. ' • .• _ . ........ ......- d e ny to him the intelleittnil•Aumea. ringed, .. 0139 neces esry. to render,hie adMinistratiOn el l L o l le G . seni mont, wise, able and. successful.— Bo ides, unless •I tun greatly mistaken:pos. 1 o. „ es determination' or charaeter-;endrnnergy f will, without which no - individual . il :fitted (I to per p o im high and- respetislldo. Dieetitive lad adminis trative duties s isuelt" is Pertairi -to , i, o fEce of President of ther United - Statesal m y cw a observation,teoell ttS the blistery 'f,X,, th'e world, has taught me,that Oiesii,ate...'l,nbsl .. w hi c h do not always belong , tri,'' . :griat Ities • a distingui.slied Orators; s e nators an . , •, . The Democracy will not ttelelharthnir'nein. -- a l to shall be elected, because 0r1...1,fi great Tuo , e ipious. And, yet, his military ser, ~.ie g ue si c onstitute a behntifill'ePinodelit :the his; . tory n ihi s life. It imers no knell distinction.. for D e o to hatemerited hod . .'reaeived : the, Ges bificisi and e mphatic - - endorsement of . theCota:' veder.intlief of our rainy- in: :Mexico:, (an 1 itgl(tg , I c omposed of heroes,), fur gallantry; clad c onduct on the field of battle. -••-•.- .-. ,Y; I **Colonel King,. our - candidate' -for. -,Vice 1 tvo id e nt, I can say emph atically, that he •is l c ue af the purest, the best and the most sound 1 iodglrecu, og.Statesmen,l have ever known.. :rile le o enlightened, unwavering ' Democrat, . Ir i an amiable, honorable and benevolent gins oemas. From the day when yet a.youth,-in 1812, hem of the House of Represen. wi re , ted for the dealaratieu, of war! geniast Great Britain; until the present hour, I life presents one c nsistent and admirable ro il, As Preside tof the Senate . lie is ‘ without asuperior; an should it over be his toe, in any contingency, to discharge the du ties of President of the United States; be will c onduct the Government with wisdom; sound discretion and enlightened patriotism. But why should I insist upon the-merits I nd q ualifications of our candidates! Their nomination by the highest tribunal of the Dem. ea oic party is the strongest presurntive evi, deuce of their worth; and ought to be suffi cient of itself, to rally to their support every true hearted and faithful member of that party. As D e mocrats, we should always yield our ?lionsl preferences for men, when great prin ciples require the sacrifice. Man is but the c reature of a day; whilst principles- are eter nal. The generation of men in ' suceession rise and fluctuate, sink and are forgotten; but the principles of Dentoeracy,--of pro ressire ATxr.lry , which we hare inherited from our rarolationary fathers, -will endure to bless mankind, throughout all'' generations. As p, occ iats, we believe, that not only the pros peaty and glory of the country, but even the preservation of our blessed Union, depend up on a faithful observance of these principles in the administration of the Federal Government. And I ask, in what manner can that ascenden cy he secured, but by a sacred adherence to m olar nominations? This is the only bond which can unite, consolidate and render invin cible the great party of which we areall proud to bemembers. If, as soldiers in the ranks of the Democratic army, we should desert the good old canes of Democracy, merely because we might prefer a different leader, we shall Pen somfbecome broken and disorganised, ,a an i gnom inious defeat must la the inevit able consequence. In union, and in union slant. there is strength. Good and great old Dcrizocrstic Pennsylvania will never forsake her principles. merely because she might pos. siblp hare preferred other azents than Frank lin Pierce and hVm. R. Bing to carry her will into efect She will never thus prove were. :um , her own true glory and to her hirdicst ,s,. interests. , In what light would we regard a professing thiistian who should desert his holy religion and his church merely because he preferred a diTereat Bishop or pastor to preside over it, an the individual which the majority had se-. eeted! No. no, my Democratic fellow citizens e mast neither be fur Raul nor Apollos, es eptea the mere, but worthy agents to Carry eat the great and fundamental doctrines of Democratic-faith on which we are all uni- Principles rather than men, ought -ever' +a be oar matte. has been our glory and our strength in ; • elest . time, that we Iliac never concealed! .ar principles from the public eye; but have zip proclaimed them before the world.— 1 , e into Baltimore Convention, in obedience o oar will, has erected a platform of prieei des, ia the midst of the nation, on which eV true Democrat cm proudly stand. Does man live, be he Democrat or_ Whiff, who, owing Franklin Pierre and Wm. R. Ring, Genes they will prove faithless to any one f these principles ? The ffreat Democratic yof the Union have delivered to these heir chosen candidates, a d'art by which they ' d pledged, in the most solemn manner to ...11; the Lip of State ; and my life noon the , e, they will never deviate from the pre led course. In voting fur these candidates every Democrat will be voting for his •• cherished pr.nciples and- sustaining the • latform of his party. I ear !shall not be able to accept your invitation to pay you a visit during. the canvass. With the strongest dis lion to cultivate the personal acquaintuice d friendship of my brother Democrats of ' ..ulord county, I must yet leave the discus-. 'on or.the PrinciAs involved in- the present ~ est to younger and abler pnrtimns.• 1i re, daring so long a period, served . in the ..tter of a speaker before the people, Allot,' mut my democratic fellow citizens ttirongh„; at the State considering twat I am now more sixty years of oge, will be willing to ae me an honorable discharge from 'the more I ';re ditties of the campaign. With sentiments of the highest respeet, I ' at - I roar friend and fellow citizen. JANET BUCHANAN. ' 'o Theodore Loonard, S. Salsbury, Maj. Caloley,Gen, Theodore Wilder, Cfiiuneey Gathric, Rufus Hosley,Col. F. Leonard, N. Bliss, Brace, Col. li. W. Root, Amos Keapp,' li. Grover, Samuel. Falkner, sml many osiers. Gen Pierce and the Catholics. % p I) s h this turning extracts from the ehre ramie by Judge WOODITEY,aI:4 Gen. u in the New Hampshire Convention, in or of removing the odious property and re ,lei tuts for eligibility to office. The sen ts expressed by these two distinguished' ' are the same as the democracy entertain_. ten and now. But their eloquent &go ald4d to the clear honesty, Of the re . "..lhey struggled for t had no influence upon PlWriptive feeling of the whips and abut and the measure was defeated by a s- majority. Ir. Woodbury, chairman of the Tudiciar)- , .... s ime,reperted the Collecting: /6014 4 That no beliefin the doctrines taf paticalar religious sect shall be requi , sal test for holding - office, or be entitled to Malice amendmente the eonstitu-, ;r 4 J And this shall be effected • unlamg from it, in part 2, section 14, the `shall be of the Protestant reli,gion r tram section 29' the words, "and unless he Other Protestant religion ;" and in the 'tilt!, article 6, the word "Protestant." That no particular qualifitation r?ItY shall be required for - holding nny • and% the constitution. And this amend= 1. 6 41 be effeeted by striking from 'it in . I,,:tion 14th, the wocis "shall have an : 2 3 1 h% the district which be may be chol n r eStllf, it 'the rain© of one hundred tee half or which to be a free•hold; is toned is his - Own rightft .and fidiresection-29trtilioAltartreliethaf V : , :;! • ::::Whsidnititintilezpatiri-tote-,„. ..,...s. - , ' Smut 'sterol I and or - freehold ennaittin his Sidliklight OM.° v,,a11/9-1 vishle d o s t 611%116,f f l af! •,'' .• . r.- a hundred ' Peund 4 lYin- ,Ivi4, l k i thz 4, ' tat !i‘ r - :•::- - 2 2; i '.: _,; ,'• 'L . = ~..? Drguerreotylatt I and ,in section:42d; the worlds_ o'nd-unless ; ho - . .. , P ... „ ~ _ . shall it 6i:tea-me thiiii, We . an estate : ot- the • - ..:. ' Mak cia.infiaitifallrieligo gii- - -,.'- ' value; - er :Ilia., handfed' :pounds;: Pile - .lalt Of - - IYopliciafe tireVritiddle raigr, - aihich:::ilitdi`eciltsist _of ;i freehold!. hi his own 1 • ' WAD hull halts of,.aitel ttight;widdn this 51i443.' 1 ' , -'. ' . '' • . -' -1 ' . ' litolt.liilriib;iiii'ot itezip', inovpdTihat the .keitaiitilori3-4ii , indefialtely pt*liptio;`ti anti vocitedkiti.it's*ech Of atunniength; tIM Men: tion -of .the , religioua. - t4V,rind_ the",,p r roperty pahlicition in'thecOnstitation:: • ..._- , . , ' ,', T ids Same lifr. Chamberlin, who - advocated the,eetentimi of the_TerVeye,go4-cv A k thy WA,.... icatatiOnterfoi na goveor iti,New ratipshirei and hiStiefeaiWaSd'eepliregrettid 4411 the;Witig papers ittthe Conlatrk;-'-:Nt *e.wold ti4tale surprised-to hear that be :Would now take au ' • '' • ' -I ' '' 'ill 1 fai 4 'oils' notwo.riart-tn.ccou attng : er Aso • se o tficit l .hlsparty,has started against 314 on ~ _ this subject-, The man, or'party-that will ad . . vocato a rolions.testlunder our . forin of gov ernmentos innlignatit eneugh . , to: commit any act of baseness. -•-• - Judge i'Voodbrtry replied :to Chamberlin's appeal narrow-ininded -in , (favor .o f religious ~ „ ~.. proscription, and said; '... _ • '... - ..That Striking out the'Pqttestant test was right on' every sound'. principle of toleration and equal rights, he had endeavored to show fully ,at ' the. last_ session of _this convention, when this proposition . was adopted; almost unanimously. ~ Notwithstanding, , then, what has so unexpectedly fallen from the gentleman tront Keene, (Chamberlin,) - in: favorl, of this . b that;majorityof ' - test, it cannot e .It o e peo ple of New ILlmpshiret distracted by no other isue or exeiteinent,.bnt actint,ouithis'ques. tion singly, Could sanction sucb.an opinion.— They did. not sanction it'even Sixty years, ago; but a decided majority ; then veteott'against,the Protest:nit test, and the reason why it has since tlisfigimed the constitution is that the majority then lacked a few votes of being two thirds.that ratio being requit'ed to make nn amendnient-the qnostton then as now being On striking out this since test. 1' - ' And he asked, . I - have we, in reality_ and deliberately, traveled backwards? Are we now in trutlr, de.4nito of 1 free - schools here, a powe/ul:•preSs, and; the progress of free principles he, world over, in greater darkness and unite bigoted? . He, one, did not believe it.' , ' -Ptir-Imore -piobable was it, that a sort of snap judgment nit law ytismig,td call it, had ", been Obtained_in sup ; port of these tests in-the hurry, excitement,. I and intermingling of other busittess htthe late i election. Ho . 4iti not belieye.lthe majority of 'the people of this state were deliberately hos ' tile to the equal rights of an Upright citizen, ; because that citizen tneded-in a different re lib ous creed. He did not credit that they supposed him entitled to hold property and vote for all officers; as he teas' now, and yet. not fit to boson officer, 'or, if pt, despotically forbidden. to be'one.. - He did not 'beliereliat they did not choose to trust themselves t ith the power to vote for a citizen if they deered I him best qualified; when the time of else ion arrived; that theyconsidered it proper totnake a wurrE s!ave of him and disfranchise hini of equal political power,'Whan so; much `feeling existed against this even towards black slaties; :that they considered, t right 'in! ai'ree country to brand such a man, thou gh educated and Itat ented, and virtuous, with - mth,my and disgrace, and send him and his familk thibugh bur streets and social cireies,',Utarkdd like Cai4as a sort of degraded ontcast or helot, not fits to be intrusted with eitherle..,oislaiivo Or execu tive rights, though bestowe d ftilly on the most ignorant reprobate. • i. ' r . But some say that withbut t h is there Li:dan ger of an increase of Catholieism., Banger! i when reason and Protestantism are left free . to ; combat it, when wrong. Danger! when Dotty I himself will favor the right- Danger !.• . ---then 1 if that justifies proscription, wily not goffiur; tter l why - let it hold property ' and vote T-•-r Then-why not, on the same principle,•estald di an inquisition and put it down.? But .he . 1 said so mncliat the last session on this i b . - 1 ject, and to which he referred for other.i a-1 r sons, it was not •necessark on this ocolsion to say More - agairtit the continuance of suea persecuting and illiberal test. .. ' ! ' li As Gen. Piruct says in his own speech; as extract from which we publish, these are' he sentiments which he will fully endorse. W,hat can the Whig tricksters make out of the Let them try their best t ' We learit.that a destrubtive . 61 curred at Turikitanuocit, met week, but the particulars at hand'. - - . , -, - - •• - , • i i i ili , :r.a. oi 2 JULY EXCURSI ON , • i i ,. VD a 2111TDI ,>. Via. Lackawanna. a . IVistern llailraak . On .Monday, - July, sth, an Excursion Train will leave the Depot at Great Bend at 8 O'clock A. 31., and stopping at all the Way Stab'' will arrive at Scranton at li o'clock A.M.+, tinning the same evening ;„- : I! , • Those desirous of viewing the Iron Wor s, Coil Mines &c.,,wi1l have abundant time JO o i so, and retruit'bY the, evening train; and the se who may wish to= remain over night, their tip k .ets will be good - for the regular Train ofitle 6th, at 81 A. 3p.. , i • ,- i: i The AV_'yMning, m House Will be opened el te sth for the•aceomodation ;of the public: i , ' Tickets for the Exeursibn, at much redieek rates, can be obtained - on application to ; e 1 Agents, at the sclera! stations, - " „_1 , By order' of . D.ll. DorrEntrc i - .. _ .. _ - . - , s Supehritendent. Scranton, Pa., iunci ti 9, 1852. t: : . - . In Liiinity, Pridny,June.l9th, ninon STASFOMD only daughter of Cavin And Air `fanford,-ag,ed ono yeai, 3 months r.rni . s d - This 10-r;ly bud, iboul, 1 - nipped so soon, Shall rise and bloom beyond the tomb. • In thio'llorough on the init.; Eno= b. son ofJohn- A. and Catharine P. Warner, aged 4 years, 9 months and days.- Iles happy n01e,.0 blest, WO are, , That we May-deem so; And to his sphit look afar,- - Through nil our wde. • - Thethin,p, the toys he'lored 'e t 4 / 4 As reties we may hohl; . [worth, Which bring sweet thon,ghts of` parted By words untold. ' . • We mourn, hist still-a ihastertiV power, To our lone. hearts Li given; -- For well knotvourdear loved ffoviar, Nose blooms " : .rxecito _ , . rr ee pz elf 04 ; 10003 and tea:talent of Atickiel./ . . Srdlivat;deqr late of Liberty, hereby toilet that att against maid estate trust : be:ls — triteme/dry turn 431 tnediatety for settle - merit, end: o4o -- indeldeit to acid estate pra - t atteed - to the same without delay ' . FRANCIS • 4 .:D.lllll:lPli t ar,,TV n !'" . Zirer Lake,,hine-29,18.W.,.26art . T • STOVEStSTOVESI THE alibi ribers /41‘.144-cnte4d lamp - 1p: iii the. • - = lif 4 reirkl; -:1 111 4 2 - , Sheol4lbn AdnumefratOed No ice:4llod to.ll ohle.riv in MBE tualeeei . iwed having talon letters, of - Ad:. theirlitiet4the . sbartiit notice. ' — fik strict mieletratiou. estate °VW/afar tr-ktf- 'aueitiloif to the tttOenAeY. ,ho ne!st, mirth, demised: lite of - ohate - il the futile.: _ their by giver)lfiticalo Pemits lidibted The 4tfiett . the 1 tate that the gamer &net' be settled' immediately,-- istkiiwerial._ol6 / 6 thit, - nasno orp.l awl those hatritikaletis wilt toiestetifibeiii piegantent.. -fAtA B : -. 7I4GLEX4Mat t 4: -"" YJaae air will soured Ilairotil 2Efs.lB4.4,2SttG': ism ~ , .. . , .'..j. [ :.. :'; :: _,„ :: t aguerteolype . 'W itainthnotiztheLlovrettOtrej.: ; :: :>;s;.:;`.. Calling forth a toikald sigh, ..'• -.' :-; :,-; ' "ThOtigit lhiflisied ant, bOnot nigh t ,. , '.-: _.,„ ... ~:-. , .: -; : '. :-..- ' 'llltigiterraldipa * - ..;'',. , lViatiiiivesCoMfoit to; "I : :''' l' Anivt..ourdistireisTriendeekpi l lt :••, --,; -'l'ilthistrinsder-worldtits, aft , .."-.:;. -. .• - 1 - : ',. -•• ' '' • ''' :. ' .'. Pagetirrmitypel t This a; halloweitfeelin,glende • _ - i.lAnd cos absence Makes entendis; : When cm hold seine - cherished:friend's; l '' -, .- -: - '-:: . T. Daguerreotype. - -,-.• Then why need you longer stay ,- ' t i Come! theie's danger \ in delay;': -, :MVO year pictures drawn to•day; . ' And you'd be prepared "to say - " rhiu, itiere iti' tiuth, if not poetiY, in . the 'a v lidos ;and, that at the ~ -,-.. ---:--_-•- - , .. I. - DAGUERREOTYPE ICION3[ is the place tifget a faithhitand ?leasing portmd. nie.artiititakes this opportmutY to tender -his grateful ackuovvletignients: to, the patrons :of his Art—trusting that hisofforts to please, in, the Flay will ensure his success , in the 'future. 'Co his former facilities he has now added an irn ,, proved Half-size CamCn4 by the -aid of which:he tis'preparCd, to to take groups, or single pictures, a ;superior manner, ' i: . ... ' _ ... . _-.. ;A new end beautiful variety of plain and fan y c l asese-Turtle shell, fapier Islache., and. other sideudid styles, of various'sizes and patterns; go d and plated Lockets, &a. ;; • - Volt who "have beauty; t come and let me take i.., ! Toe wholiave. none I pMyCome and let me Make t. . ~ irfOdd - I."lttitve. liall,.corner of -Turnpike a d Chestnut stiects. -, .lutte 23. 1852..'' ' t . Norc.-=4 good Quarter Cantera for saleat e very low price. , ,1 , 11:1' Tito artist, Achert not iu his rooms, may tit (band by inquiring pt the Candy Shop. wiTcn ES I WATCHES t tr rrinESubs:xlber takeS jcasurelafnfornilnghisfrienda and customers &bathe has this day received anothar large toe of his supeilor Palen Levey 'Ms I chh. di.. N anufaitured Exprestly to his .order, with his own namo enerared 01 cacti, comprising 3 sizes of full jew eled, in hunt.ng caics,extra 'heavy, and Fire patterns ih pfain Cases Making a full ;.varlety or these Celebra.e Time Keepers, Which he otters 'for sale as low as No re& {WHOLESALE prices, warranted Prefect • A. J - FITAIYB,•No. 2 Odd Fellow? Hall, • r ,Itinghamton, April 15, 1352, • Washington-sr. LOST /MN the 15th instant, between the store'ef-liay: den & Little and the residence of the sub. scriber, a small calf akin: Wallet, containing about two dollars and twenty heute in small change, al: so' a note of hand againsrWilliant H. Bedell toil fifir dollars, dated May 24th, 1852.: Any tiersort finding and returning the , same to the substaber,l shell bit liberally rewardi.d. I EZEKIEL BEDELL. No* . Milford, June 21i 1851 25w3: NEW OCI ODS. WE. are now roceioia g a lar g o supply of Nar e Goods,makiu g. opr stock more complete than ever , and we invite ; an ezainivaliou of it byl any andall -withi n to p a rchasr. • 1 4 . BURROWS & CO. Gibsbn. Juno 12, 1852: - • , EntEss-!GooDsit,- . . • -1-1- T E are receiving a , : large . supply of Diess VT Goods, embracing a great variety of kinds, and of beautiful styles, and patterns, and the fol [ towing kinds of goods, vii:- Poplins. - Delanes. Bar rage do' Lawns, (plain, striped and plaid.) Chain brays, English. French rind Domestic Prints, &c. &c., most of which they Offer considerably lower than early 'spring prices. I - , - • - - flibson,Jarie 12, isa. .. i U. realto Ins ai Co. - : PRINTS; PRINTS, PRAM: TEI E largest stoeli and greatestvatiety ofharid some styles,and patterns vier offered in this tz market, which we offer 'kestretnely low prices. including a large fot of hai dsome rtiriti for dress- es at 6 pence ti yanl. Gibson' Jtose 12,1852. U. BURROWS as CO. 3000 PIECES OF; PAPER INGS. E M BRACING a greaeurietx or beautiful put • . terns, whioh we offet. at lower prices than ever heard of before in these parts. Handsome W4ll ripen, 9 to 19 cents a roll.. Also. a large lot of Philadelphia Paper: beautiful patterns and superior quality. We will make it for the inte rest of all wishing to paper dwelling; old or new, to purchase Nat our stock. I 17.11Ultr.OWS IkCO. Gibson, .Tuzio 12,1852. - 25tt - WARTED 101000 P c ou ns o h de ta tV so -1 'g 0 41 3 ere, rags, and berawaa tee accounts or for trade. • Montrose. Jane 16. - £ -TYLER: TO - Boitittylatid Clathlants. jouN 11. DI3IOCR ha'singrethoved from this County, has transferred' all his business con nected kith Bounty Lands Ito the subscriber, who has the lasi. and snitructions froni the Depart ment, recently- in his pas:elision; and -will attend to perfecting the evidence soliciaiins for. warded; and , to ,making . . neer applieetione . 'for auy Who will favor him With_ a'call. Several War rants: obtained_ by 'Afr. Dimoak are now in my, posseivou reedy foi deliveri.. I.* r. FITCH. ilaratsnele, June 15, I 24e4 •• ! WOOL! 04L! ASII paid Tor Wool BURRITT New... Milford, Jape • LOTS OF ' SUMMER Shawls, Mantillas, nibbone, Sum -1 ther stuff; straw" braids, flowers and Spriggs, just received at - Al C. TYLER'S JNITETS; BOBRETS.. A NE t%ratipply or those cheap silk,. Fancy and French , Gummier Lace &insets and Rich -Rdibons and }insect., greaily irrinced rom : springPriers,.by ,r 1-1-BURRITI' - . Admi'nistrators' .Notice; voTiRE isherebT given that the undersigned 'l l l have been appotnted'Administrators of din Mate UfiTistirrnY.Nstu, deceased, late of. Au burn; --Al . pentane indebted to the said - eatate'ere reiPaisted to fettle - the-Inm. linirettlatel,.y; aid all persoun having treinandi, against Said'estate` please present shent.duly slugged; fir settlement., s. LOW ,• • I 1 ;- JETtENIt AIISUANNCO,I Adair's: Ant , *, in= 2, 1852: 2514 • . Adnximstra,o a‘ Notic'e: VOTICE islotTegy given tliat din undersigned been appointed Adniiuistrator of the es tatearSaur Anta,Mrraialtnideettosbei !moil( An. burn ; All Paisonit inttobied'hi the ialtristat e are re'Oetited :to -puke iinntediatepaymetdr . aud- all zerpotie-liatrittg*Mattils 'against- raid enate, .will , fte . Ho'presen . ' t - theat;oo3l attested; toilettlentent - ANDREW, tit. LOW; Adtb'r. 40tt0 ,- 22 - • - wan woODRUFP. -,e2,101152...:DE4N45,12 TO Vqolll49l4•T.iit'AEß/V4YOF, MORS NEW -- Aoops • Webb 13. ; rama9o,. nisi . i 7. isailj,-, OV 4103 4 `-ST o_ r4 . r ES_ „t reat Bead & Likteriall. STOVE ''COPPER; TI - N.&tHctr los Es . 7: franyinrdi6f-d;. Pub=- TnE itabi6iber:l6BPc'e !aria: addiliorilii tie 4. , !-Tegeive • hie forum stock ot &oyes, cousistral -or over:et)? of the *oat approved kinde: - Imenit*ld!lt af!, , CLINTON - AM' Mum, FoßssT QUEEN; i:aSTIR OF THE- WEST, ,WESTERDVQUEENI- - • • .• oil elevated-omi, OrS'lnam air1 tight 151"" tiro PIICENIX, - PARAG ON, ~. WESTERN /MOW: • - - ORANGE Alit TIGHT, UNITED STATES;-- PARMERS," UTICA COAL STOVE. &variety o r Premiums. 601119 of new style,the WALICILL AIR TIGHT; F4I tMERS, , A good and verions assortment o Feder awl Mall Stoves for Wood end Coal: -B z Stoves of 1 various sizes and 'patterns he. is, coetinuully 're-. ceivieg, and intends. to, keep as great a variety pf 1 the most popular stoves palmy dealer iu the coin. try.. Persons' Wishing to parch/Wel; stoves will find it.to theirinterest to call oa hinal; )! Stove- They.will find his . 'Furniture, made of the strongest and best material:, end 'es , i cheap as can be bought in this or litoome county I l'and mech better than. offered by pedlars. ID -- Skive Pipe & Tin Ware kept icor ante and made to order. ' .Farmers will be supplied with Pons, made urrtrong materiels, at Wholesale pri- I Ices,'l till orders for work in . his line will be jhauk 7 I ' fully received and punctually attruded tn. I : , ; . JOLLNGOLS2InI dram, Bend, July- 1, 1852. I• • .• THOMPSON' , 'Union Diguerrean Gallery r rfiEsubscriber condones the Dagnerrean heal ness at the rooms of the lots fi rm of Thomp son 4-Loomis, opposite the Amoixifotel, where he mill be happy to wait npon his friuds and all wh‘o may favor.him with their patronage. Ladies and,gentletnet t Wishing a facsimile of themselves will find it to their interest to call at rhOmoson's pleasant stud elegantly arranged rooms, and se cure ono or moreof his well-defined and fine-toned Daguerreotypes. Da sure and reMember the ph.ce—opposite the Phenix Hote. He has on hand also. nnd fbr l sale, a low of those sop:floe toned Melodeons, at. the manufac turer's prices. Call mid examine them for your selves. L. THOMPSON. Ding,haniton, June. 1819. • I Sheriff's Salet - DY virtue of a writ of Fi. Fn. issued otty of.tfte, Court of Common Pleas of SasquAannii . comity, and to me directed, I wlll.capcise to public sale at the "Court those in Montrose. an Monday the Idth day of July, nt one o'clock r. tr., all that certain piece 'or parcel of laud situate, lying and baiug in the township of Rush. ,Susquehanna coun ty, and bounded and describeti as follows, to wit : On the earth-enst and west by lands or N. D.Sny der, and on the south by the public highway, con taiutng oue acre, with the appurlenanes, oue fra med house, one store, and une barn, and all im proved. Taken in ssecntinn at, the snit of Tknot by P. Patch va. U. At. Southwell and G. F. Sandmen. G. C.H. ELDRED' Shea: Sheri ;'s office, Montrose, Jun0.23,1842.' - • - STRAYED 1, - E , Rom the pasture of the subscriber, in the 1! township of Great Bend, Wedtteliday night, the 2d inst., one Bay and one Black ?stare. The first mentioned having some white Wars on ono fore leg, below the lame joint; and the -lest has one white bind foot—both long tails, Any , per son who Will return or, give inform ion where they may be found, will ho liberntik r warded. CHARLES L. DOTY.. . . Grenatend, , Jana 5, 1852: - re 3 Administrator's Sale. XTOTICE ie hereby given that in persuenee of 1.1 en order of the Orphan's Court 0. Stumm - - henna enmity; the following describrid property lite the estate of Nathan Arnold. deerased, will be sold at auction upon the premises in Great Bend township, on .71onclay the 12th day of JcifyllVeit, at - - 1 o'clock P. 1111., • Ihclanded as follows , to wit,: On the north by the.' Susqueltaums river, on therrast by lands of N.!i -t: i horde! Ives, on the south by lauds of,lehrt-S'Cot ten, and on the west by other hinds brdonging to ..he es!ttttior the said decedent, containing OD acree I of laud, or thereabouts. Tawas of payment made , 1 r,. [ nowt, ou the day of eats. • - ~ • -•- HARVEY HALL. MA'S CILOWEItLIN, Admei; Groat: Biet.ltte 14,2 552. . . '-. , 2:::-_ - tlrlsl , Porta, aril Mill Pal . ege s, and Lots of Tn L.' SaNcriber _offers far Pale 'the lollewing valuable properties, to wit one farm hi the township of Hartord coutaining some sixty acres', about thirty of which is irnproVed, house, barn, orchard, &c., thereon. Said farm . lice one mile ro und utea half oftllefrom the ge o Montrose v a il u la dflarf ff f ord ar P fu l id an ; o k il the ßoad It is a beautiful and desirable lecatiot4 well war- AT tined .c. Auditors., - . Also ono other farm . lying lets. the Belmont 1 , ofee -. Turnpike, four miles from Lactation?, and the ILE undersigned having been' appointed an -N. Y 1 and Erioßnihod, contain!ntabout - Eighty auditor by the. Orphans Com! of Susque.. acres, twenty or more of waioh is improved, with anna County, to make dikribution of assets in bees°, barn, orchard, &C. .This .is a valuable e hand's of the Adminietrat or of the l estate of: p.ece of hold from its location, Wig Well timbered I athaniel oilbeit,dred:, among the creditors oil add watered. - , i aid estate, will attend to . he duties of said op. i Also several Buildingilots at the village of Sas. , .intruent, at his office in. Montrose, en• Friday triehanna, on the New York & Erin Rail Road. he 9th day of July next, at one o'ooo. P. M.l This is anent the moat thriving location* in - the t which -time and place all pers.ns tutereeted .country, being the seat of the Igt Road Machine •re notified to present their claims. i . 110 Shops &c. It contaius ro / now abliat .130 0 inhahi- . . H. H. FRAZIER,IAndItor ' taa, and its basilicas facilities are unrivaled. In ~ Jane sth 1852.-23w1 , . - ' - 'Connection with the aboVe lota, - ere four of the heat milbseats in. the county, being ineinediately on the $ eatlttelmma river, with saSciein power for any purpose of inanufetering &C. The Meet surpayshig inducements - are held out by the above locations, for capitalists. who wish to embark in tin:. : ravine* of tinsuuladturing , tanuing,froweringandquinberieg. The Road. affords the most commodious and ready transportion for everythiuginthe- above line: 'rho above property, in whoie L dr part; _will be sold on terms the most advent/gem to Porches.= 'mei i I will give great - bargains.l. Coinmunica. Outs will be promptitanswered from a- disinace and alt enquirea attended to promiptly. '. SEDATE GRISWO'LD‘ . Snsq:, Depot. Pa., Juue'l..lBs2. '' '23 e •; r ., ' The Jrubecriberillas jast -r..: : ----iir-, received a large stuck . & eieellent asiortinent : ot Men's.. and 2 Bnys' READY MADE !-- ..3 .f latest styles and suited to the season, • ~. , Atsir-Fashiouable Silk flats, (Beelike spring • yte,) Kossuth "Hats. Leghorn, Straw - and Palm I of Hats; CON Shirts, 'Stockings, Gldres Sus.. • mien, Cravats, pools and Shoes, Rooks, Wrap. • ing a n d Writing • Paper, Travelling • Sigtr,- Wall 'aper, (a-good stock.) Curtain Paper, and Fancy -, rticleo too numerous to specify—lli or uni of • hich I will sell as low as the like can lie hone - i. "Binghamton " " or any other town. r - . ..G4O. FULLER.' ' _ . • Montrose, April 20,1652.. -1 . .- I. istasTraira POWDEIi .ND Si.foty.Finis ; saw, sporting Po iviier,Shoi i Lead, aud genairo, Cape, TURRELL's.. Jane , • Haying an. aarifest.- NEW lot or- Grass .4eythes, H Cradieri . , ay amt-strant Forks, Sampsotes net= p tteria ythe Sticks, Rakes, Quinebang Scythe r.. , nes d Ohio Griud Stones,Ja aura and for sa by i --. •- - '- - - 11. HER I'l T. Neittr Milford,ltilie - ,. 1 8 -5 4. - . --- -- • Business Notice, 1 • _ - S. WILSON would respieitally request all hot. , . im ,,, r .,„, . 111111: A•lino , • log otulaileitaeoomds itlibhla, to call , and ad. 1 ,K , %P AM , r ---,-. • - ail GOOD SHINOAES? stunt he Melamine busluas will be coon dried' Attila old .50 sd. Tinder s B 6 eta s or M.S. Wilson' * Sou: They 9 °LIU shaved. cheap :roe cash 'Also ' , j tend to keep a general rawy. i sad-wilt twat be ready : it a t c h too, Pin a rs t toWeT than at any other place &she:Aral lo occasional/. trios, who favor them ', n so sh 0 pal, _They willkerp ou hand a torsi sioek of 1 atheist:s county., - • 8. FULLER. ry Gangs! G i r i o a c r e d r sv ie a ss ir V e. rockery anti 1 Fra eq uftlinYortis,4lay , 10,1142 7 .! A ~.7 91f eutemeeinectiou wilt be si!ett to this brands of o busluou,ip keep a fallessertMeut. litipaders, WA , ~. a „ Th , in ... NTEIII:OO., TUE' iCAI4 IFOlt 7 • Dissets. with, Mama, Ottani; Soot and Skeemaksal, ' , ,:. Ai-% AgAu mmtarsi4'.. s' "'- .' '- iikipti.weijina tbenissuleis [o 'make of *nu ib lD ‘ Ol.ll / 0" A k aiiktei the/ "In.' '*' ' ; ; 4 000 10kRIVI'' . 1 i ea bud by .. z t , ~ , nt.p.ll7l..stoN &tow. o _ _I) all wool seek,, jairgii fizo. bias mixed: mixed : , outrese fea.',l;lso. systs op , I,3.e:change fin , GOods _it ash prices. ,Three '' ' -SIMEET. 1111Thic t ‘_ ' . - --5 ago , per t i nea ~u 4, 0 w . Theyinastba *Pod ti A s t rD : r9Pl;l4 " ut ;'" 4 " °4 P r A i r t fili c .';lD oil' cit. ' - ~ EIATO,N I ..&.PE C iS 1 I ::- ford,Jl44 /alio IBM- ,- .l -* al -- -,-;--- --OHEAPAVAfflintelh,:c.--,--Tr.....- 07,FAVELltrAtito BfifiTEWilirt, Grins Lteausslon In , Pelceis T' - -- uitiiity per cent at leass'l.** than. ese). '&l,e -- 'been iaild id at e rlitstitliates: -- -; - , , G OLD Lorer.Wltichei, full Jeweled. tif liarie XX , ass,-oilly 830; usually iirld refs33-4 - Gold Lopioo Watches,lB karst ease, jeweled, $24 Silver I;ever Maass; fill jeirelsii, 1114 t;usist ly sold for slB—=Silver Lipitie Weiteltesi, jewel. 1 ed, $1 0...4i1ver Tea Spew** h altstoson", Vt.-. Gold Nail, silver holders, $l. .- 1 . 411,4,With,41101-Wot '"orsial44..or If*. city, can hive them Bent. y mall , wilk.Perfect Oarey„, to autpart oPthe ARO States or,lNSsf 1 . Indies, by Ent siiridiiiithii asnotlni of. utoi#ll.--• All, articles ~warrau ted is rePielesited alrii , ". 'll% dors from the'couutry respectfully "solicited:_ : .`, • . Please address (post paid,)'..... "-- , " LEWIS LA4 o ) l U,Siiil6•Chestnut" et., ' . -: opposite thalFranklio - House, - ' '' - *-:- "•-• .-Philidelhia. re Cahn:Willi Gold bougliti 7 or- tusuufactu p red intniswetryo!-. -._ . • _,._ : . : • . liIOUNT PAQSPECT " :DATER eUIIE-Ant, INSTITUTE . x..:.,.: .. .. nrifis.i„,ii.i.. Is located in a, tieaatif6 I sad 1 romantic grove :ot . , die:Cline of Menut fret*_ pact, tin& within the corporation: Abbe 'nage; tI possessed of An: abundent'etipitlY :of-,pterest *eft reater, invain'ages for exercise,' in the pure :air s a {carriage _and, foot _walk _ ap,ifi e . moan lain; ova : looking a scenery. ungurpasied •in beauty and 1 grandeur. - and "free from theionime• and Lorene:lot l imey life," with excellent itillingiend eawingpritri -1 legeg on the pleasant waters of- the Chentrage,.... These are a few of the presentation the "Cure" oilers to the ingaiiik ', - ,. - -. Tice house' is new'and commedionit-rbathing apparatus 'excelleiit—waif ventilated, with 239 Meet piazza. The mediCal, department fir.under the entire cure of D. 2nheyre and wife,ligeho have had large experience i& Ilydropathic:praCtice,nnd ire fa. vorahly known as suceeseful practitimiete.- - ; • . pourers of Lectures,, with full plates end illas ' tratioue, will be given throughout the season to the; Studeutilincl Patient., upon Anatomk, Phyii elegy, llyclropathy and Hygiene, for which there 'will be no additional charge. i- ' - . .T ' -.' Females' who have been confined a their beds for years, arc invited to correspond -with-ug or give us a cull.- Oar success .in4he treatment of diseases peculiar to (maim-has given us con& deuce, and we say to all such, egg% if they have "suffered, much from- many Thysiciane,"-make one more trial; 1 i .2 . Terms hem $4 to $9 'per week, ( payabl eb, weekly,ytteeorditig to room and attention ergot- I red. Patients will provide for personal nse 2 mirn-.i formable., 2 blankets, 3 linen or cotton sheets and 6 towels. • .0 .V. 'THAI - RR. M. D., , Revidqnt Physician; ' 1911] D. W. & 11. M. RARNEY, - Prop i 4ors • BRAXLI . Jill-1E undersigned has out bald infiplY_of sttock Rich OS Hydraulic•Auns, for bringing water up hill to houses; which - he will lay and - warrant one year; Also GliaiU Pumps and Gast Iron Pumps, for bringing water from wells into houses, and a supply of Lead Pipe, which he will lay ,and warrant well done. Illose who want work( done in line of basitteiss will Lad it to their intend to call on i. • - - OLIVER PAYNE, jr. Gibson, SuEq'n. co., May. 22,; 1852. e2lm3 NEW' DRY 900DS AT NEW MILFORD DEFOL • , A T RI. BURRFP Pa may. ke found. an eaten.. ll sive and new assortment ;o( Dry Goads - in- - eluding a great - varietfiol Ladies' ress Goods, la-rich Prints;' Printed rind . Ernbroidered extra rich Barer: Deane', -.Loitered Poplins, Gingham, and Chambrays of 'new styles, black and fancy &c Canter) Crape; Broche,. Cashmere and Bertgo Shawls, Sillt - Mantilltur.. Parasols, plain and figured Switai /dusting, Straw, French Lace and Silk Bonnete, Bonnet Silks, 'Ribbons and Flower!. • GENTLEMEN Aim.BOVS DRESS AND 'SUM 3 IEWGOODS. A large assortment. - Mats;CapS;Boots and Shoes, Trunks Vance., Ilarpet Bags,.. Carpeting, Od Cloths for noire and tables, punted -and printed windon. Shades, yell Paper, Domestic Cqttous of all :kinds, etc. etc., which, in connection with a - universal assortment- in. other departments of - geode, 'and being purchased entirely for cash, *ill enable Purchasers to secure benefits in price, Wyk and terms not to be foetid in any other establish- ment. • , . • N. Salt and Stone Mal constantly on hand. • New Milford, May 15,1852 i CARDING.: . G. REYNOLDS respectfully ltifo . rm ' s his 6,W - customers and the public generally the? he Mintinoesthe business Of. Woe! Grirding atlis old ;stand; Thankful for past tarns. by living Prices, work well done or no 'pXy,te - hopes to merit a share of patro p ige . .-of the public.. The Oih lb. of wool will be taken brit il'etlYfa sack for carding, Where there is not as explicit 6engain . to the contrary.' - P 4 t 3 .. Those indebted by note iirlook account wilt please settle the sante by the Septet:Wier next. 'Eriaiigh said. ' ' iktay,.lBs2i. . - , '• - .' WOOL! li l lfoo - f-. = ' _ AxTE w . int - io,quo imode of' W, c,l lc cid/nte -- VT for castOot clothe.- • •I- •.- -, % - - 'D.- It. trtt7ll ' P & CO. Bf ootioce, May 24., 18 I t 52. ,„ -' : 2lo' it yi Ica I) s f-latlimger 11 4$ 1111 /4)Folitk : ia;lteeMl , • , :p-1- pretest.: Proprlelara:: of ~ ; 1 BaiKEiIrAND. ,, CANDY:BIfOr f ' vuourio , awittioigoiti#lool* th e y, ate now-carlyingenybaliness atilt, - stand tatalyy oceiplriffirStet , ens ecDniijhei r . 'Fberihtse receittfliii• seisieitanf Men ,whetiFitil4l--alitrixitittiettellorilVentlibler then: to prodnee insole* ki,theirlitia ar airapetior totality. itltariU b . l ) . tho:aottstitit*Feetie4epee*iteis`, - Wake . ample peoeliion ler -the'oeitinalortheir :tamers, And. at (4.4liinitift3e hitheir power. I aitteetteavot that theithatetb/meseiOW stichihs# both /wed and pleasant; -• • -; • White Mut thoor tereedtotlitadd-Ait o flothr eve* Timidity 4 Friday atteineatiiahte,Stack!, ets, Cakes and fit*eleteyien:hand.':'_;., red; DriMs4ii tiettrattilite:Peneeeelnithelikl!.., Sor - Of ' dare/Mit kinds or trult-411ky'itlettiant to taste of. Fleur, by the barrel or reek. it ,ite ket price, Alas; Sitgait;./itolasses, and:Mast kinds it Graced/1i Mithe• twit telsothibletertne::,"'• A 'few of those .:celebrated • Pmelpple Cheele=tiek and taro .—jostlisianditud selling dr (att.:: • . • . _ -. • I Great and adult, one!atui 1111;irivi ; DEANS. • , • DEANS. A iluatilitY4 gez!soned Pior. Umber I'M. sate.; DE018; PAti . , • ____ _ _ NoTz cE hi hereby Oven that the Aria of Pitts &Warne'r I. this 'day ldiiaolved _by ,inatnitt consent.. Thane indebted to'the elfin, are request ted to settle up without delay,vf, iitt'TS.' A . Mimosa 4pril. 1 1852.. R. %VARNER. - • . :•SPRING . .GOODO-T-Ni .1;, : . UST received , kite of now GOods,Printtr.Pri; hVois freett frati;Carpeting.. uounets. Dairy 'Salt. Coffee , Western ii9prirfinf Flour. Codfish, Mackerel, Arc. 3c. So tolealsif call and tiringl along Butter; - Eggs, Raga, Grain. Cash or good credit, and You can have:lll4gs right, with many thanks,' by M C: TYLEII - , Montrose. April 5, 1852 , To. All whom it may Concern: , S ome half-dozeu yonnrladies desirous. Of . Oi- Squaintingthemsehies with the Tlliiollltrade eaa do'so'ns the invitation"is itrimediate, tmdernfrurn: stances quite favorable, and in a manner. nnetiv. passed by a foreign bragedocia.• they now avail thentielves of iti benefus.by,calling - • N atiovt.s. M. - Montrose, April 1,1852 13w3 - .. • •• • • New Milford shawl , ' arid ThiesO (Moods.. Emporium, - HBURR; TT-is agtsin amorket with anew * and enlarged 'stock of Winter liiog and sipare . Shawls & Ladles dress Goods of new and splendid patterns.aud Prices reduced stilt lower, as the city cash panic tells upon the market, And including also his general sup•lies (Or the Full :& Winter trade-in Dry Good's, Groceries._ vrockeryf Hardware, Iron & and Winter Cups, Bonnets, Bahl° Robes. Roots •ij. Shoes. Stayer etc. etc. all which he wilreell an his natter liberal termd and at prices that cannot be beat for..'ash, Produce or approved credit. • '• • N. B Flour and &inconstantly orr hand New 'Milford Oct. 21 1051-411 f • • - NEW GOO'S At the ITpsonvllle Exchange. frIHE subscriber, with - marl thanks to his tin. ,merogsly increasing patrons. would respect. fully, inform his friends, that he is now receiving a chrice 'selection of Loads direct frtim New-York, which" he intends to sell opts the good' old fash ioned principle of "live and let live." Wanted; in rxdhange for goods, all kites of 'produce. Cash not eXcepted. JOS. L. IRENELVAN. - ... Coonville, April 311, 1852. ' - - THE LIGHTNING LINE! 0 - TILLMAN, Barber and Hair' Dirorier, %.1 • , turris thainkala his, numerous friends and patrods;'dhd'haviiig, - iis tie holies,:eidivfifeed all of the great danger and risk of cutting Thar throat; by shaving theniselvES, be begs that they will discontinue that barberofut priictieb,ritid r on- Courage home industry by calling on for . a shave. Col. Crocketes `uncle was saks to be so smart that he shaved himself with iheet lightning. and C. Tillman will perform the same feat on any who vela that to a good razor, if they will call nt his shop in ,Searle ' 8 Hotel basement. ' ff you don'tfielieve it; call and see. Montrose, May, 6, ; 1852,C411LLMA1C E HAT , : CAP ' AND V FUR' STORK., D. WASUBII imuld'respeettnil annonliee • M. the challis of. Montrose amt rklnity that be has opened and intends to keep a tame end general ask: sortment of all kinds and qualities of • Beaver, Mole= skin and Ant Hats or the latest stylsill Ressuth•, phut' radon and other styles and qualities of ink and wool Hats? Panama. Leghorn; Palevitttothd the rations kinds of ttraided 'hats - for caamii 'Cloth, Mk, I Glazed, Glik Plush and all kinds of Caps tdr Oat" and boys and youth's wear Gents l'atent:leather. Shot*. &c. dce., together with all kinds of roods generally kept In *Eat Mote. The subeeriber twins,largely engaged, in the abets trade at the last ,erill• always enable him to keep at his store in Mown*. a tamer and mate rash: lenablesisonment than eatrbe forted . IDS terms are ready pay, WWI eimble bliet& sell all' goods in bis lino axleast lb per cent. lower than others in the same trade: The citizens ere txspertfully invited, to call and tee for themselves.' 'P;B. Washbdin wilr always be on hand to exhibit the goo's; whoitlinr pentad' wigl to purchase: or It. Pr.: WASITZURI , ;. - Montrose, Aloatl B42. . To the Public: , BEL TURRELL is now regoiding and Keeps rri: constantly, on hand a large auddceiralile Of. sortnient of • ' : _ GOODS. which will be said very low forctisti' - or pair, The stock is composed of a "first rate assortmentot Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals,,-Paints, Oils;. Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, Glads-ware,spoons, Spectacles, 3fusical• _lnstraraenbr e -.. Yankee Notions, and-: L o:ro - s, Dry poods, Hardware, Stoneware,. Mirrors," Stationery, Britshes, -.• Medical lactrutdeittsi Perfumery,*:, Trusses, Supporters. ; Shgnlder-Braces, Shoes, Camphine,--Iltrrn!pg . Clocks, Watches; Jewelry, ate, . All persons wishing to purchase Drugs or Goodi in - any Of - the aforesaid. departments, will Mid their interests protriotetr chilinetLigt at the Drueand Variety Store'of ADEL Tv RRELL. Dfoneroee 11.1a . Y. 1852. ". • DISSOLUTION. ' 'HE copartnership Jleretofora, ~existing; nader anr fain of-A:Lathrop & Ci. t ie dissolved :.The tioi3ks - nnd itcaontits 'of lie late Finn Brill "be artlled bi - A..Lithrap: , -The n will be; heteafter rood doted by D: R.. h_revalt Jara. 4 nirsY# ett_'thei -pay down and: " 'credit VatelY)9Pder tbo.firm of O. R. Lath Co; ; • ,A.:41114!) Montrose, Ilf,,teb,l,*, tgio' Arsir sAiLlita , titi 4# the _ CO . s:94l7E6aTilan o SUPERFINE tibia FLOUR r: also; Codfish. 31ulcire4.earpot - Weirik; AOutu, fine Salt in large sacks, bk.C, TYLER:_ mile. GOODS. ,J. WEIIII is now recoiling 120 " ot!roPer PU,OPorActOde,'whiett-tiCofrets i C4llO, _for cub. •,• 1 1 11 '417110 41"*.!;11442 -.4ol 4 ,4 Citt,,iitge4ol**oooBte MAN bis a srmill:stackjm ;, ki J. _Zap' tome sod Mier Boots' tquiesi*Pit *god ausi oak t utattallicalUbseiamottlakdreiralloott Shoes, Id:kb bias now mem; ban took. UtitifitiasibPP°loo*7P*Wirci,47 • F OPRII- 4 ;- 141 44 .5. ; ......,.• ~,- --;(1 N PA N ZTOCKIIirARIZIPZIIIIRAS . . Ai5. 0 .,,, 1 . tate 'to 6 11.111iiii of Wihp* kililfet„- rturittniiiiiiiiVitteiiiiiitibiiii. - urA:7 at% no sensor anstashatuni 'county tor thaitUltsirst rot" rbalt. 4ma %EAU:ma mismakt itel lest , 0 cinstinussan_ ot; tayors Bating n. 00411 - Olt 46tWilt4 W°111,1114.. ittitetillis hem wow naA - Improceit) vith, a MI sloth or Statte. sad Ablillailf ' Coln% as bairn tufts- qiu *tab Iro- A .thiliew ow. , l'ery load°, esob.soastt .liudzsasolnotionsaastunn t Tht subjoined ► Ha of I/aft tad peteis hit Intlfssesciti campus Ascasohlr ujt_lithr, for nor athsr 1414440042- i. i .--.. • ,-- ; --, :; , ilite.l- , --Di al ii 6464.:, -:- ~-,-,..-.; , ~1 : A wisp ewe:tined of blactabil lotortd irks, ofikirt , L gong olds!' sad p4ttellykfrosa.4l4.44,lo 311 X4er44... ' '- '- ,-.lllorisihnci• De= Labia:: --:--, - 2000 radliat- Optinclitlatiaesie shoat ailicer , " isthea ~. tr. and style that tin! blirail(art ,tnistoft;wisoyortp,!; t/o.to di. par yanr. , • - 4.- 4,- • 4 4- ~- , • - - •,4 : , - : ... ..., .4 , : Prints and-.Gingkeimi ... ~,- -,_ , ..-; io,oopia.4o-moiiimaer; FaXilfsiirljetthibestisce ' Cochlea room sod - other i ntylot at 'Mk Oil llo•lice, 10c, .sad . ,,ls par, sox 4; ' Ons,ease or nursties cloths ono.. opium yard trktv.;Ai the tow ;mkt of 1..* tom taidivirt &meow szidOissigair Ohistanis.rnonoud flatatdorir at Lo pit. hard. Also,Seoteb Awl 'ltrititda that If/ . 04. Gins: 4 --;-' -..-• ' '-'''; -- '——'' ' - 4 - - • .. -Ar Oaeat oarninr oba lr L Goods. : Month a s i nest'Alalustre*. Btes,„esti , - ton Clothej all wool De Lajned, 'BMWS, It (aeda hued lnptauaiWa • • • rube, plaid sad torined - Jarenet Ittialla,Mtunitele do,/ Ado- luta dialar•zirm. silitti-15ahima'est-larrfo6:_.* Lunen Csottlote, Eye linen . Liam Taal. Clothio Napkins, tleollelt and Russia I)lspers.Lledn'Sheetingear Shining., &e &e. at, !top prices, att,oatufdl 1 :14.5 4 ),0 . 11 .0'4 euttorsattersetherto'teitotners. •- - • •- • • 4 • : L. ,_-•• - A Iwyps 162,0 f /troche, Conine-Crap.and Cri4atift Shawlt tweedy per cent: che tut year aper r - tbrui they: y 40 0 144 - ' 7 Lltleo Ilandkireidets otte .nty grade oil t 0 - • . , • Table C e ore . i;s:. . • 4 , Sltfreilll dcaieti Coloi . edenetotViroletid and Womb; at wit:'' All - wool, Mtob a sissed COrer4lo/131,1f.t, $4 Ilge_ce. , . 2 - Ggoctsjai Men and Rays., Bread Cl the of every colur rivalry. riorolOrCiiii ss7:blach and . ..fatnlyilasertnerre.froto 'd.to 201.1 Ken , tacky Jeans, Tweeds end Satinets, trent .ziF;ed.p) , 44,7., Vesting, of erery - destr lotion, quality andrice,. • - Domestic ,Goads, MOO yard i of brown 'hidings and eldtllngw,ftoth dr iii-, Ob. plr yd.; -MOO bleached do. from in tole: per Said Ticking* and Mariners' shirtions. from 6d. to Is. pwr ' - Hosier ii Motes. • Oxwelloht suortmenotsid , r4y . wliesip: 'Among tb a large lot of white cotton limo, wog Ult otdt di. a era. - _ . ' Tranka,',Valises'aidtirpet Bags:- well a•arnted stohlt.pnrchiseddiret. from the „lane:, est inensitactory in this country, and for labs al surds prices as will admit of no competition'. =: -Straw and: thin G cis..:: • Thotalierribit le drelimuslof_dbectlis the altesdkor the pribile north:uteri, to thl, Lianib or busir.erg it rl otf eoidtil g sgli A ti l l =n r i u nfiro t i t th i g i ;(7ofi ic n r g t lh t e a 7a son) ttloette stook or licameto, which hw will al. ec 25 per ' sent. cheaper than they can - be bid at= mail he . - New lark city: Either wholesale or-It/tail enstontera,-- will 'dad It greatly tolhelr vantere to examine . stock lbstfore making purchases elrorhere. • , • • - - Itisboos_ - and Dont Tem:ulnas, a - good aseartinent ati low pricer.' - W. N. WILSON: 01 . 211 T cif VISCIrt and Water streets. early moan* the Maeda& - - • BING IIANITOF; April 102 - , - - /ijY,PARK. Watches , ! Watches _ _ DUb2WetHOr in announring to his annsnoust fttendltln Euxquelnurna county, . that he Is DOW receiving large ad= ditto:Ls 'in BIT - stlek, , c the'roott comprehensive and how stelecCedasaorunezit ever istlerof •• ,•yr ••• tor the inspect of this MU/In - " - nity. lla has °ahead 11.:famo lOD * Onto celebrated English Lovers•• othla oma importation, with his name enlerlallrd on cache to gold and silver, plain and litintlideakee; also a lily superior asadrtment or English Levers, Anchor do, anal Leptnes, warranted good time keepers. 1. Sol teary frock .ct Sterling SllverVable und Des. sett Forks, Table Dessert - , Ten. Cream, Dullard an& Salt SpOOnS, Nagar Elbotels, flatter Knives; , Cups, &e. Alto sr beautittil 'satiety ot Finger sal Earrinso„ Breastpins, Rohl Pencils and Pell;Thinables, Cholas. Lockets. Mau:Mete, RPM SpeClactes of every . ego - end description, So. , • A Eno' '-I.llllsd Castors, C ake. Baskets, Canglestles, strut;' .. ` Swan; and Trays, Forks And Spoosks, Omuta Silver . - do, Brittania Ware. Cutlery, Shell and Entrails Otsubo., Biocks.Fans,,TloDolltriags, - The abortgoods. having been boUgbi at the lowest. rash piers . will ho sold on stteh terms as cannot hat to' satisfy - the . tom prudent borer. ' •( Watches oletify deseriptitai repaired ..an..l var. ranted on the shortest notice, =din the. best manner. ' • - ALFRED J. EVANS • - ° ._ - 1 1 9.2,0dd WHIM' 1341,11inghandloN, • • • -1 10NEY''t0 - 10.411C : :: _ . . IF any gentleman wabla to,borrow 101Xlaoltaist at five per Cint:', c annot borioiv it of the subscriber, butgentleinerciatrastrewuna than 25• per. cent.,in Abele, clothing. typenses by ,gettlivg, . their garments made at my App., rir Ewalt babitof bragging, r conld'pable to my work ale • the best atatoranft of my *FM in the art.'but diemintinating and tanbsfilt go to get .public know where to t6filgBllllWlCO2lsll nbf to' mention unmentionables, veil*. jitcliet‘;_ sacks. ant - toms, .coarser; ad infiaitara. . ETGeotlemen will please to take notree that A - have removed my *tepe e.. Mr.' Henkel Mocity..on( Main street: filet • - - - - 07Cottitig done as usage: - - 'Montrose; June 1 D 14 17, GOODSc.A.ND CIr.7-THBl:rlbe7wtuld.hrctheelrSuscneheancaatytalthefhavlti till hand a 14tge tutibilinedt ofifiy.igoode, at trhole.i • • .-• I . .: 013 Nmft.Mitffi t 'DEPait11,12ST, : -..;• r consisting in putt of, broadcloth,. enemata, Prif.i inei ts . KeattickY, jeans, liesTinif, and• ottani* goOdtt of ail kinds. - ' "' ". .-.- - -- 1 • I- .141)129 .- .......DitPAUTidENti .- . . . ' codelstingpf a largsvarhity. .vit.: -Black s i lks, fan./ Y: P ec 4 r. satins„ gingbarga,.fiecnch, and ,dlinetidalv .. pulp otairkinds, some , at 6 pence per yardlof superior 01114 of colocr.Warrauted, m.i.de fainep;? Cashrnerel, poplins, envy!, hosiery - 14'040 grid* andquality=Whito gOods :_, litOWn and breached; ."- sh " titigs,!t r 4 Wide,_lieniirtiahlify,irt 6d:yer lid: . ti ings:ltifitlinge,liannehrrtiCtitchAiaper t - ,hirder I ei t eye do., napkins, Irish linen, and cprennai infaCti _ - almost every thing in thellrygpoda Hop. Alai, a ' large lot oG. Tina's-ply, ingrainti,- cotton: and. *Poi, • cdtbef,. stair;. - ..raggitp, moot 'and ' cotton:-oil clOthsi for froors mot tabled .". "- . " We Witte viliting t otir plate ia call , ami it. our gtoelt, rot ate: freNtodfident tsy'so-doittaf, it wip be a saving -at ten to twenty lee Op: , ntOttp le qpisjLealeittiyinhtillitofils; - Stare neatiyopiiiatite nit Poatoftat: Bin am. ' tint, - 11g1f - atiODS ''•‘ -- AT SV Spring and Sninazei Goods iii 13 , i riety - and styts,:drid getrit.iiraisodutifokor StriPreand Panay GoorsifustsiOiiiiii and ratAlni - annsiddly low* • HA!URRITZ "Ai rmbfistratees OTICE• itheretik Ohothat-Await eivign4 • N Itaa-b.ea apjidialiikAdmiaisuaitin'olthe eh tate of JatneitAtesett.tfeeetured. late- of Altetora eltiietiaikacier.7AJl iveistatiiiidetite4to Aware ; 'era requested: to tattle-the satatt,loinsedii; a t ely , itmetitalliyetitu(haykeetiemendi_egai t * said retitle will pleases pTesint ttietii; - dily,aueat4 ed. tolthe autAieribei. ' RFAJOEN - Jackson, May, IS; 285% _ ,Gat u it ;04NE,./Er i of 4.teginvd_hboogo.Fiv_ o vir,4o,cuts;fo i pt. QuATIT itentekit rotaewtivalik.f?" L. CA. 1 1F1E.114- 1 BinehilMtgthAprit.23 , o4%. -%; - ' Stir ' WELnY [TRE:'Ast7Ollljanfaiiued"''filth • ihAji I ° l k aeY'CltiOnt P.! Illgelkoiriaal„,„en i tiva, verivaft 'PAIVFAEWki 'i'Bitiffheintbtri` A Lg.:potion* iqe4k,f44it'js,ih art; trettettes ,2l: teioid theliCON ttit'betivei eft (Iste its/ 1001 MabtlitetealMtTiTIMPI pr,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers