THE 7 :DEMOG'O.:4T; . !2 1g52. Anecdote , Orli/he:Linton. - •of In the summer 1118,w en t e merman army vntelifNitur York, young jgirt,of •• the city went to her Franciti,,aed com municated to him, as a secret sh'e had o'er beardlo Plan that was in operation to destroy the American 101.03). which wee baidentifullY mingled with, hie green peas, a favorite vegetable °this, On the following day, at Richmond Hill ..hetutquar. tare, Where he was to dine. Francas„ Who _ was a thoiciugh whig, although supposed': to lie friendly to the royalints, went linatedis4ly to Washington and-acquainted with this diabolical Titan for hiadistruction. ' Washing ton having Ilittetredwith attention said; 4 ! My idea think you; yonrifidelity 'has siaeed my life, to what reserve the Almighty knows! Rat now for your safety : I charge yOu to return to your house, and let not a word,of whatyrin have related tome passyour bpi ; it would involve you in eertein ruin ;and heaven forbid that your life should be forfeited or endangered:by your faith in toe.; ‘ I will take i the necessary etePteto prevent and at the same time. discover the instrument of . this wicked detide. • • The next day, about two hours before din ner, he sent for one of his guard.; told him Of the plot, and re - tint:tett that ho shduld disguise hithaelf as a female, and go - 'to the kitchen, there to Iteep a 'strict watch Orin the peas until they should be served up the , ta r Tho young man carefully obseived the; di -rectioe he had received, and bad notbeenlong upon his post of duty, before a young man, , another, of the guard, carne arialausly e to; the door of the kitchen, looked ii iud„ then ! 'pas zed - aWay. .In a tow moments he' rettireed and approached the hearth where the peas stood and was about to mingle in_ the deadly [sub- Menne, when suddenly he shrank i baclfas tho from the sting of the fork-tongued ',Ado', his color changing to the pale hue of - death, , and his limbs apparently palsied with' tear, evident. ry horror struck at his own purpolte—but goon however, the operation of a more powerful exeitenient urged forward ” his reluctant hand that trembling strewed the. Odious "bane, and he left the' oom overwhelmed with conflicting passions, remorse and confusion.. "Harold sleeps no more, the cry has reached his heart ere the deed be acomplisited7 i t aid the youth on duty, in a voice tot devoid ! bf pity, and he looked after the self-condereed wretch. What H arold 1" said the ceerlmanderiin chief, sorrowful, upon receiving the informa tion ; can it be possible--so young, so fair and gentle i.He wouidhave been the, hist peagen upon whom a suspicion of that nature cohtd have fallen, by right of countenance. if,-ou have done well, said ho 'to the youth before Lim.' "Go join your comrade and be secretor The young man went accordingly, and Washington returned to the piazza, wh'ere mineral officers were-assembled, among whem was the hero of Sara,toga, who was waiting for fartherinetritetions from Congress 'before he departed for Canada. In a few moments dinner was announced, and the party was , Ush ered into a handsome apartment, where She sumptous board was spread, covered with all the delicacies belonging to the season. The commander-in-chief took his seat pla ging General Gates on his right hand and Gen , oral Wooster on his left. end company the remainder of the officers end ; company were seated, and eager to commerce the duties of the table, the chief said litres eivelv ; C....tlemen, I must request pin to suspend your liked for a few moments. Let the guard attend me." ; All was silence and amazement, The guiird entered and formed in aline towards the upper end of the apartment. Wq‘kingtou having put upon' : his plate a spoonful of peas, fixed his eyes 'Sternly upon the guilty man and said, ! ! " Shall I eat this vegetable ?" - The youth turned pale mid became dread fully agitated, while his trembling lips.filintly uttered, - " I don't how."' • " Shall I eat ofthis' vegetable r s tagaind: .. , dud Washington, raising, sdrne upon his knife. . / ILI*, Harold eleveted his hand, as if by an involuntary impulse, to prevent: their ' being tasted. - • '.4 -- .t A chicken was then brought - in: that col elusive experiment might be made in the prea enee of all the witnessea. Theithimal ate of the peas and immediately died, and the wretch ed criminal, overcome with terror and remorzie fell tainting and wag borne from the vet meet. , Caution to Whig Onitoro. At a Whig meeting held a day or two ago at a flourishing village in the interior, one, Of their orators thought it his duty Ito etmr4e General Ptence with weakness and cowardi4e Ile said it was unfortunate that the General had fainted'at every point where his seyiees were needed. At this interesting period of the discussion; -a plain determined= looking man arose, and said he wanted tb speak a word to the flippant orator. 41 I r belorigal," said he to the 15th regiment in itexido, and I 'tim, tt Wnig,hut the man that calls:Fa/flint P/EILCS,. a coward, shalt fight me any. hoar." " Why,: said' the frightened speaker, ' 0 I' certainly have heard many pensions say as I have here asserted." , , • , ".No matter," rejoined the indignant soldier " You must swalloW your wordy or fight, 'me. The man . did'ut live that could with impunity call FRANK' Posts a coward in my proses. The orator saintly said he meat, hay e been misformed, bat really,iZackerialiChandier, the whi,g candidate for Governer, told him 'so.— Detroit Pro Press. A pedlar in flowers in the pa bile sure ela -.of New York is said to hare amassed $9OOO by the sale of bOtpacte, in the course of thel list few seasons. +lds is pcddling to some per, pose. It tells favoraidy also for the good !este of the citizens ' F: John Some heartless , wretch. haa been polling his proboscis innotiig, thoflowenSof peciy:on4goea off in an agoolzingiierim,ly,'Om, that. beautiful 4soni,;*.tlew Bolt" In the following slashing style : • • • . Diden't riti remember lameSally,John Jones? Lone Salty, Whose; Imes 'Was so brown 1 Who Tooltedthkenmthnifyou gave her simile, And went into , fihsat your -frownl • In the old!goosopondi in.the orchard; Jobs - Where Owl:polio& era learning to swim, Lame Sally..went Etithing,troe wet,iday, And there by mistake tumbled in. • Under Old:Sines brush fence;Jolan Jones ' , That winds at the foot of the.hill, Together We've 'menthe oldeimel gO.rtiand, tirinding eider iat Appletol's The nailiwheel is oven wood now, jolin bites The rafters fell onto a eow . And the %Vessels and rats that crayrrround as you gate. i " • Are lords of the elder loin now. . '- . pq you, /era ' tri b ee th e pia Irmo of. logs. John 'Jones, Which, stood-on thepath to the barn And the shirt-binton - trees, - Where they gresion the bonghs, • : - Which w e sewed in ye* jackets with yarn II The, pig pen his gone to decay, Julia 'cluerai The liOLuing toe tree- Overet: • Aid down. where theimione esirrota'onee . . grow, '" I Grow thiAles as big as 'your thumb. Don't you: remember the school, 'John Joneei :And the twister who•wore the old wig? • Add the shady 'nuok,by the , crook of the breek; AVhere we played With Aunt; Catherine's P i g ' I - • - 21/ice live in the toaster s-wigi John Jones; The brook with the crook iv, now dry 7— :- Aid the 4151 S andgiris tint' ware pl aywates then, /lave all grown up over so • high ' - There is a ..change in things,l love;John They have changed from the gtiod t o the bad— . , And my stomach, to tell you the truth, I'd likete go home to my dad. TWelve nionnur r twenty—tieve passed, John Jones, ' - Since I kdoCkedoff year nose with And yet 1/believe flu your. only true ,friend, John Jdnes, of the Hurricane Gale. • ' Tc4lgh Yarns. Barcinßlunchaosen was .sonia'.ort a story ; the late , liicholas!Saalis was very it gdo ; - jar I,onghew was great, and Our, friend Capt. John W. itichardson is, 'not slow-; but • the following from the Yankee Blade will do,: Vurtaiile &CA had fed a very reins rkable Weheard him telling, some appalling stories of his y onnger days, lat.: week, to a group of gaping boys and astonished' Olin. 4 1 hid ; s aid the old Trojan in that eswe est-manner so characteristic of his coloquial attainmenis, 'Whieh was the master for balls - you ever did. see. I warn't morehi twen ty years old—it was as. much ,as sixty years ago; fahoUld a'most anyhew I. tell you what, I could tilt-any ; thing I wanted to. I remernheenow, one_ day, I 'went into- the Woods pawn by the river.:-.'was it • hot day, in May—l.had my gnu With nie—Used to!car. ry" it as a gin'ral thiiig when I went to the Woods—didn't like to go without it—it - was a royal g,un. I hadn't got far into the woods before 1 ecivr a grey squirrel running up a tree —I let blizard—the bullets weat through the divil—tors off a foot and a half or the bark of the tree, besides making splinters fly, like sin--it then went through the , next tree—l heard an almighty buzzing inside, and < pretty" soon saw soinething,running out Of the' hole the bullet had made, and I swan to pueker, got no less than forty six gallons and alhalf et homey - oat of the tree—real ginoowine bees. honey—none ef your ,nasty Cuba.niggers sweet-Lit Was Prinie,..l vow Well, air,",, that ball ripped a crow's nest out of the neat tree —killed the olden° and , four young old i es,. be; sides a weasel that had just crawled up toget something to eat;: I van yon never see any. thing like it: But irdidn't stop there';' a few rods beyond it went through another nice, and killed a fanial big raccoon that was just run ning up on the further side, and then brought down sixteen pigeons from a great flock that was just earning down to pick benies: in the woods} 'Whent got to the - river, 1 found `it bad kftledeialitwild geese that I had seen in the river the night before, which- were just ri sing up to fly as I fired; I could see ',em drift ing downthe stream: I was afraid to lose 'em, and ad dove in'after 'era withuuttaking off - my clothes ;.;and when l came out-feeling some thing cool, I vow, und five dozen shad and sixteen akwives,in• the seat of my breeches. We stepped out just'as the oldgentleman re. the: point in bid 'narration.' We un denstandthe ball did further service `on."the opposite side of the ricer, but. we choose to omit all bit what I've, Ourselves, heard ; folks are so apt-to stretch stories when they tell them at second hand. ' • - FEEDISG PIG was ,VeslcE.—lnteresting extract from . Thuilow. ,Weed's aettter , - from ireiride;Phblis* in the Albarly Journal < At 2 1 1 , o:o'clock we returned!** the square to witness the novel and interesting ceremony of feeding the pigeons. Outoireds of. people had collected with the saine object. The pig. eons, or ;do4eis wer e coming in from different irectiono and lighting shout the windows and 1 cornice hf a marble 'palace, where ;they ,sat qaitetralvel3 l t until th-i hour of two was heard, when the whole flock simaltancausly settled dowlo 'upon the " pavement under the window, froni_which the seed ivas:thrown, and. from which they had Wen fed,'at the same moment every day, from a , period so remote' that the , "mewed' of man runneth not to. the contra. " Tallight we lwent again' to the same place. The'pigeons began ta.collect a quar. ter beforn 2,eiidentlY as'intent epoulheirdia•- ners as the same number of children, or 4 schil. dren oflarger'grosith" would have been: oth = er bells sounded a few minutes before 2, and another clocke minute before;-bitt not a dave moved until the hatameiwis bearded the clock of B a n Marco, ea instantlyeveq wing ospreall and the flock settled to the pavement.. While busily picking up their food it dog gaMboied around them,aid children walked in thii ring without disturbing_ them at all. • Bome 'say that the government peovidestlei food for.the deses.'.lothers say that a lady;ceutures 4gO, presided hilier wi'l for the' feeding. of the pigeons; irtt no one knew.when or why the practice originated." • • . 'f Light, Mare Light Still I" A BOOK FOR THE TIMES, 1 ZDITITLED 1 1 Life at at the Bout . 46 tun urirclottairk .o AS IT IS. Being t. argativeg. Scenes i and Inoinent in the teal .Life of the Lowly." 1 lay at. L. a. SMITH, M. THE. Object of, the author is to represent the i condition of the Slave in his rude but corn. fortable cabin, his daily eecupattons and pastimes the relations between the master and sieve, the mistaken impulses mid misconceived ciente of the Northern Philanthropist, me etc.. and 10 repro. pent the pautous and sentiments in theiz i astural forme, ei the same cue displayed ::m th e luimbrest lot of sac etv, thus:towing that, in the case of the slave at least, contentment bestows more hemp new than freedom l • and at tlie same time _ L to rep. in flat, aff it is, a ena of pi °pie, viz: th e Planter, to whom justice hasseldom been done, and , whose character, as , exhibited in every day life, is well milettimed to wus / the , amiable judgment of the world. 1 ' The above umirwill be published on the first °fluty, and will contain about 500 12 me' pages, beautifal y illustrated. 1 , The price will be $1.50. Early ?der* wlll meet with first attention. Good alive agents wanted to sell the above On the margin of $1,50 we *RI forward one copy oft is 'above book (which agents eau use as a sample copy) by mail, puitage pant, to any place in the tfroted States, not exceerling 15011 miles from illullielo, Chicago, Cincinnati or New 'York. Booltheent by :nail must be prepaid according to the'new puttoffice law. Postage on this work is about, i.. 5 cents for each and every 510 mime. Wholesale prices for above, and other saleable books, for which wit want egetde, will be forward. ed ouepPlication to us, postpcid. G. H.DERBY dc GOs Book Publishers, BuiLlo. N.Y . SSOO,CHALLENGE: I , 7ITUATZVEti coneeros the health anl happiness of a Tr ple Is at all times of the most trainable im parithiee take It for granted - thafeyery person' wilt do all t err power to rare the lives of their Children and.that.weety ;person will ..endeavor: to promote their own health at allthetifices. I feel it tube to y_ duty. to solemnly ; assure you that Mirms - at:Cording to the optnkut or the most celebrated -Physicians: are the pd. mory °ante of S large majority of disease to which chil dren and adults are debt ei ,If you hare an appetite cone Lineally ebonyeable froth Ono kind of food-to another, bad breath, polo in the istemerb, - - pielt:Thi at the nose; hardness and fa'ness of the belly, thy cough, low fewer, pulse Irregular, remember that all these denote i Worms and Lou should alethee apply the remedy.. 110DE:18.i W tes ounl.Sititt4, 1 " . _ _ , . , , . An article' found upon scienti fi c princip l es ; compounded with porely vegetable entottane. , , 'being perfectly rare when, taken, and determined in all Ile._ effects, - And not leaving the syn. nrin a diseased condithn as most miter tisedlttostmtut forthe remomi of morns*, composed' of calomel, snob as Lozenges Verrolfages, &e.; but his porter:tied the meat camels/deg cures and saved the iblOr of thonsands, both old and young, who have been pro nounced hopeless. Incurable, by physicians. ' Read the following and become convicted of Its . 0111eacy ores all ahem t , ',J' ••' Morris River, N. 7., ling. 13, 184: Air. J :P. llobensackidls isle ce rt ify that y child, 15 were of age, having been sick for three years, was at tended for • disease of the aping by Ifra:Loper:rilliliit, and Phislfor a long aims without receiving any hens fit After giving her up as Inconbie4 I went - to rtPhila delphia a d'ionsultesi one of the .best phyeicians, her disease still growing worse.. A was URI& time liwesdn duced to by • .obensack's Worm Syrup; and 'after, tak ing iwo bellies /he entirely regained her health, after parsing&equantite of worms. unplug this. iwill bey a benefit t patents whose children are similarly affected, . .- lem yowls tko.: •,, .. . , ~ R. IMICWN. . HQ ENSAOK' - LIVER' PILLS. ;,,,., No part of the system limore liable - to disease than the liver, it reeving as a filter to purify tee, blood, or, givins the prope l l separation and secretion to the bile. so, that any wen acti, nof the liver affects the other imaortant parts of Me eystem, and results variously in Liver Com pleinte,Jndlee, Dyspepsia, Fevers,. &e. We ! should therefore tch every symptom that might indicate a 1 1 . etc on of the liver. - These ;Pills being composed of roots it 1 Oulu, furnished,by nature to heal the aids, namely: et, an Expectorant edikhauxasents the seem lion from the pulmonary mucus membrane, or pm/notes the disch eof secreted matter. 2d, an *lterative, which e ages in some inexplicable and insensible man ner, the in morbid actions of the sytem. Id, as a Tonle, eh eh gives tone and strength to the nervous system, renewing health and vigor to all parts rof the body. bits, • Cathartic., which acre in perfect harmony with the other ingredients Ihr , operating on the ;bowels end expelling the whole mass of corruption and' vitiated matter and purifying the-blood, which destroys disease and,retarde holtli. - ' - , , .. Pin arid at ffebensack's Laboratory, Philadelpida, corner 4tl add George st. Price 24 eenta. -For fale by the principal Druggists and Antes generally thtoughout the oodatlY , BY agent Ashbury Ward, Philadelphia. : AGILNr—Abel Tyrrell and in !alley & Betul., Mont . rose; llaidta & Little and Wm. C. Ward New Milford; Eaton & Peek and Saxe Seymour, Raifor d; U. Barron, & co., 01 eon; 0 11. %Pelle& Chi itenden and anvil & Phinney. tnindalf; 0 A. Eldridge, Brooklyn; drow. ft tiros., 01 . wood ; Luelen l Seett 'and Dr . James Bmolut, Greet B nd ; .1. W Lyman, Thekhannock; Barter .& Russell, . terlingvtile; SI. T Sturdevant Draintrim. 18y1 . ~.. . . _ . .. : . . AFVI I 0 T.l'l .1) ILEAD.;•... I Phil , delphia Medical Heise. Eitabl . redfifteen 'years ago, by DR. RINKE ' LIN - North West ' Corner of Third and Un -, Streeti, !known Spruccond PinF Sts. ' ' Ph' , di.lphii. , FIFTEEN YEAR/Cot extensive , and uninterrupted lee spent in this eity,have rendered Dr. R. the , pea most and successful practitioner far and near, in the treat was of all di•eases of a-private- natcue.l, , Per son! WM ted with ulcers .on the body, throat or legs, pains In 1 e head Itt I r bones, mertureal reeurazatwo'stritt ores. gra el, diseases *thing .from youthful exeentes or impuriti of the blood whereby the eonstit utian,hashe come enfee bled are attested with success. . ..- • Ile Ish places himself under the care of Dr. 11. May , ,; religions confide In his honer us • gentleman, And:con fidently rely upon his skill as a physician. . 1 ' .: Taus .ranlicnbart NoTicu.-4c sing wen who have Injured tbemselves by e certain practice_ indulgedlo . -• habit frennently learned from evil companions or at et:boob-the Weds of Which `ate nightly; felt; -even when @sleep; and desfroy.bott. mind and body..should , aPPly. Imnielistly.- Weakness and -ennstitutkmal debility, Ines am settler energy; physical lassitude and general prostrati n, irritability and all nervous affections; indi gestion, luggbhnera of the liver and every disease in any wiry unettrdwith the strearirdnefunetionsicuted and full Igor restored. - - - ' -' -- - ' . ' .. , r ' : ;Rend ! Youth and' Manhood.. , 1 ' i A Vig us L i ffe or Prernuture Death. 'Xiwke . . li on' set preservation. : "Only 25 CM:. .., Thli ook just pubitshed Is filled with rueful inrorma don, On he Infirmities end diseases of the gentbativeor , gans. : 1 addresses itself alike to Yora, Manhood: and Ord .4e and should be toad by. all. The valuable ad: vice and Impressive warning it gives, will prevent years of malzery d. aufferhsg, and save annually thousands of Dem', events, by reading it, will learn how to prevent the dent action either eielidren. -- • I • `11. 4 A Mace of 28 seats, enclosed In a litier, ad dressed - Dr. RINKELIN;N:I9: Caner of Thirdl and 1111110 n, 0 Vets. be tween Sprees and Mao,. Philadelphia; I rd wta re a bank, ondor envetope,pre tarifa mail; P 'eta distance may address Dr.lll. by letter; en elating Is fee, and bemired at home. ' I • Poe es of Median ca - Directions, 4C.,faiverdeii; by sending • remittance, and put up secure:from Daunt or . Carlority. Ittink•sellers,News Agents, Pedlars, 'Canvaarers,l and all others supplied with the above work at very low rates. - ,• . ... „. ,- , 47.1 y: tt , „.....' , • The subscriber has ust 4! r.: : 1 f . .I o r. _=_-.- received - a large stock t i '1- -t;. *....m a -••••,,, & exeelleni aasortnient q : ic:' -of Blen'tri and 13nye' If• '^ '-' a .. • . - READY' MADE abCIVIIIBB O - t styles and suited to 1 the season. k ... Farhjonable Silk Hato, (Boobies iittnng Kossuth Hats. Leghorn, &Win; nod Plain ate, Cope. Shirte,Stockinge, Gloves. Sus . Ornims.ECoti and Shoes; Booker WillP• a d Writing Paper, Travelling Bop, Wall (a good stock.) Curtain Fiver, and Flinn) , too' numerous to specify-411 or emir of will settne,tow-es,n like; can bo bought ghtunton" (many other town:, - ' . '1 P . - ' - GEO. FULLER; - tresie, - April,2o, 1852. style,) Leaf ti pende ping Pisper, article which 4 1 •11 i No GREAT' BARGAINS:: : ! •ANFIELD is Belling off hitilamo etach JEWELRY, WATCUZII, GIIriTLY D prices, to nialitr main for tteW good CANFIELD. hamton, April 23, 1852. 'WOOL! WOOL! want 10,000 ponaulo of Wool in exct!aoge for cash or clotho. D. R. LATHROP & 00.; 'trove, May 24, 1852.. . 21t1 WOOLI.WOOL!' H paid for Wool by, -H. BURittlxv ow Milford, Jiro 1852, Liver Coinplaint. - Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or. Nervous Debility,-Diseas es Diseases Of the Kidneys, o A cb N l ilt, o al ro i l s o c d b l iftag ii e s u h c od es h-a - r waelijaift:ipsrtclo n o l e en:w to e r to r d d e u p T l e i tut f il sCluess::: beset burn, disgust for faxt,Juloess, or weight the stomach, eons ernotations sinking or thinning at 'the pit of the stomach, tour ecintations head, parriedor diP ticaltbreabing, fluttering at thllleartjcloking orsnlits toting sinsa&l ono when in a lying Poston, Illtnnesa of vision, dots or webs bePire the sight, fever and dui:pain la the head, deficiency of perrpiratibn, yellowness of the 1 skin and eyes,',palialn. the sides hacks ghost iletioi &a, stutlenthastuts of burning in thollesb. consent Ina-1 sightings of evid.andzseat &Me"' r 4l . 1 . 41 1 effectnally cured hy , „ Or. - "koptia. nor* celebratpdi,fAff. ‘' man 'Bitter's: Preparedty M - Jackson; at: the German Medicine ,store; 120• Arch aireet _Philadelphia. - • Thefrp t oweroyer tbt a tn;w,. diseases Is not otallal, ft eqUalled, byany other preparation In the United States, as the cures attest, ha many cam after skilful physicians 'had failed: • = , . • Thesnbitteas are wortilaf the attention of, Invalids —I nisotiolng anlet-virtnes in the acetification of diet:saes of t the Llverand terser giands,exercislng the most seatching power lo r weakneassantraffeetkoas et the' digestish b'gans, they tee, withal, tare; testate, *adult:avant. • I .Read'and Coati/T*4i The iota-Of the 'Reston Dee - said; Veannlaer - Drafootlaars Cs/shaded GermawitrUers,for theatre Of gornolant, J 4410 10 1, DiSPedela Ebranier or Nervous Reality, Is Siteetvedly one , of the Meat Papillae' m Widnes' a' the day.: These Ulnae bare herniated by I bousands, and a friend at one elbow says be has Manself received eu effectual and permanent cure of Llmr Com- Plaint from the woof this remedy. We are convinced that, lo the am of these bitters, the patient constantly gains sttengtb end vigor—i fact worthy of great coadd eration. They are pleasant In taste and smell, mad'can bo used hy,persons with she most,delladesfonlaseb with safety, under any circumstances. We are (pesetas from experience. and tp the afffictei we advise their use. boott't Weekly, one of - lice hell gditerary:PaPets Pub. Seised, said, August gistrbL• • " Dr: Ifooftarses Melte= 'Dater', numufacttived by Dr. Jacksonutres noes reanotaended by snme of the most Prominent members, the meSold ulty as an articl a anichegleacy In eases of female wea fac kness Assn& i s the ease, we would advise all mothers to obtain stbettle, and thus nee thettleehrte much sickness. Persons of de bilitated constitutions will god thelle:Sittera advantage. on to theichialth. as we know from experience the sad= ntao effect they have upon weak systems." • More Evidence. , • _• The Philadelphia Saturday Gatette„ithe best family pa. persubilated in the United State, says of Dr.lioallantrs German Bitters—. • , = . lit is seldom that we recommend What'are •termed 1 Patent Medicines, tom , the contidenee and patronage or oar readers, and ' thereto's' when we 'recommend Dr. Hoof land'aGerman Bitters we wish to he distinctly's/Wel stood that- we are not speak ng of• the nostrnms of the day, that are noised about for a brief period and then for. gotten after they have run their guilty race of mischief, but of a me thine long establish's!, tiolversallyapprored, and wtdch.liu met the hearty approval of the fatuity itself" Zook well to the marks of the genuine. The7bavithe *Alton signature of O. M. JACKSON' upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the bottle, 'mahout which they are work:sus. , For We , w h olesale and retail i nt the German Men: clot Same, No. 120 Areh street, one door belay Sixth, thiladelphha, and by respectable adders generally Ohio'. out the country. . Priem Reduce/.—To enable all claws of In i alids enjoy the advantages of their_great restorative powers, &Mite Bee Me, TS *l , O for tale by ABEL TURRELL, Druggist, Montrose, Penn's.: ' 1,1 NEW DRY_ GOODS AT. NEW DIELFOIRD: DEIPIIT. - AT H. fIURRITT's may. be found sive 01,d near assortment of Dry Goode in cluding a rireat ; : variety cd,. - Ladies' Dress Goods; • • - tatich Printe;'Printed 'and. Enibraidered Lawns, extra - rieh I Barege ' Delon es, 'luste red POplins, pitightintal and' Chambrays of • new stile", black and fancy ] silks, &c ; Canton Crepe, ,Breche Cashmere and, Iferege, Shawls,-Silk Afenti line Parasols; ilain and figured Swirs'llfuelinst Straw French '.Lace , and Silk 'Boni:lets,. Bonnet Ribbons and Flowers::' • •• • . GENTLEMEN AND BOYS DRESS AND SUMMER GOODS. . A large assortment.- Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks Valleys,. Carpet Bags, Carpeting, Oil Cloths for' floors - and tables, painted and printed Window qhades, Wall Paper, Domeatic 4Cottaus of all kinds, Mc. etc., - "Which, in connection with d universal assortnient in other departments of goods,. and being purchased,entirely for cash, will enable purchasers to secure benefits in price, style and terms not to be found in any other eitablish rrient. . , • N. 8... 5a1l and Stone Cool constantly on hand. • • •-- • 1 _ thw Miran!, Nay 15.1852. MOUNT 'PROSPECT WATER CURE AND =INSTITUTE, BINGHAMTON, N. Y. . THlS.institution is located in a beautiful and romantic grove at the base of Mount Pros pect, and within the corporation of the silage; possessed .of An abundant supply of purest soft tooter, advautages for ikerckse,in the pure air.A carriage and foot walk up the mountain, over looking a wenerrunsurpassed in beauty and grandeur, and "Ave, from the noise and turmoil of tuitr wish excellent sailing and row leg privi leges on the pleasant water/, of the Chetiango,-= These are a few of the presentation the ..Cure" ofieta to the invalid. The, house' il - DOW and .commodions-bathing apparatus excellent—well 'reatileited, With 34) feel. pirizXo-- • , ,• The medieiti'departmont is under the entire care of Or. Thayre and wife„Whohave had large experience in Ilydropathie practice, rind are fa vorably, known as successful praititioners. Courses Of Lectures,mith, lOU plates mid flu.- trations, will be given thrixighout the season to the Students and Patients; upotiAnatomp, Phyri ology,-HydroPathy, and Hygiene, for 'which there will be no-additional charge: • ',Females who have been copfined to their beds for years, are invited to correspond with us or give us scan. Oar success id the treatment of diseases • peculiar to fenfates,-has given amfi denie, and IVA say to all such, even if they have •'suffered much from • many physicians, make one more trial. , , . Terms from 84 to $8 per week, :(payable weekly,)- according - to room and attention requi red. Patients will provide for personal use 2 cam. forta4les, 2' blankets:3 linen or cotterialimets and 6 (owes. ' 0 V. THAYRE, M. 'D., Rerident - PhySielan.• timr, D. W. &H. M. RANNEY,Troprietors • ' THE 'LIGHTNING LINE - I . I-1 TILLMAN, Barber. and Pair Itmeser, re tarns his thanks to his .nunterous friends and patrons; and having, as he hopes, convinced all of thi great danger ,and risk of cutting their throats by shaving themselves, he,bcgs 'that they Will discontinua that 6orber.otutpructice, and en courage home industry by calling on him for a shave. Col. Crockett's uncle was sale to be so smart that he shaved himself with skeet lightning. and C;Tillman - will perform the sanio - feat on any who riiefq thin: ton good razor if they will 'call at his shop in Benrle's Hotel basement:' If you dirkitt believe it, call and eia. Montrose, May, 6;1e52' C. TILLMAN. D i ss q uy i nioN.-, THE copanuership heretofore existing under the and &nu' of A. Lathrop & Co., is dissolved.The,books. and accounts ,of, the late firm will be' A. Lathrop- The buslners will be hereafter conducted by. D. It. Lathrop & James Ailey, on the pay - down aii'd Ilion. credit system; odder the fltni of R. IL Latta , * Co, moil - ooze; stir , ch A.LATIIRCP . st CO. 9tf NEW 600DR.' ENV Spring and Sommer Goods in great vs. , N riety and style, and - a general aasoritnent of Stapler and Fancy Goode just received and selling unusually lo,t by,„ • , H. DURRITZ ;New. Milford, liay 8,.1852, - , _ ; NOTICE ie DiS hereb s y o g l i u ve t n io ta thefittn of 6 ritto & Werner ie; this day -dinolved by mutual conieot. Thosaindebted to the film,-are requee• ted to settle opyidthout.deloy, ' ' ! ' PAUL ILPITTS. : Noniron) April A. 185%. P. WARNER, ANTED, 10,000 doe woolen 'Socks in ex. - chug. for Geode by BENTLY *READ. Montrone July 12, 1852 # 3W. . • DR:Rouoffroirs ,•, . . . An titer 1;4 Snieltt:#n" WOnderl - Great: Cuiesfor Dyspepaitil-: . 110VGICION'S *Eva' Nei TUE Tab Preyswed front_ RIVINITT •or the foutth„Sloalach of .the ld -alaftest d fr ictions of Bayou thli'great Physlo-, Ic Chstolsti S. EQUOUTONi - f ind/add- L'•• ,-•:, - - - • Willits a teal Wonderfuli,Semedy,for INDIDESEION, 1 DIMPEPSTA,:'JAUNDICEraVER-CONELAINT. CON STIPATION and DEBILITTearing :after Daturettowts: meth 4 ; by Natureenowumpast,,the Gastric,julte.,, • • Pepsin is the thief element orgriut:Dlgestive pefncfplo of the asslrleJob . stehe Boirent - of the. food,`•the Pia+, fYing.Yreservingiand Stimulating Agent of he Elomagh and 1.! trinities. It is extracted from the Digestive Stoni ads attains, thus forming an AVTIFICIAL - DICES. !WIVE VLUID; precisely nkt the natirral Gastriel Julia Itschemical powers, and frihdiddolga comPitte. tuft or . Vert substitute for It. Ily,the Odor this ' preparation, the mina' nna Vent of bidlrstiol byst*Pda are relneted • just so Oast would be by n hailthy stomach— it ts doing • wonders for dyspeptimuuring cases of Debility, Emetic. tide, Nervous beeline; and Dyspeptic Coniumptlon. sup posed to be on the verge of the gem.' the scientllle-erf dente Sipes which itis based, Isle the highest degree css- Anus and remarkable., •-- ~• _ BUM Llebeg In Mt tele:Mita' on- Chew Littl.-0/11, "An Astlfletal rdelestise Tuda; 'onstage:iris, to the Gartriolidee, sissy be readily prepared from taelnse cons tnembrane of the stomach of the ilalf, In - whieh Tort ens articles of food; s meat and Eggs, will •be softened, changed, and digested. just In the, saute Manses &stile, would be lethe human at/mech.”. " • , - Call Ott the - agent . and - get a &scrip Ltt'e-eireniai, grstis,girinsa loge limllllt_Osellntilneerbletlele,elrul af to • the above, t ogether with reports of • semarksblo edits train all Parts of the treated Piae v' • - • - DE, 110C4IITON'S PEPSIN noir seld.bnearly all the dealers In tine drugs and popula medicin e' through; Out the United States; It b prepared in powder - awl In Auld form, and In prescriptivevials for the Ilse of 'Phys.!. clns. PRIVATE CIRCTILAUS for thaureedPhyttelans, may he Obtalprd of Dr..floughlon or Ids agents ilcscribtrig the whole preens of , preparation. en d ' , titbit the authorities. upon . nblett the calms of this new remedy are baled. As kis not a seirei retnetig,no Ode/flop can be relied againit Its use by, Physicians In reopertable siandiagend regular practice. Price, ONE DOLL4R per bottle. 3:7- OBSERVE TIM It—Every bottle of the gimpfne PEPSIN bears the written signature of J... 110tn.u. TON, M. D. .aole ProPtiefor Philadelphia,_ Po.r. • COY* right and Tr ade Mark secured. • BT Paid by all Drueglits and Dealett In Medicines. • • 1r For sale by A 911.4 - IIIIIREI.L, Druggist r llontrees, Pa., Agent for Suaquebannz county My. DRY - Gbo . DS'. NEW STOCK!! bREAYER THAN EVER f! - •• _ W. it* listita,-- • Late of the Firm of Wilson, Si Duller, TIESIREB to return his grateful thanks to the ctn.. .1.1 setts of Susquehanna county for their liberal pat. ronage dyeing the poet year, and respectfully toilette a continuance of their • favors • Hating re-opened the more In Tompkins' Block, (*bleb - hat been eu lamed and Improved,) with a full .stock of Spring and Summer Goods, he invites those whit wish' to purchase Goods very low, for cash, to call acid csamine hie assortment. The enbjoiped list of, Goods , and prime he beileveawili compare favotahly with that of any utter merchant In this vicinity; Ladies' Dress Vouds. ' A large abortient. of Mark and colored Silks, of •a more grades and'patterna, frota 4s. 84. to 148. per yd, 111Ouseline'DelLciines. 2000 yards of Spring De Urines, of Simoirt avail e tj and style Ozer the New York market atfordso rota to Se. per yard. • Prints and ;Ginzhami: ' - 10000 - yards 4 of Wee:nark, Pal Itfrii,lfaneliester, Cochlea, Rini's); and other styles of Recta, Si fie. 6e* 10c, Mad la per yari. • Ono ease of -superior elathennd eotm, yard nide, tit the low prim* of le.:. 1000 'yard* of • • aloes andfilasgowAllngbama r vrarranted feet-colors, at Is per. yard. ' Also, Scotch and Sleuth do from le. • - .4floarnink Goods.'" .-• -- Botabatlve h - Alpaeras, Mohair - Lustier, Dareger, Can ton Clotlik all *opt De Gaines, glik Tisanes, and all oth er goods steed in , monrning. White.Vooda; Plain, plaid and striped Seeenet Itinslln,Cambric do., plain and dotted - PAPS. Mull; NainsoOk and 'Tarlton, Linen Cambric, Bird!, Eye Linen '. Linen Tani e Cloths, Dimling, Scotch and Russia Diaperi,Lineri Sheeting* do Shirting', Re. Ste. at, ow b Prices as cannot fan to give entire satisfaction to enetomerf. • • Shawls A largo lot of Bvithe, Canton Crape and Cashmere Shawls twenty per cent. cheaper than they was sold last year. • Handkqrchiefs. - . Linen liandkarchicfs of every grade, from 6d to $4 each. • , - 1 • Talde.Coreis. . Several daren colored cotton.woreted and Linen, and all wool Embosied Coverd, liontis. to $4 apiece. ' Goods for,Afen and Boys. Broad CI ths of every color and quality, from 10s. to $5; black and hue, Cassimeresi from 6to 20M. ; Ken tucky leans, Tweeds. acid Satinets,. from 2s. ed. to 4s; Testicles of every description, quality and price. -• Domestic Goods WOO yard. of brown ott'retlngs lad shirtlego,frcum 5 to 9e. per yd.; 5000 bleached do. from de. to Is. per yard; Tiekings and Mariners' thlrtior.from 6d. to Is. per yd. Hosiery acrd. Gloves .„ . . An excellent Allsortment eau very cheap. Among them a large lot of whltecotton note, very lair quality only rld: a vain. . , _ Trunks. Valises and Carpet Bags A well assorted stock . purchased direct from the larg est manufactory in this country, and for sale at such prices atwilludmit of no competition. Straw and Afilliaery' Gonda. . The subeeriber is drsirens of directing the attr salsa of the public particularly to ate brand, or I brit Ds. ache possesses gust feeliltln foS getting these Feeds ebesg. Redesigns keeping constantly on band (during the sew son) a large stock of Straw Bonet., which be, will offer 25 per amt. cheaper than they can hq bad at retail in New Tork 'city. Either wbohsale or retail enstimmrs will and it -greatly to their A-ventage to examine Ida stock Wore making purchases eleesbere. r , Ribbons and Deem Trimmings, a good arrortinent at low prices: W. N. WILSON; • Corner of Court and Water streets. nearly opposite the:Arne:thank Hotel. DltifdlA arrow, April 2E065 . 2. . . . . DRY - GOODS - MITI CAIkETS• rilliE subscribers would inrotm the citizensnl Susquehanna:county that they' have nevi on hand a Large assortment t Of Disi.Goods, - iit whole sale and retail. CIENTLEAINNS'i • consisting in part. of br4sadclothi- c l aesknoirei sat- Mots. Kentucky jean,, and. summer goods of all kinds. - • . LADIES' consisting of a large variety. viz: Black silks, fan cy. f10.. - satint,-ginghams, Scotch - and A merican prints of all _kinds, some at 6 pence Per: yard of superior quality of colors warranted, m. de laines, Cashmere, poplins, gloves, hosiery of every grade and quality—White goods :'Brown and bleached sbeCtings, 4-4 widee bent!) , quality, at 6d, per vd. Ticking's, drillings, flannels,. Scotch diaper, birds eye do., napkins, Irish' linen, and.spreaaa ; in tact almost every thing in - die dry goods line. - Also, a large lot Of : ! CEBRETING, , Three-ply, ingrains, cotton and wool; cotton, stair, drugging, wool and cotton—oil cloths for floors and tables. - We invite all visiting one pike° to call and ex amine !our stock, for we feel confident by doing It will be a isaving of teti to twenty percent. ' Out motto, la quick sales and small , profits. , Store neirly'oppolite; the' Postoffice. Ilingharn .ton, N.Y. • WICKHAM I BENNET: April 7, 1852. ' • t • . -To the -Pubhc• 13EL TU KRELL is now receiving and keep's C - constantly on head a laige and clesirabie !as sortment, of " • . • GOODS which will be sold very tow for cash or ready, pay. The stock ie eompoftd of angst rate assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Faints;Oils; Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, Glass-wmwspoons, ' Spectacles; 111usicitt InStrumenta,' Yanked ' Notions, and' L osra ". ALSO, - Dri Goods, _ Hardware, Stoneware; ••3firrors,_Stationery, Brushes, : Medical Instruments, PerfurnerY.- Trusses, Supporters„ . Shoulder-Braces, Shoes, Campl!ine, Burnitig Fluid, Lamps, Clocks, Watelies, All persons wishirigto.purchave Dings or Goods in any of the aforesaid tle . prutmeuts, will find their interests, promoted 4 calling ,first, 'at 'the Drug end Variety Store of ADEL TGRBELL. Montrose, May 185% - - H • - riloor by: the or pirmiti also' :Lard for sale L b'. ;BENTLEY &READ -'- . :A'ors:eclierry - rictOral; .. . ( It? , .-.:',.: -.; ... roit.,ll - 1E .OiiRE o r . „ . ;„ • :: 7T.,......„... r.:;::COUGHSi• mitt. COLDS, /4 - -r - '' ' S %CA _ : BRONCHITIS,. AST II; "'• - ' Cl= • - M ANO NVII.OOPING , _ . IJr: A. ' ... . • -'-' ''-i---..' QQNSIMIPTION; •.r . . ' ' - I n necring4o; the community this Justly celebrated trtnetrer the' throat and itinge, it is hot mis w eh t4i.trifie with (be. livex,or I:smith of the Millet, 1 ed,•but frankly ;Inlay shcfors them the :Tpil2lo2l of die, tiogulebed men and : soma orthe evidences. of its roc ? creations which they Con judgifor'iberaseives. We thine:rely 'pledge 'ourselves to make 'no Will assettioss or faile statamentsof its etlicacy, nor MI I we hold oat an y hop.. , c ,, av okei nA I t t assinfty.,which facts . will act I ' ' iitOnl . picots are' hire given, and we silleit an fugal. 'thPl Os put)tio intti all em publish, feeihns assault anthey eili ttad them isstsetty rellableond the medicine Worthy their best cent dence'end patttimpe. • ii!roil the diKrigiiislied PriifeioOf of Chem, 1.. ;!Liptiy'iitid4laterii,-14edieli Ilevideiii ,"-.; ',: •, , , . . - ' ' - ' College,' .-' - '• -•-‘ -',. • I'; 'Dar 81r:•:IdelaYed answering' thiriceipt or your preparation until -I lad an opportunity of witnessing lies taccie.le ilnr c'entkmilY, or la Rio families or toy 1- Mblal tuffs ttotS4tons' with a high degree 'ot- satisfat ttosOn'esses of botlf ads:TM-and e nitd e e n ,, , -..... I have found: it, as Its ingtsWats•thos, ii pottsrful remedy tot colds', and pulmonary diseases. • ..PASICYZt.CLEYEI, AND, lit. IV fife. Yeb.:•6 1847 • * From au Ov e rseer aim ton Mi lli, ,lu t Lowell. August 10.1849. 0. Ayer : I havebeed cured of the worst cough I ave r had In mY 11 f6i Your Cherry Victors!. and nev er fail, when thave.oppontmity. ave.:la:amending it to others. • Yburs respectfu ll y, . 13.1)..ZilEBSON. .. • 14rBead the followint, and tee If this medicine is worth a trial. Ibis patient -bad becorbe very feeble, and the elfeeB the tuedicine f wee ; unmistakablydia Boit ed6tati llotel, Buatcsra Fprinsfs, t - ,• 6 , 1849. s Dr. J. 6. Ayer - Sir bare heetrafilicted with &pain ful affection of the lunge, Isaiah the symptoms of set tled c•witomption,fpt more than a year. I could and • no medicine , that' 'would Teach sily case; until I' corn; mewled the use of your Clam. . aalr !Mich 8 81 : 4 ale gradual telief;and have been steadily griping my etrength till my 'health Is well abet Vestored."r • . While 11Pillic your medicine, I bed the avatillatlon of outing with It • my reverend,friend; Mr.:Truman; of Sumpter District, who had- been; suspended front his parechial'dutlei by a severe attack of bronchia: Ll.kalt have plea.ure la certiOing shose facts to you, • ' And am. tir, yours reapectfully, . 'J. V. OALITOIN, of South Carolina. . Darrrepared and sold bylarcra9 Chemist. Lower. • .• I• • • - pr. sold -by A. Yarrell„ Montrose; Lucien Seat, O t. Bend, and by Ortraiats everywhere. — 6yl MEMO -' OF DI: THROOF: MUM COMPOUND /WIMP OF BL 0. ' CURE a consimpuon ;Asthma; Drooditiff, Toeusnzi; taugh#, Whooping 0:003 and Croup. - • • I._ • _ . • • Dr. Tbroelialarant-Pres rvative and Mo'.; - - • - .• (. - ther's Eel ef- • - , . COTt4 , Slituiettee. Colic; Mips's, - filarha, Dysentery and Choliim nt Inputta t or aura thaincanmon ills of Infant .. Dr, .Tbroap'e•Wi4in P.ison Expiin. this° IllthY Intruders of tiiiiinman system 'frith• out exception Of Units or numbest!,' ' Dr. Throop a Mil l ions Pills _. ~.. , . , can; Indigestion Billions disimigs, Costivvrtes s. Melt, Iteadaehe, Heart burn,: -rater, Inflammation, Dlathea, h by action Dysentery .. and restores ,it of all the glands of the body. ' ' ' -'- "Dr.. Throop'e E 7 , e Water - Is 'tin surpassil In eriative viztug for any it,flawmato ry aftenticna of the eye, and' il , • ' ... . ...D.r: Tliropp'alSalve ..- .. •,. Is unarms/sell for . dressing . fe44 DIMS and Scalds; Db. cers, Salt Rheum, or any abrasion of the akin. %metals , 'Nts mms.=—Bentley & Brad, Mantroie , N. Granger ir.; Co.„lltsh ;-11. H. i3onthwet I, lt ash; C.C. Wtight; Itddietowns B. Glidden, yrimnisrple; in , „.m 1 Barber; Dintoak •, Sett &' ' liontjripOogrllle; Dr. Lam r belt. Auburn ; James. Tonaphitot; Tompkinsville ; Hay ' den ' ac. Little, Nen dlilfottli„Dr .1 Brooks CI Wit Bend; Joseph L. Merriman, Upsonville, Drl. J. , Sarney, Little Meadows; Jasper Stanley: Chostinut.; E Tiffany, Brvol:. lyn Centre ; 11. A.Villiams,Cliffiird; IDr. J.C. 0 Mislead, Dandaff ; Johnson & Cr ry,llarf,ml.l J S. BLASDEL, General Agent, Vorrst Litka.. , lyl New Boot and Shoe' Store REELER •& ST DDARD. THE• iiow firm of Keefe &I 'Stoddard hove opened a Boat and Shoe tore on Mein street, firsi . dociibelois the Brick earner in which they offer:for sale , 1 , • ' The Lament Asitirement of Boots, Shoes and Findings at the lowest price* - •IN MONTROSE. We sell for ready tow aedlomall profile The-citizens of the village , on .- country ate re spectfully invited to pall at n seal genuine Boot and Shoe store where Boots tibd shoes are stead of Beer and Oysters. . Keep lt,belbre the.,People,' That we have o full assartmlint among which we enumerate : . I . Mein Cork sole water proof bootOong leg !Inn garians, calf half sole and p4np boots, Kip half sole hoots, thick bonts; calf„ lip and cowhide bro gans, Over shr4s. etc. Youthi Call, Kip and cowhide boots, boys thick boots, etc. Ladieti French. channel - °altars, patent 'Fox welt Gaiters, enameled and Polkai, enameled front lace Polkas, kid and !goat Jcxstv Lisp's; New York ties,excelsiors, Jenny Linda Rosettes, kid ties, rubbers, etc. I Misses goat and calf Late hoots, Jenny Lind's enameled Polkas; Dutch bowie. etc. ,Childrens' button shoes, goat.and enameled lace bobte,tgaiters. Downing's ete: . - Among our Findings we offer French calf skins, Oak and Hemlock tanned Calf skins. Morocco, pink and white lining, skins, j red, blue, maroon, Roan', Binding." upper leather, oak , ani hemlock soleleatber, pegs, zinc nails, sparablea, heel ball, webbing, etc. • - • - • 4 , 14. B. Work made to order and repairing neat- . Acme. • - 44 MORSE'S. CO~PtUau•SYRUP OR YELLOW DOCK ROOT• E reel prompted by every prindple of humardry,to W T V make keom to , the world the - . , Wonderful Efficacy of this: Extraordinary ; • Preparation. .•' • ,Thousands have been relieved of a great. amount of enffecing,un 1 many lives saved by, the use of it._lt Is aeknowledged by the best judges of, medicine to b tIM. most elegant, edentate and ealutary'preparation Qat, In use, itnd lea• , . • ; v Depinativo Remekly • seldom If east_ equalled.' It stands unrlralled for the. en 0 of Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Canker, Eeronsla, and all the anxious diseases artslair from an impart state of theldood;• Also,. all . ' • Bilious Complaints, • And in need Id ttonnpreeedented Oueetin in all eases of Female Weaknesses 'arid 'general Debility,, atreagtneanig, the neatened body, giving tone to the ',Mont organs, end Invigorating the'entirOsystem, and also for the cu re of the Liver Complaint,Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Head ache, Dizziness, Coughs, &e.. - _These greeted with Chronic diseases, of whatever form, will tlnulthis medicine not only pleasant to the tasto.but &certain tare, If. It be within. Ike power of a remedial agent to affect their disease. - -.iils composed of medicines so hoppily eomblnod FP to tend, directly to glee tone to the stomach end bowels, and eicite to healthy action the LIFER and the Whole GLANDTLAIt SYSTEM, allay NIWYOUS fatfttLlTY; end promote' the free action of the LUNGS, thus ten. derint It 'applicable to all diseases ot'a . Chronic Naittie. i ' ' RIB purely iegitnble, find may be nsed itrall eUmatea and at all wagons of the year. - Prepatatt only b C.:Botta &Co ,at 23,1 alaldeuLana, Neon ark, and told by ABEL TERRELL', Montrone,' It Is put up In quart bottlott.„ prlca SI,UO. ' • • • July, 1832. , . 1• . i • • • CAP. t - AND'; FUR !STORE. MD. WASIIDURN would resieetbally announce to e_ the- citizens or Montreese - and rltiniti that - ho has opened and latendato keep a large and general os. - sortment of all kinds and qualities, of. Deaver, Dole. skin and Silk lists of iho latest style's; Rom stab. llun. anion and other styles and - quallties.of fist and wool Hats; PALMITIN Leghoin, Palm-lea, and the •ratlollll kinds of-braided hats for Summer wear; Sloth. Silk, Glazed, Silk Plush and all kinds of Caps for gents - sad bop and youth's wear' Ocnt . Paten t.lealhex Shoes, 'am; &0., Omaha' with - alt kinds of goods generally kept: in a hat store. -The subscriber be 1132 largely- engaged fn abeve - trade at the Zellt7 lll enable him to , kectiat his store In Memtrose a target and more rash. tenable assortment- than can be found elsewhere. 'Dia 0, 41 4 a g e ready pay, which erill enable tdra to evil goods In his line at least 15 per tent. tower than others In the same ludo: „Tbeeitlsetul me respectfully Invited to call and see tbr themselves. .P. 8. Washburn will always be op hand to exhibit (ho goals, whether people wis h to purchase or not. • - M. D. NPASITDIJRIi. ' ontrose, April 23, 1812. ; . , - , i-!. Wm; P.. att ' • ~tp. ._,. • • . - W AIcuANT. TA.11.011., Tam. Ike street, kt, ,_ IYlumely aCeni.leil by 'J. IL Maack, - 44,..". moldy Meal Plathlag al Hex Tp pekes.. TM • - ' , „ prp lkir ANC V A C TUB% it OYSPROV SOrtup, lion!rnse, P Wm: W;SMit CABANNT AND . CRAIN. MAN attest, Montgom pit., .. ' • . . .- .. 1, . 13 . •S. P:rk, - • '0%11,110 tilllttied tellekt • • e lc remit* lte tot J. .I. lee of hie profession, may he fent at,lettie llotelorhere - he wVI be happy to mat apes! 4, A friends u well ae rm... Illoutreae, Vb. 9 ! 1552. , - - ••. . , i .-.- . ' ._.' o_,.Z.'-Dim tit, IeIIIYSTCIAt .I.llto.Bo7loEoS,peatrete,T44,o,,L, J" start to all bwrineesthat m he entrusto t o t,. obargeorlth prompteett mad ild ilty. Offiee 8 la, a i roo ld eziee , on Turnpike ttreet. Amite:me, BSI a l a i . 4_ lug, toot of Public ileteme. - . • -- • i • .• . George P er. . 1 1 TO KUM Ile BOORS, Ready mate Clothl og, n o . i jj ca ', pe, Boom & Shoes, Ice,. Store leo door, hu h , I !latch' llotel, Montrose. . , . I' ' - - . '• it • • • - • Ss •S ' s Wind . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Tim Nitast's Brick Rot,' • L. . ' D. D.:Jr ' de. ivzny END EXCHANGE PIrABLE. Oen Bdosry Lbelow,Kteltr's Llgtel.iltenfrose, pa; • & S. B. ,vriasep A . ..17011NEY8 AT LAW, Mottrose. ier.ssture„ E. 13. gHI.3IL. 191. Cutst Congdon ' &• Ster li ng, ronLEVAis - mamma Momiamarl, Toasfrom ll TaaL6a , itt., Between Om Caul arldre c" boar, Court at, Wiletaniton,N; V. OTJ.D.Wilta i Traveling agemt. . . ellt. Simmons, nocm AND SIIOE MAKER AND REPalltrft. .LP over Baldwin . * Cox's Saddluy Ettop, Manna I MEDICI?iES. • Dube?. YOU TILE • Dr. C. C. Edwards, TVITICIAN AND SURGEON; NorNtrd, Pa. Oten doors below 0. J. Pride's oore. Ci Dr. James Brook!, PaciAN , AND BUR 117.01 Coted &Verb ken I Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dyes ke. Comernltherk and Pine greets, °ppm ite Voi, Lurk Greet &d. . , C. D. Viigil • QIIRGEON DEN. UST, Montrose, Pa. °ie. 1.7 Fellows' Itildlog, corner of Twmpike aid nester streets.. Operations atom the teeth perfontoed dome ear,ttally and tenderly. Plate work done with the tot material end fa the moat Improved styles. Chalet loa. • Farms for-Sale. • - . subserbrra will act se agena.for tbe Meg, sale of Real rat ate—Panne, flouter and Lute locat eel in Susquehanna, comity Pa. All 165 , 66 te offer their property for sale cangire a minute doe* Mtn of, their Farms or Lots est.:4l°ra: Seabee e( acrea,!how ninny improved, and how watered; Ws hugs; Preheat; grafted or common fruit; otter Dm trees,l and shade •, hew far from Routh:wood the nearest point to a denoted the Na. Tea Railroad; price and terms of Payment. All rid r'..n to eel( or par:haste Real Estate, wills edreyromyh l. tentloh by calling on or adhering neat /loaners shaltahanna tout ty, Pa. firer Portreyance fru* Mont rase t o the p rembgi fin of elniove 00Ide on Turnpike street,4 doota toot oftharki comet . . The fellowingFerme end Lotd'ate now tlinifstok No.l', 40 aeres,3o improved.Froma llonte lad 14 'No $,BO do 50 - do sold Jo do No. 3,100 do 60 do do , do No. 4, 100 do 50 do Fold do 'do No. 5. 70 do 40 do sold do -ea N 0.6.00 do 35 do .' do' do• de No. 7, Store, Warehonee and Lot. N 0.3. 145 stems 75 improved, framed bontrul No. 952 V do 35 do soldi ' No.lo 2 do do do do No. II sold • I • N0..12100 oozes 70 Impr: eed, frame bons, yid Its N0..13 310 do 200 do ' do - do • No. 14 56 do 50 do sold No. 15 168 do 60 •do do do 'No. 16 120 do 5o told • No. 17 203 d 075 do do is No: 18 112 do SO do do do' No.. 10 200.. do 150 , 'do do No. 20 145 do 100 do do 44 - No. 21 120 do 120 do do do No :a 9C3 do 45 do' do No.= 45 -do 20 . do do ,No -24292 do .45 . do 4 . N 0.25 12S dole° 'do I do is • No 26 196 do 140 41 , ' I do is No 17 80 do sold • 1 N 0.28 11 oars, giod bo 29 134 acrrs, 00 Improv No: 80175' do 100 . dot N 0.31 133 do 95 do No. = 180.. do 135. dor No-33160 do GO do N 0.34 150 do 100 do o. 35 140 do 80 do N 0.30 300 do 170 do .1 4 1 . 0. 37 100 do 100 do No. Ul7O. do 100 (1.0.[ . • • • • • No- 20175, do 00 Nn. 40 30 do 45 do No. - 41 =2 • do 160 • do :Co. 42 92 do SO do' No. 434 do sold Ni 3.44 138 do 6.8 do l do do . No. 45 800'do 200 •;do , do do No, 4A120 nerve, 80 improved, frame home sal let mind grist mill. ' ' • • N0:47.200 do 170 do , do do No. 48103 do ' dal • do do No. 49 80 do 60 do , • do do No. 50 83 do 65 dot do do • N 0.51 02 do 66 dal .do do N. B.Persons deviling to purcbale mai of deslnn giving the number tan obtain a full desuiptiu. • ALFRED BALDIIIS. E.G. nAIICOcE. Mop Moe, Pa., Oct ~1950 —4llt. ~ .4., . 1 NEW GOODS I : ! , At the.Upsonsille Exchange. PHE subscriber, with ninny thanksto be le -1.: nie'rously increasing patrons, worilrmr :fallp inform his friends, that he lino* traitail 'choice selection of goods direct from Nor Tat j j whicb he intends Ursa clan the good old fulr ioned pneciple of "lire and ief lire." : Ws , THE 1 ' exchange for goods, all kinds 'of product. fed „i of excepted. . .]OS. i. MERRO IO ,', Lipsonville, April 30, 1852. 1 • __.—... • Going nt.a little-above Cod. trUE xabsctiber has a oniall itoOk yet of Ire. al 1 Soya' Masse and One; Iloots and Sboei std sid I assortment of Ladirs, linseed. sad Children's Boots al Shoes, which he Is now stills': at takes but illust born cost. Thumb in opportunity for good bonds S this line 010. ruin. r Hehruary 4.1852. ; BONNETS; BONNETS. k NE* supplir • of those cheep afk,Fug .t Straw, and French aossarcier Lace km/ and Rich ,Ribbons and Flowers, :NOY " 6 ' 4 from spring prices, by i PLetrpSICED EVENT TlitniSDAt 310101130 IT R & E. B.. Chase, EDITORS AND PAOPBIETOBS• . . • OtLe dolittr spa fifty een te per 'annum, cob or t wo dollars If not paid until tend of the r t. '„,l time of subscription. No paper wi be diAtej a , until all ormaragei ate paid, except et Ibe °Pitt; t) Publisher. All communications mud 1 44 ! 1- 4,, reoel'esi, at t 'Ail letters connected eta by dirceted to 8. It. & 5.11. CIaSS, :tic Baguet:tuna county. 'DATE t; Ot ADVERTIISIN e. Ons squire (12 Itues to leut,) Otter tuterdeast Each subsequent Insertion,l - • •, One etztiars three months, • • • it One &vanilla • nontht, - Burbless estfls. fitur Hues or Ices, . , SA oYuen.foolYillultnlTnelloillin!Olyertlart!i nut 0 . 11 , 1 ttnr blattmt . Yeatly adrentseretents r h t restlietet to . teas to uhleb they are tugaged. . • 300 WO ea - The Pailldlers:lmin; • I Printing mat rears, nroPreime Job work with neatness and do Blanks or every dr/6140 10 • printed to order. sco.mlamti CAß & CO. IFAcT,unt s, , , ester; • c!rinock,ri. OrKt and drat!. , frank. bow. tot Int do do do do do do do do do do ' - do de do de do do do do do do do do do mold do do TMI MEMO. K. eqvi I;exec Si ti ° l. 4 ok patcstant!! ".baitt con