vioc king down an . tat 'tot slai . ssturday evening lash tilthe 14 , i t t hi s p a retOrning - Froidtheaffice to his home in the iiart of 'the Aoistri:lie assaulted sonie:persott nettr rad C o r ot, ab by out 35 .rods,Westrof the's:o- ,1 0 es of lion. J. IticßciberiOvith the evident intent of _ ommittlng robbery.. - - - ' It -being 'Otte dark h a e t beowwh uicnht ilk a n t o cthkee d in b t i a tnnt of reed h y e a s g snoawar e- I of any one beingnOir hirzw, He struc k over the eye, with a.slangishotor something that inflicted a horrible wound.- Hi , ro b s hl y stunned nearly two 11010; as : it ;.„, s hout eleven o'clock when he leached his Who -in-laws, whose residence isjnilie lei, where his wife was waiting to accointiany bin 2 home . When he reached, the house, -he ageda state of insensibilitY .physician vims. Ina remedies applied, 4at'ainsciiiiiimeis did not frilly return unfit the next morning.— roiriogthelsy he recovered so as to he able to he removed to his own reitidence, end - the, &gent* wounded, he is now in a fair way srecover so es to be at his post again seek or so. One of his pockets wns torn and F atly cat open, but the robber foundnothing b e ts few shillings in _small change. - The villain irho made the assault obviously w a ded the blow for another - mnit; -, There are citizens living in that portion of the town vrho usually carry large sums of money with them, and he was doubtless taken - for one of them. For, certainly, no man having a grain of' common sense' about him would thinkof fi n ding money in an editor's pocket.. Such an ides would be preposterous. Editors and printers are poor game for highway robbers. loud Signal. Adjourn me lature.nt of the Legis- After four months session, the Legislature of Pennsylvania has finally adjourned. The good that It has done in this long session it is rather difficult to discover, but it has not done p mach harm as we anticipated some tnonths ago. Indeed, we can recur at this time to but few acts that w e think will prove of great ad newt° the‘public interests. The provis ion relative to the mananements of the public works, cannot fail to exercise a most salutary intoence in the repair department. The pro. vision far the completion of the North Branch ranslove consider wise nod proper ; and the section authorizing a loan to cancel the State boob now due, we regard ns highly proper. ' When we leave these measures, we are at n, karat this time to refer to anything of public importance. If we think of any others by our nett, we shall refer to them, as we desire to do this session full justiee..Dem. Union. s. Apportionment Bill. - fir. EVAN from the committee of confer- ence appointed on the part of the Senate, to confer with a similar committee of the House, on the subject of the differences on the Con- Fissional apportionment, reported that they had weed npon,the following bill: • I. Southwark, !ltoyomensin g , Passyunk in genially of Philadelphia, and Cedar, Lom. turd, Spruce and New Market wards in the city. The city of Philadelphia, excepting the :boce mentioned wards. 3. Kensington and Northern Liberties. " 4 Spring Garden, Penn District, North Penn, Ringsessing, West Philadelphia, Blockley, Richmond, unincorporated Northern Liberties, Awing() and Bridesburg, in Philadelphia county. 5. sfootsmery county and certain town ship. of Philadetphia county. 6. Chester and Dpkware 7. Bucks and Lehigh. & Berko county. 9. lAneaster cnantr, 10. Lebanon, Dauphin .and Union counties. Ind the Township of Lower Mahaony, in the county of Northumberland. 11. Sany!kill and Northumberlond. 12. Montour, Columbia, Luzerne and Wyo. ring counties. 13. Northamton, Monroe, Carbon, Pike and IVa . ine counties. ' 14. Boguelianno, Bradford and Tiolp.i.oun ties. •15. Lrenming, Snlfiran , M'Kean, Potter, Clinton. Clearfield, Centre and counties. 16. Yokk,Cur4berlauol and Perry counties. 17. Adams, Franklin Fulton, Bedford And Juniata counties. - IS. Somerset, Cambria, Blair and Hunting don countiet 19. Wisimoieland, Armstrong and Indiana traugirs. Z. Fayette, Green and Washing,tpn corn ' . 21. Allegheny county, except certain town. 2. Buller county the excepted town- Alps of Allegheny. 23., Brayer, Luvrence-and Mercer counties. Venango, Warren., Elk, Forest, Jam:- ion-and Clarion counties. The bill gave rise to nn animated debate, whin lir', FILITLEY moved to pestpone the tvasideration of the bill for the present The motion ivas not agreed to, by a rote of yezi 9, nays 23. Premature Burial. Tie Albany Register, in the course of an snide on this subject, relates the ftillovvitt instance, of which the editor was perfectly ocaizant:— . Some yetaingo; we were perfectly, cognize Int ta an occurrence of this kind, ,011ich was t the most heart-rendering nchareter. The eifeof a gentleman was taken suddenly ill in attach, and was carried\ to her home in a state diyncope. In a few hors she partially re. catered, bat immediately relasped, and never showed any signs of consciousness.. She bib this condition nearly two days,, baffling the shill Of the physicians, and then, as it was taught, and es there was almost every reason to Wiese; died. No signs of breathing could k detected, the limbs became rigid and cold the eyes remained open, with 'the fixed raglan) , stare of death; hut there was no ciange is Pie color cf the skin. This was the only reasin in the world for supposing, that 43;444 had not taken place- The poor laeaved Sasband, almost frantic at te loss of he young and beautiful wife whom hhe almost . oung with desperation to the hope hued in her face, and long resisted.the imam, ..,,." agi6s lion erne phyaicians, that 'she tvas ,"'*mif dead. They told him, what is doubt as hue, that it sometimes, thugh orations-are 41:PPM, that there is no d is co for : aoderenv eeksafterdissolution has taken Vat. Bat still he resisted, and it - was not, tald.three!days.hd passed, without the faint a!"gal! al change or Sign of life,' that -take**l,gare!up and euffered the-burial t34Act Ike Wasentomed in a vault. Months ~ 4 cemetery having been laid out;the , , ea us eleg pant ma p nod la t; nod beautified al erect in i and :when- all treaufouperintandedment the t; removal ot the rl4 hi wife from the • Vault • to its fiaal 2,!k? glee • When the vault was opened• **eatiered the circumstances of her death, i s i l ldehiled, and desire. suddenly "'wised ~,,.!'.l )* *e more behold the corpse. BS his the coffin-lid Was retnoved.The s Naart. , kiabi Iv lch Presented itself • was - mcon -143 bir horrible, for it showed that Me . had v ob /64, 1 aiice. She had turned - trite over 48„ °reale ; ahe had clutched her. nails ~in-01*,,,agintil 01*,,,agintil her fingers 'had bled, per. $.48.-rfirave•clothes were torn, and in her *v eggies she had contrived to carry hexhia to•Vei,fieltd, had kil4 ., 'Plucked'lkiilit ; it a' man of belr,Avith Sidi' a of, - the cap that eoveredit. • • I The,poer_rnin- ' from the ihookrof that.:awful Ispeatiete: -=„114 borne iiifyseiselesi -and-;for the reit oti wetiry, lit'97wft4 an Altarli- - '!njsklfs 104-11111/InnYlk xbe • . • Gik-,tuainuit Housto n : in a latespeeclosts. taal l a riot tnoWs, end h magenerally known, and whichli of lintiort- Mien -to 'the Or 'soldiers murdered border Of ElentsAnnn, 124oliad, in 1836.-1 It Is that thei - Legieletere lefeMl years-ago; passed an act giving: to the neat, of kin to ;eaztt toldier who rialto that mreeicie. ,eliteekbee*d acres o 4 land, to be heated on toy the_unappropriated lands belOnging Notice; TIM tadie . l who dosiga teaching actiool. in the,' toirnahip of Bridgewater for -the ensuing summer, will meet at 'the " Park • School flopm," on ',Saturday the` tith- inst.,:atll o'- clock RI% Byorder of the boar& •'• I • R IitPrTERFIELD, Secy. otiv - Briditer May- $ 1852; 'lB W 2. . 1 ---• -In Brooklyn, on the Bth G. Bai ley, Esq.,Mr. JOHICoox Dim,ocki anctAlis3 JANE MI L LS of /cud!). -•-• t i In Se:ringville; on the 9th ins by ,hattle Knapp, Esq.; Mr: PHILIP SOtscosticjr., to kiss LTDIA, clinghter of. William o Cheny; all otthe former place. - 1 • • In _Eatirille. on the 38th ttlt.,s by Prof. Geo, W. Baton;D. D., Mr. GEOJ E. lame, otlthe " Baker pamily," to Miss CLalta E. BEEsf, of the "Chenango Vocalists."' ~~ 1 ~1 %i fa Jessup. May 3d,-Mr. lircaoL,AsA Laity, aged 26 years. . By this providence one of our best and Most promising. young men has:been calleriis ", 1 1ong.home." -He was reapected and loved by :all - who knew him.. 'll6 hut 'left an aged mother, uPho bad relied upon biro, ' kir support in the decline of lifejte mourn his early death. A large concourse of people showed' their re spect for the departedj land their spmpathy for the mourner, at his funeral. ; - IF 0 Tit a I D s? Ism 50,000 G sh p o avetl, fo l ; 'l li. ,Also, Blatehley's Plows; lower thanint any other Mice in Susquehanna county. , S. FIII k LER:. Franklin Forks, May 10, 18152. l9tt NEW GOODS. STEW Spring and Summer Goode - in great ve il( riety end style ; and a general assortment of Staple and Fancy oods just received end selling unusually Inw by fi . SURRITT.. New Milford, May 8,1852. i. - "A'r it AHEAD: i• • LADIES..._,DESSGOODS, Bonnets, Ribbonroi Shawls, Cloths, Cassimeres,Jeips; Tweeds, Vestingß, fiats, Caps, Boots - di.'ShOes, .together with rt - mucit of . • - Mride . VlOUlltgAg s - • - Domestic Goods , -Hardware ; Drugs :and Medicines, Paints, Oils, ChnpreliNaili, and other goads, as usual, a'gcOd'assortirient;oeivhiclf have arrived at the Railway Stori•itt l ewfitltlford and, are selling Ofrwith'amish, preying iht4 . some of the people kniier:*hare they oath get The 1 . - ivoritir of their money. . - • CO and see for younielves:''Notrohble to shim oar goods_ • •• ' HAYDEN. 4 New Milford, May 11,'185x2.'_ ---, • ..19 w e t NIV.W COll3 ~ire-14. lab: , PROPOSALS will be recei*ed at ithe office of the County Comminionersiof SusquAtotna county at Montrose,'for Jail to be erected in said Borongb,,until the 14th day of-June nett.: lobe of stone, fifty-ono feet long by-thittf ! ene Feet 'wide.; The plane and vecincattone can be siren in the office or at the office of F. B. Streeter, Eeij. ::Sealed propoials to be dire - Med to the CoMmisaionere and marked “Jail Propotala" • ! :" • J. D:3IURPFIT, ) - S. DI Mt ICK. COMnen• • J.HANCOCK.' .) Commissioner's office, Montrooe, • May 11; 485.1. TO 'EVERYBODY GI:11=N - 0*- • Deans,- Park & s Co. - Ma • Present' PriPrietera i of the • • • BAKERY- AND 'CANDY SHOP T • , • ik . v . GUI:0 call nitre Leila tiithi , fact. that_ they are now carryik op' hiiitiiciur at the stand lately occupied by,Stevens & Duniriore. - - They have secured, the servieeis good work men, whose ability and elperietle . e eciable them _to produce articles in their ling criasuperier quality.' ! • It will be the constant efforts, or the proprietors to 'inake ample irrarzsion, for the iranti of their customers, and, as far: O. may , be in that: power, will endeavor that their intercourse trith inch 'hag be bOth sweet and plorsant. White and Brown Bread, Rolle find Rusk, fresh every Tuesday &. Friday arternoon; else; Crack ets, Cakes and Vies always on heed.. . • Fruii Drops—a new article. Initialising the fla vor of different kinds of Emit= -very pleasant taste " ' - 1 Fhtur, by the barrel'er reek, at the lewest inar ket price. Also, Sugars, Afolassestind most kinds ; of Groceries, on the.moit reasonable terms. P. B':',A few . of -those celebrated Pine.applei Cheese—rich and rare--just in, atid'sadaeliing uff fast. • - - Great andertiall, one and all,givet'tte a call. - • ' • - DEANS. - -- - -. • . PARK. - - ••• W.II.I)EA.N.S. - . 1 A qnnutity of seasoned. rum Intinber - for •., • DEANS: P",iftK &CO. - MOUNT 'fIIOSPEO WATER CURE AND • INSIITLITE, LIA . , BINGMTON, N. Y. '• rilltilS institution Is located in 'a beautiful and ' JL sotinintic grove at the base of Mount Pros- Ipect, and within the corporation' of the silage; possessed of an abundant supply of Ottreat'soft roater, - isoiauteges for exercise in the;pure :air. a carriage and foot walk up the Monntain, over looking a scenery, unsurpassed In:beauty "and grandeur, and'"tree from the noise and turmoil of busy life." wi.h excellent sailing acid niwingpriii leges on the pleasant waters of the Cho:tango-- These are a few of the preeentation the acne" offers to tha invalid. -,, , 1 -1, , The house is new and corninOtlious—bathing appiratus excellent—well ven tilated, : with 230 feet piazza. - - , ', ; 1 The medical department, ip under the entire I care of Or. Thayre and Wife, rbo,bare had Large experience in Rydroputhic prectited land are fa vorably known at successful 'practitioners. , , - Courses of Lectures, with full plates end illtit-` trations, will be given tkroughouv_ the season. to the Studenti and. Patients. upon Absiktinfi ?bpi (dozy, flydropithi and hygiene. fdr Itinettlber, will be no additional charge. - ~ ; Females. who havebeen eirtifiaild to their beds for Years, are; invited to• iiitrop#4 ,- with itor, I give us a call: 'Oat wassails Vie treatment , ot, [ diseases peculiar 'to featelti-liturgiveu Inti!onioi. I,tliinco, and we say to all smelt, evettifthz---4 - :_. _ay. osureren much front MatOrrplool.llo4'llo2l4o one more trial., ,-- :. , - ' ':' : . Terms from - $4 to VI per iweSlC...ffisystdi, weektyi according to rooesud, attention Anat.. , red: Patiratiwill provide f0rr,3044441.02-ttuli; fortables, 2 blankets, 3 linen ovcottaultitetaisad, 6 towels. 0 V. 1 1 1 .4-o.Ctit 10:,... -.-;:, , • . Reifide'lli IL Thockig:.:,, ...? istfl D . W. & M. RANNE-t 1.160144 i: ~ : --- , —— t - - ._ A; - QA II u ' '1 if - 1 , 4).Nitioli. tetitifilltrgeett. %wield e.; -I‘,/' 0: - prim 1 0 mi. ettliecioritteritroseaniv, falai. ty; hit mos(grateful appreelationzetthe ktndriese andliberalitilkiime hire thus tie:during Viral' detiete,bere. i 'Neer' ,- ItteollfanY 431,1 he lay th , his most pangliCeistietititivis been more thin:tree lised in .the a siciet`PPPatri . :ntelie -received. an while ho beimeakircluitlitued farm. hi would a, sure his friendiaiii the publiciihatit shall be hi s constant endeavor to cleservethluit• lie, 'el thi occasion to cosirect,not all 11l founded Wh Merriest& ;( ' over Shilejtj3) have tetanal so hi benefit. bet one in relation to Plate work. mon many testimonials. he selects,' the "followi ic be cause hens a Dentist; and therefore qualified t i i judge. • ' . - - ' ' . ' - "1 - I have:examined Plate work perfirme - by C D. Virgil Dental Sargeon and take great ' p, oasis in saying thet iii point ofliiianty and durability i will;fevorably -Compare with the work"of !hi. beet Dental b'urgeons of Philadelphia and New York , whose work 1- - ,have had ample opportunities o a: e examining and I nheerfullx recommend hi as a good workmen who rill give satisfaction t ',those s. whereby need hie service . - I ,i , ! J. M. MACK. N. D. Dental S 'cit.' Jackson : May. 6 ;," 1852. ._ o He take! pleasure also inciting Mr. A 11 Tar. ill nit Mtintrose t es' reference, 'in whose fa ily be handouts a Piatilith. , --, . C. Di VIRGIL. Snigcen De tist. Montrose, bray 12. 1852.--19w3 • 1 At thit.l7psinivllle Exchatil . rriirsubliCribei. With 'many thank; to hie tad= moronslir increasing patrons; wouldripest. fully, inform . his friend's. that he is time tees singe " selectiait, of.'ipods direct from New York which he intends •to sell nix n -the_ good ol4rlash ioued principle otilive andlet lire • %heed, ineechauge ; for goods; all kinds of prodnce.l Cash not. excepted. • JOS. L. HERRIN/IN. • • Upsonvilte. April 3n;1852.: - • - 18t1 THE LIGHTNING LlN_l, TILLMAN, Barber and Hair Dresser, te- ILl• Airmails thanks to hie numerous friends and patrousl, and havingots he hopes, coni , hiced all of the great danger , and - tisk of cutting their throats by shaving themselves, he begs that they will discoutlimis that barber.oui_practibe,and - en• courage hoMe Industry. by calling on him for a shave. Col; 'Crockett's uncle was Baia to be so smart that he shaved himself with sheet icing, and C. Tillninn will perform the . same feat on any who prefer that to a good razor if they will call at his shop in Searle 's Hotel razor,. H you don't believeil,pill end see. • AlontrosoMay, 6,;1852 ' • Busniess-Roticia, 1 , .I,r s.wiLsos-.0.0.4 'respectfully Teluest a P ilau. • lug unsettled accounts with him, to call a it ad just the tame .. •-• ',::.- . . , - ••• ti The Mercantile Milliners will his continued at i old stand, under the Arm of- M. 8. Wilson Of Son. They Intend to keep* general variety: acid will ever be ready and thankful vo aeconamodato those-who favor them' with a call. 'They will keep on hand a hits 4 stet* of . ' - Ur t Good% Grandview, Crockery - OW - , -. • -—• liordavare. 1 Particular attention will be given to this branch of the businFri, to keep a full assortme , -- -- meat. CarpMden, II lack smiths parings, Boot and Bboe mikers, wilt all find the articles they want. ' • Itonts, noes, and the materials to make them of kept op hand - - • - d. WILSON S N. Nontriiiii;lan. 1, 1852. IzAt _ SUEETAIIIIISIC, - TRW . AND POPULAR, arranged for thelPla q , fo .LN sale at . rungzsvf P'bruall , 1852. - , F MOM LO tr lER tot sale at the store of ILL WE tD 'X Ito ntrose, January 10, 1658. EW lIAT AT, CAP, AND L FUR STORE. ft, 1/..11%15UDU1151 vcruld reipeetthllynnnot to I.v.L.,the citizens of Illontrese and vicinity . Wm the „has_„ opened. and intends to keep a targt end general is. 'ltartnienk of all' Wads. and ri;ttalitles :of Deaver, M els. alai; aturr4llrllaVs7of the latest. atylea,',WoissithiSlnn garbri arid **IF: styles , Atuallties of fur and wool ' Man. Paziarna;:ireghoriv.Tlei4eaf, and ,the various kinds riebraided .hats , far Summer weari. Olsraeditilk_Pltuls:atid altklndi rirOrthe Tarlrenta. and boys And' yonth'a-wearl. Gents Patent-leather 5.4 . :An., together with all kinds of goods generally ;kept to" "tore. The subieriber War largely evpraged in the sbeve trade at the Esst,will "allvala eilablothink * to keep at his stun in Montrose a larger and mare lash ; Instable aisortment- than can be found elsewhere. 14 1 a terms are ready payothich will enable him to 401411 goods in Ida line at least 15 per eet.t. lower than rub* in the same trade. The eitraens are aespetttnlly Invited to. call and set, for. themselves. P. S. Washburn will allays be On band to exhibit the goo IN whether peop le wish to purchase or sir t. M. D. WAS/MI:04 gantrose, Apr 1128,1552. - To the Public A BEL TURRELL is none receiving and k A constantly on band a large and desintbl sortinent of . 'GOODS.: which will be sold eery low for cash or ready ; The stock is composed of a first rate assartmen Drugs, Medicines, - . Chemicals, ::Paints, Ui Dye-Stuffs, Groceries; Glassware, spoon - - Spectacles, Musical Instruments,' Yankee-. Notions, and- i • • _ ; • 'l' - • - . - . Dry -Goods, - Hardware, Stonewari., - 11firrorfi,_ Stationery, Brushes,, • 'Medical Instruments, Perfumery, Trasses, Supporters.- Shonlder-Braces, ShOca: Cataphine 'Burning Fluid, Lam Clocks; Watches, Jewelry,&a. All persons Wishiat to purchase Dings - or in ttriy - of the "aforesaid derrtrtments, wilt -f their- intareiti promoted - by milting first at Droq and Variety Store of ABEL IT RREL, .Montrose. May 1851 , THE GREATEST - HISTOR/04 .-- , and - Alleffical. Print of . I - ro, tl 0 ' Age.. ,- . in eemmemoration on hat racist imp tint eveni in the Amerienn!'revoluti the British , fiurrendering thiir Arms Peneral -Witibingtoit after their def ":at Yorktittsn,'Virgihia. - OctOher, 178 rfl i gg eniraving - is executed by ; Tanner, i l lance; &lupe) , ..& co:. from an origin drawirik by J.T.ltenaulti and published by, Bi joaniu,Tanner t Engraver, Philadelphia. The . , - of the print is 25 by 34 inehesietud_svtisongur typublistied to eubseribersist 812_in the shee , _ EXPICi aalloli. ,I ' - - . TnE Hiironr.-10 the'first ond gmnd phin re is it s I exhibited three lain groups of the principal offi- Ehi cers, who were present at, the , transaction, with a 'V faithful likenestof each. • • - • , ,-; .1,, fiat „In the grOup is seen GetiernrWashington,,4'•4 General liochambeasr.",General Lincolo,,Coloel bg a Hamilton;isti old Farmer eager to contempt to theq.scene; Billy-; the servant, and ilie horse of ,1 Genital Washington, - ....” ''; - ,t ' lri the.seCond.gronpari Americlui and Fret olEiri; General Knox, Secritary Wilson, ,t Duke de Lipson, and the Martinis de Li F, The. thh*group -is descriptive of the Brit eurrenderinglheirturns. - Lord Cornwallis, Gen Centmodore eiminoae, . Cottitel toil, WWI two'. fitniers'iut - oft Lieutenant Cid° AberOotebie, Lieutint Colonel /hind Lord Cblewten; fe. Lord Cornwaltie spite. firisexiting hie sword' to, the Ann General OIL bei:niteets, but:General WsshingtoD is pointe d :to this' el the-only poison to whom be, is to . fiuderWereord.. ' • . . _ .. ... . , . .. . .. . I ' .0040 rh,o) . ol:4.kAlad: hit ttio':dieietiiiii thr, d r: terOist.Oinieo.titid: tiowdi, of okOtotiont.--. -The 1 ..ffittt of Secretary Witian, -, .oconpiOd :- by 7 . Le' 'Coin 4114 *id 'lO . O gait' Which was bombarded iiic, 101*4 0 4- ionfli 4 -, the ifitrifohi'de Lii6Y.- - **3litikkg : .tonr.o4 lb . w', shiy;S;rls, 4ornifig 'iliii* - Itir theAiniiii: Of ,Pir.d.:Coniniislihr, - Issitg leave of -Gi..pilid W itiiiiing* , to - iiirsi ! e:mm:ii ,d' . A i lthii.rislokinki - lud immidisKfititir several 1 iilt.10141 . :: ' it!" folfilfrOOtb4kroof Op :thi;t4ibiliboii 1 *4iin: 4!ii..* - I:44:itiFlS*4o*PaitY.-';' fi !f10it0tt.40,6)ki . ,, - 94744e , teri , is ometed:ilijo , ! :0441-f-71d4tOtiot;*filito.C4Itistrioitii . horoeo '• sit ii * 4 :00,400f0t jitr,*041 . 6004,171 to insure to the ir -011iiiii,-414:'310,004c..!111ft114.4*41'',0P7 now ek e 4tipik'.;.•;--, , . , 15A";-7, , ,1.:, - .4 - -ly-i..2.,; ; ,--._ ..,.--,..:,'.--:' :•i.. ,-,; ,f;: :- 44404itt-.4l= , ..4. i ivin': - .0.; L ane, that' . -iiiiioo l. o* 00.404 ,the - ' , `s4 , oerie * patwplto;44l',:v.hosniw,*, - 06,.1144017, .01 , .1 1 00 14 0*0 44 b44 1 . 1 00- - : .— . - - -., ' , .- - ,; - ?i±K; :7- --.-- 1 5 /17,9tAitiral.41:100t -10.40.14;.::-.::!-';'$::::.';'1,- ' - ':- - ;.... -- wENEß o ilve liow . aPic°lllPipi l l.f;flt: iLinammer itock - of Goode. which he cal* Montane, April 13, 11352-' - • E-6 to zit...t P6 rse: r A k qle' C. tlpo orbit. prote*Olm, may bo found'at ,Seallo's Itutel,whirs wrt Lapp; to watt upon Ills old Iliquala as wattas taw. = /douttosai Feb. 2; t8G51.. • - ' ' DISSOLUTION.• Tat; • copaitnership heretofore existing between Thayer, & Wheaton Is this day dissolved by mninalconsent. Each respectively will be pripared at: all times to respond to the calls of their friends. - R. THAYER, T.L:WHEATON, .28. 1E 1 32. • • ' GREAT BARGAINS, is selling off: his liege mock .8.10-of .le — Autr, WiTell6l ' 4 4 .;f1t•OaltILTLY ABDUCeD prices , to make room for neer goodi. - • - L. CANFIELD. Binghamton, April 23, NS% I I - • Silver Ware, PURE` AS COIN, (marked gnats ;i also. a X full 'assortment of Elated, Brittania, and Bil ver Ware at - L. CANFIELD's: Binghamton. , ' - CLOCKS, Accordoonioi eil pricei at L. CANFIELIYs. 'LOOK ODP t. . HE Notes and accounts or Pitts & %Vanier , baying been assigned to P. ft. Pitts, ere In he hands or C.. Avery. Esq., for !immediate col: action. All persons - indebted 3re hereby notified het costes/ill be made on all 'matters dot settled • ithiu thirty days from this date. Montrose, April 2, 1852.;; 1 . v _ The sUbseriber bast just .-1fir11771,.'.r. receivt4 a -large stock ,1 , J . ,. 1 , ! ..ipp,„ • k . i ..., i,...11 1 , . St: esd4llont assortment' 4" I! . 5 , 7.7. of Men's and Betts' t i READY MADE * • t lateststvles and suited to the season. '" Aum—Fashionable Silk Hatti;(Beebet's spring tyle.) Kossuth lists. Leghpru, Strew 'and Palm of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Stockings, Glove's, Sus. penders, Cravats. Boots and Shoes,"BoOks,yntp ping and %Vriting Paper, - Travelli . ng43tgs, Wall Itakr;(s good stock ,) Colloid Paper,and.Fancy articles too numerous to speoify—,all or '- any of Vf hick I will soil as low us the like"ears bo bought id "Binghamton" or any other town. • _ . GEO. FULLER. -. Montrose, April 20, 1852.' . ' • DISSOLUTION'. THE coportutoship heretofore. existing att tho firm of Smiley. 4. Curtis lis dissolved by its limitation. The notes and books of accounts at the store, whole all persous having unset tled acconutt %Vial' the raid firm are requested to call and settle: the same withodt delay Gibson, Oct. I. 852 The basioess will be continued by' J. Smiley, who is receiving anew. stock of Goode, Who will not insn:t the good sense of die community by slang advertisements, or resort to tricks to fleece the unsuspecting. but confident in the good choice and qualities at, hiS goods and the lone rate of profits, he , invitee , all to call '.before purchasing elsewhere. 3 J. SMILEY. 4ibson, April 20,.1852. 17w4* 'CHEAP. WATCHES, - --EWELILY AND SILVER WARE , Grerit-Renctlon hi Prices. . T ety per ;teat ;;at least less than-veer hate . ' . • been sold in the United States. - - -• OLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 karat case, only, $3O, usually sold for s33—Gold Lupine Watches, I 8 karat cas, s jeweled, s 24— Silver Lever Watches, full jeweled, $l4l usual ly sold for 818—Silver Lspine •Watches,• jewel ed, $lO.-Silver .Teri-Spoons per:half dozen, $.51-- Guld Pens, eitver 'holders, 81.. Persons wishing is Watch or watches, or. Jew elry, call have 'them 'sent by mail, with perfeet safetyc to any part of, the Diiited Stateror West lnd es, by first sending' he amount of money.—' titles warranted as represented above. Or- - dent rum - the country =respectfully solicited. 1 PleaSi address (post paid,) : • ' LEWIS LADOMUS. IWGhestnut et. - opposite the Franklin How, Philadelphia. , . rr' California Gold bought, or manufactured intoljewelrY. - ' ' ' ,Ifirn2 , DRY GOODS NEW STOCK!! CHEAPER THAN EVER!! . . . . . • 1. ", . W N:; 11l Ilson, • . • liate of tbe-Firm of Wilgoo - kii.filler',, - . 11 1 IItES to return his grateful thanks to the citi .ll./Tens of Sualttchattna county for their liberal pat. rolls e during the part year, and respectfully solicits a cemtiousuce of their (store Raying rr-spelled. the stere4n TOmpkins' Block; (which has been enlarged and Imp 'ed.) with a full stock of Spring and Sommer in ;hi invites there who Wish to purchase Goods -ry ow, foreastii to call, and evunine his assortment. re übjciined ilst of Goods sod prices he believes will. m r o psvor & b4 with that of any other- meschaut - lo is - chatty. Ladies' Dress Goods. ' ' • , . . . r g e oesertment of black and colored Silks, of Vit. 1 1 es end patlenm, from 43.64. to 14S. per yd.. Mouseline De Laines. • ,- • 2yards of Spring De Gaines, of almost mrerry varie ty A style that the New York market affords, rrom .11e. t 3a. per yard. Pririts and Ginghms , -10 0 yords'or .11erjamek, Fall Rfeer, Manchester, a.. .. 'Coe, , E n o& a n d : oher styles of Prints. at sc. oe, I.oe, fld. Is per yar .1 V.One else of superior Moths and eoloM, yard wide, at the low price of Is. 1000 yards of and Glasgow Gingham, warranted fast colors, is er. yard. Also, Scotch anal/ranch do from Is. t2s. . ' - ~. ~‘ • - - ' fflourning Goods; -.— ' • Jo bazittes, Alpareas, Mohair Lustrer, Threger, Can a C othi ; all wool Ds wines , MIS Thanes, and all oth go ds used in mourning. - . - - - :.White .Goods..' ix tc ister Ph la ' Vold extdileped Jaeonet Muslin, Cambric do., do and dotted SwIFII, Mall, Nalnaouk and- Tarlton, ten Cambric., Bird's Rye Linen Llnon Table Clotho, Old el,Uoteli and BEMS& Vapors, Linen fibeetings& fret mite. &e. at awl prices as cannot - tall to glee. Lire eatleraction to entto‘ben• . , :. , •: - f : , :, Shawls. ~g _ , . I..'t is- lot of 11rOe . ire, 'Canton Crape and . Cullom . :re . iwl twenty per cent. cheaper than, they were sold '-- .--Handkerchiefs. -- - - Ait nandkerebicts':sor every grade , from 0/ to $4 Table Covers . , a; dozer; colored,ootton, worsted and Linen, and of EtribOpled Corers, from 4s. to $4 apiece. Goods- for: Bien and Rao jr.,,,do:ttii o r erery.eolor - and qualify, from Do. to ;'b sok and fancy Cassnneres. from 0 tO2os. ; Ken oay yew, Tweeds and-Eatinete r from 24.6 d. to 4s; wit : every description, foamy an d tideo. . - .:'; -•- Domestic- Goods. , , ~.. . .. yard , of brown anretiajs and oddrtlngs, from 6 to . pe yd.; 6000 blezetreddo.drom 4c . to le. per yard ; eld and garbler*" shlttln. from Od.i to Is, per yd. !!" '-: 'Hosiery and Gloves; „ , _ ..,,,,„ ens aaaurtmens end very cheep.- Al33oofftbras a. lug lot of *Mt. cotton 11444 re.ry fair, qu a lity on ly , 1 Os Vaiieep and - Carpet Page. --- . A . 1011 ioloited Stott', pitrebassd direct from the larg est utfonfaetory in thlsionntry, and for - sato at such prices trill admit of. no Ounpetßion. - , ~ Mkateand lifillinery Good e ; , ..:,. the n n bscrfber grow fie is iti deo tw ircr r i o ts r af ga d t, fre n ::::t e li s e o a odi tten c t h to e s ap of . 1 they tine partteolarly to this bnyleh or buAlners, ash* 1 May / Rm. .-- -- -..r• eopktilmy on - hgtd Outing the sea%, ' fltreli Dor:meta, ahleh he wilt 4114 ' earl lbey can ba bad at retail 'ln Ither trhOlesato Or retail ,eitstcsners totheliv loam:doge to undue - his ig purcluo vlsewbmr. . .„ .. . . , et TelFtrepp_og good asmttaueo 'at I' r sr. N-,WELSON. - - - ' (butt I,Od Voter Atrisets. nearly - ' 0 004 . tb** mli ic2n. ouL ~. - irllZßta, .. Astiortment • Cablv and /las atO2 oa. Airew of tbo Illosonto' hats low IMPPIT Mecto4 Ora, iftht: ' ' a&O.IVV&Wift .-, . - • .. - „. -.-- .._...___ ~..• •..„._ a/r I y 2 T A _ a .cma Dagr :_.. , -,. .. . , ~, ... _.• .r. • NEvir:'AND -811 rE11 , 13LY"EQIIIPPED GRECIAN ARENA,..„- -- ii ...„ . ~.. . , , • . . ~.._ . ... ...... , _,, .. ciiiiihtimi t ii Wilfrid brilliant `Equintrilan Tronpri.: 'with en extender , talented and. efficient Drain* la corpse; comprAiending in this etsterteitunents all the'rrioit pleasing . Fecitief Horternanihii, o#77i. stastica, 4.e:;.. reritesented '.by I full DritmitticE,orps, ppiettditl troupe of Horses, 41c.:&c.: T'opet.. Topa at MONTROSE:ON FRIDAY ; MA.Vl , lth, 1852. '. • . , ,- • ..... - - Among the ptominent Menibarirof this iStablishmint •arts Me. Richard Eirrrs;ihe malt . lICCO . M. plished single horse rider in-the DitiredStates r,. Madame .IWood. and Atadtrme - _Camille.Gtirdniii; la their beautiful ' , Parisian fforsemanahip Mr. E. Deriout, Alr .-WhN, 4r,, C Rivere..lllr: .1 .-• Shludeli. Masters St. Lake, a:Elvers, G. Deriocut.' Moot. Grregoir; the . atrongest than iu the World, and others of world•renowned celebrity. - - Clown.' MK Dan Gardnei.•tlie univerisl fitiorite.conilcsingeitmd punster.' • The'Ll4iss Bona ;led by_Mr.: W:. fritherbye-will enliven the entertainments.,, -Thet - interior ' will .be illuminated bY ;blend soparbll.oW.Chandeliers. Itireprogratnirle, 9iperforinatielo:seefizu - di bill.:. Doors open at. 2 and rieclock. p erformance ro commence et 21 'nod 71 o'clock rat: - --- The performance will remit:iota-in the evening with' crg-riirid Dramatis st,if Rqueidet'on Specla. ele, of worldwide calebrity..evith ocings. chor nses.combarryprocesrioutt./ke.,entitled ,.o ...,__,--- . _. .• -'.. IAZEPPAL,OR , TIEEIIiVILD HORSE OF.TARTARY; ~- - . Token tram a' opular poem ot.liord'Syronod.roipi:oduced and adapted for the circle with a most otitentive rind_ careful exhibition crib! powarftil graphically described.irt the great Po-, rile Legend . The music slid overture directed by R, Willis. rne varied end splendid costumer by Mrs. r Riv icksnr. Every desCription of imitinive'decorationti, appertaining toPoland and reltltrYs by M. Pli . . .' , •--- - : : ' Dramatis , Peinonte. : : 7 -- ..:'" '':' - :- `.. Mazeppa, Under the name of Catlett; -' - ."' Thainard ' . --*- --'•• • ' , / /I,fr; Habeir'. - -afterwards King of Taitary, • Mr. Derins, Zomba,. _ i C.°...n9lrini . ali!fttilizi° , ', sA reirent „ I Castellan of Laurenski. ' life. White,. • Olinsks, dinighterof the Caitellan, ' Premislaus. Count- Palatinet,. - Mi. Rivers., I- iti-hive with Mazeppa. ' ,: ' • -"-Mad. Wand. Droliusko, jester of the Castle: , 1). Ciardner; 1 Zemilia; her attendant.- -.•-- ~.----. , - . Mre.Oardner. Pages, Masters St.Lulte, C. Rivers:l3. di, C:: 1 1 Knights, Officeis;Cmards, Heralds. Pages, , .. Darius. ,' _ - 7 "" - r ' I '.7 •-' • '1 ' -Bv the Company. Grand procession of Horse and Pc - Mt:and Complimentary Tournament, . - Afrilecilied"for entrance of the Unknown - Enight.' - - llis bole) defence. i _llia subsrvent escane, and spardy detection. Hiis trim: tery sOlved; for asieppa boldly avant) his pu , Ptise, in aitacking tho• Count, under the guise, of,the Block Knight..., The. Castellon. pronoances-ins .terrible and Imre, doom - upon Mezeppa; to meet which he is bsund to a MarlTurtarart Steed, cv:insa fury is increased to deiperation.• Be isletruch ed onward by tkil'exisperated horse, amid the • darkness of the i ntght, and the yells of his Incensed enemies. ' . •- . . . , they baand - me on, that menial throng. lWen loosed' him with a endilen lash, :-. ' • . ' Upon his beckewith,many a thong. 1 Away—away—ind on we -dash;'- ' ...."- His flight is closed With a TORCH LIGEI P. .TA BL A Ell Shrieks and mi.* of horror et the de; ' partnie of the wild horse with its suffering burden. A storm arises of fearful warning, in Ma heat. ens—the elements oppose each other: graud.and solemn 'Conflict z .•-the di.ep-toni , d !bander, ferrifOng matilind beast, impels the:seared and savage animal' to . new exertions, his frightful , path . alona illu minated by the lightning's flash—When, lo r a calling tree arrests-their speed, end stopping horso . aud rider, both exhausted presenting two separate iineffiri of death. Taliteau.: - •. - . - A moment meg:ern:lg, feebly fleet .With gimps and'gleiltig eyes he lay, 'i, ..' • . A moment, with a faint low neigh, And reeking limbsdriimortibfe; . •.' - i :‘. •. , , . He aim iwered; and then fell; , His first and lain career is done. .'.. .: • ' Mazeppa finds a father.' A conspiracy is defeated. The father preserved from the' immeshes, blotto. Mazeppa wears the Diadem of Tartary. Directs a grand war movement towerrli the•enii-• my. The grand Romaritic Spectacle will terminate with a intignifieent LIVING‘EQUESTRIAN STATUE, upon a moving, pedestah'representing the beautiful Oliuska seated rusher, chargei, sup. ported by a troupe of Tartars,'xhibiting the most perfect training of the noble; steed, and"the in domitable courage of bin intrepid rider., , D.C. PALMER, Agent. 1-7 Phe , procession will enter town about 10 o'clock; A. tt., the Band being drawn by "the elegant Postillion Team of 12 caparisoned horses, mounted by rideri dressed in a gorgeous manner. i - .- 17 This -Company exhibits at Suisogelianna Depot WedneodiT; May 126,•,and ,at-Ureat Bend Thursday, Muy 13th, 1852. ` ' P.R. PITTS. - - 16w2 J. SMILEY. G. CURTis. SAVE COSTS !" rrtflE Accounts and Note* of thosi ititiebtetl to 1 me 1 have placed : in the hands of Epp ir,- Smith of Dimon k, for immediate collection,. Those who heed thin warping. will save costs--those who do not will receive a visit from-a constable within a month: O. G. HEMPSTEAD. Dimock, May 4;1852. 18w3 . .„ WATCHES L .WATCHES t THE Sub striber takes pleasure In Informing his friends 'and enatomers that he has Weds,' received another lane lot- of his superior Patent Levee We Leh* e annfactured Expressly to his order,-.erith his own name engraved on each, comprising 3 sizes of fulljew eled, In hunt -nit eases,extra heavy, and Flee patterns lu plain Cases - mating a full variety of these Celebrated Time Keepers, which he offers lor vale as low- as New York WIIOLESALE prices. warranted perfect. ' A.. - EVAN S, So. 2 Odd , Fellows' Washington -at. Ilingbault9' 12, Aprills, I3:;3 , CUM ALP _ cROCKERY, GLASS, AND HOUSE - FURNI6IIING-STORE. (Nttzt 'door to R. A.- Ford's.) . • - !rem. subperibir Ili commencing his second year 'Told tender his Monts to bin wide-spread customers for the encouragement received in the sustaining ores) use- Cni and extensive an eit‘bllshmetit, while the (Loves- It REPEAL meg had all, the fninntla for rendering Its &o titis but a PlOaSatit task, and ranch to adorn and bealit - fy the parlor. Ily stork of French, Stone, Clrina„ Eaelhoi, Rookere ham Yellow and GiassiViire, is, now large and varied, and Complete, embrcting some hew styles (of my Own importation) from wWeh the most delicate taste, may be . , . Arouse-keeping Articles. cunenyserver., !Toone; earoo"and spite tarns, Candle sticks, shovels said tangs, snuffer. scales, steelyards, ccrds. saddrons. umbrella stands, dc. , • Wooden and Willow Ware..... • - - Pounders, palls, mortars, brooms, mops, bowls, chairs, cradles, wagons; ladl es, irt..mps, • • , . „ . • TAmp and ball Ls sires ica. Britannia Ware of all de scdptions; Looking Glasses, Vaiele and Ornaments, rich ClOisa an ant glass '.Top and Pisani Ooodsof all kinds, pritei and descriptions: Clocks, rope, lute, wool, Atli co and coy.ustis; ;Window, Shailes i (yery - cheap,) and• Blrteages of various pules. . - , , Oar stock is so complete, presenting snob . a great va riety of useful and, ornamo:ntal articles that those wish ing to obtain: a complete. ()atilt or.replenisb ,honsekeep : log asticles; will save macs time and motley by calliug at this establishment-1y • tis,PEU. Binghamton, N Y., April 14,1852. • , 141 • Union Dagnerrean Gallery.. Would respectfully call the attention of the la dies and.geuttemen of Montrose and vicinity to their new and elsgant suit of DagncrreaniZoollirk in Hinghannon, opposite the Poems hotel. They haire the advantageadit well awangid sky-light r which will enable them to produce as Etue nesse! as any' in the country, Pirschig - visiting; I;tinghamton, shiald `not fail to call :and secure for themselves one or more of their life-like and well defined , metgo(int pictures. Every attention will he given in order to secure likenesses of children and family groups They have on hand and for gals a large utwortment of Oilt and Stucco Frames, hie* and len. ny'Lind.Catieg, Gold Lock - ets, and a treat ty of ditTerent - styles of Cases, which they will furnish with likenesses upon the Most tiberal terms. Do inn fitil to Call mid examine our rosins ' and specimens.: Pupils instructed in the Art and all kind of Dasuerrean inaterialsfurnished . to the trade initial the ' best teens.' Binghamton, April • MELODEONS. i ASUPr.:111011.- anicte of caTtiart:e, impioved 4; 41, and 5 ()Moire Xelodenuri ;for oale the Union Daparrean Gallery. .Pirions wish ing anything of the kind, should notlfuil to" call end examine They nte of dillerent, pat, terins, - and will be farnis'ied at the maunfaeturer's puke, by - • • THOMPSON & LOOMIS. Binghamton, April 7,1852. - .- • - 1140 `STOVES AND,TIN. WARE. T/113'eubscubbro having entered into co.part nership in theStovii, Tin and sh e pt:t r o n b ug i ut i gi aro prepared to .attend in all orders in ihrir . lino aC the shortest notice; Brgiviag strict attention to thebusin esti they bops to merit- theirsharo or . the '! - Min' bushiest ti , a,bei - eariied opposif.3 the Digruicraiq iamb, under bud firm of C. D.lstbrop Co. • - ;•• ' C N. A. tvuoDauit, -401.13 Li DEMTIB If YousP easfv ..l4peAsons in* ire requested to .o.settlsaud make payment betWeeil this" data and the.fing orAlaY•tiast. ADEL.TURItE i LI. Maatioas;AOril 1. 1852. - 4. • - ' • • - .:WANTED,, ILTIDES4I/P1(11115 at tbeóklitawl of -trillisaltas; .14 , tenter ab±reb Cash will be_pstil or Inman sap' •t••••'• ,, . Bloat:use,' ni , 144 Ps 114; • - • • , ; Pit 1 ,1q1 , 91181 - MRCVS t-- CIRCUSr Xlicc - 11.dncous. } .. . -. .. . . .. ew-Books. - ;.. ',‘ Tug Gistory 'of Hungary and Itossiith .- (a - voltsWe . Work( by Rev. H. F. Tetir,atal the Report of the fa mous Fo-rest Divorce Cue. In pampidet, -- joet received. A'deaerni oesortment ot 'School Hooks and Stationery always on haul. . •, _ A o ate rueply of the "P's/okfl l a t Jug received. - • • Feb.. 4,1852 _ - -, GEO. FULLER. - GOlrig'sst a ILttle nbOili Cost; ' THE vubseriber =jai) stack yet, of and Bop' coarse and fine Boats and la a good asrortmcat of Ladies; Misses. afar Lslldren'a Boots and Shoes, which lip is now selling at piices but a little a bove cost. There is au opportunity for good Liftmen is thisUne. GEO. FULL.EII- - February . 4. 11351... ! . Eteeutorsl Noticei. L ETTERS TEATANIENTART on The Estate of JOECX MeDONALD. late of ,LIDEETY, deceased, hactirg been grunted tW the undersigned, noticeih hereby given to all 1114011'cl to the estate to call .Ind settle the same -wit ha nt.dolaryand alt4seetons_boirlog.4atnandit agattsat the estate will. pleas!? *6 present them duly.atteeted for settlement: • DENNIS SULLIVAN, .• , . PATRICK HAYS; Silver Lake March 21,19,52. • • .‘. TUST-reeeired, Imo of ueiv Goods, Prints, - De: J. ones, freph,Teas, Summer Hate,,cmpelini,. 'l3,flidms, pAiry Salt, Coffee. Western •onperfino Flour, Codfish, lfaCkerel,' &e. , &c.• So . please roll and bring . along.Buitsti. Eggs, Ram Grain, Cash or good, credit, and- you „cau _ have things rigst, with many thanks, by C . TYLER.. . Montrose; April 5; 1852 - "" • . To All whom it may Convene. ct pine half!dcleti lyoiltig !Arlie% desirous .of se; Ogneinting themselves with the Teams trade can do so as the invitation imMediate, under eirum stutters *quite flveruble, and in a' manner unarm. paoed by a foreign bragadoeio. oly , now avail themselves of its, benefits by calline on JOUN GROVES-T. M.- :Montrose, April' 1,1852 13w3. " DRY - GOODS AND'OA.RPETS• rrHE 01/1/Nerbti{:e svoytdjuror-tn. the.eitizena-of Susquehpuna county that theyi have now tnt hand u.arge assortment of DIY Goofts, at whole.: I sale and . GENTLEMENES' , DEPARIMENT,, consisting kahrtt of broadcloths. cossinisrs*:sst inette. Kentucky .jenus, vesting, and , summer gOods of all loads. , - - - , . $ ' LADAIIB' 'DFPART3IENT . consisting of a large Variety. Black silks, tau. cy do. ? satins, gingham!, Scotch and American prints of all kinds. soma 'at, 6 pence per yard. of superiorgdality olecolors warratitedon. do Cashmere, poplins, gloves. hosiery 'Grover) , grade and quality—White goods.: . Brown' 'and bleached shectitigs, 4-4 tvitle, , heavy, Adulity,.at 6d. per yd. Tiekinge„ - driiiitige:fleThaete, !Scorch diaper, birds eye do.,.duphina, Irish linen, and spreads"; in fact almost every thing iirthe dry good. line... large_lot of. . • CATIPETIgO,. ; • • Three•piy:' ingrnius, cotton and 'roe. cotton, stair, druggits, moot end oottoc--41i1 cloths for floors oud table's, . We invite all , visiting our place to call and ex amine our stock, for tviefeef confident - by - soduitig it will he O Milk Often to twenty percent. Our motto is quick thies'aull emnli profits. - ' Score nearly, opposite the Postoflice. Ilinghem ! toll, N. Y WICKLIA3I 13ENNE.T.: April 7, 'era - - : NeV Milford" Shaw" and Dross Goods. - . Emporiunt. rAr BUltlii 0, again in tnarket with* new ..LJLe and enlarged stock of Irpitor Jcn , g and square Shacits & Ladies' dress Goods of now and splendid patterw uud priceoreducedetill lower, as the city cask pauio tells upon the market; , And includinLalso his general sup o lies for the. Fall & Winter trade in Dry Gonda, Groceries, crockery, 'Hardware; Irmidr, Nails, Hata and Winter Caps; Bonnets, Buffalo:Robes. Boots" ef Sh - oss. Soma etc. etc. all which , ha will sell on hie tisual4iben4i terms and at price!, that cannot be beat , for cash, Produce dr .approted credit: - , • N.. 11, Maur and Suit conitantirort baud: New 11,1itford - - DISSOLVTION . ieopartniirship beret - store existing slider. thelnatea.asd imp, or . A. Lathreft &co., is dissolYod• Tko book* end Accounts_ of Abe , late firtvi will be settled by'A.Lathrop:L: .The business 'will be fiereabislocsnitieted Wit:LiithtOts Innis Riley, on the tiny down ,itid'ilhort, credit systemoudos llbio firm of , R,,Latitsip.4s vek Mantrosisi • • U . :2aq CO e u • • •nuebX/ 1 142, - • Ihs'iolliitoit'; , NOTICEi thqi 'tho firm of Alto di Wirtiii'l4 this deiii'.llllsollnift , Dy m0_, 134 / consent:• Thood,indebtlid tboanto o6 Mu , " ted toIN?i 410 PP # 1 14 0 4 ( 1 4 1 / 1 7.'-' 4 • - , ,:ltft;ttltifse r,w4uNga.- ; - 1- - -4 • TIMASTfinsagALE sqeqLauds In alocrgi'; Co: IVOTICE-le beteby_Viefrithit't ' .IA-the - teuref:the-Getterellteseteterer.'4 Comatomeeslth'Srf 'PettneyllesiltAireetbil •" lciviuq , lee& graoltlin .Leteted-latetrfiett** ciscEi Ao eztit pertaiirwie:titilepteratiTalita-,14, will toe nold,trt- OW indite:Ott 4heieetetot ISt,- day arline next, atAlle.Coort itatme,l4 Meta nee, fei.erreVt!rildtt,et.sed the PAU iieerned"t.w. tieh treCt teekwelii*(7. eaves -the setae to WI before the day'at' eateraLitifeoratnizei "et I.; sieeteek 1016 rorrtfoon. Warrantee ;mop ciraivabeti• terse. I.ll4;amten • anissi srikitbri - - - 227 flats) W. &Rata* „Lamm) JCQ, , , • Ofigt' Bend j out hi n eit ; tOT • • • ' (*sniff? '.- Stanley Iteruisa" hinds itlehaNsce:jr: • ;•-• Joseph Xtson'l4l._ , ' IllinrylratiLa&-;-‘ • DazdAl Ritfte - glifickki •-• •lt,t: C. L: Vt'azd. - Z:344• : Mmar,h t aul R CAPobson • - - -.444 lis /4 . Sam4tlZadtlea. LIME Wfillmitotbes., 2 otrathatileisgsti.- Earthotuniss Matte ns' actnithatiNlittett scetoMth - IQ:tutu mot :mph Pia. ; KO' 233 Wm: Atel: (*liar) Sloane Itualltoa - M, watts= FrAnktt Wort '' J , Schson. John *shin • : , 11,841 „to/ L.-2;•••'•- • -10 f • - (oiraet7-, .7.12 - - - - 126 1 „ "11,3 '299 Mutilate cops Matthias C 0 41* Sedate Ortawal4 E; P. Dla =221 La:braP• an3rew Tykoas Gorge Brisk, . idatthlis Brooks N. Wales Robert Jseksoa Samuel Joists NprankkAik - - Robert'Paisley •I. Lenox - Jobn Dorrey ;• • Andra* , Tybook Daniel Tsitinort • Ithrtmer4syne George Ewell, I.lithsve Brooks •f . 400 - N0.:07., es, 75. '0. No. 34'0, 41;U, ---• • loa 43r • No:41 ' - - ' -100 - , L. B. atittnP 4 ) , . tolnartY, — lO 5 O O . Vazlonutn.';' "2,11 Josepillatierstm - ' - 100 ,Neit! Jain Salder L . 1 24 .• , Solatsoa PinAlity - - 80' - - no (Lot sold) oath'. • • . Sni'LEldtldgv 2 .. 7 " 11 . 402/JP, 15S) ;. James laridge, Ptsltistets nr &Soh:anon Elnk •• 125 'Lot Tact aTJohn • 53 Pia. Lot No: ltft • ' , ' ta Narwin .(innsso Ito John 008 era w 50 Thes.Narrla - - • - Silas Squirts„ . . Ai simu Lun t loirato • . - •S'pring dile; comsat), Ctu_Ltlet terrlg, A. tialllbury It, - , Jersey Trans Sirtheer Gecurze Pt= • Shozr .11athew - Phorr s: • _ r Issa4 Stiller - • ..- /Samuel llteigelels ,• 1 " Joseph Bradley Petrr Dirdley . Patrick Jobnsoct • " ' WEllirm Salisbury, Verantts Lambe* , C. P. Tallman : ICi6 1_4.34 421 ' 51.3 a —414 . 14P-0 IQ2 . 7,8" 163^'- 8170 SOT:, • 'St% • 91-- 8.22 11-84 024 W. X. WATCH, Tieaiknos. frroasizeite'e =.7.1152. - - •`. 800 Book•Agenta-Wantod;: ., A NY good, active and intelligeut mai. with a small capital of froth,- 630. r, ca make large profits by engaging in the select the •- - • Popular and Esetbl llOoka;- CIiANDIERS INFOILYITODN Ala TUE, PLUMS.: itr,Pop. Mar Encyclopedia .. of Useful Knowledge. Two large imperial octavo tiolnmes, coirtaiuiug 1700 PICTIERSON'S lantrorty. OP Tice ANIFIIICA'AIRICFOLC• VON. 590 : . largO octavo pages,. oritti 200 fiats PC:FERFON'S iiDITORT OF 1111/t GOO - large Oatil9o pages and 150 fine En-, graving.. • - Fr.ores Estairilins - Eirurrs is inn Thiroar or ts mucs. Two largo Octavo volinits.'crintain;, rag_ 1600 pages and 700 Engravingds. , • The best hiStory of Ainerica.publithet . . titotree PICTOBIAL tin OF %Yristunerors. A spree-, "did book, containiug6oo octavo paps and 150 elegant Engravinga; The cheapest life of %Yeah jogger! over published - • „ li/OOROI BIRTORY or TLIE INDIAN title colored mid Plain plates.• • - : 'Fite Time REMILICAN., Containing the lunge. sal Addresses and the first Annual Addresses rind Messages of all therPresidente or the,Uni ted States, the Constitntioni of the mostimpor tem States itsthe Union, &c.tto.` - Embeliisk ed with portraits,ofall the Presidents, engraved on alcel;aud a vior of the Ca pital Of . the Uni ted States: • 500 pagis, 12 tuo. - • Fox's Door or.,slswritts. - : A splendid Edition, largo quarto, „with _ss_ Engravings, bountifullybeantifully bound iu mortice°, gilt. De Co:tan:Mee Durroar or rue Forts. - 93Olardo octave pages, with illustrations; ' • .To'sr.intts Wong's: Fine edition, onerlarge-T9I . nine. - , • - 4 • STORM'. ON 71IC WUXICS or „Orin. -. - Sr. PIER lief STUDIES Of , lIISTOIW ov TIIC, WORM A.'.valtitable general history. One largo rooter." voldmir,-With liaudaorne Engravings!.' • • • - Lives*, GIIF.AT AND GELEIIIatED Cm:aerial,. of • all cies-rind countries. One large Warne of 600 pages,' with 'numerous Engrarings. • Together with a itumbetbf. other worki, par- • tioularlv,adapted for Pariah, reading.- ftr e the most liberal disconots .yrill`be given. to Agents who miry, engage in the safe of the. above valltable books. For , further 'particulars; addmas - (postage palm) - _ • - Publishere, • 13M21 - _No. 98 Chestnut _ _ . Shoe ` • - NrS* . l3 - 6of • !..! IKEELER: & STODDARD; , Keeler.&- -Stoddard,. biro - .1. opened a Boot and Shoo atortfatilgain first tlacii Itelo*,thO'Brjek;dorner. jtualicti..thoy otter for idle ;--.: ' of Boati,.Shaos and riodings,at;this,lottest Prieto '• -IN -. 31 ONTROSE.: • aell .- tai,..rtra4p pay !and *small Profits . : - The'citi:rneor tho:viltOge and t 0 .4 opeatfulty, idvited , iii a:: teat; gentdad: Boat . and ',hoe attire agi;•ie 80010 and ,thoos 4r:0'64111o; itOild ;or Beer andltlyotetai. 11'1. • That 3ve. have a tuil afteortmetiVitjarpg wbicii we MOnaCoik' iota - iro fit pritifbtoito.iougitilfuitJ, . gariada, 'Calf 11811'14a and":punf, boat*, - hat sole, boot?, thickbpOt4' , ,aolf. kip . apdaowtddd:bt„ gatiO;chTt.dbOri,:ate„, - . YoathsCalf, RiPand cowhide boots , l~o~y"thick . Fox ivolt 010itine. e naittel4 c ud `Kid ifiolkue, enameled fiOnt lacti Nike* and bitltresiv • tonee;: - ... 1 New YOrk tier,exeulilorsi Jena todir4s, rubbers, ' Vidar"l xosOgaiCond_."calt, iOailidal.4 Ali t!ra enamelfd-,l'elkaa+ ~ltitch boot, , ate:'. . tooetuttottmeleditfce boob; Gaiter D*nielseliiew - - • Amour our WO ofor*sti ealt#ll7ir: - Oak and itemloi.k.:Asteiteeit pink=end-white lining atins, tad , V§iee - nminioue letsibiori oils sad hatntptj~t .:; 0 1 ° 10 0iftilrelltlpk4t#Y0? - )oo# 4 *.lial - , - . tekrelettien4-ii9ttriptoint.:, • r' • -•. - 7' ~.'- ,, ,,-.',, J --,•.:'i-''',',:;i:t';l -,•.:'i-''',',:;i:t';1 §.7! -_,• 25) , •ed i - 1344 OP. S - -9/ - . 4,P4 ts;l 2V4 ' • 4.5.4 Zut .? it, 2 . , d,91 M 04 UM 2,94 2,94 1,92 22P2 1X 1,00 • I.fAl 2,14 1,14