The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, March 18, 1852, Image 3

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    Vitas el tgae :a terra
oal Legislative . :
Elen!tisnirita, March . pc,C.._
s e Senate resumed the Consideration of
06 111 for the better rep:dation:stick man.
o tof the publie works of the Steen.
frigse—The' Apportionniene Bill 10.;
the special order - of the day, was' then
u p, when numerotis• efforts %fere
w de to c hange the character of . some of
diStriets and the yeas and nays were
(3114 eviey few minutes.
Jamb! of Warren,
.mutre.d to refer
die bill to & select committer) ofkfive,,
itr. &mho opposed the, reference ,
Nt Lilly moved to amend -by ridding,
t tMe committee e instructed to - re Port
tirtivreow morning, b and that their report
b e ce de the special order for every .day
neat diVg a of. -
,Thesmendment was negatived.
gr. fill moved to make tho committee
eguist of seven which was negatived, . •
The , me iiea to refer wan . then disagreed
to—yeas 31; nays 50,
March 11.
Srsars.-'The bill for the 'better regu.
, t i ov iad management of the publio works
the State 'uns then taken up onits final
roage , and after some further debate,
F used, yeas 19, - nays 13.
Boas—The House, after the presen
ational nuMerous petitiOns, resumed tbe
a sideratiori of the special order; being
tbecongressional apportionment bill, and
after a lengthy speech from Mr. Spealter
Bbey, it gas passed to a second reading
anitten posiponed—yeas 82, nays 10.
March 12.
Stsarc.:j-The Senate, after the usual
looming business, proceeded to , the consid
eration of rations private hills.
Untie—The House passed a large
carafe rof private and unimportant bills.
A message was received from the Gov
ernor returning with his objections the bill
incorporating the Silver and Lead. Mining
Both Houses have adjourned untillton.
Jackson, from the Judiciary in the House
reports a bill, which, in addition to the bail
now r equired by law for appeals from the
decisions ofJusrices of the peace, the ap..
dant 611211 enter bail absolute, for the pay
ment brat, interest and costs, in all ca.
res'to be torfeitid, in cases the party ap
pellant shall not enter his appeal to the
um Court of Common Pleas.
- WASO IN GTON, , Mirth' qik -
Stssre.--The Senate Met At the - usual
hour, and proceeded to business. Several
memorials and petitions, nn various sub
jects, were presented and appropriately dis
posed of.
The President transmitted to the Senate
two ommuhicarions, one of which, was in
q‘ '-h, and related chiefly to Mexicataf
fins. ,
• The other a letter from the Governor Of
Minnesota, giving an account of tbe dis
barments and laws of that territory.' •
• Horse.—The bi granting the right of
way and land to lahama, for the con
structing di milyoad from Salina to Gun
ter's Lsodin ,, was on motion, taken up,
when Mr. Cobb, of Alabama. commenced a
speech in favor of the pro j• et. •
WASIIINGTON, March 10t h:
SENITE.--111r. auk, of Ithode :Island,
presented a petition from the citizens of
lmidence, prayil:g aid to the Collin's line
al garners.
lir. Seward, of New York, presented po-
Mims for and against the exten I
eion , of
Vat:truth patent. • . .
Mr.Broadhead, of Pennsylvania , repor
teitiverse to the payment of the expen
ses (lithe exhibitors at the Worid's Fair.
Mr. Hamlin, of 'Maine, reported a bill
anthwizing the President to desifinate the
ports of entry in Puget's sound, and else
where in Oregon. ' • -
. _
Mr. Downes, of Louisana, reported a Lill
amendatory of the one providing for the
aportionmeat of members of Congress ac
carding to the,census.
Mr. Bradbury, of Maine, presented a
Minority report.
- *cm—After the usual ,opening busi
ass, Mr. Lane, of Oregon, introduced a
number of bills on various subjects.
Mr. Clingman, of North Carolina, moved
that the House go into Committee of the
Whole, and resume the discussion of tte
Homestead bill, which was agreed to.
Mt Richardson, of Illinois, took ' the
Boar, and is now engaged in speaking nion
the subject. •
SZSATE— S March 12th.
The enate at the
ad hour, and Mr. liamlin met
proceeded to-
taken explanation relative to the bill on
ambit explosions and The grievances of
poners generally.
referred to the alarm felt on the sub=
jeer by the Legislatur e of Maine and New
England, and said that the committee had
eot neglected their business, he only asked
that they be discharged from what they had
previously reported upon. o
Bust —The HOuse Went into Commit , -
t. of the Whole on the resolution to con
tine the work on the addition'of 60.020-
Jr. Stanton, of Ey...explained his views 1
ateeuiderable length, and advocated the of tho'bill. -
seat—At an early hour on Thursday mer
lin& list is the train on the Erie Railroad
tilting west, and when it had arrived at
a P.euom Hankins's station, albut this
tpttromileibelow Deosit, the whole tain.
with the eim p
ption of the baggage car r and
the engiee tio cif the track, and rolled
lowa the banks of the Delaware, a distance
l ( about 25 feet, The passenger cars were
eaed bottom aide up, and a sceneofeon=
ensued- Fortunately no one , was
'Ad, although manv are slightly injured.
Ina severely, No blame can be, : at
isettito any of the officers. of the road,
1141 - e at credit is due them for their
"aid,to the passengers.
*Tat SONE OP TumE7E7--t"ca, en blass-
IdnnUs, number about 40.000, and
Yee wide awake for 'the Maine -Law;
hut 99 out of every lop of tbeiL The
Ph u t
Divisions of the •Order,we see
!Qv] now amounts to over 6000. ; 16
meat and Europe, and: the membe r s toof 270 000 --Canada West EEO
• '
• •4)s and 20,000 guenAtenr,c
The, tztiil - iiion of; the _ Pre
The organie - dierea of, Innis', •,Ifarattreen
elsewhere ,in eimcelatensis,aperfeetpiri
osity OSA Sae p,por. • -At one fell srmop,
it:not ,enty destroys the tttiserable iMinatit
ibit was of the liberty of iti'presst
anibilated. • Let .uttsio.what this decree
bas. tw.). grand - :Prineigei:the
first place:no nottipaper.'„ lourn'al, :Or
periodical, can -be published withocit
authority of Lettis.Ntineletin '; and secondly
there is the substitution corre c tional
jurisdiction for that of the j ury , tryzng
Ofilinces clitiiridtted by'the press. -
'Witnesses will not be admtted ; and the
-power is, absolute of lextroguiSbing. *any
Ipaper that may beComa olincixicius,, or even
. ouspected by the goierriteent,or . dares even
to, hint dislike. Ajournul may be suppres--
sad without previoua condemnation, by
decree of the t execative.L:' This is far' worse
than the censorship that was so_dreaded.':;,
NO•paper will oerpermitedin'the - first
stance, to exist, ofivrhieb-Louiti Napoleon is
not satisfied , that' it isfriendly to his
_: inter:
rest; and Kit should turn out _that he 'was
dedeived, or if the paper should:;:change to
an', opposition journal,! that mottle=
demolished. It is 'forbidden publish rem--
ports of. tries for Preis offences,,,iind , the
courts may , prohibit publication of---other
Thew. there is !the enormous sum of
50,000 francs, or about '410,000, an ca u tion
money, 'Which must be deposited as security
to the government, for doily papers,: and $,O,
op francs for all Others ; and, the. publice-
Lion Ora paper withoutledging. the caution
money,' or vritbout. the authority of tlie
executive, suhjeetathanffender to aloe of
froni - 1(10f. to 2,000 f. for each 'number,with
imprisonment front.. one month to two
lyears. .But the most singe* part. - of the
decree is the probibtion nf tbeeirculation in
France of newspapers published in.-foreign
'countries, unless authorized by , the :govern:
moot, and paying the same stamp duties
imposed on domestic papers, if net exempted
under diplomatic minyention. The practical
operation of this rde . , will be,. if carried
out, - to . prevent the, introdnetion of all
American and - English .'newspapers in
France, except thoie : - which flatter Louis
Napoleon- . This ist worse than the rule of
the Autocrat of ROssitt,; which!'admits the .
newspapers o 1 all foreign .countries. In
fact, since the beginning of thawerl?, such
a law was. never protnulgated ;against the
press, and the, code: of Brace himself had
nothing to Match it; Thus, with one breath:
the two great safeguards of human liherty.;--
the' prose. and, trial, :by . jury--!are I; struck
down together. To ,condueta journal under
such a decree would ,be '
a.. greater punish-,
ment than to he eondeinned to :the golleys;1
and. any mane of indePeridatti Spirit-. would
rather earn his hread in the most menial Ctn.,'
ployment, titan subtait to Her-1.
Publication of the Laws.
By the orate Legislature, it;
will be ,seen that a bill has been!reported
the The roviding for the..fothlieation of
general raw)) in the newspapers &this Cont-'
tnouwealth, and Of local laws, hi the vicini
ty of their operation r ' - : . .,We - anirsetisficdthe
adoption of this measure will result in great
It is one, peculiarly demanded, for from
the limited . circulation_ which . , these laws
enjoy, but a very small proportion of the,
population know. anything about theta.
The great masa °flaws passed at caoh sea.'
sion of the Legislatifre are of .a 16cal char
acter, so, that theie publication will cost
comparatively a less ntm,thon
through litigation, caused
_by unavoidable
ignorance of them. History informs cis that
the Emperor Nero, had his !edicts and laws
written in very small' letters or eliaracters,i
and placed so high ;on - posts ; erected fur;
the purpose, that thelpeople could not Iva&
them notwithstanding . whieh be; Punislied
severely the slightest infraction '4)f any one
of them., 0,111" easels not nearlY,so bad as
that of his oppressed subjects, but the laws
are neverless beyondltlio reach lof the great
mass of people and yet thez - are preaumed
to be acquainted with their . previatoris arid
held responsible for-their violations.; -The
newspaper press affords, the Medium
through whichever) the.most sceltuled him
let in the CommOnwealth,may be reached.
Sound policy and justice- equally. demand
the siiiiption of sorrieMeainre for the More
general diffusion of knoWledge.. of . law
among the people. 'Per free schools, are ;
extending the facilities - nf;'edveation, and
fitting our youth, to, takeour places when;
they shall have atteined Maturity; The;
Isimple rudiments of- an- education are not .
enough'. 'often find 601 educated Man
far.from npenthe.subject of our
laws. It is time . we had 'abandoned the
.41` • k'
; stan d still Policy, ar. were .ma s trides
toward improvenen!.l. Thelablications i ef
the laws will.heTa.great, object gained. r -
We hope,the present;, - :Legislature,!_will not
adjourn without adopting this,niest desire
bte .taeasareLetoisionm..,.7r*.....bo2l9'
crlit. . • I ; • •
LarlS NAPOtEoN't3
A correspon dent
. of th e" Joiweal
mere° his Condensed the alreirly concise
French Cenititittion folleis:
Art. f..:1 - aM - the state; with - entire lib
eity - to do as
,Ipleise. -
2; The people are nobody
31 The Senate, therlegishitive - 10 y, the
ministers, "Mul eatibeil of State' *eel tools
and'puppets in, theliandsof the eletermeg ,
istrate of the , He can use
them or play with them abbe thinks prcip
.4. The'fleople sballbe entitled to uni-`
venal suffrage, ihat 'id' tient
vote for _ ct,
5. Lawi eCiete4rivitely,_ and
wben and bow he prasidea
Ole. No speech. malriogshall be allowed.
Oratory creates CoUitiliop,'Aud;ia
811 7. - -
6. The press h tungl,vl: ,1
- 7. The right, ofpetitiou:m
The duty or: submission is in tut turtle:.
8; What is' ot openly kmtnesiedin the
written code is secretly uodenstnotl: 4 : - 004. !
ititutions; eye my:uncle, linnet hive too
wide is Margin.," ,
9. I and my uncle um
is my uncle, - and Teti its
Done it= the Paka the
1414 Jan.; 1862. I.
The Rev D• r Tyng,
in tainjunittarterith 'Moat of the Divines in
,with 'Much zeal
to Orem:ire:4a enactment of -•tho -*nine
syleenie 3 rhe.r:
kethp;grAndiliia_nt . - the titiislierttior_the
min - atty. recent temperance meeting
in NerrYtirk;':Dr_Tyng. thus . tlCfioed:.thti
princiile)ti - of the laws-
Ihe,grandimint in iiiyi - .11 that
frigiiitiplaii-wjth thtt'ildked thief—it lays
its bare ',antt.eX,posedthrcst.
and says, 4-Thou art thaimin. letsihe
iMok deluded .Selleralociii alone his
poor victim and, inStrument, and gran -
plea . With rum itself." It'attaeloi it ezithin
twOldgedmierd*-goes direct -into the vi
tale of every -butt.: and cask, end beats _Mit
the': very_ bead' and brainS'iitall -that it con
tins.. It clos not stop' , as they did in Or
mer.tiines,,to `ask---',Gentlemen;:hY, your:
permissibn, we will Charge you a-bikherli*-
cense, and Make the_ traino more difficult
and expensiee =Jo you. Ph; no; but it
comes deem-Alice, a oataract,.which- throws'
ell its iiewer - ,over the chute ;- it'o i onied down
wit Irthe magliificent idea -or &analog the
World,,by taking =airay. the whole; nikiteri'al
of lempt4tiort l ":", ' ' :1
• • Pittsburg, March 12.: ,;
Renno'sa'AcerasiT asn,Lossei Me t *
-Yesterday afternoon' !the graQ train ; nn,
the , Ohio and Pennsyliania Itailioad ran
off, the . track,
• near Brighton. and. tole 140"
a:portion of, the-rand-by - which
pass gi nger train -WaS"delayed until near soy
en 'o'clock, The train then again started,
but when near Freedom,. the.train lin over
a horse. throwing.lthe locomotive aud ten
der off the• track; The freight train Was
approaching, and so near by that its speed
could not be checlied, and rennin into the
passenger train, the locomotive and two
cars were almoit entirely destroyed: . " Mr.
Pattenl of Allegheny City, was instantly
killed, and - several other" passengers more
or lesslinjered. A considerable portion'of
the goods, en 'the freight train were also de
-I.~Y ~~s~{~~~i~y
AarList—, Apia Term, 1852:
Auburn: Edward:Cavanah, Jonas Car
ter. = • • f " •
Bridgewater: Lathan, Gardner. .•
• Brooklyn: Samuel D. Townsend,
Choconut Henry Porter...
Clifferd : o.'llealy, John Hallatia4
Dimock Jolla Foster. •
Franklin : Orlando Williams, Raymorid
Smith., Titus L:= Merriman. •
Frien4viller: Charles Campbell.
Fore i st• Lake: L M. Turd.,
GibS'on: Lewis'Bronson.
Great'Bend - ; Isaac II
Hai:hotly: George Dyer, Jarnesiiirk, jr.
Herrick": Benjimin s Wartrons.
Jackson . Sheffield Matteson: , 1
Latli:rOP Burns Bose. - -- = • =
Lennx : Samuel B. C. West. -
,Midfiletown :,Judson E. Steno:
NewlMilford : Allen Tennant jr.
Springville : Manuel Bishop.
1 vox.% ERSE xurtoos.*
ApOineoit:: ;Edinal.4'olam]
„Actium ;__Etlypard Tlanagita i r,Johji
ler, loh#l,ll - earclste . v, Petir - narie;.tad i
W. Vanzorder, Thomas R.
Bridaewater": B. A. Butterfield. Caleb
Ilash; G. W. Crocker, Isaac Robbins,
Embla ahaffer, Jeremiah Brantio.
Brooklyn : Obadiah Balley,l.klewett.
Cheennat Patiiek Fitzmaitin, D.
Brown,Patrick Chirk. l•
Clifford; J. B. Slocum, jaKcs 111cAlla,
Sidn4 13.* _ 1
James O.
Friendsville: 'Joshua Gaertise'v.
Franklin: Lemuel Mitchell, Alaroann
voorst. ; _
Foreit•Lake : Bed; Taylor , jrief Carr,
Orange ; Mott, •
Git;son: Pulaski Hawley; Watson Olaf.;
Great Bend : Artemas--Hall, Garrett
Johristo'n,, Ddvid north".
Haiiiird -E.; T. Follett, Silas B: G-nile
George M. '.G:ainble. Freeman M. Peek.
Francis A. !Sanford, Franklin Tlffany, Jack
son Tingley; Freeman Tingley.,"
Harmony: :Cornelius Show, - Robert
AfclCune, •
I , Herrick il)ciritee.',Giclifinga;-- . Georga
I:W. .41rtiold; .glijah'earpolo.l: •:' -- H - •;;,
1: . ..'Jneksati:-Hivid,Br:3;ant;iereiniah, BBald
! trin -1 211:i . . ''''.'..l..' ,
1: '. -...-.,_'.;_.'' 7-'1
.joestiii - :. Abel :4Cluitfiel4; . '• . I: ::
,-- :.
Littitop:;' - 'L. W. Ne11ain...... . -...- ...
... ,Lenot.,:z.-Griswo4l -O: Loonus-;Gecii.o* -
mice:: ..J:,-, - ,.. ,- ,- "r; ..:- :: , .r. : •...- -1, ,'
7 ..:-..; ~„-,....-.
! iIL 13
'Llberyl; . 'Min [
ion. - - ''-,'.-..',-
:. Middietown; Eltrirti . Gillian. -•••-: • •-.:- ..,
! , tiontrase : A. E.llthyley, ' E.W. Hate;
C., L - ..lfoiiii:- "' -.'—- i • • , • .
,Is4iir i.Milfoict.:' "An - fitin...,l3lilion i .l.'J...•:Yir.
Belknip.:Pennii jfe.1.4 , 0y,' ,r4i, Simmons;'
Belknap .'Dennis . _ . . , . .. .. .. .
Norbiaii.: 77. n ...ley; -: • • -- •.... .- ,:,,' • - , ..
r iz.
_:,...Rush;:! Mich,ol'Gtingelk 7. Light:- '
.- - .Sitrecii , i - r: Philip . G- a li;-_Thamii
Quinn. I
T.. SpringsHille : -,,, Sheldan- Wilson :reh# l s:.F. ,
Lo . iitnfT, 4- Artli;a:rilfrlt.iik , 'Sy'ltestet $10;..:
tor , Li'sali.iil„Otliiiiiek:jr. - :1;',;. -- :4..-. ,-. ' • :-:::<,..• .
' . .'. - .Thenxislitii lia.nie.l,7Frighlei, r '-';.''' `;-:-:
,'', , •
'-. Thase,x6rnei hi - iiqu ,4 4re 4 . 0 5fd9nA4,44.11-
Look oittlei' the Machine :tart the .born
The aidmberrief . Water - 116E4N Fire-Com
-41:0 requested to tat at thejr
/t agina }louse en Saturday - Ma 2Cttb, at
4 o'alpak, at *Lich time and - puceitt
tiuti, of_ officers will=fake idaeo:,
A Card.
:4tx.taltnon Swim desiiei4estrenifully
to acknowledge.she kindness whiOh prom Pt
. the Donations sent In him last week.
Moot" 17, 1852. I '
.'The annnellfeetinolori the election of
'olBeetwpfilie-oOdd Feltowo-Halt AsOneht='
he held tit, Odd Villiiwa," Ralf,
on Tuesday;eynning, April(lo),BL--
P. gentle ettnedinee ii' , reonested.
• 1 0. F. RHO, ffeepr,' -'2l lai r 3 -
by 80va,, , /,nbnien; Dr..loirrr' - Trion-
Ae, formerly of Great nenclita LTP3A
L. Miami, of Chimeogo Forkel
,_ In -Clioeonut;' 'March 'ANNA
H., wife - of Debjaiuid-Platt;lsged3tlyears,
Thus sleeps in. deathithemife:and mother,
her little babeietfoafion etetiarta.
- At Waiikatuut;Vis.,.Op'.'4liii_ Bth ult.,
Jetana Beep, ,ontracmi:af Aulius 8, Er,
Eliza Buck; fortnarltres*lts of this
County, aged , 21 Oiohths and:lollsys.
In Libirly,":Feb; E., tho
daughter of Dr: .61:Soralielliewton, aged
8-years and •1-0 nionth4 ,
Yea,!littlo ono, thou haat fled: : ' ;TCI
To' realms, wherelhott'anf =
-Wheio saints unite with Chalk
laati.tipon his •
The itroht;'lnas haid, we fort ft sore, - .
ro , pArt with thee so Otad;
But iiikifo'w thy pinata!? o'ea,
GOaea conilorito our wound,
.`lnGreat Bend on the . I.otb inst:;:tifter,it
short, but painful
. 'illneSS; bits;: hiANnattir
trieN nine; tvifo ': ol, Amass .Trowbridge,:
the. 4rik'yearbr - ber the 1
death • of Yblrs:Trowbridge;:a - ,,,luseh es :been
siiatained: Whick''ilitreOct .
P.o . spieaSing naturally . a, diffident. rind . re, tiring!
disposition ; het;: Werth was lcnoivn. te'ttioarr
only 'who; wore. :jetirnwtely.:Aoqiy4i*ed Witli
her,' and. being, sincere iihdardeot , in herat-,,!
tfients het.' death, be, felt , liy . the"
community .in Which abet:live - di by. the ,
Presbyieriarrohureb,' Wervfqt .. 1
idi;Orel:Yerirs,'-el'eensiatcrit 'irreintier; •by het. l l
inciarnink - !relational - but_'eapecially`!byliert
deepliailliate&hashand - ant mother.i
les* children; 'Arimboal she. tiart rieuffeetlon
: ater wife :'and' tender mother; will .lier loss
be fel t", - .lts.'uti . 4:ther earthly loss I tins. be
liiitil . they.are called to fallow her:into the ,
dark valley of the Bow
,soldninly - do "mdi Sudden and Painful
idenees'inipress: upon the.. : inind ;the :senti
many of:the
_still; and .know that 1 iirn.ood And
hrii;alnatild thelliring be
t prepare to die' the rieutli - of . ..the;
righteous ; that-their. last end maybe_ like'
. , .
School in
thei . ,bageTnepii rooms of - the Uui
ven•hlist, Church, beginning the e prig' Monday iu
next'. Froth herexperien ce in teaching she
flatters herself she can give her-patrons entire sat.
isfaction: Herlerrns svill be reasonable; and ieg •
ulete4 by the,advi'monient:of the scholar:
She will teach:, , ss . in Phomiguiphy, if Ale. ,
sired. • • - • • • `' • ' •-"
• •- = Ys • •
fst AMU: into lesato of the subscriber, on
V./ or"abot4 tho -Oth of (February Mit, a white
Bog, (Boar,) about a year t old, 'The owner, is re
quested to come forward and prove property, pay
charges and take him away.: J. T. - rERRY. '
Bridgewister,Warch 17, 1852.
-- Mxectitor's Notice.'
LETTERS TEST4l.llElltillitY, 'on the estate of SILAS
EILLIS bste of LENOX,..detWased, . having been
granted to 'the* undersigetal,Motree Is hereby given
all indebted to the estate toeall and'aettle them:tine with
out delay, and 'all petrol's having demands against the
estate will please present them duly attested for 'settle
ment: " • ' ' , T 11031.18 Vi7EST,,Eet.
Leatpx;Marth 17, , Ind. ". • • • ' -11•61,
To the Ildn.the Jadgesji . the'Cotitt Quarter
I Sessions otthi reaciOrt and for , the County
of Susquehanna • .• - • -
rpHE petition of Lucien Scott of the township
JL Ilenein said county, respectfully
represents, that he: ii provided. with suitable ton.
ven iencerto keep a Grocery in the township afore
said., and ttuit 'it Is his intention to apply, .16 - - the
nekt. Court ,of Quarter Serisjoir- to be holden in
dust 'for raid. rounty otrAh*third Monday of-liiirld
next, for d , license to keera grocery; and to sell
strong,heir, ale, or' other malt liquors, according
to the act of Assembly of I.4th. April. A. Di - 1551;
' LUCIEN ScfliT'l`.
Great Bend,. March' .13, Len: , I vi 4
, ,
Popular Booksfor Agents.
Headley's tife of Kossuth.
fr,llE., rindereigned published in:January—The
.JL Life of 4.loir.Koseutk Governor of . .,llurtga •
ry, with notices of: the distinguished men .and I
scenes of the Hangitriap - revolution. To ' which' I
is addiA- eti . Appendix, containing the moat im•
portant of the, Addresses. Letters and Speeches of
the greatßogyir chief. By P. C. Headley', autkor
of the "EinpressJosephine,"!•Life of Lafayette,"
&c., with .an introduction by- Horace., Greeley.
hi one elegant .12,m0. vohime, with 'steel per- .
trait. Uniform in size and style with , "Headlry's
J4ePhine.".- Price one dollar and twenty-five
cents percopy. • - - , -
;tl.7Any.nevevpiper, pal:dished five Son;
'died miles of Hew York State, theit wi4 - giie the
above three insertions, shalt receive a copy of the
weak immediately on. its publiCation, frees ex
pense by malt, DERBY'dz MILLER,
11w3 • . Publishers, Auburn. N.Y..
The hipsicalltirerld
, , TAIE FIRE 11<Irri%'.
The efteeprist;and best :Miscellany of Music, Lit
ersture and Art. in the world; vying annually to
its subscribers over fire hundred pages of valuable
and interesting matter, and embracing nearly'one
hundred pages of choice - Mafia: ' • Publuthedca !TM
let aild,lsth every-month s 0- 84 5 9 'an ;
num The -blusical department-will be enriched
by the contributions of the most popular CotripM
errs and Masters of_Musid saw before MS public,
who have been - secured to, furnish its pages with
the best original compositions, and -with panties
on - the - Principles and 'fractice Of. the 11;11
and other - - • 1
_ . . .
Theobjectsieutinaitly kept itfirieve - • through.
flitsdeperhnent, - ere awaken anireultiiate
musical gad to encourakOspd hieinahal th e
Musical %Where of America; erponeiog the whole
- Cause of Music, Secohlr and „Saered,yoenl - tied
luistriinerital,`,Popelat - eiviSeientieic, aild vie44et
it u a high art i infloeneing the /Vora, S'ociel, Po.
litiest`gincl-reliOoos Edtio4ooo of the reopie.r
Ali - coniiiithilc e tiohe meet iiddieeeed (Ott
' peel) OLIYER DYER..
J , Publisher et The Musical World,
: •;- 25/..BiOld'WoY* Nezi7l6th;'.i
•-• • • .
Admuustrators' ,, Sale , lour 141, farm of EiOcli•ThayOr.
FirldarApril 2d, 1862 9 at Ip-o'clock In
tbe-.forenaon i
.the following descriOed . pi4eito; ro..wit:-•
or . P*On - ;;,•-5 Co* , - o 2 - two:iodro ;
,heifireFj: : .l
ripnitili two liorioi-Wcigoo;
'Plows; Harrois, fipniug ateasilein, general, and
other satiate - II looliparetoos to mention.' -
an . the day.. iteit4 •
• : ' IroftiCrE TIrA tal • .•
• •
7BridOviiiier; March-17,1842.- ' I lw2 j
Jn the - Orphan's. Court- fore' the
nnty OrSitsquehaitna." --
In:the latter -of- the Ertare 'of s Daniet Hainer:
dereuseelL George Gledhill and A. Burdick,
Altai* tr;pre.
THE under4gued:appeanted by the. O rphan' s
Court apl,ltuditor,foi . ,4he disteibutiopor as.
retie in the ht Adininisirator*-14 and
among the,lntel. creditor* of intit : decadent: will
ottesd to the :ditties tappoiutritent at hii of.
flue to Mol4 1 )0:113 01 4*7• - MbrOttr 161K - Hott; at
on , owee A,lll,ttentooe ititereeted
tend it therthlok woven- ' , E. 13. CUAS.E.;
MthittOilai Feb, 19,1851. - - 701
11 T She'steii timer aleelini i, postponed . • kin
Fridity- the Otb .day, of A pril hour .and
I P o . 11e'17.,0 1:10116.:ICBilreh
h tT uit lt 9 R i 1- I A 27 2 . 711
New ',Altos* arch Oth, - 18U. ' •
I. - • -
1 -4'
Till subscriber Is not tecclving
---, ,r , His epilog stock of goods, 'ditch,'
- together *Califs [metier strpplyil
imam the. Largest uudrlchest sr i
Sao garne r ever,oliered to thi dd. 1
stottgOrßgotimotonntpt .bls stock 1
com Pikes a [Alms urr.vw;r t itis
I,V ~, T Ol / 4 . 9., both Pohl SRA 81 1 -
Tgrsitt: bunting mad plain -91issi,
, ~ ~ fives 4,0.t0 sl2. l l—ii_part.VT Web,
nie - or his oil!' Import - a 11.% rotate soordii i mid Maaliedeit
by 01 who Lave tested„them toLbsatttelestgler,affertsl
for tilde In tub imetlonsit - tousitry3. also a largo assort,
, nientof SI LVERMAlVE,4larranteil as good as coin. An
[ satellite Tailoty; of new . gotten's. of , Earrings, - Asset= l sausolud otheraeweiry of ate ben quality—alsoßlatal
floods, Combs, km, &e. &e., to which. he would esti the
attention - of all purebase, este Is itetor
trilEtql to spare no . paltit to ttletit a iiilitivivance of their
liberal patronage... — . ' . '., .;AISIIED Ji'IIYA;PI, :.
:-,, 1-T7 -:-.- , ,..•,r + - i ,:',“ --: -- Iffulytgtott it: ;
Itlwebenifon:lliort.blL=lBs2. l l ,1 4: ---- ~-, .:. ...,._
' TO - ieEDLiott'S - AND .vpE
*AGE lot of ,ill'imPlatedJulii beituanlithverable
tuid Tta Byx,xue,by tbo gro4t 014 0' 011 Tel , ' lin , by
- , -,Atartt ED 4.IEVANA..
?OM lugortnitti , orShcli niyißa.4 Cf 4 1 3 1 75 of differ
`!A* .64 iFtylo,paiterniratul. kt4cest?y,.. EvAks.;
EARUINGS .AND .110.E.4g1r/PiltV
Tery deb' riew,SPtitig p4tertts'pLa day iectel,e4
'S from the Jo anun4ll4:q.s by 4:VANS. ,
. I . -
rrtflE notartneishiphrrtitnfureaxit'li9g.tween
B.iitice! this day ,
by lito laul do gen t.. ,, G. - 4. R.ll - 13All
13ifdliCtal0.11 , 1!ircf11J,
1114 etipoittiersitiii beiriefore:6siiiiur under 'hall
1,.; lam of R:Z . .,...Vorkiita 4. Co. is 'Mitt 40'
solved; : - Alt.pereomi tin t fieni;Nifirse
notes and accoinfts - Ira" implitie,liilt.pleaseto,
azteitd to mak,u an epFlj setticineht it du4ii,'';
hetrettfiei be cohduatd . .4.--
L:SutphiM-fie ;
,tenderrt his - thanks trt:hito friends
for, Ost very libital'ohito,4pi.tronate ,tlivy have
favored him vith..for :years magi . sea tiorn , ts tb
merit its continuanbe.",hr , hia earutat - affoi n ta to - do
a "mutual bettifiabifaitteia.:".. ,
. - • -
S'uniniereiille,"lltifch: I, 1842. - • .-10a4
-, =~~.
fly .Yirlue, Write Ven.- Ex., inueo. cult of
IIU ilia Court of Common Pleas of Sustpteliinftia:
eounty and to me directed, '7 - will expose !to - pfililic
I :sale ut , the ‘ 7 oatt:•hoUneiMllontruse; on qaturda),-
the-17th day Of , April , next. at ;one' o'o6ol', r;
all that piece or parcel of -hind situate; 4ing arid
1 being in the township of , Creatilead, in the coon
,ty of-Susquehanna, boon - tied and described tart*
lows, to :wit :.:Au the- 'notch bylindstilf'..A.
Trowbridge exud E. Skinner; oil theeniii!byloridi
of B. ouukeim the-south by, lands nf A. T.
Trowbridge_ and 'E'..iroittig;, andron,..thadwest- by,
latid of,MoStenM Milt Company, (soettihd,) con.:
tam ing , - oneAtitudied . and seventeen acre be the
same more of lest;together with'the-apPurtenan:',
cesi one framed house, one'frained barn 'ond'sheds;
one wagon him*, two oichaids;and abut sixty
acres improFed. '•
A tboommother r pleee pareel ofitifid, - sboate,
in the sametownship arid county liforkiad; Vein:de
ed and described as tollows,to wit ellegitininget
a post au thelioitheast 'Corner tifteltit`of William
F. Bradley, ou the east side of the:Cochectou
Great Bend Turnpike:Rondo:nil running back
from the fence' ivahes direction of,tha south line
OT thia,saitt.Brodley let iieventy feet , to a corner;
thence. iu et southerly course on 4 line plata,' with
the line of TenceOti the 'ertst side.ofiaid
Road twenty-ilia feet:ion - corner ; ihencflowards'
Said' Turnpike load - an a: line . parallel the
first described boo terentv,fet:t-; Thence ih
parallel with ihe neconctcl:tnnribed . Init. or the said
Road taboo-twenty; feetAer the 'place of beginning,
containing seven Icon hundred , and- fi fret, .1:6 -
the same more-or less, together:with theieppurte-,
unnies, one flamed horse arid alt '..- .1
. ' Vaknn hiesenutitin afthe NVillitim Day I
C. C. Smith., . = =., •
. - ... •
• . „ , I ;
Aft that Certain piece and parcel oftland situate;
lying and being iu the . township_of Liberty, in the
comity of tiusquenituni and state of Pomaylrit•
nia, bciuridedr.and described alfollottie;toliiin On
the north by 'audit ; of ionothou liowartl, on the
east by laud of Alanson Chalker, on thei, sup th by
lauds ofJames Travers, and otulle*lll bitatide:
70 acts/; titt the
same more or lesso - agirther, trith;the:aprt
cee, - ono frainetiiicitfee,unit liouie; ane.framed
barn', 35neres improved', laie,Orts . eithesi
of 'Satin' 'Amara: I
. . ,
, in execution at the suit.of Joiin "; t evrei
vaiSnlini Ilaientd.' '• • • •
, .
~ - - - ~-
~:.; ; . • .;_, - ALSO, - :,, • - ._ 2 -'' • . '
- '''-
-Bi . .virtue of writs-of Atlas Veg. 14.., issue d
and directed'as oboie;,l_will esPoselo PUblie - Sttle
at thrsarne jitne_and placer ' ll.thOLcelain pieCe
or parcel of landiSituate, lying:and being la the
township of Rush, itt the county of Sitsqiietitiinit,
hounded titid deisribed:as follows, to *4 :'.l::" . bie.-
iit a triangular lot adjo i ning landsofCalb Car.
raftoaths north ; , outher !walk odd ease' by lauds
f Samuel . Wallter;and , ,on _the-west by !the road
earling.from - the .• Ridge
Stewart's:and the l N!yalnititig creelt=44ld lot to
6i) rau,ait an t6O tcrotitiiili I wrnty•fi acres; to-,
gather with- the appurtenances, late Ilittl,estote of
Stallion Griffis.
'Taken iu i.xecution 'at the suit-of. Cali& Ce.f..
Malt 'vs. - Mahlon Gras. • - . •
All that certain' pleee•-,or pipe Cue .
parcel of t an
lying. and, being in the-township of sprinOillei iri
the county of - Susquehanna-and siate^a
sylsenut, bounded and described as wit;
Uri the Perth' by the road leading fmmi Spring
vino w Brooltlyn. on the east bY; the - road lradiog
to Nickelson; un the Oath and Welt,
Albert Heardslej.coutainitig one.balf ac y
re, be_the
same, more or lees; together with the apportenan
cesi one framed 'dwelling -House,,' one framed bard;
and all improv . ed; lath the i•state 'of Volly
'l'tiken; in.esecution,at the suit - of Calvin-Z:430 1
tolht use.of; Henry AL Pierre, VII. Nay, tiCli01:03:1 A
with, notice to Clark BorrAT.'.7! - :
Ail tbat certain piece.or parcel oflandlsitpatm
lying-and being in thritownehip of .Tialien; the i
county o f lascjnrfienin, b6iliided arid dertribeA
follows, to : wit Haihrinertli of Jelin Grit' ,
file on the , east by land of - Widoci .
ou the rotiih-'-atirf tweSt,V.'land or. -1 ewittM
Contaiding,three.riPrtf,s..bo_ the sanie morS;orless;'
together with . the appurtenances. ime apt
all improved,bue the'estato etNUM:lnlet
Taken In esSeutiourat the salt of Young
. .
`,. Ilk viiltte of a -- ,Wrif,st:Ff ':. fa:. i 8 ?ii ed and - dire ct. red; neatioire; 1 . will CApose to putilio'ials I : at_ SIC
Isame time und . place,, all that certain pieco or per:
eel of land sithattyying'end ' tie ilig in ilia:towni;
ships -OU:bliddleiwn;':,Cligotint-tititl,;looluouri;
dwribed as follows, to .wit: -ilegiuning at a post
by the Turnpike road at.tha-northwest corner of
the . Catholic chittOt , Lit, south,. forty es,d'eg,rS west
twenty, isirchea„in the sauthwest .corner ; of the
rainy ; thence south fifty-two degrees, enst nine
perches .tii thit 'toe of . pOntilittray'slot 'theit'ca - ;
by said line - soniti:thirty-cight ,dogreeit, w'isi., turd;
I httudred , and eighirew perches (*.re pest l ' iu Hull;
Pieree'S line ;"thence thence in Pierce's 'north forty-vWdI
degrees' wait qty:fiika - aild s viix:tentli__per'iteii to'
'the centre officeioninertifingio the-North branch;
theitee Along fair! ,toed porth•thirty ifegrvei; rest;
two hundred and thirty-eight perches - to the.,turn
pikeilend thence by, the turnpike - Itsitutt fily.tivfv . :
degrees east fifty-ana perches' to the logie n ingi,
containing •eighty:avven 'scree 'ands a half(' with
`4haisOnruinenCeri, one framed hp4se r one, fr., itned i
barn e .eud
.akotit Oily Acres: hniinivia. , ~.:,•:, ~., ,
~ A
_. Taken in execution . at the' stilt of Wickhanrk
Stone vi:` Honey" W. Cox. <'. ' - ' ' ' '.- ' ... 1 ''• ,-! .!
..''''.!.. ',,...:',';'," ~ ..-.: 0 -:#.- EL lsl lot6toii l 4 ,
..I. sgbitite's ofECe, .liiiiiitrose,i,t ..: - --- .i--•
;•.:, Arlan% 40, les2 - .•,--- 5., - ..; ., . --
-k- - - :1:
- 777 ...,.... , , , Atinrt0,iti11i0'fiii., „. ,__:
. heiAtitlgivett -that die auhiiriber,
..I.lilan . AnditorapOlottit by the Orphon l aeotirt
of ,Snsquebotutn-noanty• to,,dialtatitcti...ll4-:fillida
remaining is the. hands tit Daniel Deittnii; Exc.&
titer of the brit Willatuftestitment al ArtronVireettli ilia aiTioiliAe Nttni*itY )10 1
itipteientstittet of Said'ireaut i vi;;; - ,40 1 - 4;wih q ,
duties op Mr a . Prun
ident at the office. of B. $.
11entirqES4.'ettvAlentrese, on, Toesdeylhe 39th
day, of goer) Thst;, it one V.eloelt..ilt.• a which'
time end place ell parties interested ore requested
to present their clulms; • - -- •
~... f , ,,.. 4 ,,,,
...-.. ~..., ~ . -; ..
, o ,c r; , *ll ;46'00;:1114r,-
rpHE ettirseribei;beliviiniiitAo remove from
residencepnof eSiuunel,BlOF,ko:l ,
next lie foll wi ij prppetts TkrueLgoo,t),
efi'ies Oa' qtriiiitty'ot
year old , liainess tali;
ligHf I.timbertWagis - E rnieConkitili.stoced, nactr='
At9t i listtjty, oClon'ketold.Friintitindi vto
tt.,y,"riety toisce,llit4epotias,EgetiCoo..,numeri?t,r,
to riientian, 'Sara commencecif
Ceder tit!itniji 4101,11'iilip •
diattimtiwfiv,4 tripattitietedit; with
' ‘" r i 15:4AOTAMMIVANsnr
4iftka , , • Or, *4;29,11162,
. .•Trees- or kSale;.. ,
rpHE euhscrjblmould m il the n uatitiono t rw,
,:!4411c „I'Tvirpry at iFlf pit
tpiler south=east ; of FrtgttdeviUe .
Vecte,:of glad 1 / 2 1iie ana
t h r i tt rOa i stft 4 t i nibrielnpiditia-imel44-F , lh
•,'f ;• •
Aifs9; At'fjt 4 l9 l, lt: gear; Polo 5 4.4 retretty-
Nteeepf 2hp most
,upp J ovF,tl „
, Itt?peit 'by „stitet titteuth;h;) , lo icettr67' ,
btistetee;to phbfie, rittiditage:'"
t:Applet,tteoi *HI bu tut Jlti tett F rp ti eb a t
the Iluntery, tor iS fetiut;whirrisliveked: wher e
wante!i• • • -; ,
,4irdere thanitfuilY iectpit'oett, ti A
aka :nude' ilits4. V4 : 110; bily ro tfelltitaitt;
• I '•T'••• 51: TalitliEDU
Frientlavillt..tsuogimictiht MI t..
i; 114i4!qh;
;irikicio"or a Writ .6( ev Fq. ! Oat of
the Cout of G i o,iimuu ` l'leu
countyawl ta'utiv.directitl,l36ilr,eipo
maliV, at life , ,POool itt.AciatroveJ o w:Sofas% I
day ,3tl,,ffay, Of2.flps4.,ut-, : at 1, cegfock
that se"rtpin tracto r parcel sitaptpja:
dia . lo%lmb iti; Prfitge Nti6v,
duutnehufain'idid rilite.aPi•unitOvit6td,
tad, lanattledaml,:describeti ay follows, ta'wit
g 4 441 1 .g Pt 4 P, ( 41,4 4 . gfo.lllilford 4 Olat,pgo.'/'prn.!
pikp Road; a: '.corne r , of alok contteytcl to r Sampel
S&i . it ; 4 silence by t he some;north Iffirikse'Sea di;:
greesotlit "ono' . Ounif re d' 'an& perck ea . 'and .
'even-tetitha,'Of Perch la. it: plot ..the'jliust 'of.
J osjoisMill'slo4y ,l o l /4, l ?..y.tht(safre.olorliseichtff
Dim deAFF ea Lyi t!! irty opunfes,pos_caisfaa4 throe
tenth purchee 't6 a pOsioli#'lonth..east mimes of
said HOP it. a rot bitoughit .
to ScottEa Idir hi' theCddl - by i 'nor th
eighty-uine ett:ttast: sate nip sia \ perch es. to d
breglt,tlt oortlyr,tvost:ogifer of ; ..§)onebo-Tyler'a
klieneo ky, tile saki . Jut . soath,furty, atuf llfrepp,
trlitlie percketeto 'eOulth shirty sos
en rineliandre.danifini;enteei p e r c h!
es :And five-tent:ha perPketi'ithe , :iiiiict , Tornpikd
land i, , ,fketkoe.alangqba fame north.tiffy'Asso
greva l west fsersuityi . pigk3 perphels to Ike place of
cOnfainaigsiaty;lfius avies alfd'Aree
tenOis of un'tiero.l)eillYd'Onie idaio'brYien;
-Taktiff.infeiPeufidu' Chiistoph ei
Wutti agtrifisi CfniuUck Cushman::
„She'riff's offlee„ outrosed
veliftik I:6w
-ILOIVAItiES 11141:Ltiaif.Misg.;1 1 .
Rev. (I 80,11.1111;8. A.,g.:Prgt-pf fire**ll4l,flerat.
IV. AND F.;11,:f 9X, A. 31.;
eIIAS:S. JAM M 4, 1.; 31.4 Prot. Mathenititai reNalf.
ALgy.E.D..F#3cf,AT, .!.!gl,Letrtzf. , , l : ,;.
.sylttin;pl".6, o),ilsOsto eduoittioos is
fnfl 'cirried but,emtiitOlag a caufiac of Pair
and ridittilietlia!iiiieesiful
of Buallelstof ATts: ;
Jo ord4r, moreover
Itlta Wit ?CP / L..4 ePtIP e been.:o 6
'omitting the Aneienti,l4sugatties
snliefitatiair ''their • plide various .brancheti'Yof
Allistitennstidai , Phileiophy'ainllPainfil Selenieer,
This - noarse.srill'verapy4n period of three Teats;
and. will entittit theifaithfulAtudeitt.49:llterslegrea.
of Itaetiel9cof Fhitesophy t .
' wti9; design ependink but '0.. - yt r kr_ or
Colleg.i,yrillidudy %slime reiliranehes they
may steel, inch as Chemistry, Civil,
E ' Ve TY] etll4 l'?g -4-tp93 4. e,atagiFei - -:sPc9,lo
attentionl9Ceintiositien and public tips:4lolpp
' eimneatibrr theCilegis Is 'department
is an' Atadem'yOu - nliitifi
plan atidrelassieril et:ldeation are purra:
ed. - This department andel. the.altarge, ,91 Jew:
N. Leanis,_A., and
arranieinent: line heeripsidti to luraith
alllrrijdieite aid in *evert' partof g thorough Aca
demic - and'iCullegiateregueitinif.s: te.teellent,'
'Abney, is ve"ry noMpleht P,hihikopliical-Aftparatas
,and a .wellAnnisliert.Cleinical Laboratory ; are:
provided.' The,Libriiry.)l co ns ta ntly .
valutifiti.""additions.''" ' •
, The. University. has eitentife. building* Stan&
Ingin iii etsvaied gram en - thersinith silo the:
totvtt ..more beautiful, ple9s9ni-ltatlisealthfal
'location tip found ; Iritl4 the Stain..
rrimary, "
The year is divided into vet; iessioraiotte of
26-weeks, connencingl6o _Oct , and, c o 9tintt.itrZ
ill the' lath. April itie - seednd "Of 14 We Crop
thi , l3lli'orMity'lo tlierlSifi , Auk:; •
, torriOnme,Volan'tOrrEijr,,Ps:ae.l),„l.B4;q:ii
CO ST. or. AP, ' •
JiiE L VOcuity i ttiptiialishinits hiliSbY ;toga
lie notice that they have fixed upon the 'fol.
lowhig Attya faalMateti tesprertvely, , far tearing
'appeals frum`thit assessments for pm!' jiils2,•
at 4h e Commissioners' 0 %cc.. jp . Si; tri*i t9,wit
Bridgewater, Yronklin toed tiberts . , )llareb 1352.
Grentlend,Nevi 31ilfotd titst•Harm'enty;' , . "
4sekson, Thomson, Ciiirord;llerr,lek, aad. 3 ,
Dentiaft, . -- , ' 4 i '24;
t rata, Gibson 'au/ thirfavd; -f; ,
I. • I+s 9v.
OiaolOytt.D.tmoelt awl thv9p;
Fartnotille:Aabute,:ittretratel Jeslttip, • ' 7 . 7 ;
Middletown. Cboconat; Apolacoli and • ,
Friendstille, . 4 . 1 1 . a
SilvirLate " as; a
Montrose, . • - . . • Pl,'
By order of the CorentLesioners; • r
• :11
, Commissioners office Feb. 1852: I;w6
'-Sttt<tig of.Pennsylv*ntii; s;' ' I
In the iftufter 4he Estater:if Eseck
• Thayer, deceased.. •
The Corriugolistienliir of
1.8,1'.1/orrice!Thayer,;ittill'othera f ., hazel, de
,seeurlautsaf:ttaid grieck.Thayoridac'cl.,.
-and to a ll pe.reatatiiteresterb.-_,Crrpo4l4:,.
•"' Yen atti bareby'eifeil to apPliier,bfertith'e'Suili- .
eir of the'Orpliator t t°
.be beletat /Ifoutrosa.titr the Menday of April.
nezt , 0 ,.c 10131 e , I p,Alto,ferehooa. thattltuld - 1
thlo-rto accept or refurte;tcVa i ka the zeui.eatateOf,
Epeelk in the tou:tehip
of Bridge{ater:. in Ital 4 conitti.'4l (lie rifiptilied
valoatkat !mit titan it.; hy'atr hit - pleat duly Warded
by Etiid Court cud returned bk.ilre .sheriffitskarit. - 1
' ll 4l InF4Pf two tlMMurgd,49,llrl;..n4Chqictiy
‘Vitneve the 'llea. en d
the seat of• iraid Court s 8111q7ltlAiy.O(robruary,
6, 1851 ANODONi Clerk:'
§iv4 , "Per Demi:4 Deputy'
. . .
.untne lead (knit!. Lettirctp
dtsiolitef.'f' nit; bdolii h it
a:Obi - as 'of , thii • lei
firm Will to ietßed: hyWlnthrop. ;I:06110nm
will be hereafier coudeet.eit by_ D. R. Lethiop At.
'Janles'itileY: ow ehe Tait .daivo :wait shillikeridit I
qaWtrit. 6 !!4 o t.Litefiti4 4 4 , Pt , R I • Pithog i Mo c e
31; i'31114,
Ififch 18a2;
WiTER'gAS; ti r ti?
and board without any just catitoinvtiroi,: ,
.ocationi This Mott Ora: fotttid all, pomp'
ehat4iay adebte f.ettatriutitrtaltarihis
data.. .
' Aubut1ij°641724.484:::
,1 •
'Pr YETistuy
6 1 -' 4 forki Revar-i , rediriandAllAßepart ut &CA&
Ltuoul.rirreoDitorp liw t l44 parip4A94 2 t4sAtagakted.
A itenotal AdspitlnetiVof 844:4110014 Atsk eta9ont 4 7,
always on 141b04.1t4 , 4 - . 4)o• 4-44:4Ar 4 - atN4 - . 3.- .
A - 11141/ oupply.or welted;
Y 4314.4,1852., - I NO. RULI4III.._
t- ••• 4 t
Rw - A 1 : 11 :q • 1008p.24:ro;
Nislicer ~ 0312111tErVi. sti
Ifebruar7, 1832. -'
--:':=1-7-= V11040LAISA=1M1; ----;
9 usquEoANNlCPotiktt fa- - T
LydieSt lisliirl____ ~,,..- ' ....:......
fikVorafictifirralrritEirtvouWo,rnil''niOti Mut
end fitter; ~ f • r druid 'Cotiirth a Ifiriein*
----" a Bedeit - .- Teter; 11351iNeg:102;
vs. --,,-- - .-'; ~ , ' i• - • .".. - •
Elijah 11,fiVei: - .;.' -': ! ' -'''. - - •
To Elijah - .D., righir.:i ' Wkreitt4 ; ti gatpamii
Its 'Divorce vies leseid't& flenietotoek I 'efint l B s l.
!hick mve lk. 4dl r.*uP'4 4 ;m:Ylriot. ittoilintro.o4l
theie - dri 'en arras 80innevqrsirtseed,„iropytirlevise,
reldruabte = it' lAniery'Teiiiontls2; Cipon Go re
turn of iri/iiieb *Dot vntrrivorde. to *id '„Corrf !bat
the. said V,444r pi Fietrei 0010 not boil:end far car
iniii,iiik: •: t , . . , , j . , ... „ - - ,.'
• 5 TN* jioiie'e sift' eieroii inpAiili• foo A D iiip egg e
beford, therioddeit -pf itio 08di 'Colin 'of The tbbril
31ozrdaj• of April . nett; to *4014' veil certiptriliti
:Ar, c , 4 -,, . .• .-.•- '. .T G., lie - .E'LDRBOi•Suarit c ;
, 9 1 3 erifrii , FelotPifolltr°890 :.
re.brniiiy )6; p 3.52:
1 .
31ortAtot iireabi, :.T.. .- . -,1, .• ; - ~ -' , ..-.• • •••
by l'ef nix' (riled ln the eoratOt Connoon PIMP
a itinei TI: Foster of tiaid .01.1 a* ty, of N011.0311',
- vi.r•' - '"" LTeriii, I8t1; No. 116.
flettioihi l Wobt. j,: ,, • -.' ,' ,
_' Toil/citiornio Webb:: • •Vrtiereter, a Stfipteatt in
PirorPe AM* illent4 to Norfottober • Term, 18M.":
which " * mi, duly, r,ctorucd.,cpla est ikvits.tus, awl
itr'Oron - ittr dliae - SUCTI#I . I3 i iiii, triad in mud.
oicesec-rettireOtble- te"Jonurri Tenn. i5 52 .'4 41 A
the Idol -mot kvbiett',prooF wit trinekt•io the ISICI .
Court : Opt', thcpsoici _Benjamin W.obb , atilitaot bo
found in, ory...Boilitrick, ; ,:, i .i. l . :„ •••: ~ , ! , :
This ilotice ie‘theierOre t o requiie too to alifettit
1 1 4 - fotii,',llto Jeitlieit of tlidr tali! Cour( oi the 'bin!'
Afonday of Aria pelit, to tinnier 'laid itOmplithni
8;41. • 4... i f .::1— - . , O. ft,ElLipllED,Stroriffi
,Bhorifr'soffice, Morttroeed •! `, -:• ~ • - ~ :
- fe6ruary. la, 1851. ... _
AISQUEHANNA COUNTY . 811; , -- =, • •
Olmrlor Trumbull In the Courrutetilfd tiortri
~ . ~.yi.: : ..; -.. ot,tutirl Pounikol;Notedbut
Luq.lerudibilll, .
: Term, 18,51N : N0.54: .-,-;,, .. • g-.
' TO /14 Vizinztal/ . : . • 11 1 heinet: et Suipodinid -
Dir'orin ; leak iiiiind io'-lciol , erdint Term ,
which:dela thilrreinrued noo , est invintut4tid
thereon an.atiaoSilbpruna'witaiinrird in 'did Mum:4'
re lurunble( to Jemitury,Teltn; 11552;" upon ibi , rem
Min' Of lirliinfi proof. was muds to dm, said
tbitt-thii intillnci'rrurnbull'imill hid biround id
nryi.Taill4 , i'aki, 1 ,
~ •• ' - -,. -- 1
-Thin non co' is tblerefore tn;tequlrirtoe to dppeitt ,
before.llo!. Ittlgn kb( Ildieuttl. otirt ott the third
Mimr6iy of April' negi to auswer said compliant §
&c„ , ' ' ;' ''
'' ''.
'O. 13, ALDTIED, /Aerie
.. . , „ .
„.. , . .
Shoriff't; office.' ltiontrose; ? -
lebritury 10; 1:34
..-...-i _ ,'.%-:.' '•
131.1S,QUBi1Ai,VNA ( 1 01iNTII, SW; .• , . - .
Down” P.," yAnco In the Cam' of Conu'n. Pei&
', l . ' Vs. : ' Oreeict - county, of November
plittiliiith Vitae: - 'Teirii; . lss I, N0..9. -- .
:7. TwElizatical - once, • , Wli'eretia; a - ScilMcena
in, Bit, , orye, wee isiared to.Nevender Tetra, IOU:
which .'
was ,duly returned hen est invents/hi:ad
the reolko notiaa Belvieu re was jaeoed in laid cane.
retiiiiiable?M'heitiary .'Term, IBA ripen thew in
'tweed' rhiell'piool wai mader,M,the said Cottet
that. the enirt FAizabeth : Vritien , con Id net be *ad
in my Bailiwick.: , ~,, : •,,,... , ~ .„-: ..: . , - -•,-,
J'hishotice irtherefore,foiegolre jrcia to Mom.
betorelhit iiigget ar e . vii, ;44 4, Court on the tbird.
Ntelitday : et April . .iiiiit, tti answer' said eompliiint o
die.: '.- :rt::::::
.--: 1-) 6.-13. ELDRED'. Shade.
,BtiardreoftiCa; kentreee;lt : ,
, februag ; 10. 185 P .- .
-,* t k r , ,--, -
r: r.• , ,
The . 14*t &tilts BTEXPNEVIL'
,Isubscrilie4,ii.Olditifortu their 01011,610 d.
the pidd l e iniehent4 that they have just Iv
turned fro m 'New Ybrk With *lite end ex teitiva
istook.of embracing st%ery article- is this
that, is called for „in- this, wake& ; and : hsvb
nude aritint'iiients witkilie maw:4mm to Ikr.
atirdeliprWes itirwill'enable'neto sell thrieh'kis6 -
tient shoemakers, our opinion is that we know the ,
wants of Ott people better than those talus a:ski
oilier Wiling., We Watddlherefere deetw it 41,
oedeitiquitcisii,instead list of *cap
I!4 t price, that; - .•
pormietietris defied"-
• ~c , l _ inepsptiou
Arutsailisfaction pram:rase ,
Wikeeti also ou hand hiailiklit tanned mils .
er Calf "Skins, morosett
Liningitrilludings;Shoe-naits. Pegs, Vaad.stenesoi
Shoe-knises c , Reg- goats ! : :Hammers, Piiesti,
Rasps ,TaCksi,Kit andlYrench sh•e Teobtefetery
descr ‘ iptioii, Bout Criinirs, sfioe-thread l , Boot .
webbjriel-ball. - Blackisti ' •
' , Shbentakervirae; rispeetfolly- - toPeited foe:tali;
inp o4F dock before- porchasingitas or* tool. and'
fiudit,in iirr. till .00l s epted,tty one , tylos cradetilaids
thl;iitteinepe: Storp,directly oposite Searles Hotel.
•Thin'il &Veld:it) klage, • , - • !.! -
•- - •
;„•,, ~• -: &IV:TA TRICAT.
I'}..°.*-1,.c - `',..set9otiki. idea thank . his itimerefts
Toi die liberal, pationagc he has received
for the !wit foir 'years,' tipping that lie may talk
merit* skarn or their patronage, 'ne 'he intends to
keep ,hipPeting Saigon and GniCery as heretotcre:
41. N EAR( RIAN.
,3%-•t•rt' s; - pAitir,' , --•
n-AvING retasitail to - Montrossi to reinime; that
tpractise of hilit,proffession ; Inay,tie foasid
Saa;le's Hotel, %share 'ha will. be.. happy te mut
upon:his act, trieadi as Site) nets.„
316 atiiisi;-FaV: 2 ,"1852—:5tr,",'; • . •• t
:110FAVING:.,toton oppinted, tlorntot =kiwi of
'l.,L.Peeaii. -- ,fo; the State, of IP WApyilfAit,, .• •
tend' to all Biisineos entrusted to hint itttliprotitpt.
'neiattficrfitiellty;' "' '• * • .
Atoitroso; Pob:'3; 1852.--Stf.'•
-". pro t ' s, eomAgiid: , Carria ge
~,,- ; , ! , Sprhigs: , .
:TN OFFERING -thiamnach - Celebrated Spring , --:
'J. to the ptiblic i s lie..-§utiscribem rospectfially solicit,-
a candid - examitiation'tis to Its merits.
..ilia for It.
superiority over all other. sprinti, let thasc•wm,
have tested them, bear witness, and ~11!ta Babette*
hers aro"--willict Wahl& by the -detiiion. : It-hia
.e.eit, carefully eYsrained ! by - mould science. amt . '-
by , Slistp Oeerfulty recomrsumded' to tb,e public,.
:A Carriage can be Jailt with, thesi - Ppringl,cheap... ,
is f-tij lin!: ligliieh more diareble Mid for eau it in
not equalted by any springs no* in Sise ' '• :‘ .:-
~, -Alt tiirtingt. warranted; , : ' : .:,-;
-,,:, ,j,-/-0...., , ,. , SP.IIO.IJT,'BURROWS, de e(t . ,;- - - -,:-
, - '_. y •:,, , gik _Lake, qnsfis.-.Connils Pat . 4
k;iiiii4lL-1.: . it ' & :4, - ,graoirr., , 07-111'-
, ____... . -
•Ntlirice. , •
rns Eirr474, : orJousl...,Wwiraire the cadet .
fajpn;d Itna, hten'apeoiined, by the . Orphan* .
enurc to 'Audit the administration aai„dinn of
cob WhithiatfOri•ixciptiona, Who Who will 'tuna' ;
theanwart at his idea la' Atoutrosa t oa .Wadirddh'.
ifity - the i4th day of March nent.
di, ; This is copra notio-to all idterrated. - -
N NEWTON, Ariditin.'
.I.foltrose rob ;11152. - Bw4
6iololCrtt. a liitte;libp** - 0011C'
TeirE; eVneOtteT byi- a email AP* Yet eillleata.atut,',
NZ C° o4o aPd fi lli# Boots ,atlrd *bats. sail Foadt ,
atm t and tattitoahileata-alat:'
t r rei wbleth he !cap:a - Atila; at Niece hie st,itue 44, ,
seas!: Thetaylia 'appart,ltuN i7attfi,a 100 •
Ale Katz • f: -; ~ N.W.1111 w .W41, '
',(i tamale, 4.1452. , , •
• .
•), AnAti**tn/Pnt
R1 1 414k4h1 enutkr atii Mite mid Ow
•stanity'rikki WO:. tof blithe "Kaiulth u. nh i a
311/1 ,C4a1x 144 4 1.!'“ItY•100-t aspgotat 14 a any Or.tir..!,
- Notice;. -
MPIN inigrumm, itditeptis tbr movoratilevill ble 44. •
4 !musts tinit *Olson& iikelloconnia atabdbta.
IttaLoll4 tft !qv y . ew,vitivano4 Toquiitid to ass .
- 4.151411. ,
IllAttiElYW;tloo bialiet or Oils. 10,000, hi*
Wso" I,krt.
-will.b*PaKna Isal" " 115 " •
' • • - •IK
..ik:"Vtot or Ladies - Rubbers, ://tudihis"&"„', l -
oniters— , atia-xebtleinen's • Rabbeuei Pled% ' ,
&o.,jast recelygd by •-
•-•‘„ • - BENTEEY. "kittAir4..t:•