The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 16, 1852, Image 3

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to Phila=
ong) co nstruction. of thiti line o Doylestown
„ i o ngeiddibtedi r says the
vatchtower, and as soon as the most practice-
v e a nd shortest route is ascertained by explo- 1
r at io sad survey, together with the probable
cas t, it will energetically - prosecuted to
completion. !Three several routes are. desig
ted—The Upper• Route via. the Norristown
ra il r oad to' the. mouth of the Perkiemin creek.,
where it Imptio:s into the Sehtlylkill, and
i n ce 'long the Pergioinin to Sumneytovrn;
s wa mp creek and the neighborh'oed of Soop.
ers b ur g tothe Lehigh rreeumnsburg. The
of this route none , nearly Co:
The Middle Route is along the valley mp
ofleted the
Wissahicene creek, passed about equal dish ;
tar o between the Spring - House and Acuff's;
raven, and thence to the county line, crossing
the u pper Bethlehem rend at or near Bloom's
tss 'A A and crossing the Tobikon -treek, and
il T rol o a gap in the mountain 'on the east
b id e e f Flint Hill, near Leightstown, to the
sow , v a ly, and thence to Freetnansburg.-
The lower route also , goes by way of tho
vrissahiccon to the point designated 'between
House and Acura_ tavern, and
thence probably
the spring
along or near the old survey
of the Norristown and . New Hope route to the
s e gue:any creek, crossing at or near Sbntt'e
f ar m, thence by the North Branch creek, i n
The rear of Col. Isaiah James' farm, thence by
the North Branch to .the Hearty Aken creek,
I fr thramih Martin Tyson's farm; and
F °l : ° hi'
croon(' the Du m road at Haldeman's and
stanfer farm, and along said stream to the 1
h ea d near Lou's corner, about a mile distant
from Fisherville, and thence by a curved route
to the Tohikon creek, at or near Fretz's mill,
at the entrance of Wolf creek and Deer Run
into the Tohikon, thence up the Tohikon to'
H a ycock Rutkand following said rani to the
bea d wa ters, about a mile from Bursonville,
thence by a curved route tos the Springfield
and Saueon Valleys to Freemansburg.
The Praident of the Company with tho en.
g i ne ere, and several gentlemen who take, a
deep and commendable interest in the contem
plated road, have reconnoitered the two last
mentioned routes, preparatory to the survey
of the engineers.
NWsic "Prewar. Boos."—In some sections
of the country. Wkig colporteurs have, been
e ngaged to peddle the campaign life of Gen.
S c ott, embellished with taking pictures, calcu
lated to amuse" the'children." This interest
jaz work is thus described by an Ohio paper:
"It commences with a picture of a terrible
l oo ki ng horse, carrying a tall man, whose apex
is surrounded with a quantity of feathers. He
looks to be making a great fuss, and in much
haste tt, get at some point ahead, while ho is
looking behind its if the danger was there.—
We don't know what it means. The book
c l os es with a bowl, from which the steam is
rising toost.volnminonsly, and in its curls is
seeothe word " 5.0.c.r." The pages between
the horse and the soup, are mostly occupied
with the must fierce looking white men and
red men. with guns, bayonets, swords and can
non. AD of which look as if they were Wood
tuts which had been worn out and thrown
aside, aster being used to illustrate "Jack, the
Giant Edict." "Galliver's Travels," or the "Pi:
rue's Own Book." If this tract is any index
to the plan of the campaign, it will be even
morn childish than their chieftain's letters."
Progress of Cholera.
cmcmse.n. Sept. 10, 1852.
Many deaths from cholera have occurred in
this city during the past few days.
ROCHESTER, Sept.. 10, 1852.
The Board of Health report 14 deaths by
cholera in the two days ending at 4 P. 31.
The weathcP has been hot and rainy. '
IN pursuance of nn act of the Ganeral As
tembly of the - Commonwealth of Penns}•lt'ania,
entitlrd An Act relating to the Elections of
the Commonwealth," approved the second day
of July, Auto Domini one thousand eight hun
dred and thirty-nine,
- HMI SEEErn of the county of Susquehanna,
in said Commonwealth, do hereby give .notice
to the Electors of the county aforesaid, that a
General Election will be held in said county
of Susquehanna, on the SECOND TUESDAY
OF OCTOBER next.; (it being the 12th day of
the said month,) at which time STATE and
Corm °mans, as follows, are to be elect
ed, to ;tit
Oae person to fill the (Are of Canal Cons
alesioner of the Commonwealth of Pennay/-
One person to fill the office of Judge of: the
Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania; to supply the vacancy occasioned by
the death of Hon. Richard Coulter, deceased.
One person to fill the office of Member o
the &die of Representatives in the Congress
of the United States, to represent the 13th
Congresionnl District of Pennsylvania, cum.
posed, cf the Counties of Susquehanna, Brad
ford and Tiers.
Two persons to fill the office of Members
of the Hence of Representatives to represent
the Counties of Susquehanna, Wyoming and
Sullivan in the House of Representatives of
Pennsylvania. •
One person to fill the office of District At
tomey of the County of Susquehanna.
One person to fill the office of County Com
missioner of the county of Susquehanna.•
One person to fill the office of County:An=
ditor of the County of Susquehanna. -,
~l also hereby make known and give notice
that the places of holding the .General Elec.
lion in the several Wards, Boroughs and
Townships within the county of Susquehanna
are as follows, to wit:
The election for the District compoSed of
the township of Apolacott, will be, held at the
horse of Joseph Beebe, in said township. - -
The Election for the District composed of
the township of Ararat, will be held at the
86 " 1 / louse,. sear the Presbyterian
is said toff - 114 1 4 x Church,
_ -
the he Election
of Auburn for the District composed of
T townsp he beld at
house of George fluiverly,will
in said towlashig the :
The. Election fur the District composed of
the township of Bridgewater, will be held. at
the house of Wm. K. Hatch, in the Borough
of Montrose. •
The Election for the District composed. of
She township of Brooklyn, will be held at the
12021 e
townsh form erly - occupied by 0. A. Eldridge in
-The Election for the District composed of
the township of Choconut, will be held at .the
° Ol !Louie, tic.V thS , base of Bobe4 Cif!'
Jae. townsip:
The Election for the DistrietOcon**ed
Lie township of Clifford, will be held at Um
' 4 " rotinaly occupied by Arthur Smith, in
1 4 Borough of DundafE
7ste Election for the DiStriet - composed of
shiptow of Dimock, will be held Id the
Fle'cetmn Bakr
B m is dt s o t w composed P. of
' of Dundnff; will be held 4gm
1 441 10te1, in said Borough. e „
gloolltm for the District coispcosed of
4 t oWtnhip of Forest Lake, will. be held di
f4 koose lately oeettpleil by Pieierveo,l44,
kid twiignp.
'The Elecfion for the- District 'composed-, Of
the towashite-of Frankfin,, held at the
house of Rufus 'Tuttle:in Said township. ..
- Ties:Election - fcri the District composed: of
thelßmongh, of Friendsville will be . iheldlin
the School /lonse,lin said Bilfough: -. 1 - • -
The Election,: for the District composed of
the, township of 'Great Ilend;;•twill , be held :aL
the house OcCuPleti 'by'Jits.i 'in said
townshi I -' ! ' ' '2l;
The Election for the- Distriet,SOMpesecl
the townshiP of Gibson, - will he held st .the
hone° of Joseph Washburii;lin sa id. toWnihlp.
The Election for the , District elimposid of
the.township of flarford, Will be, hied at= the
_house, of Nathan W. Witidron,,lnSaid teem-
The:Election for; the. District. composed of
the township of. Harmonji. will be held at the
house lately, occupied n said
township. ,
The Election forlthe District' coinposed 'of
the township of Herrick e ll Will be' held at the
house of tho late.yririon Dimock, in Bain_
township.' :'
The Election for. tho District composed of
the township of Ineksen,i will tie held at the
house - of Nathaniel 11,11, in said township. The ;
Eleetion .for the Distric t gonipased. of
the townshio - Of Jessup, Will be held at tho
himin Of Daniel Hoff: in'said toWnship." .•
The Elections for the Distriet;composed 'of
the township:of Lenox, bel held at the
house of GroW & Brothers, in said township.
- The Election for the District !composed of
the township of Liberty, will b ; held at the
School :House near : the 'residenee, of Isaac
Comstock, in said - toweship. . • .
The Election: for the District roMposed of
the township Of Lathrop, will bq held at the
house of John Squires; in said township:
The Election for .the District t.omposed of
- the township of MiddlotoVen, be 'held at
house of Joseph Rose, in said township.
The Election. for the
,DiStriet noreposed of
the Borough of Montrose. Will beheld at the
house of Leonard Searle, Borough.
The Electinn for the District composed of
the•toweship of - New Milford Will be held at
the house lately occupied by Joseph'lo,
in said township. '
The Election for the District composed of
the township of 'Rush, will bel held at the
house formerly occupied' by Nathan ',J. Sher•
wood, in said township. '
The Election for the DistrictOoniposed of
the township of- Springville; wilt be held at i
the house of Spencer ifickox, in said township.
The Election for the District Composed of
the township of ' will be held at
the house now occupied by Robert McGerigle,
in said township. . ". I
The Election for the' District c o mposed Of
the township of Thomson,' will be:held at the
house of Jong Blanding; in said township.
I also Make known andgive not ielin end
by the 13th"section of the nforesaid Bet I 'am
directed, - .thatevery person except justice of
the Pedde, who shall hold iany :office;-or ap
pointment of profit or trust endeelthe United
States, or of this State, nil of any !city or in
corporated district, whether a- enmrhission offi
cer or otherwise, a subordinate °Meer or agent,
.who is, or shall be, emploYed under the legis
lative, judiciary or executive department Of
this State 'or United States; or any city or 'ie.
corporoted district; and aleo, that every mein
ber of COneress, and of the State Legislature,
and of the select or common council I of env
Icitf, or commissioners of any incorporated
, district, is by law incapable of holding Or ex--
lercieing at the same time,the office or appoint
, meat of Judge, Inspector Or Clerk of any elec.
'tion of this Commonwealth, and that no In
specter or Judge or other officer of !any such
election, Shall be eligible any office then to
be voted for.''' • •
And Ville same act of Assembly,it :is also
made "the ditty of every Mayor„Sheriff, Dep.
uty Sheriff, Alderman, Justice of thelPenee ;
Constable or Deputy Constable, of every city,
county, township or, district within thiaiCom
monwealth, whenever called upon, by ir e Offi
cer ofan election, or by. three qualified Sleet
.ors thereof, to dear any window or tivenne to
any window of the place of General; Election,
which - shall be obstructed in such a way as to
prevent :voters :from approaching
. the:eame
and it shall be the dety or the resp ective Con
stable of such Ward; distnetor township "with
in this Commonwealth, to, be present in . per
son or by deputy , at the place of holding such
Elections, in such ward, district or township,
for the purpose of preseriing the:peace as
. Also that in the 4th section of the. Act of
Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to execu
tions and for other purposes" approred'April i
16th, 1840,it is enacted that the atereSsid 13th
section," shall not be construed as tq prevent
any militia oliicer or borough officer: from
serving as Judge, Inspector or Clerkst any
general or special Election in this Common
wealtl." L
Parsaant to the provisions contained in the
„76th section. of the act aforesCid, the-Judges
of the aforesaid diStriet shall respectively take
charge of.the certificatOor return of the elec
tion of their respective districts, and produce
them at a meeting of one Judge from each
district at the Court Howse in the Bororigh of
Montrose, on the third day idler the day of
election, being the present year on Friday the
15th day of. October next, then and, there to
do and perfiem the duties required by law Of
said Judges. -:.Also -that where a Judge by
sickness ortinavOidable accident is' unable to
attend said..meeting ofJudges, then theeertif
leats or return aforesaid shall be taken charge
of by one - of the Inapectors ;or Clerks Of the
election of said district, wild shalt lo and per
form the duties reqpieed_of said Itidge nnable
to attend. - - ;
Also, that in the 81st section
-of said act, it;
is enacted that o When I two , or moie conuitiee.l
shall cornpose a district far, the choice of. al
member or memberti of-.. the Senate of 'this
Comirionwealth or of the Howie of Represen-
I tativeiof the United States :or . Of this Com
monwealth, the Judges of the election in each
reonnty, havin„,e . met as aforesaid ,' the' Clerks
shall - make outs flair statement ern!l the yntes
which shall. haVe been
-given at such election,
Iwithin the county, for every person' voted - for;
as such a member or members which shall Val
signed , by-, Said Jedges!and. attested by the
Clerki; andone of the said JudgeS shall take
charge-of such certificate and shill prOduce
the saute at is meeting of one judge from'each
county atinich,place insuch diatriet,sa is or
may be -appointed by law_ for 'the purpose ? ..
which meeting shall be_ held on . ;the 1 714 - 44 y,
after the election.:, • _ • .. ,
. The Re,turn,Jodgiui of the Representative ;
District composed thecounties of Suique ti
henna,. Wyomidg and: Sullivan; will meet at
the Court House thelßoronghef Montrose, l
in the sounty, ,of Sliscitieliniria,. on Tunsnair,
-the NmeTtESTH day 4:4octeber neat, :to, per
form thoie -duties 'enJOMC.d - by lent upon . toe
The ; Beton ;fudges Of :the Cangressional
District cringiosed of. the'cduolies of
henna, Biadford - and Tiegrii will meet.' irk- the
Borough of Towanda, Bradford county.'l'exs:
Aar :the Ikhartzturrn. day'ef :Di-Lobar next; to
perform those- 4otiee IgOtie4'bf law ;;upon
the said ,ladgea. .
-Also; that in the else.seetion of toad riot, it
enacted that!' every general and' special
elturtion ' shall be :opentidlrettifeerißlGHT and
TEN in the `forenoon,. :and, , con roue
without- interruption 14journment until
SEVEN - o'clOtk in *evening, when the polls
shall he alesed.”-
Given under any newt et toY Once, i s the
Borough - cif blontrOse;this - eidh - day :of Seta.
knitter Anne Douai i5p2,41114 theYestef
the Commonwealth the sevanty,.aiith.,:
, . . .
Deedil-Deedal Deeds!,
A nem lot of Blanc Deeds,juat printed and
for sale at this office at 81,00 per quire, or 5
• • The Bonrd of Sehool-Direetorsfor the town
ship' of Bridgewater will meet at the Court
House in Montrose, Wednesday-pe!t, the 22d
nt -,19.0!c10ck A. Tetichero of the
township Who-
have. unadjelted accounts will
please present - them at that • -
• :.Blontrese• Sept. 1 5. • •
In Frieidevitio; on the 2d init.; by It. Glid.
deo; Esq.;'lStr: DANIEL F. - Imtcotat Of Forest
Luke, and -Mrs: Fasiiti Sattai of the some
- .11111tAir ;
AkAtibern, Glisquehantia Co.; PIL,:SoPt•
1852, -Nantes Ossotur, aged 62 year
death' teals occasioned by having be,en throWn
AMU his t i wagon about two montrie.since,' the
wheels passing over his body, crushing him in
a frightful 'Manner. • His loss will be. severely
felt by his afflicted family as - well:as the neigh
borhood .in which he , lived ; ruutthe Masonic
fraternityl(Lodge No: 263 at Skinner's'Eddy,
of. which! he was an efficient officer and seer-
thy :member,) .mourn his untimely - end..and
deeply sympathise 'with his, bereaved family
and numerousfriends ' admonishing all to
mark.urit•his ways, and copy his many vir
tues; that they; too, in due time, may becomemembers pf•that "Grand Lodge above where;
the' Supreme ArchitecV,of the universe pre.
. .
• New . Goods- .
EW Fall Goods-just received two will be
vOld cheap fOr.paskatthe store of
• 'Montrose, Sep: 6, 1652. ,
Q 0,1.'s for tale at- . . WEBS'a
September 15, 'lB5l
Alm. inn) tint euclosure of the subscriber on
V or about the Nth day of: August last two
Yearling heifers.'one black, the other Yea; The
owner is requested to prove property
_pay charges
Roe take them .stway.
Natfoxd,_ Sept:loth 1850--37w3.
- • THE ADVERT) gElliE NT.
500 Agents Wanted...--$lOOO.
. .
-Year- •
YIF STATES, active and enterprising men, engage
In the male of home of the best llooka published In the
- country. To men of good address, posy-ssini a mall
capital of from .$23 , to *lOO, such inducements' 'will be
offered as to enable them to mike from $3 to $lO a day.
07• The boo' kapubliihed by as are all useful In their
character, extremely populu i end command large asks
wherever they are offered.
fur further particulars, address., (postage naid.)
Successors to W. A. tears &
37m51 No. ISS.horth Seam! Street, phila *MOO.
TIIIs inmention is situated In the most •Leallhfill
and picturesque part of r:usquebanna 'county, in
the Chodonut Talley. stage teasing Montrose Deoot
on tha Lackawanna Railroad and, connecting with the
New York and Erie Railroad at Great Ilene, at a dia.
1 tance of six tulles therefrom, passes tite Institution daily.
The distance between the Depot and the Inaeltistion is
sixteen miles. one half of which is by Plank heads It is
also equally distant - Dem Binghamton on the Necr . Torie
and Nile Railroad, and connected with It for half the dia.
'niece by a Plank road.
. The regnotr.course of•lnstruction comp:4cm the En.
gliih, French, Latin and Creek Languages, Including '
History, Geography, Mathematics. Logic, Rhetoric,
teat and Moral Philosophy end Chemistry. Care •will
be taken to adopt the course of inatruction to the future
pursuit or profession of the student. •
The collegiate year begins on the first Monday of Sep-,
teMber, and coda on - the 15th of July.
- - TERMS.
The : annual pension for Board and Tuition, payable half
yearly in advance, Is - • . s l oThe modern Lringnam-s, German, Spanish and Itai
lan. will form en extra charge, each per annum; ' - $l5
Books, Stationery, and Medical attendance, wiii .
form extra charges.
Wailing and mending will form - an extra
, -$ 5
It le o,tional With the student to farn'sh Weisel f
- with bed and bedding. If fumbled by the instl.
tritinn It will firm an extra charge, per annum $8
I Day, scholars for six months, $l5
semi-annual Bulletins will be sent to parents or guar
dians Informing them of the healto, progress and deport
ment o their children or wards.
Those who may desire to have their bed :and bedding
furnished by the Inseltulan. are requested' to send pre.
vlons notice of the fact to either of the undersigned
Those who intend coming by the way. of Binghamton
arc requested twelve previous notice of their purpose,
that they mad be conveyed to the College without delay.
eximmunleatiora.lse., for the College /how,'
be, addressed, EL.:, Joseph's Post Office, Suequebann.s'
county, Pa. •
'WET. JCIIi!C V. 0 'IIBILLETs Presider-1.
ilitelieweniewsw--Caleh Carndt, Esq. 'Choconut;
Hon. 0. A. Grow . Glenwood ; llort.-D. Wilmot, C. 1..
Ward, Ell, Towanda,j.
• istratoils Sa l e, '
OTIC 'is hereby given 'that in pnrinutice of
ill an order of the Orphan's Court of i Susque
hanna county, the following!described poperty
late the estate of Richard Anthony, deceased, will
be seld4t . anetion upon the premises. in Clifford
township on
at .1 o'clock r. st., bounded as follows, to ivit: ! Be-
ginning eta beech aapling a corner of land claim- j David Rees and: David Anthony thence
north, forty-five degrees west one hundred and for
ty-one perches to. a stake and stones; thence
south forty-five..degrees
,west fifty perches - to a
Slake and stones; thence South forty-five !degrees
east one :hundred and.eighty-three perches to a
beech sapling;
_thence north -forty-five degrees
east forty two perches in the,water of John Chen-
Pr's! mill pond; thenee north five:degrees east
eight perches to the pla6eif,begintaing, contain.
Mg fifty-five acreeand.funrtein perches.
Teruo of . payment made known on die dip of
sale- .• ,!- .WILLIAItI S. REESE. Adm'r.
September. 1852. 36%4
BY write of Yeti& Er. issued out of
the Court Of. Common Pleas of Susquehanna
county, and tome di:ected, 1"will cations ta public
. at the Court House in Montrose, on 'Saturday
the 2d, day of October, at one o'clock r. ii all
Oat, eartaih, piece or parcel of, land situate, "lying
and being in the township of Harmony, county of
Susquehanna; and bounded and described as fol.' -
, low., o wit: On the north by -the school-house
lot, on. the vast fiy the public. highway, oa Ike
south by lot, formerly owned by Gibbous, and in
the west by- the meeting-houselot,i containing
abbot 24perchee, bet the seine more, of leis, with
the - ipptirtentinces, - cnie, franied 'Mose; one barn,
and all iinproi , ed, lute theastate of R. G;Hetfield.
Tak.en: in esecation at the snit 'of Jacob Vey
lor against IL G. Hinfield,
All ihat certain piece or parcel of find situate - ,
lying and being in the township of Liberty, coup
-I.y of Susquehanna and state of „Pennsylvania,
Imuntled and descrlba Miltdlosii, *it : _on the
norm by laid of E.ll. Tinny, enet;bY jsuifes T.
Adams, south by Peny P. Butts, E. B. Tenny and
Richard Bailey, and wow by band
Chalker, containing forty-e igh t - acres, together
with the-appurtenances thereunto bekinging, one
Tannery, seven, dweliing hotiserti, one store house,
One born nudsne vietpte housianti the, estate bf
William Cainpbelf.
I"teittin - ftt eiecution at OM snit of lames 4 R.
lifiuironsittgainet . Wiljlaur CanipbelL '
• ' • ' stanutur.''
lufratirs outea,Mantromi . Sep. 8, /862.• ••- : •
ii'll.PO4. o (l l sebeistyle) just reeeivatt.., ,
- Mingo*, lieptatiblii 1852. "": . 7- •-•,' •
140 eubser bee tbie dig reethwi auother lot
of FAaglish 'Mont Lover %Item's , Hunting
cases, (owe yerriow." Attest) I. EVOila
ilieghenitte, Tuty 2O 2 Odd Tektwid Hai.
TAKE -NO, TIC. .07- 2- 77
7-7 -
ALI. persons Indebted tO G. G. - Pride by note
or, book account i a!4 hereby notified Ittiat
payment limit be made tmmecUately,:or the'
be obliged twei!foica it;bylProcess of
law. , The booki.may be. qupd at the offide of
Wt* h • - - 1 =
W3I. JM,.rP; tAsligneesior ,
BROU N, pride,
. , . ..,-• •. - .. -
' ..'.
- ' - WO ItE*ARD‘ ' I 7 ' I •-,...
( r
SIRAYED WitOirti f m: the eitbseribar O•ri ,
' the night of the Witt r 30th Anglin!, lasi,. a
Bay Maie, block - inane au long, bushy tail; ro
illaa - nose, 'small' star in fOrplietict, pniti4 'creek . , in I
hoer or one hind: foot, staudii. lois_ on fetlenk it...n at- '
Orel traitor. yhe•aboveretrard will be given forj
the return of said; harm atilt !l• ellitubte reward r foi '
the apprehension and conviatialiof the thief.
~. • . • • .- - •' - - 11114./lA-EL 'HILL.
Silver Lake, Pti. Aum 3
~1832: • •
, •--
. ,
, Ifb
' .- • 13 6 622 ' 14311 , 141i - I
i •
TO those pat-fielder!). whose promisee have run
Out tong since , 1 would say' I will now take good
Ildtter. Oat s ; ,' Egge, Beesw x, Feathers; or caek.
m preference to Fending a message greeting by
the first nt October nest; (, tied and be }vier.}
/Grains% Atilt, 2E, :52.1 - N.C. TYLER.—
Tv iINTE D S fo h- r e tr e adtu rPe 2L 9 utit'si,or;for ea eh '
. V v.. by., hI.c.TYLLR..,
• h4ontroset: Aug ,
. .
• • -
are hereby ;idea to the First Brig
.ado Tenth 'Division of theliniformed
lie of .Susrjuelsarina comity to meet for drill and
inspection on, Vednerdoy the 22d day of Septem
ber next,,ot the house of Ass Spicer in the town;
ship of Hirfe4l at 8 o'clock M. A generid at
tendance is solicited of all the officers of the Brig:
ads. 45441 SPICER,
" In: Ist Brig. 10th'Div: Pa.
Brigade Inspector's offieely •
• August 22, 1852. 34w4
. Target ExCursion..
There will he nu excursion! of firing a fonr pound
brass piece of Ordnance at O target at a suitable
Aistance,at the same time und place.' Firing to
commence precisely at 10 o'clock A.lll.- Firing
to be superintended by Muj. Gen. Amherst Car- I
penterundßrigadier Geu: John
_ .AsA sexcEn.'
, nursed, Augart.V,lSS2. 34isi
New Milford Grocery -and For
• .warding Atore.
The subscaber having opened 'a Grocery ttrid
Foiwarding Store in New )Idford, is now,preper
, ed to receive -Farmers' PrOduce of all kinds. also
Live Stock, and forward the same to New York
on the best terms, and guarantee that all
shipments Mode by. him will be ou the most ad
vantageous terms for the owners; and current
funds returned- bud paid of his store-house in a
reasonable time, and liberal edvancements will be
made in cash ou consigunionts,
Farmers will readily see the advantage of this
location- over nil others for the forwarding busi
ness, and 1 shall encleavorito make it for their in
terest to patronize the Nevt Milford Grocery and
Forwarding Store.
A general assortment of Groceries and Ashton
Salt, &c., constantly on h.nd.
1 .
. . L. HARDING, Jr..,
New Milford, Aug. ID. 1852. 34*me
'Adim .., mstrators' Notice,
NOTICE is herebygiveu that the undersigned
has been appointed Administrators of the
Estate of CUARLEd Eowsaos, dec'd., late arGib:
son., All persons indebted to the said estate are
requested to settle the samje immediately, and all
persons having demands against said estate will
please present them, duly , ttested. for settlement.
.7 C. EDWARDS, Atha's.
Gfloaa,./tu3.2.0,75.52. • 3414
• The co•partnership her
the firm of Deane, Park &
The suhseribors will eouti
king and Caudy business n
of. Deane, Park & Kirk.
The Notes and' Account !
SIBLEY & Co. in the W.
Dressing business, must be
without further notice.
The subscribers give thi s
have attended accounts !
themselves costs.
pUrford. Aug. 18, 1852.
Wilford' S .ve Depot.
H" just received a new and large assortment
of Ceoking, Parlor Ind shop Stores, for
wood or coal, which. in connection with his preiri
one stock, will make' his virsortment tmusnally
complete, in the most popular anctimproved kinds
of Aimight r Elevated Oven, premium and pl4te
stoves, Stove Pipe Sheet Iron. Zinc, StoveT a h,.
&c., whleh he will Fell at tbe lowest prices for
caah or approved credit.
August, 1852. '
$lOO TO: $2OO - PER MONTH !!
rrilE above sum - can .easily be made, by any
. industrious Mart, of respectable address who
possesses good busineis qualitiea, uud who can
command a arnall,eapital (to begin with ! ) of from
25 to 50 1 dollars,—No others need apply, —by• en.
gaging with the subscribers in the -, '
Whoeis Publications are very Saleable, and which
the etorLe WiLle eve!
tErraudg can be forwarded at oar risk. if mail
ed- in prcrence of the Pest Master and numbers
and dates Of tfie'same retained. •
IrrNabooka kepi or sold by us of an immoral
fIXA Wholesahe Price List, with full Direc
tions, for operations•. will he forwarded ou appli=
cation, Post Paid, to
GEO. fl. DERBY &Co
• ,r Boot Puctisagas
Buiralo.lg. Y. (N . l, New York.) 13U.w.5.::.
1 • ":-. ; ''-, ... - - The subscriber
r.:' ---."!!! received- a farm) stock •
: : -. 7. - ;.
~..• I ->' rIPONN,
_ ,, r : I& e xcellent aseortmeat
‘. I : 4r:„;77),.,. - r-. ..... l of
.4an's and - Tins's'
e• e '. '' - :- .;
of fatiet itilree and lotted .to 'the sentien t ' - ..,..:.
Atio-Z,earhionablelSilk Ilate > (peebe's spring
style.).Koesuth ifite.legliorn, Straw 'arid Pedal
Leaf Hats, Coin, Sbinis;Stoeitings, Glaves.-Ses
.pendere, Cravats. Bodin and 'Shoe.; &bake, 'Wrap-
ping and Writing PaPer, Travelling Bags, Wall
Paper, (a good stock.) Curtain Paper, and Fancy
articles too numerous:to, specify—all or any of
which I will sell as kiwae the. like can be bought
la "Biughttiatqu'!. or-any other. town-. ',
Montrose, April 20. 1852.
- 3; WOStAhllggifilt
_Susquehanna Depot, pa..
TIBALEIL in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, • Oils.
a./ choiciet. Mires and , Liquors, DyeAtuffl.
Patent Medicines,
_: all kinds. Combs; .:Trusses,
Prnsbes, nerbseyerfrunery, Toilet Articles, Got.")
arid PLA7an Jaireta7—qntlery—Viclins,lF/titetl.l
Fifes, Aecordeoni, School Books,: Stationery.'
Children'. Cenreeilee_el; Fancy Goods at
great variety, Looking-Glasses, SODA
TER,„ Cg' Burning
Tobaccos Scut& cud Cigars, &c. *c. dec., sold at I
the:lowest prices.
-July 26, 18527;
rti,ocgs of• every description, ,pram;• and
114.1 alsrmaor salo,chesp by, -
flinstbstnton, /sly 20. v . ` A. J.•tieANEi.l
trIC..OVE 14, ,IgiT OV,lllll$ ,t, ;
'''''' - p
'a it Lod rimille -
en a.. e • • -t '
, -,-K--- :.-- lig &SHEET IRON ES-.
T" 4 -
e ubscribertispectfully 1 , . =— I
- 7. - lio that hellosli t irtUte pub-I
l'eceived ts
his fortneistock:Of Sitives, - 'consisting . Of ale,' ,',.° I
of`this nitist'apProved, simile w hich kinds: hich m .
a '
:• , PORhIST_QUEEN,, - -
-. • ..- --STAR, OP THE 'WEST -- - -.-
- • • ~•- WESTERN QUEEN, "-- •- ' --
all elevated Ovens.' 1 ( .0f Squire aietight Stoves
-., , .
-.. .. WESTERN EMPIRE.. • =
~ , .
'' !lINITRDSTA-TES.`.' ' ' '
A variety of Prentiitas, seam, of new style, the '
A good And yericiee, assortment of Parlor 'and
[fall tileyea: for y.'ectl and Coal.: : Box Stoves or
various sizes and paiterns he is continually re- 1
ceiving, and- intends to keep ne great e variety of '
the most popular stoveibiank deafer in the coon
'try. Permits wishing -to purrhase.atoveq will
find it to their inter.tal to call on him. .They will
ficl'his' . '. ',.
- •
' ' ' ' Rote Putnitiate. -
made of the strongest Ind best marlin's nod as
theatres can be bought in Chit or Broome tour/4
and mach better than 'offered by pedlars.
' 'TT Stove Pipe & Tin ‘Vare kept .fOr lode And
merle to iordp,r. ' Fewthers will be supplied with
Pens; made of strong Meterinls, at 'Wholesale pri
ers, all orders for work, in his line will he thank-1
folly'received' pod - punctually attended to. .
'-.' • ': 1 JOIINCOLSTEIV.'• 1
Great Ifiend',lnly 1,1E152: . - - - -
- -
,VARCE Ty -- S T 0 R
Tfirst , iiay,lLail ae s and Oeutlemen !
THE subscriber would invite his friends
at his•neal stors;iit.Great Bend, directiy op.
penile:the "Lutik Hotu!c," and examine his stock
of goods, feeling. assured that they will .not go
away. disputisfiet—
would'first call the attention of the Ladies
to his great variety of !
rt t
42.1• CJ e j . 01;
consisting of etsibroidersd and printed Lawns ?De
lames of alrnefit everyfrOriety and style that the
the New York market 'affords •;. black and colored
I Silks; Prints, Gaighatna,. &c...&c. A sptspilin
lot of Shawls, handkerchiefs, Table Coven*, Ho
siery' and Gloves. I..lirettv and Millinery Coeds.
Also, Broodclinhe,Cassimeres, Sattittetts, Vest
ing, and every material for boys and men's CID.
thin • .
• 1..
Hats; Caps,.l3oots and Shoos. •
Tinnlts,,Valicea, Carpet Bugs, Carpeting, Sheet :
ings, house keeing articles of all kinds, Groce
ries, Yankee Notions, 44. (lc., and in short ev
erything a person ne'erli for comfort and luxury —Li
LTPleasacall and eiamine.
• I
' ,• HENRY LAN LEY. ' l •
Great Bend, July 15, 1 ,1852. 2th.nGl
First Chase iintet.4nrnas 51..50 per lour.
THE subscriber/ having ledely become proprietor
of the FRANUI.rX //RUSE. Chestnut, Street, be
tween 3 and 4thi Philadelphia, and having reduced
the price of Boritd to $1,50 per day, gives notice
that, notwithstandmg th;is redaction he will still;
continuerto keep a FIRST Ckses [laces:. ,•,
The Franklin 'Haase hue just undergone extend
edt /
alterations, and is now fi tted up and ref - urn- I _
ished in superioristyle, for the reception of visitured n tnri 1 1 . , .
The Lower ode, forrly occupied by stores. is I 'k • Haying- and Harvest..
nowitteiuded in Pm Hotel, forming a epticions lie-1 ,II NEW lot - of 'Grass SeytbeS; Cradles, flay
.1 - toom. Centleineu's Parlor artd -Dining! .4 1 and straw Forks, Sampson:* - new pattern
Room, . thereby laliowini , an addition of thirty i Sal the Sticks, Rakes, Quinebuog Seythe,stones
chumbirs and several beautiful parlors, fronting i and !Maio Grind Stones,hl store aud' fOr'side by
on .ILihestaut 'tft,i The Rooms of this hotel aro '-;- ' • . --- • •• IL BURRITT. '' •
, S ii,
superior to moss.Othere. being constructed with itl. I len( Milford, June, 18.72.• -. :. • .; 1
coves, rimming parlor and be ,
d-chumber attached. : . -
Well-lighted and !ventilated. The location js nil. . .
• • :
surpassed, either for business or pleas-me. .- - .1,. • - .
i . .BEN. I-I. - WOOM AN. Prop'r, 'I HE subscribers , having , entered into coital*
. . .
,• . . .. . ,
• - flOnnfl.l . I ' : Philadelphia I He r ti,' l l ) !!! Ili . ,
i . : love, frin, and Skeet Arran.
. ; •
• . MOUNT PROSPECT • 1 bursreese, are prepared to' attend to all elders in
•r thrii line at the shortest notice. •By giving sidet
'WATER OK AND INSTITUTE i attention to the business they hope tomerit their
f. -:1 Irsare of. the trade. _ - :•, . ,• ; . i' •
BINGHAMTON. N. Y. ; . The' business wilt be carried on opposite the
THIS institution is toCated in a'benutiful and' ''
i Democrat" o ffi ce , under the name end-firm of 0,
i romantic grove at the base of Mount Pros.: D. , Luthro „ A .
. 00
peel, and: within the corporation of the vilage .; : 1 . ` ' •
, possessed elan ale:indent supply of purest eifti ' - " : .
, 'Dater, edvautages for exercise in the pure air, a I
' carriage and foot walk lap the mountain, over. I l l°°trOs e ,Jno e l7, / 8 . 52 -
, looking a scenery nosiirpassed in beauty and 1 4.. e. 4,a ~,ii..„.„.G ix, TA. Tule
grandeur . ..and "free from' the noise end tisrmoil oft, .. ri , -77,""'',..._7,.. 4 " 1 " 1 ", ,
busy life," wi th exceltenestriting mid rowingprivi. I afifiailj ISIYILIPM,ASAIari v
leges'on the pleasant waters, of the Chensingo.— . UPERFINE-Ohio FLOUR ;:i also. Codfish.
, , .
These are a few of the' presentation the-••eare : 1 „:j
.. . I Mackerel, Carpet Warp, Million fine Salt in
offers, ta the invalid. I ' ' * "
The house is new and voroutodious=bathing lam" !Imam, c. - M. C. TYLER.
5.1,i y ~) 0 1 8 -2 , - • '- . , . .
1 appaMtus excellent- r well ventilated, with
,i ) .30
- • P RE S S '
feet pitizre. ~ I . '' - i •. I . .WE STOP THE
The medical department is muter the entire i
care dfDi. Thayre and Wife;alrhe have had large ; TO ANNOUIrdE,III.I§., ARRIVAL OF MORE
, ~
experience in tlydropathic practice, mid are fa .
1 . : H •NE VV .GOODS' ' .
• "
vorablv knower as stracreeSfut practitioners.
- Codrsei Of Lectures, w'ltli full plates end illas. f .. . At lfiebtes. *, -
&miens. Will be given throughout the season to I 1 • MONTP.OSE, JuNi-1.7,1E152. • '
the Students and Patients; upon Anatomy, Physi, I --,-"---, - • '.-
ology.!Rydropatlfy and ifygierte, fol. which there I P RINTS, pRINTk i PRINTS.
Will 1,4 ,i.',additional charge. T
' . • .1
HE largest stoek bud greeiten satiety of hand.
. Fe:rodeo' who have been confined to th eir Leda • SOme styles and patterns!' ever -offered (u-tfria
for years; are invited to correspond with us eri market.)which we offer at extremely low prices,
. .
give us a call. Oar RICCI:SE' in the treatment of, ineludiog a large lot of handsome Prints for dries
diseases peculiar' to females , has given us Confi-.1 es at,-6:p en 6 e a p m :, -•• . ' - - . -
dence,l and we say to all such, eien if they have I albsoaf Jane 12,1862.. ..
"suffered , much from - ninny physicians,' makes ! ; NEW , ...
... , , ,
one mo r e trial. ' i - _ • . 'GOODS .
- Tains from $ I to $8 per week,, (payable I ' -
.-_, • r , 41 ,,t. I viT um crow rece i ving a large Supply of. New
weekly;]_ according to room And- attention
T T. ; Goods, Making our stock , more, complete
red.. .Patiefits Will provide for personal Sem. I
I Min eTer, and we invite an ex,antination of it' by
fortriblea, f.''' blankets, 3 linrn or cotton offsets and
6 towels. ,-• 0 - V.ll-JANIIE . 1111 . D., I any and all wishing ra 'Purchase. -, •• ; :• . -
' ''' ' ' ' Resident Physician •-1 , 1.. • :.: .- - :11/. QUAROWS , &. CO.
- o Ero • • - -
(191 t ,- D. W. &' 11. M. [{ANN EY,Froprietriii , .Gibl'Pot Ihntlt I— 1 -•,--,
1 —...
.• . .
tukre exietinz miler
o. is hereby dissolved.
ter carryon the Ba
der the name end firm
I. of the late grin of D.
01 Cardin g end °loth
Ipaid immediately and
- notice, that al who
ith them may save
H. siar..Ey. 1
Dissolution.: - . • . •
~-,ii - ' :• , ' LOTS -OF.-..
itcrotrog is hereby Eiv.ip that the firm) e ri,i t . t ;l QUIII.3IER Shawls,'Mnigilliii, Ribbrini, 'Suiii:
/.1 4Worner is this
,day . ; diisolrect bil mutlini 1? -7- r•r",r stair, straw braid'', Hoovers ; and aPliggsr
contiri!. - 'nose itideined to the firm; ark requi.s. I lul t ft'at'iV!'d at •; ' - .
. . . .. . .
hid to bettlf: uii withotit delay. — • • •
,• - • • . • PAUL R. PITTS,
2 .11.1*rnse: April:l.lBsl- - V. WARNER
PettinoB,,Wo9l. mid . 3,000
. dtilla . rs.'T ,
, 1 Cttolt—edPin grain. butter, Nadi. -
/0 000 .
An Asseortn:ient •,- _.,
ere. rnjis.'fit)d fiefsioax on aecnunts or. or trarte.: ' 1 fIF Itewty-mndo clothing aril hats 11114 0 pa. tiro•
' riVottirosvrJune 10. ' ' .•• A I p r(LER .11-1 mogul,. on•bnn..l; -..A fort' of the "Hosetth" Hats
.....................!....,...:....,L.L.:.1. 7 .—:.-4......::„..—...'_i ......_, - .....; 1 . ...yet tentuta k atulliner aupply expected 111 . dny or tto..
IFOR'Sklan• . •• i ; • - "r ;.: (7 E (), PqLLE
50000— -' ' - - - ' ' ''- I ' OliD SEALS some eutind - new patterns,
- "P.'4"."'''''''''. I.°3".T 'G : day • received ! • • Y • i
. -shared, cheap fer cask.' Also.' thin . . . by ,
.., . . - . .
BlatchleillPlowiti tow er iiinu lit any - other - ph:eel . 11ingtiamton, Jaly - 211; ' - A:'J.•EVAN R.
in'Susiinebniina'aannlY. . ' S. FULLER. J,
Franklin Forks. May 10; 1852." - 1... 19.1. ft
2.Nk.W . 041y, of ihba,i - cheap pills; Fancy`
Stiniv,' and Fronch.ithnisa mei "Lace' Rooil9en
and MOT' Ibbliana. and Flait , ors, greatly reduced!
from eiiiing pricer, by, 11./rJRRIII`
Paid (O'Shea p Pells'ky c, D. LATHROP
nevi supply ;- of
that oholoo Cf. Ten
,JL SEM, reesived.—Flir at. 3a and - first rele nt 4
and Sq. ; ; apprrLY 4. READ,
'4114- WAR:!'WAR:!' Dr; ilazatt's
: c o r ll 4124.)Vart Zlizir. itiat,wlll* remora all
ido l! 4 4,,co l vii,i,Varta or fitatop, la three or four
daymp, atato:, .411500 r. Batiett'a Tooth
Acha;lialla, that, will giro 'mob aOholit fi ve allo
atea-,:pilea 25 g ents-4prla4e
TI I ST ai3il.4
Great Bend
-V7:" CH
NOW Goods.
132 2E0289122 - 01/ GOIN4 20 Biniljailltair
• • •
. . ..„
-= .What bath' magic paWer to trace
•Beatitrii letel,o tom - Valid griscei•- -- `l - ]
I !--] or the. plakiestShOweliest
I • •
. -What con infaut .
t i , .„icate life's stagei
of 'agat7.'„ •
.1, NI, hat attracts the lover's (tie' •
Calling forth - a] ted.tale sigh - •
Though.thei.loved be •, .
] Daguerreotype
Whit, giireir.c , Sznfort to the heart
Whin our dearest frleuds depart "-
] 'Tis this tvonder.workiny art* •
• Daoerreotype!
This a hallowed feel rig - lends
And for absence makes - am - ends,
-I When we hold aotuo]cherished "friend's
• • - -,• -Dagnerreetype.
I* Theti why tiered - you longer Stay 7
;. Come!- there's danger in delay ; • •
Have year picture,•kray,, ;
Aud you'irbe prepared to say
That there is drub; if peaty , in. the above .
hoes; etlo.that ekt the., . •
~.]:,- • •
IVrINr-,„, n „
lithe place to gut a'faithful and - pleasing portrait-.
gri.Taft artist takes: this opportunity ici r tender hii
ateful acknowledgments to the patrons-of his
Are—trusting that his effortsto please, in the past,
will ensure his ruedies inthe future. r
:fro his for Mer facilities he has now added an Int- .
primed Half.size Camera, by 4he aid of which he
is prepared to to take . groups;or singlepictures,iol
a superior Manner,
A new and beautiful variety Of plain quid fancy
cases—Turtle] shell, Papier, Macho, ; - and Other
splendid styles, of various sizes and pattsrne; gold
and plated Lockets,
Yon who have beauty f come arid let ins take it
You who have none:pray come and let me make it.
jDOdd reilowtr , Hall, corner of. Turnpike and
Chestnut streets. - , .•
Sane 23. 1852. • •I • • - •
Note.—A good Quarter Camera , far solo
, at a
vei-y low'prier.• .• - :•; :•; . -
Tbm artist. when not in hia roorns,.may be ,
fonnd by inquiring at theCaudy!Shop.
1 . . .. - NEW -GOADS.. -- .-
I.)ENTLY if REA 0.• have Ijitst 'received a
1 .14.1 large addition to their former stock of Goode
1 co tsisfing of Dry Good* - - ofnlinoSt every deft:evi
-1 tit, i. GrOceries, Crockery, Hitirdw.ite. - Drugs;
11 diiinns, Paints, Oils and • Dyestuffs, Boots
Shins and Leather, Stone and rut wore Watches
JeWeltyiSilver Spoons, ~ Pcrfumv.y . and in tact
Efii' greutest variety thit 'can be found in
Stine in the 'comity —all'Of Which" we are prepared
'to tell fur cash Produce or ore approved credits at .
as tow murk as any of oar neighbors, Onr motto,,
is still the same as ever—" Not to be undersold"
11 -
- • ' • - • BENTLEY & READ.
.• naEss GOODS. -
VETE are reeriving a large s'upply of -Diets
onciGoods,' embraciug a greeivaristy of kinds,
:O'f beautiful' style'', and patterns. and
lewptg kinds of goads, viz:. Popline, Delouse, Der.
rtwb Lawns. (plain, strip.d and plaid.) Chain
lir tea, Hugfish. Fame!' end Domestic Prime; iVe.
Scen• most of which- they olTer considerably lower,
rP •
than early springy priccii. ,
tOuita, Juutt 12,1812
. .
Sliver Ware' .
URE AS WIN;; - (riviiked grails ilk),
risvoitrn . c;lifuf Pitited;-.l3riitoilin,_" wild SU
ver IVtire et • - ;: L. PANE/ET-JP,.
, - -
• •
,•-• NEW: GOODS,
f. pi: is now, receiving his spring nod.
itimrner 'stock ofcaiCule, which ha offers
cheap for - '
.'Montrose; April' 13, 1852: -
ta>tssaaL. . .
T the colittrtne,rehip 'bore rafore' ealstirig mider .
Dame' anikfirm of A..Laihrop dr. co.. is
distailvetL. - The bookr-and accrtaute of, the. , late
firm will be 'settled by A. Lathrop. • The bbeirwee
will be - hereafter conducted by' Latbrop_Sa
lapel pilev, on - the-'pay dOwn' anti' shaft credit
eyeteat,,onaer the firm of p. Lathrop i sr, Co. ` .;
A. LATILROP ktO ! , _
Montrose, Nardi •-•- :
void Watches--
Ex Tim fujog r 0,44y . impeirtition . , for ealt,s.
by'. ' :ALFRED' J;
114 RElASTP.lNS7—Thiiiiiii*flitil-prim!tpknoti
IMMO 41 01r0IYnry pattern'', ree d this day by
' Ditighaintou. dug.lB, - •:—.-A(J.EVANs
IXIANTE4I,OO,OOO'dos Sickii in ex.
V clings Tor Gositlif bySENTLY, READ:
Nontiose ialy 1952, 3uN :
oi . vziTzti!)'
ntnnows & co
(Woo pima' OF PAPElrtissro- - -
I ...
MBR ACT NG a great vatiety or pat-
.12 - terns. which we after at lower prices . char
'overheard tit befost• itt thew, pirtiV. Hattdriintet
Walt Paper* 9 to 10 benti a roll., Alett.a-'large
lot of Philudgpolict Pi per. beautiful patterms and
Operiarrituality. We, will trinket it - for 'it!. luta
nist of alberiehinetoafirr old e of alms
toprthatto froat,our stock. , , . ~ ••
allm 11-10111101f9 *Ott
• oilauslll,lo9/1:1 . • - 45't
?PRE subscribenbArsidd Innen% :Mc citizeidi
Wane - chip:Da county- that they hove new odr
hancluibege:earortt:ntint of,14:00o4 at phyla
said andtetall: '
- I:l'o2l.llAtZtle. DEPASMNI-p-
eadshdlottba pert'el bictidelothi. cassimoresi set.
lame. trernacki•jeani,- veitingsrliad 1 , Simmer
goodsOf all kind,. ' : '
- a.titartg 'iiipandrafaiii; •
ionsisting ora tinge variety:itizt Black 011ie, fan -
cysathri,- gingham!". Bootcirnad,:-.4triericaa
pints of alt kinds,; some at _6 pence per, yard, of
superior Ip:silty - of ooloro warranted. - nt.d e tame,
Cashmererpoplins:groves, hosiery of every grade_
and:quality—White goods:- Brawn- and bleached
*beatings, 4.4 wide. heavy, qnality.told. p er e d.
Ticking'. drillings ; flannels, Scotch "diaper, birds
eye do.. napkins ; Welt linen. and spree= ; to fact
almost every . thing in the; dry goods lino. Also , e.
large lot of • I • •
'aaitrivriStf -
Three-ply, iniraini, cotton; tind . wont,. Cotton,
stair,: druggitc- Woof and cotton—oil cloths Air
floors and tables. t. • 1
We haviie all'vfinting our ifaCa to calf and' ex
anfine qur steak; for melee! confident by so doing
it 1441 be asaving of ten.tolwenty percent: On,,
motto is.quiok-salei and small profile. , •
Store nearly oimOsito the Postornee. Bingham-'
lon, N. Y. • • WICKHAM 4. BENNET..
, .
T BURRITT'S ma y be found• an eaten..
give and' neve asioninent of Dry , C - 0044 fu%
eluding a great vailetyjot . -
Ladies' -Dress Goodo g
la rich Prints, Printed and Embroidered Lawny,
extra. rieh - 11aremrj Delaney, Ldetered Poplin...
Gingham. and Chambray, of new styles, .blaek.
and fancy Silks, ikc j .; Canton Crape, limbo
Cashmere and Beive Shawli; blanti
Parasols, plain andjfignred Swiss - Mnslins, Straw
YrettelY Luce endltiilk
_Bonnets, Bonnet-Silks.
Ribbons and Floweer.
Marge assortment.; Hats, Caps, Boots and Shciesi
Trunks - ,Valicey, tjlarpet:Bugs, Carpeting. Oil
Cloths -for flora, and tables, painted and printed,
Windon - S'haded, Wall Paper, Domestic' Cotton,
of all kind., etc. ate., Which; in connection with a.
universal assortment In other departments et
goods, and being Ptirchiuted entirely for . cask, wilt
enable parchasersjto secure benefits Jerks. style:
and terms not ta be found in any other establish-
N. 8.. -Salt and Slone Coal constantly on
Ilan& j
New Milford, //fay 1.5,1852.. _, '
Panne, and Mill Piivileges, and.
- - Lots for Sale. - -
T HE Subscriber offers for sale . the following
valuable pmPerties, to wit; one farm in the
township of flartord containing some sixty acres,
about thirty.of which is improved, house, born,
orchard,lcc., thereon. Said farm lies one mile
and' a half from . the ofliarford, na the ,
'route of the Montrose and Harford Plunk Road
It is a beautiful rind desirable locution, well war.
tered .
Also one other faina lying' on the Belmont ,
Turnpike, four Miles from Lani-ehercri and the.
N. X..and Brie
B ailrod, mural ging about. Eighty
acres,. twenty or ' ore of whieivie improved, with
huusei'brim, , oreliardi dtc. Thiei is a" valuable
Acre of lomffromits location, being well timbered:
and wattled... i . - „
Also - several Building lota at the village of Sas.
entehanno, On the York & Erie 'Rail Road:
This is one of the most thriving' Meationgin the
country, beingthe seat of the Roil -lioadMachine
Shops &c. It angaing non. about -1.30 D inhabi
tants, and its baguette-facilities are anrivaled. In
connection with the above lots; are fon r of the best
mill-Beata, in tbe County, being immediateryOtt the
susqocitantia river,, with Sufficient power, for-any
purpose of mannfctarini &c. The moat so passing '
inducemenii are held out by the above locations,
for capitalists, who wish to embark in thebusineas
ofnianufactnring;tanning,floweringnil foonberirg.
The Rail Road affords the most commodmus and
ready traneportion for everything in the above line.
The above property, whole or part, will be
sold on terms the most advantageona to purthar
erg. I will giSe t great bargains. -COminunico
tious will be promptly answered from a distance
and all enquires attended to promptly. -.
Susq., Depoi. 'Po., Jane I.
_"csl.. 0 tf.
Deans, Park &-Co. "
• The present ,Proprieters:of the
viTOULD dull attention to the feet itiat - they
ere now carrying on business at th'e /stand
lately occupied by Stevens &DuuMore. I
They have secured -th'e services of go9d work
meric whose ability and experience will['enable
thot to produce articles in their line of a Superior
qua lt be the constant dr - orts of the Prolprietors
to make ample ptovision for the wants of their
.arid, as far as may be in men', power.
will endeavor that their intercourse with such shall
be hoth' sweet 'and pleasant. I •
White and Brown Bread, Rolhi and Reek; fresh
every Tuesday. & Friday afternoon ; - also, prack.
ere, Cakes and Pit:s always on hand. .
Fruialrops—a !new article: possessing the 'fla
vor-of different' kinds of fruit-very pleasant
t • -
taste of. : •
Pont, by_the barrel or sack, at the lowest mar.
ket priee..Also,htigars, Molasses, and - most kinds
of Groceries, .on thU most reasonable - terms.
-I Great and 13311Miii, one and all, give us . a ca 11. ..
- .
.- ILA. DEANS. •
11, W. PA RIC.
•' - -
'. quiutity of seasoned rine Lumber. for oafs.
'- •
. _ ,
. ...
' . .THOMPBOX-'8: .. . -.
- . .-Unict it Dagnerreali:Gallery.
''[Eaubscriber continuos theDagtierroan bend
tress at the roomi of tho late firm Of Themp.
son 4: LOOmis,'oppositii 'the Phenix Hotel, Where
bewill be happy to, wait upon hie friends and all"
*he may faxor him with their patronage. Ladies
and'gentlemen. wish inra fac.simile ofthenisolveli
Will find' it to their interest to Call at 7'hokeson:s
pleasant and elegantly arranged minis, .and- se
cure one .or more of hie teell•defibed and fine-toned
Daguerrentypea. 130 sure 'and 'remember . the
place—opposite the Phenix. Had. • • - •
fie her on hand also, and for, saloot .few of
those superior_toned hie/edema, at the manures.,
tuenr'S'pries. Palrand examine them foryour
selrei. : L i• . - ' - L.TROMPSON..
' Ainghenton; J0n0.1852, . , L,.- •-• , ‘.
• •
To any gentleman wants to borrow 1000000 am
1. at five per cent., ha cannot borrow' of the'
subscriber, but gentlemen Sail save'rnorathan
per cent. in. there clothing ,cxpensee:by getting
their garments made at my shop. I was in the
habit of hiagging,l could point irony, Work its
thelest assuratme - of -my skill in the art, but a
discriminatintand tasteful public know - where to
g0,.t0 get
not - t a -- mentiou - s - unitientionabrea,*sts, jackets.
sacks, surtonts;c-oatees, =
tr.r u tlemett . wiil please to take nodes that f,
have removed thy - shop to 11ir.. Keelov's 61ocJt r op
Main street; first story. ' '.. •
CaTutting !lone au • • -