The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 21, 1852, Image 1
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";'• :P. . ...„,.'; ~, , ' _ ,101,,1,2%1f' ~1. ..;: 44.'•.4•. e -,./... 4/ * 4: - 1 ' 4i -, • ''s - - ' 7:', , .--, ': -. ‘"l/•' ' ' 1 * '''-' ; ''' •• '''''''' . /14 • 1: I .1 1 ! S n.k E. B. CHASE, PRORIETOIIS t • , ..'.This uneslion occasioned the:sitnim .fiChis heart Weuld.literally;hurtt to .plecas;.a*. • . --r ..• - . • - peciallv - when he considerelithe circumstances -. Lem Metal's- lailint aka.. --- . '' under wbieh Ike old matitiitt:k lndeed,there .... . , , ' hino , sci'tintisienilitlitly.aFphling. in: :a b saatlleart... Vellittab „. 4 :, his intoxientioa, and in the ',Alit hut- idfecting TUE. to IlsEkii. l :::; ,-. : . ~ , _:I tone of hiiconverantion; that: - when joined to . ..... , ..; .-:- . - .-e---:-. 1. i-•• .: a. , -:. . Ihi4 pallid and epeetral :aPneurancelit` h'tme a .• n • ,; • 'E C CAt.j4gel4 - . -": - - , 11 .-; ;;;. :leharacteraortho tine .heine,... otAMOod•- that It was Mori than -an hoar. before - _:the man etrack.the ',heart :with- en image, more . frightful returned,: holding .Fardortitigha ,by the snit, i than that of madness itself,: , • --. . , i ,_. 's , '„ and, after having :lett him' in - t the-cell: he. in. -. :_',Wrong, father !' .he- replied, ,iall'a Went stantly loCkedit•eutside; and, svithdrew.• as! tie ..andican't understand , lb :it's -, welt, - for 'You ;:had been &Sired, Connor tan to, support his 1 that you, dOn't know the•dnern that'asuport:,di I tottering.stepit.a: and wofully:indeed A id; that , now, for I feel how it would bring yott . ilown,- I unfortunate parent stand in.need_of his issiW and bowit will, too...kwill kill you, uty futh• lance. In the picture presented -by 'Parde;!en-At•wilfkill, - you.'.- •..,:. ,- . .', -• y; I roughs' the :unhappy' young-'Man . .forgot ;in al - '":Conner,Yeme . henna Miele, - cote": ho me=' ! tmoment his , oWn miserable; and -glootni fate. fin tried itt..AtiY, sate-,conie_ hem 1.0 _your There blazed in his. father's - -eyes' an excite. rinutlier.'--Ctinie, for her taki...4 kno w I'm .not went, at once I dead - and; WildLle.a vague tire at home, an' I ._ she'll, nut rest till I bring kid safe without chtim'eter, yet . stirred - by an meow-; baek to her. Conte noW, ril have no put Offs , prcheitsible ereigy.wholly.heytind -th e usual .-4ou•nist come, - 1 say-I rordher lyott--1 I manifestations of thought or suffering, :,Tho ' 'can't and wont meet her wideut yin. 1 - Curie, II son on'beholding him shudder , and notfor thoi - aVick, an' for ; can 'sick me the, song 'gain' first time, for:he had on onit or two occasions ' hetno•-come will vourown peter 010 'fattier, before, - becorrie apprehensiVe that - his father's - that can't live witiont .l . you--coma,' a !stiffish I mind.might,if strongly preSsed, be worn down; tinieliree, I de* feel right here--wo - Won't be: IV the Singel:4r confliet of Which it was the, properly-happy till you go to your If:whin:loth, j scene; to that most frightfallif all maladies- : , or ! - . ... ; !insanity. -At the alit niaM. hoWeVer ' folded 1 - t , , 'Father, father, von.don't Ittitht, what you'ia I him in his fecbleatroas,,andtatteintned to - ex -: 1 tnittittg me{ i .ttr e ' r f What ;teat, blessed H t i tt y., I press what he felt, .the unhAppy WY. grenned;:en.,,etta Lear-' . ~ l aloud, and &UAW - en in the. depth of his cell, al. ' - The door of his cell' here opened, and the I blush of momentary - shamo, - sulfito his cheekttninkei'stated that live or six of his !and brow. Ails f;ither, -notwithstanding the crieil i . wor 6, anx i oi f, t o ace hli n ,,, n ,p,' ,a h a a a sentence thht hat : een so sliortVbefore pass-, all things, ti take charge of his father to-his led upon his seri---thattfather, he perceived to1; 01 , - ; : n 't ioa t..,. - , This tai a manit'est relief to the: Ibe absolutely;intoxicated, or, to, use a more i'y o itag, Man; who then felt more deeply on his appropriate expression, decidedly, drunk.-, un h a p py . f a ti te fi ",,o un t . " t it in on his awn. ! There was less blame, howbver, to be attach-; . - • S oltio 1• 0 '6;t ; I t f0,n.4,, said h e, .1,,,, e g i ven cd to Fardorougha on this occasion; than Con:; my f a iti aa ti que a,: an . i t has g ,,/, • into hits h ea d a r nor imagined: { When' the; old man sw''ozied 1-indeed, it overcanie hint the mere, as'Unev -1 in the court-hOuse, ho was taken by his neigh"! 'et reMember him to taste a drop of spirits du-. horsin utesa to ,0 1 : 1 0, iqq of : 13 e) Wilere he WI f"r some ring , his life' before. I can see nobody now m in P a state insensibility. lOn his re- I ate him in thit state; but if they with me stela• i cove he was plied with burntwhiskey, as let them take_care of him, and leave hitn safe 1 well to restore.hia strength and .prevent ire-! at his own.l:6uie,.and tell them'rli be glad it 1 lapse, as aponl the . principle, that; it would en- ! I .can 'see them to-morrow,'or any other time.' , able him to sastain With More firmness the i . . -With-eonSiderabl ' tri"illtv - F- ci 1 1 ol o tt .t. . .tr 4) ou. la 1 , dreadful and shocking destiny Which awaited ! was removed front 'conner,Whom he citing to i his son. Actuated , . by. 'mo tires :of mistaken 'With,All his 'strength; attemptingalso to Ortig kindness, they;poured Itetwen:twtiLand throo !hitn aivay.. :Ire, then, wept bitterly, - ,liecau-se it ,lasses of this' fiery cordial doWn, his throat, lie, declined to te . .tcompany him - heine, that he si which ,as fro hatismtlaken so much during the :. ndeitt,comflrt his mother, and enjoy theini ,: lapse of thirty Years befor - e, soon reduced the. aoW recovery, of ilk IIIOIICV from l'----J s e, and j feeble old man to the condition, in .'whicii we : die conviction which he be:liev'ed theY had just i have described him when enterin the gloomy i CM:cc:elle:l in getting against that nc.torious:do. ! cell of the prisoner. - 1 1 I thultcr. ' ; . • . • ; ' Father,' said Conner, • irithenarne ofllear- I 'llfOr theY had departed, Conner sat 'down en above, who or What hat put ynn ! into this ; upon Mallard pallet, and,- supporting hid head dreadful stat e, especially When we consider the ; With his hand, saw, for the 'firat tithe, injall its ; hard, hard fatetiii< hat is over and upon us?' magnitude and _horror, the death to w hich he ' • Coino- returned -- Fardorougha,! ,not Per- ' foetid himseltnow doomed The excitement cm v in , * the drift of ,hi... question, ' Cotner, my !'ipeCasioned by his - teal, and his increasing that-. sun, I'll liang'haufl him: thdt's one; oemforl.'. nei - s, as it ddrkened on through a ll its s t tag,es• • Who nre on spaking about?' - Ito the final - s'entence, now ' had in .a consulera-. 1 "file villain Isentence was pass en to-to-:, ble degree , abandoned hini; . and left - his heart, ;Jay. Hell sWing--Swing for the i robbery ; at present, More acceSsible to natural Weak `P----e will. 'We get hint back out of that nes.; than it had been, to the,power of his own ;neat of -robberk. the isle o' Man they call it-. ' al:Cale:l.4. The linage of !Its early-loved Una 1 that he made or to, the villain!' ! .." , j had "seldom since his arrest • been out d his ' ' Father dear, I'm sorry to see yen in this':dmigination., Her youth; herbenaty, he. wild i staiv... on sich a day-e-sich a black. day to nt i.-I .l .lutmitural A ntes, and' the fl ashing - glen c.- . of - _ Fur.' sake ':I am.. will the world ' her dark entintSiastie eye, when joined o her i say of ity _`' 4. l_ 'tenderness and liltundless affectioe-for In:itself gr I . ' Connor, I'M in,eat sprits all `out, except- ' ' -Ali caused his heart to quiver With de adly in' for sontethihg that I fog•et, that-'-thatL--li anguish through every fibre. This pr oduced -lies heavy Mien me.„. That I inapt% sin, but . a transition to Flanagaithe - contemplation i I'am-I am, indeed-4or now that we've rote!: iOf Iwho - so ' perfiilio,us vengeanee, made, -him i h im,h we'll hane', the villain up. Ha, ha, h's ! spring from his seat in a parox ys m 'of Taiga ; phtsaat sight te see soh 'a fellow danglia' 1 cant but intense hatred, so' utterly furions that , from a roper . ~kt, t 1 the swelling tempest which it sent through his +' • : 1 ' Father sit. down here, sit down upon this • veins caused 'him to 'reel - with absolute Lriddi- 1 1 bad and coniThrtless bed, and keep! yourself': nesS. ' - .''- ' ' .'•• - - I -.' I ; quiet for a little. Maybe you'll be better seen. j i. Great God!' he. exclaimed,.' you ate just, 0:1, - why did you drink, and us in such troub- j and will this , be suffered l' I J ler - parents, and tle fi- i t -I ; • hi, net - sit'down; TM very: well able to ! ory:mood of' hiss, mind changed .to one of me!- I I ' stand,' said he tottering •.aeress the:room... 7 f - Ancholy and - sorrow. He tanked ' bae, upon ' , The villam thought to starve me.i Connor, his aged father's enduring straggle-up la the I but von heard the, sentenee , th it was paised on Ind tle of the ;old. than's heart against e ac- - ! `him to-day- ;Where's Ilmor, from Me! shell i Muted' vice which had swar6d its impules so : I be glad wain-whin she hears it, and my son, I long;-cht the protracted conflict betwee _the I i l . I Connor, Will ' too-but Ire's he's-.-Where _is : two energies,. which, - like contending A :idea ; • Connor ?=bring, me, bring me , to "Connor..--: in the , field, had now left little but ruin and , ;Alt, avourneen, , Honor's, heart'k breaking 'far t - desblat ion behind them 'His heart, viten het ;him-'t any rate,' the mother's hlirt--.llie , brought all thee thinga ,near him, expanded, , l mother's heart=-she's laid low wid 44 tichin', l . and like a - bird, folded its - Wings abort the i :.sorrowful head for her boy.' -., I 1 . loaf-haireltetaityr to' he love he bore h tn.- i . 1 'Father, for God's sake, wilt you: t r y ' and But his inother-;:•Adie caresiiag, the prowl; the resta little? If you could sleek, fatt er dear, ! affectionate, whose heart, - in the : vivid tender if you could sleep,' -- -- ' .--.- -' t tze;A ofhope fin. her beloved ;boy; hid shaped I : . : j 'l'll hang P---e-I'll hang ltint--4trat if he ' out his path in l i fe, as that ori which she could ! gives me back, any: mousy, I'll nut touch hlin.• brood avith.the fondness of . a loving And de- I : Who are you ?'; ..: -; .!- - !,. lighted spiritt-that mother'e', ima g e, and - the '' Father dear - I'm Conner, your ' evrif . son . ,'. idea (if her : sorrows prostrated his whole ; Connor." • -'!, ' '-- '-' f . ' .-'. : ; strength, like: that of, a stricken infantitet!thei 1 't I'll marry yon and Unta;tlien. r i ll settle; earth. - : '.. - :- - : nil the villain robbed me of on yen, and you'll ! '' Xfothef, iinother,'•he'cielairited; 'When ii hive every. penny' of it either m.Okisili. 'Don't ' think of What you Feared "Mei for; - and what. I I 1 be" keephe me - up; I can Walk very- Well; 'ay, -ram - this night, how am My heart do eitt4wise 'ah7 I'm in right good ,spirits.* Sure, 'the mon-thati break, as well on your account as on my I eyfs gut, Conner-got hack every sltilleen - of - onM, and for all that love net- Oh,!. whet will Ha, ha, 114,:G0d be - praiseal i God-be: become of: you, My bitirsed triOtherl - a I ' eil . We've - a rir;ht - to betthinliful-:-the ', does it go with von that you're not alto your! „MIS(' • ,0 - ; world isn't so ties afther all.' • • • - ..-.-'':.:' ;'Vride,- - as you us'ed.t.ct'eall ine;noW2that 'min 1 i 'Father, will try and rest?' F, - •-•'' ' I thisitionble,,inthis . fate that iespoa tote tme ! 1 f• , le o oo t•beii, eth er ; a ti_r w o rci starve, as I: 416%in - ft:inn yOurloving arm's! -The •thright ; rthought 1 - would, note the - iirriOades , got , of- v an is dear t 4 my heart, dear, dearer, dear-1, i back from the villain: Ha, hadia,it'S great•-• 'Or than that of . any-than - any'own - Imit.-1 its ereht,Cornior, aliaguiT. . . -',-- : i •. ' - What will become of ' !Lei.; tea, and !die old r ' What lilt, - father deer I' --, ..-:-- 1 - , -.' matV - Oh, why, ivhy is it that thedeath.l Ain I I ,c sing .m•• a song-my, heArestip-:•:- tit suffer into fall tio . ficavily onthem that love I , 'Connor, ). .. . , it's . " . ' .3". u,glatP-sulg me a 'sow , " me best?' • ,; - , • 74tIm° ° 111 galiFiy meadow where th e l o f ty i l , t i f ibht-2rn t r ° - ' ' ' 1.: yrjull sleep' first,-Cather dear:: ! .', ..: . - 0 th en : 1 ' urn - •. . - - ' .." ' e- ' n ' . t ed to Iris b e d; but 'flier cald elm grows, i• - ‘ The 'll/igen., - Cotinor; or Shualagre - jorthe And dreary images of death and .ruin.' ha u nted • , And the stream that runs by if; and noisily {l'ouglus--,..f0r, flyettrtieep, , avournee,m : there 1 his hiraginatiomuntil the night was far- spent,! ~, flowsl mutt be sorrow; . , in it - formv heart's. - 10'4 load.: 'When at ImigAla he - fell into a deep 'and dream- i S y- rocks and oer pebbles, eac h of them lyotir mother's h'eart's in sorrow; and lshe's;lY.llesneteep. -:- • _.- • , •-,, • •• .. I dear- ' one -- i • "from us, a n' heiboy's nol4Cieri an' ;By the sympathy expressed at:his trial, our in far , 0, would that our lives might pais peacefully: l h h I,' 'ore- - sore, and her he - in' ? bd.' readeis may easily conceive the prOfound sot.- I here! i kh er s'e her e4r b s o b y's'far ' ' frem . her,a.nd tilie , ln . 'ticoMelre , iviir.. hieh . * l s - felt f r et hhn t ,. is the 'd t atriet ; nere he was. mown, rem .t le moms the , . 1 to,himr - ' - . ;.' . - -.- ,'''' .t. ;- •'' ( N Y -- - - - -. Ilere tvould that our lives might • ' •Th b • noble fortitude waeltnslid, l lll o .Wl d - • ' broad Otte of his "sentence"; ha gone 1 ass cheer 1 • 0 _p), otiose fah , awa * ' - rken dnribr the-formidable trialit hatt endenn . ..=:'iniong'the lxiople.' "This wai Much st ngth- D , :eth e efre as p . t deepens, like the elesinn. allj , w e d _ . , e the course o f .t h a t d a y, nosy-.; rein 00,r..),-'cried .m e mi r e! . N . • i re nt e an n , , of clay To our !lonic' op ' ieethe bylhis slmple allusion , to his )nother's :1301,:Ar ta il s in :FrA . tA a n'._A .i k )1 p °JA I ; 1 , • aborn where f oe A ti t ;love.' let irew its arms. a ou . , . . ~ , , 1 -. ~ .. , , .. . ' . f 1 ' 1 - ‘.. ' '.b ' t 'lila - - father's AO tsvor-I tnean - youth•• and personal anty. . molest -' .. n o 7 1" ) `. ra e lyi tr Ad4l6l4eyth: . :1 3 :6 4y r upo - ' 0 .14,1 1 6 5 p w ,.411.1wh010 previous thmeader. was - - now 4 ',can % y .., , f!rel.c wicked ne'er trouble and the weary .' ". • ta, t• , - .vassed with ternournful-tentty, , that , b urgh i ._ ii : •e , .. ,, p i ti o alo tti, nd . f c er ou na n ata tm, y . lan ust run .:43 n thol.o.7.4„ .., : volit! , :.out . tila iii,.f._66.4.111,t0, lie:iptiftli . relief_; ,01341.1,10 haze reSt! ' ' A.M.ELIA,, . - .1, 111 - . 4108 veil. cry.?: - ,, ixte ,: a lf, , til,li a ' e i ght . now! fatriz - Of the:affectionate eon was deplored . no Orleans, -deans, k `.3ei l t. -185:1- . • 1 1 that, w i, , v e b A , a n al th e n i eu e-y, - -. •: "- : Ehrtle,ha,H,less, than., that, oftne-you dire I, :_blit: nisi .and, nd . I. ' -- - , 1.. com er tither, 'Connor' Isn' rtr,iier.Are ' Inconsiderate v.allem .. ilfoituti., an jail, arrivd from Washington.l y h Ou'lili f i 'r igit, lu y e ett iiiil.Tnii; ofihe . r: ' ' . 4llialliithoid hi 3- .l oll4 '9C:.e 9 Tixs S inn,.:, l l , they ' VA! t h_ ,tt he saw 10 mail hags filled - Tor I wdn'tstarvo7fOrTe'er*Oile o'_yees.,!<.. i could not Cergot that, despao . pf all Is s.- . Repu., gird: . ire ef Seott;" • which - has been ! .-, Father, fitheiawieh YOlfW0111(14.00.,' _ - my and 'ektorqe4.l .t!l6' old mans ' hOrt" h 1 been;' Cart Packed to Le delivered tlver:ll4 ', Well, I wilt, ' ' I will -Vrialiqiintii.liOd.l fixed;, with A treA- 1 4 L- bAt . nnA 9Mkr. f flec tl .?PinC k , 'F''' Male s -. V yAyie . ic., -r,:o! , ~, T . 4e u 1.4 , 4!. 2 :.. Y. D!ry Bo o k.. . . ~ . - - 1......y0u'1l sleep in your , Olin Ited.*ltflit.. Yourl on itikantble t - li i ndorsty bey. it Was;, , WSW. Ohe brig - 3 illoolo4 hi Ivhoso tO4, z i ,. nt. ot - r eott" . .is issued at, the pe0r.13361W14.4414°946ft°-1139 1 114° ' '.4 v!ri llis ' ?Y t'ih i ' 9 ll"ad - hein 7 eashrined:i, the 1? „l' lote'end franked by .Tituntin ;„. l Contiqr..,,,., gn,lri i . e`cl; i !1eft0',. 6 , - . . _e a !' :. , a- : h a ff ection: thati' their - spirits' t t , lo:d4nr, g li to. C. from Connecticut. - They her liartSlawi...-it!s ! breakin' n . r it'S. hhalitite- 1 , 1 49!. 91 net ,7. - ,Te tit , t ,•- fl i„,,i :,. a. .i nu it, ; ,„1,,,., le'Ple nfihe 41n the 2 "ailtiWith thetid,and the:lnit : sbe won't. let enYhodY ninke . "Yilint!liAbAtln eciu n e L i ro: r ue ', L.': •,. ,r, ....../..: r e i ..,',' f ten:: !tatipo t t it i ur ,- e "ntrY 'ewe With pay for. -their 'herielf..,''43k.the mether c - vii:.DiartereLtlitit 4 4 4 l l4 4 „.l.° l 7Br u te 4 rA°Po "Y . •, i r, tx ,'" lstii , ~1 - m d, 4 the same titne . he l`iiennietMethee*: invo;c4 V,Otlies:'l"ll4:i' Con ''' igi td l ' ") f n;.l '`;e4lqn.' -iflre."9:lilT''''.thi'l.e'll" ino out"' tat ta.` _ ~e a . ‘g ain•St ,lilo he prirklegetiiior-;:". -;-.;'`.,;',:-'-.,: 1: : .',' , , 5_., ,, ..T:E; .__.,.. .; v_. : ., ~ 6F . th, iii , ,, l an a .te .. ,, . t .. with ,. vo. , - hie . 10401,0:. if vlll 4],,Z:j l o tigf ho s n wi i nqle. - Ah, syliiggery;i .1 • - , , 4 1<ye , k1,lather.; ear. : ._ .'. - ,--,-,'-. `,, . -_;; ,„ , ittr .- t 1 . 1,..., 9 02 :1 51 :1 9 1 . 9 .f . . 7ritn..' y es Y:and . conststenty '.--:. r. - , Ismt-thOralsentOthing-vvreng taickr-.4 •:I -Iv .1-!_ ft- .Honors- .., .. ~. -,,, ii ,.‘ • r --6 ~ ca7.' illtenteetneaW. i , - „ , for • ' .' ” --.-- ' ' Yr f . ,ithere:lo - nlethitie*righti4ope ' himar - .:I Flanaistm, - a4olr tt:eignl or oatttnioT-- , tie -..' "-:,;•:•,. . •,i • : -.....,.„. . . • - . - ~~~P~~~ ~~~~~e 'Furth- Wontrcr Dmocrit. Lines (Fritz-Ito:Le Memory of Dr. E. A. Butterfield. DS anowt—TO A MEND Dot eon still mourn for thy darling, Thr buried youngest child Brightthought brings back his childhood }oats In manner sweet and mild. • Mips hiM in past helpless days Of tangoing childish glee,. Men in loved infancy lie sat _ On his pad Motherls kneo. H o c sell then his bright laughing eyes Snsni in sweet clear delight, 11len thou did'st playful hector him • lie hid them from thy sight. !Intl cpiekly sought his Mothers breast ro smother his chagrin ; 'Then he wouhl.langli nna look again The'ttention to win, In Iliac put happy, ehildish days Thy lore he fairly wun, Thy sweete , t smile did freely rest Oa thnt deLr petted son. • , As time lisped on his stature g,Avo • A large promising boy; His rad& cheek and bold clear eye, Told of light coming joy. ifs gleeful rolge and bonnding step Were tnoet noted in thy play; Ile tcled all with a lordly grace, And snag the loudest lay. Es w lid pn serce tnie glanas she4i, I n eqinl way most fair ; The sweeteit pleasures then didst know Were such as he could share. H e fine grneeful form, Aud cherished strpngth in yeimi; Stronzlv cherished frail life's -new hopes, they no Thtnovd thought possessed his heart, T:l3t he would ha v e to Teem, liore and hold his spirit grew, In wish w 'cave his home. !J o el r,st by', hencn the parting came, .tat brett-ht the short adieu; Tjf let:den grief gave vent by tears, I ~ratw-ionL!:tad. true; ThD. ; loiik forward to that tine, • wonld sit he t,:y side ; St ith , e.l his itrui;. healthful youth, In s',;!: nglit pion '4 pride. 'rime's stem finger wronght its deep tr.tee Oa things nen: and To 7,1::1i did not allow each change 11., force to mar; Sim• yeos and enanging , scerms wita their f.,d,m , ray ; e`lerishj'd fle would nut long delay. rallin on his sli,eit youthful form asease last ,rasp had ; His chief hope :did only wkh • Were to see thee ;;; 2 -. in; SJon and Last , t e ha:ienea toward lEs iun, once iaore to meet In the IeIN short hours he was sp.,rba, llCture his final sleep. Mourn not so Jeep. for 01913 eanst look B-,:ond the Loma of earth : Us blooming form ins only faded, - Not that of storlinz : His soul win Ice lifter:his form fades, Wheiv no,,earthly tempests rate; So think, cle..r friend, cc hen thou dust weep By the late young Edwiu's grave. Yenta the Sunday Delta Hone• is Uc Vflre that we love, that eli;lris keep old lerever w•e rove, wherever we roam; we Plough the rough Ocean or wander afar, Ve feel thstour Lowe is our true • WFaur make our abode inn far distant land, Wnere earth turns to gold at the touch of our hand, 11 . 1w.rn the tempest i 3 stiled, and no cloud' is Jere orange trees boom and ref:atria ever green. Whore scree. fairy music furever is heard, Ali the wild wool is Mid with the . inved bird ; ; Out our issue is still cherished, and blest 15 oar lot, If ;re mice again see that farniliar old spot._ That much beloved spot , that oar infancy knew; With ifs fuel-gabled house and its sky of deepdAue, The hill Nhere the mill travels Its n\t n s in the breeze;,. And the valley bayoudorith its clamp of gicen trees. ,gg,evTirt; gmalt. Wtitx(4 . 4. I,omti,CiltrA ; 1 - ZThz, 24 1 1et . oNataTir v aZtclt%lletatno f ,A;aemp,utP W;tDx" . ae2.,' ' :MU ittßbig",i4,:lllllM3D.4.lti---OcTOBER 21, ', 14 1 3 deuirexlitt the Ifoiner in !ratand,'_fell ups Oti liiitfi Nor WaS tkisali: lud by.thitiogiteitywhieh is so oonsfileUous in 1118 41 0 n; When sF vindictive or hostile feeling is exrkteid among thout,they depicted Flanitgan'sj char er With un accuriley and i truth tisl9 l j i!hix*ly . .e:oitiiet and intuitive. Ninnehies were . t-thel inettinces.ofiowtirdiee, , treaeherr; add . re- - , I PP..agalltst:tholtrialhOf this clai...!tlf:lte's!con; ' 1 •Yoll-7 0 :reutembered - agli?a n st•hhn, hy thiesb.Whe , deputed, death, I'm _afraid .that claim- her 1; r had been ; his close" and early : companions, not i - health ,in• i6aSUM - Will - sink Under it, andju that, kiwi' Of 'whitifi . ritiiild 'Atie - 'l l.el - "i .00edrilA Itot 0115.0:Protl , 'Iti4'4riuul us; fin. liOce,a.s ritt'sally; r l'llideri; 'Weralt 'MA . (Wench' niiiitli' had' been ' Mhther,ienuhl 'itti afforilte'leaehetil.' 'Still:let 1' tifrown bitek upon tbit:tictutiny by -the mehtmd us- hoPe.,for,thet hest.... Father 101 time io;pre.• 10oly• Which iwhati involved the- - ':um:l pare; rt . the ear ,reade.„ I ent. ! goptg„ tu,the rthappy.contier .o'DertUran. . ILI .he. been. a; 'garden:W . (ll;u what, the peer:6;l3g has, to say '3 mere eidipary iYitness in lh,is matter, he wouldj to•MO,•-•litit;1 Will be . With,you - noint.' ' ' ! " 1 • , ' t, , . . • . t i - liav'e' biperientied'iittleof ihts b o n .nri boiling iodigd _.. flar'ltrothe - r! retina ! Iter,'-' as Wo haie'sahl; en- - ..i ton at fitelr-liands ; but•firat to participate' in i' gaged Calinly, and sttli a thelanchaly'pleaSitto the guilt, allitafterivarids, for the rake !of the in adorning 111 7 33 hlvabwhich i ..on Connor's' ac. reward, or. from a_wetae.and more, flagitious i count, had, become her favorite. , Ile.was not • !Motive, to' tarn upon hirn, and become : his ne-• i at - all sorry Walt she- had - proposed :thlS,short ense.,r,even to the talioi, away the: y(itiqg' idat.'s, ; intervieW, for, as his hopes 61''Counivr - s acquit-. •tal:a•h3l7o but feeble; if, indeed, !IC - Could...truly I_ ,, lif , e—to's , t , ag agariitli4 detitpuhkin and steconi. t plice s '..frus was looftiut: ultra as it crime' fell3ho ; enfertainflay, •1113 reolitil,. by deli. Ithousand lime s morcisleekand damnable than leately ca:n;nuaiesting his .appreheosions, .to, thtit for with:ll,o3e 'iudiepliy culprit ha-1 licen ; gradually prepare her mini for the Worst that t consigned,to itit shameful a death... • •' I might 'happen. •- ;' - '••' • - . Bin,Jdas; of *hat ifiail Was - all . this'SymPil (h • hoariag his step-she raised her: lielLind • thy andindignatiom-4the *geminate youth, advancing thwarts. tho in:title of Vie gardeh , himself; or to, thCso *at deeply. interested in Lttrok his arm, and led him towards the summer i his fate.? - Would not the very love .and :tor- . i horse in Which Conner and slio,Mel first ac. l'riivi felt, towards herlon fall' upon her moth-iknoSeledgest their . lave: . She 'gazed Whiten* i er's heart with i'lieniier weight of bitterneis I ulion - it. after they. -mitered,' .and -, wrung her land agony ? AVUltittAtit his Una's soul bet hands, bat still shed no tear. ~. , . ,- ! wounded on that ac t :aunt/with a sharper And 1 .Thia, sta.,l her brother, • yod hadsornething more deadlier pang of, despair and misery? It, to . alTtome f' what is it darting?' ' : ' 1 veonlid, indeed, say whether the. She glanced timidly :still:a, and IA Milled. - house of Bodagh - Bui&or that of Fardorough a _ ,',y ou won't be angry u ith, me, Jahn,'. she i twas then in:the decrier sorrow. Oa the morn- replied; 'would .it be proper ; .for -me to—to •'.., ,• ate -of Connor's trial'Una aror at an earlier go ---.' ' . - '' - ill ,7 ur than usual, and it was observed when 1 'Wh A ! to - thi present at the' triad ?- Dear i she sat'ai bre..i,kfast, Mitt hercheek was at.on.e I 1 • Una; you cannet think of it. It would neither i.moment pale "as death,, and again flush e d and be proper nor prudent, and you snr 1 o.y-,wpiild [ feverish. These symptmies were Best pereeiv- ,' no t b e considered .intlehe"ae I Besides, eVen s!d, by her,uffeettunate brotner,who,on Witness- I were it i ntit ito, your strength is tinequ ,1 tti it. ins the mistakes she made inpourimg +tut the i No i no, ;Una dear; . tiiiiniss" it from ' - viur. I tea, re hanged a glance with Ins parents, and ! 0 1 „ ng l i i s :., ... ,- : • I afterwards asked'her . to allow liiin to take hert: ' I f ea r that-I could not:stand it intleed,JOhn the tea- I place. She laid' doWn put, and, look- I even if it were proper;fint I know not wttat him him mow/tinily in the face., attempted to 1 t o d o; therell a w4ight like 'loath e upoa n e... . smile at a request so unusual, • • . I b. , :art,.' HI etinld 4hed a' twat. it . WOuld telii:ve 1 Una, dear,. said, he, 1. you mast allow use. I me ; butt :eatinot.'• •':! ' -• r • •-• -'' ' There is no necessity-fr attempting, to. can. I 'lt is probable better you..olionizi-leel Ise, weal what yen fe e l—we all know it-:-and it Una, titan to entertain- hopes _upon theanat i ter we did not, the-fact-of- your having filled the I, that may, lie dis:4l)..iinted.-. It IS al w:ays. wisest sugar-bowl iustead - of the tea cup- soon fto - peepure - ror the worst, nt order to ::vial] the discover' it.' • ' . .1 shock that - may emilempon us; toot is filch lad Site4aid . nothitig, bat !oohed at Min agairj as it' she seareetreornprehended whin. he said. A glaare:however, at the sugar-bowl "minyine ed her that she, was incapable of performing the usual duties of the breakfast table. Ilith .erto she had not re. sed eve io her Miller. sir mother's face, nor "ripokon't(i, them . d. 4 had . lieen .her iront,when miiptingzittliat strictly domes. tie meal; -Thu:intrestrained . aobhinusof ale mother now.arensed her for the first oer tort to wst tiore,anit, • , on:looking_ tip, Saw her father 'Aviping,:a. way the big tbari'fiani his - Oyes. ' Una, avoureen,' •said . ttni wori:hy . : man, , iet John make,tay for its—for, Gad help you,you can't do it. Don't fret. achora tnachree, don't, don't, irtia; as God is over Me; I'd give all rin Worth to - She' looked at her falter and smiled Again; but that stai)e cut to the heart. . • • will make the to: myself, father,' she re frOn't etnifmit ant , more mistakes,' anti as the.spolie she naminseionsly pJfirell the Aea intWthe-slop.bow/. • ,-••••-: . , Avoureen said her mother, 'let John dolt; neuslila maehree, let him do it; ... , Slia thfM rest.; and with Out uttering . one l - word, passively-and silently placed herself on her-brother's :Ihair-- - -he having, at the same time. - taken that on whieh - sbe - sat. • Una,' said her fither,taking her hand; you must' be a good girl, and - you past have eau"- arm • • find - whatever happens, my darling4ou'll f, pluck . up strength, I hope, and' bear it.' t- 1‘ I hope se, tallier, she said, I•hope. so,'- . avoureen inaehree,' said her mottler,l I would' rather - see yen eryin' fifty times over,l than smilin' the' way you tl,;.' • Mother,' said she, my heart is sera—lily heartjs sore. • • „ It is, aliagur machree ; and your hand is trembilif so, much that yt,u can't bring the tay.. cup to your mouth •;.. but then, don't smile rio - sorrowfully.' • .. • • Whysh.iuld I e#,.tnother r, she replied;'! know that Connor 1.4 innocent: ,11.1 knew 11411 to he guilty, I - we - 0d weep; and I ought to - - • . weep. 'At all events; Una,' said:ller father; 'you know-it's the . government, and not us,-thnt's prosecuting . , To this Una mile no reply, but, thrusting 'stray her cup, she looked with the of mournful smile frotif ofiti to another of "the little circle about. her. At length she spoke. Father, I llavit a, request to ask of you." , If it's wit toy power,- Unit darling, - grantit ;'and itit's not, lell'go hard with' mu but I'll bringli.within my poWer.; What is it,' asthore .timehree : • • - • 1„. 'in case lit's. fou'n'd gtliity, :to let John put o ly t i ks, journey, fp - 3f;iynOot !MI Stay with ' - Molar some won't be lona. I'll kite i • his' foot 6 .lf it pleases. you darling, he'llitever putius ; foot into ALavnoottr again,' ' • • said the mother, .to step; if you don't 1 • 'Oh: :no, ' l. no' ' said Una, ItS:only for a ; while • • 1. sho desires' it, I never o,', re.l plied the loving brother ;'.'nor!Will I ever leave; you in-your sorrow; my beloved and only sis.! ter—fieVer—never,—so. long , i tts' a word froMl L tn . y . il iw ipsz:t ro g ie4r ive 't his cheeka" as he spoke, anti both his parents, on loosing -at the almost blighted iltiWer bb. 1 1 ford them; wept-'a.4 if the hand, of death had ai ready, deem upon her, - 2 j.` • 5.Y00; father, and John aro goinrt o his ' t ;11;J-she observed ; 1 for nie!l like to be Mono ;1 ; but when you letarn JOhn Ireakit to nie,-; - 11 to rho' gar.' walk about' to-dayl—fonlybefofoyu.o go -to speak to •you.'.' - Cnhnly arid- ivitliauta toar, , aho then left - the I parlor; andiprOCeeded to the! gaided,Where 'shy! began . t4s 4rcss , a`ad rl inmainent.- 1, the hiVe-whieh corftumed ttro aWarin that:. Conitiirhad tiro di; hi, lier'9l:r," said n; the dayltheir inittnifattachtrient was ' I - ft '. 6 " d a i tl s6°licditl. re he Sr li h %: r;j' rtta it?' ' 4 F ' gs' . 6aifio, I'm afraid that Una's heart: is . brokom'o'r ifi not broken, that-she wont SurVive-Ils convie., Von IPng7"it'a-brea4 l llg. f44.74f9r-triy. mil, fa I ka , I Prsotl - vPI her. -:-- • ‘ • The afFeettimato 44ther Inatto =but vitting' his hniymp.i.g itkr Leyeas--NAVtI osAltattler.viigYer, grief,;:.• +l,eanitot,apake . ` - ' 'lf anyt.hing, happens her, sat thu - MO,;It C I'd nO,ver get. overit. marciful Saviour how eouldrwo 'lvo widout her 7' wskul'ti thither:6'e° her in tearssaid Sohn I tivould rtither see her in - outr4igood4 gl iof hfthe ealin'but resolutioh shy. I.)eurino fierse!f ...,i l i. .., 1 ways fills ite4riest lA"!uni is etnne'.s contraryi to . uur I....xpeetatiops. : . .. • . . 1 • 1 04;lll 'feel well.' she...replied, • iiiiii 1 r hzwt'i bet thinking of tbe best :wty" to bieak i thEs day'srlidb44to ol . t,wfxith you'eotdo - laidle. 1f he's cleared, ti:s...gooil-hunioredly--= tita, 311' .3 lust and is . : --:if ipd;db,desiro rrte,-suy to t mr, -4 Ulla:, you li:i.l 1 - .elter gui to bed, nrollet 1 . 4111 T isiiMir fro with I,ou'llita• • Witi be enodolt• , eve , r I rke'froa3 it mit lie tiopY a loVe of lif!.' ~; Tne. brinheri free!tig tannersatioriote 'the...subject-4.fller grit f oniy.eaosial Ira to reel more. aeeply, deemed. better .tenolOte th..n to continue a May qr,g,'F4 , vested her sufferings. ' ' I trust, mat. hope: r. 110 - 6.i1d.. .y o u will observe Lay father 4 advise, DtHLMake at least at worthy.ellort ;to attr rt vo- t.,• _ Ji.purt what veil inly is. a hearyatleticit to you, lin it number boning your own etarioter. Tor his sakC—fiir ray itiotlMr's, - Mut for brit ey trio, endeavor' to have courage; ba firm—and :1.141A, it von Like my. ad viee; streii t ciliMi you ;,,f4, titter all, tirt•re it no slip. the moutea of 4istres4 and ruiroiv,lite . T -• 1 will izike,jocir advice; -sh'e replied ':&ut is it not st unge,.Joliito Attat . ,stoli heavy.,mis. fortune shoUld tail upiUt two perions NU vow'. add %ilia' tiviie t ivii it siftlitAlt.' It May bC' a trial fur yikir advantage and his; who can say but it Duty yet fur the good of you buttr,tl preeeiit,,iodect4l there is ,no its ending . f.ivorably, , . and even should it not;i we are hound to beiir with patietiee suelf dinsations the•Gre4t 'Being, 1.4 MiUtti Wu. oty'd - oiir existeneei and of •'`''-', .-direct _support irilm that .God - whe...compas. wimSe,ways we . know 4 - c. Lttle,tuay. think right ' I Wed, hitt Whit else did she sae, mother ? - _, 04. ' : 1 .-- .• i !, ...r t -' - , . i made . 1 .- n -, 1 ; Fonatew. her aunetion, et otters, te ermine; to lay. u'pou, ni.. .Now;' Pod bless ,you, ...and I '' ‘. .She , it ; Xed...' the if inarri i ii,,,des W" - iiti't" ..,_ • not eertainit is, that in the eatirie cif that disy support pin, doir, lift seasa aktl innst ; heaven; . -"andi r" tould her that the - ti I go ; - don't you heiir thelii;; 'ear driving op," s:tid lair ; 'Upon that 'she ' Said•'she'd. , meet .e t ri ( e.f • eild' ga lad - a cal 'P rie ' i r .-autrrcar g u a ti " 6 ' . j u iail ---m i to au Paii.rdiir , serenity rof -heart, she to tlie , gate; - 14 tirlititr Una--'-b'e firer, • and it here, 'find-then, ttlie. complained of,lter-itinid.4...- , ~ ha d ~n et ; her , ed i e.feci t t a„Li , eliiii . , + :a," good bye!' ... .. :. :A r ...,.~ • ," ..! ,• . '..-..-. . -...... • . Nevcr . -7as a . day vent, under. the intluenee !i1t! ..14 r'"' 61 ' b" l ';und - . tli;e - I!°!'ra',4C . '*: should I. „ Oa hearing the miiii•iiae:li' .. .TiltO.Ciii;: l viiett, ~ of it More terrible .sio.ipeirse than that wni F ,•i t Ibe thst till we get zi•drietiver:' L •- •-. , ~ bere- ;her. husbatitl. home and •cM, licit:ilia , *•t.''. 1 dr.iitli. up the stn. - in:tit( or obvii;okino , oirl dii. I - •• ''..Y•e4; that; iv!the'iritth •;mdthee.'l'll golltie• ••• • • ---- -- • ' •• • •' r . 1 '... ti ' L ' L' ' 1 ~. , ' . .. ' the noisy-mirth of. 1 1 ; 0 4c.W 1 19..ka -1 es' °Sea ring the. irhit of lice lover.. Ae.tuatett '.,liy 'a; nuinient-liir- Dr. 11. , ----‘. -.There's nothing' like.j aohei., would hai;ii Sineeiely respected her j burning and • restlilis eensuc.f ;xlistniction,"slia!ll;./ilitgtl:63erlKnglkitriPlle.. Pour Una: 0.,d•1 , ~ she put nplaicitioraid .prayer .of • thanks-. passed front place to. ptiee with.that . m.amani. j k.noWs this trial is,a sure one_ upon atte.t.rteo 1-4ietric , to God for, whet belbei ; eat stelY.o hick marks tilosl"• wlin seek ter co n ? . i fidtlieuranTaMi;tiOn4f. aa . hers.' •-, • .. ; fieppy _ oreht . of ;00aner . a amiittaL. stunning 1;;rt to vain. Sit. vviii.dd GI her'apirtnientlllit.ll . -• ' Siiilli, bad toitmet• betther suit something waS -th or -'111oW,'• li eber,' ati:dreadful the rto !strove. t,!„-•pi an ' but eirort• w.ei •fruitie'iss'; "•helii - riiircio• go l''' , " tmikhio iiithorl - !Yruf 'want' it -Filmtiiion_ot feeling" occasioned-by.-the iliseovery 1 the confusion of her to ind.randt red es.innexion I.altir4r the trimblesonEdy. you had, •.- •:.- .., I , e t., thi a, gz .a d ta i st i k .,,; ;; , • . I :v l , dt - they , rat i e t tadvii and continuity---ufiluitri;lit•-antt language lin. I, .! NJ, no,'repli , .ii the son ; 'I . ezmac.t-4 can-. tooth she felt :still further :persuaded. that's)! 1 possible. •At oire nniqeat-she . rep:tired to the l'Unt`;! - I Will'ile,ithj,t inir; 'drink' •tiit I r laiai•, ' ' had ceded:as she wished,. for, te :nothing also I seenes whore theYliadvpiet;andfiglin with a: whit' the doetoi WM'S:IY- i4bOut' her, 0 „,; :* 3 -, : u ,,?,} r exeept to the wildaess of unexpected loyi could 1 liot antraellini brain, lert- theiti'W"itil:a• slindiler,,-Goln kir Oct:lid:lied, - I li4 ".- ,'" --; ,", i ."' ' ' ' .. Ves : e ' r Wiiii iiiitO l think of- ascribing' bet hitsbanir B. intt.ixica. I th=t, arose from •a AvithZ•tiii. , tioneeption - oftlie i tears,:l and seat collie to -this ,tvith you, . 0 0r j. tian .,. ~ .; ..., :, „ ; , 1-'; ... „. ~, . ; .... , ..,,.. . ;.;,.. j.loss of.liiin, tymise imAii.„ . Cy, their assoeiation,. ; ' &oho Una Ir-I ,wo:i'.t, lose a montont..till I t,...,...,w0 .in t r iA ea - rr y ,F or a oroug l i al4. ;ai dd. ; nue - Waii•at one.:. rendered .iii..r... distinet and moire ; ret 6II!: lie,40 0 ( 1 , Ili "lie-W.T . 1t.. -o ‘4; -I ' o °r wilt;-/, If '- / ..1 of them to the rest"; f.f6r.the litlner::has fairly' j beloved- ' - tier - vein! 'wither fielquently ends v, under -anv•eirininistainies, c • - , 6 ,. -6 ° - i-v - it h' i- u t - - ine4 l.- ..livercitnie him—he's Sound asteep.,,,', ' .., , ;i ; . , .-, i tired la' eetisole - her;•• bill bee•ainti inn num hid'. Je 3 l . l.i'l• of sooteliilfdt • .''-' ' •••," :'' 'l.' l'• ' ' ''''. '•• I, .lk, i s e k, ore di,l e x e l, t a joe d, t h e:toot h e 6 i fected herself to-'proee4d2 ,• Nor Were the• seer -- ;l.4it, those things.he , ,takeni.aWaY± . " Brid . 4,Jef,' "is': cleared I. - ':•sty-lienrt telli tan„ .he has i :mime vitas less kniious- - -to t'entet•e- the heitYy load 'fiidjilkp pod!igt.f;• - ov ippoitn,l3 -gone,.tool ', out , widont'a_stniii. ...• What .else. could, lnl!tko iof sorroW .whiell-yveitified,down..lier youaglCl4t last Lit A /I'u ' ' .4 • U ' ut .'" l' all *'- -1 - 1 4-• Ow his'fatheri•that• ne'yer tasted licpior for. theisst sphi: to the eijith. !lei brief ; but 'air'...'etilig ri.-.',."1: , thl or ii at • lovii o u r ohild'a min d . riglit! I ply was the 'Lime to erieh. . '. • ' - ••••.• • ! I for; oh," Bridget; weitidn't• dosed' itself be far -.. ~ thirty'years, be asj he is ?!. . '-',.. ~.,,,, • .•...;, ''.ll.inor "Cl•DonoYan o l . Said .;One of :-; theiti, -- . . I ' Nothing ''ititii . eiiiiifiirt"rne.: my heart is - afitro that r... ..... .. •- . , 6 , .. .-, • - .... • •- i •... -, . wringing h er h art di os 1 0 o p o 4 ei _.. t hi s sa 4 howl breaking; oh, leaynimi.:-ma too t o the ~ ...,i or going_to, lier,'::replied .. his; 'Wife :-,!and a black day to !ion' all; -you maikprepat! yours I row that's : upon me.' i .•• - • - '',-,---.: / ' 1 -11 1:9'-iii.Isom tII!.ara,IY . T', l!oll'sPoro-,-hr safe, hoist' self for hail nowFj,', :.• .: ~.. --: , ..„.,,,..,,..„., I. - Deep, Lode ed, Wis the di.tress, "Pilt,on..her .f lo)..1 4 . 1 to Os " ,f"'' ‘7 4114 " - %" 4l .„ l tri"&pf 4 ~ , P IC.' ~ - - .. l .lliiii.Christ . -and his: Idessed• rant (lei stip. : - . •'•..'• - ' • .• ' 1 I . 1 ' O- - ;. '. rat ii..'i Olin - !•••••hitt I elo . t . •til'of. oil. - it -- --- I iv . --, , • 1 r.eatorni,,evetilin the ceinotes of ler--Ot I Fr , 's i 11 °u '..i I. —• , • ' '', '• .Po mei' told ; 4 PliPnrt P"*;4 1 1. -. .tY,v,h?z; 4.1 4 9 1 bonito , who, itiat7d.iy, alied,thany hater . teary j0");.!tYnri"01 - ; Woirdi, - this ' night I' -•- • ' i•-• •• •- • , w 0r .„13 . 0 5, i yhat ii i 0 11 w o r s tli,-. . ~ ~.., _ ;;; ;;; 1 , on nrititeissingthii.niuM,i,MilViieri,;44 ;; ;;;; ; , , ity - .01 ; • 1 ..:L,Untir.iir to dro,of.their„liiini wit - hr- !...-`,the,fi,lartrt,Vidlyt,!, Tilille4 ihil, ' Man;itiltilog• .,a'fttatts ' to, -.010. .10 ; ilti cap ~ v,•iiieh the, 'lnilge.puts, on lin,ir sulieridik". .41'.4' iiO4:i'li•ou .lippii*loleti:.ifth . , !.tq.. 4 ‘4 11, - - 0 13 0 0 : 1 .,:lii4 iii- I •,,wif'! beeitrneesideittlyladre!'disi.r,.e.ted ; Al a , ii r ei ., i yi•Ol !tro i ) , ii.iterial..; en agony over the,,Lied. Of '" whenpasslng•lhe 'tiontcliceiir death... ;•.,--1- • • • - . 1 e d‘ . ;-• ha. h ea d; 'ohe - ..yddil,-It hot, alit' lie•r.r; t iii.' tliYiii ti , eloved:dangliter.. ',hit - teed; lire -rapillitY "; ;,... wo:. i:sa id, ohe,,..l.t.ohy„thi,, name ' •er_.thc., I - o l e o, i t ,eaisin aillISI throhhilt. with yo nsid imitate 1 . lii Id !v:ell dinebei' 'l'itill 'W/ 11,41:- iileii!/ 0 '!t ; Ili . e.' 1 1e" r . terd .013 t.sent, tit is•mptitt tip; jzio:jirialioi.fneor i ,:;„r e e,,,-,.. ; Tl l 4' , alivrii4tii.firs...a.: L tiill,,v. on ; her t•trili)init . setieri.: - ilhies4, set ,in,,-stilllzihnt "; orl ~.- r ha., t - ,, 5 . ,,n0 - 1.0 38 . 41 4-yh . y-mo; a h ott f i lo.4.: t itni k • ivoie iiiiiie'frevient„ than • fief,, r ,; i m l-,.t0 oxvite'-Vic :••4'reafeit,' ,,l3 l7/V.and: t 9 ;.i.44.til:Y • put: ou r trust and relinni:e 44 WO.:: I Wilt " e bii * ' N 1 Chet. ~, . ..."' '... ~, l'•'-:::.-.:": 1 . their, 1..' iii.tiViill.ll4" ll6r st••it• w'IS th . p slim and varmint; iniva WOrelliartia,arill-'; darkest appro . ....,;,.„ ~ 1; ;„ 1 . , ~, 0n,.1. twhah ., , of:. ~ ..t . ,I;tii , c,,, tu , ,,1,, %_,, . 0 -higly eMittiniteit. '•:-.I ler( iv'eeping " mother teuk, hot a I:nostto . haraing; ;;; -her, temp . es ; tin•ohhe.l i mooti t ooo,•yftro t rw esa i r d ytethes,who . .stiqro, . thu .stricken one Itn.her , fiqf orioad, Lifter kiss.l terribly; and such wire It ,litt, i rit, al.3rthig told. herself,i,l4',oll,..u . deit is mpsullerinVo hcre, ; ?:".!. 'ng:lierditirifing,:iptl,:p,4siye•tips,-,,presseil,lier ', l':lring, - - that they - IrisArrVviy Inmate Were', _, , L.w111:49*, thetn,ilf:3: , t,l ) ?i,tc!;,n• f , r ,- ! ,, a,, - 1 Lordi..i iitlif a hope thist - this Might. gii•C'' her litii tioarrtintii:PludeaYsi,,ll4 1,0 11 ? 1 4'"- 13 " 1 '9:`..0ts :chrisl tart „ought, wit:?tEn;er. ha,r1.1;.#4c1.,1t, 0.7 T retie.-. r , —-, . . • ..- • .i- -,, , -:,. 7', - • ',' .'''' ' loppniranee.. - •-.1.0ng,..- heNre this,, gelithitiv,in - r.phisythy4 l , F i t n--of 110 : 0,att.114q1,4y,ppon tie. 7..... f. - - . . Whyfiliinqoit erykinien lithahreet (iii - a 7,11 1 relo!1, 10 ! 1 . t,1,1,0 , fitip;ttiO s lpii:l:l4 ru)icle . Jijo'plt. - , tln, k w, t iw yon: is' ; .Itin : Ocent;•.:lltt s ; s urety, !kith?' jteriet Myt - "heatt,)•ri.. 7 .thrk.:antL Shed ImirpVitli,l tii a4titt mkt with :Witat• lin -.:fooked . " „ npori- !a's .-. 4es , tiorkrist4, to. p,7rtWillt att9k44,lloY•'s tabu uway.„,this_6llfoiog , ,pniii•:, th,..4's its your !the iiiimediatevitiqo of: lier.:tllness";l niit . that ". n.ennsolatiou.tolFlgn'ija.,!. 4 , 11. tici . ,iff)tte.#i4 1 fi',77,1 . # 7 tut itli, . itiry . and ,hit:Anwit‘thittit the- doctor himself hitil:bitenr,tdtogether"•mni.„.. - G e id, eidinii . ,.tidting 11,,t ! r. 4 : (bah - ove! hod Jo? ria '— - e - ' ' . ' 1 • ' r ' 8 ' '''''''' I 't r 1 .r, ,- dii Ith w.f - " - ' goilici Loi•ci t n Will lie d . Oighland. • 'Mid , you'll tics how -it 14, relieve!,you. , .- .. : 1 r l i,n o A ,Lr / 111, ec „ ,cre t.F... oA . norop4 its. S . .0 ~ : - e Slutheri - rran't7'shit'lNiptied;r. 4 .f -. eon sbed" Chins'iti. condition" iy ; thii ; fieighjto r f?toeci • forevett'On'ql.-;.-',-, -,, • _,.:;..--, i -,,i - ~, Ino test.;- . ) yipirtiley.luipre - ..liotne.for Ple:rworsd to oitroiri . iNit, 'efrt;titobi:isieo - it is tinknniyit:'• ..! -I: ' t Thiat;mii?lck i d.r,,OA,y ' , "?rzTorApg pretysrm,lcfr. ii.enidiet F r , w „ rro ,ti tt ioitfiiii :, -. ...- ~',', , 1 On - ekiminin2l.llo . 4l.tgoniaties thailik;itnt•• 7 - 1 49q41 1. .0-A4lot 11 1'"9 11. .th c 1 61 ;r1 3 .-1'4,.!-Z1 . ,, ''' likrn;"itStinikic - it enutiliel-it'iino . ti i iinallt."- - ,led•thentealetni r lie-pronounCeillior-eomplitiot to it" (-- After pt ;Frnit t itrA.o ,61coplis ppt ticalt `Flo• -- - -1 , - ia- Jt': "Ti -..-.. ) .. , : - ti ics.ii - •enii di' it he 4,:tio fever qf lho , nitiht-formidribld ehiss,to, - lieittiiiinnt4,olo,ol.oSiedj,hors'Olf aiirplittvo..„ ron ma It .- ley ; !ire, t. ie' , 3., ; 1 ~. .. .. ....,..... ... - .. -• . .' r. ' • i ' ''' .4 ' it , - -, 0 4 -, , it i -- ••• I. sup ......- lettiordinary.preg- he ensmt, en „how . II t cod Wit.41,,5 1 / 4 -N . i .jo il d i :itirg i r at , t hr a ,-,,iei te 4• ; ..1,..1 . , , , , ...-..i -,-.'.'n.:::- : , 'S 'N.; 7:: :1,g14,1,9,91 10154 1,43e1?)..1%1411),,,, , .„-, ..., ~..-2• . ~•-,..• , -,e4r 1 . , .,_,' ,, •.,,, i ,i Ae` i:•.,.,;,- t '. he mind; add Unusual : exettentook -Yt‘to-,?;PF,P..PI, Izilfk't%. - r -4184 /IiYA i4lit.lVacl94 '... so:.'rilrY'74ol,4l;iiliWilri. for ouinPrit..dififih - -thP'Fur° "P" . 1 ,_ . - 4t o tier yi,cc :ilji it As _ndtiliitijr'44 o4 4lo'3* - 0114..kftlf ices.or fo}rlikhopo4 , .,t,nothOr rvvvio _Opting-II of .the .fe..llngs,J„:,,it was it ; refit ~,.. ,_ .., . ....„ ~.,., „,_ ~,,,._, ..._ , 1 _ 1,0:,,, ~,.. ..... ... , lir a ' il a* iler;eoiy.didtit'i - to th ', liiii(MiWf 4-111 - wl 60 , wet shi - to*Prairr tu1d4r.thc 4 . 6 40? ,. ; 0 Val ; 0,w,e4r..,11100,..... -..,/ ..- 4 !-- i;Jr;4 l l'' .9 ,- -----• ' - - ' ' t '• •-' t • ' D t •• ''' bl Psi - 01* -- '- ! Will'' ' tS4 f 4 .ite hal' , ' 'll4lt tbilp ' . U' '. - - - i... , ..,,^,.:- ,, -:. ;:-..- -, :trEip , r, - raige.:_.,tritagiekidfoplitA es- VI ..-., 4.-Yr". ~ ~ ",!,'?_, yt , ,F,,....,:„,, , ‘ , t• - •-• - •,...?e.,.. ) t ''-''' - "•`J''': ''''•""''-'f ''''''''''li!: . 44 i''' .l I : l '''''' . •: l.- ..".::). li .l4 : i 'i i :: i ,1 - -:i':A -I .i ";;:ifi4..5";•;,-,-.... - f::: , .....-•''..7,! - .1 . ,i' ,- .•:" . . r ...../..z:t.';!.. - ;'-i.- - •-,,. - r.- , ,,. 7 ;'/°' 4.':. , .:. -- ";: 4 ) ?.±,',-;:•---..11: ~ ._. ~ ~.1 1 i 4 31,ither, miither.'-exelsigned Voa,.pressing ~ her hands.upon' her heilit, 4 niy benitlsl4nrst-, lug, and my, teroples 7 —nly te mples= 4 th [. iern..yeelish: said . ; the' thothei; feeling 1, it. 4 strong ancl_;an4 rpple phlpitalinns, !,111.3 ' can't st4nd tl.isi ':fih,'dnrlingic)f_piy:henrt i . fiir„ the Zfake , llf - - ..... 'I• ' . ' -••• .-- - at; sakeattkour o!vzi und•-of ,tlMAiving firmTr ; ; - ; ; ••';;•;- - , them had hr, end begins r*inier'Wlll4ttiota'-: Blinn - ant their 'ittinek- at ~;ttie; fctlitiblier•-tiothili:4l%lantiOwc;aitiete dour ecension'ed to ; 'With; iv.""guilden !the' mourning -Wis-;atill.-tnora;,4eapi-midl-titei reitart,..ahat..Mitof the; Motyer'a itirus...Bat, that'Wetaiwottideih- - driitill et amini,;;ll4- ; ttiniult . thittlieart•eansed, l :ind and tih'e•vermillion. : of :.her ..aii•o kiiii a tioeii ic, Our iii ; :itlera atiniit-forget,ihwholOggalitatei tlte 'line of tlentli:` - .VVith u etiM';';',inr:' ",I,Ty more result. of wert mess than un ortunate son on t e oYen ligtif4boteatilmi. Ittmas; &ai l - 1 0 1 1 g A ly e di tows 1 1 / I •thiit nide oitied to aniiimandtil , . ; gate towards the eariorifeor, that evoke the ; - tows'ddli. - •`beiigliborg,iaariveYthei:4o4; resign: thni of despaii„ - sliCntvaited the tidin,;)' , irienre ,l l l.l - ear; askiat, her lover's doom.. both entered, and, wonli r k tor bi,ew.affi'd:atiel sen's- -, itake,;:hava of t nft,.r a eautions stance about the room Manic-, lorded 'Oil piiwer;-.l* dintoly perceived- th e Sitti;ttion in whiell, coinpfetelY:ov6mo4lo.4rith on lit 'nigher's-bosom; sin; I. l , g ha t t. tint apirits'lMl hi' drank, taietri;line.,;ollSeknip Fis corpse,!f. , rii ibeta. ; latent:feelittg; o f the -dreadtabienteime:Abal, Vpa,,dear,' s;thiJohn,i,app,roaching her, had been' prorMtinned upon•tils sea, - -that bora: uni afritlyen are • gaited ,little Otheat their-In:04 thati4.47.keep ••• She fleeted liti-A,yes' as' .if-'she en' the ear, 'Du,ririr;_t •ttal! greater would read. bis,setili butjshe Math' not uttein jOuraey home, lila: language' was' syll„ .." • - ; •--, ,„ ; .-.• • i-only r. eon - tine., of the ineuhereneteawbich Tl;u young men ' s couatenancebecamenver . .. 'Connor' liad;witb siteivo ttutniiisting.sense of Iti d i ved , deep` end . mournful- :lenge- of; shame and - sorrow, - ;wittinssed r ids.prison tha task he tlmnd. hiniFf4lr t o • befere'tlier arrived within 'sight of hiii torn ; his - seine' fatteredy and siy limbs irem - ; I,6l isc o,l3 e"rnixuldlls 'Poregiverl-that"- 1.)1,ed, • na,. ,in ii.;;vir June ;;or be:trite! t and pro-' l .tltllen :lint- to a - stranger, ignorant-•o( roil rid sympathy, lie. exc laimed,-, 1, .;;the ocearrenees let• the .drty, - Una, dean, you bail hetter, go_ to_ 61, the appearance lOta party i,etntiting front i let nni - mother ata - Y - With Weaning - or' , ottro'4ice.asien.:equally Ca I v ihelmard;;ltitii;; : and; she testi nd • soeinl.'" 'Most' Of theta, trek ;Elm ilyr,but d, liher ; :itelyrlett the room. mid proceed-_:wors4 for -lig iie4 and one; of .t.heurin• purlieu- I mp stairs with a ilegiee. ••14atendhiess whietr, - Condition Whio mar be - tt - ru 'surprised [ter onitlie.r.--'The 01 4 wordy she i often, witnessed lin •thisaniintiryl..l mean that uttered on ileatii4 this .I,lightin l t ea: thi ju i i i e ,_ I ia; 'which 7 thit . l i ong.ange becriniea thick ;.;:ther lion, wer e •• Conte with ate, m..tier.!:• :; ; eve; knowimt but v!keanti; face .itnpudeat, ' Una, Vie lat,tei... when -they I tint- relaxed - the limbs- totteritig,4- and 439 had re: lilted - the bled why yn t ; - Ouit..ecinveterateiy dispasedlO,,,roMuory.': -The spoke tome 'I Let rho hear vour voice, general con Vlit3 '4iori, therefore. orthoso...tvim el;s o ily %it, : tweoinp.mied . thei, old Man Waa, as is usual witlL Una. stopped and airecitonatelv kissed -tier, persons'Aii•cireirtinstarced,•Atig,ll: 7 and Itut made„no reply , for "1;„alit odonted. . She: i bat :10 - 4 - far-as iodld be.suppoett.tty_these who!, then' hei: an to urt.liess,.Wh left s a e di t t . fli s licard.tltemettevlal and. nadeahle,,,gyer tlw ; in er kick nb- liquthi" , - 4 4 4 ' ' o44 :9 l; ".o l ied:g,s , l'...thigit r "-b_..c ( ' and , 'amai n m fro tiniti ; to tinge,' at ;:n;" rot - distinee;*- the resord:og the. task of for bed,' -Ittarg'-ofrthe lilrahkbp; Meludist jaw.. alindedT to, thoso despem(e ; tniNs,;:tvhiclt ai'etild - 114 ice; but my brain is burning; .1e4.1 Lr"" 1 - 11 ,!eir droi 7 o energe .fr 04.1 .intoxication. thy' temPles•; 1101%; ; Iibt; re, 41 a an d ; alone. ~..Sitelilwas ilM:enar:tcter of dingo Who ! • - ; niterirp'unfethtlie miser tinme ~ rinii such here I do, Oat almsbndti,as w e ll 1 - th'e indieat ions <<nrseeyed to the-eats eyes as your mind,'is . ,itek , ; • rind for the I of those wit') hePra,;:illePt. alt 310 11 1,1 . so " Ire b- o tti ter , they approtteltedtr.ttraorougha'sdiretitafhwonly . .. . ; - f lulrie . so; nail then' Oontint and-1 can lie r ; lirid 'oh !' dry ariguislt timrried hs spite- •of '-thetti. Don't! they nt;expertation; our reatleis , ;:ltulgefor the mother, that inatittzesmr! matte - in - heaven r lire ordi . .-;%tfi of -0 " - God 10 . :•••• • .1 et•et•gouahs.ufedlto that.lov!titt heart on titlileit ';I ell, then; twill Meet tum.there. ' Oh, c t to rest all its tenderest hope's onti I eautnot bete—L.treir thisf The manner - which _ljouor o',Dunovint AS'it : a -%N a.. _ .-,- ,_ racking pain!, . - . .: ~ , - ''spent that dat- - teali• - warki;d by an earnest ad. ; I lier us.nhar; who,. though an uneducated ; sinsphi:tietv. that ws.uld havo.. excited .high P.'.4n:sn, vtis by. ao nienns deficient in sagocity,. l „W•lis: o :and admiration if witnessed is a person ilamediateli,pcit , cieed Ilia her mind was-lie-i of rank and. coissideration in.seciety„ Shia ginning to cXhibit 'sitnptoritsiif being:niset. I was,. as . then r2aller - may reasetribiii, too ill - tir tied. - -, ll.stit4g; ttierefore,l'itingedia.toy. called.; be.ublo.tb attend :the trialof if4r;suu, or-assite une , of the .nsaid-servan ts,. ahe.gavo her orders_tiara : elf expressed it ifo 7 lrish,toslraw strength. to 4fay with. U;r4, whs. had nuts gone to b d - I . to her heart by one low.: at Itia-r.luzif,.. faac—..-5T tv,iii , !ketirs'ulfiioubt, af'raip return. to hen— lon e glance ,frorts her.boy's.6..e.:?,_he;resolv _ _ -....;.m.,,,5•-- - .... ...... _ ~. ... .„.._,— . . . • . _me heitantly . pnte.eeded le' 'Abe Patin?, Where : edf however; to draw eunsohuion-from a high. he itnebma sds e,... n we r e ;: a mt. with , 6 ,-- r x e 1 4 er "poi:reit, and.t? fest • the -burden of her sot.. pde foini alarm,: told ".them thaCi she leareA irows,-as lac, as tn . her lir Upon , that being in .:,. Bag's inirid 'was going. , ' • , 1 1 *lris° . hands :are the, issues of, life and,death A • May the! Almighty forbid,l'. l ekelainted , her i or if she descended. from the,oltfyation of trim fither,lariiro . down liis' knife - nail "fork; for l - worship-.t 1 supplicate the intarcession.of ,- de, they had ' just. eat, dowrr ti; • dinner;" oh; what' parted spirits; let - n, attribute this .rather f to 'makes you say:siteh trthin,r,r. Bridget t _What ! the dognms 'of her ereed threa:thi..,errors.of en.(•;trthrn'alce4-you think j.t•l' .„. -.. .• ; • : ~ : her heart.• Frour•the montout;lter. hushand left • For, I.kaven s4te, mut her.tell,tes"ht onee ' the: thrtishold. of ; his I:hildAllfitinnei, on :tha; intpiire'cl the - sep;rising-'frein: the- table' - MIS ! mornings=tit, his return, her prayers -to W.tikiiii), , :iiistinitedly naafis The room ' `- jowl- i lit saints rt-4rP truly:ol4 ass:. n;. ' Arid l rh° --..' Why . she's lieginninir ro , r.tre'zitiarif liTin ', is , se' we A acquainted ~with, i the . inscrutable :replied herm , !ther; ,4 47e's slaw saying thji '. waYs..of•the,Altu4ltty its to dareassert that,the s'4oll , 4 him in ditife. n' Baca'. „ • humble stipPlicatons of-this pious and tilor,re_NY who, : 111 .i dl i et , t , i isi t ed .. the . Re. l.fnl . mather _were not- heard arid ansWereu7, ... In oi t it. , • ! .; c t i! ,,,i w i p i ng hi, , e ,y;, B: _, I..„ l .;i tti -- o , „ li b-da ce i Whether it,,Was• wing to the, fervor ef art"lttir salt mats:' . -, - .... ~. . , ;--, .. - -. .. ... inginittinni wrought up:ta by. the inilnenek'of.a 4 Wiiy, I suppose in spite of Flanagan rma , -creed Which nourishes rcligioiti enthusiasm in thini, that : foundhim guilty,' replied his wife., i aft. extraordinary degree, or, Whether At, was by . _ ~, ;:ii . .•,:'•zi 1:;,.., 0v:.,,F , , -- :, , f.:l 'i 4..::14--ilt.) : , V.O ":q , . - 4 ,Y,OLUMEI 14'UMBER-6 , turn of her conlo4int,.there t vir" do' ',n9 riillidvfiever Thefrelfeatiful. .dGod forthis;'ltud vivre' ettiisettactilli fD Wd-tlitr4tuff her'ttiOre-eorte: pospriNnn'd•to 14'45k foniiiint redooiy ME=M3 =llll =ME 1 - 1 - i.. ^!l,•_ .1. 44 •• L : , :io 7.V., ~ ffM=MM