The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 28, 1852, Image 1
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CIIASE, PROPALETOS B pi r 0 Oernirin, From the Sands) Delia. Manhood. Lae the quick pissing of some pleasant dream ch io n ood bath departed ; and I turn otog octat I hare been, to the beckoning ' gleam Ttet lights the future—other tasks to learn. I k po o- that In the changeful scenes of life s o rrow is mingled in each cup of joy; y t t,l mast join the world's unceasing strifei AO hush the wish that I Were yet .5 boy. And this is Manhood! I have dreamed of it Full m any an hour by summer stream and tree ; on hope's bright rainbows all the future lit; Thought, like bird, in spring, was glad and free ; gi ori oa s visions of the future tame, mid caused Ambition's swellingt tide to start, dill boyish thought grew wild wi:11 dreams of fune A n d a spirations leaped within my heart ma ill unheeding what might strongly bar— lemind, I won a high and glorious name, Ao pined the templed•height that rose afar, A r o eared it on the immortal scroll of fame. And life, with mystic earnestness to me, i n mo ments such as those, seemed deeply flu ugh:— I hoped to always to be a thing its free As a mountain eagle in my life and thought Yet this is Manhood ! 0, from that how far Math was the glory of my boyish' dream ; 'rune cans a cloud o'er life's bright mornipg star And dinisthin radiance of its early beam, And ninny a feverish tnought and weary hour To youthful 4 1 .1v.3 unkuuw, stern manhood briar Ana chemes for fortune, fame, or worldly power Fenar the spines free and bud-like wings. raongh for the years, since from my moun tain home leaned forth to winder whore I might, Thuagl , I may not complain tirtt ills kare Such as can shroud the heart in joyless night ; Yet, Ike a weary child, I long fur rest Like that I once enjoyed when tired of PLY ; Atli coati throw me on the green earth's breast Ad weep fur moments that have . passed when I look around me and behold Jim meet his brother man 10 selfish strife, Ind when I think how many a heart grows old la planting thorns along the path of life ; I ibria from that which seems the death of love And tin rue to the hours that are no more, Ilea iron glad bird, anti stream; and whis• poring grove, !loaned a better and a gentler lure. fe's purple day-spring hue a glory rid' Above vhnxe'er the heart again shall find,' Vhen en the twilight ray. of childhood's star Fast breaks around the Aurora.dakvo of mind. en nature breathes upon the quickenel ear' Her holy, whispered oracle~ of love, d the roung fancy deems that it can hear In echo from the golden harps above. in her dress of spring time beauty clad, Was like a mother to the dreaming boy; • Tlte sky was bright and Nature's face looked glad— All seettid responsive to my bosom's joy: budding branches, and the bursting flowers, And wild birds singing many a silvery ; sod all the lorlMess of summer hours, Wuke spells of bliss I ne'er shall feel again: The world is full of blessinge, and thus, for I know that I have shared them-0, bow vain _ - With the great world to wage unceasing war, !should Indeed be thankless to complain. Ilat yet the glory of my boyhood years, - Toe voiceless joy that oe'r my being fell; The starlight smile of the April tears, The glow of thoughts I bad got power : to tell. - - . Cm I forget them in the ceaseless stir That lite shall breath around tne evermore ? /last I no longer be a worshipper At Boyhood's shrine, or let my spirit soars tapinioned, far from all that clogs or.binds, To the bright fields of fancy, till is wrought &nes of rich beauty, such as teach our minds That there is a divinity in thought. Although they tell me 'tis a foolish thing To wrap the spirit in such idle dreams-- Although they say that Manhood's years shocild • • bring &medial; that more this work-day life be. • Isnot for me to seal the- fountain up, And check the current of remembered joy ; l'ilnoefor me to break the crystal cup • I drank such draughts of lore from when . a i boy. Sone Lertts grow old ere youth Lath passed away, Attdtrood and Wither o'er their destined slate; • - TleY find no . liesee or hive along their way, And torn to sleet the world's. smile desolate., Ikt 1111 T it seer be my sad lot to bear • A I ''';ken spirit, never feels • hfe gashing torrent, or beholds the fair- And pictured future which .briglitholie fe• Teals. • Voile here hit alone and weave my lay,s, AM fr Wrspt in the holy quietude of even, om Into tinny' open easement lookosmy 7pale serenity of heaven., • • I trans: give expression to the. limped - , Tha stirs tne• with its, deep and voiceless is "'mil gnesforth, tin every star l . gt With wen:vies of many a r ed hallo 'hour. . _ . T tr, l4 ,‘ is Manhood: and full well 1 know It.'4' eVerMOreit must be mine andtrive . . .:, lb the world'e cues and toils, Lab:al? go ' . p l Wherever fortuie's gale 'ay hark, iiy•driVe; m • Andrwould nervo e fdr lifes`cliab ofiii - tite' ' With'a brave:he:44 . ldd aiinillii riturtruSt. Li heaven' and virtue, prio thus' he .' 'aria whit' For - 1146S fiaitiolfwben I sleep yr dust: . ' NeWgrleans, , Sept: le2. , -'-'.- :" ' ' ......,,,,,,-...-:,,,,,,,,-.....7..c... , . .."..."4:4. roma Llttell Zliitie Age' '' h MagaibealYtteenitti 0 ' , - .'Tole Rasta. • •: - . :. ~ [ ContinUedi] • =:::' " Feriloronghi ever since - the : paisio 'or awt= rice luul'establielicif it's itioirsed dominion kr his' heart, narrowed by degrees' his!domestie establishment, until, towards the' latter roars of his life, it consisted oflonly a ifibering boy as the term is, abd a servant OW Indeed, pi raiser ever 'was knoWn b> maintait( :flare household;- and that for , pasona tee!, obvious Ito be detailed. , Since Connor's , ineareeratiotil however, his father's he4t had so far captimi dcd, that he liired two men as itkidel sdranti; one of theta, now the fattier enlarge family, being the identical Noghe'rlreorinteir wbo,as the reader" remembers, was in his s4rvieb • at thelieriod 'of Connor's birth.: • Tho other wig a young man named Thad' Star,or Roilleghria as it is ealled.inirish, iyhe was engaged upon the reeotninendation of Biddy Nutty, ,then an established favorite with her master bud mis. tress, in consequence of her faithful devotion to them and Connor,:_andber simpli , hearted participation in their heavy . trout)! '. • Th, :y .rout. _ao manner in. whielv thel.received the. of, her son's trial was not indeed calenlated t - ,o sustain his mother. In the midst of thaclant or, however, she was calm composed; but it would have. been evident, to a close °laser- 1 ver, that a deop• impression of .relioloin duty alone sustained' her, and that the vearhing,s of tho mother's heart„ though stilled * by resigna. 1 tion to the Divine. Will, were yet Marti intens- I ly agonized by the suppreSsion of what she; secretly felt. Such,. howeier, is the motive of-; those heroic acts of self-denial, vrhielt religion only can enable us to petfortn. • It does not harden the heart, or prevent it from fer;ling the full force of the, calamity ,or,sorrewl which comes upon us; no, but whilst we expierienee.• it irrall the rigor.o distresi, it._ teaches.uslo reflect that suffering - is - our lot, and, timt it is our duty to receive these severe dispensations in such manner to prevent; being corrupted by our impatieneq,. or by, our open Want•of submission to the! degrees of Peovit. 1 deree. •;Whin the .ngony, of toe Man of Sor- rows was at its liighit,', be retired to,asolitalT place, and whilst every,poro exuded water and blood, he still exclaimed :7 -=‘,;et my, Will but thine be.done . Here.was•resignhtitin Indeed; [ but at the, same time a heart e:quisitely sett, stble.of all,it had to bear. And muck,indeed; les yet lay before that . of,the,pious mother of, our unhappy itero,- and severe .was',the trial , which, on this very night, .she Was doorre;tl to; encounter. . , i f ~,-I ,I . When Faulorougha _awoke, watch he ual l i ! not do until about three o'clock in tbt,lntorn-d 1 ing, he looked wildly'about him, and; starting :I i up in the bed, ,pitt his two hinds on his teat- i ' pims, like a man distracted be ce e i!aip; yet I anxious to develop in his mouitir . epr s oceed- i h Linjs of the feregoing day. .Thy mates hOw-,1 i ever, were startled:from their sleep by .Wshriek,, [or rather a yell, sa loud and unearthly that in I, a few minutes 11,4 stood eolleeted about his ',bed. It would be: impossible, indeed, to con ceive, much less to describe, such a picture of , utter horror as then presented itself' La their observation: A look that resembled the tor.; bid glare of insanity was riVetted uPolithem whilst he uttered shriek after - shriek, without Ithe power of articulating, a syllable:':' The room, too,. was &re and gloomy: fur the light of the candle that was left burning b4ide him 1 had - become ghastly for want. of .sunfling.—:- ; There he sallis fleshic•ss hands fi pressed I against his templed• ' his thin, gray hair stand. I in,g - out wildly fromhis head; his tips asunder, I and his cheeks - sucked in so farthattlte*hasia occasioned by his jaw-bones, by the, want of here; she'll know, best bow to Manage; ; im,', his back teeth, were plainly. 1' ..... now that he's a,little calm.' ~ . ~ • Chientah dheelish ,' exclaimed Boiler,erht ..`God be pralied 1' ejeculited Honer, on . cc-, is this laslleaven's above me, I believe he's ing him weer; 'these tears will cool your h -d, dyin'; see how he gasps! liere,,F'arddronglin,' avOureen ; an, now, Fardprongha, when ye 're she•ezelaimtel, seizing a jug o f water which tired eryin', if you take e' m adviecjou'll g to 1 F had been left on a chair him , beside but which , your knees, an' offer ep five , pathers,five A (.71, 1 I ho evidently - did not ;see, 'here , herd,- darlia', ian ncreed, for the greceof the Altaightyto-1 1 wet your lips; the coal' wather will: refresh :direct and st-ongthert you ; and thin after t at; 1 I yea ! „ 1 , ,: go to bed, ,ae you'll find haw ell 1 1 He immediately' clutched the jug With. ea:- 1 you'll be afther. a sound bleep:- . . .. • ,; t a 'ger and 'trembling hands, - and, at one rapid I . 'Heuer,' replied her husband, 'exocrine n,., 'draught; emptied it to• the bottom, ,- i- - - lehren, I think, you'll save your busband'es, wl 'Now,' he shouted, '1 cad spike , now I can `, yet; undher. MY, merciful . Saviour.' 1 : - 1 spike, Where's l ay son ? an ; what: has hap.: i . t Your son, widher..the same meerciful Gad, - 1 pcned MO 7 • how -didl dente here! et4.l;mad? " will de,it- rd.ur heart was hard and gedr but tell•me, tell me first, , where's Conner .7 i"Fa_rderougim, and, surely, if Conner's dee' 'II 1 Le it three! is it, all three? - orbs it Melba's be the-merles of saviallis.futher'S sewl,Wo 141-, mad!' - '- • i ,‘ 1: ; -,,- Ei I'. : ,I n't it be a blessin' instead of a misfortune?— ' 1 z ir d ew i ag h a d ew ,' s ahiit w le e ,, , bea man 1 , Think of it inlhat light, Ferdoroughe, isn't' , or, rather; ben chit — stile. 'lt 'seas :P od'. gave i tarn your beirt to God, As for Connor, Connor to ns! ,DOn't be flyinl, is HiS S r ee ho- lit azomfert, to know that the breath won't .be 1 Lase he won't order every thing as you:wish. out of his body till lies a bright angel in - hiav-: You haven't taken of: ou tie night,so risedear 1- ten?' - ; ..2' 'st. 1 " 1 and calm yourself ; - then go to your knees, lift I' The aid Man wiped . his eyes_ and knelt.' your heart toOod, and- beg of hiinte grant I down t first havieg - desired them to leave hire.] you stringth and patience. Thry iliac vourse i ;'When the prayers were recited be calf In, =omen, en'you'll findit the best: 1, .1 Boner. 1 . .. r . , , -„.,,,.. __ • 1 .. tHow did I come. home, I say 71. Ohl tell 1 ' l'm aieared' said he;:',..t h at my heart wa n't . me, Honor, tell me, Was I out il My , wits V - i properly in themi,-. for I couldn't prevent ,e i l 'You fainted.'sbe replied, *and dint i they' mind from, Wanderbele our boy: . • ; 1 gave whiskey to support you; an' not be; i This touching observation - took the m th in' accustomed to it, it got into yet/rimed- 1 2 er's - saltxtions by surprise. A tears to' 'Ole Honnee,- our eon, our -serve. I ,be replied; ;her eye, but; after what was evidently a set ere; then, - etarting out of ~the, bred; in a ,fit of the-4h's struggle she stpprerisedit, ' " ''a h j ; ; wildestnespairle elasped.hiS bands together, 1' ' not at MICA yertian doit,Fanierou a,.1 and shrieked out,."Oh; Our son: our eon to:; don't be eastand go to bed in the] nor! Merciful S,striour, how Will I name it l to.; name ef God, and sleep;may the; Lord in I be hanged by the neck 1 014111ener, don't you,! hearer' support- yeti—atid support us buth 2.1 pity. me! ,15.1otber.Ofbeeven1this - nrghtl ~1. 6 5t,1 foe oh,it's, we tbet.Want it this night of /30r- i That Ilarradkdku thit harriiilli.:dAy.,plt Maar, rows -- ' 1 .' • ' '-' . '' , t :' 1 - ' 1 Our bey, Aim innocer:ntbei; *he . Zan Unaber... -- S he then stooped down and affectionately i stand it Honor! "It's not pfatieel - theqe, an kissed hitu;and, basing wishedbimgopd-{tight; justice .. inheevetuor,,ret eceeWeelchilbe ibmv:, she retired to'COXllloeebed,' where, ever, since 1 dhered,. slaegiffered dewa,M,lbeplime of bi AL ,llhe - clay - of: his incarceration , - this 'Well-tiied fire; for - , 0 :,,,,, t ,„ ! ::, - 4 .; ...(,.._,- ;....,: : ;:st :, e , 3 f-: i',% - -- ,f pother. and enduring,Christian olept.:,. t. : 1 ,1, Th e e aae iw'itietdor t mati4 l griiv pale as , -At this stage-ofetr.story we wilt pause,for they heard with'silent horrer,llthe incoherent - n nineernt, to , consideelhe state of , mind and blasphemiesof the frantic miser; ,buts his wife, comparative haeeltiens et threw persona who whose Oyes were riveted tin htM'while he epete are actors in our humble drania... :.'- • , le.', and'paced, with a hurried. s*IV up.. and down. : To a person -capable Oftehserving only, bu-. the room, felt itt.'il lots tvihWhee to, ttiihnte. man action.: ind!Pendently‘or the motives ; hy, hie impiety te an" -attack, oft.rititianity.,' Or. lo . w.hien it. la regulated: 4 it twll appear that the lemparary.feVer,.. bit:Welt off V.:lns:tete af suf. , day. which:saw Connor AY-moneyturoollsigt ferregs and the.ittexiection iciftthe-preeeening, to a prematureand shameful death,' . sips-one n i g h t , ~ ... „ -,,, 4 z .., - I .......::, ..-; • c: .:. • ; '.,:. of unmingled-heppinestetalartle Flanegaret--.. 'ln the name ofrthi Path - ere' Son ;and. , /I?".kn°w:littkz . O . 644 4e44 ' ll9 We" r ',wt h° 41„. G4ost, Ferderouglia,-- she field, calmly,' pitieing COO crev&i hinglati the'l-he wealutpPler Juan her handnpon bre zheelder,-t. are yofferneiblc those on whey' his, teiterge, and . perfily had that:-yetere lhito - miuldo -.efthee;blatrphentin,'; entelled'stzehaerishringload'ilf =seri . ; :It he your.crealtort, .:", :, ,-, ''7., _ .. ---,:, -...„ :, t ........... , impossible to - guess:whkt the nature of that —Hrt gave bet 4 quici,,dicturWinnitPiteiiab; feeling - must be wideh*see froth the full look - hut Landoll°, r A vjv , a w thp il p. ne wo h gratificatiOn 'of mean ipnd, diabolic talk :: - .Fordomostla rthe i t g ht,„th a l ea a- o fv oit ym imitt7tierr action3,l%,•the heart at Varience 1 .' :0 - 6 .. ii . i*,.'..i6.. -'06i1.-ii;'(:'• the greatest punishmentAhat could be ~ otne;. ,but,l.- find.that I. ; was-,mists i • wonld, rather see hs‘ him dead . to.morro the roPeAliefit his neck; thin to hear his ; blasphelinte the Min' Med ! FaiNlorob,, clear that, qu'a not riow fit •to pray fo . sel,fi t!iati ua :the. Parla. m 0 /.01; our: SUviuLlt. 'au Pr.t3 7 ; ,,fur YAM. 'la the ein time, bed ,; Weep will'inttle 'your head, and y I be better, I trtist,'lff. trio - mornire. 11 1'he,. Odin solemnity of - her manner himi lautWititstanding the; rehemerkee grief. He stood amid looked_at .heroy4; hands tightly_ plasped, as`she,Went teber bedroom, in or4e r to. fray' - iiii ..him. F Mon - lent; ho 'sooner abashed ' a nd stand While shoe addressed' him,'lhe s Itivcilua reeased - td.utter those noun& of anguish wer(2,:neither sbrieks,nor groans, but thing between both: • lie than reseal riace, - bUt with a 'more nettled step, soma minutes Maintained perfect tilene .. 4 Get me,' said.he at length,. , get mo'll of wather ; Fm-in-a flame with-drouth:( • When Biddy Nulty 'wont:Out •to fete this, he inquired , of the rest what Honor • by charging him with hliapherny. 'Surely, to God, I didn't blaspheme,' li peevishly;' no, :no, I'm not that bad; bu, how, let her' pray for nu); her prayer a': heard r ifMier.waman'a was.' : _',' . When Biddy returned, he emptied th of Water with the same trembling cog as before; then clasped his; hands agai commenced-. pacing 'the. roan), .uvideutis mood of mind about to darken into a wildness of his former. grief. , • 4 Rardorouglin said No*lier, irCormie was nuder thin - if the - • 1 - -after this roof the your manly son was.born. ~I remember it welr; an' I re nom her morn betoken,. I had, e Check you f r,fly 7. ing in the face o' God that sent him to. Yo*-,-r. Instead of feelin' lutpliy and; delighted, al you, ought to,ha' done; an', as any. other ;num but yourself would, yeu.grow dark and sulkY, and grumbled Waage. yeti, thought there. was a I family emnin'. I tould you;that night t I take care on ,not be Cemmittin' sin;, ate yo may , remember, too, that I goy you chap ran' verse for it out o' Scripture.: ' Voo be t ,the man -that's. born wid a millstone about his eck, especially if he's to. be,cast into the ssy.! The, 1 truth is, Pardon:meta, you warn't,thank ul to 1 God for him; and. you see that, afther. 11, it doesn't do to.go to; loggerheads . wid fit . Al.. mighty. - , Maybe, had;you .:been thankfu - for • him, he ; wouldn't, be where he is this nig it.— Millstone! faith,. it was a home thrust that 1 1 , 1 same verse; for if yondidn't carry the mill. tone i about your neck, combed in it your hen ; an' ! you! now see 7 and * feel. the, , f upshot. • .I'm now, I .goin'Sast . into agemyself ; toy: hair is ~ ayer 1 than:your own, - tnid , l could take it t myl death,' said the, honest fellow, while a tar or two ran slowly doWn his cheek. 1 ~ . Those his servant probe 1 d the heart of the - old.mon Art:1110 . o uielt; hut the re el. lag which therezeited was rthenithy one ; or, rather; the associations_ hey occasioned threw Faniorongha's mind upon the memory or t`tose I affections,',which avarice had . suppressed, with. : iout destroying,. -,,,, _ ~.. . .. i .‘ I loved lion. Nogher,' , said . be. deeply agita 1 ted t 'oh, none but God knows .how: I,leve I him, aithongh I. did'nt an conld'nt bring IT , self to show, it al-the time,,There was sr w thing ; upon me -;_a curse, I tink, that prove led me ; . tin' nowt.hat I love . Inna ns tt fat ought to,do, I will not bare him. Oh, my my son, what will become of tae, after ,I. ' Heavenly Father, pity me and support r Oh, Connor, my song/y soa,what will hec, I of me?' -.• I Ho then sat ilOWn on the bed, and, pia ; his hands upon his face, he wept long and 1 terlv.,., klis_grief. now, _however was Oats ' tor;ilnring the most violent of ids Parosy4 in-the preceeding.hoor,he shed not a-tear ; now they ran down his cheeki,and through fingers, in torrents. ..! Cry 0n,.-cry on,' said Nogher, : wipln,g own' eyes; 'it will lighten, your heart, an' knows but it's- his toother's_prayers shat li you to yourself,,and gat thisrelief for.yer Go, Ilidtly,' , . said a whisper,, to, the' vant maid, ~and tql l , ttle:-Intsthtes.i to 0 _dun wo o gAUttittut o l gligaittaltort Agnino, XlE6irgEltz, ' • ' ',1,, ' • _ 'moNTROSE:PA:,:tuttinDAY; OCTOBER tut up-1 with virtue:nod truth is.finted tie,:,keep up so, might matt My situAitia still worso t brat :I, 'No,' replied - thn liefploSiold.mtm,Wh O WWI I '4ll4t.,'lVitA :M ifilo"t6C tia 'titito,:yottlisit`. en., I , many minute. afid„f ear rel precautions, all- of thogglit it'pbuid ite. oh I :ii;J;l;asis, O R . o lv ' ignor mt of the condition - of hirsister, • Pveill , now, beton:elite doctor was With you l'._,-,Uutt „ %via,' aro felt t o ,h e of 551st tritho(?nagymntot.onsttz, glut' siniai p it l i ii it i in i ti v y e ' n .Gc t la st ;l t, )tic: it i i i , 'i 3 c l iy i,t,( ll , i. l it i f.. t. A , T t irr: r : t ; nel y iii i d ri c e .e n tl ;4 l % 'd v b olu ell v ong any r ,l in ai rt io •: l3 " al 4 -' 4,01 ,.: It ' n l a ' ti "- on ,ivialit,:bdeo.f, csyu,oniyue,kft.,gets9Pripe,i7t4kutorisilnyc,.t."3".o7v:soksaktorl. father' wh i ch that sve qubstion AT, 4 13 OnIiTTPY 1 0 i shd ik With mach sails, he might - give wOUld be only thrown away' mrin such ?led hunior, isn't ttr.....: , 2 . -, , (~ _ 1 in, It's of:vengeancelproluetd s .- üb•mutter • • what, tb9 :Your- occasion may 'Wive beee,'any aitisfaction ea.. faction that H oner oii, erre d a, ehaneed and. uPoirir Man ivhd seeind to be utterly'abSerb 4 eSho - paitelt for a ifinment.botuOti.*4,titei ed mid atupch• idly his own thifferin - gs.' , : , brother mild ;fthaerytt that 00 hello witich,b4 , , I 'IL go pubic of 'counterhateneing nil the contingen- ch a s te ned _tone,in his iiiiinufg, %elf is h- ~he fiat go to eta an/apprehensions; by which the paled, la, never, except Tor a &salon nt the birth Of-his 'Poor old man y' he'exclaimed,-ne-.Fordoe meriner.wasealculatotto awne Itlt u will'distracted bbthbeforentid after its prePeration. child, 'neticed berore.„•+;Not thlit hie gr i e f te,e, rougha. lea him; tit' visit Contort,' senivihrt to a fniztt: fintilitr4er elsthle itt . hg#P4 . l l 4 ll At iiitudt: l° B- I°fiedefititi dt; was „ mom rational, end ' affliction does L. , Them are. tuousands. now, on her features. •_ .''' •' , , • , ... r , ,„ -., The` plan and necernpliahment musti,bothr,bo lA, perfect. iti all their palls-for if either : fad onlY altogether fro:strum, the:violence and impiety- who pity, you-even you, whom'arratiat every ',Why,' believe -You ere smiling -youriptlfs• s 1 in aline(' point,t" oil M lost, and: theopiennUrc Witieh ,had chareiiterized'it when' he 'Yho khel'Y'Youi.cursed and ditested:',, e - tate, •- _ i' ' ~'-: ~,- ; arisingtrom them resembles the•fruit which is from 1d.4 tufexivatlier.• • - ' ' t' ''` ' -'I - . Such, indeed, was the fact. ' T ld , man's ..';enifl,:affe r enniestly, tie It goodf...„„t, said• to grow by the batiks of the DeforSen:-"•); ' 'Honor': &lid he s !Write'''. you - find`yourself ' hardtieSs of heart was forgotten in - th e isiti tt I t is, drling- e he tern4,stie.:' ... ;. .... i •_ r . awoke one it is beautiful, and, tempting to the y eyes ...but thist Awning s tilanear(j They Zell , mo • you're thitt'elS'preduted lby thtt dreadfut'fato 'vrtrictr .` Kiss•ins kiss Poi gig Pl l 4otarlYvtomot; bitterness and ashes ta the taste. :t'-. :I Worse than You•wer yisterclay,' ;„ s - , aWaited his` tinhappytien. •-..-, r ,e - ~., biassing!' rest upon r• - ~The. failing, of ,threeounty tree:so(.o,s'er ie.,: -, ,Inde'c l / 4 1, I'M N . l'ke etiotighi' she, replied, qind We thist aow peas briefly over occurrences , ; She tiff q,kisseil,hinieTt r ttionatelpleid bor e stance,deprieed.oarthsplanagan,of,etore,tban` very Anich bete dOwniFerdoretiglia; but ' y o u which are better underitood ',when le ft to the head'h'-.Cit tip t op the pilloW, and ithit halwYrithe: ono• half his revenge; Ille was certainly far know it's nOt our own stringta at anytime, reader's inragitihtleri..: John O'Brien was not i delight thnt tlilargetes,,,reOf huiPioeu.rollett more anxious t o 'punish the father than the that -we aro ,to.depind Atport, buts God';.- l'm the only, one who "linferested, himself in the in.torrciits s dOwn her pate,cheeks. ,_ - , - somand were it not thift he saw n 0 other mode t not willing to attempt anything ,heynet my . fate or Connor. Fardin.oug,ha,' es' a matter Of '1 If was, indeed truo i that'Conniar OTlopoisti , of effixting 'hie veng eance on Fanierouglia,' ow n pow e r. at present.t. 3ly. seeing hint now • course; got the priest of the narish,.agood and wrs - not to die. The mein - Mids. Which had ~ than by destroying g - the only ohjtal en earth • would &neither of its any geed, and might pieus Man, to'draWup a memorial-in them:nil; renebed,_gemment e from sci Many,gattrtenr„ that he hived net to-his wealth, ~ ho -would do me a great dale' o' horn) I mu s t be e him, aa he said, of Ihimeblf and At re. The gentry, backed as j th ey were by 'very powerful Into- „ never. have wade the innocent ?ny tho debt of i Le , be, sete,..nnd I'll striVeddise Go.l, to,gail, t ,v, of the neighborhood, also, including the mem- ence,,and &toiling , as , they did:e . caso of. such( :the guilty. ,As he 'indigene so far: howeyeri., up a little strength for_recu.'. , , , tiers of the grjad , jury, addressed the very rem:arida later*, could scat:tele' faille self-preservation tam made Ilim anxious til-iti ‘.3ly heart's brealtin', ) ( honer, and I'm begin- Mont on 'llis bt.haef-fer somehowthere was arresting - the "eiecation'of' so item *id de, Connor., shout ( ' (to ; as ho know hir derith, , nin' to sea that I've acted a batl'pa r t, to Wall' created atneing those who know the.,partiee, of a o,lntence. It s was eicertained,toct.,by theta would remove oat of lila way the only, person, of 'Foe all along. - I ' fi ellt, indeed; and if it. even who heard the history of their levee s a terenlirse Of hfrfriends With government; that in existence .abselutely, Acquainted 'with his, warthe Will of God, I didn't c are if--..! e 1 sympathy which - resulted more from those the:judge Who triedhis 'ease. notwithstind• : villainy. One sveuld think, indeed, thut lite 1 , t Whiidit, neushla, whisht-sick talk'as that generous impulses that intuitive)y. pe meve ing the appottit severiti-cif his ilium hati , senteuce pronounced mien his victim (night to 'is net ,right. 'think, Fardorougl in , whethe r , truth, than from the - cooler celenlations-ef r c a- been_moved .by an irresistible lip havo satisfied him on ;tent head.. Thi,s,.how-,; you acted a ,right, Chink , toweids Gi' s d Or n o t, and son: ' The heart never renshnir-it is; there- hiro, and he actually determined from the • e y e t v it fail e d t o do. • That sentence contained': fluter "heed 'tie - , o, •en' , think ' too,-d e a r , whetlie - r ., fore; the seat of feeling, and:- the-fountaintrof . giening to have his senco.Conimuted to , one clause, which utterly destroyed the cum-; you acted abed or good, part towards-the poor', merry;:,the bead doe* - is Probably, on transportatlen for life . '=; `'" .;,',., ; ' pleteneas of his d'eNign, pad filled his soul will;: , and them_ that-was iti distress- and harddiip,, that account the seat of, justice, o ft en of se. • Trio happy; effect .of this' communica tion`on a secret apprehension either of just retribu- and that came to you Tor seli e f ; , th e y, w or e, verity, and not upfrequently of cruelty and Una O'lirivn I.flitliticii a cheerful spirit among tion, or some rehire ill which he could not yam fullew-cretheet e r aritoniughant all °chins. persecution. Conner himself was much- re- her fomilY oua relAtiies', who, in,truth, h shake off, and for which the reWard received I Think of these thinesii'm 'saving and s i,.v er ' lieved by that day's' interview with his father. feared. that , Iter fate ly ould ultimately depend , for Connor's npprehension was bat an ineffee;, heed. us. You knew that Connor and 1- for Even he could pereelver4i - ehange fur the bet- upon Olaf-Oft her ' lover," After, having been., tual antidote. The clans() alluded to inghel gave you* hut you're " Writ 406u-ro that Ged,end: ter ,iu :the:old maws depertment. Fartior_,lnueh'redieved by the Co pious floodf .teats; judges charge, ,si.--` the recotrumMdation of; them will; , , '`, rougha's praises of Honor, and his strong alla. she shed; end:heard with heropesure all the the jury to the mercy Of the crown, in con Sid: I These oblervations,fir this inestimlble'wo- mons to the eupport nail affectioe he exporienc- details etnncited with the mitigation eif' the eration of your vtitith, Mid previous good elm- f man had the desired elf-et, which •%,„,.., fiss she; ' eft it • her hands, under eiretinistance.r so try. sentet/ee s 'she ' asked 'her' brother if Conmir's duet, Weill not lie 'overleoked'-sounded in hisl - nfterwardsS - aid, to divert; her husban d's mink! , ing, were indeed well calculated to - prepare Parent had been ' yq?t Made acqtitinfed With - it. ears like some mysterious sentence • that in-las much as possible .froin the centemplation ofi her 'noble boy:, as; she truly_called him, for 'I think;not,': he e'epli e d, ~• the . ti me; i s to o , ' volved his • own futenud literaily filled his heart; Conners hite, and to fix ; it upon the tonsider- the reception of the still more noble message short' ._ • ... : • ' , .With terror and dismay. Independently of all 1 Mien of those de fi es ig which she knew, his I ,whiell she sent WM( , ~, --... John:, said the' affectionate iirl, 8 0b,e0n.., this his villitineur proldets had involved Mind conseienee, now toutlied 'ity calamity, would I , 'Father,' said lie, as they separated thattlay, eider his mother ; and think.of, the misery . in a systematic coUrse o f g,nilt, which was yet I tell Win he had been a(lficient. .• . I 'tell my !nether that I will - die - as she wishes that on e singl e ho ur ' s k now l e d ge ~f t hi s way far from being, breught to a close. In fact,he I Farderougha Was. siledttfor some time after ;Ilia ; and'tell her, tiuo, that if I wasn't an inner: . d e a r John her heart!. Go to her s my now found by experience hew difficult. it is til l her last observations-but at, length he ob s • cent man, I. could not do it. And oh, father,' dearjohe,and may ell the blefetiopef heav e n work out a bad action with success, and how , served i , i ;he added, and he seized-his; tiaras and fell up- rest upon you r , , . the means and plaits, and instruments never- ' 'Would . it bo possible, Honor, that all this on his nee , ' oh, father dear, if you 105'0010, ' Gopd-by, then, dear; Lwill go.' • sary to le must Multipli and become so deep was hrotight •Upou us id oidher to punish' nin deep was your. own Connor-and I know you do-oh, He took her worn band in les, as he spoke. ergaikj, this heavy affliction ;by my dear mother's pel- lion, added-j,...- - , , and cemplicated iit guilt, that ecarcely Any sin- for-e•for----' fI• ' , , i then. father • dear, I, siy tagnin, be guided, _in and looking - en` her Wititaffeellettate Admire 'le intellect, in the case of a person wdo can 1 ',To punish ooze, Fardbrouelial Pare ,, , , e P be reached by the Jaws, is equal to the task of, aroureen, area two all punished ? Look at , vice.' • . ' Yes! Good.:by. my clari,n; sister; believe exc-enting a great'l cries° against: society, in' a my Worn face, and thiu of what ten days' I 'Connor,' returned the oil men, deeply :if- ate; Una, thatil think if there's justice in Heat . - • perfect• mariner. If thiS twere'se, discovery sonssw Can do in a tuoiher's heart--thi n h, t oo !feeted, 'I WilL I liad LllDtill my mind ep:I0 err, small have a light hearty et.' ' would brimpossible, and revenge certain: .of the buy.. Oh, no, D 0 . 7.40 , yo u thi n e- i re ' ~ that afore I haw you at mil to-day. Connor, ;!lt, is very:light now: .she returned, 'come , With respect fel Conner himself ittir only have nothing to be piiiiished ter 1 But we jdo You know what ran beginning to thini s i:!: pared with what it ;. bat go, John, don't necessary to say that a short hut, well-spent, !invest!! one comfort, Paltdorouglia, and that is,.l ' No, fattier dear, I' del' not: •• - loses moment ; :for I know what tliey,siiffer.' , life, and a heart naturally firm, deprived death that Gpd's ever huh elivays -a Win' to resay e 1 ' Why, then, it's this, that shell -be - the Hemthere`tiftet John's - depertere forFet•- °firs g,reatest terriers;. • Still he felt if, in some las„ - •Wlien we turn to hi 'a id a tree heart.- ; manes ..)f satin' your lattices soul.- _Cennor,l I doronghas, weat up to sit seith:her; buttifie depressed moods, a terrible thing. indeed to Nobedy, tivillishi can to t and forgive) as he ' Can 100'4, back , now upon , my, money-ell I I found that. the previous scene, althotigh it ve- reflect, that, he, in the very fatness of strength i he, titles.' - r.t, , lost-it was no doubt_ terrible--terrible nil tiered, hnd exhnusted her.- In thavourse of a and youth, should ibe cut dawn from, amongd 'Honor crhy didn't you oftener spoke to me i ant. -Connor, my tint's' due, and I haven't the f ew minutes .theie limited dialogae ceased, and manes'or meoin' it '•• 1 • t , ' - • • • his fellows -a victim svithontn crime, and • this way t'han you did? 1 , ' /• • , she sank into a eound and refreshing sleep; laid sharne ire.lie wave of a felon. EM ='l citron did, dear, and you may remember , Alas! thenght the boy, how hard it is to f r om which she did not awaken until her bre he • witnessed neitherbie mother's.. piety !it ; liut you were then streng; you had' your rout ollogether . out of the-heart that principle ther. had sometime:returned from the erect:Let nor, her csainple hi'vaie,, and', it tsar-in,, the wealth:- siterythitest 11.11+Cd wia - y,m, an", the - which inclines it ee-the love of wealth: tion of Ids .phitts.inesaete.- And piously wns gioolll of hie dungslon thet he felt the ltglit of ' write Wealttl-14 114:wurixr a. teramation-was t '• At aziy•t•Me I will 'take your advice, COp- t h at menage reee i t -'' ed hy her forwhose trilseril • I both upon liiitspirii •: 1 1 streng in yher; heart; lititG4 luta.talten it rind ho guided by your Mother. • She's I the. considerate heart of Una critriett felt so I .Surely,''eaid be; iti lam to die,' is'it not , froia t'ini I hope as a- hleißillg-for ,illdeed,; ver.F PootlY, slit' . 4 hi ro or ... 07... YOll Ufa' re•new; d ee -i.., p y Fardnrougha had been out about this better that I should die hit &ent than guilty?! Fanlorimg.lia, 'r .' afraid, if you had it "note, hut , iii,deed• Connor, her health's thlt OaeaSialt. 'premises, mechankally hooking to theMentier Instead of fretting,i,that I , suffer, a guiltlem I that neither het - Kir—llia I wonttsny it ,dear, • i of it-,--it is--it is r,, : , . .., , 7 in which the business efthe fain had been of' man; surely I ought to thank my God that.' I for Ged .sees I den't wisle to 'say one , won t{ Fardorneglia's tipolo,g3r for his Nyio; eontain- late - managed .by his tiro 'servants, when - he ani 'so; are that Lei snit] hasn't to itieiit thei that mad distress= yo u powesay o u re en„ And .ed More truth than he himself' iv:is aware of descried crßrien approaching' Ilie house .at a sin or stud) a revengeful act as - Fro now min.' noi - v;„,Fardor o ughe, netierl despair_ le ,God's at the tima he made it. `.-On •retursing: home quick if ;not a Imrriediface. He immediately downed for. • I'll die, then, like a tehristion I, goodziess-itever do it; Who can tell What may that, night he found hericonsidernbly worse; i ~,t la. ned conimunicatcd.the circumstance , en v lit my he nu' trnstin Ilte rnereY I baPPen r - ' I,' . . but, as she had been gFeeeally healthy,lie very to hi i'. -• . sz , ~ l of my Redeemer-ever an' always hoping that 1 Her Imiband's grief warthen 'Mocked; find naturally aseribcd' her illness to the affliction '• linage; Honor,' said he, 'here is B,xligh Ittiie's*; by his assisiance I Will be enabied to do it.' la, trail? of s!;rito.t.l refissitieu laid;•which; hike , she felt for the fate or her son:_' I n this, hoi-- teen eiiinin'•Up the house-what ea earth Different, indeed, were the moral state and ; some . Of 1h0.3_15 self-i,vi4ent convictions that over , lie was'mistalreri; as the Origiilai ca use ' ';f ' can bri o. - the boy hon.?' ' '‘. ' • • , position of these yciung men; the one ; though I fasten ori the, awakened Conscionee, the • old, it waS unconneeted:with the heavy dinnektic Thiit;lras t o day OD Willet •liis wife ' r lying in his prison cell, was sustained by the i initaboald not Shake off' ' ' ' • dispensation which had fallen upon them . ~ So had been able tterise from her elok bed.' She h far as :she was coneerned, the fate of her be force of his conscious innocence„and that re - i _Honer,in her furtheroms•ersatiOn with elm, _ -, • ...- - was consequently feeble, andphysically speak Hance upon the tnc•rev ef God, which consti- i touching,: the temning interview with the un.. would have called up from her heart fresh en- i nzi • , tapnblet Otino donitiatic .exertime , ' Her .. totes the Idgliest orSer of piety, and the no- I happy culprit, desired himitbove all things, to.,' erd sect; if Riseihle.i.a higher order ornirek•lmind, however, was firm as ever, and,prtimpt - . blest basis of fortittidej the' other on the con-! set' their noble boy' an ;example of firmness, but pious courage. -She would not have left iai befori her calamity to direct and overlent, teary. disturbed, by the tnniultnuusand.glonmyland:by'ri o niemis hold Out' to him any (tepee- , himsunsestsin e d and cherished, had thephesie ti e . h er oWD., SWCetvillid effeetionate manner.: associations of guilt, and writhing under the i tation of life, ~ , • -I- ' ''-, ' . . - ' ' • cal powers of the mother been able t ° se el'aid 1 whatever requirlid her shperintendence. • r ''''. conviction, that, although - he had revenge. ho; 'lt would be worse than murdher,' s h e ex . : the sacred principices with_ which. shernaer-andl 4 rin sure I dcin't knOw;Tiirdiwougha:. - Sho had not satisfaction 4 The terror of crime Ives; claimed, 'to dose:., Not -prepare him by your triumphed over . • the,lrial that ; was 'laid open ~r ep tie d .--, It canit,i hope,lt Wid bad neliti-..i upon him, and he felt himself deprived of that iipyice, Fardorouehri; ay, wici hy,yeur t•xample,, her ', • - Otte evening , -•.- ' --,' , they thravel. fast. enough-and . I'M .iivre , the , I best and only Security, which settfall vain ap- .'to be firm-end fell lihn ',that' his nnuher Jes t.• It woe Out eveniug abont 'ten dat-s a ft er I m . x t,,, b , 8 407 n weuldn'tttske-Pleaaarei in genii' . ' I prehensions at defiance. the. conscioness ef, peed he will die likwateltinoeent rrian=iniblef CYDoncivan's isinvictied thaf.Bodaglilliiiatr l t,6 Lott -figs , ten th t b i , t om e ,„,:. . I 0.„..1 •,.. inWard integritY. Who, after ad . and brave---nod not likenguilty eoward,tifisaisl Brien's wife a3t by the bedside of her enfeebled . : i B e t wh a t c - bri n g, hir e ; Honor 1 ' il'hit ter an honest heart for the ding arising from' ed to look up soli meet. his,Plld: .. , f ~... ,Ifilld. latitt,olielling daughter, . The' crisirof :hon. on earth c m bring t o ut hvlere twite,that neve , secret 'villainy, when such an apparently' tri- I 'lonic:lS - end hyPoeritesl so hpgas, their car- teem Plaint bad P a ' 4 " o tk e4 a .•7 l 'efu re ;' ° a d- a , erstond.undherour r afcirili -.‘ •-,„. • • •' , ' umphant vitt:tines Bartle .Flanng,an tette dead-i coin vide is nneheeleaihy c.llamity . , writ 'llO • - 1 very slight iMproveinent, visible inily to' the ;cfrhreeor, four minutoi, r I - 4 dorotighu; will ' ly fear of Connor OlDonovan in his very dun. doubt. sneer when. we assure thein - that'Fardt.- 0 3 0 'itr ' hey - PHYsietan• had' tilion Plal'e" "1-Yer tc.4l tie. 'tet twill:mein God it Isn't bed.- Eh,' aeon I Such, howeVer, is gUilt,'and such are; rougha, After. leaving his wile that 'morning ldeliriusit remained 1aU111.19 before; stinintlnieri Saver abovls, it-wouldn't be- the: death 'of hili the terrors that acecimpany it. - ',l I onee.more to vitit his son, felt ;aeons e, ,,f, ref; returning ( witheonsideralderiolence,and again, snit !Conner's ; mu c h r''' t No: she. ndded, 1 Theeircumstancea Which; in Ireland, - usteilly : lief; or,'perhaisi we should eay, a, breaking of. Icavingrreasork,theugh feeble' and ; easily des- . _ they' wouldn't 'send, less` comet , to4ell follow the conviction of It criminal, are so sim-,' faint light : Upon - hie mind, which, Siiilbt OS it n tUr4d ' 'y ei .w t heil aneaelted by ea "'" us such news as Mat; , but suril well hear it; ilar to each other, that we , feel it, evot in tide ; WAS; attendee 'WM more eonatbrt and Stitiport" o" , ° cape lesof nppiying, its`pmieri tic the eir „ ' land 'may God ewe de streagthlo be it right i - - , case,=tinneeess.iry to, do more tliangire a rnere ;t than he ever Wiped to eipericnee, , flideed, it : cumstanees 'around her. On' this oecitsien;tne whether it's good - or b. 41 t'Atulttslasus s _this sketch of Connnor•Slbric•f life as a culprit. We ' was Alni - dat impossible ter any.heart to o a st i. inuther; who wiliched everyl motion antler i 4 1i.t...2 1 an „ r ~„. 7 - ~,- ... ~,,,,-; .. --, .:, l'Z' . ~h ave just observed that the , only clause in the within - th'e influence of that piety •which ani-:, fated ( I'Fr,v wish Pf,t!le belov ed „,. Pae.” iatt that ) 7 hh' h a d l e i r ,d'i r titteied the lasi,weed ew h' en - judges charge-which stuote Met heart. of, the, Leafed thtriiiiiitirable trite, and hot Cateh'the *the tOrnounor rise Si veE 4ll itlines UP° ll iW , r , as JO'Brieii entered. •:. -•• "' - ' traitor, Flaltagan, with a presentment of evil:tett) , fire , Whieli there burned with:such phrityllf"°Tne p e euliej . a e x letY'distreks' 63 her. '' 'l -. y oung , m a ) ; t ' se id Ithiil e i i p er ii n i won i fift ; , was that eontaining the words in which some- and briOtness... t .. 't - t' ' , •_.• l-_s Una, jewel: slit ' at logg,tic inquired:, 1., „_, ~_4 18 ' i 'IL 'S a poor o w: : ire 'can give you to a' [ thing, like a hope Ofl having his sen t ence mid- I ..Ireland , however, nbougds with such iustion- I t h e re,.anY,thie"r, , s t ool , wmt i' = °ileea "'"'"'!'", ° r-1 house of sorrow: : .' ~ I gated -was ; held oat to him, ie consequence _ofi ca of,ftftriale piety atul fortitude, net, indeed„,!ng ' e an.". ° w r .Y, e n •,-, ,_-' ' .-.• % 'value ' ' 'AY,' said minto'roUghn; 'las trii4ber hit' re ~ 1 the reconmendationi to merry by h tlie,jury ne...: a.s tlie3ivitould be , lna,te to apPear lit th' un.. I ' Con n.i 3ee ,= tee ,),T ( '„ te ? r, ;sa.? lied re ?.,Sj .._, • here, butWhereielial -Nine - dere from th is ; - COmpaniel their verdict. - It, is very strange, feminine - Violence of political turmoil `!n whih I neartn°"" - iblif Wlt kilt nut -itiwim z it will: - trim heti on the' other hand,lhat; at the Present strigo a truly piotis,l'errialewonfd.not embroil her; r Her triother miproached bereft!! more bear y.., ; taken 1, , tile ; I_ deatenre how sition I fllys:. of out story, neither his father- Dor - Mother' self; but in the quiet recesses or_ domestic I -i r'n ' 4 fr ajdj s he . s aid , i t a P• - *r.Y low Y °4 ' °, 'lbiai. G'ed'ibroive Me if ire a sin te tiny s o " •r m afniid to ask it: , t•• . t , . ., ~ 1 , ..., .. ... . ..• nor ;:-. knew,anything whateoever .of the judge has:, life---in the fetid .struggles : aereinst poverty, • 1 • only'i•ait tor- A ininutet'er two' said her: ._.' fa,_ n t erea t l l a ' , !"_„" 4 :,,, bi t_ u _ l r e ' il _•., a - l f 21;2 1. -. inggiven expressioe;tosech a hope, The old. aedio 'those gruel visitations; where the godly t, .. s ~ .-4,„‘„ -3 Jolt k i.t .....b i t i he re -, 8 I,w doe-1 Ifectionati_ rvE7 4 301; - retuitnuurwunt ,P'n A'ruan' . man, distracted as he was at the thne,, beard , mother is forced hi' ire tier innix•ent Won on ' E r tut'2er , •!1.n,u,4 111 ;. 4 , ; , i ? . itse'd - arm ;_ iii, ef'nll;eVent.S, yati . forgsit ,tritit. , nothing, or* at least reine'mbered" nothing' but ; ropted. by. the derk • inthmtice of Political erhne, there foot , tney weis . spnai!lii , a w9rei er Nvo , 11fr._O'Briett here:grMy !meatus Own troubliii; the awful'appearance Of the LI:Mk - cap; • , ( h ewn within the vortex of secret vonfaileracy; `hrth'w t- newhiefer , 4a r1in." ,. ..° n'Y aearr ",, a F re n ,',j'heitrd - jinn; ulster was Unwell.; Oh, how is '', The ' ft ' ith t'l F d h , and subsequently yieldino up his life to thse , John has t tg .tsi You ao 0 morning aer e treat;- , ar orong a _ .. ~ ,e , ~ . . „, that will-' I - 7-7- • t ul , t "'"' [she; pdor thintr'r was lip as _usual, but' hie grief - will nearly as i outenoed of ilinittOUßtry,Wlneh h i ..s..r. . _ ..,,-._ . , .. 1 . I thank 'yeti a rent dent better ; I Vial !let ea lilies 1 .. .. e 1 She '!molted with a searching anxiety nibs .. ', , ---. Bear r , -._ .- . . ... . . • hemcnt and (=tic as on the -proceeding c;(1 to distract. It. it ill" vOttes like flits°. tnat l o v v , d aeny trot ph i ' 1 'f ' d't - lit be'tie se - ' ' I ' d-•V c 1 • i` , l I'` d I 7 " d' h 4,' taken-a rtieht. li was observed, hOWevcr-sm e l i i s the ' the unosfentittious magintifirnity op . h h - ' I 'l' 1 t IMO beamed `"" '''' 'IS , 4 ‘e l Q -. tar, Wln a , ,, e' - ' " ' ' '' • • ) . tt be discovered; •mutt tat t a •mornmg wi ',to of el.Adietellit off her' heart power'ofsorroW to humanize aini create spat Irish W'ife,or ni , tlitr. Ma., k i f faititly Mit lieautithlly,upon hrtpsie features. s•-• • ~ ,. - . ... ~..- - .., .t • pathy in , the • heart---that whea lie tirose,instezil it is here wilere. as ~tlor, night. a"d at ' rina ' r} 'The ta pirs sien that,passed over them Was file. ' 11 """l th u P e 'l lawaftriling " "a " l ' l47,, of peevishly and. weakly ',obtruding tits grief - life; darken her pitch, the' holy fortitude of h er , ~ . _ ~). d S thrill and transient :that ore 'aduld'i nItY," of:Maiitier,P!Utifd hel', k_gu?a :_!P?.._P-• his and care upon those Abimt.blina3 he was wont :heart slums with a, Ireitro;propAtioned to A:a: Ilea re.4yigiiv she imoiled; yid that tt Mere per : - . l .eh P". lll . e , r ,'` th i s / I . l , °°i P, ~1 ! !° ' Fafav a lq at the . to (10, he new kept. al Mir from the 'Nom in ;depth of the gloont:areued her: -, 1 1 ,„ , . . t • &tin- sit 'ti gen'tle irradiation , ' fah° , s 'utl: '.- . ..,- .. . . -,. ...•,..' ..• , which Honor slept, from an apprehensitei of - Klieg I\ crthirciugha reeelielF the . t , , own in cepubut set em 1. ISt , , ITh•it news IR apyt OUf and o'e 7 her I languid;countenance ; was I,ouserVeu , ' 4 . '{. disturbing her repose-a fact which Mine who which - his ill : fated; son ,occupied the , f cell J r A ;.even b 'h or teot i i i... .•, , , i "It is, rePitetr g ,rien;-landit us frcitittishis know his previous scifisliness,tvonld have be. ':. feldn. ha found'to his , Hurpris thitt, eiirly, ,its:j. hoil . 'iie.ter"er'ermit ;144 - fiit s: prable:i -,1 ,' . BP/ Ao e • t ! s ' °ll 4 l - 1/ g4 o ? 4 J i ! 'l . 4,o ßtltii4te:-. . lieved, had; be not Crpr9vsgd, in strong: terms a WO° •his fielilte,' ,, tioJrc; • wer e olikts 1 whose 1 iskt p kimottly iiiipio , , , :nn ,„,, he sit w or iy cadi ' Net fo,die.'„,shrtek,ed theold man s stai,ting feat'of,"aiviiic'etling, - her; Nor did - this new 1 me:entente Were , still 'mote ceuly than. his t. l 'n the 'arlor, "billtlLAreSetiCidtit snip afield, 'IP tuld'a. l l ) Pin!eir.a - Otro,un .- i,-,- , hot to -, trait-of his character. escape dePobiereatioa of ' call.:: John Viirien bad Clime tot towtiss 7 licen 2 , i l rorcr i:. hes too Ivenii L i t p ros en t tlygulta i n , die! our son---Seleir,clottortot, to lir hit OWniseryants,esPeeiallyof hisitenest moni.l , ' with his ntbiteeyeedhad g0,t.41 teenioriel , tehes : ' thirintel iroence., I Itself hi recomeiend y,ou to hoge" l,l ••,.(Dgn .YRn AV,' Ault, e . c.ln s lof_fr.qtrt-,,,,, , tor, Nogher Al'Cormick. • ", .1 , •1; ' i 1 )4 of CininFirt° - i q i° ` i rr h °-ven l cnt '' , en., wait adatilir'twO, and in the nican'tfure to_ Pale P ale4i4-01 /" =ald k ° ll-; - I - ". f , - ' Wvll, well,' c?atiailet,4 the r,ustlephilosplier ; _griisstA ridd actua ly signed . by more hati . iMo, ,, _ . _ , a _hea-rfut. di l icataumt, and' break 'it b y -' I did," , replied the ?thetr!be 1,111 not sty * s pev v h a t Godo e ,ettlii i tion dees., ' Faith, it, h as • half c;ftho joil-otho tried lum--nll-hcl . tore the: :. o r ll br yoor looks lad mati:iet , th a is4 , 6,..0 :,, ,_ , t . r.,,, iL..,- , ! . tireteit'Faidoionglia'l4 - fiel it Udine for'oth. 4 hOur ofr. tnn'O'clockv t, A Copy of thieidoeue ne rather i a direct .and 'abrupt communication: ~ .,:s• es ', *Noio-thars - 06a,! diteulafe'd Faicloronglia, ' era,' as it - ell-as for himself: - Who 'knoWs,l.Ve.- merit; .which IY/49'.Written' by O'Brien lotose l r. , They_ promised to observe his directions ,wifdlY,"'"that'S' Ceoll to - hlio mother prayare•-'-; gad, but, it tony take 'the millstotio•dut of, his now lies &fore us, with the names of,, aly 1 , 0 , ( r but when her mother inforined then", ot thi s lloVal he! shrielied,lcombl • her . ; !comet, here , 112 40 Y.Pt;ond if it, does, my word, tit situ, lie i jurors othic.hed,l9jl.4illulame_rebeilutifu , hint she! threw nut to her that reseliediii"detf 'Biddy Nulty, confoitoitrirConnor'svot e did; : r ir, • 1 all cling piece of composinen ,we linte meter , •.- ,- a dried, ii - akit , h e mita eelyee-Ateevon't - sufE•r!',l- Mat' thank but wifF9 -er ' "' ^ • • 1 1 'fi" - d. --1 11iii r OBrien wa s' lay tho tnatterto longer, a in Co • •.•-., ~ . ~_ , i .... ,3_...._ . 3 ... . Before' leaving hunt that Morning 'to tee,. read. the le ergy and a r . . c0 ... 0f, what: his:mathpr h a d b et to 4x ,, 49 Ltyits, rusamo' wimpt:lll-let:', , Ft,nk , Ilia son, he found with deep h, , , rioret that Hon!? cnrhitt yatneommon, rod-so in deed„were Ws el on i. fleet, westit to break (ha h‘tiiretwp t,iti. br as Iforior Pirtid h 6 ritelf heiore,m/ftv hillY Viers,!rl. -,, „.„-- sati -P gt i v As be • himsejt,told , Farderett I•tete ~• i • • fi r w'" ' t••• rd '' 1 brit VOICWOI Cal lIIIICSI Wiliell is'ailipottly that ol i o llinena lmo oeell no e MF:reii-Sed bi.,tbo to -or••'- -• i • - ,i. i t t , . well ie con .An expecte 1011 ta . leen ra s- •: _, - 4 , ':.' ' events iirthe-''preceettingdaY;'' that idet coidd / wbent .ho. Me ,_ , , 1T., , L ,,,. , ~,,,f , ; ), „c , on .t . 1.: t 4. tho atter entere lo own -,. . ~,, • .••• • -.) •, .- •- - .r- r t -••• ,, if ( • ° a tt . ro l a power-, (food ritape y ono 14 f nt I rso ed Taber minneittot-hein ~ Ile '' a I - a 1 ,- 'nmi s /Iftl if; ihiiii _ not 14 4 ''h`Pi hed` : , '4`4lsiar for ii° '-ili'st.. '' I v ` iilid. 4 P- i ''' l * , • k' , Y ,9 9 . ';',',', ri l e : , - rd , „; .1m: - ,tiott•.ihitot was teis ,- tfanitvi. hi eatiefeleg it than' 1 S tfa s mi , • l :(iiiiirl:tr• ! u L'et i n t ? - 4 11 „, pat • i it . c, tim‘iithOng,b,t,'hotded' t ~'4otiti,fiiiiria4ish- , '‘nitliiilikhl'ilmviidrer:ye tore ne Firdo..l inilearingher!justlifed in 4state:4ool4u- la unl e ir ' W !'„ n `i! di ra „„ i '44) ". 2 7l,,,L,,,, ow ,.• vi a, ', • , struck / 60h his heart'. ' '.,'' - ' ' " '''''•-•'‘.-' i Wit:with 'hien - `ltiitir - dollastri', You,: , ~,, /fa! nne9rta i nt , v s, „ , , ~ i n ~, ',, ~/ ~ "Il'i" 6 ,ill,n l - = 'romn' t :l7 , '',.; 11 7,,':. , 7761,4 atib ;; v ..* Pi frt0i.:401146,1r-b4isSelefro4dos'whetltv_iii.iya-rouabit.r.tbutiJaorlx,,9thet•lnliiTrlV,qorills- ~ m ~ ., , I n j a 6,:., i am ,*;flifltartlin k neesitiote Might' a .rot . ..r. ~k , -,,, bo'aiiho' iit wolf b6tIVOIiOO4 I- go'hi'4 '''''''''''''''''''''' leYer ,40 , 41 T i r!!-P r,:i'-7, void- dktor l ,any'lhat itid irii htilli4"' ` .11. ! - 4 . !.:',!, ,,1 _what's the matter i wat tin 7 c. 1i91 . 0 . R . : je o 91:410 t" qoirot iiitvi;:eimnet, 4i4'n.i:''6 - /neykci‘wiktil?. bft;f9P.e t ,tlL 9 ± l , , , 1 „,9,- ' , zo•-.4' , • c t i tiiihkTitizfit:uttriistitif) oho'. -'-•-• -J 1 . -- , LiruP• 4 ob;P od M I s partri "'" ibtfinifail'oet ti. 1 - t iei holy alsflt 024 nuattbtre6 ll . ol tae•. , ~. ~ ....,1, ~, . i ,:,, , ...,z ~.. .. . " Jug mess , and • in n 1 the mg bit yet his MIUMW=M ATINBER ,-,...; t , ii '...:•-•, t;',i -::.•.A - ; i:j., : .: _` fl . 4-,q4..,! • _ _ r . rz.:K . +~...: EDIEMEMI