The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 01, 1852, Image 4

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    • 1-= flifig,tllllloCßAlr..
.(44440i4 - 4 - 114 . *:
}ter trio -41"Ne4#:*
I °olkt*Lic -40 41 161 4.4 therAtwuk
stow. "/Itt sa - 6162 tfitiNg*/ 31 15,'
10100 4 40 1* Il*k.lotOU
Ngi * :thellll :*•A ' l . .: -41 14*44 410.t.:4111"
,Orleitta lindilinisecbuslUs ;kr roarlytt. l l.#, lo
nt) i - xteiitwititikiiiieibtien Joe -
found4dithiiiieople tuts. road ,ahoot
er tOW-eu 4l- t kee Pt 34-414ritkiP
Ti9lring ; theOirtta:derini i -Arns. o46o f4tel?clit
woya reitiollnitt -- paaa;' and h i egait teT feet'
indeed that ho-eits•a_pickle. on the !nor :
beitf setae irorki Wand atneFte
FetianlictaitiiiVi c eo 6 niti;jatc!'
do` `otilifsttr'hi „
talilni:a little
::how ,t keptiome here for: :,inediCar purpos e s;
4t 1 et.:„. 1 0 f#415.00."-Wis.*:/' husband -trig*
taaet - the toys a good example;
• Joe : .premiled, and thittitni that:he...wean
get no more that diy. took, .as. he exPreamid"
it 4. buster. . Atter he had`iaillted out. to the
aisfAi r arh'othould he meet-het hie vide
s: Anzuc t , • - ;
7k- it; To e, ' s a yst:Wl expect you ero am:
,• •• •
trasteined to drink something.: 1:i Orleans,
- 11!a1,,y0u . , 4 , (1 sus all temperate Bete, and ror. the
13 t, 1 4 1 .1' 50- nsi I..don't lei them knew
hare-any brandy about.' but l' jest' keep'. a
little out hero foi rev rheetnatisut.-;-Will you
ateetta little r, • r '
"oo atnified'his realness, and took another
big her: ..z Then tontinning his walk lie:coin - 0
to aehoretilleboye wore mauling rail.r
rotre:slog sitchllO:one -cf.* cousins; said to
; . •
• Ton 1 espeet you would like to have A dank
tn 4 the'.old is down - on liquor 7c,
. Weep robe hereto-help no on
-'flat tinder : the bottle.' and deiirk they eat
and' as`list snit by
-the time he-went hate, to
dirtnii:.he'* . as tight at be could bei• -
DIODE L4,vrorks.-=.4 gentle=
man in. tho country,, who had j oat hurled a ; rich
relative; whoAiai& an st:tatopy,was complaining
re 'Nolo; wha was on a.visit to him; of the
.r..ry,trent expense of a country': funeral.
-.".k Why, says Foote,' do yott buty 'your AC.
torneyS here r , .
sum we do '; host else
t Oh, we never do in London' - • _
No r said the-other-Much surprised, hose
.lArhi rivhen tho patient happens to•-•
Isla lay hilh•ontan a room Over night by 'him,
sac, lock,thedoor, open tho saih, and in the
co:lining:110 entirely; - -
I k ideeer said the ether-in' amitzereent.—
viliaibecomea of him r
-Why, that : we cannot . exactly tell, itot
hclngs:siorSisted with the suporantuniat esti ,
Ali we know. is, that there's a_etirong
tnief li
lf oricusionein,She rem- the next :nor
.„ • _ . .
'4•:17.Z10.1TY.-A letter to lion. Tramwi Smith
froM 'the Dike- . Stfierior - Mines says: •• We
.haVe Putin' the box a peke of wood
_Or of tl
Rlict ttiat was t`lienty feet long,,- when found
4E3141W/di feet under -the .surfaCe of the
(!,.rib, and amass of, copper resting thereon,
mined out"of the vein ; weighing 5 pox., and
:E.5-15.poonds: < Every particle of the rock was
I N4 ll Alid offli66 and about
ther Inas, wds found twit:copier ' tOols that
shelved copper. to have been welded and hard
;Klatt number of hammers made from
eiVnei - Were laving around it, and aleo, 641
Sad s iall;i10 - al:f4pwitee;ti.rreitli.:OS.# 114 liab
11;4 hadl)eets Made list year. Vegetable soil
to the,deptit ..orlourin'•sii, feet, overlaid - the
whole on which and immediately , over this
ranee of ibprr, Was shiiitirig- . a tree; - which
cut down; to be over five bun
era }ears old." ' r
arapsinr,Plitlle inei•
Wnght House lilt' ,
1 A viiilantlooking Ithap satitown ,to I
vle."_Seme.filrin: ask.°
,toweion would sop
s iirpsiiitet 'himself
of our bero's - thUir and
• .
Tea.oi euirae i sir r
-- Ter." he anwered.-
Wha hin47or tea r'.
C cent' fool tip in. the taee, and,
kith considerable epphasis, said 11 1 14 store
'tea, , of (Tune srantyour
a&euitie of a hopeful pppll,'
rishut to a ndo.r o r -
I .47inah "litho niikes nA4.4;,
4 Very ge04.1. - Mat ie a tailors':_ _
Opeleto 'makes . • -
disc :,ettipld felloye,' : ,said the Anininie
hilted . hielipe,:la roan who cuibes tUile
'lles muster, ' retained Jobe, 'if The tailor
pfd not par tam; to the: coats be: suede, - they
A toiSiO3 ;If•AlantalEnC. — Tezeller — SuP',
lone.; were to shoot et it tree with fire birds
On it; Mut three, bow piety, would there be
I. t : R• y:
• ritur-4101wo would be lel), ye's: tgno-
Jelii—lte,there sit tihrlit • do) three birds
would*rl4433a the ogler two 11 4 )111 4 bo nit'd
Wttitelit:hoi*ko ful4 been used to
44bitspessit*ileitlx4V"'"wl Though
Xeldney** * 4 4l -d e b t it s, whistle Over Al
',Juane: Wars iuithing , ,the first -year,pa
doubled;to-tr ser3r cstiertedll Taw -
WAr rassi Tie ghiailei
tIa TY Tedtl4 'a
* 2- -
roe the: beateltalitiaCCO, i
o=o4 Baty- ”37: •
, • ••13;; • • -DEVONS„-
-F4tei - bitkito
tecoid bew : .
Netbe`biseDiveit OA; ' ' •
ci t ., I owa!,
7.7 7 , • 7 ORAO*V.Itr.S: -
Be 4. aelidliet; t . • • 7-
rat Oicibeat COT, • 7 • -
'..Fi)r - beat year_old lafec.bi4ny-giade, a
'EecobA beak, .i. 2
Poi tbe.beat.-4,yeatting,.:, : ---._
8 eecind bat, . - -; - •- • 2
f'or beat lot
tbei. Wit - pr Working OseDIT 02,00
Seeeild " , a-
Foetbe - beat 1)0 4 dlyia . fti.i:44 Eltietia, - La
_For Vie - beat geOs_oht .
Second best, . .2
, sn z E p .
Beat:file woos Biic~;;
Seeiind " "
Beat South Pottm.tbielt, •
: Beat _ _
beat, - 2.-
Best lot floe wciolepi it . tre;,‘ . VC.fleta tbitti 5; 3
second belt, - " ' • 2*
liteatlet t — - En , eil,tfet esati tbati 3
.iesticit long wool
gjp.e r
BcM Boai;
Second besi,
Beat Sow,
Second bent,
Best lot of Piga, ' 3
BcCoad Vest, ':
Best Stallion for nil work,
Second bes t;;
Best hrood - blaro;:,- ;
Bast pair , of , Afatched jlonett,
Sec rnd best,
BeglotiitFowls';notleas th:to fiTe;.•::
Seeend best, _ ; 1
:::itE4gteCOLF4B.- -
Best znUfgreatest variety,of Vegetables, 4
• C,ertificatia of ;-.slerit..
Best one 4 races of Potatoes, $3,00
Secorni bar 9, - .
Best Firkin l'unci'Butter, • '
Second best,
Second-best, "
Best September Butter,_:: ,
Second Best„ • • „-
Best tub of Butter, „ •
Sceond best, - '
""- cIigESA
Best Cheese, not Vials 25 pounds, $3,00
Second best, - =
Best acre of Corti; - - " ` - $5,00
Second - test, • - ' "". _ ' 3- •
Rest Winter }best; " 8540
,sedaila , 3,"
Bed 7 44 riPg VI/ioe; •
, "
Seem) • _ -3
Best Oits, , • - ,
Becond 15t.:...: ,-:
Best sere of Bucl.:Filietst,„_
Second •
• ' PRIMP. '
Beit Pall AiiPles'for.eating t not r° s . : tha n
one peek, ' 61,60
Best dm fur cooking, .1
Best Winter Apples,
Second best do, , 1
Best. Quinces, - ". 1
Second best, , • 1
Best Peaches, .
Seeond best. • 1
Best Pears, Fall, ' 1
do. do., Winter, T.
BesfPlannel, miL less dun 10 yards, 82,00
' Second best, _ • , - 1
flest.WOnten Cloth, - not less JO
Setond best, ' ' ' " I
Best Cariwting, not len than 10 - 2
Second best,• /
Best Quilt any description,, '
Second beat,
Best Vali. oflVoolen Socks,
Seermd. best, " 1
Best pair of Cotton Socks,.
Secodd best,
&ISt Counterpaise,
Second best, -
Best Loaf of Meld Bread; ; ,` ,
do. Corn :d0..., :..
Best Sole Leather,' ..
Second beat, - , •
Greatest variety of Flower% •• Certificate
Beat 81,00
Second - 1
Best Cultiyator, - • - • - 9
Second best, • • ' - •
Best Straw Cuttet-, '
Second best, ,
fßest Hoise Rake,,
Best Ox yoke, -
Best Fanning
1 Best Bri„ny Wagan•
Second hest,
Best Lumber W4gon.
'Second best,
Best Os Cart„
Second best,-..--
Best Horse Cart, •
Best Plow, Drain and Cleey,
To the toninshipi exhibiting the greatest
natuber.of the best. Neat Cattle, • 1310,00
Secoi3alest , do. A Ruiner.
: By,aresolUtion:of the:Society o . ass,ed . at the
4 11ist ragetin,,,o the .Re'ports : Gra i n- aro to be
tirade at the AilmiaLkliriinstead of the Janu
ary meeting, as formerly.:;.: _ _ _
The Society also adopted, the:following res
olution • • 7
„ ReaOlved,.Thai;ihe .Dairy,t'ainers of the,
county be requested to turnieh the'SocietY the
yield in Milk and of Butter, per day, of some - of
their caws, giving •the weight.zud meas. -
ore of the milk for One or. Aim weeki 'togeth
er:in dupe, AitiOtt and Sliptember;and gen.:
grArdeliription vrthe Cow.
Hem - ;k34rii I at piemdam,,...
• 2d
Ox 'NlA,thu $4111 . 0;-
, COMMilike
• 4 - 1 Atraairerneatio—Tboa. Jolla.
-son. •
Judger.—Abel cu.se4y,Poih).Welh; G.
Bailey. _ •
A f a_ges of Ridw3ii. mine!, C. Tor
C.-Ward: • v, ,
itiff Erl - Gregory, Dai
-1 ton liffiny.
Oj Yew CattE, ltabiockatit4 tar
! re% B.l3reed:- -7
ll* t,;F:DAtir:
' Bar%
Ma b el_PrieWsl,.
Mks Perkins, S. B. Judd:
;-.ldlaw, Chose ani Stemigaiil3.ll.lVlll-,
it.iatiis.Vri-o. Ward, - I.lksituojiiyodrs.
F a ny p r i nt ia;cilaneii:
e=1144 , ;.1:914 1 1 1,
.leorlitt) l ,, !Due
l fr
priiii L .. DL-Ttityciti Nexvtspni r
t Nivea, Mrs: ItarrifigtDu; Mrs. Johnrn
, .
rte . '
- Wait
• Vegrathlti..OilbeFt #4tic4,P9?l'Dic!ole ,
- - "
By orderot thetxCentiveCninmittoe.
. ~, - • s Ch'n.
- 131,18 I ‘' sS
", 2 ,o,
\ ' ' .
pßoili. f "ttimilto suit.
+T.4.rl p Spri Mcmerpsejr4.' _
, . .
WM:, l ir;SMlth___.& CO.
'ANu s t tri.lll. IttAtiuk*Clllll.Et.B, Main
'street; Elm - imago; P a. • •.! •
DrArE- S. Park,
jorAvitiqireturned to lloorrase.ln roe the preo•
XL tics of, hte profession, may fonnOlat Searle's
Ilaelorbere 15
ho wl:l,it happy to 1145 olton hie old
friendsas la /tea: - : '
*entree*, Feb. 2,1852. -
ui-sietai srin o tor:, moattLe, S , A .
. - tow busmen and. way be entrain:St Id
to s
err, nab proUiptrirss Mee et his obi
residence on -Turnpike. strset. Iterittenee; *hick
og, loot of Putdie. fkrenue.'
. ,
Gecirgo Fuller,
iN BOOKS, Ready ! made Clothlng, !Into
Capp, Booti & Skoos, Stozo tee.? 'o oo re below
Itotol. l'ontrose.
I. 3 '
- • •• - 0.• Tyler, • ! •
II gAtzttv.4 DAYrecedes:Crop her', Ttard.
ware, Tlawarei 11 . 114,. Dila. Vlald., Palate. d e. eta.;
1 • pays rash thrall kkaleet Fare.. State gra:
aloe the Coat& lrotise. .
, BultAliag, next 400 x .• tci tht.Postalce, .Inmirese,
' '
b. s. Winehester
TTuTrottlt AT /JON, Tuaki.anaoch, a. Omecin
.Btaries Mick • - •
. . . . ~
F -..-- ~.- . .L - I D
I; . Hinds• _
i tvmty ANDzxonANus , TABLE. pnee 3 doors ,
tato*. Kriltr's . Llotel, Montrose, Pa. i
E. B• &S--1170haiti, .
TTORNEItBrIIT Lair; Afontrose. 't Nee over Ty.
ler's atore.-1 - E.; B. 0 . 111315.' St D. Cuils.
Sterling, •
and Cuud
no... Court 'ot; able:Lawton; 14 ho g7.ll.llrhitney'
• Tent% Agent.' . - • f '2•7 ly
„ . •
. .
... ,..
• . -
-, • - ' . 0.- IL '-Simmons, i - . ; II':
00T.ANDB11011 31Aft RD AND REPAr
11.P.11. - , Shop
ovvre!,33,lilw4l ,• 9qes' SaddleiShop,l3fontrcii.
--Dr l A4AkElatvits , iy
lIYSICIAN AND EuRuEON, liurford Pa. .otiee 2
doorn below GA::Peitte's !tom , . -47 U
, • .Dr. lames-Brook:,
wirsluzci AIM SAIItOL'ON, end U Merin Drugs,
hirdichrev,Palras:oll. 4 ; DSOS, &c. Corner uf Church
d Pine e;rceta, oppoitto Cul. Ausk.'3,lGreat Land.
VAG Mir., TIEDITIST,`:Moaa•aoss. Pi.: 0 Mee in Odd
Zellowennilding, conger or.Turnplke and Chestnut
stieeta.Operations upon the tee peels; ..ed the most
earehill# teeth
and 'tendeety:-Plate work don vith the best'
••• teial and In the mutimnroiedstylo. Charges lorr. .
11 • „.
- TEM EirtrMgr'l l p
• .. 1
.; • TElltrff S. . .
Onkdolisrand fifty centsper starlit, mash In advants,
o two dollars if not paid until the en l i of. .ihe year, or
tigio oUsubsetiptlOn. No paper will dlscootluu
u tit "II orrourages are paid. tamp!, at the optlottuf the
Jblishers, All communications tanethe poet paid to
ceive attention. - All letters counected with thecdlice
a • &laid be directed t i S. IL& r. ft. Chase Montrose
S sqnehanna county, Pa.
Dr Editors' office over 31 C: Tyler'S Store.
y i l
0 4 square (121Ities ariel os thiee !user:lons,. • t'l 00
Each subsequent insertion;: - —'.. - ' - 23
O esquire throe =drabs, -_ - - . -. . 2 50
O esquare sir menthe,' - -' - ' • • - . • 400
n nets Cards, tour lines or less.. -., ' m . 300
earlyadvertirersents, not ore: four squarer, 700
17 a colunin one year. • -. • •1- -.30 00
Yearly advertiseri will be restricted to the busines s
arbich•they are entmcd,
..Irl-The,Pisbeis having a large asiortnient of Job:
P intim; matatialsi eta Otopared to ?sent:o64l tina~ of
1.6 sofa with nail:tows and despatch.
itSfsast'kiSolownry•Acatlption catuttaatljr on Lando?
p Inted to cadet. , .
• Cortifietite:
7 $2,00
$5OO 0: : : 4 GE; '-
1 ArtIVER &macros the health and happiness of
a people 10 nt all times of the most valuable im•
, • mace. 1 take It for granted that every person VIII .
d . all la their power to save the lives of their children
• , tithat every period will endeavor-CO promote their
o rt health at all sacrifices. I. feel it to be my duty to
•temuly. assure you that Worms, according to the
o , !nitro of the mostfeelearated Physicious, are the prl
ntaq eaUre era large majority of dlsentle to which chil
dren and adolts areliable, If you have en appdst e con
t.tunliv changeable from one kind affhod to anotticr,
b ti breath' : pain la the stoi.arb. Plekill ' tit the n'.'er
tr‘imess and tolnessof the belly , dry cough, low fever,
, r Ise irregular+ remember that all thesh denote IVorms
1 you Should at°nee apply the remed.. _
Habensack's Wurm . s yrztp,
n article fontpt upon scientifie principles• corOPound•
tli with purely vegetable substrtneej being perfectly
lite when taken, nod Jeterodued in all its <•ffettax. and
ot luring the wyktem in W diseased chndition as moat
ajeertiudve.trutui for the rem oral of a lrornu, composed
of calomel • such u Lozenges. Vermifu es, itc.; bet has
performed the most nstunithing cures and saved the
YeS of thousands, both old mid young, who have been
ronouoced hopeletp, focusable, by Amid
Ibe . following mid become. convicted of Its efficacy over
ariothers: • - I •
. , .
brwrie Itiver,N. 34 .40g..13,1351..
i1fe.7.R. 1 / 4 15eatar-L—Thla la to certify that my 'child,
inl years of ago; having been Alck for three years, was at.
nded for a diseaise of the spina by Drs. Loper, Whillis.
d Philter fora long time without receiving any beno
. Alter giiitigheralp sis Incurable, I went to
I Phila
elphia and cOnstilted one .of the beet physicians, her
!Sem - still growingarorse. It Ants t t this time I was
duct° to, tlobeneerlea Worn Syr p c anti after ta
king two bottles she entirely regained her health, after
Pasehist I great quantity or worms. r ltoping Oda will bo
a benefit to parents *hem 4104111 , u itroplaillarty'afreeted,
•- ' - ' ' i
i axa Yours,4 C.. 1,1 " • .
~...trobensqck 8 lax& rills.
. _. . . . .
.Nntiart of • She syn..= is nioreilable to disease than
t a herr, it teirlug air a titterer to ptirity the 6tood, or
ring the proper separation and secretion tothe bile, so
Om any:wrong sedan of the liver affects tho other im
portaxt parts of the system- and results variously in
tiWei Complalnte. Janndlie;Litspenriss, Fevers, &O We
s mild therefore watch every _mama that might indi
te a wrong action 'of the liver. There Pill , being coin.
red o f mobs and plants, furnished be nature to heal
a sick, namely r Expectorant, which augments
o secretion from. the pulmonary mucus membrane, or
pnimateethe direliarga of secreted matter. gd. an al.
tarative, which changer in some inexplicable' and Inseu-
le h's manner Vie :certain morbid actions of the system.'
o et a Tonle, whieh - gives ono and strength to the tiers-
b rr system, renewing healthantrlger•to all parts of the
b y. dth;a: Cathartle.arbleh - acts hi perhet harmony
th the other - ingredient /; by apeman: on the bowels
A d expelling' thewhole mess or eurrupt and vitiated
' Was and rittrifring the blood, whieh destroys disearto
, a -retards health. • • _,, -1 , 7 .., - ,; . -
' ?severed at' liola'nia acre Laimeaterir, Phlialielphta,
es 4th and George et.- 'Price - 25 cents. For Me by
li iishiiitial Ortiniste, cud stn es gencrelly.throurbont
oonlitry. Ditegtall rettibary Ward, Philadolr tea.
AUENTS.—AbeI Turrell end Denting &Deed; Vent
rttayden-4, tittle end Wm. 0. Ward. New Mit
.. :141110Yeels And bite fielmont. linrrord LI/.
Durroveli..c6:4insoA;,e.n.welleXtbittendeiz end .
Climb roc Phlnn?y, Dunditr;'-0. - ,10 Eldridge, Brook.
tin ; °row "1 Theo.. Diennood;•• Ludien Scott and Dr.
James Dronitil. arentliend Cll.. W; roman ' , Tunkben
t'4 ; . DArtA r it-„D-utcOS, t , teringtp e , ; -
8.-T e, , 1 3turdo•
taut Bidattit4.,, i l ! 8 1 1
4 40 Pt
4 'L,4011!
xi. ati4Te
TAIGOR:T iiMptkei6eeic - bears fes .
'1 000dple4. by ILI Ditnock, 'sep
Olothipg,ft:Naye York. prices,„
',ton WOUFC.,. I
ttiouttis Aigkotimetes:,.
t ortltivirtfand.anagormist SliyerTablo
f l / 4 1 0014,bylbilItteicr Joon Vertlow by
"rew iltrangement , '
Extensive'Chair:and learaftere;"Estau
- •
went. • -
TAnd.w,emrrn az co. have soy fstlly completed
I thole arriaicementefor manufactztricg Mut keep
trigtoustantly on band all cud every kind ofiloceehold I
'furniture, ndasufacturo dimt at the Lest oialty of 314.
bogacr, Mock Wawa; Cbem , mid faller Wm. , '
bet, ands at the beet and most durablemenogn Among
larartUdid [ rblttf SIIIIII4EO toiidePrrUndt;Ortunktr
toOrdor,dro Mc/mom, Illselr,WolMait. Cbctir3iouo 34,
plat draw, Sido Ilusr.d.,6ecretndis./3001; Cases ; Cetv
00, Cad, etar,pudotbomTablee ; Stands of lorm
tilts; Batas, Botteekldruts,Otted.sti; /sc. IWkeads
Oa kinds awl stytesplasde 0;141400 31 1, ithde WO!
sad Mapie. •
ALSO..atittipPlay•BlactirdtitiCend glut inrdefY ,
sod Vane" crevatyvatiety end &sets
I Oft, which they bcee peer cm Woad. awl Intend to keop
&constant fupply. Ani aticledetittsd +Albeit:qv/104
in a fart days dodo,. • • ' '
*yr: Irs" s3trra,
A ,IM% EMI" lls
. -
Montle ie, inns 1851...42.71s E. Us SNIT
- - •
• -L..: - •
I (ARE If , NDEßgurts ED, fonnerir - Persian. fee many
I year!, of theLatayettoltnri IlUttitgne Manufaetali,
240 Washington et .; N. Y yeeksA gents) would in•
form his [rived& and the publie in general, that, be has
established a • - - . •
• I
smarm t ms,"- opu., - Vitoit , tioltola
And oolitic' a Allan" of thflf !
'no will are constantly unhand a large s tack ollrerith
fixer kiillStones, - all also selatii Iyipply °Manna and
Hatildstodey, also French - Tart Illocke,.bolting cloth,
streets wire and Tfaater Pari".%• -
The undersigned mourn , ,his friend" 'ail the pUblit
that ho will faithfully •xtrate all 'orders trail/0 4 d to
hia titre, not oulj in quality; butin Of articles fur
nished. and snliebs their kind patrenago.
Orders by lettek will ba executed, with-aft math tare
and as cheaply oaWbenpurehneeis ate' oh the spot....
airl.Mllierights are roquesttd
, o r call and okani ,
Ine his stack and storkmanskip. •
13Ingloamton,Jaly,1221. _ 2O
Daniel learle. Montrose: 'thornily V. Phinnal. Zwl4
Dundalf ; , Caleb Carinalto Priendinallee; L It. Drake ,
Il• Idgewater.
. .
:Farms for BA 6.
TnzsubEcrib „, . will set as agents for thapricate
sale of iteat Estate—Farms, Booties and Lo ta—loca
ted ha 6 Linnet:3mm county, l'a. Atli:010 wish to Wet
their p.uper tyro: J sale eau give a minuto deseripti. , u of
their Parma or Lots as follows : Number Of acres, how.
manyimprorett, and how watered; iluildiugs; Orchard,
grafted or common fruit; other ft:Mitre:es,' Sluede
trges; how far DOM Montrose, and the . - neariWb Poln 4 to
a depot on the New York Erie Uallroad aprice and
termsof payment. All who wish to sell orprirebsie Real
Estate, wil I to cell , * prompt attention !by calling •on or
addressing us at Montrose; Susquehanna county, Pis.
0.7 - 0 onveyance from -Mon t rose to the promises free of
• ; 061eo on Turnpike street, 4 doors West of theßriel
Thofollo wing Parms and Lots are now ngersdfor sale:
No.l, 40 acres,3o improved.FrambLlonau and Darn
N 9 2,80 do 50 eltp sold
' ,do do
N 0.3,100 do GO di -' do do
No. 4.100 do ,50 do sold do • do •
• _No. 5.10 do' 40 do sold do .do
No, 8.00 do .45 de _do do
No. 7, Store, Warehouse and Lot.
N 0.8,145 aeres7b improved. framed hOuse and • •
No. O. 52;1 do 35 -do 'sold do ; do
N 0.10,2 do do • do ' •do .
No.ll, sold do do 473
5r0.12, 100 screen noroved.frame t hems and barn
• 3,13,340 do 200 do do :do- do
-N0.14,56 do 50 do sold •do do do _
N 0.15, 168 do 60 do :do do 'do
lic. 16, 120 do 55 'do sold do ;do do
- No. 17. 160 do 75 do do' 4 do do
N 0.18,112 do SC: do do do do
No' 10. 200 do 150 do • do ; do do
• N 0.20,145 do 100 do do ! do' do.
N 0.2.1,100 do 120. do do'! do do •
_ 200,22, 003 do 45 do gold do ! do , ,do
N 0.23, 45 do 30 do Ao do •.• do
N 0.24, 232 do 225 - d. do I do • do
Nn.25,125 do 100. do ;•! -do . do
No. 20,190 do, 140 . do i. do .do.
No. e 7: SO do 45 cold do • do ; do
. • N 0.26,11 acres gord.siw mill and diellioC. -
N .20, 134 ocies,9o IMproved.frathe house and barn
No. 30, 175 do 100 " s' i " "
-No. 31,135 do 95 " • " ""
No. 32,180 do 135 el le ! ei '• es
No. 33. 160 do ' Go. " ,"
No. 34.150. Sho 100 I , " " "
No. 35,150 80 _ " " " " -
N 0.36, 300 110 170 a 41 ,
No. 37, 190 do 140 , •
N 0.14, 170 do 100 is ss; .
. N0..39 175 do 00' do • .'do: do do
No. 40 80 do" 45 do. :do! . do' . do
No. 41, 212 do 160 do sold doe - -do 11.3
,so .42.02-
.do 50 .• •- . •do do ~
No: 43. '4 : ' sold •.. do •do do
44133'd0• 65' -de do! do - do • -
No, 45 800 do 200 dodo;, do do
No. 40. Macros 150Improred s franie house and barn
and grho mill. ,J
No. 47.200 'do 170 do do" ;dodo
No: 40 103 do • do 1101' do ••• do
Nei. 40, SO do 60_r 'do do . I do do
, No. 50 S 3, do 63 . etc ;do 5 do do '
No. bl . 9_ „ " C 6 imptoved
N AL—Persons desiring to purchase any of the abov.
Uniting the nunshet can obtain a fulldeseription
- Montrose. Pa. October.lBso.-14tt.'
Liver Complauit, -
A ND all diseases arising from a dirorderdd liver or
1.1. - stoosselt, such as constipation, inward piles, full-
DUD or blood to the bead,' acidity of the stordneb. nau.
sea, heart.burn, - -dlsgust for food, fulines, or weight it
thoStomaih, sour eritetations. sinking or flutti•ring a
'the pit of the stomach; Swimming of the bend, hurried m
da cult breathing, Bulletin; at the iheart, ehoki - g or
suffocating soniations When in a lying posture.dimnew
of vision. dots or webs berme the eight. fever and dull
pain m the Mewl, dedelency or perviration, yellownrxr
of tho skin and eyes ; pain in she sido.lback, chest - , Umbr
ae., sudden flashes or heat, burning gln the tirsh;, eon,
stud imaginings of evil, and great depreishnior spirits;
eanfrorellectually cured by • .
lhilifland's re I ebraitilterptin 11:11 rs,
Their power over the above diseases. is not excelled.if
elnalled, by any other preparation in the United States,.
asthe cures attest, in many fairs after skilful physicians
had failed. . :
These Bitters are worthy the nttentiori of Invalidit.
Posresslog great virtues lu the rectiflcatlonbf diseases . °
the Llveranl lesser glands, the most search
tag power. in weakness and affections Of the dgestlve or
taus, they are, withal, safe, certain arid pleasant..
The editor of the Mosta!" Deo said, Dl-cember •
Dr. Ito,ylancte Cdtbruta German Diners, fur the cure
of Liter tomplaint. Jaundice,: Dystiepsia. Chronieur
Nervous Debility. Is deservedly one ofl the Most poputa
.mudlcims or the day. These 'litters have been used by
thousands, and a friend at, our elbow Say* he has himself
ruccived an effectual and permanent mare of Liver COM
• platot from theuse of this remedy. - 3V e are continued the use of Goon 'litters, the patient constantly
gains strength and vigor—a fact worthy of, great coast&
tuition. They :wept- want in taro and smell. and ran
1 bo used by persons:with the most delleate stomach with
safety; under ant cirmunstances. Wourespniking from
experionee t und to the tairteil we adilie their . use.
Scott's.iiirockly, Eine of the best literary papers,pub
tidied, said, Auguit 1 •
“Dr. Deefiands Gernters - Daters,manufeetured by Dr.
Jacikson, are unit :recommended by dome of the most
profile, eat member of the medical faculty as an article
of much efficacy in cases of female 141,1kOrPii. As ouch
is 013 case, wo would adtlse all towhees to obtain % bot
tle, and Chas save themselves much sickness. Periods of
debilitate , ' constitutions will find theic bitters ailtatite , „
gcous- to their health, na 'we know-Irina exPetienee the 1
salutary ellect they! Love upon weak sYstems." •
The Philadelphia 'Saturday , ' Gazette, the best family ,
'news epee bublished - in the United States, says of Dr.l
Iloodand's (tenant linters— • : /
•-It is selitimi that we recommen ds:, what ore termed
Patent Nedietnes , to the einuidencts and pa treitinge of cow
readers, and therefore when we recommend Dr. 'loot
lands German Bitters we wish tote dietlictly undertitned
that 1110M20 not epeaking of the nostrums tif tbo day,
that are noised about for a brief peried and then forgot
ten after they have run their guilty race ormischiet, but
or ..mcilleinclatag established, urdinustilly proved, Jinni
whit. bus met Die hearty approval of the faculty Itself."
DiokteeltlY the marks qf the tenahte. They have the
logien signature of 0. M.J 401ISON upon the wrapper,
and hiliaame blown In, the bottle,iniihouf which, they are
spurious. .
- For sale whales/do and ret a il at thefierinawilfeficifie -
Moue, No, 120. Arch street, one door below dixtb.-Plillo
delphi ; and hi - respectable dealers geneutily•through
the country..;
Prices - Reface —To enable alt stapes of Invalids to
enjoy tho ocWontiges or their great •rpstorative
, , • Eteato, flours 75 Coxes
Alert for saleby Al3ELlUllll,ELL,DiuggistOrontrose,
Penn's. : " lyl
'mom or Hunter, gold Koitilth (ei yaluebto
• work( 11 Rev. 11, P. Tetft.anittlie Iteport of the rst,
moon Pm rtin oivorco ens", in't teedval• •
A. general anomneit of Bcbool Books Ptatkatery
alwokys on hand, • - • '
A n I/imply : of the
-- Feb. 4.1652; , • • Otl).FtirliLVt.
• • .
A ' y Eta cit emilve 1181Iteriment of logiTtiiikr,ifsi:Dla
a mond MOY:Prarl,' Gantket,ltuk triad. bex,Plgnel
1. torte, also Yery heavy. plairiBn.,. 1$ 'O4 20 car 88,80!),
Chateddo, atia "ad. 57.131 ther BcylerY
olughatatoniDentriiber4lll,lolL 7 l ;
.10/I.UiTB, Onsinnstrit t memcios,l)yo Stott*, Putout.
,fab. WindOw linstOlassigtil PUtiyArreobasooTt•
Waal. andalwayo on nand, - nENTLETXRBAI):
CLOCK B b Accordmarof all prices it.. •
Ayer,4ol/OnY Pe tonal 5 '
' rt.,- I. ,-”.., i. Van 12.0 CURL' OF
tA.-- ,
' =,4 - COUCIHS Atm, COLDS,
• :-
- ' %r..; ' ' - MN AND WHOOPING
-Z7 l, l. l 0%)1,1SIL 1 P,TION.„;
Amoog thisouneronapietraltshii niadtati '
this vram ik a t o y a dyiyate thry lumina" of Illtp.einctemm
thy enjoy:dna, andel. a probtrlS the taw °thump. Wro
Woe", nano smith* icaMcdefmate add value enhtalae
Wit, Utah this coutributlen of Chslulan te theihudinff
Art. Await Mid alit/ itirtusi-threaltbent thls tuned
country, tuts prosetoMentlet d oublet WA° medldoe
or coetateadou,of toitlichsestyet knownicao so surely
control and cure the nucarreurrariethat of puhnenary
disease Wel: haws hit bat" set pantin Ctlrmidet thou
sands mut thousands every year. , Indca-there 111 Milt
abundant res" sitobehent'ultettuldr bast tenth been
found which can teralled en to ettnt the moat dangerous
affecting of the luny". ,Our , space berewill not. permit
us to publish any proportion of the cures effected by Its
nee, but we would present the toffee het eitinlensofemi.
nent men,and refer further, inquiry to the &cater Width
, the Agent. below named, will always be pleased to fur
nish free. wherein are faliparticidars, and indirputaldi
proof*: these facto.
Fromthe Preddent of AmbentCollege,the eelebrsted
ProfeeserTlitchallek. • , . - ~ • •‘,
" James C. Ayers—Sir: There used yolar Cherry Pew •
total in my own we eddeepoiested Bronchitis, and am
sattsfledfrins Its chemical coon I talon. tlud It to an ad
rarabLitotopound tor the relie e lit e and brooch.
tat difileulties. If my et futonuperior cbaracter
can be deny stirs:lee. you are at liberty to nee it as you
thick proper. , EDWARD HITCHCOCK L. 1., D.
Prom the widely eetebratedVndersee ponlati, yr, P.
L. L. D., Professor of Chemistry. alinesaloyy, Eta., Tale
Collece,ldember of the Lit. Hist. Met WA. and Sclentif;
landed.% of America IndlUrepai ' - . ' <:r `'
" I deem thy Cherry Pectoral an admiral'!" cornet's'.
lion from some of ihe best ardeles i tithe 3lateria Mediae,
and a very effective remedy for the class of diseases It Is
Intended tee curer" , . - ' ~"
brew Raven, Ct., 'Nava. VW. . ,
314. Pattison. Prmident of the S. C. s enate, states
that helms used'the Cherry Pectorstaltb trunderfulauo-
CCM to cure an irdhunation of the langs.. , . r r
From one of then:lt Physicians in Maine. - -
_ Saco 311 , Apr 1126,114 0,
Dr. 3 . O. Ayer; toltalt—.Dear sir : t nut now constant;
ly using your Clem Pectoral in mipmetice, andprefer
i t u+ any cr• her medicine fr•rpulmonasy complaints. From
observation of many severe cases, I am convinced it will
mire conahs. colds, and diseases of the lungs, that have
pot to'defiance ail other trundles
I Invariably recommend its use in eases of consume.
(ion, and consider it much the best remedy knonnfor
that disease. Respectfully yours.
I.S. CUSRMAN. lit. D.
rwmared and sold by June, (I. Ayer Practical Chem
lot, Lowell, Ham . '
Sold by A. Turn.% SI onTrnse ; Lucien Scott, Great
Bend, and by Drilarists everywhere:43yl
Entered eecordiriet to act of Congrercin'the :yearlBsl,
br 110uTort, DI. IL( in the Clerk', Ofdoo
• of the District Court for tbe• 4isteza
Dletriet of PC131111)
Tla *
. .
• it:
Another ScientifielVonder I
Groat Curo for Dripi.P.Siat
G EST* VI% FLU I 004. Girstrlc. uicc, .
Prepared from RENNET or the fourth Stomich of the
Ox, after directions of Baron*Lishig, the gotut Physie
lokical Chemist, by J. S.IIOIIOIITON, Al. D.; Ptdiadel.
This is a truly won terful remedy for INDIO EsTioN,
:ITIPATION and DEBILITY, fusing after Natures own
ninth] II; by Nature's own a gent. the Gastric Juice.
I;;:rifalr a teaspoonful of Pcpsin.'infused in water,
will--digest or dis.solve, flee pounds of Roasted Ilnef In
about two hours.'out of the stomach. .
r -
' Pepsin Is the chief - element or great Digestive princi
ple of tile Gastric Jediti-Lthe 'Solvent of tbo Food, the
Purifying, Preserving: mind Stimulating Agent. of the
Stomach - and Intestines.; It estmmel. f rota the Di
gestivi komach of the Ox, thus forming an ARTIST
CIAL DIGESTIVE like, the natural
Gastric Juice in Its Chen:deal ewers, and 'furnishing. a
romplae anti yielfivt snAifir Me for it By the aid of this
preparation the pains and evilkof Indigestion and Dys
pepsia are remor.ll,just as they would be by a' healthy
stomach. It is doing wonders for dyspeptic curing ca
ges of Debility; Emochitiou,Nervous Decline, and Dys
peptic Com.innotion, suPptised to tin on the verge of dm
crave. The scientific evidence upon which It M based,
iglu the blithest degree anilous and remarkable.- .;
• Scilentific ,Ecidence
, Barron Llebeg In his on Anitnil Chem
stry, Jaya: -"An AritLlal Digestive analag,ous
to the Gastric Juice, May be readilyprepared -tram the
mucous meta - bran° or the VOLIISC/1 of the Calf, in which
Fariou. articles of food Os meat - and eggs, will be Oat.
cued, changed, and digested,yust in the 51212 r manner as
the would he In the human ettomaih " •
iry-Siall on the agent; and get a DescriPtlveldienlar,
gratis, riving a large anit..unt of scientific avidence,simi
tar to the above, towether with reports or remarkable
cuses.from all ports of the United e.tntes, - 7- -
DR. lOUOITION'S PEPSIN is new sold by nearly ail
the dealers in line drugs and popular medicines. threugh
out the United Stares, Irv', prepared in Powder and In
Fluid form, and in Prescriptive vitas tot the SUP of play:
Adele; ' - ,
. .
PRIVATE MUCCI:AU for the life of_Physteians.ntay
be obtained 01'1 . r. HoUpluon 'or his agents:describing
the whole process or preparation, and Living the author.
ides upon which the. claims of this new remedy are ha..
, eO. As is Is sofa Jecrel reviedy. no objection* - can be
raised =gains: its use by Plrysitians in respeetahla stand
'ng and regular. practice. Price; ON 3OLL/tlt per
bogie. - • ~
..013SERVE TllTSU—riery : boiilo of the 'genuine
PF.i'SIN bears the wrltera sieneture of J 1 4 .114/171311-
rON,. M. D.. eo'e proprietor. Pldlaktelphia, Pa. Cep) ,
rightend Tra4e 3Tark groaned.-
irrSola by all Drnccists nod Deafer/it:l Medicines.
,y-Por ante byAtt EL IflltktELL,Dzug3iet,3lontrore,
Ageht for Susquehanna county.' Sly
lATUAT is thert that gtiaitudees to via a competency
ir more surely. n our decline ()tali, ',than health;
vigorof Youth - , nothing.' Then - the question Is,hult
-hall that he obtafbisd- And secured.. Jr -Ire have. a
,fongh, Cold, Bronchitis. Asthma, ; Catent...Pfpurisy,
utlnensia;or linerseness. or any other affliction of the I
Lunge or Cheat, you will find 3:i r.
_DOD POW; D of BLOODBOOT:It sure andsafe
remedy, or if you ebil :ten are afflicted" with er.XIP, or I .
ilooplog COngn, no better remedy tound.LTbort-
Faivls bevy been relieved - with it, and _certificates of its
curative powcra. DOW in nor_pOsse , sion, placesit beyond .
doubt, the'grest est remedy of the Age. for.any affection
of the Lungs.' The p 1 wei sof Blood' Boot as a remedy
has long . -'been known.. out Its harsh" action alone has
kept it somewhat out of, general- favor, but. L flatter,
myself that the above combination Is perfect and that
tie use, sill secure friends wherever leis offered to RR
enlightened public. ". .
" A WORD, Si) wish' to ameliorate your
condition. to lessen your care's, perplexl.res, and angle
tirs,which T:clo brprov ding for .y. Ur tender ;
oftsPel l ig
&remedy for tle fr Ills that Is adaptN.l to their infirm - I.
tics, will:but the tear of consequences from remedies
charged with opiates, so destructive and detriment al to
Pommy thousands of our race. Who amongst' you but
feels for the Suffering Infant, where. rNs • ere the only
indication of Its sufferloperlthingwith palm:fro:Nebel. 1
ic, emaciated from diarrhoea or dysentery. euffering I
great nen:errs fatalism ofieri - to'llts) from teething—
often brought to death's door Vont cholera Infantum,
end eVery.kllll , from but nourishment ore:urging.
T have seen olLof, these cured in a day, almost, by a
remedy that. I have been for Years in Perfecting. in an
extensive practice of nearlytwenty years and 'now offer
it to you. under the true mama of o .ss..ura
When thhcremeily'llts been used. If bey met with un
bounded favor,-;and as you .Vitieler • our ohn comfort or
the welfare of your darling babe.l e'k you- to giegit a
(riot, and you will say truly In.fts, behalf,lt is -the
"Mother's , •-
Wonsitarualso productive a great 'toiltife to chil
dren of riper years, he symptom: of -whirl: evelY Pa
rent is aware. an.l. where stispected, It is (bele:duty to
exterminate them na speedily as possiblc.Which' can be
done only. with a few doses of Dr Throop'sWOßN POT;
SON,which Is beyond cams arisen, with Any Permifuge
ofthe day. 11 wilt destro 'them ; and the very serail
dose makes it acceptable to the Children...that : diSlike
.navicines of any :kind.. :It Is a 'happy compound' of
;harmless Vegetable medicines, that in...their combine.
Lion, produce wonderful effects Upon those filthy inttu,
'gees of the huinen system. : ' . •
4 if you are suffering from derangement - .of the. atom;
eel:, Liver,. or Douai*, you heraFerer,l;ead:ache, sour
stomach. or heart-butn,-,Datulency,„costiveness, and
many 'other unplcesetst symptoms, Ter thelr'entirereilof
You have only to take - a. few ilaSes of ...Dr: Throop , s
11I1.LIOUS PILL£3," andlou hare_ a "enre.: .They act
. upon disease by removing thereausei t!estorinit the se
cretions, fall the Organs , the body. and health la
To those 4110104 With sore, weak; or ntliniedeYest
I furnish you also &remedy that has stood the, test of
,of exPerienee, and restored the most raves_ when
, every other remedy known had falled,Dr:Thrciop''ETß
WATER: • These comPriso the list of -Dr.lliroop'tc Do
naestm Medicines * that should he in the hands of every
housekeeper, :se good remedy alwaye readyituadtthleh
'only requires a trialto. Insert-thorn • -
-:aereistar Nisnivis•edlentlry*. head;. Montrose:
R;Oranpr k Co.. Rush ;IL: fault welL Bush; 0;0.
Wright IdiddietWwur IL Glidden ' "Friendsellie;- . 0,-Id;
Barber. Jeitsup; - Draeßney klionrott,Dritekney;..B
royeri:Dinloth, Iratott Roel.: Springville 1 _Dr - Ln
43 in,
. heft. Auburn; Janiee.Toiripkins; , . TompltinSellte;.-Itey.
denlc " Little. Newldilfor.l;%l/r.l'llrooks:;Oreitt Ilemd;
Joseph L. Merriman. ,t;psenville; J. Rirty. Little
- Meadows; -JasperSteriley.,l4.lboronut;ll. Tiffany. Brook.
IlnOentrer. ,ll,, A.AVlßtares. - 4111fford - ibvS;V:olrallteo;
Dundaff ; Johnson 4k. Very, Derferd r
. 60 1 1( fillfir goo 4 flortalqck louiW• .40r004
LPN. , Well Imelda:hal yor Ito:Wm:or-
Jan ' 15.1832" - - • -.“--AIIIII4ITUREIA
litlighstot tb•-thlivs. 20 s Masks Is gone. but misfit - Of
SliesisnesosSistObsrsy Tsusys.ltrisel
A ;moil ottond - tiona cookingotorlii'nlino, goon now
4 L 4 .4Zteri foe sale i ohosp olt .
13/VVEB tArOVEB, t t '• '''
-'2 . '''''
Pazicittilatintit trimly .orderatia:theitline , at tlue, or
totem:4lo ,17ttel natter tbetatelvisthat4 givlnnwrlet
tObnidneta sadly* psket,tbat
4 riliscanbie, sbue otpublic pattatoge: Their alteottenent
'otetoVeo b Ctiod? baiingthe latest' and Most' ingovreod
patterns, anseing nlaeb into Ma .Ifon.sklea Uteltll..s I
stove which toot the that Premium at theStato Yak at
erratum, In 11{50.e 1-.0. iforvat Queen; E-4)- libretti
Queen enlarged; Itei stone , Mr Tight, PlO , eat.
_Premium ; :Parlor "acre", box stores-fOteosteetrOodi.
• MI Wads ot Tintrart at eno One and tin tubes-keptOtt
bend—sold at priers that will unit. All kinds /st . produce
taken in parmentand eaab not refused Qppinitr the old ,
store , of )111le and Knepp. -L BATOR & 117EDSTE4..
- litotittosa; Jnly 10, Pal. 2817 : ' -
Philadelphia , Medical Howe.; , :
Established fifteen years ago, by DR. KMKR
NOrth .West Corner qf •Third and
• . . .
Unam,. Streets, between Srruce, and
' 'Pine :Slreetit,
rITTEIR YEAlls of extenelve and unlbleirupted
X- prattles 'pent tnlenity, has e rendered Dr. b..thr
moot expert and huecevelui protein( tut fat and uttr, l l2
the treaty:it:A of all discneee of s private_ nature. Per=
son. afillettvl with ulcers en the body, throat or legs,
pains in the heed or hones,llleteUl cal rlituraatlerastrio.
tures, gravel, diseases arising from youlLle.l virtues or
Impurities of the blood, whereby the constltutfou haa
n e w me enleebled are all treated girth turcsve. • ' •
-Ile who plowable:well under the care of Pr. K. rosy
rellgiousiy confide in his hi-nor as it genttanan, anZton...
fintly neiy upon his eldll as a physloan; - -
,Taw* PAUTICOLJI N -TICE ...jf GUM men who 111111•
it/Plied thernselveic by a certain. practice inetilgt
a habit fcCquently learned from Call ecroyanione or Or
Cbool—fiAr efs ets of %bleb arc nightly frit. wt irx whet:
asleep, and destroy both wind and body, slanuld apply'
immediately: eaknees and canitituttenul
lora of rouser:Our energy. physical laerit (vie snd general
prostration, Irritability and all nervoya affections, Ind].
g olden. sluggielnas se of the liver. and army dice Int in
any way connected with the prnernativefunctiotta, cured
and foil vigor raatored. • •
Read I- -Youth and „Manhood.: A ; Vigorous
'Vie or Prenzaturs,D eath. - Kinl:elin on
soy: presorratiOni Only 25 oot!ts.
Tbls Book just pubilsbeit Is flied withusepil Orin.
Don. on the bdirmi ilea and dirrerses of tint -ger.erative
organs. It uddre,.pis itself alike - to Yore, ' .1 1 / a nAeol,l
and Oa Age• and should be read by all The valuable
advice and inipree,lots. anteing:lt gliess will-prevent
yeira or miser, sad sufferiiig,and save sziourilly tbou. l
sands of Urea.. Parente. by reading it. *ill learn bawl
to prevent the destruction of their children. -
r a sA remittance of 26-rents. enclosed in a letter. ita-'
dressed to Dr. KINECELIN; N. Corner of Third out
Union Streets,beiween 'Fyne end Vine, Phibult Iphlo,
will enruraa book, under rnvelepe, per return mail - . ,
persona at% distance may addresa by Ictter, -
reetosrlogo fee. and beeure.l at berme. ' -' -
Paekages qf Afrikines. Directieass, a•e.;forwarded.Dy
sandbag a remittance, and put up secure from Damage
•.• . .
Book-selleri;Nesiskr.ento.; rtAllara. Cantarrere. and '
othera supplls,l with Ow above work at very low
. .
- ,
.'.• To Dairymen and Farmers,
. -
Valuable "property for
Sale:-. -
• A ..FAil.3l of:100 neves sisuntein.Bridgewite:townehip t ' - •
trOleum :or Rdck- Oft
-.Ex Susquehanna County and state of Penntivania t.sf I - -
tha acres of which is under good im m
ProrteLt. . -
The farth is well designed for a dairyand is capable of _
A NATURAL. remedy procured
reeditlga cows daring summer and winter. and every I
; ' henYeotintY, Pturhu deg from s " E t ? il
part of .it Is well watered. The bulldingerind laud are Isold g. bv S . 1 11 ALFA Cassi ll rosn i. ts a .-.., .. 1 1
In good condition and "the. tepees, which:are of stone ! pmt 0 ,.,.4 i a .. , ,i t . -- T, ,„ — tat Ith'itrih, h
, , - : READ! READ!!
and rails are also got 4. There are two large barns upon ; ; I t 7 i .,: f an u i d k U i m eAlV e ",bl i j im n 11 ,4 1 '.
the premises,hesidee a granary- and cons aslant shed
for cattle: Three orchards principaill of graftedfruits : .
and at her fruit. trees. . . • ..
.. • : - Ithienmatisin yields to the parer of So N t .e.i
Said fororhas a very pleasant. and desirable; toentwo, boles von, Union op.,yuly I t t 4 mi.
about two miles from7lontross. the County seat Ofeas , 1. Mr. Kier—Deor air, allow me ar a straw; i i ,
qua:mina counts'. and abouto miler from the. Leggetis ' gratedate you as . the sole proprietor of to •
Gap Itailmii, to 'which there Is a Plonk Road ill process called petroleum or Rock Oil, shirt; is &natter
orcaropiet Ina ,
and I . Tea opotooloot to * et: L ugg un d to take the glare of all - great medicines. diu?
schools, and mechanics. "-. • . . - : - 1 this neighborhood bar e tried the. ret T b •
0 16101
Also Imo ther 'Valuable Farm adjoin; the! above; eon. tof canoe curing most Of t bem and previaghlak; ,
tahaing2oo acres: of which-ISO acres is nodes' a high 'ln alt.. Ural; tested It In coughs, odds ii
state of etltivition.: Limn it • there Is it: large 'frame.. letter, sprains, end swelling; for it:mamba! disi
dwelllne house, and outbuildings to correspond anti - -. is a certain cure. At y:seife hat ban arida to
large orchard, lt is well Irate-red mid fenced aud anal- ' Ilisentaati/U1 - for some y cars and ann. cal re
rably adapted to dairy purposes. • ; - . 'thing to relieve her,in fart she tried everytlarea
- Said property lOU be sold on reamiablet crass. a par- fthing would do her any good until she tried pm f
Lion of the purchase money may remain upon liondand i lams and Into, relieved her en Linty, for my pul v,
Mortgage to suit the purchaser. : 1 ' lib the greatest pain killer now lame. ' lash,
Application maybe made Personally ori by leiter to - ." . '; , . J. arit
Mon. Won Jesitsto or S. J. Siren at. Montrose. ` n gala AnotheCietter from', Lozerne ca, seeeeado
county. Awl any forth erpat Sealers that May borequir• Porolertnt ', ' ' - -' '•:Biin , /1171367111774,19 t
efl irtlrLetirea.-23cf . -'- - Mr. Elan—Dear Hsi-I take grrat phi/melt erl
- - ' !lin? . to the %la nes ofyouvgrett natural aoher;
- the.Perrolemil or Rock Olt, arblet• is ruttish sgs
is,otice -to •the • ruhtle. - • --• medicine, Ilumght one dozen of your Kett the
a DM a mated ist
Neio Segiannote Fail .anft IVintet 'Goods at fate, wasalong here Last fall. I tested land found it to prove good. I also trated It it am
Oren& One Price Store Of . ' ' letter and found it - veryjeueficial. I villa hie
1t... 5.1.. LE NH FillMe Great brad. PR - ' moth to have another box of it, for 1 dea'tlh ,
DEGS leave to take this opportunity of tendering his withoutlt. , ' .F.espectfully yours.
IJ ' sincere thanks to lair friends aid ctistom ers. for the - ' , . J. CAIIIIII.I.
.generous patronage they have extended to him; and --A ivicefrom Susquehanna co.,certifylogo i. ..
at the same time Inform them that be has Jun vett:macs ey ofthe Petroleum. .. Dr2Cl)lll'. Jou 414
from New Yori,with a very large and choice selection of Mr SM. Kis n—Diair sir:—Allow me tteet -
rangy and Staple Dry Goods. Also a fresh and extent virtues olyournaturalmedielnecalledPettohtsu
siveassortment of a rceeries,Provisions, Ituotsiii‘lllhom; s oil.. , I had been afflicted tnth the Rheum/621m
Hats--sad Caps,Hardware,,Drugs and thus. - I. r
was In Wilke/Lorre isattunaosrndrstk
Mediciners,whiclwill besold for eaah and produce at a . tle from your Ant when be was aloe; lbee,lt
sety small advauce, it prices -which defy all competition. cured me perfectly.. I have since seen it oataa hpe
Fleur,Park,'Flah,Satit,wholesale andret all,—he would . eat ma csof rheumatism, and found It phi - tared
also remark that he a iheresatrirtly to ttie system of ad.l , .- . Very zerpeetfullyyourr. •:-
ways 0 ming the lowest priccat first-thereby Oving the . , . - • JAMES MOULT(
same advantage to all who May favor him with their pat l •- . , Tcaznsstmcx,,hdy MIM
Mr. S j M. Et ta--.Lactir sin—Allow me to treys -
G reat Read °lathing' s ta-ro '
e- . . ! virtu of Your great natural medicine cillaa . -,--
- -• •hockll, which! believe it a good unikle: I
Thelargest, bestand - cheapest assortment of .Ready fa l etzt affileted with Neuralgia, pain in Orman
M ade' Cl eibln a lia - abe Villa g e et Great B a nd , l'a— Bieod last ten years. and never could get supthro
ClothP.lloo Sitillt,Catrittler..l. and Vestirigs atoll 4ualltic 8-- m „ i n fool! trim oiruorr rreryrwou „ a tot).*
silitable for the Fall and WinterTradv.vrhichbe_bffers at do . r o o any good num -1 trl.d your yruoiorm e d
suclitiriceS as to satisfy anyiotte that this taathe place far relieved sue .cry much; 1 here also tested it h -
them to dew!. In consequence of the great Increase of his scalds. and brallW. it s a allay. erre ralldht
business be has been obliged to greatly enlargebis stock, sheet-IMo I. think it I the ge gest' psistgetht
which he now -agave to his friends • ncl the publig . fur ex-, a.
~ . . - v ery rerpru rt ui l y y,,, , ,
arnination confide:it that in so - du dorthey wingpd e a ma.l
.• . „ ,
, . 71103.11111
thingto theft. advantage. - The Subscri her hos thado ar-1 eau end ar t, a arreal„ form eh a a pe t. ' awe
rangeuleats to tinnialtei Ur° ekiller in 011 4 1 eariees' full deseriptima -of lei For side by IiMILIT JIM
branches.snd is-now ?matt, ed to sell the same. warrant., , Sold arbOlesale by Gla A SIS, ili LI, & co.,No.nii•
odlobeav inspection. 'Cnstom work and cutting done , treat, Philadelphia. B 7•
at the latest atilt and stinatest notlee,--all kinds of tail- , - • -
ors' trimmings tarnished and tar sale. Daunt forget the
spots Store nearly,oppoatte the Mansion lienPrz . .
- Great, 8 end,S ep t.,111150. ' L. S. LEN'ILEIII
The People's Friend
T • T.PONlPsy,iff Ithaca, N. Ts
from the shrub Milled Witch-harel,:aod purely. from
that with the exceptio'h of a little Aleoholto ..reierreit.
- all total :pain and initimatlons, old sores.
- fresh wouuditandbruises, Piles. and ail disen.Mil, of the
bowelsof a ehronicalture. tooth-echo, ear-ache and an
excellent tom ily for remotes, ao -• . ' - •.
- It's truly !what it profeirses to be; 'the People's Friend!
Providence has scattered along the rugged paths, of life
many things' thatcontributv greatly to :the comfort and
happiness of,every body - -; hence their great •v.alue - , and
swell may•they be call cd"zion chi or the People,' •
Ono-word here toguard Imposition Amen by
the natne.fSpcncer. has manufactured., ami offered for
sale a spurious article called the Cfor,yli Estrad,—that
would be !extract of the hasel-nut:--the genuine is aa
evh4riind as pure LIR water. while tbe4nurlons article is
colored,which enables the publitto distinguish: • •
None renulne.burthosemarked Pond'sPainDestroyer
K. HATCH. Thintrose. and Storo . .kcepertand ras-
Ine-dcalers generally, Agents'
• Throop 4 , cos,
' Lncitorwalorta 1l• Wrsterry Uri Frait.4l.
Per PasJenter Trains trith Special Messengers for. ilk
- .To; warding' or Ilferchipidize and Packages_of
' .ertry destilption; Specie. Dank Notes, rte.
MOTES, Drafts. and Mils coliceteg. all orders attend
:Ll el to with promptness and ..t t asonable rates. •
. Tho Agents of:the Lackawanna & Western' Itailroad
Company will act as ascents for the above express - line..
t sprees wagons will be in readinesa upon the arrival
of train-at -Scretron, to forward with dispatch,
Mcrcharliteace., terPittston, Wilkerbarre, for.
.. 'Leonard Searienf Montrose, Is authorized to. receive
and forward • ExPress Freight • from that plito to the
Montrose Station, and from said Statloif to Montrose.
- N. C. Martin of Tunkhanneek, will receive and per
wardXspress Freight from that place to Tunkhnnuock
• Station, rind from that Station - to.Tunkbannock '
- •
,"•• SOitition 2
J. ut COPAnTNIIIIBUIP bereterees existing under
the name end erpt of Sisk Zt" . l'broop, tlio Expects
business ou,tbe W. L. It. this *lay diesels elk by
mutual consent: -
- Jen. 1;1831. ' B. 11. 1110.00 P
-P. 8.--The built:man' beiiaft be cartiett •on by
Throop /4 co. 1.151- co,adT6rtkielften t. - . .
• • Sf
-A.• LARGE stook of - extra- if neittnata
,table end tea
-ZUPOunstrelttatni.!are, Jake stonnthenedtableand
tea spoons; b 4 utitstdo oodles spoons.. Also. sliver, sil
ver p toted, G:snnatt silver Spoon*, eto.,etc, Just rverlsed
told selling I a for the qua11ty,34... 21.11tEtELL'8.
_Montrose? ;air d A 18 . 1;
LAu.KAwill NA. 00AL; VI quit &nil mut; as litimmaus
Niettsllll94•4l Depot, bT 1)1:11thl,TT.
- 10 - 101.11,1130)111S:
aloha and - Hick
!treP.P#lttrul IllaPAPCstor'
MiLoutt ihist o Vb Or U:3. IMP%
,s; lioaverei 7:nutrs AO, 102; ; " z
i i .
, 13311.1211121em5 r i5...-.'
Malkin 11141,0.7 r.,
114j:trim( jils . "*.
It* York vith' 'n444
Motifs fatootit 4 ' 41 , 11/ "Pta
ttioi of la It
todstooth" alio %
• -4 " , - otattokod Oa
i l igire ""itia / 7 4
i grisgeo.f%
irittets p= sl :2‘ l lo‘
ClilasatilY.. ato lsi ta
= - IVatt-h t s 3 1 1 4
dttoAdottipstro, tottletrat th e 014 1
---- 711
tly o . lt .. o,o4 ltCe.f4 , lf!'llkFt Alba — " I I'
tj'erbitt 4 4 l : o oi:lidAt:.'ilitiOuros . sPo et an 4 l.
Os Oioestyloinift watiotbi -at ir " L iP 0l
:.,jainginan,;-Lazerite amity,
renmailtieuticmaii on. of th e mast! dargf i gg iu ..
aonjui Romani Pinnaylvarda. • /Mott" ht
gileviint and salubrlciiraillage,pnyi n n o w id , 4l l ol,
' bone, tria actirsible by dolly *tries flora a11g01g t ,7,2
gosiory.' Int school nap, nor bath In ogeroik g
yeamdus log which its patronage, Us beta bla n j
gonatantlylnrreatbag.'. ' - •
Tbrutish the tritiaillrento of Wro.Bietiagg,
tidditlonof Berninary buildingfoby 4C I het. etati4l: .
4.ivihrgh,b4allif Lean 'completed' rod by 4.13. 4
offlon:Vba Bennett; tbe Wolof la nog Jerald*/
s valasbia • and library. entirety, 0 e ,,,
cboruirat,,, -Philosorphltal • and Astronomierl Anyti.;
; of the Inatltufluti .a regarded, by all vb. gm, 11 . 4
e i j i ,g'bt it... of a 111gb order, and graph'for fall
.nts tiaturalfirlenee , • ,
-11e3eatti btLestructionfir the stmilil• poty vv,
R e y. neisferes Trtilion, A. 71. 9 1 •
Rev. Touter C. swittii - A
- • Teacher of AtielentLasgse....
v. ra.o A. Tr„, -- •
Reacher of Mathematics. • .•
new. arrett .N • -
Teaches of
AlistmeAV-ILteisitulis e ,
•, • • _
Mina 112siry:Dlieszi .
: TeacheritM6d'
ifillf7 . sl .
at ,
a •
Assistant _
RUNG jiao. , ltiv icy". — sync
rs. /11. i Grecary'.
Teacher of flu4t. f
of the above teachers are - employed la lie le*
the whole of each day eater t the Teach e r of lontsi
dlr. Westia2e: The former devote tent a
each day dors tor may be
Th e r o t ~
teaches oueibolf-of ac
.da y The pobg e o w 1.. 7
that by this assnogement the school W ' , oder Or
erl.lon and instruction of a trey full band of ,
and the Trustees confidently believe flat Logi;
be spared to proinoto p.irmost-thorcughiaerfotc,
all the puplii. . •
• •
The neceosary expenses of tbis hut
etc. Tultlou each:sire W ortamental trarchng
to swift per quarter. Board $1,50 mood ,
3734 per dozen, and fuel $2„50 per annum.
The diecipitue of the foitltorkta ecottliter
with firmos vs, inculcating round. mend sod ret4o,
oinapiceytiettelteriDgindastr7,Hict trder ati not
deportment.. -
The present teem of ible school trill tittlirtt Oa t
22d of Dee. nest. Student's are admitted at iv r o
Lit the most Ault abi e time for entering Is the h O O O ,,
er the middle of etch term. 'note she mly CA hi
tend the school through the 'trailed,: or the ve,.
,threetheet.the 'winter; scald do well to ester e %
as the 20rh or:34111ot. ,There trill tea umlimerfo
week' , at the clove of the present teem. no
consists-or thirteen necks cotomeuelogjoar to f t ia
lag April. Oth 1552. •
Catalogues of tho ' ensittuy.ondsny . ishogok o ,
live tort ran h a' had by addrlmringthenzioeixotF.
of theund e r al gued .. SHErallith t
- .N. NOCNDS. fee's. ' • . •
ciugstoo, Oct
. 4, 1851--42-tf. -
H. j..1VE88, ;
,TO Jun -
stock goods, abieb be offers ter ale wile
WILL PAY4or them. n* nsiOr rut" "Cil k " s
big listed. ' DZot frget*lnn 'due thank* torah
friends,: as b eve be, otolbre bcughtnoode 01111
for then*, he invites tbvto to CO= AGSM'
Montrose; Sept:A.olLO 801. • ' '
nil flirt basjust rlce.t I Imy in "
imertment of -
Falt and 'Winter Condo. -'
nel tiding in elegant satiety of Lielietlitem Gam
er _tong Shawls; new' 'style Booed Kitt=
Cape, ntaplo Goods &v.; of the most donate •
ortneli,ltating been purchased &tem late Pon •
Ida he sold taistiall*
-Nen Milford, Sept:2o, 1851.
New fililford Stave Depot , •
Fr 'pvllllll . l , 'bar newly, stare a nos sad
vinttment of Cooking, Parlor. and r 4 tiop itow
vroodand ronlJneluding tho nrw and-oost
kinds of Alt Tight,Laise Oren, tom Mot al •
oTell,3r.e. i with Stove plpe,Sheet l234
TaiesAii., which be very low foreala
proved credit •
, .
• _ ,
The Last Wender tt .
Tc BARNUM. the great htaabultpe.a lat
• MMus Into this co Inter the celebrant"
htlatiity a machine nue lar k 7ee than a ales la
by a thumb•screr, ohleh will putout the lutel
stab)}. But this has cot trig te_da title theta
Just 4/1047'814 Tikl4.or /1.1 , Just rec'd the
sx :' ,l F F. A uct i. ,, L 'VV . INTER rASIII 0 Pf
alacrity:sk p il " ), Pa aekl mi g t o o wodhillutm"orhis (:rea ch
1:12" C all Inn' you want capltalettott
N. R. Octal:lc dono, moat'
Montville Oct, 9,1851. ' YOlnic+ . .
Abel lurrelli
Debi " Irt Yorags, Medletare, CheminTvia..llb6
Caeophino,Flahl;Latclu.P.Te it 001 „,... _,.. 43r " n " -- "ie
llantwart,atonottace, Glaisraie,m9r.h
*UT? apoon*, epeotaelea, Modal
Medical InstrUtztenti, IJyaon. perfume? •
tlonery,bnotte•ohoel, Yackee &glow,
liontrosei Pik , 3 . 1 /7 ....... ;••
Pleto .
Sneer eon•litley
e•d '
licsott-Oreatii and Mustard Spooarw- aan t
IS. Forks &0i,E.0.-riteed gratis, at • 1.c.A.T.,
Spooncrork• cad littlefit,oult a Stit
manuthetundln Antotien,at •
. _ .
, •
I Rol d tue h •ed fro OA_
EuE L ever
Tole° 9ttboo very , superforTstu tuld :_ „, :
Cur Umlaut I,sudi,..txtu II y, rFO • be a7
ninn.tatial otzpi movounts. sbien l .E -
11aely.put Is giddsbus lul l ,. • • . As
- 911150 n vUebes,liter otbcc that 10.11 4 0 •
nee in thinTlcbdq, bu bun to tborolitm
It-Will:410W. do man earl ta e5... /1111 :n s i OA :
suttnnors to them; '• •..
•. :M% • Widalte ittl
. . . .