The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 24, 1852, Image 3

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kte be held se Montrose on thee atth and
l a % dals ot October, 183 g,
List of Premiums.
Pot the best Darlians 801 l . 4115,60 ,1
Second best , ' ,-; -3
For the best Doman COQ;
&dad Best, , . 2
For the best Peron Ball, 3 3 5,t
&cond best
For the best thlon Cori; 3
S e cond best,
For the best 8011, ,03,00
S e cond best,
f best Coo', , • ,
Fond best,
For best 5 year old Heifer of any grade, 3
Second best, . 3
For the best 4 yearling, -
Second best, 2
For best lot
W ofORKIN Calves, notG
OXEN, less than five, 3
For the best pair of Working Oxen,
~ $ 5,00
Second best, 3
For the best pair of 3 years old Steers, 3
Second best, 2
For the best 5 years old Steers,
Settled best, , 2
gUtEr / s
Best fine wool Buck,
Solid best,
Best South Doti Buck,
s e cond best.
g e nt tong wooled Buck, . 3
s e cond best, - 2
Best lot fine wooled Ewes, not less than 5, 3
S ec ond best, - 2
p e st lot long wooled Ewes, not less than 3, 3
Mond bosh
Bet Boa;
Second best,
Best Sow,
Second best,
Best lot of Pigs,
Bond best,
Best Stallion for all work,
Second best,
Best brood Mare,
Second best, •
Best pair of Matched Horses,
Sec md best,
Best lot of Fowls, not less than five, 2
Second best, 1
Pest ad greatest variety of Vegetables,
Certificate of Blerit.
Best onehaif acre of Potatoes, $3,00
Seessl beat,
Best Firkin June Butter,
Second best,
Rat firkin July Butter,
Second best,
lot September Butter,
Seesud Best,
Brat tub of Butter,
Second best,
Best Chum, not less than 25 pounds, $3.00
Send best,
Bet sere of Corn,
&,:ond best,
Best Winter Wheat,
Sand best,
Alt Spring Wheat,
Second be s t,
Best Oats, •
Stond best,
Best arse 'of Baelea eat,
Seond best,
Bat Fall Apples fir eating, not less than
one pect, 81,00,
Bat do. for co 'king, 1
Best Winter Apples, 1
Second best 410., I
Best Quinn es, i . .
Second best, . /
Best Peaches, , 1
&tend best, ,
Best Fran, Fall, I
do. do. Winter,
faunae:lel, two less thin 10 yards, 82,00
Baond best, I
Bat Woolen Cloth, not less than 10 yds.,2
Second beet, ' • 1
Best Carpeting, not less than 16 yds,. 2
Second best, 1
lest Quilt of any description, 2
&toad best,
Bet pair of Woolen Socks, 2
Second best,
Best pair of Cotton Sucks, \t 1
Snood best, Certifim.te.
Bat Counterpane, $2,00
Second best,
Bat Loaf of Wheat Bread, 1
do. Corn dot. 1
Best Sole Leather, 2
Beeond best, • 1
Grades; variety of Flowers, Certifisattf
$ i
Bat Cultivator ;
&nand best, 1
Best Straw Cutter, '
:Ion?, best, 1
Bat Horse Rake,
Ssond bent, ..
BettOr coke, . 1 1
kraal:ling Mill, -
Best Bogy Wagon, I ..
Bra Lum es b er bt,
Wagon. 3 ,
.Swond best, CertifiCate.
Cart, 3
Second best, , Certificate" lrst Bose Cart, - '- 3
BM Blow, Chain and Cles7, - , 1
TOWNSHIP: ,-- • .
To the township exhibition.' the greatest
liimbei dt ido Best Neat'L l attle, - 810,00
Second best do. A Banner.
,BY h resolution-of the Society passed nt the
11 meeting, the Reports on Grain - are to be
Went the Annual Fair; instead of the Jana
r7 meeting, di formerly,
.... -
The Societi also adopted the following res.
Il t ri t'ed, That the Dairy Farm : ers of the
I * 111 ! be requested to furnish the Society the
!ha in Milk and of Butter per day of som of
**test coscii, giving, the weight s and meas
to or the milk - for one or two weeks tveTeth
ir.' hoe, August and September, and fl gen
ttl in.tription of the Cow.
. ,
4 . te T uns, Ist premium, ' 8541.0
' na " . 300, , .
n. l 2 d u - - -•
vt r ,_ . Tsnara, the came. -
'vlitil leet of Arrangements,--Thos. Ada
!c,tral'id Post, B. S. Bentley. .:. • -
I,ege-r.--Abel Cassedy, Perrin Wells, A. G.
-5 Esq. .
,_ , .
i r i tm of Sutis.--D. D. Witmer & aTiir
~ •C. wa r d. .
. .. .
- _
kilLescw...-Itufus Smith Eri Gregory, , zw..
h t4eily,
'18,,,1 i ' Ottllg colli e ,_B . G. Babcock, Jeerriir
. Breed.
ts' / enzd Steers Thus. Icldestm4 Da
;„„tent, P. Reiser. ...--
.1 '
u i
finer Totowa' ;43.1taitnim' ro.Baid,
11441 hichird, 7 '
.. _
c f Agriew t
t isk . urctl
S. B mplemerele,••4ol lerink;
&tali . d. - '- • - -
Maier; Cheese and Breatk—Sainh'bL Wal:
ker, llfre.,W; C. Ward." 4: Saliebury, Mrs.
Fanny Drinker, C, Gere. •
, Sheep Johaon, R Jeweti, Sediel
Hatra:—John Austin, John F. Deans, lien
Upso Turrell, S. A„NeiitOn, l ,3lps.
Niiten; Mr& klarrington;Ates4ohnscm.
roir Mott.
Vorn.—iGeo . . Walker, Hyde Creeker, John
Harrington.. ' "- • ,1
Other Graini.;—Hon. G A. Crow, Garry
144 George Corwin.
• Ili rscs:—Jolui Blanding,.Benj, Ayres, Azor
tatlirop: • . • 1.
Vegetables...t6ilbert Warner, Geo. Backus,
O. M. Crane. - -
By order of the Executive Committee.
Fourth of July.
The eitizens,of New filford propose to eel.
ehmte - the approaching anniversary ot our Na
tional Indepcndenco on Satunlay ttre 3d day of
July. Exercises appropriate for the 'ocealtiOn
to commence at 113 o'cldek, A. Pd. Diasic,and
the firing of Artilleryappropriateliinterspers.
ed. Itr'Adplendid ttaplayof-Fireworks in
the evening. •
A cordial and general invitation .to tit& citi
zens of surrounding tonne, is herchY extend
ed. ,- By ordet of the Committee of Ariange-
New Milford, June 23, 18524 1 .. • iSW2
Sunday Sc!out Cclebratian at NeW Milford
The several Sonday Sehc)ols of New lcilford
nd the adjoining towns are respectfully invi
ted to unite in celebrating ourNati - onal
versiry on Saturday the 3d of JUlyinext.; The
Procemion will form on the Publics Square at
9-o'clock A. '3f. Gentlemen fremlibro4d are
expected to deliver addresses on the oceilion.
" - .1. L. Conwm,l
S K. CRANE, Cenamstte
H.. ; -- uf -
7t. BRAS; Airangetuents.
- J. Moss, 1
Good Table Butter .
Waa:ed at this office ou sabstrlption.!
$5 3 00
I What bath magic power to tread
Beanty'sloyely tetra and grace., •
Or the plainest; homeliest face? f
- - Daguerreotype ;
What win infant smiles engoge'-+
Duplicate hcu's middles - Inge. • j, '
` the,hoary hairs cif age? 1 ,
What attracts the lover's ere."
forth,,a'teil:tale 1
.Thoughi the hived ont, be not nigh ?
Daguerreotype t ;
What vies comfort to the heart ,I j •
When our dearest frieudiLdepart? !
'To this wonder-workiteart--
- Dagnerseatype!
This a hallowed feeling lends,
Aad for absence makes amends: I '
When wia hold some cherished fristi's
Then - Why 'aced Toulon:et stayTt
Come! there's dangei in delay; -
' Have ymir pictures drawn'to-day: ,
And you'll be prepared to say 1 !
That there is truth, if not poetri, in itho abort
lineit; and that at the ; • '
. _
isthe place to get a faithful and pleasing portrait.
T. 13 artist tastes. this opportunity to tender his
grateful acknowledgments
,to the patrons of his
Art —trustiuz that his efforts to please, ih the past,
will ensure his success inshe future. F. •
To his former facilities he has now added au im
proved' llalf-size Camera, by the aid of which ho
is prepared to to take groups, or single pictures, in
a superior manner! .1.
A new and bitostiful variety of plain and fancy
cases.—Ttatle Shell, Papier Maclie, aud other
splendid stytersid-various sizes ancrpailartts i , gold
and plated Lockets, . - • •
Yl'n Who have - beauty !,eoirte end let *tate it!
Tot who have none! pray et:mimed le t we wake it.
- Odd Fel!oivs* Hall, corner - of Turnpike and
Chestnut streets.
, .
June 23. 1t , 52.
Nozz.A good Quarter Camera follsale at a
very low. price.
it The artist, when not in: his rooms, map be
fazed bringniring at the Candy_
-WOOL; WOOL! i.;i
Cgil paid :or Wool , by. , H. Bti-RIZITT
- New litlforB.3uno -„ -1 -
Riying And Hie st.•
NE tV :tot of' Giusti Bcythoo, Crt4lteo,
: pay
and, Straw Forks, Sampson's tie* pattern
Scythe .Sticks,-Raker, Qainebang Serbs :qt:mei
and Ohio Grind Stones, in - mote and car eshi by
'‘ u sexisar.
. . • . • ,
tear Milford, June, 1852.
VE. now iticeivinz a large supply of New
Ganda, making our stock more complete
than ever, and ,me invite en ekantinaticw of-it by
any and all witkrg to puttbase..
Gibson.. isnie - 12. 1852. . . :; •
MITE are receiving , a largo stripitly: of Haw%
Goads: embraci ng a greatvarlety - of kinds,
and of beautiful styles, stud patterns. and. the fel
lowiag kinds Of.greals, '
*lit Pop li ns. Helene& Her
rage sta.. DIN O% (plain strip 4 -and litaid.) Chaco
brays, EuglW, French and Domestlo .Prints,
Ste:. mast of which they offer -cousidirablyjower
than early, !prior prlem - • •-"- • •
Gibson, Jeue12,1521 - . Ittltadlcll &Cf:
pffE largest stock and greatest vaitiety of band
some styles and petterria ever offered in this
market. which we agar at extremely low prices,
including a huge lot of haudsinne rriutsi for diets
eiat ,P.psinde a yard.
tilbsor Janet:4Bs2'. ; lI.Dt7RIIOWBB & CO.
8000 precEsAuF,PArzfr.
• ;•• - ',f '
EMBRACING great variety of bionfiewl pat. j
tettii '
Which ,we offer :it lower priceir than
ever heard of before these porta 11sndsoine
Wall Papyri 9 to Itt eel* exalt.' - Also. a forge
Jul of Pisifiufelpftia;Pciper. beintifol iistferini and
superior qual i iity We w ill wake it for the lut e- I
rest of all wishing to paper old or new,
purefiese froth ous_doelt.: ' ' -
1:1:1108:00 "fk
Oftwori, Joao 12,1552 ". 9:Str
• Adininistratorte -. Noticcii
IVreTlZglaiereliy given that the ' Undeliientd
tole-been opptifoted Adtoioisttotoit 'of
Estate or rtiiitYrns , Niro,, deceBOod...-ate of Aa=
barn petirma ioilebtod to thir said estate ate,
requested tiottloiha iame itonietliotel)i, - iiid all
Perilous 11aviot deOlandi:',Oioinist _ eitato or4lf
pleasopeient them,tlqty attested, fot "Ott:fa:mot.
- - ANDfit '
JEREIVI/ Aff SHANNOti Adior i al
latlnten, Joao 2'1,1852. :::'
IVOTICE is heretig green.that she undartigned
„1.11 ham been appointed Administrator 1 4aleoll;
fate.ef Siit.e Arm Mittens. decernied. Wan( All•
trka. - ZAll pinions indebted io.thesaid mutate ate
requested to make immediate paydeat: end' all
Venoms having deemed* against 'pa 4315.5tc,,; will
;dome present them. daly atteeted;ter settlement.
.ettaarnaeasiliiera ..25W
VXTRAMS4IIOWageon:saI vasulf&Osoging.
ilaosereamoilobkomiPtc.,forsalobv -
„ Draft= -ICOSAV) :1
TRB - eopartriership heretofore exiatink nude
the name; and:firm of A.-Lathrop' & Co„ i
dfaiolved.';' Thei.lboakii arid ea - Comas of the Jet
firm Will be aettled by A. Lathrop.: The busirte
Will be -hereafier - conducted by D. It. - Litthrtiii
Janie, Riley, on' the pay down and . short eredi
system; under the'flup of - D:.R. Lathrop & Co. II
- • • - A: LA= Or a CO.
kontex6e; *itch h 1862.. ,
il the-15th instant, tiottieen . theiterivet Bay.
den dr. - Little and tho residence-of.tho sub=
scriber, a small ctilfskiti ;Wallet, containing about
trite dollars acitt,twenty cents , in Bina' change,
so, a note of. baud - against _William Bedell. for
fets'dollars, dated Max . 24th, 1852. - Any person
finding and returning , the same to the subscriber,
shall bo Jittenally.rewarded.
New .31111 bid; June 21,1251:.
Sheriff's . Sale....
virtue; of a _Writ of Fj..Pa issued apt oftho
JL.I Court of Common Pleas of Stisquehatina
,county, and to me dimoteda wilt elpose to public
sale at the Court Houso-in -Montrose, on Monday
the 1:1th• day of July, atone o'clock r. u, all.that
certain piece or parcel of lend situate, lying Mid
treinjin the township cif gush, Sasquehenna coba.
tr, and boande4 And described as follosiA, to
On the north.erist and west 'by lands of N. D. S'py
tlerr. and on the•sonth by the public InghWay, con
taining Tide acre; With the appurtenances, one Ira.;
med house; ono store, and ;one barn, and all i at-
Taken in execution at Otte snit of Timot hi, P.
Patch vs. U. M. Southwell l and G. P. South well.
G. O. • ;ELDRED,Siterifg; •
Sherire dace, Montrose , . - _ •;,
• Julie 23, ISO- ; • ' ; ) - •
union . Digixeritan
rip FIR subscrilier coriOutio thp Dagoerruan busi
ness at the rooms of the late firm of Thomp
son 4. Loomia, opposite the - Pnenirffotel, where
he will be happy to. wait upon his friends and all
who mayfavor him with their patronage.. Ludic's'
and 'gentlemen wishing,a fitc•simile of themselves
will find it to their interesoo cell at Thowlson'#,
pleasant and elegantly arranged foorns,ind - se.
cure - one Or more of his Well-defined mid flue-toted .
Daguerreotypes. De lure' , and -remember - the
place—opposite the. Ph`pni:r. Hotel.
lie has on hand tilsioZ and for sata,.t few of
those stmeriortoned Melodeons, at-the maaufti-C.
turer's prices. - Call arid esamine them for your.
selves„ ; L. THOMNON.'
_ .
LO 1 1 3!
, Or.
• Q MINER &acne, 3lntitioas , Ribbons.i
-1A.3 mei stuff, straw briid4i, Roil:rem and Spriggs,
just received at I IV C. I'YLEIrs,
Pounds woot.itud 3,000 'dollars in
104000 Cash—i!so glajw, butter,: tenth.
ems, rap, nud beeswax on ticconots or. for '1ta....!
Montrose, June IS.. I M C TYLER, ;1
,To Bounty Land Claimants,;
J O HN IL DINIOCK haVirtgremmiedfrom this
- county, has transferred all his business von
nrcted with Bounty Lauds to the 'subscriber:ooo
has the law 'and instruCtiMis from the' 'Depart
merit, recently in his posseision; and will attend
to perfecting the evidence on claims already for
warded; and to making new applications for any
who will favor him with: a call. Several War r ,
,rants obtained by Mr. Hialeah are now in my
possestorm ready for d'elivery. L. F. FITOH.:
- Nontrast% Jane 1552. 24u4,
Admilistratoris Ede,
NTOTIC is hereby" given tAnt in pursuance of
it 'an order of the Orphittes Corm of Sane
karma county, The . following_deserteri propeny,
late the estate of Nathan Arnold, deceased...will
lie`sold nt nriotion upon thtepretniscs in Great Bend
township, on
,Ilatiday:the 12th day of .Taly Next, at
1 &clock
hounded as follows, to wit : 'CM the north by the :
Susquehann4, riier, on-the east by !adds or Ns—
thaniel lves ‘ on the south by, lauds of JohniScot.
ten; and on the other landttlielonzmte to
the estate df the said detedent, containink 90 acres
of tand.or thereabouts. - Termsof payment made
known on the day of sate. - .! ! .
GreattettiOttne 14,1852: - 24ul
to AN - Sou:ion SITE AUTUVAL or Sonz
• MONTiOSS, JUNE 17,i1553.
• TIIE spbscribers having entered into co-part-,
neralup in the r.
'-Stove, i nn, and Sheet-Iron
basitness t are-prepaird to attend to all orders in
their iiue at the shditest notice. ;By tieing strict
attention to the built:tea they hope to4nerit their
. ,
share, of the trade. , - •
The titaness be Parried ion opposite the
..Deinocrat" offiCe, under the stave and firm of C.
D. Lathrop ¢ Co. - • _ I
- rxruncir.
Slirtitiose, dime' 17 ,16,57..
Watches l, WatChtts
attU - 1
TUE subscribe: takes lessurfc f rall
- p
, ann o un cin g to numerous
friends in Susvehstina county,: state
„. 4 3pi that he is now rescuing large tt. Ifollon
ditions so his stock. malting' it I E. 111.
• the most compieheradin titl best ; f a d
• Will
• selected assorthient; ever offered:
•for the Invetvou of this ei ncram .
- 9 nity.e
U has tin haat! # 'erge°B
1 '
"- - of his celobrated Englich Lcisers,'
a ,
of his own - importation. whir tits mune cturnt.ved each o n e '
in SOH and slicer; pink and heloting C espy t.* seryi. OU
stuterlorassortinent of Friel& Less's . , Anther do: and, Until
/spines, warranted *good ttme keepers. , Zits.
• A oraT heavy sloth 'of Starli,n. Tahlinnd' Des-.
aka' Forks, Table trestofirt, jourtaed . kid .Y
Balt - Bpoons,-Stf,tai Shine's, Mittel Knives.,Cupsote. the 0
&a- Also a beautiful 'variety of Finger and Basting', 1 nun
Breastpins, Gold Penclis and. Pens, Thimbles,' Chains.) e d on.
LoCaets. Bracelets, Keys, Spectacles of 'every. age ;and I
description:, te. • t • 1-ail
ALSO; Plated Casters, Cake Daskets, CandlertiCAAUVl sous
Snuffers and Tsar Fara* and llpoonr,Gertmui - Silver e land
do, Brittatila Ware. Battery, Shell and Ilttlfatterunnba, o s . „
Cocks; Fans, Violin srings, gel- ' The 116 0e*Boadet ""
haling been bought "at' the lastest cash will "be inept
soh] on such terms as "cartnel. fall to satyr''' the most "Tst
prudent buyai. _ %"- - • •
Mr... Watches of ices* . deliception malted and 'anti:- lie "•_
ranted on the shortest noKee mid lathe hest manner.-
. • ' ' ALvtiso E V ANS
' • ' Ka: Odd ' Fellows mitt Binginuaton
1. A NEW supply-; of thoolt-'ifieop silk, Fancy
...Strovir, rind fierich ossisiner, Laie PorMeto
Ow/ Rich ;Ribbons and 11019C111, grezitly.ridtried
from *plug prices, by. .1. '11.0%311E11T
'o4ll' the pas - store of the, stiliseilbei, lit the'
:itoTtship af -Great 'Bead; Wednesday
the 24 hitt., one Bey end one' Omit Mare: - .' The
rim iriefitlisied ballot Senile white being ofs'aiie
fOre rei.botow- : the kose-jojat, the last' has
fait' white: , Lind foot...both loot tails', Any '; per-1
'sow who will _return, or-giee.ititorroatiett where
they . may helettac4Ae.lll:het liberally rewarded:'
• Rireat Bend, Jose!, 1852.? - , 0R,3w3.
outsruist _
lip Salily• elso,Wporting. Powder:6l4
ZS. Adead,sadiraWle . cepe,'istll!pii`pLlis.
. - •:. •
WANTED , von THE' ChilliltnU i
3:114 - 1
1 1
' §Ol
. 0111. - .DOZENT 1
_. 1
' - •• ii wo. Soci , I rim' igus 6IU puiid, I
ir.grl.:4l,iiiiii,l6, G o od s a t cub ptiee,ft ;I: 6 _, r L'i
Et..l44sllsfOrt,wl* 024IgutTg,cfr
77 / 7.- stiiii; ri; Simi ;en. _ • ' • , 2 2 " : 113 , 3
I : •
THEnn A der,fi li i !j e to d O , r h ' a . a vi ! .b e e tt ett ie nppo ; . ;: .,
anditeett'y the; Orphsn coat tor Susquer
henna Cointy, tit Wake distribution of assets in
the hands of the Administrator of the estate of
' Nathaniel Gilhert, deed., among the creditors of
;said estate,. will
: attend to the
-duties of said an
zpoiuttnent, alibis office in Montrose, on. Friday
the 9th dug or July 'next, at one o'clock! P M.
li a t r:t i tOtt t d ial tOtp a r i elelt i li e ei; ) Cl i a l it e rT " lut6 : reated
~ H. 11. ERtiZlift, Auditor
June'Sth 1 852.-23u4 • i • . ,' : ~,. _
TF otiy . geatimmth wawa to borrow, 1000 aollars
.1... at:five per 'oeut.,;.'he cannot borrow it or the
subscriber, bull gentlemen can Save more than 25
per cent.-in. Mew clothing expenses by , gottiiig
theii germeMO made; at my shop. If I Was in the
hubttot bruglitg. I' could point to my work as
the best assursuce of -my skill in the art,.but 'a
discriminating 'cud tasteful public know where to
go to get • -
Coals , aN It4.Conts!
~or to - mentidn' uotipOionobtror, -- vetiti,.jaeltete,
acliti;litirtonts; coatees, ad infinitunt: - •
OXGentlemen will please to'talto notice that I
.14170 removed my shop to Mr. Eceler's block:on
slaitietreet,•filst story. I •
LTOntting dune ds WOO.
Jenne IQ, 1852.
. •
r- - ,
I • i
The slibtcribor has juq.
e , :7 -,--,, 1 , , , ,, ,, receive 4 IL . largo stock,
; i (4 " 47 iSt excellent- assortment
4:' i tr4Z. : of Moo 'n i t' d 'li :ix ?
•e s — ,:', 1 =AIM MADE
of latest stiletrand Suited to thiveasort.•' ' 1
i "At ! so-=eashionable Silk Hats, (Heche's spring
style...) Kossuth //ant, Leghorn; Straw , and•Palrn
Leaf llate,.Caps, Shirts, Stockings, Gloves, Sue
tienders, Cravats. BOots anaShoes, Hooka, Wrap:
tong and Writing Paper, 'travelling Bags, Watt
'ttiter, (a gOOdstock,) Cortoin Paper, and Fancy
articles too numertits to specify = -atl or any. of
Which I will sell a; low as the like can bo bought
i t "Biu.hannou" or any other town. ..:
11lontrose, April 90, ISii2. ' . 1
• .
'arms, and - Mill Privileges,
Lots for Sale.
CnE S'ilbsoriber ;offers for sale the following
valuable properties, to wit; one form le the
wnship of Harter& conteitsing some sixty acres,
out thirty of which is improved, house, barn,
chard. &c., thereon. Said farm lies' due mile
ad ts half from the: village of liarcord, on the
Ute of the Montrole trod Ilarford Plautt Woad
is beautiful 'and desirable locution; well
red 4.c.
. .
, . ,
I Alsa one other . firm lying
,con the Belmont
, u e r h n a p l ;k m e
o fi u m t r h in s i l e e
York'f from La n &
E es ri i e o ro R ,
, o and ili t . h d e .
I . 1. e l LI
rs a t . t went y
n bein g'el
e n E t o y f n t
ti r it . l l,, t n e l i ms, o i l e i l ' on e s )
t d t o . o f c uir % ° v . i r l i t e i v : i h i ßi n i
~: i i
il l .
e i g m t
ta k , p it b ,
i r i o d o o d i v i. t al e i d i . i,,t ;
lc ' I g h s
Machin* 13'(..
nee,.bern, orchard. &c. Tills- is a valuable
-ee of land.front its.lucation, being well timberrd
it we tirkl.' ' • - '
Ws° s e v e ral •Iliiikling tote at the village of Sus
, °Ptke.itnnt4t7wa
bantl3U3ihahitts, and its b u rline ss fac il ities are unriva le d. In
neetion with tle;ovelote,arefour of to lee
i [-seats in the county, being immediately on the
- nehanna river; Witirsufficient power for any
pose of tnanufeturing &e. The Most surpassing
ucements aro field out by :the'aboie facetious,
r cartene% who wish to embark in the business
r tanefac turing,tanning,floweringend Ituribericg.
to Rail Road , affords the most commodome and
ttly transportion for everything in the above line.
' .
to above property, in Whole or part, Will be
I. on terins the most advantageous- to pureher
- I will give great, bargains. :,Coinutunica.
, . s wilt be promptly answered from a distance
. all enquires attendki to promptly.' • - :' '
. : : ' ;': - SEDATE G,RISWOL% -
' usq , Depot. Pa.,'June I:'ie32. . 23 tf.
O. REYNOLDS reepe . etrully infOrrns
• old eustoniers and the public generally -that
' minuet; the buciness of Wool Carding ht his
stand. Thankful for past fai-ors. by living
es, work well done or 110 pay, ho hopes to
i 't zt share of. patronage of the public. 'rite
Elb: of wool will be.taken'init of each sack for
where there is" noi. an exPlicit ba.guin to
'contrary, i
.S. Those indebted by note pr book account
please settle the same by the Ist - ofSeptentber
. Enough said.
t rooklyn, May, -1852. '
Sheriff's Sales.
. . . .
p., Y , vir t a e of write Yen. Es. issued out of - the
. 1 1 Court of Common Pleas. iu and foithe COMP.
I'y ii Stnirehanua and tome directed, I will et-'
P. - , to public sale,at the/Click Douse in Mon
tros• ,ou Monday June 21st. at l'U'clock P. AI:
All hat certain piece' orj parcel o land, situate
lyin : dad being in the township o Lennx, Sue . .
quel anon County, and bounded and described as
tollo vs to wit: Qu the northAry land of John, T,
3rillr, ou the east by' land. of Sterling Maxon,
On t Sionth by hinds of O'rFille Tiffany and Luko
lyeil, and on. the West 'by laud of • Luke. ReeOs
ming about sixty - itc - ies. morel or lees, Willi!
I pportenancee. four framed hotisegi one grist
'one saw mil I, one Narkernitti shop,' and' One I
rd haru;and abouethirty-five acres Unproved , , ;
ken in execution at the suit of .Lulso Reed
it'lllilo A. Spencer and %Vat. H. ripencer,jr; I
. . .
I these three several pieces end parcels of 1
situate lying and 'being in the! township of !
grille, in the county 'of Susqkteharina and ;
of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as I
s, to wit: the ./ st. on' Ora ntrty by lards of
!..,Il o gens...cest by the i
turnpike road, south by
of A. W akeley; dlid West Lii, lands of A.l
ins containing I .i Of. an acrelbe the same
or. less together with the appurtenances,"
rained house, bite. framed bath and waod.'i
and all iiriprOVed.' The 2d lienuded, On tho''
by lands of E. Fritz, east by; lauds of E. i
et,Oth by-thsi',highway; and West - by the i
tee Mad,'couteimuz . 22so feet! of - land, 'be. ;
me more or less, together with!the apPurte.:l
framed store' house. The 34 bound.:l
!the north by, lands' of Wm. fl. lizindriclf, I
Pritchard and Upeon, eeatiby iltif Par, ;
,e let, south by the_ highway end . west: by),
Of ,E. Fritz, containing
,one aerie of lend be' .
titie more or leak togethar with ;the improve- !
i and appurtenances, all improv,ed. ..
kip lir creention - at - tho suit of flinty Drink
, /nit Thoinas ittekloit.". ' I`, '''. ~' .'
Al that certain piece or parcel of land, silent's.,
lit th tevenship of Ihrford,countY of Sunarhisiv-il
I 'Oa. tt" &state of‘Penusylvania.: boo ud;id a n d ',0a...!
(seri 4 its follows, to wit t beginning law ia. beech_ '',
treer i the south east line of !let No r pm on- Merl
funip ' f resurvey of. Drinker e e'rtinkhannocli laude,
I.whia lot was contratteld to Orlando :Wowed., it
being the - West cornet of the lot'irerebyconveyedri
tlieuc along'said line aud'the iouihleast.linci. of;
lands of Augeraui Sophia; north 44 6 degrees east
84k relies tea "post; thence, by the residue of' ',
-said lot 146.180, South': 451 'degrees mun.. 1.21 per.
ches to it postmt the, northwest , line' !lauds ,of ,
Eowin and William Tingley. thence' hy . ;soid.ltist-•
Mentioned lands-Midland of the estate of finny
Dtiu rdee'd, Soittii 44i'degrees w tist.S4 Or.
1 on
' a pit In. the D award Lake'. audith
bY b
... .. ...
11 1. 711
- •
northeasto line, of 10t.N . 0.0n said map are.
172,. n i nth 45,1. degrpis' west 122 petr.hes
toe • Or.bekitatiuil, acres
nti'en,l,be the iota* meteor less, togith?.
plettleitatietoi eon frantell house,' !rue
le ; ewe eltott and about
_- 18' notes
AtitootttFon - elthe gait of -ileydou end
ttDlip; Bhotifflr
viroov , woosit
(0;000 papid. Wool !a etc!tage:
cloths:: I
-• • 1:). 0. toilliiitOP4
fay - • • 21tU
Graii , t-no , ltlettloll i. 01416
Twenty per cent_ at least ;tree than:ever have
,safrl in the Undid States.
GOLDTower Wattiteartall;feateled; 18 karat
. '
.aaai .01'ily s 3a, usually foe. s3s—Gold
Laipins Watches, 18 karst 'eSse, jeweled,-$24-,-
Sliver Lover Watches, folljCsicled; $141 . _ tumul
t)? iiCld far;slB—Si:yre Lupisel Watches, jeiwel
siO—Silver Ten Simms Pei. huff dozen, $5--
'Gold bohlese. €3l'. ' • -
Peisons syishisitli - Mstch.or cesichra, 'Jew
atiyt Cult
,havo, them sent by :hail: with Potre'ct
safety, to any part - of the 11.7 s aii(id Stales or West
Grit Betiding thillinOtittl of nicitio.
Ali articles %I:amuled as ropreieuted above... Or
dos from the cotint,ry:,respeetrully,solisited.
Planer agblresi (post paid,) _
LEVII6' -LA DO %Ws. pa. Chestnut at..
opposite the Fruuklitt- Mose,
, . .
t.,."7" California 'Gold bought, . tnistinfacl flied
jor. welry; ' • ' -
• „
MOUNT. 1 ) 13.0NI.11:(31`._
rettis,iii4tieution ;Rimmed o beautiful and
• 'romantic grove ut the Luise: of Mount Patti
peat, and '. within Abe carper:trio:4. of .the, - ,vila .
possessed or tui abundant supply of purest soft
water, advantages': for t•74.rcioe in the pure air, a
carriage'undifout wallt up libel nionfitain,over.
looking u scenery anastrrpaegedt beaut y . and
grandeur, and 4tfree front the noise land turf - no:I of
busy life," - will excetkut kind rOlviagprivit•
Irges on the pleasant renters of the t'henangO, 7 —
These urea few of the preseuttitiOn. the ti.tcare",
offers to the invalid. • •
The house is new and commodious—bathing I
apparatus. excellent — , Well ietitiiatkr, with 230
feet piazza.
The meilleal department. is under the entire
mire of DT: . Thayre and wife, whit have had large
experience, in flydropathie praMide; and tare fa,
voralily known us.suceera , ful prantitioners.. •
Courses df Lectures' with fulllplates and illus
trations, will be.iiteu throughout the season to
the Students and Patients, upon Anstotity,
otogy,'llydropathy and Hygiene; fe'r whiali there
will best° additional charge. ' - ,
Females ivlici have been confined to-their beds
to years, ate' invited to correePond with us or
give us a cull. Oar saCCPRI in the treatment of
diseases peculiar to fettaah-s, hart given us eunfi
&tine, and we tray to till such, ec,.n if they, have
"suffiqed much from_manp physlciane," make
onr'more triad.' '
Terms horn .S.,* .10 83, per . week, (payable
weekly.) according. to room and :attention rep'.
red. Patients Will proiride far personal use 2 cool
fortahles: 2 blankets, 3 linen or ',cotton sheets and
towehi. • • ' OV. TIIAV ALM.
' 1 ;Physicinn.
19In D: IY. &IL 7.CRANNP. v . . Prop i .torg
A SUPERIOR article of Carharenimpre.yed
,Lll. 4,4 h, nod 5 octave Metodetine for.mb; at
the - Union Da, ,, uerrean Peril:ma wish
ing anything of the kind. ehould rtot fail to cell
end exemine them.. They UM of .difTerent pat-,
terns, and will be; furnis'te4 at the, piamancitirer's
in ice, by . TERMIPSON & LOOMIS.
Binghettftc'n, 'April 7, 1e52. 1 • ' ' I4tf
wax II Kelitior, it /Oft*.
undersigurd has on haik a 'supply of
stock such ns Hydraulic ItNtuP, fol Uriugiui. '
wilier up hill, to houses, which he'lt,Ny end
warrant one yew lt
': Also ieite rnitips loud Gast
Iron Petinps, for hriughtz water Vain ells into-,
houses, and a reapply orLeini PiPei ie hi le ,he will
lay tend warrnett well done. Those ho went'
work done- iu tity. busineFOriii ud it to
their interest to call ou . i •
GibsOn, Susren. co., Aloy 22, !tn. a2lpn3
T ri....nny-'be !amid an exte,n
siva assortment of Dry Goodir in
chtding a ;treat variety of -
; ladies Dress Goods,
Ingot , Prints; Printed si! Einhiohlered Lawns,
extra tich Itorage •llelunes, Lust"cre4
and , Chainbritys of tiaccsatyles. binek
and fancy_ silks. &c ; Canton Crape; -Brodie;
Cashmere and - Berlte • Sit!, svls, - ;•.11k
PrWasois, plain and fisnrad Swiss Moiling, Straw,
Friench . Lace and Silk. Bonnets, Bonnet
Rihbonis and Flowers
Alamo assorttrienti Bats, Cups, Boats ansiNhogs.'
Tr'unka Vatlices,
,estrpet BursOGisrpetttig.
Cloths- for floors and sabres; pabited and print i d
Window' Shades, Pspor, Cottons
of kinds, etc. etc., which. in condection‘ within
mritersai assortment in other departments sit
goads, and being ptirthagrd eutir6lyl"Or rash, trill
en ible purchasers to.secare benefitsin price,atOe
and.ferme not',to be found in any other establish-
B. " Sail
-Jalt and Stone Coal cimstitutly,_ tip
..New Milford, May 15; 1852.
... . .
- Volztnie V'lnill cdsiintesice_io'A&ll.
Dickens' 1E dousehold -- Words 5?
•A WEEfiLY JOURNAL Etna A. Vatintlkie
• whispers;:. or American Iterns!„by Charles
Dickens. 'Designed for the instrtntOnt. and E.
tertuinment of ail chose,' of Rea&rs..and til as.
slut in the - disco-vim uf the Social P,ltestions of
the times.- $'2,50 ble 'nail—six ceuti.a nninher.
'f"co - chtbs. 3 copies for . G dollars, 5 Copies fur 9dt:d
imly, 10 copies for 15 dollars., -
'rite. mast :instructive mass of
J.ournpi. - • "
The. best of INA urraces imbrki by pit.. 7-Chria•
ticiu , • • 7.
nig journal i>t one er . the errcies4odqetioos
vihiel a vreacla i
The artiefeinre oh subject! , iitterelitina -to all
classes'of . people. of clittrnetee 7 tetlehing„their
. eiErhtv is the Matterand buoyant -the ape:
--N.Y. Daily Timm , - . •
aliaved, cheali for: t..i'tsh. Ahab
Blatefery's Pioica,tottler than at anrinthei place ;
intinstpnlinnna•caunty. • • ,t 4.. FULLER, ,
- Franklin Flialtoo!ay. 10, 1852: i 19tf
---:-:.:NEW.; - :_QOODS I Y . -
. . _ . .
ATESV"Spiill,l,lutf , Stininfer G ! lids tii,gieeilya:.,
.I.llr,tify and ntyln. ntd*.
i.'grneral iisiForiiiient - 4
Stap.n 'sort Fancy Goods ji . s.Arecitc , ftstul.i.effing
t!uannnltv taw by... 11. BulttniTT: , -.,
ri f :yi. Slitfordi 4 . .t1y , 8;:1B52.
Et &U/.W AN Ut Y 0 2LI
ADIES DVSS GOO 9Si, Bonuois, Ribbonir,,
- Sit wiii,
Pak. & Stio
tooth' of • " '
ItgiadK 1111adi •
176tOretfc ri rti wort!, (7tocke!yr'jlirligoionif
D 0414 iiati *Awl; •
gOotia, no usual. ti Lou.,oo!Joilioene of Whioll•hooe
arrived at the 11,4i1lvoy Store in Nem/. 'Rapid; bud
lase *wino::: ixtr with' a mai, 'oootaof
kt)owWhere they int getiher worth'
ntotiiyr •
Calf aiol,ore . fOr•VOTlvti• - /Volront)ie. t0 .813-o *.
our goods. ". 4 LI rrLe.
Nrw 51ilforit:•May,31; 1852. -..„19we
appointed Asiininistrittor of the e
tate•of James Etotwoss. doOittetcl. fate of the Wein•
fs hip a t ji c )ssoij;.
opiate. ,arelequestO lo„wr Weir thi• --- dame
ately",',s4:4_, 4111' !wrong"' o doriiisorla , akeittat
said estate! will please isiesent them: dut¢ atte t•
to the iatrictibrt. 2 ' -REUBEN HILL:
- DevinC" Park & Co:
The preieut : Proprietoei of 'the. •
votltaroicittOotioii fo th« fact that
Y. If we now - carryinzon - - bnidueSs itand7,:
lately - occupied by Stevrna & Duuntore. :'; '(
They have menaced - thcpervicre of good work , i;
meth - , whose ability end eitlieriencO will -Enable
them to'produce articles in Muir line of , a imperioe
quality. : '
It will be the Con slit efforts oi the pro'priettirs
to make aniple ploitsecin - ,di . ..the,:*utits of their;
customers. Ondi as far tit ratty ltolu,ttietr power,'
w ill endeavor that their inters ourseWith such Shall!
be both sweet and
‘Vltite and lfrown tfread;_aoll, and - Rusk,fresh
every Tuesday &Friday afternoon also, Cratikz
eta, Cakes and . Pies always ou hand.
Fruii„Drepe- . ..,a new article. pastiessin the !la..
for of different kinds of - fruit--very pleasant to
F6wr,bp the barrel orriteli - ott the lowest mar.
ket prier. , Also. lanzare, tVoliuntes, and most kinds
Of Groceries; on - the Ippetrealonable'terms,:
F. S. A: few of those :Celebrated Pute-oPple.
Cheese—OW - tind rarerjust N. and and seising 4r fast.
. - tifeut undantall, one and ell, dive us a call.
• : • .lL A. DEANS.
'•••••\ ‘ -• r • • •
ft. PA ruc.-
: - W. DEANS:'
A quantity of:seasoned Tine Lumber forSals.
I DISS6/11t10Eb
VOTICE id hereby aireii that the firm
& %Varner is 'this day .di ;solved by mutual
conaeut.'Those indeb!eti to; the firm, arc requok
ted to settle without .
' •L 7 -•-'•-• • rximit PITTS
Mantropy.4lpril 11852. : P. WAIMEA.
SPRING _GOODS•!r.-No, 1.
Tus . r received, hits of new Goods, Prints, De-
CV utne9 , fregh Tens, Summer Rats, Claipetiog i
Bonnets. Dairy Salt.- CoXee, , Weston' .superfine
Flour, bodfiA; Mackerel, &c. 3,c. So please
call acid bring along Butter,i Eggs, Rags, Grain;
Cash - or good credit, and rota ciur have - thlngs
right, with many thanks, hy M. C. TYLER
Meotrose;April 1852 _
To AU whoni- it may.COncorn.
Q ame hilif.4ozen young desiroui ne-
Oquaintingthentselves with the Tams trade cirri
du so as the invitation is imtnediate, anderjeirum
stauces quite fivorable, and in a mannerutieur
pmoted by a for . eign bragodcieio, may now avail
themselves 'anti benefits by calling. fin - • •
- . . JOHN; Greta - Es .T. M.-
Montrose, April • 1.052.
No* Milford shawl and Dress
Goods. Emporium
H,DURRITT is - again in market with anew
• and enlarged stock :of Winter long and
square Skiable & (Ladies Arees Goods of new and
splendid patterns,and prices reduced still lower, as
the city cash paalc tells upon. the market. And
including also his!geurrat sop lies for the Fall &
Winter trade in Dry Goode,;Grocerips. crockery,
Flurdwere,.lmtt . Ei Nails, fiats and Whiter Cups,
'Bonnets, Dunk) !lobes, Boats Shoes. Stores
etc. etc. all whicbj he will sell on him usual liberal
terms and at prices that cannot be beat for sash,
Produce or appro+rd . dredit.l
N.E.Fleur uud Salt constantly on hand
New Milford Get. 2I Ibsl---44tf
NEW GAO - 1: 1 3
At 'the Vpicinilllp Exclii4nge.
THE subscriber, tr ith many thanks to his nu
-merously increasing patrons, would respect
fully inform his friMull; that he is now receiving a
choice_ selection of toads direct from New York,
which he intends sell op, thi; gOod old fish-.
lotted principle of "live and lel live." Wattled,
itLexchange for 'goods, tell kitcls of .pmditte. Cash
not e:ccepted. JOs.'L. MERRIMAN.
Upsonvillo, April 31 1 , 1854. - ' lStf
CTI LL MAN Barber and Moir Weimer, re
• turns. his thanks to numerous friends
and patronqi and linving. a's he hopes, convinced
nil of the , great 'danger and ,risk of cutting their
throats by plotvin7 theroselves,-he- begs that they
will.discontinue that barber-dm; practice, and en
canines home industry by calling on him fora
64)We; • CO. 'Crycketes 'uncle; was said to be sa .
sinnrt that he sh avedit i midi with sheet lfghtning,
and C, Tillman will perform the,same feat on any
who prefer that to a good inzor; if they will call
at his.shopin 'Searle's tioterbasement/ If yon
don't believe it, call and'see. - •
Nziy. 6, 1852 C. TILLMAN.
D. WASIIBININ would respectfully announce to
Xkl• the citizens of Montrose_ and vicinity that 'lto
has opened and Intends to - 1.4 ep a lama and peneral as
sortment of.all kinds and (mantles of Usurer, Mole
skin and silk Hats of the latett styles; Kossuth, Gun
gitiazi and wther styles and quklities of fur, and isnot
Hats; ,ranitios. Le*hoin; Palm-leaf, 'and the various
kinds of braided hats for SIMMS? arearj.Cfoth,
Glazed. Silk Plush and all kinds of Caps tbr•gents 'and
boys and yeutles,wear, , Gents Patent-leather Shoes,
an. &in, together,with all lands of c , oda 'generally kept
In ain't atom.. The subscriber, twins largely engaged
In'the abet° trade at the East,Will answys enable him
to keep at hfs store In 316i:dense a farces and more fash
ienabieassortment than can be feitild elsewhere. His
terms are ready pay. which will -enable him Coach all
coeds is his line at least 15 per cent. lower than others
thWsame ttado. The citizens use texpectfully invited
do call and 'see for them Selves. S.:Washburn Wilt
always be on hand to exhibit the giro Is, Whether people
wyo to purchase-or or t.- -- • 31'; IV.S.StrI3I.IIIN.
Montrose,difril In, 1552. . .
• To the'
AErgt,:ruIZRELL i; now receiving and keeps
eruct:lndy on baud a tarp
,whtch soh! ! far eaSh or reedy pay.
The sti3elt is rompaied of s a first rate athiortment
llye.Staffs, Grocerieg, Gtaws-ware;spc)uns,
. Spcetaclegi'• InstrionentN
, . -Yankee, NOtiotis, - and
I.(foorffi .
: .ALSO, , - •.•
linicttVire*, .9tonewati, . .
,Staticineryi Brushes,
, . 3fediii3l Instruments, Perruniery,-
Btipportero.. Shanider-Brateg,'.
Shoes, C,unphtne; .Burning Fluid,- Lampe,
_Clocks, Watc r iles;',Juvreiry,
' All ifintoug' pa rciiiigeDnts.or Orwttig
in any of the, afore r nirt. departments, will'find
then. intarona promoted by c;illiar gnu_ nt.,,the
Drag' end Variety:Mune:4 ABELTURRELL.•
• illoinrose;4lay 18.52.1 • •-
- •
XrpTICE ishoreby,alren that letters of Da !
:111 ministiation have beee'granted: to the - un
de,rtsiknett on 'hi'. estate "Of • Ilicher4 'Ai hiuty,. A t e .
Oeased;lato or,Clitrord township; all persons hay.,
unsettled accounts With said estate , will please
adjust the same
•-• • . • : yir-ILLIAIkt REESE, Adtrer. - '
ClifTurd, - May . 4
.-; 214.
- 31STSAILEfio 'VP TofliE...
in - am upiaznawirion,,
QUPEItkiNEOhic;FLCUR; alio, Codfish,
Mackirtl, cnrpet Warp;'llAitnn tink fin in
lurg , anclucte. • :Id : TYLEt?..:
21/N - GOOD& -.•
~ liNvEuit Ili - now rieriiing his spring anti
j[3l 4 iummei'swlt of-aoods, whioo he ardi°
cheap _tor
, _:l4°Pirpr; APTilr/3• IBSZ-
Golivg4it" a . abatis :Coml. -,
9 1116 sabscribisr-tuti • entail stock-7as .o.f 31eu's and
BoY,' Otkirla.. OAK arts lactots mill r•b0et,..410,1) itM ond
isoortakent of tAtito,)llpsirr.iifiditildren's Bot
Shopit i iirbictv bell;.how kktl,od ut
.bile a'
11000001 41 , :. TOrel opportutay
l o* go - bargari,l4
•- • ,
r‘ W
11Y 'GOODS . ' •
'blaze .
Lae of the ruin of: Wilson fa
I"jES INES' *etlifti Ida grateful thank-life he citt4
gene of Susquehanna county for their Metal pat: •
sonata duringthe port year, and reaps:min:oy sediew
gostintirmee of their furors listing reopened
store in Ton:Tides' Block, (which. Las beeys enlarged ird •
improriel4 with. a-full .siock; of..Bprlng. - and Barnum: .
Ooods, he !belies those Who Minis to ptirchare Oooag .
Tory low for retail, to call' anti etimiln hts smfortment.
Tha subjoined list of clops, sod orteesbs twitevesionv
'compare tivoratty with that Waal atter nienstnnis t
_ - '
Lades , bras:tads',"
la'rga nsibittnen — t'of Mk, imd eta ,
Nous grades eta potter:4,2mM jib, 04. to litiLphr •
• , laines.
2000 yards of Siring Dollar - OW, Of obbOst e ► ailed
ty and style that the Nov Tor, It market. alfartl4' from*
lie. to 3s. per yard.. • • •
• Prints and Ging ams..
to 400 31:idit of , Merimteg,,Tall . Rirer,katiebellt4i. •
Dochleo, English and .other styles of Prig at.,0e.04i -
10e. and-la pee:lir., One iglAt, of sopeifor ciotbs and.;
colors. yard wide. 84 VI. lOW price of - 1060 yards or
i Iduiteruiter and Glasgow G i siohirow,wartruited fast'colora,,
at js per. yard. Also,. Bc.dels and French Ao from 1a
• trumbsienpiAtp., , 6".:3lohliir . Lustros, Blikes, Oen.
ton Cloths. all wool De Loins's; ellk rssones,and Oldsz
et goods used . •
White a‘iocts.' - -
Plen'.l 4 3ll !old slriped . Jsiesitct Thislin,Cambdo do.
plaits and drOted lisansoak and Vssltan.
Linen Combo le, Sys Linen Lhsen Table Cloths,
Xopklns, Scotch and. floosie, Biopics, Wen Shootings fa
Shirting's. &e. at ate pti4os as cannot €lll to ggsos
entire satisfaction to customerS. ' '
• • . '
largo lot Of Arbelie,,,Conton Cratie end Ctsl;Coeni
Stemls.. malty - per rent:cheaper. than thy, were gold
last year .- - • _ ,•
• liandkerhiefs. • "
Lloca flasidkorelllcfg of every vide, froni,,f,td ei
Table Ccivers.
. .
' Several dozen colOred, cotton, we/gated .endlJdenil*
all wool Embossed Covers, from 4s. to. $4 %Otos.. . . : .
Goods lot ILteil and Bejs.. -
Broad CI the :Or eferi color and from 10gLia
$5; block And fanei Cassimcrei. from 6to '2Ol. ; Rena
tacky Jeans, 'rived% sad' Satinets, from 2s. 6440 6st'
Vestings of every description, qualify and Oki.-
Domestid Goode. • -
6900 yard. of brows sbretioti 665 hirthVgli. mut' 5 Vol
De. per yd.; 500 u bleached do. from 4c. to I s. per yard
Tidangs and 51arineur, Eldrtlaird. froin 6d. to Is. per y 4.
Hosiery and 'Gloves.
an even OE
,siSsortrzeut and yell &cap. Among. the=
a lard tut or white cottlizi Ila'ze, very fair:quallty only
. ,
ad. rddr. „
ti7ici•ear'pet • ags. .
-A well a-sorted stock; purchased direct from the lin:
est tuataursetory in this cnuntry, laud for gal e -at cud];
prices as writ admit of competition.
. .
• • Straw and Millinery GoOde.
Tbd stbseeiber is de efrons oedirectlng ibeattentlon of
the public particularly to this branch of business, u
goseesses great faeilities for getting there roods. tbeept
lie designs' keeping coretantly on band (during the sea- .
son) a large stock of Ftraw Bonnets, *bleb be adll "Übe.
21 per sent. cheaper than they tan be bad at retell
New York city Either wholesale or retail enstuIPUIJI
will find it greatly to awls a trantege to e.uktlnteble
stock . bdforo mating purebases elm/here.. . • •
Ribbons. and Dress Triudelnuoi gotatastortment
lot! prices: . W. N. WILSON.
'Corner of Court and Water streets. nearly.
• opposite the &aeries* hotel, '
. .
Twia mot TIM, ipril 28, 1552. -
. . ,
,liew Boot- 4nd. Shoe, Stqf6
TIM new firni of 'Keeler & Stoddard =Bare
opened a Boot nn; on Main 'street;
first door below r the Brief( corner iti which Choy_
offer for sale . .
-The-Laro.ei Assortnieat
of Boots, Shoes and Findings,at the lowest plus
n'e kelt for ready pay and pranl; profile
. .
. The . citizens' or the village arid aortal*: • are re:
*section) , invited to'call eta real genuine Boot
and shoe store where Boots nod shoes ate sold ida.
stvad of Beer ond Oysters. - -- ', '-. -
- Keep It beirore Peoplei
That We have a full assortment eunong•which We
enumerate: . • -
Meng Cork bole waterproof boota,long leg lion.
gurimir; calf half sate and pomp boots, Pro
sole bouts, thick boots, calf, Jeiv ant dottbido bra
gone; Over alines, etc. •. • • •"
• Youths Calf, Kip and cowhide boots, bOyathiCk.
boots; etc. -
Ladles .French channel Gaiters, ;Mien! Foi
weltDaiters, enameled and Kid Polkas, ennineled
front lace Folksy, kid and goat Jvcsuir Lann'ai
New York ties, cxcelsiora, /maw Linda Bosettua;.
kid ties. rubbers, etc. . •
I‘lisses gnat and calf Lace boots, Jenny Lind's
enameled Polkas, Dutch boots.- etc. ••••
Childrensy button shoes, gout and enameled lace'
boots, Gaiters, Downing's etc. - • -
Amdint our Findings we offer French calf tikinsii
Oak and fienttock tanned Gulf skins. Motocetif,
pink and white lining' skins.l!irturhati
Roans, Binding, upper teethe!, °A and &Wool:
soleleather, pep, zinc nails, sparables, bcel ; ball
‘eelibin.. etc'. ' • . : • ,
ly N. B. • Work made to order and repakine near.
rpHE substr‘bera would inform the citizen, Of •
JL Susquehanna cohuty that they have now on
Wood a J.r...g , 0 namortment of •Dry Goods',ai r
:Wi ale
INN and retajl. . . .
consistinz in part of broadcloths..cassinteies. eat- '
inette: Keuirreky 'jeans, :Vestinge, - aiuS• tatturnee
goods of alt !rinds, ' ;•"„ •
.consisting of a large variety. viz: Black silks, fade •
ty do., sathri, gingham. Scotch. Ameijcan
prints of aft I::finle,•torne. at G pence•pet 'yard 'of
enperioe quality of eulora w'arganted, nr. de Ilfines.
Cualuoyre, hoNiery rfveiy - grade
and quality—Whitu goads: ,Browa andibleaehed
sheetit*s, 4-4 wide. heavy quality, at 6il; pee yd..
Troltings..drillioge, flannels. Scotch diaper, birds •
-eye do?. napkins; Irish linen, and spreans; injait
aliorrit every thing in the' dry &Oda line:;
Three-ply . , ingrains,.
,intion, and -,yrno!,;.._ option,
druggite,:i.Ool a cid - cotton—oil, *Ulf for
ffotita and tables. - - • .•
'-We thrift) all visiting-our place - to, call and eti
amine. Put' stock, forge feet ecatfideutby i ea doing
it will twr a eariug ortea,totcieuti pet cent l " 9ar.
" Otit) i 4111c1( sales and , email 'profits: I •
;Stare; admit oppatati the, Pototliae. Bingham:
ton. N.l( • AVICItHA3I, - * B.PNpI..L",r;
" . "Arajll 7,185 t •
spr94t s,,Comln4ed Carnage,
' SProlgs•
TN ttITERING thin - Minch telebratid
fretbo public the Subilcribeisrospesti'ullyoolicit
it candid exatinnation as io its merits.: .As for its
superiority Over. all Other • sinlits, let 'Alicia/WM.,
It air' 'Teelted beni 'Witness, and_ 'tbei4ohicirl
Oars are !willing to abide by, the dinittinnS,-,. It bon
I been car fraily'exttnincd :11y, menet science, imt
by,thtin.clicerfully recoMmended to this
.4t: ciirriuge Mtn. be. built ittith.thette Springs' chento
or ; . 5 1 : 1 ,113s: lkttfor;,.nroret darebbrintd for Misr' ill"
not equalled by.any springs no* in rite;
= All Springs warranted: .Itialintseirared
- • i SPROUT, BURROWS, &Cai!.
• Lati!ii.Siisiegi.:Cobity;Pi
Anctrra, t - nAti A Sr - r. - " • -27-iitout.:, t/..
LOANFIBLII fa adlir4 rig his large stOeli
'of ' . , Triroartm#, WsTcuas' se' ontsti.*
scpucnn, prjcen,l6 make rootofor new goods.
• . , L. CA INIFIELtt,
April '23:
. _
---- - Silver - Ware - • - -•
PURE AS t;OIN. - (marked i le a ; I ' s
- full assortment of Plated, Orlitaitie, and INV*
ver Ware At ,
ifil u thealtnn, - • ;
• • •
. - • , If You Please. , • ' • •
A_ it: petentie indebted to. Mg .- lire re/nettled tai
J: 7, •eitte's *Rho pgment fletwiett this, data
and the first:or Niny next.- A,PgL TUAREIOI. , „
31autreset'April.1 ' " '
• ' • - . .
A 11i1,;.,71:7U pout :46C VI *le tirtioiii
truboo to grim-tray toottly. to Barqbebsoma county,
a gait, A boto oc for tbo ,yoor 1882., !be, ore tbereforo.
berib7turiteatOoOol!.orrtod not gat oars ro tlattOO