. 4 TIIE:'.? , .D.F.MOCRAT:,'_,!_ - 710111*11199P,:iliqtrT_ t • - Mres.Mortitlity, -‘s.r.sviELL;.lB2ll.; •:, sattas Aatnasir rose you see, ..Or likei,thoblesuinn on,thei tree,- • Orlike the dain'tylilower in-May; -Or like ttielmonurig ofrthe . day, • " -Or like the 13tut,lor , likti- the !guide,' Or like. the, gitord :whielp Jonas 'had;'.. , 7 '*- la ,roan4—whose thread is spun,. Drawn out antleut, and so is done-i The rose withers, the bhissoin bfasl4tli;- giorning ltasteth,, Ttio - gouril eensuriiell=zalid'ithad hd.,die t sT. tr- ; , l -Like to thit - drais 'that's newly -that's Ow begun,' Or likeilitt`bird th'ef *lmre - the peHrred dew of M4 l , y r ' Or like an hour, or like a _,„ _ Or like the singing; of a sWont - E'en such is ttlan:-.:Whiliree by, Breath, , Is l hers.; nosy there; in, life and' death4-!•, , ;T:1 The grass witliele,,the tale is 444:1; - , The 'bird is. Gown, thedeiv'slasseaded;, , 'Cite lionris.short4he'spamis s:ll,iiwari's near death '. --rnan's life is done..-,I if rod 'ivittlt to Lay ' nnytlitgg, - I(5ou want - to` sell anything,, , 3 If yciu•witnt !Omar . yOii *ant. to jolt anythitig,.. . • Tf 43ti to do nitythin,g, . ACY O 4 %YauCt*Yilling - - - ,ADVEILTISZtt: • A.ti&ust--WOrk be • FATtIr.--COtql t ritter 41!e pTelkutions for protectini‘heep from the2aestris'oeis,or . fly which discs Trrins is their beads; giving" in ~ ;;:Destroy thistles ; if.they be cut ;off when to bloonint about:one inch .above the 'surface 4? the ground, the hoilowPart of the, st e rn ip- VelVetS.water and the roots , will slee44. . In se iecting seeds choose ma& the most thrifty;' so that. your rdOts, 4:c., may be ; of L an I nn proN e d 'quality next year ; .continutng such a 'wour , to fora few veare, any vegetable may 'be brought to tt liigh;Stato of "perfeetihri;" This is a proper season for inakidg un4emirains, droning iwampa,&e., &c.,und the earth taken from low dposite May be placed wtbedvan tage_into your ; hog-pens, compost:. heaps,. Weeds should removed to "the. hog pens, that 'the, bogs ,rnay - perform their, share of laborin rootingthem—thr# intotbe hog-pen all potatoe tops, twit', diteNiscrapings, and•orcasionally a bandf4 of whole corcr, to obtain which the hogs will keep the whole mass of• rubbishin tOntino4 !notion. - ea removing the contents of hoe-pins to the:. I • • , Azompost heap, mix one lmshel ol' salt to every] 'oe.irl; and this-quantitywill tirdyeiit 4los6.soeils: Ci:i.i:goi•:kn iristini wl4;cll,mai,.!io,ol4e ileen.ea: - „ ,tr.n.by the hogs.. - • , -,. : .... , . L' ; .i• . ' If the surface - Of your' brirolsird riot . so shaped,as to save all the liquid firainnige,..YOu may, consider. thatryon . hol -in , your pocket, or at least a waste which' poic 42 . s'iraAivc;, 1., If your potatoes be dug early ettongh .to !IP* five days before putting iq turnips m tither late crops, thentopaireasj tht L i.! potato ground with six busheli of fine salt ;;,to , the ' - acia before re,seeding; ;and you will . 11Ckt isneoyed by grabs this next year, beside irapro ring the general quality of the - land. - .. F Winter shonld be sotved inathe early put pr Sap ternhey, and thus,give titho for the ro4s.tabe. • exile well established, so as not to be!.hrolin ° out by fasts during venter, gy - soW!nrrthn's sttvly it maybe used as, spring fodder for cat tle and sheep if desired ..Yrinter wheatshould at the Sante - . date. l. Rata bagt -.turnips; vnai:be sown -at any timl injAngusi,, and evengliose , soWed lats,'Orteti'mature well In open seasons. leavadved top turnips .4.,iii,ytkisoivit ;MY C44if tor; fate 1 tolperfect, they will morekban pay' for th en pease of seed and labor of sowing 'by being .plowed In.nt the spring pinwirig for ; aa . Most ' • '46f their constituents are received Irons the_at ,..`iiiosphere, the gimind trill•besmaterially' bener " ;fitted by.such treatment. This Iliad of tarnip 'often doubles hi size durinfiOctober or Novem :bar:and if the winter be Open, good' crops: are h I i; ga ere lc tare eon sown ." , , ,- ,_„-'''so - me-weekit later than the. Usual season. litrams. Gsnor.s.—Xeep plants well' hoed, and free from weeds, 4c., ,Plowvr,icantground ~ :for turnips, spinage, , shallots andlother late crops, and after, plowing cart on manures- and theta In deeplY'ancitherough,l, Sow cabbage seeds for collardiq Earth up etleryand ' - cardeons, 'transplant 'endive - and' Prvare to, blanch early plantings. SOW onion seed to 'Stand the winter. Plant )shallots by Sept jsi: SoW turnips.us:direetd in iformer _ Tar:graph. her.hops on dry l y i san pure shem,Properly.", Hoe' z pinnts rows :li+'iu;drj v for.in taddition:,to",,.tteiiiing them free from weeds', these fregneut -hoeings„ enables the, soil to col7iet, moisture ,frOm the 7:, r,tmosphe.re Moab more rapt*, than :if "onipaep . ,:Rutlupearly . sown OniOns;nnd', pose for ripening drying, ete:; removing use:, less'purtsllsild ternibt therg.freglienti4so that - they may, trenomo thoroughly dried for lieeping. seeds' fl ripe and theiri,id 'Proper , • ••_ ~noniiitiorapak*eping. Plattt beans for pieklers early this' month early mita.; of ineumbers may be.planied, pielders. SOwauttimn lettuce, j Peas may ktill be planted. Attend to ptiterinti herbs; 4 - -- , llty sage and o/other late herbs!, I {Globe :'artich t,kei Glob e !Web are kiPo should be ;gather4 before the iearea begin beo nto open, arid i the stems should . 'be :broken down to enconragn the! goititit of Offsets from the loot?' ` -• • t 7ithelatttle:parFilf thOmottiliiukt;raite,Oib ltt-bsge, fettictut,tereks, &e:;.-erery wetl`foremall! lettuce. itto.; - to be `''PriC7Q4 out iniii ioia-144 for i iii t y6 r i t te c ii,,,„ ipritipttse; sow 'plunge for winter and —spring _use,- Manure grounds intended .ifttr.kir4g EkillielgOt*Po.4tY. : - WhOi bone dost xi& other slowly .deComilosabla materials Intended to :tensed:' ' TfLere is nothin'glierer.than honesty;, lnothing: sweeter than charity t i lothing•warnter ~t hap lote;'-nothingloighter - thaerirtee 'and 04 n,;thing timbre . i - e . adkiat: than ,441.1; ; : i : ; Th'Fge, united in ennatind;:form tb‘pinest,the sweet the riehest, theiliightest; the _holiest; and the most Steadfad 4PPiness• ENE o :,Prebrvin g-pqta 0 0; late.T4 . Valliie.. - - ; -Plitatoes , ore -.,often ,rendered', unpatatable and Unfit[ fOrti r iti by iionring.'''' The • piticin- IC_WhiCii nainie s ealls into action to - consuini, nate the prOcesinfirgeiMittatiOn,firk*ci, un fortunately, whieli,are •essentlailto,give it,val-1 ue' iti:ati.edibleinhtt consequently us soon as . :gerntination cOmMences,..'the roots; depreciate .. in value rts . ,.it ptitYceedS. ':Ti.i' attest:this; . or 'rather, ,to,pry - cptil,i - li , a4itioyirig entirely the 'vegetatiie prinelPie,,it . ,Snecesssry to ,liill. the eyes' which 'aan in. no -,tve3r be stspeOdily: and effectually - nceouiplished es ,nrimmersing the tubets nit:font/Or . five days in ammoniated wa ter....lofte ounce' et liqiceliMnibliii;te Mit;..pinh , q . of wtiter,t,no iq:;P • rOier.PßPor? ,i e*te ,;i le 013 , 1 ':servdd‘ 2 , , , lAfter the: potatoes, hr-30, thus been immOrsed, they l sboold. be, spread:',And.A.ried- The [cost of thisii but :tritling,l and :pottoes 'once'lthoroughly,Sittfeeted:yd. : the,prOceS,' wi 11 keefileit . t_iMitiorjei . . iroti; , ,,,s , eptiy4 . .imilti good, ses'Whertaketi from the . soil: , When ,it is de'trebln , , to - transportthecirtoother climate 4 'say 4) the . rtiiicsiit ismt, oblect of great im• port.ce to 4rcvent their sprouting; and for this puri4),S4 t*::..ti'"e . 'oll. - 6ii"4115 . tritiried 'Pr, _days, in, a:stiOng solution of common salt , and. water. This- stops the idsipient vegetation quite s elfeeti tially i but tlie'Salt:mnet he entirely : l - Keen from 1 then[, whleh .. requires much - care and many sub sequent ableti6rii' and manychanges:Of:waitee oitte . .iiiipiiA it'thiiienghly, "..iLnlibing,antthe: 1 eyedis,a;tedious .process,; and ciatinever,:beef feettially'adoPted whdrO `large i-quantities' are: wanted for - tranapOrtatien 4' beard es ,it never . - 111et1troyti the germinative instinct,' only tempor,, alily arrests its iction, , and,in. warm . weather; -,reqmres to • te'lepented. every week, ' One ad-' :vantage and a very important,One'in favOr);f the. r amraoni:lted., liquor, is, ~,,it, actually tenders 'the [tubers far more dry and mealy, nn3 be= ,siii.;' i..,, , iVei'thent: it ...gnO,eterioe, appearance, , which IMs its effect in the:Minket, especially in advanetatfeasons of the . year.l. ltlanv pota- I toki,:turretrdered - badand, - uncatable'bv - caro: . 1 lessness In svaing, thein,':.Nithen they are': 1. .. heri4o: tqa-.cillfit.thiiy : Shaulti - liePliteed 'in .:a clog` bin;niid COMPle t elY:eielndel from light. No morn air. should be allowed; than -is barely necessary, and it none is permitted,; the tabers Willjteill.tbe, better 'urilesatheie iSa ' liability to leat._ y This .will, never -occur:-,if they: are pi;!ii , )'Oriv,iltoreitand rase fficienCy of soil thrown l'oiter the M to,' . 611 , uP, tlifi interstices he tW'een.l. fie, rootS,and arm; .s:close covering over the top. , In the Spring, as, warm weather advances, they ~ shOuld be', - ctosely covered, and the lower. I the, temperature; the Better : and., imige' r tWey I will =keep. 'All . rotten or injured -potatoes Should be carefully picked - - oat befM•O' lioua. ing.-,. 7 .Norrigataa,tl7,4.4s4.Frgc.. Pie . ss, : ~, : . . Ga4ing.,up the, Spapt 411 experituent jri the way of getting up the' i tztr tried last Ureeli, by lihldtn `a Scot"- iteeting, on the pn-. iiiyeri:uyi - ati3ii Vie "gioiind 'of the Battle. of, Lundy's Line. Llady's,L toe is just across, the'horder, in,the don:A:up:is of Q leen ` Victo ria, and withici ? ,,a tude, and 'a half of Niagara. ,The fare ofthe Rail Itoad . lines was put' I dawn for the occasion, :and so favorable an opportunity e4seeing Niagsra.at the fashona biO season, was of conrsis• "eagerly emhraced, by Many, -and'; the , result was a considerable qoVa.. To aid tb'ihe indueenients, "iAt the earnest, solicitation of his friends," Gen.:t•tcorr e.onsented , to he prtlient, having been-induced to reconsider his determination not to attend any public deMonstrations, it his favor, e Oa the other hami he was-not there after :di, -wi ser frsendsthin those; who . nrged his attztn -daM..e persuaded himto stay away. 'Afte • al sevenistrede;With . his desire to appear aid i 'sharithe'gloiy of 016,6:N.:shin, aad,avalt,hiip-I !self . of so favorabli: an opportunity of . , fight-. Inglis battlei oven. aglin," the General c,ene. lu -044140-ftay, athelnet „Still ns,themext thing. we heard after hearing of the determination of the peileraf to Write 00: letters to the Con vention or its members, was the production of , his letter of Mr.. 41acttErt, so we.would probe-. blyheie heard'on 6;i:heel's - Of 'fiiii .decision that he bad been at Niagara, but- unfortunate-1 ly , for the full success ofhe`jexPeriment,t an 1 attack of4iYienteri intervened to' itytke the i i ddcision final.,-We pity the Whigs `who here' induced to go to Niagara i With_the expectation,' iof seeing Geis: Socqr ennet the part of Alex- i lander at thuleast,mhen. 1 , 1.-..' : " Elate With's .. The the King, grew vain, Fought all his 'hittlesfever again, , And thrice he rooted all : his foes, - . , And . thrice he slew the slain." and4r4 - Will nOWhaVetyP:,.it niWith the pt ay Csf-Hatnlet. with: the ps'rof 00 I!rince omitted; but hops they may . find 'some cemnensation fo'r the dissppointment in . the - mtecess of then first dnmenstratieri in 'Oniada. .. :. ''.. .. . " f ; 'l2 The Newspapbr in a Family. A who`osthool—ten4qr ies -bean iengiged . „ , ions time in , his professien; and ti,vi tnesSed, the effects eflitiewSpa;pat; oh theriiidds 'ef.a fain childreii;:tyrit tothe editdr.of the Op. derithurg ... Sintiael as follows::: . : bave` licinr,Teand it to be a universals fact' without„nsenrdiptcthat thinrelselolits pf both sexes; and of ail access - to negvapets at when.:-tonpared: ' those who have . . • Ist. Better readers; eketillitig In juninincia and empltasis ;Utt: cOnseqUentlf. :Tend 1. more understandingly. ' ' 3d. They tu.e. better opellers,snd define tvords , with •r treater. accuracy: 1 „ • t , 31., 1 ,rhey obtain - better, krinwledge GeOgiat.)by in almost half the time it . requires, Others, as the.rieirf t iiappr,h4 made them famil:, - iar,,wit.h4he)ocaticur og ',nil the linpOrtarit cesoaßtban";:gielt 04i:inherit end 'doings,” on the -L • o .. 4th. - They are better grammarians, for hay. inff becomi gainilli4lili everY'variety.of istyle in the newspaper fromthe common-Tlace - -Ad vertisement to the finish - of and' Jessie:if' - Ora- tton orthentatesman, they more rapidly ,coni 1 .prehend the meaning: of the ltext; pal-cense. qu en tly analyze its conetitiktion, with giederbo-, , cur. '- '- •'- , '-''' .1 ' '''' -. 1 15th.- Thoee yOung men whp have, ,b een ;for 1 years readers - of the neWeppPem, are always fond of taking_the lead 'ha the .debating socie ty. exhibiting a more extensive knowledge . pr. on a .greater. variety- of !inbjeete,- and -'expree iring theii views with'greater flueney,elearneas 1 nod correctness In the nee of language, " Ligbt Nine Ligbt Still!" 'BOOK FOR VA' TIMES, ENTITLED; ife at at the South, I ISIVCIIih. I AS' IT IS; Narratives, Scenes and InCident in the real .:14ifo of the Lowly., BY L. a. SMITII,'ESQ.' rr object of the author is to 'iepiesent the DliditiOU Of tile Slave in his rude hut com e cabiti,`his dady °activations and pastimes /10[13 beeWee' n the matter nod 'slave, the en impulses and miseodcuiVed views of the .rn P li danthroputt. etc. etc. * and- fa repro• I , :posioorf and sentiments it their ;ptturai hs the satine are'displitja in the honiblest nylotv, thus shelving that, in th 4 Case of thi I,t least;:eoutentatent bestows more hatiph. tan'freedom; and ut the satne One to rep adit is,.` a class of people, vir: the Planta; or justice lies sildom been done, and whose ieri dill exhibited in every day i life, is well tied to win the amiable' judgment of the bove work will be. ',wished on the first , and will contain about SOD 12 mo.pszes, dly Tfie price will be $1.50. nrdere will meet with first uneaten'. active agents wanted" to sell rho , allays =BEM • Gou hook. - Amt copy d CI 631111) I in the from B, 800 to the is abot Wh , portalle! do 311 a and tba , orn Ilea; boletoul op tuiou Mary Ca dreu as ti bad bre. bardure pulse it glad yo An q.rtto with put wheu te, le.tvingt tbvd no ceemet perform of thow noiniel tollowin othtrs 15 ears tended and Pbl fit Aft' disease Jared t 4 14" /WI) pft aim: • a benta. R' l No I liver, th4rop any wro pArlill rd plainta, therefor will ng attfron'of the liver. itrope Pills' being - compoied. of *anti nd'Plan le. furnished by' nature to heal the sick, runnel.) . : Ist, an Expertorant which an - fluent.. the sec:e -lk:on from the pulmonary ninena itiembiani, 'or ptoundea the +hart:Large of' secreted matter. -. 21, tot 'allerutive, which changes in some inexplicable and fnatiniibte man- Der, the certa:n morbid action of the sytern. ' 31. es it Tonic, tr !eh g!ver, tone . and strength to the nervous 'system; newing health and vigor to'i Oil parts ;of the, body. oh, a Cathartic, which acts in ncifect - tianneny with the other Ingredients by operating on the Bariels" 'and et{ !ling the whole tunas of corruption antdvitiated matter ml purifying the bleed; WhielaideStreiyi direase: and Teti a hatith. : , il - ' ' Pte . a o=ol 'at flebensack's - Lnberater7;Phtladelphia,, tl , cot:teed h atitl - George st, - Price - .25 co- tea. Par 'ale by I the prin ipalTruggista and morel gene .illy throughout the eon try. By agent Aoolibury Ward, Philadelphia. AGE. TS—Abel Turrelland- n.r.lteY k Iteatilliont rase; -11 yden, a -Little and Win. C. Ward, New',slllfOnl ; Eaton Peck and Sama-Sennour,llartUrl ;U. Burrow, & en., ilium; C IL Wells St Chtttendcn and Church & Pinnue .Dundee; 0 A. Eldridge;-Brooklyn; Grow -& Eros., (Pet - MOW; LlECien :Fc , ltt and Ter; James Brooki, i Gnat, Bend; J. W Lyman. Thakhannoak; Dante & 1 Itustelli Sterlingvilleiri. T Stunlevant l ßraintrion.- • I • FFLICT ED 11:L' A. D ' Philadelphia Medical Rouse- Establishedyif h-o teen years aby DR. KINKE- L/4; Aur . ih IVesi Corner of 2%trti, ,and Union. , Streets, Setieeso. t aS'pruceand Pine Sts. Philadelphia. ' ; , VIE PEES lin %RS of extensive and uninterrupted J. ptiee spent in this city, have towlered Di. K. the most exert and succos,ful practitioner (at and near, in the treatment or all di-eases of a private nature. Per- SODS allieted with. uloeit on am body', throat or,k--ri,„ , Pains in the bead intones, mem:meal thine:Winn strict ures. grisvel,thse,nies arising itom youthful excesses of Imistwiti.s of the Wel %hereby the conlititution has be come tmafeebled aro all trotted with stteess, Ile who plants hintwit under the ea.e of Dr.' -It. may 1 religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, andenn— fidently;trely upon his fhilt as a physician , . , Tait PAITTICTLAR Nl,TlCB.—iinliginen who have Injured; themselves by a Certain practical indulged In—a habit frequently learned from- toll companions or at school ' the F fferts ot 'alai are nightly felt - even when asleep,. tad destroy both 'iaitrd and ho t ly should apply. haute • tely. • Wealatesf and constitutional debility, loss of °scalar etutcy, ',physical lantitude and general prostra fon, irritability and alt nervonS eifectiobs, had'. L I geetion slurgulitletv of the liver, and every disease in any vraS , connect, it with - the ptodetthyt: tunctiohn, cured ; I Rea - di Yo nth and Manhood. A. Vi4ornus Life or Premoture Death. Iti)lce - :. . , - - ln on sey:presei-ralion. Only 2o cis. • This nook jusiOnlattbed - it...filled Mat useful informa tion, on lh , batrmitles nrbrilis. else of the gene ative or gmtal It abiressett itself alike .tci.Y . oclh; Manhood 'and ~01,1 .441e ' aul sliou.dbe read - by . all. '..Ttio:talualde , ad -rice of dimoir;adve warning It Oren, will ju event years of miser Mid suffering, and save `annually thousands of Ilia .• Parents. by reading it, will:enroll:1W to - prevent, the de traction of barer e..iiiiren. I „ . . s' a • remittanee.of aft eenta,*eneloSed in n letter, ad: dress.: to 'llfil.fiti K PUN, ...4 . IV. Carnet. of Third and Union Srte4ti. between* Spruce- and; Pine, Tbiladelobla, will et urn, rt. book, ander enrelope. pee tetUn3fillit. f , ' Pers us at a dil.tanel , .may address pr. S. by letter, en, ..elniin ofee . , andbe cured at homes' • ' ~' , • • "x , t , .1 - 1.'1 . ,1 , cS firrs•or..ifelicines Dirertiont', 44.,forwarlei ih:T sendiwr a featitrancei tuil pia up re!ure, Prom pamage or Curiosity. - IrtiO..stliers,Nrewn-,Ag.mts,7 Peillarsi : 43anvasraiii, and all pt cis ati 1 pzityd with . 'flit; above - ' work at Trry ; low I I rtatem. , ... " - •• '''' ' . ' " ":' 471 y. • , • , rt., g 7- 4 ,:: :& excellenVassortnient . I ° - ;-.. - "It. ',.: ' . ' - "tit Men's Tlatid: Boys' "" ' "' • - - IREADY - BIADE: '• - .- • g c Vidg.llls' .f la est stPles'aud ruiied to the seuscin. -. ~ 1 . 4 tat--Fashionable Silk ' Hate, (Beetre'sospring tyre' jjirristith Hats; "..,Jreghdrii;StrttiP had Palm 'oaf Hats,'Capis,' Was; Stockings , Gtoves, Suit-. - raid no, Cravats.' Boats and Shoes, Banks; Wittp. - nag r.O Writingt'ap ' er, Travellingßags,' Wall' ape , (s goad'Otook.) Curtain Puirtri'and Fancy_ ,tic es too nuatenrits'lo Specify• r ay 'or" illy; of vhil: i J'timilJ Oil 14.1 a tv'tat . Lite MO O,rin het ii,Uught u " ivaliiin'toli" or any . othehnuirt.' „ '.. lt atrase;'4ii:fil - 9:0 ig52.'.. N,J.‘.-`-• 9jj'paid for Wool byi H. 13 ußltrrly : New Milford, lane 1e52.. • . WOOL' receipt. of $1;511, the will; 'forward. ono I the above book 4which : agents cau,uots,att e copy) by mail, postage paid, to, anyplace Uuited States,. not ; exceeding - 500- mdea dal°, Chicago,, cine,innati ori ; New_York. Bent! by, mail must he prepaid according 4ew postoffice IPN. rostage,ou; this work 25 minis lor each and every 5 t 0 miles. i lea 4 le !Plices for above, and other saleable or which' Wo' want cgt;nttr, will be forward plicuiiuu to titt, . P . Etillir CO.' • 'Beek l'abfleheiii,l3Uirtife,"N.Y.': WOO CHALLENGE- l'Etrlat concerns the,htnith dual happiness people.is at MI timusof. the .most vinttable I take it for 'granted that every P ierson will, their power to iave the . lives of rhe r troy- person will. endeavor to :promote their, th at all sacrifices. I feet• It tp,he tuy..duty, tp' • 0000:0 you that Worms according to the, f the shOtt eclubrated Physirlarie; son the .c of a large majority-of illeessel, to- which mittlts arc liable, It you havesn appetite con eh:tole:lWe frotu ono. kind of fend to auuther, th polo In, the 'Stomach,' picking at the', none, and fu nets iirtho belly, day congti, low fever, citular, remember tharall these denote iFiirms, altonld at onceapply the remedy: • , tIOBENSACE:§ .‘VOIt3I..BI.tIteP • . o foandupen stientiGc principles; compounded tcly ivegetable .aubstance, .being perfectly safe Nen, and determined effects,' and not the cyst. mina dide.tcel condltionas most miser , . trdgln for the removal of worms, c r oiupctsed of such' av Lozenges, Ncrinifugesi 6te but 11:11( 41 th e male astsmtihirg cures au toaved the.liros ands, both old and young,who have been pro hopeleFit. Incurable, by physicians.' head 'the and 'beconie convicted of its ettleacy o!ei. all Morrisitlver.L:J..Aitg- /3, 1511. N., Motrensuch—Ttkin In to certify thatMy chllt4 of age. haring been Olt for throe years, was at. ir ....1 Deese or Ib e 'spl ne by Drs. toper; t'll 011ie; ler fora long time without receiving any bone , r giving.her up as Incurable. I Went to Phila nd counulnrd one o t the'beit nifyrlelans,. her 11l greeting worse. . It wan at thin Mite tvrasin! try, ~..obenatir.k'n Worm S'yrup, , and after tak , attics sbe entirely_ regained. her; health; after i "great quantity of worms. floning this '"Will be to parents whose children arc 4mila/dyed:reeled; . 1 rau yonra, Ste.: . I ' It DROWN. 1 BEN LIVEIti PILLS. ' of the sistem hi more liable to disease than' ill bning as a filter - td purity the' blitot!;be . &int ~er separation . and secretion tot he bile. Scr.that I k ! ictit.ti of the liver ucectithirOtlier iMportant ttio nptein, andrt4.ults verietigi in Lifer Com nnthee, Dyspepsia, Fevers; .I,:e. We' elitiuld Watch every symptom - that might' ludicato a The subsory i ker has just received. a 'largo stock WOOL, :Wbs_ E" , ar - 0,000 pouuds'arly4Toi iniichinge for cash or cloths. A ‘ i I " , D. 11.•L'I'DOP 05. 4iciae, May 24, 1852 E ,21tf - - ::,GREAT :BARGAINS OkINFIELD is selling oil qis large,itock of inwrlnv, .IVvrcuss ' issrenv cgs - price:rite puke roern for - new. goods,. • , t L. - C4NPIELD: ughernton, ATM 23, 1852. ••,.• .. .Liver. , . - Complaint. 4 - ..' . . jaundice, Dyskeric4.Chronic or 11Tto erus Debilityi Diseases ; of thell'idnqs, , A lID all -diseases orndet frorn a disordered: liree.or .11:stomach; suth.as constipation, limit-041k , tulliwii of • blood; to the head, aeldity .. or. the stomach; nose:*, heart,liurn, disgust forfood, .fnluess, or weight In •, the stomach, tour. saietatione, sinking or fin tuning 'et the pit of the nomad,; sour terat tions'head, honied ofdir ticult breathing., Sintering' at toe heart,chokiii4 orstao catingaetwations when in. a; log. posture, lduriness of vlslou;dots or virba before the, sight, fever surdna'pain i Lis:the head, deficiency of perspiration, )m110%1104 nr the skin:Mid eyes,..pairt in the ride, back, chest limbs : Shc., - . andlen Sashes of hest, burning in the flesh, Cons:tint ltu; agininge of evil, and great depression of epiribt, roan be' I effectually 'wired k),) , ~•-, '' '.) --- • ,-- - ;-, , , , Dv•lttecifland,si.calebratell i.Ge.r6 , Prepard by, p r .- .. c.-,..3l'.fackson,. jot ''-'tlie : German gedieine store, 120 Arch 3: street ; 1 • Philadelphia. • .Thelrpnweroecr.the above,diseases is tiocexe , dled, If , en:nailed, byany other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in umuy. ‘ cases after skilfutphysicians These bitters are ;forth) , the attention ott , itiiiihis —, Possessing w rest 'virtues In the, rectification of anuses of the Livciand lesser'ilands,eseresPig the inest*patchhog power In weakness and affections of the, digestiti,e . cw . gans, they ere, witlialitiale, certain, andideaiant.;• ,': '' . - Itead and be Convinced) ~. , ' The editor of I,tholleston Bre ,saiht,Ticeetttier;7:2d— • • 2),•; yk o fi tie dls crlebrlited German. Bit:tisane the cure of Liver Complaint, -Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Chronic, or Serfons Irehdity, Ll deservedly one of thespian_ popular medicines of the'ddy. These flitterslieve demi used by thousands, and Is friend at our elbow tows ha s hes himself received uti effectual end peroninent care of; Llrer Corn• plaint from theiuse of this remedy. We ate convinced that, In the we; uf , these bitters, the patieniAibe4atitly gains,strengtti end vigor -a: feet worthy bf o'oo cord& i•ration They are pleasant In taste and aim:l44ml can' be used by,pereous with the most ttelicate stteli - ulth safety; upderlimi atiy circumstances. ' We are spelitlng limn experience, and to the attlietet we advise 'their itse. - -'. .oeutt'S Weekly, one of i the best. liternry,Papets pub lished. said, August '2.sth '' '' ' ' .' - . . "Dr. IlatAin l'a German Diller*, niannfakured hy Dr. JaEksint;are now recommended by unit of :the most prominent montane 4 the nnlical facility tM en 'article of much eflicg.ey in cares of female weakness. A Cinch Is the rase, we SeoUltliViOse nil Mather* to übtain' a. bottle, and thus rave theinsel vet much sit.knoss; Persons of de bilitated constitutions will find these hitt 'ors advantage , . one to theft ' nealth, nave know front experience the sal: utarye.lect they have upon weak systems." -- • - . ;' '•• '' ' ; ; :. .More , .Evidence. ,: !:• ~.., ' The Plthadelphia Saturday Gazette. the beat family, pa per sublished in tile gaited States, says otAr.lioolland's German hitter's—. • ' • I It IA sehloin that we recd intend what are. termed Patetit'ledicides, t. , r the cvaftdeneu anirparron4icu or on. readers. and therefore when wu recommend. pr. Ifonf Genuan , Uitters we vetch to he distinetly under. stoodlhal - %raj ate not Fpe.4% ng of the nostrums of; th day, that are noised about for a brief period and then for gotten:o[er they have. run their gul ty Lace brudi , chief, me deur long 44(.0114161, universally approved, and which ha's met the hearty appiovAl'of:thil faculty. ..• , • Laee . will tallie marks of the genuine. -- Tbey bare the written signature of G. M..laelisON upon the, wrapper, and his nntrut Illooot la the bottle, Ipit,hata tehklc th.ey are anuriouA. 'or sale wholesale and retail, at tlie Gering,' Mei doe Store:No...i2o , ..A.teh.stredt , one. door . below Sixth, Philadelphia, and by respectable dealers generally limo'. , out the country. • enabl all classes of itiva e-lide to enjoy the' advantages of their greit ruterativonowets, SOOTZ line rt.e, 75 4.ltixts. , • • Also far sale by ABEL TGltttELL,Druvisf,ilontre.e. I Penn'a. , NEW DRY Gi-00 - DS AT NEW MILFORD. DEPOT'. , . . . . AT:II.. BURRIT rs maybe found an eNten siva and new 'assortment of .Dry Goods in cluding-a great variety of -..•-:... _ • ..: 1. Ladies' Dress GRods, Iniictt -Prints, Printed' and Binbroideredi Lawns, extra rich Barege Delnues, Lustemd, iPoplins. 'inthams and Chamtfruys.of 'new style black ; u id fancy silks; 8:44. Canton : Crape;;_ Broche , itylriere, and 4/o. , ge. Slkawts, Silk Alauti Ilas itrusols, plain and figuM4SyYSlthltilitil t Straw Prench Lace } and Silk Bounete,l3ount.t Silks, Ribbons and lowpra. GENTLEMEN .A . .. 613 0. Y . § - DRESS AND SUMNEIL.GOODS. 1 - - A large assortment. Hat., Cop t ,-troot.,o shoe, Trunks Valides• Carpet. 'flags; Carpeting . ; Oil Clothe for &ark ' and tables, painted rand'printed Window Sliudes, Wall Paper, Domestic,Cottuns of all kinds, etc. etc., which, in connection with a universal assortment in other ,departnlents oi goods, and being purchasedentirely - for eftsh, will enabla purchase's; to Bemire kenefths in price. style and terms um to be, found in.any other establish . 14, B. Sale a44_Stone Coal constantly on hand. New Milford, ilfay 15,4852 - - • MOUNT PROSPECT ~,WATEII CURE - ".ANVINTITUTE, 1 -. BING BANTON, -N. Y. VHS institution is located in a beautiful end • Vromantic grove at the base of Mount PrOs pect; alit! : Within the corporation of the, vilage ; posse`seed of en abundant supply of purest soft tootei,:udiatttiges :for eitercise in the pure air. a -carriage and foot walk up the mountain, over looking i I . 4.:;a6ChttyXlis,urp - a7Ssei:f)n .beauty and grandeur..ttad 44ree ° . ,itoui antlturmoll of busy life; wj* excellent sailing an d rowing privi legesokthe pleakaut water of .the Cheoango : -..: These are a few of the presentation the "Cure" offent to:Og • • ho u s e, .. . _ . , The, is new awl roromodious 7 -bathing, apparutusiexcellent=well ventilated, Ivith.23U l feet piazze-, i i .. ~ ; 1 The medical .department is under the entire care of Dr. Timyre and wife, who hare had-large experience. in Ilydroputhic priCtice. and aro fa vorably.known as, successful practitioners: . 'Courses of Zee - tures; with full plates end illus trations, will be given throughout the seuion to the StudentikutdTatienti, upon Anatomy, Physi ology, la ydropithy ancl,Hygiene, for which there will be no additional charge. , - . . ..i, • ,Femelee..who have been elmfined to their beds fori leers, We ; i Etv kted. to.. correspppd With us' or dive us . e call._ .oarsuccess In the treattneut,,ol diseases: peculiar, to females, has _givett!us confi dence, and, we say, to all such, even if they . have ~, s uffrred .. much front 'many iihySiclans,", make one more trial. .-.,•- . : -, -. ~ .: Terms from $4 to 88 per- week, j (payable 1 weekly,) according to room and .aiteution requl-.. Ired. Patients will pros ide farpersonul'uee 2 corn tod.abfes, 2 blinikitts, 31ineW or daltan'shcets and 0 towels. ' '''' ' 0 . `..11-THAV-IIR.; ill. ~ 1 D.,, , ''; ' . • • ' .'.--' 1 - ''. - Ri.sidin t..Phislcian. Mtf i '' C ' D. ve.li, o.' m. RANNEy, Proprietors r ,.;.., THE LiGHTNING =FE! B a rber and Elairillieeser, ro , t4n* , thanks:o,:ltie aumerche . friends and,patrons;and having,as hopes , convinced tili:of,,thie,great':deuger 'and risk,of cu p inti; their threatebiyeboving thennielyehei begs' that they will discontinue that licirber.elle . Ftritetide, i th d e n . coitragir ;borne industry ‘ by caliing : , en bins. for a shave. Col. Crockett's uncle was... Said to be so .Binert . that helhmtlfrin.teelt with sh eet lightning, 'ut4 perfoini . tbe sa n e fee!..itkn'uy Whit'pref4r W itt tan good - razor; It -they will' call 'it his 'shop iu SeniWs Hotel hisenieut; , if you don't believe it; Cell . t Montrese,`May; 6, If3S27:' ^ C. TILLMAN. THE eariartneysltiO beiettifore existing , under the name Mid firm or A. Littbr:ol)..& Co.. is dis Solved.. Tim boobs stud' accounts of: the late firm be settled by A. Lathrop., TIM buiiness will be' tivireafteicentloOted'liir„.D:ll..l.Mtbrtip & James Itilex, on the .'pay .doiyuTistirl- short c redit system, nude, the firm of D.ll. 'l;titlirop' 4: - co. " j. Utt Tett •. •• • '• NEW Sprintand Summer Goode , id great vit. iiety arietle, acid ri'getienitesOriment of Staple and•FanerGoodejuet receiirect hndeeHiug tuusuelly:loor.by ; - H4l-IPRITT.:' --Disitolution• IVOTICE ii!hereby given that the firm or Pitts 111 & Werner is this day direolveA . bymutuel iMisintreTTheae indebted to' the firtn a - nre requea... ted xo 51't!Q 1/).171hoIt '•" 14 1"kli —' M! - Itl l B. Mtititrokti'Aiiiill 1851 ' WAIIISTR •-1 Ati:rg 0, 0 ,000 'Sods l'it4x i filipgri for Goodirby - BENTLY'f MentroseJuly 1;1852 1 3w. - -.A.ii•A'Clierry P/cto i r . FOR - THE CURE OF' -' r '4 .% pe :,- 'COUGHS, AND- COLDS, v ' -„'''.•? 1• `•BUONOli il'IS, ASTH- T' -- r INIA AND. WHOOPING o' 1' COUGH: CBOUP AND . CONSIJ3IPTION. Inottter &Neuf: Wond.a, l .- 1 ,ii...freou g to• the communit•Y gbh' ilDttY•celehrated •;-, • ~1 , , ~,, ~ , . „,.. • -.'• ; . - „ „;,, ?enjoy. for disease:: of the ttuout. and lungo. it Is Lot Great Cure ,tor oppep s ia : ,iour'.l.li to, tribe with the' lives or health of the-raid. Du, y, s,LlottiGHToorg vir,tspigN„,2ll4TitllC iti.•off, but it onkly te lay before theta the opinion of dla. G LISTS WE !Mee of !he evidt•neee of its sue. EL tall,' OR Ga%tr'e 1 4 11 c 14 . •' I iin g u"rd Ine ” gi they ' d ' themselves • • , • • Stomach t . O tees, from which can•ju go tor. li e I Preyeredlrem lIEVZIET _or this fourth Fir I , by .- sincerely pledge otirselves to make' no wil i trtlettiontr ' Ox, arree, directions tot Caron Whig, the: grea t o r p.... - kb. , or hate 014 ternenta or Its efficacy, nor will we hold out logical Dhlanisto by,J., , 5. - 4104 0 31 1 T0Ns X. D., A ki....- pp, l‘opp to suffering humanity which facts will net lvocl , hia'Pa ' ' .' S weL rat rbi3l6 tr 1Y I °l' r fl t eay rINDNT,-C%.,many T , re es are her e given; nod .' se squels a n DIS.I'IIA,JANt, I.Vlli t 0111441 O rylnnthepublicloto all VCpubllft. feeling assured STIPATItiIi and DEIIII,ITV,enring nftsT Natures own that. thefluill. find them pettedly reliable, and the teeth d. by I , taturo's own agent, the Citstric,Juico. . Pepsin is . the thief 00 , t0iv or great weitioo , 10 tam ', medicine worthy : gir' . best confidence and patronage. lathe GaritrieJultbe Solvent • of the Wood, the Purl. From the distingu 'ibfes.sor of Chem {Crlosr.rroforving,AndStimultoing Agent pf• the ktplitich, 1 ' ' iSt6r and Moulin Medico, Bourdoin . and 1 testines. It is catmint trent the Digestive Stein. ach °IVA+ OX,lthns Pinning arr AItTIFICIAL TIOF.S. • ,:. , _ c i al pge. /. , Tt%ry 'Wl.lllo, ,, prctrieelY Inle the narural Gastric Juice i _ Doer sir : I deleied anstredng tbe receipt of btour , rte Chemical povyers i .andfunaehiqiiiinflP .___l.efe and ' o',l,:i preparatioii until .1 had, an opportunity of witnessing fert aubililute for It.' Ity the aid of- this prepartoon•to., , ins &twin in iny onsi homy, yr iniby rmnsuy or . 7 pains nod tinsel' ludigettion and Dyspepsia ate removed. f i .i n na • ..,. , , , , • , just an they would belays Irealthyloorruteh. It lis`dolog , , T ig,, hate now ffone with a high degree cf satisfac: wonders for lytpeptles, curing eases of Detillity, Entatiat 1 titln, In ea..oes of lir..th a-tut:Ard children. - don', fiereous•Decllne,Ond Dyipeptle COosndiption earl- I -104 g found it, as ita ingredients she*, it powerful remedy fot . colds, and pnittionary diseases. posed cotillion ;lie verge pr Ow grusth. Alte_sdentille eve •desire upot which It is,brusert, Is ht the fighe degree eto. dons and reparkable. ,- ~ ' II n gild Me FebrA51,11547P.: C"VELA . I`D.' M. - -- ' ' - SCienti.P EVhtence• . ' . , From 'he Overseer 10 the Hamilton Mi te, , :flacon Lic eg n his ce aev.oron a MA , .. i . ern- m .i n in ci t y. . tote). , u ,., , r t Al i A T /inti e m m Digcoff re Muhl. analogotiolo . % •; ' -,..,'-' LOwell, A mm 0.10,1840. the U astrie Juice, niay.he rtacilly peptised isrroi , t tie mu cous niembrannof the etomach of the Calf, in tibial verb. - Dr. 4. C. Ayer r I have been eased of the worst wrier ens artirlor Of for as. Ment and Ei,Lga „still•roe Softened, Lever bad into, life, by . your Cherry Pictorial and nee. domicil, and digertedljust ID the same manner as they rir fallothen . l . have , epportunity, of reconiTending it to would lie in the butaan,Rafiraect , .." ,? ~.. . , . . others.' lours respectfullyl S. D. 1.511•ItSON, ire Uall on thin agent' and pct a' M . ForiPtive 'olrobrof, ~ 1 1 .11iirtd . the followins, und . teo if twig medicine I, gratis. giving it large eaieufir ereeiintifie evidence, ftnit• ' worth - u , trial.- This, patient 'had become very feeble, 1 tar to the aboi 9, together, with evliotte of realar 4 ahie gad the effect -of the medicine was nand stakubly dis• curet from nil parts of the Vo it ed I , tatets., , tinci. . • .. .• Dit. lIOUGIITON'S IPMPSIN is il(lse 'Fold by nearly all . .. - :' United gtatra lloiel, Saratoga springs, 0 the dealort in flog drugs and popular metliciu es through- . • . „ , I July 5. Isis. i out the united s twee. It,o , prepared in..powiler and •in Dr. J. 0. AYer-Sir : I hare been afilleted with a pat n- Uttid fore, Oldie . preiorlim,re viola fyr tlic use; of Whysl- rut affection of the 10ng.., 0141111 the symptoms of set clans.'''', '“" '- ' " ''' poIVATDCIRCITI-AP4 for the We PT PhTtleirlsre. mai no medicine that Trouidteach my case, until I coin. he obtaina of Dr. lloughton °rids agents describing the rnence,d the use of your Cherry E. i ct , •ral. which pro me whole procciss of triparatiou, and 'rising the eniborlllre i graffull relief, and T have been steadily gaining my , upon nibleh the eatlielS of thin Mos remedy tire booed.. AR' etrength till my beaah In weff nigh restored; It Is not a eierer rnae - hpuo orote trou COO 1- R retort ettetool I While citing your raeditiue,ll had tbe gratification of its use by Whisk:labs in reitecruble etandiog ~nd regular curing with it ley reverend! friend, Mr. Truman, or prietice. Drift. ONE DI>LIAII Vet; battle, .. , ,_ Sumi , ter Dittrict. who had beers distended from his ;....- onsmtvETlllSM—Every.:botrie or the genuin e parochial duties by stirrers attack of bronehitit. PBPSlN•bears the written signature of J. S. 110th 0. lhave plea-ure in certif.) tog . hese facts to you, TON- M. P., Rote Proprietor Philadelphia, Pt. Copy. . And am. sir, yones respectfully, - right and Trade Slack reent - rd. • -•• • • • , f. •• ~ . • :.,:-... „1, 1. oALliftlffi. of South Carolina. itr, Sold by all Druttdsta and Dears In Medicines. • 0;7 -Prepared avid sold by JA Ales C. Ayr.s, rraetrerd fa. For sale 1.1. A BEI. TurtltELl., PrunrMt ll6 ' fi " je, Chenlivt• Leweir mete'' I ' I Pa- Agontfor Strequehatinz county • i• . _,_ MY. ' .. ..Sold Sold by A. Turvell, - 51ontrete; Lucien Scott, O( •_ - e` _ __•r_ • • fiend, and by Domistt everywhere. . , r Gyl - DILEOUGHTOWS. -•-, SI'OCK fr C UhAP.KIV'THAN ;*. "! • •.: • Late of trig Firm of Milson.& Miller rkl.killtr.s to. return.lils graterat thanks to the. eiti. ..11J" aims of tit, , guehaurfa cotintY fur their - liberal pat. ronage daring the putt ycatituittrespectiuli) solicits a cmti nu ancc of .thein favors Having , re•opened _the scorn in Tuinpkine litock,Caltiett has been enlarged and improvetf,)lnith , . 8! nrapring . and Summer Gonda, he invites , those_who eti.Fh to purchase floods ! 'very loe, for cash, nnraxatnitiebitassurtnteat. The sulloiiied list 'of' ft isoda rind prices he believii rill compare fatroinbly iritit that nay other Merchant in I this vicinity . , :!,:,•; .t;cidie,?' 0; " s : , • A largo assortment of : black and colored Slits, of va rions'gratlON and patterns, from 4i :'6d. to 148, per yd.' Mousdline De Lgines. • 2000 yards of - Sprin;DeLoines, of almost every ratio; •ty and etylo that , the liewjorlt ;docket, affords, from 110.1025. per yard: Prints and Gin& hams. • 10,040 yards of Metimaci ) ; Fall' River, 31m:taboo : ter; Coeldeo,.}:ogliFb and' other - litylts of. Prints.M. 10C, tunl layer yar :One case o.:Eripiriptsicillio apd. col Ors, yard wide,td We low pricont Is, 'lOOO yards _of LineaSter and OasgawGliigb a mivwcirranttal fist, tolors. at is ivr44 yard. Also, Scotch - and French do from ;Is.- .0.1. to 1,13. • . purnlna• , goods:',. • 114%0h:1:Ines; 'A I kit (cas. Lustre". Bat:eget'. (ion ton dot,lik,oll z wool De Lalties,l4llt Tlssnes;andall oth er gaols used inineurning. '• • • • - IVhite‘ Goods. • Pialn.pl aid and sniped Jar:once 31paltu,Cambric do., pbiln - and dotted 'Swiss, 'Mull,:;:tialtwook' and Tilton, Linos CambOe:lltrd's"By&Linen' Table Cloths, -.Napkins, telt nod- RILEAIII ParVTl5, Linen neettogs & SbicOngs, &c.- at env h.pneee ;as cannot talllo pile cutlrn satisf etion to 'customers: " " • - A. large Int of Troche, CantOn - Cfape and .Cashmere Shawls tweniy. per cent. cheaper . than .they were sold last year. , • • Iliandk.erchicfs., ttrton handkerchiefs. of ererigrade, trent 6d 'to $4 each. , - • Table Cover:- • .", Seieral dozen cOtordd cotton:: vrtirstM .AnTl Lin ' rn,'a td all wool Elikbosseil envers, from 4s. to $4 apiece.. • ' • Goo.dslor::310:1,„and Bqys. ' Bread Ct the or ovary color Awl qualify, froro,lol , . to - and, Taney tlir,4linvris; froth' Gto Vs, Ken tucky Jean*, Tweeds and=Satlnefe, fpitri'2s,Cl:to•ts; , Wrath:iv oL qyerg desorption, quality And price:: pome,slic . . .. copq y a rd; of krown shretlngs and 0;111i:30,how sto 9e. per, yd 4 ki . ° bleleht4l do. front .lc. to Is: per Yard . ; Ticklogs auil lllarinele adyting,tifrom 6d, to la. Per yd: HoSiery and' Gloves.-- -1 . . . . ' , An excellent assortment. laid 'very cheap.- Among , them' a Joyce lot of 'olittecotton Yore, very fair . quality only ... 04. a ralr. ..'s' 'Zunks, Valisei'aiid' Carpi; Poi's. . . , . . ... —, .. AM'oll a•Aortall stock. pnrolLioed direct from the,. law ea mannfootto7 Id ibis Vealitri,llld - for oda at such yriaoooo.nill adiny at no, comppt, , ltkon,,. z• ,;.... ; n,a , , . Stra.W a. Milltnery do ocZa ..-, • - . . . .. . . . . .. ... . .. ... no, sutionlor if ti(VireUp 01111111117 g the attentlen ef the public particularly to thh: blench of tusin'tes. eche .possesFrts great 'fealties. for gl fling these - gee& dump: ef lie designs, k ing eowtanfly on band (during the sea son) a large i ek of Stria.: TionrietAiribich he Wilt offer 2L per. ent. e caper thatithey. can ha-hod at retail In New York tit ..;.....filther ..!oboleoale .or .retail customers will lind .it .greatly. to their It .vantage, to examine bis 'itock. 'tifOre making Porch:lies elsewhere;'" , - - Dibh one , and Dress :Trimming's, it: 'good aisortment 'at low priers.... .. .: .r .. . - : W.. 14. WP.,SP.N. . Corner of.Ceurt and Wit 'er - itiects. nearly ' -- opposite the Abietieinllotcl. ButellTAMlnre:Aprti 28,1852 ~ ,lc, - ... - ..: ,:' , ..: - ' . . DRY GOODS AND TnEs,ubscribera would, in Tripp the citizens of :Vusqueluuria couPty Wet 'they ,bave pen' on bond a large aSioritiento Dry Poole, at tihole sale ,and , DEPAIIIII.IENT,, consisting iu piiit of broadcloths. Cusannores, sat 'netts.: Tier, uclty - jeans, yeathigs,.. and planner goods Of ell kinds. -" ; ' ' • • __,LADIES...tiFrAftt?II3I.IT, conaisting of rttame variety, viz: Black Silks, cy do., satin4, - .giughitaur,'SCotch and American prinfs of all kinds; some' at' , &pence Per• yird superior quality of colors warranted, in. de lames, Cushmere,mptini,glcives, bnsieryi of every. grade ,ridd quality—White geode : Browiti und.blescheil sheetings, , 4:4 wide, 'heavy . qual4yi-al , -GO; Peri vd: Tickings, drillings, flannels, SCutch'diaper,,bikds eye do.,,nspkin*,,lrisb linen, and:SPreans.; in fact altnect every thing in the dry Odds, line.' : Also, a IlargOlefOf • CARPETING , Tliree:ply.,itigrAms cotton dud wool, • cotton, stair; ,diug . gite, riooi2iind cottocirciciths for floors tabfee: i • ' • ". itiilte oil visiting cidl ind ex- amide Mir stabil . . for \so feel cohfibept"liy tiodoing it wilt bei'apiving•tif ten tirtelstk per cent. ; Qui motto is quick `salei and smell itrofitstj. Store nearly opposite tittillostoffice: tore,:1!1: Y.; ••WICK HAM 4,BENNIvT.. April" 7. ISM; .TO-th - ci AA pEI;-TURREISL is now and ' • • ...-.GOOD whtcb' will be. gold vary low forrma oti.rendypay. rhe pock is composed of n first;ate nosortntentOf Drawn,. letllelne.,.. ; ChemicOlfi,-.Pnintft, Dye•tt#lll,,Gmieyies, oetaglesi ,Afitsical Yaplceo/ Nnqon,Oit - ; •-; u T I IL',l - 1 •` • ALSOt ~` `.. / Pry Goods, Haril.tyare.,§!pp9ware4 . th.nsbei, 314031 In§trumeits, i f irrtinierh Tiussimq.SuppqrtOrl,;*sl4er-liraces Pioes Lamps; CloB(Bl . Wilftheii;loWelfY,;' - , putchOtto Dints oiCroodo iri - any,:of tho ; otoresild'dipititmonts, wilt: find their uttereots . promoted by nollitia firist• at 1::!!u' and yorieti Sforwit ABEL IliontrOse, 'May 1852.: :: =OM • totuby,tbool4 Lardlokialo by- BErrrimy &Amur ;. j . ) UM -OR DIL•TIIROOPS - DOMETIC - 31E1ICINES . cour.ouNp BYRDD OF BLOODROOT, FOR. TUE CORE , OF ConstimPtion, :Asthma. Rim. chide, Influenza, Coughs, Wtfooping Cough and Crotip'. -" Tliin&Pslofant , .P . 'eservatice and Cures Flarniertte: Collo, Gripes,)arhe,D,Tion tea and ChOlera of Infants, or any of the . coromon ills of infant life. - . . . L, Dr: Throop's, Vorm Poison Erpcai these filthy intruderi i of, the human ity st eat with.. out-exception of kinds or nu hers. Dr. Throop's pillions Pills Curo Indigestion: billions d solders, Costiveness. riles, Headache ? heartburn, Eve r, DifLammation,Diarhea„ Dysentery, and restores a , : healtlry action of all- the glands at tho— e bT dy, hroop‘o Eye Water Is:unsurpassed in curative Virtues for any itlaraniato ry Affection of the eye. and" I . Thrneps - Is unturetteeed far.. dressing fer Barna and - Sealda, 1:11- eta's, Ealt Rheum, 'or any abrasioa of the skin. • A os6 reins Pin 111:S.—Dentley & it-ad, Montrose, ' f. Granger & Co„ Die Sourncell. ash :U. C 'At ddietown; D. Glidden; FriendsvilevP.. nether, DimoJh ; Scott & Itri ,, ,t;; , ;ningville . ; Dr., Lam.: b , rt. Auburn; James. Tonl:pLins, Tempkineville ;hay. den Jr. 'Little. Nest ifoid.; lir. Drool; s tl et` fiend; Josephl.,herriman, lipscaville; Dr. J. tl.ruey, Little Meador's; Jasper Stsuley. Chononut;£ Tinny. Reno . lye Centre :11.A. Ci:ffnrd; Dr. J.C.Glins tead, Diandaff ; 'Johnson & .ry. .-J. S. DIAL , DEL,BencraI Agent,.Forest Lake. -Iyl New Boot and Shoe• Store ISECILER a STODDARD. , PIM uov: firm of Keeler & Stoddard have opened a Boot mid Shoe store on Mein street, find doorlielow tho Brick aornerkn wkich they offerioreale . : The Lurg..mt Assargment of BOote, Sticee and Fiudings,nt the lowest prices - " IN MONTROSE . : We mentor mad y pay add small profits The citizens or the village and,country are re -spectrally invited to 01111 at a' real get:llia, Boot and shoe store where Boots' and shoes are sold in stead of Beer and Ofsters. Keep It before the People, Thee we have b full nistirtmeat among which the eimmerair : " • :'''l.ktens Carl:so:de water proof boots.long Lq If an girians, calf 11 altsola, and ' pump ;boots, Kip hail side boote, thick boots, calf, kip and cowhide bra *ins, Over shoes. etc: ' • Youths Call, Kip and cowhidOboots,bOys thick boots, etq. • Ladieti French. channel. Gaiters,- patent _Fox . Wilt Gaiters, enameled and Kid Polkasienatueled Irene lace Polkas, • kid and; goat Jr.ssir L1N0 . 131 Nee Yerk ties, exceisiortiolenuy Liuds Rosettea, kid ties; rubbers, etc. , Ilklisseagoh and calf Lace boots, Jenny ,Dind's ernitrieled Polka.; Duteh boots, etc, Children's' hin ton Shoes; gout and enameled lace beots,i gaitant„Dowtaini:s etc. " ' Anion our Findings:w' e offer French cal rslsina, Oa and Hetnlock tanned- Calf Skins.. Morocco,. piiik inul white lining skins, red, blue, maroon, Roans, - .upper leather, oak and hemlock soluleather,' pegs, zinc nails, sparables, heel ban; webbing, etc. ; • lyN. B. Work made to order-and repairitta neat= done. . _ • - 44. • • MORSE'S • - f,(I3IPi‘DR - •• YELLOW DOCK ROOT• NVteal pmpted by every principle ofbtunanity,So ' ro makecknorn to the aorid the Writelefiful . Efficacy. of "this Extraordinary • • r..' reimration. .Thourands bavebeeit relieved or a great =Cunt of ittllering,an d'• many lives' saved by the vole of it. It Is acknowledged by the best judges of medicine' to be the 'most elegan, sick:ALCM and shlntary preparation:now In .use, and ks;a: r , • - • . • Depurative Remedy Seldom 'if ever It stands' mitivalledifOr the eu e of Erysipelas, Saltitheirn, Canker Scrofdla, and all the various diseases arising Own au impure state of the blood. Also, - • • • •-•'' T unprecedented enemies in all eases of 'FetlllllONCaktiosys rod•renerai,Debility.' . Strsngthening :Abe. weakened body, eying tone 'to, the various organs,and invigorating the entire system, and alio far the cute et the - - LlierTOmpleini,Catatih.JDyipepsia; Herid , • - ache Ritziness:Poi:mils,' - 110 SO 'affsieted- irlitir-'llhronle diseases, of *hearer, form, seliVtlsol this medicine mt.:only' pleasant - to the taste. but &certain cure if It ; b0 the potter or* remedial spot to stleeetheirdlseate. t -It latlocaposed of medicines so hoppil r, ssomblnod is to tenktlireetly, to giro tone to the stomach and bowels, and excite to healthy action the'LIVE It And she whole tiLANDSCAft'SYSTE3I, altafliFft`VOllS -r.entrary, and promote the free aetiOn,of =the LUNW3, thus ten dtaing it applicable to all iljsessee ot a ;74- :1: Chronic', Nature. • . his purely segetable,ananta3r battled Wall climates and tit all/milieus of tile year. ' 11 - . Prepared only_by . Morse .at MaideuLane, New York, and sold, by &NUL TUItnELL, Montrose. 'lt Is pnt up in quarkkmtles. Prlte . . M3M HAT TAP, - , - .A.ND.TUIt: STOnE: . fi#t I t" , ,;II.,11"41$1101TIttf vouldsespeetfully annonneeto INL •, the claims of "Montrose and , skinity tbat het bps *penal' and Intends to keep alargo-and general as, Sortmentr of all, kinds ,and gaslitioa of .Bearer, Mole 'din and tlgk Mats of thojatost styles;, Kos adtb, Hun garian and'other styles dad qualities or fur' and no Hats; Psnitina.,'lm;hoivtiPsito:4est, -and tho various !kinds at braldod_.bant pot ,llummer mr,epr; Moab,. link, Platte_ and all kinds of Caps for gents and llsoys"atoryotitteatmaf ; Vents ratent-loatbet 30. fee,, egetber with allicintla of goods genera), kept td,s,batatote. • Tim, tubes:lser_ Nino knell engaged in tbo obeys( studs , at '' the YAM - always' suabl o I to keep rt lalsstore lultlontuie rk timer ar k 4 - 00ii t rob, fonable assortment than Can be found 'altrabete,' terms areitesdY Pll7s n 10011,44 enable him to Sell all goods lo his line at least 15 Per tent. tower tban ottissi in the tame trade. The elttsetts oral espeetfulty 1411.0 , 1 to pal! and ,soo for „themselves. P. S; M'ashlsorn always ha nu 1 14.n,4 to exhibit thoStooles wbetber people' wish . tapinchsto or not. •-•••• 1 . D,ATAtILIBURN„,. _ Montrosoilytil 119, 184. - - . • • • latt; • M6MT/15T ..TAILOit; Tiattrplkei 4; m . t ly nceapted by J.ll. Dizziocr4i, Ergott ; e .. it 4 - eady Mita*, Clotitibg at - Stly 5,4,0 nem • • T • Ll. - S S piO rANUFACgiSIOPrPROus.O Oiv ' • . Silithl& CO. • rIADTNET AND CUAIII. MACVACT N IMEIts ittrtes Montrose, PA. met . • . •• • -.: Dr- E , S , -Park; '• • H ATING teitirtied. to Mont:mps. te m at , t i t , irk tice , or la, kre,sion, truly be fated et tow,. Hotel. where les er1:1 it •+ lt t friends as yell es rm. • 1 . 41414 Montrose, Feb. 2,18 M, -• . . • . ' • , t . Z. Dimo4i. • DIDCLITCTAN' 'AND BIITtOZON, ifertrof.e,Po.,o4l`.. A. tend to at business Abut Joey bee n t r ,„ ellarre. ssithlnomptness 'Sld Adellty- Cate st 44 nrklonee Tot:spike strott.i log, foot of Palle Amite, - - - George TimALER IN ROOKS. Readylust.. ci o thi t ; r, Urfa t llatci'ajj o w , Picots k S.hoes,kt., Stazirtio too b 4 .4 llotet, Montrose,- Er; C• DIALER IN DRY GOODS, Groceries C roe ware, Tinware, Fiski;.ollii. Paiao,l.. nlco pain cash for ati laud; tirBPfniag Van. It". - &" - below the Court Ilona& • ••••al Charles Tillman, QIIATINO AND PAID D 4 EIHNG P AL 4 ltullJfdg , 4 h v w to:'st 4o or to WI roatofhejf..kb,,o4 - • S. Wiii6llof . n TTOR:prAr ptrni . u* s Ittick•Eow. . . . „ D.. D. - Hinds: '.- .. . LIVETtY Airll EXCIIANG r TADLI. * Oeet idtem below Et eltr's llot el. Ma4itros t,ll, - E. 11.4. S. E. Chae, A TTORNETS AT LAW, Montro;e. 02, , e ,„„4, Z 3. ler'setim., E. B.,Cti4str 11.11•CmitiT ongaon - ec'lSterlin g, tia• I Miami Mow cm ettss. rwat.ny et.c.. Between Met Canal Bridge 4 1 ' houee.(tottrt - et. itingltstutva itr; g httr. Trisecting Agwat. I , 411 .0:111; Simmons, ' B DOT AND SUOZ.DARtit AND RtPAllnt.' ir, A) )peer Baldiein 4. Cox's Saddlery Shop, Maar:lL C.Dr C Edwatde, DILYSICFAN AND EPRGEON,IIarforI, Pe. .psi i r doors Leine a. J Pride's ejore. rt • Dv James Brooks . , ThiTSICIAS, AND SWIG:EDS, and hErklienes. Paiute, 0:1s, Dres, ke. Corse:WC/m.6y d. Dine streets, opposite COL F. Lusk's, Oral Au' - - • • CI: D. yirgil,• SrIICLEON imsTisr, 211 C000 ter Pa. D 6 e h Pellorr. Dull6ling,eme# o: Turnpike atelDarzu streets. Operations upon tie teeth perfected flame eardulliand tenderly. Piste Work dons efth the lie material awl in the most iriPmeeditjles. Ceup.L.A6 • - Farms for Sale, r r i ß E ..b,ern,„r,„ .111 aet as Sgrat6 Eale oflteal, .rttaie—Farmo, Houses tad W.,_ located in suaquitiamas county, Ps. All abtaid offer their property fot salt cat gre a =Lame dam, 011 their Farms. - or Lots as follows: Nrolo d acrmt, how tinny improved, and boa Id/ m 4 ; i x 4 Toga; Orchard, grafted or common trait; otiatm trete, and abode trces:' how far •fron Meitteo,tt the teureft point to a depot on the New Taft Ira itailroad: pike end terms of paymtut. to itell - or . pnrclut*e Beal Fatate, will I , telt, vtarta tendon by calling oa or adt:Dezdarioatiou:t‘ tionebal as courty ..Fas • V' Conveyanc frum Mout:oar to the ;rtMutf.m of iebnige Mee on Turnpikestrcet,4 doors west of tiVei .QTner• • nit tollowin grin= s and Lot Flue now ofrette,:,,,,:, N o. 1", 40 acres,3o proved - .Frao noon ett.' No 2, 80 do 50 do told So - to• No. 0,100 . do -GO do - do- is N 0.4,10 0. do '5O sold do No. 70 do: 40 do , - 4old do et . ti 0.8.05 du - do do- No. 7,4 I ore,. Wateluntre rod Lot. I No. 8,145 ocre.7s iroproTttd. tratradbotut td No. 0 521 do 55 do sold No. 10 2 •do do ! do No.II . sold - .No. 12 100 no eat 70 lopToteti, fro Lett' iti Na. 10 040 „do a:0 ao.t , :ecr do N 0.14 56 do do' No. 15 les . - do CO:, do .do 6 - N 0.16 120 _du So : gold _ . N 0.17 200 do 73 I do • do ti No IS 112 . to PO' dO - do No. 19 2n o doISO •do ' do e. No: '29144 • glu ' , a,- • - tr• No. 21 120 do 120 do do . 10.34 do 45 do do to . N0:23.4S do. 30 do 'do is N 0.24 b Ico. 25125 do 11.0 do •.. do to N0..2V,196 dolt() • do do to" .1t012751 -sold No. 2811 oermitood vs* =ill odd No. 29 114 acres, 90 Inoptoodk trans Lout kod kJ No- .1.75 do 100 • do ." do Co N 0.311 1,3.5' do - OS do " to- No. 32,1E0 do = 135 do do I do No; 33100 . ..do's' CO . -- do do Is 34140 • do .300 do do : o. 3S 100. doSO do . . do • - • 'N0..% SOO do 'l7O do do to .N0:37190-. do - - 100 .do do to' ' No. 33:170 do 100 'do " do i: N0..1) 175 ,do • DO ,1* do 0 No. 40 30 - Ao '45 • do ' - do 0 No. 41 - 212 do 100 . - uo .do la: No. 42 02 do 50 ', de 'do 4o NO. 42 4 do sold .• N 0.44 L.odo CS do • do ti , No.-45 800 do - 200 - : do do 0 - 1 No. 46120 acres, 80 improsed,fi#l' bow LI tat * and gaol mill., . . ' -,No. 47 200 'do ' 170 .-do do to -No. 45103 - do ' do- do 0 - - -No. 49 SO ' do' 60 ; ,do . do •do . No , 50,53 'do ,65 ' do' do '4l I. No. 51 92 'do . 06 .. ._ ,do do , do • - 'N. 11.-.. I"..ilotio dvaring , to yenta-Fe toy of **Au - giving tlkanuaketr con obtaiii • fall daretei ~.: : . . .'. a LICED halAril ..... , . .. - : - ''L). 0113COCE. ~. 3fontrooe, Pa., 0et.,15A - ,-.441. .. ..*-NEW GOODS At the Vpitinvllle Tithing& TitE subscribey t witti tnany 00ml:a a merously increasing patrons! eaten fully inform his friends, that he is cow area chri6l selection of koods direct from Nor'% which he intends to sellapcn the goad ioued principle - of "lira and let wa in exchange for goOds, all kinds of prodoes l4 not excepted.,, Uptuinville;April an, 1 E452. • ~ 0;.-•:, MER. 13,10. Going.er/IE, subscriber lira a small stock Set et Vold aboie J.: Buis! casts, astd ttae-Boats sad raasoieo • assortment of Utiles, Mara. sad Cblidran'. Mora, which be is now selimg - at ba: 031 lane cost. , -'litete is alioppettualty for raal ibis , • • GEO. nali - FebrAarri. - BO I 4TNETS BONI= ANEW popply of ;lbws' chesp Strisiv,; and French Gosomeriscs stud Rich - itiblxiirs rind Flotiers, gresiF r' 64 frorrLsprini prices, by - WYJRRITr • ~ , Im. ,l,D___ . . PUB L'3) oixt j psDAT Nnoti • - .. -3, lit:tr.. E. B. Chase, . . . „„ ..V4llltOlif ,I,XiiIL2rPItIETORI • -TEO.NS. , • °midair and Atli cent, pre =watt, ctlb ' l ,' or two dollars What p,tht ilotltitlac t.. 1 et 1 ?1 time ér subsetiptlun., S., piper mitia.OT, until- illorttoseges ate vala, etccpt at thegc.2l Pqhllohos. '.ltll coutmouieetichs mc,t to vol.. recOve to.tention. . All lett?rt iootet_ 4 , 14 „ t 4 '' 1 shouht he, directed to S' 133 r, p. 840-!'”" ,• 1 Sttoltuthatutw county; ral I i -----..- •t .• - . t'. l ' ~. ~ - ---- 1 .' ....:'''4It4T.ISS fir 4 DvE L irrisisc. wi. ic0me411.11.“,...1i.,)tr. hoexe,o-; - -Eocli etihseitutot ionction, - .•' ill • I.' Otte twill:O. ttitoer moothii -'• 71 • • . 1 ' • .onOOquare eV Ailllthi, t •1 • .• . , 1110Peas'thirosi-fi•or lizitp or lett, • • t YeATil tuktectitetucutt, put 00 f.Ur NV" ' '4 [Oro rolumu one year, 1 .' I • - 4 ai l ' Yoltity odvettistPutnts VII e rettrictedy Rola which they ace tags • . ' . .-' . . ...• - ".roiniiv BK. _ .... .' i ,• tilt,Tholithiltbetitlattot itrge I t 4l -• ' -„ e got Ttiptlogteotertale; Sre P;eri a locligett .. t 4 ,4 rein ( ' kvistth.olrotryed.3terril mtoto lcb igi l l ° l ' ll t ptthtod to ot,ltit, ' - ' ' • I - !
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers