• B r ibery and, Corruption. - - .. Th e leaders Federalism seeing that there „ pe for Gof enerat Scott in. Pennsylvania e a he econ "‘ l3 l dof November next, have deter mined to use the most extraordinary means aceoplish 89mething. For this pure se Governor JOHNSTON. Of this State, inamedl. I Alter it was known' that the October el ite'Y " a d re against the Whig party, a ft 7 Or eeabug ° imsitslconsoltation with the leadinre spirits &ibis party here le ft for ,New York; for the „, as e ofraising a largo ran of money, think. msthat with d he could pu minis° eneng a h - vates ke up ihe deficiency 'on, the - - Whig . side, r, w , a a r re Pensylvania for Scott. $200,000 is ' to to 're the sum he required for this object; , also said that the money has been raised. Voss of Pennsylvania . you; who have so. era b a ttled for the right—contended for t pc meeratie truths in , opposition t o the monied Dower of the country—the men who would eau their vassals, that they .might re. pece Tel in the -g ainsg extorted from your labor, and lot a it over you as they list—we call upon you . l hi your might n'tid dignity, and at the ba il o r ban on the second of November next, Gush, by your free and unbought ballots, the w oo who, if they could, would -purchase. ,ourdearest and most sacred rights; that bo la; to you as American ens, and with the ir gold turn aside'the course ofjustice anti tle current of popular sppinion. that webere present to you is no teew head a nd bloody bones—no creature of the !magi, mt i o a; it is the.fionest truth, and' we wish to i m pr e siit upon the mind of every honest man in the State. The Concord,.N. H., Pc4ried, tothis subject, says : • $200,000 is said to bo the sum of money raised by the Federal traders to be used in yennsylvania alone, -in in the effort to carry that state for Scott I It. is said that $20,000 of this vas raised in Dos. ten i e one day, and the remainder of it has be ,,, wro ng from all grades of office holders, fiederthreats of removal if they refuse to pay. in this hue work is combinedboth absolute rubbery aq gross corruption. It is robbery ; to ettorthioney from an office holder under a threa t 4removal, just as much as it is to ob. Oa it bt a threat of personal violence; and the ase to which this money is applied is corrup lien itself. It is to be used to bribe poor ro. If' s—to bay them up like cattle in the mar. la. With thismoney thus used, the corrupt ' 'managers of the Sou party expect to be able to buy up votes enough in Pennsylvania, to glee the State to Scott. The magnitude as sell as the turpitude of this proceedintwill appear when we look at the number of men I who are to be thus brought up. The Demo- crane majority there, in the late election, was I a. b„ u r 2100. To give the vote of the Stale tr ,s;ott, more than one-half of this number of Inca must ha e urrniced—hribed—bouollt. u p At least 12.000 v 0 eS be ob- Weed in order to give the State to Scott.— And this s tnpenduous work of bribery and corruption has been deliberately undertaken lo the leairrA of the Scott party. The mag ti;adoot this undertaking and-its enormity, are ealy equalled by its utter absurdity. But: this does not abate one jot nor tittle of the licences, the amazing depravity of the men oho sre engaged in it. - We have too much confidence in the hoMes iv Of the, people. to tbitik for moment that tiler can bought like .theep in the shambles by our unscrupulous enemies; but, we have felt a our duty to warn them, that they maw act only be on their guard, but also see bow, they are estimated by the leaders of theopo ainr.a. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, '--Pcnnsylranian Death of Daniel Webster, HIS LAST 31031ENTS. Boston Oct. 24, 1852 The Hun. Daniel Webster, Secretary of Suit, died at his mansion at 3lars_hfield, at miry-two minutes before three &clock this rooming. Ills last hour was entirely ealni,and he breathed his last so peacefully that it was with difficulty the precise moment of his de rarture was perceived. The Burton Courier furnishes the following particulars relative to Mr. Webster's death arid burial:— The last hears of one so beloved as be whose ' tardily career has just dosed amid so many circumstances of eousolation,were of the same an tenor as all the rest. The publie'are already informed of the chief features of that deeply interesting scene, up to the period when Mr. Webster desired to take care of all wbo were in , ,the house.- Ono by cue, in deep sorrow, but sustained by his own great crumple. the members of his tinnily and the friends and attendants, came in and took leave of him. Ile desired them to remain rear his room, and more than once enjoined on those present, who were not of his immediate family-not to leave Marshfield till his that,' lid taken place. Being assured by'all that his every wish would be reli ,, ionsly regarded, he s then addressed himself to his physicians, ma king minute inquiries as to his,own condition, aad the probable termination of his life. He was answered Mat it might occur in one two or three hours, but that the time could not be definitely calculated. 'Then; said Mr. Webster, suppose I must lie here quietly till'it comes:* The retching and vomiting now "'retuned annum. Dr. Jeffries offered to Mr. Webster some thaT which he hoped might give him ease. The dying statesman remarked—r Som ething more, vetor more. I want restoration.' Between ten and eleven . d'elock he repeated somewhat indistinctly the words, • Poet,.peet ry--Gray. Gray.' Mr. Fletcher Webster repeated the first line of the elegy—' The Curfew tolfs the knell 'of laming day' That's it, that's it,' said. Mr. Webster; and the book was brought, and some st, nq read to him, which seemed to give him pleasttte. From twelve o'clock till two there was - mitel restlessness, but nut much suffering . ; the Phy :Sean were quite confident that there was .130 . ;anal pain. A faintness occurred,whi c h led him tini Think tai his death was at hand. While id this con-. ditioo some expressions fell from hini ting to hope that his mind would remain to h il n romPkikly until the last. lie spoke of the di ff iculty of the process of ifing, when Dr. Jeffries repeated the verse:— Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for Thou art with ale-thy rod end thy s taff they comfort Mr. Webster said immediately The fact —the fact! That Is what.l Want! - Thy rod thy rod! thy stall l, -thy staff!' ' The close was perfectly tranquil and' eafty, and beforeoccurred at precisely to enty-tivo minutes three o'clock es 'before stated. The psons present were Mr. nd Mrs, Fletcher er Webster Mr. and Mrs. Paig a ei -Mr k.Appleton, Miss 'Downes, Mr. Leroy,' Ed. ward Curtis, Peter Harvey, Georg utth e 'l'. Gk Ganes Hinny Thomas, Esqrs., Geore'L Ab. and W, Z Zantzinger, of the State Do panatela: Drs. Jeffries and J. Mason Warren, and the Pe mongl attendants and domestics of! tr. Webster. • ,ljes. 'Webster being unable to witness the but moments, awaited the event 'in . ter own iNdetem. Eir Webster's Ptateral. Re loun BostiM, Oct. 24—P. M. that Mr, Webster, by. Ilia own Ra kial direction, will be buried m an tumaten ! li,,tu manner. ihe fgeraj tervlcea will be Trerferl* by the clergymen' of the - parish - of -Bouth,Bfrusli at.which pi e ce tiro petunias Will I:minter led in the tomb, As yet; no day been fix ed for the *funeral: • -; 41 • • Mrs. Paige is expected toOtorrotr, and probably ; in behalf, ; of tho fnmtly an nounceihe time of burial. • reii4yfritikifizte - otiOii44.lsskr' , . • • Sup. Jtidge. pa u. - Com E ms _• 1:Fr: , • •. "- `4 6 • • • .•Ir The Election ter, the District "corm tho Borough of Friendsiille 7 Will be Houle, in Said:s; rorrg,li.. ,The Election for the District coral the . totinship ot treat Bend,' Will . ir the house .occupied-'bi-Jus.;'Tilliiiii tOWnShip.. - • ,-,- ..--. :!-- I- -`.The.f.lectiOn for -the. District coma the toWnship,_ - of Gibion,! WO be het{ 'haiie ofJosepk • Washburn; in said! tr The Electien , forAe . DiStriet cam the township of - Harford, -- wiii be he house of Nathan W., Waldron, in sa ship. . j The' Election tor the District-com tl,le. township of Hartniiy. Wilt be hol house formerly beeepied by F. A. skid township. - -The Election fel' the District corn 00°01514 of Herrick, will be he !these of the ! late Warren Dimock , township. - i The Election fer the District com the . township:of d:ackson, Will belie! Wouse formerly occupied by..Nathanie snid township. -4- , . : . The Election fat the District corn the township of 4essuP,,wilt 'bebel hbuse of Daniel . ficiff, in said townshi 1 The Eleetinn, fer . the DiStriet cons the.township of Lenox - , will be hel hbuso pf Grow.* Brothere,:in said . t {The Election for tho' District corn the township of Liberty, will , be bet &hoot House neat the residence domstock,.in said_towoshio 1 The. Election for thb District rem the township of Lathrrip, Will be hel hbuse of Elisha Lord in said townshi • I The Election for the DiStriet cern the township of Middletown, .will. be liburre-efloseph Ress,in said toSvosk I The Election fot the District corn ) t'e Borough of 31i:intros°. will be hel h use of Leonard Searle;ltOitii4 Bore The Election for the District coma If ' the townsl4 of New: Milford will be the . .house . formerly occupied by. Jo Pine; in said township. . i; • • I The'Election for the DiStrict comi trio township of Rush, Will be he IrOu'se•furmerlyi occupied .by N . :alien oriend,,in said township. I The Election for the District con I the township of Springville; will b the house of Spencer Hickox, in said J The Election for. the District -con the township of' Silver Lake, will b the 114 use now Occupied by Rebert,ll ! ril said township. ;The Election for the-District co the township of Thomson, will ,he h helm formerly occupied by Jonas DI said. township. II also make knoWn and give notie 14 the 13th section of the aforesaid directed, -that every person_except tie Peace, who shall !roll any offic pointment of profit or trust under t States, or of this State, or of any di I cerporated district, whether a cottn' ! c(r.- or otherwise, a subordinate ohice , who is, or shalt:be, employed under lative, judiciary' or executive depa this State or' Dnited States; or any . , corpora ted district; land,also,. that es her of Congress:, and of the State and of the select - or common count 1 eir , ,, or commissioners of any km district, is.by laW incapable of holdi l erOising at the same time,the office 6 ment, of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of thin ,of this COmmonivealth, and ti specter or 'Judge or other officer of - election, shall be eligible to any otfi he : ! . voted for.'" - - - , And by the same act of Assembly t is also made "the duty of - every - Mayor, Sh riff, Dep uty Sheriff, Alderman, Juitice of I e. Peace, , or Deputy Constable; of e. 'Cry city, ! eonnty, township or district -within -this Com monwealth, whenever called upon, yan Oh cer of an election, or by three quali ed elect ors thereof, to clear any window orvenue to , any window of the place of General Election, which shall be obstructed in" such a 'ay as to I prevent voters from approaching ' he same ; • and it shall be the dirty of the respe tire Con :t stable of - Such ward, district or town hip with 'in this Commonwealth, to be preselnt in per ' , son or by deputy, at' theirtnee of holding such' -• A Card- i-. 0n5,16 s uch, Electi ward, district or township, 1 -- i t .. A Meeting of the. Regular Practitinnern on tor the purpose of preserving the peace eel Allegheny, -707 6559 7148 9539 Achuns, 2191'. 1672 - 2197 1659 Armstrong, 171'4 , 1701' - 1447 1891 Berks, 3532 7585 ~.:3748 '7372 Beaver, 1608 1693 1555 1692 Bucks, . 4772 5418 4810 5508 Bedford, , 2022 2032 2026 2045 Blair, . 228 . 1693 2251 17 - 72 Butler, 2468 2130 2431 . 2167 Bradford, _ 2422 3056 2458 3027 Cambria, , • 1218 ABl4- 1190 1923 Carbon, ' 684 1241 674. . 1238 Chester,. ,5560: 4962 , 1 558049621 Centro. ,1698.,.2737 1717 2763, {Cumberland,; ••2780 2927 2745 2974 ! Columbia, - 962 - 1908 998 1972 Crawford, 2194 .2662. - 2175: 2668 Clarion, 1042 2116' 990 2149 Clinton, • 926 1249 1001 1188 Clearfield, , 763 1400 - '758 1352 Dauphin, , - 3071 2610 . 3165 2521 DelawanN 2001 1521 2928 1539 - Elk, , ' 161.242 112 267 Erie " 3147 2 165 - 3257 2180 Fayette, - 2668- '3590 2693. 13504 Franklin, _, 349$ 3109 3423 '3107 ' Fulton,. • 646 773 649 774 IGreene, ' • • 1217 3250 - 1227 2141 I Irunting,don, 2070 3110 - 2095 1681 Indiana, • - 1989 1430 1942 1464 , ' 1037 1254 1047 1243 Jefferson, . 836. .1083 .785 1057' Lebanon, 2372 1737 2345 1752 Lancaster, "9741 5526 9986 5688 Lawrence, ; • 1719 1026 1685 1048 Lehigh, - 2267 2979 2297. 29921 Lycom mg, .; 1798 2499 712 2352 zerne, • ".• . 1 2962" '-4988 •3141 4894 M'Kean, , 381 516 370 493 Mercer, • 1958 2558 2079 2556 , 2 . . 123/ 1487 . 1253. 1448 Monroe, 293 1653 220 1647 Montgomery, - ;4125, 5263 • 41;63 5276 Montour, '• 755 1337 7137 1319 Northampton, ;2093 3331 2174 - ,3318 ' Northumberland, :1326 2018 1393 2215 Perry, 1112 1952 1172 1901 Phila. city & co. 24048 23177 21. 2 ,33.22915 i Pike,•: 50. 692 83 ' 6531 Potter, ' 166 3)0 175 391 S'ehuvlkill,"' 37551 '3960 3747. 4223 Somerset, • 2391 '9lO 2389 947 -Susquehanna, .1331 2447 1319 2470 Sullivan, ' , 163 ;373 163 , .354 122.2 2 . 228 1292 2247 ;2485, 1,835 2555 1837 , Yenango, 8.1! 1562 859 1559 Warren, 1 1025' 1246 983, 1227 Washington, ' 3615; 3796 3740 3675 Wayne, 747 1999 813 1974 Westmoreland, X566..4640 2551 4683 Wyoming, • '711; 1138 744 1003 York, 3417 4586 34;5 4599 151681 172899 151660 172348 151600 251681 Dem. 31:1j. .20748 rliern. Whig Vote for. Governor in '4B, 168211 168523 - 168201 Whig majority . 4111848, 1 . . . 302 Democratic majority in 1852,2'0748 . . . - Democratic gain since 1848 ' 1040 Wood! Wood! Wood!! - • • •• Wanted at tho house of S. IL Chase imme diately. Those of our subscribers' who:hare promised us, t!.Till oblige to bring it along•now. Bishop Pottees Appointmep.tx Nov. 4th, Thnrsdiy P.M:, Springville.: • " " Evenini Montroo. : " sth A. M„ New Milford. ConvOehtion. " Evening' Grout. Bend. " Gth- Ntw Milford Convocniion. - Medicine, of Susquehanna County wiil ;boield ut Badgers Hotel in New Milford, on Saturday, Oct 30th, at 1 O'clock P. M., to take into.cor s Jeration matters cf importance to the!pro fessic.n. - A Genoa' attendance is to:ves ted. L gar:Tam: In - Jackson Oct. 20th, by R. Culvei,,,r,sqr, Mr Elnathun Tolley. of gaton,:Steuben donn ty; Y • mid :Aliss Satoh Hall of Jackscin.' PROCLABUTION. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: IN p_orsuance of an act of the General As amiably Of the Comm onwealth of Penneihin, entitled "An Act relating to the Elections of the Cominonwealih,"•approred the secondday of July, Ani.n Domini one thousand eightt un dred and thirty nine, , . -,....- -I, G. B. ELDRED. ! , . 1 lion SHERIFF of the county' of Susquehanna, rin said Cotnmonwealth, do hereby give ri9tie.,o. a to thellectori of the county aforesaid, that Pregidential 'Election will - be held: in !said county.- of Siisqueluinna,, on TUESDAY, the SECOND day of NOVEMBER next, at Which 'tithe will elected : _''''. I Twenty.seren Petions as Electors. Liar Pres ' &eat and:VieS Presided[ of the United :Pales. 1 also hereby.:make known and give notice 1 that the places of holding-the General Elec. lion in the",:sereral Wards, Berouglis . and Townships-within the County-41 Suncieharina are as follows, to wit:- -`.- ' - • : 1 The election for the District compased ' of the township of ApOlacori,=will ha•tield at the house,of, Joseph Beebe, in said township:, ; - VW Election for the District composed': of the township of: A.rarat, will:be hold; at 'the School fi'Oitse, near Echound .Worth's in said township: - ' The Election fob= the DistrieVeimMosed,.of the tontshiP of Antrim, will be held nt the banse'of Georgelfaverly,3n said townhip; -The 'Election l'Ot :the District co:biased:of'. the township of Bridgewater,' will be, held, at the honse of WicaJi. Hatch, in the'. Dormigh of Montrose. • -;• • • - The Eleetionlor thel District leompcisedi of the township ot Brooklyn,wili he held at the hou4e"'formerly occupied by O. A: Eldridge In Said.to,Wnship " I ' The Election for the Districticolnriosid!ot th - e tbWrishilivf,Choconot i irill be held; at the School ,HOUse, hear the" . .boisa of Hebert Gif fin, in 'said 'township; - • ' • " 1- - The Eleatioh :forthe .District . ;composed tot the township" of Cliford; will.he held .at the house formerly °eel/pied by. Arthur S mith, in the Borough of ' The Election for the 'Dielriet , composed 'of the township ‘of.Diaiock, will_ be held at " the house ,of John Esker, in said township .• • _ The Election for - the DiStrict composed , of the'lleirongh - of. Dundoff; i ll =be beid . ad..tille' Dun Hotel, in; nald,Borongb. Election for the-Dlstrietcomi the township of *sorest, Lake, will be the house lately eccupie4 by Presiiryt in:ssici township.: - • The Election for the Eistriat corm thb township tit:Franklin, will- ha hel school house near 'Scot' AllardSlrksep • I aforesaid." • Also that in the 4th section' of the Act of Assembly, entitled." An Act:relating to-exeCu lions and for other purposes" approVed April 16th, 1840,it is enacted that the afore:gal& 13th section, "shall not be construed as to prevent any militia officer or borough officer from serving, as Judge, Inspeitor pr Clerk at any geneml‘orspecial Election in , this Common. wealth",., ' . ," ' - L; Pursuant the proiisions contais 76th section of the .net aforesaid, tf of the aforeiaid district shall respect charge-af the,eertificatc or return o lion - of their respective districts, an them at a meetin. , of one . Judge district at the. Cou rt' House in the 131 Montroie, on the . third day 'after t election, being the.presentyear on F Ftrin 'day of November next,then ar do and perform the duties required,l said Judges.... Also that where a sicktiese or unavoidable accident is attend said meeting of Judges, then icate or,rettim aforesaid shall, be tat - of by.one Ofthe Inipeetors Or Cler election of said . district, who shall d form the duties required of said Jud to, attend. Also, that in the Gist - section of, said act, it is' enacted'.ihat "every general mid' special election shall be opened betireen EIGHTand TEN in the forenoon,-and -SHALL coliiinue without interruptiOti :or, -adjciuturn nt -Until SEVEN o'clock in the evening, when the'polle shall be -Given under my Hand, at my uffi Borough of Montrose, this ,elevent October Anno Domini 1852,:and in t the CommOrmieulth the seventy.sixth • " -G. a ELDRED,, r • _ ... ... 1 l' '-' WINTER , CLOTHINN subiCriber,' tlianblbl to Ms friend's fo !.1.; tom; trotild remind them that be bait re • :.FALL `FASHIONS foi iBsi; Mallet be''e prepared to erne • era,-as usual, -with clothing made . up sub Ilmintsomely,and promptly..: • • 01'Pleam ialt at any. shop to ,Keeler'e b • 60011 below the Democrat Miles, It 'you want : :meths, I am anarely at home. - :-M out intakes twelve rtrike, boy and pine dow • knuckedout. 'ykat's'vo. - Montrose, Oetiaber 25;1861:' :• JOlOl : 1 .2 = ..,:•:,,•-..,.., MT Az eitTrili 'AS ,t , _ - , • WiIPAYATI'S NEW . CLOTHING STORE ! A ... TUflitilli:E STREET, VltitillioVi, * ' ...ort Q. WYATT hes juPt retAreed ficielteri Veldt with ~ V , &non end beautiful = assortment of Clothe, Veeti• atensifilreetings, dm kV:, all of wliielt , lia :offers at, the donut liring pilots for cash or produce., _,„ I_. , Thesubraciber has an hind - the latest and most itetr 7 red style of Fashions for Fall end Winter Clothing. • W. W. vill manufacture on the rnostAussonahlo l iu2 -terms and Welke most approved stylo of, tub ,at the shortestnether. , I, ''_. ;+ ,-. , • .:. , - -;.- . : W. P.M.. wants in . ersolefor tootle 800 tare le of Ap: .:opsor the ,bost goolity, end: 40 Orkin*: or,' ettee, for which be will allow 24 ceAti!per potted for trie4cltcp44- ity in trade, , -- • - . - W. P.: WTATr. firers sE Plolook'elatieLawolSee,Turoplksetteet.= . . ..ile)PUOte,Vee;l9,3Bl4. .. ..-. used of held at • d Hinds, et' IY.OOin" l 9 , L. Just PublyqtaodiJ. T. Welch's =aka lti. . , PORTRAIT -OF inrit - csniNatosu-:. , I ,En g ra,ed,'-by Fermissiryn,froni Sittar4i.-4 ' only, original portrait in Of:Arne:lMM; itostthi THIS Superbpicture englivednuder the superintend:. mice of SW/MA.4 SULLY, nag., the eminent and Itlsly gifted artist, Is 'beauty correct likeness of Wash-. luntowever published._ It has been characterised as the greatest woric'ef art evei produced to this Millinery. As toll. fidelity, v. e refer to the h tiers of the adopted sou. of 'Washington, GEORGE WASIIINGTOAI PARK. TLS, whe says, 'it is a faithful representation of th e eel- , ebratettleriginal,'; and to tiIIIEV JUSTICE TANEY: of the Supietn, e Court , of the United States, idol says, "As worker art its excellence sad- beauty must strike.evehl One whs,sece It: and It fs no Ims happy. in its likeneri to the Father of his country. It was 'DIY geed ihttuno to have seen him in the day* oriel boyhood, and his Miele appearance is yet wrongly improved on my memory The portrait yen have issus . al appears to me to bean Wet , lateness, representing perfectly the . .espreintion as trill As kb - stroke and .features of. the fate. ! ' -.- And saYa , SENATOR CAS.S, "It Is n ilhoilke representation of the great otiginal." PRESIDENT FILLMORE says. "The worappears . to me to • have been admhaltty exee Med, and'eminently worthy of the patronage of the public."... Says MERCIfA'NT. the eminent portrait painter, and the pupil or:Stuart, "lone print, le my mind, is more re. fl ari:able than any other, I have Seen, for presenting the Whole individuality of the original portrait, together with , the noble - end trgnitledrepose of air and manner - whkh all wbo cvtr saw him considered 11 mart el chametetistie of the illustrious man It commemorates"- • , 1 , For the groat Merits of this picture, we would refnr • cty lover of Washington to-the portrait itself, to be seen i the oßea of this paper, aid to the letterer) 'the foliow- Ing artistsratatestnet?, jurists and adders nceomponv. • " . . ARTISTS.: 4 -11ercbant end Elliott,of N. Ttirk ; Neegte, it,,olhemle';iiillAiebdith of Philadelphia ;tibelar Hard- Sig: of Belton. llharies Fraser, of Charleston, H. C.; end to the adopted son' of Washington, Lion . 0: W. P. Una' tie;binsielf an artist. Srareausn---Ilia Excellency Sifh hard 14 Istere;' MajM General {Winfield Scott, Mit. Geo. N. Dallas, lion William it 'King. llon.Maniet . Webster, goo. Lynn Boyd, 114 n. Leeristlate, Wm. A. Ors ham, Kinnedy,Mon. Rte. Winthrop, LL. D. ~.Intsrtre—lton. Roger id. Tinny, troth Jahn Duer; f fon. John itlehean, lion. Rerun Choate. Scittoisnall. Folsem;Esq., the well knows' Librarian- of the Boston Atlieneum,:uhe says, "1 would rather own It. than any painted copy I have weer seen ;' EP. Whipple; Richard. IDldretft..lfon. Edeurd Everitt - . L. 1,14; Watidunton Iv, Dalai W Emerson. Esq., Prof. T. 0. Upham, •J. 1... I edley. Fits James I falleck, 'Rem Wm: y hofellow. {rm. O'itnere Simms; and Fans: Ecaorg, Lord Telford, T. :II Macauley, Sir Archibald - Miran, ford Mayor of London;' StO.B.e. Tits Pause throughout the entire Union hive With nun voice protialmed the merits of this superb en graving. ' • ' ••••• Tu enable all to poetess this valuable treasure, it is sold at the low price of $5 per eery. • Publlsned by GECRIIE W. CIIILDV , , . :N. W. corner of Fifth and Arch streets. Philidelph fr... D. D. DIERLY,.soIe agent for the States of Eastern Pirmsylvaria and Delaware, ^,This portrait can only be obtained from 11, 4 3 .1e119, or from his duly authorized agents.: Arrangements have been made with the Poet-office le pertinent; by which copies of the Portrait can be sent to any point, per n all, Its perfect order.. , '="Pereons by-remitting fire dollars to D. It , Byerly; Philadelphia, MU have a copy scut to them lice or post ottt'• • fer3lagnifteentGlit Frames, got up expressly for these Portraits, furnished at the low price of $5 each. ‘toosed of ild nt tho id town. used of held in used_ of held at in Mid osed of et the wnship. •osed of Ichtt the ;d town- osed, of at the ard, in osed of d - at tile in said osed of at the HA ht creed of at the osol of nt the wnship. osed of at the of Isaac osed of at the , ased of held at posed of at the osea of held at seph O. osed of ti at the 11 Just issued, a .ITangnifiernt Portrait of Ceneral - Jackson; Engraved by T.B. IVelch, Esq., after-the origi _nrrl Portrait painted by T. Sally, Esq. This Portrait int Lea Install for tho trashlngtoa, tilt! Is lii eery respect as well got up. , Prier $5 per copy. Atiorcss so &bora posed of held at ownship. posed of • held at Gargle, sheriff's Sales. Bl' virtue of ot.trtit of Pi. Fa., Issued out of the Court , of Common Pleas of 'Susquehanna county, and to 1004 dirutted..1 - Will expose to panic rale et, the Court (louse to Montrose, on Saturday the 13,h day of Novem ber neat, at one o!eloCk P. M., all th.t. certain piece or parcel of hind situate, lying and heir g in the vinage or Susquelninna,county of Snsquehatna and tqate 01 Penn sylvania, hounded and described as foil, we, to wit: On tof porch by lands of William Smith, on the east by the highway, south by lands of John O'Laughlin. and west by the highway, containing 1:.00 feet of land, be the saute more or less, together with the apnprtenunces 'and im provements, a two Story frame building , octuyitd as a dwelling house and saloon, being known as 'Wage lot N 0.119 on plot 01' raid village Survey, late the Mate of I. Ti Weeks. posed of Id at the odine. in as In and ict 1 am lustice of 3 or ap le United ity or in >sion MU or agent, he legis tment of ity or in. cry mem- gislutu re, 1 of any irporated g or CY appoint- anv eke i- Ist no !il -1 ny each c then to 1 Teikei,i in execution at the putt of Etlfwell Drown -g Co. agilnat I. T., Weak'. ALSO, All that certain piece or parcel of land sittude lying, and being In the termed p of Great Bend, Stoguelianna con ty, and bounded and described as follows, to : Beginning at the rixteen mile stone on the line between New)Cork and Pennsylvania; thence by land formerly of William Thompson, now of Isaac Reekhow, south 21 degrces weet,4o perches to the corner of a lot ofilenian Stealdart g thence by the said Hereon Stoddart's land north S 9 degrees tiest VU petehesy thence north 1 de gree r ait 49 perches to the said State lint. and .thence along ono none. south . SOX degrees east 192 perches 'to the place of b”gionlreg, containing 60 acres and 47 perch es, be the same mote or leas, tor,ether With the apporte nens, about 10 acres improved, late the: estate Of Thomas IL Wilu.ot, deceased. , Tiller' in riot , talon at the snit of Anna B. Lyons. Erectile.% of the last will and testament of Daniel Lyons, deceased,-against Lewis • 11. 'Wilmot; Administrator of the cocoll,.clatt lee. rights. credits. tce.,f, Thomas K. Wf tenet; deceased,trlth notice to widow-and heirs of said Thomas H. Wilmot; - • AbSO. By trireme of a writ - of Yen. Ex., issued and directed as above!, I 101 l expel. to public tare' at the sometime and ell that certain piece or parcel of land /Huai ing and being in the towaship of Clifford, county of Sus quehanna-and State-of -Pennayleanba. and bounded as fo:lowt, to nit: On the mirth by the public highway, on VIM van by Henry Cuddeback, on t...e south by S. D.- Totopidus. and on the west by George Drown, cawaits log about 40 acres; together with the appurtenances, one framed house, one. shed, end all Improved, late- the es tate of Robert L Hunter, jr. Taken in execution at - the suit of ThcestasP. FLlnney against Robert L. flouter. jr.' - . • ALSO. • All lbot certain piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Bridgewater township, Susquehanna coun ty, bounded as follows:. Beginning at a post on the line of Onin . Beebe's lot; thence tenth 87 degrees 'east t 6 perches - ea Moses Tyler's lot; thence by the IMMO south 23 de ipeint west 148 perches to a post On. a line of -land late • of Rollin ILoySt' thence, north 87 'd green west 88 perches to a post on Walter Foster'si line; thence by the same horn. 23 degrees east.l6B perches to the beginning; re 80 acres, be toe same more or less—being the same lot which Joseph Putt° Geld by a de, d •datcd Dec. 9th, A.1D.1848. conveyed toiSitstitiSletiab Butterfield— together •urith the appurtenances,l,frame house, 3 frame barn, and about 50 acres Improved; late the estate of Joseph 11.1latterfield. • • . Taken ,In execution it `the salt of Luke:Blakeslee es Joseph D. Butterfield:: •• . ! . •U. ELDRED, Eh erid. SberiTs. office, fifontrmle, Oct. 78,.2852. ed in the •e Judges ively take the 'eke. produce rom each rough of le day of .• • t Administrator's :Sale: BY an lonic? of the . Orphan's Court. of Suiqueiranne county, it be exposed to public sale at the Court flonie 31mornse, en Monday the IStb day of Notate bar next; at one o'clock P. DI.. all that eaten Farm; eft. nate, lying and being in the township of Ilkhlletown, In the county aPmesairl, and bounded' n the north by land of Eltjahllowe and land of Thomas Flaherty, on the eat by' land of /mines Washington and land of John Mulhare, on the south Ly the 3111 ford and Owego Turnpike Road, and welt' by land of Patrick Horan, containing 310 sere or thereabouts, with the appurtenances, a frame dwell ing house, barn, thcn; orchard, he., late the estate of U. It. Rtniond, deed. Tennil made known theta) , of vale. ' • ' • • C. L. DROWN- m'r. Oetober.lB,lBg2. - . 4201 smz, the ;d there to y law of udgo by nable to e certif n charge ;a of the and per unable -Register's • PUBLIC notice is hereby given to all parsons eoneent• •ed fn folitoring imnittes.'to sit i • fhtate of , Mittel Crow fit t, deceased; Ziprocf thbb,ltdritinittralor,.also:ac fount of lianey'llf. Shernuiri, Guardian of Farah Mortals Shenfine, That the neeonntaute' e settled their counts In the Register's- oMee In and for the county of Fusitiehattnii; atoll that the' lame orfil be .presented to the .Indges of the .Orphan's Cr art of said .eottnty..ln Montrose, on. Wednetday .the 17th day tor or - November nest dartiEtaintloo. and ft Ilettanee , •., • ' J. T. L.4N9DON; 16i1eter Register's *Mee, (Warr 13,1852. • . • . , • 1 Atditor's Notice, fittE findereived eu enditrir appointed, to Apportion Al. 'the &Levet& remaining ha. the hands of A. o..Balley, A dirdnist rat or of the ratite of Israel 11. Coy itolde,dec'd among the creditor& 0'2411 estate, wilLat tend to the du. , flee of that appointment at the office or J. T. Lentrdon. Montrtiee,''oe 'slciiiiley - the 15th ;orNovember, 1852, et 4 o'clock'P. M., er tehiclie e place all per sons interested are repaired to present.thele Claim' or be debarred frotkootpirig in fora abate; of rock 111111CMI. C. LA/ROW.I'4 Mootriele, Oetiiber ID, 1852,: - . 42.4 'e; in the day of Ie ye' of ii 1 their ens ,:fred the DissolutionLz. . • RE eopaittinnttp heretofore. existing between the subscribers In the Mercantile butlnesti under the firm ofA.CASIPBEL4 '-te CO4 1s this day 'dissolved by mutant consent.- - " ' N custom , tantially, ; k,s few I good mark The notes 044 accounts of, the late Iftin aro in the hands or . 1 . Taggart for Air. 0. Campbell wilt continue the buitinie; et the old Noce. • A..0A111.1.11t1.1.. 0 CAMABELL '.' J. TAGOAUT• 2 fetenttiville,Eept; 28,185 Z `," • • Linw l er cant I ~, and the IRETWE,EN the ehop,olllenry..llemons anti - japes' .1 LAO. en, the Plink Head, Putrid, 'metal ng bet. a fizaitidbuctoprociad liotielln Der belie then. "-The - owner will agile Oho 0100 OF-Itimry Clemons: prove oropertyi pay chaire r and take it away; - Nontroae,Oetober 10,1852. ' . • 42w2 . _ - Painphlot Laws-'for 1.135% Pin* ishereb7Bliea thit ibe Pauli!) te* . tek — ws Of ,thC 13 ;. iva i ou of • 18Y1, /TO Me • day tett .. , 61 A ofd 'ready for 4111 0 b 0" 4 ° Ib°l4l . °IIII P °d to re6 ls. %RIP em , bet. 1,1852.-40w8.-- . ; TlTEriusbrikai— aP towr Ippr ru A POOldi BOOK, irY Arisbiniei,' inntainfnii Pronassary,liuteidatted A:0111as, ISM; payableto Nabs Kenyon or bliug r, one yam% Irma date with i ntlnarit, and signed by tba`subserpez.! , dti sald unto bubeen paid by me,l would - caution 4 all'pentons n o t purcbam the same. /114 t 411Warta• atlMMerifillill °CC. 0 - lOU —414,110. ~ • . • . • • 1 111 . 1i € 4%.4116111TT10N.• TH fi copartners:tip heretofore exiating between 'autraaritiont,.-{:rte the firm of lirityrfen and Little, is this day i dissolved by mmtual con. To those indebted fo the firm.either - by_Note or Account;wotld give put'utur turticei that neon° of the . untortugued is - about to engage in otherbuoiness, it b'ecomes necessary -to have thir Wainer' of the Grin settled immediately. - . 1 . Now Ifilicolj t October SIBS2.IINYDEN k LITTLr; _ • - - • A . ; 4 .. .* ABILANGEDIESer... The bueioese.will I,ervafier ba eintillieio by the 'subscriber-who 'rill lie •higlily gmtifi..4l io have his friend:. und enalostikro call on him, at, toty-tiine And if Oki ore kyatilitig. any goede„ility will find it to their inierelt.lo pOrehasiof him, UN bin prea,, erititOek:for.ready p#: will he . sold without r 07.. gurd to profit. New gtiodosuoy be expected , N. LIrTLE. - New Mfironr, Oct. '4, 11'02. 4Uvr3• T ARQE addltdo!iii of view etyIes'ofCROCKERY ore weakly raedvnig at Me Cruckcry awl !louse Vat. atadug Xatabllshusetit. by J. U. LE .liingbatutctui4o.l4,lB62.. ; „ . . . . , - ' Aff w i'4lf. :' 4 , b3 ' WietatitM .. • • / 11-0110 7 lrlirilY. - ctyle.,' . atnipo, - ,and color. and arab* lowest Woo. may ba found at, •..- s . DEA',EU'S..- • Binglounton,ltet. H. - ~ .- '.•• :, . - , `,TO HOUSEKEEPERS, Aid ethers Ilia are in waist of 'any, article - of 'Crockery and 0 ass IVare,Lamps, hooking Glasses. Cutlery, Star• ersylt annuls Wars, caota.rf ,l'offe and Erpice3lllls,llells; iVarei, Clocks. rancr Das kets; _Wooden and . Wino? Ware -a all kinds, 'Window Shades. Metts,lirid Cages, Dserrilleers, Erg Deats.ltrush cs, Feather Lusters, comics', } Jolt- Cutters. Coal L'elees, and ilia' externilre i assortment at Toys and Farley Arllcles. We ad else them to call at this ostensive establishment both as a a,iising et lisle and money, for here they can hod all the i pinuils stinted In their lino and at the !ousel possible prises. J. If. DE DEO; Weill/tattoo, 0ct.14. ns.2 • • • Sheri ff Sales. virtue of writs hf Vend. Ex. issued 'indef. the Court of CoMmon Kens of Susquelutuna county, and to me di:/ctcd, I will expose to public sale ut the. Court house in Montrepi.ou Saturday_ the 13th clay of Not4mber, at cue o'clock: P. all that certuin piece kr parcel of land - situate, ty.; lug atid , being in• the tuwnship of Apoluconi coun ty of Susquettanon,:iind hounded as follows, to wit: on - the nerd) by the Mdford and Owego Turnpike, on the east by laud of Edward Cram- Pie; on the seUth.by laud of Welch, and on the west by lends of M. Nolou and Patrick Ry an, containing about ~50 acre. Of wil.4.land; lute the estate of Patrick, Trudden. Taken iu execution at - the suit of A. A. lliask• ins against Patrick Trodden. All that certain piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in Oki township of Hai - many, Sus quehanna county, huunded -us -follows: Ou the north by lands of Ja'ines Comfort, east by lands formerly of Gilbert PWkinton, tunttit by lands of inines Cumfort itb u d eu . un d we ,i by the Belmont' mid Otinago Turnpike Road, Wiling about seventy 7 tive acres, together willi the apimiienances, quo framedhouse and:liarik au orchard, and aboiit twenty net-s improved. Taken in executiiiii at - tlie- /nit of Guild A. Lyons and' Fretleriel A. Lyons against Sede.te Griswold. • :41SO, . • - Ati that certain Place or parcel of fund situate, lying and being in the township of Beidgevimer. - Susquehanna comity, bounded aud deertbed as follows, to wit: CD, the.uorth by lauds of Henry eraser, on the east by. Muth: of Israel Young, on the south by lands of Simeon Lewis,-and ou Ihe west bylatithi :Of JUlin Sherer, containing about thirty acres, be the inine'mute or. less, With' the uppurtenances, one snw mill end about eight acres fr uproced,lnte the rile ta of Orin J..Wi:liaini.. 1'81 w') in exec:l3ollu 81 the suit of John fussett Williams.uat °dia. ua . - • BY virtue of a writ of Lea. Fa., hatted and di rected as above, I AVID expose to public sale at the same time and,phwe, all that certain tractor parcel of land situate in the township of Auburn, inithe eitanty of Sueiptel,Ouna and State or Penn sylvania,. and _I ratd, beutuded and described as follows; to wirr•lleginning at n poet nit the fierth eti4 corner bereof iii aline of lend surveked:for Sohn Onbley ; thence, partly by said loud 'and partly by other land, west seventy-two perches and siwets.tetithe of a perch to n atierry sapling, ; thence south . one hinulred and ten perches to a hem:ock ; thence - etist eeventy-two' perches and reven , tentlis of a perch to a post; thence' - north:one hundred end ten perchesJO the - place of beginning. containing 50 a crew, being a Part of the two hundred and forty-one Contiguous tract of Land granted by Pie Commonwealth of Penn sylvania' to the laid henry Drinker the Elder,and, being the same tract of land and premises to which the said ' William, henry, S. Jacob, Henry: and Thomas Executors - etc:, of Henry Drinker the elder 'deceased, by indenture bearing even date* thetclith, but 'executed before the same, granted and. conveyed to the snid Antes-Bennett in fee togethei willithe apportcrances. Taken in exieutinn at the suit of Elizabeth' gumniere'eigninst Welthy 'Bennett end William Bennett. El'es..of A'. 'Bennet Dec'd, with notice to T. T. '" . . . ~ ' -- 11y.virtne of a writ of FL Pa., homed . and.di vected •as hbovo, l• will expose - to Oldie...ale - tit the Same time - andldace, all that cortaitrpieee or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the - township of Gitison.connty of Susquehanna, and I hounded and described es follows, to wit : 'Begin. 1 Whig at a - state in the centre of the - tond in the line of land belonging to G. A. kingdbouo ; thence ,on the said gogobone, north "eighty two degrees 1 AVt•Pi four perchee'add eight-our-hundredth's to a , stake ht the centre of the road ; thence north three la . nd 441e:fourth de,grees•east ton'stake and atones; l thence ten aid obeli . ..degrees east fifteen perches and . :sii 7 one , hundredths to - a stake and stones; thence north 833.. degrees west eleven and two. 1-101'n sin'tes to 'a comer, of thelandSpivned by (Alva H. Fish.; thence-south CI degrees west .17 perches nu The li ne-of,Penrge W. Walker hod Asa 11Ownidie land :' !henna 576 degrees east five'tWo hundredth perchecon Abe:line or the said. Ifcgo r• bone's lend ; thenceisouth ime-foiwth degree rast I .sei . ea.perches to Thelplnee of beginning: ecintairt -1141 acre Mid 4y pliches, he the same. more or I We, with the appurtennuces.one- framed , house L . : atitrone fronted bird, - ell. bnproved,lute the ea ,... .ittle of Diividl!,ljttries. - : - . . .. , . -Taken in execution 'at the suit of John S m iley _against traVid 'IL Mispes.• • .'. - I ''• . - ~...... '., ' - = ! • G..13' ELTiRED, Shirlff. ' , Abrrlfra office. Montiroe,'Oet.l2.l6s2: - ~ '-' "" - Great Excitement, /TRI.II'OIDOUS ft US It to Thcritptotel ceie. • I brated Dagnerrean Gallery Likenerpcs taken and •put up in neat orOceo eases for only. one, POLLJI a.— PareUtl , and Children. Drothers and :Weis, one and all, not Is the time to permit for pinny:vie entitles/de one .of those little ounce lu the Trout of a Daguerreotype Liketwe , , which at some future time Duly prove of Ines. *linable value. Th.. expense 1a ,.0 t•lnhlg that It, should Le an hu:cement for prety fondly u bile lu tie* writ to '.aialt themselves or the brnefita of title zuyateriona and wonderful' Impresaioneof eldldre it -taken from' LO /0 revonda, t l;veryieffott roll be ma.te to produce clear and well defined likenca•ce, embluing an c.teyand , graceful attitudg, and- that lue4lk , • aprearlokahteh Is recyAralrable, and which con be thiained by a visit at ,Thmnpepn's Magnificent Sky Light oallerY, opposite the Exchange Hotel.— • • - • . . The subseribor would toy that he has onfood and - fo: sale. n_ganrnst ansortutept rit - . Daguerreotype , Material, ; Well. consists of Comore, 'Nati,. sooy common tt.oes, Lockets. (lhendnaLe, tusdlu eltort almost every thinghttql in the trade: , - . • ... e lisolisble Ahroltain _ Just reeelved.froto the manufacturer. It ho Drosette or_ hote s tuulnclublnes oD,.lha W vantsgen the,Tuu Ortrstr.,,'lt eteltsins two stops emespendhig to the Open Diapason owl Orgaus.' *Also. mug. ler and Swell prow The arangrarpt is 'melt than ...Imes stop maybeplistednepstatelt or together . , Drano with on hand add'bal%ileh the other—one under tido. -.ad swell; the. other 'with an.opettewell:rte. , 'lClr.the .01113 InstrOrnent/MOIR Dankod,gburelt ,Orgsn • upon which Organ p reca can, nt . can. be 'pupil red.otid NV linnet ; t'er lett of tuolduation,and power, I t far nutoass. Pliny thing uf the MO Irreturilie Invented: , 4 1 e0011i. lludt ft frtsve_meloa. paw", lotanle.ht the sabresibte at his i.ssuerrean ROOM- . , Tj1051P1.1011., . Bi ng ympsotti 0000 14;1552:' LOCKS of eveiy description; plain and C -A. 4. wzinvi. Brooklyn Stove-;Depot, 'TIFFANY. Ik,SJIITtI 'would - lb.!, often - din - i l 'Ortire.' I ; citizen dotarookryfrto tbelrlarge vartot7 or storgiowi furulturo." - Wa hive arrhandqbe Bete patellas- tbe 4 boat material. We shall rolls! the Tory, lowest prices, and on lb, mutt liberal tonal. • Ce ll i sea, and examine. -• • - • Goods; We briejtat ree aired-Our aeleetbm of Fall out Winter Dry °nods of every description, which we Win seff for cash or good pay cheapa than was gm before offered. lu this market: Wirocuraot venteularair, but. we tee nett!), Invite everybody to' carl Mid :examine Inr selves. , . We know Wo,eaU_.suit, yon' fn pries; q %My and q nallty. • T/YPANY 48-MIL . Brooldju,OA.:l6 102, r •• • ' • . •. , In the :Orphanl3. - .Cotirt- of, Sw3T: quenanna County.; =TUE ESTATE Olt UWE. TII;ATEE, DEM, NOTICE is hereby alien. to tha heir's:ol4BW jr Eseek 'l'hayre. deed.; and tcrediAh e ip er . ens having tiny lutarest in said „Estate that s nil, has been grouted, ,frittaid Mort frishossingesuss helors said r.onri on the third Monday of Noiein hirr nxr, at 10 o'olo4 &AL:At : the Court MMus" in Montrose, why. the real estate the tieeedo'nt elleold not he said tinder proceedings in partition. had in said ,enurt,:ts will e p po , e by the record. thereof, at 'Whielt time and Voce any person or persons having any cause to shillw. Why said W. shall not be decreed will Alien at cad.. - Ey the Court. • . .1: T. LA No DON:C11 Orphattli Court. • Sept. 27, 1852. . . • :-.19w4 toi . •• Tom haying,beenrippoinied . an and nor to distribute the funds ',killing :fret') the . sale 'of the Real Estate of IVt D.:Dennison, would hereby give notice 'to all 'pei'srine interest ed- in the distribotioni.of ;said- fonds, thal he will attend to the duties of hts.appointmeut his' of lice iu Illoutroienn Tharsday the, 2lst day of Oc. tober next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon.at-which time all. persons . ia interest a retlesired to attend. A. GRA 'A BERLIN,. Auditor, Sept. 28, 1852. .777 E eiDVERTISEMBYT: - 500 Acrelite;Wanted - -$lOOO *a • - • • Year: Lir ,, s• - • NTANTED TN. EVERY COllfiTT TIIE UNITED V , STATES, active and enterprielOg men, 'a engage In the aisle of some of the..bepallookslpublished in the country. Tet men of good address. posiesslog a small capitel of from $2.5 to $100; each' induce:fie:Xi be offered as to enable them to mike from $3 to $lO a day. my•Tbe books published by us are ell meal In their character, extremety papules, owl command logo stars stherev.r they ere oared. • rot. furtherpartlculare;toldrers.(nostace Pald4 •* - DANIELS et, gusTz. • Successors to W. A! Lean , & Co., - 3Tm33 No. 13.1 North Second Streit; Pldtadelphla. ... • ,„: .C 2115 ILSZZGOUCI:29 A LL persons indebtirf.to the sitbscritier for fees ZA....nccruing in, the office of the Ilecorder,,Reg. leer onpllerk of Orphans Coort, are hereby in'. formed that bills ore in the - bends:of J. don, Esq., present. Recorder, dcc for collection; end if no: paid .at' or ,before.the November term of Court, next ensuing, they will be placed hi the bands of n lustiCelof thel"Curni hs be So ;hob out. CHARLES L. BROWN. , Montmse, Oct. 6,1.852 , fiA OV Wl* ws'ir 0 1 111 FAS s - Great Bend & Lodersville t SKIVE, COPPER' TIN & SHEETIRON TABLISHMENT. TBE subscriber respectfully infants the' pub lie that he has received a large addition to his farmer stock. al Stevie, consisting ofa variety of the most approved lands. among which are CLINTON AIR . TIGHT FOREST QUEEN, • STAR OF THE WEST, WI sTERN QUEEN:, • • all elevate'd Ovens. Of Square air tight Stoves are PH(ENIX, PARAGON; WESTERN EMPIRE. ORANGE AIIt,TIGHT, ' • UNITED STATES, FARMERS. UTICA COAL STOVE. • A variety of Premiums. some of uetv style ' the -IVALKILL, AIR TIGHT, FARMERS. A. geed and various assortment of Parlor and Hall Stoves for Wood and Goal. Box Stoves of various sizes and p a tterns he is continually re ceiving, and intends' to keel) as great a variety -of the most popular etoyeer as ank'dealer in the coon. try. Persons , wishiug to, purchase stoves will find it to theirinterest to call on him. They will find his ' , Stove iture. made of the strongest and best motet:has and as cheep as can=be bought in this or Broome county tind ;noel better than offered by pedlars. -, Stovi Pipe & Tin Ware kept for Sale and made to order.' Farmers will be ompplied'with pans, made of strong materiale, at: Wholesale pri cer, all orders for work in hie line wilt be thank. fully received and punctually eiteuded to. JOLIN GOLVEN. Great Bend, July . 1,'1852. Great Bend E.TY ~• - • _ This way , L a dies and Genliemen: rrail.subscriber would iirrite his fiiends to cal! -- steins new a toie•in GreatTenddireetiy *posits : the !Lusk House," ead,e'xornitie hi, stork of- gioOds,:leeling: ititiured - that .they,. s tiill mite away dissatisfied: , • ' 1 •; I Ile . wopld first call th e etkeptioli o!:the Ladies AD his EiratVtirirey ' • • ' • igt - ennsiat hig or titibroidtiied . tiiidFiriniCd taWAS ; -De- Nines of almost every variety , bud aiyte :that the thO Notv York market atiords • black . and Silks,;. G.pginirosi T A. splendid lat. of Shawls, fiuntarOichiell, Table, ClcWera, siefy and Gloves. Straw and. Millinetir Coeds.... Alin, Broadcloths; Caieltnurra., Satijnette,Vt;it ings; and material ;for boys. and men thing. ; . , : - f.- • - Hats; Caps; . Boots and . Shoss.' Trunks, 11 . r:tiers: -carpet ,- Bags; Carpeting , Sl?aet into', house . keepiOg - aitieles ries, VCcket , ,Nicions..r&C. nod er•ythinte a pertain needs We catutortiand luxury: ;a-T'Plenso call and examine - - Y.:Si /IEOAV LAt.G'LEY. . 'Great neud,,,Taly 15,1852. ' 28m6 New' Milford Stove epo . , ••- - • IL BUR RITT , ti - A S' psi:reel:4y a rd. a' new- tied taiga assortmEnt "of Ceoking,' Parlor and. shop .Stakcis;Tor ic',Oodoi"coal, Which i .iiieoiinectioit with hia,littli -45 stock, will , inulse,- his .aoortinent- unusually crtriplete, in i he. most popular and unproved kind* of Aif-tight, MeV, te d• °rep, Vretnitlin :unfit ,rinfis 'stoiia, Stove Piiui:Sheet troll Stovell ultres . -Stn.,!which he will sell it the -loweit riots fot einh• orapptor.%d credit.',., • " PAT TOUR ' DUES! lhri Notre ittult f ‘ccouuraif thri - tuhi firm of A. Co; ' Wahl ieuedittiond Chith biislut;e4 rnthit be redilitusuedtafqty,ittUi without further notice. -.The r gybeeriben! give thiq ; all who Iraqis' outwitted ifecotiute - witli save thennelvei citsts: ' : i . - -P. - .43A11PE.D1 VER. ifarford.-Augf -133.43 tettoLlS/1 'HUNTING' WATCRESO—Tha 1.14 aubscribei'hiiolthle day riaaived aitoltier : Hof. art Eaktialt Piteo . -Lover Watches', ' Cisme, for moo vinyio'ci. ALFRED its Ekilifil; Biughairatali July 1 1 .0., Ya,2 Odd Feuswilms,2, Pall „ ILK !TM'S (13ietie't style) Inv,. received. AttstayeitV,'Betdcrnliet 48;4, • f.'47.1 43 t4 . 12.1a;c1=- ,- .7zr , THE WONDERS OP ART! .rzirszats.stru.' artaanutrivfithonaust k 4TA:A!EDI.).:: .Whal hitt finlight Poweitaitacti,.;.l-1 - lhauty'a lovely liwrn.and trace s -; I: ;Or lb° plainest. homaliestfacia,".....:_-:!:!- : ~.„1-pagoyes;atyps7.-' Rags' D uelieetelifies - middl e maga, ' '" the - hoery hairs GE eige " 4,l74fiireli What, unmet& the .„ Calling forikka teilttale ai , Thiigh" the:Weed oat. be not kilt!' "' • ; • • Dagairttletype I. -1 • Whiat gives-comfort ta, the been . When ourilearest friends depart 'Ms thiwwendet. 3 wothina eiv—; :OagatlifeYP e t‘ , TT , Thii a hallowed feeling, And for absence inaltea ainandt. -- • • Wheit' we holt, swine cherished frientre • Lague:rap:yes.. ;.'" • • Thin why ,need you longer iday , , Code V' there's dangeria•delay flair• yourpicturea drawn.taday;. ' Anti' yott'lllbe Pieria:l,d _ , . - - That there is troth, if not ptlttre In the ,abort Mee; and ihailitethe " DA II UERREOTY2E 100115 31 r tD [:)EtAil ' it Lithe' prate io eetiiftilthfutitnii plesilogPaiirsie 1 Toe artist taker this opportnuityiatend e r 641 grdteftil"'6c7thbbvledg~ents - id %it **eat- of Art --trostinethat his'efferts se please-Ai:ethernet,' will ensure his inecers in the future. • ! Te hisfittmefleciliiies habits noel added au !. proved Camera,, by the aid.of which he .! is prepared ,te to take groom ex single pictures:hi it superior manner. A nal and heautifal Variety of,plain and razwy-, 'shell, Papier Mache, nod other oPleitdid,stYlea, of various sites end itettatel;•geltt and'plated'Utkelslaki, ' I You who have haunt), coma end let me take it` You ;You whehuve none ;may e!:mtakindlet me isuOfkiti PelieWe' Hall, corner of, Tgepiki and Cheatmit streets., • I • JUDO, gmt.,384, g";(1-12.94;tf!c.in for 44 ,8 4 O i .very low . • (1' 'l,l ertiet t when.not , in his rooms, may ; found by inquiiitig at: the Candy Shop. • DRY GOODS AND CARPETS' r[t#E, aubscc.ibere .yreul4 iuyerm the. altizeokoS Jocigoehebuoty thit they have, tiger oil hood ag.; nefortutept of Dry Goodeiat what , : ! tiod-Yetitif!!'; ; . :.13ENTLEBIENEe consisting in part ntbroadcloths.cassimerer, oat. Matti: Kentucky jimmr, vestings, and anntinae: goods of all kika. ,• '' ' • .LAntilBll DIT'AIITSIENT -" consisting of ri large variety: Viz: Broth cy do., sating,' ginghams,Bcotch and American priubfaf:all . 'dude, lonia at 6 Penes per yard superior; qizality of colors warranted, In: de lainer„ . : Cashmere, poplins, gloves, hosiery of every grade and quality—White goods ;.Brown and bleached she,ctings, 4-4 wide,;heavy quality, et •fd. per , Ticking,. drillings, flannels, Scotch diaper.. birdi eye do., napkins, Irish linen, and spreads; in foot. almost every thing int 4 dry zoods line. ..Also„"n . :are! lot of - • • CAUPETING, Three ply,: limpidity; •cotturk, and ':viroel, oath*: stair, drugiits;, wool and - cotton—oil cloths 14 fitkoilv.aud.iubles, •,, We invite all Waiting our place to eel and ex- supi,ue etneic. forWe feel confident by . irodoirg tc,w ill eavinkcil ion to twenty percent. Our motto iti quick iselel'iruchuitell profits. . ' " Store nearlytopposite the Povtotficerlinghaux ton. N. Y.. , -_,WICKite,IIII.4. RENNE T., Aiwil issp. 7- • , 1 •,_,... 1 .' . The tinbieribir bat jiii.t. - .A.rf.--777-77--_ received a large . stook .- si - irs.K"?.. ;•,: ir ..... :.. - , :: ! -; 1 :: - Frwr....,, : cc exceuentassort meat. . h q 4r. n'.lN. ..,. ~ of Illou's and . Rose I a. • ''' '', k '''. BEA.DY MADE ! ' ' sllloV[Elllßb',, 7 , of latest steles- ati:dspiitetT to she:season- '..' Autc:r.:Pashionlible Silk flats, (Beebe's, orris' tl stile.) Hearith 'Hats; Leghorn, Straw - and Facia Leaf 11410..capsi Shirts,' StOckings, Gloves, thlf pendera i Cravats, Boots and Slier., Book., Willi- ping . and - %triting Piper, Travelling Begs, Wall i rapee, (a:goodatook4 Curtain Paper;and Faulty articles too nom/wens to ;specify—all or say or, i which ,1 will sell as low as the like can be Itiotteik in "Ilingliaottou'or - any,other town. • N - . . i. - - i • GEO. FULLER:, , i ,- Montrose, April 20 ; 1852. - :z... GOO S • FOR THE ,smuscEws . TRADK, BIargESTLY,IO , BEAD. hare, jndt received ad e addition' 'in' their refiner stock of Goode j consistingef Dry Goode- otatnuist- eve!p - descrip- Groccriers, crocjtery, Hardware. Drugs. Medicines, - .Palos, Oils end Dyestuffs,. . 80041. Shoes and Leather, Stiseno4 Tip ware Watch.. Jewelry. Silver Stioons, Perfumery in fist the greatest! .ieriety: thet.cart ,he' found in any Store in, the county —rill of-which wear* prepared to sell' feieashl Prodnee's on approved credits ai es loti'mtiik as eny iirokr'ileighbors, Oldr is stilt the'saine es ever-:-”Not . ,to strideniale• BENTLEY & HEAD, . . I n E r.E are rneeivior large • aispply:er ,, Siis; ' . VV.- Goads, vribraning a roatv , striopfairkiiisic and bearitiful styrfs, And pattersukatil- the folr !awing kinds of gdods, viz: Poplids;iiiilanii;Ber rnisi sio. - ,J e awns, (plain;etrilied sind - plaid:Yelitim. I Frooch•rind Domestic PrisrisAci„,i &c,,,noost r or whip)) , they offer _ considerably ,lorrer than early arising picas: Gibson, Juno 1852, • "PRINT;:PitIINTS; PRINT,4 THE largeatstack arafireatett iiiiety anti:at. ,:sumo styles and patterna ever' offered irithit market, which Iva rear at .eattemely,fow . pricee. kit:hiding a litre lot:Of hatidioine Print' for dreas.. mint_ peartals ; ; ,G410 1 °°' ; 4 F r .. e., 4 .1 § 3 :1? I B PI I ... ° :8 411 47 0.• • 1)' ution- 1 ‘ • moo - . * 7IVCITICE is! hereby filvon thlit the firm otPitte 1.1.71 . 41e-WAttnerie.this,day dissolved. by 'l3mtatil comient. Tterie,in(tqlited to the firm, rite.retieett-' ted . nt delak, r '.* PAI3I, R. PITTS. gemtrese .1 1852.. P. WARNER.- . • WAIWTED: ;kou n ,Qn .3, d Itemize ':Caeti—'pteo;' train, butter; feath ere:iragirotici betenVei-ohiceouutii•oi far trade:" ::,:i*.lVßath. l 4 l3o . 10. ,• • • M.O TYLER,-. icisTEW supply - titine"pheop ailk;raney 11..Stiaw k ' and Fraiinh'Onssainer laiijrarineta and Rich; ..Ritdinno .educed f r9 9l' e rin.PPPS l o. l .Y.: d -I.I.4f.tRIUTT ' NE GOODS: ..T_TA. - WEI3II is -paw. rreoittiog oonunek stock of Goods. which Le. oat* cheep lot cash.. Moutrditc - sgris; test" P 7 14 , ctwn,imPolialimu ficktiale TlPPAST,P,ktqArlbreedna.iitieit 1-1 esti . efair,reo'd this/U.l.k Dingharaitiii" Aug OEL2 • ' TVANTED;TOMEdorivaoIen §pojtatio e 4.4 cbangelni , Goods . bißENTLY.#4lB : 4Ps MinttrPor,4oY lOSz,4 3 tv.d , ,- • , ...,__. , . , a . -I , f . '...;,',1,f1A1111 Assor.lititent:•; -f;: - ..,-. , • , .. ... . . . rir Restipmetlo. ,, Clighlat'll24 , llool-11 , 84 Caps.vori, %-i'iitanely on baud, 4gm of tin:".Kodautle!ilatli ye,..trepultp f tattit.qtykOß.pl i r eartew !Da dikm... ..-. -. . • •, - • . 4;0. ft ' . , . . ~ .. . . . , ... V. trunnows &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers