The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 01, 1852, Image 3

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    demithe following e T , . 10 la We
tho Was Bible, the' The New York
61,4itodilien" asli(111T g
rg ies who support Gen. Scott as a ape.
te'w miseiandidate, to loin
iotiompre exP the
• .
rece4 Roth the._ Compromise: ,
a Washington-Leiter in t/ie 'Nash.
16; 4 ' fillt,(lLnur-s, sce).,Banne.. •
, t , es ent the have. but. three Mew spoken.
41reintiidates for the Presideney,:nrid tor_he
40Presidencylbut one ofdistingamhed prom.
au platform of Fallmoie .Scott and I
biter ,:ls one
and the same. individ. ,
_.14. &ant themselves upon' the Compromise
iraintaining their settlement as an
1 1 ', 1100 4 is principle and substance, of t&
t Lent os questions involved. To ascer.
tnelarely the past and, the present .Posi.
N e n, Scott upon these important Incas.:
ti° arod him last week, having had. the 1
:re of a previous acquaintante. In our
t e . oo otion , -I remarked to him, that Whirl
whin of the South his position- was I
I W/ ' • d‘ed they were not • '
0b4,00, Of cognizant
dit. Ile observed that of this he had been
ar medv, and the intelligence; to hi m ; was
bot h pa i n ful and surprising , "How can anv
t or present support of them?
ae doubt ray pis
Dil not et the first meeting of the friends of
u n ioN held in Castle Garden, New-York,
publicly proclai m my a p proval "of them—at a
. 4 4 too when but a few in that city nava;
P eri of
ol t h e propely th • eir adoption . And,
oc hstely after my perusal of Mr. elm's
s h in their defence, made in iho
Senate of th peec e United States, did I not sit down
as my ce in the City of New Yorli, and
mite t om i s substance as follows ."
h g e, in my day and generation, fought
b a ttles which have gfiined for our common
dotty some little renown and lory. These
lo gics
have been w
arredwo e men,
iflost, would h av e rep by the in.
i o elable chivalry of our brave soldiery. But :
t h e reat battle which you are fighting involves
that is glorious or •immortal, of the present
and of thopast, all that is dear and hopeful
of the future. It is ; the battle of the preserva
tion of the Union and the Constitution, the
pre pgaiir of our Republican institutions. I
t rust erod that you may be suceessful,in
veer p.triotic undelrtaking. For I 'noir heeirt.:l
;1 1 e ore of ail the measures qf r ur bill an d
m itre ppr to ihem ,a cordial and erzergdic sup.
Isis letter, that he addressed to Mr. Clay,
he had no copy of, nor of a similar one which
he addressed to Mr. Webstei . , immediately
secceeding the perusal of his great speech up. I
on the m ice measures r but the above is its'
bubstanet. But this is not all. "Did I not,"
sa i3 he, , during their di..,eusskn in Cot:CS%
personally exert my influence for their passage
through both houses! Resides, there is es..
wit the most ineontestible proof-. that had it
not been for my bumble aid and influence, the
Compromise measures could not, by a vote of
from five to ten, have passed the House of
• Representatives." Such is the substance of
what he.ssid. The publication of these facts
dee to Gen Scott; for the ig,neranee of them
has sized the ardor of his friends in the South
ni da.,sticated the aspersions of his enemies;
FEERCIRT 25, 1850.
F:111) . TV' ern zr.Ns'.—l came here this eve
ning not expecting to do rnore,than to take
as stand in a corner of the room, for the pur-,
pe. of listening to the proceedings of this I
NerF interbang and important meetiog. I itad I
no expectationof having, the honor to be called
opm thLs stand. lam indebted to the kind
ness eta friend, who discovered me below, for
basing the honor to appear in such a conspic
uous manner before yon. Little did I expect
Itir.4 . called upon to address this great and
glerioas meetting. which is worthy of the Un
ion which you came here to support: (Grecat!,l
cppkuse.) I sea before ma the intelligence,
the wealth;the patrietism# of this reat city,
voluntarily coming, here for the purp3se of sup
porting th . at Union. I am ap humble friend
and devoted servant of that same Union.
do not call myself a citizen of the East or of
teliortk of the West or of the South. I
lan served that Union for nearly fortptwo
nand feel that I am a citizen of every
ittund parcel of this glorious constellation of
As a friend of the Union, and know
ing at the Union is in jeopardy, and knowing
thattis meeting was called for the purpose or
deiMg, measures of compromise and concili
ale,lam come here. Many thanks for the
kircloss von have shown me. I am` not an
skictionist nor an advocate of slareq. I
woold not have come here if I had thought
thee sohjeets would not hare militated with
each other at this meeting. I did not come
here n a Whig or as a democrat. I have not
attended a party meeting for 'upwards of forty '
years; but when the cry is that the Union is in
danger, and a rally is called Tor the support of
the Union, I would be a coward, and a mere-.
ant to my country, if I did not respond fep the mdl.
I ram to give my little 'strength in support of
the Union, and, God willing. I will do so. I
am not a strong man; bet I hare a little
strenzdileft, and I trust I shall be buried un
eerie Union. God grant that you may de
vise or fall upon some plan to save that Union
to which We are, in heart and soul, all so much
The pat General resumed his seat amid
most enthusiastic and prolonged applause.
e _meeting shortly afterwards adjourned,
three cheers for General Scott and the
From 'the Way* County Herald.
bother 'Terrible Accident'_on
tho Erie Railroad.
11 .1.13Lunsint ;
than Sul.—Tlae express train going west
en Thursday morning
last, when about two
tiles below Hankins Station (in consequence
de broken rail) was thrown from the track
dsra an embankment, striking against the
dere ice, which probably saved the cars from
gdng into the Delaware river; some of the
cm turned over several times and lodged up-,
ea the ice bottom upwards. Persons in the
ors tad others who visited the scene shortly
ter the accident occurred. describe it as the
zit heart rending and affecting scene they er- 1
o witnessed; scarcely apassenger escapedin ntiont a bruise; some had Large holes c
th.. 4 late, head, arms and body ; ladies - had
dick bonnets torn from their heads, their 'h.*
low., the blood streaming down their faces;
children were crying for their parents; Mo th "
%the greatest agony. were calling for their
ly aren; several persona who were but slight
wonn4, were covered with blood from.the
m anglreihrlie s of others ; but our heart sick
en, and ,we van from the sad pitture, to the
very general inquiries; what causes so many
axidents on the N. Y. & E. R. R. ? who are
to .6 blamed i Is it the company? Is it per
mk employed on the road, or who is
e re Isgress negligence somewhere, and we
i ds the company are justly chargeable with
,„'• 7B share of it. A few facts we think will
,every candid
mind to whom the blame
it" attached. Below we *give the acci.
that have come to our knowledge durinl
throe, months, on about one hundred
Of Mad.
17th, the down express train broke a
fOing round the curve near Hankin's
he hindmod car, with twenty-fixe
tTN into the /liver. Dec. 19th, a Mit
oxnrred about one mile above Barryvilin
the mail train going east and the
' l 2 t vain goingweat Dec. 22d, the night
tDing east, broke a rail, ten lilies
,nfiten's throwing three pa.ssenger cars
' 41 .'4. Deo. 27tb, the night emu=
loldireaSt,`run 'off" tbai t;rltelek two-mites below
Cochectori,„ in consequenee i of- a rail hre:dthig;, ,
Dec. 30th a freight Won goiniwist, When near l
the summit, run- off:the :-traek. lam "85;114,
freight 'train going roast, 'Neko :two rails, i one'
mile-bolow - Hankins; tbreuving a car into' the
river..- Sin.- 18th:. the cattle : train, , whott;fie;
tween Hankies`s:ad Calliceon, threw two cars;
Joaded with 'cattle and the I caboose - - down tho - ,
bank, 'lam t Bth - thefreight train ran into - tho
I passenger train' at-Goshen;while: standing- ati
the Depot. Feb... Ath, t4l,lvito frolqhttrains,
came ,in collision" "at : Equinutik.: .1.6.:17th;
'the express going east, when a few miles beH
Ilow Stockport, a rail i threw the rear car dowa'
an embankment of thirty; feet „intik "I.lm tiVer s ,
killing two or three, and almost - drowning and,
i lleezing others: Feb.:lBth, theeaaterxonail
train, while at• Deposit Station. AVS9 run' : into;
by: height trail!, which had become unman.;
[ age/tido: fortunately but thtep passelagers,Were'
in the - hindermost car; two were .matantly
l ' killed, the othar".serionaly injured. - Feb. 18th,
' the down freight train when a fiw miles be
low Hancock broke a rail throwing _the ca.;
booso and
. four passengers tears down the- em-'
bankraont. March 11th, the etpresSi going'
west when two mile.i, beloWHankin'S broke ,
rail, throwing threo passenger ears, iptin thi t e ,
ice. The particulars we gavo at the commence-'
ment of this article..; ''.. '." - ... ' '` .
It will be seen the: a inri Srity,of:the,above
accidents were caused by. t o breaking Of rallsi
which'sorne'think univoida le; and the' com.'"
pany not to _blathe ; ivo *birth - othrwis'e• In
the month of December last, -156 . - broken rails'
were taken - from the' Delaware -Division ; that
is between Port Jervis and Susqbehamia, and
it is a notorious fact, Iltilow - i to' the traele mas.
tors and all who tiro eng,ag,ed in repairing the
road, that the iron is not saliently stroll?, to
bear up with safety, Engirt a of halithe,weight
that are used, especially when running 'around
sharp curves. -'l'his breaking rails .1s no new
thing, on the contrarY eve winter since tho
,road has been in operation i on the Deloware,
nearly or quite as many rail have.beenlrciken
as the' past, this the directors must 'beware of
if not,, they , are unfit to. Contra so great n
thoroughfare. Will all these facts ~ b efore
them without the proper effort on their part to
make the ;rend safe, is it at all-,straago that
public indignation is aroused against the board
of directors? andif something isimttlone soon
by them the people Will be obliged to take the
matter in hand to settle, safety to the lives of
hundreds that daily pass over the road ; not an
other train should be iallowed on the road, um.
til every bar of this miserable iron is taken out
and good English iron put in its plaCe.
Again the eomparo. are very much to blame
n allowing trains to 'run it the rapid 'speed
they do, along the Delaware; the time should
belestricted to-twelve miles per hour, between
Lanesboro andlkisvillo ; all who .have travel
led between those stations and observed tho
very sharp curves and embankments, must have
come, to the , conclusion -that it is perfect reek-,
lessness (to use the Mildest terms possible) to'
run a train "of cars freighted with human be-
I inns at the speed of from thirty to forty-miles
' per hour over this part otthe road. We hear
a good many say, apply f 6 the legislature to,
remedy this evil; but; the N. Y. & R R. E.
Co. hold the legislature of New York in the
hollow of their hands; The enormous, money
intatience,which they yield, together with the fat
dinners they champaign the members with,
render it almost hopeless to expect . any help
front that quarter. -
The people must r'etlise';let them Calla mass
meeting at some cenvenientpoint, and resolve
to do something "peaceably if they' ran,”, to
stay the sac-rifle° :f human life; lot the press"
speak out But liere,u4hung oar heads with
shame at the apathy manifested by most of the
County papers along the line, who ate hushed
into silence, for the consideration of it few dol
lars patronage. 1
tiro have some fact's in regard to the char-
actor and incompetentv of the engi eery em.
plover) hy the company, - b4.1y11.1 rps rvi.-4 for
=O - diet fge:l4o.P. i ,; '..‘ . 1. :'
Equinank, March 15, 1855 i .;
... . ,
-r` , "7. ". 'We have the following- from Car
bcmcl,ale Transcript extra, of March' 2 , - I
Disastrow Fire. I
, '
Carbondale has again been the . scene of a
most disastrous coaflagration l testerday
morning at about 7 o'clock, a fire was discov
ered in'the building on the West side of Main
near Seventh st., owned by Willi:tut' Moffitt,
and occupied by Gunther, German, as a beer
shop.• The buildings in the block ere very
compact, and the fire quickly com muni cated to
the store of Messrs. Thompson & Se tt on the'
North, and the two adjoining buildin •on the
J South of Moffies, owned by Syl veste r John
son; one - omupied• by Dr. G. H. h us an ,I
office, and J. O'Grady as a dwelling ' d tailor-
shop; the other by Johnson & Chitte den,as a
store, all of which went consumed.
' The whole Fire Department were q licitly '!:In
the ground, and to the Most vigorous xertions
.of the firemen are our Citizens indebt for the 1
prmervation of tht. whole lower part f the Ci-1
ty. The wind was blowing very stro , T,_and at I
'tides it seemed as
- if all must go. I is indeed
I miraeulous how `the fiery element - w stayd.
1 The building of Mr. Sohn 'Oram' on he north
1 of Thompson & Scott's store, is onlisepara-'
tel from itb_y en alley 10 feet wid "; yet by
constant and uncrarie exertion, alt hough of.'
I s
ten on fire, it was saved, a• charred. d black-
fined mass; the Arced i store, sent side, of
!Seventh street, separated from ;Joh on's by
1 the street, was several tildes on fire.' ere, too,
by a concentrated effdr4 the lire Was arrested.
Several times as the wind changed'. , flurried
were the block'of stores on the :opp , site side
of Main street in imminent danger,' ,, ieularly
that of 31r.-Patriek Mdfdtt; and to 6 firemen
alone are the owners indebted preser
vation of their property.. Had thiii re occur
red in the night, fully; one third of o City
must have been swept away. -
Where all are so deserving of , iso for
their efforts; it may r be considered h , y fair
in us to, particularize, but we trust wt shall be
pardoned if we allude :to the case of fr. Jena , !
I Decker, who maintained his position hoSe in,
hand, amid fire and smoke, until hi clothes,
were almost literally burned l off, hi =elf con
siderably, tho' not seriously' burn A There
were many other cases of heroic, darin,g to,
which we would like to allude, but fdrbear.
, The loss of the different parties% o suffer
by this fire may Q be summed up nsl4•6llows,
which we believe to be nearly =cora .: 1
Messrs." Thompson I & - .. Stott,::mprchants i j
, goods, $5,000, bufldiug $2,460. Insurance on
1 goods $2,000, jn thelFranklin Co:, IPhiladeli• 1
' phis—on store $1,000; in the - People's Coml.
puny, N. Y. Actual loSs $4,400. ' 1 1 I
Dr. G. E. Leach--4,oss $250 ; io insur;
I. O'GradY—Loss about $450 •on furniture I
no insurance. 1- • - -• 1 I 1
Sylvester Johnson--Buildings $3,01)0, goods
be $4,400.
about same amount. _.lnsurance nude tood to I Z
William • Moffitt—uilding insure fei'SM
50; which will nearly. Cover the loss.
John C.- Orana-,Loss',s3so to $400.' 1
Ev.sns &Muiray—Less on goods, ilanined
by water and removalj about $1,000.1 - _
There is also considerable'oss sustained by
other individuals, blithe removal `Cif goods and
furniture, - in 'behalf :,of whom, we imam'. to
their friends-40, Ladies . in parts —their
'tbanlts for the timelyltssistance receitok '.
.The wholelosi by this ftre, beYOll. the in,
eurance,cannet be less than . slo,oool mostly
by persons hardly - able to bear it.. , : ,-,1
Our Citizens now been' la realize jadian
tsges enjoyed from is City teganiz4on; one.
of-the greatest benefits of :which && deri-7ed
froni tfe Fire Deyartment, which could never
have 'bee); moaned with an'f45 311 4: 144
for Aot of Ineorporaget': -
Trak the I)o4tie.loni Herold, 11stre11 11. _
A ChaPtor of HOiAblOTragedimi'
•Fn.fidelV — Ricals44 and Dgcithill low a *
On tho 9d inst., n : titiody, nig= fatal ens) ,
took plain at the riiidenee tVni.Chanitlers,
Scn,lnldusentiito follow 'ate
vett as the pattiegiara in tlin*ine
.. „ . .. . , . . _ .. ~ . _ ... . . _
' - Three - years - ag o - liners - ago Mr. George MeCtili;at that
time a citizen 'O - Cedar .Coutity,* , left for. Call=
fern's; fully-imbued with the fever of the times
'.444ir s & fo r. gold, T. 11 9, telt - kwife and five Oil.
liirentehind,hll4to await the result: .of- his
desperate. adventure andlprobleinatieal return.
His wife, With her. childremafter ha teft,liought
'the; protection q her father; Mr.lienV i Nye; an.
'canna Warthy eitizeit;lvingitt the mouth of
:fine river in this county :After . he - teethed
the land ,o ' f gold, Mr. Me,CoY .witte frtquentlY
to his wife, and forwarded her considerable
sums of money—tile :letters and money piss.'
inglthrough: the hands of One ,In ..Wliorii;. Mr:
tecoy-haft ever; confidence as a Mari 'rif hem
, or rind a friend. '' But hOW he'erred,his,honea
and, the fair:naine of his children blasted,' has
become a fimillar talehere,where these oVenti
occurred, The wife forget her . vow; And in al
moment Of Passion saCritieed her-children, her
heateitlt:and - herself,_ irredeemably for-this
world, in the.einbraces of the false and trait.
oroMi - friend of the - absent husband:: r On his
retain . froM.Califoinig A . having ' been success=
ful in. the quest, of- , - wealth, and his bosnm
. awellingl with fond thoughts of those he.' lift
! behind 'him; whom be, waslnoW.l.O meet again,
'.the husband and father :met this tale of
damning infamy... 2. Hemet his Wife. however;
andlomid in her mins the fruits of her; guilt
-but net all the fruits—they have multiplied
in hittertieSs' end increased .in _languish. ; until
this last sad and bloody 'affray has resulted; ,
and yet the harreit'of sorrow is not efided......d
The scene between - the heart-broken husband,(
the slaammcovered wife, and group of trein
blitig, ! tearful and ' wondering. children, . has
been : touchingly described to us by an. eYe•••
Witness.*; MriMeCeV, his mind soured by sus. l
picien and the .stern realities.of hii sitestion,'
selected from among the little grime - of : five,
one whom he.rejected..declaring' it - Was no
child of his—that, like the one at .her breast,
it waothochild of 'crane. ; Alter I this' scene,
Mr: McKay removed his ;children (four) from
their' mother , a short time; but subsequently.
consented that they should remain with her at
her father's, until he left I'M. California in April
nest:. This was about two months ago. On
Wednesday last, Mr. McCoy came from Cedar
county for his children. He stopped ~at Mr.
Chainbars', and requested permission to bring
them there that 'flight, which was .gmnted.— '
He their,went to - Mr. Nye's - . in a wagon: got
the four . children. he claimed, and started on ,
his return to Met Chambers. What occurred i
at Mr: Nye's wean not advised—On approach-,
ing Mr. Chambers' as he returned, accompa.:,
nied by his children, and a Mr. Long, he was
overtaken by 3.14-. Nye, his, and;
Mr. 'Patterson, also a to' Mr. Nye.
They drove . in advarioe of Mr. McCoy, so as to,
intercept his. - wag,on. Mr. Nye got down, an&
approached the wagon containing McCoy' and
company, making as he did Aso, some remark
Which the witnesses did not hear,'except that
it related to the children: . MeCoV - stood up le
1 the wagon, and warned-Nye not approacli.
Nye continued to advance however, and Mc.
Coy drew . -a , revolving pistol, and repeated
thowaining. Nye Still advaneed and attemPt.'
ed to, perhaps did get held of one of the chit.
drem. when McCoy find. _The ball took, ell:
ect in the right, shoulder, making a slight
'Wound: Nye then 'Mooned for it club, and.,
-McCoy shot the second time, the ball striking]
in the 13ack, but Only -penetratingthe clothing. I
Nye then advanced with his club, and McCoy
shot athird and fourth time, with -but little I
'effect. : :
He was knocked or pushed from' the
rear of the wagon, and in recovering,his. feet
dropped his pistol.: -Mr.'-Patterson then - laid!
hold of McCoy behind, as if to held , him, mid i
Nye came - at McCoy with his,cluline, : sio,usay..l
[ .
.-ing!o Patterson;' kill hini," etc.. McCoy; re;l
leasing himself, threw• the latter lit front ofd
him; when Nye's . blow took - effect On Pat
tepee, breaking his collar bone:. 'McCoy WI
drawn a bowie knife, and - on. Nve again ad.'
vancing, sprung.on him, and avoiding his club, I
„stabbed him in the breast. Nye stilt attempt. I
ing to strike, he stabbed him the amend time I
and the third. ' The third stab was to the' I
heart; and: Mr. Nye fell dead at his feet. There!
were. several witnesses to the whole affray,l
bUt se Soon was it over that no effectual inter
pesition could be Made. McCoy, gave himself I
up, and is now awaiting his examination,which
will tak , i place as soon as, Patterson is suffi
ciently recovered, to appear on .the - witness
stand, The body of Mr. Nye was. interred
yesterday. -,.. . . .
L;ouiscille Courier contains a letter, dated
Lancaster, Ky.. March 14th, which says:—
Last evening about five o'clock, Russel
Isaiah Hill, , Fredeikth Hill, and two or three
boys, sons of Isaiah and Frederick, were re
tention.homehomewardfrom Teetersville; aciom
paniedbby Dr. O. P. Hill, of this place. Just,
as the party got opposite to a tobacco honseo
(which had been fortified,) on Scott's Fork of
Sugar creek, they Were fired upon, and Ens.
sell Hill fell, mortally wounded. His broth
ers and nephew's hastened to his assistance.
'The fire from the house still increasing, he re
marked, "You can do me no good, boys; they
have killed me; do the best you can," and ex
pired. The Hills then charged upon the I
[ house, and Isaiah Hill was killed just as he
was getting over the fence.' The door of the
1 house was forced bYthe remaining Hills, and'
the fight Continued with short arms and bow
ie lances. loin Sellers was'shot by a 'saki of
Isaiah Hill, 12 or 'l4 years of age, and fell and j
expjred after having received five othei shots
thrhugh the head. Wm. Crtsman was shot by.
the 'same boy, when in tbe act of stabbing
[Frederiek Hill with a bowie - knife. Crisman
[ died, having on his body one pistol and fifty
three wounds inflicted with, a knife., A - man
[by the name Alverson, and another by the
o. name fSamuel Sellers, of the house party,
[ were slightly wounded. Two of the boys,
(Hills) were wounded with rifle shots, and one
of them, a mere boy, lies in a critleal condition.
Dr. Hill was noloured, and (understand, did
not pertieipate in the conflict. - Ho was con
aiderably in advance of the party when the ac
tion c ommenced: - He is now with the woun
ded and a partyl have just left town 'to ascer.l
tarn further partidulars. The above may not!
be entirely Correct in detai4 but in the main
is true. -
P: S..' Since writing the nbove; Dr-Burdett i
hos arrived from the ground, and- confirms]
the news of the death of -llnssell and Isaiah
Hill, John Sellers, and Wth' Crisman.
4 77,
.. , m
, Mr A new Post Office as been establish
, .
ed !n Lenox, called Hopbo , and A.II, 31er
n11 Esq., appointed Post Ai ter,.
• • •
SUATV I ) ; KgriCiAtTliai Society.'
meeting of the Societiwill be held on
Wednesday evening,' April,2letAterieral at
tendance is tegnested , S. F. carmalt Sect.
April,l. 1802.
. , ,
In Rush Morotk2Oth,l: ll l, $y Rev Due tt e
eolith, Ur. ettottEs Fix Earptt of Tunk.
haioott to , Miss p.tztll,vr. of Rash.
, 'lli„Spriokiill6 Katill.'2# , By t ho same,Mr.
Charitsiteeny of Baintrin' i Wyoming . Co:, to
Dates ANG - Etutt Btmt6= • f Sintigvlllo. ' ,
In Providence R. I. the I9itt Isfareli,•
Jossmrllllonnur aged' 36 Yenri t l ( !: • ,
;Mr. Meek/ hae.beenn resident of this pleas_
most t#,A titan for theAast 12.Yeare, and for
five :-years been useubo, 'of.= the Baptist
Cli nnh in This 'Placet,leilinn..thie. to -be his
home, his request was to, be
_Litongitt. to. Mont.
rose to beltuneci;he' reautsCtlto n two
years since and for one year hits-been confined
with consumption, of which' he disk tenving
wife and twn,children to mourn his loss.
At Sugar-Grot-i-lIL Feb;23di DlTrak ;tun
only daughter of Qett, L, atulkino I).
aged 3 yettra"s months itrinays. ,• •
• . • _ • .
_ .
On AVediietkiSi" bst - 'ELIZA, S.
daughter of William and 314ryA. Eoster aged
24 :year. niUo-31onths. ", •••-•
It io,
, : ~' • .
_-_ 1 , , : ._. , , ~.., • . _, , , ~,, . . .
-:‘ ti-'!.List of , Lettertt,.,-,
Iternaming-m the .Post-othee, -atm. fur i
', -- •.the'QnUrter ending March - 210,1 02.., , ,f : I
Mery E. B. 2' ' . . , BusUprd Giuvenir,': --• .
Alle! - PiUnkliM' -N. --'. • ligWs ile!ty S,, -.
,•-. I
Birehaid.Plinuy;4 ;.: .. • 1140:YAlfts , :' • . - -'
',J,::•.-Kenrneyldwzirdi ' . . -- • 1
Bell Ane.lieVS:; = -T - ' , ' :Melvin Lilahki,, ''.
Baird idereMisi4 , 2'.i: ..• .IVeCartitey, Juhn - ,..., i -,',. •
B_Atteti.lielitY C.,•- , ' ` .' Miller'E, P.,' :- -=:. -` ' -
1 BakilriJliiyi - At.,:::_... )10% . . - ,8.,i, - . - . ..::,-.•.'..•
BiUwn:Jolra‘:• - .,
, 7:H.-..:,' - . '' HickeebY.:tttattheii,l"..,'
llaintutiguliarilC4. 31eKtute - Miss Elizastlt.,
Brown Gilbert,'. .'• .: Nichol! Andrew;. : --''.,-:-...
Baker Leiria A.;; •,, - Oakley ;111s: ,Vristi, ::':' •.-
Burke Mary' -.- ' .': msted VlisllUry,,,:.',
Barnum Stelitlen; . •:., try' jokl3l 'r., - ..
Brady'R.',P4:: , .:.. • • .fty-TbUmES: 2' '
Clark, Kinksletr, ,-- - illipsPatriels,.:; , ' ---.,
Chamberlin :William, einuedd G: L.:..
cyphers John. '- . :, Robins tTenry:l,,,'. •
I - -
Colter!' ChSrled,-: -.- , ReSidim.%Yru.(foreigia)
ICUok Worthy, -. :.. Reynolds; Vin. 1i;.,:. •
Dewitt George, -.'" Roseneraitts - Elins„. .•
Daniels Jnmes S.,-
~., Robins ails'. I.;' '`:
Evard Nicholas,:' - .• • Reynolag!..) , ilr; • ::: -. • !
PnWrote . Weetley, - Roney Chsrles, • -:`• r- '
EsWrote•James, jr.; Stebbins,EWnl4 •,- I,Vti
FUllerton ;Catharine, Stepherk•Xlrs. Holdall
• Giegary benjamin - ,.. . Shannahtut James, ...
Gregory Dr: Stowell; Taylor ..--
GreenwoOd.C.(ihreign)Weleh,Ptis 11.: -„ , :
' Greenwood 'A. AT:, Woodruill, It; . '• '
• Gnriey elit.,'(foreigh,) Mich Master, - Wm. -- ..
1-krkimer .Heiwy, ,' Warner G. D., .' : .
unbar', William, Westou"Phtlip G: -, :
r ' . BFNJAMIN - CASE,- P.' M.
• ' • C. D. LATHRor zt. co.
April 1..185.
If You Pleaso: . -
A u.persons indebted to me are requested to
..Cl.settle, end make payment between this date
and the first of Mee)? next. ABE . I.TURRELL
Montrose, April 1, 1852. ,
To All whom it may Concern.
S9me half-dozen ,young ladies - desirous of ac
cpiainting Ilietinselves the'railers trade can
do se as the invitation is immediate, tinder cirum.
stl,,uces , quite favorable andin a:manner unsur.'
passed by 'a foreign bragadocio. May - now, avail.
themselves of its benefits by-calling on
Montrose, April I, 1852..13w3.
English Lever Watched.
. T HAVE ttt day received from Liverpool, another In•
TOiCe of those :rery superior Patent Lever it etches, in
silver Minting Gun, extra heavy, made. to. pnler al.
is°, a few small sited movements, which •vrill be Munn:li
t stet) , put bto gold eases for Ladies. As the superiority
et these watches ever any other that has been armed for
sale in this vicinity, has been sothereithly established,
it is needless to do more than to call the atuation of, Mr
i customers to them. : - AtEItED
I Star& 204 WaSkingtOn SC., Binghamton.
, . .
Register's Waite,.
PuBLxg..NOTIORis herelvittivrtit Ojai:tor?,
sons c oncerned' ia die folio Wigs! estates. to
Estate of Job BlTlke,•deeeased ;J. K. Adams,
Eircutor— •
i Estate of Henry Hayden, deceased ; Sally &
William ', Hayden, Executonr-:- •
Estate of Amos smith, deceased; 'A. G.Bay-,
ley, Exercntor—
Estate of A. 11. Read; deceased.; C. F. Read &
' M. C. Tyler, Executors—
Estate of J. 11. Reynolds, deceased; A. G. Rai
-1 ley, Adria inistrator—
Estate OfJohn Mc Keeby, deceased; Jasper Mc
lieehy, Administrator—
Mate of Joseph Rntterfield dec. R. A. But ,
terfield and M. S. Wilson, Administrator:
That the accountants have telttled their aceimats
in the Register's office in and for the county of
Susquehanna, and that the same will be present
-4J to the Judges of the Orphau's Court of said
1.0, unty, in Montrose, on Monday the 26 , h day of
April nest, for confirmation and , allowance,
• J.V. LA NGDON, Register.
Register's office, March 30, 1852, - •
. .
' 500 Book Agents Wanted,
.A. " -
good, active and infollivnt man. with a
small capital of from s'3o to $lOO, can
make large profits by engaging in the sale of the
Popular and Useful lEloolis.
War Encyclopedia of lift:fill Knowledge. Two
large imperial octavo volumes. containing 1700
PATEnsDN'S 111E1Day or Trig Astantcsa Revomr
vox. 500 large octavo pages, with 200 hhe
vv. 600 large octavo !Agee and 150 fine En
Aymara*. Two large octavo Voralnes,moutaia
ing ICOO pages and: 700 Engravingi. The
':best history of &melee published.
Faose.ePicrocv , i: Lire or Wastmurroa. A splen
-1 i'did hook, containing 600 octavo pages and 150
Megan t Engravings. The cheapest life of Wash
i.ington ever published. 1
Noon's Ilisvonv or rue INMAN WAILS. Fine
:'colored and plain plates.
Tim Titre Rarcemcss. , Coittaining the lneugn
'ral Addresses end the first Annual Addresses
' end Messages of all the Presidents of the Uni
ted States, the Constitutions of the most impor
mat States in the Union,, ,EMbellish
ed with portraits ofall the Presidents, engraved
on steel, and a view of the Capital of tho
ted States. 500 pages, 12"m0..
Fox's , Boom or Mamas. A Splendid Family
Edition, large : quarto, " with 55 Engiavings.
beantifullybouud in 'niotocco;gilt. .
De CORMENIN'S Hisroar, or TUE POPES. 930 large
•• Oc t a v e p a ces, With illitstratione
!warms' %%ono. One edition, one large vol.
time, :
‘ViWTE'a tkurroar or "'Az MALI,. A valuable
general history. One large octavo volume, with
handsome Engravings
all ages and countries. One large volume of
.800 pages. with numerous Engravings..
Together With a nunther of other work), par.
ticuiarly adapted for popular reading.
rfThe most liberal discounts will be given to
Agents who , map engage, its - the sale of the above
Valuable books. For farther particulars, isddretw
(postage paid,) !!! - • - - •
! • - , J.& J.J.A.GllloN,Publitibera, _
13m21 No. 98 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
WILL - he 'Won the premises of the i:ubscri
m. bar . in - Dridgewitir_tosinship,' on .
" th
e t:7 o :y;
j o t Alp fo.. :4 l l o : B 47 or tp o n x t ;
- • 1040cloo A. NI.,
en. four Cows, lour 2.,year old . Steer*r oui,2 y e ar - .
old Sokone epon of Mines, - ono 2 horse Lumber
Witgon and oue.Pleasttr: Carriage:
Tor*.-Nine ntiontli credit, with awn:modes
curity end interest. - , JOHNAUSTIN.
OriflgeWstet, March 24; 1852,
To the Hon. the J i tagee of the Court of. Quer.
-lefevestons otthe Peace:in and for.the county
of Sueguehanzuz: _ - .
TE petitichrof active pochlard . of l'homson
• Centre of said county respectfully ripreatints
that he - is provided with suitable conveniences to`
keep a grocery ;hi thatOtitiahipforesitidinad that
it is his _ ititentiOn'tii apply tw . the
,the: next Court: of.,
Quarter sessions , behtt holden hien& ibrUnid coun
ty outhe third Monday of- Aptil-dest, for n lit
cense to heave procery, and to_sell stront`beer.
lila , or other maitliquois; eicording to the'sat 'of
Assembly of Nth April, Issl. ' -I • '
• • • • -ac9atis STODDARD:
Thoanton, HaftblailS32. • - - . - - 22ste
sTorss'AND, . TIN-WARE
- THE subscribers - hnviint eatereikintee ‘e.pert
nerthip.iri thn'.9tove, Tin and Sheetlian Siuntri;
are prepaiedto . piteud to eh orders hi then. ; line at
the shorted lin: lee: ny giving eirtat atiention to
tho'butiness they hope to merit: their share of the
Tins a - agates "will he earriA nal opposite thn
. . isi , .
•.IDoocrat" °Mee; 'Snider the name it'd firm
..Lathrop af . Co . .
11 A. WoODP.M , F.
?dont:el:N:6rib irk
Executors' _Notice, -
MeDONALD, hate or LIBERTY. , lietssed. Ntice ,
teen panted to the n nderegnetl, notlee fkhefehyglen
to all Indebted to the estate to caltend settle the, earns
seithntle neat all person,. 'haTIVII den ends 47 101734
the estate wllLpleme to prevent them duly attestutt for
settlement. - SULLIVAN,
. . . : PATRICE. Iti.YE4. "
March 24;1541 . ' . • 12.1,0
H • _ • W.A.ortED •
• ' •
61-at the 041 statut p Allthum Po
I/ ter, for which- Calk wLll'l.6 paid; Leather ex
changed, by . , It. :4:4ANUALL.
Alootruse, Mardi 22, 1352:: • • ' • -122 f
or Unseated-Lands in Sumg . a:Co.,
"Valle Es. ir hereby given, that 'agreeably to,
li thei - aciii:of the, o;4eral Ass4mbly of the
Commonwealth .of . reuniy . ivenididirecting . the
mode ,Of selling unseated lauds IA taxes, the fol.
Inw ink tracts and parted' treated' Misetited . le ads i
will be sold at pOlic vendoe, on .he elacond Mon-1
day of June next, tt the Court gointi. in Mont
rose, fur arrealegosdne, and the cosy. accrued' on
each tract respec.tively, unless the same be paid
before the day, of sale—sale, to cOmmence at,lo
o'clock in theforenoon,
Wassanke owners Or una 2 berr 4qij i •
Bridgewater. .
. . ,
iramuel Ifodgsen
, -
Susan V. riadforl ,- • f -
(Late) W. #IIXI4II , DIi (tmytt),
Great Bend.—,
• .. i
261 !
.Iteirford... I
Jones 30+1 (owner) . 61!
Stanley Dorman. ' -• " 41;
Francis Iticisurdrcm Sr. 't ! - 61!
• - ‘: , • , I - farm:my;
Frederick Berthold, - 400',-
.Ithielih Masonlatvi.. ' -
. 165
Hairy Tultsud
Dantel Ir..c-se. - - dig: -
David Buckley t, 414 •
0,1,„ Ward - 93346 '
stases -itosion - •,. ' .- - • Jo
statßascaptio - - -- . so t
Jonathan Eager
Wlllicitn korben • ,
Jonathan Nextett
S.imuel uolre,‘Uth
!thanker Meet • (owner) ...41
Joseph Paul • . i :b0;
No. 232 ' Illni Abel (owner) ' b 4 1
Sloane llaroilton • - . '" Col
11. Williams , " : - ill ii
Franklin Brown - .. 103 I
• J
ackson. " 1
John 'Saltier
Mattblaw Coplin
Mattllia Copan , •
Sedate Griswold (owner)
E. P. Dix,
Andrea Tyboat -
George Kepler .
3tattblea BrOlAff
31: M. %Vallee*
Robert Jackaoa .
Samuel Jeynt
Noah %Hawk
Jobe Dorrey
Tybout • • •
Danlii Tallman
gbetwesee Jayne
(temp Kepler
Mathew Ittooka
Mier ' ty.
N 0.61.55 ,1 5 . 7%,
140, 53, 50, 66,74.;
No. 63 •
31' o 26. :• , !..
L.'45.-Glaroalfay 1
}Man Vanhoutan
1in.27,3050ph Patterson" 100
- ' • 1 New lli . lforil.
- 124
John Sahlor ..,
Solomon ItindleY
.. . St
1 GeOran 'Kepler
.. 1 • . , - 120
(Lot sold ) Roach 90
Seel. Eldritlee. SO-ee. Eldridge.t - asti .10,6 I
James Eldrhlgo. ,
Pte. Tracts of 114. & Solomon Rink 125 ' 310 I
Lot Fast of Johallewley's 5'4 2,14
Pts. Lot N0.140' , . 40 .7,14
Noraym Mitchell (ocricr) 190 . - '1,94..
Jam Gilbt ' ' 50 • 94 1
Thos. Norris , ', .l . 15 . 33 1
Silas Squires - : . " 2Q( - . 6,643
. Rush... . 1
Almottn-Lon - • (owner), 100 , • 5,53
• - : , SpringLl/le.
comer) -
Charles Perris°
A. Sal islitry & Co. l6 • 5.80
Jeseac Beaus • • 4211 2425
George Store .- ; . . 414 • 24,00
Mathew Shore •, • . lOl - 780
Mathew Shore./ 5 0 • .BA
Isaac Miller ..- 101 `. 5.50
Samuel llodgden . . , ,- - . ::: 54 . •.. 328
Joseph Bradley i ' . • . ' 2irt , 11,03
Peter Bradley 82, - . 5.02
. . . .
.Patriel: Johnson, 83 0 61
William Sallatury , (owner> 100 -- 5.50
.Verauun Larabeo . " . 116. 084
C. P. Talluru ri 10: 1,54
• W. K. 11ATC11, Treasurer..
Treasurer's ogee, Barth 22,18.2. - 1
. .
Alms ABBY L. I/ N DERWOOO.) will open a
131.. School ih the basement'reoink of the tini
vers.,list Church, be ,, itining the !irk - Atonally in
April next. Tiom her experience id teachinz the
flatters herself She can give" her pat fpne entire set
iiftiction. Her . lermil will he reasotale, end:reg
ulated by the advancement of 'the
'She wilteach a class in Rhonoitophy, if de
sired. ' . 11w2
Executor's Notiee.
T raTErts 'MTAIIIENTAItY on the ostate FILA
.1-1 ELVIS lute' or- LENOX, deceased, having hpen
greeted to the undersigned, notice is hereby given to
altindelited to the estate to call nrillet thesenie with
out delay, and all persons having tteinands against the
estate wilt please present theta duly attested- for seine
went, • . TIID3IA4 ]PEST, rep.
Letion., March J 7.1852. ll+Pn
Going at a little above Cost..
trtllE 'subscriber ho a small stook ye:t - of Slen's and
.1. Boyd' COaree and flan Boots and shoes, and a good
assortment of Ladle., MiFFC*, end Children's Loots and
Shoea t iwhich ho Is now at price?' but a little a
bove east. There faun opportunity tor gr" , cal bargain in
this line " GEO. ruht.rdt.
Febinary . 4.1652. •
. , .
.• - All Aasortment - .
4r Ready-mad, Clothinx and nets had Caps, ran.
entattly our baud. A few of this 'lEossuttt" slats
'id remain, and a new supply expected itt 4 day or two.
. .
TIIE tubseriber Is anxious for u erttl mint of his tmt.
counts, slid persons who have accounts o=o4
from Doe to Jour year*, ore earnestly requested to come.
and settle the samttlmtuediately. 11. J. WEBB.
- Montrose, January . • 4 - •
limo copartnership heretofore existing between
S: G. .5- R. D. BsarrEn. is th is ;day dissolved
by mutual consent. , S. G. 4.R.I.O3ARKER.
Bridgewater. Match 1852.—aiOw3s •
11TANTED 20,90 bus4el of Qaly 10,C00.bush
n e t a of Rye and Coin for which the tligheri)
price willbe paid in Cpsiror Iride bxx - ~ •
ANEv"i" of Ladies Rubber, Buskins' &
Galterti-41so ginilenien'S Rubbers Plush
Caps, &e., jack renewed by, - - ,
• , -
/NIMES seed for sale H. BUBO TT.
• New Afilihrd - Horeb Bth,
ani; GARDSNO=IIS, gas ti4ft* ae
••• Cl4.reh 1 1 PERELVii
. , •
-. • Tilt sabseriter is nirirreeet L - ' take let — iffelaage -
•-- hill*Prlssitsekof goods,wa . - " JUg&MIII g IJlMaggp - .
"-logether trllJaliisforiosriapnly' Br - • Virtueof • ' tit CY 'En - i lid' CO Or
niako , 0 , 0 imeifil sad
a ; i ld IVO , ett. ,MN -
8 0# 1 /lent'-ele 7 Otteteduithe eat. 1. ' th e Co urt -o f CommOttliottl" Off tloilldthttOtto.•'
sew or Drocatecottaw; tuutsealeounty and to me directed; I will expose hi publio
Cr A tF r latt: t to 4: l 4Ao i tt 121.. t sale arthe , Court.heasein-Montrose; on Saturday'
K,,,, , . 1 , " nt h :ix und, play .. c .,::,.1 the . 17th day of April, aeit; at one o'clock if. at..,
_,-- . froart,o to $1213—, p or t o r o ni eh : --;Alt that tertaii piece and parcel of landaittrattc - '
*root lib °eh Impel:tattoo, chub to order. dna tonmi,,i ~... lying and being-to the triwnshipOf Liberty, in that
•by oft who lowelesttet them to Ira the hot ever offered ' county of kt uk • - d i n a
for - sale la this 'section of .eminto; 'bid s: u rge w 0 n..., ~ h oun de d -• la non an sta t e o f. .y a
[meat or tilLtvgit WAItE, 'warranted as foo d as coja. ma j' lo . ,- and deseribeit itefollOww,bl wit: ths
ortontive varteti. of Ili`SY pinterns of. kat t iogs, itresst.. - the north - brlauds of Jonathan" Howard; ou that,
iphie,s , ted other Jewelry of tho hest ausaiw-siro, Plated. east - by.lands at Ablation Chalker 011thellOtith,bt .
[4 ° l;:tl a tie e d o i b d;t th C o4 'k tttatt c tr " t t e o t7ert hi tt e ;;ThTlalet th er '3 l. te r n i s i c i f t a fr . eN co r , ftt w v" ll.. l4 ,.., -witsti „ Lk i Wei j bY land s`'
mined tereptire no palosth merit a entittatutnee or-thair t-- - "--- --- - -.„----u•-6 17 . .....0r,.... nett., be top , •
l hbarat pot!otaice,
....-',t-t- ....ALS'ltElli J. EvANS, -. laatne - more or less, together - 11%1i the'aiiinrtialit.: ,
1 ranith i m ;;,;„.:.ii ii2 : o ,i,i , - 35 .- ;,' -.. - -T .,otitogtott !t. . I ces, onefreimod house, °Mr Iligt hotrod; ettecr i t r asa • -,
" ' I brim, dad about. 35 acres improved, late the estate
i i -- TO S'EDIL %OS ;AND, IllEd-LEOS's "Jof Sakai Hotivard: - ----, : . ,-- . . . • :
'A LAOE vi., Of nrie.Plotett ono (pennon hitter l'whle ' -Taken , in execution' aftfiiisultat 'John testai .-
' sod Tett El nous br theinoco o;de:en-eery tow hy• . L ...• B„ij in Di v , - d, -' .. • • ' .-.: i' -•-•- --, - •
, -.-- • .„.., --. , • .'; ' -...; AiAlitEit J.' Y.V.Ani ,•••,- , --' - "-" ' ar
. , .
- - - Wzierittott st.,li:azte:totoii: " • -'' ALSO, : :-.-:. .;i . •
.; . •,,
- --'------ • • • -• P - e'rt •O of wilts" or Alias . Vim-Ex - ivied - • •
. • -soE. a ,r. co mil. • . '-- • '-' 11il • • " - ''
" .
- --- , •• - i and directed is ibuie, 1 Will expose to public sal.
A,,,,,.. „,„,„,,,,„,,t. ~,f2.01•;- . .1 Beet Comb: or direri i ' • * td - •la • I'd ' t 11.' itee. - -*
cut etldelitnitteras eon prtresby.. • e i ... 2 TA. N . • Int the Mlle time on it. oe. Isl. ..111 earl .it p
---- 'or parcel--of land, situate, lying and biting in 1114-„ -,
township of - kish.•iit the coualY of suarehaantio.
bounded euittltiseribeil an follows, 10 wit: It. be-,:.
- - Ih1";.11, triangular: lot adjoining lands of Caleb Care.
. ,
Popular Books f o r Ao.e n ts :: -}ratri oil the iihrth ;. eit I the_ son i h and east by laid., •
• , .- . „! • ' . . ‘ l, ' ~' - -.- .i of Samuel Walker; and it, -the west 14--thisread ,-'"
'Reatll'oy' :
s ;Lifo 'of ICoisutli.. - ,. 1 te..din g frum the "Ridge , road .ta BuSkiaghans .
, . , , .
risflE undersigned , Ppidirlied iti , ,Juntiary Thp Steiv - af,l'i and the - VS*OOE - 11T alneig - 7-'4 l nd lot to , ~
k.••1„If e of I,lput Aoy go r t i, g ravo id or of H at i ts . I !..:J run cot so on to'coutuidtwent five *MI, to. ' _
. ry, with nottc4s' ofithe. iiistingniihed Men , acid - i gether- WithLthe apperienances, late Oa- estate o':" .
scenes of thr flunzariatirevoltitiou. l'a'whicji.i alahan Gdial• -• . • -':-• '-' •' •
is added cf..Apir-ndix: containing the nurst-lm, - Totten lb r.xccation , ittxha auit el . Cliieb CU. !:
Tortoni of the
- Added .., Letters and Speeches of '.ntait vs, Nroihni thici.A , :' ~ , t, :
....• .‘
thejefertiMeyariltief. fly it._e. Headley; outbor 1 •; ; - " '''' . ALSO, ,:. e. .• , .
'of the "Einpresslosephitit," "Life of LafaYettii," 11 . All 'diet certain piece or puitfiritirlainiaiii; :
1 be' ' the . us! ' Sprits' ' I '
.S:.c., with an introductiott 'bY lioroco Greeley , . I r:tog' but lu f MT : , °r r. "
0 : 1 1 , - gle* tk •
lo ono elegOui,:l2 mo. volume, wi th , tt - steel por- t o counts 0 busque Mien a vtate of . Son. -
trait.. - .. Uniform in size and style with "Ileadlev'aisylytituri, bounded lipid desitriked ins follow, to wit: :"
losepliiiie.” Price
,ono'. dense acrd "twenty:five iDu tire, north by the rand - leading lam Spriog.
cents pe r '
cum:. :-' " '."" ' .. '' :- .-
.- - • - 1 yille to Ormiklyit.' on the cost:by the rottitleadini.
rr Auy tietrepon'et pithlisheetvithia - five hurt: ito Nicholsot & on the: soistn-aiwi wrsi by - land-of.
tired niFes of 1 4tv York '.tote-„that will g i ve t h e I. Albert. Bearcisiey,containing one Half acre, bethet• Y, •
aboie three insertions:shall receive a copy of th e !sante more or lees, Lizether.with the rt`ppartinap , ...
work immediately on - its 'pt 3 bli en tirli i „f r .e. e f. '„x. , ( , cet. one 'framed dwelling Ilituse, one trained barn..'
pense by mail. DERBY & MILLER, . i and al/ improved, fatothliestate of Polly'lloadley..", -
11%1;3 - '' •" ,* • . Puldishere;•Autraru.N:Y. f - Taken ill rare:llion-at fee toil of 'Calvin Les 4 ,,
___......____ .:-
i to the nsroof Henry ill, Freres, vs. Polly lioadley;„.-, :
. .
~ , -
-P.IIO3PECITS. - , '', ' 1 with notice to Claik Burr..2'. T. - , :
~ _
Tao .Nusioal. World . I • Ail that certain Piece. or . iireel °flood situate.; ',".
1 • - - '•
• • aNn; ,-" 2 - ..
lying nun beingin the towihitip of Jackiera s itt thei -
- • ..71i0VV.NAL gr TIME - ,VFNErAnTs, „ leoituty,of riusquehanria, bounded and described-es •
'rho cheapeit and best. M iteellanye4.4llusic. Lit, fellows, to wit; On the tiorilt by land of. John Coif- i
eretoro and Art, in the, World ; viiing - istionally to fie. on the east by land of '‘Yittow Boughton, and .
its euheeribers over five hundred " .pagea of valuable ion the south and wont *.tand•cit Lewis litenh..
lend end matter, and embracing , neuriy one containbur three acted. be'the . come Prire•or ten'
handled pages of choice* music. Published on the I tine ther V ith the n ppurtennunes. one saw-mill and •
i.ltit inn!
ulsth-of.every month, at $31,30 per uni 101 l improved, tato the.est4ie of Nathaniel ini. -
I num. The' Musical department will
-be enriched . ; • T o ke n le ' exe cuti o n at the suit o f E. 7. You ng
by the contributions of the must paptilar Couipo-i vs. Nuthodel Hill, - • r -
sets and :176,stereof MUsic now before the public; 1
1 who knee been 'secured to furnish its pageo with i
the best original 'comPtisitions, and with Treaties i
f un the Principles aid Practice of the Art, in this,
I and other countries - • • :- -.
lie objects contintiolly kept in view through=t
oat this tlepariment;'ore to aztaken'and - cuitiratel
musital latent, audio eneourule and marshal die
Musical IV tit er s
,of• Americo r ..$4lO using , the whole 1
- cause of illosie, Secular nuil.Secred,,Yocal and
instrumental, Popular and Scientific. and viewing!
it as a !nob art,. luflueueing the 'Moral. &cis!, Po
litical and yeligious Ebia.ition of the PeoPle. .
All eurfuntiniootions roust be addressed (post I
paid) to - , - • 0./AVE,R• DYER. ,
- Putdialter of Tile I%lasical World,
237 Broadway, New York:
Q 0311: ♦rry Llth. niw . Spr . irt! Vit!crizi tlil,f idoy reextvg4
rivra t4e.w.npufsetµtro pY. E VANS.
CO 1
12.8 , 3
r) GO'
MIZE eabaCriber tvoteAsaill tbiaitibtiorrilt the
pobliq . to. hia AritfOrti - of-Fruit - Trerp,
mike . Frieadayille, coosietilig
e, p m l y of ebowc •4 4 0 . Trers,:of good eiae sad
grocrth, embracing alargo yariety or the
most approved kinds. ' •
Also, few- Peach. Pear; Plum Cherry
S4 l
2r /f
. 132 '
0,02' 'Frees of the most
approved varieties. -
1 1
-N , Lie hops by strict attention, and accuracy iu
..12 ~ ""' business, to merit - public patronage.. - •-
351 Apple treei will be void „for 16 cents each, at
7,12 the Ntt ,, tery, or 18 cents when delivered tsliere
4,52 wanted.. . - - • • . --' ,
Ordere thankfully recet . y.ell, and a libaralallOw
>-- """z• Utica rimitilo lifotse:Mico buy 0 ,- -- 1 443 tigAi ' 14, -a ; :" ; .;:.
11011: - . • - - • ' -L M 11.71111.ELL
-2-94 , - Friendeoe,Sulttfa. c0., - Pa; )
24 ' 4 1 Marc h, leso . -
Shekiff's Balesi -
13 Y virtue of a. writ of Lev..Fd.ossued eut - of
the Court of Common Ilene of Susquehanna
county and tome directed, I will ! ovate to public
sale at the Court Mese" in
.Montrese,' - on . Saint
day the 3d day of April nextiest re"alock P: It..
all that certain tract or pare, 'e[- land situnte
t e township of Bridge watert . Wthe - county of
s4usquelititma.and etate of Pentisylvinia,und but,
ted, bounded and 'described as folleWs, to wit: Be
ginning; at a pest:eit the Milford driclwego Turn
pike Road, a ,corner of:a lot conveyed to Samuel
Scott ; thence by the same north thirty-sevott
trees east one hundred mad silty perches and
even-tenths • of: a perCh to a pest on the line of
Josiah Mill's lbt ; thence' by the same north eighty
nine degrees and thirty minutes, east six and three
tenth perches to a peat,' the south.east corner of
said tot, - in the west line of a lot helonging
Ito Scott Baldwin.; thence by the same north
eighty-nine degrees eat,t twenty.six perches to
beech the north-west corner of • Simeon Tyler's
lot; thence by the said tot sends forty and three
tenths perishes too post; thence south thirty-see.
et) degrees treat ono hundred and seventeen parch
es end five-tenths perched to the. said Turnpike
Road ; thence "along the same north firty,two
zrees tweet seventy-eight perches' to the place Of
begmning; containing sixty-nine - acres and three
;tenths of 3n acre, he the - stime mere or less.--
l'aken in execution at the suit of Christopher
1 L. Ward against Cormack Cushman
- G. B. ELDRED, Sheriff,
Sherifrfsofficts,Montroec, t. • -
March 3.385. 5 •
204 i
ne It()II.V.A. BEI:AL% LCONII9 „
Rev. GEO. It. 111,155..k.31.. - Prof. of Greek stud Literat.:
GEO. W. Alin rat t'ON, A M., • Latin
CM AS -S. JAMES, A.M., Prof. 3lathernaties
ALFEED TAYLU It, A. 31., Prof. of .11eUA Lettroi.
, . ,
Toe Mai aysteat Qf Collegiate educations is
fully parried Out,eru_bruciiig zi couoo of four yeaii,
and entitling the luccesslitl student' to the'degrue
of Bachelor of Atte.
In order, 'moreover- to adapt the University t 6
the wants of all, a. mum of'.study' hue been es.
tahlishetl Mating the Anci,ent Languages
?ulistituting in their place V:1110UA brunches of ,
Mathematics, Philoiopqy and Natnitil Sciende.—
Thiti course Will occupy - a period orth ree years;
and wilt entitle the'faithful stndent•Ao•the ilegrcei
of Baciaelor of. Philosophy.
- Students who ;design - spending but,a Year or ;
two at College, wilt study whatever hronches they
may ;e teat,' such ' as Chemistry, Civil =Engineer=
ing, Tve. - • • I
Every stinlent•will be rermired to give fpeeitti
attention to Composition anti .Public Speaking: -
In-conhection With the Collegiate &nonmetal
is attActidenty, in which the ordinery-brunclies ,
of an English aud Classical education are Purim;
department is under the eligrge'ilf lease
N. LOonts, A. M., Principal. and Assistants..:
E6iry, arrangement has been Made to fmnield
all repuisite aid in every part of a thorough Ace.
dentin ' a n d Culti.giate .education..; *An excellent
"Library; i - veri , complete Philosephical 'Apparatus
and a well.furnished Chemical Laboratory - are)
provided. Tha•Librari is constiMtly- receiving
I valuable
The University- , has,e,ttensive 'buildings mend
log in - an - elevated grove on the Petah side of the.
'town. A more beautiful,- pleasant end healthful.
location could not be found within - the State. , •
TUlTlON—Colleutatonepartment4 2 s paha:alum.
• , Academia ; " , ,
" ,12 . •
The year ii divided into two sessions-one' - of
26 weeks, mintirioncing,J6th Oct. and eontiu t ilng
till the I,4th April; the secend of 14
: weeks, from
the 13th of May to tholilth Aug.,-152. .
Lestabanr, radon conaty, ra.';/0.b,102.•
rrlng Hlstorl: of Iftingiry awl Hassath (a -vouabip
L wort( by /UV: B. F. TeFt,ind rho Iteport of the &-
mono Forrest Dlioree Caseiln pamphlet, last reselerst: -
A general assortment of • Fetrool poolta tura etattouery
always on hand. •
A now enpply of Oir.oF sessist"jusi receive. -
,•Feb4,1832. • 4F,t;c4Cl,lalt:
... •
Fruit Trees for Sale.
Universitk at. Lewisburg.
New bob,
By virtue era writ of Pt Pu-issued and direct
ed eft-above, I will expo° to publicaale at the
same time and place, all that certain piece or par
cel of - land situate, lying and heinz in the town•
ship. of Middletown: , Chnenttut and ArJobsconi,
dreeribed tts follows, to wit: _Begiuninz -at a past •
by the Turnpike road at the northwearcorner of -
the Catholic church tot, south forty degreei,West, -,- ,,
twenty perches 1 , 41 southwest.COnief Of the -
Caine'; thence south fifty-two degrees, east sine
perches to the line of Dennis Bray's lot; thence
Ty said line South thirty:eight degrees west, two
hundred and ell:I/teen perches to a post in
t'ierce's line; theuce in PiercU't Iturth• - rfirrtyttWo -
degrees wi•st fifty-nine and six-tenth perches to'
the centre cf the read lending to the North Branch;
thence" along said road.notth thirty degrees , east
two huadred and. thirty,sight porches totheturs-,
pike, and tliencelly the, turnpike . south SfOwn
degrees Mot fifty-one perches to the beginaing;
containing eighty-seven, acres "end a half,
the uppurteno nces. one framed haisei one fr amsd
barn, and about - fifty . acres improved.
Taken in ext;ciition".at the fait of Wickham dr; '
Stoup if:Henry W. Cox. -
• ' - G.'B.-LDl2Ell, Sheriff
a - era's office, 41Pittroltei - ' • • '
March „IQ, 1852. - •
. . .
• • .- Busniess Notice,: . •..-.
ii ka
- 14„r R. wiLstm would 'resptiettuni tea ir...
5.V1.....• log tarrettletl aecoona rab Wm', to '1 • ,
,Ittaratty_Notio.,--. " : ,---,-,.....:+...,•,;;.... ~...4,
"'TheiMerhatilibtiritiest. mill - be coallitura attdll ''‘';,
',tread ptuuler:the firm of M. Miami irtior._. Ther '...
lateral to keep a geueral variety. wad will ever be resdr...
aml•thankral to accommodate those who favor- theta'. .
with a vall . , • They
.tvill keep on hand a large stoek 01
i:ry Goods, Groccriest Crockery and.
-• • , . - liardivo re; - - - •
Partlenlaratteutlon tell' be given to this branch at
the hnaladra, id:Veep a fall aitsertment. Carpenters.' •
Illaeltamltha ', !Unless, Carriage.ltoot turd Shoe makeup':
will all Matt the artielea they treat. . , • , • ,--
Shots, ta, Sho, am, the mitt ersila, to mate them of kept
on head by - • ' • DI. S; 'WILSON &BON, -
• Itloptrose, Jan. 1,1552. - • Z , Hitt .
New' Milford:Shaivi and Dres s
Goods, Emporium.
IiBU BRITT is again in market with anew'
ltand enlarged stock _of : /Putter long and
square Shawls &Ladies dressGooda of new and
splendid potterns.aud - pricer reduced still lower, as
the city cash panic tells upon this market: . And
including also his general sup.dies for he ,&.;
'Winter trade in Dry Geod.. firocerim crockery„'
Hardware. Iron & Nails, Hats and -Winter Ceps *
Bonnets. Buffalo Robes., Boots 4. Shoe*. Stoveso.
etc. etc. all which he will sell on hi* usual libriMl
terms and atprices, that cannot - be best far' 00,,
Produce or approved credit. • •- ' • ,-- ;
N. B. Flour and Salt i.ciustantly on hand,
New Milford Oct.:11 Ibsl-44t1 ' ••
Now Boot' and'Sboo Storii
• 9111. E .. new firm of Keeler & Stoddard 'itarst':
opened a Boot and on Main street.
, first - door below_ the Brick corner in which they -
t offer for sale • .. '
r .
. •
i . • The Larders, Assortment - , ' ~_
of Boots; Shoes and fincruigs.ut the &stet prises
IN MONISP.S.E..• : t ' '
TY,dit'ell for ready pay and email profits
• . 'PH; citizens or the village and country . %re re- ,
spec:folly invited to call at a- reel genuine Boot
1. and where BOota and shoes are sold in:;
stoad of 'Beer and Oysters...-:- . - 't=.
,fieep,:-Ilt before the . Peeple' r .
; That we have , a full assortment alnong • which we --
enumerate: - . ' .•.- .= . . - .
- Mens'Cork Ole water proof bootr,long leg Ilan=
~ garians, calf huff sole : nd pump boots.. Kip 'halt'
Isola boots,, calf, kip /mid 'cowhide bto.:
i guns, Over shoes, etc. , -_ . ~, - - -
1 . -tenths Calf, Kip and cowhide boots, boys thick •
iboots t itc. :- ~ - . , , .
._- - -
1 - Ladies French Chamber Goiters; patent Fox -
!welt Gaiters. enameled and Kid . Polkas, enameled
r front-.lace. Polkas, kid ind - goat 'lritistv LiNell i .
I New.l.'prk ties, excelsiors, , Jetiny Linda Rosettes.
1 kid ties, rubbers, etc.. -r . ''. - .- . '
Missesgoit and calf Lace boolit,Jetiny 'Bind's'
, contorted Polkas, Butch' buOts, etc, ', •
1 • • .--
' Childrene tintton shoes, gent tuidenarneled lace;
j boots, Ge‘iters,Dmining's etc. ' . - -- , •
I Among our Findings we olrer French calf skins.
1 Oak sod ffeinlock tanned - (loll' skins; -Morocco,' -
pink and white lining skins, red,- blne4, maroon.
1 Roans; Binding, upper.leather, oak and hemlock "
I Soleleather, pegs,cine nails; apeAtblee, heel ball,
1 webbing, etc. - . ••, : .
.1 •N. B; IVcirkrnade to order aid repairing neat.
A 1108111BLE:
?,lan with his. Throat Cut! .
Bur hedid it himself, the tterber had nothing to de
with it No ma - Wrier hivird of- Guars thhtg bolas
done by the Barber, white the Newspapers two fall of
instances of Alen doing it thcrutetreot. A Tailor
garotte thing - anti , notie. but an' tonerfented , wortmoat
ahonidbe atiocecltobartle It. EY o 77lttell should think,
of lid', end not truot to hhntelf for no one can toll what
may happen to him. Now,/floa borer tonoh a racer.
you will neror cut ion, tit oat with It, .ao just ed t on,
ellAnt,t9 TlLMANißether r &nair Dreosen in Ottire'll`
hntidiog,neXtdoor to lontoMer„ who will chive you`
*month; at a new born habe.' t.O 'UAL= 1/131AN.
Mont 'se, Deo. lei - , biilf
ay; Cott'
„Tlti, l7 :l l t l = C TLWit t, eTTilitirof o tl ra jigst M on e T..'
i llondoehbamips arrivid. is llantraolle randy rte. ;
Dared tr, eta garments ?all and Spring fusions, Prattle
end F33glish,nnt forgetting Anteriento. , ..: Call -And etc a t
Mr. alezieten's private resMeser., Prat done ite-!seedy.
Castee,•Main at., Montrose; •• Tailor) melt' tbs Them'
Itoprovat.att oratittlAt. Tonal lib* '• '
2tf • - • C,WTATT.
Atep.PI:IPULAR, erreoged:fg .the glum,
sat. La - • lUR nal/
JAPbtg 4 . l 7o 6,l ?=: I'. .