The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 17, 1852, Image 4

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Icr, pis?.
; The Minister% tToke.•
The Knlekerhoeher for lay has tiw
itig :monks' badger of jokes-it Is a good
one'; , • '
, 4, 4'frierid inStoekbridge,. "Alass, ,, Sends
, the-followittir-atieedote'ef Bev. Zeb4Twitchel I
a Methodist prergymatriri•-ind regOlar :!ritan
-ding; and a :member ,
. .Vincent.;:cOnfereneC:
Atone';represented .StOckbridge, in
the St 'Zeb said oarinforui•
ant, a man of fhir thlentS, both as &preach : .
ertanola.musician. - In - the pulpit ha is grave,
seletilti" dtgnifed. a thoroM4h systematic ser,
.Inordser; but 'out et the :pulpit,. there is no
riaaniliving more full of fan and droilery.,•Pai
'tine' Occasion; lie - Was wending way to.
amds the seat . of 'the. Annual ConterenceiOf
Niiiisteiselaeerupany with another efergilnan.
Passing a country inn lie remarked tp his;cern.
- " The last time - stopped. at that
tavermytsliTt` rah 141andlords, fvffel l . in
utter amazement, his clericaVfliend - Wantedi to .
I;neW what he Meant. - -.q• mean juit what
say: replied . teb, eaten' went the ;two tray=:
Oilers in unhrOkOn silence; until:Jhey reached '
the Conference satwith7closed doors,'for the
purpoSe of..traniecting pilYete business,, jtnd
,tcrattend tothe - annunfegamination
of . eachtnernhotiirptivite Character, •or rather
• r I
COOdtii4,:dirring the past year. • Par this Our.
fose a clerk called the rokas was the custom,
'Mad 'hi dtie Coarse Zeb's Inertia caned.—
. .
Does any one know - aught:agairist 'the ton
&net of brother Mitchell -during the'l Past
yearr - rorrlied:the Bishopewbo was tlfe,preaid
ing officer. • • -
silence, .
After a 'no - 11'104's . travelling
Companion arose from his seat,- and with a
,heart, and;-grave demure countenance,
said-he .had a duty, to performl- one thatl be
tined - to Gird; to the ehuiuh, mid to bimaclf
lie must • therefore discharge it fearlessly,
tholigh with: lie then ".,related .
what Zeb had told hin t while passing the ,
ern, boty be slept With the landlord's Wife, etc:
Ijkaigrain . body Olniinisters was struck ias
with a. thunderbolt; - . although a few smiled
and glanced first upon Zeb, theft upon . the
Bishop; - krieivirigly, for they new better than
the others the Character of the accused. ,I The
Bishop called up Brother T. and asked him
what he bad to say in relation to so serious
charje.::Zeh arose and said-; , "1 - did the deed
l,neyer,teits Then pausing with an Mi.
ful seriousries.s,lle proceeded, with slaw:nod .
solemn deliberation . "There was p one. little
circumstance,. however :connected with the
affair,J did not to the brother. • It may
not into much - weight : with the Conteren;ce,
but althcin,gltit-may tiodeemed . of trilling ;len.
portance; twill stateit: When slept. with
the landlord's trife,.as..l told the :brothel; 1
kept . * torcia'si.risc/07. .The long and trail&
led countenances - relayed; a titter ' . follonied;
and the next name on the roll was called..yii
A Pinzle.
• I, We Corninend .this orig.
Yfinal 't4 the careful
4 O . IIJ 0 'consideration of those Of .
• 2 EPO our - readers
who think it .
ILTIO U means -them.
PAPE We copy , the above.from
I ' the. Oinalio SPee4ter,
. 'trust a - of
P. our readers will - not gifti
By a award and cont a ined
application - , for a time it 'may 1e Solved bp d
'iii cannot , but think alio, solved, very
great taigth.og time tyjll elapse before - the lien=
fit of its sedation will be felt io a roim:tithat
We can readily appropriate. This conelu4ion,
however-may be problematic, bet shall anzlous-
aiikii4tskldetermination trusting that it may
be it our flvoi ' ) , et:
Beall it again—lowa:Republican,
Two l'ons6 LatirisDnowilin.A . ;des
patch, to the' Philadelphia Bulletin; datdA nt
Wihnington, Del., states that on Sunday.ifter.
neap a sail boat on christhina creek, contain.
Persons—;three young-lads and three'
yOlinkladifi—tria by a .sudden :flaw. of Wind
Upset... -.Miss Hackett, a young lady, about 16
Years' o . tage, -- by some means, is Supposed,
giAentaxiglCd in the sail and was drowned.-
Another young. lady was almost dencl - i , shen
resciied,ltaldied this morning'.
.The . Ohers
niado is very .11Mri)w escape with their. lires-,
they being almost exhausted when reseued .
The lodiof :His Hackett has not yet been re.
atruffedi.": - -•- ' '
,• - gt 4 fiCaeif om child is
,soon as
tiara, ti=-narrate = his little experiences; his
shopter ofseeidents.fiii 'griefii, his fear 4," his
hdper4 to. communicate what he has notice&
in the world without, and what fp-feels strug
engin the-world within. Anxious to rise"
aimatlijaiti) narrate, he will ':be r indueOeto
give attention to objects around him,and What
ii,.tdailigin,the:ophere his,inatier.tion';;
Anil:note events will beimmer one
ef-hio. Grit pleasures. - ',is "ti F.ic;und.
Wei& 0r thoughtful Character.: ' .
..I.hearcA of a new political party the other
day- A. party of gentlemen Werediscne,sing
idith;is- in the bar - of or the, tiatiollal,- when
one declared his sentiments this : Gentle
men,'y (iiu may talicas much as Yon plem, about
is odr y, ~vlsipism , tree soil - aid Seceisionq
l'te a State jtighre Lag cabiqui* . Fith the .
latch straipaaedin r.'
larlyhether you are" plaxinzon the, Elm
-theiparhtswir character should ramp be
iStejt dress* - Good hioadelotti isq4waye
'.seised' witb AS atone, itiongir corcring c l iaecal
white liusoy woteey. is nther ran,upen, though
folferivea'r lattriot -
Dtridous,:the first' time: -41
sleeve suckered heriiitist;- she felt .as if she
ams in 'a pavirnon hunt of ratinbckre,;! the win.
iltiit.;llli of ttere . 'ionapoSed COslina .
Harps. That Y°4 6 3 woman' -3110Ald lharo, her
feet soaked. ,"
give lip:titO: iron Irde
1 1t,441 11 5 11 ne PaPerl ,
aaY B gle
2r9ivspa 't=er bui , ness lb"the - shordekit' or 'the
-- -7. ---- 7 7---- " :
' IReastattVarietieis.
Vby are lovere,siglis like long • stockings t
B cause Wei are high bo'rk .-
e inertness Mi
Of,the nd is often:Opt . . for
lpeace. '1 - - • -• • '
.. True quiCeness-ollbeart ingot by ',resisting
our passions, not, by obeying them. -•- '
He submits Ce ' be seen tbron c lb ,a-ntiero
seoim wlio seffets - bimself tO be caught in. a
pabsion. ..
'.-- ' ' - •
-. .- - ~ ,
,;Mica's nature runs either to lierliaore.. weed's
tet seasonably u'eter the one and destroy
the other:.
, ,
Neith'er the 'evil nor the good thaetrien do
is ever interred with their bones, but lives
after:thein. ' - the . eVening star of the soul as
virtue is its Sun, anti the two aro neter far .
. .
Why is a person approaching a candle like
a wan getting'. otrhis lwrse 8A1.M30 113 s
going toga-light.
Nrer pu'rcha.seloio oriliendihip by gifts:
when thus obtaine# theyitro lost When Y . ou
stoppaytuerit, •
Then ago by long only
their p.m) Joelinations • hate forgott6o' .. tliat
others lees a than toi; the deep
The Corpet Bog siya there must be io!he
horrible eannitia le in Itoiston,becan'se in in ea
ting.houie the Other :day A man for
Baker I Indiaw.
" Why my dear 'n'OMP " - answered th? eic
man;" that. is tho I:ery thing than siraxds:nii
so much ;if I could die halts dozen timm,'
shmild not mind.r . '
W"A Wrrnont. - jetper defines the rights of
woman as follows-4 •To Tore her lord, with
all her heart; and her Baby as herselfand- to
nial:b good brcad:
A young gentleman who had just = r iled a
little undersizcd beauty says she would :hare
been , taller but she is made of such Ocelot's
materials that Nature could not afford lit.,
111',,trag says that BArnumhas reiently ;enrich
ed his museum Stith a hick.'of hair from the
head' of steamboatpavigation ; also a bins
frOinthe taco.of the earth and ten ,Tar_da of the
equinoxial - line• . • .
To dream of a closo fist indicates that you
are about to ask'n favor' fro - in an'"utiiversal
- To see apples in a' ;dream;
betokens a wedding= because whereeyOu find
apples, you way: resoriabil expect to find
A poor Irishman rihowas en his deaPt bed
and who did not seem:quite reconciled to the
long journeyhowas going to take was kindly
consoled n good- natured friend :With the
Cormitonplato !reflection skit we nansL,die
"This must hels•very incovenient town . o
in,7 said a Cockney to an inhabitant. of
Ityde for I understand you have to get
all, your milk from ieows " Not ao bad ,as
London," replied the Isle of weight wag, for
they me you. get all -your • milk from
yells '
A conntryman ,Onee brought a peke of bread
ati'tirtiskiirith O' : reqUest that he«ould paint
aPoti - it; St: chilitOpluir.ailatie as life. But
returned the artist i ":that' board is much to
small ler that
,porpose.7 The:lcountrymon
looks perplexed. at this unexpected . ..diseciireil.
" That's bad joh,'? said • he," but leek sir
can le t ye caii;let his feet hang d r eum 'Oar the_edge of
the board." - -
. ,
~Loid Nelson,.wlien a_tioy being on a visit
at his aunt's; went hunting one . day and did
nOttitoitr. itotil . nfiei.dark.
~,The - gOod lady
uniii''' aliitn . ed scolded ,- him . 'seserely .- and
" I liimder fear 4;4 not 41iii*Yii horne.",-,.
I ear," replied 41e boy, " knou'
"Is your horse perfectly gentle, Mr. Trot
terr -"Perfectly gentlo'sir—the only fault be
has got—if that be a fault—is a playful habit
of extending the hinder hoofs now and then-7
By extending the hinder beefs; you, : don't
mean kicking, I hope. 7. " Sorne_people call it
kicking Mr, Green but it is only n slight rest.
ion of the rouselese disease
E4Green;ivhistlino, , „.
, . .
• •-• • • •
door to .
Tn =beagle, to cotilMeOeing . hia seem:dicer ribald
leader bla thanks to his wide.spreirl manners for
the eueouragement received in. the sustaining Prom UM.
tutan.l exteurive no establishment, *here the Mose
s some& nag (End All the minutia' tor retulerieg its do:
ties but a pleamut task,and much to adorn and beautt.
fy the parlor.
. •DS> stock of Freudi, mon e,Orin fiartl;t4g,Rix,:k ing
.lrtn, Wimp' mild Glatt.Trare, is • riow Ltice;and varied,
and complete, embieelog some nes mytert (or ray . cona
importation) from aidchlho Mint delierite - tarte mai brr
. . House- merit..flr `
iffirtierr„aerscm,spocom, coffee nod spier mills, rundle
stick's, eltovela alid,tougk suuHere , . scales,
corda,',anddronr, umbrella stands. &e.." •
• Wooden; ' - •
Poander mortani, broimnii tiopoi Voilt;c1(41.71;
cradles; vr2gunz,', iauine , et mpe , ltr. • - . • '
Dliscellanromi. - • - • •
- - Lantpandbral Lswwunss.hiltannia Ware of all de
, seriptions. Looking Chasse,, - Vases and Ornsments, deb
Chinnandentglass i ; V..,ys and fraairy Gonda . of alLklad
prices and descriptions: Clocks:_rbpe, ;ate, wool, Ails eo Coy Vans; 'Window Shades,' (very cheap,) and
BialCa=s.of various styles: , •
Our stork socomplete, presenting such a great va
riety of useful and Ornannaatni articles that those wish
ing to obtain a' complete outfit ..or replenish' housekeep
ing articles, will sawn ninth title and irionny .by ealliag
at this , eilabliShment. - ' . L.
Binghamton, 15 X, Apr 1174,1352. , • • ;: 1617
I at: pieisurerilifformirm Ns friends ;
-; -- iiiistonstomkrs ttisit he 14is dab 1 4.1 4, itred "athat.
knelt:4 . nt his investor Patent LeWer fchw
itialapEseisired Ezpierffy to Ns. priler,'.rrith ids own
name engraved' au essii, comprising ; orru4 ,
clod; in bruitalgimses, inn braryoluall Five Pm t
plain Cases aziakisig 8111 W ratios; of these tiblebtated
Time Keepers, which he offers for salirrisliotr,Ps. itetr
Sark irIIOLES AIR prices, rmranted purest,
KVA NS i 044 rename Mill,
:44riLtariirrm, 4141 iff • • •.•
O S Ready-mode Clothl4 Owl Mots 'a n 4 0 i)O t ' ice•
oloutly uu bawl. 8 few of the ii'loostitjPirato
Tot teroalu,anstautorsaWy ozpootOd Imo day
Qomr. Te47.40+ ' iewSpliuß 144tersas Ult., reciive4
A.; from the nmpufactut es by ZUNI.
::Gold Chains
T OCKETS,TI3I.mbIeff, peeks, F. ina . i.oncil , &irra
alaJlass oftmort •L CAUELV.B
'BUS s 13:CARDS.
• L ' It Sprouts . r
-113. riage Sprlngt.,ll.antr?sei!c
' &O6
'ltAtit; St - AZitr .. 1 0
,A-1741y.E115, Binh"
tt , 3l,ontrasa. lc - tennt . thf-pine;
resitost„nuis foutO at Searles
_be . happy. LG.:wait .U4lOll Wa 014
H Jell:;N'Go'rreiLrri
Hotel, itheie: be
trlands aiwell nx I;
Illontrure; Feb. 2
SUI:0 EON, nontrote,.P4., wilt M
imeo that may bo entroitoil to Ills
• si atilt fidelity.' Office at his old•
ka Itrect. EetidetteiltdcklluEtt
I .4 en b e•• •
• G•
DurstefAN AN
lend to• all Int.
eharit, with kouipt
residence on Turu
nx, root or Pall.:
Ksoleady.m.d.riliothina t ipit, do
, hoet, Ito. Rows two Alooto below
' • •
i,; BOi
JJ aop., tioote &
llntell'e 31an
• 0. Tyler,":
.I.l , warei Tinware;
also pays easlifor al
below the Court Ho
(10 ijDS, Gioceries,Crockeryillfratl
fish, 'Oil it, 'Fluid, rid n Is, ke...te.;
khule of Shlpphig Furs. _Stoie lirsc
r i les Tillman,
IR DIIEFSING 5A.01,1. Searle'e
or to the PostoMee t filonl ro3c, Pa.
-- - - Zha
Bulbiliti; 1,1.0 d i ,
• . ,
, Winbhe'ster t
' - Si .
AvronSmy teri
Cl Stark's Beek
If:H• -
tIII.4:NON gmeo 3 doote
tottl; Mohtroie, Pa,. ,
TTi C ERT . Ai4D E.
brio* lit cites
&- °hied,
LAW; ilticintitite. 'Mice over Ty
,E. Eittiet, 15•4.
tl 4111 , auto:
. .
:'. '' efiaMOri & .. Steiiiiigt '' '.
Dn ILE) II oi 1 RtILII "MeNtrAtMlf 2. Totes STONC3,
:TABLO krie t a eon the. Cabal Ilridgo - and Clinic!
house) Court st.llll haniton, N.l. 07'.1.11.Whitney
Travellig *fent. . , —..-. .. 211 ly
' '' ' C' '' ''
. ''''.. L
- . - S i mmons,mmon., :,. ~• :
noOTAND Stip f 32 Alift, AND ttEPAIRe.R. Shop
Al over Daldain 4. Fox's Stiddi.riShop;-41/aniroie.
H a . x c LICLA ei N ow AID sgr e O re .l, 7 - I.o .ll!rf!rd , Pft, itz
Dr- SiLmes Brooks,
DIITFICI SURGEON, and dealer intim:mai
-fit. 011s, , Dres, ice: Corner Of Chitral!
awl Pine Streets, op .Ot P. tusk's, Turd
• - s . Soh 6 'IU Dun' oak,-
TTOItNEY AT .101V,'.0111ee on Turnpike street, I
dear west of th oldllegitta Printing 4 oCioe,lifont;
• Truesdell:
ATTuttNET AT' SIT, remt,flend,.Pe. omco with
Col. F. Lusk. - • •
SSURGEONnisTuesa, Pi. Offee in' Odd
fellows' Pundit+ „corner of Turnpike und Chestnut
streets. Operations pan the teeth performed the. Most
carefully - and tend ly. 'Flute work done with the best
Material and In the Istimprovell style... Charges low.
runwsititu BV
fly THUIRED47: ll OflMtsa BY,
B. Chase,
Ono dollar and rift • cents per annum, cash littidvitnce;.
or two dollars if no paid until' the en t of tite year, or
time of subscriptio : • No Paper will 'be discontiuu d
eintit'alt arrearalre re paid, except at the option oftho
Pnblislicts. All co .tmonications; moat be post paid to
receive attention. 11 lottery connected with the office
t.) 8. D. E. D. 1.11):))?, Montrose,
esti) a 7. Tyler's itoti.
should be directed
Suiquehanna count
• irrzaitomtems«l
, F
iltien,/ r tareepisertlana, 91 - 00
111nsection, • • - 25
atiss, • • • . 220
. -
One wimp U• ••
• Each sobseq •
One again three ••
Otte equate six m •
Ilasinoss Cards, coo
lt6trly advertisente
Otte cottons one ye,
o which they are o
. . . .
lines °rives,. . 300
• t.! , . ,nooT, four squarer, 00
• • ' 3000
on *OIIK
baring s largii zn.iorlinent °tint
.ate prepaied. to riecute#ll ktndfoL
L . ems and desprttch. , - -
:ry-TheiPabii " -
Printing material*,
lob worts with, neat
alit rifts *tete I
printed taardee.r
: ,- $5OO CHALLENGE.`;„ ! ,
IXTIIATETEIte ncertis the health andhapidiers o f
• I', 'a pantie is a all tinies - of the most valuable ,Ini,' ,
nertatire. .1 triketi for granted , that. every person Trill
do all la their pow it to save the .lives of then - children i
nnirtiret eresT Pe On will'endeavor to preset - de their
own health at ally crifices. I feel it to be toydutt to '
solemnly, assure You that - Worms, according to the
• opinion of the met i leelearated Phisicians, are the mi.
mary eansnoca la ,e majority Of
,disease to whichchil
dreo and adults art liable, Upon have nn appetite con
tinually changeable from one kind Of fool ',to another,
bad breath; pain - 1 Also stomach; picking: arthe /1..0,.
, haranessand fuln s of the belly, dry cough, low fever,
parse Irregular; tv emlierthatall these denote Worms
and you should at nee Apply the Iretee4..
1/616 . — ck'a' Woriri - SYrziA° ,
Afrititv.4 rio,iiatii ell iehlntitia prineipl ~ totnpernarlsi
ed Mat !inlet? 4,' „ctdble' aulivtatiee, heing -- perfeetli
safe - - ,when - taken; determined..' Walt Its e.:tlai, mut
not tearing, the, ay ern inn diseased condition as most
advertised mistr for the renewal of worms , composed,
of calomel, suet' its, it:4 but has
performed the - tri t astonishing th ree and - saved the
lives of thousanda both old and. young, swhohave been
proneunced hopei . s Iticurable, by physicians. Read
jibe following ibecome "couricii4 of iticilleary over
till abuts r.
•- = -
.._•. •• - :i' MolTlATtiver,.N. J„ Aitx..13.18.51: -
.211r..a.N . . Ifobeis aek—Tbis is to certify that mysltildi,
15 years of ape, ha Ina been nick for three years, was at
tended for a disea o of the splae by . Drs: Loper, Whillts,
and Phisler for a wag time without receiving any ?moo.
fit. After giving! er up as Incurable, I went to Ph il a.
delphia surf elms teal one of the hest physicians. her
yifseare 'atililma- ag worse. - It was at thlitimo I was
Induced to try-Ito, essek's Worm Syrup, and -after la.
khm two bottles' e entirely reenined•heatealtla, a ft er
paining a.great au ntity cd, worms., BoAing Ws will Pe
a benefit to pnrrn t whose children are similarlyatfeeted,
L --, LI In ' yours; de. --, -" ; . —, - •
E. 901111-tiNt.
. .
No. part of the' isteri litnore hable to disease than
the liver, it sect , gas filtefer to petrify the blood, be
•poratoa and secretion to the bile, so
that any wrong =flan of the Liver,. affects the other im;
portanrparts of fhe system and results *variouily to
Liver Complaints, aandlee, D;speprla, Fevers, ke We'
should ,tlscrefore 'ttiCeveryrymptom that might indi
cate a wrong solo • Of the liver. These Ally being com
posed Of roots'and plants, farcached by nature to heal
the 'let, namely: kiln Expectorant, which augments
the secretion from the pulmonary mnens membrane, or
promotes, the disc . rgeof seertted.matter.. 24, an al
terothre, which ell em to sofeelnexplicable and
Went:caner the ruin morbid aetions of the system. 1
gdout a Tonle, which gives tone and strength to the nerv—
ous systrtn„-ben !math eh
,d vigor o:!nlipepiof the
body. - dth. artie,ohich;tiets Itrperfect . ftSrilicety„.,
with the otherin redtente by operating oti the bowels
and expelling the whole Wan of eorrupts and -vitiated.
matter . and pewit' fag 'the blood, whielisfestroys disease
ludrairds lwalth • ' '"
, Prepared at
'corucr4th and
the principal Oro,
the country. -Jny I
, AOENTS.--4the
core; Illaytten
cord; Eaton lc ?
litsrorto &Co., 0
Church & ?Lino ,
Iyn Grow & Btu'
Janlestlrooks; Or
noek; itsrter.& '
Taut Br:Lintels;
t 1 . .
bensaek's Laheiatory, Philadelphia,.
7.2e1t.' ; Price 25 eenta.: For , salo:by
lit r,, end 1. tO , lll generally throughout
gout Ada m rylVaid, Philadelphia. .
'furreirand Bentley & Read, Mont,
lege:and Wm: o.. Ward." New .31ilk
etc and s2;ii Srymour:lflarfdr4Nr.
Dean ; C: It Wells & thittenden and
y, Datlthlff;: 0. A. Eldridge, Erna.
~.01epwood;.14telen Scott nil& Dr.-
Bend; , J. W. Estaen;:Tunkluie , '
ussell Sterlingrillo • S. T. Eturde:
ViE4llbsZeber now receiving'
• .t e his Fining stock of goods, vldeh,
togethetwith Ads fanner supply',
makes the largest nod richest
f sortitient ever offered fa the
C Aefuitifilfcio mistounty; hissfack
eOnsluiscs a rioa LoT or.r
wAtangs; both 'Gold' and hi o ll n :
see; In 'hunting and. pltdrvaisesi
from ad to $l2O- T o part of vbiety
are of kir outs rtaticiti, nude to ander, aadcenci4ed.
oli arhio'haro tested them to he the BestaterofkriA
for-sale fulfils 'sevalott of coluktry ; also
meat of SILVER. . ARE storm ted as good as cola. an
extensive variety f new .patterns of Earrings, Breast..
pins:andotherJ elry Of the best qtraillps:also;.l'fattd
'43csals; Combs, Au Jr.e, ece, to whisk re would eullthe
sUeutiou °faith eighths's; to purchase, as be is deter
mined fo !a omit anontlansota of tikals
liberal patronage ALFRED J EVAES, ,
-• .Wasldagtonst.
• Plii.gbitqt : mOtt! , . - =,'
A. LADE Int flytetilated and ClernientlifgrTatdo
and Ttll spoo app 'McEntee ordoseii vi ule* b)
: C.Washington st., Binghamton.'
ANEW saiortni k of Ebel! and Back Combs . of differ- 1
.' out stylve,pattaras and prises by . A. J. EVASS '
11, . , , , •-• FOR TER CURE . OF
Re - - sf , ,,, Artingemeitt . 4 . . ' . --' " - :• r'is - Vietir.PiotOtai, . -
.., ~ : - .' - '
ET.teneiVe ..Chait cilid . I. Ili nitiir o ..:Xstab-- - .
meat:..- ';' '''','-'s -="rf,.; . •
- . , . 1 :: ' _..., ~.. :::COU, GEIS AND COLDS,
WM.W.Satrra to Co, 14ve: now fully owniploted?... ~ , ~.) , _., BRoNnitym,s,. AsTn.
- .1 , 'tbeir eirangenientsfoinninufactuAng ;Ind key ' ,-,,, -' 4k.;,,, ,......4
_,__ 3 _ . y- 1 .-,-..A.s
ind - ennstattly on band all and every kiniroflloturehold: ' ~.. 7 4, lA - .A.NDWROOPIO -,-
liArnlture, manufactured ow, of thoUst 4 0 0 1 1. °1 313 '4 ' - W.T .; 'OOUGII;J; OUIkAIND
hogawy; Mack Walnut, lloplp, Clictry, and Other, lum , -1 se , _wwt
' "`"'"- `'.-"' ' k CONSUMPTION •
Ler, and ilt the bckt and raost.Parablo manner.
Amon A ~....., -1/.4: ,fliLi
... v, , .
~ , 1.;74 ,., : „.
the atticki Which they ks iii 4 to kre'p , otillaild, oftneke v5..7......,........ s. 41 ' : _
to os,dorlarcridalmgany;elackWilwul. Chefs/01nd Alli.l
pleffureaus, Sidelloards,,S ecietarivs; hciok t:a see
tre,Alarl;Pler,aud other TahleS ; Stands of every int!-:•Iti
riety; Sofas, Settees,Divans.'Ottoraan S. ari Dedsteads!,;s
of all Sit:OS-sod styles, made . 91. Mahogany, Black Wal-; to
ustaTherry,and 3laple..- -,:- - ' -•-• -•-, ',- - --- . A
eZen-,.. th
ALSO,Molloguny.llloci tValtint,durl Midillidiele c.
-Maple, and Fancy Chalti, - oferetiwarrety and drForlp7 o
lion, which - they halm now on i band. and - intend to keep l e
a constant supply. , Any artl4ledesireo will besupplied d
In a few days notice. : , m. % V. s . / / s
• • AT,EX.'U-851ITU. . 1
- ~. , , ~„ . ~ ~• • . ; . , ItODT. A.S3IITII, I
non! TO trelirni4l.lksl.-250 :1:. U. SSi IT al, • , -
... : .......TOhY. :-. .
,-- -
TzuNlAnrtrg'ru:?i'i'rb many
240 r shin g tonat.,N.v.,IV..yack , Agent , )wowldIn .
foTohlsfriends and the public In grwerwl, t!ntlw hot
osta sked
a' • ' •' - ' ' ' - -
tteroy Optr. I'lltenax not
'And sal Jetta ,O share of their patronage.
tie will hare Coni.tdntlyonhand a large tack of Pre 'eh
Burr UHlfitonce, aintion large of Escpna nd
Knbp . skonee,,.also Frynth parr .hlockos,bolting cl th,
Screen wire and Hooter Paris. • .; •
The undemdexual assures , hie. pthlie
that ho vill.falthfully ...aerate all orders antiviral to
bin ore, not only in manly, Win Pikes of articles fur
nDltel, anal guild to th el s. kind patrcnage.
Orders by letter will be executed : with as much care
and cheaply aswhenpureaasers are on ,thasporl—
Millers and Millwrights are requested ko cal . and ot . nm-
Ine stock and workmanship.
i 0
.Iqtigtuisq . !on, uly, 1851.
Er n._
Daniel Searle:- Montread; Thom** P,Phtnner,
Lund:di; Cespialt, Prlthdarlllee; 'T. - Drake,
_ • .
•r . -Forma for Sato. ••• - • •
0 t...b....b.. will act as agents forthe private
T. sale of Itcall`stato—Fairol, houses and Lots :•rloot-1
tediu,Susinehannacounty, l'a. All wbo wish to offer
their property for, sale can give a rola ritedOseriptlon of,
theta:um , or lets as follows: N wither of-acres howi
many improved, arid bow'watered; buildings; Orehard v.
grafted or ,cotrimon fruit ; . other fruit trees,- and sbada
trees; bolt far from Montrose, anti the nearest point to
e depot on the Now''York & Erie Railroad; price anal
terms of payinsitt. Al r whorish t a sell orpurchaselt cal
Estate,willi !Ave prompt calling Cos or ;
addressing mat llontroso, it sonelianna count y, Pa. ;
. irrtionveyiacu from Montrose to the promiresfree ol
°Mew on Turnpike street, 4 doors welt of the:Brick
Corner. . : •
Thofollossing Farm/rand Lots arovtotrofferrolfoi./alinj
• No. 1; 40 acres; 30 harrorrd. Promo Illoone'bud Barn!
'No 2, 80 . do 60 do sold lit , . • •'' do - '
NO. - 3,100 do •60 do do do,
No. 4, 100' do b 0 do sold. do
• f do
N 0.5.10 do 40 do void .do do .
No. 6.06 - ''ilo -15 d 8 do 'do
No. I; Store, Warehouse and Lot.' , I • • • •
N 0.5,115 acres.7s 'motored. framed bousc and
1 1 0-9, 52) do •35 do sold dir do •
- do , - do ..• do' - ' . do. '
' N0.11,'• • sold do do' 4Lt
• , 40".12,1110acr0570 oproved,fiamc theme and harikl
. 0.13,340 do. 200 do - ,do., do, .
N 0.14,50 tie,. 50 do sold do di do :
N 0,15,108 .do . GO •do• do' 'do "
' 120 do 55- do sold do- do • do'
N 047.100 d 0.73 do do , • -d0,."
•. N0..18,112 do 80 do .do do , do
Noslo, 200 'do 150 do ' ' do' ,
•N0.20,145' do 100 •do ' do do - do -
'N0:21,190 do 120 do do - • .-
N0,22,.90,1f 44 - . do sold do .do ~.•do; ,
N 0.23, 45 do 30 do do , do ,
N0:24. 292 do 225' - '-do ' do . . , -; - do
No. - 2.5;125 •di 100 • ;do 'do
N 0.20.196 do 140. • do'.,-. • do'
N 0.27. 80 do 45 sold - do do do
,No, 21, 11 acres good sew adll and dwcllln:. •
1.1 .29, 134acren,90 ImprovedirritOiliouse asidbsra,
30,175 d c , 100. s+
."• .4 •S , St
- NO. 31,13 k do 95 •" ' ".
,No, :10.,180 . do .135 ;SS 1 ' - " 41
' 110.. 3 3. 160' di_ go- ' SS it
No. , 34. no do.i. 100 n " 'll • "
. N0..35,150-; , 80: - A : .• •..
.N0.36.300;46 170- 44 ' Si
No. 37, 100 do 140 11-1 ' • 1
No: SS, 110 do 100 ' es' • ed t
No: .- 89.113 'do... 90 'do • • do . do -° "i
No. 40 80:. do .44 do. • do . do '-
• N0..41, 212 do 140 do Staid do .dc do. •
wo 42.92 'do 50 - do do do'
.43, , 4 ,, sold ': • • ' do" , do
Nit. 44 138, do' 65, •do do • do 'do
No. 45 800 do 200 ,do • • do • •di .do
N 0.46,120 acres 80improved,frarne house and barn
and grist mill. . • • • •
NNn04:4487-r3 do
03 . . 17 , do do
r do do
d d o c: -' d do ct -
NW. 49 80 _do - 60; . dodo ; do
No: 50 83' — do de :'' do' do . do
140. tit ••" 96' • imprOved • I • ",
NAL—PersonstleAlring,to'parchateanyof the above
byglviag the:um:abet can obtain a frablescription., .
ff. - BABCOCK' • I
. Montrase,Pa.Metober.l,Bso.-14tf.: •
Liver Compfainti:
AL VD all diseases arising front- a disonleidd Usti or
' stomach, such aft constipation, Inward piles, full
ness or blood, to the head, acidity of the stomach. oats-
Serti Leart-bitro; disgust for food, fullncs. or weight in
thestomach, sour eructations; sinking or; flu tt criti ,, at
thepit of the stomach, swimm i ng.of the head, hurrieilor ,
difficult, breathing; flutteilng at the beset, choktog 'or
suffocating sensations when in ni lying 'posture, dimness
Division, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dilll .
pain its the iteid,dedciency or perspiration, yellowness
of the skin and eyes, pain In Pig, shley back, chest t limbs
he~suddeo-flushes'of'heaC;hittirting fn 'the flesh, con.
slant inuntinings great &pre:isles' of spirt tsr
cant Teffectuallyeured by. . - •
_Dr. 110 flu ud's rcl e b rat ed Gee taa-Bltten, '.
Their power over the above diseases is not excelled. if
equalled, by any ether preparationin the United States;
as the iCares ;MUM, in many mums after skilful physician?.
, „
- These !litters are worthy the attention - of ittrialids.J ,
Fos:main great vies acs in the rectiDeation of diseases of
the. Liverand lessor glands, exercising the most , search
big power in weakness and affections of the dr.:cativo of.
Lens, they are, withal; care; certain and Pleasant. ' 1
The edilor of the tiostondleosaid, - Decemberir,bi
Dr. limatande tielebrotol German Litters, for the mare
of Liver .Cornplaitit, daindice,' Dyspepsia, Chronic or
Nervous - Debility, is deservedly one of the most poptda
uledicints of ititoda.r. Thrwediltterie have been' usedbY
thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has himself
rim;ived an effectual and permanent care Of' Liver Coal
' plaint from thence' of thhirenied.l. — We are tendril - Weir
that, lu iha use OFtlet , se. Bitters, trd italleut constantly
gains strength and vigor—ofact werthyof great conaid•
elation. iTher.tritpi• aranktie taste. end *Melt. end. elm
' be us,al by persona with the most deficatewtornade With
safety, under any ffreutristmiebe, , We;tite froM
• experience. and fo the afflicted we advise, the vow..
• Brows'OreekijiOne of thirbest Uterery paperat - Pulf-
HAW; laid; Aimust 25th— ; ...v,' •
/foofonds German iners; maykutietcara .pr.
Jackion, are now recommended by same of. the most
prominent members of the medical faculty - as au article
of tanchelDeircy Iwo:mere of female Weakness. -As each
is the easei we would advise all mothers to obtain - a bot
tie, andthua save themselves four t h :lanes% Yerionj Of
debilitated conatitutt onis will 'find their Bitters advent:it
pious totheir health. turvelmovi AVMS exPerienee 'the .
salutrirreffcct they hare upon weak iirtems:",
. -.11.01tE ,EVID Ent.-
The P.hiladolpirla Saturday Garotte, the tent fanallk
a etVa: aper bublish ed th Ditited , St at es;Says Of DX:
lloofirtud's German nitters—.. -;
°lt Is seldom that we retort:mend what are tamed
Patent liedleines, to the Colgidepco and patronage of our
readers; tid therefore when we recommend Di..lloof
lands° eratan Di tters we ;Irish to be disttuctlytfirdershea
that ice are not Speaking _of- the .rmstratris of the-day,
that are noised about fora brief period and then forgot
ten after they have min their guilty race of mischlekbrit
of a medicinelang established, univeriallytpieved,,ind
whirls has met the hearty:approval of the faculty itself."
Look wet/ (a the marks orthexensine. ' They have the.
written signature of G. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper,
and Idimune blown in the bottlioeithaut which thm/are
sintnms.• • "
t••' ••• i • • ;t;'• . • . t .
For Sale wholesale MA Sretrill.Tat the Verinria.Are ichtM
Store, No. 120 Areh streitone doer below Sixth. Phil*:
dr:tells; and by, respectable
,generally , through'
Pricis ateitteed—To enablcall easiegothrrallds to
etdcithgadynlatager of their giesit restpratire pont*:
Ellll9 f.R Bornis 74 (Ism* • -L,
Alin'farl!nte ABEL.VlRlM4 r ;Prulit x 3fontvcal;
, . , ' . ' Ty/ !9a'
. -
• , • New-Booko„-.-.;
111 Thistory of thiniarr and' inertial to
vorkf by fey. It, Y. TrifF;and the Ile-Port of the fa.
moos Forrest'Diroree Cue. In pamphlet. jut rectlemLi
A gearralassorhAeltrpt, 004001,1100kP s4oolrri.
always - onfirmiL •
A nay /apply of die : !Tirishoodatufart receirett„-' •:
'Feb- 4J/851.:,.:• •' • • GEO:PULLEtt. I
A 'VERY exicusliOaooollantot of finger rrage.ris . Dior
li. m osot , Ruby,Peal,(lfunet,Emerahl,bez,Bl:4o Oka
Moor, also wry biory do;,18 "0124.20" fora; 'LI ne,
Chased do, bud acratiltyol titer styles by''
Illnbalton,liecembeeOth 185 i,
-ery,' V 7 1nd0w.)34, A ., Glass Andrutt.r.a fc- 811354 " 1 "
merit; sailtitwa*son•banit. %IngNTLEY et READ.
C LOC KS , Accordeons of oirpticee
. . .
- - lelr Seienc It i ' id i 1
1 Among the numerous discover ern. en
'i; thin Fellmrititat to facilitate the Idisiinhe of Dre i,
Jilts enjoyment, and ton Ft prolong the term of human ex.,'
I ,,lstenee, none can he named of more yea) Value to luau.'
Mud, than
this contribution of Chmaistry,t 0 lite Healing-1
Art. ::A vast trial of its.eirtnei throw:lent this broad 1
country, has proven beyond a doubt; that' na medleine
or ecenbinadon ratmediclues yet Known, can so • cutely 1
1 control:and eure the numerms 'orients:of pulmonary 1
disease *bleb have hitherto seer pt limn ritarmWet thou- j
sandmand thimsands veer* year.. ' Indted, the - Tots now
abundant reason tole:Heir a Remedy hes - at length bein '
found which can Levelled on to cure the :non dangerous '
affectuns of the lungs. owx spaeo hero vrillnot perthit 1
nsto publish any propord on of the cures effected by its
use, but we would prevent the follow lim opinions of end- /
seat men,enti refer further inquiry to .thrr circular which j
.tfiv Agcnts,belore named, ITC I, nivraYsj beideascrl to fur.;
uish free. wherein are full particulme,ikd Indisputable 1
proof of thesefirets., -
- • From the President of dalherst College,the celebrated
Prefessonellitcbcock, - . - . , ..• J-..
• " James C. Ayers—Sir : I have' used your Cherry Pecni
toral In my own ease ofdeep•seated Dronelli tis, end am
satisfied from its Molokai constitution.' tbat ft is an ad-
tairabla compound for the relief °fiery:leaf and brooch.
lal didicultles.- -If my opinion dike superior character
can b e , of any service, you are at liberty to use it as you
1 think:proper. • EDWARD lIITCIICOCII, L. L .D.
' • . From,the.widely.celebrated PrufeesOr Sillitnan, M. D.
L. L. D., Professer:of Chemistry, Mineralogy, .Ice, no n
College, Member of the Lit. Mist. Mod, Phil.;and.Sciensif.
leStrekties of America and Europe.. F . .;. . .
. 1
, ...
Pectoral en adtairabln-composl
!Jim from soma of the best articles in .tho Alateria Aledica,
and a very effective remedy,for the elms of diseases it b
lute-ailed to care' . • - • •
H New 'Laren, tlt., Ntn. 1, 1840., • . ; ; -
I Ala,. Patti:ion, l'reddent of the 8.. 0. Senate, states
that he has used the Cherry Pcitorai yr; th ,toridilfalsuo•
-tees, to cure an intiturnition of the lanai.-
From one of the first Physicians in MOM..
• ...• • . ,SAco, 31O; - i April 26;11;49.
Dr. J, C. Ayer, Loirell—Dear sir,: em now constant
) Using your L'hert7 Pectoral in my, practice, and prefer
tto any othermedicine forpolmonary complaints. From
, observation, of many severe Caere,l am convinced it will
'cure conithsiorilds, and diseases of the lunge, that have
pat to dellaoce all other remedies. -
I Insatiably recommend Ito (NV 113t111.C11 - of continuity.
lion, and consider-It math the best remedy khowo fot
tluit - dtscafie. nespect.tally yours. - • .
; LS, Cr/iII:KAN, N.D.
Prepared and soldley Jimeso.-Ayer, Practical them
let, Lowell, Nam. - •
Sold by A. Truett, blontroro Licien Pc:Oka:Tat:
Bend, and by Druggists evcryirhcre.--76,0
Eitterettaeeofiltatt to Art of do'ag - Teie,'ln the yentlBll,
by..J.B.IIOUTON,II. D., hi the Cler.leteflice
of the Maffei Court Jar .tlitilhittFra • ,
• Dittriet of rennotraula.
. - •
, Inothcr,Wcientific Wonder/
' Great Care for Dyspepsia!
_ .
Prepared from RENNET or the fedirth Stomach °firm
Ox after directioos of 'Baron Mettle', the great Physio
logical Chemist, by J. 2.1101.7611 T ON, Al,
This Is a truly Tronierful.ritnedy far 'INDIO P.STION,
STIPATION and DEBILITY, earth; after Natures own
Teethed, by Natene'S 'ORD agent; the Gastric Juice.
0:2"11alf a teaspeezifal of Pepsin; infused- in" water,
Rill digest °Tawnier, five• pounds of /toasted Beef fu
about two hours, out of the etomach. .
! • Pepsirris the chief element or great Digest ea priori
pie of the Castile Juleethe Solvent :of. the Food, the
t tuifying; . Preenving,. end Stlinniating Agent of the
! Stomach and Intestines. It is !extracted from the. Di
! gestire Stomach of the Az, thus limning! ma AItTIFI
CIA!: DIOESTME 11.111 D, precisely, like the natural
Gastric Juin in its Chemical t owers, and furnishing a
complete and perfect iubitatite for it. Ifyi the, aid of this
preparation the pains arid trine( Indigestion end Dys
pepsia are retnoveddint As they_wetild be by a 'healthy
Admired, It is doing wooden foe dyspeptics-, curing cm
! gn at Debility; Einaciation, 'Nervous Decline, and Dye.
peptic Cvnturoplien, supposed to toren the vergeof the
grave. Thigischnstitto evidence Mum which it Is !based ;
is In the highest degree elisions andermarkable. •
• SCipttific Evidence,.
.ThironLiebeg to Ids celebrated werk on. Animal Chem.
stry,,says: . "An Arincial Digestive Fluid, analagmui
to the Garble Jake, may adilyprepored from the
tia aeons membnine of -the 6N:span rd . the Calf, in which
various articles. of loud; as meat and eggs, will bo soft,
ened, (*Beira, and digested,past in the same manner as
thee would be fd the human stomach." '
car Call on theagerit and get. a Deserfpflee circular,
gratis, airing a tarn amount of *dentine avidence,slml-
ler to the abeve,Lwetber with reports of remarkable
cures,frotuall parts of - the retie elates. ,
I:M..1101M lITON'ti PEPSIN is now sad by! fientlyall
the dealers In find iiiiigiandpop titer medicines, through
out the United States. It Is prepared. in Powdrg and In
Fluid form, and in Prescriptive ebb, fee the wle of
steinns. . -
. , .
ej ti vATxcutctibAnfiroithe use of, Physicinns.ro4
altaliced of Pi. lltUiuhton or his
the \Thole process of Preparatinii, .atrdyivSng
the author.
Pies upon which the claims or, this new remedy 'ate
`sed ' ' As it is not it, amid remedy; objeetton can be
raised agabis: its use by obrsiciant , la respectable sten-d
-ing and regular practice.- OND DOLLAR per :
• • 03 -- 011SDIVre3;IITS! i—Ecery beittle of the neutilne
PEPSIN beara 'the written itinnaturc or J. S, (1011(111-
T0N,•151. - D.; Pete proprietor, Philadelphia, Pa. Copy
right mut Trade Mark seen/sq . : • - I • ' • • •
,Er•j+Sohlby all Druggists and Dealers in Medicines, •
• fri - For sale tiy•AD TtlitltELD,Drri=lst,3l9ntrere,
Pa., Agent for Susquehanna county: Aty-
- THE:IOAD TO. W.f.:lll.Tif..
.itAT is there that guarantees to no a competency
TTmorelnroly, 11$ our decline of life;" thin health; i
and oigorof youth; nothing,: Then the Ineition is;huw
shall thet helMtained , .attd.•sectwed.' :Sf. wn have- a
Gough, Gold, Bronchitis; dithma,' Catarrh, Pleurisy,
Influenza, orMoarseocis, or any other affliction of the
Lungs or' chest, 'you will end in Dr. - run Via
UO&IPOUND SYRUP of BLOOD iiciaT, a Tart , bullied
remedy, or if your children are crinkled. with Group:or,
lidoping Cougo, no better remedy can bofaand. Thon-.
Fends lunre been - relieved with It, and'eertfficates of its
carouse, powers, nom In my posseirion; placm it beyond
doubt,ehe greatest remedy of the age; for any affection
of ihri.Lungs- The powers - of Blood- Root us a remedy
his long been known, out Its berth action atone has
kept it somewhat out :of general favor, - but, -- I liatter:
myself that the above combination Is perfect, and that
Itsoise,vi 111 secure friends wherererit is offered • to an
enlightened public. " •
• • moon TO' MOTHlllert iffpli to ninclierato your
condition, to lessen,youreafee; perplexities, arid untie.
tles,.whicir I do by . providing for Yourtender affsPrillgr
a remedy for .their Ills that.le adopted, to, their 'new..
ties s Withnut the leer 'of 'consequences - from remedies'
ehargedtrith opiates, sii destructivenod detrimental to
so many tlitturands of otirraem ,- Whoaraongst yonbnt
(extend. the suffering blunt, - where cries are; LIM only ,
heffratipii - ofitisufferingorrithing Withpains.frorachot. I
le, '.itiiielated from A - entree or. dyettitary, 'suffering I
great" nierroushitatton (often to fits)'frin• teething ,
often brought to death's door from Cholera'lnfrinturtr;
nod every iii miring from but nourishment or nursing,
into !motion of them; cured In a; day, .olmost, by a
remedy titer I have been for 'years in perfecting; In an
extensive practice of nearly twenty years and now offer
it to you tratler.„.the trfirsnamo. of !.,Drs Th soisOtn
I INFANT -- RESTORATITEmad - 310THEIPS nruz - p.”
u Mein na
remly.baii been used, it batutrot with on'
bounded favor, aird as yots - Milne your - oho comforter
tbelrolfire br your darling babe , Leek yon .to giro' I
triolv and low mill • say: truly In its betralf,M IS the'
' Weans are also predciellie of . great' test - fire to. chit-
drew et viper ;years, tbevriiptotha - of which army
rent - IP aware. and where snspeetedilt' is thele,duty to
exterminate them as.speedily impassible. which- can be
done onlyirith a few doses of Dr. Throoo's tYOEMPOIk •
PON,whichts beyond comtnritenorith 'any
of the day. -It willdestro , them; and-the very small•
dose makes It acceptable to 'thy children, that dislike
mediClnes of any kind.: _lt is a happy componnttof
I hermitis vegetable Medicine's, that in their combina-
I iron; produce wonderful `effects upoti thotte filthy
I dessert the human sysfeea.:•,: - - , . ._---
If yen are suffering
- from • derangeisient. of the stem.
dell, Liver, or Dowels, you have Fever, headdtche, sour
stanteeli; 'or heartdsurn, 'flatulent" - , cistrixnerv; end
many other anpleaiant symptoms, for their entire cellar
you have only to_ take n few, doses of ft Dr:-Thmors.
11ILLYOCS. PALM 4114,10 n -have a cure. -,They act
upon diseaoie by removing the eairse, restoring the 'so- •
eretions;of MT the - organs of the Body "sad health' is •
theconseguenee. - • . ' •
To those Mille - tad With sore, weak ; or inflamed eyes,l
I furnish yin' titiria remedy that has, stood, the: teat of
-years of experience, and Teetered the moat eases wheel
every other remedy kmawn had falledAy.Throop!ti EYE
;WAVED. -Thee° comprhe the list of Dr: Threep's De
mettle Meilickners, that should be In the hands of every
house keeper, ail a
_good redid), alwayereadyiandwhieh
only requires a trial to iniurethern er-Piace.
- • AG:cute , AlliSMCS...Dentley et I- prod, lientroitt
Warenger ic-Ccr.;llusht II:M.86ot! vet, Rush O.
Wright; !Middletown,* •D. Glidden, Vrimidivillet: D. 11.
Barbers - Jess Op; Dniekut7 ec Monfort ;tractility
GraverrDtmock OCOitkitoOt, Springville ! Dr Lent - -
ben, Auburn; James Toiripkint, - .Tompkinsyllic; Hay
den es- Little, ; DrOtrucike: tizeut nena;'
aoseph L. Merrimen, lipsonville; Dr. J, IlaiNet;' Little
Meadows; doper Stanley - seller-ounit IL.Tiffany,Droplu;
ifittleditre. C;triiiistend,
Dtutdalf ;./ohnson .•
J. 13, DI, 4SISELJ: , GORRTiqAgt!t!i, lore!it Pik 0. ' '
Jan. , • = =
1600G FEET good lumina Lunintr. eavel to
klant. 18027 4"74na d a ll!red at Ilontrs , Pe .
• #IIR.Z.
lIME list *Ube 6 4 , 1'404 Otooksiesono but Mara of
11 thi).atoo aottts outdo tray to Trates,Tewolryahop,,
A airontl halal cooklng etovi, alto a soon new
, • STO,VES: nous!!
rrilit'snliserlhera haring entered-Into eo-partneriblie
A." In the Store, Tin and - aheet Want:spare pre..
'tared twattend 'to any, orilera in their line arthe shoe
teat notice, -They flatter thrineelrea that gi rll l2'alriet
attention tO'businees and Inn prlter,tlint they mill Intro ,I
"st renconoble share ofpublie pa trenage. Their ascortment
ofetowesia good,-having the tateet and mosedatprored
patterns,. among. rehleit are tho,ltomaides Vulcan—a
stovo.uhieli took the brat Pretnlum at the State Pair at
Pyraemie r—o;Poreat-Queete; FOrest
Queen etilitigedc-itey Pio:1011r Tight: Plinenlx '
do do.
Premium; Parlor stover; bizx al ores-40ton' dr stood. '
Ankinde of TM tram, stem:zinc nndtin tubes, kept on
hand—sold at prices that will snit '.' • 4111 kinds of produce
taken In payment enamel, not reftiord. Oppmitethe old
stay. of Mille and Knapp. — iVY It lc -
.!Montroae; July 10, '6.1; -
PfiilaAelphiiMadical Hciut .
• Establiihed fifteen years ago, by
.North We Corner !I,,Third and
• •.
Streets,..behreen: Sirrnce and
• Tine .Streels,..lll4lladelphiv,
IFTKEK of extra/lye - and Uninterrupted
practice rpent In thlr eity, l arrren der-fl Dr. It:the
_ruosampert and sriceemlul pro clitlen4 rat bad near, la
the - treatment-of all illsear card' a priteic. nature. rer•
eons afflicted with ideate eti the 'body, throat of legs,
pains In the bead or bon er',ltierfureal thruenatirmattic,
aurae, grasel r direaser arielug frOuflotiabfut 't scriber or
impurities of tho blood, uhereby the eon rtituthin haa
'become cam:bled - Arian t teat (dui th an cc(
•-• fle who plater himself tinder the earoof Di. K. may
eeligianelY entifideiti late Inmost'' , a gentleman, Unclean.
fintly - tely upon his ikillaSAl physician. - •
- T•101PAIIIlerLAIt N"TICS —Tollll3Vltrti ieho hare
Injured themrekres by a certain practice,intlulgell
,a habit freutiently learned from evil emuyaniont , or at
irehootthe effects of wLich are nightly felt. tretwhen
arleep, tll3ll_ destroy bath ailnd'and body', oficuld apply
immediately.. .Ireakrusa. and, canotli nt loin!' debility,
'forret trearmear - energy, rbytiral lettandr anti - general
prootratiOu, irritability and all nevi - our afTeethoncludl
gertion, alanirlinera of the firer. and 11 1 01dia' nreln
any way connected altb the prom-eat Ise f cunt lons,roted
and fall rigor rartored. • ' r •
Read Youth and Manhood. A lio•oraui
-Life - orlPremature Death. Kinkilin bn
self:jireierramon. Oulu 25 &n 0.. .,
This Book just published is filleervith useful Inform.
Um:4lm tha Infirmities and oliserss Ft, of the pneratire
'organs. It addreqmi itself alike to YOrili, Manficol,
and 0/t/..lge,Und should be rend by all. The Totnable
advice and. Improodne warning it gists,. will prevent
.tears of sato-et. Dud Suffering, and rnie Tab tualy than.
sands offices: Parents. by reading It, pill learn how
to prevent the destrurrionfiffhtle children.
o s .sA rernittanee of 26 eels tsi enetre.ed In a boiler; ad•
dressbd to Dr. liINKELIN, N.. A': Corner- pf. Thir d, and
Union StrCeis, between I , pruce , and nide, rhiladclphia,
will ensure a book; under enciAntic, per riturit'
_ - persons'at a distance may-address Dr. by letter;
,trlcitiging . a fee.and bemired al home. • : .
Paekagis qt . .ife licitars,hirertions, foriraide'd, by
sending a remittanCei , and put up seeprefreta-Dairture
• .
Dna leis, Newel Agel:k ls,Pra r Cow Ta Frews,"nna
1111Wthore ',supplied 'With the ork r , •ry low
- Jaws. ' • ;" ,
• Dairymen an 4 Farmeirii,' . '
Valdabli property for Satc.:- . •
. . A .
A BATAof 200 acres situutein bridgerratet township
.sut.tnehanna.tloonty And state of..Pennelvania rf
150 acres of which - IS under good fitiprorent
The form is wt II designed Torn ilstry,and Is 'eapable of
feeding 40 cows daring summer and winter, and' rrery
pari of. it Is well eralersd. The brd laves aud land are
in good condition and the fencer, :which "are of stone
and rails are alsogord.. Therenze two large barni upOn
the prindscs, bes Idea a granary - and cons enient shed,
for eittle. fleet, orchards principally ofgraftedfrtaits
and 'other fruit trees.- .
Said farm hese very pleasant and desirable - locatton
about. two miles front Moutroie, the County seat of cue.
nnehanas county, and about from the I.egaetts
Gap Railroad, to which there Is a Plank Bonilla procixs
otcompletlon,andidvery convenicat to meetings and
schools, andmeehaniet. • • '
,AliwanotherValuable Parmadjoing the above, cart
tabling 200 acres, of which ISO acres is. under a high
state of cultivation: Vpon It there is a largo frame
dwelling Lowe, and ant birildings to correspond and e.
large orchard. Itla well watered and fisted and admi
rably adapted to dairy pnrposes.. • •
" Said property will be sold on reasonableterms, a par , .
Clan of the pnrchase Money may remain upon Bendel:o
Mortgage to cult the purchneer. • . , •
Application may be made personally or by letter to
tfon. Wm. /canto or It. J. Niven at Montrose, n said
ruarity.and any ftirther particulars that may be rennir.
wlllbeglven.-23tt , • •. . • •.
Notice to. the Public.
New Seasonable:Pal; anti Winter ..Gootle ai the
.L .
Great. One Price Stoical-. - 1 '
L. !.1.; it:E*111.1011"IT., Great - Its•std, V.
.I)EGS lease to take - this opportunity of. tendering - his
.1.1 sincere thanks, to his friends, and clistomers- for the
generous tintrUriage they, hare extended.. to hire ; and
at the same thueinferin them that he-bag joist returnes
from New Yesrk with a- very large and eboicteseleetion of
Fancy andlitaple Ilry . Goode. Also a fresh end extent
sir eassortmentettlreccriesa.irivisions,lmets and Shoes,
flats - and,Caps Hardware„CrockerY„ , &e.„7Drugs .and
Medicines, 'thief:will Upsets' for ens', and produce:at is
v ery smallailionie r at prices which defy all coMpetitir,n.
Floor; Pork, Fish, Salt, wholesale and rotoil,—he would
nisiirciaark that he adheres strictly to the syst ma of at.
ways n , ming thelowest pricent first.thereby giving the
same advantage to all who may favor hint with their pat
runage. - 1
Great Berta Clothing Store.
The largest, best and chcapesi . .anortmcut of neatly,
Made Clothing in the Village of Great Band, Bn., Broad
ClOMlP;DOCl..Skins,eassitueresand Vestingr oral! qunliCks
s of f,ir the Fall aud . Wintre Trade, which he offers at
tith prices tisk touristy any one that thists the place for
theta to deal. In conic luence of the great increase of Ids
business hullos been greatly enlarge hisstock,
which he now offers to Isis friends sad the public for ca.
amination,conSdent that laso doing they willlhhd some;
thingto their advantage. - Thesubscriberisai Made ar
rangements to - manufacture clothing in all Its Tailaili
branches, and is now proposed to sell the same, warrant
ed tobearinspection. Custom work and ratting stelae
at the latest s tyle and shortest notice,-all kinds of tail
ors' trlnunisigsfurnishedtmd for solo.. Do nottorget the
sprit.' Store nearlyonposite thy 'Mansion Moose.
Great Dend,Sept.,lBso.-
,:"' . ,- i.. S. LENIIED.I.
Theyeople!s Friend
. N .
of Ishaca t N. T•. . : ',
froattlit , elm* called Wltch•biael,' and' purely froto
tint t with the cx cep tiou of slhtlt.lticoholt o et,erT et t.'
Itorillcute all local
,pala nod indatnations, old Fora!,
frOlf soupdaa nil bruises, and all diseases of the
bowersnia'clitonio alto to, toothache; earache AO
. excallcutterut dy for females ? ?co: ' ' • . •
It Is truly what it:professes to be,,thePeople's FrienTl!
Providence has s cattered'aiong the eugr,ed pfithe of life
malty things thateontribute greatly to= the comforratid
haPpluess of every, body hence their great value, and
well may, they be callitl‘friands of the People.' -
One 'curd here toguard against I tuposition. A man - 14
!be name 01'4pm:tete:has manufactured - and altered for
sale a 'Torino" articio.".ealletl.the, Caryti Extract,—that
wonitibe extract:of thertaicluut:;?...She genuine: 01M
111111earld is pile:Cita : water, While h alpurio us*Articie is
cotared,widch ettahicslhopmblietti ,
l'ionevntiine.hittthosemarked Pend'sPamitestroyer
W31.1t.. 'HATCH, 3totitrase j 6mil store -keepers and me
' inedealersgenerally,Ageists. • -
, - •::,... , ..;:i.,T,1itib1i.7_1:i... 06'm -::::, -;-,
Lack a wan sktz it. IV ett te eta lett i ro 13.
Per'Paeseitger Tramsdrich Sretial 3.l'eA'tenscra far. IN
forwarding of Mereltontltzt iota TOekoges- '' '
.• , every fleacelptioni , Vpseitinoak Nole 3 .
OTES,lleafts, and Bala collected, all'orlete attend
kel lto 'with promptness and at r-winnable rites.
The - Agents of tbo. Lunkawanna k trestitei Itaniotta
Company tell! act asoceateroethe above:expects
Vapors 'wagdna bp In readtnees' upon tbn artival
of each train ort ,geranton,lo - throitit vitta 'di.tatcb,
Itercbandize, &e. , i - t - ol'lttstottl.Wilkeabarre, Acs.
Leonard Softie of Ntontrose, to. iiittbotited to - teeetie
and forward .ftpront - Freight. trout that' plaeotbit
.51ontroto Station, and front gala tad on' to 'Mont raio. •
N. n.Martlti , or Tunkbannotb; wilt receive awl ('r
wart Blarney, Frelgb t,troto lime - place to Tunkbaduock
Strition,sontt trim that - 6tattoaFtt Tatitchitnnock
• •-"-- . TlittOOPA - 40,,
Woeitaber.lB3l.--git - , - • 7:7Y ,• '.
COPAnTNEßSlllP:heretniero"exiEtinr wide;
the Immo and atm - O[SW; dr. Throno; in r the Papeete
buslnesi on the L. it. W.R. dissolved by
mutual ennatut. - "
Jan.:L - 08SL . 11..11.-T111100P ,, ,
P: 84—The buslnesir silt
,heicatter carried- on by
ThracT ittrzkontimtlarment.
;-: - Spoons,'''
111 stocker : extra 'floc Altrati table 'a rot tea
-011 1 Lapports, Iltiftsata•ware, i - h*tteUAtheuetl tahloarki
tea 1 1Pectis, buff !able 1114 -tea speous. .-Alro, silver, Alh
voiplatOd;Gornuurellror rpoorftirto, oto:iiuserririrlut
laid setting: tnir tor ttut quality, At ,
Illoutrase July 3 le6l - -
• - e - - it - d'afr'''
• oa
coAr., Fioncit saltiatinitolosait
„Ls or totoll New Milfar4 ptpot, b ;11. Allman,
- December; 1851. -,-,''r
• 2. '
ANlin e ntity of *lax Seed *art ted Irteir Wen goiter aro
cer rear Cash by • ' • I.N.IIIILLARD.'
' - ' The time to , Be , 1
..,.. IR
-- '- i .','. ~. l'-` 'CA Antli:Li . i ' ...
.. :. ,e. ._,- :, ibilobisntungk itsr 1
fib -: . '-. c
ustomenlzbitimtrwe az 7-
..,,. :-.. ._-.. _ : 4 "ik iti,"tbst: be Ilia last rtt ' -
..- Nk ' -7 4 " K
~.,, tv-Iforklanthal 14..
1 4 4 -, •7 1", t. , franc
dlllon Was talent},
. ~ eunalttlna at 'IA , A 4 -
ke' • '' i"".. Otdd milliliter Itlcn a z 7i 4 4
s' "- 4 '
.:./.., ~ • : lalljairelleaaad Vain 4 4 4 d
. . -vest and fob ntislanB-4,4 tu ,
k.,;41,4a1ta, Illga, *nodal!, llit,zar and tar Tit :,
n,,brobehesi,' armleta , petal and Atli card et
ad Preen essits, 0 . 1 4 ,71 4 beads, =UM, renantrry, iii",
vpr; Brittanala and plated Worelderordev o „,,
' tlnlnn forks', violin atrin,a,,einekt,"trallrtr, p0tt y,.....7
ardier, lin./ la TICY4 O O4; Aral tb ales/414 wi i ii r,
vitals torch!, trade by the quantity,. The oh, , iit rt :
- . old nntlia to wait prices: Mi s qratehat and Jelthn:
l i i
'all )(Infra repaired on short =dee at the old it '
y Annosl!e.tho Phce(tiz, Coot t it.lllx#amt6. d #.
'Clocks; - toitjAaria up.. ' Wham and 8 datt oct
4 ,4,.
1 arm lira style and waranted ,at .. „t , u nri.t.
, •,4!
Lpzerne country
Institution has one of the wait dedrable
- Oat= in Nerthern rtnnigivania• Blagaton
plea:ant and calubrittitta villa ge,onentlie West of weiZ
bane, and act ',Able by tially.stsgea trout all pin.
country.: The reboot nes now been In loperra w ,
yenta, daring which tic patronage bag :he m
conatantly Increasing: ;.. - • - Iqt1 qt
the tnurillleVnee of Wm. Ihreiland,
atldit lona I Bculinaryhnilding 40 by 49 fin, and th r ,A^.
ricehigh, has Jai.* been entapleted, and by C hili m::
on lion. Ma Bennett, the sehoel la awitnnabbli .14
a imitable.. and intensive library, entirely ?is
etietniral, Phliorophical and Astronautical App24 4 ,
otthe Invtitiatlon la regenied. by all *ha ban tam,
edge of it. ota high order, and ample ter fell *sh i t,
raenta Natural Beieueo. _•
Then eard Of Int trticti on for the entalag lath
Iterr Ilenbrn 'Nelson, A.. 11 , 11
liroa mole; sralth,'AC , .
TeerbegotAncient Lupines, - . •
1 1 1121101%. Myers, A. , IL,. r
Teaehertof Mathematic*.
.19iev. C. lIN - liarrey,
Teacher,of Itiatdratflelenee.
James W. 'Westlake,
lmatazaTuvia.. ;
idiom _
?eieba 090 4er:tab *
:Viso Esther Pairiek, - • - . Ps!,
• Asejstarkt 'feather 0111(410n Lan
?Its. Jane 11: _Nelson, . ,
• Teacher of Drawing and Painthigt
'Mfrs. 9: A:Gregory.
Teacherot Mask..
All of the above teachers are employed ht the ilmwhole mai
of earls day except the Teacher ofDesubsus
Mr. Westlake. • The former derotts end aporno,
coat day I • her class as may he necessary lad ash'
t eachtx one bell sif tail; day.- The public will polo
that by thlt arrangement theXeltool Is ander tbs R N ,
vision andttuttruetion of a rely, full boon] of 4, 1 „,
and' thd Trustees confidently belicte lhit Sapp
be tooted tel promote tho most thorough !Amm on/ y .
all the - .- • .
Thenosessary expenses ofthls 'lnstitution arestetu.
ILO: Tuition endue's.e of ert.r.mental trenches, heap
to 8,5,50 . per `nuarter. hoard
er i per stekondut
zili• per doseu,. and fuel $2,50 p annum
discipline of the Institution mann Pa st ,
with firmness, inculcating suund o Moral sod niklu i
Jrinciple:n ent. persevering Industry, islet order and uneot
cp cru •
' lilt preterit term of this echoed will tontinie tar,q,
234 of Dee. lust. Students are admitted at say
but the most imitable time for entering's thew n i:
or the Middle of coat terto, Thine who mars% test
tend the - taloa] through the'remainder of lbe Nu tt
throughout the Whiter, would do well M eater no,
as the ^Oth or 2.31 feat.., There will be a rotation of le s
weeks ut the ;close of the present tenu. The ant to o
consists erf thirteen'weelm commencing January
ping April 9th 16511. •
Catalogues of the . etninstyhntl any infortss,4
tire !oft can b.! hod by addressing the Orineipal,ssom
- of the undersigned. - D. A.EDEPSID,
N. POUNDS, ecey.
fiingtton, Oct 4,1853-12-tr. •
Petroleum - or Rock
A I+I. , ITURA - te remedy procured from Siren h
21cheny county, funs hundred .ert dein - hit Ord
sold by b. M. If I Elt, Canal Basin, Plusbarsh, - Pa. by
put up in hottlesjust as it lions from the mil skint
adtakt urn of any kind. All ye that are stilleitd
Rheumatism yields to (he ',veer of . Ike Petiole*
voice filim LuzetneCo., Union tp.,JalySttk,'Uti.
Kf er—Deur sirAlioa me as a stranger tete
'gratidateydu as the sole proprietor of as itishat,
enUed Petroleum or-Itoek 011, tildch is desesu e t , 1 41
to tabu the . Oars of alkgreat medicines. tiny peit4
this neighhco hood hare tried the Pttrohnsils s trade
of aims eming moat Of them and proving high', Ic•tog
In all. I hive testedat In coughs, colds Timm*
- letter; sprains, and swellirtgi . for rheas:lst/full filet k
is a certain cure. wife where aftiered-sitt ti,
Rheumatism ferrite:lc years ainamer maid get al.
thing to relieve her,in fact she - tried'erirything,ml l , 4
thing oroulddo her any good - until she tried year Me
lento audit his relieved berentlrely, for mypart I liat
It is the greatest pain killer Eosin use. our,
- ,
. .
-•• ' - ' ..- J. JONI.
-•, Apothililetterfrom A. - Eu(7lle tor, retrumullParth‘
Petroleum: - , Essen Bar zit, July 1ik,1141.
Mr. if Ittt-.4kar r sir:-1 take greet pleasure is mi.
ffing to the virtues ofyour great natural meeria, at,/
the Petroleum or Rock Oil, 'bleb Is. et:lately a gm
tw i lidee„. I bought one dozen of your areal Rims is
vrasalong here last 1211.2 tested Pill a Min:bad rim,
and forkful It to pewee good. -I also tested It in 1 rued
totter awl founait very benetleial. I mold IN ray
much' to bare another box' of it, for 11 don't latuti
.ai thoutt I. --- Ilespeetfully yours: - •
A Y - ciect'rein Satipe2harina co.,tertilytegtottlen
cYlorthe Petrolerun..' he's Da xr,;.lute hb.
-Mr, $, U. Ksta—Drur sir:—Allow me to eettiflnd,
virtucentynur natural midicin e calledDetrolten aiat
Olt. I had beerralllitted With the Rheurcatimiereas
" i
VMS eFtarre lart EMI= Cr end get I 14
porton yonr Agent when helms. along thew, din
cured m e perfectly. I bare since teen i$
ens cMiceof rL-numatinu, and found It girereliethill.
, , • - . Very respectfulljyturs, -
Tr Ng itAncrcx, July 1i1tb.1.1%
Mr. 8. Arca—Deur sir.-Allow me to certify Ix&
virtue , of your great nett:trot - medicine exiled reirfte
o- [lock Oil, which' believe is a good medieite. that
hech aillieted with Neuralgia, ?also in the DITTO kik
liaxg ten ycare, and never could get anytblot to who
me : In fact I tried almost everything and uothint
do me any good until I tried your Petroletua, whiffles
relieved me a cry much; I have also tested It it kw,
ecalda, and bruise', it has lawny. given relidis
short timo. I think it it the gr aten` painkiller:nth
ref." - • 'Very respeettedy yore?,
, "
• can' Ord get n eirerriai Irvin 'the agent, - whirl erns
toll deseriptien of it. For !We byBSSTLET tU!J.
Sold whoternle by Ha !turn, 11.11.;& Co., N 0.201 ruin
trect;Pbtlattelptiln. - • :11l •
NE Ws 0 ODS-;
NE As - j u t refuted h.
H. J...NVERL, NEW YORK, silk sto
stoekrifTit I ioods; which he offers fir isle. laden*
WILL PAT for them; at so low ratee as tan bettors;
My asked. Not-tglr.gettltir duo thanks to sash gib
hien ds,or hare hetet atm bcught
forth*. he 'miter them to "COILS AGM.. " ;
• . Alontegiio, Sept. 10 as, 1851. • •
IT- BURR lisijizitt teee„..seti it new sad ttlna
.1.14 Itaarrtment of • . • • H- • ,
Fut I.stifel Alr in tor Gtands. _••
' nett:Wing no elegant tittle ty of Ladles Dress Gina/. lj
er Long. Shavilsi new style Bonnet nThboa , ' Kb /4
Caps. Staple Goods, ;&e., of the - mast desirable at,*
whiela,haeltutleen v31.4;4600 8t the late halt past
will be'sottl unusually low. - . .
Neat - .llllfordiS'ept.2oi 1841. - • -
New 1111 ford Stnvelepot.
Btritit IT ha M ~ gvl
ow In storen new and Imo J.
nortmont of Cooklng.Parlor, and Shop Flani. o
wood and conl,inciciding the new • anti; most Wood
hinds or 211 r Tiglat,),atgo.Oren, common andlikwat
o van, &c 4 with lit ore pips,Flitiet Irma, And 7.isa !tan
Tiobesolcc., which by lin 'sell ter: IoW format or sr
'proved credit. •.. i
Be ember 'lB5l L •
• •
H • • The - Lafit, Wonder.
nAltigUM, the great hombrigger:is *bottler!
docing.lnt o.thlice tatty the celebrated root
hilatcif, a machhis not larger thins a mires t,vtt ,
by ik thatinti-Scisjr, *bleb *Mon out the lewd W'
StilUt l 9- -- But this tits to do with the rid OA
Join Jnovssi Tailor haii just ret'd tbr
. . . • •
.tleritottill *loll andtina
b gt? i,o co b wal uni ton or h . ls tvlends
1 Call yow:*ant capitalliticat the asv
lathrops store. ' '
B. Outtin: ihann •-
Montiono'ooo3 1851. - JOHN ODOT
eater . iti Druza,ltedlcintrtCbesnicsa ,
Dye stulTsAroectiet , DT ll7 .
'""uw4Re atom:anus, UlocktylretchoM•
elry,speong, ypecigteles;Mabicalinstrutattl ,, _,..„,
hlolical Instruments, I.l,iuors, pedwievit
tionatyibruettes,abutf, Tankou New's, c. • . •
Alfintrapi, ra.,: • ... 34 •
11•114fsba SirrorWare.platedita4
" ‘""b".." Barer coo-IWO or Tatahrw
RolertSeitat , MustardSpoons,Pattanda sr. R ir.
`lsi Yorks Engritre4 gra tis, at L. ON E i tltst'
Spoolia,Forka and X 11,11170./ted
Mitl:tlars,ctiitedlitluilarica, at— : • 11.'".
Tht ; -. ';- EU
E,thu g_ l 6 l6 x. n te U ctlled V P,
4. voice tbusl very superlor Patent 1.4Vte 1 "117,1,.
silver Itunttets Cams 'extra Ileac)", ree, "
lea c
. s 6; ei few stscit etzetl 'movements, tibia eau
eto/Y Put; h to;gottl cases for butler. Le e ° V, t ibr
thr4o.wAtehet Overany other that big tone
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