The- --- 7 7-4--- - - gleotonal Vote' cif the '..... ,i • , States: - '.. - .....,.- .r. ,-;,, . . . . rii jgaie wi committee .of .tho SOnato: of ated s t eps, with A vion , of putting to T:i4 iloubta ion the i subjecti'l:havoAnad6 a . ttiii that body, that no additional logtala. oP ° 3 is 1,014 in rogardto thO ner, nppotlion. l' tineatovrore they recommend the Adoption Tattogoalnl.:,rresolution :r -...,,, -,..,. ~.i. , :.. .. 0 i rt d, That the number of the eleelarial v t o which :each State shall bo entitled:ln rOon of President and Vico' President ofl t c n i te d Stntes,,iti 1855, shall _ belevial to ber of Senators and Rep resenta i ives to ' ea d, e ach of 44 States .Avill ,be, entitled by th , ortioninent under the -enumeration tbf , s:io, , re.vided by the net; for - taking the, ,seen' va i FAseronti- censuses. approved. 1 1850: - • Ile felloing statement exhibits '• the elnin . ... oic in the. eleCierial votes 'of tim State, ... V lle „ n og of .1850, which the_ 'resolution ;tfs.ns thcbmin of their apportionment: _:152. 1848. One, . gunpure, Veroont , y o schusetts , Dodo Island, c a neetiout, New lock, ' New 3ev•i!Y, p e vylqui 3 9 3brFlAnu, Virefill , • N o d Carolina, • Col!n a, Geod.% Ohio lon - Icveonsin, Michigan, Kra tu ety, Missouri, • Alab.o 3 , Tanesle . Term Arksnst ,,, Californm, Whole nuather Nettory for a choice --- A man Murdered. Oa Sunday, 11th inst.. two small boys ; )I . t. Thibt, Ina, keeper some three miles this Drums on the H azleton and Wilkes• Barre Turnpike, discovered the body of a man kb; ;,a his back behind ato near the Turn. iii:e—abont a mile this side of Doubfs tavern. Esquire Santee of Butler summoned a Jury raqui4t and made an examination, of the body. lh are infonned by a gentleman from there ic hay—that from the examination, the man ciiraibed and murdered. His s.eull was en- o,y broken in—his front teeth were knoehed o*--1e temple broken in, and a . stane "Of :alp Ely pulls Sc;iglit was laving upon Lis which had evidently been thrown upon his while down, and rolled over upon his arm which pos,ition it was found with'.the body. body indicated a man 'of fifty years. His .* was sly. Be appeared to be about 5 I-t 2 t in statute. k havikerclerf was found in, his pocket • id tT. Ifis clothes were a a fine text , all the man had the appearance (4 being ell &vet ' Mary unable to to gather all the partieu- We tyre told that the Jury were unanimous o the opinion that he had been murdered. We "Pm to ;n her More information, that will cod oi tio? identification of the body, and be ,e MIN of informing the friends - of the sle et The b ely, it NUS thnaght must hive 4 ii there for two months or more. The head 'oink were - partially decomposed. The lea n's were ve-t - much . bruised, and the- face of . deceased could not have been recognized mesons knowing him when alive. There kilned upon his clothes. ' The lining tiffthe . ‘tis of his pantaloons were left turned - 40 , Lilr. theappearanee of their having been 'led sweet and - waistband of his ponto ons ore unbuttoned. We hope this myste -1 'ons nio ay be ferrettcd out. Our 'exclinn _:: rill a favor to ,tire not of the ea-se— ol,. the nurdeiPd inAn's family, if he have one, r be Mimed of these circumstances; The phce where the body was found is , henttorteen miles from Wilkes-Barre, on ifiumple above mentioned.—Lucerne Dent • at. Fearful Steamboat Explosion• , 1 The Boraio Republic has some additional I; •rtiCL N of the explosion of the steamer I 'leave. at St. Louis. It says: 1 111tVt dispatch informs us that not -less nl5O lives have been lost by this awful ea- The scene is described as 11mi-trending, the extreme. When the explosion took': , hwo.the boat was completely rent asunder. ni hum bodies, mangled and whole, Jutd ims of the wreck, flew up to a great height the Inc. -Numbers were seen struggling in the water or a tea ir,stunts, whose wounds were such t +Lex w(111 sank to rise no more. pussengers end' crews on the other 'ats nt the landino crowded to the sides of heir reSSCIS in erdix to, see the_ arrival of the 'l4ated Glencoe. minv of them were killed and pent number terribly ?Oared. The sluieks nxilium; of the wonuded—the red glare of fire, and the consternstion of the surround.: "crowd beggur description. It Was an law -5i scene. • De names of the pusengers on the Glen ne, or those on the other boats who were kill atid wounded, arc not yet ascertained. The North Branch Canal The certainty of the speedy. completion of e North Branch Canal has already given .'satisfaction to the people along the line., 'is branch of the public improvements, will Sd; to the notice of the whole State the re-1 'zee of a country inexhaustible in ex land beyond estimation 'in value. For ^ 3 years the people of the North have en itrired of the proper facilities of reach: market, and had it not been for the "trr - ,f sad perseverante of a few talented Ben= seems the North, this work would continue limJer uncompleted. We 'are glad to ob. tist the proper credit is being awarded. hen she labored for then ppropriation.•-•; .eNioWing from the IKyoming Democrat solo e• and merited, that we fully endorse e etwp,:iment :—Pnylraniarz - ` 11 2:0t. TO wean Ifoxon re Dun.'—All.wh9 i4ored in procuring an appropriailon Pik beyond doubt.the completion of Branch Canal, aro entitled to Credit 'Atse. Bat no one toiled more faithfully-I Qcionslji to bring about this, long de . - than C. L. Want), Es of. Brad. " 4 To his untiring decotitin to q.. the great "leitatol the North, he brought ability, a ' l, ll stored with all the important Diets ' 4 4 With this imProyement, and , this ° ,,e4. was at his own - expense, put in ~ 1 41N pe, by being printed - in pamphletn ' 4 ents 'and l thed sits of the at upon e ''ut., l ,llB a ready and reliable reference, to be folly of the State to longer hesitate 'to. -the prosecution of thisr-valttable . It Is bat justice that .030..public' „R Apprised of the valuable nervices of that he mad be" rewarded' Id „ the onstit d . those he has ben ,y n 0 f . . _ ~ , .. ._, ... , intitigural.Addrestt:Of Trosi4ent '. 1 1 - _ . .- .-Robert#,.,ofLibetia.::: - - .' - 2 .. ' . [The litifiles Ofliberiiiapers ,:contain the inaugeiratiOdreia ofthe fjemj; Ll4olier4On - -: his ro - electionfai ,- . l t,th*':fitile-i ° '* 4 - 4c t o f President, - : whiehls a ' , :m6iVeredittil*:l4lituri. meat, :and - will faydrablY. dainPare wilt similar docuitionta fram'matiyof the 04 4 ::erill . ..6.t. 1 '-or 'Plirl- Stut.:-,W6:ritake the felielll l 4Oxyqut ti•Lini [ -.:-.-..,'-):1 ',olTia:ririfietiOn fiatalr.yrituble'royOlity; :,_ A Chriatiau . :' , stalo. hal , :rlisen-mto:exiatened, - and is. a diili*necessful operation, on the barbarous coast Of-benighted : Africa i and'. itdocs appear to inc - that 31 doubt siMuld-a6 :longer teiaam as , to . the:designs l of Heaven', inc,returnitiOrilo ofir - fatherland. .To •t his 'end Liberia ts - lttree, tingthe - attention of the 61ride eitilized,Worldi The eyes of alt are,upoti her, critleallii,obsori .i. ing,-every step she takes; If - ~.-_---- _ ,- ,A-..-:- ~. • ~ ,T hoo p eople:Of Liberia are 'unite itionablyi Solving greatest-ofthe political probl,inis,..tbe..l, capacitY:of the,.Africait men: - for - Sengovern ni . l ent nal have not the: . slighteit . .dtinbt that under God,: Liberia-, is the chosen instrument f . !Tor working out thiS problem, andiestoring to Africa' rigovern ment,. a mine, and the blessing - 81 Of civilization.. and :. Chriatiartity: - - ' Arid-gentle ! men, by the Divine blessitigi. you_ have, already accomplished much for .doWn.trodderi - : Afriea,l and hive every eneourrigethent te- . persetere - hit your efforts to carry forWard.the work!.. erim.l mated to yOur-lianaS.`,:. Wait he asked, What, have you - accomplished? '', The answer is at had, and though, the enemies of Liberia - May attempt it, again said. - -- .1- - . ~ - I G.Yeri have. itice,essfully *erred againstihat curse of ell eirses, the detestable - slavitrade and by your exertions_ have . aided - ,in effectual. ly drivaigfrera those i shereS 'these Mensteiti in human shape who ioneet infested this coast. 1 You ,- have . telioved thousands Troia iimuniera.: - i lac distresseseenseqUent. upon the _ravages of !cruel wars, instigateOw hearties:iv - slave - deal., I eri, and with other thdiisanda brought.thent i within the-pale of eivilizatien. ~ And above all, I fro,rn - Libcria has 'gon6 forth thelightslChri*- tianify, penetrating the very depths 6i:heathen 1-superstition and ideltry, so'thatin every direc. flea maybe seen the SonS Of the earneStleed to thwstory of the frosS." . - . . . IinTANT BILL.- following bill passed finally in the douse .of : ghPresentathes : Be it enacted, stimat no t'arrant'for , the execution of any . convict hem ring shall .be issued within. ono year , niter the sentence of death shad harnbeen passO, and . that :after that_ period,- if no.circumstances shalt -11iave come to light to render 'dohhtful the correct nes4 of the vcrdie.(of the jdry in: 'the: patter, the Governor shall then isne his warrant -for such execution. ProVidedi That 'Trent !_tho time of conViction tosl the time of .execution the convict shall be • confined in one of the p_e . nitentiarle.s' for the 'safe-l;ecyllig convicts .of this Cummonwealtit,; zon. Provided by laws. . . t Snartox 2 That npon F the rendition . of, I any verdict of" guilty of, toMder in the !first degree,"-against any person 'Or persons IchMtged 1 there with iii :any Court of this ConnonW&ilth,. I it shall -and may be facclid for the jury .rencier (ing the same in their disCretiorn to recoimpend the person or,:personi sb.chargedand convict ) led to the mercy of thb court—iAnd' every, per ; son duly convictedof'imnrder in the. first-,de gree whom the jury sci cOnctietiv shall reCOni nend to the mercy of Coortothaltbe sentenced to undergo an impriOximerit: in One' fit I 'the I state penitentiaries, as the • case_ may , .be ruid ) to be kept in . sepaitate or,sofitary confineinent at labor for a period not fess than fifteen: nor mere- than fifty years,!' , II }louse of Rettoseutativosa W.Asurca - rox, /44 3lrrxrar.r taxes The bill reported'ye.4e ;to . bring ;into the markeieertaindands heretorOre:OEl for the loe'atiosi of bind warrta sed ' I -*V.44.411t.- vte.t.cmc r0f4.14.E Mr Ot.ns, (dent.), of Oltio,'ltsked'ihtOonse. to discharge the. Committee; Of; 'the .Whole' on the State of the Union 'froth the .fuither consideration• of the /tiff amend the pet to modify'and reduce :the rated ,of postage: lie said it merelc effected newspapers postage and it was drsirthle that; the proposed ur tge !tient.; ihould go' into, opeitttion oti the. 300 of June. Objection was made. , • TItECOSTESTED.SEAT i - nom; rEttx'syLvAsta. 10 900 yards of Merimack, Fail Eiffer, Manchester,, Engtirh'und other - stylus of i.Prints; at 50.6 e, 10a, and is per ya r I, One rase of superior cloths and colors, yard wide,-at the low price of Is. 1000 yards, 'of Lancaster and °larg o * Gingham. warrftnted Tart colors, at Is per. yen!. - Also, Scotch and French do from Is. Mortraine Goodi • - flombisiner;Alpaerai, Slohalr instr6.lllareger, Can i ton Cloths . all wool De Galne.s . ,l.lll Tisanes, and all oth er goods - used in mourning. . i, • • . ' , •• - --• White Goods, ..i i . ' I Plain, plaid and striped Jarcnrt Muslin, Cambric do., 1 plain and dotted Slll,ll. 2411111, lialnsotat and Tarlton,' Linen t'runtrie, Bird& Eye Linen Mint Table Clotho, Napkins, tzeotrit and flarfda Diapers:Moen Sbeatings & Shillings. &v. Ate. at au , b priees,u cannot fait to glee , entire satisfaction to eustotrerr. ' ." -' • . ' j" L - - Showls.!. Ai large lot of •L'roche i Canton Craver and Cashmere{ Shawls twenty pe r cent. cheaper than tbry were sold • ''. -. Ilinulkerehiefs.; . r Linen Tfandlierclaq's of - esers-zmd4 from 6d to e 4 ., , . , .., ea• • -• Table Corers. ,• ' ,-- Several bzen colored cotton. worsted nod tinen,ind all wool Embossed Corers, from 4s. to $4 apiece. Goods for Men and Boys. 'Broad Cl f its of every color and qualify, from Ior. to $5; black 'and dattayrnssinteres. from 6 SU 20s. •,.. Ern. tacky..JW/J, TlrettL{ *IA Satinets, from 28.&Ltods; Ireallogisof every deraiPtion, quaff:y.l'nd prier , . .. • '- 1 --. - 1 'Domestic - Goods. • ". , • -- 6000 yard. of brown shectings mid shirtingS, from sto i Or:. perld; 5000 bleached do. fromic, to Is. per yard ;.t Tirkingstend Mariners' shirtings, from 6d . to Is. per yd. ' 'Li - Hosie ry' and Gloves. • . • Aii4c;ialent Assortment and very-chap., Amon: then." a large lid. of white cotton Mae, very fair quality only 1 ' 'Ql' . Tritiiks ,Valises and Carpetßa es': ' .1 :. ‘ • . A trellpusorted stor,lt.ptirehased direct from the ism est mardttartory in Mit Metall, and far sale 'it such priees aslwill admit of ;no coropttirkm. - " - ' ' - •• - • BAuxr . sr is "c:its or Ts sat of the :' . 8 . i niw . o 7 :d- 2 Prillin.erY. ,GOD( 13 " : - 1 ~, 'The stibraiber Is desirous of' directingtheattenti of Sun: Your neighbor of the Hera:d is in greal•i't be PObito partioularlY to this Amuck of buil err, ar"hai error in saying that, 1.:..-have ' been defeated in-; F osse-Oars groat facilities for getting there good, i cheap. the Connectieut election'. - .,The'ritunnieS hire ;liedrr k"'Pl 3 r. c°3'4a3tl,l on hand Outing 91a sea 1 . , , tam/ farce stork of straw lionnetr, which be Trill ea..? 1 go - F , the worst of it. 2 - 1 oil)}' Pk' , taxes evolved"; 21 pe ert. cheaper than they ran - ha had at -rotait In i city, Either whol&ale or retail-ctutomera by rum. They pay taxes and drink the filthylxew Y m * ~...a !it t ec a l, a li t o t ree r rn i zg tt p i t r ite h ir. A IT , ltllitage to examine idyl Poison besides.. ,The late eleCtion has p .., .• . - what I have • eentinuallY; assetted, "yiz: • at i Eibbotis •ana Dress i' a rimmings a good assortment' at 1 the DerMenati&party; propfie,ii Inottlie; um 1 I °wPf . ''' -, W et .'-' • -a-iid W: N. WILSON. --• 1 P Hundreds ..and :thou , - air6. of t, IVhiga 1 .''.. i : 1 ~ •, oonarlte a re rae l :l t A n n e il l ott.' - 1 ~ forsook party to Vote for ruin—rwhile a illtart-' ipsoirsarow, Apr 1173,3812: ,- , or of the same` =tuber of .Temperance Bobo. I : - .,1 ,ri , , i • etas took the bitter pill of WhiggerY - foilthe , .1 . ' 1- : •-' ;LOOK , OUT: _ sake of TemPeraaee., 1 tan dispense, With the IrPRE Notes nu& accounts et Pitt. &Avern..,• 'Maine Law with - less sacrifice ;than drinkingl , Lt'lltoilliz tsieu tii,sigili'd to P. It: Pit - lei - are in man o h . :-1,- Our '. 4 . „ . 11.- p„,.ma j i tsum , .1 the hinkill of„Q...Avcry.Esq., for imroediate col ' fiction. . All persOni indebted are hereby-notified that coatiwill be made 0112111 nla4eno no; settled within thirty days from .this date. • . •- 7:: -; - - , . . - .:,1,.-.7 :...,. {, ',' ,.r P.R.: .. prrri4. • -,liiontroSe, April 2; - 1852:-- ,:. . ....16wit ... Mr. AsSIE, (whig) of N.' C. fio`rn the cont. mittee on Eleetinns,mnde xrep3rtiMthe PLMn sylvanin untested eleetiOn vise H. 13: Wright (dem) against Henry M. Fuller, (whi,g) 'rind declaring the last-named gentlemari mit `entit led to the seat he now ite.upied. !" I • TOITB OF , WASHINaTtO *MOTTIER.-.-A respondent -of the Lowell writing' i from Virginia; says . thit 'While in Fredericks.. burg; Which was for sonic' time the resideriee of Wa... - itington While a young than; end where he was Made a Mason, he had the 'curiosity to examine the house in Which wasl4frton It. is a capacious brick tklifice,'' in most excel lent repair_ aril though f itntenanted.tiow, bids I fairovith Proper foresi6t; to list sound for many rears. The teiliagi and walls are - adorn-I ed with elaborate stni*o'.worlt;- the stairways' wide and - the hall very commodious. -- -Back of this is the tomb of Washington's Mother; Which , is in a sadly rieglected:and -dilapidated tion. For . sonie reason or otlier,, it has never been finished, a part - of 'the marble lyiagin . rough state not, ten , feet froth the foundation .on - which it' should rest; and !tints in the very birth State of the Irntriortallirashingtom con ' slant . dishonor and - disrespect ; are shown . thb sacred-ashes of his mother. - Her- torah utt ' finished to.thiS day. j • = BALTDIthm, Aprii HORRID 31tinnur.:—James MeCowati; rest:. , ding in Sarah. Ann Si., Was murdered fast Owl I ning by •• Anew •,Atkineon., -_..brothr in lair," • 'l' r. ..::`,".' It appears that the Parties had` griafieled daring , the evening', ; and ..:upen; • McCort `ahs re, tiring to bed; Atkinson went to his "reoti,' while asleep - beat his brains out. - He has been arrested dud committed ' • Notice.. The Beleetic.,BotUnie• MediCal SU.lets will hold its tri-annual session at the reoUrt House is lliontro,se;otiThersdaY the Itith day lef May 1852. The friends of.ll-fedi*Riferm are in , sited to attend.., , • - - !-• • L,WNEAT° I -$ fife'7; c aßeTittf: - . . 1 4 .2 -moklYri On the 24th inst.,;b)! O,F xnes, H Dzsars; of I)4nock, and ANGELESZ,Prausms, grind-li*ghter Ittf WO : Perkins; ofthe Pinner ,p1ar.4"..: • is New 3iitfo o rii on _ the 1 18th '.i nst., ' irecelved I a siw of juries utter anillneskof threee & — c , • ' • AIWA :Su mm in the Oftli4e,,- . _ rrnERE will I: 'mi. Auctida at ttie,etore late of J. Pitts.* Witinii;Thareday;TOdeY and Sat* urtlifeveninge , thia week.. wijeitt e ud motto Jim . * biii,ethian VERY . Clir;;IP: %VARNER:. --- ,'!3iontr,Or, April -; ;7 " . 4 , ' 7: : ' 17971 . . . . •-•--.. '.'., DISSOLUTIO N:-.., MlTR;eripari herstiiii heretbrnri fxbitilla netrf'ell 1.., : Tb,yet fz. Wheatoti,3o:o4s dny 4isrbicit, by • riutral consent .: ':.: : : -•-••'• '.... --•- . ... ,. .- - 1 -='•'' ---. Beerreepeutlye --ill be- prePare ttian &tines to reepoild' l . o :the. o4l /°;- Tfu l yE tit EU= • I • DISSOLUTION TcaparinCrehlit hereto f ore existing' t* s• the _firm of Smiley fetirtis, diieolved Own limitation. The tellies aud bootie of accounts , ani'at the store, where 11l pep:one:having unset tled acconuts with tho said Grat'iirit'rermeited t all and settle the same ttithaut _ '• - • ,• J/SltitlLE. _ G ibson, Oct'. 1, 185:1: • 'CURTIS. The business will be contintled - by 3. Smiley; who; is receiving-a Ileitis:took -Gdods,Wtio wilFl i not ihstf:t: the:good sense of tlie cornntonity -by sling adiatisetrunitti,nr . resort to tricks to fleece the unsuspecting, fait cOnfident id the,good Choice aud qualitie.* of his goods and the low- rate .of profits,' he invites all to nail before porch - ming elsewhere.. .I.'6IIIILEY; Gibson, April 20.1852. , 17w4* • GREII, BAtiGAINS. - .! CAtstFl ,, LD is saint! oft It* tarts stock • or JEW/4.11.V, WATCIIES ' tilitrATLY ItElk•CeD prices, to 'natio !Vow for Sew gorsla. ilingh'amton, April 230832. ' 1- ' • . , Satter Wark.i Dun AS COIN; (=irked - gratis alio, n follOssortiniad ofPlated, and ot •• • - - L. CANFIELIYo. - 13inehornton. • , • , • CLOCKS, Accordeona of all pricin* L.'CANFIELD'a, E=l^7 lIAT,.CAP,.AND - FUR STORE, . i t ir W D. ASIIDDRN troulairespectfailly . atirormee to -mi. the .tithens of*ldoutrose end rionlty that he bas opened mad !attn . & to keep adarge and reneral as, sortment :or all kinds and qhtslitles or Dearer, Mole skin-and Silk Hats or the latest styles; Romuth, Hun garian and other styles and qualities of fur -and wool Panatim, Le4thorn, - Pabudeaf, and the rations kinds of braided hats for Sahunler treat; nCloth, Glazed. Silk. Plinth and 'all kinds of Daps for tents and hays and youth's wear'; Genta:Patent-leather Shoes, t.e., together with all kinds Or goods generally kept in a hl!t store. The enbsiliber being largely engaged In the abere tride at - the Fast orill &Ways enable him to keep at his store In Montrose a Inger and more fash• lonable assortment than eau be found elsewhere. Ills terrai n s are ready , pay, which will enable, blm to 'sell all goods in Lis line at leant 15 per text. lower than others in the seine trade. 'The citixesis nreteSpertfully invited to call and ace for theroselveS. P. S. Washburn will ahrays be on band to exhibit the goo Is, whether people wish to purchase or net. ' ' Id. D. WASIIIICHN. HontrdSe, April 28; UM, : 'DRY-,doobS NEW STUCK:! CHEAPER , ' I`IIAN EVER N. Uilson, Late of the Firm of Wilson & Miller, rtBSICIES to return hit grateful thank( to, tha eiti. AI sena of Snatuebanna County 'for their liberal pat. ronage d nen the part year', and respectfully solicits a continuanca of their Yutorn Llaring re-opened the *tare in Tompkins' 810 ck, (which has keen enlarged and improved.) with a full stock of Spring - and - Sumrner Goods, be Intl - test thasa Who' with Jo purehara Goads ry low, for ,caair, to call. and "evunine Ida a atertme nt. The subjoined lint of Goods *rid pike* he .believes will compare favorahy with that of any other ?merchant th4rtaiiity„ Divs:s.s.God t a's; -A large nat - littraint of black and colored Silks, of , ira. flout gradcaatul pattmits, from is. 6d. to 3,1 A. rept:. • Blouseline De - . . . . 2000 yaida of. SpringDOLainee of almost eteryiatia , ty and etyto that the New Torii. matket ,afforde, Man lle. to 4.a. per yard. 1 - 1 . " ', -Prints and. Girighans: - - :- CHEAP'WATCHES ! JEWELIY:J.IIND 111.17E4 .IVARE: (.4reif Ito duefloii iss Priem • • Twenty , per - tent at' east hes than ever Aim Leen sold efi the flatted States.'` - - QLD Lever Wittchea,foll, jeweled ',' 1g karat ILA -cise; - onik 0 3 3q;-*.isu o y sold for $35-4Gold Lol,ioe Watches, Itt karat case. jeweled. Silver Lever Witchel,foll jeweled, til4; . mood. ly ;Old Ar. Silve'r"Lapiati Watched, feWel• I tcl, 810—Silver ',Tea Spoons per half dozen, e,./•••• 1 Geld Pena , silvei• holders, s t, • '. - ' .Penoots wishing a Watch or watches, Jew- ' elrY,On,44**-,thelw seal bY-Men•Yaith - Oatfact tisfetyoS, any pzirt,4.of:, the I.lnilext Statelor_Wesi bY And sendi ng the tanouitt,''.or Ail articles Warranted as - represented above; - Or dint from the country'respectfully soliaked, " - Beige; addrast (peat LiaI)OXOS.,IO6 ;:opposite the Frankho /fowls; ' • Philadelphia, rr,coropia i odi c , bought, ...or inaaufaStared into -• • " • Pita ENE - .... ~ , , . . . . „. . 1 - - - ..: no aubsenbar, has just I 1 er,77;.-:;•^7—..4 itoeiveka :lite 'stock } 1 i ,"";;‘:, . .41t excelled , nasortment I: it ' 0 7 - 7,7 N : Cc ..,i1 - l'lon'a .441 - ... 11 - aye,' 'l° ' 7. ' ''' -. READY-16LBR of haters dries nod suited Willa union. - - - -- , 1.-Atao , --Fttehlitablei Silk IVO, (lit:Obi/ 1 0 "'tring L ile - .) Kossuth ,gittr : Leghorn, Straw: and. Palm, aliens; Cups, Blur* Stockings, Gloves. Sus= panders, Ciniatii. thictinud Shoes; Boobs; WraN Fl l l And Writhatt Falter, Trattellinueuzet Wall raper. (( good stack') f.lartain Paper; nod Fancy krticles- too untnerourto ettealty;t—all tir, any of i!..htch I iiilrsall stalour int the likti can bn bought st:"Bingliattnon" or any other town. • - , - -,, ... • ' ,- --:' -- OEO. FULLER . Pi°4lrose, Aptil 2I iFS2; 1 1 _ - „ • -NEw oD - - TT J. WEBB iitioiv 111 P sprini and dl. runnier stOck of. Goods, whiell hp oltpro "chetsp for cash.- Moptrore; April 130851 • - - - TEE .G 't A t : 3 / 4 AL and Allegorical Print of the In commemoration ut that, mist tent event in the American revolutton, the 13rttalt Surrendering their, Ar s to Geeneral= Washington after their; dealt at Yorktown, Virginia, October, 1781. THE ,ebv,,TVing is executed by Tanner lA. MO, Kearney & Co., from an original (lrisuriug by J. P. Renault. and published by Ben jamin Tanner, Engraver, Philadelphia. The size of the print is !Li 6)01 iiichee, and was ongivat ty published to subacribers at 131.2 in the sheet„ Explanation. Tua Hiorroev.-11, the first and grand pttin are eXhibited three large grovps of the principal offi cers, who Were present at the trantutction; vvith faithful likeriess of each. In the first group ie seen General Washington. General Rochanilvem, General - Lincoln, Colonel Hamilton, an old Former eager to contemplate the scene, Billy the set-Vent, and the Hone or General Washington. tu the second group are American and French n eve ' • General Knox, Secretary Wilson, the I like de Lama, uud the' Marquis de La Pay e te. The third grorip is destriptive of •the British surrendering their urine. Lord Gornwallis, Heuer al Oliare, Conimedore Sinimens, Colt:nal_ Turk ten, with two fingere cut off; Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Abercombie, Lieutitnt Colonel Betides, Lord Chowton, :Laid 'Cornwallis appears! presenting.his sword -to _ the first. General Officer ii h meets, but General Wa'shington is pointetLont t him 'es•the only person to whom, be is to stir.; r t l,tider, sword._ • . • , ' lOn the heights and In the distance are the air, fermi( armies and erowds of epeetatore.-. 'The l floese;' of Secretary Wilson, occupied by. Lord Ce'rattra i llis and his Full, which wai bombarded and pierced with balls; the Marquis de Lafdy- J baiting 'remarked that they were currying; the dinner of Lord Cornwallis, asked) len'Se General Washington to-serve hint a dish' of his omeooking, and itmnediately after several titimb:4l ells' fell through the roof on the table, and .• wounde 1 some and diepere'eti the party. ITsti 'skit.s.oong the left is erected a mon trent l in honor of those . illustrious heroes who sacrificed their lives and fortunes to insure to their citir.etts the liberty and independence ' they now eniny, • • leublished at $3 by Wm. B. Lane, thitaclel phin, and to be; had •at the office of the "American Conner," No. 141 ;Chestinit street,l'hiladelpbia; aS premiums to that paper. • - ' 111.4%-liberal discount to Agelati THE FLYING SHIP. Cianec to secw' a cask income of $lO tu:s2o per week for twenty years, by the investment of five dollai-s - in advance. ,T is extensively knowelhactlielMidereigned ~ thas by theory and practical experiments so fully demonstrated the, practicability of aerhil nrwigation that all who have . dely examined the sulkiest are convinced ; and no person, even those triune! , interests are adverse to its success, can of. fed it word of ratioital argurneuf against it Sev eral, model machines have been caustructed, and . ea Ch of them hasi operated successfully'", and one! of I them, 16 feet long, curried a smith steam en- I gide, 14 the power of which the machine 'was . i propelled; and , being guided - by 'its own helm,i travelled rapidly through the air,..even against a: breeze of 'wind, in direct lines or circles, accord.; in,,..1t0 the adjustment-of its helM. This machine mei witnessed and applauded by hundreds in New YOril' and Pesten, and ;loaner! thereof Were. pub.i lisned in several newspapers of those cities at the time. Since those experiments were, made, the .. i mien tor has made addi tippet impro vemen ts where...l by The iuvention is now perfected. Acid it ap- pears certain that. a safe and durable aerial ship! (or eeroport) capable of carrying one learid7ed - emit fill k •passeegeri nt a speed of- ninety - tildes au hoar. titith more perfect safety than either steam bonus -or railroad. cars, may -be constructed fur 8.15000,- and that the expense of running it will not exceed 8115 per day. Tliisaereport willmake : the. trip to I.lalifornia or to Europe in two -days; and will be patronized with abundance ol bust. nelltatire than 50,000 persohs are now, ready to erritt^e passages) at 200Mrpassage. which will °menet to 30,000 per trip, each way; or 60,000 1 per week, besides -1,0011 for carrying the mails.— ! If This.aeroport„ is owned le shares of :5 denary. each, a single share wilt, produce au income of! 20 dahlia: per week. - :-. . . ' lids ascertained, by a minute and careful esti mate, that an Ise - report 150 feet tong and eapable Of Orryit ' e five person! it 'lripeed ct till Miles an !four, mss be constructed far 1,500 dolfara. Now, having bent disappointed of the fends 'requisite to i put This ieventiou iii operation en a scale of pricti. cal Utility, I propose that if 300 trerseris Will rub-' scribe five dellitra each, payable when The whole amine' of 1;500 shall haves been - subscribed; II , willjerthwith construct this Omen . aeroport,', (whielt may in'aix Weeks;)' and when this: lis put iu eperation I-can readily- command the requ'iliteftinth4or constructing a large aeroporlas abote mentioned. And. 1 ,will so arrange that, 1 enelteubscriber, on the payment of the said fivel dollars, shall be furnished with a regular title deeds which shall entitle the helderibareof to one 1 threiOttindreth part of the fiiSt large aereport that {shall be; coustructed,und of all benefits and emote. I Imelda that may be derived therefrom for twenty year; the said neroport in repair with. out expetiee to the shareholders. Subscribers will not -be .iesiricted to singlti s,hares; but 'each , laity i hold'es many as he is disposed to subscribe fur ut the first; and will receivel 'dividends accordiugly; I which, itenordintr, ' to the foregoing estimate,, will be 23 dollarti per Week.tht each share. payable Weekly Or Monthly. SnbSeribers may send their! names to my - address by m ud, (prepaid,) aid the same! will be duly entered -ou the subscri ption' book..(whictralrearly comities about fitly titmice of entiscribere in this pity. mid ' notice will be sent (prepaid) to each whee the three hundred:Shinn, shall have been takeu; and the money May be tient 'Sallee to me' - or to the i. - firen of Shelden, W . I. there ' &, iflo.; (well litiMia baUkers of this Pity') who Will on the receipt thereof forward , to each subscriber • a title.deed, ai ablive 'stipulated, and will act' an treasurers for, the shareholders; end trans;fer.. the, money to. ate es the progreas Of the work require', . • Each subscriber will be.furnished semi;ruotithly with "a. printed swivel-letter, report.. lag the progress of : the work:, - : - ', Editors or publishers of. ,newsprs ape-who will 'give the foregoingliedoinittie an insertion within three! week*, and send a copy thereof to the an. I dersigued, Shall 'he eraitied,lo one share 'hi the Ilarge aeroport, and be furnished with a title.deed or- fits dollars in eash.forthwith. -,-, . ..1, • I , l.' ..--'" -:: ,•:'-: ....iturtg tottuz, . . APr . ... . At'ashingte; il:4 - 1652- '--' • •' ' ' l : :. P.IB. - It -is-'confidently believed that . by- thin invention, lineipldred regioni may be examined,. and the'light Of civilizatieu and.Christiauity may be diiieminated through , benighted lands with fa -01144 and' that thawerkt will Minor-the - names pf thaSti who npviarthicrihe to aid the introduction otaii,ipiiiidolicatcol4ll tO nearer. ignMense bane if" 13 1KT.1 110 elitiroltistnan race, , .-, .- -.., _ , ,.. 1511ZOKIVED . tiale_:day - 4543 Ferkinis.also Kegs Plasilag itr. A. A4TgttOri& co.;- ;On.' - - - • . , . • • I. ' . - I WATCHES it .. .WATCHES:I.f. ._:,l - 1. 1 . - ... , , nlEASUßlarS,Sittg..f: -„,....,-.:-.. ..z . IrTIDE Sub'sll6re takes nleasurt in infOrnaingtis friends .1... and customer* that ba boa this day mated another ,Of Vnecateil Lands In Sunra t co. large lot of his supetiorVottert I Leiser wis telt" 1 NI OTlCE'iiihereby -given( that aereentily! to 1 .43 •4 It/ alluntelnied Ex p r e ssl y to Ids order, with Ms own I .1,. -tire - acts-of the General Assembly at the illninn oniftwyta on melt, comprislog3 slats of full Jew: i c ommonmen i t h ! o f renimpyanja,._ direciloz, ibe sled, Frigin huulrig "Sel'eltt4 bt."7'4l-n**ll4 I, . "°‘.4gl4l •llecto or sellitto tittse.tted lands for taxei; the fel- I S C lf s e e elarri l" , k -sr ift lyie ll h fu he U ell v ers nrie•t t i or o se r l i e lli'd a:.'lo kt a j : 4 as tl* N t gl Incilifq * trdati a " nd Itarts`of tracts of unseated lauds. :York W1101 ! ,P...5.11.2 fillets. warranted erfec t -- -. ' Ili!! heissid at ptthhe vendee -on o .he coad Man '- • AA -- lIYAN I6 / ND; L' o4 Fadin g ' ltill tla f lonia nesi; at • the :Court Haase in MOut7 1 • -- •• Wasblogtol"e• • Y- Q . , ' -- - ' due, . d I t accru ed on .. • . -- , rose, efr arrraragna en lie malt a tin , ' each - tract retpec, iitely ;unless' the same be: paid before:the day of aale—Nalu to c ommence . at, 1.0 O'clock, in the.forenocni. • - - -•, . Warruticesmairier atuabetr = Acres. i • i ' • • - .:11tridgetaater. - - - - 41uiluel god:ilea ',..•, ,•- . ~ ~. I CO: :- • ' --- Vinod - -- Dnrins V. "Bradford • -'' :, MT ' (LatrllT• • •Uar 4 b l3l '.(alotelt -- -- " CO, . k- !' .. .. —-• c.Circat L'etid. '.leiltikiiti Butlei 1- - " - - • '•' - r 1 ... ~ . .. , _ ,:: ..- trarford. ~.. I Jonicloel .. -,.. . - ' (owner) !Stanley neknon - : : - ‘. Vtancis ItleburdsOn jr; " "- - - • r , '•' . -. . t iratillolty. ~. f'rederlek neithold ... , - Soo Joseph .Masons.Masons liti' ". " >•; '• , .- 165 Ileury Tolland - _ - - 4..1$ _ , Daniel Ittete " q ' ' - , ' 412 Dmia unskiey :,..', . - • . .. ' '4 )4 il. L. Want — ' `".. . 33146 Moses' Ilobson v 'Mathias tleptla - - . • -.,. . • : 0 .. „ - - - Btashiunton, Lever..lloVitcbes.' , • HAVE Ibis day . vet:aired * .frorgLlveirpool, knight": In'. %vice of thorn vory auperior Yates. bvver Wattles', in rilver Hunting Vara - battry.Mogo to :order; lib. So. afatrrmall rlrelmuremaata..ehfcil wilt ba.tromnlt• Moly put It to gold eater for fiagia. the imm u n ity i Oran:am watehrs aver not otitin tbat bit been ottani fig tothiln_this tnit been ro tborangfily established. It IV ttertllar tn'tio more than to'roll the attention or my alignment to them. • AGHItHIrJ;HVANI4, Horeb 20.1 - irsulditgtoti at.; Dlugh4mtnn RODICERY, GLASS, - AND' HOUSE VD RN 1$11:1N G ST,O • - - 11ye,r1to- It. :A . 11; ituttiltriltiiiiitrinietiling his itt nod year would 11 tender his thanks to his ttide•spritail rostoruers for the ructititag•sineut rpotissd in thsSustoin log orso use ful tool extensive an estollehtnent, whet* iho Itottint. KEBPSR may find nil tho:tnioutio -Cur rendering - Its' du ties bugs pions:tut tusk, aryl much to adorn and kvante ry thu puloy. " • ' , • • • , . My stock of French, Stone, eland: Earthen, Rocking. ham, Yellow and Wars Wart, is now tame and 14:1(41, and eninplete: embrucint:Ponalf new - kyles - (at - in); <tins Importation) from Which the most 41elleate taste may . be i Hozat-keeping Articles. ' • Critleiv; servers, spoons, coffee and spice milts, !limit* stinks; shovels and - tongs, snuffers; straits, steelyards cords. and-Irons, umbrellaMentls, • • . Wooden all , Willow ' Ware. , ,-Pounders, palls , m ortar ;brooms, mcips bowls, chain, cradlas, *atolls, latiles, amps, &c. • •••• Miscellaneous. • , - .r•staP and ban LanVan lititeinnla Wan) of all de. scripticms, Laokinp.•,..o lasses, Vases and Ornaments, rich China stn•l cut itinsa s • Toys and Fancy (Rio& oral l kinds, , prices and 'sirgCrlptlotto Cloclia, rope,' lute, wool. AIW co and Coy Matta; Window IShades, (very chiatip a ) and 11Ird Cage* of various styles. " • ; Our stock la en antnplete r presenting such a great vit. ricty of useful and ornamental articles. that' those vio):. log to obtainµ comPletc outfit or replenish honselicep log articles, will save much time nail motley. by at this catshilahment,by . Del' U. Bingtranten, IST Y., April 111,1852. ' 141 Uniog Daguirrean Gallery MESS S. TIIuMPSOA toONIS . , Weild respSetfnllY call the attention, of the,la- - , , dies and gentlemen of iliontinse and vicinity .to their new and eleguitt Snit Of Angiiitrwannrinnle,l In Binghamton, opposite the Paednc Hotel. They hove the adiantagesofia Well arranged slty-light;l which will 'MIMIC them to pro . duc f us flue like nesses as any in the country. , ' Persons Visiting Binglninaton,,shoold not fail to call said Scene fur theinselves one or more of I their life-like mid u;elhlotinotl niezzinint piciiires. Every attelition will,lie given in order likenesses of children and facility groups. Tkev have on hand and for sale a large• assortment of Gilt and Stucco Frames, - Shell, Macho and Jen i lly Lind Cai nit es, Gold Loets,tind a Brent yode ,ty of different styles of Cases, which' they will i furnish • with likenesses upon the most: liberal Iterms., Do-not-full to call and examine our rooms 1 and specimens: Pupils instructed in.tint . Art'and. all kind of Bagnerroot materials fdruished to tho trade upon the best ,terrris. '• 1 , Binghamtim, April 4, 1852: ' 1 - MELODEONS' SUPERIOR irti w. a r —ir.t rt's . tprceeilAend 5 octuve - Meloileoas fur sale nt the ,Unien Dagnerrean Gallery. - I-"er.iotia wish- i ina anything &the kind, Should din - foil to' Can . and 'eaniitie thetn. They' - are ef t difrerent ,iiat ternii,. and will be furnished at the visantifacturer's pie - N -I>y 'TIIOMPSON IS4 LOOMIS. Binghamton, April 7, 1852. 14tf - DRY - GOODS AND CARPETS; rpHE sUbseribers. would biro/m.411e (ouzel's of J. Sawitiehatina county that they have now on, baud ukrge-asiurtnieut of Dry Goods,at mule and •• - . . dENTLE.III-:Ne DE.P.XICT.I , IEN:T, eonsistine. in part of broadcloths. cassithcres, sat inets. Kentucky, jeans, vestiugs, and summer Foods of all kinds. - . LADIW, consisting 'of it large variety, viz: Bieck silks: feu: cy do., satins, gingham., Scotch Surf:American - prints of all kinds, some - rnt fi pence per yard of superior quality of colors warranted, tit. de Nines, Cashmere, poplins, gloves, hosiery Of:every grade and quality--White goods:, Brown • and bleached shectings, 44tvirld, heavy quality,,at Gd. per ed. TiChings, drillings. flitancls, Scorch diaper, hirchi rye do., napkins, Irish linen, mid spreads; in fact almost every thing in the dry goods lino. Also, - tt Jorge lot of .CARPETING; Three:ply, injraii'ts,' `cotton. iaid 'wool,-cotton, stair, "druggits, wool and cottoc,oil cloths fur flown and tables. -, We incite all visiting our piece to call and ex amine our stock, for we feel confident by eo doing it will be a towing of ten to twenty percent. Our motto is quick 8,1!1 s and mall profita_ Store:warty opposite-tbe Poltollice, Bingham ton. N.Y. ; RENNEr.✓ ' April 1, STOVES AND. TIN WARE. TIIE subierthers having entereMinto co-part nershm in di stove, Tin and Sheet-frombusiness, are prepared tmatteud to all orders in their line at the 'Money' notice.' By giving stilct attention to the business they hope to merit their share gif the trade. The . business wilt be carried on; opposite the "Ventociat7 office, nuclei the mime and firm of tr.% D. Lathrop if Co. . • , 'f C. D. LATIMOP, W4.IODRUPT. ; JOLIN L. DENNI 6 .- liontrose;3l,irch s 23, 16T:. ; 120 . • If You Please. - • A Lt persons indebted to - me: are;reguested =3._settie and make payment'. hitiveett this date and the firstof May next. ABEL TURRELIi Moutrose,'April 1651.' • t To - *horn it may C oncern; SorrWt - bultilozeu - youug ludiete &Arens or sic. qui4ittiu g, themselves with 51561'6MM. trade can du s' Us the in vittit lett isinaniediitte, tinder Ovum stauerS quite ftivertible, mid iti u. manner citisur.: pitiord iby, forrigu braptlociv; t ictuy, now avail tbernieNes orita,-bezwliss by calling. nn ..• • JOHN GROV...E.:S.D., Montrolw; April 1, 11:5:1. 13w3. , . . . . :• • : witprrtD; Dr t DES AND SKINS at ilia old stood of William Yoe- XL ter, for which Ouch will be Leather .ex clion,Ted, by It. L Nootruse. 11141.'4 22,18;4. !!!!!! ! !. New Books, ~ frltE history of Iluntory and liossutli (a yoluoblq works by net, ottol tae!: sport of ear fd, Luaus ro , vist lllsorditlaAs, in . pmuplget, jtist - rts:ol A geusrat assorttaeut of .Bclulol Books auCt 4 tutlioury A supply of toe.."Pialinlat''juSt4oeelrea.r --Feb. CS . Going .at- a little-Above Cost:, Tsubscriber 1.441 , small stock yet of Men's and .1. Boys', coarse and rine hoots and chore, a n d ago Col assortment of 14Wes.111ssos: and I:Willson's Uccle and Shoes, Witch bats , non selloor nt wises, hut. a Milo is , tune to 4. Thero Is art opportunity' for Want bstscato in this Hoe' February 4;,:180. . .. . AU -Assort Meat , . , , r - (IF n ea dy. m .de - 00ibtn.,/ awl Juts - iina pips. eon. 1 U liqutly_ au ban l: ' A. tow: of tha , •Kossigla." 'Riau jot rpm,liti,'*l4 ozuew supply eirected In 4 4 41SY alr tWO. _.„ - : _.. -, , -' • . GEO, TULLEU.' . _ • ,EXl96ll " thrt i • Botioe ' S• • LsgTgRS TENTAMENTAIIY. on tbe : I:sta : to - Of NeDt.ENALD,• lido of LIDFIVDT. - deeeated.lastsi been granted to the isndeerigniol s told - tile beta , ' Olen toot' Indebted to the 'litotes to call and settle-the same sritbont delog, and all paeans bailisfide*oodi a ga i nst dials wlll please_ to present them dull ittesttslfq . - - DENN IS SIII.TAYNNi tie r " Idtke,llifib 24,1:152.• • , • - -s' 'NEW 16e-ofLSales 'Rubbers; Buskbis , X] Ga.t rd also.Aenitemep's - Eubbent,r. /Ines cape, Etx.,jast -received by . - , „ Herrrick; /math:to Seaman* llartholmainc Mathews Jolutthan Nasbet mernilth' Monier filytt (oiniez) Joaapb panl J . No, 232 ' IVm.Abal • t ' orcletk Sloant* '1 • B. William* • ' Franklitt Broww- -1- • :." Jackson. Jahn gabler.:... Mattlthes Matthias Capilu Sedate fitiaireld . E. P. _ . • 101 o 0 - • 1.94 114 3,24 (owner) ~. 300 • 3.80 Lathrop. . . Andrew Tyhout . 181 • 8,02 George Kepler — o 0 -11,30 Gottlifon Groot/ i' "- 3.83 M. 31:')Volineo (owner) 120, 1.12 Hobert 3Ockxon . ; 4 . .1. _O3 8 51 " • 121)" ' 7,12 " - 100 - 4,62 Sam tarl Jayne/ Nonli Hickok . Lowii Robert Pnloley John Ditrroy Androw Tylmat Tlantel Talltunn Ebeurzpr Jigyno (oernry) ne0271., Hepier Jr. I ,'• Mathew Broo -i" o 3 Liberty. N 0.07 .11S ;5.70, , . 4MI 24.70 59: 00,74, • 400 11.40 No.: 4 .. •-•- ' ' - 100 4.11 n - - • , , lon 4.11 , . . 1,11. (owner> i . SO - 2.f10 I , .finoNatthotwart " ; ; " & l - 3.13 No. 27, Joi , el,4llttprkirt „4,11 • INe 1110fard; - . , . - • . John Sahlor . 124 . 1,93. Foloulon Findley • - RO. 1,00 George . 320 - 1.00 (I.ot. gold)1loach I • .90 :1,58 Suel. EldridaN Joit• !Wedgy , 550 10,86 Janes Eltitidge, -•-• • PtA. Tracto or S. J. tcSolimon Itink 125 . a.ic Lot Fait orJolinllnwlers 55' I t'..,14 I , tg. ,I.ot No. 149 - 40 - - 134 Norttinn - (owner)' .100 • - • I.on John Gilbert - ' MI 94 '111..A. :Norris - • *. • la ' 38 Elias Squires " • t.'oo 5,00 Atarvion Lnig (nwper) 100 5,3.1 Spritrgeille. Charles Peirigo (owner) 71 83 l'hismson. A. Salltbury & Jeetee Evans Ileerge Store .. •i. Mathvw tztiori Mathew:4llore - I.4attolllller . Samuel 110,11blen 41 , 5f1.1) Dr.tthey Peter Bradley - Patrick .101 Minn. . 5a11,41116 1 ' (tiwher) Veratilia Laralieu C. P. Tallmeu 100 4.110 420 24.34 414; - 10_ I, 7 80 1501 8.68 1001 . • 8.80 ' 886 2(17 11.08 100 5.84 , 119 4.84 " .19 . 1,r4 w. K. lIATCII, - Tivaiarer. - Treamrees 081ce,.11nrch';.:.411352.. • . 500 Book Agoiit.Wantod. Y good; active end intelligent men. with a imall copi.:3l.of trinn can' make large prolix by engaging in the Bale of. the &Roving. Popular ond trsefol Books. CHANIUKItS INFOIt*VrION Volt 11111PEOfte,: or Pap: nlor Encycloperlitcoalseful Knowledge. Two Itirge imperiakpetuvo volumes; containing 1700 PErrAscoesliirrostv or 7IIF. AMERICAN rlfiCOLq- TION. .50D largo Octavo pages, with 2,00 fine Eugtavinga. - - Permtsox's HISTORY OP Twa_thirtED STATER NA ' VT. GM) tarps trainee pages and 150 fine Ea . • - REMARKABLE ETENTAI IN TUR UzrronY OP AMERIKA. Two large octavo colonies, contain. ing 16011 pagei and 100 Engravings:, The hest history.-of Ariiericis published. • FROON'T. PICTORIAL. Lug OF WASIIINUTON. A gplem.- 'did hook. containing 600 octavo pages and 150 elegant Engravings. The cheapest life of Wash ington ever puhltshetl. Illouna's - HtsToßtr TM INDIAN WARR.. rhie colored and pl4n plater. ' • • TAE Truitt Rusunmeer. ` Containing the lnangn tal Addresses end the. first Annual Addresses, and Me l anges of all the Presidents of the Uni ted States, the ooustitutions of the most impor tant States in Re.Uniou, Stre. &e. Rmbellish. ed with portraits °fall the Presidents, eugravod on sioel, stud it-viest of the Capital of the Uni ted Mutes. '5OO pates; 12 tno. : . • Fox's .;Hoot. or 'Osmas.: -Os splendid Family larms , quarto, with 55 Engravings. la.autiftillY hound in Morocco. pill. • , DE CORMEXpeS HisTonir OF TIIR Pone: 9301atge octaits, pages, rOtb JosErilus' Wonp. Flue edition, oneJarge STURII'II'UNFLECTIONN O 9 1118 WURKI OP COD. ' '7 .Sv.Pinnetes ITUDIEB OF NATURE. WIIITWN 'Mummy Op THE WORLD. A, valuable_ ttotteial Itistory'.l Otte largo octavo volt/mei - with" • handsome Engravings. . • LIYR9op Gulo.ST AND ELMIRA: en CitsascTstas,Ot all was and countries. - One lttrgo'-volume.ol R(It) umies..witta numerous Mitgruvings. ' Together with a number of other 'works, inar.. ricuierly adopted for popular reciditm.- - GEeThe most Ithersl discounts will bo given,to Agents wioin4 eitgegeein the Salt , or the shore vultuthle ,For ttirthei particulant,'addross (postago paid,)• ' - 1 • -J. & ITAL. GitiON. Publishers, 13ni9) No. 9i3 . ,Civistout street, Phlsdelphia. New Boot and_Shoe Store REELER ei.• STODDARD. -opened "h6i,v - firm or Kit'eler, - Stodditr4 hove - Opened a iloot'aud Shoe store•on Motu 'trek; tirstdoor.below' the Pick .00ritoc in which thoy offer for sale ,!. : • ' _ • - 'Assortment of Liao% Shoos and Findingiott ;west price, . IN MONTROSE. ;•:. .• Wo - s'eli for rendl Yvay'and small peons's . `The•cftizenaor the village end country arire specially ittvited , tO call •at -teal -gsutduo- Boot., and shots store, silks Hoots end shoes ore "soldits 'teed of Beet' rind Oysteri..'• • 'Keep It before - tho'-PeOple, That we-haw:A full assortment amoug !shin!) enurnerate . _ • PIIM:s Ccirk Solo water propf boots,long leg fun. gariatis, calf half sole and , puinp boots, Kip half solo twos; thick boots, calf. kiparid Cowhide bro. gaus, Over dines, etc. - , Youths Calf, Kip and cowhirlo boots, boys thick boots, etc. , ,•• •• • ' • Ledies French Irhannel aelteri, patent:Fox welt Goiters; enameled rind Kid Polkas, airmailed front lace-Polkas, :kid, and . , goat June Luso's, New York ties-, escelsiors;Jenny Linde Rosettim,. kid tie's, rubkirs, etc. - . -Misses pet and eat( Lace 'mote, Jen eugmeled Polkas, Dutch boot', eW, ' GkWrens' buttotiekoee, gout audeuemeled lace boola, GaiteM,Pileminiriete. - ' amour our Fiediega we *War French eclf skiee; Oelinad hemlock ' fames& t:elf skies, llieteieee.. pink cud white iltirut„ red, blue, Maroon, Bindifig, upper (either, oak and 'hemlock eoleleather,Tegs, zioo aisile, ',parable., fleet ball; N._webbing.etc ~ - 11'ciiit Made to order old' repairing nail • - NOTICE': Mo . IttrtelANDlZE42ll#teillit 41/11111 IN pirsitance' ottlie 'Act of Assembly or ithis,Couttuenwealth, viz ; the Act: of the 4th, _ / 4 at Ma)', 1851 , entitled an act: to piorido revenue to meet the demands title)? the Treas.. dry, and for other perfidies; an act OIL IGth, untitled'ion, nut' to Inninnete revenue and diditlinh., %lit Legislatire sex of the Commodieult ; an' act passed the -22d day'of April;lB49, =tided id . 13t• priw Ivide for the.reductiorpot t i le.pp bni t rd e b t; !an act passed the 10th do)? 0f.Apri1,1949, Ltithid no act , to. orente ,a Sinking o n a no d to Iprovidelor ihe gradual and - tovlsitiatinguish,.. molt of the debt of theo: - Oinamonwealth, th e undersiguO-AppraisefOr.,llUredutlie Taxes toi` 'Susquehanna county has "Prepared a Hat of ILL. inerelinnta-trading within said county, rind , pin. eed each of:the said merchants in: dintclass tt, hid seeds:right:lml joist, sword ing to.tho prci‘ visions - or 'said acts uP ASsembly;iis Residence. Proprieltrs. Clals. par s Auburn,.. L au d arr t 14 r , Jonas Cartdr; •14 •- ; . `Brooklyn, - Edwin - Tiffany, ' • 13,11 q; -' "" - S. 5ent,.....; )4 —;•- „- Vir. &E. l4 -.. T. Ashley, l3 ta il • Nelson-Tiffany, 14 . - Chocontit, FrangiS Quinnr . Clifford, J. Baker a Dundnit; T: P. 1%4)04, - 13 1,14; Go:I:Cone; • Hicock & l 3. _ ' eChithitiden,_ 13 Wells Ltniniun' •'• 12.50 3n,17 17.11 q 9,03 40) 1,28 ' 13,44 01 13.44 Bo ' 3,58 . ~:1.74 11. ' 4.04. 2110 802 00 -• 4.80' lUB '- • 4,58 Dimack, -1 Grofer, _ " 14 •4 , .• L. H. Woodruir, 1 4 . 1" • IL Blakesle'e, Friendsrille, Catnpbell & Tana;le %a A. 'Wickham, , 34 Burrows Co., 13 : •N. E. Kennelly,'' - 14 • _ 14 - Asa Howard, _ ,14 Great Bend, Jelin Melanny, 13 .• Witliatn Eager, - 14 Tinkham &Belcher, =l3 - Joseph Doboii, - 14' ':' • 1111n.1). Trowbridge, 13:, Dayton. 1 4 . S. Lenheitn, 12' A..Gatefield,Liq.Stee.l4 - Yound& Brownsuri, Lq„ Taylor & Jnne. 14 , s:l..enheirn, ' • -1444, 31egune & Sysith, 11 B. Cohen, , • 14 • Janes Bell', - 34' LB. West, 14, . T. P. Badger & Co., 14 • C. S. Bennett, 13 A. J. .amour, - 34 • Eaton & Peek, 13 Llq. Sevtoonr, 13 'Johnston & Verry; 14 'John Miller, • " 14 Shultz, Eaton & Co., E. IL-Grow & Bro's., 13 L„Post & Co. ' • --11 8. atyre & Co„ 13 ; 11. J. Webb, 13 F. B.Chandler, i 13 • , J. Lyons & Son, 13 - George Fuller; - 14 • • M. Q. Tyler, .13 ' A. Lathrop & Co., 32 ;Abel Terrell, - 14 Liq. 4 M. S. Nilson & Son, 13 iS. S. ltulfo . rd & Son, 11';‘ , Bentley & Read, ::..11. 4 Pitts & Warier, 13 Liq. 4 .j. 14 UV,: 11. Searle. - • Genrze 14 Middletown, C._ Wright, 14. - _ New .3.lilfordilt. L. Sutphin,' -12 ' " Mnss & Sons, 14 • ,- 11enry.Burritt, 12 • • IltlVden .. lSL Little, 1 13 itird, i . 14 ; Rash, N. Granger "& Co:, 14 - u ' William P. Cue, ' 14 - ‘ Silver Lake, Braekney & 31anfort, 12 Scott & Root, 13 • 4 " S. S. Grover, 12 4 Johnston & Dean, 14 Liberty, "\J. S. Tompkins, • ; 14: Franklin, Merriman, 114 • S. Fuller, • ,-14 Gibson. Si 213 , 13.60 4(111 ' 'f.l3 2 . 1140 .1 100 - 4.11 "[arm°Dy, Ilarford, Herriuk, Lenox, Montrose, LIST - 08 0110C8R1ES, DEETI.IIOUSE2, Eve, Appolacon, Hairy Barney, • Liq, Brooklyn, M. A. Newcomb... 8 Clifford, Henry A. Williams, 8 George Brantiell, 8 • Dnnda Enock,Chniebem ttehjamiri Glidden, 8 Great ilemd, Luuean Scott; • 7 .10,11 n N. Woodruir: 8 Mao & Steel, B.Liq, • F., A. Green, .-- 8 John Comstock, 8 Lig, , Hannany, Perrino & Son, 8 Liq, ' " Frederick Pickering, 8 Jsaae .T. Weeks, , 7 Lig. ! 4 * Whiteoinb kNewcoml?B Liq, Harford,' Jasper Saymeur,. -8 Jessup," •-P. M. Barber, i 8 • Jauksorr,L . 111:1 &Hollis,' 'S. . .4 " .. George Watson, , - 8 LenaX,.. - -Abraham Chnrchill, 8. & Patriek, 6 . • •q F. IL Fordliam 8 • " - -I. N. Ballord, - Rush. H. 3LS'otailutull.- Silver Lake, 'llenoni: L. Gage, ." 8 New 311Iford, L. Hardong. 8 John Malta, Distiller of Wills., key—No. 4iallons, 1800. And the Judges of the Conrt of Common , . Pleas of said county, will hold n Court of Ap• - ral.ut the Conrt /louse in blnntrose, in and - tor_ the county of Susquehanna, on Monday , the 10th day of May next, at 2 0% . 194f '. _ at'which time and place any'Of the Morahants defined, deseribed, and °based its :aforesaid; or their ngenta or attorney, may appear and op: peal from said Assessmentlfthey think prd, per. 31cDONALD, Mer, Aft. 'April ' • 14w4 _ Are* . _ Milford Shawl.- and . Dreis Goods.. FaAporiuza• ior • IBURRITT to again in market With - a new aud enlarred stack of- Winter long' and` square) Shawhi.& Ladies dress Goods of stS,w and patterna,n9d prices reduced still w .loer, as the city cash pinio tells' upon' the Morket, And. includiuiralatt his general onpidiettfur theruit its i• Winter trade in Dry Goads, Grocerier. crockery, Tion - & Nails, Hata and Winter CupS, Bottucto,Bualilo R r obca: Ilootw. If„Shoss, .Stoves.' etc. etc, all which - he- wilt sell on hicuitual libend tem' undo' price' that cannot ha. heat for casts, Produne'or approved credit.' • - • " N. B. Flour and Silt canstantlY 'on hind. - New Milford 0ct.21-11/51,— , 14tf • i r raWeripartutirstilp' herototbrn !esitting =fey . the Otiltitt - and firm of, 4%..Littluep,& diarikrd-J The tieeke .4iid accounts' of .the hap firm will bo''Settret, by A: Lathrop:' The business wilt tm. lieretiftert ctititlbcted by , D. R. Latlitrop'it James 'Riley, on the fay down and short orritit system. naderthifiintAf.ll.B; Lathrop & Co. • - • x,LAT/111,01)&..CO. "a4lnievliarab It 211* - ' , „Ott D` solution. • - -- GTICE la hereby given that the flrta °Mitt 174 de, Worrier ia-thia:day .411:solved by ntatual , -aanseat.. Thalia indebted. i n ;bltizin. atotequet: toil to Imola up *Moat delay, • , • • PAUL 11.1 , 111i.# ...Wilma -April 1_185.7.; wAftNER.,. A riAir RDVIII.EF2SBi Swat atarch 25 1.35.1,1 .1.414144. mi N ti 10 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers