If t 2 gel:tit:MEV I Supposed Loss :nf. the' -Stafford shire, of Boston. , Boston, August 15, 1852. c, p j. Clark, otNew iledford,(frem Valpara. so 0 c a 1,1 30 , arrived at ..nanta, and gave to 1 , 7• B. Little, a passenger in the Illinois, .: yerudan paper, from whiclt.therfollowing (a transtati,in) is taken' is huts fe* daYs ago: that aa acomtt of the shipwrecks that r a ' ve g' our red this year. We now have to te en' two others.: The first - is a vessel lost at, .., „:,11 1 f st..3laria; a place 'dreaded by 7 0..5 ,, i n all times. She is supposed. V.; be Arneriran s tiStaffordshire, bound from Californiatt:n with 30 odd passengers T,-,,i,take she had (m 111.1601 till of whom it s t eirs h av e escaped, with their lives, with 'the orption of one, By the same vessel that Nau.t this news, we - learn that the Portu-j „:.,bar'4Gitirmaraens had been ashore in the' c f Colcuip.—ereil:ts.:Ay on board saved. Clark made every possible inquiry t h e passengers from Valpataiso and Callao, bat not one of . theni had heard .a word of the di s !....oer. . 6 : 3 sister and her child Were passengers in iht.s!ilp, Onsequently he had the strongest ,tiro far a rigid inquiry. HO says, notwith •oniing the report in the Peruvian paper, na y 4>f he passengers doubted the informs.' Stafordshire,Captain Richardson, sailed from this prt. May 3, with a largo and valua m, cargo, and about one hundred and sixty I „ ; avrs, for San Francisco. The vessel cargo arc probably insured in this city fur r.:!ns: En) hundred thousand dollars. Sho vas not a year old at the time of her supposed having cleared on her first voyagn to Liv eppi Augast sth, 1851. She Was 1,818 tansr egister, and as good a ship as need to be let ititl)ough this report': of -her supposed loss IPPel , r' a circumstantially cOrrei-t, yet we think several reasons might be assigned 'to cause' a doubt, at least. In the first place, her course, rdler doubling the Cape, would be northwest, w hi c h iren.d carry her far cleafolr the land and 1a0re347, ;11l heavy vessels en d eavor t o t.h,;:ant a wide berth, in order to avoid alms: but, en tho other !Lind, she - may-have sustained some diooagl, ely th e Cape, an l may have born trying to reach Talcahuano or Val prlar,te refit, when bhe got ashore, Upon no eatcrhypothosiscaa we account for her be kib, there. She bad water on board for two ha: 17, - 1 days Nssage, and provisions for a yunani tlitref , re could have no cause to make a port sr.pplles. Her commander, 7 Captairi Richard,o:w one et' the most correct men in pursanulbnbite that c.:)li!d be selected, and as El".2m,ed mid skillful sailor has few ' equals Her dicers and crew were also the pfitei net of the port. livery circumstance vie ii too fix , to ensure. success. we vAtini....f.J;;;;.,,,i1e .. ...; ii:i_i! . ii that slic . ts Lost AT RccittsTr.n. ' Auzust 14, 18511 Thf , : t . p.rt. for the twenty f ]; ;..;/: P. P. rdno new eases, el:• , !,ra. Four of the v..ho had , Leen eating, 711:: or.ousns Bustor., Au:zu.ti 1-4. 1832. roes arrived at Gloucester report that Pilot. of Gioarester, belong. mg to int woor etruers as the Florida., also eazod. Las b , eit taken by an English vessel. A te1e,r7.4 , 1-ia despatch states that the Het having tee b b dt on board, raftaker Lro ha, been reheard. &John, N. 8.. paper, of the 12th it:strait ante eat the h..ii to (,'orainodore Perry and UT. ctlnr, of the was to' be tt'a to , Lin:. Lad van Cd of tile 72.,.1 rea rm:l ocaiti perfora in) the Tire ia'htb:tarls (.1 Ft. John were paying ever; iit= tet:loL , to the otileers Of the Jlis,issippi. - She inn; to sail fur on Frid-iy. A Iriti,b war steamer bait thaJe her appar 'Zee tdalthur-:, Xc X Brdmitrieli. The a lOn exult over the an racneernent that l.i TJ Derby has taken the i rower from 31r. Croi.:woa to interfere in the fohiag question, nice think that the Enrrli,lll healer will st...t.d lej ine Colonies in the: TutLt4^n2 LI,W LS ItIASSACUFStTTS. The frbt liquor case, under the new law. in .Ltou, atilt up la LIE? police court today, lininit au Irishman, for selling ono pint of Gin. , The case was postponed to this atter iiuun.rad buil required in the sum . of one tiwu,',addoacr. Thu complaint was made' .by 31.1ner very doll here. Three of our laretbi cLurc:les iei-ve dosed for one month, tr, !q Lhsence from the city of their aveLedont. • T.b.e Difference. • CM. Scom.—A soldier citizen, educated h tie camp accustomed to command, permit- Ing commuutamtion with COrniben penpleonly a respectable distance; his word is law ' whose nuthorityis supreme ; an imperious man; elevated with the adulation of his fellows, vain ] of ldn rank, and tide, and military gewgaws, ambitions of renown, " his gaze - bewildered hlaoldng at the White House," but without s.tlade qualification that fits him for that xes *-...--a•e. his opinions, at the time of hi:mina:lop, in the keeping of a committee, Jto lh 'epithaek upon his lips, and his principles! Saward's 'breeches pocket;", hisast . ; palitltt o-pinions covering the entire b?ood of aiti exploded Whig heresida, intlentifyinig• him fonaders of the intolerant Native :Valerie , Lalion land the advocates of the extension; eine pericd of naturalization to twenty-one! heard, I - I P!:ec,c.—A.eitizen soldier, • promoted J the ranks, who follows warnot las a trade Ea whenever his country calls him frOM the ; , pursuits of civil life, whose, l"'ui sot E$ long as the just as .true, who I iota not seek office seeks 1 the has declined more ,high positions than Elf san of hia age in the UnitecraStates, 'end Ittthohas invariably filled every. position 11zrahe has occupied with fidelity of the pat. rEt and the ability of the states, a laina Ink wEdEg, repot:Herm citizen whoas hewas P:tamed from the ranks of the private.soldiera' "tgenerniship, is now about to be promote . . tv; . alks of prirate life to the Presi e the united S tates.- - -itli/wouLie 2Ve'' _.....zrews.. A new Postutlicehas been eatablisited 11.: bwaship of - Harford, this county, to be 41161 ilitt liarford, and Daniel Oakley Pp .llc-(l.Pe=talaster. . . , itr.,, .- . - .... • . . -non. BEs.rares DlATTntas, State Sen. '-all'idiadelphiu, died on SatuniaY inst r ' l Presicient of the Sennte. ' • ' Whire kridencii Gen. Scott's Whig,:friends in seamhe itecna of the Union, claiM•forlhim the Possessionkif civil qualifications of a seriousness, orclet ; -but We I wmild rsk them- in all .wherri-„are the evidenceS Of, it? We are aware that_ they 'frequently refer in_',Liek.ion_ andqierrisen: to -sustain their position, bat the.history,of these gentlemen-do net afferd!a -- paralkil... - --. General Jackson lia&Spentlait theiMalleat portion ;of his.liip:iu the army., -He mitt - 400 - lawyer, land made tt fortune ;at :the- bar. Be. was 'a judge; Cothinis.sioner,andGriited-Btates,,Sena; tor, as -well as a suecessful General, in :alt - of which Positions' he exhibited - the:highest . order of talents. : Gem.Harriseri had been Governor of the North-Western territery for many years —bad assisted in making of, many treatica; • was minister-, to. a.':fereign.-GoVeottnetit,-..sand had filled . a - office id °MI6 for many yearg preceding his nomination. -; •- :- But what we would-ask al.min, ire General Scott's citil quallifigationS..and hoW haVe they' bech inademanifestl.-- 'What services lies; he 'ever performed, outside of the 'arniy,. -that should entitle him to be alevated - te - the high-. est civil office in the':gift of a free. people:?-- What:great civil 'act has GeM Scott-, ever- per fiirined ?' Has he ever-been in'any State Leg islature? The answer is tie.-- ; HAS; he. ever been in Congress?... No. .Has ho ever been in the Senate? Has he over been a for ministerl_ NO.-Has ho ever -been a'com missioner- to- make a treat); ?i No, i Has ho ever drawn, up a treaty No. ! -IRAs, he ever, been in a conventioti to frames constitution? No. .Has' ho ever - been on a committeato . 'draw up a public :law? - No.- Hai ho ever 'drawn up the.. preject of any • law ?: We have never heard - of buvone, and-thht was a- bill- of thirty lines, which WaS intended to deprive . foreigners of a rote,' accept such, as might_ serve [Pp years in the aryl in. time,of Jrar !,!! Ilas.Gen. Scott cver.written nay treatise on j the subject of Government?. None:Whatever. Then what has he I ,w.ritten or - done. to entitle ' him to the highest.civil "honeri. ~ The .Only book, he has ever, written: has been en the Tactics of lilitir,.and thi) only essays On Government are fonnd in a- series, of erratic political letters, in one of Which he siva - he! is in favor of - a BANK .OF. THE UNITED STATES--a BANKRUPT LAW—and a LAND DISTRIBUTION LAW; in another ho is in favor. of nn entire repealthe natintl itation Laws; - in another lie is in favor of a Change of the natnrairation _laws, so -as to prohibit all fareignersfrom voting, except those who may 'serve twolyears in the Arley in tide of war. In another; he is in favor of the an nexation of Canada, In Another 'he says he never knew an Irishman to desert his flag or turn his back upon a friend or, on an 'enemy— and in another he .said he had to.hang twenty Irishmen in the valley of. Mexico nEsta - Tiox !!! Now we would submit to the American peo ple in all candor, whetheriGen. Scott .has.ex. hibited any of thmie attributes of a statesman; which has invariably been regarded as neces sary to a - proper discharge! of U) high and re sponsible dupes cif President of the United States at this delicate andi important juncture , of our political affair 7 . . Has not his whole life shown him to be a 'man of violent, .if not dan gerous impulse? his campaig,ns . during the war of 1812, he not Only quarrelled with info rior but with superior .officers, , and was sus pended from the service. one - year.' Paring John Quincy Adams';administratiori, ho Attar. relitA with . it, and Mr. Adams suspended him from the command ot the c iwesternldepartment of the army, for,!.as the th n Whig 'Secretary of War, said, " rcry reprdhendible conduct" When ordered to Mexico bv - , Mr. Polk, he quarrelled with the Secretary Of i lVar before he left ;4.0 every one of his' letters from Mexico shows that he was raging iri,a jcrer of rgssions,qualc rolling not only with? neatly every officer der his coiornand, but offering eves ',kind of indirmity to his own Government'at home. In no position has Gen.lSeott exhibited any talent, my tact, or any ability, except in the mere' routine of the arm'', in which he has been trained from his 'youth, and itlVOuld be as unsafe to elevate such 4 man to ,the Presi-. deney, as it would to place a man in command of our army in time of war who had never set a squadron in the fold.—,-Irzrestigalor. I Arrest of Cotui' terfeiteri- We have been informed by a gentleman from Danville that a notorious counterfeiterjmuned iDr. Gilmer, was arrested on Monday, last ;in i the neighborhood off ll.atis7 tavern, beyond I Washingtonvilie, 3fontour county. Ati offuler i it appears, had been sM:it on fromlabiladelphia i who managed to get into !the conful4nco q i the scamp, and thus led to the; exposure.—L I 'There are several "Concerned in the mischief, though as - ,yet but one ha's been arrested.* 1 Gilmer was brought to Danville for a hearing, I and was held to bail in:the sum of §3,000. 1 The officer before alluded to; remains at I the tavern several days', feigning to be a diover lon his way west, and succeeded in gaining up. 1 on the confidence of the gang so far' as to ne gotiate for a largo sum-of their paper. After? lull the information necessary had been obtain. 1 ed, he notified the authorities of Pittsbeig, l who sent two additional police officers. Ar riving at Danville, they; started out in the at. i tire of spottsmen, and proceeded to the house , of Dr. Giltner, a son-in-law, we understand of Mr. Hans, the landlord. 1 Oil arriving at! the house, they mw the Dr, l 'approachin,g.,.. In the meantime a - noise %vas heard up StairS and one , of the party, asked :the 'cause, whieb seemed I immediately - to confuse Ahe doctor, who '' took to his heels." Net beetling the comtnand of the Officers to "stop," le was fired upon and wounded in the shoulder: The partfup, stair leaped from the %vindoWand made their escape, taking with them the dies;. The The gentleman statee that an unfinished die was foubd inte4- ded for counterfeiting:on ~the ".13an14 of Daft: vale: A large number of s hills were found, but not signed. .... 1.•,-.." •'. . ' Two Persons Murdered. ' The report that a woman and her j danghter, had been brutally murdered by an 'lrishMan, In Cortland County; last week, turns out to he ; true. The following pSrtieulars we find in 010 ;Binghamton Republican'ofmonday last.:-=% l Ve. understand that the wife and daughter of Mr. ' I Daniel Kinne,of Truitorr, Cortland C 0.,. were, brutally murdered On Ttiesdaylast: Van Irtslt 111:111 named Annighue. HS shot: the 'mother, land stabbed tke daughter, a Young' lady, with lap old bayonet, - remarkingnfter he hadthiished Ids cold-blooded Ititeheryy !G:—;</ d+th You,l - have killed you so that . ..von will, stay killed.' lie is said to be a' very bad-tempered man; and had some spite agaiust'the family of Mr, Kin = ! ne.—lie mut arrested`and lodged in the Cert. land County Jail; to - , await hie trial for the E double murder:- A 13.811.011 DEVOURED BY A SLIARE AT Nose. FOLK.—The Nerfolk - Argusl ativs, the other night one of the men "on board die U. ship Pennsylvania attempted'. to make his escape from the Service by pluaging i overboarti ip 'Ox peetation of reaching the Shore in safety, _The poor fellow had scarcely, however, touched the water, when;he was seized byl a . large shark andspeedily despatched,l ;Cues. for help are represented as heingpiteous in the extreme but before the boats could get to his asaistan, ce he was, destroyed Vika voraiiocis monster of the deep. It is said that* number of these, fish are in our waters, having followeA i Cyan when she came from see, .with : . Sev eral then _upon her 'sick list—their= ipstina l when.there is disease-On theultil4*,PromP ting them to puisne in thovnke in • bopes of prey; Such nagaeityin truliniondOrfni.,; ." Di °talon:lnn in - ire arid. In Ireland deplerablo.ibezies 'hive ,tak .n place at the 'eleotion in county Clare,South of Ireland. 'The 6111 R a -4-were calledOtt and is, v eral lives siterinced. ''' Oti,Thuraday, polling or Sir S.F., Fitz:7 ; 4ldd, Cornelius ‘ 4 s'brien, a d Col. Vandeleur, at . Sistuile.l3rid o ck,about s v. en miles ifroin Limeriek, aj rietOreise betwe n -the voteric on" Ilti3 respectNo shim — No cl ar statement :.et;: the ably can bci had, but. t o inost.probable version of the story , is, that ;t e conntry - Pboide threw'stones-at ri party of Lort Conynghote's tenants, who were proceeding Iti the polls under an, icort of 'military, and Ilia Some of the missiles striking the soldiers,thej fired a volley among the crowd, and killed fivi men on the spnt,lesides,wounding five or 3 - others—three 'initially. • TWelve shots we ( fired by the'soldiers,-and all took effect. It h asserted that no orders Were given to fire. jury has been empannelled; but, at-latest e counts,' bad not'returned'a verdict. , Zest ' of the Irish provincial - papers- th i have , cent& to hand teem - with accounts of ell 'lien,. eat:ages, At!ilallifia, the police had charge the preAvd:tvith the bavenet. ! - , ,- TILE FllluS6 . .Taount.E.--A Prionve Fl ITS .AnrusTruEnt —T hr * fishing trouble has o cupied the attention of the'Committee of con merge in Congress, as we learn fr,om the Jou nal of Commerce, who; intend- to propose plan i:if adjustment mlitriallY advantag,eous. is' to, be *bodied iii the form of a bill, if th tiro rimitio ii be corrie t, providing for iuterehar go, free of duty, bet‘imen 'the United State tutd the Britich,Ametican provinces, of . all in - .ticks, being the product 'of the sea, the Ad and the forest---thes4ine to take effect wher,- Leier of the • British'. Government „shall assent [to the following merkisures, viz : To inlet to 1... the United States tho free, navigation of tliki iSt..Laivrende, the frCe navigation - of the 'S fJohrti . ,exenipt. from diity . the American lam r I",shipped by the St..lohn, and to open to inha • items of the Unite&States,, in common wit i those of the Provinces and either British pe • plc, the right of taking and curing fish of ever 1 i land; to the same extent to which the inhab • (tants ii the United - States'enjoYed such righ under the' articles of the Treaty of ns . Should this arrangement be made, the Britis . colonists may bring in their fish into riiery per of, the United States duty free. It will giv them a large business . It wit enable, , the Jour ti i vial's correspondedt - preilicts, bur fishermen - make five dollar Where they do two'noiv: I will enable thein'te•dry and cure their fish i a more.perfeef Manner than at present, ,an render them vastly more saleable. The corre ponden t 011ie Jou Mal do übts, however, wheth er the bill will pais, or get the sanction of th Protectionists here or in - England, SISGULAR AFFAIR.--L-On Wednesday last, Lieut.• William Chaplin, of the U. S. Navy, re siding at - Seven Mile Island, was arrested at Pittsburg, Pa. on a charge- of violatit4 a young girl aliout Seventeen years of age, by the name of Hannah Anae Walker, a .dpmes tic in his family. On the day after the arrest, the girl died, and a,coropees jury was imme diately summoned to hold an inquest upon her l'hody. A number of witnesses swore on' the 1 exathination that the girl hhd ,confessed to, theni•that Chaplin 'sent her for a bottle of por 'ter, and on her return, when she handed it to'' himiihe pulled her into ;the room, locked the door, took the key out, and committed the'. outrage. An aunt of the deceased nut only swears that she had confessed the above facts to her, but, that'he had found evidenges upon ' her Clothes that an outrage had been commit ted. 1 On the other hand, some four or five re spectate physicians, who had made both ante 1 and post modem examinations, testified as their opinion, that the girl was not the victim of vi-, 'olenee, but had died of an enlargement of thn heart. As the case, ;amid be investigated be fore no other tribuiaal-'-the death of the pros ecutdr and absence of any other testimony, luecluding the possibility of a Grand Jury ev. er finding a bill of indictment against him for so,heinous Crime with which she charged him—the members of the jury deemed it their duty to sigm a statement exculpatory of Lieut. Chaplin. TER AMENJCAS SUNDAY SCHOOL Umos.--At the last stated meeting of the Board'of Ofiic ers and Managers of this Society, held July 21, reports were received from 51 Missionaries, laborin,g in 14 different - . States--These reports of a month's Missionary labor, shOw the fel lowing results. New &wools organized, ; 358 Schools visited, - 896 Teachers.in the schools,.. , 5,458- Scholars " , 35,360 • Value of-the Society's publications, gratuit ously dirtributed to poor schools, $1,327 44 Value of the Society's publications sold by . Missionaries. ; $6,201 08 Intelligence was received of the 'Safe arrival , at Panama of Rev. A: H. Myers, the Societj'a agent for the Pacific coast.:: • , . W'A new counterfeit is in circulation on the Broome County Bank- It-is a ten dollar' bill altered from a one. The $lO ilgureTare past over the spot Where the. 'One' has been - ex. tracted by acids,' and the alteration can be seen by, holding the bill to the light, when a "gen. .ter -thickness can ibe observed at-the places pasted over,' or by scraping op the edge of the :figures' with the point of a knife. lar We were highly entertained at the PanorarlicErhi,bition of Messrs. Towne & giyen at Bloomer Hall, la.st evening; and think it vas worthy n. larger audience. We learn that they s next exhibit in Hew Milfori. _ List of Letters. Remaining in the Post Office at Montrose, Aug. 16, 1852. • - • • • Arnold, Charles Hubbard, A. - • Avery, A. F. i Hartford, Miss Delila Armstrong, Robert • Holden, Alva: Beebe,O. S.E • . Hayes, Mary E. Bishop; Stephen - • Houlihan; Patrick Baird, jeremikh 2 Hudson, Catharine' Brown, Elijah , Lawrenee, Prof. C. D. Blasdell, 1. F. 'Morison, Benjamin 'Burch; Hiram' C. Mower, Isaac'. i• Bennett; John E. Madition; Bdward Blowers, Benjamin - Dottoi • Baldwin, J. ;C, . , J. • Ifontross, Reuben Cornell, Zephania 2 - Ostrander, Mr.,L. Clark, Jacob, -- , Pitts, Paul tc. 3 Criiwell, Marion G. - Rose, Jape's , cooh„B p. _ Rodgers,-Hiram P. Casteline, Jason` ; Robinson; J. H. I,Cortiin, Alfred - Reekhow, Charlotte Chambers, Sainnel- 'Rooney,, Charles Diekerman, &ilea Ridgway, Raehael Depue, Joshua - ' Enaltb, William 2 - Edsill, Grant B. . - &very, john - C. -•- Fuller, Joseph - Smith,lohn • Fiteh, Hannah' '• 'Scott, Maria C: Flanigan, Patrick = • • Stringbam, Clark G. Fargo, Daniel , :Spicer, Col: Asa G. Gibson, Aiagelina • Tomlinson, Rev. D. C. Ganiner, John Wellman;Bleeta A. Giddingi; D.' W. C. ,Whitford, James _V. Garb Patrick Wright, C. C. Wurner,P. 8.. -- • Vangorder Margaret ' BENJ. CASE P M Poet Mei, filontros!,(' 675 Ang 16;1852. ' Medical Notice Te eni.itlitiauna Comity Eclectic Botanic Kedicol Soeiety wiltrmeet at Dr. Z N. Loom is' in flarfopi;ori WednesdoY the let day of September, 1852. •tkge4erak ievitatiou eitended to atl tree Deleeties to attend, as, there will be buiitiess ' of importance before tire Society. 38.-w4 • - WaSATON, Ser. DetrottCratiol?mmty ‘t The'Democratic i County Cotrirnitteo mot pursuant to publie.notice, at i the Hotel of Wm. IC; Hatch, in Montrose, on . uesday the . .29th of Juno last. - ,On motion it Was 1 -I ' Resolved, That the Ftelog,ato Elec.:dons be 6 3 hold in the-Several Election istrictsen SAT. URDAY , the -FOURTH yof September next.; between , the • houn3 o--3 . ind et o'clock P. M.',.at the places or,holdi g General. Elec tions; for the purpose*choesing two persons to represent- each district id tho Democratic County Convention, to be held in:Mentroseon illondpy the 6tll day_of September next.- Resoired, That the followihg named gentle men net as Committeeslo gill• notice of and supeiintend the Election m'-their respective Districts: .. . • • - Ararat-T. B. Ogd0; .A lO / It j thaniol West.. . ?.. Anburn—john Tewipbnl . 3 ,o Jonas Carter. i 1 • Apolason—Hsrry Barney, I ' 1 11 li Reuben *_ obe.' .. ! Bridgenter . —}lughlicCol er, A. F. SPllianis BroOkivii—Daniel TorrY, Win; L itiChardson. Choconnt—Michael Kano,' er, Francis Quinn.. Bakeri3N Thatcher.' - Dimoek—Charlei'Gilbert, F. Drown. , Dandatt—Skiney E. Wells P. Phinnelr. Forest Lake-45rin. HatviY, Moses stoP• parry, Thos. Meehan. Franklin—Daniel Davis, Timis Peek, W. C. Friendsville—Charles Campbell, William Robbe, Calvin Leet. • Gibson=G.'S. Ames, John. Smiley, Reuben Tuttle. G Great Bend—lsanP Reekho Charles Chamberlin. Flartnonv;—Jonathan Taylo, Dr. E. N. Smith. . I Barri - Int—Gel). NV. Seymo Dr. J. B. Streeter. Herrick—Alvan Chandler, Jacob Lyon. • Jackson--Alonzo Bryant, ton, Daniel M. Farrar.• Jessup—A. B. Lathrop, J. Chatfield. 'LlthroiSeth Bisbee, G N. Lord. Lenox—Charles Conrad,.,L l t. ,, ha Bell. • Liberty—John D. TUrrell —Tompkins. Middletown—C.R. oadle Johnson %V. Stime: Montrose—M. ci Tyl r, Crcrssinan. , : , • NenrMilford--Norman' Foy Tracy. R. Hayden.. Rush—Josiah Ellis, N. J. tus Maynard. Silver Lake—TimothyMur Dennis Sullivan. Springville--W. B. dric lips, Asa Carlin. Thomson--M. T. Whitney, (lard, Ebenezer Messenger. WM; J. TUItRT CHAsg, Sec'y. Religious No ti ce. Rev. J. 31. Austin,..of AnbuN. Y., wil ,preach at the Universalist Church in this Vii Inge the Utti Sunday in Anguid:29th inst. A Church will be organized at that time. At Heart Lake. August 16th, by the Rev. G. M. Skinner, Mr.'GEORGE ' C :RATT of New lifford, and Miss CATAARTNE' ~ daughter' of i r. Haicey.Grilling of the former place. ' CASH paid for Shea p Pelts by C: D. L ,L DISSOLIITI . ON. The, co -partnership . heretnfoni existing• under • firm of Deans, Park & CO. is Hereby dissolved. ihe sobserfirrs will continue to carry on the Bit ng and Candy business gander the name and firm of Deans, Park & Kirk. H. A. DEANS. H. W. PA RK, Montrose, Aug. 17, 1852. J IL. KIRK. PAY YOUILDIt The Notes - nud Accounts of the late' firm of D. MLR? 6L - CO, in .the - Wool Carding and Cloth pressing business, MUM be p a id iintnediately and - without further notice. - • I:the subscriber. give this!uotiee, that, ell who h ve unsettled accounts WWI them may save themselves costs. - - H. SIBLEY. - C S E IRLPEEYN. ER P. , - . Harford. Aug. 18;4852. r "33—m3 New Milford Stove Depot. 1852',„ • 11. •BURIIIII' fIAS just received a new and large assortment of Ceding, Parlor and shop Stoves, for w t rod or coal, whibb. in connection with his previ. o s stock, Will make his assortment unusually complete, in the-most popular and improvd kinds of Air-tight, Elevated Open, premium and F lats stoves. s tove pipe Sheet Irou, Zinc, Stove 'l'obes du., which he will sell at the loweit prices for cash or approved credit. i . ugust,lBs2.: ' ' 1 , S. B. West--Druggist, 1 - - Susquehanna Depot, Pa. TNEALER ili Dings, Medicine. , Paints, Oils, choicest Wines and Liquor, Dye-Stuffs, l us I tent ,Medicines, all kinds. Combs, Trusses, Br hes, HerbsrPerfamery,Toilei Articles, Gout an NAIL D Jewautr--Cutlery-4iolia, Flutes, Fifes, Acecordionir, School Batiks, StatiOnery,'l . Children's Toys, Confectionery, Fancy Goods of gr at variety, Looking.Gtasses, 11:1"SODA WA; . T Ball Camphene, Alcohol, Ilaming Fluid, Tobacco, Snuffs and Cigars, &t. 4.c. &U., sold at the; lowest prices. - - 1 -- - • 4uly 26, 1852, ' • sluo TO - $2OO. PER 110)1TH ! ! 11 HE abovo earn can easily be, male by any industrious litais,.of _respectable address who possesses good business qualities,' and who can, conimand i small capital (fojatin with,) Of from: - 25 is 50 dollari.---No others needaPply,--by en- ' gag,m with the subscribers in the; BOOK A . GENOit 'BUSINESS -- Ince° Publicatioite are iery Saleable, and which the Pions wiLt."auv: ErPsinde can be forwarded likens risk. if mail edi presence of the Post Master and inunbere' and dates of the Slime retained. ' - , - ' - NO tioliaskePt or, sold by as a t an immoral, lir ~,A 'Wholesale Prlcs • Pet, !fill fell. Three ion forloperations. well be forwanied on, appli ati n, Post Paidi'to - ':'' r r. - 1- '• - . -' GEO. It bEEBY &Co. : 1 : —."—al : i : -Ir tin . d Y. :-S . V I A N' 'n '°.i:N. ^ ew' :i417.): '1:7316121.11' 1 ni./11N.. and - -WART CURE.:. ,Dr. , :ga zz ito, {Corn and Wart-Elixir:that wpilernove all kind! of Corns, Wartior Motes, irf i three or lour days-price 5Q cents: ;;Also, Dr. Bazzett's Tooth Ache flails; that wilt sure tooth aeheinfweinin. uteal—priee 25 cents--foeale at. • ; I- 1 NGLL9II BUNTING WA TCH.gs...Th e Ll !volworiber has this oley received, guiother lot ,of .Patent . Lever Watches I Ro u ti ng .0_ • - for esle,very low. Masco gnus gluuntqa, July lA. 2 051(l'FollOwfigt11. MIZIVBIAiOn. 'ffiT.OVE, Ea'S Great Bend* - 130311e, STOVE - 'COPPER , TINA . S'REET IRON, ES , TABLISRMENT. . THE eubtumbbr reepectfutry j aformi the pub thai He hos received at late - addition to his former stock of Stoves. cou n sistilre. of a variety of the most improved kinds; a4ioagr %Fillets ra CLINTON AIRTIGHT,' Fait F.ST QUEEN, - -STAR OF .THE WESTERN:QIIKEN,, all elevated ()veal. Of Squeiriltirtight Stoves PLICHNIX. , PARAGOit' WESTERN EIIII4RE, .'l. .1 ORANGE AIR TIGHT, - UNITED STATES, PARMERS,.UTICA: COAL STOVE: A Variety of e‘emiams.'snino 4r now et yle - Abe WALKILL, AIR ;'rIGLIT, FARM ERS.' .A good and variant, assortment. of , Parlor and Hall Stovaa.for Wald and Coal Box Stoies of various sizes and patterns he tie continually cabling, and intends to keep asigreat a variety. of the must populist stoves as any dealer in the coun try.- Persons wishing to purchase , stoves will find it .to their interest total ott lint. They will find hies. .zce Ylrulkor, Na- ',Patrick Donlin, ITimothii drift, um,Hydo Crock 0. Williams Stove Furniture. made of the strongest and 'best; materiels ed as Cheap as can be boughs in this or Broome county and much better then offered pedlars. - lEr 'Stove Pipe & Tin Ware i kept for sale, and Made to order. • 'Farmers VD, be suppli,ed with Pane, made' of strong ma te rials,! a Wholesale pri ces, all ordersior work in his line will be thank. rutty received and punctually intended to. - - • JOHN 00LS TEN. Great Bend, "July - 1;.1852. 1 • r, Danki "Sher tin Decker, Orin J. Lathrop; s Geo. Cone,. T VARIETY STORE. This wity',.Ladl6s and Gentlemen ! frltE Fubsciiberwould inv.itr his friends to call at his new store iu Great' fiend,Airectiy op. liosito the "Lusk House," and examine his stock of; goods; feeling assured that they will not go away. dissatisfied. ' • r lie would Stet call the attentiou'of Ate Ladies to, his great variety of B. B. Tathi R. H.Meßnne, i r, John Aduns „Almon Spoor • • zgaDt consisting of entbroidered and primed Lawns; He laines of hlnivst every variety had style that the the New Yorkmarket affords; ;black, undeclared ' Silks• Prints, Ginghams, &c. &c. A epleudia lot of Shawls, Handkerchiefs, Table Covers, ffo. siery and Gloves, Strifw and Millinery Cowls. ' Also, Breadclothe,-Cassimeresi Sattinette, Vest ings; and every material for boys and men'', do-. thing. . Hats, Paps, Boots and Shoes. Trunks, Valices, Carpet Bar, Carpeting, Sheet ing.; house keeping articleaoT all kinds; Groce ries, Yankee Notions, &c. iti short ev erything a person needs fur Cordon and luxury. _ Elj - Please call and examine. HENRY LANOL EY.. Great Bend, July 15, 1852. t. • 28m6 12EUNMI . Sherman, Abe :._Tuwksbury,E H. Marcy, E Ira Comstock, y, John Flynn m. K.Hateb, a , t, Peter McCo hemobd, Eras. 1000 Agents Wanted, - To travel in• pvery county in - the United States, to 'circulate the authorised edition 'pi the - , Life of,Gen. Frank. Pierce • OP NEW HAMPSHIRE, Candidate qf the Diinoeracy•fitr President of the United States, by D. W. Bartlett, Author or "Whit I' Itmr In London, or Men and Things in the great Metropolis," Wan elegant 12 mo vol. or 3CO mes, with an accurate portrate of General Pierce. - I • . The book contains the par ticularit of Ms early life, an ecdotes connected with his private, and professional his tory, and an account, or his public and military • ertlees, Zr.c.dr.....by a. popular liew • England author, who has visited Concord for the apecialspurpoise of preparing a reliable and authentic volume ' unlit., the advice, and counsel of prominent Deinocrats., The effort has the venation or the distinguished sub ject of the memoir , whoite sudden and unexpected de ration from a private citizen to the proud position of the leader of the Deameratie party 1 and, as the De. inueriey consienfly believe, 'soon to be elevated by them to the canoe honorable poet in! the world—Chief Magistrate of the United States—creates a deafen on the part of. every American to know the particulate of his D.Gaige ek, Jonas Phil , Chester Stet!. Chairman, . . . , . • Uniform TOAD price,!n paper corers. 50 cents; /anent, t . cloth. 7 5 cats.. -, (topics sent Lyman post-paid, an Terript of price. For further particulars, st , l.lress. postpaid, fit , MIT ,t 5111.1. ER, - s ~ Sole Pnblis hers; Auburn, N. Y. THROP &CO r.6*Putillshere of Dentneratie Pabere, within bOO mites of New York state, Inserting the ebore, thie no• rice.) twice previous to the let of blepteuther next, shall recelye a copy of the Same by mall, free of postage Dpl.llY & MILLER. Anburn,'N. Y. July 24,1852 Register's Notice. NOTICE tette:ol,y given to all persons concerned In 11 the following 'estate, to wit : - Estate of William blame, deesaset4 William Mason and Lewis Pughe. 'Administrators— I 'Chat fho accountants hare settled - their accounts in the ltegiatir's office In atid"for the connty of rrusque h.nna. and that the same will be presented to the Judg es of the Orphan's Court of mid ,county. in Montrose, on tVednesday the 25th day of -auguit next , for con firmation and allowance. . J. T. LANGEON;Register. ' Register's office, July' 2 1 7' 185'2. ,". 2400 BBLS OF . FLOUR-- '- VPhare purchased within a week Par; 200 0019 of Ihio Flour, all choke brads add fresh ground, and are prepared to receive ord n ers, , and deliver froma lot of 20. to 100 hbla, at any point op Abe Lackawanna, Western Rail Bead, or on the N. Y. & Erie Bead, at, arid east of Great Bend : , tatlon. • - We have the, fullest cordhlenee that. ;ail of this lot of Bour(2000 hhla brit is front only 4_ different radio Is of good qualiti, and cannot (ante please the customer.... Gibson July 0. 1 8 5 '4(28 4WO U. BURROWS &co. -Smith , ornotoN can be found as on Mos ') DA i s a ri d Trusn,ye t each week, it the Hotel of. L. Searle, M on tiosc, Pa.' 'Me Would call the parlicular attention of those ; who and fall setts !of teethe to his Manner of inserting on the ulnanyhene preihre which he has praetteed for n number of years. All other work, extracting, tilling, cleansing, done in the most scientific manner. Montrose, July.l2, , warm) 10,000 Pound s Wool, and 3,100-dollars in Caah—idao, grain. hotter, feath ers. raga. and Naomi's on accounts or far trade.. : Xontroae, June IC 111 0 TYLER ` r Olt SWIM* GOOD SH I NGIES,worm' 50 . 000 - • shaved, cheap for;caph, A lso, Elletchley's Plows, lower thou at any other place i4Susquehanna county. S. FULLER. Franklin Fork*, May 10, 1852. -• , 19t1 NAPKIN A BEAUTIFUL Iwo:Meta or Silver' Napkin Rings, 11. some eatitely nevr patturus a rceelred'elikx cl.y, by A. J. r.YANS, •• ti 0.2,011 1 Vellovie llsil , ninglatmtott - .>. ALAUGH LOT of OilverSpoone, Forks , &o , Jost - tin lobed cowl for solo—tnurante4 u pure as eoln—on graved gnats by , Byllis. • Blnebtunton, July 28. • --: • L . . . . _ AL tIL G E lot or Witch Key*, Vert liiittUn Kingv,Steel Key Ringer: Cioichrt Neediev. d e.&o..jovt arrived at July 281 ' • - '• A. J.liVAll.l', Kloglimuiten: • TO THE. TEAT/EL/3M PUBLIC. Firat classlitotei.... - s•erouts 1t,30 per tray. TEM eutiedribor; becorite proprietor 1 of the Pastarriri Nouse, Cliestutit Street. be tnteen 3 'and 4th Piiiladelphia• - alialt;t!ipig reduced the - Trion - or Board to 81,5 U Per day, giveirnotica that, notWithetending thie'rednition yin continue to keep a . ..patter CLiss .• —The:Frenklin House hssjort undergone extend ed alterations, and is now fitted I up_ and' refurn• lobed in superior style; Portia, reeeption 'of visitors. The Lower floor. formerly occupied hy stores, is now„inoluded iu theiVotel, forming a tpueinUe its. Gintlenien's Parlor and %During Roca). thereby :allowing.; no addliinif of thirty chanitiers and se vern't - hes utiful parluis,, fronting on. yhestnut at. , Tba Itoorits of 'this 'fetal are superior to most others, being,constroked with al coves; foriniug'partor'and bod.chiniber, , attached. well-lighted and veiitilated;j The loCaiion - is . ;un** surpassed, either for businesses pleaimre. •• - • -‘ BEN.' 11.. Woo3lA.N' t •Prop'r.. 30:024 , • Philadelphia Tuitanthr. ZE45....4 new supply al that choice Gs.. Tall just received_-;.Few et 16 and fire& rate at 4 andfis.:- • . BENT If READ. Great Behd TEE WONDERS OF ART! (rag• _ _ ixopsqixx qa potpie- 7R8111,011M1011 oiv . FATaii) - • What bath magic poise's' to trace Deituty's fovely.lorm and ,gracs, • • Or the pleinost,hotneliest (see? • • ' "pagtierreotyPe • What can infant stint - es engage. . • • DoPlieate middle stage, - - • • - Ui the boarY.buirCof age? .:: . • i,:•.:,. •—eagt!erteoillns! Whafattracts the layer's eye,- Calling forth tell.tate sigh • - Though . the toyed ono be not nigh? What gives comfort to thiibeart • ••_ •When oar dearest frienditdePart? 'Tie this wonder•wetkims tCrt • _ Daguerreotyp e This a bellowed feeling lends, • And for•nbeenca makes intends, When we bald some cherished friend'j • • • - •. •• ' Daguerreotype. , . , Then - why-need you tenger *tap? .?": • Cattle! there's; danger' n' dsley ; s - Hale.your pictures - dm And you'll he prepared tO say That there in truth, if not'poetry, la t he above and that at the -• • • ••, • - DAGUERREOTYPEROWEES' - • :-• • OF • - . is the place to get a faithful and pleaSieg portrait: The artist takes this opportunity to tender-hi grateful acknowledgments to the patrons of his " Art7-trusting.thathis efforts to please, in the past, will ensure his success in the future. - To his former facilities he has now added an im proved Waif-size Camera, by the , aid of which he is prepared t 6 to take groups, or single pictures, in a superior manner. • - - - A new and beautiful variety of plain and fancy cases—Turtle shell, F'apier Mache, and • other spleu'dirf styles. of various sizes and.patterns; gold and plaied tocketi, &c. ' • You who have beauty ! ebme•and lei me take it' You who have none ! pray come and let me make it. D"Odd Fellows' Tiall; corner of Turnpike and Chestnut streets. . . , • 'June '23. 1852; NOTE.—A , good•Qaarter Camera for sato at a very low_ price. • • . • • • . 0:7 The artist, when not', in kis rooms, may be found by inquiring afthe Cndy Shop. " • • NEW. GOODS, • FOR THE - STTIVEKEE'S . TRADE :-DENTLY 4-,READ, have just received , JUPlarge addition to their former stock of Goods consisting of Dry Goods' of tilniost every descrip tion. Groceries, Crockery,. 'Hardware,- 'Drugs. Medicines, Paints, Oils and Dyestuffs,—Boots ShOes and Leather, Stonenud Tin ware Watches Jewelry. Silver SpoOns, Perfninery and infect the greatest - variety that can be found in any Store in the of which tve are prepared to sell for cask Produce or on approved credits at as low mark as any of our neighbors, Our motto, is. still the sane as ever--" Not to be undersold" - ' BENTLEY & DU} SS GOODS.. „ iE are receiving large :supply of Dteoe Goods,.embracing'a greit variety of kinds, and of beautiful styles, and patterns. and the fol lowing kinds of geode, viz: Poplins, &lanes. Bar rage, do.. Lawns, plain, striped and plaid.) Chant brays, English. French and Doineettc Prints, &c. &c,, most of which they offer considerably lower than early spring prices. Gibson-, June' 12,1852.. 11. IMIOIOWS & CO. Executors' Notice.. THE undersigned, executors: of She lest will and testament 'of-Michael J. Sulliyanolec'd, late of Liberty, hereby give notice that all claims against said estate must be presented to them int: mediately for settlement, and those indebted to said estate must attendee the sams.aiithout delay. • ' . FRANCIS QUINN; ) .J. D. MURPHEY. r ' 4 Silver Lake, Jane 28, 185`..-26w6. - • Administtator's Notice. THE undersigned having taken letters of Ad, ministration, in the estate of ' Walter Wit mirth, deceased, late of Harford township, here• by gives notice to all persons indebted to said es tate that the same must be settled ,immediately; arid those having cla;me will present them for ar rangement. -CHAS. TINGLEY, Adm'r ' ivith,the will auxtexed. Harford; June 28, 1852....26w6. , • • • Administrators'• VOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad -1.11 ministration upon the estate of Timothy Shay, late of, Forest Lake township, deceased, have been granted to the{subscribers, and all per sons indebted to said estate will please make im mediate payrneut,,,and these having,„clairns will preseal them duly attested for settlement. Books and iccatinti maybe found. ia theliands'of jaminiShay- - • I 01 ...1 : •. ' - :.11=. TN • • PARMELIA saki? . f Miura . Barest Lake, Jot) , 10,1862. , . 28w6 ; , • - Haying . and Harvest, . A NEW Int of Grais Scythes, Cradles, Hay and straw Forks, Sampson's new ptittern Scythe Sticks, Rakes, QuinebaugScythe•s,tones and Ohio Grind stones, in stare and for sale by " BURRITT. • NE4 Milford, June, • - - WE. STOP. THE PRESS TO A.NNOTINCE TIfE ARRIVAL OI 110Ril NEW GOOD S - At Webb's. MONTROSE, JVNE IT, 1552. WANTED FOR THE CAMFOR. MARKET, 50,000 . • ' DOXEIP _ .• GOOD alt w ool Socks, large , sizes blue mixed,' in exchan ge for.Pooda at casb prizes. Three dollars per dozen al/Owed. They must be a rOd article. ' -- EATON & PELK , :Thirford, Pat, Jana ISM - . 22ln. • PRINTS ' , PRINTS, PRINTS. T HE. largest stock and greatest variety °rhea& some styles and patterns ever offered in .this market, which we offer at extremely low prince, including a - large lot of handsome Prints 'for dress;' ea at 6 pence a yard. Gibson' June 12,1852. NEW GOODS: - - WE are now receiving a largo supply of New Goods, making our stock more complete than ever, and we invite 4111 examination of it by any and all wishing to purchase._ U BURROWS ' & CO. Gibson, June.l2. 185:1. LOTS OF. S UM:VCR Shawls, hlantillnr, Ribb o ns, mar stuff, straw. braids; flowers and spriggs, just received at . AIC. TYLER's . Silver - . Ware; - DuR. AS COIN; (marked gratis;) also, a J. full pesortment of Flitted, Britlania, and Sil ver Ware at . '-: L. CANFIELD% Binghamton. - - ' ' , An Assortment •, • - , . Iry Ready-made .Clothini and Eats and no, eon. W. slant!, on band. ;'A tow of int. f `Roaauth" Bata yet rental% sad a caw supply exported in day at two. • - • - ' 4EO PULL= new riOLD SEALS, tunno'untitely - till/11011114 this, day . received - by " • " Binghamton, July 20. _ J. EVANS. riLOCKS - every deooriptlon, owl 11,;) affirm, for safe ,eheap liugheitnios) July 20::I-EVANS. maismuninsmo ARRISON'S rEgruliggr a i J.J. • , ,•• • : Timm -WC . • ' 'NEW GOODS. iscolvitig him ipring an.) 11e‘inhum; stock 0f.?.09.42; which tie - .afro* cheap for • • = Montrose, Aprill3; - STOVES' srov Tilt subscrib,eys..l3,astiog ;etitsTerilOto narship in Stove Tin and Sheet...lron busineso, are p r epared - iti - sttendlo all orders ha their hoe et the-ehortest notice;' - ' , l3Tgivieit side% attention to the boainesa they bops to motif, their share of the trade. - The beguiler -will ,be carried. on opyeeite Ift« "DemooreP Orme, adder the tape &efts% etc. D. lAttliFOPl-0°- • ' - ':C.V:l47lltOr.* A. , WOODaintlf - JO= L. 1-.olB3Nts. JiTST.SAILIIiQ VP. TO Tilt illEt/AD OrrißPll@alljgß; t/PERFINE Ohio FLOUR; oho" codfish, Ataclierei. Carpel WisiTi. Ashton Bob Salt hi fame sack's; . . Mov 20, C. TY : LER; 16 - 50 - - .'HOMPSON'S Qaion Bagaerreati. Gallery.' PHE subtiariber eciniiilatis thew Dagutiirtlin newt at the"rooms of the latisfirm of ThoMp eon sf. Loomis, epposibli the. Pheribt Hotel, whom he will be happy to wait upon his friends! end elf who may-favor bin with their patronage! Ladies and gentlenien wiahint a fac-fimilo of themselves' will find it to their interest to call at. Thar' :tonal,' pleasant and olegaritli arranged iooins,.and f ra e , , , cure one or more of hil well-defined nud fiiitt-tohit* Daguerreotypes. •Be cure' and . rernum* place—opposite the Phenix fte has , on' hand else. and Tor iiale4d fay; nr thbee superior toned Melodeons, at the manufac turer's prices- Call and examine them for Our selves. niikhantton;June. 1852. ' -• • MONEY TO LOAN. IF tiny gentleman wants to borrow 1000 dollars at five percent., he 'cannot borrow it of the subscriber, but gentlemen . can save ritoreibin 25 per cent. in their clothing expenses by "getting thek garments made at my shop. 1f I was in the habit of bregging, 1 donld point.to my work as the best assurance of my skill in the ait. but. a diiicriminating an a l tasteful public knowwhe to go to get *. - , , • Co4ti asls o Cats! not to, mention unmentionables; vests; jacket,. sacks. surtoutn, Goatees, ad infinitum. IrrGentlemen will please to take notion that have removed my;e6cip to Mr. Keeler's bleek'on Main street, first rtFory.' ' • DTCutting donnris =al.:. • . • • • - • , .1911 N GROVES: . . Montrose June 10 185i1 ' • Farms, and Killego - 14:and Lots for Salo.. THE Snbscrfber offers" for sate the folloiving valuable Properties, to wit; one farm in the township.of Hartord containing some sialyecres. about thirty of Which is improved, house, ban!, 'orchard, &c., thereon._; Said farm lei one mile end 'a half from the village of Harford, gm route of the Noniron; and llarford Plank 'Road It is a beautiful and dosirabto location; Well** tared fc. ' Also one oihei - farm -lying on the Belmont Turnpike, four froin.Lanesbotn, .and - the N.Y.- and Brie Railrod, containini about Eighty acres, twenty Demi:ire of which is improved, with house k .barn, orchard, Arc. This; is a voidable piece of land from its location, being well timbered and Watered. " . • Also several Building lots'at the village seSue quehanna,on the. New York &"Erie Rait.Road. This is one of the mostF thriving locations in the country, being the teat Of Ili° Rail Road HiChine Shops &c. h contains HOW atiout 130 U-inhab itants, and its business facilities are unrivaled. in connection with the abave lots, are four elites best. noill-seats in,the counti, being immediately on the Susquehanna tint; with sidScientpotierfoi any purpose of manufmnrinr&c. -The most surpassing inducements are holdout by the above locations, for capitalists,-who wish to embark-in the business of ma nu facturing,taini ug,flowering and luatberitp. The Rail Road affords the most commodious and ready- transporfitin for everything in. the above lino. ; The above_property; in whole or part, . will be sold, on terimithe most 'advantageoue tig pureLer ere. I will give great 'bargains. Communicao lions will , be promptly answered from tt : 'dietetics and alt enquires - attended to promptly: SEDATE. GRISWOLD. Susq., Depot. pe., June I. 11152. ,23 'tf. TO EVERYBODY, GREETI NG . -• Deans, Park & Co. •*, • The present 'Proprietors of the . BAKERY AND ~ CANDY SHOP-, - W OULD call attention to the fact that - they . are now carrying ou business at the stand lately occupied by Stevens & Dunmore. - They have secured the services of good 401:- men, whose ability • and expel:Mace will. enable • them to produce article. m their line of a superiorquality. - . It will be the constant efforts' of the proprlebir. ' to make ample _provision for tile Wents of their custorue,rs, and, as far as may be ie them power will ,A endiavor, that their intercourse with such be both sweet arid pleasant:, • ' -••• • -"4 1 1 ;..1 . . - Ari,f White and Brown Bread, Rolls and Bask, fresh 4 every Tuesday & Friday afternoon • also, Crack'i.;"• - Z• ets, Cakes•and , pies always on band. • • Fruit Drope-4 nett 'article, possessing the'Ha. vor of different kinds of , fruit—very pleasant to taste of. Flour, by theberrel or sat+, at the lowest Mar ket price. Also, Sugars, Iffolasee.; and mist ibid. of .Groceries, on the most reasonable teem,, Great and small, one end - all, give us a.call.. HI A: - DEA NS' • - If 1Y: PARK.' • . . . • LIN KIRK; A quantity of seasoned Pine Lumber for sale, . DEANS, PARE KIRK: ONE':si7.44 , :-: .TONSorBere ORIN Gri a n D d Sto ST nes, of the b S; est intinitiseto. economical Shape, and of all alses from 34 to 400 atl 74, to 2 X cis per lb., according to also, ; , ALO, lots or , Bares Jr" 'able!' will " bitt nil*" Iti!leW than the Berea, andnie very suptiettor slopes forbeloy _work, and water rower, price IX, tolX ctJ. per i Gibbon July 5,1652,"(25eza) ' U:B O 4.ROkr2 Soo. „ , , itdministrator' Ncitice;- NOTICE la hereby given that , the nude:sign* ed, have been appointed Administrators of the estate of nalvii Summers?, late -of New Mil. ford township,sleeeased. MI persons indebted to said estate are'requested t¢ Settle the name imme diately. and alt persons having demands against said estate will present'theni dolt' attested' to the. subscribers. . _ • 'wale 0. woopwonarr, Admes. - Bummeriville;Juty Sth,lBn: . - , yeti 11. strieniiirs & co 3000 plEcEs 'or PAPER lisiva. I IBRACING great variety of beautiful pit . (erne. which ive of at lower prices Oar ever heard of, heroic iu these - liana. Handsome Wall,Ppers to .Iti cents a TOW Also. a large lot of Philadelphia paper beautiful patterns and suPerior quality. We trill make It for the lute rest of all wiehing to paper Avollitige s old or sew, topurehase trout our stock: (Mean, Jane 12 1552 ilirDn iaILIC . TE- , - , andeiraigurd'has ori , hand • a' taipply . of stock such as Hydraulio Ratus, for karat water up hill to houses, which he wilt lay and warrant one_y(ar ; Alio.Ohain Pumpkind Cast Iron-Pumps, , for 'bringini water'firau welts into honssoriand a supply of Lead Pipe r which he Will lay and, warrant welt dons, „ Thotto who want work tiOlio; rny:Utieot kykine,oi 1011114 it to Molt intoresi'lq colt ow • • -• •• `. • ; G 'OLIVER PATNEAr. ag", !ll!er4. CD, - May 42,185 i, ._•21g43. V.IIUAAOWB k CO. • 21W
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers