THE DEMOCRAT. 111011T1108E, APRIL $0.1852. • Pleasant Varieties. Pouctuttlity is the, soul ~ of linisness ; there fre,panctuality is not material. do the Patent Law& tend to promote Ittieorery. - Because they iovention. !I is einzulny hnw slippery whiskey punch wilietsko the side walks. - PlmicE2l Diffie.utti . .—htting - ad blister on a lit4s,ge-ha3 -.When hag 'smart:a right to scold his wife . t abnnt hie coffee 1 When he has . sufaeient, • grthq:cis. - . Pcnch thinks ifis a denhtfill point kvhether rbtiad man could be liablct for, his 1)111, payable 41t, tight. _ IN•han has a aeruplif more weight th:m lima! T When conscience rnaltea a, teetotaller •rvfase a thiniblefull.'of brandy. are the chief 'encls of man 7" naked gnadAr-schnel teacher of one of his pupils. Krud and fait Was the prompt reply, Why is 3 dentist likely to be a tnelandialy "lan Beentisl he :heave looks down in the There is said to bo but ono atiide board' in be whole State of Rhode Island, and that points the wr'nng way—and if a man asks grotilnas, they set the dogs on him. of the Texas papers ,says"there is no lister in the vicinity of Atistin nearerthen tw•o and the people are swims their tlt-ses across the river to get it! FEMLLE PatAncuna.--Ladies are generally ilpposed to care little about politics, yet the Intjerity_of there are strongly attached to par. list, and all good kon.sekevrs are conserra ttriNt.' Said Bill to Jack, "How many legs would a pelf have, calling the tail' one r "Flte," ens %tired Jar& "Na, it wonld'nt," said Bill,“for !tilling the tail one ivould'ot realm it so, would it?"! • Quin king a'sked.l; y a lady why there were mo: - e women in the world than men, he replied 4-Granting the fact, -madam, it is in confer:lmi tv with the arrangements of nature. We al ways see Mere of heaven than earth." " Jest), does the e;n ever rise in the west V' "lever." "Never?" "Never,!" "'Von Don't say so !--Well.yonlwon't catch me to emigrate to the West, if it's always right there. I've a cousin in lowa, . who is al- LLaV writing bow pleasant is in that region, 'hot .it must be ail 7 moonshinc, I reekon."— Yandie Blade. A:little-girl, who had been vieiting in- the t.,incly of a neighbor, hearing them speak of }rt.: father being a widower, on :her -return home addresied him thus: , • Fin nre von a widower r' Yes, myehild. Do you not khow your mother's dead?„ " Why, yes, I knew ma was dead, bat you alWaya told me you was a New Yorker." •-:A squirrel, sitting on rt - hickory trees ; CV: lB' (4)serceLl to weigh the nuts he got, in (scan paw, to find out which were good and .whiOh were bUd. The light ones ho incati lite threw away , retaining only • those which were heavier 4. Jt was found, on examining tht;se hiwbsti titrowit away, that he had not made n nils:4e in a single instance, They Isere all bad nut,.. riOxrcoiti Fns.—An English paper relates the follov,ing:—A farmer had discovered hail fax Warne along a beam in the night to seize his mniltry. He aeordingly sawed . the end I f the beam nearly through, and the ,night the fox fell iiito a place) tvhenee he could 'not senpv. him in the Morning, he t,tiod him still, and, as he thought, lifelesi. Tak,ing him . . hot of the liuilqing, he threiv him the - ; butin a short time Reynard optited his eyes, and seeing all :ores safe and dear, galloped :mac to the mountains show- Mg more cunning than the Man who en.inSred Mtn. A NOW state Proposed. "'pie Legisintere of Wisconsin have under, r4Msideratioa a memorial. to . Congress,' pray for the fritiiblishmeut of a new State, cnnipos'ed of that part Of Wisconsin which 1 north of the 63tli degree of latitude, and that partof :Michif,mn hiving bdtween Lake litieltigan and Lake Superior. Tho reasons L titen fm. it are, that this territory is so isolated from the States to which it is attatched, and ha malt ilitttinct interests of its on n, that it rntf:not be well taken care of Fitliont a local ;•6•erntitent '..,11nd that the commercial and po. Mien]-adv . ailiages ofthe North:West Weald bo migraentrd -Wither than diininiShed by the addi, - , • tion of a new State. • • `• s Coat. Asnes.—The question "is the_ ash of :sathracite coal n fertiliser, ari.if so,how should ft be applied 7 and what would be its effeefs on oart;calsrly grapes'?" is frequently,as'ii It is a fertiliser, becauie it contains lime, mag ne,lic iron, 'alumina, and sometimes potash. It s.hould be mired with the soil, because the mechanical action of the cinders in heavy land 'piVery-beneficial. Its effects on fruits, partia ..alariy grapOs, will •be,good,bec.atise it contains *4e:o4:vesSary ingredients. Cdal cinders would botf.ozning for a vine bed. Coal - ashes will .always Ate found most valuable in hoary, - - A Far.xcu woman, in Savannah t Ga.-of ex-' f raordialtry fee ondiii, ihirtpthree years of age 14am jest, given - birth io her, teresty4bird and twenty:fourtiveldld!en. -She 4:4ll,rodueed the - whole twentj;foni,in nine ynys.: - -, They are born three' et mime," and r.: e. remaiicably well: W hatis sing !ACT% time' prcivokinkli•the: liAstod, 'who deeires 'to tmasmit- Mom • • *.ld title;they nre .eci:.ry one of them gie.s. ettt:D.6t*ittit#ti , .: - 1 YEAST.—The bitterness of yeast,: hh eh' is - often a cause of compiaint; may lecieremoved. byttraining it through', brazi l orbydippingted hot charce..l it. But the most effectual rind easily nvailable'rethellyis to put the yeast large'pan and corer it with spring or well mater, changing it eveiy three, prifteur - hours." Thu bran seems to iMpair , the' strength 'Mid the coal sometimes strainkit, bgt .tho water purifies it in culler ard'taste:' -The mode of nsir!,g .water for keeping and purifying yeast lieri'he6 adopted by some of the American bousek+pere. with entire slle. cess.. So says the Gardnees Chronicle.' 1 TO COOK PARSNlrS.4Periti ' Op ' s Who have nev. i'er ehten parsnips cookod according to the fel- Jrisking mode.haeu no .;idea*hat an 'excellent i dish they are. crapel the . I)rsnips,.-wizAtrzT4 slier them lenzthwisel; . boil in just -water 1 enough to cover them when thoroughly done. i Then put in a piece of butter, with a little salt land - pepper. Beat up an.egg with h tspoonful l otfleur. and pour Over. them, they _ aro then' I ready to dish up: Parhuiph are i likewise very I good split once and roasted ,with pork 'in the I 1 dripping pin, , 1 . , • ' „, • To MARE PRESERVES "um—The secret of preserving them . from Change is•to exclude the air. The ensiCit wny!to . do Waif; to : brush „overa sheet of paper With the white of en egg and cover the jar, pleasing, it - down around the edges while moist, and; it . 701 cement perfect ly tight. It is cheeped neater, and it ::,better than sealing up the inputliioci jar- with wax or covering it with bladder:,l CALFS HEAD Serp.—Soald and wash the head• clean with - sanit and Wsteri place it in a stew pan with sufficient water :Ito toyer it; slid a faggot of sweet herbs; an;i onion stock with • cloyes, SIK blades of niece and a tablespoonful and a-Jialf of pearl barfey.. Stew till tender and add a head of stewed celery. Siason with' pepper, pour the ,soup into the tureen, place Abe head in the centre, and Serve. To SMOOTH rtar,,litoss.:—lf your flat irons are rough or smoky, lay a little fine salt on a fiat surfico, and rub them well; it will prevent them from sticking to anything starche. and make thr smoothe. WASHING STAIRS .AND ' PASSAGES.-r-ThCi sides and passages on which ere carpets or floor - cloths should be, Washed with a sponge, instead of linen or flaOnel, and the edges will not be solid. DUST For. CLEANING KNlVEs,—urounachar coal is "Said to be tho best thing in the world fur cleaning knives. It will not wear the knives away, like brickidust 'which is so often used. , , Pastna.s.—To snuff the candle out in corn. pany. To bejoked about by a lady whom' you se cretly dislike. ' To be obliged to confesitspnverty to a dun. T To make a good pan at - which nobody laughs but yourself. Walking with- the ladies to be met bi drunken friend who iinsists .on speakinito you. • Tight boots on a snunneeti day. • A.short bed on a cold winter's night. Disliking babies, to be obliged through courtesy, to handle your friOd's 'pretty little sweets, for an hour dr so. .' Unluckily enlisting !yourself on the wrong side of an argument,::when you have ladies and learned men to oppose. visiting a lady for the firs this., and as you are introduced treading on Fier, favorite cat's INTEnT.T.LTATIO: 'OFus:—TOdreamy of a Inilletone.round your nFckf, is st sign (4 what you may expect if youlei, aril extras gant wife. . To sea apples in a!drean4etokeas a wed; ding, because where you find;apples yon may; reasonably expect,to find pears. - To dream that you nrolartie isa token that, you will get into a hobble. When a young lady dreams of a coffin, it betokens that she should instantly discontin ue lacing her stays tighily., and always go warmly and thickly shed in Wet weather. If you dreabi of 'a clock it is aLtoktUa that you will gain credit—that is,' tick. To dream of fire is ! , a sign that, if-yon are wise you will see that, the lights in Your home are out before you go; to Led. , 'To dream that your nosh is red at the tip is an' intimation that You hid Inttir leave ott brandy-and water. To dream of Walking burpfooted denotes a journey that you, will i tmake bootless. OBSTREPESOUS.—The'cu3cited people in Pat. erson, N. J., disapproVe of the recent law of that State, uppropElating $lOOO a year for col- onization purposes. IA meeting was held . by them the '233 nt which , resolutions were adopted, declaring that they have an equal claim with others to American soil—that th6y*regard the Colonization Society with con tempt—that they digelaire till intention to re- - move or be removed to any other country— that the Cvlonization, Society are prenuiture in their overtures to the.people of color; and that when the assistance of.that Society is Wanted+ due notice` wilt be given. Rather than be co- - ereed to leave the United States, they spy „they will See to Canada. • In wluit manner they are coerced , by a law which simply proffers! aid to those who' wish to emigrate to Liherithe A 1) oliticinists -ran tell. them, if they have not...told them already. 1 "" '- • . • I &Bay Dott.y . on believe in title Knot. cheater Rockers': Do yoa I love iga, l Do Ton' love tatn's lenge! Do yen live near the ahotecaiy's pop Did ryou ever ride in a wagge„baggon t- 7 ,Szindety *cram. ; 1 / 47 e..a! Was ye,o ever :shocked by a„bal• Vllfitie'gattery, did yeti tie:ml34llde' Debater's ! late .ripeech in your did you e;;EF10, ateambdat bile her buster did'you eve'i drink a aeottle of bdtch speak! do: you sillisytt vote tke;tie whicket,l-4(y. Rifle. Orin twenty-f?iu. yei1.,"404i4 Nagoleotti "Ow will notbe 4 *4440i fire 4 n Europe, n:itbda the perrallionvt liiiitsAl States. ' : ; ~BUSINESS::CARDS. . Z. Dimoek f , flitattOr AND BC re., vyllist• tredve eltbusinese that may bo entrusted to Ids Phargo, vrith primptnesa and Adelity. Office et Me old, residence, on Toentrike Iteeidencs, Beck Build itg, type et POMO Avenue. , " ' George Pulle r, i T I E ALF* TN .BtiOliB, Rbioly;Oowie Clcalt-ovltite & - .L. , Cep!, Boots &,13boes, Alto. , Elmo two, dem below ll:leek's Hotel: Mo , trots.. 't - - - - - - - •-• • . . DUALERIS DRY 0 0 DS, Grocaties•Ditioiery,Diird. Irani .ritivrare, Vlsb, Oils, Fluid, Paints. tce. to.; olsoPaYs Cash for rba lands o!SiliPPlng Para. Ettore Ora; below nit Court /tout CI. •- . • • • - Charlns Tillman, • STTAVING AND lIAIR DRVidIND SALOON. Saarlo'r l3uitd ng, ntat door to the roatodice, Montrose., Pa. • S. S. Winchester, A TTOurmy AT LAW.' Tunkharinock, pa. ()aye In .1:1. Stark's Urick /tow,. .; D. D. Hinds. LI7EIIY AND EXCHANGE 'TABLE. Ocoee 3aoore below Neelles Hotel. 4Vonirose, Ea. • E. B. & S. Z. Chase, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Montrose. Otlice °lli Ty lor's StOTO. B. 11. CRAWL 8.8. CIIABIZ. Oringdon & Sterling, l 14RPIA Mortimer:la, T43to Storms, Testae, &v., 1 °titian the Banat Bridge and Court honne.,Court, et, Binghamton, N. T.. B.Whitney Traveling Agent. 211 y O. M. Simmons,, BOOT AND SITODMARtit AND REPAIRER. Shop over Baldwin iyCow's Saddlery Shop, Monitore, • Dr. rdwiirds, PHYSICIAN AND SYR MN, Hat ford, Pa. Wes 2 doors belay 0. J. Prides EOM. • • 47tt • Dr~ Brooks, • pIITSICIAN AND 'SURGEON, and 4.lfATin• in DTICIV, Itodiciopp:Painto. Ong, Drem, tce. Cnrnnrnt (thumb and Pine etrotto, oppol I o Col. F. Lusk's, Great Send. John IL Dimock, TTORNRY AT LAW: Mice on Tornpiko 'drool, 1 It door west of the old Roptter Printing office, Atoll!. rot, 211.. L. Truesdell. A TTORNET AT LAW, Great Bend, Pa. 081.10 with Col. P. Igustz. C. D. Virgil, ,• SGEON or:crux, MONTROSE. PA. Office In Odd Fellows' linlidinA, corner of:Turnpike and Chestnut Streets. Operations upon the teeth performed the most earefnlly and tenderl. Plate work done with the best' inattlial and In the ormt impaired style. Charges low. Vlll2 ifIIAV. roDusileto EVERT TITURItDAY MORNING BY B. B. & E. B. Chase, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS TER 3151. One dnlltr and fifty cent a per annum, catlvin a dean ou, or two dollars if not paid until tbean., of the year, or time of tubteription. ltko paper will be discontinn d until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the Publiehera. All communications mutt be nett paid to receive attention. Alt letters connected with the odic° should be directed st S. B. & E. B. Cliasai.llontrose, Suseinotatnna county, Pa. - o::rlidt tore oiler aver '3l C. Tyler's store. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One !gn . me cl 2 Ones or tines insertions, $1 On F.aeh subsequent insertion, - • - 25 One square three months, - • • - 250 •Ons square, six months, - • - 4DO BUSiIIeSS Cards, fear lines or less. - - • '2 00 Yearly advertisements, not over four squares; 7OD One column one year, • . • - - SO 00 Yearly advertisers will be restricted to the business ix which they ar4 engaged. • Jon 11.'01111E. "7" Ths Pribliatters having a large SMOrElellt Of anb Printing met erialit: are prepared to execute all kinds of Tot, wore with neatimva and despatch: lilts is hit of ewer} , description constantly on band or printed to Crier. • ....r:ti T/IE subecriher is now receiving his spring stock of goods, which, ..e . ., t.gether with. his former supply, U 't- ". -' ' v makes the largest and riche.( as -4' - ' . 7 fy sertmenkever oreied to the cid ur!. acne of Broomecounty; hisstotk ; ,. , 1 .. •,,,•,: comprises a LAVOIE LOT or PISS ~ a. , a .1 ... a lit WATCHES, both Gold and Sil ,Z, :" ~....1". ...--' Ter, in bunting and plain taus, from $6 to SiXO.—a part of which are of his own iraportationcmade to artier, and conceded by all who hare tested them to be the best ever offered for nie in this section of country; alto a large astort meet of SILVER WARE, warranted es good-as coin. An extensive vadety of new patterns of- Earrings. Breast pins. and other Jewelry of the best quality— also, Plat-d Golds, Conibs, Ice, ,te. ic., to which the would call the attention of in thpse wishing to purchase. u hole deter mined to spare no pains to merit a continuance of their hberal patronage. ALFRED J. Ev ANS, Washington et. ilinthandon. March I:, 1852. - i TO rEDLARS AND DEALERS. Ili. T t •LAbr. Int of Sllier Pistol end Berman Sliver Tnble, and Tea Spoons by the groee pram= very tow by ILLFUED .1. EVANS • _ iVtastimigton st.,lllngbianton. SiIEILL COMBS. • A lair aSsoitment of Shell cad Back Combs of differ cat styles,patceras and prices by A. J. EVANS. EARRINGS AND BREASTPINS. SOM4 Tiny rkeli new Spring , patterns this day received from the inannfactui es by A. J. EVANS: The time to Buy! j CANFIELD would say' =." '1 . if to his numerous friends sad ;JP — customers in MoLtroseandvicin .....• , 4- fraw k elik ity, that lie has just returuell • - "?za from New York with Marge a. ad- Ste ,! ' , ..!? '. t dition to his exteuslveasvartent . eil ~ l ....., • . cond. tin? of W a o elk e", I l , c 7,‘ ..., Gold end sheer lerersand'Lepine a 4 1 / 4,e _ I •-•.- . . - fulljewelledaad plain gold goon! ' I N " " . " vestaud fob ehains,Loaets.thim tiles. specks, ppuit, bmcelely, finger and ear 'views, cuff pirclreoaches; armlets. peed and shell card eases, ern mut p atm il tudirs,ehoral beads, cutlery, Perfumery, Sil ver. Midst:lie and plated Wa re.A ecordeuno. flute, ttollog forks Ilona atriums, clocks. wallets, port Moues, Needles, andfaney goods, Wafenisates. tools and ma. terialsforthe trade by the quantity.. The above will be sold at the lowest priors. .1--It'etehti and Jewelry of all kinds repaired nn short notlee at the old stand roar. ly opsosite the Phceuix, Court at. Binghamton. , Oct 101651.. Clocks fo: rtl.oo nud up. 30 hours and S days nod A larm Nenq Style and vraranted at L. CANTIELD, • • . - Revolution in Burford! • IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. . THE undersigned having recently purchased the well known MIFORD MILLS," are now prepared to do all kinds of Flour ,In the bet manner and with promptnera. particular attention will be paid to cus tom work, and no pains spared to retu.n to our custom ers full satisfaction. The high reputation which the , filarford fills" have previosly had. we intend shall be fully sustained, and even more- 11:e shall pay rash for Meat, Ryi, Corn and Bache/Leal; and keep on hand foreale, at all times, and et fair price., Floor; Meal, Fed, se., all of the best qualities. We hope, b'r an earnest endeavor, to merit the confidence and patronage of the public, to receive It in full, and therefore moat respectfullyand cordially Invite a trial. • itt 6. n. nutun flarford, dm:L.B,IBSV C. U.IIiLUER. Business Notice. Ms.wiLsolsi would reepretfulli request all hes .• in Unsettled embattle with him, to mil and ad just the same. The Mercantile:business will bo'coniinued et his old stand. - under the fin:abr. el- St Wilton 4' Son. They 14.utend to keep general Vatiery. and will ever be *reedy end-thankful ro accommodate those - who favor them. with seen.' They will keep on hand a Imp stack of Jury GOode, GyOcerico t Crockery and • rdsvdre• Particular attention will be 'given to this branch of the businers, to keep a fall s aasnrtment.. Carpenters, Illacksmithe, Kamm, Curiae, Boot and Shoe makers, will all Snd Ina articles they . • • Soots; Shoes, and the materials to make them of kept on hand by.. 3.1.. d. WILSON &SON. Montroseaan. 1,1852. • lyltf HORRIBLE! A- gan with his Throat Cut! BAT he did It himself, the Barber had nothing to do with it Pig maxi ever heard of such a thing Wog I dente by the Barberoshlle the Ne.wepapercare full of Instances of men 'itoing It thentselves.,.. 11 razor Is a 01M. gerons-thing and none hut an tiny aced workman shouldhe allowelto handle it, ilvery Wan ShOtid thiuk I of ads, and not trust to himself:for ;to cliie can tell Whit; /nay, happen to btm. Now If you never touch a rator yonwill never cut your th oat with% so just call on I CHARM TILMAN, Barber & Hair Dresser. in Searle's bulloputhtlea B .doerlo Yostoffier, who wit! ehave you sal smooth WeAt Den horn babe. cII.IIItLES T1L51.8.11. • IMontrtesee Dee. 18; 1851. - . .'-.; • 591.1 1 SUEET- MVSIC,. • Itits"4"AND P0,P,u480uph.74 , 04 ft; the Plano,,,io Ager _ • , irPtinsary, 1552: • - • V . 5,011311 to; sile pt. tbe store or 11. J. WEBB Montrose, Jaunt* , 10, 1152: 4il, . - Tams for Salm -- 4.17... i, A -',..- • ' ! ItZ anbeeribers . eslll act an anon - 0 Tor tit'ePriirete - elleOfileal./464.oc.rarnis, Houses ottd Lois—lotse, l tedin Susottethinotccounty, - Pc AU olio Wish Us, ogee their Smarty foe ltde =4lO • minute - destilpilan of t chide nos or tots as followirt Number of aeres,"how !many!! proved; and bow watered ;11edldings ; OtObard, 1.9T01 1 0d. or common fulls.; °thus fruit Mines, and Shade trim.; pow far trim Montrose, and the noarent point to lo OW tso tho. Now York & Erie Railroad ;-, price and , Totimmont; All who Wish to sa il orpitreAssetteal lEs 11,6,i5•1N1 , Loire , - prompt attention by cal li ng moos' la dre, islimg mint Montrosa,2usdnellanta county; l'a. . 1 igrOouveyanso from Idontsreto theptemisestree of !obtuse. M ' .tilos. on intiplke Streiti4deors W 14est . the Brick 'lple folionius Patine and Let e are now nue,: foe/min No.l. 40 acres,3o -lisp roired.PiAmeMOnse end:Bari !No 2,80 dO "50 ' do sold" • 30 . ' ' - ' ''do - - • N 04,100 do , ' 60 -, •do " 4.'• , -do .--..;,.:.-. 'do•. 4 - • No14;100 do .50,'„ do . sta • do .do N 0.5.70 do 40 do - ...mid do „. ' • _do •. . ,No. 646 do 38 do • ... - do '• ' do N 0.7, Store ; rarohnuse andlot., .. No. 8,145 acres7s iMprofed. framed house sind !No. O. 623‘ do 35 ,do sold . do. ,do ~,' - ;- -. 1ti0.,10, 2 : ,40 , do ' do ,do • • - !Noi, • - -:•• led .do ' :do 'll Le !'co. t 2, MI sorosTO top rosed,tratols 1 house and barn' 3.13,340 do 200 do 'do • -do ,do • . !N0.14, 50 .do 50 do sold do ,do . do . INo. 15, 168 do' 60 do, do ,_ do ~ .. do., INO:18, 120 ;' 55 do sold .do .... do . do - . No- 17.300 _do 75 do do. do ,i ' ' ,- N 0.18,112 -do 80 'do do'' do -: . . do No 19,200 do 150 - do' do do do No. 20,445 do 100 do do do do - 1itt.21.190 do 120 do do do ' ,do ! N 0,22, 90 ij do 45 do sold d 0,,. 'do 'do 140.23, 45 do 30 .40 4 'o do . do . ' ' No. 24,132 do 225 do ' do . - 'do ' - do 'No. 25, 123 do 100 ' (10 . do .do N 9.26.196 lo 140 do do do N 0.27: SO do' 45 told 'do do do 1N0.28,11 acres gord saw mill anddwelllon.. - - 4 - NG. 29,134 serns,oo t a t imoved,frstriehemseandiarn •• N'o. 30, 175 'do 100' n ' 4 " "'" • ' ' N 0.31,135 do 95 ''4l •• •4. - . 0 'No. .n, 180 do, 185 " " ' No. 33, 160 do 60 • " " No. 84. 150 do 100 " ' 4 'No. 35,10 80 44 ` 4 • " - N 0.36, 300 do 1.70 " ' - .., , .• I. No. ST, lOR. do ' HO. " ' .t, • •• No. 38, 170 do 100 .. ~ "' i. ` No. 39 175 dd '9O do, 'do "do' do ,No. 40 .80 do 45 do -do do do !No. 41, 212 do 160 do sold do.. do .do , - to' 42. 92 do 50 do' • do do No. 43, 4 snid do' do do Nn. 44 135 do 65 do 'do do' do No. 45,800 do_ 200 do do de. 'do iNo. 40, 120 acres 80 I m prored,frame Douse and barn and grin , mill. ti o. 47 200 do 170 do do do do -. Vo. 40 108 ' do• .• do do ' do • do , 140449 80 do 6 0 do o do do N 0.30 93 do 63 dc 0 do do ; t o. 51 02 •' CO iimproced . ft—Persons desiring to p orehase any of the above byring the numbesoati obtain a fulldescriptlon. ALF ICED BALDWIN, R. G. 11ADCOCS ilotittose.Pa. Ortolier.l9so.--441T. !, • pver Complaint, ' S.iUNDICE, DFSPEPSI A, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DESIGITy, DISEASES OF VIE KIDNEYS, A ND all .dissases arising from a disorderdd liver or 11 stomach, such ea constipation, inward piles, full• tie a or blood to tho bead, acidity of the stomach. Ms ses, heart-burn, disgust for food, Wines, or weight' In the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or fluttering at the pit or the stomach, swimming of tho head, burned or difficult breittliing, fluitetlog at the heart, chokirg or Suffocating sensations when In is lying posture, dimness ot Vision. dot or webs before the eight. tenor and .dull pain in the had, deficiency or perviratlon, yellowt*aa /i of the skin h d eyes, pain in she Side, back, cheat, limbs 24, sudden Rushes of heat, burning in the flesh, con. tat littagininfa of evil, and great depression of spirits,, eat be effectually cared by 1 Dr. iluotland's relcbraled German Sitters, , . narranco ar . • I D.lll C. M .JACESON, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, P2d ARCH ST., PHIL A D ELPIIIA.I. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled. if' equalled, by any other preperation'in the United States; I as the cures attest, in many canes after skilful pi:laic:hum bl failed. . , ' hese Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids.-- Po reusing great virtues iu the rectification of disease* of [thtl Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most search 'Jo powers in weakness and affections of the digeative or— I iota, they are, withal. safe, certain and pleasant. I' READ AND' BE CON ' . ll`/C,ED. -- ' ' • he adder of the Boston Bee said, December 2.2d— dr. Hoe/lands Celebrated German Hitters, for the cure of lidver Complaint. Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Chronio or Net Wons Debility, is deservedly One of the most. popular medicines of the day. These Bitters have been used by tho sands, and a friend at oar ellfois says he has himself received an effectual and permanent mare of ,Liver Com plaint front the use , of this remedy. IN e are convinced I that. iu the nso of tbesellitters, the patient constantly galas strength and vigor—nfact worthy of. great consid. I erection. They are pleasant In tae and smell, and ran be Used by persons with the most delicate ktomacits with; safety, undermy cirentaStances. Weave spe . aking from :experience, and to the efficted we advise, thew use. : • ' - Seett's Weekly, one of the best literary papers:mi.,- Dated, said, August 2.sth—l- -•— - - . , a .-.Dr. %kerels German Bitters, taantilte'ired by Dr. Jackson, are now, recommended by some of the most prominentMembere, of the medical faculty as an article or much of icaty In eases of female wcatness. As such Ls the case, we would advise all mother,' to obtain a bot tle, and thus sarethenisehres much sickness. Persona of debilitated constitutions wilt fled these Bitters' advents, geode to their health, as, we know from experience the salutary effect they have Upon weak systems." 3IOIIE EVIDCPiCIi. • TI e Philadelphia Saturday Casette, the best family new apex bublished in the Culted States, says of Dr. Ifoolland's (lemma ilitters-- , , •-tt is seldom that we recommend what are termed I"eliclues, le the confidence and patronage of our id therefore when we,recommend Dr. Heer len Bitters we wish to be distmctly understood !not speaking of the nostrum's of the day, ilea about for a brief period and then forgot. cry have run their guilty race of mischief, but Inelnir cstabliehe , ,L naiversally proved, and ,et the hearty approval of the faculty itself." Ito the murk, of therrottine. They have the nature of 0. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper. to blown in the bottle, warm( which they are . _ Poi sale wholesale and retail at Ur e l Germita - Medicine Stark.. N 0.120 Arch streetoue door below +Sixth, Phila. delphi • ; and by respectable dealers -generally . through the country. Pri: res Refaced —To' enable, all classes of Invalids to enjoy the advantages of their great- restorative powers. Ersoi. BOTTLB V. BtXTS ‘ .. ~ Alio for sale by ABEL TURRELL,D,rundst, Montrose. Penn's., ' . lyl. cow . . hew Arrangement': Extensive Chair and Farniture Estab- . t 1X 1 771 11 , r . :SMITH - & Co. have now folly completed' VI their arrangetuentsfor manufacturing and keep ing constantly, on hand all and every kind.oflionseheld Furniture, manufactured out of the best quality of 31a, hoginy, Black Walnut, Maple. Chet ry. and other Imo ber,liand ill the best and roost durable manner. Among the artieles which they intend to,keep on baud or make to order,are 31abegmy, Black Walnut, ilTherry,d Dia- OlelVrcaaa, Sidelinards, S ecretaries. Book Cas ; Cen tre, ard, Pier. and ether Tables; Stands of every va riety; Sofas, Settees,Divans; Ottomans, &e. Bedsteads of el 7 kinds and styles, made of Mahogany t Block Wel unq Cherry, and Maple. ALSO—Nlabegany. Black Wainnt,Curl and Blrdseye !Maple, and Fancy Chairs: of every variety and drserip tiol t. which they have now on hand. and Intend to keep , aco stant supply.. Any article desired will besuppßed in a fee days n et lee. As the subscribers have often been solicited t o enlarge thelebusiness and to open an establithment of the kind lin d mamma which could, supply every varidty of house hol . Furniture, andaave the trouble of rending to the , Citi a for such articles, they hope to meet with liberal pat • n and encouragement. Wm. W. SMITH; • ' ' ALEX'a SMITH. . ROUT. A.5311T1.1, , nt rose; Jane 411851 . E. R. SMITH, 1 . . _ • LISIETTE BURR - 31111 STOtiE lIIANUFAC TORT: 'rpm UNDEBEIGNED, .forrneody Foreman foe man) , ..1. }ears of the belay ett e Barr 'Millstone -Ida n uractory, 2..30 Faithin;:ton et.. N. Y ~ (W.Tyack, A gent,) would in form blip friends and the public In general, that ho hu egablllhed a . . B MB, MILL STONE , MANUFACTORY Binghamton; Nt - . - L reyßnitd.ngis," opt.. Plseloixtgoicl, And solicits a sluire of Owl? patronage. Burr7 ll . l bare constantly' unhand a large Bina. of French Burr Mill Stoney, as M6O large mealy of Dionne an'd Kuln•stoneo, case'rreztelt . Barr, Blocks, bolting, clod', serien wire and Plaster Paris. .The underrJened &settees hie frleirds and thernblle that he will talthfully..xecuto all orders entrusted to his ease, not only in quality, but in prices a! articles fur., idshed, and solkits their krultpstransge. Orders by letter will be - executed With •as nueh care aadi as cheaply as istrwaptirehasers are on the rpot... Ifißers end 51111 wrights are requested to call and canas ta& his stock and workmanship. • JOIIS lir.SULLIVAN. •• • ZO • REFERENCE • . nisi Searle. Montrose; Thomas P. Dhluey. Dtindeff ; Catch Carman, Frletulreillee ; I. It. Drake, Br dgetreter.. • . FINGER RINGS.: r *in' extensive assortment of linger vniseris . 6 ' 6 ". nubY.Dearl, 0 arnet,Emeriad, box,Blgnet and Ptsme,also very heavy plain do., 18 and 20 .earat One, Chased do, ana a ..7:,,•Att.,Y of ther • • . " -A.4: VAN,S: - Binghamton, December - 4th,1861. - • • . •, . ` , ` -. DEL wvirtttlELLi, o* . tiugistst.',lllniiteeetwo • 1 ___---L-Almanaca..:- t: -_ .'_;_ - Tidies to give every illmilr le Busebehanta colinty . . MI:1111410C for the yearlB62. ...They are therefore bytarital to come or owl ant geto de gratottomey LINTS, DlN,Drugs.2dodfaittes, Dye dturs,Verfairo ery, Window Sash, (MIPS and Putty,oftesh assort. andalways on band. BENTLEY ec READ. Entered excordiog to Art of Cougr ors, flo the y_ourlBsl, HOUTON, ~ in the Clork'e ce -1"f:14 s of t ALM the Marla Court. forlusterti instrlot Of PeuesylvaplA;..-; r- : , DRIOUGHTIJNS EPA - • --- .j • • ' ' "( • •; • „ . . 1 .`l4iiother. Scientific' 'iron& r 1 • Alagvat Cure fin' Dyspepsla.l 1 , DR'. 3.13. HOUG PITON'S PEPSIN, THE TRUE Ma GENII VE WAD, OR. Gastric Juice, Prepared from RENNET bithefontih Sttimach of the Os, after directions of Baran Idebig,, the' great Physio logical Chemin, by J. S. 110U011TON,Al. D., Fhliadel -1 This is a truly wort4erful remedy for TN DIGEStIoN, DTSPEPt.M,JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINT; CON STIPATION and DEBILITY; curing sitter Natnre'e men I method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastric, Julco. 1 iKrllelf a teaspoonful of Pei Bin. infused in water, l• will digest 'or dissolve, too pound* or?.tosated Beef in about two haunt. out of the stomach: , 1 Pepsin is tbt chief element or greet Digeative prind. • pie of the Gastric Juice—the Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Pre:ten/leg, end Stltinlafing Agent of the Stomach and Intestines. It is extracted from the Di gestive Stoniach of the Ox. thus forming as ARTIE/ CIAL DIGESTIVE FLUID, precisely like the natural 1 Grietrie Juice In Its Chemical . ewers, and furnishing A complete coq perfect substitute for it. Ity the alit of this preparation the pains sod mile of Indigestion and Dye pepsin are removed, just IS they would be bye healthy stomach. It ledolng wonders for dyept:pties. curing ca ses of Debility, Emaciation. Nervous Decline. and Dye peptic Consumption, supposed to be en the verge of the grave. The adentleo evidence upon which It. Is based, Is In the kighest s d e er e reo i ei c tione v a E i n d d e ra nc urkable. I Damon Liebeg table celebrated work on Animal Chem !stry, says: Ariflthil Digestive Fluid, analagous to the Gastric Jelee, may be reedilypiepared from - the `mucous membrane of the Monied of the Calf, In which variant articles of foolloss meat and eggs, edit be soft ened, changid, and digested, Just in the same manner as the , would he in the human stomach... , =•• Call'on the agent and get,a Descriptive circular, gratis, dying n large amount of scientific avidence.simi ler to the above, torrether with reports of remarkable eures,from ell parts of the United etates. DS. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN is now said by nearly all the dealers in Any dings and pop nisi medielmat, through out the United States. It Is prepared In Povider and in Fluid form, and in Prescriptive vials fon the use of phy siciane PRIVATE:CIRCULARS for the nee of Physielani,tuay be obtained of Dr. Houghton or his agents. describing the whole process of preparation. and giving the author. Ides upon which the claims of, this news remedy are ba sed. As it is net aseeret remedy, no objeetion can be raised against Its me by Physicians in respectable stand ing end regular practice. Price, ONF. DOLLAR per bowie. •T, irrOBSERVE TIM I !.....very berthi of the genuine PEPSIN bears the written signature of .1. $. HOUGH TON, M. D., sale proprietor, Philadelphia, Ps. Cepy right and Trade Mark secured. g:rSolil by all Druggists nod Dealers in Medicines. lick - For sale by ABEL TURRELL, Drutvist,3lontroee, Pa., Agent for Susquehanna county. 1' Sly 46 " 'THE ROAD TO WEALTH: NA T IIAT is there that guarantees to us a competency more surely, is our declineof lifp, than health, and vigo rof yOuth, nothing. Then thehuestiori is,hew elle'', that be obtained and eifitred: ! If we have a Ceugh,•.Cold, Bronchitis, Aithma, Catarrh, pleurisy, Influenza, or Iloarsenees. or arty etheraffliction of the Lungs or .Cliest, you will find in lir. Thro(/Ws Co&lpcipso c_IYHUP ofIlLOOD•ROOTI a sure and safe remedy, or Blear chti.lren are afflicted Lwitit Croup or Ifooplog Congo, no better remedy can tie tound. - Thou sande have been relieved with it, and certificates of its curative powers, slow in My possession, fo iltthalt beyond doubt, the greatest remedy of tbeage, r isny affection of the Lungs. Tim power 11 of Blood Root as a remedy has long been known, out its harsh notion alone has kept it somewhat out of general favor! but, I :flatter myself that the above combination is perfect. and that its ,rise, will secure friends wherever if i offered to an enlightened public. A weros Morriges.—l wish to aineilorate your • condition, to lessen your cares. perplesilies, and anxie ties, which I do by providing for your tender offspring., a remedy for their We thnt is adapted tip their Infirmi ties, without the tear : of consequeneeeftem remedies charged with opiates. stn destructive andidettiment al to eomenithoUsands of our race. Ichoantiongst' you but feels for the angering infant, where etiei are the only indication ofits suffering.writhing with Pains from chol. ic, emaciated from diarrhcea or dysentery, suffering great nervous It-dation often to fits) f4sam teething— I often brought to death's door . Crum cholera, Trifaututo, and every 111 wising froin hut nourishment be miming, I have seen all of. there cured, in a day almoSt. by a remedy that I have been for years . in perfecting, in an ' extensive practice of nearly twenty yeao, and pow offer, It to you under, the trztenam a of “lirs, -neofOrs INFANT BESTOKATTFE and MOTBER'S'AELIES,'" When this remedy hits been used, it hot met; with bOunded favor,. cod, as you value 4 our oho comfort or the welfare of your darling : babe, l ask yOn to ere it a. • trlol, and you Will' say. truly b e lts. behalf, it is the "Mother's Relief. " ' . \Yentas aro oleo productive of great torture, to aft-. • dren of riper years, thesymptome of which every _na: rent Is aware. and where suspected, it I thele,dntria estermioate them .es speedily as poolble; which can be done only with'n few doers of Dr Throopis WORM POI SON, which is beyond corn fariscri, with any Verrulfuge of the day.. !Licitl destio• them; and the very small ilose,ritakesit acceptable to the' hildren that dislike medicines of any kind. , It is a happy; compound of harmless vegetable medleines,..that in their ecimbina. lion, produce wonderful effects uporf thoie filthy intru ders of the Human system. • It you aresuffering from derangement of the ,stom- Deli. Liver, or Bowels, you have Fever, bead-ache, sour stomach. or heart-burn. flatulency, coluivenm, and many other unpleasant symptoms. for their entire relict you have only to take a few doses of "pr. Throop's BILLIOVS and you have a cure. They act upon disease by removing the cause, restoring the se. cretions, clan the organs ef the body hod health is theeonsequettee. 1 • • To those afflicted with sore, weak. or inflamed eyes, I furnish you else a remedy that has stood the' test of • years of experience, and restored the most eases when every other remedy knoten had falled,Dr. Throop'a EYE WATER. These comprise the list of Pr. ,Throop's Do mestic 3fedicinee, that should be in the bands of every house k eeper,.as a good remedy always ready, and which only requires a trial to Insure them a preen. A (mules Nnirwee...llentley & head, Montrose.; S.Granger Co.\ Rush; 11. M. Sou thwell. Rush; fl. C. Wright, Middletown; B. Glidden. Friends:file; P. M. Barber, Jessup; Drackney & Monfort, Brnekney; lit et. Graver. Dimock ; Scott & Root. Springville! Dr Lam. bert, Auburn; James Tompkins, ,Tompkinsville; Hay. den & Little:New Milford; Dr: Brooks, Greet Bend; Joseph L. Merriman, Epsonville; Dr. J. Barney. Little Meadows; Jo ante Stanley. L'hoennut ; E. Tiffany. Brook- Iln Centre. 11. A. Willmme, Clifford fDr. J. C. Chastest', Dundalt ; Johnsen* Very. Harter& J. S. Bt. ASDELI",, General Agent, Forest Lake. - Jon. 8, 1852-Iyl. • Ayer's.- Cherry Pectins', For the cure. of Coughs, CoIA Hoarseness, Bronchitis. WhOopmg-Cough,..Croup, Asth . nut, and Consumplzon.. I Among the numerous discoveries Science has made in this generation to facilitate the businessof life -increase its enjoyment, and even prolong the . ternk albumenex. Intenee, none can be named. of more real value to man kind, than this contribution of Chemistry - to the Heating Art: A van trial of Be virtues • throughout this broad country. bas proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or combina , lon of medicines yet known. an so surely control and cure the numerous varieties of pulmonary disease which hare hitherto swept from ourmldst thou. sands and thousands every year. Indeed. there is now abundant reason to believe a Remedy has nt length been found which can . berthed on to core the most dangerous affect Onset the Our space here will not permit ns to publish any proportion of the nuns_ ffected by Its ace, but we would present the following opinions of end nent men,and refer further Inquire to the'elreular which • the Agents below. onmed, will always be pleased to fur nisi free, wherein are full particulars, and indisputable proof of thesefacts. From the President of Amherst College,fthe celebrated Professor Hitchcock. -; James C.: Ayers—Sir: I have used yoor Cherry Peet torsi in my own ease ofdeep-seated Bronchitis, and am satisfied from Its chemical coast tattoo, that Ills an ad mirable compound for the relief of larynglal end breech-, lal difficulties. If my opinion of its superior - character can be of any service, you are at liberty tie use it as you think proper. .EDWARD ,LIITCJICOCK. L. L D. • From the widely celehrated.Professoe Stillman. NU D., Is. L. D.. Professor of Chemiitry, Mineralogy, /cc., File Collm,e,Member of the Lit. hist. Med. Phil. and Selena lc Societies cf At:aeries and Europe- , I deem tbeCheiry Patera' an admirable compost. Hon tyre some of the best articles in the *steers Medico. and a e:y Illeotive remedy tor the class of diseases it Is 'lnten ed to eurtr" - New Mayen, Ct.". Nov.l. 1-; •Maj. Pattlsoo. President of the S. C.l Senate, states that be has used the Mots PeCtoralwithwonderiulstio eess, to cure an Inilamatlon of the lungsi From one of the East Physlelaneln;Maine. sig Seco; Ble.,Aprii26. 1 8 4 6 . T. Dr. C. iyer;LoWell.rDear Sir; I ant new constant ly using your (Mein! Pectoral In my preitiee; and prefer It to any othermedimne far pdhruniary complaints. From, observation of many severe eases, I am convinced It will • cure coughs, colds, and diseases or the lungs, that have 'put to defiance all other remedies.. i . • ; - , linvartably reeernmendits nee in eases of eonsuirit, lion; and 'consider It much the best remedy kuown for' thataltioase. , -, • Itaspectfully-p.ouni, - t 1 - ; Di Prepared and sold by James' C. Ayer, Practical Chem Id. Lowell, Mass. -1 -Sold by. A. Terrell. • ; cmtrosel - Laelen Scott; Great! Bend, and by. Druggists erywhem-r671.-• - . 1 TO: all . IrhOM it:malrVoncert rpuE EuDZUSI Q NI.I), late Cutter Snead fni ?defers. Sehulty & Co., tdilitary Tailors of ',Burlington St. Dem; London; Sl having arrived in ontrese, is ready pre. Pared 5P V.Calrallnentll Mail andflpring fashions ' /tenth and English, nnt forgetting American. Call and roe, at via Singleton's private residence, next door Case's, Mali' et:, Montrose. taught the recent improved iut of Ontdag. inhere). - . 2tt; ' - • Wfd. M. WYATT. "L'IXTRACTS - tifltose,laino ati4 Vanlctlo, for SavorM I:47ce Cream, cookery, rte , for sale by BCSLI,CY do RE SD. STOVES! ;STOVES t! . . irrIIE subscriber* haringentered into co-partneroldp. frith. store, Tits and' sheet 'lron business are , pro.: pared to attend to any; orders in their lint at the shoe test tette° • They flatter themselves thetby giving mrict attention to business avd-low prices, that they alit have a reasonable share otpublic patreringe. Their asrerttletir eilltOtico Is good, Vaving the -latest snd 'mint Improrea patterns:amongabich are the Itoreables or Vulcan—a Moro *bleb took the first Premium lit the State Pair at Pyrsicaso la 1950. Fereat Queen; ir—o, Forest Queca enlarged', Rey etnneAirTight, Phoenix, dodo, Pretalum; Peeler Stoves. box stoves—for coalur wood. lkiude of Tin 'ware:sten e zinc and tin takes, kept on banOraold at prices that will suit. MI kinds of prodacc taken In payment end cub notrefueedrOppoltethe old store 'of Stills andif Darn. - SICYBE &. WEBSTER. Ilklutroie, July 10,.'51. • AFFLICTED-READ.' Philadelphia Medicaniotice. Established fifteen jears a 46, Lyp.R.S INK E- North West Corner if Third "find • Union Streets, between Jprutc and • - • - • Pine ! Streets, Philladelphiv. FiTIZEIkt. 'MACS of exteniive and uninterrupted practice spent in Milt city, hate rendered hr: H.the most expert and litfeces:al ul prnctitionti Intend neiir, in the treatment of all disaster of a private manse. Per tonstitlicted with tdeersi on the body, threat or legs, pains in the header hones, rue reuresa rbeumatirm atria tures, gravel, diseases arising from youthful eatert•i7 or Impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution bee berme enfeebled are all treated with rticetps It wheplaecs himself under the care of Dr. K. may religionaly confide in hia honor as a gentlanan t uadcon• natty tely upon his skill as a phyalcian. T 4 R PARTICV,LAR NoTIC6 —Young men who have tainted tharaselvea by a certain practice indulged in.— a habit frequently learned from evil companions or ut school—tber effects of which ere nightly reit, even when asleep, and destroy both wind and body, should ai ply immediately.'Weakness and constitutional debility, lu?tirFmuscular;eoergy,physicallessitudeand genet's! protration, irritability and all nervous affections, indi gestion, sluggishly', of the liver, end every &sense hi' anyway connected with the procreative functions, cured and - full vigor restored. Read! Youth and- .3fanhood. A ti ignrous Life nr Premature Death. Kinkelin on • selfpreiserraeinn. 0724125 cents.. This Book act published Is filled with useful infornia- Non. on the infirmities and direascs of the genciative organs. It addresses itself alibi, to Yorth, Manhood, and Old Age, and read by all. Tb.' valuable advice and impressiqe warring it given. will prevent' years of miser, and suf eying. and save annually thou. sands of lives. Parents. by rending It. Will learn how tn prevent the destruction of their tbildo n. • vi,•A remittance at 1'.6 rents. enclosed in a letter. ad dressed co Dr. lUNKELIN, N. W.Corner at Third and Union Etreets, between Spruce and Pine,: Philath Iphia, will ensured bank, under envelope, per return mail Persona at alllstance may address Dr. K. by letter, enclosing a fen. and bemired at home. Packages atMclicinea. Directions, ere., forwarded. by sending a remittance, and put up secure front Damage or cnriosity. , Book-sellers. News Agents. Pedlars. Canvn seers, and nll others supplied with the above work at very low 211(6. 47-1 y... To Dairymen and Warmers, • Valuable property for. Sale. FARM of 200 acres situate in Bridgewater township, -EA: Susquehanna Cottw i ty and state of Fennalvania ^f :W./acres of which 1s under good improvement T.ho form I a we ll designed fora deiry.and is minable of feeding .tu cows during summer and wint er. and .every part of it la well watered. The building, and land are in good condltiOn and the fences. whirl. are of stone and rails are also go , d. There are two large barns upon the premises, besides a granary and con+ tnient shod for cattle. Three orchards prinelpally of graf trd fruits and other frnit trees. • Said farm has a very pleasant and desirable location about two miles from Montrose, the County seat okras onehanna county. end about P miler frets the Leggett's .Gap Railroad, to which therein a Plank Rocklin process of edrupletlon, and Is very convenient to meetings and schools, and meehanies. , Alf') another Valuable Fa tirljoing the otre, con taining 200 acres, of which 160 stereo Is under a high state of cultivation. 'Upon it there iS 3 large framo dwelling house, and out buildings to correspond and - large orchard. It is well watered and fenced and mind iably adapted to dairy purposes. paid property will be sold on rearonable t arms , . n par tiereatho purchase money may remain upon Bond and Mortgage io smiths purchaser. ' Application may be naade_ personallyor by letter to I lion. Win. jasoll , or It. J. Nivea at Montrose. n said enunity..anit anyfurther particulars that may req uir ndarlll - c • ' -?.• • .) , Iglee. to iveid-N . Rauzi'aole, Pall azat WinierrOainle' at the . - Great One Price Slori,of L. ' N. LEN ginlllll, Gront letimds - 11ECIS leaver, n take thin opportunity Of tendering his .LI sincere thinks to his friends and customers. for the generous patronage they hare attended to him; and at the same time Inform them that he Iles j ust returned from New Tors with a rely !urge and choice selection of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Also afresh and extent siveassortment of Orceeries,Frorisinks, F andShatT, Rats and Caps, Hardware, Crockery../ac,.,Drugs and Medicines, whichwilt be sold for casiyand produce at a very small ndranEe at prices which defy alicompetltion. Flour, Pork,Fish, 831 t, wholesale and ret tdl,—be would also remark that he adheres strictly to thesystem of al-• ways n ming thnlowest priceat tirst.thereby girlncthe eamepdrantage to all who may favor him with their pat renege. great Bend Clothing More s - - • - ' The largest; best and cheapest assortment of Steady Made Clothing in the Village of Greaellend. Pa., Broad Clotbs,Doe Sklns,tmssfineres and Vestints Of all qualities suitable for the Fall and Winter Trade. which he otters at such prices as to satisfy any oue that this te the.plare for them to deal. in consequence of the great inereasesd his business he has been obliged to greatly enlarge his stock, which be now _ offers to his friends "nd . the public fur ex. =illation. confident that in On (Nog they stint:tad some thtngfo their advantage. Thesubscriber has made ars gangemelits to manufacture clothing in all its cation branches, and i s now prepared to sell the same, warrant. ed tabearinspection. Custom work and! cutting dont at the latest style and shortest notiee,—allkiwts of tail. orte trimmingsfcfrnished end for sale. Do not forget the spot. Store neatly opposite the Mansion nom., _ Great Bondi Sept.; 1850. 1.. S.LENIIFAM. The. People's Friend . T. T. PONDINI of Ithaca, Pi. V.: pAES DESTROYER !ND HEALING ExTRART.—iin Extra° from thoahrub Called Wilelo•hazel, and purely from that with the exception of a little Alcohol to preierveit. It willcure all local pain and hailamitions, old Sores, fresh* woundsandbruises, Piles. and all diseases of the ',egrets of a chionle maim, tooth-ache, ear-ache and an excellentreiro dy forfemales, &a. .It is truly What it professesto be, 'thePiople's Friend! Providence hasseattered along the rugged paths of life many things thatcontribute.greatly to the comfort and happiness of every body; hence their great value, and well may-they be called friends of the People.' One word here taguardagainatimpoidtion. Arran by the name ..rfSpencer, has manufactured:and offered for salea spurious article called the Coryll Estr_net,—that wobldbe extract of thelmzel-net:—tne genuine is as whiteand as purees water. while the Aptifious article is colored;whi eh enables the pub' lrto distinguish. ‘",,, None:eon those marked Pond'arain Diatom WM. It. ItATerf, Mantroae. and atoro-keepera and me Ino-dealersgenerally,Agent a. • • • Dissolution the 'heretetere existing tinder Tlrie ;lame and flint of Slok & Tbroop, In the Entree. bunions on the L. W. R. IL, thit day atisselved by int:anal ennvent., JA.AIESSISR.•• Jan. 1. ISM- , B. IL TIIROOP Y. B:—The business will heieefter beta:Tied on by Throop &Co. C7-Bee advertisement. • :, Joseph - L.-Merriman- . TAKES this method of I nfonntng his friends and . the public generally, 'that het has just received from New Yotk;an assorment of Goods, consisting (in party of Staple and Fancy Dry. Goods ° Groceries,— Crockery, Ifardware,Die Stunk, &c., which he will .dispose of, for !Unlit, Produce, or approved credit, on as favorable term& and alma low prices as at any other establishment in Op county. And he would beta say, to those Who Are in the habit of going out of town topurchase goods. that be will be happy to live the privilege of convincint them that bacon do as well by them as those that make more slicw and greater pretensions: 'Please call at his Store in Upsonvlllo and satisfy , yourselvei on that eubjort. • • WANTED—Poultry, amo.Duttor,rtud Sheep Peiti, for which, part Cash will by paid. • . •-. Upsonville,Nov. ti,lBW-17tf. '- ' Throop-r& Cos's • - DAILY EXPRESS _ de Western Untiroatt. Per Passencer Trains with Bpeciat Messenger; for th forwordin: of Merchandise and Packages ; itf • - crery description, Specie, Bank ! otes,ite,- °TES Drafts, and Das eolleeted,ML orders attend ed to with promptness and ants asonable rates. The Agent's of the "Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company will set aamentifor the shove express line, Express wagons, will be hi readiness upon the arrival of each train sit Reramon, to: forward with disp a t c h, blerehandise, &e., to PittstonMilkesbarre, tam 'Lennart SWUM' Rontrose i ls,anthorised to receive and' forward Express . Freight from that piano to the Alontrote Station; and from antil Vuitton to pfQatrose. Martin of Tintlitiannock, will:receise and for- . ward Express-Sleight from that pima' to Tontbiuzuock Station, and from that Eitel= tO TUnkhannoelt • ' • CO. NoTember,lBsl.—t2tf - 7—, NI NirgOIRING SEMAliikay... -, Kingston', Luzerne CQUIIIi, NI. 11111I$ Institution tins one of tilt:Luba dein - 1;r ,- - .1. Mos inNorthern Penusylvanle." Rhcan emie eya,. ,q e.t ,,,,, % and amhbrions ellisgs, one inlle Wen a s Ean,a4o,4 accemdbithy duly liege% Rom all ; ens country.' Iheschehil tisane, been iis opt _gile years, during its mitganage has Lam ili,!._."Ro constantly Increasing; . ~.-, . r, ~ 7 ,leal ; Through the mrinilicence of Wai,Berst too , 1 ,..... addltionalßendociy building; 4011 41S feet, tas ;Nil ri ea high, has just been completed, alidby h a T4l4 :Orion. Zib,a „Bennett, the school is how la nky ,. a eoinoble and lectenclve library, entirely 1;7 ~.. en,endod;- .ycnuosephical And' Astrdnemims tie ;Or the itultituthm is tegerdcli- by. all ark s a - ,ro m edge alt. ea of is high order, and staple !et f t kli; i remain ,Natdrallidenee 4 I lo 'l'ba lloari oflnstenction for the ensuing' N th -: Ma e ver: Itev., liClihrjruNcliions,A.;lCl., 1 - -- --- PRINCIPAI.' ; • _ rier4NounCLu.,,,snich,rA:lll.. . .Teacher of Ancient Language's, I li , fillip-T. Ira Verv e A. H ee Teacher. of 3 lathematlcs, Row. Cale llarveYe• . • 1, . - -Iced:ter et Natural Science.. i j1:1211:1‘/..111. VrA";13:411"-ta4;en"1:In:.147TeL:.1c.:lic-:::;1101. tra la tib 'e l . \ Plias Estfier Patrick,. ; • A 6 solatant Toucher of 31edem L a t ,,,,_ Into. Jane S. Nelhaoriq ' . -, a. • • - ". I "INV. £l. A. Gre g Teacher of D ory rawing and Palmis t , . , , Teacher or Mode. • , ... Al lof the hbore lea th ers are employ e d 4 4* 1 t he whole of each day except:the Teacher et 0, 0 1 140 .. air, Weatlaho.. - The flormer devotra loth a k.ft,'i each day t . her class its may be necessary , o ' - i i: of teaches one half of each day. The pebile 11 13 t,.. 41 that by this nrringeutent the school iStraeseur.. ' vi•ion and Instruction of a eery fell board tr t ltp, and the Trustees confidently believe tho ii .„nhi be spared to promote the most thorotighlgiqt4ZeZl all the pupils. I 1 . The necessary expenses of thissl:Zontionvetirti,:isit, •n te. Tuitian exclusive ut ortamental braetltr.47; to $5,50 per quarter. Board 37 S.per dozen, and fuel t 2,t0 per Stmm. The discipline of the institution combines with finnnt es, inculcating sound, m nc. oral am re 7,. et' a et order aad { ,7 1 / r 1 "IPl"'l"3„"ering indult"' department., The present terns Of this echoed Sill ou z io t ti 23d - iif Dee. next. Students are admitted at scy but the most a nitable tirne for enteringlathe k 4,. or the middle of With term. There oho lasych ~,, tend the school through the ternalnder of de 44 "" throoghoutthe Winter, would do well to sm ee tp uf i as,the 20rh or 231 loot. There alit be a ranah eel lt: weeks at the cline of the present tem. n e "..? consists or thirteen ion April oth 19 ... weett commencing JaasuniZ 4 ovelnguez of the ~ ,,emin ary ein)d. aausyllinzfpc:,:tt,. true talc can b. , .. had by addressing the Prineim er r'' of the undersigned. N.-I:OIiNDS, See'r. . hingstor t , Oct 4, 11351-42-tf. • Petroleum or Rock Oil, A NATURAL remedy procufttl from and M i s ir e glieny county, four hundred eet deep cold by S. . ItIER, Canal BasM, Pittebertk, p ILtp ht put up In bottleSjurt of it Rom , hole the ath 14 t , admixture of any hind. All ye that are atllletel READ! READ!! Rheumatism yields to the porter of the retrelte t .voiee nem LuzerneCo., Union tp.,July gtb,ltn, Kier—Decir air, allow me as a ptraapt gratulate you as the sole propriettir of 111 Tart called Petroleum or Rock 011, which Is dependent:4 to take the place of all great medleiees.. %ay ?m oo , this neighborhood have tiled the Pt trOli pip I B . mtn Greases curing moat of them and proSinghltitTl,o„, in all. I have tested It in cough.., cold, d 0r ...E 4 - " , , , totter. sprains, and smelling; for theumetim I g sea certain cure. h.y wife has been afflicted pin 0 4 Itheurnatitm for some years and never moll tu ttl , thing to teller cher, u' fact she tried eituttitt,rdg, thing won Id do her any good until the tried leer h t ,. loom and it II ttai relieved her entirely, for lay pull ICU the greatest pain killer notfin nee. tomtit. ' Another. letter from Luzern.* co., mane:MN/. m. 4 4i Petroleum; BEACH 11AVE‘ t hi] ;Alla Tlr. iii n=Deer air: —I take great pleata:, a t tele , : to the virtues of your great stunt ineVanc t i the Petroleum or' Reek. Oil. *hien t certainly tit . d tnedicine. bought'one desert of your agent 1„1„ aencalong here lest fall: I tested it in a numboi awl toned it to prove good. I oho tested it beteg tatter and found It very benetelal. I would Inte r moth to bare anotheib,ex of -it, for I don'elletai eithoutit. - Respectfully yours. ' J. C.lllPdfLf. A voice from Semlndianan co., certifyzyttledltt cy of the Petroleum. Pr:toss's,. Jest/041651. Mr 8 M. Kt on—ileac sir:—Allow me tcerc:6)to lb irt aer ofyour natnralmedieinecallalPetnietetellal Oil. 1 had, been altlcted with the II benmsthlonte time. I was in Wllkeshann lart summer POP tkt tie frem yew A grin when he was along 110 lip Oared me perfectly. , I burn since seen It t.ftsijgg, t tut cai.esorrhettnantlern, and found it giserelifsal... Very respectfully yours. JAtiRSPAIITIIVI;` Trriniessixrick,inly 124 Id 31. Fonst —.Dear sir—Altos me toe :i t:3 ' U virtue , of your great natural medicine called Istr4 o- hock fill, which I believe is,a good medieze. 14 been afflicted with Xeuralgia. pain In theterresidi inel ten years, and neverelonld get slugfests ' me t. in faet I tried almost everything and estibs do me any good until I tried yam. Petroleravi'd ; relieved me ~ erY much; I have also tested It la eraids; and bruises, It hes: alissiv given Wells . shorttime I think it Is the gr atest pdaEt= Teryrespeettelly ;ours. - - THOS. LUI CPI Sind let It Orinlar front thereat. Ofthe. tull ylereription of it. . For rale try BLITLIT 24 Sold' wh ni etali by Ili Kan t 114 ix, & C0,„:5§.51 treet:Philadelphia. I.F FIRST IN HAR NE‘K, GOO 98, H. J+WEBB , :er'Zir,V,tx toe!: of Fall Roods, whirl, he atlases], sale totter* WILL PAY for them. at at‘ lOW rates as esa k • lay asked. Not r"rget•fug due thmks to mit • friPts dm. am hos e heretofore bcdght goods saga 1 forthea. be lurks, them to .03.11 E AGSM" Dlontrome, &pt. 10th, 1 S5l. • NEW .ARRIVAL. T_T !man rri tosiu.t: nee_ red anew ant •.nsaortmenc;of • Esti i tarod IVinter !Mods. n eluding nn elezaot variety of Ladles DrtFS er Long Shawls. ,new style Monet Ribbon, Ifert expr,Stayle Goods ke., of tin, most dedritli teh, bating boon purchised at the lite PA13164 will be sold nnuFuallytow. New Milford, Setit.2o, 1551. • - New Milford Stove Depot. lstept.. 13I 2 URi1JTT brie nor, fn store a nra sea lotto • eqrtment of Cooking, Parlor, and Shop float wood and enal.ineluding the new end run kinds of Air Tight, Largo Oven, common oveil,ka„ . with Stare pfpe,Sheet iton.and EA be T ub "&n. which he vrillsell weir low !twenty!? pro Tea erejf t • September. MS.. The 'Last -Wotidel. P. T. ItAli.Nls3l. the mat Itntritogger.Stlin ts . • during, Into this co tatty the celebtatel . o 44* ruar.bln e not tourer than ft odbeoankj by a thuinb.screw, ettilelt will potent ttwilltoib' •tantly. Hut this hos tint Ing -to do site thttutt 4 JUUN 4novre, Tailor h...s just reed the FALL'S:: IiVINTER FASIIIOI I , anal'. now prepared to watt on his trio& with Wing , aleerity. skill. and good humor. ae C:3' Collin if you. Want:capitslllo,lt 6.04 Lathrops store. N. P: Cutting done es nentl• Montrose Oct. 3,1851. • JOHN GETZ Abel 'Turrellt -q Medidr' Chaniraio,,,qo2'