The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 15, 1852, Image 4

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    ' :.T,iIt'DEIVfOCII,AT
..AONILIIOBEi.II7 fait. : 1 5, .1 52..
Priniidonoi.Prospere Tonalty.
''. ' liirDrli si Stamm - ' ;
A poor boy; te&yeartVortage,enterSil
the , warehoutter:4;petielt:,tnnrchant, Samna.
Richter, in Datitzle, and asked the book-keePer
fur alias:`' 'YOu-will-get)tothing hem', rum*
Mod; the man withoutraiiinghis head from Ms
Wok ;‘be eV ', - - - ! ; ' 1 -
Weeping-bitterly, BM'. ihoy , glided' towardsd
tite dOcir, - at themement.that Kerr Richter eri
treid. • - i '
' , Want lithe Matter heier he asked, turning
to tho'heoli-keeper. - ; ; ' ; ; .i
x"':.;1. worthless beggar boy,' was the man's an
alvet,mtd he scarcely looked up , from, hit;
work '' ' ' ' - i ','
fit tire meantime Herr Richter glapced to
wards the boy, and retnarked that, wlirn - close
to k the door, ho;pielted upsorriCthing rani the
ground: - ilia Imy little lad, What is hat you
picked upi' he cried.. The weeping boy turn.
1:11 nad,showed hirn , a needle, '
'A I.
. 'And What; will you do t ; With it!' asked the
other.. :; " - -,i' -
!My - Jacket has holes in it!' ins the answer;
'I will sew up the big oUgs.' 1 ; ; ; •
1 I ; -
—.Herr Richter was pleased with this ; reply
and - sail more with the hog's innocent;' hand
some face. 'But are youinotashamed; he said
fast' Mud. though serious tone, iyOu; so Young
and hearty, to beg ! Can you not work l'
' Alt, my dear sir, repliea . thesbOy, 'I do not
know how, and I am toojittle yet to thresh
or fell wood. My father tiled three weeks igo,
and My mother and my little brothers haye etan
nothing these two days. Then I ran out in an
guish, and; begged. alms. ' Bat'aks I. a' single
p.asant only gave me a piece of broad; since
t hen I have not eatei a morsel.' .
It is suite customary, for begg,ars ill; trade
tO.contrive tales like this, and this hardeni
titani n:ll6art against the, claims of igeauine
want, But this time the Merchant trusted the
bay's hottest flee. He thrust his hand into
his peak t, and drew forth a pieio of,;money i
ana'sald :
'There is lialTa dollar;
and with ital ti
the money tt,
self, your "in ther ; art& yi
bring back tint other half to
Tho,bov took the :money,
• •
sw4. ,•• ~ . .-- ;
'Well,' said the surly boo
Isuzli hi his:sleeves, and 'no]
*Who knows r replied IL rr ltichter. And
rot he spoke ho beheld the b.y returning, run
tartglrith a large twit of hl ck bread in one
hand and some money in , the other. •
'There,good sir r he crie4 almost breatilleas,
there is the rest of themb*: Then, being
very hungry, he begged a knife, to out oft a
piece of the bread. The bo k keeper reached
him in o jiilence a pocket lad .
The lad cut-off a slice in great . haste, and
was about - to bite upon it. But suddenly he
bethought himself, laid the read aside, and
rk.taicit-4s hands, rehearae a silent prayer.
Then he fell to his meal with a hearty, appe
The coached was moved by the boy's naafi'
fccted piety. He inquired after. his family,
~ homei and learned-from his simple narra.
th :
river at his father had lived in a village, about
finiMiligi distant from Bcut:alc, Where he ,ownt,
ed.;',MMl . i:hease and farm...-But • his-, house] 'burned to the ground, and' lunch!
elckries.:s in the'lmily hrid cotuPelled him' to'
eell'idifann.—lle had then hired himself, lout
to a rick : neighbor but
: berate three weeks
were at an cud, ho died, broken down by grief
and „ excessive , - toil. AO ' now hiS . mother,
whOm sorrow had thrown upon a bed of sick
ness, as with her four !young - children,
seering - the - bitterest' poverty , He-the, el
dest,L-liad resolved to seek assistance, and bad
gone at first, from village:to village, then had
strtiar:linte the high roakend,'at last, having_
bagged everywhere in vain, had come to Haat.
Tliirnerchant'si heart . was, touched- ; -Ile
had but one child, and theloy apearedtO him
ns a draft at sight, which Providence had drawn
,hith 'as alest,of 'his' gratitude. ; 4 1,i'ster4
my-,sna ! ; ,:lie began; have you their really - a
laish to learn?'._-'' i -
'Oh, yes,l have' indeed P cried the hey, i
have read the catechism already, and,!l shoUld
hum a good deal tnore,.hat at home I had at.'
wayn.toy little brother to carry. for mother' Was
a:a in bed.' \
Herr Richter suddenly i i formed , his resolu 7
stun.':' ''. :. -: I ~ .
IVell, Arty'. he said, if i, yon . are Ord - and -
booest, null ihdustrons, I Will take care of yon.
You shall learn, have meat, and drink and.cloth
ing;:tutd ,in"lime, earn g.amathing- besides.
Then you can support your - mother and broth° re
also? - `.-' -
flashed -..., !-: ,
;rho hey' eyessflashed wit, i0 3 ,- . ' 'But in a
moment hecast themlo the ground again, andl
said sidly, 'My Mother all this' while has trith. ,
ing to eat:, _
Alt. this instant, as if sent by Providence, an
inhabitant of the boy's native' village entered I
Herr - Ildel&r7s.hotise.
_This . - confirru7d
the tatrasterhand Willingly consented, to carry
the -mother tidings of her son pottleip,d
food, and a sirs:diet:in of Money from : the In r
. chant. ~ At the sametime Herr Richter dir '
telliityboek keeper to write a letter to the
paiaili,of the village Com Mending tins wide*,
to his care,- with an additional - -sum • 'enclosed
far-the poorfamily and promising further as-
As snon thiawss, done, Herr Richter at
unCe — fuibished tlielio'y with' decent clothes,nt
neen,lcd - bico ,to his wife, whom he accurately
informed - of little Gottleib's story the ,
lams which hehadfortned for him,. The good
woman readily promised lher hest basistivice fa
' the 'after s : mid shetfaithihily - kept het ,word..'
' • thirfng the next four -Yo4li, -Pattleit> anon
lied the school of- the great eitinmerical' city ,
then his 'faithful foster-father took 'hire inte
in •• ender to educate him for
huianess,..4cre„as Fell 'there at t*
deski on the •• schotd, - bench, the' ripening
yoitat distinguished hinsitelthy the faithful in
dash); with which he *Mud both. With
. .
0113hils heari:retaibel its native innocence.
Cetus weekly allotvanc'e, he sent the . hair reg.
lularly to his utothor Until:she (lied, and after
'haring , surviced two oehls brothers She had
paased, the - lastryears of her fife, not in - wealth,
it is true, the aid of the noble Richter
and her faithful. son v ttt- a condition above
After.thy death - of his beloved mother,there
t . no dear friend lefttoGottleb in themorld
except his benefactor • Out of, love for him,
he became-nu 'active, - zealous merchant. He
began by applying the' superfluity (this allow
ance,-Whieh he could now.. dispose of at his
plea Sure, to atrade in Hainbiwg quills.. 'When
by care and prtidencr, her- had gained over a
hundrect cbilars i it Illippened that ho found' in
bis . native village- a Considerable quantity of
hemp and flax, which was very good ; and .still
to be had at a reasonable price. Ho asked his
fester father. to _IttrV4IICO him two hundred dol
lars avhieli the titter did with great retdineis.
And the buisness prospered 'so Well that in'the,
third' 3 , ear of hi 4 cl erkshiP, Gettleib had already
acquired' the SUM of five hundred dollars.
Without giving Op his trade in liax, he now
trafficked also in 'linen goods, and the two
cembined,_made - him in couple of - years,
about ethousand dollars richer.
This Happened during the customary five
years of clerkship. At the end of this period,
Gottleib continued , to serve his benefactor five
years- more with industry, skill. .and fidelity ;
then ho took the place of the-- book keeper,
who died about this tithe, and three years af
terwards tie wastaken bi- Herr Richter as a
putner. intebis buisness, with a third partof
the profits.
But 4 was not God's, will thiS pleasant part
nership should be of long duration. An insid
ionsneas disease - cast Herr Richter upon a bed
of sickness, and kept him for two years 'eon-,
fined to his couch. All that love mad gratitude
could suggest, Gottleib now did repay his ben
efactor's kindneitt, - Redoubling his exertions
he became the soul Of the whole business; and
still he watched ilong 'nights at the old man's
bedside with hiS grieving, wife, until, in the
sixty-fifth Year of his age, Herr Richter closed
his life in death.'
Before his , decease, he placed -the . hand of
his only daughter,' a sweet girl of two and
twenty. years, in that of his beloved foster son.
lie had long looked - upon themes his children.
l'hey anderstpod, him ; they loved
,each other,
7, • • • •
and in silence, yet affectionately and. earnestly
; they solertinized•their betrothal at the bedside
"of their dfiira father.' • ,
In the Year 1838, ten - years after Herr Rich ,
ter's death,.the house- of Gottleib Bern, late
Samuel Richter, was one of the most raspeeta
owned three large Ships
employed in navigating the Baltic and North
Sens, and the care of Providence seemed cape:
chilly to watch over the interests of their wor
' thy owner; for•vvOrthY he remained 'Oils pros
,lle.hriaored tike . a,
son, and - dberisbed.her - declining' years: with
the tenderest affection, 'until, in ;her . , two and
seventieth year, she died in his arms.
0) to the . taker's
;17 Iread for your
our brothers, but
and 'run joyfully
ke*per, hi will
er Come u
As his own
,mairiage proved childless, he
took the eldest son of each of his remaining
brothers; now substantial fanners, into his
house, and destined them to belis heirs. And
in order to- Conformihem in their. humanity,
he often showed the needle which had proved
such a source ofhlessing to him, and bequeath.
edit as a perpetual legacy to the eldest Bonin
It is but afoiv years since this child of pr
etty, id fertune -ettd of honest .industrY, pasied
in peacifrOm this World. . - •
Psalms xitail, it. 37 : Marklie perfect man
and behold tlm nplight,foi•the end of.that I=li
in peace: - ' - , - • •
. _
Ur,a,*ether," said James a what ,is the
meaning of donation? You have -been yre-,
parti l
g all this week for the donation party,
want to know what it means."
a Vhy; Jimmy," Said .Johnnyi • "'don't )•on
knerk what donation means ? ' I idol do means
the', sake, and nation means the people, 'and
they carry the,eake to the ministers' and-'the
pe'Ople go there and eat it., James was en.
lightened.: . I-- .• -
' - PEET-lir Ntcn.--A - clergyman, not thirty
miles from ft,oston, .whO r was noted for hiS
nicety of pronunciation, went to a rhoemaker
and engaged a pair of boots to be made. - 4
few days after he called and inquired if - they
were ready, mamas answered in the negative.
" Will they be ready by next' Chew f.ii 1"
ask a tbe clergyfroM. :7 " Igo, said the ohne
ina r, - 4 , butyou shall have"them by next Mit
ht.E •B - -Chate•:.: •
One dolisr end fifty cents per 11:0211M, each Inadvaxice,
ortwo. dollars if - act paid twat the en $ of the year, or
time of rubscription. Tin paper will /ie. discontitio a
until alt ~,fri t aregei are pad, except at the option of the
Publishers. All totmoomentione most be post jraid
receive attention.. All lettcreeorinetted with the office
shonid ha directed t B: & E.ll.Uhate,Montrose.„
Envineltenna r Minty, Pa. •
- mr.t.litoW oftlee'areir Al •C. Tylitr'e stole:,
RATES OF Avovr.nrrzsg,Np.
Oae sqtutre (12 tines carlersj tlueet . neertlonsr, : el 00
Each subrrlineat iniertion, . — 25
On equate three months, r - --. 250
Otieslaare six.ranattat,l. 4 00
BusineasClirdr, four tinea:er !roe . . , • , 300
- Yearly ...4vertisraterite,saat over four equares, 200
Otie.eoluten one year. - ..•- - • -• • - 30. 00 . .
Yearly advertisers edit be reeirictrd' tci the hi:Watts
:n which they are eapgrd::, _
i - • `, JOB . AVOEILIE; • • '
~ .7.1*-Piliblisbeix haring a large arabeinent or 3;010
-ranting materials: are prepared to eieeete all kludsof
ilob work arith neatness and desjsateh•:".. - •
St lank x'os avers. tteanription caristaritiy ea hand or
I • Ki ng ..Wll,slll o, lT e rl o d re it ti s p=riity
jean the rime.
1 The Mercantile business"isill be; toitlintied °ibis old
eland. ender' the dire a M; S. WilsofiAlitus. - They
intend to keep a general variety. and trilinfer be ready
and taankfill to &troth:Modiste those who favor them
with calL:- They. wilt keep On bind a largi stork of'
Lev Gooaff,Groteries,vrackery and
• Particular attentiao 'given: tends branch or
the business. to keep a four assartnient. - ':Carpontere,
lirlarlsomiths,ltarness, Carriage; foot. and Shele makers,
will ell litid the articles therisent: • ' ' • *•••• ••••
Boots, Shoes, an the materiels to snake, them Of kept
On hied by • • . - &soh.
••• moutiose..rin.l; 2)lit
- „
AND Safety - Fast. etso,litiortiniPowdee,ghoii
Lead, and geouina Caps; afTURRELL's.
Jane" 1 -
Businest3 Notice.
. , _
P. Wyatt,:
ANT TAILOR, Turnpike street, beurutor•
JYL inert *erupted by IL Dicnock, Seq.=x3ll sell
Ready Me &Clothing at New York prices.' •
‘• ,L. B Sprout. •
11"1".eageitapTiuggR,8,1OotiPtsrLIP'Zg- tpu,
, „ .
I , :
Smith:si Co.
flaunts 011.1c111 MANUF#VIIIII4B,
I...A:street WAntrose, Ys.' • : . • .
• .
Dr: E S. • ;
ITA.vrs retusbed aloritrose teteeebte the twee.
:tee 1 hie pi.fes,lolli may be round-et 8041i0 . 11
litatOklth ra Lo lit I be Lappy to wait. upon lilt obi
rrleud.saa ell, _ , •,.
• Montreee, 'Web. 2,1852. '
G. Z..-•Dimoek,. • •
AND , SpRO EON, Nonttare, Ya.;acill at
charge, Tel
ug t font ro
all butonees that may be! ntrusted to his
h promptness and Monty. Mace at 'his old
n Turnpike street. Residence, Brick Build.
Public Avenue. " 1
• - George Fuller. • - •
TN BOOKS,Readi , rnade 6otblng,nits
Roots &Shoes, etc: btoro two doors below
M CjTyler, I ..
' IN Dltlt GOODS, 0 rooarieri.Omckery,flard.
Tinware, Fish, Oita, Fluid, Paints. Ice, &o.;
suit' for all kinds ofSkipplog FULL ' Store first
'ourt More..
- n p,ALe
....., Ware,l
oleo pays
below the
-Charlei Tillman, .
hest door-to the Postale; Montrose, Pa.
1. Build
S. - S. Winchest©r
NEN' AT LAW. TunkhannotA, Oftlic In
's Mick R • ow. . , • .
_EX Stu
H D.D,
AND EXCHANGE , TABLE. ()tee 3 doorfi
ettes Hotel. Atonlrose, PA.
E. B. & S. B. Chas©,
NEYIES - AT LAW; Montrdse. 'Onteekrver Ty
store. . • E. D... - Cll/1618. B.U. eIIASH.
ongdon & Sterling,l • .
IEB beturen thuVanal Midge and Court
rt at, littiglantutonqi. T. 2:71: /0 1111111 4'
Agetit. ' 271 r
tionte, flo
Mete/ 1 t-
0. M. Simmons,
atdwln .V Cox's Buddtory Shop, Montrose.
Dr.-C. C. Edwards,
_‘: •
ANIAND SURGEON; Ilarford, P. o=l2
below G. J. Pride's ,tore. 47tt
- James Brooks,
PII S: ;MAN -AND ,Sl3llO EON, and dealer in Drugs,
MetiVeibery Paints, Oils, Drew, &c. Corner of Church
and Pin streets, appetite Col. F. Lusk% Great send.
C. D. Virgil,
ON DENTIST, - MoNT acme, PA. Ogles In OM
s'Dnitding,cornerof Turnpike and 'Chestnut
!Operations upon the teeth performed the most
and tenderly. Plate work done with the best
•nd in the mlst Improved style. Charges low.
Yell. ,
Cl4iileg !IP
Next, door to ,It. A. Ford's.) .
Tm s bscriber in commencing his second year would
len. ef his'thante to hie wide-spread customers for
the earn ragenlent received in the sustaining oleo use.:
Intend tensive an establishment, where the - itousE.:,
XFACPBS , .. ay Ilnd all the minutia for rendering its do
ties but pleasant taskond much to adorn and beaut , ...,
fy the p. ler. '
My eto .k of French, Stone, China,'Eartheri, Rocking.:
ham. Ye ow a nd Gloss Ware, is now large and varied.
and corn bete, embreeing some new styles (of my AIM.
on) from which themost *Late Caste may be
House•kecping Articles.
sersers,apoons, coffee and spice mills, candle
Grabs and .tongs, snuffer* scales, steelyards,
344rens, umbrella stands, he.
Wooden and: Willow Ware.
era, palls, mortars, brooms, mops, bowls, chairs,
wagons, iota es, stamps, &e. . •
and ball Lawrenrs. firltanni a Ware Of all de
s, Looking' Glasses 'rases and , Ornaments, rlcb
d cut glass • Toys and Fancy Goods of all kinds,
3 d deseriptlons: thoelcs, rope, lute, wool, Alit
0 7 molts; Wmdow Shades, (very cheap,) and
rs of Vitiiol3* styles.
oettla so complete, presentlngomeh a great.ea
naeful and ornamental articles that those wish
. lain a complete outfit or replenish bonsikeep,
elea,wlll sass much time and monoy by calling ' DEPELi.
don, (L, Apr 11,14,1852. • 1511
Lamp •
co and I
Bird C
Our tl
riety- of
lug to of
idg artic
at this at
- .L . 8500 'CHALLENGE.. ;
117 -11 ' 4417e l i i i e a c t n a c rt i lm 3 l e h i v' oPlge ith mo n :t d , l l:l 3 abrircit
Ror ince,:l take it-fargrwatea t h at every petrosi tillt
ilo all in heir poirer to ;are the livers of their children
and that every person will endeavor to promote their
own heal h at all;sacrifices. .1 feel It to being duty to
toleaanly assurel you 'that iVornia, according to the
opinion of the most teleomted Physiclani, are the pri
mary taue of a large majority of disease to- which chit.;
dren find;
adults are liable , if you have in appetite con,;
linnet's. haugerible from oue kind of fond to another,'
bad breath, pain in the touch, picking at the tyro,'
hirdness and fulness of the bellj, dry cough, Jew fever
pulse Irrneuler, remember that all these donote Worms
and you should at once apply the reined..
Hobensack's .IVornz Syrup,'
An article fwindupon scientific principles ; compo u nd,
ed with, mrely"; vegetable substance, belarperfectly
fare when taken, and determined in alt its egeeta. and
not leavitig .. the. system In a diseased conditinn ite most
advertised nodruntsfer-the rem 'vat of tcoions;eomposed
of calomel., such as Lozenges, Vermifuqes, he.; bathes .
performed the most astonishing . cures end - saved the
lives af thousands, both old and young;WhO have been
prononitcW bnpriese, incurable,-4 physicians. Read
the following and become eotaleted of its,efiltztey over.
all oth e
s: -
~ - - ' "' ldarriilliver,N. d., Aux:13,1851. '
Mr - -J-.S. HoDensack—This is to certify that my child,
15 years 4 age, baring been sick for three years, WAS sit.
tended f _a disease of thespian by Drs. Loper, Whlllis,
and Phisles for along time without receiving any hone.
fit. Aftei giving her up as incurable, 1 went to Phila
delphia and consulted one of the best.,phyelcians, her
disease still growing worse. It was It this time Ivrea
induced t try Ilabentsak's Worm Syitip, mid-:titer tat..
Matt twootties she entirely regained her health, after
passlug , a cat quantity of worms. lipping this will be
f cr
a benefite parents, whose children are slinilarlyaffected,
-I- , . '.laakyourioc. . r. - . -c- .' - -
• ,' .- . . .
R. Ofl
.. VIILiN.
Ilbbensuilt's. Liver Pills. . -.- I'. .
. .
No part of the system - Isidore liable to disease_ than
the tirte,C:ervlog es a filterer to purify the blood,, or
giving th prover separation and sseretleri to the bile, so
that any, nn artlan Of the Liver affects tile other im
port tilt 'riarts of the system: and results Variously in
Liver CoMplaints, Jaundice, Di spepsia, Fevers; ice, Me
shrsald tl . erefore watch every .yroptom that', might Indi
cate a wre ng action of the liver; Theses PHD! being com
posed of oats and plants. (famished by nature to heal
the'slek, namelyilst. en Expectorant, which augments
the secretion from the pulmonary mucus membrane, or
Premoteal the discharge of secretedraatbsi.- 211, an al
ter:dire, whlrli changes in some Ineapileable - and Inseit
eiVertitanOcr the certain morbid acYlons or the system:
WA,- a - Tonte.which giver:tent and strengthio the nerv
ous systein; reoewine.liendtb and vigor to alt:, parts of the
body....- 4th, a. Catitartle.whietv aCte in perfect harmony
with the other ingredient" - by oporaffog on the Vowels
and eipelling the whole ' MOS! of corrupt - and, vitiated
matter and purifying the blood, Which destroys disease
and retards health. '. - . '
Prepared 4. flolenasack's . Laboratory,- Philadelphia,
corner 4th and George id. Pelee 25 , cents. , For, sale by
the principal Druggists, - and sto 'es generally'throughout
„-By agent Astdm ry Ward, Philadelphlia ~
1 - AGENTS.—AbeI Turrell and Bentley ,k Read,: Went-
I 'rose; llityden 4-Little. . and. WM. C. Ward, . New _ Mil
-1 'Ord;
'Eton 8c Peck and" Sass Seymour, fitirford; U. Cuorowo, Co., GI neon ; C.ll. Wells 8c thittenden. and
Church:ls Plitnnej,Dandeft; D. A. Eldridge, Brook
lyn; Griw x ;& Bros., Glenwood , - Loden Eiott and Dr
James 11 ke. •Orea :-
t. Bend ; J. WLvmeni Tunkhan-,
dock; It rter tr. Russell,' Sterlitivellter S• T. Stuede
rant Jiraintrina • .. -
~ , , _ + : ..:18y1
. .
. ~ •
. - - • ATCIIi.% : WATC HES! r • '
J.HE übsiriber • ekes pleasure In tuformirghls friends
'an , cue toMerethar,he bae'This dayrecetved another
large lo of his a uprelor- Patton r ter t'es! Wrs Mho
0 - e !ri rifactured Eapress/y folds order, with Ids own
name en raved on wren, comprising 3 eiste:of full Jew,-
Med, casesiextra Leavy, and Eve pafternaln
plain C es making a full variety of Iheee:Xelebrated
Time . X eners, which he offers fir sale is low as New
York .
11 OLESALE prices. warranted Perfect. - -
A.. 1. EVANS,fia. 2 Odd Velfowe Hell ;
. Ping aniton,Apritls, 1352.: - , _ .
-; , •-. : .
• : ---;---:—.
. TI - "EDtta.l34 H
t i
ALACE lot of #llvertlated and Gernirin'Sliver_Teble
and Tea 'Spoons by the groce or dozen verylew by '
' •:,. -... '•. ' .. -' - ;LIMBED J. 1:1* ANS ' -
- -- -,- Vitabingtongt.;Bl . 4tihniton.:'
, .
' ' . Fistli Iced. - - - -
A NT suititi ii of Flai Seed wantedlit eiebangefor Gra
AIL , - -.or COIL, . ' - 1, N. 81:q.LAED::
midget' for tSio Piano, fo
Spring patterns this :day received
. ... . • -
. A. 4 4 7. er . ! , •11.
(.I cs .ir r ist ry lGtHir P sn e va ::_ ci, o u, r e a lto l ki - 4 . D6si
. Watches ,l. ....Watchest -.1
, .... • _ --wita subscriber takes pleaiure -
7.-kfz7. -..-. In announcing to hie numerous! ( ~_ ..',. ,
, • - - :,W...." , :- - ' mends In Stisquehanna 'county, -•• s• - es:. ~• .
.-,- - Ilk
that be is now. receiving largest".
„-‘ .A-1311 -.. 43RONCILLTI.S; :**ABlll.-;
' . • ii,. \ ,, ditions - to his stock,. ataketig it) - v *O ,, -... . i t i ' A . A .m . - r , , Iv ri ni m it A s , i
i 4 - -'• ,' 0C; the most comprehensive and best • - . ,
i s i e.i .. ,.. vs ca ~ ,,,,,,t , . . •.* a.l-w‘r4 It." vi!"'
‘ - '''`'''' " Bel P tl ' d aS " rimcnt ' v et' ir c" - ' 4 - -.-. ''')Jr COUGA;-CROUP A.ND'
- z - t- - '' -'-' : for thelnspectson otthis commu. "I. t , . •
0 , ",..... ,'• ~.,.", - o.- pity ..: lle has on panda largelot, .
."' '''''',. ,1 ,... 1 .., t ii . ~.,, „,,.......•-•• C .. !..) .. N ..,.. 5 .
~,U , : 5. / : P .. T , .1 . 1 Z) , , 1: 4 1: L . , .... - i ' •
" •- "-.-- f his celebrated English Lovers, . _„,...-
Of his own importation...gbh his name engraved on each, Among the numerous discoveries Science has made in
°ila nollBl"rer ' Plnin- Ind hauling
ens" ' nili 'na Very ''
W46=lo= ll = to facilitate the buslucas of We—increase '
superior assortment of English Levers,Anelfor_ Jo. And ' i ts en j oymen t, and T. n prolong the term of human ex,'
Lepincsosarratited good time keepers:. -• • •• i -
I istence, none - can be named of more real value to Mao:
• Avery heavy stock of. Sterling Silver Tatar and Der-
, ikind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the fleallttg
wet Forks, Table Dessert, 'Teo; eosin, Mustard ant] Art,: A vast trial of its virtues throughout' this broad
Salt Spoons, Sugar Shovels, Butter noires, CUpit; Ste. I
, country, has proven beyond,'" doubt, 'hat no =Melee
&a. Also a beautiful variety of Finger and Earrings,, or coratilnalou'otmeiliclues yet. ktiown, can so surely
Breastpins, Gold Pencili 'and.Poni, Thimbles, ;Chains, f
Lockets. Bracelets, 'keys, Spectacles of every:ago
`,and i l
d e° ls n e t ose tal-a w n h a lch eu h rii at t e-Vit il h um ert er3 o sw n :p l i ar fi li e t mon o r f m P kist ulmo th n o " tr y
description, I.e:/cc. -
..„,, sands and thousands every year. . Indeed . there is: now
'Az '''. Pitted Castors, C 8" Baskets , C(Inal "" " ' ""- abundant rests .m to believe a Remedy has at length teen
do, Brittania Ware, Cutlery, Shell and Bu Ho= Comb xi,
Snuffers and Treys, •Forks and Spoons, German Silver
I found which can berelled'on to Moe the most dangerous
„,,., affect ons of the lungs. Our-space hero will not permit;
mocha. Fans, Violin strings, &L ., - Ice. Th° °love g ° """ us topublish any proportion bribe cures effected byits
having bectibought at the lowest cash' prieete, 'will be ut,e
'll but we Would present the following Opinions arena- I
sold on such terms as cannot fail to satisfy the most,
. , neat C ,
TU end refer further inquiry to the circular which'
prudent buyer.. . the Agents below named, will always Ire pleased to f Or.
cgrWatelirs, of every description repaired and WM.•
nish free wherein are full particulars, and indisputable
ranted on the shortest notice, and' ln tho best•tnanuer.
roof of these - facts. - - -‘ ' - --- - -- - I
P Fro:nth* President - of Ambertt College, the celebrated I
No - . 2; Odd Fellows flail, Itinghtunton, Professor Hitchcock'.
1, James C. Ayers—Sir t I have" used your Cherry Pec
toral in my own case - ofdeep=seated Bronchitis. and .am
satisfied from its chemical - Coma lotion. thatitis an ad.
ndrable compound for the relief oft arytigial and brotteh.
lel difficulties. If " my my opinionof its superior character
Con be of any service, you are at liberty to use Was - You
think proper. • - . IID.WARG HITCHCOCK - L.L D.
From the witieliCalebrated Profiscor Sillittain,3l. D.,.
1.. L. D., Professor of Chemistry - , in int4alogy, iko.,:Nale,
Collegc,Member of the Lit'llist. gad. Phil. and Schaaf
ic Societies. GLAmerica.sud i Eurtipe . , • --, - • , •
' " I lene theOnorry Pectoral, an admirable.comprsit '
min-atom some of the brat aittelet in the Mateilalli-' -illea,
cod a vecy effective remedy for the, clasaof diseases It is
intended to cure." •; . , - . "- t - . • - ...
New Haven, Ct.-, N0v.1,1540. -, •. • • .
' Maj. Pattison. President of the 1. C. - Senate, states
that he has used the Cherri - Pectoral with woutlerfulsue
cyst, to cure en inflataation of the lungs.: • :,- .-' -
From ono of the first Physicians in 'Aleina. , - •• . '•
1 ' • • • , Saco, 31e ! ,April 2,1845,
D r . J . C. Ayer, Lowell=Dcwirir :: I am now Constant
y using your Cherry Pectoral in my practice, and prefer
tr to any of her medirme for pultaonarynoniplaint s.• From
lobservatiori of many, severe eases, I an convinced It will
lenge coughs, colds, and diseases of the tunas, that - hare
put to defiance ail other remedies. ' -..
I invariably recommend its use in eases ,of eonsiimp.
and consider It much the best remedy known for
thatdiscase. ' ' Ilespectfullryoure. " • "• • ' •
• - I. S. CUSHMAN. ilL'll.
. rren'ared and sold by James C. dyer, l'ractkal Chem
ist,'Lowell, Mars. : '• . ' ' •
' Sold by A. Turret!, - Montrose it Eticien Scott, Great
Bend, and by Druggists ererywhere..,67l
EW -
. . _
MD.,WASIIIIINLI would respectfully anriounce:to
e the Citizens of Montrose and xitinitylthat he
tae opened and intends , to keep a large and general as
sortment of all 'kinds and qualities of Bearer, Mole
skin and slit lists of the latest styles; .Kossedit, Bun
g:lrian and other styles nod qualities of fur and wool
lists;' Panama, Leghorn, patio-leaf, and the Parlous
kinds of braided !rats for-eluernscr , wear; OlOth,
Ginned, Silk Plush and all kinds of Craps for gents and
boys and youth's wear ; ClentsVatent-lesther Shoes,
Etc. &0., together with all kinds of goods geneially kept
In a hat store. The subscriber being largely engaged
in the above trade at the least - 0011 alwaye etiable bim
to keep at his' store In Montrose a larger and more fash
ionable assortment than can be found elsewhere. His
terms are ready pay. which will' enable him to sell-all
'goods in Ids line at least 15 per cent. lower than others
the'same trade. The citizens arc lesPerfrullY invited
to call and see for themsalres. P. S. Washburn
always be on hand to exhibit the goo Is, whether people
wdsh to purchase or nrk, ' M. D.WASLIBUBN •
Montrose, April 28, 1852. •
Farms, for S..
als,. - f - • -..
rrnE subecribers wilt act as agents for the private
1 sale of Real l'state—Farms, Houses-and foots —lcica-.
(edict Susquehanna county, l'a. Ali who wiali to offer
' their peoperty fol . sale tin glve a Minute deacripti.nrol
their Farms or Lots as follows: Numberntacres, bow
manyimproved, and bow watered Dulldingii Orchaid,
grafted or common fruit; other fruit. trees, =and shade
trees; how,far frbm Montrose, ant ' the nearillit poiht to
&depot on ,the New .York .11r..Erl 11:inroad; price and
termsof piyment. All who wish t sell orpurelase Neal
Estate, will) , teivo prompt aftent on by caning on or
addressingneat Montrosit;Fasgu banns connty, Pa. -
l'. • !KZ - Conveyance from Montrose o the proutisesfree of
Office ort Turnpike street,4 do rs west of theltrlck
Corner. '
Thefollowing Farms and Lottian
No.l, 40 a ores, 30 improved.P
INo 2, 80 do 60 do sold
• 'No. 3,100 do 80 do
" ;N0.4,100 do 50 do rot
!No. 5, 70 do 40 do soli
No. 0.06 do 35 .do
No. L, Store, Warehouse and Li
N 0.8,145 acres7s improved. fr
,No. O. 52) do 35 do sold
No. 10;2 do' do
[No, 11, sold do
V 0.12,100 neros7o roproved,f
. i 0.13,340 do ,200 do d r i
. N 0.14, 511 do :60 do, sold - d
7 0.,15, 168 do 60 do (11
No.lo, 120 do 65 del sold d
• 1N0.17. 100, do 75 do ,•
,N 0.18,112 do 80' do
No• 10, 200 do 180 do +
No. 20,145 do 100 do
N 0.21,100 do 120 do" •
N0,22,90X do 41 do sold
140:23, 45 do 30 do ,
N 0.24, 202 do 225 ..dr• I
N0. 2 _5,125 do 100
N 0.26,106 30-140 ' ' •
'No. frl. 80 do 45 Amid • ,-
N0.29;11 acres geed Bali mill a ,
N .20, 134 acres,9o improved,
N 0.30, 175 do 100 a
No. 31,135 -do , 95, ''r
No. 32,180 •do 135 . "
No. 33, 160 do 60 • a
No. 34. 150 do 100 ' a
No. 35,150 80 •'. IC
N 0.30, 300 do 170 66
No. 37, 190 do 140 a
li 6- 6.
No. 38, 170 do 100 14 're ' H I 66
/03: 39 175 do 96_ do- o - do I, ' do
No. 40 80 .. do' 45 to o, do do
No. 41. 212 do 100 do sold do do . ,• do
do 42 92 do -50 '. • o 'do ' do
-Nu. 43, 4—. told do do do
'No. 44 133 do' 85 do', o , do do
No. 45 800 •do 200 'do o do do
No. 40, 120 acres 801caproved,fratue house and barn
and grlie mill. • • , .
240. 47 290 do 170 do • do • do' do
No.:4e 103 -do do do - -'do . do
No. 49 80 do ,00- " do do .do ,- do
- No. - 50 63 -• do 'es , de do ' ' do --do' '
- N0.:41 92 • CO , - improved •
N.B....Persons desiring to p =hese anyof nig' above
by giving the flambe' can obtain a full descriptiOn -
, .. .. .. .
~.- • • . .
. • • - IL O. BABCOCK
Liver Complaint,
A ND ail diseases arising from a disovderdd ler or
LA stomach , such as constipation, Inuerd pil , full
ness or blood to the bead, acidity of the stoma s nau
sea, heart-burn, disgust for Stied; tonnes, or trelcbt
the stomach, sour eructations, sinking: or fluttering_ at
the pit of_ the stomach, swimming of the head, hurried or ,
diffmult breathing, fluttering at the, heart, choki-g or
suffocating sensations when Ina lying posture, dimness
orvislon, dots, °risen before the eight. fever and dull,
pain iu the ilead;dedciency , or perspiration; yellesine.a
of the skid odd - eyes, palms L iviiiN built; chest, limbs'
&C.oudden Rustles of hcat,lttruing the Resit, coil
staat Imaginings of evil, and'great deprestluttOf spirits,
can be effectually cured by -
Dr linfland's rrlebrated German Biitris,-
nucpinto ny
STORE:32Q dna
' Their power,over tire above diseases. ismot-eseelled.lf
rill:ratted, try any atherpreparistioitto the United Stales,
as the OWES attest, In many cases after s!dilful physician's
, . ,
- Theie Bitters : are worthy the attention of. WTl:did
Pos=e sing great virtues iu the rectitlentiOn of diseasesief
the Liveraud Leiter glands, exexcising the tnoet search
ing power. in weakness sod affections of the digestive or-
Loos, they_are, withal, safe. certain and Oleatar4,.. •
= The mailer Of the Boston Dee said;D.‘ceraber 22d
Dr. Iforelands Cilcbrated Gerautn Balers, for the cure
of Liver Complaint. Jaundice, Dytpepsia,. Chronic' et
Net-voila Debility, Is deservedly one of the most popula.
medicines of- the day. These Bitters hare - been used by
thousands, midi friend at our elbow says he has hanscif
'received an effectual and permanent cure of Liver_Corti
plaint from thous° of this remedy. We are .coarinced ihe use of these Dieters, the 'patient constantly.
gains strength and rigor—a fact worthy of great conaid
eration.- They arc pleasant in Lti•tb and.smolli nud ran
be used by persona with the most delicate !domed' with
safety, under any ciretonstanees. We are sge.-akins froth
experlenie, end to the afflicted We advise their use. • .•
. . . .
Scot's .Weekly, one of the be 11 terary' pipers. pub
lished, said, - August, ' - •
Iloct,Tands German Jfi7tere, manufatit tired. by,Dr.
Jackson, are new recommended , by some of the most
prominent members of the medical an Eleatic
of much ei eacytncasesof female svea'inessi2•As such
is the case,, we would advise all mailers to ohtalo A bet
tie, and thuasavo themselves muchalckners.:. Perilous of
debilitated constitutions will find these- ilittersadvanta•
peons to thelehealtb, as. wa know from'axperleaea,tlte
taint:try' effect they bare-natal weak systems."
The rhiladelplata Saturday Gazette, tho-beat fatally
neve. aper bublisMA in the United States, says - of,Dr:.
lloofland's -• " .
'lt In seldom that - we reeeramenil what ire terrier/
Pateut,,Nedletnes.. elite. confidence and patronage of our
readers, and,therefore when we recommend Dr. Haut
lands 0 erman Ilitters we wish to be Sist , Httly and erstrood
that we ore net :peaking at the rinstrurns of •the doy,
that are nolsMl about for a brief -period and then forgot
ten after they hare run their frailty raced' Mischief, but
of a medicinelong establisheth'unirereallyf proved, and
will& has met the hearty approval of the faculty iteelt.'l
Look Weill° the marks of the renuine.. , Thilj , have the
written signature of C. 1.1. JACKSON upon the wrapper,
and his name blown in th bottle, without which - they are
. . . .
For vale wholesale ind.retait at thefiermais Atelicint
Store, No. 'l2O . Arch street, one door below 61;41, Phila.
deipiti ; and byreapectablo•deaters'euerql through
the country.
Prices. Refold —'Ti, enable oil ele.sielot Invalids to
enjoy the idiantages of their,greal restorative poriers.
Filets:3°l.7cl 75 CENTD::-
At •
fOrialo by ABE TLTHILE WA, Druggi . s ? r . nitir!se,
=.. • - • • -111.`eow
• , •
„,. ,
New .Books.
MITE Historyotiltingery , tied: nossutb ta , raltable
'work? by 8er.,11 P. Tegtiand the lieport.uf.
mous BeUret Wrote° Cue, In pataphlet..llst 'ettlt'ed, -
A. general Assortment of SeboOl Itt!okt and tat ' in_ft ' l l
Ana supply of the “Plalnistrjust received;
'Beb.4 1.135^ ' GEO.BULLEI,I4
• -
A , YZRY eitenAv a as Nal roont..offinger rinc; : efi .Dlo ,
/1 mond,ltuby, Ppail, arnotXtritra", tyr4cigneinnd
Pt o l l e,sl6oValy-Reayy, plate dn., 18 and 20 ca•rat
Ch• cddo,ato; a..wzrlttypt - theo style* . -
ngtuivato' n ,
[NTS, 0 . 8 a; Drifga.M edtelnaa;bl ,o4 tuirA, Peiram
erg. Window Saah,Glata and •Putty,afrerhaaAnct,
me . andalwaya on hand. DENTLEYto BEAD'.
, LOCKS, Accortleidn,..or• all primes - ."
Entered secnrdinir to Act of COD greci, In the' year 1 851, -
i f n or tlet e rk;: th ollten ; , ••
of'tho District Court.Dibtrl et : nf Pennsilvanti. •, •
. " •
• ~
. , •. •.......
' •
r i e now offered for sal.
ame donee and Darn
do % do
"do do
do ; do
do 1 do
do do
ed bottle and
o do
o do
do ' ; dLe
mei hone endear!)
do ,
do t do .
do do
do " '-do
O do do
, do! do
o do'i do
o do %- ' do
o dodol
o do 1, 4 do
o do . do
odo 'do .
o " do ' do'
do ,t! do
o do do
came hon - k "and barn
.< • 6 - 1, 16
11 11, 41
11 of,' 16
II "11;
1P- 16 6:6
, •
I Another i Scientific'. IVoiurer l
i •-
. ..
Great Ctpre br yspepstaf ' -
GIENTIVM , IPLCIII, on Gramric - Juice, --..
Prepired train ItEliptET ' or the fourth Stomach of the
Os, after directions of Baron Idebto, the great Physi.o
logical Mania, by J.: 8„:1101;GELTON, M. D., Philadel
pith', Pa. . . . .' ,
This is a truly Won terful remedy f,ir iNnrarsTroN,
STIPATION and DEBILITY, curing after Natures own
ineth.ll, by Nature's ownugeta, the Gastric Juice..
D:rflalf a teaspeonfubof Pepsin, infused in water,
wilt.. digest or diftsolve, five pounds of Roasted Boer in
about two hours. out of the rtomkeh. '• - • •
- the chief clement or great Digestive ptinth
pie of the Gastric .liiiCe-the Solvent of tho - Pood.. the
Purifying, Preserving, nut Stimulating Agent of the
Stomach ancllnte,tines, -It Is ektractel from the Di
gestive Stomach. - of the Ox, thits forming au
I:JAL DIGESTIVE FLUlD,preesely like the 'natural
Gastric Juice In its Ghemlcal ewers, and furnishing a
complete 'ono perfect substitute-for it. -By the aid of this
Preparation the pains and evils of Indigestion and Dye
pepsia are removed, Just as they would he by a healthy -
Ptounieh. It is doing wooden, for despimtirs curing ea.
gets or Debility, Emaciation. Nervous - Decline, and -Dys-;
peptic GouSumption, supposed to be on the verge of the
grave. The scientific evidence upon which it is , based,
is in the highest donee curious andremarkable.
SCrPilfi A
C „ zdence. ,
Baron Liebeg in his celebrated Work, on Animal Chita:
'try, says: "An Arlll , ial *Digestive Fluid; analagons
to the Gastric -Jniery niay beresdilypreyared from the ,
mucous membrane or. the woraech of theralf, in whirls
ration' articles of food, as meat and eggs, will be eoft
ened,"ehamis A. and dicested,ruit in the same manosr as
the ;would be In the human stomach."- • -
0:3 4. Call on the float and gat a Despriptive cironTar,
gratis, citing largt ain..unt of relentulo aridentT.sind
tar. to tho above, towether with rep9rtS'af "Ftiankable
onies.frona ail parts'of the LTnitedt,tatei.-
now sold bVioarly all
the dealers in this drugs and popular medicines, through.
ont.the United States. It is prepared In Ponder And in
Fhild form, and in Preteriptite Cid* for the m e of,pity-
PRIVATE ChtelLifdlltS fur the nkof Physician s,may
bo obtained of lir. Iloughtott or his agents, desmibing
the whole process of preparation, and tiring the author.
hies upon which the claims of this new remedy are ba
sea As Ilia not a secret remedy, no oblectiOn' con- tie
raised against its use by Physicians in rat peetabl e stand
ing and regular practice... Price, ONE-DOLLAR per
. .
bottle:. •
. fr.rOliggftVE TMS!!—Every bottle-of 'the genuine
PEPSISI• boars the written signature , of J‘'S:untcia ,
Tox, M. D., see proprietor, phlladelphla, Pa. Cep,
right and Trade•Marlti secured." -, -. •
P-,/^Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medielnei.
irrFor sniebY Atli% TURRELL, Dreggist,3lentros_ ,e
Pa., Agent for Sulquchanna county.. - • Td.r
. .•
THE: ROAD - TO Wil.LTif'
t vll3T is there that guarantees to us a compettmay
• • ' , more surely, n our decline of life, than health, I
"and vigorof youth,nothing-. .Then,the question ie,huw
shall that be obtained" 'and . secured. If we /1310 . a
!Cough; Cold; 'Bronibltis, 'Asthina, Catarrh - Pleurisy,.
Influenza; or Iloaiseneas, - or env' other affliction of the
Lungs or Chest, you *will bud in firs • rtiro..
CO SI POUND 9YItU P o f-B LOODICOOT, a sure and safe
remedy, or If your clut:ren Maalllieted ssith endip or
'looping Conga, no better remedy can be round. Thou
sands base been relieved with it, amd. eertiecates of its--
curative powers; now in my possession, plaecsit beyond
doubt, the greatest remedy of the age; foranysffection
of the Lungs.- Ti's vireos cf.llloott 110ot as a remedy
has long been - knonw, 'nut' Its, harsh action alone has
keprit somewhat ant of general 'favor. but,- I dotter
myself tbat the above rombinatien is perfect. and that-.
Its use,'w lifseiure friends Wherever it is offered to. an
enlightened puldie. '!- -• • I
A 'WORD 2U, 31ortisasl— arnellorate
condition, to ledsen yOureareit;perplexhies; and ankle.
ties, which I do by providing for your tender offspring;
a reniedy for their jils that is adapted to their Marrmb
ties,,without the tear :of conseguenee.s from remedies,
charged with opiates, so derdraetlve and detriment at to.
so many thousands of our race. -._Whotunongst youbut
feels tor the suffering infant, where cries- ate. the only
Indication of itsauffering,wri thing with pains from Choi
le, emaciated from diarrhoea or dysentery, suffering
great nervous iritation".oDen toBUO from teethitf-t.'
often brought. to ,death's door from' cholera. Infantum,
and everylU wising from but nourishment: or raMillgo
have seen all of these cured In a day almost,by.,a
remedy that I have been for years In perfecting, In an
extensive practice of nearly twentyyears
it to you under the tree name of ." Tit -totts,vw
When this remedy hay been used, It has met with an.
bounded fords., and' as you value -' our oiin comfort or
the welfare of your darling babe, lask: you. te give It a
triol, and you will 'ray truly lit its to the
"Mother's Relief." , • • ,
Wonma are also. productive of great torture to chil
dren. of riper years,..he sytaplems or ',Lich every pa
rent is . xwaFa.. and whereeuspected,l t is .hele.duty.
exterminate theca as as - posnble. which - earl - be
dotic only with a few doses of Dr Throop'sW0111:1
160 N; which is bey and 'court arlson, with any Vermifuge:
ottlte day. It will destio. them; and the very, Small
dose,"inakeslt acceptable to the children thatAislike"
medicines of- any. • kind It. , is- '.happy -compound of
barnilese vegetable reedicieri, , that in. their. combina
tion, produce wonderful effect a upon Iboed tlltby latru
dere of the human eystem. ••• • • ' • • -••-• '
'lf you arc starring front derangement: atom.
orb, !Aver, - or flowels,you have yercr,head-ache,Sour,
etonmelf Or beott.-barti, .flatulency, eoetiv cures, end
manyy tin_plea ant symptoms, for theirent leer ellat
y , ,,ul)ate only to take a few' doyen of" Do. Throop , s
LIILLIOUS fllLLS,wand you hate - a, mire: . They_ act
upon' diseese hp removing the - .'enuee, 'restoring Ulnae
cretions, of ini.the organ*. of the body and, health Is
the ceneequenre. -
Toth:pee afflicted with sore, week, oi-101:riled eyesi
Tramiel' yen iieo a - remedy that has stood the tent 'of
years of expyrience:midrestored the:most cases when
every other remedy known had failed,Dr.Throon'aEYl:
WATER." These cemprise . thelist of Dr. , Tbrooo Do
menti o Medicines; that should be iliae finials of lifer" .
hense liesper,Ustigned rein edyalways reedy,etadraltieli
on ly requires ti teal to Insurothem • '
'Agent* , Nniatoriellentler,-& - Ilead;:illohtiotie I
.Iq.*Ortingwr. ft: Oth - , flush; 11111:Boutbreell, ltroh ;
Wright, illiddietownl' D:Otidden .- FrltstSd;tllTe;P. M.
IlTrber, lees op; praekney &Month:4;ll rue - line" t' is;
Grover, Dior Ock eLiott &ll6ot;llpriul t ville! -be Lanaz
•bert, Auburn i'Jetnes , Tompkins, Tompkinsville;
.den New Vitro - tit Dr: Brooks": Great - Dent4-
Joseph , Llinerrimen. Barney: little
MeadoW:l; Jasper Stonley, trboccent i ,-t; Triirmly t Becedi.
lin Centro.' 1.1.. A:Williams: el Weed br:J.(l. Olmstead,
, Dmidaff ; Jobneon & Very'. •
11LAIIDELL , 0 cneralAge atiyoeisitskiN '
2152-71 y)...: ' . , - .
~ .....•., • :,. :•-,- Wanted,' :',;":,' ';'''
n PEET gtiod neeltie)t-L - 4 : Ta — 'N 3.l " . ;:ll ' a - w -- (1 ..
/ 4 . 6, ati 0 ;
15 0 ,
1 1 0 , 853 . 1) : *e . y : ,a . n . ,d_dei .... lt . ere . tt, at Stantrote_ . 4' .
'- i.4
-- ;.'-• —,.. - - - . _ ABEL TV/111 - Ea.
ot the 842.20 s ()Lockets gene tint nkotioi
11 the Same simile tin the way to TrWe'aJeWelryehop t •
A good second hiuld cooking stove, also pod no
11 cuter, bt efile,theap *t • Tunas Lt.'s
MILE subscribere having entered into co-partnership
tho tore, Tin and sheet Iron. business are pro. attend to any Indere in their line at the ither.l
test notice 2- They flatter themseires that bv givingswiet
attention to busineta rind lowp,sices, nut thrywiii bare -
a reasonable share ofpnhilc patronage • Their assortment
adores Is good t 'having.the latest sad moat , iraProved
patterns. among which are the Iron-sides br :Vulcan—a '
stove which took tho first Pret.' mu at t belt tate Fair at
tsyracuse in 1850. Forest Queen- Forest
Queen enlarged; Key Hone Air Tight. Phoeclt, dodo.
Premium . Parlor stores, hoz stoves—for coal or wood.'
Ali kind ' s of Tin were, stene rine and tin tubes, gent on
hand.—•sold at pricer, that will colt; Ail hindent produce
taken in payment and nob Lot terrified, Opposite the old
store of siliiaandlitnapp. . fr. WESSTEII.
Montrose, July 10,'61. 1251 y
A rrLiclriso IC. A itit.
. .
Modical lionse. •
.. • • , -
.Estahlishedfiftan years tigo„?ty piCKINKE.
L - IN, NorthiVest Corner, ty- Third and
Streets, between Spruce and
Pine - Streets, Phillattelplati. -
IpTEEN of eitrovive aux uninterrupted
practice spent in this city,.bat e rendered Pr. &the
most expert cud EilecTlif 111 i lit:l6titiollet far mid near, in
the treatment of all encases of a private amuse. Per
cons afflicted With etleera on the body, (bust I or lot't;
pelne in thobead.or bones, mercureal rheumatirtuatric
tures, gravel, Weems - arising from youthful eXettses or
impurities of the blood, - whereby the has
tredlife enfeebled are all treated with timers.
He who places himself under, the care of Dr. , K. may
religiously confide In his honor as a genthlund, audeon
firitty rely, upon his skill as a physician. ' - - _
Injured theraselves by a certain practice indulged In—
a habit f requently learned front evil 'companions or at
school—the ell. ct skit which are nightly fe-It.- Ever when
asleep, and destroy both wind and 'body, should apply
iramedialely. Weakness and constitutional dehillty,
loss of muscular energy, physical lassitude and general
prostration, lrritabilliy and nit nervous affections, Inch
gestion, sluggishnEsh ot the Hier. and Every dig, ear. In
any way connected glib the procrcat ice f unctions, 'cured
aad full vigor raFtored. ' ; • ,
Read! Youth' anti Manhood.; 4 :Vigorous
Life or Premature :Death.. Kinkelin on 1
•-serpreserraeion. Only 25 cents.
'Thlis Book just published is filled with useful infornmL
don, on the. Jeannine» and direaree of the generative
organs. It addresses itself alike to Yorth. 21/rirrhocel,
and Old Age. andrhor d d be read by all. The valuable
advice and laspressiqo warning. it gives,. will: prevent
.y ears of miser- and suffering, and nave annually thou.
sektdc'ef Marents. by reading it; -vilt learn bow
to prevent the dertruetion of their children: - -
remittance of 26 cents, enclosed in a letter, ad
dressed to Dr. KINKELIN,N. W. Corner of 'lldrd and
Union Eileen', between Epruce and Pine. Phlindelphia,
will ensure a book, under envelope, per ref Unt -
Persons at a distance may address .Dr, by letter,
eneloslaga fee:and becuied al home. " "
'Paekages of ;We licine.t, Directions; te:, forwarded, by
seudiugn remittance, and put up Beene°, from Damage
or Onrrosity.
. Book-sellers, Nrea-.Ageisfe, Pedlars, Canvarrers, and
all others tuapplled with the above work very low
ntes; 47-Iy,
•,-• . . , _
To' Dairymen - oriel Taimers,
Valuable Property for. Sale.,
• A FARM ofllooneres-situatain Itrldgilrate. totnisidp
SusqueliannaVonnty and state of Panositanda ^f
:50 acres of Willett it under good iniproviiiirA,
Tito farm is wt 11 designed for a daimand incapable of
feeding 40 eons during summer and winter. hnd every
part of it is well-atensd. The building's and larid are
ingnaii condition and the frnceei sdileir ate Of stone
and rails aro also gacd. 'flare are two large barns upon
tlie premises, besides a granary and cow ellif brebed
for cat tie. nice orebards print' pally of gruftedfrnitS
and other fruit:trees:
Said tuna has a very pleninnt and.desitable location
about two allies from 'Montrose. tie County seat of rub- I
qachancia &aunty:and shout D railer final t4r I.raartte
Gap Railroad, to 'which these is a Plsak P.m; di* process
ofcompletlon, and Is very convenient to tueolibigs and
schools, and mechanics_
Also another Valnablerarm adieing the above, eon. ,
tainlng2oo acres,.(,! width accts fit, waterhigh
t nit , of cultivation, - t;pou it there .is largetratav
dweilina house; and out building, to earicaper.l and
larga.orrhaid.: it is well watered and feuactland -
rahly adapted to dairy purposes., , _
Said property will be Fold iru reitountletcrins, por-
Lion ofthe purchase money may remain upon Lowland
- Mortgage to salt the purchaser. : !
Applicatiou mt,ty, Le made Wersonaliy r.r by letter to
fan. llfin.'.lessno or 1t.3. Niven at 3toLtrose, in said
counts...and say toe barva• , Latilara that la>.6
all will be myen.-723tf . , -;
. , .
..•. - .Lottee to -the kobile . ..-
New 'Sea tenaele Fall and
,o"ifiteqoooile At tied,
. Great One Price Store of • •
j.. S. LEN ESE AL . Great litvistL, Yit. - I
DEG S leave to take• this opportunity of tenderiu,, , his
ii sincere thanks, to his friends .and cusitancraJort ho
generous patronagerthey hare extended: to Alin; Ancl
tit„ the Sam time inform then, that he has: just returnia
from New York with ri very I mtg. a rid choleo .selection 01
Paneyand Staple Dry 0 oods. • _Also a fre'strand extent',
siveassortmentotarcecries,PrOtislons, hOotsandSholavj
Hats and Caps, Hardware, Crockery, &c.; Drugs and ,
Medielues, which will be sold for Cash and. produce at a I
very small advance, at pricer-which defy all rorapetitlanJ
Flour;Pork,rish, Sal t,wholesale Andrei all,—he would I .
alsoXesnark that he a theresstrittly Co the Pyitrth Of al
ways n axing thelowest priceatErst,thereby
sarloadvant age to all who may favor him with their pat,
Gre - at Bend Clothing Store.
The largest, bestatal elteepest assottMcat ofileady
?dada Clothier in the Village M . Litt.:it Band. Pa., Broad
Cloths. Doe fikitlF,C2ssinieres and retthige,ofallqualities
suitable for the rail AVlnttefrade, which he offers at
such pticeS as to satisfy any one that Gals to the pFace for
- theta to deal. in constainen re of the great increase e'f his
business be has been obliged tugreatty,sillargeitisslocki
'which he now offers to big friMids, ,nd the public fur ex
amination, confident Gatti - man doing they willfind some
tbingto their. advantage.. Thesnbscriber has-made ar
rangentents tO manufacture , °thing in 'ell-its various
branchea. and is nom preptu lid to sell the-Mune,"warrant,
ed Cohen? inspection.: C,Ustom, work,and„ cutting 1.11500
at the Inteststyle anufsbOt est notice, I kinds 'of. .tall
ors' trimmings furnished ad Air sale. ..I)Ount forget the
spot. ,S tore nearly oppos to the MinElon Volute% -
Great Ucnd.Sept.,llls , . L.S.LIZUSp.t.
- - „
The People's Fnend
T. T. PON 13 1 :4 9 , of Ithara,'N. Y.
1-!'AIN D S Tit °YEA AN D UNA L EST AA Extme
from the atirub called Witch-hezet;auil 'purely from
that with the exception ofa little,kleohnlto preserreit.
It will cure all local pain and intlamations,. old sores t
frestriroundiandhrulsea r riles. and all Manages of the
..borrela of a ehroniorulturc, tootb-achp;_car 7 ache and art
exectlentrern• dy for fernalea; ," .
•.• It in truly what it professes : to be; the People's Friend!
Providence hasseattered along the rugged paths orlife
Manythings thntcontribute greatly to the comfort and
happiness of if ery - body ; hence their gicat value, and
well may they be called 'friends of the People
One word here to!marclagainstlmposltion.... .6 :rum by
thenanieofSpencer, has manufactured' and offered for
-salon spurious article called , the C4r2111 B.r.trart,—that
would be extract DI ttle harel-nnt:—She genuine itas
• iiiitentid as purging water. while the spurious article is
.colored,Whieb enables thepublieto distinguish'.
W3I. K. TIATCII, 6lontrose,andstorakeepers and me
- lne:dialersgenerally.Ageots
, . .
Throop. -
datekts awn ertio....k.• Igs:lllra:rid:
Per PaSSeTWer, Trains with Speriolllfeesengerafqr .
/011raniing,:qt ArertitandttE ,and packages qt.
erery deeertption, Specie; .11eutkNoter,We.
OTES,lrrats. Mid-Bilis 'collected, all orders-attend
-J.l ed to with promitne,ts and at reasonable.rates. .!-.•
The Agouti, of the Larktawarina,& Witte - to 'Railroad
:Coinpany will act mintents - for-tne above express line. •
E-apress wagons will ha readfderkmpon'the arrival
of each train ; at /keen ott, to forward with dispatch,
Merehandlie, dtc,i to ittittal;'}Vllki4barre, it.e.;. •
Leonard Searle , tf.llontrose,la authinised to reeeiro
and' forward - .Express Freight : Rom that. - place to the
alontrose and from said Q Wrier' to Iliantrose.:
CI. Martin:of Trinkhargieck,. wilt receive and for
ward Espress Freight from that Oil. to Tnnahruntoek
Station, and from that Station to Tankhannock
Norembet,lBsl.-52tf ••' - :,•:.• .
• 'piss()
APIIE bOiIATITNERStIiP herettlero 'skirting under
.L‘ the flared nad - firm of sisk.,ft, Throat), laths Express
:Itailitttait Liu the L. this day,iliiinbre4 by
; mutual ronseat, , . ' I
' Jair,t • 1x51 .. ni It. TllttUOP
',.l";l3:—kho btraattar be - carried
. on by
Toroop CO.' ine • se6advert4.cmeAL: •
•••• - • •
- A
spqons,: prititinteblvaite,- wife- ttengtboned tald e and
-tea spoons, buittabto and tea apetoris;, Aler, 'sitter,
reralated,9 eralan eltvprapoons,ete w pto.;just.sectkpO;
and selling ,
- for thennallif, at - 'T,tittlit'LL'id„
.I,tantrove, J 3,185.1,'•
eat,TIA T
NAOAG, Flayrand Bair. ett , nipdp
..1.4 or total{ at 114 w 411cril-Depot, by 11: 111/11tITTI: •
Dec - embei,l9s/i ' •
" 909111118: :";
o gagl ein4lll4 Combi
•-•'etikv6rlri,rtierns 1 “11 1 1 plfireAby " ;41;4; 'EVANS.
I,oviif tot eis,i at tho store or u. J. Islam
• Uotitroso, January 10,1382. - f -
. The ei
time - Buy!: I
• -.•-• ,
~;,, -,.
_. . 1 CA to, neL t , .„ If
,• . : : a., _ ,: . .., .. 4 ALL, tot. tttnaeroaa fa rad .,
:a ,— ~! • customer/1u Maatatkakatt
..,,740 l ty, . that he bat jest n/...... --•
vi , from Nei , Yeah sitb m a zet
I ' • , '
' , . 0 - • • -
.5.;.. ' dltlon tohla attaaalte."4
1 '''' " ,:* conalitlek of, as a% 1 -- 7.41 4
Lk\ .; 1... .5 ''
r , r;fild an v IAT I lean. la s a t ' L
ta.9 l -,'''''! 7,-; a n nattd e l'oh dult al :' Matt
plea, a pieta. Wigs, bri 4 telelF, fitider and ear rt..
phes,J.,roaebea; armlet/. pont and Phan Rod q,l'At
and pencil VMS, Chnra 1 betide, 6 day, peth ma iv
rpr,tlalttaaala, "al plated WareiAteettkeat
tg forha, violin staltiga t. sloat, wand ', p 0 et k ii .e4 l
isrremea, a tvl fancy envie, n at& alum t. ,.
terlate torah', trault , by eaaatlty. Ib' s Zki at
fold at lb* lh vest palm: Ztrlf au het ard j m... " 4 4
All Wilda reiaired ea short pollee at the old mill
ly , opsosite the Pliteals, Court et. Maas:atm 7%.
cl ar ui (al $l,OO and up. 24 ill oursaad ,
, arta 'N o w atyle a id .. waranted iat Le di) as- n al
tunerno county, y e ,
THIS Institution has one of the moo deeterd4b..
,tionsln 'Northern Penn:3lllolc lantapkinz
pleaau3t and salubdourvillagei one mile West 411—`0,.
batty, and accessible by daily
country. • lbw school Les now been 10 0m m h ....
years, during which Its oatcake! has bu oy
constantly increasing.
Thruugh'tbe munificence of 'tna.gwerle tt d.
additional Sentluary building Obi i9flet,aldig4
ries high. haalust been comp'sfed, and by fit.
of 11., zibablennett, the eekrtol is hew fund t t4
a valuable- and exterislee librbry. entirely cm
cbanknif , pnfitesophical and i Walmaccalcul Anei t y
of the Institution , s regarded, b 7 all si t e L i " i tm.
edge of It. us ofa high order, and Maple for fid/ rim
mentsinbiatural Science
Thellogrd of Instruction for t heel:in:llg yet.l. t i v, 4
Rev: Itettken •
. , Pk.I.9IOIPAL. •
Rev. Totlag C. •
- Teacher of AntlentLangnspe. . .
pkillp T. -Myer., • ,
. Teacher of Mathematics.
- f e• Fr C. 'T l e . a l ctenrrotf N ° a 'i t ... nrai S.
jaujes W.-Westlake, • .
. . facet/et Peva. !: •
tlrtiry Dietz,
, . Teacher 0 1110 den
Xli.laW Esther Patricia,:
' Assistant Telther Of sludeartei...
Teacher ' Drawing. Sad Painting.
regr, . .
Teacher of Muide.; •
All 'of the shore teachers aro -employed lath viol
the whole of each day except the Teacher often.
Mr: Westlake . Theformer deiotcs such a m 7,
each day to her class as may hp :actuary, i ta i
that b
teaches on. half of each day. 'The publicist ) 0 ,7
y this arrangement the aohooi is trakwlksatti,
*llion and instruetion of a very( full board of tfe t b m,
and the Trustees confidently tirlirre that t TGt l r
be spared to pale:tote the most lhorougb bowery: 4l
all the veldts.. • . ;
The necaftaty a:formica califs institution as
ate. Tuition pavlova's, of orrattental brads ? k e
to $5,50 per quaarter. Bead 81,50 ter %to lt
371 i lice dozen, and fool $2,50 per annum.
Thts discipline of .the lentiottien scathes titcrsi
with tirranter, inculcating weal, aural sal irk,.
principles, persevering Industrf,erictoultt Am,
'the present term of tali school ant manila Ch
23d of Dec. melt. Student* are v.:Jaw e d' at sty our
but the most suitable tizne for:Patera, thebeete4,,,
or thi middle of each tette. Iboze who vett/444Z
tend the school through the reaalada of astut t,
throughout the Winter ; wouidflo well to eater u
as the 20sh or 234 toot . There - mill be • mina sf At
weeks at the close of the pratit term. Tte sat l e%
emulate of thirteen weeks ectelheudall lath.
lug April oth 1552.• -;l.• •
- Catalogues of the 'Lend - nary pet any iattattaitt,
floe loft can b.cliati by addresimg the Prkeiralh, 4
of the undersigned. D. A. surtuDPl
IS% OVNDS, Sec'r. , a
Kingaton, Oct
Petroleum or Rock OIL
! A NATURAL remedy ' , remitted from a ad' b
t gheny county, four hundred eet ik e p h iqui
told by 8, M. R I ER, 0411111 Btlitl, Pinder.% to ha
I put up In bottles just as it Miss bob the lull es.*
admixture of any kind.i all ye ibat anal:Utica
Rheumatism yields.te the pc air of the Petrideni
Toice bum Luzerne Cm, Union tp.,Jaly 901,1 tit,
Kier--Dear sir, allow me es a 'taster tits
greenlet° you as the solo proi•rietee et erfana,
ratted petroleum or ItoCk UR, übleh D denbeten
te.tako the plium of allgreat medicines. Iltsnen t p
this neighboihood hart tried the Petrol, set
of ca see cartes mart of them and prorleghighly b • .
in all. I hate tested a in combs, cob eb
letter. sprains, end swelling; the theturstha last •
icerten cure. y ;wife bas been alicted
' Rheumatism fur,some Years dud litter coati get k
thiLs to ?tiler° her, i n fact etortriedernittittoma
thing 'could do bee anyigoul teeth she tiled yeti his
lettmxndithasretietetberetuirely, for myprtl
It t o the greatest pain hiller new in nee.
I • J. JUffs
An ntlte, letter crow Lustre e tesfesurbeie,
' itr.RIEU- 1- -prter Sir •••••••7 cane treat theme lea!:
If3ipg. to the tirtne. of y nue pen t, &tend inertim ede
the Petroleum Or It 01-1• 011, 1 h:ph id trll3ll/1 Ire
ro,•,beine. I bought cm dosta-dt your egad slut'
ea oolong- here la!tfali Ite.tcd tna a matte:a to
and found it to prune good. ial.eteetteitAeiwt
letter and fouud it very bteete;sl 1 scald Rile
lunch to have another box et it, for I dual (Seal
withoutit. Res ectfullS• your!.
- • • ' .. , - .1. C.131F1E.1.
A Toler frotirSuaque . ann a to., certifying tootle
cy of the Petrolerzi. -., • DiNuara...lemitit lill
Ale S. M. lite. u—De r sir:—.lll., nit tom: tab
virtues etyour natural . edicioecaltrdNtreltmella
Oil. I liA.l bora afflict Vrlth Abe ftbenscatmfotan
time. I Gag In if II keaburre Litt tanner maga in
tie from your Agent nisei: be vea l along lLeri,l it
.cured me perfect Iy.-- I bare since seen is bated JOS
eut caecootritentuattsiii, and found It air:yell:llan'
, Te rrapetifullyymna. , ' -
- :JAMES liailllll3.
-.-" - • . • ' Tntlatta r incocirdalyrib PM
Mr .S. SI. ICI en—,Der Sir '-'4A Ilea me to crulftnii
virtue' of your greatoS.tuml Medicine called Ptiala
a. Rook Oil, which I bt lievoit a pad zrdi 'Ma. Ila
been afflicted with literal:4'a.; pain In a:crane; loth
last ten yeara.and tin rer could get amildr; tv Ka
at %
me: In fact I tried alm i rtev thing and nodal vai
&int o any good until tried r Petrolrma2diiiit
relloyed tlie err Much ;. l b le also t!strd If is ini
arable. and bruise', it bag tear given rellefaral
11110Tttlia(); - I think !tit the tr attar pale tilima, it
utita:. .: -.. ; .r• • '1" ryreapeetfully yens. '
IUOS. tut
Call and get metro:o
full deeeeSpllon orle:.
Sold - wholesale by:TIAI
ar froz4 theigent, stidewl
Vor rate ty DENTLET
sm, Kits, R C0.,R0.51
... -... FIRST.: N' D.IAREET,.:
. . „.
N 14. W i - GD: 0 D S'i
H. - J.:IV-,_E - .......p1i N ri fil .1 7 " RE. nit with mai :
' , Etta of Sall go adsor ith lte otters tot rale to theeal
- WILL PAT for them. Ot as lot rate, .4$ ( in bewa
lily asked: : Zeotlorgetlag due thanto Mild dit
rritals. as hare be:at fete bc tight geode ottluitlyd 1
, forthent.hotheltes th to "COVE AOSIN."
1 ! Dloittrosednyt. 10t ,165'1. • :
-.4..............__ ______;___________,6
. .
Y -- N EW' AR R1VP,.1.•
r iEr BURRITT has) t me.. era ancient 40,
1 • assor(rueat of I
[ • Fall an 'Minter Givds. _ 1
Including an elegant e riety of Ladles Dorm Goat T - ,1
"kr tang' Shawls, a style :11onatt Ribbon,. Irre
C 2 lie,ht.syle Goods ,& .. ofthe moot detlata fIM
'Which, having b•on•pu chatted at the late role Pi
,till ht sold owe :salt low.
Now Milford Stpt ; 0 1831. '
: •1
New Mil rd Stove Depot ,
: ... ; • :. . sra. - : '
fir auticiTT - tinsubviinsiore a WM 00 kV ?
LI- waelneent of Cooklnr, Patine, and 1 4 hop Stew!
wroodandcoll,lnoludietg the ntw end mat tatwu
kinds Of die Tinht,Ltign Owen, tampion ander
oven, &e..icritit 8 tore plpr,Sbeet Iten.and tine, .:se
Tlyttesi&c., which ho willieli eery ;ow forage? n
• proved credit .
Sentntnbee.lBsl., • , -
. - •.• . r ~ • L
...... ' ' '...-. ' The : , liast Wendel. - ~....
y...v IMICS I3 3I. the great: heutettlieter. 4 ateciv'i
• dueing Into title tto entre the etiaisted ,Theilll
hilneur,'lt,ntaeltine nut to rwer then a n fee all, !Ct.!'
brit thumb-scrree, eth eh via put ant the teeth ...1
80 IntlY.i BUG this has nut ' leg to do with, the 51 it.
i!,JOtas JSIOVILS, Tuilin Ur fuse reed the • ' •
z.....W11tit- & W NTER;FASEIiO SI :
i '.bt:lrli
anah.noer pre/tied to Weil on 64 reignite et'
ateetity r ekili, and g humor. . ', l t
‘_ I:l7'' Call In if yen ant cephalgis,tt the 04 ,
lithrope•rtore. , , . • • :, ..• '' -
y, II Cut tiniflnne a natal— • - I ts , ,
'.lOlCiOllO 1
iors„, tu t
.Gtw irks, iVeC te" lSi e
)I ! inl e
tioop, do. • • -
31 ly
ptatt ictote /i5j 4P
-L• VANIIL I 4;,
_au ,wurtutl 6,1
it. •
1.7 man urtrd •A erica, At,
• :f :L& gt NV atcheL
TaErWthis '414 tc.t. iveA . Srrm Litcrf
-1- - Mlitie ttkoao very 11A.reT1(4 t•tent.l. oll croi i
altiFr liatittpg tosts, txtris histy,
I,.millksiicd tgArrlct..sll4eA lilt g" s ,li t u
tatly.p tc • gold for ..51.11tf.r..„. As 14t
or tbtli , tilktclito ater otlwr that bat tqt
'salt WI his vtololtyc Inan tlioroo#o-11;ii
It 1.1 •,,ettitotit to do more thou, to esti
ituttomora toittsom.
Sarela • • , 1V6,1:44 - tpu
- r