Are consequent' dePth , of her' roistiry ' at,loaing' him by a death so shameful and violent, rev.. email tonic Offtlimithats-a8 she bent herhelid to express this. obelliencii.:tetho - decrees bf God, and- ut a subdtiedl tune•and meaner 4.• claimed, almost witih one voice— ' : ` " ' My God pity.. yen, ',Donor!. for - . who , . but yourself wourCer ~cortidact.• as. you. do- this hilther,-bitttittuightl! - _ ' I'm only'lloin! what Foright tedl'elie re. Plitxl ; 'What is.religion good ' for if dosn't kceFt.thehea' rt right an' Ul.untlhe - thri. als like , this ; -what'ud it; be then bat a'namii ? But how; Colflow, came' his father to be in suit a state on this bitther eight, as you sayit fe--tui'.-oh 1-Aleavett.:nbove - -sees its that bow , cam his fat'ler,l soy, into such a stater They: then related tho ,cliettrifstaricit atilt happened ;'and she appeared much that his Inebriety_ only;tte! cadenthl, • .1 .. . -. , , .‘"l' am ildd,'site said, 'that . he gat it Si he did ; fur, , indeed, : if he had: outdo himself dhi_unk this' kty, as ton ra my like, him; de .on *lett occisiolia, he never _again Would appqar the:Samoa* in my eyes, nor would:My heart Warta ever more:rth to him as it aid.. Bnt thanks Bo te GO that . hoalidiet take IL himself!' • - " -.Then- she heard, with a compoiige that. 1 eould result snly from- fortititde and rtisigna, tionliiiitid, a morelfolailed iteCciunt oilier -notes trial; after.ivhieli itheadded4— I ' -.. tAs God is above me this night t hod it /M. ter to lose- Conner, than to forgive tho man tfist:destroyett him; but. this is a bail spite of heart,. that I trust ,my• Saviour will give me grace to overcome ; 'Lan' I know lie will!if Las , ft-as I ought ;et all , mints, I, won't lay My sae on a bad this night until I pray to God to forgive Bartle,flanogan an! to turn his heart,,' .: She then pressed them; with a heart as hos. citable as it was pions, to; partake of food, which, they declined, from a natural - reluctance to give trciable Wh'ero the heart , is known to lie' preessect dawn by the 'violence of domes tic 'calamity..- These are distinctions which i our humble countrymen draw -with a delicacy 1 that may well shame thelwho move it a • Nigermilt of life. R , ...spe . - fer unmerited 1 sk atilictioa, and sympathy for;tl e sorrows of the a ihst ani. virtuous, aro - never ithheld by the - lirsh peasant: when-allowed by , these who can glide hint either for good or for ovit,to follow the impulses Of his own heart. 'The .d ignity, for instance, of. Honor O'Donovan's bearing taller a triarso. overwhelming in its nature, aml the piety with which!. she simportM it, struck them„half.tipsy as-th e y - were, so for. 1 .- - eidly, that they 'became sobered down--some of them -into a fall perception of her fewness and high; religious feelings ; and those, who were mere drink into 'a niandlin gravity of-deportment still More honoulhle to the admirable principles of the woman %via& oc essioned it. . • (To 'be Cowinued.) Fur tlift Montrose lie:nom-at Scott and the Catholics'. - As the Whigs are claiming for Gen. Scott, mat credit for the respect j shown byl him to the Catholic religion while in Mexico, tva take :the liberty to publish an extract of 'a letter from Governor 3larcy late Ser.'y. of W;a4 un. ..der James K. Polk to shoW that tholDemo, 'eratic administration of lathes K. Polk' ave Gcn. Taylerinstructions to respect the religion of.. the Mexicans before Geb. Scott took! the command of oar army in Mexico and thoe in 'atructionsbeing equally binding on Gen. Scott, after ho assumed- the eommar)d, as on Gen. Taylor while in command Gen. Scott,hiii car. Tying out those instractions,, was only . 1 2 , 14ing• thi orders. ef his got:eminent, and his rejiw i al to do so would ate subjected him to7u trial by :court manta/for disobedience of orders.; ' , Extract if a LeUer from William L. gamy, &Creamy 'of War under James K. Polk, to be found in 'Buie Document No. qo ; first session 301/1 - Qu i gress. • . War Deportment, Washington, ISlarch 2, 1846. SIR.: Your letter of the 7th ultimo, address ed to the Adjutant General, with accoinpany fog. documents, marked Nos. 1 and 2, have twen intimitted to the President for his lcon--1 sideration. * * * ' * It is very desirable that you should aim a] the moans at your command. to acquire! the mitst full and accurate information in relation, ant only to the military movements in the northern prOvinces of. Mexico; but to the, feel ing,and'•dispositienvbf the people in them to. wania the present government, and to keep us IW - 4A thereof: It is the settled determina tian id - the United States, in every poisible event, to respect personal rights, andlti• ab stiinfrom all interference mortars. Upon these points you wilbgive the mist am. 'Flo assurances, and improve every oCeasion that may arise, to furnish proof of thegoad 'faith with which these assurances are made.: If, in the course of events, you should have •oceasion to enter Mexico, it. would be proper to quiet all apprehensions, so for as it can be dune, by a public proclamation, that the rights tot property, persons, and religion :Silt 6e te specietl. Particular care -should be taken not to alarmileXeligioha feelings of the Mexicans. A Pictuio. „ , - Genera . Shields, in his lato most eloqiient and truthful speech at Pitt Shari. Penns,ylva nisoirew the following striking Contrast. , • We all remember the glorious career of General Taylor, thst honest and simplq.,min ced old soldier. was a true soldier, with -lel the qualities that brighten. and adorn the military character. lie had all the airtnes of h. warrior - without any of his vanity. Well; General Taylor was nominated - as the, whits' , 'usudidate - for the Presidency ;:and. what was the result! New• York & , Pennsylvanid, the old Keystone State, aided in electing him, and he was by theicassistance plaCed at the helni. l - of State.:- now dead, and treat hie spirit is engaged in a better cause that) the he supported either in Mexico or. Washing. ton.. I saw the_ gallant, , simPle.heartetl old swain Mexico. His very name - was a terror ro•the.enemY, and he possessed the esteem and tonfidence of every-one to whom sho was known. I saw him again in • Washingtori, sur. 'rounded by the EWings, Claytons, and Craw -114de of his administration. Ho was net the name man. He was in the lands of the Philistine mere plaything, which might be used for the amusement of the grown-up , children about the capital. was iMstru went is the hands of the selsli politiciariiand "designing men, who used hint for the adyence. meet of their own sordid ends. -,TotallyMme . quintet! with either tbe men who surrounded I JAM or the measures Which he was expected .to countenance, he was bewildered at his sit s•iiiition-. It - was hot histnide„anil he doubtless deepix felt the grave mistake* that had been made in placiag him in . the;,position he,ibeen .pied. . If it had been'tesiegingeities,otOUthog • haterlei, or marching "' unfaltering to the ean hon's mouth, how” differentlY would he : have neted.l Then, hewoald hate,.been at home, rind...kniiwin„,c , his duty; performed it-:with - 'energy and • 1: • m•But why is At netespry. for one to. speak )( o leic ihj u gsg You all know and feel the truth of what I have said: '"And noWOUdging lrein the pant, I iisk you the*question, Will it be different thotdd General Scott elqeird to iPresideney.__ ' a brave man; nod' i lido*,,,hati appreciates his wieelenee Mort; OA # . otri bettertietid.:4 - his, than - Many _WhO are *lan &481twir ;.,or. - ni?lth )l 4llt.nrist o,imiorto.thoss tieizehadeekiiin — whii;l44 patage orate land they File - la!' _ • • - =NEU I THE . DEMOCRAT. ins; ,[.argent Noithern .:I'elinsykvanact-1634 flopiest Wieektyl • nioxTßosE, ocTonite • Ihte.'g. B. C& SL, Entiorts, . • For -Pres' ent, Ge4l'--n Qs • n Hampshire. _For Vice.Prefti4ent,. r King; • Of Abbamtt. • Demooratio•Eleotoral Ticket. ELECTORS AT LARGE. • NATitiocial, D. Elt.sinmo., suator im . WicsottlrOknotuss, " non ft? PATTI:II.IuN, • additional diFtriet.:,. District Electors. bin., • Vectors. ' , • Elett,st I. Peter Logan, ' 13. [Dior,' G. 11,1 tr. ‘4• Goorge 11.31artka - 14. Jobn Clayton, 3 - Jobu Unto, loaso Ilobison, '4. Francis W. Deakin, 16. Henry Vetter. •6. Robert Herrn , Jr., . , U. yiNiCICS litlrCllllllo. Q. Andrew Apple. - - 18. Dextral% Meilaalln, • 7. Nimrod Strickland, . 10. McDonald, ,4. Abialintn Pt tars, . 20: IVidiarn S. tialokau, B. Datdd Oster, - 27. Andrew Iturke, 10.. Robert P •Janneti, : • 22.' It John Melleyriolds, - . • 23. Jahn S. iiletlamont.. 11. Pardon Damon , 24. George R. 'Matte, • The Democratic Standing Com- mittea 'ot Stisquehanna county, will Jima' at Hatch's adtel in Montrose Saturday next at 4 o'clork 4-3 t. . The following aro the Committee. M. C. Tyler; S. 8.-Chase, M. L. Catlin, C. J. Cur *P. 13. Streeter; P. P. aollister, AlOnzo Williams and H. C.' Conklin. ' A. full attendance is earnestly urged 31. C. TYLER, Chairman , . ;S: B, CHASE, Seeti. . . Peniocratio Itally. A Mass meeting of - the DUmocracy will be held at. Susquehanna Depot next Monday the 35th inst.; at one o'clock P. M. Also the same The gallant Cu! Whipple; s of New Hamp shire, the intimate friend of Gen. Pierce in ttio Mexican war also Col. Wynconp of Potts ripe, whoso brilliant exploits try Mexico are fa uipar to everybody,; also Hon. G. A. Grow, Will address the people. '• Rally, Democrats of Susquehanna County ! and listen to these distinguished orators. !Oct. 20, 1852. Democratic Noi3ting Men. G. A. GROW will address a meeting at fib School House near Ira Coinsteek's, in Lib. . erty neat Saturday evening, at 7 o'clock.. Wood! Wood! Wood!! ;Wanted at the house of S. B. iorme okately. Those ot Our ‘subseribers who hare pi:omised us, wilt oblige to bring it along now. .. The Fair- In'te-dtty's paper will be found the proceed. itigs of the Agricultural Fair, which was, held two weeks'ago.l We owe our readers an ex case for their not appearing before, and that OCtIE.O is, that no report was furnished-to our Frt?'er, and we are. obliged to et ry from the 1 gegister - of - las' i week, or not publish it at all. _ !Who-is in the Ifaiilt about this,.we have no better means of ',ascertaining than our 'renders have. They can': see Mime names are signed to; the proceedings, and whose business it is therefore to furnish them for publicity. 1 1 •,'3lowwehave 4 few words to say and a fair warning, to give is reference to this subject.— Ottr paper has nearly double tlicreirculation'of the other, and, it is fair to' infer, is read by a much larger number of those interested in the ,*eietY than 'hie other. Our warning is this, --+that when tho officers of that- society at ;tempt to set up s particular raper is an organ, , I and deprive the Larger portion of its members from having its proceedings in the paper they 'choose to patronize, till they have become an I old story and all out of date, that they- will • fin:d trouble to attend to.; Thor interested in the society who are our readers have a right tq ask from their officers a report of the pro- c6edings of the society at the usual early day of publishing them, and they will not only :A i bat they will, if i necessary, ,put them- in Vie 1 way of-giving thnte. We do not speak with - lent authority is this matter, and authority too, I that will show itself if another-occurrence , of; this kind takes place. The same thing . .was i done lasi year, and it must not be done - .again. i Bid few;persons wondered at such an exhibi i tiOn of low-mindedness then, but they did • not I expect i , t. l•pfrom the present .Secretary. 'lt is ; ine froteue to say of Mr., Cartnalt,' that. till' farther informed we shall not hold lan respon.' sable for it. We thiak him a high-minded and henemblo young man, and have no - doubt:that It4 : is efitirely, innocent in the matter.' ' The blame probably rests elsewhere. • ~ , ;The highly beneficial results that are being! realized by the operations of this organization,' is thIS county, are beeorning , more and more diStinet. We wish the s society well, and will I do all, in our power to promote its prosperity ; ; nordo we care one fig for any insult that'eer-1 Min of _ ~I its officers' may attempt to cast upon tkis piper ; But wie give"them notfee, that I whenithey offer a direct:insult to Awo-thirds I of the'members .of-'the society through- our papeii that those members willfind a defender ilk the person of our pen. ' --- ' I/0 A.1360/3ElOd. Next Saturday is tho lest day on which arose; WhO have ~not: been, can "misetsfied,.-;- .41:yeti4 to , this without delay, We : want every vote for Pierce and King. • - Tho min who will- DS pay a few cents tax for the privilege of tratiag a vbice,in choosing a President of the Gaited.Gtates,!is unfit to bo:a ireenttut -.147"G0'e . new AsSessor, , , -Stater Elections. iOnio—Go n o Ihiii(teratic by about 8000 inn— is• Innuatiiiinnen*, by. Ammo tuniolitY; oici ten out; brelofeWthembtfeof Conkma. FUligfaVirhole Aemoakiic tickitt cleite4: After ilioEleetion. Th State olectibn i% over—it has comoand goue 7 the internecine war is ended, and Den .eracy are again in the ascendant.' ... An ther hasibeen :laded to the list of Dem- 1 ocmti -- _triamphs,stteh4riamPhs as _Thomas Jcfre •Ottachieved, when, aftett a long and sr - - duen- strtigglo, the principles of government' elucidated by his master mind, were proclaim-I ed' vie toile - its:l - Ile; - the &ilk+ of Amerl:eart Democracy, set forth truths and principles - that had el or befo 'r'e been rogiirdod as' fictions and sophestriesiand,:with a mind far imaktfance of the .a v ~e in which he lived, ho enforced them tpon the convictitina of his countrymen, from hick they have descended to the ..pres. cut day. • : .racfWith i anit thiii ft to that period, in the past, do we look - hide, as tho natal-day of our triumphs, i l osdawn of an eventful era in thltisiory ili; SecOnd . only in , impOrtatiao-AO . Ilia . tion of Rights ; , and a : counterpart, ht a that, was tho endoriement - or:Afro . , . r i rinciplesos he appliOd them to 'the ad _ .. , .... , . intive policy of tho country,. by the voice American people.. We point ti.. that, ong lino of successive victories in State to n, for the vindication of. our . poli cy. Yint to tho triumphs of tho i past, tied to l i mes that produced them; for an . expla. Ito tho victory .of the present. --.l_ deelar fact, to eon's i aninit' of tho and a j We p the ca nation I Pennsylvania should renew her fealty 1, erratic policy 'arid principles, at this ••roves that no eircumstances can, effect ,llienato her from the faith of hci fath- her proud metropolis,,aSsembled that 119' Spartan band, who first proclainied World the rights of Man and their do ation that they should be viudicltted. ple were the first to receive the chart 1 slom whin it was given to the world— A to it srend to its tall—the first to' vear by that to live, by that to die." sail wassteeped with the best blood of Ilution,—the lives of - her gallant sons travely periled,—on the, altar .of-her t was their blood poured out. Nurner ti• , 't. the fields that witnessed theirvalor, • patriotism and devotion to the, cause country; and Valley F ergo wilt ever Hess to their sufferings and unshaken . ' Her lieart beat with and for the, ten=ltdr fortunes were slaked in its hour,—no nerve relaxed, no purpose and no cheek blanched with fear.— Tayer jer our country," was a universal Tion, that hushed the howl of the To. Ihnd, and awed tho bold heart's of mtry' The cradle of our coan rbedom,the right and potent arm of, ee,—she stood by the side of Wash nd saw the final triumph of her cause. en that was secure, and blind rever. antiquated notions had 'misled the L. Tier ! the re% Nero ens we l l —their of tkei I bear NI i t purpos revolt/Ls darkest quailed, Her "pi suppliel ry in he her con! try's-Fri its defe i ington And v'h i t once foil rulers of a-nation, and crippled the expanding f Americanism under Adams, she first ho standard of Jefferson, and in anoth bid bloodless contest, won a , great dless victory have rolled on since that triumph, and succession she has recorded others, 'y witnesses her standing before the ho Union still true to herself, tree to principles and true to the Democratic er still greater contest is before. us, will be upon 'us: While wo con all on the result of tbe.past, let us I ;realer exertions for the ftitnre.— ts must, not delude themselves with that everything now is secure—that lvania has gone, she will go 'again, rry thepnion. 3Ve ' tell you that on will now characterize every move he opposition. Unless. they can :re nsylvania,their:last hope .has gone bine and lorriternation. Like des en, at desperate : odds, they will: fight to battle. It now beliooves. every t to staratirm, be active, and resolve victory shall be but the forerunner 11 greater, still . brighter, still more I owlng.and overpowering, on the see i' vember vest. Now is the time to, e presidential 'contest - with zeal.-- pols . bright and high, 'every omen and every object brightening with in . Glaring in the !heavens are the hts of the Demilerapy, -- and'shall they itbrighter, or shall they go ;ae w n in and dismay? Let the undying spirit racy answer, after it'shall. , have re the hearts-of its followers; and that ill echo round the world that FILViK".. cis the next President of the United I . Tickets? • esidential tickets will be ready , itt the first of next week. Will not ' in the I ditferent and- especially dis ships, thOy happen in town, call charge of them 3 It is a,great htir s to see to, sending them at our own rhen a little care on the part of our d the friends of the cause, will save able. • The this otri • our frien knit tow and take then an expense, friends, us the'ir A Card. • i •• - • , - ling of the tigual Prae l titioners, of f SuSqueltautm County,*ill . be held s Hotel, in New Milford,. on Sour'clock- P. At . to take into ion matters of importano CO the pro- A general attendance ie requested. • he almvp curd catne..ta us without accompanyjni it Whether- it is a lof coarse' minuet judge.;-Ens. DEM. A mel medicine. 1 at Badge i day Oct. conableta l fesslon. ar any Ann): boa; u 0 JAenson.—Wo learn that the'dwell. of Levi Barrett, in Ihe toWnship of With" nearly nil its coirterita, Was eon fire on Friday-rdpht last. " ThOfiro in the garret, and owing to want of a very high. wind,:-but littlo was • . affronted loss from eight to twelve Fraz in bun. Jackson, awed b . onainatc water, an saved. hunitred yield of .; Bridgel or two al ; Franklin. wo ever a; &nem! y the crop e mentioned last week a yety large tatoes, on the farm of Mr Baldwin eater..!. : IVo were shown 801020 4 day co rais' elf by Alonzo, Williams in They were the largest Specimens Mr, W kePt no `peconnt of the Sid however We ihmild - jnike:Bilk ofwer - beep bet thatklhti Yetr. The Contest-in this Mindy. , .. t., T st li tif e e fi . at A lut in ns ran s b g it o i n o efort i l s t i an erz, and Ushe the oice heartless demo agogues and Ungrateful traitors have found ono common level,--.barebeenoverpowered by the Verdiet,"of a' pure and healthy publit opinion;atid left lovv - in• their own shame and disgrace. For the saho-of themselvds and the common fame, of manliness, we trustthey will •tose no time in the-performance of ablutions, that their falsehoods and Slanders may'ho re pented' of, and that repentance he se elearlY demonstrated tdeommunity, that theY may af. ter a time retrieve soutething,.'ofthei,ijaim to holier that they haYe previously bomtded of. _Never beforohaie such,exertions .been, put fortlito destroy the - dernadiatic PartY .ihis Icounty.. Never 'heron) was,there such . a'com- I bination of adve:se and opposite interezts,.all mingling together and impelled on by the otio s iictive" Ov'et: ,theso have the Lion.hcarted Democracy o6StaSone. _henna most signally triumphed; . They have rebuked this voice of faction, vindicated their . - ittachatent, to their print:iples tual - their Organ -Untie:l;od Togo M full utren'gth.twor. internal and external foes. • '. . 1 , Such .a result is most gratifying end eon gratulatory. 'Secret foes hare been diseover. ed, their purpoSes unmasked, and their objects 'exposed: Henceforth they must be hitt great .extent powerless. Their sordid sinfpathy With the demoralizing mtiuenees'that have ay. er been trying to fasten nPon Ahe Democratic party, has been brought to the light_ of day, and we trust will• henceforth be powerlessfor ill. If the Democratic party would }Maiming and pure and potential, they must.driie trait ors from their camp, ,and tneet disorganizers and disorganization in the face. Such - can never stand before the searching- gaze of an honest purpose, for such never carry; politi. catty at least, an honest-heart: Their work is one of fril4ehood and foul detraction, in which, from the Moment of their engagiment, theYl give the lie to past professions, repel with un generous ingratitude the friendship and confi dence of their fellows, and thus exhibit the worst side of human natura. It cannot be ex. Feed then, that such men Will go forth mil their mission with faces bold 'v,ith honest in tention. Let the Democracy of SuSquehanna in the future, stand shoulder to • iheulder against all kinds of foes. Burypast ditferen ees,--heal past, maladies among yourselves.— You may rejoice that the past election has well, settled all these, and shown that the pa.l Mica! patients of your modern Doctor, fare I about, the same as his professional ones,—arc.; suddenly and fatally cured! ; I Hon. James CaMAO. It often, affords us ,useful instruction to watch the movements Of different individuals, especially in the political work!, and endeavor to judge from their actions of 'the motives and inducements' thht sway and control them.—•-• There is, at the present day, so much of _utter selfishness in the political arena,--so loud pro fessions of attachment `th principles that prove to be professions merely, where; personal am- I billet] is disappointed, that it relieves us some what from the unhappy opinion we might oth erwise form of political men generally . ,,, when We find in a: roan sueli_trienifestations. of pure attachment to principle as is exhibited?'in the person of Hon. .Taeres CAM7i3ELL; WO do not believe that there .can be found 'another man in this whole country; if indeed such an one can be found in the whole past PolitiCal history of the country; who has exhibitOdSuelt resplendent, self-sacrificing deletion his po litical sentiments as has , he. ' Struck cfown as lie was last fall by•tbe.most unholy'cOmbitm tion, no one had ought reaionaVy to - , expect from him butcoldness'imd indifference, if not overt opposition: ho Was nobly sus tained and fullyvindichted.hy ho great heart of the Democracy of. the Stitta and would have been , rimnpharttlyr cleated but foitho corrupt coinbinetictns of Philadelphia, bin Men' in defeat are apt to regard thitiimply, and not the cause. But this, was not Jiidge CA:IIOELL: Rising high above all personal' feeling..Of dis epPointniont; in the contest juSt past, he threw himself in the breach to turn back.the retalia tory blow, and regardless alilre of. personal ease, pecuniary advantage, - M. 'natural Oblig,a lion, has devoted himself to•the sticcess,or the berilo&ratic party; with 'an energY and pnrpoie never before witneFsed.. The iebstacleshe has' encountered,and . the exertions he has mit forth I seem almost superhuman ; and when We - say that the DeMocracy 'of Pennsylianie are. More indebted to him, for their success than lo any man or set of men 'in the Conimonwealth, we aro but dbing, - him faint justice', , j • We admire that man .1'1;1,10. Ciritrll4a and not the man 'merely;bute. his -noble,!reXalt:, ed, and virtuous fictions. He labors - froM prin. eiple,—from a high sense of affeelion'aild du. fy to Itis. comtnenwealth and.l hisineuntry.— The selfishness of the mere Phlitician js not found in hitp,-;--butithe'spirit - ef a patriett is evi3rywhere exhibited by his life , and .actions. Would that Pennsylvania, and. the country, htt.d'more, such men to'control 'their, polities ! • Cgir We would call attention to the,Derm oc'ratiC Meeting to, be held at.Susquepanna Depot, onlionday next.- Speaking of Colonel • Wmprs.n, of New Hampshire; whO is ;to be present on the occasion, to address the Do. riteeraey, the Carbon Oiniacral sayS: Col. Thos. Whipple, of New Hampshire, being in town, was`ealled uponsby a comadttee cOnsisting4 . lsaneßipple, Esq., Lieut.-Hiram Wolf, and. Maj. Robert Klet4, extending to him an invitation, to bo 'present and address the meeting. Col. Whipple'responded to the call, and addressed the assemblage for-About .two hours. He reviewed iho leading Issues, beforellmboople, and answered front person al knowledge the query of, many as , 44 to who Frank Pierce is. It was one of the most powerful efforts wo halm lately listened'AO.— Gentlemanly and:intelligent, in his,_ remarks and conversation;. the visit, •of Col. Whipple was.not without its effedk Ho madommuy warm friendi - while With us. - 1. ••1 ! ..• r. The Stutiewi, thy eel - fool . reader, edited by N, Calkito." The new volume of-this excellent woih - for thildren and youth, commences with thiNa• yomberilumber, firOlg .shoiar l!ine' Address Powleri4 131:NaBstiil .Terrns-0/ Avlingifi, reop) . ; 4 k i i " k: 66;15`d0: Stop Thief. A gentleman called at n th° Jlotel of rfr. Badger, in New Al Vora, Monday last, and hired a , from'gr. B. fine belle and carriage, ostensi bly to Come to IllontrOse. Not returning that evening; as prondied; 4r. B. stilled pursuit on Tuesday. 'go traced'him nearly to Air ! , trosic and then lost track of him. The hoiii wain fine gray and very-valuable-. A reward of $7& is offered for the thief and property, or $5O for the thief alone. _ We learn that the wife of James M. iVard, Esq., formerly of this county, died last week at St. Louis: Mr. Ward has keen in business idSt. Louis for a time past, and re turned tolhis county-last month., WS. Ward accompanied hhn on his return to St. Luis, and died of cholera-but a few hours after her arrival in that eitY.. ,She was the ilantliter'ef Henry Dural Esq., of New Milford.' den and unlookt4-fer. event. • - • ar The Piot° & King Club of the village "of Hawley,. Wayne countyanvited Prier Byrne Bs+, of Carbondale, to visit and aildross them. Beingunable to at4md, lie addressed them the following eloquent letter. Mr. Byrne former ly resided in this. &math. - and- his - hosts of friends hero will.peruse; the better With eager- Fetter from Peter Byrne', Esq- Carbondale City, Oct. sth, 1852. - I _GENICLEMp:i half an 'hour rigo . ,your polite letter 'of invitation was by me.received, to addressa Deniocratie, meeting at flnwley on the 4th inst. I regret not having received yourlet ter at -an earlier period; ond although we had a mass meeting - In this City yesterday, [at which as it happened, I Was. assigned a.cer- Min, position, in . thenfternoon I, it would have been More pleasing to 'have told a fen/ p7ain:Dern ecratic matters, in contrast - WittrWhim or fed era!, to my friends .in Hawley. . It seems to me hardly possible' that Mi.- Co t ins froin.Phil adelphia, who recently visited your plaCe - ' ' and addressed us upon two occasions, could have made any change in the minds or opinions of my countrymen Democrats in Ilawley. One of. his (Collins') strong points; In his opinion, was, .'that Irishmen of his creed,' I know ho meant Catholics, received or pos:i sensed no office of trust, prok - or einolument from the Democraticparty.' - Such let me ur at- . - se you is not the fact! The writer, humble though he be, received two commissions in New York .city froin the - Dentocratic`partv some years ago. In this State 1 received anil held two commissions •as Notary Ptiblic; one from Gov.: Porter and another from Governor Shank; and in the borough of Montrose was elected Captain of an Artillery company, al though there was not an Irishman in the com pany, the r day previous -to my election. To the office ot - Justice of the Peace, my fellow. Democrats, American and Irish. citizens elected me in A. D., 1839; in Susquehanna . County, Pa. Nor iS - this.all. -Al this moment I have the honor to be o'ne of the two klegatsfront this county to the State convention, to be held at Hafrisbura ' the 4th of Mai-eh nest. Ilow absurd the,assertion of that hirelino. Collins!! Nay more; Col: O'Reilly, of Pottsville,. an irishnian and. a Catholic, was memberof As sembly last year from Schuylkill county, and the Speaker of the lion. J. S. Ruey, as into credibly infortned, is a Catholic. So that' the allegation of this man Collins is most untrue! . And further let me inform - you that Hon. S. S. Benedict, member from Luzerne, and a resident of Carbondale, received his first nomination in. our .county Convention at my instance and.:reqUest. The nomination was offered me, but the health of my fandly forbid mo the aceeptanee.. At our last meeting o delegates in Williesbarre, I was offered and could have received the nomination of Prose cuting Attorney, Which I deelined. It is not a little remarkable,: that the Whig press of, late - datqasSurpe atone of, plaintive. sympathy over persecnted Catholicity.. ' What a plentiful crop ofitears has lately been front the laChrymat glands of Horace Greeley &Co.!!! H • • , - Aro those the samo whigs who raised a cry against Martin Van Buren for merely writing a letter to. the Popel Is this the seem party who a few years ago denounced P. R. Skunk, of Pennsylvania, hecatise ho walked in a pro- Cession to lay the lfoUndation stone of a Cath olic church at Pittkliur,g I' (if I rightly,remem tier the place,) and is this the same party who aided and abetted lby the Natives in Philadel phia, in the fall of 1844, after the burning of the . Catholic churehes, in that city, increased the Whig vote by an addition of live thousand frten the Native ranks? Such cant _and. by pecriSy There lies beforie moat this moment, a let ter written by the lautGov. Skunk of Penn sylvania, and Harrisburg, August 7, !47; it was written by him in' reference_to the par don of - Martin Shay, .who Was. found• - guilty of murder. in Schuylkill .county: inthat year, and sentenced to bo executed, but. subsequently pardoned by the Goiernor at the instance, of I Judge Kidder, (who' tried the case) oth ' rs I The Governor rites thus:—, 'The Mexican ,War was assigned by tho - U. S.: Gazette, in Philadelphia, as a reason .for miiting the Catholic vote against ine.. twas ' constrained, to remark, that if this appeal Suc ceeded; I - would be peculiarly unfortunate, for it is believed I Mit a : - great many . Protestant: votes because they' identified me with the Cath- Wks in 1844., Every good man must, be pain ed by those :atm:nits to unite religipn with polities.' Tbus for Gov. Skunk. • Again en the 7t14 Oetober,lB47, Gov,Sleink wrote, and) have 'tho letters„ amongst. other I matters he said as _ ' On, the representation' of CoL•James..M. Porter and. Rev. Thames Rierdon, I issued a respitrtfor Lawrence, Tierney, 'wbo was *- vide& at Easton of, murder, fer 7 the Purpose of giving to the. unfortunate criminal timo to prepare for, eternity,. This act of mine, resul ting from the plainest dictates ot humanity,haS been, tortured by . dur political opponeuts into_ an electioneering ;Welt; and I have been as - - sailed mosi:barbarOusly in the Eaiton Whig, for having, concerted me whet° matter with the. Catholic priest:, Mr. Rierdon. I refer you to the Easton papert for a full, history of this inhuman proceeding.' Our good old Govern or must deeply have felttlieraseality of Whig. fiery in this - mattek; he continues thus:--,‘ So much for Northampton; uow for Schuylkill. I am denounced in Northampton county frir bo lag lenient to an Irish Catholic, and in Schuyl kill for thirsting Or thti death of another:. • Those letters are in rho band writing of, late Governor-Shunk, end over., his proper.aina lure, and in, my mssession. - • • • Bet' such is -t i to consistency of nideral Whiggery, and those :are facts,and I defyenu. tradietion.•• • - F•'” tho year,lB37, the,city emelt of. - N, following the directlousmf the. Whig,Mayer, Clark. imposed tho.sum - of ten dollars,' head r. holitable - money Mpon immigranta.coming from _Uuropo, instead, of ono dollar •as;before had been and I.believo now remains. 1 • „ . In .the Period ,4ar, twenty-five years I have cover 110411,n :gond liberal. measure pro posed end.earried out by tip ',Whigs,' <redo- Ale; or Nationals.!- Ono Whig paper I irt.this City. now sheds tears over tho pain's inflicted- upon, and;. pensities,sonlroreo,.by, the -'• It, --But yon can fitXl a'file.of Carboi. stati Transdripg.see Feb.-13th, 1852, and yetil Will find the words thus : Qgir 'The following is a copY of tt - '_ joiner's .bill-for jobbing: in a; Catholic,chureh 'in Bohemia: For solidly. re. pairing 13t:Joiseph;44d; for cleansing theillidy Ghest, 9d ; for repairing the_ Mary. and inaiing her aihild, ss:; - for furnishing n noise, fcir ithe Betril;potting a horn on his head, Mal gluing,a' piece to his tail, ss-6d;' - and there lii! no quotation fronranyjother paper; now'eve.l rybody'may know,,that this cool, malicions,l blaphenions Whig article, was written and inserted firth - 13'We purpose ofinsulting men end Catholics. What! poinds, shillinns and pence in Bohemia!! a country where tho , Latin language is commonly spoken, and !i:>l make the currency of England a Bohetnianos toe absurd to reply to;—but the point is, that this publication is apiece,of Whiggery;',and probably would be Nativism, but that' ire o' wou!Vdoln - Carbondale I - - .4, • _ , I mi'ht,, multiply such, examples from Whig prints, bat that would be useless. The IriSh man who can - vote for,f3cott—after his Native American letter—is; in the.language of Judge Campbell,--of: Philadelphia, when hiyaking !of' that man Collins; atlitigrace to the hail which gave him birth..!l;, - For - my part, lam bold to say, after having fully inimatigated the:matter on bo:h sides, that in: my:opinion -no .honestlrishman, who ever,• felt' British tyranny, can support Whig principles—either here 'or m ° England:, I wish all my-friends4o.roto tho whole Democratic ticket and nothing.olse.'2l should bopleasell I to attend you at some other time, but cannot absent inyttelffrom this place for the next eight elieveMe sirs=rive have only a few rene gade Irishmen in this county Whowill vote the Whig ticket--yerhnps not grel here---some two or three at: , Hyde - Park who: either nerea had any prineiples or if any of doilbtfu t t caste: ant}, some few in Wilkeshrure. .Allow'me in cows ,clusion to present my Vest, !thanks for Toni very kind and flattering invintion, and believe me to ' • • • very respectfully, gentlemen; • 3 • Your obedient servant, . • PETER BYRNE. To ,Illessrs.-Nash,Fish 'and Fisb,Committee of 'Pierce and King ; 1 . . . . Thirty-third . Coiness, 1 0 Thomas B. :Fleienee, .* • 2 Joseph R. Chadler, 3 ..Itihn R',Lins.Jr.,i • 4 Wm. H. Witte,:l. • • *: 5 John 31eNdir,: E. *. 6 Wm - . - Ererhertr - - • , • 3. Samuel A. Birtiges, S 31u hien bel•g, * ' • 9 /sac E. Heister,{ • 10 Ner'illitlilleszcar, ' • • 11 - Christiim W. St sub. • . • 12 - 1-1.8. Wright, ' • 13 Asa Packer;• • 14 Galusha A. Grog, - 15, Inness ' 16. Wm.. H. Kurtz;, ' • .• 17 S.IMIId L. . . 18 John 111cCuilgch,, ' 16- Augustus Druni,• • 20 John L. Dowsoh,* •.* • 21.: Darid Ritchie, .1 22 Thomas Horir, 23 Michael C. Trnat, ' ' • 24 Carlton' B. 'Curtis, 25 John Dick. - bernocrats in Romarif Wirigs in The HUndoerats:liave gaineji two 51i.onbrs. POnsylvapla Elep 1862. Sup. Judge. Can. Corn. - •t o c aq , - • 0 ei •e. • Allegheny, " 600 :, , 600 *Adams,' - 21'91 1672 2197 1659 Armstrong,- -- 1 - . • , *Berks, , 3536 • 7385 " 3748 7372 Beairer,, 200 2OO *Bucks, 4772 .5418 4810 5508 Bedford, - " Blair, 4 , 592 479 - • 1 Butler,- - 1 Bradford, - p 0 Cambria, *Carbon, . 681 1241...; 674. *Chister, ' 5566,- 4962 5588 *Centro,. , .1698 2737 1717 *Conberland, . 2780..2827 2745 *ColUmbia, 962 108 998 CraWford, " . •00 :Clarion, *Clinton; 928 Clearfield, — *Dauphin, - *Delaware, .Elk, Erie, , *Fayette, 'Franklin, Fulton, .- 1 [ 'Greene, , . * Huntingdon, Indiana; , 4 Juniata, Jeffeison,' *Lebanon, .. *Lane:Oder, Lawience, ... *Lehigh,, , *Lycoming, *Ltizerne; - Monroe, Meteor,- Alifilin,. • , *MUntgo,m - el7, *Montour, McKean, *Nottliamptun, ~' ;`, 2098 "3 *Northumberland; . 1326 1 Perry, , • : ' - *Philadelphia" city,. 8738'.; 41 * ' " county, -15307' IF Pike, .- ' --, .:., Potter, -, *Schuylkill, *So; terset, , Sullivan, *Susquehanna,, 1331' .21 Tinga,_ • - Union, .' - • . 800" Venengo, Westmoreland,' „'_ . .600 ,', r Waahington, : ' '' ' ,- , -t Warren, '1 .-150:-„, : . - ,1"5 - 0 , . _Wayne,' .- _1 ~- , ' :--, " . 1 1 .00,', . - i ' . - 1 ” 1200 , Wyoming,- , , . - -, ~.- ~ ~ i 250 l i : '250 ITork, -.. , s .- -., ' , ,;,, 1 - 1. V. ' ; -.--, '11541 Timaeinarke&thui [ 1 ap c iA l , , Returns for:- 8e . ~ _ . . Cerinties. '..Chasalenni4n. - SheMood.Rossi SuaqUelianizi, 2208 "'.., 20.8 i - ;1609 ' 'l66'9' Wyoming, - 109'V : 1'114 ''- : --: 682' .. 617 Sullivan, ''. '. 340" - - "33 - 128.: - , 127 • I'2oo 0:22 300 2076 1 2372 •I 9741 6 2267 2 1798 2 2962 4 4146 k 755 li 3755 3 2391 1101==1119=111EMZiffl=1 .T.c4141;:.-._... 304:5 - ... : 3,501,- ;. , '',." 24)l':'. 2413 • StXtitiitif -Witinkiday evening" but. Fiy -Rev. 'J. -14 z, n E. B. Cuksz• Esq., or noontrove, arid - 1116.5 Amr,ux C. SHAFER, ofttridgoyatkr. • OP tita,34th iust v by. tho Aay. J. B. ,IdeCrptiry. Idr.,Ezrwipegoaßioxi, - of Mil toot% 1,6 Miss EazatATiL. EssiGtt."i# Kirkwood, Broome county* N. Y. .;'_ At thu - BMW time And 040 * by tbo _mine. Bin Blank' P. FISSIMI, to MiI,3I44A.RkTTAX. Emmons, both of Kirkwood:' • , •';',. : .. I l e . , . . - D • * . , . in w ar f or d on the Btlv inst.; 31mb :cue . iar i wife of John -I Roper, ag e d 3,5 4 .•• i month and 12 days. - - Ile, •'the following ~ testimonials sufficiei , teat the excellencrol the -cleCeased air, arid i t ,.- t t, the roped with which ishe was reg.4lo, 4 At a meeting -of -the members of Lodge. No;-,313, field at their Lodge roors. - 0, 9 1852, the Mowintr among other i i . et 1)4 4d jogs were had, viz: I_ musunes, in the Providence of G L J. J. Roper has been deprived by 4 od, 441 c !earthly companion; therefore, t f q nese/ r ed., Thatlwe tender him our wg i sympathies, in this, his hour of berearen-"tt , which has taken from him the wife of hit !som—rdeprived hie children of tut alft t it o ,,,, .' Mot hei,muil community of one of its 1..;.7" ornaments... ...." •. i •-.- --Pet ReSiZeid, Titstllie Brothers of tiiis or‘ iI be and are herehi requested to 'meet i t Ili house of our a ffl icted Brother tatoorrew t t 1 o'clock A. 3L, to-attend to the funeral of I deceased partner. 4 Resoled, Theta copy-of the foregoing fr „. [Cautions he itrCiented to Bro Roper,-,t 4 by tho committeeat psinted to draft the to.. 1 Tho following resolutioni were. p g .,,,,,A, , the ',tidies Sowing Circle, of which Sfr a . 4f, , per wawa member, at their . regular mee ts 'Octirber 13th :-.- ' •-. .to , .. . • NVltattEm, it has pleased an All.wi ge h et , idenco to remove from otil - midst, our grii I esteemed and worthy pater, Lucia c. It t p, which has caused a feeling of. heartfelt vii to its Members, therefore; Rescilrecl, 'Chat we tender to the torenq husbaed and family our warmest symp a d va this, his hour of trial and bereavement. Resoled, Thatlwe extend to Bro. Rope rgl g t vjtatinn to Continuo his' attendance to c r ' .wing Circle; whenever he can make it 4 1 , venient. -_• - 1 . Resolred, That;these resolutions be 14 4 1 down to - the journal with other piece „ t and a copy of the same handed to 8r0.5 0 ,. signed ;by the officers of the-society. " . In Bridgewater on the Bth alt.; widow Ent ! F.F.ssExane„ a2ed 81 years. ' She'lwith her hUshand was an early seit, in the township end endured the hardshipt : , cident thereto. She died wherothe had Gay more than forty years, beloved not uterelyl 7 u large circle of family relatives, but erg*. anees... During that time she was a trotti, mem b er of the Bridgewater Baptist dual.; The cirquinstances of her death made its five: Being at, work near the fire, ,thr ti o age and infirmity, -slim fell , into it, tini Lou sistanee'heing neer at the moment was btutt j burned. The injury received ultimated,d e a time of severe Ststfaing, in death ''lieu, lease of her spirithowever was doubtless th mare happy. Hippy in the christian tam while living, and inmutasprably happier ilk, heavenly realization of the things hoped Ex 1 "BlessCd are the dead who dio in the Lord? I . . ra,. '• . . ETwEE. thii- sho rotr m p of Ildery Timone azik i e B lake. on the Plank Haat Saa 4 .i annehkg lot s Irated blue ground oonslla De Lane Wets. flume Will cull at tha .bop of Meaty peewee. Role fevi i t h pay ela ,u- r re2, i, and take It away,. Jr, P. Dna Montrose, October 12 164. t , e Ctrl . , , •, Register a -Notice,' DenLIC optic?.tahereby given to all pataustennea ed Intim tannin. L./Latta, telt!! Late or De Crateful. decealeel, Ziproa tab, Adadaletrater. inn errant of.llaney M Fleamn, Guardian of Eng Ida lineman; That the neeouutants base settled ilea e• COMM in the Ile,thrter'es oflee In and ler demos 611.31uehanr.a a n d_ that th e same will be pnentel the Judges el' - :theNOrphan's 'Court er cud retest 31ontrore, , Irettnenlay the nth day et Non* next for confarnation and ellotanee J. T. LINGDON, Eel* Register's obi et., October 1105.4. " Auditor's, Notice.' lig undetsi.Tned... an anditr.r app letel to wont .11. the assets remelLia; In the handier A. G. Ae., ! . A dmln!grat cr of the CELL te of la reel U. Ileraelh,tai among the creditors of 0311 estate. win attend olden ties Of that appointment at the °Met of J: T.111;* Slontrose, on 51onday the 15th of San*, 1852. at 2 o'clock P. 31., at abteh nattand plate ape sons Interested are rajah-ell to present their eino debarred tram canting infer a share of nth awls ' C. L, BROWN, Atil.r. .' Montrode, Oetober 19,1552. CPI Lissolution. TITS ropmfnembip heretofore mistier brims ft subscribers in the Cementite barium, sad 6 firm of A,CAII 'TELL &CO., is dd.!! day dmoinf if mutual elmsent, • The notes and accounts .r ate late fon szt if Co bands ofJ. Terzari for cot:calm. 500 720 1238 4962 2763 2074 1972 403 Mr. C. C4nipbt..ii will continue the bwinns at It gam.' VIMPCIL C CAII.OIII J. TIGGin ep t. 29,165: L dm inistrator's Sale. BT art order of the Orphan's Court of Satc,ahlo county, trill be expo.. d to public rale at Otero - noose' In Ahlal rOf C. Eli Mt:nary the 15th tf srte bar next_ at nne o'ehiek P. 31.. all that cedes faal.d nate. lyin4 and Lein: In thotown..hip of the enunty of , Trotid. and boarded en tbeaertbttlnl of Elijah Howe and lend of Thomas Fiahrrtl. ,l t"' by laud of .larnt.s . Washinezton and lea- of 3t111.112.1rt theinuth ty the lliiford and Osti , ,o Tturpe and west by land nr Patrick Horan, rentalaire sa or thereabout., with the epriattetazeta, a !natal+ log haute. barn, ala.p, orcLard, late the Walla It. Ettnond, &ed. . . I. 4 1001 4100 • ,lo 3165 21 2Q28 25'21 da 1539 3 1200 301 Trrms wade k oen the day of rale. C L. ncolrs, ger. Octoberl4;lsl2. 10 2095 I GBl aosT nscurco Ar W P, MAWS NEW CLOTEING STOif, - ITIVSITZE STREET, MONTROSE. WP. WYATT his just returned ft= New Tutted q new and beautiful &sentiment of Cklig, Gd metes, Weetinne„,ke 4.e., all Of which be ollat 'tweet bring prices:for cash or produce. ,The has' on hand the istert red style of faehleita for Fall and Winter Clellat t%. P. W. will truann:netttro int the Mat rttitla , terms and In the moat appineed Mit. of fathluttl* shottest.netiee. •- . • • ; W. P. tr." - tranta In trade fi - 4 roods SOO Lewitt:l'# ilea cif Ile_ beSt quality, and 41 Reties of Bane, M wt ie. n•glew . r l?. , 4 cents per onte r. fo p r ‘ t u he T r v i. l ' 0 Store at D Impel; "It late Lavostice, worm 00 . -Idontrose; oct.. 19;1852. 37. 2345 .26 9986 :00 1752 5688 750. 299;2 2352 4894 - 9297. 99 ..1712 188 --31:41_ 380 195 5276 ,1319 00 0 56 '43 4163 37 767 ' - • Sheriff's 'bales. s n .: ,i eki n n e n , :co . ui ri ty ,-0 ::: : : " , .. „ ,: :: : : :::: : :: 4, or Vocanntiv Nese of Susquehanna manly, *r. me directed, I will espuse to pubde ale at the 'AV 1 HOW 111 Matitlbie Cu Saturday the Mb day of Nate lAr. twit, at cue o'olnei .e. 51419 tb.t WiL l P ili parcel of land situate, lying *ad beep in the wiz , As testae, b.uotlttl sad dernibed as halals, to sil: Li 1, ttir don't+ by lands of .W Slim Smite, on tb* 04 "Z highway, south by , lands of-John O'Lloghlbi, Pi by the hia'hilrafa.coutaining 72C0 for of laid, .Deets naoria `or less, together with the spourttostaw fit I s w ro e t u e i m u ct i t i t o s t:r. -a . a t u w , f st.i. c rz n lrttu , e h tag tioht.VlZ,,, , No., 19 'on' 'nlot ey.aird slUZ.tge Mary, ht, rte and I I. T. Weeks. Taken 10 execution at the suit of /Orr! its 3 ,. l t co, agalnst I. T. Weeks.. ALSO, aaaid&w hill . By virtue of a writ of Yen. Ea.. iwww- ..... at W l wiwer/ will elfoso to public tallest the Canit — .. plaire, all that certain piece or parcel of laaddrs:a fug and tieing in the tuelubill of UL i g,T 4 % ,, u rnutti 0 i eutlianna. and State of rellasPla"" "" boor . tolloui,to nit; On thenorth by the rut& n. ii I the east-, by /teary Cuddetesek, oar Oa lostb '4,0, Tompins; an 4 on the west by OW: Blo s ",, a es trig about, 40 acres, tbgether with th e arpaittom o , * Crimea how, one, shed, and all hAPN Y4I4s r_ ia n ocao tale of Robert L, hunter Jr. " '• - l, We - Taken ba execution at the snit , againal Ilobert.L. !Touter, Jr. ... a 1 10090" :MI 'that mien oh:eri Of PUCCI Of 30 _„...,,, a! and being In itridyetrater teenship, Sucl." - t o ....1 01) A Itr,bountiod as follows t' Beglutag s • ~- e d tei " of Orthilterbes lot;', thence south al' deir 0 :1 'Perching tOblOita Tyleettlot; thence by tb5,.4:,0 23 ilairees, west 114 penile' to • pot 0 1 1'" 0 4 it late of , Bans' Hoyt; thence nortit ST .. 1 .-".0.. Vrebes *0 alms ton {P alter Potter's Sue i",: - Tdot saute north 23 Oates east 1.53 pear* o,i''' a:attaining 80 atm, be 1 be Paw avw° C riltandi . , same lot which, Joiwph flutter geld bY a r,,,,1b1 . f ilitk - A:. rt,:1848, conveyed. o b asap klari4, ..,, n ,ittrat together *WOG appurtenances; ! ftww,lfgleele If t barn, and.ebout, .50 etnts IroprOoli o ' , ' ..-- 13Orcrytt D: Butterfield. - . i Lets Dianir.' • "-Tanen to execution et the suitot 1, tektite,. 04* ,Buttritisht., ' 1 001) Bf if , ,. '. l Oat g I ~ ~ . Bh*traornac.Atentrose, 9ct- 14064 '. 19 -1393.2311 •00 .:-." Sou 52 -4235 25 .12592..A768D 60 3747 4223 40 2389'. * 947 4 1 4'7 1349 24'79 o ° o 4000 , • New 0000 wit ir us? arelred at N.ENAT GCODS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers