The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 19, 1852, Image 4

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    ~. ; ,_.;f
1110111110SE,TE1 VAR Ir 19, 1989:
F,tinn the Germantown Telegraph'.
• ,
Plowing7A Fact.
EDITOR farmer in this
7icinity*hilo plowing bit fall Waif tusked by
• a neighbor whqkalthqugh be had a large i
Scarcely support 'his family off.
of it , whir hkplowed so deep?
Because; . neighbor," ho
s replied, "1
;'' : plowed the same way last: year - and the
• year before, and . I found I plowed up a
deal of gold . •
• " - dad!" exelaimedihe amazed neighbor.
—why hew mach eid you - ploic up?"
Welt-slime tiundreds of
.dotlars a year
=:•Sncll 'did it ititbis way.: my cro'ps were
twice soilage *here I plowed as deop as I
'n•qt tio„:40 the satue fields where I formerly,
1 ,1;11reg only to, -half the depth, and they
talta WS - manure too." , - -
,"I do,ii's beliCve a word of it," said the
:;:iiciAlibet, disappointed in the gold digging.
"If that liS the wafyou plow up, geld, I am
afraid Yen will never set the river on fire.
4',,g0 'for :the good old way, and find it
the best: There- is — little -to - learn in
farming! which those before us did not
• E.11, , w."- ,
' neighhor you may dii . as you like,
but I have triedloth_ways, and lam more
• thaa satisfied with the result.; Indeed, by
-, strietly persevering in- it and other
proveinents,.l shall nearly cr quite. doul:l 7 '
lo.mycraps, and hence more than double
-sny - prfifitF, and all this excess I
er just so much gold 'plowed up in my
fields." • •
" continued the neighbor, "I see
- 5 - 61fiffe, frorn---yottr new: nutiens, a - bbok
farmer, and belong to an agricultural sod
ety-;, hat yohll find it won't pay in the
-long run, I think." , •
..•ThCre is where you, - aro in error, my
Ilam no book farmer—l, belong to
aziiotiltural society, but I -mean to join
'-'on,e at the earliest opportunity. I. ack-.
'atowledge, however, to reading weekly, the
- Ckinzall.tozon Telegraph; and "especially
•9the agricultural department, and I am now
free to Confess that it has given me more
valnablci hints during the five years 'I bare
caked 14 on subjects connected with my
,own business; than fifty subscriptions would
pay for; indeed, I was at• first. ashamed to
myself, tkat there was so trine!'
•I - r fanning, though All my life a farmer,
- `that I did not know, communicated through
• the columns of that paper."
But all would - rihrsatisfr big - neighbor,
and he returned to his own balf-worked
grumbling at -the stungeWnims
f hat had crept into the heads of some peo
vlc,andldeclaring that they Would not catch !
...,11.C„.Editor .this circumstance occurred •
in my own Neighborhood, at the time above
..-stited; L 'and though not present myself, it,
was told-to me by one of the parties, and ,
-you can make such use of it as you
please. Very truly yours.
-- Care of Stock
ConnFrT says ;hat in 'preparing a house
Atad bed fat swine, a person should make
-.them so',good that he could sleep there him
' u2lf, comfortably. The same remark may
with equal pertibance, be applied to the
'liottses intended for other domestic animals.
A, very sensible , 'Writer, who appears to
have a touch of the finer feelings of human-
'iry in biS nature, remarks , upon this subject
as fellows :
" When the wintry "iforms" roar' around
•ais, or old Boreas rides upon the bittei
Mast, we must not gather around the Ida-
miagAire in die enjoyment of comfort, until
we see that; all our animals are in a cam
r-lortablb condition. ' . If 'the barns and sta
!bles'were in a pod condition in the
. uing, of winter, time , may havecommitted
some ravages, and repai 's may have_
ry' to keep the poor animals warm, and
prevent 'the • fine snpws driving , into_ the
building." LIEDIG, the great- agricultural
.-coeinist. has. very- truly -- obsertmtl i —tb at our
clothing is,bat an equivalent fora certain
.amount of food. The warmer the body is
Kept the less demand will be made upon the
ouaell,,the great- furnaca or fire place of
alto systcin, the ,appropriate fuel of which
food: It will therefore always be found
hat those animals which arc the most coin
. forte bly lodged, will .do. the best with the
,1 , 13/13 amount of ,food. Probably one quar
'.t.-r of the expensepsnally invOlved in win
' tso utg stock might
,be economized by a due
Tigard to the efficient prOtection of animals
'',from cold. 'But it is by no means necessa
ry that the stalls and cow-houses should fie
v try -expensive Or made as emse as a 'ball
'This would be to - frustrate the Oh
,.jcet in tato.. Air and exercise are indis
pmablypecessay to insure health and com
fort, audit the-barns be not well‘ventilated,
'the mere protection, without being exposed
to a, privation of air., In Securing exercise,
,tvltich is highly conducive to health, never:
valid cold or -storixt. An hour or so-daily
i t the °pm air=eren ifthe,vreather be in-
/ : :lentent,vill be of greet advantage - to , The
animals which have been standing fornispy
bours in close : quarters, When "they are
zeturned 4o their dormitories, let tbens, if
:wot be . eurerully rubbed down, brushed and
• To Cure a Burn.
A correspondent of the Stientifth Amer. ican,..say4l • ,
AVlen about fifteen years of age, a wo
man tohlmit if ever, I got burned, to plunge
Partisitield water. , Since that time I
bavo frminently been benefitted by . ber ad
vice.: Whet:churned : with a hot tron-I at
4arce immerse the`; burned part , in cold wa
'r'. A few .days since, when forging a
.'small article; I cats small: piece from its
.end,'while red hot, indbk mistake, when
"..ii;king in , a contrary, airectinti, ttoek bold ,
,;4 f fthe anvil eutter with my right *band
thumb rihd inger,.-whep the small , piece of
iron I bad . cut off stuck to niy:ftezer. I
shook it off, - sia at once dipped - My
in water and, bit thereabout , a ltdPute,
after wbinbl a lipited into spirits of turpen
-.gni :midi -ill on a elotlLLpo blistejJtrase'
nar was it nore. 7 l,linbeve , -that. cold wa-
A? - ..-RPFLi l l s -l4. l ° l9l t r fa i k rpettotof,ll4-
llimoryit gavial, if It. iglu _ .
liertiOn Itt:lio sent 10 fief. 'through ' . boUint
_lri4tirii*o 6l 4l-as fast as tievels
trSin ii`rifictOtoti , blititii,,Wigd- 4 11 44
eat.&Jett nit - travel fasterthau emend.
zaat nfinierix• •:
Negroei bkLiberia-.
A writer_ from Libe ri a giites, the folloi
ing Statement Of the condition of the
gro in Liberia ,
Every settler in tiberialeceiies a-grant
of ten acres of good land: Ile and his .
family arc supported during the; first six
. in Africa: The whole -expense of
the voyage is defrayed by the soetety; A
temporary home can always , be„ obtained
now, on landing, and the:chops and mar
kets furnish every. OngeniFnee. j•
These ten acres Mai iinprOred • sit as'
to become an independent! forline 46.
family, Oito 'acre will ! produce $3OO worth
of. indigci; half ari acre will :rdise.a thous.
and pounds Charm! root ; five ! acres will
plant 1750 coffee trees, which at !five years
old will, for 30 years; !bear six! .pop li dero
the tree, which is $4OO a year ;! half an acre
of cotton trees will stand mantyt ars, wilt
out, replaniing, and yield' every year enough;
to clothe a whole family ; ;one acre ef eerie
, furnish sugar and preserveS Abundant,-
ly ; one acre in fruit trees will' gists more
bananas, plantaine, orangcitAmvipats, and
pine apples, than any family lancet,- one
acre in a garden will give fresh vegetables;
tan crops in' a year, directly cur. of the
ground, ten - months in a yea, sufficient for
twenty persons ; hogs, poultry, &c.,. May,
Ibe raised at pleasure.. litre, _then,- is a;
family. provided for, inthe amplest manner.!
[ with moderate labor, and enjoying. ova;
I and above their Support, from nix 10 seven
i hundred (hollers a year.
Schools of t h is best kind are provided for
the children...‘ Messurado county eland has
twenty places of worship, 'six ofd them ex
clusively for natives of the tawdry. ls
schools, and 87 schtlars. • - r
'When a settler'gets a little forward, he
may begin to' work on the wild and luxuri- .
lant.prcsductions of the forei3t, and find the
'fullest" employment and - reivarti, lie may
cut camwaod, make indige,or palm oil, or,
castor oil, or estahlish a manufactory of
sugar or arrow root, or raise rice, ginger,
corn, cats:sada, hogs, &c., &e., for sale.
Where else , can the calorc3l nian
do so well ? WoCre have you so much en
joyment ? Where so easily support: his
family? To siky nothing of thd indepen
- deuce and the, happiness which , must arise
from being among a nntion !of! his own col
or, and in the full enjoyment of a liberty
and an equality which are impossible
The MysteriouE; Bakal*.
A young :n6 called, not long 'since, up
on the ladies hi - whose k..epingore the
"Rochester Spirits: Ins hearing was, sad,
and his . voice was tremulous' ith emotion.
Sorrow was non couritenatte-, and .a weed
was on his hat. He sighed as he took . a
seat; arid the bystanders pitied him; as they
saw him draw forth a spotless bandker
chieraml. wipe away a tear that 6d.gatb
era in his eye. After a few motneuts he
took one of the ladies aside, and reivested,
if convenient, to be put in communication
_with the spiritual essence, of his mother;
and here be wiped .his .'eyes" rapidly arid
• A period of quiet elapsed; tird , a knock
was heard signilyin; that t be : &sited cor
respondence could be had, and with a hesi
tating voice the young man commenced.
questioning the invisible one. •
flow lung bad I beett'gone before you
dies)." I
A length of time was. stated. _
" Where aro you now, motherare yeu
happy?' • •
The knocking indicated that the .spirit
was at rest: -
"Are thciie . of your: friends who hare
gone before you ?" - •
"'l - hey are,"_sai 1 the knocking. "!
" Them you iiai-rezogniziestbem , 'perfect-
IS ?" ,t
The, noise certified the affirmative.
Can you see me at alttimes, when you
The raps proclaimed the.prepetrlkl
iceSl - of tie speaker's viFiGn is -that —res-,
Tile gentleman zeenied,
the'epeetat.)re stood . 'uveraltelinntd.-mtb
svoilder. 1
' '
zuking his. Lat the mourner arciie. than
ked the ladies, as he stocd in the 40r, 4311i
tap' remarked
" I hare bee - a refY . mach 'enti.rtained,, as
no doubt my mother herself rill' be, fut. I
left her at. bo-re, nut . half - an hoar 'since,
basting a turkey cliuner.--4114fa10
A COMPLI3IkIT: A Frenchman' who
I had learnt Englibb, wishin ,, to bei atticu
i lady polite, and never, ne h lented an oppor
tunity of saying stanething' prtttk, One
evening be - . observed', tor, lady 8., whose
dress was fawn colored, and that: of her
danghtet pink=-,-“‘ 'yout daughter
is the pink of beauty."'', " Ah,' Monsieur,
_you Fretrelnuen always flatter." I .: No,
madam', lonly, do speak the troll; and
what , all the world will allnw,, that your
idingliter,ii'the pink, and youeladySliip the
drab. of t'nshiori. It was 'with great diffi
°Uhl the Frenchman was - made to uotopte
•-bend bik Mistake. ' =
I:**An Iristiniati being asked at' a late
trial' (r a'eertifieite of. his, marriage, bared
his head, auderthibiteld a huge SCSI', which
looked as though if might have been Made
with a'fire Shovel.' ' The "evidence was
.isfaetory; . , '
_Pride. is .niveriaeffectually put to
thellusb‘as abed it-findaltaolf contrasted
vith an easy bat dipifted - '
faqir! k r onen itidn - stri.wilrdo More
to produce cheerruiness,- Suppress civil bu-.
more, and retnevo ' your affaiii - 'llO
month's moaning. . , .
'Alen and enticing!, like:nbjed, ,of
aiaht, base - their-:-points..of.. perspective :
'souse must _ be seen skis distance. , - •
_r." They pass best over the world,' ,
ifideteen , Elizabeth; who. trip `
ztiellY; fort 'irch - Step
_we siek." :
vitfirruppatld otheridoiames some for 3—) lbs good'
g,8114: Vaudlcs forim,4 o d,tke, o tomr .:
es iv prdp optiork,accordtog quillth WH,OIIB
. .
• gitagt.TO4tVegear4. - -- 1 '
-.[ = , oeor6 ,
EAitit'Th BOOKS,keadq•madeUlotbtng,U a til*
Clap, Boots & Shoosi ho.. StOtO two doors below
llotel, *operate.— ' •
:M. 0 Tylet,. .r
TO A LER IN DRY 0 DODS, Groceries,Crocktry, Hard ,
sure,.are , 0110, Fluid, Paiute. &c.
ace j
also payirelob ror.nllkludeofShipping Fura. Store tin
b*lorr the Court 11!ouro. • -
Chirles - rTillman,•
.1011AVIN0 AND DREt.SINO SA-1,00:1. eesrles
t.. 7 ll uyttingi twit :I°l2r tu.itte-Ppqiitaci„Montron, Pa.'
S. S. Winahesteri • ••
TT9ItNEN , Al 141.W...TOkkannock, Ea.' OM= In
. .
• D Mika '4kt
,- • El• !
Lvki T AND,Excu.t.nor..,,TA.uLE.!Outce ;Wore L-Lxloa,Srcl is ,
llotetr Jlontrose Pa.
. -
t ' . : . __. - ' t'..B. &.5: It. Chase, , • •
A T rvltli ViTS . AT LAW, Mon . trose.. QtUcto over Ty.
..P: ler's sture. E. 11, CHAIII. F.D. CHAOS.
. .
: 7 • . _ -. „
' Bc . ' Sterling, :- L ,
"nt -LEI Nita - 31 aaat.n atunuaresTa, Tann STONES,
.L.P , TA to ht., I graven Om. Canal.Zrldgo and iNiurt.
NousP, Court 'at.,, lnusti.untan, N. Y , , MrJ., D.Wldtney
Traltling .1 - anin . . • •. . 2T ly
0: M. Simmons,.
4 -IF -crer Baldwin Cur t 's - Saddlery 84opiiyor!frose.
Dr-C. C.
DUI dICLLN. AND SURD ED N , flarfunt, Pa. 2
1 doors below G. J. Pride's store. -, ~47tf
-1 •Dr.,James'Brooks,
nIITMIAN • AND' SURGEON; and 'dealer in Drngs,
mrdicikeg, Paints. Oilo, Dveg,A•c: Corner of Church
4ncl Plnc ptccuta, °Witte C91. - E, Lusk's, (lies! Ilrnd.,
-John: 11-Dimock, •
ATTOStr.NEV AT LAW. Office an Turnpike street, .1
door weer 01 thnold Re,teiter Panting °Glee, Mont
rose, Pa. , ,
MI. Truesdell.'
ATTOIINEV AT LAW; Great Bend, :Office with
.11. Col. F. Lusk.
J.C. Edwards,!
cal Dolos and'Accordcoim. Shop k the store of J.
It%Marna * South Gibson, Pa I ' • 60m3
Vl.l 1[3:. - tEUBIgr.
B. B. & E. B. Chaie,
1.1;11T01%!I ANDI:ROVUF.Teite
`lO4 dollar and Arty Celans . per annum , cash In advance,
or twp dollar& it no; paid until the en.i of 'the year, or
time or. eubscriptien. No paper will be disconthiu d
antic all iirrearagea arc paid, except at the option.of the
-'All communications mutt be post paid to
receive attention. ,; All letters connected with the office
should be directeirt t S. 11.; iiE. B. Chaseiltiontrose,
Susquehanna county, Pa.
officii over AI C. Tyler's store. • .
• - •
One square (12 lines oeless,) th:ce Insertions, $1 00
Each subsequent irusortiou, •." ..;: • -• 25
One square three months,&SO
Ono square six - Months," - - . • . dOO
Business Cards, sour lines or lees, 3 00
YeartyVivertisernents, nos Uses four squares, 7 00
Ono column obeyear• • - • - . 2400
Yearly advertisers will berrestrictcd to the business
in which thdy ark engaged. •
I.: 3 14110,11.11..,
H rtTrl4o,6abllshers having ft largo assortment of,Job
' , Painting 01terials, nre prepared torxeeuto.ral lands of
j.lob oars trittt neatness' and despatch:
Malik I. of every. description constantly o 4 hand Or -
I:printed kiorder. - • • . -
Entered eierording to Act of Eongresr., in the - year 1851,
by llOU'fssN, M. o. '
iu the Dierk'iOrrieu„
• of the' Distriet Court for the E3FCMII,
District - of Peansylvaida. ' '
•. . .
. .
Auothpr: t Scicntific Worykr.l.
Great Care-fur Dyspepsia:
GENVIC FLUID, OR Castile, JUicc,
Prepared from RENNET or the fourth Stomach of the
oa, after directions of Baron Liebig,, the great physio
logical Chemist, by J. S. 11OUGIITON, rbiladcl
.This is* truly vion4erful remedy 11,r INDIO ESTION,
STIPATION and DEBILITY, curing after Nature s own
method, by Natures Ana Agent; the - Gagitc - .Tuice.
E7-half a tin:spoonful - of Pepsin, Infused In water,
will digest o?. ass:die, Ave:pounds of Ile:W.0 Beef in
shunt two hours, out of the stomach..
Pepsin:is the chief elenient or gre:it Digestive princi
ple of tlie:oastric - Julee—the Solvent of, the Food,. the
P nrifying t f Preserving; and f - Stitil Wolin glAgent- of the
Stomach and lutetlurs. /tis- extracted front the Di
gmtive stomach of the Oz, thus forming an,..ARTIPI
CIAL DIGESTIVE FLUID. precisely like the „hittiaral
Gastric Jake in its rbeintcol owers, and-tarnishing e
compOlcann perfectsisbatilkte for it: - By the aid of this
preparation the pains and evils of Indigestion-and Dys
pepsia era snored, ust at they would be by a healthy
stomach.' It Isdoing wonderi for dyspeptics, curing ea
sesrof Debility,./bitmelation..Nervons Decline, and ,I)ys
peptic ConsnmptiOn, supposed to be on the VergeOr the
grave., The soienGac evidence upon which it Is based,
lain te highest degree curious and keine:table.
- StiOtffieEr -
hibtieelebrated work on Animal Chem
stry4 says :,."Aif Arlo 4:11 Digest:re Fluid ,, analegotta
to the Gartrie Jolt* may be readilypieprored.from the
ratteOrts membrane or the roameu of the Cell; in which
viniour articles of toed, ems meat - 'mid eggs; will be soft=
vied; chaogrd, and digested, j ustlnthe same manner as
the ,. would he In the human
ra... Call on the '4"ent and ;oil' Descriptive circular,
Kt iti t y t iring a larkenipiunt of scientific asldente,Sitol
las i to.tho,above,kt oactherwith reports of remarkable
cores. from all pa ti o of the United Statea. . : '' -
D. il OUG II ro. - A PEPSIN Is now sold by nearlyill
the dealer: , in Lae drugs and pop edru-me'dicines, through
out the United. Status. It Is prepared in Powder and in
Viotti font!, and In Peeseriptireviala for the Use of
SlCliterii. . : . .... . .
PRlVATZeutethaDS.for theme offhystelans,may
be ‘ditained of Pr:Houghton or his agents,deseribing
the whole prover's' of preparation. aad erring the anther.
Idea upon_ which the clatmif of this new remedy Free lift
std. As Jr is not &secret temcdy, tio objectien can be
raised agai n st its use by Physicians in respectable stand
ing and regular practice— . Erica, ONE- DOUAI; per
bottle. TlllSli—Erery bottle of the kenolne
PEortIN bears theisrrittenl"sianatron of 1. S. I.lolloll=
TON, M. D.. s 7 eproprietor;Philatfelphla, Pa. Cepy 7
right and Trade Mark secured, . i t , - -,'., ';- . •
fer Sold all Drug As and Dealers_ la 31edleines;
ikrior sale* A it EL TVItItEr.4 Drtlist, Montrose,
Pa.:,Agenttor Snerrnehtiona connty. ,- ,- -,", . -My
: A NXIOUW to respond to the
7 1 t i 1
ge f „ r i tt t hi si g e p d it l m n et cr o ettsl e slut
7:2d eustoxperei in tbeTirdy . meet
etnetutire to the intents& of all
'59( toniersied;tbe;eubscribes takes
pleasure in stathig that be bad
' s e „ 4 1/.7=Jnet retbrued • from. New.-Yort4
- with themost,ocouptete and
tenslrearsorleient otrods ever
likened this.'eouety. embracin g its ety many
articles not before kept by blur; end Stitch . harbeen se.
!acted - with groat care, baring been bought itintetlf from
themanufsctureni, turd Itopottere .and will be told at
thiPglidineit living Psekt. - Xitetidtog to all' a cOidlal In
sitation to call and us geode avid Prices; he rc.-
mains ea ever, the pgbhc's .
1. -,l4.est respectful , Stiennti.' k , 14
' " '
Blegittiertan;betleinberad j i.Bsl'.`s tggtr
. .
s . Top, er,-Co's
I.llicka,swtimpa '
per Passenger Tid,ina- With Special Messengers for the
lorwarttrit vett. qf
- - deocilption, Specie (111kWotesotti -
ATOT/18, - Dralle.eodlhlls collected , all orders Attend
.t.e • dhi to with promptnetexturet ressonehloletel.
Toe Agent; of -the4Ateltswansta /0 . -Western itillioad
Compeopt . ll I set atowats for the above, express Iln e.
—Express wagons, wiktor In rendition - -upon the Orrival
Or oath 4eltte - . l l C,Bo , W_Piti - to:1.14 COO/ jilsPatcht
Merehesidlse, ite.l - to Pittston; ertieatof.
Leonard Sesile oridoetrosegeitethotited
ALIA"' Ibrintrd Eiptete 'Freight froth that , 'plie& to-the
Illontraan Station, iitarflrom setd litetloti to Iliontroliev
; 'N. fl.lllartle of Tittikhatittoek,i will ender.. end
weril)triveree Weight/emu tbet plitee to Tnehto , o o ook
Stetlen, 1111.41frowt 440'8-talon Taekhentock
- -Wanted , is;
TitriCiAkic4rl. weeiss by as -4 1 ;e1ci1.4:106
soulrog, Svono,olth fresh VW: X 1)0 4f,4 11
ads. Ototwx4 to.
o tlirow
thtliTork PricfP; alscriVealtrAl
04, 0 t
.004 0 t . solot 4 ns l .the4 recOre4l44lo *al
a 01444.. gs/Ancro, pat 1 0 :mm010w yls,gea,
4 ,l 9:4NualatymtleonoSesariad old sooolgiga,. ,„
otdrose, 150.,114180LP , AL TY/411.,.;;
-11 lto ,
4 4 L0 Itt' 611'11; the sicur . ,%
goattoteiAtitigry 10, t 852: - j
;1111 "9.-14 1 ;. 1/1 -9: 1"411fri l. "'
IXTLIAT is there rust g u a r antees tOusaCempe , , ,'
VV more surely, , n our decline of life than. health,
stud igoiorytitlf,n.6thingt.r, ThthoitterrioditAttgv
shall that - 4:nsistrtalard 3 ant , seethed.> I. lf Ire taro a
' Cough, Cold, Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Pleurisy,
,Influent% or Hoarseness, °ratty other Affliction of the
fLungs or 'Obrat:'Yon Will End flit-nrs Thericopri
j CON POUND. '?Y RUP of BLOOD ROO T,o sore end safe
remedy, or Ifyunr.cliti.lrell Ore Afflicted with Cro - i - PO 4
'lllooping.Cougd, no hettelroxiegYminiusTound. - Thou ,
. sands have been relieved with ft, arid imitilleates of its
curative Lowers, now% my Porroirlony Ploevell beyond
doubt, tub greatest remedy of the pge,forany s if t:eller
, of the,Lungs: 'Thopoirets of 1316011: Rant n 3 a' eeraidu
has- long been knostwont its:barelt ;action alonsduu
, kepl It emfiewhat eut of 'general -forte, hut, 1 Ritter
myself that the shave combination is perfect. and that
.:its use, will secure frierale whererCr if is otre to in
enlightened public. -, . ~ .., - , , . .
A' VVOIZEI TO 11.13n5101,-.I WWI' tit' tunellorato your
condition, to lePSenyottir tares, PeflarShivai'ala sultie
1, ties, which I do by:protiding, for Ytur tender ..olTsii_ting,
a remedy for their-Ills that is adapted to their Anil:W.
ii ties ' Without the fear of cousequeneps froad. - remedies
i t c harged with opiates'', st 3 destructive and detrinient at to
;, 50 many thousands'of our race. l' ho amongst you but
feels for theouffering Infant, where Mrs are-the only
I indication oflts suffericig;wri thingwith pains,fremchol
t lc, eMaclated from - diatehars or illYSenterY,llloifefiiig
!great: nervous trite - don , often to fits): from teething...-.
! ciftenbrought to death's door front cholera Taftentum,
and every ill wising from but nourishment or Aiming.
II have seen all of flies.' Cured In ti,' day ahnest, 'br a 1
:remedy - that'll have Leen for years in perfecting, la :ail
exteaslic practice of nearly twenty years and now pacri
tt to ou under the true name of Pr. Throat:oo I
• INF NT RESTORAT/ V.R and NOTUAIt'S • ItrvllT.”.
W en this remetlyhas beet, used, It, has met witli.uu
I hounded favor, and as you value yoUi'own comfort or
thewelfare of your darling lial,e, f- ask you bogie° it p
trial, and you all/ say 'truly In Re-behalf, it Is the
•'ltlother'slfellef." ' . r ' ii . 1
Wonsis are also productive of.great tor' ore to chit- I
drcroof t flier years, iht symptoms of , whith every' piA
:put aware, and.where suspected, It, Is their anti', to 1
ester Mat e them as speedily as pOssible, which cart ha I
done' only with a few doses, of Br ThrOop'sWOßMVOtT
SON,lwhich is beyond cots) erisms;with noy Yertnifitga
"(delta day. It will destro them.; end the Ycry email
Itloseimakes it acceptable to the, children that 'dislike
medicines of any Mod.. 1 It Is a t happy compound of
N:tentless vegetablemedietnes 0112 in their combine;
1 don:produce wonderful effect; rmou thbFe filthy
ders of tin human system,
If you are sintering tram derangement of the stern:
ach,tiver, or Bowels. yea have pryer, headache, sour
stomach, or beartdiurn„ flat uleury,cestirencrs, and
rarinY other unpieasant symptonii, for their entire retie
'yon have only to tilts n 'e doses of '. Dr., Throop.s ,
lIILLIOUR PI LLS,"and you have a' cure. : They act
upon disease by reMoviing the eausecrestortag - the le.
melons, of all thenrgans of the betty and health is',
the eohsrquenee. ' ...
1.. TO those afflicted With Sore, weak, or Inflanied (Yea,
1 r furnibb you also a ;Neely that has o r
the teat, of
rears of experienCe; and restored the West eases when
every other remedy known had failed,Tor. Throop's'ETE
WATER. These comprise the list of Dr. Throop'ti De
'nestle Medicines; that should be In the Imelda of every
haute keeper, ass good remedy always ready, and which
only requires a teat to i coal re them a place., " ,
1 „ ...e . sin toy Priture,..Bootkp '4l - Reed, alontropip.:
N. Granger :c Co.. It wit ; If M. Sim thwell, Rush ;'C. C.
Wri4.l3t. Middletown; IL Gliddeo; • Friendsville, P.' N.
Barber,Jessup; Brackney A. 3fonfort; Breen:fey; ..3. S.
Grolier Blmci c k; Scott "&.11not. Springville ! Dr.. Toni,
herd Atihurnc.James Tompkins, •Tompldnivllte; lisp
den 1:‘ Little. New Mileord : Br. Brooks, Great Bend;
Joseph L. 3I erriman, Upsoa,ville.. . ..
J. R. BL ASO ELL , General Age nt, vor6.t Lak e/... !. ..!
. .
- Livers'Complam' t
Jaes.:DICE, DYSPEPSI%, cnnoNtc Olt Ictlevott
A" pit diseattes arming trout a tlisortlertiti liver or
itittnuath;sitch ha • constipation; Inward" piles, full
nestflor blood to the head, ac:dity of the stomach- flan
sea, , heart-burn, flisguat, fullues, or weight In
the tat:wealth, souretuettiflinitt, sinking o r-flutteringu at
the ,it of the stomach, swimming of the head, hurried or
diffieult breathing, fluttering at the heart, cbokjeg or
anfilcating sensations when in a lylu posture,flintnesa
orripton, dots or webs before tha sight: fever anti 'dull
painiu the le - ead;cleciciene'y or pettplratittzwyeflownia4
of the e kio.nlA eyes, pain he she side, beck, rhest,limhs
&c.,iitrithlen flushes of betti,'burnlng, flesh', 'in thoestr , , con=
stank imaginings of -teat depression or spirits
can he effectually
ur !flatland's celebrated German
i' nears. nen Ay , , ,-c. M JACKSON, AT TUB tlifillMAN ziEvicrsn
Their power over the above diseases is not excelled. If
equidlediby any other useparation itt. the United Stales,
Ins the cures attest y itiinanyeaSes after - Skilful phYsielans
had faile.i.
These Bitters are worthy the attention of Invalids.—
Poss wing great virtues in therectincation of diseases of
the aver and lesser glands, exestising the roost search-,
in. , cowers in weakness and affectiens of the digestive tir 7
tone; they are, withal, safe, certain and pleasant.
' '
Tlie editor or the Ih;sion See surd, D..cember
M. Hog/lands C.'cicbraleiGernmnilitlers. for the cure,
of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dy'spepeia, Chronic or ,
'.'icrvons Debility, is deservedly out Or the most popular
moE:eines of the day. These Bitters have been used by
thoUsands, and a friend at our eibtew says he has himself
received an effectual and permanent cure of Liver Com-i
plaiot from the use of this remedy. We are conchae 1,1
thatilu the use of these Hitters; the patient constantiy.-1
gains strength and vigor—a fact worthy of great consid.: l
eration. They are pleasant In tad .o and smell. and ran
be used by persons with the most delicate stomachs with
safety, under any eircumstanCei. We ore speaking, frond.
experience, and to the afflicted we advimy their use.
Seittt's Weekly, one or the best literary papers pal.'
said, August 25th—
"I,lr. Hon./lands Germuit Bitters, mar-offset ured by Dr.
Jackson, are anu recommended by sonic of the most
pronlinent members. of the medical faculty as an article's
of ranch efficacy in cases of female weakness. As such!
is the case, we would advise all mothers to obtain a bat-
tie, ond thus save thenstielves much sickness.' Persons Of'
debilitated constitutions Will find these Bitters advantir
geoun to their health. as we know from expiirience th
et ltlary effect they bare upon weak systems.!'
al.o it E EVIDENCE;.
Tice Philadelphia Saturday Gate-tte, the hest family,
news aper bliblished in the Baited-States, says of Dr.
linofinnd's German Bitters—
E men t that we recommend what are termed
Patent Nedicines; to the confidence and patronage 'of our
readirrs, and therefore when we recommend Dr. Hoof
lanai German flitter, we wish to be distinctly Understood
thatin - e ere not epealting, or the nostrums of the day,
that ore noised about for a brief period and then forgot
ten after they have run their guilty race or mischief, but
of mmedieineinror establithed, nuivenrally proved, and
which has met the hearty approval of the facdityitself.!'.
...440k. well to the marks of the genuine. They have the
wdttert signature of C. M. JACK 0: , 1 upon the wrapper;
mitts trame.llcdral4Alic hottleorithqui Ode& they are
For sale wholesale amkretstil,attate.gernota,7ife.dicine
Store. N 0.120 Arch et
Store. VOW - Stith; Phila.
delphi -; and by respectable .dealers generally Through
the epuetey.
Pr,,icis Relocal --,,T0-rno le all , Mitis'es itts:{t) W.Citt
e:irkhif the adylonteige; of • (herr' eri•itt rckrmitlie,poweis.
SI rats. itorrt:c-15 , Ve3rr9. •
• Alin foeltale by ADEL TERM ELL, Drudgist,-Montrosei
Pcutj'aL'l34 eon
„ . . •
./ ,
' e l The'. time to Buy-1 ,- ' , -=
_, ~..
-, , r , J 'CANFIELD *quid say
, ..,: i . .L 4. r to hionthnesousfricids and.
. ; r-P ' ”' costume:l*in Montrose andsicin
-u; ''..- ;--- Illy, tiantAie has 'jtist 'returned
1. , z-t - •
ts ~,v,. front New 'York, -with i alorge tuf-:
• _rug dition tons extelisirearrortinerit
1.., 1 v. 3 zip , CUll.Elainc 'Of -'IW at. e to c_.4_
e_,,.,, , i,., .-110.:1.,...elitIrlv,zagnoldLgueltnr3
... teat an I fob chains,Lockets,thini
i blespipeckot„lTigo, bracelehyfinger and ear rings, cuff
- -- s pin*, broaches, armlets,. pea fl Dud rhell card -cases, pen
,and peneilcuse!;,,choral beads,-cutlery,Perfurnerr, "SI I ,
k ye r, ltrittantua land plated .IVo. re.Accordeens, flutes
tunlu3l4thsesiblin strings, - elbekt,*fflefi,:poll3torithf,'
Needles; Jana fanc - y 'elnids, Witch glasses, tools. fun,. ces.-
teri4e for the trade bythe . quantliy. The -rtlit•Wriilltird
%Mixt the lowest pricer:, Mrdritt,thes and Jewelry of ,
i n 11141.18 repaired on short notice at the old ; stand gear-
ly °prosier the' Phtinix,lN:.urt itiiiinghtuntOri. -
, f•i . • .:: i ~ qr.. , 10ot 43:4051.
Cloak for $l,OO and up. ` 301tUartritind 8 daps and, .4.2
lart* New styleand warantea; -wt ? ' LI vANErgtax. •
ew: Arrangement -
t i L:x4e , n 7 s iv e aair and , 7urOtzire
urs.i. W. SMITH &' CO. have now fully completed
IF VI- their arrangtmeut 6 for maul:tritemiring Mich heep•
ing constantly - on hand all arta every.kind pfllonsehold
funalture, ruiriutactured`oitior beet qualify ot3Lt
bog Black Wainnt;.3laple Chewy.; soiCtit
bee,'Rallis the best and moat dwrablereanner. , Among
Ythttieles which they litteitil to kbetren Land, of make,are Mahogany, lilachWalnut. Cherry, and
pie 8 Ureatta. Menu:lris; Secretaries. Book Cases; Ceti.
•tre;Ctera,4ler, tied other Tables ; Stands of every wt.
-rlety; SoftwySetmes,-Divans,-Ottorearreacc:-Bedsteadw
offal kinds and styles mad,ep r .Vahogany ;Bleck Web
Mitt; Pheety, and Blank:
ALlSO—Alahogapy. Meek 15,7,04.14C,C. - arl and../hirdseye
Maple, and Fancy- Chairl;w,tewely Variety, and - draatip.•
tienjiarltich they have now on-hand, - and totentrto.lteep
a coastant supply. Any, artie.l . ? clerked twill be eupplyd
on reiv days ;Jaffee: , . - - r
iubscribers have often been tojisited to enlarge
lithettbusiness and to open in establishment of the kind hvailitcarose which could supply every varidty arboreta.;
httld,Parwittme, end save the trouble of rending to tho
:Chieffoe such articles, they hope to meet with Meets,
•stsitrand encourtgement;',-
ALEX7t 8111T11
Amte o )te;lifige4itgar7,—.* . r. E. It. SISITII,
eslim - 6 ;
EW l ,' $.3
_Tailai c reltUtt&MEttollZllo
„ EX EX. ncno receiving a laTge.tibt dvdrable stock of
emulating of their usuollyariety.of Dry Goods, Orocelle,
c'euramy, Hardware, Drugs, idadichtessPaY44ol4llrfl
Studs; tin, stone, aud Woodem:l:Wgro,'lrnn; Steel; n le.
kislylfuotther, boots and shoes looking glamor, and:
..plates.mtsh-glass and putty, hats, cape, carpeting,
, cloth/1111414nd window paper, cloaks, wat ' obes, Jewelry.
silver 'rpoons, mueicallnvtrumentstperfumerr,:blitefik
&c., all of which they offer oil i tluansui4 firorpble terms.
Alontroac,Oct. jdszt. '4i '
-: "
- • tome ix' .1;
nEL l'unit ELL,. niiiirsrVeCliton!rora t
oldies to give every fatally In susqbehaeuri enmity
• good Alumnae for tho you 1662. They uo sheyettot
/tetchy United, to eoout ps send dad pviesrittottousiy.
liilltlSionnliggnstitt°utnioiniliallointteleitiflibte e- t ti-11- 1 371'. 1 4
ho lyor figech wesi year c e a cgo m ,by l , f .4 1 ,
. ., I k 7a , , K rd i N a ff . - ,' f tea.,4,
r n
y t 74/12:4
h i rt, :i , h ur chb ri nt o it n t) :2 i. itii ; : tor g o , l , l
nx : tb i l g u r: :: . 7:l
ut i :: rn„, /te t t r ti, : :....... :1 1
_ .... t rti : L i P i j i : 444 : l 4. 4.
•Thiladelphii liedical , House• -'
- T
ri z ta iN li :
Union St reets, between Spruce and ' t aunt
. Pine . - Streets, Pl ‘ d ‘ Ilade t; 'lt iv.-- - • 1 1 yeast, arran du a ll s tl e g e l:
- VIPTEKK• YEAKV-of •thtteWrire teng--tudttetrupted c°,l l .;gf iti l it 'X e rea ' 4 „.f• • ; - ""`mint
-11: practicti,spent in title city, bat a tendeteilDr.ll.the L., ~,,_101,.„
_,,,!p_un,tite_ne n e of Wm. Swensett, ..
most exponent! stnoessful prectitionn fat end nt ar, in :41,13: 1 7347, i nu ,a,: e rtil 64' 1 14 49 ft•ti, ~,,i ;, 4 1.,t t
the treatment of ill dictates of a private nature. Per- , ~,,comPleied, sad by th,crest ,
/ of !lon - • Ziba Bennett
sons afillett•d with ' nliets en the body, throat - or legs,4 a , fid i a li wand ext* ,4,..r , e Ilt",1 100 11s nod te t v„ 1 7... 4 1
• pains in the bead or hones, metenot s o o l a r t h b e r n u m i
tx titi c s a lu z s t t s ti o o r„ - t l l,:fah-ti ,,,, TeoleArilitirtibtitiosupon..4l4lrd t .ic io d, rud t . o s i o n ti wmi ,: cti l b i L zo t
lons, gravels diseases arising from
impurities of the, blood, ,whereby the coott!tUtion has
• bee. in e enfeebled are All treated with tueets.: L.
~ , , , ,,,, ,,ta , o re i tig i n order, and maple for hot --r
-' tzl- Thel3oOrd tVi i nSru et e i gen for the. ,
• 110 , whO plats,* binnelf underthe„care of Or: llt. may Nol.
religiously confide in his bettor as a gcntitnian, indcon-' , t 0w ..., . • ,--- . -r ---- unblitintilu x
flatly rely ntion his skill ds a phyalelan. • . i
Taxa PanStattida..N.nica.s.7.liOneg Ma n :n it.
c w v h c o nw ha be s n a 1 . p •
hi T i - u -
1, ' 2„,c l . .l: 7 l;.; ecr l t l.... s., A rA Li e.utet.
L :
r i - g
.. . , .
1 icAc v. tree:sass Nelson, A 11 . '
injured themselves by
s tt eertain practice indulged lu-r• flew. .- _ •
a habit fretinentlyigatned. from sell lompanions or at ''"•"' A (Inu ir'u• "'with, A ,
sehoql:•••tbe eil - tets orildelate niehtly
asleep, aittrdertrorhoth'ittind and lamly, , shottid apply - , Teacher „, „_ e 9
immediately. Weakness aid , constitutional debility, i ito i . ,6 4, 6 . , 11tir .,; „. .7, 1 u tootles.
filiedello Lunt,'
lupe etuninototents,ey, physicnnassitude and Smola ' Teacher of N nt ' utal
prostration, irritability and all nerrouy affections, full - J amas la . : west - 11111e e ene ,
gestion, sleiggianees of the gyres and every (Crease in i . • ' Assistant Peion. a •
any way connected with thd procrative,functions, cured /gi b , ....
:mall:Die tz t '
and Nil vigor rostored.
Read ! -,,Yontli avid Manhood.'; A • llgorOUS 71sta .,
, /:stress As.o t t n ri t t T r c te t a ii e r o et
Life or PreOiature. Death. — Khaehn on
. _ , _. • ; - Nrs..leitie•s: Netaoni
, se7fpieserracton. 0:14 '25 mfg. ' . •
,-, Teacher of !hawing and P leo
12 -
4 ---• Farms - for Sabi -- -. ~ r l . blillookinitpublished !stilled with useful informs- intro. S. A. Ciregory, 1 a -41 .
I' , Ilion; on Clidinlirmitlei and ;Meeting , of the grneratire - '- ''l Teenier of ~Ilude.
tusemeeeibuis ~ m ini eet-as agents for they - neat° Organs. It addre.stia itself alike to 'Perth,
,Afinthoof, ' Ail of the *bowl! teacle da ":°
T e : i pl i o ,,o 9l b . d u hi win
J. l oale of steal rstate*Panns, 'lonics and Loto-loca. , and 041 Age. and should be read by all. The valuable the whole of each gay except the Teacher t ta L titil
ted ' ln 8 ttsquehanntt caunty t t ra. , 'Altirho isii , h to Offer ; advice and' IMpressige warning It gires, , , will prevent
. 11r. 1$ estlake. ; The former idevot.s su c h i Qin
theiakoperty for salosan etre a minute dwelt:Man of , years of miser • and suffering, nod save annually thOu- each no t, • her class as may be accessary, a ., ~, ,s if
theitgarms or Lot' as follows,: Number of ,acres, how sands efliv,es., -Parents, by reading it s ill - . learn how teaches one half or cacti
an ted ' itnproved, and how ; watered t Windings ; Onbard, ; tii prevent ,the destruction of thei children. ,
„:, that by this n.rmiagemen nave reboot i t az ,,,„ „law,
graf esCeommon fruik.,tlther fruit trees,'; . and shade I 4 4 1 tAsetnittanot of 26 cents, enclosed in I. Letter. ad- .yi ',mond in-truction ofry full bpari7 i L : 4l, ke
trees; how far from Montrogeo llll the nearest,polut to ; drefred to Dr. KINKELIN, N. W. Corner,of i r o l e rd o ar a d ,),, a b ot rlta th ted e u T to r n u r s ro tee m p o eo te u t tl b d o eu rno ti s y t b i c t li o o ro re tz tt si t zlialvotr
a depot on tho New 'York lc Erie , adisoud.; price and ; Union Etreets;betwern , Ppruce and Pipe, P 1
germs ofpsyment. All ehu wish to sell orputaase rat 1,, will,etruto 0 book, muter envelope, I,erteturn mail
Persona at • a distance may address pr. E. by letter, -M T ' ho o n P ee P ess:a . ry eXpeliSes ofibis Institution In,
'Estate, will t. ceive `prompt atlention by calling o or t
addiessing:Us at MOtitto so ,Swltlueblinun county , Pi. ' enclOsLiff i r o ee. l ft i n e l c b i e n Lurelni hums. :
r . oiwnid,d. b I t t o te se T ro trop exellit r u ol i , ? o n . tittiental trai l .th e t , . 717.:
friqloUlreyaue e (emu 51ontroso to th , eptetulstsfreil, of •
i . s ' e P nal ' itg . 11, ' reirtittetkei, and pu e t e tr sect;rg frian Darnag y e I 3714 per dlio r n,a u nd fuel $2,5r tlNat a it a ti r el , l 4 , 4
chart q , • •
~. •.
,1 ,rho discipline of, the lintitution reed,: u
(Moo on Turnpike strcetotdoorawest of thoDylok or CnriOsity: 4 . ~" ,
Boat-sellers, News Agents, Pediaro, Canvassers, and ! 'with firibili es,' luculeatint, sou y ii.-moral O n es
cornet...... . i ,
.ibe rn‘ying Faro 0 and uts aro li'eucorrerodfc. rmae : i ail,,tt i a r a , ni , p il e/ w t t h the aboo7o sr ,o7 , a . a,,a_,4,717...4,7r, .
I. .254 P d b r e u. i f t n i i : e t r fo l h t P l i n ev i t es rom e ec ti . seo. r 5nn a t ; sx v i rnt ezi at ; lu g erdt i tei n imn ; s fio t e r rrhe:o c lief tide.mwdli T tigt,to.dnat i l::7417 ....
. No.l, 40 aeres,39 improved,Vramo nousa and Dam I =las. •' ' •
So _2,80 do 50 ' do' . sold ..t.5• ' do 'I , 1
"N0..7,100 do 00. 1 do , , ,-do . .1 do ;• _
I ' No.4;100 do 50 do - sold do , .do t,
•I N0.5:70 do 40 'do ' do do ! or the middle of each term. More slii, lo yti, ,-4 1 , ,
f t* b e n t
° a ti t g h h e o 6 u c t li t n k ° e l 1 1 r h in o tt g t I ,
' s tl ol li e d I' t
1 o * i s n a e
ri li i i i a: ,,, %: : :- T .
No, 0.00 do 35 do. '`,', do •do I
No. 7, Store, Warehouse and Lot. i , • ,
- N0:13,-145 acres 73 improved, framed house aid I as the 20th or 211 inst.; There n ill tea irati i d '',
I , trooi. p2.,1 do 35, -do , sold do do'l . •I , wee:, at the close of the provnt te, a, •Th t tis ,,,, - .7 .
N 0.10,2 do ' do' , do do , , consist , of thirteen weeks commie a C 3141 Jr.5111:0 - ."'
,lug *April 9th 1632. • -, - , 'via
1 - N 0 .1. 1,• , sold ••• .; do do - d 1,1!
W 0,12,100 acres7o mprovecl,framel.hOine and •barn Catalogues of the endow,- and any laft,o t it,,,
4 2.13,340 do 200 do do do „ 'do , tire to it can b., had by add rea.log thereat; -''''
i ,-. Yte.l.4, 56 do, 60 "do sold do ,•do • • do'' of the undersigned. D. A. EliZes,ts Nt/
. N 0.15,103 di, 60 do do ~, do
~ •,do - N. R 0112411.8, Seey. ~
N 0.16,120 do - 65 de. Sold do; •do - do"- Kingston, Oet 4, 1851-12-m ' •
180;17,100 - - ,d0.75 , ' do, .' do • ._do . ' i tid
No, 18,112 do 80, do 110 do; , ;do
- No•19;200 dc,•160 do I': •do .' -do' •'. ~ d o
' N 0.20,145 do 100 do . „ do ' 410. I . Ido
' No:21,190 40120 - do: do .., dd ido
• • N0,22,00N do, 45- • do' •, .do. :,: AR, i ,do
N 0.2.3, 45 do 30 do , Ao do do
N 0.24,292 do 225 d'. , do- ,-• do, - do
N 0.25, 125 du 100 do do ' 'do
. 40.2. 1 3.1.96 do 140 do do ' Ido
' No,‘-'7.,. 80 do 45 sold do ' do ado
. No. 2301 acres good alw,toll I and dwellinsi. ',
N 0.29,134 aeres,9o i ruprov ed,fra in e hOuPp nod bare
No. 30, 175'" do • 106 'era , -' 5.,_ , .•.;`+.
No. 01,135 ,do , ,05 . e:,... ,L , 44 , 0
N0:'.12; 180' do 'los' • ;', , '' .. ' '.. • i.
NO. Mt. 150 'do, - GO, .7. • ... • - .. .. • .
-,- . • I.
No. 34. 150 do 100 , •. 1 ' .. , .. , i.
No. 33,150 80 : 4, ~ . . 4 ' 4 ‘.
N 0.30,300 ,- do - 170 .•i , •C , - ". • •'C
No. 37, 100 di, 14.0 ; .. .. ' -..
No. 38;170 do 100 . ,
... - • ••' -- .••
No. 39 175 do- 00 -do -do do !do
No. 40 80 do 45 de do • do 'do
No. 41,212. . - ..d0 160 do sold do do .do'
So :.42, 92 '-do 60 do do do'
No. 43, 4 sold do do no i
• No. 54 138 do 65 do _ , do, do do .'
No. 45 800 do 200 •do' - ' do ' do -• - 'do'
• No; 46,1^_0 acres 801 mprored,frame house and trim
and grist inlll.
" No. 47 250 do 170 do ' do '• do -': lac;
Pio. 48 103 do .do • .do 4/.16
No .49 00 do 60 do 'do . • "do' ' s ido
. No. 50 83 do 133 ilt ,-- :dpi , . ,'rdo: :', •d &
18.11.-Versonsdestring to parebstenny of the above
i bygiring the numbes can obtain a fulideveriptiont
I ' •••
1' 31Ontrose, 0. Pa. October.l6so.-14 ' t
Piired toattend tO any; ,orders,ln theft line otibe skiir
i tett tiotlee The; fl atter themselees that by gfrileg et Viet
!atention to-bnsinveiakidlowiprleeeithartinisl.ll live
la reatonable share ofpnbllc poteenage.-Tbelralaortment
l'ofttoyeela good, having tho latcet sad' Most Improved.
1 pattOrnsi among whleb.utietbe leotepideityr iirnfdatOra
i atomwhich took tlpe_ilre_t Premium at the fi tato Yale at
{ Stet nob in 1,850 r J-41 'E'tillist Queetti. , V-0 P o ten t
1, 1_ ,,,c.
flue enlarged; Eel P,tonoAlr Tight, Phoenlkc dodo.
• pre luta; Parlor stover,box-atoves-for tool or _woad. -
iAI kinds of Tin were,iitcnozine and tio tubas, kell on
'bumf ld at prices that trill stilt. All klutle,of produce
Itaken In'Tiayment andcash notrefused. Oppoitotha old
ateloffililla andEtiapp. •,: i - SAYBE it wr,BBlEti,
.Sloi trosie, July 19.,..41., , • ~ 28)i, -
-r: 1911 Y.
ft7ilE UNDERSIGNED, formerly eore - Mon for many
'.ll.•yenrs of the Lafayette Burr Millstone MniMuitory,
:10,Wilstilngton st., Y (W. Tyack,Agentawonld In.
ferns ids friends aad the public in general, that lie /sits
established a
t } AT
. ghamt Yif
1.4C1 or re ts i!diingst, 3 '°pp- Plinsil*-11,10!te14
And solicits a share of their patronage.
tie wlll . bare constantly unhand a la rge stock Of French
Burr Mill Stones, as also a large .supply of Esnatis and
Ken-stoner, also French Burr Blocks, bolting cloth,
screeibri re and Plast4r Paris.
xbe ,undersigned ssures -friendli ihepribllc
the -be will faithfully cxeente ortlern entrinited to
his'eare, not only in quality, but In pri:es'efarttelps,f, ll ,r7
and solicits Mick kind patrrnage..
~! Orders by letter will be executed With as much . care
, and us cheaply as whenpneebaiers are -
tin the Spo.t,--.
Millers and Nlillisrights are risqueittil to Ana exata
•lne'; Steak gig .orkgianadi:i
- .w.staltr.'4?c.
-•-• • • • - r -ZO
thinfel Searle. Montrose; Tlioniall PhiineYn; Eei• •
Dediaalf ; Caleb Caimalt, Fdenthrrillee; L B. Drake,
f: J.: Joseph Lt Metrmaia ; ;..
ill XICES this method of intornalielibt frtends anti the
•public generally, that 'he ban Just 4:received, from
I.llevreVork, an assortnientot,Goods, consisting tin part)
l'eA'Stapie and Fancy Dry' ClOodi, Groceries,
Otafdware, Dye Stuffs, &c., which 'held') dispose4f,lfor
I Cash, Produce, or appreved . credit,onos favorabletenta
and arnalow prices es (teeny other establisbnient in'the
totinty. 4 .4 Ate) he would here say, to those who are in the
habit of going out of town to purchase goods, that tie
wilt be happy to havothe privilego - atotinvittelnalthem
that 'ocean dons well by then, as these that makonoro
rshOtartdtteatei•Prelifo*Anns::_iTleate call at his Stora
in llPsouvillo and satisfy yourselves on that subjeet. ,
WANTED:4POnlsryAlanteilltittcr; . hnd Sheep pelts :
„for *bleb, fart Oath will be paid.. • "''
.• tipaonville,Nisv. - 5i1853-470. , • •
I•: • . $2OOO
D 'WANTIMI,•::..;'
rthesubserit i e s , nig be Is now,prepatiog to get np ids
Al fall stocktle offers to Ms numerous customers,' Ms
yresetit tarp astswitnent al 'goods .lolver.ptireli than
any elmitar establlstiment,in Western .New . York.
s cock. consistNin.pait, of allude F tOCk ofni.ld nod Sliver
Englieb patent Levers, Of his own Imp ortatiotywarranted
ea:Terror to any
,ever offered In tills A - Ady ;.(31old and
Silver anchor berets and Venires, OM 'Varlets, .him;
idestSpreacles, Breastpins, riracelote,F,aryings, finger
rings, tinfrpins,Pone Penclivi r 'vert,gcntrd and rob'etralns,
Seats, Keys. atc, Also, Avery , atock °Slaves Witre',MitrA.
,prising Avery article i n - that line warranted pi/4e atroini
*fall assortment of plated wars , In ovate variely..,Fan
cy Goods, Clocks; Cutlery, Combs, de.
Dinglamton. Oct. 10 ALFRED J. EVA N ANS.
ts melv/siio7,seatti.+l- 4 tv- , hiti. fditirr
T'stookljutte ati"assorttiten t eardstrng
of Dry. Goods, Grocerteii Hardware, India Un benyloots
and Shoes, pedant' pOrt oAstf e , and wtl) sell them tstilQw
as any cnrcsiist about this part of the .world or istse•
where for thltsottg'Johli, or the fight - Emd.:tif: Medle.
;Thanks to an for favors, what arefarorsi overVsodY In
'vifed to call and buy. t ."
Montrose, Sept:101101:
Hewn andidpAil.ari Sehbor.tioOki.
eiblentzpiiiqvis HIS
1,..,,T0RY, together with & BIOGRAPHY of DISTING.
lIISHED PERSONS, to whlcbappended an °piton:id of
Adopted and used in the Pubileschoolsof Philadolphla
B. S;JONES & üblishers. --
„J 3, W. cor. Fourth and Co., Raelfsitd.,
yeach e ritandschool Oc;mmittees addressing letters to
na pait.pam, will be furnished with copies for examine.
Ea. A fpllo9ll,com?letnissortment otjtooke an d SO
onaryfiggile.:atlbrioweit.Prlees. , . L, •
Tll,S7receiredby the aubscrlber a nevi arid large as•
i i toitaient of Iteadyinade Clothing, Iloots..k
Fa I fashion flats & Caps, Cap letter and wrapping Pa,
pe- by thereat", or less quantity. ' '
Travelling and common'Tranka , few single end dont,:
,lorhot Gnus, fancy Stationery, Books, Combo, Drstalles,
Knives d'e. • - • • .
Fasserarticleatolinmeretrato raentlon - iatr• srbleh he
designs to sell for toady pay, and consequently aa cheap
laithacheaPcst,'Ykstat Chen per.., •
fewdoien pall WOOZEff , goblial *anted.
Nennoile`,oeClklB6l,',-- , • •
. iieadYsgglitde
A LAnar, assortment 'of latest Styles, jusneeelred
11. and for sale at:ti , t3mail nava de for teadf
idtare,nexedoonta - ,/ridga Tyleet: - 410.0TS.antlf,11010:
A. nap and`good titliortinclaCcliden's'iloole;aostle Sind
Ciltard aloraico eteretahoaseelt Otnelea e lhees, '
coarse anti nne—ansios, pot an Children'rahaa The
largest Fat hi , tossnan(.l probably 'the 'cheapest r elved
Slued the fire.
rrlsTGEtt. RUNS. -:
.-.1, .
. .
,i".l azaretuosi amisoninout Of tinter iiiiismkt MO
mond, Ruby, Peril, 13 arils S,Em grind, bex,tllgnst and
6 tono,aloo very heavy plain dn.,-I8 and 20 can, One,
Chased do, and a Variety Or tiler otyloo by ' • !
-- • - ' i'
.. - - -- A, 4 - . DTANS.
Binghamton, D'poesshey 4 th, lila t , _ • . .1 • 1
it rfu
AT5 9 i04..C41.101144, - )Sodfoltesillyerktittfoll , m 4
ery,TWorpoliließiyo bpd‘ltulty j groati sott:
• mit, tottkwyroutsalt. . DEDnExk. D.
To_ Dairymen arid Vaimers,i
• Valuable property for .Sale.
FAll3i of2oo tletes shwa to to Itridgetvates township
1 - 1- A,, Sultry:militant', County and statiof l'enntleattla oft
150 acres of 'which is under good improtement • I
Thalami! s will designed for a dairy,and is capable of
feisling4deowe dating summer and .wlnter, nod every
part or ills 'well,vtatersd. The buildlngentld land ma
at good condition and the teneer f which ardor stone
and rails ervalso,rend: There are two lersobaros upon
the promises, besides a grstutry and coif% t Went abed
for cattle; Three orchards princimaly,ofgraftedfrults
and otheifrult trees'.
Said • Aurelia/ a very pleasant and desirable location
abont two miles from Montrose. the County'seat of amt.
q nehantitteounfy. and about 9 miler frernibe Leggettr
(lap llailmad r ta which tit erairca Ptank lloadin,process.
of compictlon,,and is very convenient, to meetings and
schools, and mechanics: -
Also another Valuable Farm adielng theabetra, con.
taining2oo acres, of which 150 acres is ander% . high
state of Cultivation.., Upon it 'there lea largo. learns.
dwellimi hOuse, and Ou t buildings it correspond and
large orchard. it IS well watered and fence/and admit.
rably dairy purposes. , .
Said property tviirhe sold en restorableterms. o per
tion of the porchasemoury may remain opt% liondand
Mortgage to suit thepurchaser. •
Application torty be matte personrilly -- er •by letter to
How. or it:.l. - .Niven at Montrose.' n said
counti.and any further particulars that may be requir
ed will be civen.-22tf-
. ,
Notice -to the: Public.
New Seas' vitiible Prat:and Wintei - Goods at the
areal Oae Price:Store of • •
LElfillEllll, 4'reot Ltensfs tql•
DEOS leave to take tide opportunity of tendering his
sincerithanks to his friends and' cnstemers.for the'
genercine patronage they bare extended to him -and
at the same time inform them that lie hai just returned
front New York with it eery large and, choice selection of
rancy add Staple Vry goods. Also afresh and eaten
sireass ortmentof Grceeries,Provipions; Buotsand Shoes,
Hata and Caps; Hardware, Crockery, ke.,Drugs and
Medicines, which will be soldier cash and produce at a
yerysmall advance, at prices which defy all cocapeti OOP,
'Flour, Pork,Yish, Salt, wholesale arid r would
also remark that he a iberes stria tly to the system or ni
ways n :ming. the lowest Priceat first.thereLy gish4 the
same advantage to all who may tar orhint with their pat
Great Bend Clothitig Store.,
. .
Thelargest, bnat and - cheapest assortment of Ready
Made Clothing in the Village of Great Demi. Va., gym]
Clothti:Doe Skine,thaisimeree and Vestinge of all nnalltlea ,
'suitable forthe all and {Viater Trade, whit+ he offers at
sucbnrices as teisatisfyany one that this'd the glare for
themto deal: in consequence of the great In ricaev•ot hie I
bneirtess helms been obliged to greatly eulargehieetock,l
which he now, offers to hiefriends ~ nd the public fur ex•
atalisatior; confident that in en doing-they willtiOd come,
:tang to thole ndenntage.: - Theaubscriherbas made are I
rangements to, , mautiftieture clothing in all rte 'ration.]
branches, and IS now premed to soil the come. warrant.
ed to bear Inspection. eastern work and enttingdont
at the latefltStyle and shortest notke,—allkin , ls of tail-:1
ors'trlmmlngs furnished and for sale.. Do not forget the
spot,' Store nettily oppeqte the Manilon nonce.
- Great Dend,Sept:, ISM • - S. LEISIIIEIII. .1
'tso f:lrfilTlr. ntNT I i
eta n e l" t r ey fT
. utocuenyeaseof 1s that
his cure, no matter bow long s tau ding or afflicting.
Erman aux are invited to his Privatcltuoms, SS North ,
SEVENTII st.,, Phila., without -fear 'or Interruption by.;
other patients. Strangets and others wbo•havebeen un
fortunate in the selettirm of a physician are invited to
call. Thuse who havehtjurcdthemseireiby solitary„vine
are also invited... . . _ „
READ Ism' Ravine? —The 'ailleted would du well to
reflect- before - trusting their health, htippineta,MlTin
many cases their livesln the hands of physicians, igun
ant of this class of maladies. It is certainly impoSsible I
forrotie =Lute-understand' all theills the human
iresubject to: Every respectable physician has hispe
culler branehrin Which hal/L=ore successful than Ids
brother professors, a:A to that - he devotes . most of hin
Aline and study. • - . • . , ,
CAII OF PR ACTICIii exclusiveltrilevcit ed tothe.ritudy , r . ,
and treatment of diseaSee of thevevialorgans, tptrether New Milford Stove 'Depot.
• •
with Ulcers ipon the body, throat; rinse, cr painsin • -
the head /bones, mercurial rheninatisre, strictur es, H . - 0 O.RIVITT: has now store a nev and live
gravel; irrektilaritier .11scaire arising from youthful ex- i
, liniment of Cooking, Parl or, •ao d Strop Stook
cesses-oeimpurities ofthe . : &cod; 'hereby the constitu
tion has become enfeebled; enable . s; tht Doctor to offer woad and coal ,inelnding'the new and moo Moral
Mods dif,TightiLtime Oven, common satirist
niartY. RRLTEr all who may P l "°. thehmelvva oven,die with Stove plpe,Stieet froo.and Zist, hat
hip care. ; le •- Tubca;lt . c.; which ho willeell very low•foresitar
• i - •
SePtembor.lBsl- -
• -, The.People's' Friend • ' _
4 , . ~.
-- f iiii— • N 'l•7 -
• TT. PON D'S, o Oren. ..- - . , _ Abel .urrell, •
Pl'r2g:-.'4 - 2:4lDollit,t,ten.E.xettaAuct i 4 .— A.:,,,Nrc: dapg;nr(l,irarilftamnieranlnicir,4 l ,7,t'i;,?:lLA
that with the except len of a little Alcoholto preservelt. liiii.aid re ;, i 6„'„,., , 0 1 1.,,,,,, m ,, , meks , w i ttuan•
, Itkill etre all local-pain and inff emotions, :old 'serer, 1 o ry - , spoons.. spectacle, ,
re& trounthrendbruises; Pir
---es,and-4411 " 118t W e i ' ° 1-414 1 Medical Instruments,- Liquoo•Peffumeil• - 1-11 ' 3°A
bowelmof it Chronic ntrtitre, tooth-eche, eardrehe and. an Marital Interommts. !OA
tloncry.bruebes,shocs, , Yankee Notion', kr, .
exeellent,remrdy fort mimics, &e. . . ' • I . Montroic, Pa. ' ' • 34 IY ,
, 'nig trikly vybatlt professeeto be, ..thePeople's Friend! . •.• • • - ''; •
Providence has seattered along the rugged paths of life
many things that contribute greatly' to . the comfort. end
happiness of every body ; hence their great, value, and ' 'FASHIONABLE JEWEL);
••:; MBE subscriber has this day receivid now arri , _
well maythey - be ealledgriends of the - People ' ' I - A. vevy rich goods, of last ,menth's imv. a ri,4l
One word here tognard against imposition 'A man by 'Voris, couthrting of -flue gold enemellcd lonatiO 4 !.'
thename of'Spencer, has manufactured and offered for and Le Ines , Pearl and Garnet Breastpins od DOT .
.salea.spnrious article called the Cory, l' Estract,—that) te'match, Silk and Bead work bags, bimodal iTj!"
would by extract of Out haSel.nut:—Mie genuine is-ad) parties Diamond. Ruhr, Ond Pearl 'Singer ilar, : k7
itilltesitd as Pare aowster,'while the riourions article Is • lets, Gold Sleeve Buttons some beautiful cal le t? 4 .“ 4 _',
• colored,ivldeh enablerfthe publicto distinguish. ••• - '• vet Napkin Binge ' &C., to which he would irTI trf
.. NOneCellaille,bUt thosomstkid Pond's Pain Destroyer tent on wf bin flieZtdo '- ' - • A- J.ltot
~r. WM. K. UATCII, Montrose . , roadatore.keepers and me- Blngiramten,Sent.3, ,'51..
lue=dealeregenerally:Agents .. • - . • ______
: The' - -Las Wonder:- .- -
D T. EtiltNUMithe great blimbugger; le lab out Intro
3 • 'dating tato thl country the celebrated! Fire Arad.
hllat tban a co ff ee srorks4
by a thumb-screw, which will - putout Ow largest tire In.
stoutly., But Ode bea not. log to do, with the fact that
Joins Jnovas; Tailor b4just reed tlw
undid now prepared to Walt ottbis.fricudi with his usual
alacrity, skill -and goad litintor. • Z+
Malt lair you . want. copitallits,, at. the shop over.
!attlirops 'store. „ •
' B. Outtlnelone am • • •
Montrose Oct. 8,1851:',JOIIN GROVES.
X E 000 .
IVEBRRAS just ' returned from
, NEW VOILICi with s Atm
stock of Fall Ramie, which be offers for rale te t bog' Ulm
WiLt PAY for therir, at as low rates as can be reasona
bly anted. Not' forgetting' duet thanks' to ouch- of his
frlertdr, no have heretofore bought goods of him and paid
for them, be 'mites them o 4 iCOMEAfid.IN.'
Montrose, Fops: 10t4; - -
. .
NATUTtg'S arc reinedy,for lippepslaiobtalued from
_Bennet or the Gootrio Juice of the Clx: -For. eel°
bY. •;" ' TlJRXtELL,lllentrese.
- • Golt,Chaing -
Lo K ETs,Thlnt.blei, Specks, Rao spa role, Caw% a
stall assortmeat „ , i,L,,.O4NBLE4DT,
, Gold,Lockete. t.
VlNGLEaniDouble oteTeri sfse,by - •
..13Ingtlamt.on.3 - 'A .1 lIVAN Washington- 4V.
cisol(lTiONtif Ilreastpins;Esiil i Nks and . Finger Wats
DoverAtrered In Bhightat
abn,by ' J;EVANS. • '
567 piphipin.--iVilver2Ware; Phttvd and Gorman
convathig of Table, Tea,
Desert;Creatn and nhttard poeiaw, Sail arid S °gel Sher
eleaorks .tc.;Engrayed gratie t at L. CANFIELD'S.
VOTES Spoon go, Forks and ARlVel,eranakted the best
1.3 InAnntheturedin America. at =_
opruilagt ot ione but mors'oi
, -.l . ;qp . t . ininieliortis on ttntwayterritteargelllaf?r•
~. • _
gialtaaaaailhatul Salting stcryo.ulao bad new_aut
lar f for saiaistuwpas,,------
"Waling till'
4• • '
ituticillt9AP°l37 larowsk
Moatroot, MAJJ
- or Rock Oa
. A ThtTiJR AI. remedy procured from a aril hG
li ghen'teouutp, four hundred tot deep lu
sold by S. DS«KLiit r Usnal Basin, Pittbbanh, h h 3
put upin botlicsjhrt as it flows from the w e !) v.,3„.„
admixture of any kind. All ye that are atilicul
Rheumatism yields to the power of the p e t r e m.
voice from LurerneCo,, Union tp.,aulyetb,ll3l.
Mr. Piier,—Dcur, air, allow me as a Runlet top
gratulate) mu the sole proprietor of 'an hart*
called Petroletun or Rock Oil, which is destinedne
to take ISO place of allgrcat medicines.
this neighborhood have tried the Petrol, me in in*
of case .. cluing most of them and proving lordly ankh
in all." I Imre tester) to coughs, colds data*,
tetter,.sprairis, and swelling; for rheumatism' tWk
Is apart ain cure. /!ry, ;rife bar been.pgietedridy
Rheumatism: for somnYears and rimer coma tetra
thing toreliele her, tu:faet she tried eventhirr„ni t „
thing woulddriher any good until she tried yrer ?'h.
lcUm audit has relieved her entirely, for my pint tty
It lealio greatest painkiller no in nu. Sersle,
' t J.JENT.
`Arrothel ittterfrom Luzern , co., reemartraine,
Peer:dam Raj, m t llArzp,:killutal
. att--:Dear sia:=—l take great plume
fyina to the virt um of your great eaturalarde2,2 2
the retrolcum.Or Bock Oil, whim) II fertilely $; 2
Medicine:: I bought one dozen of your nod 11 2 2
wake - long lime last fal l , l tented it number d eta
and found it to prove 'good. I also tented it I d seat
letter Anil found it very bene fi cial. I would lat tq
much to have another hos of it, for I duet alai
withoutit. Respectfully young
i. clanna.
. A roicefrom Susquehanna co.,ceitifylegtotteda.
ey:of the Petroleum." DCSOACP.Janat.
!Jr S. IL II sn—Deor ,sir:—Alluer meta enttaft
virt nee Ofyilur natural medicine called Petvoletneht
'Oil. I had been afflicted with the It between - urge*
lime. I MIS In IVllkentarre I:it manner +lid get
the from your Agent when be was alon~tere. ila
cured me pcirfeetty. -I have ninee !men in b reed b
eitteaseauf zheumatiam, and found it gin rtliense
Very respectfully:teem
1851 . LUSICHOUSE, 18511
" Great Bend, Pennla
Addisonßry w ant. Fro?riettir.
,QT.A.f.}l43 leave this I oe Daily for d. trot
1.3 on the arrival different Trains of Cars. Alto, LS.
ery Teams furnish cd by Mr. M. Traetdell, at thottr:l
and tertifa whiell'eolinei fail to Fuit.
arriage will convey rainni
.rom die eara.—,33 •
. • _
Trim ruit.Nocx, July nth ur,
. ,
31r4S: !11. Rini—Deur sir—Allure tne lecerfjtrk
virtue , , of ievni great natural medicine alien Pettis
0 . : Pock Oil, which I believe Is a good isolate. lin
been afflicted nithlieuralght, pain in thr nerves ten,
list ten yearn, and never could 'get ;militia:. oke
reie;: 1v fact t tried almott everything stated:a:ell
Alum° any until I tried your Tettoleon.viiila
relleieettue t. try much; I have also tested it h
scalds, and bruises, It has alwriy , reiitih ses
itliort time I think It is the gr atest pals
use. Very respectfully yours.
ge.t a eirculcir friin t agrilt. whaest
run deictiption cif it. For rate by BENTLEY Ina
Sold whhterali. by itAtLats,,& Co., N 0.201241
eireet.Pbitudelphfa. ' £2ll,
OURRITT Las now Insture a now sod &OW
olection . of Dry Gciods, including s mot nil.
Ladies',Drosi Goods, Crape and othe melon Etr:
SilkManilllas,Parasto; French Lace. Till , ' Etr"
'Leghorn 'Bonnets; 'a beautiful aginrltoest of f_rwr
10hhauatowersand-Trimmithrs' of new nylei. rf!
Silk and Lairs. for biott
Veils, Broad Cloth". Fancy CaXlitneTtl.
summer Clothe.Corpet.Usgs. Trunk Nails hoc=
Ebbe& rotated Window Aluulns, Carpeting. lutt , i'
Zee., with" a largo find general 111PFP1Imtni of
Or3eeries;Paints;iledielaw. lo. 74
otc.• Oiwhicth 'dither sold, at. the !emelt
the moat re4sonable t e rms . N B. Ne 4 1 14 17
RrOduee.vranted. Socks In ,partictilsr, and OW 01
rice in Caeltiald for Wool. flonr s tind23l
'nub:MlL • •
NeW.31180rd,May,21,18.51. -
H .
,lIIIKRI - rihat ' jgat tecelveo 'bow and
- o:assortment of , •
;Wall awl Winter (Plods. I jy
aeladlug Al3' elegant varlety_of Ladles Mess
ee Long •,Shatels,, new, style Eloonit. Jobbat , 1 .7 4
Oa* Staple floods dtc.„ of the most t haltalat
arblehAavliag been purchased at the late YON
.Iria,bll sold unusually low.
" llealtlllford,Sept..2o; 1831.
Flax Seed; tgo
VY quantity ofYlp..x.,Seed ~.
corieaorCash by , P",
Oet `•7 '
spoono. y d ile!
L. stock extri . Bow AO
gth It3,;101
;44-01300131,..321ritttinia•were, wire ireDg",,,, , ,
teerrpoone, buff labia and tea spoollt ,
liurplatek ennui silver spoons, etc, efettri, -
lee forthe quallty;•at 3 .l ;r`v• - •
°Wrote July - 3 1831.
t NOliCe. - •
11/1 armot kcal Pitt s, has b eett
at eonAent.• I— • •. - • • AVII 10.-
°!.+Sr4s o .s 44414. lkat. .•-. P. L
lifil'ime,Limon, land Vaunts, 0,10,
Ica Cream, cooker!, fatale byj t igi
' .PENTLEt,..
Stoic) tin and Capper*l re i . es
tlE,Futstribeto Live. Just, purchs"u 1 1;1
sta . ck • 51im...44 Win end Copper Wire, g
they o ff er tr. ;nepublic a k allesp as the char^
iii o u ' iiiiel;:tir,o:lo%,iiisolo., A,
.T11P . 4 C ..
. . _ _, . .. - 4
GOLD Pop' and ; eMenshin holdqrs 4 1 ° e '
akidlOlit qatilitila for sale by 40,
. -. , W. V, TIOWOIIO
11105. lUIII.