i ll) . olgeltAT 1: norquclOr,, •3Fintr.,24, 18$2. - Pioefous RoPuNicardEnz get cult MO wuY- you Y7untr4uouls Thia was ttiade by a gentleman withLa'very tteperious ale,and,something naval offleer !Ike { s!' li}b'cnst 'onig tutice)oriorhii4its iieatedin a handsome . open_oarrkap, with a . fashonable dressed The 'iyoungiaireals l, i lions ho thus honered with hissboticec were boys, ten or twette'years ol4,'ldetilersin gte sliavings; an article very much used in: this city, for kindling coal fires:_,., J; ' • .:Trie.ltais were wheeling Si x or eight bundles oftwir commodity in ahand Cana: ; and they, h pened to meet the : gentlernaq in his car . rine lain part of a street W.liich was obStruet. ei by a large pile of fire: wood, which made it impossible for the two, vehicle's to - pass each other; unleas - Ono of the ilrivdra had the, con% lilaisiace to draw bad k. = Gat out the iray you young =Scalar said the -g‘intleman in the carriage. , • . Tie paling shingle shaving merchants ed. at the speaker with undisguised astonish- . runt; and , ha was obliged to repeat the order before thay seemed to realize the'fact that they were the p trty , spolien to; - At taat one of the gentleman' made to ens- ' 4- G2l4autot the way yontself, and be blamed to you. • was now the turrtOf.the gentle an in the 'iaitiage to be astonished.:, Pale With rag,o ho exclaimed' you knoW whO, t ant! you vil- Uant 1 1 ' • , , - wa dan't ' anAwerod one of tho boys, gneis. Do yon know Who era ara ?" Th'S gentlemin wls obliged to ean!fess - his Ignorancm.ald ha did it in';:t tone of siwprising 'contempt. 1 . • We :tie - American citizens," said one of thorn' Kith impunity., Is that any reason you abould block up the Stfecti alil the: imperieMS' genticreart verY excited/y. • • -' k To be sure it IT," replied the javertil e, 'who has a better right to the stroet ? Wo are ! the ro;oritY—two to.one, I guess—and the Majori ty eagles everything in this country," `The aristderatie g,entl , nnan seemed disposCd to be szery violent; but iilaSer•edoiroi)ably that the by-standeis, who were' nowvery ruimorons sympathised with the • republican pitrty, he swallowed his Wrath and Sat silent for several . minutes, as if rcllecting-what course lie ought fo parses -ha These perple4ing eireunastan: The lady.who sat by him now spoke for the Erg, time, and in a sweet and gentle voice she said to the boys-:;.. ;: Will you-not oblige me by 'allowing us to "c'ertainly.,mldam:' s.jirl the storks- repub lkans; " !ell do anythin' i g for, a ladyi or fora manwho koow how to ho to bah:lC(l hinvielf, as r; gentleman . ;but a' for aria; way to a'etnek im.lidY like him, blamed if I wouldn't ;rather er..aY hero till, tha next 4tlr of July." - They then drew bneksand allowed-the earrive pr.ts 'without further hinderance.—Pennsyl ianian. . The Reveirttionars%Lover.s. A young Or; of sixteen, nf sterling beauty, hid totight twith her brother and her betrothed in rile ranks - of the Lyoraintse eauttonierstin the French ,Rewolutiorz, • I' The; whole town admired her intrepidity. (Meets cited. her as ari, example fur' • their roldiers.. Her modesty eipialled her courige. Bete feund her heroism in ,battle. She Avi.s then a rice n. Bet 'nadie 'was ';Marie .Adii- _" What is your maim ?" inquired her, , strriet with her youth, and dazzled 'by - her ehanns. -' - Marie," replied the young, acioneek; the name of the mother of God', for whom liam a bonne ' • !, " • What is your age r • Seventeen, the are (413- 2 - • • • I , ct Taut ago harn you . iVeertabla• tiro a caption apinst yoizi country - t: • wra to - defend it." - , - one of the judge ty•e ad mire Tow courage.-- NlThat would Ton do if we grunt your life r •-.• I would poirrard son as the executioners of ..tuy country; ehe ';rtiplred ; raising her • , She mounted itrairence, her gee doWn tho stepis of the, se:iffuld; mere intimidated - at the looks of the Crowd; than deathl . . . . •S'he refuscdthe hand which the executi4er offered het to guide her step; _tuad oiled out twice,"lfireie roi.' - - ~, ~ .1 ! , 1 on stripping her a 0 rdeoth - , the ciecUtieleer „found in her bos om a nt•te,utitektrith;, blood it was a - farewell from lier : betrothed,.;shot a 'few days . previous at the.' Bretteaur. ;-`tTo.roarrow, at this hour,-laftall i l e ilo: more: . be. said o- his affianc(id. , I'l Wilt' not die Without to lingyou once" ntre; I :fo ra ' theq.* - *ere nay life offere r a "ro . 1 j) ilsta.Y: tke ;c o ' .. .iiltry, I, Would-refuse it. I base ne ink. shave open. ed a yein to write:to.,,yout with mi. blood. - I would mingle it with Toui a fr e-- , . , . oterniii, "411 - dicoony - dcar Made. , Weep not, that tho; ,itagleitilay .. thialc - you as `handsome.' as I ',l° lif-IfeaTan: f- , I: 'go t(4,wat you: Bel not -:.','The two loreti Were poly seperated twenty= - . four hourslk !loath. ' 7116 pc;,ople. could ad mire tliei lieew7noilloiv to pardon. ' • ... , Aoll quy wbst '• • ' ftslyourieltr neve:lost'Mysolf:t, - ollo)ardayou fitelr, . Pretty smooth I. suppose, but you'am feel ineind see" • . 4- '‘ Good m'oriliog, Ur: 'Smith!' "'I think it's rathei p bSduste—..verY wet nAd Pan piA:FrtY, luktora iiroduat of vicious no italiindest do tty -cmtivy Weser In good _ " Li - Ar e - I love the man sincereat:hear,t.-=.: - h love the Matf ivbe; takei ' leVethe Man who - will be tree. I love, the man of liberty.. ' the,pliinWhnleven to I. love the- mum who loves his nulghber.. I love the min wholoves' his wlfe, -„, line the Mail who neyehai strife.,- I love the .man who.loves not r love the man candid' Mil bold, - I I love thy man who loiss ,love the man witii conscience mellow. I love the Inen'summermi7 ninter. _ Who ne'ro torgets to pay - tee rerazu. , . • . son," said take that jtkiond fetch too sumo }jeer." r': • _ " Give me the' money. then, father." - son, to gets mer a fth Money anybody rah do'tluit, hot to ,het beer without money, that' ; 's a trlek," • Sp th e boy . takcs the jug and otit he goes ; shortly, he and places the jug before his filther., "Drink," said r thp son. l "Ifew can I .dripk,'' said the father,:" when thete is no beer in the jug • " . To.drink-beer"atit of a jug,"'saya the boy where there is beer, anYbiidy can' do that ; hut to drink beer ont of a jug where there is no beer, that's a trick The Burlington Free Pre"a is responsi ble for the folloWing "Lfist Saturday, the 3d instant t its the t',expresi triad item ',Montreal . Was running. at great spe.4 to make up lest 'time;-between St. Johies'and Rouie's 'the engine man diseovered a Woman standing in the cintro t.c . th; , e , tpck frantically, swinging a basket; evidently With the intention of atoP 7 ingithe train. The whistle was immediately sounded for" down breaks, hard!" and with gve l at exertiim the tram brottglit to rest within a - few feet of the-. woman',. who -never stirred-front -the track, or minced the slight est fear. , The:engine - min; fireman, breakman andisnperintendent, (who happened to be on: this train,) rain. up, to the•woMan to find ou s t whdt. horrible accident•had.. happened ahead to call' forth such . strong partEnh one nSked eagerly .ttip cause-.of her signals.--‘ LtWfal sakes'!" said • she,' " I never ited one of there Machines before in my life, and Ii do derlare it is the funniest thing I ever did see - 1"., 1 Cum , jzom.--The fullowing_question in Logic' may interest sonic of our renders. No mntter where' they imp° from, if they aro sound; _ - Teacher—What do you understand by:pen n) wise and pound.foolish ? to.pay small sum to sbcote a great benefit. • '.reacher. :Can such a: thinz be, and if how? , • 1Pupi1 1 ....41 eat!. .Tb6'eatise may be penuri eritsuess or begleet. . - •Ireaeller.—Givenn example of penny wisdom arld pound - folly. • PcMll.---Refusing, or neglecting to pay five , dollars !or advertising, ono `day, - and missing custom' worth 'a hundred V); r'ff*At the Old Ladie4' S4iving'eirete, lest .Fritiaierening,; tbe rueinber4' got to talking about tetioperanee, the Alnine liquor Lacy, &e. Said - 11re.rFridmed nine mortalyears l'sle`pt with a !barrel of braniy; now thanks to Gough and Prcivi deuce; I sleep with a • - - • • 4 Well,' iaid- Aunt, Byles, 4after all, lbr my ble4ivith 4 barrel . duib . aridy . .than these cold'• . . Mr. 4. Fridged COMTLIMENT' TO TOM CRAFT.- 7 The follow• ing is from a letter written by John C. Rives, of the firm - oplair and Rives: 'it have seen the manuscript writings of Most of the_greaf men in this country during the fast tWenty years, until thinks may say, that tWenty.of theta eotthi stand the test of one half or. he journeyman printeis employed in my office." s. ' When is alighted candle like a tidal spono3 When it' s iet np fOr a.iarz hosiind., _...„- titOCKERY.-CrLASS: AND Ilyr:::1; • :F.DUNI-SIIING'ST()RE. (IVeit 4,0 r • Fords - .)., „ Tetutim , tieing his Lerma iesr trotild tentleehts thou s - -to his wide•spread customers far the nueouragement: reecivid lti the sustaining Of PO um tat and eatertaive n , ,establitliment, =hire, the Hansa , lc EapCn mei , And all the minutia for readetiog its ties but a ploasant taak,aal mac!' to glom ant beaat'- - fy the parlor. •,. ,' My etnek of French; Slbite;chisia. Earthen, Rocking. 'bans Yellow and Ways Weirt,is cow large and' varied, .axl complete, embrecing some tiew etyler (of my own importmion)lioAn which (ha most del/cOr lute may be . • _ , • • oti-se : keepine_ rile es. • - • • Cation, terrors, spoons, colfea atil , ipie4 millir, eso , lto sticks, .snos-ls- nod sono, snuffers . ; seslcs,tstnolyinds, cords. and-i*Ons,- um4rello. stonds4co. . IVoaden Ponaders, pails, mortars, broonik , krniPs, bowlS; Chairs • cradles,ctittu arquprolicc." ' ' " . . • . • • '. Tx:lTyp athl b t Ls'ttrzuNs.liiitniinls Ware of eli illaucti,zlVastietind'Ortitthicatt:ricli Oka" and cut ; T..ye and Fairy Ofictlaorallaintis, prices and descniptions: Cloel:s, rope, lute, srooLAili co 'and e 0, 3. Hattis.:7Winica F.:tack's; (very cheap,) and 113141 , Caarkor -various . Our Flocktikoooinplete.presentlitq kWh i great' va rlty ofusertil and xenamental articles that tbaseitlab: to s ab - a.coingleto °cant or replenish. hal:al:keep lag anTe.lisutislit4c and treiney by calling at.ibis tatabilshment.:by - J. H. DePEU. • lliughnist•Sarli Y.;Apri11.1,1652, . . . t • NVATCIIIES I friendti 11 and nu atomen#Uutthe tans tti dny rtlntelitad nnothcs large lot of Ids polor- loin; not t Watch" anteactnied Ex - preift,to Lie order, with Ms own naisikedirivt4 iutt; Jew- e l pd.luiaut.ngee4,e7,lo Privy, pndFkire-pattenutle Pligu '.1214164 it -riarkity •cr lbesi delebtatiol Thavi Kereporgi- abler:l - s he n*.sn'for -- nale PS . lagr:Ali.: 1 0 1 .I',.4OItLICILWAIR Tierfeet:'; •••.: • •••-•••••• ‘...4.4t.E.y.AN5,N0401k1 t IVnadd . orttat4t. • trizbaintou - A • pif4 /352.. ' • • - ien,itssorintent . , _ /Iv ResdrOn'ule,Volhin tinto.and pc eon , suottt bud.: -A%row: of,tht 'f9B6ant6" e6-112cripa ,onas new supply!spet.4 an , ivy tiro. IEARRIN GS attito ilium'wits . AS S. W-tart TeUeieb new S' e'er, Veitt : eene air flay weird) eem the aiiimufaittpks by. a 4.-3;EVASS. 4 0 1 a Lhaies Pen #oE4'l4o'4l twos, f. rs , L. awe' m aro-linimorttneutat - CAN/ . . OPEL& COMBS. Anu , tigaitipevto at MID and Pia Caws of cunt-. tut styltiva , ts audy#c9iby A, J. EV ANS. sass' cases-, < • __ Wm; P. Wysitt,, , All.Oll, Turaptir street, spied by J:ll..'Dtmoak, I othiag at sow. }ark " • • Oftrit O 8 SYROUT 4 s CunD: lags, gonti6so, I • n. . , 'Willi. W. Stan . & Col D AND CIIAID MA NN/ at:TUNERS, hall) ; Mautiono, Pa. rtABIN deco, S. Park, 1 — G returned to tloncrose tc resunot the pine• of bit •profession, way bo found nt Eeatio's ero bo wf.l bo tinny to Plitt Upon his otl etellutscize. • st , Feb. 2,1852. H"' vl friends Montt.. -- G. Z. Dial . (fek,. t . , ' I. , ' ' N. AND 21:11tti EON, Montrote, Vs, *lit at. to . all busineee tb..t way be eutrus+4l to hie ithprouiptness' and. Aden ty. . Mike st We old on Turnpike ettreet. lietidence t IJOck, bull& . „ paysr , tend ettarV. resldgnee pa', font • Geotge Fuller, • • . TN DOOKS,lteady;tumliClothlni,Thttc& .n.ioto At. fittoes,&t. • Mote two doots,bolow c,tol.,3lonttose, Ir" . c.p ikito,,.. M 4: Tyler, . . D"' : n. IN pity Oil ODE% Groceries Croelcrty,rtard- ware Tit:mare, Fisli, Oils: Itlaid:Paintsi &a. ht..; also pays cub for all kinds orSttipplitg sun. Stoic first below th , Court llottso. - . ' .1. - -. • . i:j_.: ._.Clia - rles - l i iiima,n, - I. QTIATI a AlkiD HAIR DR taliING SALOON. Searle's I.3'llailillogi war door to tit,. Dostopler i Illontrpsc, re. - . . ' H : i i • Si S. ''Winchoteri A TTO NET AT LAW; _:' 'rtinkheurock, ra. l °merlin .t 3. Star 's Brick. Low. , . - D. D. Hind. • • T AND EXCIIANGE , TADLE. Oglfe 3uca?rs Ke lictel, ,Monhose; E. B. &S. B Chase, . NETS AT LAW,: Nontose. Ogle over TY auto. , , E. B. Cit Ase. S.B. pluksa. C4ngdon• 'l&St erling; NiARDLSI nOrICMILSTS, TIBBIOI-STONES, ZS ,te.,ltetween the calla' Br ago Court urt et, ttinghautteu,N. Y. Mr.l. II Whitney Ageut.i - 27 ly D' I. TAB honsp, C. Trairellu : " Simmons,- ND SHOE ]TAKER AND REPAIRER. :Shop Baldwin 4. Cox Saddlery Shop; Moniroie. I . !Di.: C. C. Edward, I I, TAN AND Eri m EON. Iturfard,lPaJ , Offlee 2 below G. J. Pride's store. • 1 I 47tr , - , Dr:James - Brook, GRAN AND SURGEON. and tleikler In Drugs, i ices, Paints, Oils, Dves, &o. Cpther 4Church !I st rests; op poi Go Col. F. Lusk's, Greul Rend. 1 'WIT. I. led( and Pine! I. 0: D.. - Virgil, I . Ic:DENTIST, lii olvtitoxe, PA; Offlc, in Old s• Building, corner or Turnpike and chestnut Operations upon the troth performed the most and tenderly. Plate work done.witli the best dln them Ist improved style. Charges low. Qtrita Folio, streets In ca a r=l 01 21 - 2Egt - 312:7. ISUED .EVERY THICEPDAT CORNIN9 BY S. B, & E. B, Clasp, DLTOSND PDOPRIZTORIS. . . . TER 11!..i. . , • liar and fifty cents per annum, cash inladvance, Oars if not paid until the en i of tho year, or tubscription. No paper will be distentinn d arrearages are paid. except at the option of the rs. An eonitannicatlons must bepoSt-pnld In t*.eittltin. All letters connected with the office a directed t t- S. ii.: .k E; it. - Chase,, llontioso, ,et anus county, Pa. , , --1 ;. nom' . When over.M C. Tyler's store. , • ATES OF ADVEVITISINE s - ' One squ re (12 lines or lese,) thi col nsertions, , et 00 Ear , subsequent insertion, i.- ' l , , - !• • 1 -, 25 One equ• re three months,' - - . - 2 50 One aqu a Sir. menthe. - I - i - !, 1 • 400 nusine. Cards, fonr Mies oe lesei - 1. . , - , ..; SOO Yearly vertisetnents, not eve: four squareN, . iOO One col , inn oneyeer. ' • . - 11. -. '-1 30 00 . Yearl . advertisers will be restricted to the business n which they are engaged. ..... _. :•• . .. . . , ion, WORK., ,--. `I.T a PUbliehent havirm a large assortment ofJob Pantie. materials, are prepared to execute all . kinds of Tob wor with neatness and deep:alit: .iltni kw of every deseeptiorecoustautly orrhand or printed obrder.• , - . . . . .$506 OTT AT4LENGE. i A ULI TEVER,feoncerue the health and hapPlnesa of . V a . &tide is at all times of the most valuable Inc : portane .." I take it for granted that every person Will do all I their power to save the- lives of thetr children and the, everymersou,will endeavor to promOte their own lea th at all sae:laces. "I foci It 'to be my, duts , to so:Omni assure you that Trot nee,mc,cording to the opinion of the most colt:totaled Physicier.e, a.tei tit a psi, may ca CC Ora large mliorlty, of Oireave. to triiieh dill drell au I vitas are liable, ir you have en appetite con- Litman changeable Item one kind of toed to another, bad bre h,pain in the *to:lnch, picking at -the tr.se," harlot • and fulness of the bell}, dry cough, lew fever, pulse it center, Pi:number that-all these denote IVorms and ye • shottld at tinee r apply the temede. - , • . • Haberisaik's 'Worm. Syrirp, 1• ~ 1 • ' An arti.te Salmi' upen scientifieprinelples; to pound: ed Ili purely vegetable substance, being eriectly safe 1 wire taken, and detertniuod In all its e efts. and t not liacing the system in a di-eased coedit:6 us moot, 1 advertised no-trams for the rent teal of worms, =posed 1 of calomel. such as boiengeS. V.:ventures, he,4 but has performletl 'the most astonishing cures cud saved the tires of ,thonsands, bona old and young; who have been pronounced hepelese, Wearable, by physicianS. .heal. , the tolllwing4ind 'beconte'eot.vitted of its eMrsey Oyer Obn d 1 or two d. time of until all .1 0 .31)11611 receive c i t , should Sugnuet 07. morkii niver,'N.j.,Ani.lo,lBsl-.' N. Ifobensack—This is to certify that toy child,. t of age, having been sick, for three years, was a t,i or a disease of the spine by Drs. Loper, Widths. I sler for a longtime al tlin 0 t retelirrng ling Ilene , " ei as Incurable, I went to Phila er giying her n.' , and conSulted ooe of • Out best physialaan; her. still grobing worse. It .was at this time I was 'to try lrobeessett's Worm syrup. and after ta. o bottles she Ott tifely regained her health. after !' a great quantity' r wortell..: iloyttigthls will he t to parents stlfore children are ramitarly agceted, . - ' I ato 'yours; 4 a.' • •-•-- , - --.' .• -- ' - ' ,.-.: • - ' -- It. 9011 Lilt . HoEen.sacles Lipr - r Pills.' '. ~. ,ttipnit'Of the syit , ni is mare liable ttidisesse then the livir, it reeving as a filterer to' purify the hiqpti;ne airing t Improper separation and secretion to the bile, so that any,wrong wit act ef. the, Liver affeate the other int. porta,: parts of the System: and , result* variously. in Liver( am plaints. danrlice, Dt speitsitt, Firm vt. &r.. WO shenid thereforeyeteli every imptom that rnight indl. eats a wrong action of the liver. t- This° PUP being cent.- posed , -of roots and plants. furnished be elevate to heal the sic : namely : Ist. an fixPeetorant, which angracuts the. ite retied from the pulmonary Mucus menttbrane, or promo the dlieharge Of -secreted Matte/. .. , ":1. an al. terti t, which thanges'm roam inexplicable end inset*• sits anner. the certain-morbid actions of the system: 34, as Tonle, radish gives t ope andit reag,th tot the neer: one a; tern, renewing health and vigor to all parti of the, body. 4tbi.a- Cathartie.which acts in Perfecb - harmony t with', t to other Ingredients by Operating ttn , the :bowels and e pelting thewholp mass of corrupt; nail *Mated matt e# end purifying the blots!, which Sett etlys disease Mr .11 15 year} tentle3 andUli fft. Ar dephia .11seapo indu Mug to protill a bend " I pared et 'llabanatteVa'-f.abarittery, dth atalOtorgeat: Price 25 - cents: Vjr' Yale by uefial oragglate.and Flo ea generally ii.ronchout Intry. By agent Alhbiiry Want, Plnladelpria. d B nnen tier& Bead; Van.. Hayden *Latta and Wm: 6`; tropr end - re -• Pre; core thep the co AUK rive; I baton lc Peek. antl•Soaq Sryiriur, Iblrf.lni; Th.. il & Ifo;.Closon I C.II. welt, fr; Ltatt4tal On - and 1 & Plitnne 11 y, Duildall; .X.- Eldrl,l,te, Ilieedt• feu' &Throto.,Clenlidod , 111 . 0(11 ecoit a d Dr: Droakt.- Ormt Deuill J .1V 'L , :inali t Ira klrqn• it !loiter& naleatell t Blerlftnivltle; 8. I'. tuule llialotliM; ".,-". • '- :. - • ' H 28Yk 'ord r Iturru Chur lyn, Jame flock; rant B:iviL9o9 would re v „trun i bay. ;nit, critiettltd accountb with ad. ! f if ir - r7.l7;tlidtindneva *lll be cOllll/1114 kkithi aid tinder. flio B rio or 11. $. wnsou ar;Aon., i •Thay I to kora a general variaiy. and'will ever ba vend/ tankful= to accommadato tholta' wka ;favor - them Call....Tltay-willitvap on hand a largrvtotk. of - • y lia,cw dti t :G rove rtes, Crux kotT• 01 1 14. • __ ,- Illiairdwnvol- •. 1„.• leuTirattentlon •will ho given' ta . thlii linneli of lil nvinatoi; to keep-it full artnrtment. - ;Cittpanterv.. staithr;flarnvai t tlarriago,riatit and Shoo makers, 1 end - tboartlalvalkeyyant,' - ' - I' ' • ,- .-- .' le. fikood, tindltit9ital erlalicta makattaein of kept . 1 ) it 7 3 by:' ••,. '...:: - '-, ~ , - Bt. 8. ,WILSCIiN - &gOtt. '-- rosoi;ao.l.,lBrair:__:l ..;--_-,:_ .. _ -..,_,,,,.•., .-lyttr ... ., T Tb stood ibten , Mu! 'Pith 0 •VED.LAWANDI.;.OIOAIERS.... EnoSilret*Plitia OCT/Dili/ Stitli;,r Table. d Tea - Boobs by the groee or ,lotett. very low by • ..- • -4. t FILED Y. 'ltrAh'S • Washtogton BlOgbatuteti, -. . • SUEET - Atip - pOlTLAß;loiutqe4 far the . Piano; fo ,brziakie 1135z._ ' • ••.j. • nantityorylaiStedwszkieOnexenanienraro elorßsibby N.10:11, k. :B. .'.l\ ow. Luang went! 1 ,. and leuilzkaiv 'AITII,V.SATITII _ken. hale pow fully itemplotad their arrangementefor Mlll:lufactueing an 4 keep ink eauatantly on hand all and every kind of uaelsold o u g t 3 %1 t y n t r it e 1 i nt e r I n v t a a l e n t ‘ u n r: ;1 1 a o p u i t e et . l e i b b o e t b y ea c t u .i d u . a o l l i b t y e e a f l !14: bee, and tt the best and most durable manner: _Among the articles vadat they ;stead totseep on hand, erwako to order,are Slabegany, Clark {Valiant. Cherry, rite Sha ' tlollurea Side licart,serretariett. OOk C eit ; Ce: n., Card, tts. Pie r, anti - othe is r Tables; Stan V • var Sta n ds every att n : dell; .Sotas,.Sets ees;Dis ans, Ott amass; kc. Bedsteads orals Mods and styles, made of Alategany, Black' We nut, Cherry, and - . ALSO—Nlahognny. Black Wainnt,Cuzi and Dirgleeye Staple, and Fancy Chairs,,of every variety cited descrip tion, Vlach they hire now iso hand. end intecd to keep a constant supply. Any azt lel° desired will be supplied hea days ut, few tice. • .Wm. IC. .SSIITII, A LEX'It SSII7II. • • ROBT. A.63111'14' Mont rose,Sune.l.l 1361.-2311.1t, SAl}d ui ;bout° for hivLU *oU VDCAQ• lorIiLTTE BURR MILL STONE MANUFIC ' TUN UNDERSIGNED, formerly Foreman for many years or thetarayette hum Millstone Manuractoi y i ZIG Washington st.,N.P ~(W.Tyliekalgtmt,lwould in. form his friends and the public in general, that he has establislicd BURR. MILL STONE UNNUFACTORY Binghamton, N. ears,' apt.. IP op-IN notch And solicits a share of theitpatronage. ; hare constantly outland alarge tech or French Ilurt Mill,Stones, as also a large supply of Emus and gain -stones, also Freneh Weeks, boiling cloth, screen wire and Plaster Paris. The undersigned assures his friends and ,the public that lie will faithfully •xe, nte all orders entrusted to Ids care, not only in quality, but In pri 'Ts of articles fur nished, and solidi* their kind patrcnagc. Orders by letter be execnted islib as much care and as cheaply as eshenpureliasers are on the spot.— Millets and Millwrights are requested to call and exam ine his stock and worlusashiP. JOT'S IV-SULLIVAN. Dinghamtoit,July,lssl. • . . . . ItEFEIISNCE ; - Danlol Searle. klouteve: Thema* Phlnney.rivi.• Dundaff; Caleb' Carcialz, Slietiaerlileef I. ;11. Drake, lldgeweter. ' • . 4 I • Farms for Sala 1111-"ni2scribers will ace at agents for the private sale of heal relate—Penns, llouses and Lots—loca ted in Susquehanua coney, Pa. All ale whir to of f er their p'.Uperty fat sale con girt: a minute deicription their Farms or Leit, , as rations: - Number of Ores; how many improved, and hoer watered; Build in gO ; Orchard, grafted or common fruit ;'other fruit. trees, [and shade trees; how far from Montrose ; and the near stpoint tO udepat on the Non York it Eric Itallroad; price and Berms of payment. All who dish to sell orpurchase Ural, Estate, tri II , r,eive prompt a teentinn 'by calling' on o • addressing us at- SI out rote, usquehanna county, Pa. Ctinonveyauce from Montrose to the pretitieesfrce of chargo I Wilco on :Turnpike triet, 4 doois west .rif the Dila Apike e01111!r. • Thor°Bowing Farms and:Lots aro now ntrersd for sale: No. I, 40 acres,3o Improved-Frame llonse and Barn No ‘2, SO do 50 do sold .10 do N0. : 3,100' do' 00 do 'do • ' do". 100 do SO do sold do ' do No. 5,-70 :do 40. do aold. do do . No. 6,.9(1 do •SSI do ..do .do No. 7,,,R,10re; WarrhOuse and Lot. N 0.3,115 acres7s tropiored. rramed house and " No. o . 52 S' do 35 sold do do • No:10,2 do - ;do do .do ; • No.ll, sold do do Lt V 0.12, 100 scres7o moroved.framei house and barn 3.13.340 do-200 do do do du - N0:14,54 do' 50 do sold do : do do . N 0.15,108 do 60' dodo do , do No. la, 120 do 53 do Sold do do ' do N 0.17.100 do 75 -do do_ do! do ' N 0.18,112 do 80 do do! do No' 19. 200 do 150 do do .• do - do N0..20,145 do 10D do . .J 0 do'do 1i0.21,190 do 120 do do' dcil — do h 0.22,001; do 45 sold do do 'do No. 83, 45- do 30 , do dol - • No. 24.292 do 225 d- . do do; do N 0.25,123 do 100 ; do do' ,do N 0.26,190 do 140 do dol do N 0.27. 80 : do" 45 sold do • do do N 0.23,11 acres gord ass mill and dwelling.' • - N .29. 134 acres,oo unprored,framo bodge arulbnrn .. No. 30,175- do 100 • " " - N0.31.135 do 95 ;" -- No. 32,185 do 135- .. • No. 33.100 do -60 " N0.•34. 150 do 300 No. 35, 150 ' 80 - N 0.36. 300 do — 170 . .• . .1. .1 • s. L • No: 37, 190 do 140 - N 0.38, 170 do 100 =.. - : No. 30 173 - do, 00 : do-do dO - do No. 40 80 'do 45 to do do do No. 41. 212 do IGO do sold do do • , No 42 02 do 50 .r.lo do , du ' No. 43. 4 . sold - do - dc. do No. 44 138 do.; ,CS • do . do do, do No. 48 801 . do .; 220 di.' do do No. 49,120acrca SOlmprored,fraine house on 4 barn nod grin , -mill. • - • No. 47 200. ~do 170 do, do do • do. " No 45 103 ; do do . do.do: , do ' Ns , do 00 d o do do • • do 11,0. II) 83' do CS - •ds do • di," do " No. 51 92. 1 , • , • improred ' • •, ; N.B.—Persoundezillog to purcboarnnyntthe abort bygislOg thentuabei can obtain a folldescrlption • • I, E 0. BABOOCK' 3lontroso.to - .0e10ber.1850.-4411. • ; Liver Complain,. JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CIIEONTC: Olt iNEETOES DEBILITY, DISEASES 011 TILE ItinNr.ys;. A Ni) all di:teases ariAlowtretrt• a tlitordetthl liter or etontnels, s'aelf us_ conStipatien, inner& pike, full. .outs or blood to the hend,-acidity of the Pteineth. B'o4.lwatt-burn, d;pgost for 100,,t, fullnes, or Welg thef‘torunels, ;sour ornetatiorm, sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stotnnelt, swimming of the Lend; hurised or difficult bieathing„ . dattettott at the hehrt,ettoki 'ni suffocating &mentions when in a. tying povtura.dicanies sLoo-a, (tote or webs before the eight „reser and, doll pain to the lonia, deticitincy nr per.piration,j -of the shin•end eyes, pain in phe ehie, haelc;)Fbest,linibx itc h 4udlen flushes of heat, burning in thq Iteet;• - eon. - gunk itnagining,s evil, ontizreat. depression of:spirits, ennhe effectually cured Dr - lluoflund's criebrivril.Germ' is , . . n.er IMO AY DAL C.tt JACKSON . ; AT TIIEGEENIAN .itEDICINE . - - - ,sr Int:;120 ARABI rir., PIM ADELPIIIk. •-• • Their power overtire above nisMises isnot. excelled.if equalled, by any other preparation in the Visited Stai CB, ' as the Mares attest, iu many cases after !Mira physicians had failed. • r ';' ••' - i • : -6 '.A, - ! - • - Ttrese Bitters are worthy the attention or inialida.—, i Possessing greet virtues in the rectificat loot ot tlieettscs of the Liverand Maier glands, exercising the Most :search. Mg power in weakeesrabd affectious of the doreative or tone, they are, withal, safe, certain and Pleat:mt. •, • -..- lIBAB 41I) DLL:" rN,VINCED.'. •.. - - • , The mbieribt the Boston Bee arilti,lle read@ 22(1-- - ;. De. ll'ostlecnds'C'elcbratelßermtirt Bin erf,tor Abe c&e . of Liver dompiaint. 3rjundice;• Dyipepale,! Chronic or Nrawous . Debility, is de:rat-redly one of the rated papule. mealtime of, the day.' . These Bitters have been - used by thousands, Mole friend at our elbow soya be has lontielf received an effectual had peMnaneut cure of Liver Com plaint Beier the use of this remedy. := tier are couvinced that.itsilie use of these Bitters, the patieut , coastal:lß, , gains strength and vigor- 7 a fact worthy, of great. coned eration. i They are pl meant in Lige 'atidireell. nod rah be used bY pirseris with the most delicate etomtich with safely: under ahoy eircumstlinces; We ere speaking from experience. anti to, the afflicted we UtiTil34l tinir use: . Beottit,lVOekly, oh e'er, the .0 est "IlierarY riiPv.rliliiiiY! lashed, said, Amfust_.•2sthr-•- .."' " • " c.. ,"i.' "Dr:: ilonflaruls •Gert4iin Bitters, =unite at ured by Dr: Jackson, are-nnir recommended ,by some jg• the mesh (prominent members of the medical faculty as AD article t o/ cinch diked its cases of female tvoaAtteis. •Atri 'Noah ' lathe eau, wewould advise all mothers - to Obtain is bot lie, and Ulna anvil therusetres much olcknessi. ' Personate debilitated coustituttona will find these Bitters aclranta , genus to their' health, as we know from expeilerofe "the mintary effect they boric umni weak ardente.' -' - ' •'r . . - MOB .IiVIDRNOIs.: -.• .. rt.:: - The f r ldtadelphirs-Saturday- Girsette,, ificl.beett: family news' aper buldished in the finitcd.s tatee, says of,.Dr. 1;oollet tu al'efileran rilttcri4— ..' ' " 4 ''. • '. ' - 4 6Tt is seldom that we: vicemmend what are termed Patent ttealcinef, tithe trontid tate and pat tousgeofpus: readers, and therefore when. we recommeini Dr, I-Toot hed& German DI tt era we wishto be dis tt tietty Anders tood that wit ere reit speaking' of the - noStruris of the' day, that are noised about for a brief period and thertfi,igot ten after they have run theLr guilty race oranischier but el' , n MedicrnotoOg establl)died, unlvinollyi proved, and Which hue wet the - hearty approval fir tho faculty Itself.". 1 • - Leak Well to theem.rkreAr the Zeritliflo: • They have the written signal hrer of C.; Id. J ACK:4OI4f upon the wrapper, sad Ida name blutm In the bottle, trifizotif Which they rare 1 - Per salewholeattle and retail at th!ri German firciiefne t il Sfars.No.l2o Arch keret, nth oor ibeloW`rilxtli, Philti delphU t'and .byreispectable dc era:v*3l444 through enjoy Relecel — Ton enable 11V - classes f invalids lo' the advantaarn of_ their , /eat restorative powers.- ' ..klen for gild by Ana TtlltltgLt,Droajet,lfontrore. 0 opn'e - . ' -. • • - - I - - - iyl. cow - 1317."1300 I . rparl Itisthrl t - or Iluitypty nu& ICo - spat "(a 4tilnalitu work( bj• ov:11.1% - l'etrfokucl ilier Itipore urtkiv fa: Indus rortlat Divorce On in tninnthl°4 ll pt l ee r vgth c gekieral assorjment of 'acttool Books •4nlA ta loam , always on , t _ '• >A n aupply or the "Psimlstrjait r4rriveir • • Yeti. • • 01:0:VOLLEIL; . . . . . A'Arnßf exteavi#Onestatinen t, at enter ling &VI!. .rlia, It mond, Ft oby,Prarl, Gavoet.Emerald.lree,Stalteband ~' ~.•• .11:6,1U - Elt ItTeI,GS. - , : s'.:, el tone,ahrovevy heavy plain dc,1, 4 ',1,8 a 13 4;01.4vat duo; ',Chased do, and a. vntivey of thee 'Wee by . . • Blogbamton' DlMealtiVi 4111. 18516.- ' ' • I ' ' perms, ols,Druit.ttsuurb;*4.o4(iiioilicl'eCtOm; vuru e s7Z2w d ur s °LOCKS, Aceordeons Or - all pilaus $t L. PANFIELD'it. ,• - ~. -Ayer ii:Viletry, *cettgraa,' „ -,..- ..., -.,- :-.- ----..' -... - FOWTH.E'CURII , itiF . - . „ :- ~.. A'i: ~..:, ; . . '- z ouctils 4ND: COIrD.B, ,*4 -4 :ratoNctllTlB,.-AST)I -,144%1i,11.01.1Y110,0i'11g G ... : , A i r ~ J . , . COUG,FL - CliOtn i ANIS : • "Pri , iit -COS SUbIPTI 0' Ist :"= .' ' Atqui.g the nutuqous alscneeri. Mt EtiCllCt has Made I/2 trAhl gent-rotten to facilitate the bitsiness of lifi.,--incivme its enjoyment, and tern prolong" the term bfbirmatlea int-mice, none can ho named of more real:110w) to Will• kind, than this contribution Of Chemistry, to the If Lithos- ' Art. , A vett trial of its virtues thrcingbens tide broad country; lots proven beyond s. detibt,lhat no medicine. or combinmion of medicines yet:known, can 00 , surely control mot cure the nurrrerous varieties of•palroonarY dise'lfl` which have hitherto in. pl. ft Om Ourruldst than'. sands and thousands every year- indeed -therein now • abundant rens mi to believe a Remedy his at length been i found *Mai tiM be railed orito - cure the most dangerous i - affect ens of the lungs. Our:moms here Will not Permit • us to publish any prePortien of tire cures Sifected by its" pre, brit we would present the following Opinions oreml nent teem:mil refer -further Sneaky to the amnia/which I the Agents below' nanirit,'will alwnys,lie'pleaseil to for, 'nigh free. wherein me-full particulate, and indisputable 1 - proot of thesefecte. -,--..- ' -.: • - . -: ,-- - . .. . ,• ,From the President of Amberstpolleze, the celebrated, rated, P rofessor llitcbcock. •- • ."• .- - '• • -'. '-• •, . " James C. Ayere—Sit :"Thive. used your - Cherry Pee- :- toral in• me own case of deep-seared Dronehitiii, sintl.mn I satisfied:from rte chemleal conic lotion. that it is 'an ad mirable compound for the relief of! arynalel Mid b:ciiich lal ail:flint ties. - .lf my opinion of its superior character can be of any service, you ore at liberty to use Was you think.proper. ,••'. - thWARD DIV.:WOO( L. L.-1):: Pam the widely . .ol:o)nd ed Professor Sllihriarr, H. D., 1, T.: D.. Professor of Chemistry: Mineralopit,'&c. Palo College, M.-mberorthe .ill Litet. Had. Phil. mil Seim:alt. lc Societies of America *nil r.urepr. • • - 1., • o I deem the tmerry Pectoral an admirable cariposi- Um front some of She best articles in the llateria Medics, and a very effective remedy tor the Llus of diectiacs it ' is Intended to cure' : • . "•• • :.• -.) • ~: • ~, ..: New llaveit‘etl, N0r.101440. . hinj:Prittison. Priwldent of the S, C. - Senate; states 1 . that ho hits used the Cherry Pectoraiwith wonderfnle no-) I cm, to cure an [Orientation of the lunge. • •, t- From one of the first Physicians lo Mains. - - _ . . . . . .•.• ' ..Sa co, !de.; Apr 1126,1942. Dr. J..C.•Ayer,,LoWell-'--Dcar sir,: I pawns constant-'I 17 hinny your Cherry Pectoral in MY practice, a tolfweter i t trSany oltermedicinererpultnotiarproinPlatots. From observation of many revere cases; I am couvincealt will cure conchs, Colds, and diseases of the lunge, that have put to defiance all other - remedies --• • - . . • . X invariably recommend Its use ha GUT? of C013511M p.- lion, mitt consider it,mileti the best remedy' known for that Weenie. - itespoettully yours. ' : - - ' - - - --- - ' '-' ' -'''• .. LS. CCPmfmq. sr. D.- • -Prepared and sold by James (:;Ayer, Practical Chem ;Ist. Lowell; Moss.. , ,_ • , • IM " Sold by A . Turret!, ontinie 1 Lucienr,Scott, Great I Dead, and by Drunistacterywhere.—OlV .• • • • • - - Entered nccortlin'g to Act of Cougrers, In the year,lssl, by J. S. HOUTON, 31. D., In tho • Clerk'r OfEleo . of the Walla Court for tho latent - Dtrtrict oll'otturylvaute. •••• - . DR.HOUGATONt Another Scientific Wonder! Great Cuie ear. Dympepstal DU. 3. 9: iIIiUGIFTON'S 'PEPSIN, TEM TRUE DI. GES'IIItYI.% FLUID, 011..Gatoric talc°, • Prepared from RENNET er the fourth Stomach .of.the 9F. alter directions of Doren Liel.ig ' the greet Physic 1i gcal by4., 11. D.; Philltdel• tibia, Pa.. This is a r irnly Won 'etfillretaedy for INDIGt.STION, DYSPEPSIA ,JAIINDICE, LIVER COMPLAINT, CON STIPATION end DEBILITY, curing utter Nature's own meth - d, by Nature's own agent. the Gastric Juir.c. ' • • a, teaspoonful of Pet sin. Infused in .water, will digest or dissolve; flee pounds: , of Roasted Deer In ahnfit two hours. out of the stomach: - • - Pepsin is the alder - element or great Digestive princi ple of the Gastric Juiee--tho Solvent of the Food. the Purifying, Preserving, and Stimulating Agent of the Stomach and - Inte.tines. It is extracted froM the' Di• gestive.i.thinach of the Ox,.thus formit. AItTIPI tIIAL DIGESTIVE 'FLUID. precisely Ilk% this• natural Gastric- Juice in its Chemical ewers, and f ish urning, a comp/els inn pcejeci stibAlitidetoF it . Bythe nil ofthis pet vacation the pains and evils of Indigestion and Dye-, pepsin are riMo7 2 d,,ill , t3s they would be byu healthy,. stomach.- It Is doing wonders, fot aviPeptles curing -ca ges of Debility.',Emr.ciatien:Nerv'clui , Decline, and Dys peptic COdilluiption, supposed to be onthe'vvrgaof the stare. The scientific evidence upon' wflich It Is. based,: Is in the Itighest - degree eatlnue and reread:able. Sine:lts:fie Evidence Heron Llebeg to hie relebrated work on 'Animii Chere atry;- says: •••An Arlil lel - 12dge$L:it'e Fluid, nualivous to the Qo.trie Joke, may be readllyr.ripared from the mucous monbrane of the s'etrateh 'or the Calf, in :which Marion. erticits of food; en meat and eggs. will be soft ened, d. and .11grsted.iust Intlie saute:manner as the would be lathe Lumen stotneeh ". . . . •"y- Call on the agent and get h Desert/dive, &eider, ;ratio; riving a large ittii ,, unt of sClentdie aridenre.siini ler to the above, rthrether with reports of remarkable cures-from ell parts of the United States. . , 1gt.1101.1011 CON'S PEPSIN' f*nnw sold 1 7 ititirly all the dezder. In fino - drliginted poriularmedlohn,i ttirauHei ont 0/h I:silted Stags. It is pr,part.d , ln Pbanler:and in Fluld form; aily.l In r.reserlptive vials' for the net:4 . ph3. sirians • : " : . • . . _PRIVATE CIRCULARS for the sire of••Phygelana.may be ~btainetl of vr. litiughlon or his agents. deseriblug the whole proeeFsof . prenoration. and airing the author. Ries upon which I he. clairno et thts'nert remedy are brt ~wh.. A2l it IS not a- secret rowdy; tio:oble.etion -eau be raised robax,: - Re1156 by„PliiNoile in respettObto kand ing,atal, re4ularractlea., ON-li:D.O . LL.SIt per :onstr.vr. TltiB47- 7 Tvery );ettle of the genvdne PEPSIN bears the writt , vi signature of J 11 41 11611; TON. )I.' D.. re'e' proprietor. V 40401144 Pa.. Copy right and Trade Mark seenied. . - • . . . ....,7 7 ,n1d by Qrugtlists and Dealers in pellitiper rrrpor xnle Pa.,".Kzeno.:Sastuchltnni county: 5Ty TO 11,0211frit Wi::-ALtir.: 11711 A.T. is there Lfiikizuzaitterlo ronr etempliteney V more surely.; n ttur decline Of lite, than Health, undviettrof yowl*. nothing. Then the location 11011.117 anal that be ebtainsd and • Frotired. „ • _lf . we.- have a Cough, - Cold, llrouChitis. .Catarrh. Pleurisy:, !Witmer:yin Iloarsenelis:nr env "otheraElletlon of 'the 'Loup or Cht at, you will find it i.:03119UN4.YV111.1,P. 111 tfl4 30)0T. a Sore and safe remedy, or if your chit rest Jore' ufillited with, pr flooring Comp', no better remedy' an be, •o end. Thou sands have been relieved sit), it, and certilcatts of its curative dowers. now in my possN'Fiqll, pltteesit beyond doubt; the greatest. remedy of the ago. for any affection of the Luegs. , ' The p't. wet sof flood Root us a remedy has long been known, out Its Carib 'action alone has kept it somewhat out of - general - favor; bur,' I natter myself that theabOve conibination is perfect and that its use,atllseiture,fsfcads rrhareferirliuffered tl to an - A NVOILP To 3lttructis.-trl wish' to antei ore e your condition. to lessen your cares, perplex! lett, and anal e." ties, which Ido la.y pro v!ding . for ur teotter.offirieg, a retnedy,fiir th•ir. I lls that is rti . hipteil to. their Infirm:- ties, without the . tear , of rensequenees.frout. remedies charged with opiates...so destructive' and detriinernal to Co many thousands o font. race.. 'Whit amongst you hu t feels far the malleriuglnfant y where Cries era ihr only Indication of Its sufferlartorrl thing withrniattfrontehoh.. IS.. =Mutated. from inarrlera: or. dysoutarY,,staating great. oirsties. Iritatlon - frem. often homed to death's door from chniera_ Infentum, and 'every frinu but nourishment cir,no!slitg, I . ..have often all tit these. cured In a. day shisst,,by, remedy that rhare been for,years L in perfecting. In -en extenslieprietiaentnearlytcretitg"yearSaMl now offei- It to Item Ander the trite num.. of INFANT. RESTORATIVE 'and tlt/TILEIt'S 11E1 . .1E72' - When this remedy . has been uteg, It has mew with uM , bounded favor, mid as TOW Same • our ohn eomf'ort or the welfare , of ,oue.darliug babe, risk 1010-tn gip!' Ira trio!, and 'On, will lay , Ut Its , ;Mu `3lothe'estlellett', ~ • . ' ;weans are ' also productive of ereat. tsrmnrq dren:.kiner *ears,. be syMptoppent.viLleh.eveiy, Pa rent Is awaro.unAirhera suspeeted,it eaten:id - nate them as speedily as 'possibie..whieb can be done only witlen few. doses of Dr Thioop7ilV ORM POT, $0 tt,crllicb is beyondcora; arisen, with nny'Veradfuga of the day. ; ltwilidestid -them; and - the eery'imall dose,Makea it Ueciptable to the ehildrin that dislike medicines of 'tiny. kind...' It. Is a happy_ compound.of barmleds vegeta hie medicines; that in - their, comb:mt: tion, produce . wonderful effects-upon throne thy intru dersbt thoptunanissatop. ; , . • • you are suffering from ...dertinganien,t elfin:, steno' .ach, Liter, or Dowels , god - have Feller; head.iiche, mar •stomach:Or hFart;burn, ilatuleney; •eostirenesti,- and many ether unniellFtalt symptomo, fur theirentirercilat, you have only to take. a fees :doses of Throopls BILLIO VS PILLSe! and you hmie •o. Mire. • :They act upon disease by renseving.thif, eldest, restoring the sez cretions, of all the tircauti the* -- heidy and 49Altb, Ito, consequence. • • ' - • • • Twthoso atilicted with sOreileerikeoi:inflolulA eyes .I,fundsh yen a iso'tt remedy thnt Winstead the: test. or years of expericute, and restored . he most ease, when every other rentedYkno ern had fallcd,Dtc Tltivors'Etr. WATER. Theab omit prism the list of Dr. Throorti•Do e tit estle Medicines; that should lee is the hands of merry house keeper; as n good rentedy.alwaye ready, and Oita only icl;juires a trial to 'Moirethem a place-- •, lt.rontia , ik dais eitei.ineo trey' &••i lt end trate ti It, Omits , Boutlwell. Rush; O. 0. :Wright. Middiateorn;`,ll,,Cildilerritindirdifeir.',r. lU4' •Braeleuey .5c Mont.:lM. ratibley ; Grover. liihmck,;,..screttle. Moot...eprippille.l. Cr Lam Lert.,-getburnydatetee, Tompkins, Tomplansirilie.; den' ttett:Milford.;• Bond; , doxeph L. Merrintan t limipwrilletiDrd,..Bartiey. kl.dikes; - *Yasperlitaniey, Cbocenut; - C.,Trilkety, Creek, lip Centre Williams. Clifford ;Dr. - J.9: utiusteadi undaffl . Johnson fititSD tif,l49Pl.2FrotAPlut*,idr,t,qta..w•iz• 74in:S; VT24111 . . , - - - a • 47 ., =. - _ Oriaihke Aeopous, ,, lllittaxiis.v r arb ; - Wire gtongthetiedtableind 41t,t•A /pomp; b us/ tobt Ind teo' options - . = = ''"'Tot aarecchtil ond setting low for the g01dtt,T,At.,,, , , TtittiLEWPA watited ,Idoßtrese,Zul,y $ ,1641:!: ' 160 1-1 Frit , good Ilendockluat';orellrartld ' 7 ; kt ;6. ' "rdie , ,Cleil,vcrOd !Vndot 644 ‘ : tioaj Ajotu./Tl., /P 4 ' 143832 ' 4 1"" "1 7 41 1 1t .` 1411.kfledit Itlifst' ol o4all •1 4 - 412. " • irtti.. , 13 , trital/at tteti alined gopot, V... 4 3, • ot the - wpm:l To filo/410k gone but-toornot - • - 1,1111;i isle sortie et, dieitesY teqvue!iqeig,elsistiop':'' t A good geoond hand - cook Ink store, oleo a, good neer - "iv 1 . 01111 tot la% cg thl $181; • °I" at 0/14010 Jauflary /0, it enter, tor golefchiap nt sons . _ . sulatirrlbers hastnr entered lictcreo-partnership 1, lathe Stove, 'XI and sheet Iron .business lird tO attend to nag 'orders la their title' at the shot test notice. Patter tbenWelies that lit glsini orict attention to business und pike., she , th l y T trwti, - ",,„ a reasonable abase Ofpubliepstrensge , Tileirtowct*nent orstoves iszoed; haring the latest . snd most improved w ittiiris nicking Whirl. are tie I , 6n•sidea vwlean—e• Store widen took the first -Preseitim'a t the State Fair at tiraettse In 1850.„E—O.Yopt-st.Queeu; .1!--4 Forest Quern enlersed.;` Vey tl tone Mr light. Thorn's, do do. premium; ;',Parinr toyes..box stores—for cool or shod; Atli:lads qt Tinwlri eteneatnrandtiiltuber kept on bend , -sold - a ilk , '" that will suit: All kinds of produre .taken In.pssutentandeaibnottefnrrd ClpPosit elite old .store of. Attila and Knapp:. YWE dr. WEBSTER.. Montrone; July 10, '5l:. ; 2617 1 CT 1g D:11. E A D. , .. .... ~ , . ... ' Philadelplii, Viedio.l-31oilso, - ,P,stablishedfifteen years ago; by DR: K MEE - •••• LIN," North , IVest Corner of 'lliird and • , Union -Streets, between Spruce-and.- I Pine Streets, Philladelphiv. :, '- ; . EAT* or .txtiq3o;se.rapa unlatcrripted F IFTEEN. Y practice spent In this city, ha' °rendered De. Et.thb 1 t most riper: and ruccesit t ui ptacrittenerfa, end tie ar, ila ; the treatment ea t en diseases of a priv ale 'nature.. Pezi-,' poet° affileted with ulcers en the body, throat or, lege, ' Ipains in tit thead or bones, mei - en:eat rbeutnetbuistno- I turfs, gravel. diseases , arising from yontldui execiseS or 1 Impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution has bee. MC enfeebled are 411 treated with success. ' lie who places himself under the care of Dr.' K. may', religiously confide In Lieber:tor as a gentltman, andoenn I flatly rely upon his skill X pa a physivan. . •• .. TA 6 PARTICCIaft It ..TICH ---Teimg , men Who hate injured themselves by a certain. practice indulger,: in— a habit, frequently learned Dem evil corny anions Or at , school—the elf. eta of oLich ore nipht iy felt. even when . ' Last - flop; bad dieFtroy both mind tend body, 'should amity Immediately. Weakness find constitutional debility, loss or inuscu'ar °net; y. 113116,1 lassitude and general 'prostration, irritabiliv3 laud all nervous affections, indi gestion. sluggishness of the liter. and every disease in any nay emit:tee - red sithtlic procrcativ e functions, cured and full Tiger rastored. - i . ' Read ! -. Youth lind.:AlanhoOd: ~ il Vigorous . .. Life or . I), renlitidri Death., , Kr aclitt on -, --, . - seY . . reserramo n ; Onlo-25 awls: ..: This Tosi tutpublishedlSflledwithUsefulint orno . - tie n, on lice infirmities en d - diser'ree: of the. mimetic° organs. It addre.stiv itself ebb° tto ' 'Yerth, Manhood, and Old .9Cetralill should be read by all. ',The valuable. advice and t rv i,id g e . iiarnipti It gives, 'will prevent years Of udier, endwuffering.end save annually thou sands of . Parents. by retulin , ' ' it, will learn Low ter prevent glie t tlestru et inn of tht children.ir , •,„*A remittance of Pfi rotate. enclosed in a letter. ad dressed to fir. KINIC . ELIN. MAC; Corner, of Third wed Union Streets, bet wren spruce and Pine, Philad , lphia, will ensure a book; under enreinpe, per return mail . 1 Pcrccos at a distance may .eddress Dr. lit ,bf letter, enclosing R fee- and.h° cured a., 'Warne. , ... , Pae-kwa t e , qt. - Meliernes;:Dire.ltiotia, lk.;rprrittraNi. by sending a remittance, and put up seenre fee= ..D677W..0 - or Cnnosdy. ..., . Boak:eellers, IV ews Agents, Pedlars, Conversers, and all nthors supplied . with the 'ahoy e work a i t wiri lew sates. • • To'Dairymen and,Farpters; Valuable property fur Sale., ' ArAl'3l at 200 acres s t note indlrldgewate.townshin Susvichotina County and state of Pel3ll4slllllll^f 150 acres,Of which is under good hoprovtni cot' Thu farm Is nett d esigned for a dairy,and is capable pf feeding 41 cons during sutorner at:d Isinter. aLd errry part of it he Well natersd. - Alle htdhdiep. and land .nto, in good condition and , the 'tenets, v.hirl. are of - stone and rallsare Wimp ! _There are two large.barns upon the preiniffea; besides it grin - find coot r went shed for cattle. 'thrceOrcliardar rincipallyolginftedfrulte and other fruit trees. , _ . Said fartu has a iery nlearant : and'desirabla loiatton ,about two taties from Montrose', the Cotirityscatml en-s -oot:bison.% ettOrity. and ahen: Omilesfr.nt the. typeetis Gan Itailsuadllo iihlch theft ILs arfack'lloa - din process .of cOmpletlon. and I.s"Tery-conyenieLt -to meetings cud schools, and mechanics. Also anotherValuableFarat adjoiti;thc aboi . e, con taining, 200 aefeg, of which, 150 acres_ta under n high note of rultivatiOn. - rponeit. there is a large t fiame dwelltro house, and out hullilinas 'to correspond and ". orchaid. Ills well watered andKLced avid edtnl rabipadapted to dairy purnoset... • '- Sald.property trill hosold on reszonobleterros. apor, lion of the purchase toonortanyrcrazin upon_ Bond and !ilortAne suit-the puretia.fr,„ --" ' 'Application foxy - he ramie' personally or by letter La' -flan: Writ: de's.ll, or 1t.:.1. - .Nirettat. Montrose: :At said enunty.and any further pal ticulaFs thal =ay 1)9 reciniz e4 bn " • - i',Otice'lo!,:iiie.',.eliblic . ; iVeta Betisurlybic-Fall arld IVitster , Qood4:atikl —• . Great One Ar ice Sitire.tif ••,,, - 1-• lAct‘dvi'rt. - fIIEG le aie to take Vas' opportunity of - tendhiut bt ll sificeiethduhl t o ht frlondr-un - d - tust broil's, for tb generotn. pat too age they. have: osteuded to him ; .and rattle ;tame time iufOrartheru that he Iras just returtkes from Now York witha very largeand choice selection of Fancy and Staple Iriy floods.. AIRO a frebbitrid: eit, at Site.tigortouila tor OrceeriMr.frovisiOns, Ituott.arl:Shoeic Ilats and Caps, Hardware. Ciimkery, ac.j, Drugs: And 'Medicines, which will be sold for ea sh and praductkat a ces which defy allemopetitiod. Flour, York, Fish, Sal e:wholesaluan drat alt—he would alsoretuark that he n .beresstrktly to the fystemof al. ways n miog the loWeit:prler atilt:lt:thereby givizirths samentivantage'tti'ullwliomny - fairir him with their pat Great 13end.elottiingiStare...:: - The largest. bestand cheapest rissortinent 'of Ready Made Clothing In the tillage of Great hand, ra... iirend Cloths. 1)04. Skins,taeahu er. p and Coatings idail qualltio I suithbleforthe Fat t ;Ind lt inter Tirade. which he eff.rs et such prices ns to satiefiatiy line that tbin ta the plat-elle them to tlettV - iticongequepre of tile great - increase et hta business hi , has.been obirgetl•tn greatly calargehisstoek,' which he now nffere to Ids friends • ml the public fus.ex areination,ionfhlimt that In engnlng they Willfintlanme thingt crib clr - adv antage. The subseriiKrbas made ar.,. rangements to manufactnro elothlogin nit it* various branches. and is now preps., ml to. sell the same. werrant ed tobeurinspection. : Austen' . work and -cutting done at the lateststyle and Shmtestnotlet—allklti•ls of tail ore' tritniiainge fur rdebedlind - for , - tin tint forj et the spot. Store neatly. opPo-Ite the Mangan ioOsf:. Great Bend, 5ppY.;185 4 ):,,, • L. . - - The People s , Frzend - T T. PON DT•24 cpf :Kelt taco, DATADESTROYER •titi Ilse LixoEvemacr.—Anllettnitt teem the eluilt, sallt , ll.lVitch-lmzel,:ouil purely from that vi flit he exeeptlqu'o leeloalto kreserce it ~ .I[wlllcureahl Local pan "and Inflaelation Si ' 5 . 11.1 a tWee; 'fresh no mid Oh bettlael; Illlee.ratill‘ all ease .of the boWelei.l'achrente rt.ttu re; t Gab-tell - a; , •ear-ache arid; hit excilleul , teltOdYibllemkleo t Ae - - - • - It 'stroll tehat It eepliosseeto be, ‘lhePeople'l Piliroltleneehae tie:Muted atmaillierttgeett paths efllfe alanylhinge theteohtribute greatly . to the , eamfeet ithtl hapootwe oresery body ;d theft. Ova valhe,aittl well may they 1, e - ealled "rletida of the Penple-'.'„ • .000 word bete tovartlagitlnat Man' by the name allpotiter:lias taantihtetutdd and orrertallet sat, lkspuriouturtiele Corsa! Eatram—that wouttlba :extratt - ot the basal:WO tl—thi 'gentlit la Una 'whitened le 'Ole - este Watert e the ;parlous ankle le colatcd,whichuttablesthepublicto distinguish., Sunrtenulnf.butthosemaritud PentrePainDestioyee IVSE K. ILA'ren, Wittiose.andStuto:ltterers and me. DeArcaierg4eneratt,t;lgents., - _ -;- DAILY EXP-RESS,,,LJNE.. '47. - Altraferti,llli al I 4Prr - Pa tenger. Di ainr wilk!Spedtat AT 50 engetayert •th foriearlhr, - o...3terchanda:c-enta Packages- : . , avail etc:au/p.*ln: Specle...Bank Nato, ,tc.• ,VoTE4,l.lraftaVand Bdls collected. all °vier: Attend'. JA id to with'tirotaptneas and -at riitsanable rate's,' Ttna'Agenta at tha.,Latitawanto dalVattoro Railroad 'oMpariy, gill act as ageuta fOitht , ahMr a.exPrega. Ila ," I "zpreo reading:pi upon thonyytaal. at,naely.tr.tta, at, Saran-DN. to'rataitt . N erchandfati;k ,'W e.;toPittatoull.lteeharre. ?to. - Leonatil Swale of litontronei to , anthoilsid to iiielao and tutatatid - Z xfprela Freight •' from that place to tba mouttato etat4tt,"atidttnat att l 4Stattan.tdltautrosa.. • N. (f. Martin' let Turkiharroock; vitl reeelMrand word - Eakeas,Fralght , frour.thattilaie- to Tttii46aggiick Ptation, and froakthatiStatimi. ta.Tooklianoork . ' r • laitt)OP . CO:T koierlibei:ilott•As2tr: ". ..„ . . SS° tt thweartwand firt,e'o(l3l2lVit - Throoli; le the- Ibtllreta butlnese: en the &11r.p:11.:, thl* day-1.11 eßol 11 tetllultkvoluktilt, JAM 48 Bls - - - /1. 11 44400 r 114 ea .tiiO4 :44 VS , throip* 1: 1 ;1 4800. 0. 1 !!xllITells• - - - „,,,.. .., c,,-: , , i;;;;, , 11 .. ,.:,A1i. -- r-c`..--.77.............,„„......... ii. , , , ,, ~.. •• ci i ii :t if i lu i; eri t iln l i r l:su l tiril i a l . lib fty; - ,that he has jun sitsna— ” .••• :•••.. , ,r-' .., sy „tenni tiew jTark with ata...-' . • f 0, iv , 4,.k, ]tilliiontn lantana'', • - " l4 ' • ,•,,, - " c ; i - .• at 1 Grd-‘atttiTar 1. e ee f ' 1 1 4 ' 6 11 o il r ib i !os, 'i s , ,- : ,,r ; ",-„,.., ..f . , jewellddtad plural'''. Na il Cr"* . e....`7' , "' ,- x — - , -Iris a nt fob rhanuxca - 4,1 , 01,,,.. mos, 'psalm, Whits; braced, Ist Miser...and a i r ritc:74,.. ow. L„ ae h e s; . orpletv: 1 rail aesi Atli esti el.' '" and paned cases t ohnral be al, cutlery, roft," - til „,e - r , urinal:tuts and.plat liVo;rea.tecordains:a., r an k % soaks, violin striTg , clocks; wallets, soul -, .- fiecollea, and faney go o'b Vislth'itiSairs.l o -4 , ..1., - lariats tor the trade by th quantity, n ot s t o i7,ol, sold at the lowest piles/. acriyetrby r at a j ...aii . nilkinds repaired on sitar notice at the 04 n iz i ng :ly tpsoldte the Plus olx, uutt stalushstutr o lih Clocks for sEno:an4 ti p 's anbouia ands dap, es t: ;Yor2.___ Neu style and wari[nted at.. ,• L. CEAriguir Cirdi/C6 SikilT l4..:ll.t d„1,41,414 ': .. WY • AIL, . • Itingston, Lir/Mine cbtl.uty, pi I r I . i IL I ea fil li a % Sil l n a l ne :i t °t o t 't a t : i n L n e bn i ' c l u a: i 7r : ' l : : Y age a , l' o l u l e . m i l! ti bil'Uta4tdillt Lure. and aceiasibleby daily stages limn all pati o & coun t r y. Tit, school fkli nOllbtal in osenthu u ;,". ',ona ta ram, &i rn t iVialleh ss da p nrona&e. Las Lattlitnuji lentlr creaAn- •_ - • - _ • TLrousli th,,utuniticeneelot WO. ,oretiattd. Lni•;tt edditiona I E dint ary bUili Inc 44,14 49 !cat, scd °Om, sh , t high, has gat been completed, and Ly thitl At o. of non. Zilia I:ecuettt throe! IA 141 1111144 lig ! a TalunLle and • rai4nri. ! litrary. cuddly re,. ti 1 Chemical.' thlictpophical; tid naircartalcal Stitt!, i of the Institution , s rega dad, by's.° wed lu tt l ow. r4e att. as or n high edits, and ample* tall etoc, sums s in :Natural Eel en eel . Thetioard o r last sudden for the ancnit4yaaru k i, loWn: rn Itirt. nerthrit Nelson, Ain, / merpAx,. imer. yontie (. ' , Milli, A. rt,',, . . 'Anther of !time Lansuspa, • Philip T. I l 7vetr*.jA.l%.. I 'rancher of 31;abelantla. . Rev. C'. 1 7' 1 Cu l t. e l : Y. :it - Ai . ra I . . I S ' : C It 41 CO. , .- . Mimes W. Utoilliiite, , , , • • • -•:, lowtantPtinit. • • • . . . . . Miss . -Vary L'letztl - . . .... .r. -, 1 ,Teacber otiodeb . ~., Miss+ tsther Par r rlck ~' .. . ... - A selstantlarherot3ludein,Tiasepi; Hrs. Intsr:.S..Nel eyr',, , 1 . Teacher or raviniand Batzlial., 1_ "lit;ti S. A . 4dregor p. Teacher of Ainsie. - . , MI of the above terichlls are employed loth ido l that/bob, of.each day rzeept the Teacher Oft:inter* Ittr.lctxtled.•e. The former devot.s le d g pi ,,,,, curb day t her class aay Be teceststy, and this teaches one belt vas tyday. The pare will Ira that blista aoeme i the school ia atdtt thsisp i i .. iun b i e rr , t 4ean (` m e army, fu II board of ,n 44 and , the Trustees tear/tatty Arrlicyr thst ~,,,,,,...., be spared to promote th ir.dat thicrough Iiii ii ;;;;:, all the pupils. . 1 otitis ' The necessary expenr .s lastittition stet* ate. Tuition rxelosice .1 o rtaintp aot ru.dicinal to- err, GO per quarter. Board 51,tapertreetondp f :TS per dozen, and.fuell $2,50 per enema. • 7 The disM . pline of the dostitution rembites a:4p wah firtna..., - Incnicatipg w rep q and, moral tea pzincipl es . , persevering Iduelty,trict uc t i: p i g ~,,,, • ' '' .' - -" idepertment,; , : , ~.•.t. - • . • t • The pregerit - term of I is I :Leal till reatitte 11, 6 23d of Per- next. 'Students arr Stained at at 7 sp., but. the molt suitable time for et terirgis tielpp l ,,,„! or the middle of rack trim. That 'to may ?Ws lii i CU a .the Scheiorthrougli the pa:Wader rt tie Bd.* , throOphout te Mint ETA zooid do 'sel 1 , rob, 14 4 , as the 20th or h 2:14 Inst. 1 There ;sitlbs l a rustled* weeks at the close of the proartt test.. Ot t t , 21 ba consists of thirteen wects corator acing .lindurilii 4 toy April oth 1552. .. . 1 . !. . • Catalogues of the • erninery Sadao, lefeda s ii n* trve.to It can b ... bad by addressing the ttlaritsl, pi* of the undersigned. D. A. iIIt.EPIYAN, 1 li. ROUNDS. Eee.r. , ; . - . i Riposte*, Oct 4, IS 51-42-tf. - - „. Petroleura'or ROck-'Ol • A NATURAL remedy proenned. fenn3 Tell .1 - S.gberl cotody, 1.-.12r hundred ett deep . teaq sold by S. 4. SIIER,Consi Basin, Ylttsbenti; put up in bottles Peet tio.lt finite crew tte stg tilludittueofsuay kbed.r All ye i be t ire:Meta 1 r- READ! READ!! , Rheumatism yields tritlie newer of theTeleta. voice f , em LuzerneCo.4 Union tp.; Jody Sib,lia •, Me: R ier—Drar sir, alto! cre its a Wasps Is ' gratedateyou as the Sole proprietor of an lin* called Petroicumer Rook Oil, whit:his *Wades ~ to take the place pf sill great medlelou.7 Ray • . this neighboihood hare tried the Pet I. utast., of cAset caring racist of !Li-mend pros' 4/43 - • in all. I have tested it , In ecuibr, Co . u'arratea letter. sprains, and evening; for rheorosthil tilt is ... certain cure. a; y ;info has been atitted rtiS ytheu.ari F ni f.,r some years and never tun itt thing to relieve hor,in fact the tried ertrythirnst . thing would do her .3, , , good lentil thc Wale:et& Teens and it tins relieved. bre entirely, fur n lan I ' . It it the greatest pain killer nos in nee. 'f't co lit. - Annthet letter froui.._ Corrine en., secars.ll4-, lie•rolenm : , ' - .Luxor 11.ters; July Tllat Mr.....Rion—Dtar sir :.--I take gout ritvoi b e fylng - to the eirtttes ofd our great oaturstrcol.cisi •• the Petroleum or Roth Oil, eihicoi if ermitly Spi mcilleine. lbought one dozen of year mitt eta I, wasalong here last fall. 1_ tested I; la a nantetifai, and fond it to prove good. I also tuft 4 ills I tatter and found it 'retry. benetielat. 1 Trria lilt xi much to bateanother box of it„ for I' on't lit 01, nithoutit., Respectfully porno,. . Y. cAvrtial: . A voleetrom Suagnehataa co. , certilyiretadt cy tif the Petroleum. . !Ilex at ir.ltinel4. lIT 3fe Sll. Kritn—Dear sir s—Allow ale to rtalo4 !Jetties ofyntir natural medicine on. ti Pertirrs opt Oil. I had been talleted With the D Inoue:no atlee time....' I via in Wlll,erharte laA seamier stri{:3lW -tie fsc:to your Arost• ultra be gas sleig 1W0.% cured'uie perfectly. I have since seen Is t. sit i *Mt ent.Pseauf eltenthatlent; elan found It ;it I rel]tlad t . . ~ - '• " " Ncry• rcspectf ult}yeart. 31.11E511,1111111. " :sa' ~.., I ,' . -- . , ,,'5x Pichnoca,,lailllts la,' nr. S. 31. Riga—Detre s it—Allow rat Wall:4oA virtuo of your great ni,tural medicine earn Ittial o 'Nock Oil.which.thelierets a rood iardlar. On been atrdeted - with Itloneale.is. pain In t In. erne WI last ten years.and never could art- saptii sir ails mi.: In fact I tried alninst"eterythin: and Lenrwii do nie any good until r,triod your retreat:LlM% . relfreed me s cry . much e 1 tytee Also to:edit Jr Ir scald 4. anilhruises t le!ha alitaT - Olin " Ikth ' I eherritime .. I tltinL tile the gr atert psintilteists, 161.'-'?:- - , Tory respectpsily r•lrris . • . ' • - - THOS. EJS , dall And get et circular from the Agra. 4. 1 / 4 1_01/ 1 ' full description of it. ,',. ,or 'sale by lII.NILIT I HIX Softl wholesale by 114 ;z3,11Af..5,& Ci,N0.710 tree:, Philadelphia:.' ' -- ' ' , 'Mt:- ; • ri - GO ORS, 1.1 wIBB .rock of Ir3l I good.. trt ItL ho offers for ta tOU Witt. PAY for Hato, tas tow 'tit es ac Oil tenor lAratited. Bod ing- duo hooks is via tilY trim tilt, as tr,ave ho ore btuoht good' OHS/ tali forthern, big inviteti to , • Lfoac Slontrosel Sopt: 1851. I '• r • `NEW ARRIVIL lILI bosju st nee— tr:d stew azkeqg assortment of ' • •.• Ara 1 Cutl4.lc In tei.Geods. nclpdingahelegapET:rletyoffadleslhetaC Ol .A` I •Oftg, Slistda,' test' ):ite' Bonnet Rlbbo 06 , Caye y staplo tioods itr4 tbs. tO r od,lesizzal.. o Trbleh,having been pu:thasell'atflao Isle sic ps ca toilltatt untwanUy lon. "joie Milford, Sept._ Irdi Stove . Depot . if 11151211,1 Tr bate( ,tir %natal , : a canted Ml' [ 11 arirtianiat of. Coottl jp, Parlor, az".l Atiop Porn troodnidconf.inelatti g the atr sod non igirl i latian'of Atillabe,l, go Oretti' common 1 1 1 analtiii4 eAtrith Stove p pe.,Sheat Iron, and ‘aitti Tttbco,.te wltichln 111113 ray' low lot tstict l t protnanriglit -..,t .; .. 1, . .•'• •" ' ' Septetubkr*lB3l.' ,- • ' ' • • I. ' ' The ait - WOn.de/* itt D 1",... nArairm, the ;cleat hneatuair. It OW ii - ii." - Atutittig tato tbliirivnitr." the centrist el , VA., knitter,' ri machine not larger than 'erne OW. ' 1, 3" It thttqb-sceele,,wkle,tt will pu I, out, thelarot &e,. t 'otitnto.' , But this hog ot, trig to itonini Ito 4 11 , Jnan•Jitonitivr4lot. ..oijnit rtt'd the; -1 ' 'IPA L 114.4 1101 .TErt i FASIII ON lizt 'i is iimr pitOtiod tolvialt. nib Mends ritli 0 . 1 1 - idscrlty, slop ) - sad tad goldblitttor4 - ' ' ' . er'A;a ll . lair , Ion: vlaAt. eipiptlitt!, at L.!, ~! -N. H. Cl:Ming dontrionnsuar . .• .„„- 4o'4 Vo n troso - 00..8,„Atf,5f, . _ , ou,' ... ; i '-'' - Abelllileil-- ' arkler in Dr:two, Nrintrinev, .ettailts I om o ' ' I st : ititiO phineiviutd,Leopa.Po at fl ed,':, atiNGtoccii Ilantwate,atonewarti, Glasairate, Chat' ~ j l l7lSPPonii, *penteetas, Jittieleatlastrut a r am Iltalicatiatiteftentsi Pow* perk:inn - Si . tlearry,kruabettothactc 'Yankee .itt4Unp! ,74 " i . Y* I ? r qP ; PIP!"7 - t ,.- ; ' :. r''. . - ' ''' =-0-7!" ::Neer l hlfo "At ' MAINk . Doers-Crania and MustardSpoono4 B4l ,4i . lll‘ iihrottlO4ll.%Enralid 6 10114 14 :i; `i - l'asistl is o ,*;l4 4 altginidth , likodoisna Kni manufactuxed Ataertc:a!l", Engiltili iieieiroolC.o,ll',l„ VIVIINC4qi,r4r 4-4051umr " 4,17,i y i 0 00 dittos') rot* ..oitig.tpittALisit ••_, w - ii 1011r. Panting (*sod tam. holltt *Of " ,li t tff , "PkOncluVal shed *Qv otooatt.• Ala 14 114 • A ately- put hto tracill es fo,r 1,806... 0, 410 Va Ouse itiktat 6 tont- fly ailrz OA to ° lo • sadithl thisorktalts,• ' ' b041540,00:4107$ - 0 It. Is no t otoot t o o o tut, than b, so*s•ttA• k -. Irmo to th ro . -. . - t,tREDJ• II. I7,;O uth 204 ''' * ll'EtWon it•l /n'''' 11.7.1P1788,~