'CAE DEMOCRAT. Tio L argest Cleetalatioti - IA - 'Northern Poilinsytillinsa-1632 Copier Wevkhr.. DirOziinO; The Wife ofWaahnigtortinClung. We quoted, says the New;York Organosome tinftl ago from a correspondent of the Newark Daily Advertiser,an interestingacconnt ofGen. hevas With the i eriny at Washington, while . ) , Morristown, N. J. The 'Same writer furnishes the following . respecting Mrs. Washington, which he obtain ed from an Old family in Whippany,, 3.; named Vail::.: Mrs Vail's first husband's mpth er Mrs. Tnftle, was a sensible and rigreefible %%moan, whose company was much sought, even by those Whih owing to their wealth gloved in more fashionable! eirales; ; Among: other frequent visitors was Mrs. Troupe, the, lady-of a half pay captain in , the British pavy. She issdesiribed as a lady of affable, manners and of int#lligeniie, and much esteemed. One day she visited Mrs •Tuttle,, and the %nal Complements were hardly passed before she : ' • Well,-what do you think, Mrs. T y I h i ve beeh to see Lady Washington r ; yon indeed.? Then tell :neallabou how yon found her ladyship, - bow sheappeeied and What slit Said:" I wilt honestly telt you,", answered Mrs. Troupe. "I never was so ashamed in all My tire.' Yon see and Madam and Madam Budd, and myself, thought : We would visit Lady Washington, and as she wale said to be so grand a lady, 1V43 1 tho'ught ..UV Must put on our best bibs had bands; So we dressed , ourselves in our t most elegantauf- Bets and silks, and here introduced to her lady ship. = And don't.. yen ,think Ivo found her i kuiting, with a a pc4lecl (check) ape= on !,,She; _received us graciously and easil y, but a ft er the emnPliMents were over, She ,res umed her knit: ting. There , we were, withcMt a l stich,of Work and sitting in state, but General Washington's -lady, with her own hands, was knitting stock- _ fogs for herself and dear husband ! " And that was not all. Id the afteracion her ladyship took occasion say, in a way that we could not be offended, that atlthat time it was important that' American ladies vliould be patterns of industry to their country women, because the seperatien from the Moth er country willdry Up the sorirce 4 whence many ;of our comforts are received. V7e must be come independent by our determination to do without what we cannot make ourselves. Whilst our 'our hisbands and hrlothere ate exam pies of patronism, we must be patterns of in dustry." - According to Mrs. Tratipe's story Mts. 'Washington gave to her visitors, Some ()ice!. -lent advice, the meanwhile adding force to her words by actions, and withal, in such away tbatthey could not take offence. In thie she proved herself moreworthy tn' occupy her di& tingnished, position than she conld have:Aone by all the graceful and elegant accomplishments which are often found in prinaessen and queens. In the relations she eecupiediher knitting work and. cheek apron were queenly ()Momenta and we may be rend to,knoWAhat such - a women ais Martha IVashingtonset an addireble exam , ple,to her ceuntrymomen. Bashful Bien. - - sr 31E9. MAZY A. Dpsrsox. • We never yet saw a genuinely rndn!. wlio ;was nut the soul .of honor. , .iThongl-ench may bluilt and • stammer, and shrug their shonldors swhwardly, un..ble to throw forth with:ease, the.thoughts that they woulil express, yet com mend them to us for friends: j There arc fine touches in their chacters.that. time will Tellowitnd bring Out; perceptions ea:delicate es the faintest tint is to the unfol. ''din'g rose :and their thougl4 are none the less Jefined and beautiful that they not flow with OP' impetuosity of the shallOw steamlet. We art astonished that sUch men are not ap.' preciated; • that ladies with; really goixt hearts unct cultkvated intellects, will reward the, gal- ; ,lint sir.hlnstacie ilrainleas !with smiles ',and :mentions, because he can fold shawl grace fully, and handy cOmplinietits with Parisian ,elegasec, while they will Inilt condescend to bwk upon the worthier ami who felsfoi them a reverence so great that hit, every Mote glance is worship. The min who is bashful) in the i presence of ladies, is tlicir defender when the loose-tongue of the slanderer would defame them ; is tuft he who bOasts to con4neits; Or tinOtt to talk glibly, of failings - tbat; exist in his intagi entice alone: his cheek , will flesh ~ , with res entment, his eyeflasii anger,- hear the tame Of women coupled with a coasC oath; end yet. he who would die to defend them, is 'least honored by the majority of ourlsez. Who ever -heard Of a baihful libertine? The ; enemata was etver seen. lEase and lelegence ere his requisites; upon hilt.lips sits &hely, ,ready - to ph - I - court alike to blue eyes and black he is, never non:plussed, he never blushes:: for : s glance he is raptured'; wqr4 he would profeisedlylay down his life. Yet his be: who fills our vile eity dens with " *ticks f female . purity, itis he who profanes the ho lr limo of mother, desolates the shrine, Where domestic happiness -is Llioncii; r e : the, heart - that trusts in him ; Pollutes LW very , sir he breaths, and ell wider the =Mk , dittpolish 'ad gentleinam _ ladies, a word for your have you toyer, and - would you puseessa worthyhusband; Choose whosedelicacy OfdePortMent, wiuise re of your worth leads him to Stand aloof, while other Crowd ar6ituryou. Imuitemere even atAar aapprina,conedkt#oo uo buoy signs of his exalted_ ' opinion. ,40: 1 .4 eex. If he is witirethg medest,l4 l 4oei I . 4ousand fortunes weigh".down i in 'the 'Aimee, for depend upon it: with bun your,life will happier with poreity, - thait with nip) , • 'arieiber surrounded by the splendor. of Oda. , Branch. ' - - - ' . , arrho 11.ustiOgiorernanatbaa forl4*tho odrolosion of Gen= washantoa, jotarpoy* orapprenticef, on any piotenecatateXar l into Ito Ausliza siomialaaa, Sam ind his" Mita. ._ . . A good story is told of a southern gentle man, _in one of;tlUttouthcrn States, who being very ill, proposed that an aged slave, who bad been very faithful to hiM, tthonhl be: called into his l room. ' . SaM .soon made his appear ance, and with a joyful face drew ,noor to his master, expecting that heves' about to an nounce to him hia'purpose:,of leaving him free: - • ' You know, said the , -.master, you have al ways been a faithful serval4 tome,. Paul. Yes massa,lie.p3plia. Nor Sam expected the nett seutenee to contain hisfreeedern.- - , . lint, told inaster,.yOu know, Sim, I 'al.. wars treated you , kiridly.. Yes, masts, yon did; replied he. ; Saw was now all antiety to bear, and look art grentfully into 6ihellion) of hit dyiug mat ter, and waited' to hear the , charming word Freedom? But what Was - aids disappoint . meat when ho In consideration of your long , and faithful services, rhave directed-in myp•ill that when you die yon shall be buried by my,side. After a loiig reitie, Saul replied— Me no like dat Inass'a. • • I Why don't you like It 1, It will be an hon or to you. , . iJ . , Me no like it, indeed, mama, for aomidark night riebil come look for mas3a, and mistake and take poor awn.. A -Fatal Tragedy • The. Swedish bark Sarwiento, with two hundred and; forty - passengers from Panama. for San Praneisco, bad put into the.. Sandwich Islands shorCof provisions. The -Polynesian giVes the following account of some of the incidents and suffering on the passage. ' The. passengers suffered the greatest hard. put on ships--were put on allowance of bread and water five day.% from Tobago. ". I Oil the 2d l ot. May, a most fearful tragedy was enacted Po' beard : A young man by the name of Wolfork,. about 19 years of age, from Kentuc y, shot a German, named John son through' the heart. • The: Might of this /, bloodY basin a was a dispute about a tin cup of! which W olfork hnd twci and the German none. In tha hasty alteration the handle was wrenched off, when Woolfork drew his reiol ver and shot Johnston dead., . A scene o the greatest excitement ensued. The Murder/. was seized-114 voted that be should be hung, 33 against It, and the remain der neutral. A judge was appointed a jury of twelve J i mpatie,lled ; the prisoner found ,guilty of murder, dud Aentzneed to be hang ' within ono hour. • - During thitime between the' sentence and executien, e dead body of the murdered German was Ibrought on deck, and preparation Made, and after allowhi,g the condemed man a quarter of an hour over his time, he was run up Loth° yMe-arm, where lifesoon bevinie extinct, .FIJ was then cuttadrift, fell upon his face into thesea, and. continued to Heat until left, out of sight b 3 the vessel. W"A regular reader of the New York Tri brine, the lending organ of General =Scorn fu the North, cannot fail' being _struck with the one.idea sort of arnment constantly preached in the coluuum of that journal. Ever since thenemination of 'Scarr one half the force in_ Greeley's Office haver- been engaged prin ting Duch and English Lives of Scott, filled with pictures repsesenting old "Fuss .and Feathers" 'on - various - Battle fields, in , the' mil-; itary-Eospital,ie- Daily appeals madej to areuse such , a military enthuasissm as el. fected Taylor in 1848. Not a word, is ever :`said: about Sott's Statesmanship or scott's 'ability for the! offiice. " dive every man," 'says kfoarce, effect a:" Life of Scott—let 'every voter have a Picture took," just as though the people of the United States wire, a-parcel of chithren to be gulled into the sup. port of a Man! by iroaghwOod cuts. Such proceedings znie disgraceful. Why don't they appeal to the intelligence and thesound sense of••the peoPle Let them know - What Scott has thine in a,civil ;tray to entitle him to, the highest office OA the Globe. Let them give us some evidence of his fitness, of his rapacity foithe station. - It is high time Apt military humbunery is brought to . an end. And if we - , are:not tnistaken the total and, Overwhelming deteat of General Scott, will bring it to' 'an end. The regular Army is no piece to. rear Statesmen and.if it were Scott is the last man that should be elected fieis tyinnnical,over arigtocratie and proud. * - - Pen. Scott's idea`of naturalizing fore. ignem Etter a. year's tervices in the army or navy, of the United States is borrowed from the Eqlish Custom. Englatnt'a foreign gaeri by one or more year's service ,in the navy, acquires a-right toProteetionas an Prig lied; [ subject. Perhaps pen. 'Scott and the. duke of Wellington haVe been putting their heads tegethei. • , Mit is said that Barnum has Procured the itidenticel white luinkerchief which Gen. SeCittraisedas a Ong of. truce when he: our. rendered: his sting as prisoners War At Queetisten, and has defiosited it at: his 51. use. at st:X. Y; The Scott Men ete flocking to examine the relic., bowl -out of which Gemecott took his, 4 ! hMtty plate of soup" ha s been' htoken, andthqfr4g,tients lost; tut Daa rum has the promise of Ithe Sinker'. IA fre e. .on his return from the. North to New Weans, wrote to the It a Christien 2 lidvaa* - "TheY . ehalied" Ma- like a White , men, and treated me like a riiiger-- end ,that frill's,uolete-43ambo was right. thie - world is given to'` lyicg~ ogtho s!hitobises of the elvil ability Mitt exiierienee , prAt what time ; Aire Mai a man be ata to below to , thp voOtabi6 bingdoa' WhOa long iffiedene4 has tiFlds Uzi sage: . arThereareeighty OW:Women In the V. . halding offices post.niasterseonleef which ire add to bohnportent.posie;'- Eff" Action, action, nctiin," , ..4.lho aecteV of eucceu,s, • eBBONIME STAGES. .. Int Eubscripc......__ , r . be. . • Moen Carbooduleaml Ifiipbcttom c.v...., . the L kalianna & Western Raft Road. rnstaneo 20 - miles. Loans Carbondale In the mornlog and connect - with the' . eats going North Returning, leave on the - ariival'of that:mill train from the Great Rend. - The nearest, most direct and cheapest rout from Great Bend to Carbondale. PasSengers by this line always get Into Carbondale earlier in the evening than by any other rout. _ • •. ' i are reeelptsd in Carbondale at- the Store of the nib s beri, :Gain street, a few bluets below Dronsores Irotel. eigtt.t, IEO2. ,i •'• - 9110 W & BROTUERS. . _ 4 Light;iMoie , LightStitl 11m5p - KOOR THE TIMES, Lite at-the -Fouth, 171311132 'lOlE' &ADM" AS IT. IS. i. , It log Narratives, Scene s and Incident in .the real "Lilo of the Lowly." .n.v - w. L. G. stank ESCi. • 1 , HE object of the nether is to represent the condition of the fFlave in his rude but cow table cabin, his daily occupattontiand pastimes • relations between the master and slave, the. m Junket& iniptilses and misconceived views of the M m N ein Philanthropist, etc: etc.,' and to re seit, t the passions aud sentiments in their natural fo ins, as the same are displayed to the humblest lot of society, thus showing that, in the case of the slave at korai contentment bestows more happi nen than freedom • and at the same time to rep resent, atilt is,..a class of people. viz: the Planter, to whotri justice has seldom been done, and whose ob racter, as exhibited in every day life - , is well vs ciliated to win the amiable judgment of the vred. to above lork will be published on the first of • ulY.'and w I coniain about 500 12 incl. pages, b./ntifullyillastrated. The price will be $1.50.. 1 ‘ 'arty, orders will meet with first attention. clod active agents wanted to hell the above hook. On the receipt of $1,50 ree,will forward. une copy of the above book (which agents can . use as a sample copy) by mail, postage paid, to any_placo in the United States, not exceeding 1500 miles fron Buffalo, Ghicago, Cincinnati or New York. I I ooks sent by mail must be prepaid according to the uew postoffiee law. Postage on this work is!bout 25 ceuts for each and every 5)0 miles. IVholesale prices for Ape, and other saleable hocks, for which we want agents, will be forward ed on application to us, postpaid. , . ' • G. H. DERBY & CO. . . Book Publishers. Buffalo. N.Y. • No* Boot and Shoe Stare REELER & 'STODDARD. HE now firm of Keeler S Stoddard• have opened n Boot and Shoe store on Male istreet, firm dooribelow the Brick corner in which they offer for ettle I The Largest Assortment of Soots, Shoes and Findings,at the lowest prices -IN MONTROSE. Wsell for ready pay and small profits he citizens of the village and country are-re. sp ! tfally iuvited to call at a -- real genuine Boot and shoe store where Boas and shoes are sold in. stead of Beer andOyste re. -; • 1 Ttlße ep It before the People, 1 at-we have a• full asiortment strung which we enemy*: - --- : : , .. . Mena Cork sole waterproof hbots,long leg Bun. alqinne, calf half sole and pump boots, Kip half sole boots, thick boots, calf, kip and cowhide bro. gape, Over shoes, etc. . -•- • • ' - Youths Calf,Kip and cowhide boots, boys thick I • boots, etc. %Jaffies Frebch channel Gaiters, patent Fox lt Gaiters, enameled and Kid PARS, enameled friMt lack Polkas, kid and • gait JENNY LIND'S, 1 Nw York ties, excelsiors, Jenny Linde Rosettes, 1 ki dties, rubbers, etc. Ilisses goat and calf Lace boots, Jenny - Lind's , enameled Polkas, Dutch boots, etc. , phildre' nee button shoes, gont and enameled lace boots, Gaiters, Dawning's etc. • , . ktinong our Findings we Offer French calf skins, Otik and Hemlock tanned ;_Call skins. Morocco, pirik and white lining skins, red, - blue, maroon, Ilrians,Binding. upper leather, oak and hemlock soleleather, pegs, zinc nails; sparables, heel ball, Webbing, etc. , • tyN. B. 'Fork made to order and repairing neat done. 44 Erery - family should havc.a . jn unlividttal book, only 25 cts. per copy Man - know! thyself., . D.IIUNTEN - A Medical Ilaimel and fiend Boot for the Affirterl,Containlng au outline of the origin,pr • greas, Treatment and Cure of every form of disease.tou• [teeter] by Promiscuous Bernell ntercourse, by Belf-a• Luse, or by Sexual Eacess, :with advice Pr their preveti'"- ticM, that cannot °freed the ear of detency,-from the re• suit' cisme twenty years successful practice, extensively devoted to the cure of pease of &delicate or private na- To which Is 'added, receipts for the cure of the above diatoms, and a treaties on the causes, symptoms !and cure of the Fever and Ague, for. wenty-live cents a copy sixicoples nun dollar refill be fereardedlo any, part of the United Stat,r.bv malt3free of postage. Addreaa post age paid, • D0x,106 Post Office, or she Author,3B North Serntie Street, Phitadelßhie, • • ~ . MUSTY dollisre OMR, Dr, annter will forfeit $5O iffail -11 ing to cure any cue of Feces direfue that may tome under blis l care,lto mrtter bow long standing or '-ttlicting. Either sex are invited to his-Private Itooras,SS North Soirenth at. Phila. withuot fear of interruption from oth erpatienta. Strangers and 'others who baye been an fortunate in the selection of a Physician are Invited to, call. ' . .• , - i - -_ . - • ! , - II /IPOTENCY,;Through nnrcitrai! tied thidulgence . of the passions, byexcess ersettiouse, the evils are now , rims. . Premature Impotency; involnntat7 !seminal (Us; charges, waiting of the organs, loss of memory, a distano for female society, general debility, iff constitiational de rangement, are auto to follow , If necessary!, consult the Dtietcr with confidence; he offers a perfect dime. , ' , READ AND REPLICT —The afiliciedirmild do wellto resect before trusting their health, happiness, awd in ma-- uyl cases their lives, in the hands of physicians ignorant of elms of maladies. _ Ists certainly impossible for one man to widerstand all Orr ills the human family are I subject to. '.' Eicry respectable physician but, lilt peculiar I britteb,.in which be tsmore sneeirsful than hia, brother pr t fessors, mid to ; that he devotes most otitis dine "and TEARS OP PRACTICE.' exclusively-devoted to the 1 study and treatment of diserses'of thelierrial olEalir,io• I gethet with ulcers 'upon the body, throat, note, or legs; ~ r Pus tn l the hMill, or boner, mMiatuial rheunititi sm,stric• takes, gmyel,irrogniatilley, dinettes arrislog from youth- rio eitteya. or impurities of the blood, whereby. the eon. -still:idol* has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer eperly relief to all who may place theniselvel under icaroi -. ediel ne forwarded to any part of the United Statile—. ce tive ar4ten dollars per package.—Sayl: . • !:• -. ; . - ...._ . • , ! ' l _ ! TEE - LIGHTNING. LINE! _ TILL NI AN,• Barber and gait.. Diener, ia:: 6 - turn. hie thanks to. hiainitherous friends n d patrons;' and - haying, at he hOpes;convineed al ;of rho gredi,denger and ,risk of - culling their th ova by shaviag themielees, he . .beciihat they wll discontinue that Lather-out practice , and in.; 0.. uraga hams ifidnitry, by calling . on hint. for a x ave.:. iCtit. - , COCkell'i' Undo • wati sail! to be eto e iirt that he abased *self, with sheet !ightning; isd C. Tillman Will perform the lame feat on - tiny tar a piefir that' tea rod :azor, iitttioicarill call shopa hie Searle it-Hotel bateritatit.r-, It you / 1 d" n't believe it, COI and see;... e l . - ''i .- ' '•. Montrose, May. 60E152 - ' -- . TiLLAtAII. ARRISON'S Pemmican. ,kit - :,, -:' ,- -• • . ••••• July 18::: - 1 Tuttakm. a. - . . . . MONEY` TO l itati. : _ , - , F any gentleman want. to fa) rOWlooollollaill at'fiee Pei eetliq 4e cannot borrow it . of the 1 scriber, bat gentlemen cassava more thin 05 R r cent. in their clothing experiseit by getting their garments Made at my shell: If I waain the h it of itragging. I - COnld point to My "...nork as t e -best -assurance of .my skill in the art, but , a d scrititinating.and taste/9 1 9 11 We know whereto Coati AB - is Ciats I ... - li f c i me ntion,s_l9„launmeatiOnablea, mita, jackets, ka t attrteuts, coateei, ad infinitum.'.:.;.. • t - Trr Gentlemen will please:to take notice, that I i have removed MY shop to 4lr. Keeler's black, on nein street, finit. asSory: . . lErcotting Ilona as usual. .. _.: .1 1 01 Iii GROVES. Neutron, hue 10, 1852, . : • . . la~er Complain. Jaundice, Dispepsia,-Chrosnic Nervaas , , ,Debility,-,DiSiiises.!tithe :kidney - 9,- ND an -slismalci,fieeniftittr: a dliordered fiver or • El Stout:Leh, andiai.Mstatipation,inutirdpiles fullness Or,blood- Ca the head,: aridity of—the ate:mach, usea, heart bum, disgust forfore,' fatness, or `:Weight , in stomach, sour. eructations, sinking or flattering , at the pit of the stionichiiisbureautatiens bead, burned or df_ fleultbrenthing,flutterlogat the heart, choking.ersuffe eating SeMationi .When in ,a lying posture, dimnesrof •vhdon, dots - or webs her melba light, fever and dull pen Inllte head; deficiency et peripiratlen, yellowness of the skin and eyes, pain in the- flaoiDack, chisit , limbs .ke., sudden flushes °fleet, burning In the Seib; Censtarieni- ceilings orovll,sind'grent depressien'of/spirits, - con be effectually cared by • •-•- , Dlr. lloolit >< nd~ltl celebrated' . Gerf N. ' . man 131tter's . - 1.-- • T.: -Prepared by, Dr. C. .111.4ackSon; ett- - the - . 'German. Medicine store:l2o Arch, Street, _ - !-1 - Theirpones over. the above,diseases liot'excelled, if equalled by-ally/Arbor preparation ba - thellnited States; .as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful physicians hod failed. .• - , • - • ',These bitters are Worthy the attention of. invalids '— ' Plusofaing grad Attune In the rectifleation'of diseases - of tbeLlTCZElWilerser glands,exercisiog the most searching poweriitweaknefaandadeetioniofthe digestivd moans, they are, withaioife; certain, and pleasant. . • Read arid be Convinced. . • The of the Boston Bee said, December' I—. • Dmiloottand's Celebrated German Bitters, for.taa ante of Liver Complaint, laundien,. Chronic, or Nervous Debility, Is deservedly one of the Most popular medicine; of the day. These Bitters hallo beeq used by. thousands, and a friend at one elbow says ha has himself received an effectual and pertAlinent - cura of.. Liver Com plaint front the nee ot. this remedy. Wis - are convinced that, In the we of vigorese bitters, the patient oottstautly gains strength ando—a fact wOrthy great eration. They aro pleasant In taste audsmell, anti con bo used by persons with the most delicate stomach with safety, under say circumstances. - -We are speaking from experience. and to the sleeted we advise their usu. • Scott's Weekly, one 'of the best literaty papers pub lished, mid, August 25th— - -•- "Dr. Hoeflaiat' s' Ger Man flitter., manufactured by Dr.'Jackson, are now reerimmended by some of the most prominent members of the melical facially as an article of much ellicany in. eases of female weakness - As such is the ease, we would advise all mothers, to obtain a bottle, and thus save themselves much sickness. 1 Persons of de bilitated constitutions will find these Bitters advantage- one to their.health, as we know from'experience the sal utary effeet they have upon weak systetui." More Evidence. The Phliadelphi•A Saturday a asettn. - tbe beet family pa. per s uhllehed In the United States, says of Dr. Iloofland's German Bittets-•- "It Is seldom that we recommend what are. tanned 'Patent sfedlcines, to the confidence and patronage of our' readers,' and therefore when we recommend Dr. Hoof. land's German Bitters we .wish to be dlstinetly under. stood that we ate not !pealing of the nostrums of the day, that are noised about for a brief period and then far gott en after they have their guilty race of ndschlef, brit of me (icicle tong establialled, universally approved. and which has met the hearty approval of the faculty Itself." Look well to the marks of the ;main e.'"They have the written signature of C. 51. JACKSON. upon the wrapper, awl is name, blown in the bottle, without r.hie.h. they are spur Yous. - For sale, Wholesale and retail, at the German vine Store, No.-120 Arch street, one, door below 'Sixth, Philadelphia, and by respectable dealers generally thro'•• out the country. • Prices Reduced.—To enable all classes of Invalids to -enjoy the advantages of their great restorative powers, Serrate BOTTLE, 75 CENTS.- Ale* for sole by ABEL TUll.llELL,Druist,slontrose ,- Pornea. 1,1 Tinciop -& CON !' Daily Express Line. LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. . Per Passenger Trains ; with Special ilfesten , sengers for forwarding of Merchandise and Packages of ctery description. . • Specie Bank. Notes, . - NOTkS,Drafts, and Bilis' collected, all orders attend• ed to with promptness and at reacenzble rates- The Ageats of the Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company will act as vents for the aboie express line. Express wagons will be in readiness. upon the =lira of each train at Scranted; to forward with de patch, Mei , chandiza, &e.. to Pittiton,Wilketbarre, •• Lerwou'd Searle of Montrose,isautherized.to receive and forward Express Fridaht from that place to the _Montrose Station, atid front said Station to Montrose. N. of Tunkbannock, will receive and for ward Express Freight from that place to Tunkhaianoek Station, and from that station to Tuokhannock Ttatooe rt co. . • Novembcr, 1551..-52tf. -Dissolution, ug oreeellT#M2BlllP heretofore mining under the T nametuni firm of slsk to' Thro tp; in the Exprees hutment on the L. do W 11,,1A this clay diseolred by mata pl consent • •. ,• • JAMES 5186. ' Jan .1,1852 B. t;.TIIItOOP 4 buldneei will hereafter b ranted on by throop tt go. o:7•See advertisement- - The i'mple's Friend. T.' T. Pond's, of Ithaca, N. Y., Pain Destroy. er and'Healing Extract. A N Extract from the shrub called Witch halal, and purely' from that, with the exception of a little Al. cobol to preserve it. It will cure all local pain and inflamMatlon; old snres, fresh- we uthis and bruises, Piles. and all diseases of the bowels of a chronic nature; toothache; earache, and an . excellent remedy for females, Zte. • ; ' , It Is trulywhat it pftifesses to be, 'ss van nariiin's IFRIEND." Providence haa peattered along - the rugged paths of life many thlogo that contribute greatly to the comfort end happiness, of every body; hence their g nat value, an t well may they be called "Friends of the ' Peo• ple." • • One word here to gWard against ImPositlon. A man by the name of Spencer has manufactured and, offered An vale a spurious oracle called the "Carpi Extract"—that would'be a:mot:from the harel-nut—thegenuine is as while and pure as water, labile the annriin• article is ea omit which enables the publielo diating,mbh: None:rennin° bnt those marked Pond's Pain DestrOyer. • WILLIAM -MATCH. Dont:nye, end - atoredteepers and medicine dealers generally, Agents. ' 1000 Agents Wanted, fro-travel in emery , county . in the United States, to A. eitculate the authorized edition (lithe, I IA) of eon. Frank: Pierce, :SSW"IIiuP3tiInE," Candidate of the Democracy fur President o the United States, by. D. 11r. Bartlett. Author of "Whit 1 saw in Loadoni or 'Aden and Things In the grest Metvoiolls," in au elegant 12 mo vol. of 3CO pages, setilt . anacturateportrate of General Pierce: .. , _ ?The. book containsth o particulars of his early life, an eedctes connected vitt' hie private and professional We tall, and an accent:trot his public and military !arrives, , 6c.&e.,'bya popular _New England dither; who has ' visited Concord for . the special purposiof preparing a reliable and antt . ten . tie volarac, underl:the advice and I counsel of prominent Pemocrati." The effort he.s the sanction of the dietingnistred sub ject of- the memoir. Whose sadden and:unexpected ele ration from, a private citizen to the .peond position of the leader ofl thi...tlemoctstle party; and; as. the De• mocracy confidently believe ' - soon to bo•elevated by them to the most' honorable poet in the world—Chief 31agfetrate - of the United States—createS a desire en the part of every American to know that:gm-denials 'of his • Unifo rim' retail Mice, irt pallet covers, pints.; inneit cloth, 75 cents_ - . - , COORS serai' mnli post.pnlcl, on ?ocelot or price. Nor turtheripartionlars, widens. post.pat.l. nritu;r .t. MILLER; Sole Pttblishore, Auburn, N. Y. Publish ersof DelitOesatio rofiefOil thin WO miles of liew,York slats; inserting the obovO, (with this na tics.) toles torsions to tbo Ist of beptember next ,shall rewire' e copy of the some by mall, Tsai of postage - , - • . • Dr.,LBY fc M I LLER:-. .1n13 0 20; 1851 ' • , 1•• Auburn, 'ff:Y. • To thO Poblio. • - • A BEL TERUEL& is now receiving and keeps 1 - 11_ , constantly,oa hand a large and desirable as sortment of - I . . GOODS.. Which wilt be SOW very low for cas or ready pay. I The stock is composed of a first rate assortmetanf - Medicinel, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye• Stuffs, Groceries, Glass-ware, Spoons, , • ,Spectacles, Musical Instruments, • Yankee-Notions, and Liquors, , • Dry Goods, ' - Hardware, Stoneware, _ `Mirrors; Stationery, Ertlattes; i ' _ Mediae! Instruments, Perfumery; Truises,BUpporters; Shoulder-Braces, Shoes; Camphine Burning' Fluid, tamps,. Clocks, %Vetches, iewviry, - All poisons wfshingu k purcha te Thugs Or Goods in any ofthe aforesaid departMents, will find their lowest. promoted by-001We Brat at the Drn and.ariety Store of ABEL TURRELL. . Montrose. May _rr =..WOOLI.WOOLI'' r • 7110Virg want 10,000 pop - Wiwi' Virco!iies4tige :.V T.. for cah or cloth& - _ ' p. R. takri#Oriii Co.: brolitrse s lfity 24,x852. .WOOL! WOOL ri.Asn piid for WObl - tiyi. - H. )3111T.Irr Ika Wu, Milford; June'lBs.2. - • - . tir._pon o r a atbin',lll rd for Wei by . 'BEAPTLEY . READ Dn. sottairron . • PS- Another:.Scientific ; ;render IT' , 9rea,t,Oure.for,.Dyspepsitt Dli 8. 1101/OEITON I SAPEPSINs. TITN.TRUE Gcs'nvE tib,OIL Gastric ..7 ?sleep:l(l'am RENNET or, tha.,fatirib Btmanch of, tbo Ox, after directions of It the - great Phyale• Cheralst,l4-41:-8.11000ILTONi7 M - ..D., .Pidladel• phial ,This Is a truly wonderful " Veinedyr INDIORSTION, COtSPEPSIA;;TAUNDICE: LIVER CkIPLA/NT,' CON* , STIPATIUN and DEBILITY, oust after Nature, own meth" d, by Nature's own agent, the Oastrio.Juice. - """ - Pepsin is the chief element or great Digesthrti print:lolo of the Pastel° Jnicv—the Solvent of the - Food, the Plat - Citing, Preserving, and Stimulating Agent of the Ste:wit and Vtestioes. It is extrticted from thettigestivelltem ach of the Ox thus farming' an -ARTIFICIAL DIGES TIVE:FLUIDTI precisely like Abe 'natural Gastric Juke its Chemical powers, and furnishing a complete and - per: 'pains substitute for By theaid - of this preparation the pains and evils or7ltidigestlon and Dyspepsia are removed Brit as they would be by's healthy stomach.. It Is doing wanders for-dyspeptics, curing cases ofßehillty; Envois. thin ;Nervous Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption, sop posed. to be on the verge *Atha grave: The, scientific evi dence n pot: which it is based, Is la the highest degree en vions and remarkable. • • I Scientific' - Ectdence. Baron Llebrgln his celebrated , Wcork bn anitnal Chern, Istry, says, "An Artificial Digestive fluid, - analegans to O the astrielefee, may be readily prepared from the ma; eons membrane of the stomach of the Calf, In which Sari.; ons articles of fond, es meat and Eggs, Will be softened, changed, and digested. Just in lite same mannet.as they would be In the human stomach."' • • (a- Call on the agent - and get a Dereriptive droultir, - grans, giving a large amount , of adentine evidence, simi lar to the above, together with reportkof remarkable cures from ell parts of the United States - . t DII. 'HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN now sold by nearly nil the dealers in fine drugs and popular medicines through out the United States. It Is prepared in powder and In fluid. form, and in - prescriptive vials for the use of Physi - PRIVATE CIRCULARS for the are of• Physicians, may larebtainell of Dr. Houghton or Ida - agents - describing the - whole process of preparation, and riving the authorities upon which the cairns of this new remedy are based.. As It Is not a SecreStemeilyoso of can be raised against, its use by Phyalcitins In respectable standing - and regular practice.: Price, ONE DOLLAR per bottle. - OBSERVE TIM I!—Every bottle - of the genuine PEPSIN bean tthkwritten signature of J. S. ROUt:B. TON',II: D., Polo -Proprietor Philadelphia, Pa. Catty, right and Trade Mark tenured.. " . Medicines. Off - by all Dm:gists and Dealers In Medicines. I IC - For sale by A BEI. TURRELL;Druggist i llontrose, I Pa., Agent for Stre,inithalinn county : • : DRY GOADS. NEW STOCK.It CHEAPER THAN EVER!! vr': N. Vrilgono Late of the Firm of Wilson & Miller, D . ESIREE. to return hls stately:l thanks t 6 the ctn. sects of ,usquehtnia county for their liberci pat ronage during the past year, and respectfully solicits& contitnianee of their favors Having reopened the , store In Totapitins'Tilock , (which has been enlarged and i lIIIPTored,) with a lull stock of Spring - and Summer Goods, he invites .those who wish td purchase Goods very low, for cash; to call and examine his assortment''' The subjoined list of Goode and prices he believes trill compare favorably wittithat of any other merchant in this vicinity. 1; , Ladies' Dress goods. , , A large ass:ortineer of .black and colored Silks, of ea riona grades and patterns, from 41. Bd. to 148. per yd. •: .illouselino De Laines: . . 2000 yards of Spring De Woes; of almoal every mit" . ty aad stylelhat the New York market afford"; from 1 e. o 3s..per yard.. . . Prints and Ginghams. • . _ . . 10;000 yards of Ilerireack, - Pall Elver, Manchester, Coetaco, English' arid other styles of Prints. at 6c, oe, 10c 4 and Is per.yarO. One case of superior cloths and colors, yard wide, at the low price of Is. 1000 yards of Lancaster and Olasgow Ctingharns; warranted fast folorii, at 11 per. yard, Alp, Scotch and French do front Is: MdurninE• • Mae . Dombazinea, Alriaceas;3lohalr Luitrei;Dariges, Can ton Cloths. all wool; Do Laines, Silk Tissues,rnad all oth er goods nisi/ in menrning. - 'lVhite Goods . % Plain-, plaid and striped Jaccnct - blualin,Cosabrie, do., plain and dotted Solis, Mull, Nainsook and _Tarlton, , LinereCambrie, lairs Eye Linetv Linen Table Cloths, Napkins, Scotch and Russia Diapers,Linen Sheetings & ' Skirtings, &cr. &e..at surh prices as canuof fail to give entire satiefaction'to customers. Shawls: A. law,_ lot of Btoctie, Canton Crape and Cashinere Shials .twenty percent. - .cheaper than .they were.sold last year. - Hagacrchiefs. Linen lianakerchiefebt every gradv,tro6 es to $4 coiers. Savored dozen - colored rotten, worsted and- Men, and all wool Embossed Covers, from 4s. to Stanlace. - Goocfs if or Men find, Boys. Broad Cl.tbs ..nf ovary color • Modquallty, from Ids. to 85 . ; black and faney eassimeres, from .6 to 30a: j Ken, tacky' Jeans, 'Tweeds and Satinets, from 23.64.tw4i; Vestings of every description, quality and price. . • , Domestic Goods. COCO yard• of brown sheeting's and sbirtlnga,fronir 3 to Dc. per yd.; 0000 bleached do. from 4c. to Is. per yard ; Tickings nod Mariners' shirtings.frora 6d. to Is. per yd. Hosiery and Gloves. , , An excellent 'aisortment and very cheap. Among. them a lane lot of wldte'cot.ton flore t very fair quality only ' Trunks, 'Valises . and Carpet Bats. AwHI ormrted steek.purchased direct frain the lam est remintactory in this country; and for said et each prie'tis as will admit:et no competition.. • . ' Straw and, Iffillinfry . G oods: , • The_ anbsenher . derliouP of direetlng the attentioner the public particularly to this,branth of business. orbs, PoBXtFllell peat faellities. forpttirg these-000 cheap. He designs keeping , constantly on hand (drurine. the sea son) a lame stock or Straw Bonnets, Which he will offer 25 per milt. cheaper than they eon ba bad-at.retail In .Nbst -York city.. nther,'Wholesale or retall.enstornere wilt rind it greatly, , toilnAr atrantage. to exatedue, hie stock bdfore making purchases elsewhere.' . Ribbon and Dress Triinmines, a good assortment at low prices. ' W. N. WILSON.. - Corner of Court and Water Ft:vete:meetly'. ' • .• • oplionita the American Ho4l. BiNairmatost, Spyll 2E4;853. ' AFFLICTED, REA,D.,' Houk; Established fifteen years ago, y DR, KINKE- L IN, North -IVest Corner iof • Third. and (Alan - Streets,`beticeers; Spruce - J:6ld Ping: Ste. Philadelphia. FIFTEEN YEARS of-extensive and uninterrolted practice spent to this city, have 'rendered Dr.,B. the most expert and successful practitioner fay and' fleas, - in the treatment of all db-eases of a pirate nature. Per it OUP afflicted with ulcers on the hody, throat orlegs, pains In the bead_oibones. mercurial rheumatism strict ures. gravel, diseases arising .Ikran youthful excesses of irtipuritios of the blood whereby the constitution Mahe comb enfeebled are all treated with iucciai. - • no who places Ihnself under the cam of fir. K. may, religiously conllde.in hishonor as a gentleman; and con , fidritly rely upon blit skill as a Iphyaician: TAKE PATITICITLA It NOV 011.fr•NCI:11:4 men who hare injured thendeives by a .certalit. Practice indulged th—a habit fregiaently* learned . : from, evil' companions or . at school—the effects of which .are nightly' felt. even when asleep, and dafroy both mind-and body, should apply Immediately, • Weakness Aunt" constitutletial debility, lose of muacnlar.energy, phyalcid .. - lassitude and general prostration, Irritability and all-mervons -al/sallow, in tll.. 1 gestionolugglihness of the llrer,-arid wady disease An any Wed cam:meted with the prOcreaUr funutiotillyptred and full vigor -restored. . . 4 * Rea r" .. . Youth and Manhood. - - . . A Vigoro u s. Life or Premntaie Death. - - lin an selflreserratiort.. Only 25 els. • This Book just trahitthsa it filled with useful Inform' a Sou, on the infirmities and diseases or tho gene, atieeer• pans; It addressee itself an*. to Yorthi 4tlonhowi and Old Age, and should be read by all. .The "'Mashie atl ir Ste and Impressive warainnit tdirtterent Years of misery and- al/Stria& and. , oars annually thousands of , tires,parents, by reading It, will learn bow tol.ptarent I the destruction of-theirchildren. — *," A remlttanctibt 26 cents, enclosed tan letter, ad drained to Dr. RINKELIbt, N - ,Weeerner of Third , and Union Sweets. between - Spruce and Pine, Philadelphia, - will ensure stook, under enteloph,per return emit: Persons at a distance may .address Dr. K. by kilo; on-. chedun o fee. lust! bemired at. hem%f.. • • . • Packageseif ..ifedichtes Direrttons, ¢e4foiliardei;,by ieudiasa remittance, andput up ieourelronaDentszo or Curiosity. - • . - • Book-milers; News iletits, pedlars., cud all 'Others 'supplied with 'tho above -work at Very-low • :NEW, GOODS At the: Ilpson'ttneleatthAligeta HEoubscriber; with pinny, thaulut to:hitt. nu-- Aneronalyy increasing pistrons. woulditienict. fully, inform hiofriendo;lhoi 4.44 Uow - receiving choice ..selectimi 'of Leo& direct, front NewNorlt, "whichhO intenthe:to cell Opcti'lbe go od bid lash lOuid'pnticiple of,"/Me - W tuned,' in exe h enge foekcal:plot!) hinds ofnrorltico, 'Cub hot ixo_optod. jos, L, metiqyAN, 1 1Peobvillo;'April -180 3 , --.,.... ‘---- - GREAT 'BARGAIN - I : CANFIELD lir 4elliug Oft If% 1440 iltvolc -la Ar;ot 3 Eigs;i9r;isV# , Teng), 4 0 .; al art: 1 r ntnuceb prico, tii 11144 r 13° En L a C1 8 4 17 ,1 94 i1iD. Sioglicialtou,'April 23,1852. , . Ayers Chen3rlPictoral k . t',,,g- ' POD, !NIL' CIME OF - 7 . - ' r'• ' COUGHS 'AND COLDS; .• 'AND fit' BRONCHITIS; ABM r' e' ''MA AND WHOOPING; .Alio k COUGH, CROUP AND • : ..str r ,.._ CQNSUDIPTION. s! ..... 1 - -tn offering to the community this-Potty celebrated remedy for diseases of the throat. and lungs. it is not your wish to trine with the lives dr health of tho Millet ed, but frankly to lay before them Me epinion of, pia. tingtf Med men and seine of the erldenees of its Sun. eels, front oblelkthey can Judge for themselves, ,W 0 sincerely pledge ourielves to make no 3014 assertion or false statements of its efficacy, por will ws hold out any hope to.suffering humanity irtilchfacts will net Many proqfs are here &ou t and we solicit an liini. ty from the public into sit we publish, feeling assured that , they will find them perfectly 'reliable, and the medicine worthy their best confide:4o and patrisiege. , Froni.the distinguished Proftisser of Chew . . , Chew retry and•Materta Medici. Bowdom - , College. Dear ii,iri - 1 delayed answering tftereceipt at your preparation until I had an oPportisnity of witnessing its effects In to own family, or in the faniMes of my This I hare now done with a high degree of eatigat• (ton, in ewes of both adults and children. I have found it, as its ingredient* elms* a Palreetti remedy for colds, and pUlmonary diereses. PARICEtt CLEVELAND, M.D. Branawick. keb. From an . Overseer .in-the .E4unilton • - in this city. Unwell, A accost 10,18 49. .1 Dr. J. C. Aye r : I havebeett Cured_ of the Worst cough I ever had lit my life, by your Cherry Pictoret and tier, er fall, wheal have opportunit,y; - of recoauneudintr It to.! others. Yours respectfully , , S. - D. - WESSON. o B eal l the .folloefnv, and see it this ,medicine worth a t al.! This 'patient bad becothe very feeble and the' effect of the niediciuq was unraSetakably die! -- ' ' tinned Statcal4ofel, j §ailitegi Springs,l July 5,1619. Dr. J. C. Ayer—Sir : I hare been afflicted with a pain- ful affection of the lungs, and nil the syMptome of set. tied imsimptlon,fOrmore ;ban a year. I, could find • no medicine Vint would reach my case, until I com menced j I irmdual relief, and L have been steadily gaining my etrefigth tilt my health Is well itigh restored. lOhlte using. your medicine, . had the gratilleAtion• of curing with it my - reverend rlend, ?dr. Truman, of Sumpter District, who led been' ertsnendrer from his parochial duties bla severe attach of bronchitis. I hare pleasure irieeitifylogthese facts to you,. And am. Ar,yonre-repectfolly J. F. cuLtiopx. of Sonth'Carolina. IC7.Prepared and-sold hy JAWIIS C. A rna;Practleal Chemist. Lawel, Masa:: I - : G:r.Sold by A. Turrall, Montrose ; Lucien Scott, Gt. Bend, and by Drumiistsoveryirhere. ' -611. MEMO : UM ' OIL Tllllool'll DOMESTIC MEDICINES. COMPOUND BYBUP OF nt.oonsoar, FOB 2118 CURB ps Consumption, Asthma, Bronehithi, Influenza, Coughs, Whooping cough and Croup,' Dr. Throops Infant Prosercativo and Mo ther's fief Cl.llll Flattieneo. Colic, Gripes. Diarhea, Dysentery and Chiolern of infants, or any of the common ills or infant life. Dr. Throbp's Worm Poison '- ztpelfc Mead filthy itiruders the human syst tun rtitb out terception of kinds or num era. .Dr:-Throop's!Foos , Cure Inillgestioe, diterdee Costlemees, nes, Ileadaelie Ilearthern, Fever', InEatumation; Dievhea, Dytenteri, Ater resteres a healthy aethel of alt the glands at the body. • . . . t • Dr. Tbroop's Eye Water . Ts unsurpassed in enrativiVirtaink for ail' inftMpineto ry affection of the eye. and I ' Dr. Throor .8 Salon ' • •ansarpssiso for a dressing for BninSaint Seiddd, ffl; cers, &alt litienm, or May abm.sion of the skin. , A a iect rot Pin EVlCS.—Bentley $ Dead, Montroie, N.firanger & Co., En h; If. X. Sonthwell,nekb C.C. ; Wright, 3Padietcnrn; Ll:oll4deit, Friendsolile;: P. lli Barber, Diumalt ; Scott & roilt, Springville; Dr. Lam twit, Animen ; James Tompkins, Tompkinssille; Hay den t Little, Kew Milford .;..Or. Brooke: 6nut Pend; Joseph L Merriman. Upsoniille; Dr. J.-Iterney, Little Meadows; Jasper Stanley, Cheronut E. Ti ff any, Drams. lyn Centre; IL A. Williams, Clifford; Dr. J.C. Olmstead, Dundaff ; Johnson &Very, TlS.rford. J.S.BLASDEL;GeneralAgent, Forest Litre. lyl . - . 8500 MA L . LE-NGE. w ' rivrEvEll concerns the health and happiness of . a people is at allrimet a the most -trainable im portance. - I take it for - granted that every pergola will do all to their power to save the lives of their children and that every. person -will endeavor .to promote their own health at oil sacriflees, feel it to homy duty to 'solemnly 'assure you - that 'Worms -accoroing to ,the'' opinion of the ttlirst eciobrated - Physllans. Ain the Pri mary canto of a large Majority of disease to- which chil dren and adults are liable, if you hay° an appetite deo fluently changeable from ona Mud of-food to • ant:Aber, bad breath, pain in the. stomach,, pielang at the nose, hardness and fu'nessof the belly, dry tough, low fever, pulsiiiregular, rememberthat all these denote 'Worms and you ehotild atones apply the remedy . • . llcittaNsAcK's Wonm SYRUP; An article found upon eclentlllc principles ; compounded with purely !vegetable substence, being perfectly' eel t when taken, and determined In all its migets, - anti nut leaving the syWni in is disessoi condition as most wpm,. - Used nostrums for the removal of worms, composed of calomel, such as Loacoges. Yermlfuges but; his performed the most ristonighlcg Mites ardsaird the tires of M0483..0 5 11 both old and-young, who have been' pounced hopeless. incuiuble,!by:physicions. head the following and became - convicted of its efficacy over all • . . • - Morris Mier, X. J., Ang. 13,1951, J N. Hobensack—Tll4 is to certify that my child, 15 • ears of age, having been stet fur three years, was at tended for e. disease of the spine" by Pro. Loper, IN Mille, and ['Aisler for n long time. Whhortt reeeleing any hone fit After giving her up as incurable, I 'went' to. Phila delphia and ern:waited one of thu best physicians, her disease still greoring worse. le was at this time; I Gras in tinned to try ocibensack's 11 nrat Syr op, and after tak ing two bottles rho entirely regained her health, after passinga gtvat quantity. O . f worn!. "hoping tills will be a benefit to parents whose children are similarly taco! ed, I tun yours 4 tr.c. • HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS , - No part of the system itt mote Habit to dliease than the it earring as a filter to lit:wily the, blood, or giving the proper separation and secretion to the bile. Cu, that ar4rwro actit , n Of Ilia liver alleetatbe other impotant parts the system, and restate variously in Liver Com plairitti,Jundice, `D.YePepsla,lpevere, , &a. We should, thereforeivitelt every armpit= that might Indio:Go' a arrrug actiou of the liver. so rats .being composed] namely: roota and plaitte;turnieheti,by nature to h e at the sick, namely: let, an Fixpectorent[Whlcb augments the emote. tion from the pulmonary =nein membrane, or promotes the Allsclaarge ot.secreted matter. 2d, an shrill thre, 'which changes in sotnelnexplloabla and Insensible man ner; tit! certain Morbid action* urthe.eytem. sd, u a Tonle, which- gives tone auristretutis to the nervous system, renewing health and ;vigor to all pasta of the body. tith, a Cathartic, which ; -ads in perfect harmcny IllthAbe - other ligrealents byj operating on the bowels and expelling the whole mars of corruption and, vitiated matter and ottrirytnir the bli ed, !Web - destroys disease addietardo'bealth. • - • ' r• - • - •h Pro. tired eee ilebensacles laboratory, Philadtlphla, cornereth ad 4 George et— lee 25 erns. For by the principal Druggists anti s rites -generally thro bout the country . •By agent Atli& ,rY Ward, Philadelphia'. AGENTBAbeI turrellank *alley lE,itriril:, Mont role; ilaydea & Little and Wm; 0. Ward Note Milford; 'Eattrd'&'.. Peck and Sax's Serbotir; , ; 11. - 1 1 nrroyre do co., Gibson; C Wells - 1p Chi ttenden aniChureh & Phinney,ttundaft ; 0 A.',Eltitidge,, Brooklyn Grow ,&,. liros.;Glenwo o d - . Lucien Geett and lir. James Brooks, Great Berid ;J. W :Lyman': Thnitliannoek; 'flirter & Itgassell,,Steranyllle; B. , T e turderarkt Disbdrioi: • . To.Mairymeit od-ranters. . - . _ .• - Valliabla -Pro rty far sale._ , . A 4dit.id ot..2oo:aerra'situdt , 3 to ßridgewater teinallp, 4 ' - Stviciehatniii county and State Or penusylvida,,lso acres of which aro under impl.vetnent.r, . . . - ---,.'-.- 1 "thefartn*wall designed f i n dairy; And li capaide of i n s feeding, 40 cows during , ant er and winter. and' overt part of it Is well watered, - e beilltilima end lima are in. good:Condition, -itutt tbe fen , whiettlato of . roue- and tolisf are also good. There . re two lute touts . upon .tbe premises, besides a granery and convenient sheds for eat tie.' . Throe 'orchards, principally . of graft:ll • *nits- and S id farm 'ldis itery . plement.rniddealrable trintion abbot two tallest= Montrose,thli count nea t of Pus. quebanno county, and .obo' t nine miles front Um . Leg. gett's Map,itallroad, to whic 'titers Ise-Plank Road, end tsvcry convenient to cretin tiadactools, and: ruerban • /ilsce'Bl3otba iabiable Zinn 4 1 4loiednifthe above, orkl• taming 200 acres, °flail& 140acrea are under- is bier 'state of, cultivation: ..17sioti it tbera' lei large dwelling haute; and out buildingi to•oorrorpond. and a .141 TO or. I clijio._. , lt. la well !vistercnr firiCititcatl f ind admirably , adapted to dairy purposes.', h. . ... i .:,.. _.- . .-- : :. • . ' Sold Properly wilt be wild; 'On reasonable, tenni; ti: par; eT tion .orthy,zyyriey.rayy r . non Doak_ iii mortgage to i suit the purchoser.' - ..• . -.'- t .'''. .-- • --- '' ' :-_, - L., ''' 7 APPlieStiallmAt b e ' .me ( i iversiiayili 'or .by lettii to lion. .ryjniaut Ammo or ft. ; Nivea 'at Montrose, to County,ynd -- Any fyrtb,r - ,priklyrdars that iAnyy by mita. ltd wilt be g i v en. .-; -: - -- :.'',.li. • „:.i -. .. ..-'.,:,. :, i- , . 2/48tt • ' NAPittliNt titscs i - ,_.‘ BrAtrrnitt. , anaitm+ c it . of -011viir satokyptlrellOo, pa r , ob. •• - • • • - '•• J. PAVANS,. . • •-- , 0 d 11101,10nshigitto Sliver ilirstret ' A 1;411G8 LOT.ot poortgami l 40,. Just bitiedlizta filfsalalwakrantpd as purl sus cotn—air jtsarrodgrq►ltliJ? • a. .1 '4lratiti.. _ At 111:0i lok'otWatett Fiat ituttoit ItisliphSte‘l Kvlthw,Ototeliet,N Ite. Jut% arrived JEtIY FX.ANSt i ilingbigutop, Wm:. :P Wyatt, inggAMANT etretti J.VA .metly eetapted by ,f..ll._Dmulek,•4_,„ eadVdlde, cilotLl4o ;rim. clk pricy '.1141 1.11• s prout, Aniviotour.it'or 211tOtfl's • 'loge Springs, Moutrose, pi. C 4 Wltv W SinithAei.... 4,„,,,inwzr,AND;o4Ain LtANT.Thettlaus siivet o Montroie,Ps. , , • ark; - • - - porAvlNGreturnea to Mot trove to m um , -ILL ties or las prgeotioe,insy be f oga d e r s : l ; note, miters- be Ida be isppy to 'Et open 14 I Wendt its 'ell its nese; - . MOlltl6/111., Feb. Ditioek , D llYSTerdif.AND.Bl:lllo ZON,Mont4se,p l4 , 2l4 , -it. tend to• butane," that Play he tpu ngtd tom, Ing,foot of Public A d ome, with petimptness end EAtUty. Dfitee W tt reefeeneo: Ott -TtlttiPike-ttrtr. venptti• Ro ld.4 4 et /deb sei ig/ -. • • • • George• ToAtEwrs•Booice,Reidy...de Clotljb capictioom 41Shoes, etc •s H tote !iro d0r:3114, Hatch'otel r •Nba ttose. •• ' . . .. •- •• ,-.-. X, 0: Tylir, i'. - *, .. TIEALEII,IS Itlti.oooliS, ut. Ontwerititt .1J warei Tinware, Blab, Oil/4'MM, Paha,. li s. ka, alio pays' cash for all th bind' of 81appliiit h gimlet hitiow the Condi:Nue: . S Marie ' S MININO . AND HAIR DRErEING SALOOi. hot? Bulldpv, friar, door to.the portrate,Jtortrirc,h S. Winchester A , TTOWSLIt A L, TraiktannAp s , p fesh Stark's Brick i nom AW . • D. D. - Hilide.l IV 11''Y AND 'FICCHAtiOPoorABIiI. Offestut,, JAI „131 . 1/ .. )tir Eta s gotel. Alontrose,p,. &ft B Chime, A67TORN,EYB AT LAW, Manta*. oge t , m o;: ler'l9stbro, E. Leta:* 8.8. . Congdon & Steling, nE kLEIIB TostrEnra TABLES Bc. , Maven the Cant! trldre Whirs honpv.Court at,iingtuunton, hi r T. tou Lim* Traveling Agent ! • Xi Suran* lips,' • __l. B 00? AND SHOE MAKER ANDREPAIRBE. .k;" over Baldwin ¢ Cox'aSiddlery gimp, Haraw. ,-.. Di. C. C. Edwaids; DnrsiciAs AND EURGEON, Iferrord, h. Oiled 1 doom below J. Pride's etore. eg Di. Jamis PITIbiCIAN AND BUIIGEOS; sad 4,, k , ba Medici:ma, Painta, &at d0n:n.11314 and Pine streets, op poo Ito Col:ll,...Lnalea,Grrolkit, . • • 14.• CIUMSEON 0 I,,,ncmir Brdidtbg, corner of Tutartio and Charm ateeetw.:-.opmatioaa neon the teeth per Mier mortally abd tentlesly. Plate work don with ae ler material add In the mast Improved brim Chaplet - Dr. K. Smith, S BLGEOS DENTIST, can be Nand ulna Qin aIIIrrttE3DATI or each sett, at tin Hotel Searle, Montrose, Pa: Ile wonldeati tea pankn e attention of those who mead full Jett§ of let t, t o i f manner Of Inserting. on the at mosidiritworrispix o pie, which he has practiced for g tonaberel yeux u other Work, extracting, filling; tie due 4th most i dentilio manner. Ureatioile , , 'duly 1552. ' : s' Farms for Sec - - I TnE subscrbers set se spats for napless sale of Acarretatet—Perms, Houses gad teti loeirtedii•Susquehanna, eons tyrs; Allwhoreso offer their frro"pertyfor sato can gitra stloste desthii li4dof their. Farms or - Lots agendas: Stubs/ acres, how'. sitenyiraprored r and how watered; lilt tnedristd; grafted or common frail; ode? WI trees, and shade trees, hew far (ten Itoinetkol thaitearesiphlriSto adepot on the New valit, Italliasr; trice a6l tenet of paymest.llllols3l to Sell or purchase r.c.+4 Estite will et tehe proxy* ' tentlon" b y calllng otadiliesehig lust sustinehannit connty, Pa.' .; 11:1 - 0onveyunc frith 316111:Mee to the puha tro : of charge !•. • • - • , Office on l'nropiltel stmt . , tdders Test ertielsl coiner. • .-- - - The fo flowing Patrol andriote Ye tow oStrid funk No:3 "-Macros, 30 • hopro red. use Rotund Id „No 2,80 ;do. 50 . cur • ht-, 14 it NO•Zioi" . "*". $0 do N 0.4,100 do to. - do. TOhrsa - ' . -No. 5;70 do 'do sold - do , de No. 6.98 •do ~.35 - do 40' • 110 No. 7, Store, Warehouse and Lot. - N 0.9.145 more 575 improvcd,frantebloihttl N0..01124 -do 35 do 'told ' No.lo 2 .do - di.. • : No". 11 • sold • • N0..121011 acres 70 improrad, frame lassessi hs -No. 13 3-10 • doral, 0 , rdo do • :do No. 14 ad • do' 50 - do 'sold - • No. 15 168 -do 60 do do 'do - No. 10.120 ~.do 5o sold" No. 171100 11075 •do .dq .df ;No:18 112 do SO j do, do. 6 No. 19 200 do 150" ' do - .40 11 " • "No. 20145 do ICO a do . do - "411 •••No. 21 ISO , 403110 • .1 do dp do, I No, 2,10e3; do 45 " do do sold do • No: W, 45- •do 30 • do • do dr No 24 202 -do 223 . do . do 0 • i No. 25 123 -. do 100 - do • do sold So' No 28 108 do 140 do do df No - 27 do . sold • - • ' N 0.2 8, 1I sores, good sale mill sad deentt. " NO. 29134 arres,9o improv id, haat herwilaild • No. 30 175 do 100 do • do . , No.ol 315 do 95 ". :do ' No; 32 160 do 135 'do do 4 4 No. 33160' do CO - do do . No. 34 150 do 100 do do de o. 35 160 do -80 do ' do le, . N 0.36300 do "170 do do';- " • ' 3T 190 "do 100 - 'dot" : 6 No. SS a7O'do 100 do do.. 6 No. 29.11751 do •90 • do do,: 113 'No. 40 ,30 do 45 ' •do -do • • - No'. 47112 do . _l6O - do -do isold - N 0.42 92 do 50 . do' do . dr No. 43.4-.. • " ,• -1 N0:44 138 '.d0..05 " • 310. - 45850 I'oo -' "do do No 40120 aqua, SO #apro7ed, frame bout 0011 and grief. ' ' • - .", No. 4720. do 173 do •do ". NO. 48 103 , - do 80 'do do .• Ye No: 44 80 • do 60•"'• do : No. 50 89 -ZS, •do -40 i, Nil.: al 98 do 60- . do do: N 0.53 128 do 65 - - do . dal ' ra ,N0'..53 200, 'do 150 --do * do: •?, N 0.64140 do 100 , do,: do. • No; - 55' 60 do '4o' " do dot . 'No. 28 165 •Ms '125 • do do r . steadN. It. Pet dons desiring to ot p , .... ta i t 0 ,77 sad gtdag / he number rap y - _ z 0 bageOCE. liontrlise, Pa., Ciii.,1.0.-714U Going - at-it Iltlle _above 04 18 1 Tor. imbscriber has a small stock yet elk' Boys' cause and tine /loots sod Shed, aM assortment of Ladles, Misses, and alarm's 80_2 noes, relttch be Is now sellingat p a res tat. bore dog. Themartopportunfty tori. this Übe , 121.044. TOrnary 1832. - - SlO - ›fs TONS erSeres Othul noes, of OA b:fia° 4 ll - eaeuoixitan Shape, at a l ,otallsitnactsall 11.)., 1,14, to 2 ,If ctsporlb.ootordlsg °l4 1. • ALsa, 1 tons of Jotoa Jel which sue than the Bares. and era very sapped.* a.BitOli nk& ausl witri precr,inice tol curt — h.. Gibbon' July e,iss2,o6Ftto . 81721.911E0 EVErit TIitTE2DAT • .CliaseL. - - • EDITORS Arito raorfuslo . .:.,..ob o l Onotlollor and, tlftiotooPer **•°-. to igt or two dollars lt ptpold notil tto end d tlOoo of wobteription— tO l Pato T t k l / 4 ",...tt10.; until ollamorogelt aro load, ozooPi _lt .‘,- zo pi rttilstor.•4llvompoutt4lloo Pull:14 0 twit. ottoittloo, -Alll4otok coonooto... should Do o*i ed to 1,1:1100 )1. 11. CstA Botrotionno thittity, ra: • ~ • _ - - • Ono 01 - st li or(l r 2. ll 11uSotatiP tjlosin,7-breill.Tlllls64: • - =kir:M=l,llo,oN ~ • : Ono won twroo pitas, - , , • . i Ono square ott•ttootbs,":. • ''' . - , .., Thilloots ei -' riti toor natter It* '' hits , te" 114-1.4400R0tt, uor.overt,oo4o, ~ , Ono colUoia bokpor, '.* n it . . ):ttit'il 11 . Yootly ottratbatotott rn bot l., . . iessio itOch the; ote".o4lPd• • ,'-' . i.- • ::::•-. ' ---- --: '... , 'lion 0111C.' .0 t o '• trr4hOrObiltberab.l4 og o lastiata4l . . Prlntloo olototio% at' P" - • . ) 1 )4 1 think.h' nattiest VA delltriaatii 0 '' croon, atti 41101 . , Iltilttott to opot,, - I . .