The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 07, 1852, Image 3

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    - E, B. Masa, Est:
mental° notice last week -that,
C no s, Esq., editor of the - Montrose
Ddocerat, is nominated forßepresentative.-L
elected;e and believe he wilt he triumphantly
elee; and so he will be, if the Democracy
of old Sastitiehann.a do their dutY, and are not
by the lies and misrepresentations
led estrsy
of wrnpulous Whigs and treacherous Dena
,Li oo d. These uncouth and selfish
uor ats coo
etof)011 itions, held together the cohesive p ow .
for the spoils, aretalways desperate
extrees, and will not toil - to reiort to all,
r, every means, foul _as well as fair, to
their They are not.for
not y moral or political obli
c,P.tions. bat boldly beset the saint and the
L o o t r ighteous and the ungodly, the tee-,
te ,,,l er and the sot, the Democrat and
i rbig, with &visage and a tale, either meer
mp a z ing, vindictive and independent of
prty, ultra or temperance, a stickler for re;
or a “ bale-fellow well met," atal whose
D er ay is proten• at. the bat ; and in short,
t e r are all things to all men. In every place
and with e very - voter their promises are freely
„,„a e ,and they show themselves willing to lie
or p ra y their mix e d,ticket into the confidence
, a pport of the people. We can assure
Yr. Coe and his associates on the regular
Democr atic ticket, that 'bolters, disorganizers,
eve and their coatio, are the sane, in
evry county. We know n them well. They
have the same aspirations, use We same means
end ere the some class Of politicians; and will
do in old Susquehanna about the same disrep
utable 'and shameful things against the De
mocracy and the usages of the party, that
they are doing here and elsewhere. •
Peaocnits must beware of them, and be:
virk d their electioneering stories, for their
heali :re as deceptive us their stories are
fd se . Watch them well.=-il'ayne Co. Herald.
Hopkins, of Washirigion county, has been
nominated as the Democratic candidate 'for
Canal Commissioner, in place of Hon. %Va
lium Searight, deceased.
lion. G.:l. Grow of Susquehanna county,
las been remornidated for Congress from the
Susquehanna', Bradford and Tioga
Our neighbor of the Montrose Democrat, E.
B. Chase, Esq., has received the nomination
for Representative from his county in the State
laislature. We congratulate him oh 'his
rominanon and prospects. Old Susquehanna
inti,t be good for at least one thousand Demo
cratic !fl intily this time.—Bingharntoh Dem.
Soto itbefore the I'dople.
The the Whig party dish to elect to .the
PrkJ.en,T, a man who, according to the rect
or& oe'the Department at Washington, has
held is hip hoz& for several years, the sum of
4 ,, , ,, i & us ar t ,dtddiars which ho has not ac_
rematil tor, and another sum exceeding seven
g x ..( a d dollars which, according to ,the-opin
in of the Whig Attorney General, Mr. Crit
tenden, he holds withvut awhority of law.
at? it:Wore the people, that while the
Whip is gone sections profess a great regard
for tt protective Tarit and especially for the
Taafrof '42, they are supporting for the Vice
PreAdeary a man who voted against that Tar
Keep it Lane the people, that the Whig
party, professing to be in favor of . universal
serage, arn ; sappertiag a man fur the Vice
Presidency Who voted against the extension
of the right Of suffrage in .nis own State.
Keep it before the people, that the- Whig
yarn., who after denouncing the foreign Datch
tidbit's for years, now profess a • sudden love
fir the foreigner, are suporting man for the
1 1 ...ideeir, who in '44 claimed to be the foun
der of the Nativist party, and after having de
liberdied on the subject, for nine years, in
clined 1,1 repeal all naturalization laws and ex-
dude foreigners altogether from the right to •
—areApremeConmstctlng at Pittsbar.z.-on.
#...“...-a-v-Paicqr, in ma t. r pteat from the
coccnbo Pi n s of No rtb Uthlterland, which will
reverse the practice under the act of 1849,
cnvnualy known as the "'Three Hundred
Daliv Lon" Hitherto it has been Ndeemed
10E...teats,. it , ,Nicz to the Sheriff, prior to
sale of ptrt.m,ll property, that the benefit of
the three hundred dollar law %von Id:be. claimed,
*her the sale, if the -property wild bro7ught
470,1 hr defendant received $3OO. and the tlrred
iton,..sloo. According to this- decision, ;the
ue acs fussed, nut fur the benefit of the debt
the inthlor's family. The debtolr is
bound to give neti:e when a levy is made,
that le intends to claim the benefit of•the ea r
earption low. Appraisers must be appointed
sad tie is hound to select the articles of fun&
lure Sc_ which he wishes to retain. -If he the Sheriff to proceed to a wale, he
lonses'all share of the proceed; which enure
to the benefit of the creditors in the order of
their lines,
Wood! ITogd! Wood!!
Want e d at the house of S. inrme
diolp: Those of our subscribers %vho hdte
promised us,will °bilge to bring Raking now.
To the Independent Veteys of
Besq• Wyoming, and Sullivan
Counties. -
At the request of !art . 's number of my po
litic:ll friends I am induced to offer myself as
a andida e fOr the Legislature, and as such I
ass: respectfully solicit your vote"...
Tunlikmnock Sept. 29th 1852.
Too fSu the It/dependent Democracy
Sp et atur4 , Wycanittgand
ullivanS Comities. _ • •
ntemEN:—At the repeated and -earnest
soliattions of strong, political friends, Dun
qadace,lto offer myself a candidate for Repre
tx long life among, feu, I trust - may be Sta
,zat guaranty for faithful and honest
ci,r f ,, e of otLial duties should you elect me.
• With great respect. lem Gents
Your most ob't.
Ilash, N. J. SHERWOOD.,Sept.IS,nSz
List -11 Litters ' - •
ketaihiri in the Post-Ojis c a! Alfonfrase, Qc
- tuber
,Ist, 1852.
C. 3rizs S. X. Holden Alvah
key IL
acat . , Plarrison Josiah
2 Binds Ebenezer • -
kstll . lan e A. Zinyon ritTs- Imo
I '
64e014t.-r.I. Lewis Miss Jane
- " lli -ohn ' cKinney- John
Plllrova L.
.. 111eFall Nancy • •
4 ',,l. , :aaira - Nugent VVilliam A.
:411reaarits.41dria North •George
' ' ''' w ° /64 Nam Salomon •
I rata Elijah Pitts Pa.til - -
....- •
%vial. Paul John 71. `',
g, litariett a CStevens. Ratner ' -
lin loli a h iv. shi.rtuna &Pitts
41 Sherwood George _
16: 1, 1 ' 4 ,nny IL smith James - -
-,_l"aend Severson IL L_ . '
—4. i-t. Uathew • Stanton Jobs 4.
i-P,t.? William .'
Sherinan I‘vallall '
,'''•!o.., Patrick Stalle°4 1.." -Id
I ''l'fzali Jahn . whawo,4ll Missltach....
k, I,_
''''''lry ' Walsh Thoduus
. , .
P 4 lumes Weaver Levi
-(S I N
,Gf '' • • '
)ucca 2 Webster Amos, orlusir2
L William :-,
'Wade Thomas
,BENJ. cog, P. At, ' -
emocratio Meeting at IBusque-
We learn that the Whig meeting aPpointed
at Susquehanna on '..riday, pleat % lastoibieli
Was to have - been addiessed IbY lift.C.°l:lll3s,
wasan,eiltiro failure le t s , sh ak er nOtiheing
present. But some five or 00 peoPle,Went
over to. the' •R'iric gouse" an '`viereaildresscid
by P. - A. Ward and R. R„ line Esi s l,; and
others. The meeting was e n ivoilqii ktB-91/08
from the - celebrated 'Glee Clilli, mut Sltogeth
er was a most enthusiastic. dronitintion for
Pierce & King. ' . '. .
In Bridgewatet, nn the] 313 t bi
Pos_t, Ur, GEORGE W. PickEtio, of iToivan
da,,Bradford county, and 46.4 1 A:u1na paants,
of din fornier Once.
• .
At Chicago, Illinois, Senteniber 27, ; - by Rev:
Lewis Ritymonci,:.JutTs lr. S'ODO1111:4. rap,
to MSS COEDELIA A. iiEWE'r r all of Aurora,
Illinois. - • - 1- 1: •
In Gibson, on the 20t1i ult., by Ite'v." .S.
Aines; Mr. NATIiAN YOUNG ;pt . ClitTOrd, stud
Miss ALAITEA WALLACE of 13enton. - -I
'EMI -
In Franklin,September 25th, tiLmEnii r: A.,
son of Janaes R. and. Elizabeth Snoiri` aged 9
months and 8 days. ..: 1 1
This lovely bud, so frealland fair,
Called home bY earix doom,
Just came - to-show how swnet limier
In_paradise might b100m.4
. . . .
Many were"thu- ;
tears of sorrow,:. 1„
Many were his hours Of pain; .
Now he - hasleft. this worlil of sorrOr t
Why should we wish hini back again.
' 4
,7 .131 Ea :al 1.1 rt I'lla - 1 1 1
IN purSuance of an act of the Gane6l As.,
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, '
entitled An Act' elatlng tri, the Eleetione o f
the Commonwealth," approved the second day
of July, Ann° Dernini,one thousand eight hun.
dred and thirty-nine,l - :
I, G. - ;13: ELDRED, ' ' !
Mon Snr.airr of the county of Sesquehatina '
in said Commonwealth, , do hereby give notice
to the Electors of the county aforesaid, that a
i General EteCtion will be held in said'county
of Susquehanna, on the SECOND TUESDAY
OF OCTOBER next, (it being the P2thdaY of
I the said month) at Which :time Savers 'and
1 COUNTY OFF/CiES", assfollowa, are to be elect
, ed, to wit:.
One person to fill the °trick) of Canal Cern
' missioner of the Commonwealth of Penn4l
- ' 1 I .
One person to fill the office of Judge of the
Supreme Court of the Cornmenwealth.of Penn
sylvania; to supply the vacancy oce.isionedby
the death of Hon. Richard Coulter, deceased.'
One person to fill the office'. of 3tember§, of
the House - of Representatives in thel'Congress
of the United States; to represent ; the Otli
Congressional District of Pennsylwinia, cdm
posed of the Counties of Susquehanna, Brad
ford and Tiog,a. .. -t; - - l
Two persons to: fill the office-
o ' f Members
of the House of Representatives to '
the Counties of Sosquehanna,-Wyoming,apd
Sullivan in, the HOuse of Representatives ;of
Pennsylvania. : " .i.- " l
Ono person to fill , the office of District At.
torney of the County of Susquehanti. I
One person to fill the office cif ContitY Cor
r missioner of thefnunty-of. Susquehanna. i
One person tc4ll ,the office or Connty Ain
, ditor of the County of Sitsqueltanna.i I . I
I also hereby make known' and give ,notice
that the places of holding„the.Genetal : Dile
tion in the several Wards, Boroughs, nod
Townships within the•county of Susquehanna I
are as follows; to Wit: -.. , , , i " ' i -
The election for the District composed 'at)f
the township of Anolacon, will, be held at the'
house of Tosepti.Beebe ' in said:towns:hip.. I
The Election fortheDistriet . composed Of
the township of Ararat, will be held atthe
Scheel House, near the PresbYteriati!Chnrch,
in said towns hip. , ' i,
The Election for . the District; compose d bif
the township of Auburn, will be held at the
honse of George said-township. ','.
The .Election fat' the District composed of
the tiwnship of Bridg,eWater, Will be held at
the house of Wm. S. Hatch, ,;in the Borough
of 3lontrose. ; i . .. ;
The Election for the-District 'composed of
the township of BrOoklin, will be held at the
house_fortnerly occupied by O. A. Eldridge in.
said. township. ' I i l , : 1
The Election for the Distiict composed of
the township of Checonnt, will be held at the
School House,,near the fious'S of Rohert Gif
fin, in said township. ' - I. ! : I
The Election for District composed of
the township , of Clifford, will be -held ati th'o
house formerly occupied by Arthur Smith, in
the Borough of Duridaff. 'l l -
The Election for the District • composed of
the township of Dimock, will be helcratlthe
house of Tohn Baker, in said itotinsittp. , ' 1 _1
The Election far, the District composed of
the Borough of Dandall;wilillie held at'ithe
DUsdaff Hotel v in said Borough, :
The Election for the District eomPoied of
the township of Forest Lake,!Will
.bel,hekt .at
, the house lately occupied by PresetvedHinds,
in Said township. ; Ii .
The Election for the-District compOied of
the township, of Franklin, will 1)e held at She
school Louse - near'acob Alh4s in said town
ship::' --.-. - , di -,
The Election for the, District comphsed of
the Borotor,h.of Friendsville,`#ill be held in
the School H )Use, in.said Borough: f. :- 3 -.
- The Election forthe - Distriet eompesed of
the township Of. Great Bendi,,.'ivill be held at
the house- occupied;liy „tho. '•Pitman in - said
toinship.' .'., ;, ~ "I l':;._ ~=' ! '
The Election for the, Distriet composecUbf
the township of Gibiim, :will; he:Jig:l' at i the
hoase ofJoseph Westiburn;lo Said.-township.
The Election for the District eoinposed of
the township - Of HarroM; will; be held at the
house of Nathan W. ;yVaidron; in Said town
ship:._ - -:: •' :'I I ". -•'
The Election for the Distr ict composed Of
the .township of Harmony. will be, held at ; the
honselately oecupied-by F. A. WArd,' in said"
township. - - -- '' ' .' - . f !II --.....-' ' i ''''-- Li
The Etertion;for the District composeal 4>f
the township of Herrick, willlbe held it - the
honie . of,-the _ lute Warren - , Diuloell,. fn 0114-
township. -
.:1 !--..
The Election_for the' Distriot•componed of
the township of Jackson, "will' be keld at_ thep
house of-Nathaniel . dl. in said; - town Ship; I
The Election- for the Distriet comPtiscd, of
the tOwnahip' of Jessup,:will . beheld it--the
house 41:Daniel Bain said tonrnshiP..
The Election .for the Distrito comp osed hf
-the township. of Leno - will ~ .be: held' ate the
house of Grow fo Brothers; itiiMd ttnst-shiP.
The Electieu for thegpistrieficomPosed Of
the township of Liberty, will be field-ate`
Scheel House near- the residencef IS
Comstock, in, aid toWoehip.
.1 . t : . -
• The,Eleetiou for the- Distriet:Aomposedof
the township of - , Lathrop,'witt be held at-the
house i)f Ensile
. I.Ord in said...township. j'• j
--." , The-Eliction . for the; &Strict-, compoied tif
the township of Dliddleteliine'will . be. held at
house of Joseph R B3, i n ea1 44r 0 4 21 .0;:;31
- 116 Election for the 'Distriet!compoied of
the Borough:of Montrose. will hild:,o - trie
tiogil' of Leonard Bedt,le ili odid 1/orotigbi j.
The - Election for, the; Districtcomp .sed of
thelownshipof Nonollilfordwill
beheld at
the house lately.occupied by Joseph , . Pine,
in said township.; '" - - : '' i
The Election for thei,Distriet dompbsed of
the t"ElshiP ,of - /OA; .will be hel at the
house formerly VoatiPied by ;Nathan ." Sher.
Wood, in said tiniliship. : ' " i-- '
The Election for the DistnercOm osed of
the township
_off,iSpriogville,`:will bed held at
the house of Speneer Hiekox, in said Wm:Alp.
The Election -for: the District coin ' osed of
the township:of Silver Lako;Avill be,cld nt
thybonse now 'occupied by Robext 3lc erigle,
in said township,? ~- - -, -- i
- ,The -Election:for the District eetnpl
the township of Thomson, will be, itellJ
honse.of Jimasillanditur, in said =town;
I also make Minya and give notice zit
by the 13th section of the aforesaid net
that everysperson except ju
the Peace, who shall hold. any office !'
point:tient of profit or trust under thej
Statei, or of this State, or of any eit, i
corporated district; Whether a commis%
cer or otherwise, I'Bo'i:ordinate officer cit
whii is, or shall: he; employed under tlit
lative, Judieiary , or executive departir
this. State or [Yelled States, or any oith
Corporated district; and also, that evert
her of Congress, and of the State Legii
and of the select or common council
city, or commissioners of any incorl
district, is by law:incapable of holding'
erasing at the same time,the office or a
meet of Judge, Inspector or Clerk of nt
tion of this Cominonwealth, aria that
specter, or. Judge 'or other officer of an
election,-shall be eligible to any office 1
-be Voted for." , - -
And by the same act of Assembly it
made "the-duty of every Mayor, Sheri
uty Sheriff; Alderman, Justice of the
Constable or Deptity Constable, of e'vel
county, township 'or district' within Oh!
mon*ealth,, whenever called upon, try
cer ofan eleetion,!or by three quali ff ed
ors thereof, to cleir any window or ave
any Window of the place of. General IE
which shall be obstructed in - sueh a Wa
prevent voters. Vona approaching the
and it shall be the duty of the respecti%
stable of such ward, districtor townthii
in this Commonwealth, to - be present
son or, by deputy, at the place of holdin
Elections, in, such -ward, district or VA
for the purpose of preserving the p
aforesaid:" ' ;
Also that in the 4th section of the
Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to
tions and, for, other purposes" approve
16th, 1840,it is enacted that the aforesal
section, "shall not be construed as to 1
any militia : officer , or' borough officer
serving as Judge, Inspector or.. Clerk
general or special: Election in this Cot
I, - Pursuant to the provisions containedi in the
76th section! of the iaet:aforesaid, the Judges
of 'the afereSaid district shall respectively take
Charge :)f thelcertificate or. return of the 'dee,
tion of: their, respective districts,.a,nd produce
thed'at meeting of one-Judge from each
district at the-Court Heise, in thellorobgli of
Montrose, on the third day after the day of
election, beiri,g thepreSent year on Friday the
15th day. of pctober next, then arid. there to,
do and perform the duties required by law of
said Judges. Also" that where a Judge by
sickness or Unavoidable accident is linable to
attend said 'meeting of Judges, then thee-calif
icate or return aforesaid shall lie taken charge
of of the Inspectors or ,Clerke Of the
election ors.aid district, who shall do and per - -
form the duties 'required of said Judge Unable
to attend,' I:
Also; that in - the 'Slat section of said'ct, it
I is Cl:acted that 4 when two or more cohnties
shall compose a district - for
,the Choice . ef.a
I member or members Nof the Senate of
1 Commonwealth or of the HouSe of Represen
tativw of.theiljnited States or of this 'Com
motiwealth, the Judges of the election in each
.havieg met - es aforesaid, 'the ;Clerks
shall make out a fair statement of all theyotes
which shall have .been given at . such el;:tion,
within the, county, for every, person vot d for,
as such a ember Or members which shall-be
I signed' by said - Judges and attested hy the
,Clerks;. and one of; the suid Judges shall take
charge of such certificate and shall pi' di:lee
. the same at a meeting, of one judge' froth each
eithnty at such plade in such distnet r as is or
may 'be appointed I by . law_ for the purpose,
.which-meeting shall be held on - the .10.1 day!
after the election. I •
The Return Judges of the Representative
Distrieteemposelof the counties - of Ssqife
banner Wyoming and Sullivan , will meet at
the Court House in:thelßerougli of Aforkrose,
in the-county ,of Susquehanna, on TViSDA.T
the 'NotTEEvrifila of October next, 4 per
form thoie duties enjoined_ by , law npen the •
said Judges."_ I • :
• The Return' 'Judges of the Congr, es
District Composed of the counties of S.
banns, "Bradford andlioga, will meet'
Borough of Towanda, Bradford county,-
DAY the NotrErsrit day. of October n
perform those, duties enjoined by law
the said Judges. ' •
Also, that in the 610 section of said I
is enacted that "every general 'and s
election shall be opened between SIGH
TEN in the forenoon, and Sitsi.r. co.
Without- interruption or 'adjournment
SEVEN O'clock in lito evening„when
shall be closed."
Given tinder my Hand, at my ofqce,
Borough of Montrose, this sixth day of
Wolfer Anno Doinini 1852 and in the y
the commonwealth the, seventy-sixth.
. •
• • Positively
• 1 5V2110%-
pprioni indebted lothe subscriber
.M.ittccruing is ibe"..idEce of the Itecorder;l
ice end faerk of Oriatatur/Coert; ate herelf
:fornted that billeare thebude Of - J.
'.d,oo,iEsq;; preseat Zter;for-coll
:teacl - 11 not paid at or before the" Novemberil
ef,.Cattrtoleit'easulagitbey.will be placed
11.;tiatlii'of*JatitiCei of the Peace to be seed
Jook'put._. /MOW
Montrose, Oct. 6, 1852. -L Z.
-,uissoveir - to - N.l
rrHg copartnership beret° fore existing bett
the subscribers, under the fain of
d Lillie, is this day dissolved by, mutual
45: . 1 . - •
. .
,To; those indebted to:tliefirin either by Note or
Account, we .would hereby give particular notice,
that ite!orie of :the undersigned' is about to engage
hi, other bushiest+, it - becomes - necessary to have
the bull:testi of She settled immediately. 11„
.. -• I !-- • --- - - "s' - ILIAltriZ3l , 4 LI E. ;
. t4reltufeed,Oetober 4,1q52, -•- i :'.
. :The f ngi:luess will hereafter be conducted , the
subscriber. who, will be highly grati fi ed - to have
his frienthi arid'eustomersMill on hitt', at any time
And if they are wanting any goods,they will Filid
it to their interest to purchase of him, as his Pres.
.silt etitdk, for. ready., pay, Will ~be sold without! re.
PO to'Profi; , -,New.. goods , may ks expected dim:
I'. - - :: , —' L. 11.14/10. -
' ;New tlford - 0et..4 - ft32. - ' • -• • • Ao 3
.., ~ .
1,,.. , 1 Auditorii - Notice.:
itt; ipbscritier having Seen appointed an id
.I. del; to`ids distribute' the Sandsm arising fro e
sala r y,' the Rani Estate or William D. Penni u,
l ii
would hereby give notice to ail „persons interst.
ed in the distribution of said fonds, that be' will
attend to Abe, duties-Of his appointment at his; of.
fee in ,Illobtroil IMTbureday the Alin day of pc
totter *IA at ten o'cloOk in the footmen, at Avl ich
time all persons , in Interest are desired to elite. d.
MBERLIN, Audit° .
NEIK:.G-00,Ps-:-.ii - -- - ,.,::„ - .:_ - :
~- . ...::_:!144...14thr0ji,151i.Ec0%.,..,- -::
liforrci§E, §pr*: 2§,4,15 - z. ;-:'.. ' :' J'!:ii.,
oourt - of '..Sus
-2., • "anna aiurity.
OTWE is hercitiy given to the heirs of said
Eseck Thayreolee'd., and to all other per.
rows haoingq - Ity interest in said T stetpthat a ride
has been granted by saitf,Courefoishowing cause
before said court on.the third Monday of Nevem.
bef next; 41t I 0 o'clock-A. Mi; at the Court House
in Montrose, why the rear estate of ;ho decedent
should apt be sold under proceedings iu partition;
had in said court, .es : will appear by_the,recerds
thereof, at 'which time and Waco 'any person or
persons having anycatisa - to show .why saii sale
shalt iot bi 'decreed will.then atterid, - 1.
By the • •
• .T. T, LANCIiON, C l'k of Orphen's Court.
Eept..47, 1852. ' - 39%1'4
°sea of
at the
lili subsCrlbeis respectfully infirm the pithlle, tbot
.1 • they have recelied Irsge addition to their former
stock ofstoves, emmistlnu of th rartety;of most 'al.
pror,e4 kluds, among. ulach ore. t • '
Forest Queen,' New Trorld.
Star Of the . TVeet, . - Fartaers-•piea - Coal
, Western: Qacea, Store, . •
Ph.conix, , - -Parlor eook Store;
Parokon,.. .• • Premiums °J . :various
'Cultivator and Atlas, Styles..,
Alsou good assortment of - •
Pailor and Hall Stores
for. wood or coal. Box stores of.vitrions sites and Pat
terns. All, Cr - which they are prepaled tO tell as cheap as,
can lie bought in this market _ '
'Montrose, Sept- 30, 1552
,y city,
,‘ S. B. Chase,
COMITSSIOiiEIe OF DE EDS;for the States Or lOWA
and WISCONSIN. (Mee, Avenue,"over 51.
O. Tyler's et re, Montrose, Pa: - •
.ue to
AME into the enclosure Grillo subscriber du
/ ring, the: night 'Of . the 16th inst., art
brown, dry Cow, one eye -blind. The - owner is
requested to prove property, pay charges, told take
her away: S. T. SCOT P.
Bridgewater, Sept. 22,1852. 38w3
e Con.
a per
ace as
• .
• • - 1i ESTRAY. •
AME. into the enclosure of the subscriber, on
lJ or' about" . the 4 20th ult., s I , trd COW, -
:with white face, and horns turning, towards the
'eyes. The owner can have said Cow by proving
!property and paying charges.
lanosboro, Sept. - 18, 1852. . ..438w3
Id 136
It any
For 25 cents•
*US, or every one his own Physician I Thir
eneravingsi showing prtvate disease in every
shape and feria, and nuanmations of the
generative system,
libutu4*.i . 7Tt. D.
Tbe time hag now arrived that persons_ suffering from
secret diseases need nu more become-the -victims of
ottnacry,ns by the pre nations contained In 'hie book;
any one way cure hint nelf,without hindrance of bus'.
bees, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, and
with'one tenth the usual' expense. •In addition-to the
general rautine of private - disease, it fully explains the
cauze•of manhood's early decline, 'with observations on
marriage—liesides than} , other deratigem.nts which it
would not to troper to ennmetnte in the public prints
m•••!•-tny. person senditutTlUNTV-VIVE CTS. *nein
sed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by
mail, or fire' copies alit be scut fer•one dollar. ' A &tress
DR. V. 7 Miai N0:152, Fpil4ce street, Put LADE LVIIIA,
pool - paid. •
i4F - Glll. VOTING ran be consulted en any of the dle-
CAEICA deecribel in his different publications, at Die office,
'152 Spruce Street, every Ilay betreett 9 and .S o'cmelt;
(Sundays execpted) '„, , I . -
!'LAME intelhe 2.s etic tl lo:nreofth e suhseriber - on
or about the 10th day. Of August:last two
yearling heiteis. one . Wok, the other red. The
owner is t..quested to prove property pay charges ,
ane take them away.
Harfor4 4 - Sept. 10t1h 1.852-437w3.
milt% Insiithrion is siinited in the Most healthful
and picturesque part'of ausqueltanna county, in
the Choconut Isli.y. •A stage leaslrig Montrose Depot
on the Lackawanna Railroad and : connecting with thi:
;New York and Erie Railroad at Great Rend, at a die.
taxied of aix Miles therefrom; piises . toe Institution daily.
The distance lietwecin the Depot and the Institution is
sixteen wilds, one half of which la by Plank lthati; - if is
also equally distant
-from Binghamton on the New York
and-Erie Railroad, and connected trith it for half the dis
tance by a.Phuilireld: = . ••
The regootr coarse of instrdetilin comprises the En-
Yreneh, Latta and Greek Languages. including
Gistory, Geography, Mathetimnes, Lode, Rhetoric, Na
tural and Moral Philosophy mid Chemistry. Care will
be taken to adopt the course - of instruction to the-future
pursuit or profession of the student.
The collegiate year begins on the first Monday of Sep.- '
teacher and ends on the lathof July. •
'J'ERIIB.. •
The annual pension for Board nod Tuition, payable half
yearly in advance, la • $/00
he modern Laugueges, Cern:Ml:l, Spanish and Itru
lan,.wilt form en extra charge each per annum, $l5
toots, Stationery, and Medical attendance, will
fonn extratharges. - • • :
IVastrhm and mending Will form an extra charge,
$ 5
It is optional with theitrideat to ftirnish himself
with bed and bedding. If furnished, by the insti
tution it will form an extra chanp, per annum , AS .
.Dayreholara for six months," $l5
(literal-annual liulle,thos will be to partnta or guar
luaus Informing them of the health, progress and deport
. eat of their children or wards. • • •
Those Who may arisire_to have tlioir bed 'and bedding
furnished: by the Institution, are wequested to setid'pre
,elous notice of the fact to either of. the Wrolersimrid
Those who comini liy,the:way of Itinzbamtan
are requested tO give previous notice of their purpose,
fiat the,* may be conveyed to the Celle,,• , e without delay.
• M"."All commutticatiotos, Ake., for the College. Phouid
be- addressed, Josephfa Post Orme, Susquehanna
county, Pa: , •
REY; 3Olil O'RIitLLEY, President. •
Itelfeleus‘ce”..-•—Coleb Carmalt, Esq., Chooomit;
llon. O. A. Grow, Glenwood; lion. D. 'CA..; I
Ward, Tort:Lida. . - 3703.
n the
t, it
i polls
Adtninistratofs - Saleg:
MOTICE is herohy giSeu that in pursuance O
an.ordetof the Orphan's Court of Sus*.
Indite aunty,- die - following described property
Isle the estate of Richard , Authony,deceased, will
'be sold- iit auction upon the; promises' iu Clifford
township OD
Ir fees
• • the
- So
at 1 O'clock•r. Iv., bounded as follona, to wit: De
glutting, at a beech sapling a corner of land claim.
ed by David Rees .ruta David Anthony ; thence
north fcirty-fria degrees west one hundred and for
ty-one-perches to a stake :and stones; thence
south forty'.five degrees - west 'fifty perches to a
stake and stones; thence south forty,five degrees
east one hundred and iighty'-three perches to a
beech :watt; thence`north • forty-five_ degrees
east fu ty two perches in the Filiter, of John Chau
dler's"Anili-pond ; thence north five degriesinist
eight perches :to,thtt place of beginning, contain
ing fifty-five acres and fourteen perches.
' Terins'of paynient made 'shown on the day of
sale. .wria,rAM.S JREESE,•Adoer.
Chifford, Septembers 1852.'' •-- :36w4
eW 'Goods.,
IVIIISY Fail qoods just received •ood will be
111 soid cheap=for s: Cl/14 at the.stere or
ALT .for , sale to. :
;September 14,
, .
500:.Agents' Wanted7..;--$l.OOO -
• ,
IXTANTEDIN 'UMW . 00Clirg ff • l'ar; UNITED
1 .. 11 11 81'n.C.3,Ictite and - enterprising uten, to. engage
Intim salo of some of the bestlltiolot pall/6W In the
country. To tutu of good address; possessing normal
capftsl of - from- $24 to $lOO, inch Inducements will he
offered as toe noble them , to mike ftom $0 to $lO a day.
• • mr-The . books pubildied by - no Ore useful In their
'character;extremely popular, otol connonndlargo sale*
wherever they eta offera •• • • •
For figtheritarticuiszp,tiddress,ipastageos/d,
..DANIffI.9 GENI7/, - 1
S lir
necessort to. ..0 &
. Uteri Co. •
lip;l4 ge cud Cltreet, itqadetpbl4.l_
- rift- 1 sales. - : •- •
1:1111" yirtiieof write of yenil• Ex. bilged out of
..lUl'.the Court of Collagen ricotta Suigintutnna '
cminty; arid to me directed, 1 will nip**, tir publ ic
saliitit the Cenrilloiiirelit IllontroinliOnSaldrdllY
the 2d day.of. OctiMor,itit one at, all
the; certain piece. or parcel liitid - ditudie; tying
and being in - the teiruilim of Llerinony; 'County of
suegiebunnaiitud hounded and - drecrlbeil 'aa lol
lows;.to wit: " Ou the .npith by
,the" school-hotted
the-east by Mei public highwujr, on the
south- foitneriy owlet) - Ly and on
- the . west by the ineetbig-tiousa: lot, containing
-about 24'petehes, the etimiii4tiorti ;or ie9 . 3, with
the tippultenanes,''eue - lfrainciilioulie, one bai],
and all improved, tote the estate of R. G. ffeflield.
Token' in virtication - iit - the suit of lieub Tay
lor against It. Citlietfielit.'.
All that certain' piece iirparcel of. land - Situate,
lying and being in the':tdwriship of Liberty, coun•
ty - of - Susquehanna acid-state of - Penncylvanin s
bounded and described as felietety to AVia on the
north, by land , of B. a. Tem.y:e.f. 7'.
Adastii.'south I:3(Petty p.tiutt.; E. B. Teeny and
Richard Bailey, and 'Wean - by land of Alatisow
Chulher; containing' 'forty...eight, , : tagella.:
with the appatrteninees ;hereunto betouzing, one
Tannory, seven dwelliti houses,- one store - house,
can barn nud one witginilloutte, late ttivistate of
WilliinnEaan A pbell.
'Paine' in execution at the suit of Janice L. B.
WartretiS agaitiisi ;Valliant Complroll.
sv,rurs onke 3i Sep, G." 111 ' " Eni"erizr.
. • • Stet* •
lAT ANTED fur Jantler - ou uccgunts.or for cash
VV by • - • • .
Montrove, Aug. r .
S. 33: gi st; VirestDru '•
- ..
Susyuclumnt Depot, Pa.
rtEALER iu Dal4ls, Medicines;: Faints, ate, I
.I—lchoicest Wines and Liquors, Dye-Stuffs,
Patent Medicinei, all kinds. Curator,
Brushes, Herbs, Forfuraery, 'roast Articles. Got.o
and ..JEws.LaV—CUtlerY—Yioline, Flutes,
Fifes, Accordeons ' . Books. Stationery;
Children's Toys, ConfectiOLory; Fancy "Goods of
Croat vuriety, Looking.Glusses. ILTSP.D.A IVA,
I"urriphene, tlleuhcl, Buriting
Tobacco, zlniul, and Cigars, &c. 4.e &cc s . o:tl at
the lowest prices.
. July 26, 184,
• .
Now Milfor - Gtocary and-For
: vardinij Store. •
The subsciiber having opened .a Grocery.ittid
Forts-at:ding Store in . geiv Milford, is now prepar
ed ta reeeive . Furthers' Produce-pilaf lauds, also
Live uud for : Ward the same toßeti York
an the beet terms, aid will guaiantee that
. all
thipinentti mada hitui will boon the Most _ad
vantageons tetras for the owners, nud 'curreLt
funds returned I and paid at' his stare-houSe hl a
reasimabre time, nail libjrul advancements will be
made in . cash ou cmsigtitnents,
Farmers will reudily see the adeantage of this
locatiOn over all others,!.for the forwarding heel
aud shall - endeavor to make it for their in
terest tho - New Milterd Granary and
Forwarding Stare.
A-general assortment of 'Groceries end Asbtou
Salt, Stc;,cou - suintly on hand. . •
Now Aug. 19;1852.. ' 3.1*
• Adminisaa, _s iv i otce.
moTIOE is hereby giren that the undersigned
,Lll -has ImAn apiminted Administrators of the
'Estate of CHAR.l.Egif,mranus, deed.. late of Gib=
All'persons indebted to :the said estate are
regriested to settle the same immediately, and all
persons havin'denuands against said estate will
please present , them, duly attested, for !gide meta.
. •. .
.Th ! 'cci-partpe ! ship heretidive existing tinder
the firm of Deans, Park Co.& is hereby dissolved.
The subscribers will cootie - de to carry ou the He.
king and Cossily hoSieess under the name end firm
of Dtitris; Perk &Kirk. . U.A. DEANS.
ff. W. PARK. .
Montrose, Ang. 17, 185:24 J.L. KIRK.
' The Notes and Accounts of the lute Sun of D.
Sumtv & Co. in the Wool- Carding and (Ptah
DressMg business t l ntist lie paid 'immediately and
without further uutice.
The sobstribers 'give this notice, that all who
have :utirettled acOntits with them may save
themselves Costs, - ' SIBLEY:
Huiford. Aug. 18. 1852. 4,33-m3
New • ord. Stovo Depot.. •
HAS just received, a n e w and large assortment
of Ceokiag, ,Parlor and shop
,Staves, fur
wood or cOal,'which i , iu maw ection with.his-previ.
oils • stock, will lEll4; . 0 assortm e nt unusually
complete, in- theJnost popular and improved lands
of Air-tight, Elevated Opek, piemiarn cart I!ate
staves, Stoic 0 Pipe heat iron, Zinc, Stove'! ulks
&c., which ho will ! at 'the lowest priceofor
cash or approv«d credit. - •
,August, lE5'l • -
8100 ' I T 0 s2i3:o - P.EIB.
übove... fan ousity be made by 'any
1 • iiidustrioug 11ek, of et - vpectaVe address who
possesses good busiutra qualities, nod, who can
conuniini u rituall etipituiXto begin with,)'of train
2'5 to 41 dollers.—N6 officio uevd uPply;—by eu•
gaging with ihe suhiscriheire jn the • •
_ _
Whose. Pahl ifiniiutis - tire ceiy, Stslea.ble, svhich
the reort.E WILL BIAr
r.rrtuidi caw be.!;orwarded'at our risk. iitnail
ed ui presence,of the Post l . Vlsster=aud ;nu
and date of. the saute retained. • • -
Erblo books kept pr geld by us of, an intmerul
tr.r..A, 'Wholesale _price :List„:.with full-Direc
tions, for operations will ba forwarded -ea ea Oppli•
cation,:yeat Paid; to'
' DEiRBY &Co.
• , - . ,Boox Puniastittas:
Baffaio;-N.‘"..• (nit Noir York,) {3(1 . .et5. •
The'subseriber has just
lreedived largo stink
& excellent assortment
tof .Non!ft and Bos'
- - 11
of lateat styles end stilted to the season;
ALtel , —Fothicineble, i !lLl I We, (13etthe'e
et,yle ? ) Koeseth ihte. , Le Ow* Straw* amtralm
leaf Bate,'Caps; Shiite, tit oclthige Gloves,'
"peed t ;te; CiaVate, Boole, Shoerb ' Hooke, WraP ,
ping oil& Writing Pope', Trutrellieg !Inas, IVull
Yuper",e(a geed etoeh:)ieurt i .ain'Pepe'r;,ned Fducti
articles too . ounie'roue;
'which trill sell as low as the like can be bought .
"flinghtentou" or sit other town.; ,
• • ' IL
• MouttOte,April • -..;
ft: /
et 1 , . _,
a te ,, —, l
1 just new enpigy or thnt Ten
Secui4ol7-,Fbir - gO, - .a fog tate.ut 4
anctary, , „ - • RUNTY Y , tii„ READ;
0 9".:
:And • wAßr_c RE::::13l.r.1 Elazzettto
- Com' imid 'Mirk aayf
- iemorti .all
&i'uderir`L'oiiie; ; %Viiite'oi"llfniPe,in_thrnu or four
411 )* 1— liriil'. 50 coite.l . ', A IsoiPicflitkizOtta
Ado tit will cilik':fioi4aclau iu Ake Oiri.
f. 35.
July '26;1-
.11-libeariher has thief day lentivii'liiiititheriliOt
of Euglieh Patent Lever Watchii; 4. -11,tititiug
cases; for ealii ALvari) 3 - .•;
:Binghamto . nrjOly 26 ; - Poltava' hail: . _
II 1 , 2
Pau' Paguioll,
QILIC style) just received.
1,7 GEO. FyLLEII:'
Mentfoire, qoptctubcf -
• -
Greit Reid lit
TIIE sabecfibei . respectfult y informs - the pub- .
'lio Ilia he has tom:lliad* largo - ; addition to
his fOrhict• stockot - Stot , cs. consisting °ln vatioty , ,
of rho meet` approved_ Itindi. , nnione which aro.
' - CLINTON'AIit TIGHT; f'''
ail eleinted Ovens.," squarciitii tight Stovis
• . ; ORANGE
variety'of treiinindie. ruins Or new style, the .
A good and various:assortment of Parlor and
Mall Btovcs for Wood andCoul. Box Stoves of
various, sizes and patterns he- is Continually re
ceivint?„`and intkuls to keep as g, r o at a variety .of
the most popularstoyes as uny.dealsT in the coun
try. _Persons swisiiing_ to , purchase stoves twill
fhaLitAethch-interest to Callan bjm-- They
lid his
Stove Furniture. •
made of theetrengeat and: !vet mitertale r ind as
eheap,aa can, tie. bought in thioor.Brooing county
mid much bettet' than offered hy'pedlare.
Er Stove Plie:& Tin Wtiii kept for sale and
made to order. Farmers will ;be siipplied . :with
Pans, made of strong materials, at Wholesale , pri
ere' ordeie for i'verk in his Jinn will be, thank
fully received and punctually, attended to. -•1'
Great Bend, Juty 1, 1852. . • .
Thu wa3, Ladfee and Cputlvnaesi:
mgr. subscriber would invite Iris friebds to call
at his new store. in Great BiMa,directiy
posit°, ‘ , Lusk Hause,'!afict examine his stock
of :goods, feeling_uksured that they will not go
away dissatisfied. .
would first call thi.atteution of the Ladle's
to his great variety of - - - -
. '
0161 . th s Z' i s :affpg
consisting of enthroiclered and 'printed Lawns; De
lames of alinebt every variety and style that aft ,
the New York market affords ; black and colored
Silks; Prints,- cingliams; &c: A yplesndia
lot of Shawls, Houtlkeratiefsi Table Covers; Ho
siery'and Gloves, Straw and Ilillinery Coods.-
• Also, Broadcloths, CassimeMs, Sattinetts, Vest
lugs, and every Material for hoys.ancl metescl9.
thing:. I
Eats Capt BOOtS;and.ShOes.
Trunks, Valicett, Crirpet gap, CarpetintriSkeet
ingi, h6use keeping'artieles of- ail Groce
iies, Yankee Notions; 4. - c. end -in short ev
.erythinz a person needs for comfOrt and luxury.
3:7*Pleete call and eXamipp,: ' t •
' Great }lend, July 15, 1852.' . • . 28mC
first Class lintel-. terms sioui pci.
THE subscriber, having:lately become proprietor
of the FRANELLIN Hock, Chestnut Street,-bet
mein 3 and 4th •Plitfadelphia, and Iml:lm:reduced
the price of Board toyl,sp per day; gives notice
that, notwithstanding' this reduction he will' still
continuo to keep a Flan GLAss Boom'
The Franklin /louse bus jtud.undergene extend
ed nitrrations, and
,isnow fitted
_pp and taunt
ishetf in superior style, for thii reception of visitors:
The-Lower Floor, formerly occupied by Storm is
I.lotir,iucludad in the Hotel, forming a spacious Re
ception. Room, Gentlemen's Parlor and 'Dining
Robm, thereby nitwit', an addition, of, thirty
chambers and severs l'bolutiful parlors, 'fronting
on Chestnut M.': The 'Rooms of this Hotel las
superior to most others, being constructed with al.:
coves, forming poster und bed-chamber atcached
wl,l-lighted and ventilated.. The location is tin'
surpassed,'cither for business or pleasure.„:._
.BEN. H. WOOMAN, Prop'r,
• -
THIS Wain.% is loca ted' in a beautiful. and
1 roniautic grove at the - base Of , Mount -Pros
pect, and Within the coiporution ; _of the :vilage;
possesSed- of au abundant supply of purest aoft
tcafer,!advantas for exercise in the pure 'air. a
carriage and feet'-walk •up the=uountain; over.
looking , : it-scenery unsurpassed, in. beauty and
grandeur. and "free front the noise and turmoil of
busy life," with ex.e.ellent sailing and rowing privi.
leges oh the pleasant waters of the ChenMige. 7 .
These • re a- few of the presentation the ”Cnre"
oilers t. the invalid. •. -
lipase iSnaw and commodious—hathiliz
u=4 ,excellent --well ventilated, wit '230
The (medical department is under the entire
carp of D. Thayre antrwife; who have had la
oxperie l me in Hydropathic practice, and itro fa
vorably known:as successful practitioners. !
Courke of Lectures, with fultplates
tratious, will be given throughout. the Beason to
the Stu Vents and - fatiente; upon Anatomy, physi-
Oi g y, Hydrimathy. end Hygiene, for Which;there
will behaidditional.charge..
ger - Miles who have. been confined to their beds
are - invited tor correspond with vs or'
give use cull. Oar success in theitreattnkit: of
clise!tseti, peCuliar to feniales, has - ,given usietaifi•
- dence, dnd weeny' to alleuch, eyed if they have
"suffered much from' many make
Ten/r...fs oni 434 . to sB_ per Week. - ,(payafile
weekty. nceordie; to room and attontiou requi
re:a. P timing will providn fin personal use 2 corn-
Portable . 2 blankets, 3 linen or team! shseit atid l
6 towel .• • --O V. THAN - RE; ltr.n.r • ' •
. - -Thloiclent Physician.'
D. W. & TI. M. IZANNEY, fkoprictort
Dissolution. -
GE is, hereby giver!) that - the firrn olPitts
'tuner le this day, disotved by mutest
,Thoee indebted to the firm, are reipee
itie 'without
• • PITTS.
Apri; 1851' WARNER. •
. • . WANTED ' . -
• -
XrDT 1
1.11 & V
tut to aL
erg, mtg.,
p0,p0„..d. Woof,. uud 3,000 dollars
Cktill—ateo, .giailt,,butter, fent
• and lieestrai ou accountn trade.
, Ee,June-16. iH GTYLlillt
11131, . supply. of Oust,
.cheap eufk. F . au9y
1 - 1..8 intik, find Ficuch ,i.;;assamer-Lyqo'
nud Richl Ribbinii*-and Flotvern,'grenly reiloced
oPrii;t; pricesiby .; fl.Lit.ll:llLTl'
...„ _
.'• -'' '1: - - NEWGOOS,:
LT- : . 1,- 0' kIBB . is nits ti Seiv i ilk' hIS siSiqui a tid
-EL •su imor stock - or Goa?), which-. be oirsrs
sheop_ foi cush:t---- ------' ': - :- -, :• • '-'.' .• : --- - '
filautiv ei Alinl - 13,11352.: ; ,-:, , 'i
,:, ••• ',. '!'
.1 .
- c F
rrlIE cirortnerib*bretoforer, existing. nnif er
- .1. ilte.h rne Clud fitin-of.A. Luthrory& Co:, is
dissolved... 2,, The books undaccouuts of the late
, firm' will b i Ilettled by A.listltiop- The business
will be he inftei'pondueteil by 1):',11. Lathrop 4i
Jansis Ril "y,.ciii the jitiy'dawn and shortoredit ,
system, Under the flint of .D. II Lathrop 4,04. '.
ATTO.prir , cr o '.
IfoutpeqMarchl,,lBs2.: : A..
-, .- '_...- . -et
. aold Hunting Watches.
Tix'rit.' One, arjny
own .rapoitation, (brittle
by:: FRED J. r ANS-;
BR B AFTPIItIS ,, -Tlfraa doslfines Breastpins,
i Woe entirely 0. ptt e reo'd Mb day by
WAN ED,10,00 0 -do Urooip Backe lu:ex,
chars • a for Goodo by DEWILY 15. READ.
• .11/Quttored, July t:10852, 3w. . •
Greit Bend
6TES biZCZElstirtbo+' loisitl 4011flghinti
• 1 *ri r •
SVlfet hash
Beauty's lovely formula - grace,
OF . the plainest, houidliest fueeT „,
Dagnerrecitypet: - .
What can Mfaut exiles en a middle atogay..:. A .-,
ut IGO hoary heirs ti( ike
' • •
- ,Bagnorreetypits
• -- What attracts. the Itiveni eye,
Calliurfortti tell.taps sigh,. -.- •
- ... Though the loved otm,lie not Mgt? I •
•- • -Da riieq"tYl'e l -'i
What gives , comfort to .the heart
When our: de'arest friends dipart '
'Ti. thistvonder-tvorititur art— •
, 1 Daguerreotype!
,This a hallowed feeling lends, ' •
And for aboebee inek'es amends, •
we hold sonic cherished friend's
Daguerreotype, ".
Then why n4d you longer stay 7- • -
• Come: iherejs danger - in delay; -- • ,
Itave your pictures drawn tos_day,
'And you'll be prepared to"tsay
That there is , truth, if net poctry, in thri atursii
lines; andthat at the' - - • - "
• • 1)k.
is the'place to get u.fulthfal anti pleasing portrait
Toe orticttakos. this opportunity to tender hitt
grateful acknowledgments to the patrons or him
' Art—‘trusting: thin his eeorts to please, hi tho pst t;
will "ensure hissoccessin the future.: - ..-
TO his former facilities he-has now added an; im
proved half-size Camera, by the aid of which ha
is preParell to to take groups; ot single picture", in
superior: manner. : ,
A. new' and beautiful variety of plain.and - famcy
cuses.4urtle shell ; Pi;pier . Aliche; atid.other
splendid Ityles; of *aeons sizes and patterns;' gold
and plated Lockets, &e....i •-
Yoti who cOmn and
and let' me takarit
You who'll a ve pone ! pray come and let me make it.
(0' . 041d 1101, 'comer of TtutaPike and
Chestnut streets." - ' ! • '
.Novn.—A good.Quarter,Camerat for sale at A.
very low price.
113' The artist, when not in his roortisi tarty be
found' by inquiring at' the - Cattily Shop. - - -
rpti E enbscribdns would idiorni' thecitizeus of
susquelutuno county that ;boy bovil now ott
baud tt huge ttitortmont of Dry Goods, ist.
sure tuid - ' •
CO/391/966z in parrOf brnadeloths, eassimeres, sat-
Mous. Kentucky- jeans, -vestingtr, and summit
goods of all kinds. - • -
consisting a large variety,vviz: Black silks, fan
cy do., sitina,Aginghanur; Scorch land - Ainerictin
prints of_all kinds, sonut •6 mice per yard of
superior,qaality of colors warranted, rn,ds Miner,
Cashmere, poplins, gloves,lnsiery of every grade
and quality White goods: ifrevrn- and bleached
sheetiugs, 4-4 wide, - heavy quality, at 6d. per yd.
leltings,drillinft, flannels, Scotolt diaper, bird.
eve do., napkins;lrielt linen; and spreens ' • in fact
aitniet every thing in the dry- geode line: Ale ti
large; ot of - - . -
• CARPETIM), • --
,• . - •
.ingraioit, cotton cud, wool, cotton.
sirtir,_druggits, 'tind "cuttiatil cloths. for
floots-aud tnDlra. ; - • ' • -
- We invite all visiting, our - place to call and
amitM, our stock, for We feel confident byliodoine
it witl he a saving of ten to twenty per cent,: Out
motto is quick sales arid smell profits.
Store nearly opposite the Postoffice..Binghatti
ton. N.Y. WICKLI,AIII BEIsp.!ET. •-
• April 7;4852: '
- 1 - IENTLY READ, bece just 'received a
-11.11arge-additiou to their former stock . of Doods
consisting of,DryCoods - of almesi,every deserip.
tion.',Groceries, Crockery; Hardware; • Drugs.
Medicines Taints,- Oils and Dyestuffs: . toms
Shoeeandleather, Stone and Tin ware Watches
Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Perfumery and in fact
the 'greatest - - variety That can be 'found in any
Store in the county—,all of which tva are prepared
to.sen, for cash Produce or on approved credits at
as low mark as any,pf our neighbors, Oar motto,
is still the sanifee:sever— as to he untlersald"
"TITE are' receiving Itlarge supply - of Theo
Tr= Goods, embracing a great variety of kinds.
and of beautiful stylee; aid patterns, and the
lowing kinds of goeds; viz: Poplfue. Delanes, Bor.
rage do:. Lawns, (plain, striped andpktid.)Chalil•
brays, English. French and DomestipPrints,&c.
&c„ most of which they offer considerably•lotver
than early springpticce. -
.tiva 42, 15.52:
Haying and .Harvett,
NEW lot et .
,Grasslicytfics, Cradles, 'day
serasi - rki; Stuapsoo's now ‘pa4em
Scythe Sticks; Rakes, Quieoboag,, Scythe Stone"
and Ohio Grind Stones, in store' and for sale. by
Noirlfoid, June, 1852:1
THE ouhtdribets having: ertiorict iitto'co-part- r
uPralAil) jP the. - '‘ ' '
Stove, WAni amr-Sheet-troar
hughtetio, aro prepared to ~attend to all , °lore •
their hoe ist.the shortest not ice.: Ity glib) .erlot -
attention to the huointis they holm to merit their
heart; ot - thi undo. - • • • ' •
The business will be erred ott,opposite the
- Democrat" offico,.ttudor the naute end firm ores'
D. Lathrop 4 . • Co.-
• - i• ' -
AT , ,,,, f1r..4m . 1;..17 A 862.
'JUST. &AIMING -UP 41E11.11EBff
217AfitO MY-52271.1tailtri
SUPERFINE Ohio - FLOUR ; also, C0d604
Mackorel,'Carpet Warp, Ashton fine &shin
large sacks, M. C. TYLER.
Mn_y120,1852..- _ 1 • - • -
At Webb's",
trtkl):: largest, steak dad greatest variety of hand.
1.1 ovine styles and Oattnriis ever
.ofTered in tint
idler at extremely bier prices.
inelinliac'elargeflot- handeornlyPtints for dress
es at 13- pence a yard.- ; ;
Gibscat‘..Junel2 - 46.12. 1
-.1 SW:'GOODS..
ATE are now roceivine a huge aopply of No*
making' our *tack mare complate
thau !war; and Fe: lay la au pxantillaqou
.st by
au); ogrelihse• •
illAmon,. June Le. 485. ; ; •
.. : -'4' , ..' ,- ',l, ':,:. 10' a . „ OE- s f . '. - :..::, -- ,„'• '-'-.. r .' 1 '.. - ,.,:
tpfAi pit ;S`liityls;'. Icintiilug,_llib6nir, ..9prii:
I,_ - _tnitiiitatriiitigtii,- br ids,: flotct4ii' . siiitd , iprikili i , -
jui4iieileived* . :':;-...':. '', 1 `:... ,;-',..'iltC; I'YLBR's ~ ..
Pp COLN; lin krd i)'
full ttisottititilit of''lußnd, audbit+
Ver IV4lre'llt I PA.ATFIELDik
.Hi itgb !II LOU -. • •
P .I teady4l.l4o - Vtutbil4lll3 - 1 ifati :IRO 4 1 ps:ton.
bawl. :A Ow tir 5tic4.4,./spow ma&
YeiireqUattailkikli evElluiptreariated day .
. •,' qxo. v 4348. :
o:ctaßoits & co
17:B1M11 - 011* &CO.