11101i0tfil NOW fa' et) ;.NOrth. • vere probably.mi iniprOvenient ixt the cute wbk h h" r e q uired s o 'ntleh exertion to .„, o i ts advancement and completion, 3.9 bpi t i, s 7;ortit pratlch*, projected, as a moat t itax, is the internal improyemtmt em Jibe State; it wasatially cotnoeted tlept the p m t of did embartasi. —,,,,lassPerldtd, since which time the' crier.: the best urea of the North have been; g te j to its resumption and completion as a " i ste of sound financial policy to the Com. id), and of justice to 4 seefion of the r or wealth, otherwise deriving no benefits jot the Improvement system of the State. It been the lotof thework to encountergreat opposit i on from 000 who 601.11CrnOt, c,ompre. i m mense utility and certainty of be. bend its rtitable investment: Arguments and lugtea •tro • 1 plain and mon verub have been 'cro u p ) . produced, to make the metier appa. j we arc certain they have not been b ' ' wirtort effect, in nng,lng e minds of the t o of the Legislature to a correct under swing of the objects and knefits of a work, hen c ompleted, wo predict will be. o ne of the most profitable in the State. The citizens of the North have They'alternat fetween tiope and fear, for many years. y have pa ti e ntly and promptly contributed, their Age towards bearing the - burden of State in. de b te dos, assumed for ,tho benefit of other getiorio of the State in hope thatat length their „w et s would be respected. They have been doomed to a 10 - ng delay, but now they may eevatulate themselves upon the realisation of the o bject, which for twenty years has oc cupied their attention. It is with feelings of „ Or dinary satisfaction that we announce that the money will be forthcoming to complete the N or th Bunch Canal, and that it will be cont• t iered in the shortest possible time, and proba bly nadrforboats in Ifay, MM. This newslas ona hened, feellings of the liveliest gratification . i i tt oghout our county, and there is no corner o ff; however remote from the work, which !sing be benefitted by its completion. 'To secure this end, there have been many earnest, workers , It is not our intention now to par. -zienlarize. We may do so, at some future d.n.ti, when we shall endeavor to del justice to thos e . who devise it. We will only say, that those to whom the work has looked for aid and sup. p or t in the Legislature have done their duty. l o s vas• not expected, is it true—and thelv ih ax e prnved themselves truly efficient.--Braa Repirier. , The Governor's Mansion. Sone of our cotemperaries appear to con sider that ten thousand dollars, for a guberna, tionalrnansion,.is too trifling a sum for a great State, like Pennsylvania, to expend in such a purpose. To our view, however, this is the wrong way to consider the subject. The real question is whether ten thousand dollars will be sufficient to erect a dwelling house in Har risburg, suitable for a man with an income not weeding fimr thousand dollars, and who will be compelled to spend a largo portion of that income in hospitalities. . The idea that a certain amount of shows, in the style and size of the mansion. is necessary for the dignity of p enTh eylrania, is essentially anti-republican; and so our entemporaries will universally con clude, eve think, when they 'have given the miter a .sober. second thought." Pomp and display belong to royalty : simplicity and use fulness pertain to a republic. A gubernatori al mansion is certainly demanded for the wants ( Ate State, hut its cost ought nnt'to bxceed that a absolutely requisite to construct a 4 1 .14 ka handsome manner, sufficiently i raprinat Everything like extravagance should be carefully avoided; and utility should lethewnin aim of the architect. Though these States have now been free for nearly eigny years, a good deal of the old, aristocrat it spirit yet lingers in social , life: and it is to tla that we attribute the n}istaken feeling itch *nits to a grekt,tiegile; that Govern ors and Presidents should be zurrounded with tulip and show.—Erming Self Defence The Supreme Court of Ohio has lately de. aiAtcase of murder in ,the Second Degree eh iros taken up on error, in which it set tlei the following points : D,reith his fist assaulted S. in the street. S. iastanty stabbed him in fire places, of which eon he died. There was no evidence to prove that S. when he gave the fatal wounds, sail danger of loss of life, or limb: or great bodily harm, or that he had a reasonable ark prehesion of such danger. Tit tiling was not excusable homicide se .Where the slayer seeks and iirovokes an essaultapnn himself, in order to have a pre text fur stabbing his adveasarv, and does upon being assaulted stab and kill him, suck killing is not.excusable homicide in eel fAiefence. A person assaulted may repel force by force, bat it does not follow that he may, without teettity, use a deadly weapon for that pur pose. And he was yet more unjustifiable if his weapon was concealed. his not error to charge a jury to take into consideration the manner by which and purpo. poses fur which, the prisoner had the prikses. shin of the knife with which he committed the homicide. Asetst OF A COUNTEEFErTER, WITH $2.480 Is Ban Mostt.--Tho Albany Erening Jour nal of the Gth inst. ears:—lnformation having been Oren to the Chief of Police, that there was an organized band of counterfeiters in West Tror, who had been and were still ear 7ing, on the business of nuumfacturing and omitting counterfeit bank bills and coin.to a *extent, a posse was despaiehed last night take the arrest. They left hereabout 9 oft lellek, and in less than an hour they had one heysincipals in custody On arriving at the spot three of the officers walked, into the hous e , the doors being open, mad the rest of , tem stood sentry.aronnd the premises, so ihalt was impossible for the inmates to ea taX The officers found one of the persons to lei; and under it in a trunk and upon; his isnon was found a huge quantity of counter. money, including $195 of fives on the Cen tel Bank of Worcester, Mass; $lOO on the Ache Bank' of Commerce, Providence, R. 1.; 8100 of tens on the Merchants' Bank, Nor- V4 ,Conn;- one 810, Farmers' Bank, Mount Hay. N..T.;:and thirty-six sso bills on the Alin Bank, Montreal. They also form&in , t heroom four tiling , n the .Lickim; CouttY, hvark Xumfactur Company, N. 1.; ma= %gin all some 82:400. We are not at liber '"theti to Ott the name of the person arrested, lit?- '" e are others squally . guilty at large,' ~2 11Q •the lantion of the name is deemed impel -41,',40re5e:,,,. An examination into the case lI I' he made in a few days, when the particu lars ail/ be gins. - THE Orsrarenox LAW 'REPEALED.--012 i,• - miaY kat the Mouse passed the Senate ic y rePeal the law which prevented the of Pison in our stale from receiving ltsz the walls of the prisons fugitive slaves. It'Ps the celebrated law that Gov. John a:,,Pt in his pocket during the whole .of j .il mer, and vetoed at the present Legis- Paas ~ ed igs vot the Houinse for liyit a, vote of t 59 sterat Whg .- ihnz POwr `34".X,EAL Bow the author of the Maine , 7 tow, swa ctuulidate for Mayor of Nand the Maine question lives • made Sae in the contest ; the effect of which tth,tt Albion X the Parris Was triumphantly st.,aad Maine law defeated. This k -1 1 7 bola as if the Maine „law - was ,e 4 ‘the- fountain head-where it firat obtained Nem!_Tekgraph. Loss if - thi 'Bak 'Stirak 'Zifid•- 7 1 , 1111rden-, Rases d il l . _ I!Avstntoir : ;, Apia .120851 The Southern Mail, tie latons.due, has at. riced by which, we leant that the . Mem phis had arrived at New thieenei viith the in telligence of the (total loss,1? f the link - Sarah Hand, on Sandy , fiCA lieued tolkliny York with a cargo • of sugar and:3folas:ses.: -the cargo was lost except 300 boxes of sugar:- nil - Vicksburg IVin'gisPorts another trage dy• in 3lississippi. A muumuus:ll William Afellay was recentx shot by h istep:tions, - afid the.mothei. of the murderers - sus • witnesi of - the deed.. , 1 ' - &fire oecurred t at RachmOrn4; Va., ester. day, coruauming.au extensive tobacco, factory. Ruch, The Onforiunate _Perinea who was shot last night, Lai Baltimore, is stilt alive not withstanding the gentle; !Olga which prevail -63 of h'is immediate death: He Ails three has in his head, and it is thought caimpt pOssibly survive. 'The Baltimore City Council to.day adopted' a petition to the 14egisfature te pais a law pro.', hibititing The carrying of concealed 'weapons. . , • , . Harrisburg, 441 12, 1852: , NtsTrms' Surak i s.—=The journeymen prin. tern of Harrisburg are Si:a strike. to. obtain what they term a t a liying.bompensatio'n,"- and a r eal to the printers in other 'cities - to 'sustain 12;0451. A man nettled Washington Hill, while pan ting aunty store On .Water stied, this ',after noon, fell from the fifth story, oviinetti.tr roiro giving way. Both his legs were broken, and he wae - otherwise bljured. H ' " . • - ; paths April ;12--nottn. The weather h ere, is mild, with the, - wind from the South... The'ice is moving:slightly, but is still. . . At Elie the boais are, linable to get Out.— The ice moved a little yesterday. Wind north `west. The steamer Ohio is drifting ;with the icy and is within:ten, miles of the harbor The I.l.RiteainerMichigna,attomptiii. to reach hera yesterday, but failed; she reports the icti. very thick. \ • I I At. Dunkirk boats are 'unable to' lettve.— Nothing but ice ink sight. . Wind north West. •' EAU' ._ C ol\ _ EXTON ONLY ottN.-..v1l On Randolph Benton died at St. Louis on the 17th inst. The St. Louis\ Union, of the 18th:says: "We regret to announce the death _ - of thii young gentleniah !;the Only son of Worm' Thomas H. Benicia. was about twenty two years of ago, and was mit down in the very bloom of health and• manhOod,giNing out ev ery promise of a long and disting,tishOd fu tare." The St. Louis_ Times, saY,s: \ . • "On Tnesday. the 10th, he .was one.Of the myriad that met Kossuth ;•ion Thursday, the 12th; he was at the St. Lonis University; ar ranging with, the President' ;for some ,branehefk of study on which ho was eager to eater that night ho was taken, ill—at -sunrise on , thoi I7th ho had breathed his last." ' • , . . , ? ~ • SNAKE IA A HortsesEm— corresponaent of the New York Post vouches as a fact, that a living horse, which is 'now on elldbition in that city, contains in his eye a. living animal, some three inches long,, I whiclimoves with d,s rapid and tortnoussi motion as an eel lor Wee; i i • snake. 1 . ' - . - • - • , ~ , .We think the man who. made tbis,monder . ful discover } to I have . been troubled it the time with one in his hat. . . i Purrir..L3lonev. is so - plenty . in New York; that the Tribarie says loans me made in the street 4a4 1.2 per leent. Whilst this is the ease in all, the Euterit Cities, the Legislatare of Penaiylvania is : lard to'-work trying to manufacture some fire ,of.dol lars of new bank caPital,ori the plea that there is not bank capital 'enough in this, State. In our view, this is the. ecy tine - whet the.roins I should be held_ tight in the Legislature, in,- stead of cmcoura,,omg inordinate expansions. ; PEnsyLvAna AITROPMATION the House, this morning, (April, 2,) an amend.. ment was submitted to the appropriation authorizing a loan of $5,000,000 to redeem the loans falling due in 1852, 1853, and 1854 7 -the] rate of interest not Ito exceed five per cent.—; The bonds to be for $200.000, with eouponi sttaehed.• The interest to be, paid in gold and' silver, either at London or Philadelphia. - Potsonn st --, kccuors . r.-31rs. P. T. Barnard of Bridgeport, Conn.; the wife of Mr. 'Barman of the-alurnm, N. Y., swallowed by ,mistake, List ri;N:O, a spoonful of a most deadly pion on, akenine, or wolf% bane, for son simple medicine. A jaws dfdeath, Some Years ago a heavy dose of morphine, tken by mistake, very nearly saerfLiced the life of the same lady:, )'tl 1W: , In Montrose, on tho filth inst., by Rey. Riley, Mr. Lam mMoirroii of Sonthlladley; lifft.l4 and Miss SitsAia A:TutzLE of Nog.; In Chocon it, on b`unlsy tho' I ithl by the Rev. John, Oltentt, :3lr; - NORMAN LN .. and MSB3I . AR tire o,lnta, both of priagi, I In Silverlake s en the 31st uft,REEnccii,daugh, ter of Ezekiel H. page, aged 17 yeam, 6: months, and 18 days: ' In this Borough, on the moraine' *iff the 13th Brim LATER' OP,III . the 81st year of her age. - - Thus has passed away to "the t•extprepared, for the people of God;" a youthful disciple..= But a few short,iveebs haie . liasseil since she took upon herself her baptismal obligations, in the rite of confumunien and expressed her love' to Christ by partaking-of the Lord's;supper, Not often indeed did 'she enjoy this privilege.' for sickness came upon her: but' once in her sick :chamber the holy communion was admin' istered much to her Copafort and joy : .-.flirt: : a short, time was she permitted to go m ended; among men ai a desciple; but m ;. that; brief period, she 'evinced the sincerity other repen.' Uwe, and the stetulfaStness of her faithj For twelie weeks on the ;bed of painend latOish ing, she beheld .4 - leath;graduallyTeßproaching; but she did not. fear.'- "I know in Whom I have believed," was'the stay ether mind. She has goner-"not dead, but-sleepeth,' true. af fection sheds-bitter tears; but she weeps not "Let me die the death Of the righteetts, and let my last end be like his."• - - In Forest Lake, en the'olth' irmt, CALM L, -son .of Lake and EMellue Bolles, in the sth year othis _ego. ~ 1 . " - • "Brother, thou Jut, prie ' to .rest ; - Thy tolls and Cares, are, o'er, And sorrow ; pain, and saft"ting now; Shall no'er distress thee more.'' Brother, thou mirsonetnrest; Thy sins are all ,forgiviat; .; And saints in light have welcomid'thee,' TO share them:vs 'of Heaven. „Brother, thouart tone to • • An 4 this shall '.be" our prayer, ' • That When- we reach ouriourneY'Ziend, ThY 8 1 ° 1 7 1 ' 43 , 1 W Ahrxe- ; , Suck CO: .14riodttiria ScoelPtY.l A meeting or the Society will held e 4 Wednesday evening, 21st. A general af. feudally° us requeetet S. ,Carmalf' Seat April 1. 18626 ggriculturaT-llTotice . , An agricultural. lecture, on important top ic; showinx the utility ,; of. agricultural associa tion:4"Win he" giyett -uf the Conrt-House at MOntriist4 cinithevening of the 31st - ; of April inst., to which a general' attenaratee of all plasis. Snd professions la requested. . Will youjellOW.vitizenecler°rimy ont m4d spend w haltslkottrlo'see it'll firmer' eau.-not divert, 'amuse, dud ent:oriain 'you?" I_amr sure'', youu fudge your, time ll .we, spent. . • . .._.. . .. _ , .„...., , . f -, --PITBLIC ArtM)TrEl!- -- ; I,rtot be cold toeless before 4trposed by at rabbe i' Veruhre et the yertt or the inhairibee_ta - the ;11*- *kb of Mentfeet, on'. • "'. -'•- • i . • '• - •:, , „ . • Th' - th ** _I ay o- ins t, Two palt fiVe" years old woridogfeitro,one. pair of team 'loran,- one Lumber Wagon; one Sett two. horte -Marne's, two:eaddles; one Dlachlop Plow, and 'rano** other articles,- Saleto Commence at-1 o'clock P.M. ••. j T E 111115.--411 and undo?, ewth ; ever that Mat 110 t at siz moths with good'acenrity and interest. -•-; • • • - • ra. C. '/'PLEII. :Montrose, dprifid,lBw.. - _...:, • I WATCIIIKS I WATCUESI t. • THE Fiabscriber takes pleasure in informitighb Winds • and customers that be has this day received another terse let of his 4upetior Patent Lever i anOtaiturea Expresitly tolls order, with bia own name enerared pa each, comptising 3liree of full jew eled, in hunting talgtll . ientn- heavy, and Eve patterns in plain eases making a fall marligy of these Celebrated Time - ileetters which' he offerit tor rude as low as New 'Pork WHOLESALE prices, warranted perfect. • • : EVANS, No. 2 OddFellows' - i ilinghnmton, April 15, . • - '..C11131 4..1V - • 011008Eitr., GLASkI'AND HOUSE FURNISHING STORE, - (Next. to - r to A. , Ford's.) Pill:mml6er In commencing hie *enema year would - tender hie thanks to bin wide-spread motet:nem for the encouragement received hi the suntaining of so use. fal shit extensive en 'ellibliehment; Where-the loran. tear's.", may Sad ill•the minutia for rendering its do tips but a pleasant task, and much toitdorn and ben* - fy the parlor. • _ .• • INS Mock of F'renrh,'Strini, China,'EariArn; Rockini hFans, Yellow! and' Glass Ware, is non large and Vatted, and corapiete, tmbrneing some new styles fa my own importation) from which the moot delicate taste maybe . Ifouso'•keiPing* Ariicles.:-. ;Cutliiy, Eerier', ppOons, coitee and eider mill*, - candle sticks; Mon,* and tamp, enure : re,- scales, stefetpuils, cords, and-irons, umbrella stands, . H. Wooden and Willow Wa're. :Pr:lidera, path . mortars, Drooms, Mops, botils, orattletoragons, la6lPe , etalnpv,&.c. .314eellaneous. , iLainsi and halltarrreans. Britannia Wair Or all - de. ieriptions, Looking Glasses, Vases and Ornaments, rich China and cut glass ; Toys and Fancy Goods of all kinds, prices and descriptions; Clocks, rope, lute, wool, Aili co and Coy Shuts; :Window Bbades, (very cheap,) and 13,1niCiiges of varionsstyles. ' , A:lurztock Ls so complete, presen ting curb a great va riety of useful and ornamental articles that those wish ing to obtain a complete out,ilt or replenish . housekeep ing a rticles,will save much time and money by calling atj this establishment,by •.. - J. U. DENOB. ißingbamtnn, N Y., Apr 11114,184. FRUIT TREES FOR SALE. TIDESOBSCRIBER-vvill.be at Hatch's Ho. tel in Montrose- during April court, with Prat 'Tree's; Grape Vines, Ornamental Trees 4e.; pH or which will befresh tram the 'celebrated Nursery of H. Snyder, Kinderhook. N.Y.; and for size and thrift-equal if not excel any ever sold in Sasquehntina CountY. This nuriery contains `some 40 or 50 notes, and the owner gives his Wkole tune and attention do thin buidnesi alone; quf as he grafts from bearing • trees on his own groun,*,' ha dei r s - tiot . hesitate to warrant- them trite to their names. The Apple Trees-are from Ito 9 feet;: Peach 5 to 7 ; Pear 6 to 9 ; some of 'which; fruited last year in the nursery. Among , save Apples' Will be the Baldwin.—fruit large,l bright red, ja ieY'and rich..-trees very vigorous and pipdabtive—largetrees having produced from 40 to all ',buitheld in one 'season, and considered in Nen , England the beit. winter apple ; Northern Spy, One of the largeit, moat beautiful, long. kceputgapples yet kuontjuicy; rich', 'highly aromatic, retaining its freshness of flavor and ap pearance till July;. Fall PipPin,firsi in size and qdality, has been known to Weiiti.23 ounces; R. Greening, a . ;fovorite every adhere,; Vandecere. E. G.skitienberg, W. Seek-no-Farther, Ladies' Sweet, Sweet , Bow, Red Astraean, ' , Roxbury, Kassel, fArnoug the Pears are the ittoodgood.'consider e4 the best eisrly' Peer—frid t Of medium size:but. eery, - Melting and rich—ripens in August ; - "Bart= kfr—faege, battery, with _a mneky is ei,:fair, erect grower, and beers young and abun dantly, and the fruit ripens perfectly in the house if gathered two o' three'weeki before ripe---(this is it desirable variety for those who are liable to , hake their - fruit stolen: Mr. Thomas, author of: this Fruit Cultaristi says lie has taken a peck of, ripe fruit front -a tree of this variety but 6 or 7 ; frit in height)—ripens in September the tidiest loran pears Virgalieu orWirsle pay -1 mn•—riiien. in October. Theirs 4 varieties are 1 setected from over a hundred, having been pro- I flounced the best in cultivation. Peaches Red Rareripe Yellow Alherge or Yelloio Rareripel Early Vork, Royal' George and Bergin* Yellow.; These are fine. varieties very early; 'except the I, last, whicliririeniebout the middle/of September maltink it desirable for use often ,the other 'kinds are gone. The trees are twice , the size of these sold in Strisitiebinna County, within the last two years front Nevi Jersey; and,being brought from the north are. much lees 11a61e to be injured by severe winters. thadtliose fron the warns san dy sell of that State. The Grapes are.the !Sahel la end Ositaisba the two best, -hardy varieties. Ornamental -'Trees, 'gorse: Chestnitt, European MountairiAsh are of good: size. Thesub. scriber will also attend to all orders received by 'mail orotherwise for Apples, Peach, Pinot. Cher, ry, Quince, Apricot Nectarine,, and all kinds of Ornamental: trees, both decidneini and 'evergreen, also Gooseberries, -Raspberries, currants strase, berrieedte. to be delivered next autumn or spring. ,; . Ttakhattock,. GEO. LEIGHTON, Agent for t Kinderhook, Aprn.lBs2. Union Daguerrean Gallery,.-. 1111388118..-1116111'80i . . 1 , 11103118. Would respectfully call - the attention' of the Ja diCs and gentlemen Montrose and vicinity to their new and elegant suit of - Dagneiroati Rooms, itainghatuton, opposite the Phenix Octet. They hive the advantagesof 4*(511 arranged sky-light, which. will enable them to • produce. ins. ftnejike. nanny in the tocintry. : - Persons visiting -Binghamton, should not ,foil calVisnd secure for themseliee one_or. mare of de - fined mezzotint pictures. Everyi attention *ill, be given - in order . to -secure likenesses of children and family groups. TN*, have on hand and for sale 'a large assortment oi Gilt and Stucco Frathas, Shell, Mache and len,- 42/iiid.Cti Geld Lack, and a - eat , gof diffelrent styles of Cea eti ra whic h bep will farniih . 'With likenessel upon the: most liberal terms. '"1364361 - fail to call and examine our rootntt .and specimens. Pupils histructed in the. Art and, all kind Of • Dagnerrean inaterials famished* hi the trade upon the best ' n . • Bbighainton,._ APril 180. • ' • MELODEONS. _ • SII,PERIOR nrtiele Carlin - res. improved 4, 41; and 5 octave Arelodeotiv for Vale at :the -Union' s Daguerrean Gallery. Peniona-vVisli ing anything of the kind; etiould not_ fail.to, call and exatitine them. They, are.or different pat- terns, and will bei furnished at tho manufacturer's pljed, by - • THOMPSON ifo'LOHMIS. Binglitimton;:Apiil 7 .1852. , : 14ti EMIVITD. Ms day .60 KerkioP;6lso 6 Ex* 81616166 R. Powder ti D A-14TUlt OP dc.Co. ; Aprli r,..11352. - • " ' • • • D. R LATBILOP A" no sr cei ar in g a',.fresh supply of , elide, - ebe in edditi on to:their forme:steak, they offer to the public stanprecedented low priers. Their goods braving been"btargin estitely for cavil, they afar great anducemente to those who wish itt buygoods cheap' • Among , their stock may he bandit good assortment of, Prints, clothe of every, grade; blawrr and bleached - Sheet:nage, ginghims, lawny, tie trines, alpsectui, brown and Irish linens, bonnet:rind Area iiiks,latins, veiyits, merinos,, gamt 6 " and n!"4*' , .innne!lo , ?dst (a large as sostmeny 4 hates_o4 a itod bonnets, boots 4. shoes; grOceriss, fish; paints and oils, croek l y; hod. *aro, iron "and nail.' ';•!roduis of every - , kind • , Jas. P. ;C:kliiy. MothOfact 4'510.,185Z' NOTICE I TO WIIOLESALE DEALERA AND DEALERS IN ItgIIOIIiNDIZE tyITWN TBB COUNir OF SiTBOl. MANX'S. IN pursuanco, of, the. Adenf Asiembly of this. ComMenWealth, viz : 'the Act_of the' 4th day of MayilBsl,entitled enact to priwide revenue to meet the.demands uptits tits Treas. Dry, and for other pizspoies an_riet the. 16th of April, 1845, entitled an .adt to , increase the revenue and ditninieW the Legislitiite expert. set) oil the CoMmonwearth; an• act passed the 112 d day i of Aprik 184% entitled no. act to pet:4r' vide Or the reduction of tbe_pnblic debt; acid an act, passed loth dity April "]949; en titled fm bet to create n'sinklugland'and to prOvido fiftr,the gradual and•cortain extinguish- meat IV.. the .deht tif the •ConimonWeilth, the undeniz&ed Appraiser of Mercantile •Taxes of SnaqUehanna county has prepared a list of all' merchants trading within said county, and Pla ced e ap h Of the 'said merchants in that class to him seeins right and'just, according to the pro vision/. Of said acts of Assembly, as follows': Resi Proprietors. • . Class. Pat. "A.^ Med. , 'John P. I.anibert; 14 4 Joints Carter, .14 • lyn, Edwin Tifrany, ,- 13 14 • Ezm Keat, /4 F. W. &,E. Allen, 14 It. T, Ashley, . 'l3'l,iq, Nekton T,irranYt 14. ut,- .Prnneis ttuinn, .' 14: I, Baker & Co., 13,, _ 1; T. P. PhinaeY, •13 Liq. .• , • Gee. Cone, 13';-,. . • Hicoek & Wells, 13 ' , & Chittenden,' 13 Wells & Lengdon, 13 • 4'S. S. Grover, - 14 LH. Woodruff; , 14 H. Blakeslee, 14 iville, Campbell & Taggart, 13 , , A. Wickhani, 14 1 U.-Burrows & Co., 12 : ' 3 N. E: Kennedy, . .14 -: .. J. Smiley,, 14 _. ' Asa Ilowar,, 14 Liq: (Bend, - John McKinny, 13 ,', William Eager, 14 .: Tinkham & Belcher, 13 ' Joseph Dubois, 14 Wrn, D. Trowbridge, , 12 ~ Win. Dayton, 11' 1.. S. Lenheim, 'l3 , A. Gatetield,Liq.Str'e. 14 , Young & Brownson, 13 Lig. Taylin. & June. 14 • L. S. Lenliehrf, 14 .Liq.. Mclune & Smith, ll H. Cohen, • 14 • Jathes Bell, 14 . J. B. West,• C0:,14 T. P. Badger & C 14 C. S. Bennett, 13 Liq. A. J. Seymour, 14 ' Eaton & Peek, 12 Liq. 4 -S. Seymour, . , 13 • Johnston & Perry, 14 John Miller, 14 Shnlti, Eaton & Co., 13 . E. IL Grow & Bro's., 13 I. L Peat & Co. II S. H. Sayre & Co., 12 IL J. Webb, 13 ' F. B. Chandler, 13 J. Lyons & Son, '• 13 • ' George Fuller, 14 • , M. C. Tyler, 13 • 4. Lathrop & Co, ' 1:1 Abel Tniroll, 14 Liq. 4 M. S. Wilson & Son, 13 • S. S, Mulford & Son, 12_ ~ Bentley & Read,. 11 Lig.4 Pitts & Waver„ 13 Liq. 4 J. Etheridge, 14 Liq. IL Searle, 14 " George Little, 14 ' Middletown, C. C. Wright. ; •- )4 New Milford, R.'L. Sutphin,,,.: , 'l2 ' - "., A. Moss & Sone, .14 ", Henry' Iturritt, - , 12 , " . Hayden' & Little, .13 ' ' .\, " 1 , . William C, Ward, "" ' 14 •- Riish,• • • N. Granger &.Co,, .14 ' 1 ", . . William P: Case, 14 '• Silver Lake, Brackney &, ltlstifort, 12 ' Springville, Scott & Root, : 13, • 4 " ' \ S. S. Grover. ') - 13 4 t ' ' ' \Johnstnn' & Dein, 'l4 ' Liberty'', • .1,, S. Tompkins; 14 ' , Franklin, JA. Merriman, , 14 " 1 ;.-.S. relief." - 14 • . 4 ,'LlBrloP unmeentis, BEER ROUSES, ETC.' Arniolocon, - Harry Barney, 8 Liq. Brooklyn, ' ' M. A. Newcnmb, 8 Clifford, , Henry A. W011.1,63;3,• 8 "l' George Brannell,, 8, - DtindaT, • , Enoek Chambers;\ BLi g. FriendsviN, 1 Benjamin Glidden, N, & -: Great Bend, ; Lucean Scott, -\7 , • "•' ';John N. Wendruff, ""B,' : • .u 1 . Mae & Steel, 8 'Li q . ~ "1. • B.:A. Green. 8 . . k . , , " ' John cemstock, . 8 Lig: \ - ILirmony, , Ilerrine & Son,'B Li q . ,' , Frederick. Pickering, 8 . e . ; " ' !Sane T. Weeks, ... 7 Liq. ' , "1 Whitcomb & Newcomb 8 Liq. Harford, , . Jasper Seyinouri - 8 Jessup; . . P. M.Barber, . • 8 Jeeksop, Hill & Hollis,:. ' 8 .4 . r • " 1 George Watson, 8 Lenox •'. Abraham Cherchill, 6 Montrose,: Merriman & Patrick, 6 .., "1 . •F. llFordhanr & Co.: 7 •- • " ' - LN. Bullord, - 7 . . . Rnsh,, - H.111; Southwell, ," a,• . Silver Lake, Berioni L. Gage, 1 '8 . New Milford, - .1.. Hadn't:, , , i. . 8 ' • di i k orl i , .: John MeAlla, Distiller of Whis. - - key—No. gallons, 4800. , • • : AM` the" Judl;es• of the Court of Common Pleas f said county, will hohla 'Court of Ap.. peal n the Court House "in Montrose, in and for.' the county" of Susquehanna; "on Monday ,the lOth any of 'May next,'at S'o'Clock• P. Ai., at whiCh time and place any, of the merchants defined, described, and clansed as aforesaid, or their agents or 'attorney; may appear and ap peal' front said assessinent if ;they think pro-, per. :l• , : . , - .D.AteDONALD, Met. Ap'r.. April 2 . , 1852:' - _ ___. • - 44w4 I _ , Harinny, atl IV it “1 ° I Htuford, " Herrick, Len o.:( Mont Oise, u 'DRY GOODS AND CARPETS. subscribers would iurorni the eitizr . utief SUisgtielisatia comity that they have now on bind a Lirge airsottment of Dry Goode, at whole. Bale and - ' ' ' , . . , - - • ; GENTLEUENB I DEPART:URN?, • consisting in part of broadcloths, cassimores, sat. : ' Metes'. If outuc jeaus, castings, and saint:ter i goods of all kin d.: , • - ".. , • 111 .' LADIeI3 I DITAIttdENT, cousli ~ 1 : ... tine of alargo variety, viz: Black silks, fan. cy do., !satin" . gingham ., Scotch and American prints of all kluds; some . et 6 pence per yard of superior quality of colors warranted, nt. de laiues,. !cashmere, poplins, gloves, 'hosiery of every gra ds and quality—White goods: - Brown and bleached shadings, 44 wide, heavy quality, at 6d. per vi. Ticking"; drillings, flannels; Scotch diaper, birds eye do., napkins, Irish linen; and spreties ; in fact alinOst very thing in ihe , dry goods , live., - - Allut* large lo of • , - f ' ',,. '.. :,... ' '., ' '' " ' " '_ . ' ' . ; , ~ , A BPET.Ifin, Three-lily, , ingreins,, cotton and - woo!, cotton, stair, diliggits, . wolf/ 4it4 . f .cottaz l !;-eil, °lath' for floors and tables. - '...- ~-, . 1. ' ' We' invite ail visiting onr place, to call find irt. amine our "tack, for we feel ,confident by so doing Ik - will be a saving of tett to twenty percent..' _.Oar Motto, ii quick Alas and small profits. : . Store nearly opposite the Pestotßce,. Bingham ton; N.Y. ' ' WICKIIAM il IIENNET. April 1 7 ,10.52.' - .7------!•.--.• Pt SEED fir isle by C. D. LATHROP &CO.": April I is= ' . 1 P. STOVES AND TIN WAItE. THE sub:mutters having entered into'co.part-' herthiP in.thg Strive. Tin end Sheet.iron biteinces, are prepared to Attend to' all arddri in their, Hite at -the shorteartrotiei. - givhig strict attention to the butittees they hope,to merit Moir share of. the The, bileinek 'wilt too carried_ on - cippoiite "Demonrat" office, andar the name and flan 'of ‘(.1:, D. Lathrop 4. Cor. -• C D LATUROP, • • , ; - , Nontrof 0, Narcll,23, 16,12. • ' • • 12t Register's NOtifie.. , --' • DusLic-NoTicE is hereby given to ell - per. .1. sons concerned in .the following Cates, to '•'- ' • ' Estate of JaCab Blake, deceased; J. Ic.,Adams, Executor-- : : , 1 • • Estate of Henry Hayden, deceased;, Sully & Wallace' Hayden, Executorci,-, . • Estate or Amos Smith, deceased; A r G. Bay. ley.- Executor—' • • Estate of A. H. Read, deceased; C. F. Read &' M. C. Tyler, ExecieenF— ; ' • .- f Estate of 4 / 1 1.1feyndolds, deceased; A. G. Bai ley. Adtnniisiratoi= • • Estate of 'Jelin c Reeby, deceased ; Jaiper Mc; Reeky, Administrator_. - ' - , . - Estate of Josephßutterfield dee; 11. A. But. terfietd aud . M.S: Wilson, Administrdtor.• Thut the accountants bairn w•ttled theirAcconnte in the Regiitkr's!offitte in - atid4or the autinty of Susquehuun a, and thut.the same Will he present ed to the Judges - of the'Orpltn's CDlll't of said flaunty,- in ;Montrose,. on 111onday .the . 2(ith day of. April nest, for'ennfirmation and allowance. . J. T. LANGOUN, Ilegister. Register's idllee, March 30, 1852;-; . • To the Hon. the Judge* of tliet'ourt , Quar ter Set:Wan:tot the reites. iri,oiod for the Cohn !q of Susquehanna: . • •iv rrHE petition of Li:I:Toe! Of the township Or _L Great Bend county. respectfully reeente, that tie ia provided with x uita hie Oovertion, ceit th keep a Grocery in the tonntithip aforesaid; nod iltat_it is hie intention to apply to; the next Court of Quarter .Sessions to be holden in and for raid couotY an the fourth Monday ;or Alin! fora licentat to keep a grocery, and to Bell strong ule,or other: malt iteeording_to the actof Aisembly of .141 h April, A. D. 1851. LB. BUHL.. _ „Great Rend. 14w4. . SPRING GOODS--No 1. , ' T US'r recriv«d, lots or um Goods, Prints , . lDe lanes, freiderena, Sumner Hata; (arpating, Ilannita,• Dairy Salt, Col Fee, WritertileaperAnc Flail!, Codfish. ilbickeret, &o. &c.. So please" cull and bring along Butter, Boa, Raga, Grain . . Cafth or . goad etedit, and you lidve th'ugs right, with many thanks.. by M.C.TI'LER. Montrose. April 5,1859. • Dissolution. voncb is hereby iven that the firm of Pitts 1& %Varner is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Those indebted to the firm, are reques ted to settle up without delay, PAUL R. PITTS. • Neutron April 1 1852. P. WARNER. _ou. Please. ,t tx.persone indebted to me eye reMtestecl to ./11.settle end - rnekeynyment Ifretween thin date nod the first of May next. ABEL TERRELL 3!indrose, Aprils, 1i3.52. . ; . To All *hem it may CoticeHrn. Qome half-dozen young ladies desirous of ac. 13quainting themselves with the Taitors,trade can do so as the • invitation hi inimediate, under cirum— stancea quite favorable, and in a manner unsur passed by a foreign bragadocio. may now avail themselves of its benefits by calling en JOHN GROVES T. M. Montrose, April 1, 1852. 13w3. English Lever Watches. T ILkVB - this day received from Liverpool, another In- & yoke of those very superior Patent Lever Watches, fu Silver Hunting Vase*, extra heavy, made toiorder; al so, a few small sized movements, which will he itnntc di. ately put, hto gold cases for Ladies. As the Superiority of these Watches over an other that has been'offered for sale in this ',Welty, has been so thoroughly eStabllshed, It Is needless to do more Utah to call the attention bf m y customer?, to them. • ALEItED J .EV March 20,1' Washington ot., Binghamton To the Hon. the Jadres of the Court of Quer: ter sessions of the Peace. in and . for the county of Susquehanna: T HEpetition of George Stoddard of Thomson Gentry:l"ot said county respectfully represents that he is provided with suitable conveniences to keep a grocery, in the township aforesaid, and that it is his intention to apply to the nest Conrt 'of Qnarter sessions to be holden in and for said couit ty ou the third - Monday - of, April next, Tor a li cense to keep a Grocery, end to sell strong betir. ale, or other malt liquors, according to the act 'of Assembly of 14th April, 1851. conoE STODDARD. : Thomui, March 13, 1852. 12T6 Exectitors! Notice -r ETTERS TP. ' 4 .TAMENTANY on the Estatti.d JO ITN .I.IcDONALD, late of LIBERTY, deceased haring been granted to the tindepigned, notice ls hereby Riven to all Indebted to the estate to call and settle the same without delay, and all persons having, demands against, the estate sulll please to present them duly attested for, settlement.. DRNA 18 PATRICK HATE, " ' Silver Lake, March.24,l°.4 . ' - -- , WANTED, _ - .. . mums AND SliriS at the &distend of William FOP , 1.1.. tr, for ' which Cash will be paid or Liwilier ea clanged, by it. L. CRANDALL. Montrose, 31arcli 2.1,:1.352,, l2t." , . . New Books; • rrite,niotory of Hungary and Kossuth (a valuable work(' by Key. IL g. Tat, encl the Iteport of the fa tuous fairest Divorce Case, in pamphlet, just ;received. A generatassaroneut at.Bchool.Uooka and Etatloileri , alway 4 na hand. \ A 111..! SUPPriar,tbe"PdallAyt",ink reeelf,ed. Yeb:ll-FuLLErt; 1-41utorice: ?-; - ETTEItS 'T Exe ESTA c MENTAR s Y' o n ot n - the estate of SILAS ELALIS late of - 1,p10.,5, deceased.. haying -been granted to the ondenturd, totted-- is' herebY given 'to all Indebted to the estate to cal! and settle the Mine with-. nut delay, and all persons haring demands against the estate will please present them duty attested for mettle, moot. 1 • • ' •' -• • • T11031,0 - IVEST, Sx'r. Lenea; March 17,185:. • ' N, • •11 way Notice. F, inbaeriber analoni - for i.settlement of Ms Se em:lnt; and persons who have uccountikluntitaK froin vas to four years, are earnestly requestad to come and settle the same Immediately. 11..7,:WE11th, Montrose, January 10,1852. - • "•'„, , • 11/I._,E S. PARK,- : TAVlN G_ returued in ;Vontrosit to flume the JLJL Practice of his4notlessiOn; bp,tound at whortt ho will bo 'happy to wait upon his'old trieniiit its WelLint nett,. . .. 3loitrose, Feb_ 2;185`: —stf. • L DISSOLUTION. THE ' noptatitership heretofore, exietia wilder • the baffle and firm,of A. Lathrop &Z0...j0 dunsolvthi.i The.booka and acbounte.of ! the late firm will be settled by A.:•,Lothrori. Thei Nighties will be' h'ereatlei coin:theta& by R. R. Lathrop & Jame)" itiley.on the pay down end ,altert credit system; tinder the film of D. R. LathropAreo. A. LaTtic.o4 . ' . lt CO. ' Ott 3toutn:lse,4rckl, 1852 • • SIBICEON - B. CH/1S WAVING been :appointed Conuniseicmer of 11 Deede for the Stade of JO WAil will at. tejetto all bushest; eatrueted to biro witkprompt ayes awl • Moatrotah Feb. 3, 1852-stt. - • r - ' Dissoluttion. mils oi3itirluershilitheretofore existing Petween S. G. 4- IL:D. DAILIMIL. ie Lhia day dismayed . by Iriatoal cou,eut.' S. G. 4• BARKER. Bridgewater. March 11. 1852-4,10i/3i: . ANEW, lot .ot Ladies Rabbeie, Bulk ins .4 t , 'Geitere--aleo gentleiheis'e RobberOr Piush cispso &e:, just received by, -, • BENTLEIC& VIIESU CIAILD EN 00 , p8;a:v64 yarle - ty at 33 . otosch p, „no.) „ „.- rearrxwo. . ANTED. fa 0,900 bpsbel of Oat,. 10,000 ,bush bf Rya . nod Corn for - which ti ,u! ibighl.pl Ole* Paid In - ;c0 oh !Oracle by • • ' • R; TRUSWIER'S SALE- Of:Unseated Lanqs , lp Sweep. Co. VOTICE la; hereby giveit, that'agreeably, to 1.11 'Stie:aate the' 'Cen‘ral iiiienfly . or the Ct;triinontemalth! of reoritylvanfa, - rhteeting iha mode, eraelliag itunteatefL)a dB for rages,}he fol.. lowing tracts and fiarii of trncte Of unseated !andel will he sold at public vendee on .he epaotid MOW= day or Ione: ,the 'Cairn Hanoi Iralfont- I 'm; fur orrentoge,‘ Ado, ondthe coa t s accrued on each tract "r'aspectivelir, *ite . m ; the same Ibe paid before the day- of sal@ ealu to commence' at /0 o'cloeli.ln the forerwoh. , - Witawitteoiraere or numbers „ • • . • • • Badge:cater s7azattel uoikaeni • - , •- • , SUSAII Vaßradtord • (Late)l9. Therein*" (ommel) oo Joyathan Antler • . ! ' - Hg rford. Jones 3(10.1 - - =i •!' (owner) Stanley Ben Frusta' Itlehertltud _‘‘ • ' • --I': I • .I.larmony. Frederick Berlbold • 400 22 , Jeteph Slot.on's pt. -- • - 153' tj ; Ilenry Tolland - 430 - 10.17 , Daniel Recto > ' .412 17.53 Darld Bnekliy A. L. Wan! • 9,9. t Stores llobacnt ' lott 4,20 Mathias iJaplln . _ 1,28 ' • ' WWI= Forbes .•, • ; 201 , i t l ; L 3144 Jonathon 'Seariont ' 301 10.44 Bartholomew Mathews •: • .••• 40.; . ; 3.29 Jonathon Neobett! B 4; 0.74 Satnuelareredith 1 '9l • • ' '41.04 Monier 81,4 t lownee)' 30. -, 2,24 Joseph Paul .'• ' 2uo 9 8 2 No-232. Abel. ; : (owner). , •JO9 •.4.86 Sloane Ilariiiltou o • • 60 " 68 U. witirume .s _ - 57! 2..88 Franklin Brown • «- 103 Sobn.Pahler • ilatthias Coplip t s it lila:ibis's (Joplin Sedate Orim?11 . ( r,t . w 4 r!er) , 1 6 0 0 0 E. P. Dix • I Lathrop. A mire* Tybont , 107 6,02 Oearre, ICepTer • • - - 2010 . 11,30 Statham Brooks 60 -:.• ~,,2 M. M. Wallace (owner). 720 •7'l2' Robere.ileksan • • 62 ' • ;, 2.51 Salami :Layne " , 120 , 712 Noab Hickok • - . , -100 • — 4, , 52 Robert Paisley . 113 John Roney , 400 Androw‘Tybont, 2OO. Daniel Tallman'• - 64 EbrueserJsyno (owner) -., 60 (lowan Keplerjr. • Mathew Brooks 203 i , - Liberty. : N":Crt ea, 75 : 70 ; l ' ' - ' ' ' 4ao No. 50, 50, 00,74, , ' t 400 No- 53- , . 100 • 100 No 2t3 .t 10 . - L. D. nnitrosey . • (miner) . 'l5O Elias Vunhoutan :. - " ~, •- 40 No. 27., Joseph PatJersoit " .• 100 New Milford: John Solder j , Solomon Findley ' ' . .90 George Kepler: " , . . , 120 (Lot sold) Roach iOO Sin t l;Ehlridge,Jolt....Eldridger ' • ' siio - Jatnea Eldridge. Pt,. Tracts of 8..1..k. Folornon Milk 125' ' ' Lot no ntJohn liawley's • 55 . Pte. Lot N0.'149 , , ' 40 . NormOn Maybe(' (owner) ~ .100 John 0 ilbeii . . " . ZO ' Thos. Norris - 1 " - ' • ,13 . Masi Squires , , " _ 200 Rush. ' Alanson Lung 1 (owner) - .100 , . . iS"pringt;file. . - Charles Pent() (osiner) IT • ,- ' 1 : Thomson.' : 7 . . A. Salisbury & CO. JOG.. , 15.80 Jessee Evans 420 . Georgh Starr 1 - -- - : • " 414 , . 24,00 Mathew Skorr ! t VC, . 7 80, Itlatbew Shore ! ! - • - ! ' Vat ' ' ' ' .8.68 Isaac 31111er • ' 100,.,.6.&) Samuel ficalmlen . 63 ' 3.18 _ Joseph Bradley . . 207 .. ' ;. - ,11.118 Peter 'Bradley 82 5.32 Patrick Johrtsori !• - ' ' -88! .' `.. , ' . 6.80 William .Fanshory ' (owner)... ,100 : , , ,s.an ' Vellums Larabee , •., - 118 • ' 0-84 C. P. l'allmuu . .. - . • , 10 . ' : 1,841 ! ' ' IV. K. TIATCII, Treasurer. Treasurer's *Mee, March 22,18'x2. ' - -- -- COO it ook Agents Wanted. „ AN' good; active and intelligent man, with a small capital of from 830 to .?100, can make large profitaly engaging the sale of the following Popular and Usefill , . Cll.l 110E16 INFORMATION run: THE PEOPLE OF Pop ular. Encyclopedia of Littera! Knowledge.' Two large imperial octavo voluines,'Containing 1700 pages. PET . E.SSON'S HISTORY OP TOE AMERICAN REVOLU TION. 500 large Octavo pages; with 9.00 fine Engravings. - - • PETt..RSON'S HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES NA VY. 600 large octavo pages and 150 fine En gravings. • • . FROST'S REDAREARLE,EVENTS IN THE HISTORY OF Axgrtica. Two lar ge octavo volumes, coutaia ing 1600 pages and 700 Engravings.' The; hest history of 'Ainerlca:published. , • Faosee PicroatAL, Lire WssinNarox. A splen did book. containing 600 octavo pages, and 150! elegant Engravings. The Cheapest life of Wash='l ington everpublished. • . • . • • • Moonn's lIIFTORY OF TOE INDIAN WARS. Flue colored and, plain plates. 'rue TRltd Rcroin.max. Containing the:lnaugu ral Addressee end the first Annual Addressee! and stessages rf all the Presidents of the Eni-1 ted States. - the Eonstltutionarif the mat inipOr- I taut States in the Union, dal, &a.' *Embellish=! ed with portraits ofall the Presidents, engraved on steel, and a viewer the Papital,of ,the,lJui ted :•tittes: - 500 pages,'l2 mo. ' •" - Fox's. Dona orllsittras. A splendid .Family Edition, large 'quarto, with 55 • Engravinge, , beautifully hound iiirmarneco, DcCoasterus's fitirroaror Tug Porn. 900 large octave'pages, Withillusirations. • t.. Joscrns'.' SVones. Fine edition One lame vol-1 nme. „ . Synatt'stitsvccctiosts:On line Worms or Goo:.-". Sr.Prettnit's !STUDIES OVNATIIIIII. •, lirsvpar or,Jiitt West.o. A, veinal+) gene'ralhistory4' one large octavo r:olunte,wiih, handsome Eugraritigs- '"- •!! Lirga OP GR EAT• Stilt ICELERRAA ED CHARACTERS•Of all age". and countries. One. large .volume of POO pa g es, with, nUmer o 63 Blignivinga• a • Together With . windier other'Workio; par- 1 ticiderly adapted, for- popular rending,: t. !I •.lErplie:mustlibenddiecouuis tvill,be given tcrl Agents whei'may engage in thelialr . of the ribUve! valuable- beaks'. For-further particulars, addresei (postage paid,): ~ . J.-& 13M23 99 Chestnut street, Philadelphia Popular'''Books for Ao•ents.' Heatiley'lf Life of Keesuth. - . , rim , underciped fiuhllched, in4innary' The %Life of 'low* Kogruthiadierritor of Llungi- - ry, tvuh, noripes:Of •-mod . and scenes;if. the Ifungarido revolntiori...Yowhich is added bnAPpeudix, containing' the most Mi. portant of Addiesci4, Letters and'Speedltra of the great Magyar Chief. By P. C. Headley,' author Of the "Einpresiqesephitie.” .I,ifo of Lufdyetto," with au Introductioh, by Notice 'Greeley. In One elegant 19;rrin. volume, steel per trait. Uniform. in size and style. with .`fleadley!s Jesepitine." Pries_ one,. dollar and, tweuty.fi'o cents per copy. ! ,\ • ' - • - I , • 'll. - rAny'newitimper puhlislied;within'fivw dred . miles ,iYew, York. Stkte, ;hut give the above three incettions, shall ropeive.a copy of:the work irittioldiutel3i on its fltrtic'tktion, free cif ex- pence by mail.' , 11w3 Publishers,.Apum o N. Y. • Going 1 1 UR aubscriller }via • 'mall stock yet onften's end • Irviis! coerce eat duo,noots and Oboes, nitd. a good assortment - Cr lakdtea,Mieses. and rbildren's'ltchota iod Shqcs, 'which' hole rmiw2ticiliwg ap .Plicl2l but *little a. bade cost. Them Is an opportunity for good bug-Wirt b ad. • 2 2 • . '• • 2 - . 2, 0.130. 71I1LLEIV. - February 4.1852, , . Qw:Reatiy•nutdo vlothing , awl data and Cap., non. .nrantly. au band; , A,law of tha.,"Kbaauth" fiats yet remalN sad anew anpply expectaikin • day Galata, ItAD.,. tuiEiesk - AnEL - Turitt ELL. Drugalat.lllnniense. withesf,o give errory AWL? Ittgasqothanzot conntY god Altomino for tho roof 1838. - They al* thrreforo iierebylavited to corn, or rood cad getori,grotonlr4ll7 FLOV fOrsole IA thee -ot s'?* ll4 . o4 #l .41' 1 ”aiY /ev484?." isberisyteciiine Y y am . - - bls swing stock of goods, ftstectiyltb MS former tropy/Y. L siskes tbs. aryesi 000:lebest "popos:0 estroyesed 20 sbo tuft. 12)9Z. : seas of bronmecounty; hlastocla ' 7 - easip'latas 040c1 Lott aR Put= tb. WATeftklt, both 0010 sOO . • . itfOn butatscand plabi am**. Timm $b to 8120-o.bart of totals f are of Mr ortd baptortultmannthrttr'ordtiroindi cm:0001a I, by all trho.harctelard-thaux tita,bwitOrtta grout for this sectficm - cet coutlryr Mao 'a' burr attort ; meat of SlLVERlt•AlVe,9oitir ipai,Ydottalatoln.-An exectadre vadat" Jar now, pattrrait of Earrings, brisso,„- Iplat:and attiseJewctirmtbylest MU 11 ( ouh.Combr,he„&c.k e . ti) walrb'br poutd 010 tbs. tnttKittoriatoll th oar ittattfrar to purtalta, rut halstetoy: mined . te spare up, paw to tavelt-a toutlattanta of thryr I liberal pltronsgo. , --ALYTIEti =MEG= i6OC 4 AND 'l,taLlatp;- A L'Avait 14 of . Sbrot PlOted oral Ceitheek Sitver ?ado,' A 4.Ye.4h444'91-t-k6C477l2342nErikiiir: bY :• • •" • • • • Wwilipgtoll!.r ' ;;. , : 7 1311.ELL lIVECUBS." 74Fitir.loicatm eut ;limn and.lncy 4,l4mbs of atrert ent tyit4, pattom itut pleesby • k. J. XVAAS. EARRINOS 'AND iIItEASTPINS: S Oll,ll rich - ncWBprinE - parteriii Oar aiity receirol hour the lunaufactutPs by ~ A. J.EVANB. pY -viliae or 'writs ot. - Ven. toned 'oat" or ir the Court of Common : Plena ,of. Susquehanna., county runi to ine_ttirecteiL I will t - spoie tc!Publiot pato mr tht. rldOrt-bodee inli'ontinee, on e 1 S'aturdok. th7tlr day of - AprWnext, - tit; owe o'clock P. sr. - . —All theft. certain pier -emu! pored of land situate, lying and bring..iu, the township of Liberty, in thrb county ef'Siisqucilninita 'awl elute-Or Ptanorylva-= nia;boundedand deathbed ris tollitirirs,to writ Ow the tion t, 4,040 1 , rif Joirotha it Howard, on , the. east by Inn& of Alaneou Chalker. on, the south (dude of JOmei 'Cruiere, e n d tin theweit bylenee. of X. floivard, containing Atiout 70 acres; be the same more or. !era, together with tho'appurtenawi cee,ona framed lionse,ane log house, one, firmed . beta , mud 'Maitre 35 acres improved; 000 tteistato of Sabin Rowan!. ' . • . „Taken in. execution 'at tho ittit"of fain Ler,ni vi,.Sillitia !Toward. • 101 1 04 "3.24 3.86 2,32 ' • ALSO; ' • By „virtue of..write of .211iarre...E.r.iissued and directed as above, I will expose to palliate,* at the Immo time and . lace..all that certain piece or farce! of bind, situate; lying and being in the toWnsbip.of Rush..in the.cannty of Surquelitume; bounded and described as follows, to wit: It be- • loin triangular tot adjoining lands of Celeb Car malt on the north ; - im the solutt and east-by lands of -Samuel. Walker, and. On the west by. the 'read leading from- the "Ridge, roar-to Buckingham Stewart's' and the Wyalusing ereelt::—said lot to be.rnn Out'sci , aii to contain twenty-Tive aciee, gether : witly the appurtenances, late the estate or Mahlon - , 24,70 .11,40 4." 401 4.11 2,1)9 3,13 4,11' . . Taken in execution at the suit of - Caleb Car. malt va. Malden - , • ALSO,. All that certain piece, or parcel of land situate; lying and Wog. in the: township of Springville, in the county Susqueharinn and state 'of Penn. sylcaunt, bounded and described as follows, nisei!: ' On the north by the road leading firm Spring. villa to Brooklyn. con "the ea'st by the road leading to on, the . south '` and west byland Of Albert Botirdsley, containing one•half acre, be the same more or less, together with the opponents-. ces, one framed .dwelling,gonse, one framed barn. and aft improved, late the estate - of Polly Headley'''. Taken in'execution at the snit of Calvin Leeti to the usenfliettry. .111.Pieree,•vs. Polly Maley, with nOtice t o Cla rk Bair. T.,T. • /,541 10,88 3.1 e 2,14 Ail that certain Piece orpereef of fend situate'. lying and being in the toweehip: of Jackson, in ihn minty of Susquehanna, bounded and described as follows, to wit: On the north by land of John Orif fis. oti the east by, land Widow Houghton : and On the coath and tyest by land of :Lewis Mundt. containing three titres, he the saute..mare ,or IrPil tOgether uith die appurtenances , Lae , . si3w-ritill and all improved, late' the estttroof ;Nathaniel •.Taken in execution at the suit of B. T. Young vs. Nuthanief Hill., ALSO; By-virtue of a snit of Fs Ph. issued atioEriet.' ed as above,,l will expose to 'public sale int the. same time and, plece,,ell that certain piece °rpm. eel Of hind' being in the town— ships of . Middletown, Ghoconut-and-Atiolacon; described as follows, to wit:. Beginning at it post • by the Turnpike road at the northwest corner of the Catholic church tot, south forty degrees,west twenty perches 'ro the , southwest t orner of the same ; thence south fifty-two degrees, east nine_ perches to the, fine of Dennis: Bray's lotF thence by said line south thirti-eight . 6grees west, two hundred. 'end eighteen perches to' a post in Mill Pierce's fine; thence ..iifyierce's north forty•twe degrees rest fifty-nine and, sis-tenth"percheis to - the cen tre 'of the road leading to the North Brunch ; thence along fiaid road north - thirty . degreit east two. hundred and thirty-eight perches to the , taro.. pike,.and thence , by theturnpike south fify.tura degrees east fifty-one perthes 'to the beginning, containing- i . ighty-seventteres and n'half, 'with the appurtenances. onefinnted.house,One fr anted barn, mid about fifty acres impreved- Taken in execution' at the suit of Wickham' & Stone ro. Fleury W. Cox. - • - - G. S. ELDII,I7.I' Sheriff • Sheriff's office, Montrose, March 10, 1852. ' • ._ i - •.' - - Business Netiee;-.•-• - - • it i r ,s,wic..stiN,woutd respectfully:request all hay. 111. - inn , unsettled aeconeis with him, to mill and ad. [just the satne, , , , It . ; The It ••• ;• • ' , -_ ;. • .• ; , .;1 The Mercantile business will he eonlinned atbla old. . 1 ' stand; -under-.the linn or- M.'S; Wilson if Son: - They Intend to keep a general ratieryi'and will. erg* beready ,: .. . . ... .__ . . T ut undersigned linvinmreeentlx pureim AKEßS mil thy well known .11A !WORD 3111:14 4 ;" are now prepared to do alt.khulii OiPfoarre6 'tiortilltinanner sod mitt. 1 promPlnear. Partieulavottentian will be paid to env. tom work:and no pains atoned rover wti. to our Itteltii. era Cull mtisfartion. ,Tbn hinh.feCUtation' 11 1 11 Oh the • 'ltarreid hail, le intend abaft be . tatty Iturtalned, and pyea mote- M P alien Pa 7 titan for Meat, Rye, Cora and Iblekiebral; ,Itutt keep on band. inmate, at. all times, and at fair - prime, "rue; Meet,' Feel,he..allottheheit ,bope, b an • earriert endeavor;lO merit theromidence and patrOnage of the Indlo: to. receive it intnii,aod therefore most= rerpectf ally and eurillaily' invite 4 atl4l.- B.R. :Ilarferd, Jan. 8,1857. • C. ir...miuma. • Thicok. COS.' i. ,DAILYLTXPRESS 'LINE a.la et , lye % yr," it Perrittunger: Trains irifk3ryteial Messhistrafor 84* I utantitir.qf Aferchund.44ll and rPackagea 'orreiy deserligiuye, Npe , ie; llapk ete. Drafts. end-lblfs 'collected, in .ardero attend._ with promptnesn and etssemn s bi. r at es .. 'no Agente or , the' isiekowanne k Weeteni Bsllrn¢d ' Compalw win , net es agente font,. above aortae tar. • r xpress wit . gons'allt be in rindlnese 'upon the 1111,114 . Ofcao pew, fit Srrnu.o'ri f to fortinittlith' di/patch,' Merchandise. he., tstou,_Wllkesbarre, Lesmor , l . tt.eacia 14'41004"i,', is' 'authorised ; to' iced,* anti forward Express Preigtit. . from that 'Veen to, the Montrose Stollen: and from enhi lrt anon to moottotp. N. Ai: Martin ; Of ..Tunktnithock, receive and Pr. word Esprree Freight risse that place 'to Tunkbannock Stottetiond fkomiliat Station-Ca Tunkbantiodc - • . I Vaitichei.lBsl..: CO,. 44tp• •Tllll9 0P • To"Me Y7on'ah'l , jpdgia of f!<q , beurt of Quarter Sessioniof the Petite, m ail t for -Qs Cotiiitif" SintivtAanna; . .- . 1 T L petition of Lucien Scott of tho ioltoithip of tirout , tu seicrotountY, P.OPOCINI I 7 repr , ieents. thet he iiptovittitt tviitt imitable con. ventences to kettp - e Grocery in the township efare;.. laid;and,that,irie hieinteasioo. In epply.4o Poet Court of Querter. &seems to he. holdett, irk ' irtd for eniititk - ori the third of. April Peit z for ts , hal:hoe-so ittirti'tk dreetty, otta to sell t toroeir beer.' elo, - 9r,ea. 111 41 RudelliStlofth 11 CeeitiC tholtct elAttfetol,y ??,f 14. th, A Pril. 1),..1 1. • - LAYG.IEN SCOTT.. GreatterATATtireh 13483% • MEETIIIIUSIA, AyZWEILAR, airaiv,od tor / 4 ° 2 1 / xt sale* X..4.011 1 10'1 • `~~i~i:~v~aH. STEM EMI=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers