AND WtfOOPING ' :4 ,I- . •C ' .!----..,- :0 .1- - . • - - ' " 1 % lt'":oOrraltieltOTTAND ~ =••-t- - ;,,...S1 - 011SOili T IONi:E:', -; :. ii - oraifirth - trzatrixtiyaTi this platy celebrated tomodrforditimoit.oCtlin .thrziat:And lunge, It is not yonr winivio trttle with the;ltres or health of the elltet. . ea; but fiiinkty to jay bOrove (bent the 3pinton of die• thttuisistUntlen gild eolste•Of the ovidenets et its rue.: ceta, from: calla they can judge for thenlmiTes. %Ve abinoroty Wdgo offraelresAir tasks no wilt suseitiole or Glee atitesuentOf Its Olney., Inor will we hold out stay hatse:tp‘etitfcrfpg hurninity which facts orkl net warrant. ' . _ I .....„ • ::.;-: . i . brani r proatil anrhere gisin; an; au solicit an !nut ty tram thu public into all no publish, tvaing as:urea that they ; will tin& tpura..purfeetly rellablu t untl-tits niaillclue..troithy.th4r,beutccufdence Dud "path:nage.; tote the Ilistrrigislo ; ;Prciressfir cif andtt. OW 0_121".., .••• istry M t • • 11 B 1-• • Cc? • . Dear Sir:. •Idelayett:an:sweelog Abe receipt your. preparation until f had nn opportunity of witnessing ftreffects In my own family, or in the families 'of my_ friends. t 7 ' • • -This I hare now, done with a high degreC of satisfao; lion, In ea:eatt Of both Quits Mid eliildren. • . ' I' have fano& `Ms it show; a` powerful remedy foveldtle, and pulmonary (VIWAPLN. . • !, PAititElt AND, af ' Mrtitswlele; lifo.; - peli. 6,1841, . • Fiwri nii-Ovetseer in•tire annltonlMillp - ;Keay' • - —. • - Norztiim lo,lB39. • hairebitenourCti of tpo stentreaugli Lever:bad in, my Wed :7 your Cherry Pietorni, nag nee e,r3ilf; witen Intie opportunity, of recoMmending it to othtirs. .'-YOura respectfully,- IS. It. I.MMISON; . • ' =Tend 'tho seo' if this 'medicine. Is , worth a trial. This: patidnt Juni ;become rooblo, and-the effect-of .tPo medicine was unmlstaltablydie• : States Ifeitif, Saratoga Springs, 1-• • •••:, I July 5; IS.V3. Di. J. Ayer-sir,: I hare beenaMieted"with a pain, ftil affection of the hinge, and nil the symptoms of Set.' tied.annentiaption', for morn than tt !year. I could find. nortiedleinn _that, wouid reach rny rage', until :1 , emu monet'S the:use of pane Cherry - Plet•.ral. which ,;are me gradual- rellif, and-I hayabeen steadily gaining my strength tilting health is welt nigh restored, . • • , While u•iing,yonr medicine, had the gratifiejtion: pf miring with It any reverend" friend, Mr. Teurrian,•• of Sumpter instriet.' whti had been suspended from Ids • pnrochinilluties by a severe et taeh of bronchitis. I haro-pleitkure filer:tit) frig Woo.' foOti to you,' . ' And um: sir, yOurs respeetfully ! ,• • J CA LTIOUN, pr Conti irrPrerooied and sold 1/.l.a..nsi C. ATsn, eraitkal MAFg. Sol - byft A. TOriell,llionernso ; LuSlen.Seatti Ot. Dendi nod prnaists evesyyLero. ' . 6yl ; :ELBMORANDUM . - • „. —DR. ilianors 110MESTICI coiti;nizi . syrtor OF pLoopnoor, YOlt TILE . . . .. , . ennFinnptloni'APthinn, BiodoLltls, Influenza , Coughii Whooping Cough and Croup. I .. . , . . .. . , Dr. Thia4ps infant Preserl i rativp and Ala .., • -• Cures rlatnlenee. Calle, Gripes liiarhen, Dysentery and Cholera of Infante , or any of the earamon ills or infant •Ur. T,l;roop's•Worn Poison Expells flies° filthy intruders of thc hum'an systeiu pith. out excep'tionof kinds or numbein. - • , etrolocirgestion; Billions disordetis. Ciisthnness.Diles, liesdaeh,e 'lleartburn, Fever, Inflammation, Dittihea, Dysentery, _and rwtores Lealt hy - ettltn - t,r all the glands 01-thebody. Th . fifoirs . ve Water ryidlect io untsnni n 4xie r d thiv 115 oye p ; and ire sirittCsfor any aditininato 'O, • • . . I.)r.:•Thri)nes Salscr lei oilsrailitosetl for x aroglitg . fer Burns and Se:Liao, tl - It haunt, or any Abrasion of the e&in. . rria, - atmt.roye, N. Ora up•r•& Co.,"lta 11; Solath woll.tu,h C. 11. Wright, M. tklietoon.;,.ll. C Ilaiton, 'yriendrrille; 41 . Dtty.aoli • Syott & Itn,t, epringrille; 1)r. Lnal- Prt:Aulittrili Tompkingville ;-Ilay den 3.; Litt New Itl I tr - 0,43.1.1ir...1tr00k z Guar: Iftiol; L -31arritonit, Upton willoTlle. J..ltarney. Little mea t ion, Jn;per F.tamley, Choromit E TifianY, E rook n eon ;Tr. A. Dr. J.O. G trust cod.. Dunclaff ;:lohixon & Vrry.' !Meer& -.• • - - 7 _;J'IS,;DL+JSDZC,CrucroI igen rorcst ' 4 '500 CHATMENGE: W.LUTErt:II enian.;rus the health and happiness of TA , a peopte is at tilt Unica pf do most sty uowo. im pottance. I take it for grazited ! tlitt:eter7 - ncltury Rill do atria their potre;‘..th sate', t ho-di.V.e. of theft children omlth.t every person endeavor to promote their usyn health at all .satifillecs. I feel io be mi duty to aolermity assure you' that ..Wirrutt: It : wording to the opitd ,, o,of.,,theuncittcelobtated l'hvitiatiff. are the Tri mary cause of a large majority of disease to *We'll chi)- .dreirand'adults arglf .youltare rut appetite eoli th:malty eh:loge:llde from Ona land; Of foOd to another, bad breath . ; palurtit the 'etornaelt; piek.'ng :tha - ,Ml , e, luntlue,sAull fu, nee& of , the Lab , . dry cough, low fest!, niflte irrepMt:ir, remember that all' tliet.e'detiote:-..wart,,,,• and yOttliould at. Orme apply the 1. cateily, • • , 110111iN SACIC-8-AVOUJI An art.irlti/oundlapon.sclentific principles ; compontered With litively , .ir'egetal3let ; being perhietly' safe when taken, and • determlnedru' sat; i=a eXotts, and not Iravirigihes et .11/cased cotordleti tisinest enter - tised 'torteamt . for the reiniteal- Of:yr:rm., ci.rapoied calomel; inch, ai &Airs, VSrtnifoges, c r i but has performedithe mart as:ouldtitg en rest and saved theiives. of thourandS, both old and eoung, who have been pro; noniiied hof,cl6s. Incurable; 11% physirlans, , Atead the following and -Lecome convicted of its, eftle.ley over all, others : „ . . Mersin Rive r' S. J., A rig. 13.1831. Mr. ~.r W. Itobsesorte,--Tpls to to certify/hot my child. 118 -stisa ticat r n; Loving heeti sick for three years; was o t.. Render' for wiliaiase of the spine by' Drs. Loper. skitilliv, and. Fluster ;or a long limo without rewiring: any bane fit After giving her up sa,inCuroblo, I went rind to ,Pltila- , , delithia nd iontruittol one -of the best physicians; he'r. .411seute Still growing waste., I it was. at: this than I was hil -1 diked to try: It oVensai:t'a, Worm. Syrup . ond after .tak- I - Itig two bottler shit entirely it'gainedi her health,' after, emetics great quantity of norms. Dorton this Will P' a benefit to-parents whose childrcri ant &dia . sly allettet4' . lam yours, &c. i . ~,TIOI3E,SSACICS • LIVtR P,ILLS, '., :Arc,.piiii Of ilniay;tetills Tulin; llaftle,l o aii,; , : iisii ihau the' .11rei,dt emitting tan filter to purify' tliC bloodiar: itlifai the, profiler Soparation ,and secretiotv,tirthe bile, so that!, any 'wry: gtictfrin 'Of the' Bier tdrt.tetiithat nth sr infporfati r liM i tirof - Gretrystercittnitresnitarerionstylirtivertforn.' plelnts,dundice, :Dopcpsla,,Feveri,. Aa— We should therefore watt hjeTer.ii•zrrtitotcuti'.thrt!nildlit indicate a wet rig-ac Mort of r.hq-/iver. qbasst „Pills,-beiDg, -4X.ll , lpolled of Itooteand Plartilk:lnricishettbi n atli re to heal the sick, _simnel, :.laden fispectorant.uhich anTte tuts thesecre. l lion from thepub . :no:May niuMis menibroae,.or pronimei the - 'diaeliaige t/C i , etret6(l matter:;: 2d, an"alli'M flyer' 'which changes In some inexplicable andirisemilbleman-! ner,tite certain. morbid actions of, the:Were: . _lid. sa a ' Il'oniC, Which - glite's 'tone-tint! etremeth to' the nervous ryiderri,:renewing Imalttr twill:lgor - to '-all Darts' of the `-br.dy. 4th, a Cathartic, which - oda:, in:perfect harmony I with the otherdnaredientady ;operating ,ou, the bowels land expelliaglhersholtintiss orcorritinion and vitiated 1 santurr- and p orifying the Mouth- which - destroys disease' and retards. littalt r h. : • .:, ~ ,: t - : - - ' - prlt'arid' - ot.llitteiwirek‘r : 'ittatcratori,' Philedelplile;i carnet 4thund-George st. • • Prlen '23 cents.: -For —wit , by the prilltiptqlittiglilatt Mid stereo ,getterally,throttitwatt tilnaOhistlT. ',lty, agent' Aslibstry Vord, - ,Phllidelphia: AGFEN'W—AbeI TiirrelfinaliAlsittley lk Ili tild - Mont inite;-: Wayden & LlittetutdWut./G,. wart' , Nitie Milton/ ; Triton & Peck and Sun Seymostr,,llarfonl ;IL Barrens t& co., Gibson; 1.1 H. Welts & Chittendeionintebtireh & Ptdriney.drondatff t 0 'A. , F2irrlikle.: Brooklyn ; :11163W & 1 nipl,ifilei 11 W00 , 1,1 Lucien rk'cott and , Pr.:James Breaks, I Great Ititr . `Bend ; .T. W ' Lyman,' Thokltanneck; Darter 11: I Ruaseltj Sterilettviltat 'l4: rfitindeviint-Braintrini.' r , ::,i ,:.--.•.,:-...-, ~ , t.,-; :.:11iy/t. '-.-.... - . ~, - • To. =yawn an Farmers. Valuable Property for Sak.:, • FAIt 1f •nt 2 1 : 0 3 oeres altnat.i in ftriditioeutee totra;blp, littedoeharula county nod State of genarylyttote, .t.S . aerie ;Jr ore under napreveniertt: - The them to designed Air Wibiri, and I . l'eatiable of feeding 40 . cows dudes , etoOtttef knit vioteN toad every part.or It' Is "ell, watered, The buildlngo and land are ln 'o gOod'hondltuin at the' renecs'otblOb are ot :eche - aed ralts,Oraidie gOod..:..There are Malan o barns -ntrnt the preutiseo besides a loaner" on 4 'convenient sheds for eat. tie, Three Orcliordo, principally ntzeoft 4: fruits . and Caber tvvilt • • „ _ 8 id Calm; boa: rietry TileanstoVatid desirable letattort about t vro.tallen glum, biontroseiltba toubty seat of S. de ; cdehanna'notnity, and, 'abottt 'nine' miles from UM' Leg. getra Gap•ittlilroaCte trblobtisole to aTlan& Road, and I Is 'gory . tonvoulaut to meatitiga and seauolaiaukineclunt• talualdi;tairrtrildfoluing tha . abnticeon , tabling 200 nava, of vtliicb 160 omen: arc nudge ni high Abdo of cultivation. • Upon, lt tinuo. •,* ,larttAittnino lutuse;aral out buildings-te edreemiirid:'ollll' larrge to. • • lt ;ahead; and 'admirablY Said prTp Ali eri7wrll r ro s :l4;lii'r ' ii" en . tiCitio 7; i4 7 ll 7. ..; R " film or the tommy may , famairt on,btrad or' tiotegttgo•to I suit atuttenabittief.',l i ' AfIyIWISIA 14010411(i_peripplegly,pf by jettc.. Agn. .leattip of iderdritile.ittinftl ooncilViind any tartlet_ pas tiontiti. th at muty , boloqui. rod bo givon. • • ' , .lBViltf • • , 'A int:A.trriltUll'Aittotemeiit 'at Sflioi , 'N1404111 ititigiq 4 . l 6.taliiittatitily 7 utt!ttatttitia,rtootettEtlita - day; • • - ---,• •I . As .1: avANs. • , Ng: ,11,04 S• realm' 11411;11Inkhatittoit 4: Lanan,l,oz of SilvorSpucrylitsace., just ed*lwelV tr vod'lttlinkbr • " ". A %UM{ lot aWlititi-taYNTest .Buttuii Mhz*, tilieel A Key Ware. Ctotebet Needles, 4e. &e. A n t an i ye t at .July z 9.1 A. J. EVANS . ; kirgbatottti. " - Wyaft! TEICCIIANT ISAILOII. Tumo r -- • JY.L. most), occupied by. J,11.1..bim 11.4.07,0 tan C!c!tycliir !k ph.. • Ti,R,Sprt, oispirocirkvi tuo k., siabi,e,-Asonefftie, Pc • I Cu Wk Smith di to • 04x4 -K r . epAT.4 3lA:when! ptyte;Alooo. F ..pi-. 2- • • -- ).- -- 7 -- , -----.... t• i ' , , , ' ,, .i . :;,.: -. lllr, E: a ,ark i i - • :rt.Avis° retarded LC. Illarn rose te : retinae thr p g . .11, ;ice ; of, Ws .I . prtgession, may be felled at Eau flotei,,Where Ite; yew-,e Lappy., to you'opos 144 f : ferule - 41e well e! , .' • '' ' ' : .11obbrose . ; Ire • :2,13.; . . ii,.. . ,I - G Z. Dimock, RTSICIAN AND SURGEON, Ittentrob, 4 , 1 ., - tend to, all bulotera that may l etrattaitgl tali chaygoilotalt protoptoeto cod ndelity, Nate n 144 mpinte,e, onjunpUre street. StMleme,brickkicy Inir,', foot of Subtle Avenue.. . , Gooigo . Tolley, . . . . II IN •tOon S, Readioade Ciatyg tz ii, II (tape, Dc ollate - Rw, ite. atom tee dory .-' Thltte,teallOtetdtetitteee„ _. , , , sel l -----7-H:----:— .+' -- 7 ---:-- : ---2 "7". -" ':Tyler mss . .. .. . , IN ,p4.,Eall'i DRY 0 OODS, Omeettee Cynefliin& t .1.1 attire,. Tinwisre, lilsh,-Oils.lllll4l.Pstras,tij: alio pays etehloa all kind!, orlibippint Ism sw: , below the Court limns. .. Charles' • SiA,ll.O AHD HAIR DR EFFHic PALOOR . Nth; oeet door to the Postale', Notynos S. IS.. Winchester • A "tiTTOrrY AT LAM; ,Tuqkhoznnott p er `. Pa ; tirk'a,ltrle!: Raw. • ‘I'JLA 'A INE.XCIIANOEPTABLI. Ontegaiya. below Keeltt'allotel,Alontrose, Pa. • ___:________ E. B; & Sll Chase AT TOTtNETS!AT LAW, Montrose. oki ~ leeris , tote. i , E..IL Crust: B.a. ce,,,,,ony'. .. . . . . . .- --.`' Con don & Sterling, -nr AjsEits 1A a bLg .Mogg?igNlS, oan; LI TALILtig kr, Iletaten the Canal Blidsg gli hOUP•;eoart id, ilingbamton, N. It. ttra.Bar efts k tiq Traveling Agent. _ , ,t 4 , . , C. N. Simnions i BOOT AZ/ SHOE SIAKEILAND REpanzt. over Baldwin It . Cox's Fiddltry Shp, „myry iky - 7 , . . ..r. • Dr. C. C. Ed wards, DIMSItaAN AND supor.oN, Harford, Pa. 020 J. doers below CI; J. hide's Wore. 4 'Dr:James Brook SUNGEoN, end &s, iIIuTEICIAW AND Cala Drip itleditthenPaltats, tHIA, Dyes, ke. Cornevi saa e streets, °ppm its eel. LTA's, G nal grotk &al. Virgil, SUI:GEdiN DENTIST, Montrose, Pa. 0:116 b , Fellows* Building, comer or Turnpike and Minn streets.. Operation. upon the teeth perferatedtkimet car,ruily terderir. Plate rank done entitle iet material and in the most improeed siyire; Cbargukt " • Dr , K. Smith, QUEO EON MENTIsT, euu e found es Mal ea rea 1-7neTS atul-Tc can LTA Or each week, at thane:4 4 L. Scarlet Montrose, Pa.., Ile would call rthe ati'ention Or those alio ead fall setts of teeth, Is p j manner of Inserting on the almospAmegrasittpid, pie.„whteds he has traciteed for a number of lota u °slier. Work, extraet lug, frlting,, ikatulag, dose lath Mersa aelentEle MnntroseiJuly 12,1452. • 2,1 Tarts for Bale,: rr t g• subserbers Rill lief as spots for (Neill,* sate' oflledlretst e—Farms, Houses and Lett toed ted /El. NU c,llnnuri, coin tyre. All obi , CA It offiit iheir p roper ty fo r shleean girt itaillUt dm* tlati ol their Vomits fir Lot., Wallows: Ndalerd netts, bow. menyi mutated, end.how •.wtterri;ll34 in - ii;"Oielizerd;srafted or e emmen fruit ; tap his and- OA dr'lrtieq liow fir Irem Illestrow t et tbe politest point toe depot on, the livir Teel k Railroad; price Or,el Irmo sof peymeut. Anvils ryf t o sel I or pure'bii;e neat Locale. Leif e lupe, tention -by Cilliillg on or addreming us et blowsy ) 3nF4fiebreent ectr.r y, Pa. inreoneeysticcfrorA)lofitrose to ihepretaitotot °Mee on Ttiraptte atrect,4 doors tied sf tkeltrik :rhe. following Found anaLLof Artl3o‘ fairer,' iNo. J., 4 0 acres,3o improved.Framo Boost and Igt 'No BO 'di.' 50 do - zoll Jo do =No:3, 100 do GO do do do No. 4, 100 do tO do fold 410 do No: 0.10 do 40 do - sold do do No: G. 06 .do do do sold N0:,7, Store,ll arcliouse ov d Lot. 'No.:11. 145 iscres7s tatiproved, framedliotue sad No. 0 021 -do 33 do e c:d No. 10 2 do do ' do do ,18 0.12 100 acres 70 1 / 1 11)T.TC4, frame hose at No. 13 310 do 260 do •do do . ' No. 14 00 do 00 .•'. .0.0 sold No. 10 168 do 6* ~ do ,do do No. 16 120 do so soul lt 200 ' dO TS' ''do do di . No. 18:112 -do SO • do • do •do N0..10 200 do Us, : do do do NO. 20 145 AOl6O .do do di No.-21 190 'd0,120 -•-• do do • do No. 2 96.{i:010.45 •-. 7. do sold do No. .do 33 do -z do do - No- 228 :do do , do 2512$ do 100 •- do ,do sold do Nu ; 26 INS do 10 do 27.80: . do sold • No: 2811 1 1 Pen*, good paw niU and dlrelitak o:111134 actes,Oo improved; frame boutled ld NO:. 30475 do 'lOO , • do do . ..WO: 31. 115 do 4)5 , do do' - , NO.W. 180 do 155. 'do • •do . do, ''NO. 83,/69 do* 60 .do • do.. do No.at 150, do . IGO do - do do r sal do a. so • do do do N0:33 SOCI .."do 170- -do • .do . do No. 3:100. do .30Q :do . • 4o 'do .Nd . :os 170 -do: /60 do do do :N0.'30 115' ' do - 90' -'do do 'de "N014030t do, 45. ; do . -do = do No. 41,1.12 do 160.. ...do .. •do told do, do do do' 40 4°' No. 49 92 do . 60 • N 0.44 136 do C 6 . •.• ,2Co. 48.800, do - 200 , . - do , do . do ' ' No; 40120'M:roe; 80 lompriired,inuno bowel:db. and grist mill. •N0..47 200 ' div rii:k • _.,,,, .do . do 1 do ..,_ NoASIO: 811 do do No - . 49 60' , to .CO •do • de 83 - ' OO ',65 do - do :• - do ;No.. 51 tin, . do 60 do do ' - do, 'N0.52 120 do dl do do -; - do 63 do 100 _ do do do ._Nof• C 4148 do ,100. do• .do Nor. 55 60 Ili "40 do •' do a , 56 165 do 325 do do r • do N.l3...4.Pinionodestring to postbox.' an)etth , " • att . c t thoriumber . eon obtain a tuli etdpisa. 11ALD915..,'„ ) ; E. G. IiAECOCE. A le, ra,,Oet.,lBso.—fitt. : 1-• ...Goias at a illttlo.abo*e Cat IT/IS su b s criber bait' a email stock pl. of NW/ "jr; coarse and tine Boots and tabors, aaa 114 aarartatent 'at Ladies, Mates. and tluldrra's glottal Shoesortdett 'bets . sow setting at okra bat bads& . lampoon. 'Mare anittipottualty for good WO' k this line . mus, - February - 4.383:. 1 . . • ':GBEN3) STONES. 4,TO*Ei. of Berea (kind Stones, ot Ike Lentontkrsq l : re, economical 'Shane, ands otallsizettroolt to w. IL, at 1 74, to 2 ,V CtS per Ito., actordlot to . OM ••' ALSO, .2 tons of" Boil:W.7e! which . aIU " ra `" 111 ... " Utah the Berea, and are rery:tappedor _.. work, and water newtr,nrito Lti, to Ili ettr's l ' , Gibbon 307 r .1545 , (Win) 1.1.81i1t201111a. • VIM DITLV -6 Rat Pi:nutty Evray..ruunstay moRFII,II .S.: 84 - R.B. Chase, ,ThipirogliANDrnoraurrus. 21MardS. Ope dollatond 4111T!'rutePtr mama, eV 66116 e or taro dollars if notpold until th e tad of . thlrile3 I,ll2o:oll,obaexiptlpn. 'No paper "lab, & tbaan nntll tillarreiniges ire paid, except at the Attbilatutt, dlt.cotatounicatloos joust to post receive atterNpn, All elte» connected et tko"" dltected to 8. B. te X 11: Class; 1104 Stut4tulautta l cOunty,:ro. .1 - _ttATF,S OF AnvEasisrsp! One more (12ilrier or Irma Oa"- 121611 ° 11 ! A vadli oubirquent Inrestion,o' y t eivantealtsto months, • • 40 One Knorr' 'ix. uouthr, •• • • Buoineso Cards, four lines or le 31, TM Yratly 4dvertiorment's,zot crver F.ur p 4 OneVolum.‘pserr, •• • " • Yearlintiviille r e ia mtuts irlit be restricted id tU 'utak In cblett. aro.e,pl,ol, • ' 'JAM WoRE. ' enrttlefultlitbetabulos olittso otstoirafo4 0,- , 91 1 Prt 'Wog zoo teriab, aro prepaid to mate al 4 04 'work 111 Marmot' au& %Wat'. ...IN 10461E* Of cal th.octittlontozataa tl r lw• :Zitea tp
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers