The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 25, 1852, Image 2

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    set igcato
Whig risadal Qaplotioni!
• Bad , Menitt.lrighTtiocis. •
-• •
!Extract fro* thi- 7 sot!,
B. Vld:CidtlievHoirisc of' Ber4tsenta:
fives; Iltaircit 5,'185 . 2». • •
- .
I In Ohio, sir, in 1840, - doubt not
that thu same facts obtained in alttlureth
er States of this Union, the Whig stutip l •
era kicked the bark from every stutnNery,
Viefurna: Sir, they
. not only
. reformop - ems ted).ipOn the Organ - of 'heath*
• tlizy cidlelinto7requisitiowelie:tha -- orzan
of 'Sir, - de - yew nat'remetriber bow,
their. l tilighty . ..gatheringo..-OVthe• People.,
-they exhihited . ' pelitical:•chartk - ,by which:
.theyelideVoi" - Orls6:d6incinstitta the - expen-,
isoS - of'difffirent - '-adniiiiiStrations ? It yon;
Will visit iberetildeneea of OurVidg:frierelS,
lanninyOf tifeiti - Yett willAnd, -- banging in
inahogani-frenes-or- suspended -•bdek - • '
trteirdooking , glaiseA, - these - political shams;
inow -to whit itesoriptionviarchi
• •
'lecture they particularly belong; •sufficient I
fir oil practical par los , s tO _say they, were
Maileitp binek:ana fignre work." The
IW-hkrs at t,licir-uteetinga used theta "as
itehi3l l, teachers' use the blackboard';' end I
theYt Ward& point . with the fin ger,or perhapdl
Witliis rod - 0 cane; to the ' different . ridinta=.l
istretlnes,:shoniUgltrivi, under the,diftererit
atliniaistratiens, the eXpenies
crnin hitittun.up. tind •tleam,faccording I
to the circumstances, of peace and war, or.l
'‘ T •hi!tierY and Demeerney; until the: yedr
1830; under - the administration of . lllr. Vint
Buren; whc,i the " figure Werk" .
teitered - „Ilip• like :he sfaenlel of `Trinity
Church 'kw York:- ''...Underneith . this i
they-plaee.d, in large and • - life-like i
2- 4iorbg. - -$39,000,000!,5ii, what was Meant
thids . Plendid 'exhibition of the architect
. tWaFgemitS•of the 'universal . Whig . party?
1171 . 1 y. these - WhiWstumners left:ua to
Ahab:Vol interpretation. „
They corruption and
trevagance upcn the emocraey,.an prom-,
Ise(' that if they would vote the Whig tick-
Ot:turn, the deimieracy out, and - put the
Whits in wer, =you should- have. an -cep:. I
il'ornioaladniini,tratien of the, government;
tilt thcdxtionse of the government alintild
i}e brought dowse to what it.was in the days
. Of,tile, "earlier Presidents ;" and, to
.give Coloring _tn their ~ •eharges,,of.extrava ,
,they- described in .gorgeous colors
the Oriental • magnificence of the "'East
They•painted-qr. Van BurerLin
ljis glgiish .."Coach, with . his. 'servants in
livery; they sent their annoni6gles 'sPv.l
a &tut' thel.Presidential Mansi on , to 'take an
inrentory l ot his forks.and spoons. his ow,
els anrlbed utensils, that the people • might
see how the democracy had departed from
ihcsimplicity of the earlier PreSidents..•
- 1 . people, believing that "Where liters
• Il e ac-so great,a cry ; there pin be Some
Oto;"lurned the democracy out-and turned
the whiga, in. And ,what: have they'expo-.
rieneed? 'Why, sir, ifthey would -only re
aliie their imlidition, they would learn - the
tentlifulnes of - :/Esop's fable ofihe fox and
theflieX;l'they - ,,wOuld.' feel that they. -are
'{]Dosing every remaining . droidef. - bl6od in
. their, veins„,".: _ • ..,
- True,•air,.'lld.r. - Tan - Enron's, administrar
lion:Was an expensive administration
~ , • . che year .rap-F-thl - 3- year re:
for . red:te.m:thearchiteetUilil . Whig - exhibi;
tion—we, were engaged in,..thii . •,,Seritineld
• War,: . That year east
• rie-$13,00 0,,000; which; deducted from the
030.050,000, Would have left the_ordinary
• eXnenacs of the government only $26,000,-•
• ON: • "• - - --;
Bnt, Mr. Chairman, I have already re-
Marked that the people relying upon these
promises of eform, generously., gave the
ghverzitnenv into the . , bands of the, Whig!
party.:.. They hold the reins of government I.
to-day, sir. But where - is this prnmised i
ri , fortit ?, I Where is your boasted economy?:
What now under this Whig idministration,
are the expenses n your
Hare ire Came, back to the simplicity arid
economy of the , earlier Presidents Y:: Now,
sir, Ton have a; Whig - administration. and 1
lion have no expensive• war upon your I
l'atuls. No, sir; in the emphatic and etas- i
sic of General Taylor - , "you are
4 peroyie world and; the rest of
mankind ;" and yet, sir; what are the in'.
final expenies of your grivqnalont s - .Have
reduced them to s26,ooo,ooo—what
Mr... Va- Bnren's administration - would
have •east without the Seminole war? Aye, ;
str, have you kept them to -$30',000,42100....•.1
what Mr. Van Burents administration did I
Post with' l the Seminole war? - No, sir;
this l'hi t 'atirn br ht i r to;pow
s r oug -
Muer ; tue Cry of economy and, reform ; is
eitsting 4 annually more than $50,000,000.
Nay, sir,-this is not all. Thenhairman = of;
the WaYs Means has this very day impor
usto take up the deficiency bill, giv-1
thg this aaministration some $3:000,006'
The highest expenditure of yottr govern
raent„ in any one year during the .adminis if .
tration of Mr. Van. Buren (hirring the ex- .
Pense of the Seminole-war) was $26.000,-
4100; and
_Ter4- sir, your .Coradne and Craw
fords perambulated the'elitintry Calling.fOr
reform: referm _Since that Ali:
Vuairutan: scarcely tielvoyeara havepass,
(.` , l airat; and with your Corwin and , Craw;•
iprls astaardia - ns of the national, treasury. ‘ i
. Your government expenses, have increased:
to $52,000,000 annually. ' •
j . What, Mr. Chairman, has ' - eauSed'this
entwatods expenditure? 'The answer can
he jbtaipect in' that single word which, in , a :
414 . 4011ra' yeitic...comcs to us from the emp
• sy vaults of your national treasuryGai
plainism,i- • z -
inayibiltstedi perhaps, what hag t i n
this -to , dO ., with the bill"- under considers
T4ti*er; 1@; that s6ii: cannot pre=
vent: these frandS . and_corruptione, so long
Up-yoarititiOnairvangeirare. raised :from
Indireetreonrces;' - lint, :to e,
,call ,upon the people • taxation,
'that - moment they will awake to the enor
you -touch
of these - frauds.' The inernent;
.itig - taiich the yeekets the 'penplei'bis
_ galtiadiitng, this resurrecting operation_vill
cease. .finstrnment_office holders_ mill to,
apitger .hring to life minims that have 'bine
4eadandAuried forbore than half n.. - cen•
Then; Si?, cabinet - officers *intense
to act as claim • agents; then, sir, yoir
,Craiii9iiiiiidgriity44 tease_, to map
toiiitenre th,
=since of disentombed clanne, by witic‘they
i as poeket their hundreds of thousands of
-- - . : .:
Idollars; . then, air, the names' ':of Cr awford;
and Co rwin may to be'aisizeiated.Witial
• Pdlio'iiiiititiq.'li ,i - ;':'''_ - :..i' '
....\ , - .1:-1:,-
lir, .let ,:me diaeSt the 'lttteistion . :_cir ; ibis`
lannimittee for a!aingleititnelt to eliaigeS.
that coalman- rintiorfatiten#pohlthe OeSent
: Saeretary.:--pf tkOTTreasttry,-ttae . whOhitho 4
'eountry-.demand lto hate tiiVeitigatedl by.
' this Congress. : -I refer; sir ; to his entree
; . tion with Gardner .ehtiM.L.Tublieja. - ..,
l.mnrcharges, sir,l that Mr.-Corwin reoeitred
$60,000 as the agent of this:.Gardner claim.
l Now; sir; 'the inquiry-naturally ;arises, Why -1
did Mr. Gardnertitipulate to-pay Mr. Cei....1
winlbis enormous fee?. - WaisMr. Gardner
so dumb that liefeotild nat . :lotus the ;11014 •
of his own claim ?d Not._ sn sir ; he •Is a:
iiiiii . beliiiiiiiifiO'one or the-liberal -- prefee:;)
I sion'a; and lulauppreierl to . be - devaid i
t .of cammonseesd i ;_ arid, 'Sir, If hie elaini was
Oast ene;iiii:dotildlhintself present it' lio-,
l fore the proper:triluittl, and. ask a: deei4on
Import its merits, l• But if. his claim. was bad
he - - . would naturally I ; desire -to .hying' the.{
Lstionger 4 influenele tnits - support. th Ctibid 1
nfit-havd l , i3lecte,d:Mi . .. Corwin beciiiinil Off
l'hiSgreafelnquenee 0 . 4; air'a plaht..sittipie - 1
stateinent'or facts was, all 04 tarta_ulloWed
rbefare Ali*' tribUtel.l' ; He eotild . ; - not: havc .
j rselected hltaMt acgoantathis_ legal neuMen,
lin taking : nd arrangingtestimpay; foriiir -
this ease was prepared -and :' theltestini4Y '
:taken in - Zlesion,4and s every one - khoWs that
Mr;-:-Coraria, tl'aight - 'a 'great . : faVoriteilin
- ,lfeitcei in coast:lam:6 of his 'ibleody.heird - 1
and hospitable grave l Sentiments;!v4
'er in Mexico:. _lthY . then, sir, ris,Mr, COr.j.
„win ; selected?. ; 41ei :answer- is olivio.tis.;-„
: „Mr ; Corwin is-a great wan -with :. his .ptirtyl I
He has been made sn',-sir; by- the whiga!ofj
.Ohio:: --They'rende hits their representative]
I first in this House ; Ithen," air'. tlicy' . node
I hint their s tandard-bearer of th e partyjn''
I Ohm; byseiecting lauf as. thek candidate
I for. Governor ;•.then . fir,' they.sent himito
the- Senate. of- the_ 'United States. , Alla , :
this is .not .all ;die wns at one ' time the fa
, . •
vorite-of his party in Ohio us .a: - candidite
for the presidency.
.-- his naniele minnex:; -
ion - With - that. 'office; was 'at : the: - ,Mai4.:b4ad
of liiipartY.Prees: '.sir, Mr. Gardner, .na'a .
I shretid man, knew all this. -.,lie knew that,
hie.,maa.must•pos•essed of great. iotiu7-
cu m with - a wiiii, administration; -mid d.
the exercise of Side, influence With . I -whig
adininistratien; and for-the, ciercise - of-this .
influenceJor the noire,' of thie.tisition, - 111r. 'l
Gardner esiald afrord 0 give :kr.. Coralin
$lOO,OOO. if th4iehy he - could get - alloWed
his'elaim of $1i.: 4 0,0t4- But, sir. in. what
light doe's it. present Mr. Corwin" before the I
country? • . The people. bad -seat him- hilre
to guard their interests; they Were paying
him eight delimit per
.day 2 to sratth•the Un. -
itinnal - treasury;l- - they . x : upposed, sir that
with the vigilant anit:over-watchful'eyeof
-Mr.: Corwin upotxtheltre4iury,„Otvionldbe,
safe.: -But, sir,.ruinor:says_ that : - theY were`
I mistaken: iitt hoOnan.; - for whilst receivitig
I `pay. trorn- the .Wiple :to 'watch: and guard
their treasury, this Mr,.-Gardtier, knotvihg:
his man; feett.hito upon the other side-4-he'
Oufbid, . th e - , peooe. : : Gardner's: $I60,901"
was asmaidpotentoveryourilitionaitroi6. : •
urytis Was the topen,sesame", of Ali Bitha.:
over -the-:cavern of-the 7k•orty.niei.esl
: . But'lmay-bd told,: perhaps; by setae ci.: -
Rica' friends tifi Mr. Curain that' there as
nothing:in all' thii;-41at kr . ...o;riciies 4u. - .
. -..
410: such a fries}} of Mr. ;Corwin, f - be iias
one, if this is nova parallel : . one- with
4 taking.fees ape bo th sides r.Yei, Sir 4 , a
lawyer.shordd be -.guilty of . such a practice,
I you would Silence him before any.:cchtriilin
the United Stalk - ' - f- - : : -
Mr. Gainpbeli, of Ohio; (interrupting.)
if thqiendernan,will - allow me`to; correc:t
him; I undcistaud that My - honorable col
league fias b a ried . upon the Sceretarilof
the Treasury dishonorable -and' dibhontist
connexion with" the. Gardner Claim. 'DO
so underqtand
Olds.--I have Made mY 'statem4'nt
clearly' and ' explietty. If. my culleagn,
does not".iindelstand it, r isid 'repeat
again; if hudesiies.,;. ' 4 .
Mr, Camphell r —l undertake to sarthat
if he does charge upon the Secretary of the 1
Treasury any diShonomble or dishonest con -1
nectiup with that claim:it. iS wholly gratn-
itous Ind unfounded. ..Now, I 'happen Iota;
have been placecl—,l, - - . • : ',l 1
Mr: Olds .— 'ask. ;ask. my 'colleague to ,bet
brief; as I want ill my time. ; - - .' , '.l ;
Mr. Cample.ll,4 will ; 'and . T will . not 1
stand: here and .hearl imputations and insin- : i
nations, of dishorreSty, against'an_ honorable 1
,I happened; to be ~placed, at - the
death of General Taylor, in such a sittia. i
tion as to have 'enabled-too to undenstand 1
fully and completelY all - tbacennectianW,ofl
that distin.rmisho Man 'with the - claim then ;1
before the Nesieati Board; and; I Say 6 41
that so long as *.lctirwiti had any inter- I
est, 'direct or reinete,.in any _Claim Which.'
could-in any poisible contingency haveoto
be paid out of the treasury, beiefused Os
itivelyand 1
peretnpi j otily icr-take a seatin
the Cabinet . l' - . ' '' ' - '. ' ',l
:Mi.Olds.- 7 -Ilbnpe my colleague will not.
understan&me as - makiiig any ursinuathin's
against Mr: Corri - io. (laauglaet-,) 1 lOpe
I am not
-so rirdertood =by the fJousec 11 . I
charged - upon Mr. Corwin that be . was alec , '
ted by the tegi.slalttio.of Ohin,'and =given.
$8 a day to a•st4ti 'Cier the national Treas
ury.;, and - I charge that while 'reeeletng
that .pay from tte 'people : of, the Unii!ed
States, he recei4ed 479,000 - from the lii4 7 .
41.0 : claim, said te be, forged:rind fritutlal
:lent,. to open , that 1 tri sans., and sake . the
moneyfrvm it.: .!I bhpethists no insinuation
(litinglater.) I softy that my colleague .
should so understand it,
.• tl , --
But :shame, where is thy blast f ' With
frauds' and speCritstrons„told - ,4Ming, and
op* With, Galphinises, Crairterdisso,.a.a . & -
Corwinism, writtertFt i mon eviiy•Act of ,tirts
administration, the. nig - organ in this city
laughs us in the fa' ,'' and dares us to iit...",
tempt_a tondenma ion: Tim' administia:-
tint! runs riot with 4 pepple i s - minaeir;and
its organ" casts our ealt'anedliidaio
anion In our - 1.4 y th,.. - and.datea: un Ito
attempt an investi don, ~, ..- - ,HI
. . Mr. Campbelh (itrerripting:).'A wish to
safane word.. J -- ---- , , - : ''. ' - - .-
. Mr ,- .0 1 (11-1. -_,•:'. L " -,-. ': ' 1- 1
- - 111r.`Carapball. - - - Wish to `. dry that Sr.
Corwin will chall enge invektiiatton. -- ' 1
.. k -.Mr. Olds.- - .*.liaitumo,- - if Yott eat tiff
this' indireet source of l ev enne - to your i a -,,
dogs) treasury; ;au - you c onic; Loins ,ta - ia
di r ed,tzuf - upgi l iAbp pepple;:the,peopla Will
'plane their ayes !,110. a such Elan ii, Car Win
and Crawford ,, and : a ll 'their - defenders uptin
this floor , and call hem to a strict accoui-
Lability. So hag' Yoix hails this indir
.ect source of reirenuoi.•,* your na
tionallfcaeury is to :ha gorged and replen
iShed4ust so long the attention of the peo
ple will :not eallid. to , the enormous
faults; which. bare been practised under this
Cialphin administration; callcd into power
under professions of economy; and promises
of, an economical administration of thetov
Orietiponderico of -the Daily
liAninntino, March 17,1852,
srh - o proposition of the tranaPortee.4.
lease the,State Works, from Philadelphia
to Pittsburg ti'erbieh hero several times
ref:rred in this eorresliondetme, was made
to the House to-day ; it is not so-full, and
perhaps not so satisfactory kipe,as - 1. had
anticipated.; hOwever seem; as it is
' donhtleas intended-to - simply bring the mat
ter before the Le4slature, and be used as
a- basis npen.which to indicate or build,a
contract with' the parties ; Making the:_propa
sal.. 'The prepoeition.aareit4to the lirmse,
is in'the follotving terms:,., _
, Maich 16; 1862. '
Jolt spealiei - of N.
Undersigned; eitizenn of the, Com"
moniveAdth. 'of -,-Pennsylvania ; respectfully:
submit:the following proposition to lease
the finished line,of Canal 'and Railroads of
the State fur a term of ten years from the
first day of- August nest, and keep the
same iiias good repair as when received,
aniipay for the first yew eight hundred
thousand dollars; for the second year, eight'
hundred;and fifty thousand - dollars • for the
r third year, ninelhundred thousand ' dollars;
and !or each succeeding year, one million
I ot' dollars ; the,payments to betnade month=
ly to the State Treasurer, and second by
the deposit of one hundred thrinsand dol
lars in the bond's of the State. 1
They further iropOse to - expend addi
' tion to the , Bitola payments, three hundred,
thoutand dollar 4 towards the improvement
of the Coltanbial and Philadelphia Railroad
during-the teni of their lease, - and also to
double the capaeity . of the leeks on the
Delware division of the Pennsylvania Ca
nal, and, 'CM the [completion of the road, to
avoid the inciiri/d planes on the Allegheny
Pottage ; said road to pay, eight per cent,
per , annum on the money. hereafter` appro—
priated and expended towards the construe
tion thereof. They also propose to pay
seven per - cent, per , annum.on the sum of
thirteen hundred, theusand dollar; on she
completion of the/North Branch Canal and
its connection with the Chemung Canal in
the State of New York, and they prify the .
Legislature to enact, a law authorizing a
contract to be made with the undersigned
Or theii a.ssocitites, in accordance with the
terms of this proposition; - all of which is
most respectfully subinitted.
E.. G. Datihl, Thos,..P. 'Clark;
Henry Graff, Jeremiah Butler,
Jae. Bingham, 4, Morehead,
Jacob Thick, Israel - Painter,
Harris, B.
Wm. F Leech, Wm. 13: Foster, Jr.'
I have - hearilit intimated that. this pro
posal is intended as a blind, for the pur
_. -e - of diawieria.#o.,mayia.
aalliat if this new element be throws
in, it is likely to have the effect to post=.
pone' any legislation having particular ref
erence to that subject. ,
This,is certainly not the intention of the
gentlemen making the proposal; nor can 1
for aluoinent think, that 'such is-likely ie
be its effect. The i'gentlemen who make
this 4,ffer are Weil known ,
sr cterae
terind business. integrity, and men who
ire not in the habit of snaking propositions
without &substantial meaning-- nor- can it
have the 'effect last .indicated;.as .-tliere
seems to be :a determination •to do-snme- -
thing to improve the condition of the State
in this conneitien, and if thopoweri that be,
will jniit stand' aside . and let this proposi-,
lion manilla the Legislature,iiponita
- the merits of, the:Management:of
the public works, I:bawl - no:doubt but that
their proposition will secure, at least a fa
vorable consideration; and perhaps he iiilop-
The Howie spent tin ' , hour this "riirning
in dismissing
_a resOltiti4, offend by; Mr.
Milrer to discharge the Committie : onYite
and immorality, from the further ;consider = ,
i talon of the Maine;Liquor ..13ill,_siol to re
iar the same to a Special Committee. - The
}motion was discuised 'by Messrs. ' Miller,
!Lowry, (Chairman' of the Conirsittee,)Wsl-
I ton. Giles. James, of Warren, and Penny:
Geol. James was in favor of the motion
Ito diScharge, beeskisi he , was disposed to
I think now, that if a"; bill was reported. he
• would go for it. ' JudgsGiles retorted °p
ion the Geo Land said that if he Would ex
! cuse - the-terci. be Would say that the gen,
I tlemeo had beeW bribed to vote for the
bill. -'' ' - - - --' ' ' ' ' this is a very , grate charge, said
IJudgs 1 .3.1 will state the circumstances of
it - ,to I the . Muse. 'The- gentleman from
Warren a ball- the other oighs, and
.. -
! there ; Was a very beautiful young lady
Ithere-whose hard was constantly engaged
-1 fur sereral sets 'abead7 , My, friend
IWarren was among the competitors for' hat
hand ; When the ,lady suggested that if be
would agree to vote for, the Maine.Law.•he
!'should ban it fur the next dance: .The
1 gentleman .from Marren, like his first-lath
er in , n - the Garden of Eden, in an unguarded
inoment, , yielded- , :obtaise the - MO 'of
I l the'llidyln 'the niiXt :,ilance=-and now be
[tells:Yen that he is pripared46 vote for - the
iMaine hatF.> The General replied Wien
tiny, thet - the - .gintleMan from Elk bad not;
!warm-fortunate se. to be, able , Ao wak e
I such'n bargain for himself. -
';Tha Middletown (ennit.),Nows idyls that
on last Sabbath niornint,tbere having been
a steno the night- previously, Abe young
Inas had the charge.. or the Meeting
Moults' in Viotti well, fond, on "opening she
stove, in owl nicely - caged therein.; 'As
. :heiise. teen, iooltokund' tpei keys
Oisessi9i l , ( ;.c'thi',Yo.nn;: l6 l l.l 4tirii) the
week, it-13 evident that thesml must bave.
, §anta , ,elause-like, come ,dowa the chimney
a distance of about fortyfeet, entered a fiva=
lind,• B llialf - inch star! pipe-from -tha'ehitti
enY,t:traielted ‘ - thipuzli'iti dark ieceises
some; kit; and then leaceadid the
pipe !Oa list to the ziove,.. where, riot -able
to continua bia : explorations any .longer,
awaited his deliverance.
Minn - tit Orcullsitioti in 'Norther*
p ouniy i vanin ....4o42 Copies Weekj y.
~:,: - p .::-4:: E .:. p . ctiA,p;*ii,llo,i;
litzp'vairrn, s m . -
TEIIIIIISDAIN - R 1 4 , a 011.250,652.
.• , •
- -Far. Presictent, -
James Buchanan.
Subject to the decision (of tho National-Con
voutfon. ,
t-• - • _ .
' Canal Commissioner,
WUhiani ' flea •
• ' ••• '
or Favette.:• ••-
Eiliiorial Corr,espondence.
• -. • Wastutco.ros,../Ilarcli..lB.•,
.bM'e: heard of
dent's'Leree.f,. so reirWlied for the assembling
of'greetmen add grout ,`' iaimmirt ,"-I ntellect,
beauty , ; and- t:TAst.,:Priday :evening.
closed the season of these, 11 . 6 that'ene suns
the erniiiiitig 'eery_ ef . the . Whele:' GO; with
n3° awhile . and WO See What is. to be seen,
The largeand -beautifulf-grounds-eround7the
President's Mansion, aro jniest - si)lol3dldiy
minated; and the 'Mansion itself in a
.. • •
glare efrielr light thrOW73ont 'frothithe - inaes,
ive,glitti3ritiiihandelkirs,•end reflected from
their various colored mirrors and elegant deo
orationi.: We. are yet . some 'distanee Off,' ; hot
the martial strains of nuisre float out .6n the
evening air, and as you approach mid ent e r the
Mansion. you find. the [Washington • Marine.
Band,'ln' the Hall,in full blast: •1•:: liassing by
,them; you 'enter . the riCePtion'reote, in, the
•. .;• •• , • •
!centre of which stands ;President
[who iMmediately-advaneck mid receives _you
most cordially, You are pleased, I 'l36o,With .
his fine - manner's, his pleasant laid Open, Ciitin• T '
tenance. Well, he is aO4 looking mane—
' too much be great+ .He is. more the
fancy - Order, Just 'contrast him' with: that
,gentlenaiv [at his lett,'Who:ap;
• pears : broken sonewhat[by ege,- . (and . :/guiss
dissipation) btit is ho 'stands there liyortheitn 7: .
personation of Atlas, only* that instead
ing a globe resting on hiashoulders i he-has a
[ moat bewitching maiden eighteon
hanging to his Innocence.
standing, by. the statue Of Jove, :.-IV:hrti a eon
trast! Who, think youlthat man"lis ?
as Lippard Would any; the big mani'entilthe
maiden' standing
,there.,'!, Why he is none:
or .. thin the DanietlV.biter.
—the Americart.Secretary.•:. .Now dont ou
say that President I'illmore looks
, stnallHby
!the side of some ot hia COMpettrsl • :It is even
But; look you there, Sim. •At• the other
sideof the room 'stands; the obierved of all
observers r among the . ,beaux I mean., See I
how she glitters With jewels and geht'And
how gracefully she bend.; to acknowledge atm
adoration paid "at per shrine.:
. Seeithayoungi ,
man approaching ; her, and bewifehiogly
she smileS• recognize -that
". youthful metulieriof.Congresss 'the ver.
en— tts.the daughter of the President. "Look
out, my friend, you. may find ,yourself, tool
late, in the power..of some ..of:.these charm.
ers! - Now past on with the - thiwiti,g' erowd
through room after, room, all blazing:with
splendor, and. beautyand tashion,-,:mtd such
fashion, Iteannotle said that silks, and cost.;
ly apparrels, are .risirig; , though perhaps the
mer*.hants would tell you
,Theyare om-
P 6
. 4 111 i growing, though your ladica.still , pe.-sist inl
choking themselves iiviih a high collar I
,That tali; Ulderlylady yerider iiiirs.- Welt
'der. She is following.the example of.her ii.:
lustrioos husband, whotri: we saw a moment . 1
since with thaidashing:yonnitelle„ and )1a.41
ta_ ~6 137 :01 3' arm of !i . . you t h _
_.of, 0v7314-11Yei1
dashing young huck,... There too; jest accost.
rag Mrs. Weirder, is a , no:efi; savage looking,
man; with - iirge Vntistache.s and: long curly
,Thlt is the Rus s ian Minister 'the per:
1 teci Periinnification pc,the "illear of the North:li
i Gen Jessup passes hinf in, full' 'uniform; and a,
'merry laisie"-liiiiii ''r . ,43:'his: arm playfully
• twirling t t ;e : t h nif ii , c' . ff*ei , 4o l6 * tom,
1 pod Ore Stockton; tthatlittle good natured:old
!man with a hlack wig, is coquetting with 'a
1 Youthrul 31iSs,'andhli;se bi . :stan* . the son of
la distinguished . :Senideir chatting
,"'eniall .4'lo'
l to the wife of the:Flussici Minister,, In short,
4 1 what a curious 4 ;lairing7offn is 7 seen •in this
1 ,
brilliant asst Of ;youth :and grey : age',l
. 1 1 *Mehl ,will)i . 76W le:ave . ,yon tO 'ereWd: nreond
in, While I take a leeP4lnt Cengress,incithings
labout,Washington..;,, - ..' : . 7.- f'. ..1' "
Now. look .abont. the' Senate qatiber and'
pick out thiklioes.' I:Tint:e griy, T 'lt+eneiableman
lin ilie"Chair is senoli:o,l4Fki,f4;loPciesl-a.ri.:4;
I, lie is, a • rabid antiaossith -- Man and - ,51r.
?Seward gave hien ' 4 Bts"-the pther his{
IntercentiotirSpedcb:' Ile NA'S : like rigristerl
'man than be . really IN .the:ciiiiii 'no' donth I
• . ..J
,dig,nity , to. •his , appenrance....t ~., . lle
seems-to Esney - biniself4he next - persOnage•to
I the'Presideat: of the' United'' States;b at' see,
1 he &writhes under the reiikePl - the . :,eloqiietit
7 Bewail In the aisle yonderyonpbeerye that
Ismall foppish personage, in 'close conversation.
4 witlfa Senitok WhoiM hair irs'a white as wont."
lThat little black 'haired *6' 40' . .iy::!iiietif.
i' r A44',ala; - 0: 6 ; - : - rieard'e4 - -ir6•4? - 21,,. L' l 4 s
isPPeitrunf:o does not indicate a great man, but
he is most
,unquestionabli .one, Of r ihw best
- men , ' On:the Aoiii.' . : lie; le;ratheraireeal4. in
his nisilneta - and a'tiii . .iiite. with ilieladlei;%
Ircioder to the right'of the Chair yea See , a
larger O erti i i iannkiiPP*4o7;44.o4foi '- ' /I r''
I ,7 2 ke4:9 o .dinFitie7T9t.iNlO; f1.:"gi.14 031.04i6c
osiegally, ataiis,44-ihOugh t -Imakel4gfrom A
dread. :; He ha s black kitts4 7 Nvigi righ4
1 34iiii!'ylitaiifitInet4io lii'ilikii t siiiij4;Tc4ciin
scarcely, aitc))'l4:ele '1. 0)0L 4 i'l44 l g intent:
at 0 one slint'litt.the.444'.7,Brinater7.7B7iwr6l
is speaking aidiCenCitie - (for : this is he)- is
Aitestiog - ive#*hienei':gat.,:talla':friiMile
lips: - Yes, that iiiiiheii4rld:iglenlie'd',oase,
one.of the greates t ump , ..,ol.itheiage,-; yg r lftlit. a
'tee mendotis head berdetryincte, bred. doe.tadl.
eating a lie4tioponailitige . :414".1*.r4
1 4., hiiiPAito oci'oeiii i*4 ii \v - 0,1 wic t:1 dig. i
ilAte r t e. - -hii - great mind is . an.arseng-iof 04061 ;
I manlike learning and experience. Cass, Ben:1
ton. Calhoun, Wright, Clay, Buchanan, Weil:
ster. ' What a constellation of great men t - . for
the nineleentit'ccOgry I With em Ame4cri
might afely cha 'Axe the 061.1 i
No* admiring towards Gen.C'esais Maio)
ofVirginin k ,(Al is.a numiiied i lillp sfqe; al
lirgeAund-lterui, inthei dull'complexio4 bol
there is rt gsod deal of the Lion in his nature.
He meets a very tall, well pr portioned, good
looking knit- and a pleasant conversation en
sues, if you may judge. from, the countqrimacel
of both.' That large man is Senator Gwinn , of
California. HS is a man, of active tempera-1
ment, always pleasant, and iwould be picked{
out for:a very great man in any place,—prob
ably a greater than he really is. Near where
he is standing sits soule ofLottiatana: TritTs
a Spaniard by , descent, and settled in; this`
country after basing passed through many vi
cissitudes in his own. He was' a rong tune,
--many` yefara 2 =4miaured In a dungeon, by his
'government, from which hO escaped thrnugh
the frienillini&iinUnn 4011 ikeYernmeAt? to
which be had previously been attached. I Liu
then took lip his home in -ILenisiana, .'became
etatneet et the her tied wavgna l tr ° I
the Senate.;;; How his,small,leiiek eye , flaslica,
and how restless it seems. He is a most elo n
Anent and pastionate speakerd and 'has mode:,
h im s e lf PlPulni in the Seed? hY'hiereeLlele;'
manly, and gentlemanly deportment.' When
it la anncninced that he istospigdr; thezaller
ies are always crowded with ladies; with
whom he is 4 great fuvorite ns an
G rator.'. ~ 1
1 You want to get a glimpse of Seward a l
New Yoric. Well, we mill look at him as:he i
was spenkin,g the 'other day on the Kosiuth I
Protest, which he introduced into the Senile,
Ho IS not so , large a man as you auticipated.,l
He is about as tall as our Congressman, Mt. : I '
Grow, and Much like him :in-form. He ,bast
rather a small head, hair white, cemntenane,el
pale, eyes light blue and of •thernselves'elost i
fascinating. Ho speaks slowly and distinctly; 1
his language is peculiarly chaste and original, I
his, atgirment foreilde and convincing,'; every}
I proposition sustained - with- most admiratile 1
tact and shrewdness. Hecis ono of ; the most 1
Laborious mien or the day, and that 'is what has
made him what , ho is. His style is wonderful
i ly schplastic, and his delivery pleasini. -'lle
1 seems always to smile when ; and;.speaking,
rounds his periods most beautifully mid chi.
quently.... His speeches• are alwaykthoroughly
committed, so that he speaks with , the nicest
precision. Such is Senator Seward. as alarm,
but as a politician so much cannot be said in
his praise.. Near him Ate Mr; Brodhead of
Pennsylvania, a tall well formed man, and
very good looking: Mr.Ceoper,his colleague,
somewhat resembles Mr. Seward in appear.
iance.' -r.. • '' '' " ' t ..
Aerosi the Ilail lender' s i ts 3fazigoa' tti: - ; of
North Carolina. HO is. a L fine ritati_to : 00.
, ,
1 and a man too of fine talents,., In the. South-,
1 era delegation he is.a Lion. Old Gail Jacinto,
Gen. Honstoo• is'absent from-the city,'s von;
' will notiee•hitri,' It:is thought - by spine that .
his clusinces;!:4;i3 ! - ,,.6p4. for, -,the.-,Fre..salt;ncy.!-- 1
1 There isimother.Presidential :candidate, that' ,
you have not seen vet, and we will - meet= . him• l
lin the rotunda Orfila' cafilipl;;fiiihe IS''hOt in;
~..' 4 ti t riili r l,-v,;;ll;;,,rpmA i i„,,,:t4_,
• .nen ,-F-' a it e:man:yon er oTousee,
him'? . That -is 'the "little` githit of the Wst,7 l
the' _i•eritaliln ' Donglais4young - .2lnienea'S
erigtodii'neat:`;Whata`little, il:oStling '441,0w
he is,•—net morithan.thirtyleightiantLibeside".
Senator Foote'-of Vertnouti 'with whOm: he iii•
tallcitii,•liOle ihe'Toinb Thiiinli • iiyi itifint".
Mr k pOtiglaas is a great," little!! tnan,and,star.
te4 inllith with A jack-plane , astfis:ralianee.-.:
From he entgred- kk law • Oltie:
rose rapidly ih'hialprofesilon, - Aiasicicin,piiit'da .
1- 13 V: 13 ,P,i,9 4. ii l ic l i f 1/ e P, c// ,''.. • f? 1 1., ,z• q , . P 4 7:
I greaar 4 13 4 Trqui il e l q w e r . ll et rl w•P`-itig:lSPi i
I ate', and now is: making a bold:strike .• for. thd
IPrpsidency:"'Yon will Agree , wahine that A l e
must be ab'otidoifilylittle2nian:'tao34 . l aii
I heiNivi'air in life,.nii,fiye!q.ccupiid with ihriCb.l
1 great distinction, tio..many'•:land , ldgb stations
beforW-renebing•thyate ef.faitV ('!3itc,ij , py. ! 1
other irisiiinee cannot be foinia in the histii i i* l
1' of any. üblie tnan.4l,the.worl'i,and illustra tes 1
1 most, perfectly,the glory•of :oar ihstitatians.! . .ll
.! Now' : we : will' chiisS•itiver' tic , llre'lfintie of;
1 1 4 1.: 40 -iiit i lv1 4th i . 1 44'its. : '41# klifille:yai, l
itiii 9 ui4 , oe:loi__...44 . :i?...! , zel!or; l 4sgre•4l
tuarble , - , ..Take :- , ..Talks your place:la .tite„g4,i,
lory'aiid-look*.dburyi.etrahis -- noisYl'lnstiq't as :1
sethbialte of orkr.f i lici haiiilfel l ithalthirit ineu.
Sjikalierrliloyd IS la i therFlifs . lr,auit,.a'finh4rO: 7
aiding officer he is,' .He hae,bece in. Congress
his life time almoskaud no:mlin•lii ieii•more
perfectly' 4fia)ne ; ::' 'ilt'''is;=ii!:6'eat :D*" I s ): 1
schooling.,' Do ioil . i4ikitiLltiriiiicii , , atitiattlie i ,
; left oft he,Speahersgnarl
,; Ae..i:looks:. th in 1
faced 4-* th9ngh-Angering , froi# ill,4e:lok-his 1
jet black hair earetessly.tiver his promi.
'ent and tat 1 . 1 .eilarlr
`eye "iiS!fnaY!iioi.#ri•orge,94iii4iguiil
fill -,enthusiaset. { Mark what ~-11.,: LgtriteAo
seems telbe :frith several members with whom
1 he'is' ,engaged in"einiverSatien,'''and!i . i . thofig
themoah;gi - ey.Sred,' . 'sinerabl leohing44ii, j
whom yog FeqqpiX43,-4:o4FerPOF:;bitiv,elaTi4
of Connecticut., I hardly. tell yon 'after 1
•thit . desdriptihn,'ttait I the: 4 , yOlithfar in i inbe'r,7
IS' oiii'difin' difo& tifBiisqiieitit*.''lle'iSid.l
wags at work, and PP iwiA liiiii•P:. l . l fielii: . 6 etir 1,
from him before the discussion i onlbs:l,and .
r Dill shallfiS:Onded.l.4,lY Os 'ti61.3*,%1 fin d that ' ',, - INr The 'Sakai, itepstr-0.A4:1,14-ick-FiTt
' 64,1 ! ' s 'i * 1;i ttci i ttligcte.ilife,'0 . ,#,_ 1 _0e, .44:1,6!1 .44:044.1.ijiii.404;;10,00,,*9.rgeti;vislOn:
1 is exceedingly popular ; srili "tusisibr4cl4eci?- . thO , l2.7th":alt. ~, The later wasia • the!:heed:of. I
bers.: ; = l;: . 11. ::,'i "--- •'- ''- 11 ' . '',": l ', l: -•• , -- ' 1, ^ 13 ;; 1 1 lifitto. ll ls;s•Tetiaekilt , WitilOetiy fall. Of fiti=
Yoh' have himi.d:,of Preston ._ ifLing, of Neiii ictliiiiiiii4l,,tii6i.iiike*Aliittifi4Wm.,,ith'ai.
Yorli• Ili Prince' of Wig Soilers here. 'There 1 p aren tly 119 Apeote_fpr, tAe , liante,,to„copy,
he iSitandiniWthe 'aisle; 4- 1 41' 4 ' .!' ill .. tali :i 3 .o• l • l linlinicate:Wi h tti iiiitil'iu ' id;;;;;l'h's latil • P ' lVOil fill
geod•nattri&matt. ,- Theter) itt; somet hing: like Lthiek:ilalit v?rhe toirkiklitowN off,':the fluid I
-I m*lici r in Ms eye, 461)1e.geeliisill*.aelight- :I;eltiiiita.lifii'Aiii'itliii*liolf,l,lle'fijkcy'ilr#,'
ij*b6ehillicieidi**oll*Oe'iiicillthr°ll's In/iVihrtirpfaZei:7i,lni.-1144;344"&eiii-iiiii
a ~ -,:,..5,, ~. ,:,..,:., .: ~, , i .1i,..,,, ~ ~.-i , ,.. ~..-., ~..., ~., 2, 1' . .. , --', •'- . .;
. ';.- . ' .."
into trout/ie. ue grpws fat to sco Illeln ,.Pser- .elee,firettilltdOtte mauve& te.extinguuttk: the
[a l
iplear billi ye c tLioce„farter.-4-011104;t, lie; )6 a meat, The l'requelit act;tiailpi . rfamt;tho!utiti
kind-of Fre' Bo e l r.' ll 4/d ' IV 114 a t" u . fi r rerf4 4,64i i rillagiltildic ;i1110 . 1417. 1- akqihis c iWa l and:
natural- i4e 4 . ,He :Y .e41*141114 . 61. ... " tfebil- , • iati 4. l 44li i i i ; l 7iti l ii, *4 441 1. 1 1. 4P) 1 f ' ililY4'
'iiicificAilfd i.ciayigatiod 63/10 (01a4 i#li. 1,„ - ; i oxpit i ati f ei. - 4 0 i 44 wel ifo loneeesditylvf,
Tg l d i a ll At o rigio4l o A9P s t , , , Wo . ......4 cal' diecceitlimlildthti tie , gitititii‘i&jrutd6ll 6
Atwout,, , ,tbei.ime ovbfr. - oada,lbo, , mongloo i i.ll, ~ , ....0 , -,- ,, .. „t : ..,,i,, , ,.., ? ,-, , r....iiii, L.,? , 1. 4 ;
isfiedcliihstiber'dliy l lit:Whiitithii.v iddl of fi n e _4l - :Lc& .0 f , 4-.-, , ..A,,, -i „;„--t,„_,.. . -
, cAff l o. ll : in; CO. 4.CL.i 4 4 1 4'. 9r'io l 4tkii% I '.o,tfln
: rff )1 " :4 ;14.4 , 0044e44 1 1 11 i'• ' .;:•f4:4'?-i9NE
Ibalijant4u , d CeitOnatiull , sts , itslfcl*Vrej 'Ape!.
:4 1 TOSiis , 1 0*igli4 6 '#Ic i i 1 J4ypiii7!'Rytif ' )i an''eagleii, iin4ll.lar;ocirl‘p.M4Y
ance chivalric in the extreme. lircekenridgo of
Rentticky,celebrated for Lis reeent.iefenee of
Gl* Btalkiiymi will agree with me is ithand
edr4Man.; ''.li.roent ia his nature, gentleman
hie' deportment, of find talenjs,ife. ,
fair,.tie 4camd iiii•ornament to his State. "4
... l'ht - -son. , , , Svant to see Brown and Wil , coi:Of
iiisiiiseiippi,;wlWiiitglit so bravely the - "Otlier.
day; Well tfiefels"Brown over on, the Whig
side of the IBM: Ile is a fine looking aian„
tie manly Minn Wilcox, and I think, 'More of a
tram in every respect. Both rare of the true
Southern oislekimpulsiie, vindictive, paision
ate. You ought to have Seen that fight 3 —it
would have given yon such an idea of th , ol/f,Ti
riyLr)f, Congress! 'A chile* passed' be
tween thririiiiiiiiirlSOi-iFitiffertheywefts
separated,lmis, the:duel Wes iiiMientaby thd
interference of friendly powers. - That" MisS
Nancy" mun, talkiiig'siitli`Tfrsivin,ls his par-,
ticularldeinDki.Poll.CALTilimmieorgoth. I
er of the late President. - ' He is a mail of fair I
ability and finniipf,Mi6neti.'` iliSt entering-the
door.yonder, you-seelleruitop Itbett 6E-South
Carolina., Ho retiliell iiaillenge from Clem 7 l
Oriali fetid' iilnyti ';5l - nee;iisi iittidibulrihrin Who
eyes ' .0, 1. -:. ..' . 4. . ..A. Z., ..., ),....., 11:1 .c
,4At:hp. PNleii A"
. geFw.° , :' 4
. .. - •qfPgil 3 l?,'
topitef.,would.., not , ,fight a Pliel, IMP .14lli
ciple,4riot I that.. hejetired , Mins, hat Isle Ma.
idi'i?icii , (l:- I lie lab a., danillA lit) , fieining'ipim,
'aint - &iiiii.3*rts; r belidd, u 'i4iiiiet,''froni"„thiiie; l
,wbo.denounee ) hhn..; That. jhori,' ihielc.Atei.
memberlstanding near lifi. Grew imldr. It'd;
raick:'Of feritislvtiniri. , ''-'l.fe 'is.. - i)liaiSatit'.64
ligi:e.ilii inL Ills trianileri,:iii4,ConyrkatiOn",
Awl .e4sing tiro4gtiliiYrAti;i:3ol4t i.inil'.` LC honest:face... ; :You. sliciuid seek.. his:
neflitainthrice,..rind my werd;fer ii.r . yola 'will - bd
li4iii.d;'''delighteil, - t.i'lill!*;., - ",'04: - ris' l 4i'lplr.i
iiidful'iMeable seenbdi.Nuty.the lifiei.:'44‘!.•
arrived for theiuljohrtiment,:and..yon ivillfbo
obliged ,to' finish yeti r looli - Mriong' iiiC I . Ihoivi
another ,lay. ' 4 3leariwhile yett'SfU,4l4l - st6p.i.;;Vd .
fd *the .pate4t orrice and likotti .loOli at: OM` `e'ti,
riosities. -1 ~.-..,.A ' : .;'.l , I ': - i, ':I i. , ~1W, . ..,:•'' ';',.
i' Minuet. Stay ‘;',vith ._' pin - long .here. .. , .Yen
will' see' every description Of,beaSte;Ultils;fl.
1 t'4,l and fi:th6si,i'licelf:p'r'f:e.'t•ri'C'l,' tur . -'Xiiil.l-;
tion. Ilesides'thee ynn.,,will peg enrioAitipo
more tban fotkoveri,dreamerhaf,....'...thingethat
liv&utrthe 'earth; that hie found: In: 'thith
and the great viliini;ynd ti'li',4iilo.t,y - ti,y:
ftailiii.ift. of man,t,:,,n`iile• Aii '1 sp ecimens
~t; .... ~ . .., , • 0.... r
of.arehiteetum originating , . in: a 'leaned:Mid
civilized' , age; to' the
,• raided ' WaiKelubs' and
wObden idolS'of the most barliaiiiiiii'paiiohs.
1 Ti? name ~a fist; oven ParilMly,„'ir,cMig 'idgiii O
a yolurne. Among the most interesting relics
of your own bountry,!on Wille,seetlie Print , :
ing Preo Used by pector , Franhlin.' l 'lt/lel
IMOdokin ......................... ',r lirinting
I Pfess-.9lmqderil,date. The coat, holsteraar4
(.pistols, worn by Geri:Jaekion , at the battlir.ef
NVT'Orleans:,•Will interests Yi - .M. ' ' Besiddtfidif
I y.' 6ll #.4. ‘ „see. j t?.i'?iii- In)i.±: 6 T4_°?'4:)-i,i.
Geri. - ,WaShin gton. w hell lie,resigned - his ,coM. - .
mission to.bongresi Lifter-the - Re.volution.-4
I you will oso see" his .i . .itTfp' equipage,- - '.eruf,fd
urn,teri=ligill6, - . 'boiler, plefeii,iiii'vei'ainflorlOs
ir,c.„. IlisXortfulio, writing..uteusibi;k4trav
-1 ening trunk are all here.' Letivini%alult. de. ,
reriptien':of this most vc;iidilil ' itiu.4i'uid ibi;
ficrild - othWl.l,reLiktt4iv'in - i:;;-
~- ( ),4F„42- i 4fon V ,
1 ati4/lisuar ;skeit o 44-.Je4eri. , .sO lliat'AP,miy
relic& the'nezt number:of !tire .. Denvicrai, .iind
1 quite like:FYl:shall bnivith
,-,yiiii , lill'liiir - i; -to
" read theVroof ' elle fM , selr '' ''' ''
I- ~ - - .Traii, - .• • -.. • - .S: -if. C F :
.... ~
The )3att' 10.11,e1d of N. OrlAang.”'
i,.'ille!surfaee of the eountryinl the :vicinity o$
Jack son's. lines,-on •the - Bth of 'Jan tiary; , .lBisl
hits r ilfidergobe Tess'chanie,' - ii.Vs?Ille:••:11te!tn;
that the same PfunY,l?attlepeld,in 'tia;:tinio
. Stat 4., 4r,
It isuo, there is , o."..greatlloonoteny,
in.llu3Seitured of Ihei-wholii ,, narrow:striir of
land on the tatliiik +if the '.glifsidnii)pl,l4ovi
the eti- ..i r.4. 6 ,411 1 .5'!. 1 1 'll ‘lid nit
' way„the land- aro, eultivated.tnihe eainp, die',"
Lance Inwards the dwanipi the houien ore built
stud the` gardens iarnanti•nted'in;thealliaSts , , le:
F friiellitk;Aatie'-liahlp`asedil;'er:tkis: m iiii
I since 180.), !t..prOdueed OS iniieh • ihea* it
i does row ; sugar•Wals• thaehiefinciductihen,
I aditij'a'tinwir TheFhillifariCthretili nit toilful
Iliiiisb,'Ori' tie - ilgttilf ''Eiliiai'lsi f f,44
1 , rA.l4 , ; . .9 l iief4Yl ,l Y.kth sqggrkYr 4 ilejga.or vgar,
t which. Were taken! , front _the. sugar [tease:of
14r 'ehaltliette!-"and't,otherdi 'plltalere.'. 2 :Thu
illaneWlieri• tikbAttle':i'xisitnughe:46 . liii eapi,
desig4W: Theo4".hatiail iii ' ivi 14 Jacks. -
• e,i ~ L A ~_/...
son had his quarters, still remains. Thediteh,
ir PaltrTifriiir, , whfrl'any-;geoflainper , itinld
letiO over - iir)Bl.l;;iiity lbe Fieriilir iriidedi This'
Fii4,.0i412 1iaj,1 4 014 .? .i :0/1 - :S 4 ?, ti l iP)P,f`',4o° t .;
Near it is a peenn. tree, utti.ler , ,witiPbl':lPT,i B
said/ he ?•breathed ' his : :: kist;4-tyliose's frui4 it.
is Id Old' 'Crdolentiperstitial,ltadlittee'ilid
FY . r,- 0 16- ' 'e:: ,: i 1 ; fT. li r:?;;O ° :: : i t' T . ofrki
: . tir) ' o -
. 01 4,4F, 0 d, , ,iFe. in pip;.cfmrp :.41 . -It)qfinidetitt
scarred and marked !Rh the prints of .tannOtt :
balls' atiCallet 1.5.; %And {here lo'o; ililhe-rieigli.'
holland; yin` may Cad': iahi`Wic"bid "iiogia,
ii4 o, : , Fsui**, , yqp,).o 7 .::ith.44 •4tirtl.lviti, l his :
I reminiseoneesi.of,the•battlei and.'at', the:olose'
Of his still, driver' trn6tniiltilitids tvith . ltni,
! n l? 3 !lP dr .T, inut .,• l i r )) B 4ii 4 o -4 ,4`!fii*ft'd;)fn.
1 4 . 6 '1 i ?P 61 .' / 0 1;3 - j ..P i j ai P9fiifitugAeI94 Y ii OF 01 1 :
finoti - muck
aimed such destructiott:-Ixdo.-tha,
'British lank - in , , _,P, .. ~ it , -:,:ir i,.i, ,f , •:: a
#4.), Y9l - 40,1 1. 34„NTIVereiRt*e;if, •
„.„ 4,p‘l
ittalkw , 4l3• lo iimdclich,ikitt
'l lar 36lll oY ll /$ 1 - ' Pe 43 0 4 q -13-
Acqqq , PiTT:itt 4 a4/4i'' 1 4 1 1 1 7 1 a 1 4 4 4.`4, ak;
intereWrii bo4tmenti. •
. ---••-•:--------,-
.. , --.2-..:
•' . Nrilli gtlitietri s 1 f t . '
: , T -':. Vl.•;'trt
'''''-'-'-'-`-' .•44`,4•• ,,,- . :`,•'''',,,-; i v . .: - :;..,.',„'"
A :4, '-;.•''...•; ; I • - •i'-'-. .--
F. :a 'Legiiltithre. ; •
~ .i•i- -" - . 77 • .• ;c' " ',' -
;,•t- - i1 - t :A . -
,1 - zi - 194i /Much 1
Krilliketh ffrun/ , t . [N . i t q n ,lo . ; 4 , to i l 1 ,,,,,., I.
c ri t e liefee,vkitVajiti4 it i n lipp r — f or 4 ,.
to ifitioillietolibliositfai R 'oden '
• •,. . r,l
44 '
_ erßill- for the immediate'e m , !i l
t'clitln i rrnaliiiriiril6 l ' '- --- : f ) ! '4 I
•-• , ,c
In the c Senate. ~ .
' '',
The first question was o the tnoti o , ; ft
KifNKEL:, to go into-comnfittee ott4,, ""
,fpf Op; mrp ( 9se of en naider , i ng.. rho
i1tp, . ;, 6:4
Altai jlVt , hbriBo3't& itlif4 of 'the:l, 4l 7a
y...p.174444..tiii-Utlind c
ahed, p&,,."
the Canal alte-r,its;•Cenipletlon,thi':
Case to bd.lttliti for ita ' re•Pgment, • 1 1:1t5
. ' 'The - motion IYty! cnicied, I yei s 16 , .
further --- d . •
1 Thecons' Ration), of tb,, g ill •
fainendtientlittiTtAyp s siiiiibre i , ! ki
On motlett ofAtkAlY.SßS,tliiifie,ii,,lti
up on second tyadiag-the hill Supplt.
to the act incoi.o,ristlfii.thyrPitinSilti4,,,-7
Ohio,r;iillial',:enint+;atiit tift'44,4„
pa.ss4litriajel g -'4 , e45j2;"i1,61;'7 . 74
„,,, , 71' 4 .);
- : ‘. i.,—..-NPW?I:S9., TkW!,„::i•
. ....„ . ..
-. ...6;•3 -.: , ,•!,- - Le ; ; Ilt: ...', i; i; - .." . ,44CHi1ti, •
46"E'474144440,t0n 4.4fith.
of the oV,,,!ttc AO 47, 'JOleoioi#: :known ', I N
. 4 ,kidnapping, ” ca,fneTick“ , lcti*r p 0 1:
pending bleingipOO.9
~,a i
4n e tacii,p r ,; K
by- 31r. / 3 9 ' i Of; It? I*Yt: i ? r !dsi2, i4e its
the end' of the„section,:, . 4 , .rottl4ll 4
dischapt4 4,ingitiria 'from, IdR;L..,,
jaiN 000,1§9414WPRYINA.It i-.B l l ail 1 4 t 16
order. okthePresiden t of i •the ;United,
t ''
but biduesouree:of law;"
.11.;. , .,.1 1
Which Mr. Itil.9osl44 T 'p y o 4 ',, ,,,4
so tfOltAW N (i i f; Al f . n ii4 I tw.cli adirhi
Jolintifint, ,t ( iiofi,44. l 4, l e,et : sFulos.,
Mr. 4.44 4.•P lo §;cr, , ..lY.Pestitl t el b
the floor, and discos tr,o4;t r ,
law," and alk-efiter : hicys, nT p et. , ,i ' .141
Opposition. tolliti,present.:hil iind'uj 'O 4 ,
onor - andpatileularlp to--the I fugith, LI„, 1 ,
• 1 e
JAW. ' ~
11. ill lit 'kat 4 t 41,3
and was au Vie floor jvhenthii,ll 1
• . 47 1 Lf: .;, ,!-: ..• ;41 ,:ildi),Mbi
.., ~.
~ AFTON_Ow,..B 10N..: - 1,
The-III:4W resumed : the .c tael t :4 4
the bill. ta repeal the lath!: 'infottau
of 0:41 - .:.C,..•,::. II .;.,•
The question ja, tk s tan#v t .
Port- ;.•,,,--. 1d...,.. i . , 4 ~..,:,), ~.I- .-',
Mr. BONlWl,con:eluded.bbiV ` ci
his apteeduteektfati.ltdopte'id.-,, -.. li
The quistionrrectirringnpon 3frll3loAl
ALLlS:motion:td strike ouS as abo
,74E,9031ALi a . spoke irlfud li
runendinent,..and against 'M AUI is
-3 EO44PPIRA thew teak .the floor,
t. ,.
11 9.. 11 .5?: i it'; "AV; li .114;7:4 A
1 , • SEUTE......BLATE , ./.411 ', Di ltr: i 1
The bill to iepeatthe 4.01 and Mid:
.oft helatv. if lB 47,Ttsticliiir,ohibltst.ta l i .
- the jails of -rtheToternozitealth fii tai 'o
tiers 41f - fdgitii , iralitteiXe,! , ,' eitir.e4, hir. .
:On second rea4jug.,,,, :.--,:').,:.:: .:•, : '
The ,que-stion:. was, on-. the, amt.+ i
Slr. atuaLex EiERG as utnendel ri',th .
• ,
poses taupe! bit :blikthe:l,lst 2 n d, milt'.
'ions of tho Jaw of 1789,: relative to k,I, •
from justice
. 0, fugitives frenilabar."
Xi. Dfultieni•eit iiiovd torinfitidtli
meht, willey'prepnied:46 . eitend iliJ pr y
ions of tife - laW 6(
.p. 89,„
~ifiht4hl7, to f2O,
frontjustice ici t ,lujt i lic . s. i f egu, , . (Ow, bt
ttending nicrelyttlifrpr#lsioni - otthe, II ii
ttion otthe , law of,/789,,The•amiludi
knot a,gre4 t0.,--L:yeas 15, nays g... .;
i . : Mr. . Guein44,llithi . tiOred . l , O'itril!po
[ am e ndm ent, -anti 'ingst:iintOlin . thi fctY , ll!
bill a section ;n4ing,filefgii,tlie 0541
of the law of ,1847. ,., , The atnendtcl
agreed to by ihejoliiwinvolc,:.
- Yeas-,,MeSsrai • fitailYi 7Raines, , lClnS
Carson, Crabb, Darlingtea;lEssak.Gar4,
listeifro P7,4444°,llo ) O.WiiiFeP
hef• 3 ttsrliir!9LiAt*rfilef'44*- 314 ;
Robertson, Slifer, tind,,WaliertgPe*".'4
Nays.;.4leisre.:•SUClinlew c Feraoo,Fo
Fulton,u - liamlin ; -areaslinVld.ohleandi
Sanderson otaShithei‘÷lth ,, ' '''; .• 1
-Mr. Packer 'Unmoved tb irielola tell
section, •ticebill - Wh'utd itiied ft
and 6th sections, which was not
the followin;4l,:iiid
Yeas-31esers. gaily (Irkilletr. Ft l
Forsyth, Fruiley, Fulton, h i mlin, Joie)
Casiin, Muklenbgrg,,,:iPacke,ii-84dtor
I Shitnerj-tia. i:-` ; '
Nays=Messrs.- Banlet, Caro:thus; C
Craig), Darlington, F,Cans,,Gaerosey, ils
ton, 4Y004 4 •
'Jactd, 3P3lutrie,,Mtione,Mt4ththl,Xs
ertS Slifee and; VAker,,Speaker.-N:
Thu question:.,reinning. pe eat
amendedtso tbe 00!
or tbb low; it wag •to by ;the fa
cote: i :.,'
Yens—:3le4arsi :Bally; illarties;j 3 l tlA
Crabb, Darlington, Fallon; Forayttf-
Fulton, "GuenttoiyHtitalltint; IfinOgo
jnes,'BrCailiillllTajtan d i llethieVit9
berg , Packer, Satidersea; atialSbiet 5
_ Nays.:4ll6iirs:'66stheri Tu ss ; i t ' Tl
Kinzer, lion el, Tifaloa ,
Robertson, ilite . r, kid' Virilti'er, OPeil:„t Il v ;
The bi l l as amended they pasOi l A'
—yeas 21, nays 1/I. —,- '
1 tamortfirVitatirioi . e :l l, / r,
Whe4 Napoleotrata`l44 l .edi v 'f
:in a converastiiiii iiiii ono oi qi trie',,
altuded ick thVta l ttliiitif dui:co,g4l ri t
in this erakohiqlelasinage:• , ,4 , ~,,
',t , '
!` i n gWOIFT O Pri .Y 0013,1 sa a 'l
"therelvilinot- bowman , firevi .4l ...
.ivykagt4haTimpission 0 the I)
' l lor,lfapitliOqui l it itoißlq,-*
i ' . 2.:nAg'iir fiiiiilbilViinia: ' it r ib# 4l '.•
,hill thatat wilYruslf4b 0 licioih' kip
bia4anuriabsatitigi-Ni 44lt. ,
~ iqi , el t: 01 i,:tri-.' ' _:w t
; , .0.64 ,1 49 1 .4 4 ii o W, o "' 'gild OP
irlifibist4tetllo34* MintY at& -Wig
Oinittai airattlailew at eat; 41410
1 iiiteilli# IWO Onto i D jer •40,11,0
aaillpely Midi at,* ' P s ''
- yob! di friialC `,, '