:TgEliguocßsT; NIONTIIONE, APRIL to 1802. . _ .. , , . ' ::- -. lEgf46inatttairtt. - - ' Fattaasat OP PARMILP3.—T3oiI iii' milk tilt - Oy 'ai* . tinft ; tencui; thou'''iongchwie . linto - kits two, dr tkiee inoliea fon& and sum"' er in Wwhito sauna, made of two spoon fola;rof-broatli, a bit . of mace half a cupful .. r ., s _ • ,a of nreato; alit of butter, and nOl3lO ;OW, to drivo a sharp bargain. , . .; . -!* -shli Wes, "ifiii;iaie - , ifsfi,aiWii.iiiii;l,iiiii. - 14;:&e.; pepper, tiro:Fault." '' •' ' - ..” • - - ; :The 'Yankee nodded to ine.indl nodded I alpii imys cidi for Alt kinds of Stapp:ingFettc, stare Om I - - • •I''' -- - '2lp#lcla the Court Rota°, .- ~- ',' . - ' ' totrard Fran ± t,- inttmating—tnere, was his i SaOo lifins.--Tet an ounce of siv'ec t in a victim: - -, Fratik:wiiki baby smoking and-fig pint of .eidd ..Water, - let it remain., for tin w i ng over his" l e dg er ; . . , ••• li ' . - •ur off bour,.t on. po the water and' add a : flaow,d du obse d the ' 11 • rve e pet . ar, pintltid;a,balf, of new milk. . Boil slowly, . :.No:" no no- - ,g r a On,' ; Frank, eevisbly untllttre:•sagoi beenmes ineDrporated with 'responded , ; .but that wasn't the - Yankee's the - thilk;;',thettisireeten•with sugar, and add religion ;,•bct wet:Am:but tre' de And, was bound . a little .outmeg,Seiriairion. or . ginger, and to d o - - . • I white : wine; if not objectionable:. • . --, r -- ..,,, f Kallcilata. Squire, I couldn't - drite -a T ....at—Ar - 01! - A . T EAL STEWED,BROy7N . .— trade with ycou folks to day. Tate, a knuckle of . Veol,..ciat it into for-plea- - . 1 1. calculate youlcaleulate about'` right, es; jut fry it to be brown to. then put to it for yeou cannot,' was the 'sneering reply. , three pinta of boiling water, and let it stew ... Wall, I guess - $•oou needn't .get huffy on- a.vertsloW firs near three hours; :put about it. .Neow. here's a 'dozeti: jemiine with it a ounce,olsweetherbs, an anchovy rater stropit. :truth "ten Mars arida half= smite ,verinielli.,*4 salt . , with - a. little cap. yeetimay . have ,'enil for ten dollarsq ••. .-..•-, enne....'..Whenit Is don; take it. up; and .. ' I tell you den% want- anyi.;of .your pour thesauce over it. • . •- . trash, and'you'd better be a goine , , .. . . ~ sc . TE:iti,ittis 'Muck ' r its ,. T i ke 4 , Sho, bow yeen talk ; rit . bet "yeoit five t•etindi !of:Mains, 2 pounds -of citron, 5 dollars if yeou make an Offer for thenere potinds otbest brown sugar, the juice of 12 strop's, we'll hare a trade yet.' • : lenient and the rinds of 6 lemons thinly - ' Done,' says,Frank, puttint - a t' if my par'ed.'andea(fine; 1 pint of best 'syruphand. . . „ , , ~ . • - ! . - , - - molasses; ..ounces of .einatnon, Lotince of The Yankee then deposito ' alike : 4MM. - cloies,a l ad 1 ounce. of Mahe—mix these in- when Frank offered hint a pie yuno:for the gredientatogether 'well, and • pack tightly suns. .-.-• ! .... theljar with a layer of sugar until - ready fo . They're yourn,"i said. the )...ankee; as be. t,* _ baTheo, to . one third of the, quantity quietly fobbed the stakes.."Alio, .he added addhalf o peck of pip - pin apples; chopped, with great. apparent honesty, .. I ealculateo 1 petind.of loaf sugar, the pica' of 8 l e m.:ljoke's elle. and if yen don't- went _them onS,-aind . I.•:tinitrt ofwater.. If more spin `ere 'strops; rit trade back.' • ' • anditigirareecessary, they can be added.. , Fran - counti,tatice bightfned. ^ t ha will make About 70 or 80" pies. ' . Thor .it is,' said the Yankee, as he , There' is -no danger of it spoiling. • , recived . e,stronS and passed over the piea:. l i!lrsrt ' CsEks.4-- Girls I will:tell' you yune. • "((ride's a ride—andt, neow yeou re' sotnetb4 Whieli may be of some nse.tolwitle awake in airnest. I .!guess; the next . you. . Ityou will make :a'goodspot of mush I time yeou trade With that Pic, yenu'll du a for,Supper so .as to have some left—(llc !little better than . to buy raz w stiops.' sufe't.iboil.it well ) why 'then I will tc 11 Away walked the pedlar and his strops vothio'or 't•O - lrit..e anniething good for break• and wager,. amidst the shouts of .half a:doze.n. fas4l,DOt Solite ilqur into, the bread bowl fellowswho .dropt in.! AndpourAhe remaining mush, while het.. into it; plaeeolump of butter • in the mid file,iand 'let it set to eon) enough .to mix witk,thelhand,then add two or. three' spoonfuls ;of good yeast,- knead' the whole ' , Tether , without adding any other liquid. le slit• rise till morning;, make it out into cald'etfand bake quickly,— aio Ozitivatur. Tun -Ann Or SISEEP.—The age of sheep may be known by the front teeth. They are, eight in number, and appear the first year all of the .same'size. In the wend 3 - ear the two middle ones•fall out, and their place is supplied by new' teeth, which may be i naidY iiPainguished by their larger siz9. In the, third—year two othe; small teeth, ona on each side, fall out, and are replaced • byitWo larte ones, so tilt there are now four large teeth in the' middle, and two pout nes on each side. -In the fourth ' ye arge teeth are six In number, and oh all ones remain, one ht-each range. In 'the fifth year the remaining. small4enth are lost, and the whole front teeth are larga. In the sixth year the whale - begin to be warn, and in the seventh --, - ea;r:- . soraatitnes sooner, same fall out, or ere broken.. It, is said that the teeth of ewes begin to decay at five or six; those of wethers ;at seven, and those of rams at eight. Sheep sometimes eontinne strong andprodnetire until fourteen. .or- sixteen yeirs old, and tiecasionly - longer, • CHARCOAL FOR SIVILE.-It is not per - hails gunOally, known that one of the best siticles that can, be, given to swine while in preparation for the tub is common charcoal. 'fir nutritive properties aro so great that they have subsisted on it tritbout other food for Creeks together. Geese confined seas to,dcprire theta of motion, and fed on three grains or corn per day, and as much charcoal as they can devour, hare become fat in eight days. The hog eats voracious- • ly after little time, and is never sick whilel•Onts a full, ly It should al- Avays,be kept in the styes, and fed to the in- - matesregularly like other food. iN.F.t.ratyso.—Shill adds more to • the profits of farming than hard work, In blartidle of. butter, for inst s ano?, the same 0nr:141.4 required, or nearly thl same, to a hundred poundsof poOr butter as trOpta 1),'; required, ,or the same; to :Hale a hondred pounds of that which is good; When the two artiol s are rnar- Y6ted; there may be fire or, six dollars of el ttar nxtra profit in the. od; et of the shil fill deirythan,.. , The importance of stientifie knowledge- is lealised by those who hare found such benefits as is noted` above in ne~rly e;rer3 4 !deliarfnient of their lab?r. IiOW TO C6TCII,At SIIEEP.—In catching e„Sheep, never seize them by the wool on AO back, as it hurts them exceedingly, and lir.!s, in somccases, been known to kill them ra'rticularly in hot reather,if the, arc large andlat. %Indeed, the best way is to acrid .thh wool altogether, Ind to accustom yout.. , self to take them by the hind leg, ni; what is stall better by the neck, placing one hand under the jaw,- and the other at the 146:g of the ears: by lilting up the head, a ehild may bold almost any-sheep. his , gre• When _Summerfteld was on n 41entn- bed be etclitimed—"On, if I might bo l ;lased agaiti, , how could preach 1 I cnnit preacYns I never. preached . before; i find u loolrinttr Eternity.", M,An unbind wordfrom one beloved often draws blood from the heart ivbieb W - Unbl,,deff tbd battle axe of, hatred, or the keenest edge of - vindictive malice:. - lecr . Fong pen, forswear mo.rnage titlyou,tati` induie ,infantile oboruset,,suld ovitisfrui douvinceil of tbe necessit,y or new kesses :onthe `slightest suggestion. Tire - understand ,that ,soeratmeui f4ts o,f i ttkeneratOjort have expressed iktoispioLdaon.to go for the Naive itavr--io kia`The °blest man of warlo - the worg is in the I'no.di =ay, the Osseo, knit. in ' :ii.K . 6 . 00441404i,: - ...•: - :,' ,, . . , Prank's trade With tiTankeo. The last' thus, ` , ,sycis in St. -outi s ' Bald Dan Matble, 't was f.itting . ko t.hU'state of old Frarik.=-‘ couhtrilashion, en the top Of the (+minket., !egg: tiuudant; label) .a rill - tut:l7(g came booming - ,along. anci s in hem:Cies, 'pith a lot of bu:nclirs in his fist?. Frank vriis down. :an erl.,:kita hees partiaar, but ha was alwiva isot i for a joke, and loveti efiriat to'siajaaelite, What is,the Aurora Borealis. I conceive it - to be an elementary princi ple—probably electricitv—and my reasons• for forming such an opinion are the follow ing, viz : The rapid molioo of the earth and its at- tending atmosphere through Sipacei would hare . a tendency to exhibit electrical phe nomena sirriilar tro theeylitider of nnielectri , cal machine;- for, when ,an_eleetrieal ma- Chine is overchargedi . the electric principk; becomes visibly marti'Test, by being thrown off M sparks or-otherwise. The earth per fornia the. same pffice naturally. ,• • The air not boing a very good. conduct ? r nr, the oleo-rie principle, as thrown offirom the earth, is accuninlated- in the loiter at . -:- mosphere, and becomes visible- in the form_ of a black . transparent "(load haze,"geti ! . orally,. hut 'not alWays,.appearing in the north. Whenever its motion becomes hle, it at the same. time becomes lurninoug. Its colOr`secms 'to 'elej)end upon localitY.:-1:-, When luinirions in the north, it is generally white; in the east] and yak crimson; in the zenith and toward the south; of a light grey. That it first hOpefirs in the lower at mosphere, is proven.by its moving with it. Its visible motion is:directly from the at mosphere into space. , That it passes lieyond the. influence. of the eartliand its %Motion, is •demonstrated from the fact, thatJt has been 'observed to gather into a nebnlimsrband ricer the zenitb appearing motionless for a time, .and then sensibly and visibly passing off to ;the Rest.—Watchman: lyrratszrsa STATtsTica.—The foOty ing statistics are said to he reliable ; they are translated from a • Lisbon journal:, ! , "Thierciare in Portugal 872,734 mariied pairs; of wives rho; have left their husbands, there are 1,262: husbands who have 'left). their wives, 2,361 r , couples volttritarily sep arated 2,3,120 ; couples , living in a state of war under the same!, roofl 32,03 ; couples where the husband and wife mutually detest each other, but conceal their 'senti ments under a shoW of love, 162.320; coup.; lee who live in a state of marked indifferande, 510,132. ' couplesreputed happy by the world, hut who are not, strictly speaking, satisfied with their; felicity, l, 102; house holds that are happy in comparison. with those that are unhappy, 131 ; couples really ' happy 9—T0ta1,572,634." ' -; hirOUTANCEOF RECoRDING DEEM—The, Act .of Assembly of the 18th March 177:5, provides that all thn deeds and conveyances of or concerning ahy. lands, , shall "be ac knowledged and Recorded in thenffice, for Recording Deeds in the County where such lands are laying .aral being, within six months slier the e:6eution of szsch!Deeds nr conveyance; and that every such Deed and conveyance that shall at any tinaelie made and eticuted, !iti which shall not ; be proved and recorded us "'aforesaid,' slfall 1)e adjudged frandulent, and void against any subsequentpulcheser pr mortgage, unless such. De ed or ecoveiiince be recordedas. aforesaid. j. ALL For. Casu l lTY.—Ons of the coun sel, in the late triel (if Willis vs. Forrest, for assan:t and li4tery,!informed the' jury that. the amount of the verdicts renderedin in favor of Willis, !after paying his four law yers, would be devoted •to obiarity. We understand, says: the . Nem V,nrk Mirror, that Forrest has.l bought up ijudgutents" against Willis atlten cents on the Aollar, so that be discharges the verdi:et at a cost of only about two Iludred . and fifty dollars. This is what Wonld lie termed wall street a shrewd husines4. traniaCtion.t , '1A7,.110 CAN BEA'' -Tars ,7—Qn Thursday morning last the Wife of Mr: Truman - N. Doane,-of the town of Tioga, (near irlalsey Valley,)in this county, ova -birth to three children, two girla and a boy, ;Weighing, al- together, twentyonepounds_—:all of whoM including-the mother, were doing well when our informantlast eaw thent. 'The came lady, had on two previous occasions present ed her husband and her 'country With twins.--Otvego Gamitte: , • Wendell - Philips says 'fie live' tinder's g Pers overnment ofasen—rind inbraing setup's. 77 , • • . 4, ME= ,Busneas .;;:r.~.::,:: G 2,11.7it0ck,. PERGEOti, Itontroso; pa., trill , att' ietta 'to all bustnets. (but too) bitotittirsted to • 1111 ItlttlitrotOptuitti . 0111e0: litt'ol4. rethltneo 'lttruptke.itr6tr.,:itittideiteo, Brick Itolitt , 'tag, r foot.; ot . Vubtio Arettoo,„•;',-, - - eorgo'..Fullet neALEIZCS:I I O.OASACktIy-inaili; Ciotbing, tints 4 .11314, Dixits le. Shop', dto., Stop; Cyr'?4c.ots! bepor tintriesnotti-ainntropl..". _ . : • .Ty er; - . E.4vpl lt.lli tar 44Ds, urK•eiles..croAt.ry,llllnk thkiles QiitiVlNG 101 D Watt DUESING SATAJON. Searlei wat 4u or tothel'outolee,Montrose, Pny S. : S t ° Winchester ; / - A : 171YRN.1117 Tunkhannock, ra. °Men la Stark't Stick Rove, D. D. Hinds.. - • . T.IVERV AND ,EXCHANG.E.rTATILIS‘' pgdoe 3 doors ../-4 'below Niellr's Dote!. Montrose .14.- 8.. & S - 13. AT""Eys AT-LAW, Moißrose., Ottee over Ty ler's9Rore. • E. E". C. 11.1468... 8.)). CRASS. •- Congdon:lc - Sterling, ' B Atnntat Mnieuttexee, Tome STD:MI, EA nun , I etween the • Canal Bridge -and Court Cane.; Court - et - ,"•tßitAttaintozi, N. E. = 02•J.E.BIltney Tri'veling Agent: t - • • Simmons, L. or,,,ND SID)E*MiliEt; AND REPAIRER. Shop over Baldwin .1* Chx.4cSory.Shop, Montrose, .._ , „ .-', • Dr. O. V. Edwards, PUTSICIAN AND STMGEON.Htirfairl, Pa. Mace 2 i doom lxiciet G. J. Prido'a e tore. , - - , 47t[ Dr: .James Brooks,- D YSiCIAI`. ito.il? SURGEON, end dealer In Drugs, Meaieines, Paints. Oils:Dyes, tee. Corner ntOttureh and Pine streets, °ppm Its Col. F. Ltnik's,'Great Bend. john: EtTimock, A'MORSE,. AT,LAIV: Oilier, on Turnpike street, 3 door west of the old Register Prluting pale°, Mont rcse, Pa. M. L. True;sdell. - . A.TT(Yir: 4 7ET AT LAAV,'Orea: Bend, Ps: °Met. with 4Col. F. Lusk. . - . . .... . ; . C. D. Virgil, - SITtilF.67.: PENTI.IiT, 3iusisoss, Pa: Office 19 Old . Fellow's' Building, coiner of Turnpike and -Chestnut streets. Operations upon the teeth performed the theft carefully and tenderty.'Flate walk - done with the beet material and in the meet Improved stzle. Charges lots, PUBLISHED Evtity THURSDAY moRNING DT B. B. & B. B. Chases EDITOSSAND PROPRIETORS One dollar and fifty cents per annum, each In advance, lor_mco dollars if not paid until the en,. of the year, or .tima of enbscription. No paper will be . disrontion,d until all urrearagen are pal..l. , except at the option ofthe .Pahliehers. All eommumcattens must be poet paid to receive , atcention:, All letters connected 'with the °See shoUld be directed t. S. IS. & E. B. Chase, - Nontrosii, Snsonellanna county, Pa. DTEditors' offsce over M ; T, Tyler's store.. RATES OF ADVERTISING: One square (12 lines or less;) three insertions, 00 Bad' subsequent insertion, - - 23 One!square three months, - - 250 Ono square six mouths : . • • - 3 00 Busiheßs Cards, four lines orleSs. - - 300 'Yearly advertisements, not ore: four squares,' i OCi • - • - One'columr, one year. 20 00 'Yearly ach-ertiserNATill be reatrieted to the blielne:As Willea they areettgaged. :Yr The. Pitblithers having a large assortment of JOb- P, Inting materials, are prepared to execnte all kinds of - lob Wors with neatness and despatch. ' WSW ttlis of every description conitaitiy . oribaid rr printed to order.. • • Liver Complaint • JAUNDICE,i DYSFE£S7A, On !MENDES DEDILITY, D/SEASES OF VIE KIDNEYS, . A, Kb' all diseisea arising. Crotn a disofierdd hem or 'Stomach, such no coustipatiiin, inwar.d.piles, full- ' uess pr blood to the bead, aciditj of the etoneach. sea, heart-burn, disgiist for food, fulinc.s.or weight in the ictiina*ch, eour eructations, sinking or fluttering at the pit ,{f the stomach, swimming of the hurried or difrieni breathing, Euttezing at the heart, choldpg Aor snffeating sensations whezkin a lying posture, dimness at Tialoft. dots or webs before.the eight. fever and dull paindn the head. deficiency or perepiration,,yellowness of the Skin and eyes : pain in she side, hack, cheat, limbs suttlen fiiiettes of heat, burning in the..flesb, con stant Imagiaings er eril, and great degreislon of spirits, can be el:foe-tut.' cured Dr. I.ltwriand's relebrcord German Bliturs , ILLLTABED C 9 D.R. C. 31 JACKSON, AT TUE GERMAN MTJDICINE STGRE, ITT ARAMI ST., PHILADELPHIA. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, if elualied, by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases after skilful physicians had failed. 'These Bitters ire worthy the attention of invalids Possessing great shines iu the reetifieation of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, ex trei.ieg %hellion search'- log possess in vr,..n.liness and affections of she dr,restive or tons, they are, withal, ellfe, - eertain and pleasant. 'READ AN) VINCED. ,'• The ethior of the Boston. Bee said, D-centher '2:2d— 'Dr, Mfg:ends Celrbrofed German Bitters; far the cure. of Liirr Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Chronic or Nervous Debidry, is deservedly one of the mast popular. medicines of the day. These Bitters have been usedby thousands, and a friend at our elbow says he has la,mself received an effectual had permanent cure of Liver Corn— plaint from the use of this remedy. 1% e are cenvinecd tbat.in the use of these Bitters, the patient constantly g-ains Strength and rlgorafr.et worthy of great consid, eratitm. They are pl.asant in taste and emeli, and ran be lased by.persons with the most delicate stomachs with safety, under may circumstances. We are speaking from experience, and to the afflicted we advise their. tise. . • .Sentes I'Veekly, one of the best literary papers pub.; fished, raid. August f2hth— •‘/Yr. German Sifters, manuflettlied by D. Jae.1. 0 0,-ere now recommended o.otne. of the moot prominent members e the medienl faculty as en eructs of much efficacy in eases of female weaneox. do ouch Is the, case, we would advise nil mothers to obtain. n t- Cc, abd thn sure themselves much Personi of debititsted conotitattono . will Lind these Bitters adrante geonts to their ben.lth, as we know frotrtexperience the salufary eLeet they have upon weak oysterao." Lift it EtiIDt,NC 6. The Philadelphia Saturday Gazette. The beet family I, news apex truhlished in the United Stater, says of Dr; Iloodand'e German Sitters— . "It' is seldoni that we recommend what Are termed Pater.' !.i..recinirs. to the confidence and patronage a our readers, and therefore when we recommend Dr. Hoof land" German Bitters we Irish to be di"Puctly,nuderstnod that a-e are not rpealdwe, of the nostrums of the day, that are noised:reheat. for a brief period and then forgot ten after they hare run their guilty raceormischief, but of a medicine tim,r establbthei, universally proved, and which has met the hearty approval of the faculty itself.' , Look yentahe marks lir the r:o.ble.' They bare the written I , m.ato ot 0.11 JACKSON' upon, the wrapper, l e and his name b own in the bottle, wilhoaf sehich thekare Fei' eale'wholesele and ' retail: at the German Medicine More-N0.120 - Arch street, one door below Sixth. Phile delphi ;.and "by reipectable dealers generally through' the country.. ' •„ • . .- Pikes '-.Reitzel -To enable all classes of invidlda to enjoy the advantage' of their mat restorative powers. - . .. -. . FIKOLt toTit,t-ia CV O'S. ~ ' '; , Also - for szle by ABEL niI:ZELL, Drurtit, ILsotro,se, Ikenn'A. - • ly/ tow . . • Few - Arrangement! •:• - Extensive Chair and lstrnitare Estab-L IN7.W EMIT,II.it Co.-Lain now folly completed t i lll;arrszigementsformanuractnring and ketT , inr ennstartly on hard all and every-kind orliousehrild Furniture. manufactured not ofthe beet quality of Ma hogany, Black Iralnut;Maple. Olney. and other Insu lin., bud in the best and Most durable manner. Among the articles which rimy Inten' to keep milord, ormake to orilez,aro klahmuny, Black Walmr t, Cherry, and Me: pleßorecus. Side Boards, Becretruhis. Book Cre es ; cezo, ore, Card, Pier, and ether Tables; .Stands ,ef cry »cry; Sam; Settees, Divans, Ottomans, Ice. Bedsteads' ot - Kll. kinds and styles, made of Mahogany; Block WM nnt, Cherty;and Maple. • • • AICSO•e-Mafiogany. Black AValnnt,Cial and Birds'eye ' , lapis, and:Barley t;hairsoof every variety and dirscrlp- Sion, 11111th:they have now on hond„ - and intend to keep a constaat 'supply. Any article desired will besupplicii on a fewdavinotlee.-' • . • A s the subscribers have often been solicited it; enlarge their hi:lciness Rad to Martian estabillbittent, of the kind In Montrose which could supply everrimrlaty ofhaime. bold Furniture, and tame the trouble Of Finding to the eititli for such articles, t hey . .liopet o meet - °blubbers!. patron and encoaragenient. ' Wm. 1V SMITH, A frE.r.li SMITH.--... Montrose Jane 41161.-241.: gidiTtiv - • kbnanadB. gigEteryityrEll.l...,DrurgtillatAflantalalho r -r3- WWI. to gin ere/ fatally in SurtibtbannA anuntr sgo.d Almanac for aka year 184: are tlxrzifore Itorrtiylurited to come or Fond awl jet Ono gratui Lously ... ANVROPULEft, arranged fa ,ara at TIJEBEYL.II. F4 , lcuat7, 1652, TER US. .7CIII .ITT Entered ii . e'd6rlll3l tc; Act at iloniteas; in 04 featTSAI; - I' by J. 3.1101:1TON, , C l O . / 4 ;: r t i !l ic° • f ,Itt"i)Dilsgttieg oCiltettinlyriTtahlt; DR HOUORTOYS • • . . • . ' ,• „ .-s, • . s 4 - , • Another Scientific jIT onder! •fb Great turer Dyspepsia!, DR.J. S. BOUGHTON'S IA3PSIIN's TIIT.TRITE GESTI VLC IFLuto; castiic Prepared . from RENNET ak the foOtth Stomach of.the, Or, after directions of Bardo Liebig, the great Physio logical Chemist, by J. S. liOuunTos, 51. D.j Philade!- , This le a truly wonierful remedy for IsruqESTION, DYSPEP - SLA., JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINT, CON STIP ATlors and DEBILITY, curing after Nature's owe mightsleby Nature's own agent, the Gastric Attlee. pattfair a -rmspr.onful of PelPitlt infused t in -water, will digest or 411SsniVe, 4CO pounds of noastlNl Una la about two hoots, out of the stomach. Pepsin is the chief element or great Digestive princi ple of the Gastric Juice-the Solvent of the Food, the Purifying, Preserving, and Stimulating Agent of the Stomach and Ite.tlees. I Is extracted from the Dl gestire Stomach of the Ox. thus forming an ARTIFI CIAL DIGESTIVE FLUID, precisely like the natural Gastrin Juice in. its Chemical . owers, and furnishing a complete aria perfect Substitute for it. By the aid of this preparation the pains and cells of Indigestion mid Dys pepsia are removed, just as they would be by o healthy stomach. It Is doing wonders far dyspeptics curing ca see of Debility, Emaciation, Nenrous Decline, and Dys peptic Contamption, supposed tole on the verge of the grave. The scientific evidence upon which It is .based, is in the highest degree callous and remarkable. ' Scientc Evidence. Baron Liebeg in his celebrated work on Animal Chem to the Gastric Jniee, tuaY be ritalllyprepared from the stry, nays: rAn Digestive Fluid, analogous mucous membrane of the stomach of the Calf, in - which varioui articles of food, as Meat and eggs, will be soft ened, changtd, and digezted,jest In the 11111 C manner as thea would be in the human stomach." 117 . Call on the agent and get a Descriptive circular, grade, giving a large amount of scientific evidence, elm!. tar to the above,,cowether with reports of remarkable tures, from oil parts of the United States. DR. HOUGHTON'S-PEPSIN is new paid by n'early all the dealers in fine drags and pooular =Mathes, through out the tinitedStates. It is prspared in Powder and in Fluid form, and in Prescriptive r into for the urea phy sicians, PRIVATE CIRCULARS for the wee of Physicians.may obtained of lar. Boughton or his agente. describing process of preparation, and Orin the author. i th e i sti which the claims of ibis new remedy are hr. red. As it Is not a secret remdy, no of can be raised agalns: Its use by PhyslCtallS in respectable stand ' lug and regular pryettce. Price, ONE DOLLAR per bogie. Ct"..r.OBSERTE TlllS!!—Every bottle of the genuine PEI'S/N bears the written ,eignature of .1 S. HOUGH TON. M. P., sale proprietmr, Pailadelphia, Pa. Cepy right aid Trade Mark set arcd. =lot d by all Druggists unit Dealers in Medieines. fr-7 - For sale by ABEL TURRYItt, Druggist,lton those, Fa.; Agent for Susquehanna county.' lily , THE ROAD TO - WEALTH. is there that guarantees to no a competency more surely, u our decline of life, than health, and vigor of you th, nothing: Then the location is,how shall that he obtained and scented. If we have a. Cough, eald, Bronchitis, Asthma Catarrh, Pleurisy, Influenza, or Hoarseness, or awl oilier affliction of the Lungs or Chest, you, will find in DT. Throopla COMPOUND tilnitlP iifllT.ooD ROOT, a sure i:ideate remedy, or if ydur clot :roil are afflicted with Cretin or Itooping Cough, no better remedy can be found.. Thou. Fall , lB have been relieved with it, and certificates of Itst curative powers, now in - me possession, plum& beyond doubt, tho greatest remedy of the ago. for any affection tf tbo Lung. The p?,wet 6 a blood Root as a remedy has long been known, nut Its harsh action alone tar kept It romped: at out or general 'far or, , but,, I Ratter myself that the above combination is perfect, and-that its use, will ecure friends wherever it is offered .to an enlightened nubile. A wane tra Mernesis.—l wish to ameliorate your condition, to lessen your cares, perplexities; rind nixie. tics, which I do by providing (or yLmr tender offspring; a remedy for their Ills that is adapted to their infirmi. ties, without the tear ref consequences from remedies charged with Opiates, co destructive and detriment al to so many thousands of onr race. -Who amongst you but feels for the suffering infant, where cries aro the only indication of its suffering,writhiog with pains from chat ie, emaciated fmm ;diarrheas or dysentery, suffering great . nervous iritation often to fits) from teething— often brought to defines door from cholera Infautulm.• and every ill arising from but nourishment ortthrsing. I have seen ail of these cured ha a day almost,_ by a remcdY- that 1 have been for years in perfecting, in en extensivepractice ofnearly twenty years and now offer It to you under the true rare of " t3r. Thmoto. INFANT tcEsToRATivE and MOTHER'S RELIEF." When this'rentedy has been used, it has Met with un bounded favor,andtai you value your own comfort or the welfare:oryouritlitur Itti be, f hey you to give it a trial, and you will say truly in its behalf, it is the Mother's Relief." 3VOP.Li3 are 31PD productive ofgrent teen:* to chil ,dren of riper putts, ',he syriiptoras of which every, pa rent is, aware. and whete suspected, it is their'duty to exterminate them no speedily as Pimale.. tchlch esn he done only with afewdosesofDr Throop's WORM POI- Spis,which is beyond coral a siren, with, ou'Y Yoollarutzo of the day. It wilt ilestro talon; and the very amid dese,makes it acceptable to the children' that dislike metlicineabLanY kind.. It is 'a happy compound of harmless vegetable medicines, that in their combina tion, produce tronderfu I effects upon those Maly intru acre thv enmity systeM. - - If you are s of:feria g from derargerneet - of the MOM , ' ach,ljeci, of Bowels, you have Sever, head s :tele, sour . stomach, or heart-born. Llvtnlency, costiveness, and many other nap] eafallt symptoms, for their entirerellof you have Only to take a few doses of "Dr. Threep`s DI LLIO PS PILLS," and you have a cure. They act upon disc.:to by removing the cause, restoring the Ft rretinnx, of all the organs of the body and health is the consrquer.ce. To those afflicted with sore, weak, or inflamed eyes, I furnisteynct also a t:emedy that has stood the test of years of experience. nod restored the mast eases when every other remedy known bad falled.Dr. Throsp's EYE WATER. These comprise the list of Dr. Throop's wiestie Medicines, that should he in the panda of every hence keeper, as a good remedy shays ready, and which only reauires a trial to insure them a place. Xrcnto Pintruessellentley, tr. Bead, Montrose G reap+ St. Co.. Bush; ll.lt.Eleuthtrelt. flush; (I. f',. Wright, Midiltitown ; B. Glidden. Priendeville; P. it, Barber, Jessop; Braekney & Monfort, Braekney; . S. Gruver, Dimock ; Scott &Root, Springville Dr Lam bert, Auburn; domes Tompkins , Tompkinsville; Map den 'Jc. bi'ew Milford: Dr. Brooks, Great Bend; Joseph L. Merriman, Bpsonville. J. S...BLASD ELL, General Aient,Yorrst Lake. Jan. 8,,18:52-;-11 - 1, . . Ayer7B Cherry Pectoral, .'or the cure rf Cougl.s, Colds, hoarseness, Bronchitis. Whooping-Cough, Croup, Asth- ma, and ennsumptinn. Among the numerous diecnverlee SCii'lltelas made In this generation to facilitate the b usiucti of 11re—increase its enjoyment, and .1 , 13 prolong the, ternsof human ex istence, ohne can Va ranted of more real value to man kind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the netting art. 'A vart trial of Its riAties throughout this broad' country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or combine-qua of medicines yet known, stn to surely Control and cure the nuotereus varieties of pulmonari ditenst which have hitherto swept from ~ u r midst thou 'sands and thousands every year- -Indeed, there Is now abundant:eat m to believe u Ifemedy has at length been found which con ere:led on ta•cure the most dangerous alert out or the lungs. Our space here will nut permit us to publish any tcoportion of the cures effected by its use, but we would prceerit the tenoning ppirdons.oreml i neat men,anci refer further Inquiry to the circular which the Agents below named, will altrays!be pleased fur -1 nieh free.lrberein. are full particulars, and Indisputable i proof of these facts. From the President ofAmberst College, the celebrated 4 Professurllitebeock. • Jamci.C. Ayers—Sir: I have used your Cherry Pec toral in my Own care ofdeep-seated Bronchitis, and am ratirsed front its cb.ndcal toast tution, that it Is an ad• tairablo com'pound for the zelief oficr)rigial and broach- tel if my opinion Of its'silpetior character can be of any service, you are ataibeitv to rise it as you think propm. EDWAKD HITCHCOCK. L. - L Fronk the widely celebrated Profeisig Silliman; 31. ]).., L. L. D., Professor of Cheraittry,'Mineralogy; /cm. tale Ooltege, Member of the Lit. Hist. bled. Phil. and Scjentlf lc Societies. crf America and Europa' - "1 deem thetlnerry Pectoral an aitmirable composi tion from some crib...best articlelln the Slateria Medina, and a very effective remedy for the dais of diseases it intended to core" : New Ibsen; Ct., N0v.:4,1E42.. -- tlaJ. Yattieon. Prftddent.of she S.' C. Senate, states that he has used. the Cherry Peetort!with wondettllona• eesg, to care an Inthunation or the innavr.' • • ' Prom one of the first physicians in Mtslne- SACO, lie., Apr11'28,1849: Dr. J.C. Ayer, Lowell—Dear : I ammo' , constant ly usit,ryont Cherry Pectoral In ray practice, andprefer it to coy othertnertlonefor pulmonary complaints, From observation of many severe cases, I em eouelnced It will core coughs, colds, and'diseises of the lungs, that'hirre put to defiance all other remedies. '• • ." I invariably recommend Ranee In mei' ct consump, tlon, and consldCr It lunch .the best.remedy.knovn for that disease- . Respectfully yours, • • 'T. ' - - Ptepared and sold by Jaroes Ayer,:Practicai Chem ist, Lowell, Maar. Sold by - A. Turrelli- Montrose i'Lncien Scott, dieat -Reid, and by lirueglattieferyttliere.467l„. - • • NEWvaO.OQ.s; I . zmmtl"EL - eiwz.-84. 2z3 0, 113i ALTrtralfivttlteliatf'alZso.f:. :.- coniiist.ing of their us Pryit mid 6, Groceries,' Croekery, , Drugs,Pledirinep k PAllits.io l l ll :DYe• stuffs, stone. Wooilen Warii' e teel YiPb, , Leather - boott and , obber,' kinking -glarrer;-tind platos•:so ll, 4,i.eri rintinuttyi;b4r.; caw., carpeting, nil Cloths. wall dort.paPer, e4reirs,irr.teher, J.oirglry, silver inooni,muisioallngtvinients, Perrinnell;lttitilirs• 8o:, of Irliirh thr.i , erroiY tiie iiiiiitlarornbin tering.. ontrore,o et.1;1851. • • , , - . nAINTS, .011e.,Drute.liodlejlietDie Eitttlfe,Tertata, eri, Windowßasil, Ulan sot Potty.afrestmesert. taer.t, and:away: on hatLd.. BENTLEY IL BEAD.. STO rerovps pared to attend its any orders in their line /,tst tn. test notice Theyflattef theziseltes !haat giringstriet attenticai to - butinesaind low prices; that t hare :treasonable share ofpubile pa trenage.. Their assortment blstover is good,, having the. latest. rad 11340 • imPfor patterns, among - which aro the Doti-sides Vulcan—a store which took the first Premium at rile - Stato Fair at Syracuse, In 1850. r-o Forest Queen; n O -Forest Queen enlarged; Key StonclAir Phdordi, dodo, Premium; :Parlor st over; bt stoves-;.for idol or wood: All kinds of Tin ware. sten tine ,aud tinittibes;kept on hind—sold at priers that will snit. Ail kinds of produce taken in payment and oath riot raft:Sett. OpPirtite the old stOriSof Mills and Knapp. Wall r. & WEBSTER:, Montrose, July , Farms for S es rpo subscribers wilt Set al' tiger ul s thoperate .1 tale of Real Ustate—Farms, flon ca Lots—haea. led in Susquehanna county., Pa. Al l who Pleb to , offer their property toe sale can gire - a minute diserlption Of Old:Farms or Lots as follows: Number of acres how numyimprored, hid how catered' Building's; Orchard, grafted or common-fruit; other fruit treed, and abode trees; how far from Montrose, and the. nearest point to: a depot on the New York & Brio Railroad; price and gerund' payment.' 'All %should' ea sell OrpUrchaao Real • Ennio, will t , teive prompt attention by calling an or addressing us at Montrose, S usquehanna eannty,Pa. , ft7"Coneeyanco from Montrose t o the prowisesfree of charge • . . . • °Mee on Turnpike .stroot, 4 doors west of th OBrlck corner. ' The folloling Farms apd Lots aro Pow ordforsale: . No. 1;40 acres,3o improved. Frame sound Barn No 2,80- do .50 . do' , sold do N 0.3,100 de 60' _do do ' do N 0.4,100 do 50 -- do void do' N 0.5,70 do 40 dn. - sold do I . do . N 0.6.90 do 95" . do „do do No: 7, Store, Wareltnuse and Lot. 3 . • N 0.8,145 scree 75 improved, framed/ions') and N 0.9. 5231, do 35 do sold A* -dd N 0.10,2 do do do dd . No.ll, ' sold • do do 3 dLt v0.12,1011/Cr01.70 inproved,framei In:Tao and baro .0.13,346 do 200 do do do do ' N 0.14,56 ',do '5O 'do sold do do 84 N 0.15,1338 do CO do do do •do'. N 0.16, 120 do 55• do sold do; do 3 .do 70.17.100 "do 75 46 do dd dO 2 0.18,112 do SO do • do dq -do No* 19, 200 do 110 do .do dsi . - do N 0.20,145 do 100 do do do do N 0.21,100 do 120 do .do dw do N 0.22, 901 i do 45 ' do sold do dd. •do • N 0.23, 45 do SO do dO do No. 24.202 do 225 dn. do • . .do N 0.25.125 •do 100 do do do Nn, 20.196. del 140 do dO do N0.:7, SO do 45 sold do do 3 do N 0.28,11 acres goad 6417 mill and dsrellids. No. 20, 134 acres, OD rmprobed, trame house and barn No. 30,175 do. 100 " " n • " i No. 51, 135 do 95 " " t No. 32,180 do 135 " " n Nn. 33. 160 do co : No. 34. 130 do 100 , " No. 35; 150 SO "• N 0.38, 300 do 170. r, • n No. 37, 100 do 140 " " 1' " N 0.39, 170 do 100 n No. 39115 do 00 do do ,di do No. 40 SO do . 45 do do , do , - d o No. 41,212 do Ino do sold do dd do no 49. 09. do 50 . do dd do No. 49, 4 said •do do do No - .. 44 139 do 65 do do do do No. 45 . 000 ,do 200 do do • dd do N 0.46, 129 acres SOhnirovod,lrame house and barn and grist mill.' No. 47 200 - -do 170.. do dy do No. 48103 du do _do dd do No 49 60 do 00 do do do • do No: 50 83 do 65 tit do. dO do N.B.—Personedesirltig to purchase any of the above by giving the number can obtain a fulidevcriiltion. ALPRED BALDWIN. • 11. 0. BABOOCK Montrose, Pa. October.lBso.--440f. • I EAYETTE BURR MILL STONE KANUF.II:- • I '. ,rrinr. UNDEtt§lG:TßD,,forroerly Foremen for many years oft het aro yet te BuriMlllst one Manufactory, 240 Washington St., NO' Tyaelr.,itgent4) would in. form Ills friends and the public in general, that he bas established 4 " . 1 BURIt MILL STONE MANUFACTORY I ' T • Bitghamton_ i , N. • Lc ici• 17, ni!ti.ngV 0v!...7.n2cjil 34. fold], And so ? ieiks i bare rnironice. Ito rill, hose constantly flatland a large s lock. of French Burr of also a large fupply of tsnpucand, tiola•stoaef, DAR, Prcorh Burr Blocks, bolting cloth, screen almond Plaster Parts. • I The undersienel Iliqurce , his friends anch the public that he will faithfully eiecute all orders entrusted to his care, not only in quality, bntin prl , :es of Srticlea fur sashed, and solicits Nei.' kind patrtzsge. -1. Orders by letter will he 'eneented with 'as winch care and as cheaply a/Ewhenuhrettasers are on the spot.—.- Millen and Millwrights are requested to call land meta k: ine his stocand workmanship. • l - JOILN w. samvAlsr: Dlngliumtou, July, 1551: - Er tiIIENCE Daniel Searle. l'tiontrof ; Thomas P. Philney. Erg., Duridaff ; Caleb Carmalt, prltudsvilleg I.! R. Drake, D:ldgeneter. . Joseph L. Merrunart TAnns trap sii:dhod of informing his friends and the public generally, that he has just • received from New. York, an o.Sttormcia of Goods, conslsting fin part) of Staple and Fancy Dry 0.01.1 ' Groceries,;Groceries,;Crockery, Ilardware.Dye Stuffs, &c., which he will dispose of, for Cash, Produce, or approved credit, on as favorabletenns and at is low prices as at any other esmblishnient in the county. - And hemnald here say, On those who mein the habit, of going out of town. to purchase goods. that ha will be happy to have the privl.cge of chuvirming them that he can do as well by them as those that make more showand greater pretensions. Phase eall at hts Store ltl Vpsonsille and satisfy yourselves on that Kubjert. WANTED—Pont:Iy, GAM°, Dutter,..and SILeFp Pelts, for which, part,Cash will be pall. - • Cpsonrille,Nov. 5,1851-4itt. . , 82000 NV.IIMED: . i 1 T.tb e subscriber. as he Is now preparing I o 'get up his . ' tall stOck, he offers to his numerous custpmers. his' Present large assortment at goods at lower Prices than any similar establishment, in Western New Stork. This F•toe 4 eon sistA, in part, of a large $ toe,: of Gold end Sliver Errglieh patent Levers, Of his own importations ivartanted superior to any ever offered in tdis Cormily; , Gold .and Silver anchor hovers ant Leplues, Gobi Lockets, Thim bles, FfSeetncles, Creastpine.,Bractiots,Earririgs, Finger rings,Cuffpins,Pene Pencils, rest ,guard and rob chains, Seals, lEeys,.kr. Also, a very stock or Lily er Ware,com. prising nvery article in lha t line, warranted prjtie uF coin, a foil assort merit of plated wars. In ererV variety. . Fan cy Goods. Clocks, Cutlery, Combs, 4 - c. . ' • Binghamton. Oet.lo ' , . ALFRED J. EVANS. _ New tripods 2nd in Market.. • Tu receivie „,, r An n to A ;:s fem. 47 stock. quite aa assortment of. Fall goods,' conilsting otDry Goods, Groperies,llardwaro. India Rubbets,Doots and Shoes, IKIMIT P5O CASH, and will sell them as low as any CoIiCEILN about this part of - the world or else. whereto? the ready John, or tbe right krnd yt credit.— Thank s boon for favors, what orefarors, everybody, ba. sited to eall and buy . . , o.4ryLEn. Montrose, S t. 10. 1851.' • New:and popular. School; bOok • CO'"MPRETIENS SUJIMABY of.UNLTERSAL nIB TOBY, tootber with a BIOGRAPHY ofDISTINIL tISHED PERSONS, ti which hi appended %pal rpltome of HEATHEN. MYTHOLOGY, ; NATURAL _ . pHILOSOI 3 HY, GENERAL ASTRON- 011Y-..pad. PHYSIOLOGY. ; '• - ' ....Adopted and usedju the Publiesehoolsof Philadelphia B. 'S. 'ONES: &. Ca., Publishers:. Car. Fourth nad Rst . ce ' Teeclieke ind COtrincl t tee' , 'addressin# letters to no post paid, m 'refurnished With copies fur tritaraina. lion. • .iacr. A full and complete tof sortaient; of Books tinder's • onar forsale at the Lowest Prfoes. • " L . New 1360d5. - . elreceived by the eubseriber - a. new' and tarp:taw.' el eertment or Ready-feadeSlet brag, Boots t 'shoos. Pall I - added - Wats lb - Cape, Cap letfer and wrapping 'a, pe-, by the ream. or lets quantity- . • Travelling and ',foramen Trunks , a few single and dont,- I e shot °nail, fancy Stationery; Bobby; Combs, Fancy articles 'el 'nunierrate Mention; ell - which be detigne to sets for ready pay; and eel:top:ineptly en' cheap rue the cheapest,' ft-not. cheaper. - • • fewAlpien petrWOOLEN SOCKS - Wanted:- Konteose;Oet: 8,1851. • POLLED"' . , . i: - --Re.ntly-MadO Clothing: A I..ARG,a atwOrtntept lateet. styleai elyeeelyed 1 - 1 -..and for eAltt at a entail itdvanee ror ready Par.— titorenett door t o Judge Tyletra. BOOTB and 5/10.P.5. A new and good assortment or Bien!' Bonts,.#owse and flee. Celt' andlloroeco Ilea's' eboeft-Wonken's shoes, tome and tlne-11eses,lloya and Cblllten'e ehoee. The largeet lot In town and probably-the ebeapqat reeeiveil gERIUSGEI .- *'2 r •carandra,essartnlent of Anger rin mand Pearl, CrarneoMaterild,bea Mgnet and fltancoalectaary heavy Alain 40., is and :0 carat line, • Clusad...da, mai a rat,. 4 sta 0111001714 b.l ' • ••' . ' A..4.EVANS, - ningbOitaaiDooftnharitibr lB o / •-• FLOIII2. for gale atthe store of J 11 . , WEBB . . • • Ifordrose, January 10,1802. . . -. 'AlrrtacTiOnit , ,EAur-. I)licleaplAa. gedical. Eitablithed fifteen years - tig , iltyDR._KINACRe --14,11 1 ;' , Northof:iThird fi • Union' Streeleitetteeeti: ANprucc tind Pint ..Strkelx;i • . • VIE.TEEN;YEARKof eAteneive and nnintcrrupto practice open t in this city, Itatterendeied Di. IC.thtt toast n p: Fr t, a nd eucserstnl primtitionelfat andnear,ll • ,thalreatmciitaf afftibleases of a private nitture, , ,Per: 'sonsaillisted vista ulcer! ea, the I,..ndy ithr oat -„oi,less,, pains in the Mead or bones,uiteinurearrheurnatlnnstkle tufes;graiel. diseases wising from cititlifuleaceeleeoi impttritiesofl the bitted, whereby the cOnetitutton- haa. neeenieenfeebleil aro alit-stated with PUeeels,. . - Ile pliers' blmielt under the (laetrile: may re l iglOu sly confide In his honor es aiwititlostaniandena- Mull - Teti upon his skill air e phisiclact. . - , T ELF:PCS:WM Noma -,Young 'inert bare Injured themselves by a certain rraetice tndulgedln a habit frettweutlY Itained. from evil, companions , ' or at. Fel:tool—the effects of which are niglitly. felt, eventrtma. 'asleep, and destroi both rand and bedy; ebonlilapply. immediately: -- Weakneat' and constituthinal debllih loss Of-muscular, energy, physical lassitude - Midi general prostration, Irritability and all nervous affections, !Ml lestionolugothneee of the liver; and every Ale-ease in any way *landed with the'Procreativeinuctions,tured and Naito? restored. - • - ' Read t -Youth and. Sinaloa, A :-Vigerous . . • Life or Premature Kinkeltu _ selfpreserr.aeian. Only 26. oyes:. . ! Tbii nok just published to filled Informa tion;vitthueeleil on the Milani ties and dlreases - or the penerative organit.' It addressesiteolf Tomh, fflankorsi, and O ld , Age, and should be read by all. -, The-valuable advice and, impressfito wai Milt , it gives, prevent' -years Of miser, and suffering, and save annually thou. 'and? , of liver.- • Parente, ty rendinelt, will learn. bow to prevent the destruct lon of their children... .• ,*,o'tkrentittanee of :6 cents, enclosed In a letter. ad dressed to Dr. EINKELIN, N W. Comer or Third and DalettEtrecte, betertketteprztee and Pine,' Philadelphia,' I 'will enSure a book. under envelope, per retnrn malt Pomona At, a distance May address Dr. • by totter, enelosiagS fee.and biettre4 at home, - .• . - Packages qf Melicines, rot-Warded, by sending a remittance, and, put up !tenure front Damage • Ilook-rellers, NewliAffents. Pedlars, Canvassers. and all others supplied with- tho abort, work at - very 'Low =IC!. To Daiirknaeni and rarmaerti, Valuable!' iiioperty for; i Stile. • ••• A 1 1 ' ABM of 200 :inice situate in Bridgewater township .Cl. Susquehanna County and state or Pennsivanla 150 acres of which Is undergood Improvement The farm is well design ed for a deity.and ie.capabbi of feeding 49 rows during Fumbler ami winter. and every part of ills well watered. The:handl ors and land are in good conditionand the fencer, -which are of .stone and rank are also good: There are two large barns upon the premises, besides a granary' ;mil convenient shed for cattle. Three orchards principally ofgraftedfralts and other fruit trees..- . Said farm has a verlpicaiant and - deelrabla locattea about twonalles from Mon trete. the County seat of bris qnchanna county, and Wont 9 miles from the Leggette Gap Railroad, to which there le a Pion Road in procces of completion: and is very convenient--to meetings and schools, and roechnniee. Also a=other Valuable- Farm adjoing the .above, con taining 200 acres. of.Wlllch 1t.9 acres is under a high state of cultivation. 'port it there ids largo* frame dwelling haute, and out buildings to correspond and -. large orchard. It is well watered and fenced and admi rably adapted to dedry purposes. ' •-• • • , Said property will be old on rearomableterms. pir tion of the purchase money ni ay remain upou Band an d Mortgage to suit the purchaser. Appletion may be made-pereC ib nally or by letter to Mod. Win. dessun or.R. J. Nivel,. at Montrose , . !n said county, and any further par ticularethat may be reerair. - ed will be glven.-23ef . - Public. the I S 4 t Otiee to . Winter Goode at the New Seaeonaole Fal l Great Gae Price Store of L. S. f,..ENIIIE1111; Gttiat rrt. • PEGS. leave to take this oPportunlty of 'tendering Ma .11 sincere thanks to ble friends and easterners. for tbs generottapatronage they have extended to him ; -and at the same time inforin theni that he has just returned .from New York with a very 1 arse arid choice aelection of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. -Also afresh and extent siveassortment of Grcceries,provisions, Deets and neer ; Hats and Caps; Hardware; Crockery. &c., Drugs and Medicines, which will be sold for each and produce at a very small advance, at prices which defy all competitian. Flour, P ork , F Isla, Salt, oh el esale an d re tal 1,-1, e wonld also remark that he adheres strictly to the 'latent of ways n.mlng the lowest priceat first.thereby givinpthe same advantage to all who may favor him with their pat ronage. , Cirent Bend Clothing store. The argeit ; best and -cheapest- assortment of Ready Made Clot bingin ths Village of Great Band,' Pa., Broad ClotbP.Doe Sisins.eassimeres and Veitings anti Rnatitirs sultablefor the Fall and Winter Tr:lc. - 141kb he offers at such prices as to satisfy any one that thlsts.the place for them-to deal. in consequence or the great increase of his business he has been obliged to greatly enlarge his stock, which he now offers toll's friends and the public for ex. amination, confident that In on doing they v 41111114 some. thing to . their advantage. ff he subscriber has Died° are rangements to Mantifneture clothing In nll its 'Arlan branches, and is-ow prepared to sell the came, Warrant. ed t o bear i nspection. -. Custom work and cutting dent at the latest style and shortcitnoth.e,—all kinds of tail. ors'trimmings furnished and for sale. Do not forzat, the ' ,pot. Store nearly oppo.ite ifte Idansion Ron!, Grer.3l3elidiSep . t.,lBso. L. S.LENIIEDI. 550.1r.°-tl . ' - tuiTre — ar i nyr . ena7gl72‘leirciftact";l 3 2vieforaltule . under hi 6 CII reoao Matter how long: ...tending nen/fli n t mg-. EITHER. sax are Invited to hia Private Room!. 3l North SkIVENTIi at., Phila., yrithont fear of•interruption by other patients. Stringess and others who haiebeen un fortunate in the telecti , n of physician ere invited to ca 11... Those who haveinjuredt heinselv es by solitary vise are also invited. . Mai) AND REMRCT —The a rikted Would do well to reflect before trusting their health. happiness, and in many cases their lives.in the hands of physlciaba, igno ant of this class of maladies. It to certainly impossible fpr one rna'n to understand- all theilli the bunion funily aresablect to. Every - respectable physician hap his pe culler branch,ln which he is more suacespful than his brother professors, aid to that he, devotee most of his time and 'Lady. • . • Snails OP Pit ACTICE. exclusively devoted tothe study and freatinent diseaScp, of the P . C,Xliiti organs, together with ulcers Ipon the body. throat, nose, or legr.painain the head' -.themes, Mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel, irreWnaritier Aisenae arising from youthful ex (wises &impurities of the olcod, shereby 'the constitu tion has become enfeebled, enables, thb Doctor to offer IStUDY 001.121 , to Sal:7lld nray place themselves under his ewe. 7 v The People's Friend T. T. PONMS, 05:Iltliace,.N. Ye - • pAIN bZSTROYEIT ANDIISAtTNG EXTLlJlcr.—LAnEstrac from the shrub called Witch-bare!, and purely from that with die exception ore lit tle•Mcoholto preserve it. Itwtllcurealllncal pain and in.damations; old gotef, frestrwonndsandbrulses, riles, aud all illaeasee 14 the bowels nf a thronle nature, tooth.ache, cai.ache and an excellent tero.dyforfem ales, &c. ' ftietrulywhatit profesiesto be, thePtopte'sFriendt Providence hasseattcred along the ragged paths of life manythings that contribute greatlY . . to the comfort and happiness of every body; hence their great value, and svellumy they b e called 'friends of the People ' One word here teguard against impomition. A man' by the name ofSponcer, has mennfacturell and offered for sale:imperious article called the Corigl Eztrucf.—that would be extract of the harChnut :—the genuine if na . whitened as pure as water, rhilkliempu'rlous article IF colored,which enables the publ inn distinguish. Nonegenuine. ha rthosemarked Pond's Pain Destroyer 'WM. K. lIA.Telf, Montrose. and a t oreAtepera and me. tee-dealers generally,Agen ta. ' Tlib Last Wmidel. T. 11ARNI131.,tbe great , bumbuirge . r.jr ab out intro P . clueing Into this country the celebrated' Fire/and hilator,'A tuaeldne not larger than a celiee mill, worked by a thumb -!crow, which will putout the largert lire In stantly. Big Ude bat not• log to ilo with the &et tbat Jo/Ibl Juovas, Tailor Ipis bat reed the - FALL 6i, WINTER FASHIONS, and is now prerifed to wait on his friend* Willi his liana alacrity; gbod humor... , Caliinff you wont capitol tits,Ut the shop osor Lathropa utorO. • •• N. U. Cutting done. es Bloutrose Oct. 8,1351. : JOITX GRONTS FIRST:IN HARKEZ 1.. - IVEBB - Pig.'.;( l .lnle,ttlktelaa l 7l2Me- Etock of Pail goods;nrhirli he offers tos vale to thorny who WILL PAY for them, at as lox rates am earl' be tettoit aVleti. Not forgetting due 'thanks to such of his friends, as have heretofore brught goods orbits and paid forthern, he invites thorn to 4, coms.AcArs."' Montrose, Pept..loth, 'I 851. . • ) r peta . obtained from l ' N ATUat t c;len remed e y . Po_ Sin t Rennet or the Gaatrie t ini l e , , AUEL,ArrtteL2,rifZeror° 'Goldt Chains' , OCAETg,Tidmbles,Spee,lia, ran and P.aniirigirea a Li efdllauortment.tti CANHIRLD'S, . . Gold - Lockets: ZIN t and Poutill °lovely ilia; „ - • A, .1.'41/I.lS,Wtishingtori•Rt; The' -,Ricliest .0 9'ver Dlfared higbamton ; A. J. P.VANS. • Ware ,plateCena Garman 567Pieces4 , r . :co47iitini or TAb,le,Tia, Mint; Cieamiend BliurterftSpoons,Saltaiiitautaifilirtv els;Borks&c.,tograred mai; 444.. 044.P1XLD'8.:..' rilEßSpoops,lorkr4ntl r .gplroolFrauied thebe4t , mitnufActanktin 4.pleridAr, • . : lle, lost of the_ Odo3,2oB.glotkals-gonn t , n4,ni0r0 . ,0 , '1: - the same sort is On tbeiinytnytnietrowAlryinviti. - • . , , goodsecondhand.cooking stove t alro &good nrwcnt ter, for fale o cheap TCAACLI2II ,-„ wI r ODUNG BEIIINAIy. wingstoor'LLlZerlleg !ping Instiatiort lietihno . of Mel:noel desirable 4.lonalts Northern Pertneyivania. ,libigstrontis,;;;l7 plearent end, satubtlons onemile West of `r , bark', and aueessibleltY daily itages'frein all ;a r fit. • country. int settal nal now been in oPentlin obi*, • :years, during which Its ‘ patronage has been Stew ,constatly increasing, • Threttgli the raiallicencentlVirtdiwetiand, eddltioualtiehtinpry building 403!40 feet ; i n a pzttai ;Tics high, has init.been completed,and by th s i,9 'of lion . Ziba Bennett, thenchoOl to now hunisho a valuibie and extrotilee -library: entirely . n, Chemical, rhliosephlcal ad Astronomical ty ,! ot thelniiliution is regaded; ail who bate edge of thosiirta.high-order, anahemple for feli es mehtilutiaturalSziellee • . • : • Thaltdard otlntztructlort for theashlng , ows( • - If: • Bev: , ' - • PRINCIPAL, : . • • • Bei. 'room • • : C. with, A. Nee • • . :Teacher of Ancient Lanallagat.. Philip T. Myers. A. IC, - - • Teacher of Mathematics. to; 31t. 3111111*nrI.•• • . _ - • Teachers/ Natural Salines: , . `Jmiais Sir, Westlake* , • • Assistant , • Masi !dairy Dietz,` -f• • Teacherormodim iv Miss E.stber Patrick,_, 44 AsslitantTeacher of Modern Lib P. Rilelonj-4 „ Papa Tauber of D arming and,Palettleg. . arr. N. A ociregoa y t - Teacher of Music. All of the above teachers are employed lath, • the whole of each day except the Teacher of lintsi7„,„ Weitlaka: The former devotes Audi a 1nt . .7. each day t•••bet elais'aa may be neeesaary, teacher one belt, of exaday. r The ,publie it Phi that this arrangemen the school to shrioriand Instruction e ta very full board 0 ~,,7iFtr and the Trustees minthishtly believe that a pd tr , be spared to promoti.tbc_most!tbor,ouglihnotnit, et all the pupils,— Ott -The necessary: eipmisea clads Institution ant., ate. • Tuition exclusive of onamental braneht7,Nr., tot . 5,60 per .quarter. Board (41,50 per week,sw ' 3ii'per dozeh, and fuel $2,50 per annuli- The discipline of the I ristltutimi combines tate,i,, r , , with firmniss, inculcating sound, moral sad to dprepin cip mentles, pirsevering Industry, trice order mail ra . -7 4 I ort: . The present term of this echool will cantinas tglai 23d crime. next: Students are admitted at soy but the suitable time foe entering is tbetol,62 or the middle of each term. There. who turas L , llt tend the schnol through the remainder of the i throughout the W{Oter, would do Well to enterl l , 7 . 7. as the 20 th nr 23d Inst. Then will be a :realm ei• weeks at the close of the present term. The per t log aons April ists of Oth thirteen weeks cdnimencingJanutty . • Catalogues of the 'en:Lineal , and any informal:44 Live to It can behadby•addressingthePrincipal,ent6., ,of the tmderaigned. • O,A.SIIEPAIth,y,,Z` N. Talis.NDF.Sec*?; 'Kingston, Oct 4, 1851-4'2-If. • Petroleum- or Rock Oils A ;NATI; It AI: remedy procured horn a well in 4. 11.theny coituty : four hundred , ieee deep. ?,,, tpui told by E.- h lI.R, Canal Bann, Pittsburgh, rt. hi, pot pin bottles jolt as. it Rows from the well via. 4, adtaxttlrerof any kind. Allye that are utflicted READ T. - READ !! Itrreurnatiles yields t o the power of the Petroler a , t . spire. flornlezerneeo., Union tp., Jelly 0th,11.51, Mr. Kier —Dear sir, allow 'toe as a stranger is r e . gt'atulate you as the sole proprietor of on.tomiw k called Petroleum or Rock OW *chichi' defilade, k t to take the place of all great medicines. Many py ru y this neighborhood have tried the Petroleum in tro of co Ise curing most of them and prof fag highly4t.,, i In a ll. I have tested It in coasts , , adds the 4,;:,., triter, enrich:fa, and swelling; for. theme:Weal tk Is a certain.cure. My, wife has been Meld Itheumatirm far come j Cant; end never COVId got t o! . thing to rellevb het, in fact she tried everythier,e4,,„ thing worild do her any good until shattied year Pea. learn and it hoe relieved her entirely, for annul diak it is the greatest pain killer now in use. Tears it, • - • J. JMOL : • Anotherletter from Lucerne co., reectnculdrls- Pefrolennt : - EtAGII Mr. Kinn—Dear take great pleasure ca any. lying-to the virtues of your great natural tonlicista:w the Petroleum or Rack Oil. which to .C 02111104 o Oa medicine. I bought due dozen'bf lou r agent vtnb wavalong here last fall. I teisted li lt a number a eas, and - found it to prove good. ',I also tested Ufa taws teak/fled found It very bnnenelal. I Timid liken„ ninth to have another box, of it, for 'I don't Ukiah " 'Respectfully yours , • .i.c.urnEtt. • A ioice from Snsquebanniico:,rertifviagtstk ee es. ry of the Petroleum. Dr Nna Fr, Jane ill; Mr S. M. A—Door oil - o—AlloW me to ertfl'olo es virtues ofyour natural medldnetalledPetrolcatelet Oil. f I had been afflicted with the Itheumatina louse time. I was in Wilkesharrilast summer sod gets hi tie from your Agent when be was: along there, hs cured me perfectly. I have since seta la t•fted eat casesofrhetimatism, andfoundirgirerellefitil. Very reepectf oily yours. JAMES IiARTMOI - • frestirarestnes, July l2th 'Mr. S. 31. n—Deer sit=-Allow me to eetiV/ de virtue. , of year great natural medicine caned r...wita Rock Oil, which I believe is a good medicine. tine been alined with Neuralgia, pain In_the wan Cant. last ten years. and• afire could get anythict to elm me: In :act I tried Melo% everything - and nodal nil I do me any' good until I tried your PrtrolturaMfdlc, ' relieved Ole cry much; I have also tined it scalds, and bruises, It 'has always: given reticle: ever 011Ort !Imo.. I think it Is. the'gr atert, pain killenu use. ' • Very respectfully your?. Cail and get a cirenlar Trani then; eat; which erei tuU description alt.. For rile by DENTLYT t REIA. Sold nhoteeale by Mat is, Itats,&'Co.,So.netdd ittreet.Pblladelphia.' • ' • • 1851: - LUSK' HOUSE, 1%4 Great - Bend, Venn'a Addison Bryanti, Proprietor, STM.E !Are thisT nnielNily for d &rent pin, on the nrriral different Train, of Coro. -lino, L. ITS Teases furnished M. Truerdell,at short ctn . and terms which ,cannet emit. , T. B.—A covered carriage convey porn tad rout the earn.--Z5 • • -New 'Mlford - Stnve,Depot. ISM. ItURIVITT haanovr in 'Fiore • new and Inter sortment of Cooking,Yarlor. and :hop Stontt vinod and conl.including the ..new and most Mmfd hinds Or Alr Tight,Large Oren, common andonni oven,& withlt ove pipe,Sbeet Iro a. and Zlatlmt Tubee,l'oo l whichhe willeell very low torcagn proved credit September-. 1851. . Abel- Turrell l Dealer .In Drugs,.3ledlcines, Chemicals, pints C'Si CiSupblne, Lamps, Dyi stuffs,Grocerl.l.l7)o l llardware, stoneware; Glassware, Clocks, irechfc.les elry, spoonsspoctscles, klusicallustrumerar. Truss , Mttllcal lust . rnments,' Liquors, perfumery. Rium l , o tloncry,brinstics;shner; Yrinkco Nofloo, tce. Montrose, Pn. 34 17 FASHIONABLE mcm,l4 74 911.11; subscriber bas Mt day received Silblo .1. very rids goods, of last , month's imp o co Paris, consisting of tinagold enamellsd bulimia , " and Lepines, Pearl and Garnet Breastpins arid }et' to match, Sq. and Bead fork bags..besulifil Isn V Parties. Diamoil, Ruby, and Pearl Finger gitP• l26 " lets. Gold Slerielluttons, some beautiful Cu Plas6 ver Napkin Rings, Se., to which he would brio ttsit• tent on of blefriends. - .. • 1:11C11 1 ; .Bingliamt on, Sent. 3, ; • BURP.ITT has now in s tore. a new and tide , 0, Id • lection of Dry .G °oda, including a grecinild 7 " Ladies' Dress Goods: Crape - and Otte 'mon Ikett, Sllk Maul illas, Para French Lace. Fancy Raga, Lectern Bonnets; a beautiful assortment of 10 Gibbon; Flowers and TrLtancino of new styles, I' , Fill: find Laces. for Mantillas. BonnetStlk, Madly Tells Broad Cloth, -Fanc Ceedmeret, Vestbdt: summer Clothe., inroet Bags, Trunk Neils, Bxu Shoes. Painted Windoci Shades, Carpeting. 80 , C with lam and general 11060TtOellt efllcrilr° asockerr,leon,''Grocerics, Pafats.Bedielnee,ONLlD 4.c., all or which will be sold et the lateen prite la d i 1 ! the most reasonable terms. N 11 Nearly all prodncewanted. Socks In particular; Cad tbe priee in Clash paid ( or IVOoI.- 'Flour enable on hand. . , . - New Milford,lllay,r7,lBsl • •RRIVAL ply tr .13URKITT hasjust' reee.;..ted nerelli 1.1.• assortment or • and:Winter Goodik neladinerin elegontyorrety of Ladler DrefiGoipb , _” et"Lbn Shacds, now eryle Donnet ltlbboxel, P" Capr,Staplo4oodo g the:, most desirable 022 wkdob,,lmelng been purchased at the 134 ?AIM P" , 'ill tie sold unnmally 10a.,• Now Sept,:2o; 18M; ' • - . . . Flax Seed, .• ANY Meal ty of laz Seed ertintedit,te.f..eilttl- ta° eerieror Callh • - - •• • : Spoons: • A LABOR . itock of extra line Allies ttb!tu,. ne apacaux,;Drittanut4are, wire steagtbro dt6 l , teaspoons, butt table and tea /poem: Aleo, 1; 1 4 sarplated, German sliver epoorts, ete. L ets.2, o ,tat au& selling law or thiquality, at .:2*.foutrupaoluty , U,lB , sl. • • 1- - Coal! t.-ro rata —„ wn. at Ali NewhlllforgA, COAL,d Depot, Ileuiand• f: _.:Docourbet,;(l,sl, • - , • , •. - . • " Wanted• -; 16000,-fruTgoaalloniock Lua tr, - attlea, aucl dellvvrtd a t ilcatteA , Jatt 064 . 862.: • • ' . • 410 0 litsbienog""' PO' Milt Nit atPask • aTitt!i =lt catueob P: R. fgin,lN ;I'4 NreitAtlSUßoteitonical , Ica Cream cookery, W I for"" AwaLsr lk iIIOS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers