The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 05, 1852, Image 3

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    utoo n' punishment lathe
; eter s paper details thefollowing al
et incredible slatemena of barbarois
ardibreent inflicted for desertion. A 401;
on o Gay, baying deserted from
Jdet'ohan Barracks, was, oft being retaken,.' ,
t o b &art 31artial, and. diseased
Ms ttith a forfeiture of all pay and al-
boace dee to; him, branded on the hip'
sktbtha letter p, fifty lashes on the liana
but,aell laid on with a raw bide, and bis
1, 1 / eAred. he sentence waS duly cur
io tolthough a writ of habeas corpus,
hia m other, 'qrs. Ann Wood,
sa dont
cfm,sa, bad been issued to obtain his
may, he being a minor... 'lf the Uni
-s;ates c annOt keep men in the amly
vithat its o fficers practitua barb
ilkstbee, the army had b elt er be
ban d e d. These unnecessary cruelties, it
l iss ia, bare created considerable excite•
ciA and a sait on behalf of Gay, is to lie
k c arght a gainst Brigadier General Clark - ,
Olga laid at slo,ooo_
Mississippi Senator.
The, New Orleans. Bulletin saYs that the
Saito of the State of Nississippi•las
fast to to join ' he ilousd of Iteresentatiros
is electing a Uuited States Senator, • , The
v iva is that in the llou4e there is an over-
Wrnning majority of Union men,' who
zn control the election, whilst the'Seces
ttanists hare 'a preponderance in the Sen
tie, in- consequence of a majority of its
tiifolcrs haring been elected in 1849; up
on q uAtions that had no reference to the
rat kin which was made at the election
in Noronha : last.
Southern Items.
Gar. Foote was inagurated at Jackson;
on the Sth just. his ioagural address
talc , ' ittrong Comproniise stand.
The Georgia 1, .cisiaturc recommends
Senators Perrin and Dawson, as Delegates
tn the Convention of the Old Tldrteen
Stites in Philadelphia, to adopt -measures
far the erection of Monuraents in Indepen
dence Sq nate.
The Alabama Dogislatnrc Inn s.indefinitc--
ly in.stpOncd the t etien oi a U. S. Senator
in order to prevent the re-election of Mr,
Discharge of the ChristianaThs"
isttcanter, Jan. :13.—The billi preferred
against the Christiana prisoners for murder
riot, wen3:returned this morning by Abe
Grand Jury, "no - bills," and all the priso
ners were discharged by John L. Ton3pson'
Thenict Attorney.
a . Several weeks ago a fellow in Dau
phin county was shot while engaged in
Veiling his nei,ghbor's turkeys ; and, al
though pretty severely wounded, was com
mitted to jail to answer for larceny. Last
week he was put upon trial and, in addition
the dose of shot, was found guilty and sen
tenced to three months imprisonment.
The population of St. Paul, Min
asuta territory, is now about ten thousand.
Muck alltiety is felt for the ratification of
tie treaty made • with the Sioux Indians
asst summer. They are still in possession
cf the best portion of the territory, occu
rlyieg the right bank of the river, even in
*oat of St. Paul. As soon as the Indian
tif,t is crtingnished, it is expected there
grill hi a la r 4,4 accession immediately to the
population of tte teiritory,
:f?Eimis Napoleon has made his polit
testament is case Ile is killed c 5. He
/EMS his dfice to his cousin Lucian tbe
roungest son ofl,ie uncle Lucian ; that is,
be calls on The people to confirm his sue' 7
teitOr as they bare confirmed him. Five
;erierals are apinaited executors of .this
singular rill, tanigy Marshal Valliant,
and Generals St. Arnaud, Magnan, Carre
la, and 'Barasay
fa. The fallowing. beautiful sentiment
vas me by the Hon. Ellis LAMP, on the
Tjpographiehl iVstisal meeting, in Pitts
Tie Typographical 21:1. It is the Art
which educates its professors in all arts and
etiences, and instils into their minds the
true principles of liberty. An intelligent
Printer is qualified for cry duty or e-sig
nu whatever.
le. The Nvw York Tribune says that
Company is forming in New York to un- •
dertakein earnest the eonstruction of a.
Canal to connect the Atlantic with the Pa
cific, by a new and more Southern route..-r-
The company is styled the Atrato Intero
etude Canal Company.
jnint resolution has been offered in Con
tress so to amend the Constitution of the
Uaked States as to make U. S. Senators
tketive by the respective States.
There will be a Meeting, at the Unicersaßit
Church, in Brooklyn, next Sunday. •
Religions Notice.
Tile Convocation of North Eastern PeA'n
syhaia will meet iii St. Andrew's Ch!ireh,
Bpriagville, on Friday the 6th of . Febrwa
ty, and continue in session the two follow
iag days. Publie,serrice three times each
- .
Joust LONG.
There will l
be p h
ons p oc son ft he
ten of the Franklin _Chapter of the Alpha
Won Society at Harford University, on
Wednesday evening, February Mb. The
attendanc e of AL its members is earnestly
!orated. By order of the A. E. Society.
)A J. WniTNET.
I. N. Lrox.
January 27, 1852..
„„ Social Gathering.
OM Will be a Social Gathering of old
*talents at Raiford University, Fednes
4, February llth, at 1 - e'cloels P.
Loners' attendatfee is solicited... A -tit
-t!leete to the University will be in readi
resat the Montrose Depot on the arrival
the ears from Scranton and the atagii
from Montrose, and'-a conveyance back
11 ,,hte for tbe ears from Great Bend . and
Sae stage to Montrose.
There Will le meetings ortbe Societies
in the evening. -
parford University, Jan. 27.
In Itrookipi,in-the:2Bth i11t.,1i,j.114 Q. Bailey,
Esgy ,[i.;flit 1 4 :;Gfilim/rcity'r, bf:7l;lrtOtk - nt
aaii'3fiiss;Batax . a, ot, Bridge.
water. ' ‘' •
In Dirnoek, on the 2d inst.,-by Eid, Dintoek,
Mr. - ticituirE4*ll.l%rtiillYiu
'S.• Tonrsr; both ot the township aforesaid.
Fa - Brkigawater,onithe . 3d inst, br (:).
. Warren, Mi. LOROG i 3. -Srona and' Nisi
la liew s liilfeid, atilieiesilnee of her fattier,
on the 14th ult.; Siiin 'of L. F.
Vowbridge and clatighteiofAmos hf, and
Phebe E. ; Brant, aged 0 4ears. ,
Her bleeding heart has ceased to beat
And fa the -UMW has peseeftil rest;
With Jems_reado 4 sure retreat... •
Amidst the Mansions of the blest:
Sao s ought the, Lord at last, his: fatino._.hirn
there, -
Esciped the world and its weary c arer-
Ileiburrting, iers and ills haveTound a Oeiee,
Sereeels 'leaven th - at tiever more Vtik.eesse.
1:47- We otnitn.part of the' Peetr.y,ite-oin
panyint? the atkive notice, lbecause - it seemed
to 115 that. such referince. to incidents In the
. .
lire of the departd, are highly improPerlgt en
Diii.l" • •- '
In this Village, • on. the morning of January
241,:fnA'set;sEtrommi, dmighter - of Charles
L and Mary A. Drown, in the.-17th year of
her lige
It is 'not:often that iiments are called to, part
with more lovely:child, n . nister:with a More,
affectionate companion, mir . friends with one of
Ayarmeeattichinents. •
The amiable charaiter *hick: nature, had
given' the deceased 'was pade . unspeakably
more attractive by the sanctify ing influences Of
the ,grace.of God. The pitience with which
she bore her protracted illness; her steady,
cairn, but firm reliance on the promises of the
Bible; her sweet submission to the will of
Ileaven ; her sirong iind abiding faith in the
atoning blood of a risen ite,deenaer herbliSs
fal anticipations of "going. hone' and her
longing desires fo be there;- tier affectionate.
address to those who with ImaxioUs solicitude'
watched her ebbing- strength ; her', tender-inter
est in the spiritual urelf,tre otherliineenverted
friends; her - careful - tirrangtment of every
thing in anticipation of' her death and her .
peaceful, serene departure, will in over be for
gotten by those Willa attended 11(r lin her ill
ness or visited her chamber, of sickness 'and of
death. The lessons .there taught have 'left
impressions which can never be erased.
_ Truly "Death bath no terrors for the Chris
tianss skit, His sting's extrixted and his migh
ty dart was blunted by its task on Calvary."
"The lovely bud so young,So fair,
Called home tiy. early:dciotn, ,
Just came to show how sweet a flower
In Paradise wonld bloom;" •
DR. - E. S. PAILS,
AVING °returned to Montrose to resume the
p reel ic e otitis proffekßion 'may be found at
Searles Hotel, ttirretai - krilr be _hapiii to tia4
upon his old Meads as well as -arm
Montrose, Feb. 2, 1854,-=stf.
H'ING, - been appointed' Comtnieeionei of
Dieds foi tho State of JO WA. will at
tend to all business entrusted to him with pmmpt
nese and fid4ty. . •
Montrose. Feb: 1515tf..:
ITHE copartnership heretofore existing under
I. Abe name and firm st..E. W. ilk A. E. Him.,
ley in the Blacksmith husinees. is this dal; dissolv
ed by mutual cinsent. 'E. W. HAWLEY,
- A. E. ' HAWLEY.'
Montrose, Jan. - 1; 18327,51 f.
* NOTICE _ •
TS Oren that the ttudetaignedlhariai disPOsed
or his property - ia
_Montrose. and about to re
move fromthe.phice, tWerefore all pertains indebt.
ed to mr by. Note vs 0001 r, steer:are'requested to
call and settle the same imrtiediattly.. thesi
not attending , to this 'Call willlfintlitheir.acct. with
a j a r a i ce l ot ra n,c t ion. E; W:IIAWLEY.
lionitose, , Jett. 1;
--.. A. HAWLEY;
IDLACKS/lIITH.--having purchased the Shop
of E. W. Haveliy,iti : .Mentri, where I lean
constantly fOungraud ethailles: . ,kappy to sea Ike
old patrons of said stop and wait • upon /hem as
usual; flattering from theexperienee I have
had in the basitiess that give satisfaction to
'all who may - givenis kinds of farm,
ere' work kept on hand or made to order and. in
good style - . I expect setiterfient ti bertnideplrompt
ty onceet year.... • • 'A. E. - HAWLEY..
M •
ontroseaart. 1, 1€52---Stf. -
4M2iliiii!itr'a,t'or's Sale.
OTICE is herobY given 'that it) pursuanee
.1111 of an Order of= the cirphans,Cddrt of Sus.
Tiehanna:CoUntjr, there trill he expiiied - to puldic
sale, at the Court Howe in the. Borough of Mori
trostcon Saturday the 2dth - day of retrillry - , A.
0.. 1E 1 52, 'at p _o'clock P. M.. the following prOp
erty late the estate of Dennis Bray late- of she
Borough •.of.' , Fliensulille.: diteeretk bounded ae
foilcsre. to wit; beginning at a post in the line of
the Milford and Otvogo ;Turnpike thence
'south fifty,tvre degrees east, tiverfty-isis end three.
tenth perchei to a' ref, thence northl fifty-tom
degrees west, twenty-sus perches and tbree-tenths
to a post. thence nortktidly 7 oight degrees - east
tcro.huddrecreaid tlsirty-sfr perchers_ to: the place
of begioning; containing Mini:eight - acres. - and
cight.tenthis ani,aere. !snore or leor..oitUared
partly in the Bororigh of Prienderille,and paitly
in the sousuship of Mirldheteurn.', Terms made
known on day of sale: - " ' "
• • , C:VBROVis
.Feb. 3. 1832.
. .
• •
-• Gaor ; - •
TTEALEu. IN BOOK ;Beady Clothing, MAO di,
- 1 ."
Cape, Boat k altittsiat• Stars tom doors below
Hata'. Hotel, ilcmtrose. -i" - ":" !'
ew Boob/
rrHE History of 111114a1,1 striCHO - Srath (Iv nimble
A. work.) by itor. , ll F. ledt,siut SloSeport., orthe ti
ff:lollS FOrtegt Divorce Cat, its pamphlet; jasCreesitrad. •
A general stomata of School Book* As 4 FistiouerY
alwale on band - -
A rusts ripply pi the "Paisiaisr.Past
- Feb:4,1642. . - .
- itabovitillOsitlt.''
mum subperibet,hiticamiku sock kat. ofldetes end
Bare coarse and edit Biota* and-*hOes,-and, spud
Assortment of Ladiet,ldfssoi,and,VbildrstVilloots mkt
Shoes, which he Is owasell!zor'sta , Oseit Neat little &-
bore COPJ: isi
Than os OprrWPl for s g i 1 - 19
Atm • •• • ,
Ain weskilrinient_
rt,y Itestly-midi Clothing, onl Unto and - Cltor.
stently -on liana. IC tear- of therutrositudt" Hots
7 , t , mu d s , ond onowlnippii-olPoded d'"'"
- -t , - •
.1174*.siadid loDof Vsl*reitosingit, salted:
TO. . _ OW: 01:11iLSR:
~ • -
4 1 4:1 ;
• orauBQUEffAnilikTatthrt: rol l K The :Ira= 185 t
(if** an if)li4`
CoUttetOrivAccounts tOr 1043 1.800185 - •
witoo,rqwY , w
DiAlatvitzL , '
44 4.
E. s:i:‘; .'
'1.03i - 2'1%41in ;
IV, Caipinter,
141. Newman; ..
H.' French, -
A:.Bishop, .
G. Rneis,'• -
John Fallahei*.'
.r. gliannony -
O. Foster,
T; Foran,
M. B.'Benaict.;*
1 Will .Rohtte,
Baret t . Sherer,*"
L. Maynard,
Aaron Thomas,'
Martin Newman,._
L. R. Peak,
H French, •
R-Verry, . • '
E. N. Lord,
Isaac Butts,
L. West,
B. Donnell:l=
L. F. Shadduck.
A:3l. Brant,
M. D. Gar,
Saml. Quick,
Nathaniel West,
*E nee 'settled
Amount of Duplicates. - ,
Amount, paid by Collectors •
Aramnt of Etanerations to-CUlectors,
Amount of Percentage to ". '
Amount unpaid by " •
Treasurer's office, Montrose, i
De.comber 31,:.1851. -
Juliticrs'of the Peace,
Coroner's, Inquest,
S. Crosstoon, (Crier,)
C. N. Gore, (Jailor,)
Road Damns,
Road Viewers, .
Wild Cat„- - ,
Offices tiro prod,
Court _House,
Assessors, I
C. Gere. (Sheriff.)
G. B. Eldred, ••
F. M.Williatas,(Prothy. & Clk. Q 5-)293 97 1
Trurerse`Jurors, , --.. '• .. 1,474 011
Grand Jurors,- , - • ,1: , '• -- ~,, -46424
Fuel, `, .5 00 1
Constables,' - - ' - 253 31
CommonwealtlrCosta, 995 09
General Election. ' , 355 45
Township Election, 372 67
Eastern Penitenutry. - , 110 78"
3. 11. Pinto*, (Prosecuting Atty,..).291. SII
D.,o:Turrell, , (iato,Commisitioner,) In 5o
Joint D. Murphy, ... I 216.00
Shubiel Dimock, - " ' 222 00
Joli-Ilancock, - . at • '. ." 34760
R. J. Nicer!. (Cierk,)
Refunding Orders,, -
C. D. Cobb, ; ' . - ' ,
A. Spoor, '" Aoaitors,
Tit. J. - Munifortl,
Treasurer's Percentage,
Statement of the
DR. ." O. G. HEMPTED.,
To;available Cuticle io Treasury, $2;033 21
To ,uocurrent money from late „ -
-=Treasurer,-507 00
To am'!. rere'Vfriirii CAtectore,
':1850-1851 ' 7,564 46
To mit- reo'd.-from C. M. Gere,
Sheriff, l6 l
To gon't4,reo'd. from F. 14,1111—,
Civic Q - 12 41
To stn'!,` reo'd. from returned_
Statement of.'. Treasurer's:Amount , :with-the..4o, annotwealti of
. .:,.. , ,_.
_____. Peinivivania; --- ' : -
DR. -•- O. et: itEMISTRD..: '....,-, _•.:.-, - . :- CONTRA.
To aggregiteam't. of - StatiTat. • - ' -
• l3* eoli snigrSiato"Trpasuiet,
for 1851, - `51,75 2 - Tar 1850.:405,
$6 4 704 ' 84
,To oggregattriunt. of ontstand- '- ' • By. Cash "sent State Treasurer ' -
,i,,oiliagtortixrieti-fro,romr previous years. Yc ia ti n re d . sp , :1.16 : 0 0,8 .4 6 5
B s- y ,ft .l om ee ltn ot t . o r t o d to l i o n n i d a r,;;; .Tre - s ;
-., ~. - -,- • . , ~-.. .. '..: - •,• : s o rer ac 56189,83;,,
.. 1 - ,
1 :. ' l 's R7B.tmr_eL'olloit& - C'olleotoro
- - - _ • . .. i . - . on settlement, 1. .
- -•- • , 1 ollowitriee to DolJeetori as
.-- -,; - '• - -- ' - '- ' , fee eettiliestes Of Comm . 's.. . -17,140 - ;
. .
' IBY arn't ,lo 4 o 44'9f- Plum,* Yetl; 1.704 05
. .
1650, 81,0; To sta'C' .
..of OWE.Tory - fees eo!lect- , - •
- $1.66 00
Statement ofCimityiTrettenary,
To" available funds In ConntyTriail ' • - ' ; $632 66
• ,
To Susguebauna County funds received ; from late Treasitrer, $300.00 = -
To State Bank of Morris - 21.00 :; ,-„, 821 00
To nothertintarriitt " ••,.:- ,`156.00.:, - t
To,amount'dae fiom Cidleetors trlB43„` , 132 31'
To amount due " 1851: - 40283
To aeistidamoUnti dos oti!otes, Bonds, sad Judgments, about f « -c•
We 'certify AO fare °beg to_b* a tribe &sic:lent.
Atteet--B: J. ilrvErr Clear •
cOMlThigtiolleile. 010 E - Febrefiry 1: /852.
"." .. •
• --`t•
• 132 3 - 1
t , .21 21'
! . 01 09
- 60 06
..--.12 07
krieeaaville o
Ferest LAte!, -1
Gibitori, '
Hertiek,, ' •
hi:blau, -
New Alilfprd,
AuburO, -
IBeocklpt, -
Chaeonut, ••
Clifford, - '...
Dimock i , !!
Foreat Lake,.
Gibson; !
Liberty, '
Lenox, •
Montro'se, '
Now Milford,
'Silier Lake,
IThor!Thomson ,
uson, •
7 Si
145 07
15 11
60 31
649 04
z 291 50
488 00
1 50
35 55
533 99
250 00
300 00
31 17
331 20
$9,140 86
4%220 55
$lOO 00
P.eicentip , Aifitt due.
,1" 182'87
• £C.4s4t r -
• . 12_ OV. - ;
1 15 To6l
8 ef#.
• • 543)
0 86'
;_.;.4 S 9
17-81 1
• 44-65
la - 34
35 88
12.:07 1
IT 681
8 97!
6 721
187 95 671 i
' 4 ,21 64
801 52
aig _O4
sin • 58
Iso 9$
0 85
0 50
3 99
41 6;
' , ld'l
10 72
372 ilo
317 "87
67.32 1
134 00
369 49
265 18
199 97
87 86
231 40
410 43'
239 08
281 27
290 15
0 5 ,
1 97
11 02,
1 20
. 6'2 64
'2 GO
4 55
• 29-90
- 1070.
_.lO 60.
18 '36 -:
; 13. 1
a 551
f 2 17
23 58:
15 74
T S 2
- 451 48
& 60'
4 97
6 19
2- 87
- 11 - 8 99
h= ,
,564 46 _ •
178 ; x.-
461'48 ,
534 70-$8,739.68
a, Cotuity,
By Caunty Orders, J. from-110. 1
to s No. 545 inalnaiie, $8,7C0 49
amount paid Caatity Audit-
itors, - - lB 00
By refunding °Heil, _,
I Ty Treasurer's Pert ige.
By order of Court Auditors pay, - $lB 00
By - Oluoty- Orders redeemed of .
`lB5l, 8;76049
By County:Order redeemed of •
1841, - 5 AO6
By four refunding- Oder , . - 31 17
By,Treatprfrorrise s ntage; 331 20
'Hy, from late - •
Treaaprer, •• , -567 00
By. Wines per contra, • $3.66
":..~ .
::CONTRA -....'- : 4 ,
By pereen4ge returned by Bh'ff, -
for collootiotr, *- - $4 ,
By aiet..paid7o
-- , 161,02
Ilindue. • .
11',VILL•be scht - cow tit — a - premises of the, su
, V V Ileitts.:Viiord# - , - tht.l4ttis.:OCErbinaryl
one three years:old . cult;,rtwo ysortinii,colts ; two,
snekin colts ;•intr.4 - liks of- roui yearst coFen
tuskyttite's or thiee'rittre old - steStrklirtitellitg -Or
ittiisCsrriOld'stifers-;:sincotis; tim - yertrlinr;;
two' Minot bniji4; • Cie, one:tioni, ` . :four .
p4, , 5, and other 4troperty not mentinned.,--Sairt trr,
commence stEttstro!cloblt Az tYTernisysiamouthq
crtslit for.•, , atlramms test ion 'land : - madei twithty
tiollats;trud - nine' Itionths' thr; all .114!i . linitst•-:—,
Mites WitlizitedCndonsecs will NI 'allayed;
' ." .. FitkDERIC!CF,PSTF#R.
Ai t 'ldry 4;4
th4;_Coiiri of Suxjtiahtitiiia ccunl y . aad to me
'directed, 1,.wi1l e*pogo:',Ab.7;.publittital6lopi- Tur,
PRE , ,v II SF." 4 :::::4O. !DAT,
185% all :that: certain, two story datellinpr donee . ;
tixtera leet - 10 , thirty.ty.t-'OOO - grottnit witb'
loan to Ai:ii;thd
irtfiAg t twelkiy; ,
free eidtl 'owfthe7'gruir'Od; - -eiti.ji:di . ttiltt . l . ~atti
WAtiza . 4l fiol".tif 1414
`kw-later)* leirgtft c the
imine r wit It nine twelve light wisdoms in the front ;
end hail done with
Phimr-qO l O. buildint
The saki . bidlding :bei4 loeit(ed" ttW l- I.o*dihip
thre - cickpi Ey the road
!eading. ; frontlgeaee_ar. 1109e4...cOlic;otr
Oki - ,ltetel. of and g
Atirough_ttio_Sigifino iettlt.snetit.(ao celled) to lbe
Betmuut ;together with
thri:int .11.1.pleee of grcithid:rici - eviiiiixtir.'ilkiiirie 7
:I:snei.e .tiecesary- fur !tie! juyiPcf.' oi6 -1 , an d ;
Ini•iiilltereef.:,;_,. ; f - % ~
10 - 1 20
4 9D.37
7r, ;Ara iiir'xi4cittoti at:o4, salt - of tibor),
ia fti tis . e'ofJseigt 134 Slocum:I; aga r-nitX[loM
; . -•-•
• AL$9• - • I
•Byrrt no :of ,w rii, of: Yen d.;E:r..liesue u and
'as übove; I will, expead - folrnhllni t
lho;sitrie Brno' end :Ogee; eft certeli , pieue
,und parcel of lend sitnate..lying.and the
township of geoick in the, County of'• Suquhun
. bounden' ndneroithen fonUwii.rrt -w
an the north%y lends of L. 'ryier, on tho.ensf by
landtrof -M. Ewing, on.the uontnby of John
Dunn, cod ,weri. bylcuidskindinontia ; contain 140
ecietr,-Itt the "Mine inure' ' or Nei; ltitzelher rixtrit
the 'appOrteirdtieo, two:framed hotwes,l'orie franied
Vain. one orchard, and -nbout 40 dome intproved,
late the estate of:Themes Kelly. i
Taken in 'eiecittion et . the, trait Jo g eph.a
gloitim To. Thomas Kelly. - -
`4s b 3
- • G. H. EL - DI:El - J.-Shell/I
Sherifre offlen, Monttosi.“ ; • • • •
Jun. 28, 1851. : . - 5
N 4 70
;' :Poclamation: ;
Engin Osborn,. In the Court.o6„Comtrunon
‘• paid Conjuty, of No.
Julia Anti iChtbOrn. ) ember Term, 1851, No. 7.,
Julia'Ann Osbrirn.: .Whereiti, Suborn.:
us in Divorce was. issuetLtoN. overober Tenni
_l.Bsl,,which was dray returned non eipt int:eon:4
and-thereon un . alias Sobpeente was issued in said
cause, retutneble, to. Jairanry*Torm, IBS% it*
the 11.411En : et ,whichl proof.. Was made :to the said
.Cniurt. that the said Julia Ann Oshorit -count not
be found:in my Bailiwick:* . ' •
- This notice, is therefore to tialnite You lo Omar
before the Jorigi4 of Alto toad Conk On the third
Monday oiMprit'ne;t:to iariftwor
, G.H. ELDRED; Sheriff. -
$8,730 63
! Sheriffs office; sfoutrose;V:
5an.1852 ',
HE subscriber wilt pay - cash fiw - ali goad prime
Fos, Mink, ,Murtin,-Otter, Fistier and Bei,r
eking, at fair prilees„waii althea:4l/1 Gaap mid Ilbak
rat. are, very Coto . this yea - r in ; triarketd.yet he wilt
buy them is trade or part each at what they -we
• - .llloalieise Dee. 1.''51. -
331 20
_ .
TAKEN - frorn..the house at ; the sibseriber, on
or about . the 4th of Ala lastan . Account
Book, contaiiii"ul *bout three hundred dollais,
($300) of aceonnte, and a. , nuyntier of notes
nounietfeit ;ditentoreentateltrizettel the names
preeidentsondoashielisenll.the banks in the Vol.
ted States. Klnamber of other articles missing.
Whoever will return strid:frepertyln the sobscri
her shall be tibgraily reward , d; and receive, the
thanks of theanbs - criber Also, th i is' to.forbid
'any persoo - payiek onY - ite.iriinsts - tit notes payable
to me KO any etherperson• except myself or wife.
Isaniettioree;"Der. - 3:4851.- t —4Qtf
, .
rirtHE_ Notes and Account. of the itito film) of
'l3ldred o. NewOomh eip the? hands of "A
ehamborlin;','Esq.; fcii collection; on4.' *0-
tied .before, tho,first of - Jaunery thryi atilt he toed
iodisoriminattit); G. B. EILDSEP.•': .
1851:, • 'sliv4
. .
• .•--; - Eges
o ver Loft. .- ..'
. _ ,.. -
C;-fliSSELL,huving purehnotA the inter
', • vie 'of 111-F: Jameson: in' the ?'sitorinQ Pus.
meisti,c,it ho found at 'the shop foutOly occupied
Itt,meton..&llissell.,; _
$9.140 SG
Having received iristrdetiohrfrani "Pds.; G. C.
:Sc s otizt - Y ork ; be flettera'hip;eelr diet
"ere st it . all .wtioytay'favor , with their :ens-.
jam- Fall end limiter Fashions foi I6ul and-1852,
.11foldreee,lbet. iG`lB5-1-!-4.94a3;.,
IOAs. WOOL crOnterl ot
IV or In mini m for Cl?ths or other
o.:talleoritli some cash mixed let by"
Montroip; 51429; '5l: - • XX': TYLER.'
riNTED,SI6,OOO bushel of pate: .10,000 bash"
ola of Rya' and Corn tor. which ithe highest'
price will be paid in cash or trade byl--
NA.GaitEW-lot: of Lidres Rubbtrs4 Butkitis .41
gentlemeire gdPb - Otoii,Plah
saps; icsei red _ ,
-•- ;
• -•
Ltrlptis a - Atifutotrati6u .et. the )o.tatta Of DE'S
'Nn •111t/ty; tato a reit *bailie.dcloaaal, *tin
licit'graotell to the itoAatsigued, - notitat hetebylaircu
RO *1111146;W to the est4tv > o Intl and settlittb4 mat
t*ltboat ttatay - onil aliperiona hovtog dematla.atainat
the "Mete wilt p teat a to prey to I them duty attested:ter
aattltotaot, . 103.119.1.Y#E4,40 ; ••
.111ottoaa, ja:lusty 1gi,484; , _ 476
805 87
. . .
LTiparumslaTebtrdto t 7 ff. PilJa ; binot~ or btu*
ZS, adoduat. eta , hereby nodflad ideall sidi
tame filth* hone of K. W; Waldron, Id llculnrd.
I;ilusliday and t!day the fith and eth dayi of-Fabroary
411:13., NAL,
O.I 4 ,UItOWN, • '
=. AaOgoeel tf U. Nide).
':' • : 1. -.- :' '4 ' ' . Wallted'''
11111 Nu Court Waits' by am. isixiigeOwnAtock, ego.
41- totarri a io E11PP . 1.7 Ch. froslitloPi•Tolatoo troll
idzois Broadcloths at 14 York priceOt-Ose r itigify"all
Wads of goods, coastal if befog reetlyivilod'
*old at ttioloibesifigores•Om ash &e,cana also itanta t i,
mayemontity of dolb on onto, sztl oltimanst.o. '-- • •
--libutroioi Jan. 14,1331. ::...•.'-‘• -'• IL XI. TYLER. -
- --
To - Ill . whont Iriatt iiteett
TUB UNDERSIGNED, late Cutter to and ter diersre.
Sibultyr&V6. - ,!l , lllltary Tailors of Burliegton St.
Son& I;ogdon,basteg arrived In. ooteosO, lr sandy Pre
pant IN tut germ eat siallafitlSets thotliaot:Frattah
antMegitehinotlargetting Amer ican.—Cell 17130 fres; et
Mr. Shittfeton'Aprtetterealdeeett, nexaktoor so 'Solaro
Case's, Naha 4,lll6tarees, , Ilifors , tatight the matt
fatenreel Cltpink ~Termsyberal ; r
St/WIC WATT. - •
$166 0$
sitico9lo. fOt 4 fifilitantat of 10 is
totutt and Itriicqo who my / ticeppAtgt 44404
from olso fittriegro, are tittlettlt s toletted to coma
gstuo Intraiattfrt7. Er= 47,1.y,MW
.MoltttttiltwOligm7l.2tlll37;- , , • _ •
'.134" 7_o
400 .00
• OmFcltT;slecV. tato of t#o,lo'imAlD,otsilgooklyn,
op putted to tto,pn*iftntlit 4ottC4 btra ,
bi steri co-an Indostel4 - ttke fgate_ IPAIS AO.'
1410 141AguritheTti 4 01 7, AnAiirtimta - , facia l4evuotto
MAIO t Oweitate Pow lomnt
A. ° A pi l" ' islin'ts.
~ • • ..,.. L1101:1115 OAKUM,
""etia; "Siiiiiffc7 ,
TWltilittiretreili 4' this rust! titunteiein opti for the,
reeeptiorratiluitetrta ott Wiquescittr, thiflith day ..
0f...41m0. nodes. flip diract superficial& of.lir.Wll.-
„ 9 1,45t/.ll,,frith. all„tho eatopeteut,ussistonto
c0 0141 7...1
The stirtintsg ;of Ole in;titution, ; trim • regard to la:
eilitahlth t ladrar inthseieits render UMW of the.
..ettaqt &Ai raid Oso Yartl44 VU9 tOsrp4lttagy
ahrtpatihr loitruettort, ,
Evosyla piikey.sait tem stionleabg tho , lakabitatttit 'Tor
khe ccecarnacaticiion stadette twin trhrtl.4..
'l7it sradelitle ye_sr dividediato four tome' Tor+To
.fieeka catch-as istatioritct vets-weak ilumodka...vse.
• 442 - 4r•adh,;9 7 : l, • - -
. rms:o .
i b "„r ai cio! primary Departs:ol3i per
• t• $2.50
efitrunon Ateplerrao;per term, ' 2.00
11Igher Aeodernip, • CO
'2," - d.) , • , CO
Yreni.h.friat *by other * -
• & ea
ra. Good boar./ may atttainetialtrt Od, to $.1.2.5
nsch, 27th Dide‘ber, 1351: , its
Invention in ihrThrtir%
TR. undersigned. liarind recently pnictiated the weal
.1 . knonit " dmironD ntLLS.," POnitied to]
do all .Iclnies Flumes„ in the beg: manner 11 , 44 'kith
promptness. Partlcellsr attention irtll bet paid tben+•-
work, and no nein. ayarrtito Tetuan goon; =atom.
ma.tral rathfaction4 The WA septa:it:lda. aldeh the
"tferfidd prevlosly tutdOeff,intend be
foliy,soaoilied. awl oreninore. psy rash fijr:
LW ftyr., 01 I Diirhsch.Cdfrand keep Oh lustil
the 1411.4 All; tittlti:atl•at fair-view, Aqua jlifed e ,
ited-dtc.. all et, elle. , baa,quaiitlein. 0,1 rbrair 7 nab
einaidd'endeastotclo ateritt be rat tadvisto and patronage,
of the_pethlin to reetlre It In M t addLthertderelosldt
respectfully Ind anlllly lance a trial. r -
Itl. -.- ! D.'CIT:IIII3
Es4tfStf, Jah.13,4k2.,- •• • 'O. ft .111.W.111.
serpent:ally 111
: 1, 3* In* nnfetgO4* - Plgulkogh Wm, to Milt , lad ade
just the Annie.
The femajnised . ahlde old
atm: l ,4. onarr flrm of IL S. .Wllrort a - lion. They
Minot° k e iv p a koaseal variety, 'and *lll eiter he reedy
und.thanitted ttla stheroasinodato those; mho , Warr. them
"lath ass.ll.,..They ;MI t tern wham! a lona stock et
- Ariy,'Glitifinolkrocorie,l 9 Crockery:and
• -
Partleulitreittentlqlwill he , gleeo ttti . britoi. or
tlio.liuelneel, to keep - a
full assortment .
iihtentzthillaalotWeee,lltrelilige.ll4ot exid - Sluse xualere,
will all end tbo, uttlelol wunt-'
Toete: - .,hoesisintlite hat erinie to meliet - hem of kept
on bend jiyl fd..l3 t ; Wflalgi* 4. E. .
el/mimeo - Jan ylet
. ~
: . - - - - - , illoselith , gat Come. , 7 ' -'
rrITE Unitet stat t of Americo, eon.clons of. thole,
1 R, giollows militng; ge01..% V.`?fa tredialant Tolkey to
Theo the chidusly *latch. the wieldiest deepens of Ru. '
rope lettered the activity of the Bloat ripen.. exited Han;
gariau chief. sele,nol fiery mune disturbed the proud , sc.
c orltryf. t et onihor. gets now he 'nation's enest .
Ho comet to Totem oat syntnothy and ask out -..alit for
hit Pw'Plean't itle ' itC4ltlrle. 11l Vic* of the Rotentit or.
titimiciat,..iint other l en, ididerations whl diatom directly
concern, °emelt . es.. , he lete firm of Drs. J. 11% tc.l).P:
itruigike , Eidissayed by. Onus' ennead: It hes . he.
-come naccesemy .. , nositively7' to More np the strains of
.oar aid Unnfq= 4 wliiih , hare hem from one to !Weer
yeareetanding nodlivould teepectfially beg lease to eon
, the attention of aflllboe {wield*, to. weettlemint - sit
i the Fame walout, notice or delay.. The notes
I booty may he found to thee herehiof :T.'W, , jtrem.;
doge for sehprt time , .Pitimetd 'ten be mode . to, ether
or the l a te iwarimer..: ' . J. W. flfaffiDAGE; -
Glbsdn.dan:it, 18t_..` 'el `.. e • :D. F:fitiONDAGE.
Dr to. F. Rriand.tar reep'eetfull7 asks e heave to tender
hty eincefe titans* to the elitism. of Susetneb‘nna,elm.
2,erneilVnyne end Wyoming counties; km their very lb.
erul pettonage, nod =Any Troolent friendehtp„ . He de
, Ono. n plermanentl rend/Teo .in Gibs-mom, cony le
fottinle as usual. et' the old oMeeeote, Dian ~t,154.11 / 4 , 0; ,F.
Drund..qe, when not profeitionally "enraged. •
f.e2m2 . • , 1 ' D. F. BRUNDAGE.
~/7- t ectitok's.Notice.
L yn ps '.'ioattuientaty op the, pante of: Fllttoto
Pd it latelot Vranalin, d«o'cl., hating' beeit ginotett
to the eub.etiber; notice is berebyMarn to all Indebted
to Itot eicat e to colt .opilttettlo the same without 4oloYc
and - all parson:4: h4vlng tletnabd* against" the 'xiitst4 will
tireseut them duty-attested tor aettltaucat. ; '
iloP•14, 15:4 2vrt) S.tM'L. W. rourstinr,.
LT.,E;44.,!:fitni.311111,7 of thc . retate of Azst
grunted to On andervfgavd, notice in hereby given
all indebted to the estate Weal t and snide the same with.
delay. and pervntin having demands Against the
ev tilewilt plena* tweent. - them dulrattested for sett le.
til'ent. - • : •• - 0 LEY, Ada*.
1124101 . j , EL
A Man with his Throat Cut!'
B.a.f.i.did it binaself, the Harbor had not-hips, to do
with tt No Wan ever heard of such a thing being
done-by -11e6 L3aiber, whYa thsciEsstspatitis are full of
itisillittetH ttkii doltigit themselves.. !astir is isdan
teitiftifs thine net& none- - but exile/ter:mei workman
should be aliciwedffillital4le it:: Everyman 6bonld think
Of this!, arattittttstiftVo btmself. for no one can tell what
may happen to 'bine.- Now If you never touch s rasor
you will never cut your th- oat with It, o just cell on
CHARLES TIVIAN, Barber. Hair Dxweter, in Searle's
hortildlovneit 'door co rostAree, who will shave you as
smeelh as anew born babe. CILIRLES TILILAN.
Montrose Dec' 19 1351. 50tf
Coal!: . Coal !- • -
ACICANVAISNA 00AL, 'lon/ and vhalesall
A-4 or retail at 'New *llford Depot, by - N. BUDDITT.
December, '1851.i -
... . , .
------ 1 . : - L
°St,: .' *. •.:. '.
DIITWE ENtbe -Store of Bentley de. Read and
B- the:maiden a of.f:BiStre-cter, Esq.,,on the af.
_ternoon - Of '4ll 9,111 ip51.., 4 steel bead purse, eon- ,
i tainin4 between fifteen and twenty dollar, in m_ o. ,
I ney. 'The:Bader - ivill - be liberally' rewardedby
FleaYinzitaid ti "rite and 'contents at-the - Store of
1 1 -Abel-Torten, .; ': . . .
Montroe ' an, 15,1,8 52 .
-•- -
Heir Ye! Hear Ye
Lei per o 6 indebtettick the trotweriber are' re-.
Aur,sted to; make,zarttetkopoedily : --ett:leofif
pr or to is& relniarit Dext. • •
Duce 0,?.. 3; ;183t.
"'iNewB. „
S stock Olcls ; Tew dOods
hiite,ortiiett, coirliftriiiudriedinyiele Assort
iniilfetf-DrY G . tiorli, Groceries; ['ardor:lre,: Stove
Pipit - Glosis,t Sash . Wooden Ware
,Dragsol..rti,.tnOicirtee,,,putute, .Fisk, Flour ;
f t !rate - frit'soid good asitiwirttent of
Ready. ode loth lop,: of ninuist all deicriptions.
Boots - and a pi usd - Benttets and
almost everything; 'otiosity- found. ti:" - country
Our OrriSre,ntust..biiold, and shalt be. Alibi,
Verytuwent possible. prices. Our friends use invi
ted'te esti and look , st oniutock; - • • '• -
Produce of; Orel all kinds, wanted in excitane
for goalie - by Ole soluseribersr • •.1
New' Milford:dfirr
, ,
To-the , Public -
DEL 77.11;RELL hew just returned frorp tire
ity aftiew Tork i with a large and deatrabta
aatourient af t ' ' • ,
GO• `
which will be , sotitvery,loal.for casts scatty, p a y,
The stock is composed of a first rate astartateut of
_ Drage, Afedic
P.Ye•Stll4.Oreeeriea; Glass-ware. spoons,
'ttieetneles;7 - 11.tesiettl'Instrurnehts,•_ -
, Cireihkce:..Notions; slid .
i u:n , •
Dry-Goodi . ,
• rrore,OtnticinAl7;l3rnshes.
!' Medical Inatiintente, Pertumeiy *
;tivisia;'Stiitpariera.-tSbauldes;l3raeas p ,
Shoes~:Canipphhiue;'Birrning Fluid; lamps;
Clacks, Watches, JewelrY.e'&4`.`
. 4 - legular read. Physician . will`be'ln constant
atteadeacei tnaseistin ',waiting:amp- easterners.
A.R.,parP o . 6l44 sishiPZ P.,.am.hfoo Drays or Goods in
an's ifilie'arortaid "departinentir,-will And heir in- '
teirierti prornoted, by calling first at the Drag. and
Variety Start 'O7 -- AtIEL TURRE'LL,
'rd 4 M.F o o7;7 4 tofr. . -..
anted -
I_6oo fagrargr,;'
- Ann Thitirsis
iBBO/11 RI • ~. •-,
corti,lllNtittiVP - tbritefere btitifraltntter
name:and Arm of S i ck ft Sbitiop;63 fbe'res l,
?Agra. cilittiv - P. , 4WIL tht g da,f ttlaralt.4 br
mutate ebnttrut... , JAMES salt.
5an.1,1861. '_,' • - If. 0/1100P
I ' 43,— T h * barer) .111 tt . treat'', bobb,ttiett
tiftti; "alrflea imberfttaistent. 2tf
FL fbt it the star. o . . RABB.
Uqntrbstri,Putuarflo: l3s Z- -
. -- !ministratOrs _ .
OT WE l ZTrit.terchrigiii:inirtttaVarierinutwithr
and -other , tirnpeirtylrilltersold ;• - ttrintbtml
site; itt;thi tate reltdinneof4tette.4 •
ireihrfordoin Friday!--I!i!narr 39th, idttlati - et
ritio-hormlkiiirCP tcrirr. - two. heiFerOires Trim
44)4 - our tons of . -hay. ennnooliing,stirro end
niture;; four-Oar/3w- whnehi. - chtsitini- plows. Ler.
row teeth, bedding, bednteiedo, loons and appars-
In!. dcc. Zou; I ''ZirTiktiOtdaknclittian the 4trit
sale. - , _
' • .11'4
•- - -Spilititli:: ' bineit - Carriage.;:;..
0r#418.: . " ,-
IN. iDieFral4No mi. - much; celebrited 4rinit
tiiithc - cuMieThiiSubScribiriiospcctfully solicit,
a cantlid-exaministioo ni.tO its merits. A. for 11-)t
supeiigrity, color-air other, sittlogi, let. I thsisrml..
hitt _ttie.d..thtin,,bear witnesi,, and -tlie tnabier , ..-
tiers at . willing, is.abiiikby he. deisioii It kali
fitiO•caiefully examined '-by - thin it'll - del:lri s Itltil
by them-chicrfogy reetiortninded t 43 the jillbEr;- - -•
I A etscrliger,ein be built.Vith ihese.flptlngsettitiO.
i cri sfi.lbs- ligllter, more durable a pitfor ease it, 1p
wit f4iniliefi by any. tpriogs.noto in Oe•
' All Stskin:gs, wilita..fea. r • Manufuetiari'dfiv• - ,I
-.' - ~ , .., - SPROUT. IIURROWS, 4,0:1'',
; 2 '., - -.. : , El , Late. Susiq's.:Coiwy, ri!Z,
. rAga.:cri-71.. P. , 4r;- A - SrucF l '. 1- -: 27-if."--
ito*".2lllLf Ar es.
Goodoi, Einp94 1 142,-
TT' BUJIRITT. nignia in market
I.ll'istat; etraiOd ittok it:Win:ter tong-en.
squnie 86att 1e di lindtei fdriin - GnothCof near -eret
ipleutl4l.lunzeritemud:.printnrrasseedolll !inter - , - an ;
the Cittreash'isanig:tegi e „ s n at k e tc , ,A,‘
Ine - hllling. also geurrastspriliti-fes the run E..
Winter trade , Dry 00(40,_ g rce r ries. efinekers
flats and Winter
Bonne* fluffitlo -- Rolnit. Boats. Shote,f , AVldtc4
etc., etc. alt which he 'will seR en; Cite nivel libel 4
want - want prices that - kruniot be beet far cast.
Prodect. - appnared cienit". • -,
- N., IL- Flew and . Settnonstnnily on
Mitforil Oct. 2)
-.• SKIP' AHOY:`::: .
s. have,. opprniCd Abet. Iwas alma :tot
ilLlencn Arnittio.ip., from irry. Wring oirgoixis xt
auction:l talte_thia - Mathod to' eorieet eteiktiihei.V; k
aiid- wont d sa y",. ill be earrietk
on 'es formerly, - except that if a man trishes to bia!•":
rnx, line they( cue positivity i do it
ptr crn t. cheaper thin they have. ever dime- it. _fut
thisplace. I shall concne :my trade ,priocipally..
; to r Watches - esti 'by bnYing " low' for .easli I ea?
and leittetill lower thati;tiny mart its thie. coat:its',
.two weeks' I: will hive a _full aseortment.. - AS *
; k lads r timerAices carefully iepeire4 , A nd. sa ersatz,
,Aritongst the. oumeroul a.iopt its this phirsi.
forget the Tme peels the place to buy •Olte ‘ eile
ll'uteplite st. in the Candy - aliop, •
l‘fontrwe, 1-E-351
The Latest . Nutsßy Erxess
MHE,Pubsc O bers n-oold inform t!leirfiltidP9lo4
- 11 --. 1110 linbric g , lirrat, that thoy Sumo iinCrt
thrived-trim New York with nlitran and Oisensia. t
stock of VOODS;endir;eing !ivy, wildir in tti
that: is is walled tor 'in' thisTh4;o • triiici
made airatigementa With the
waist ruldniornit 'whenever- Satiated; - anrk
at such prices will a agile-tut to sell much Joss.
er than ever befaie seittg pra
tical shoemakers, dm. rip:alien thikt wninnartb l
rrants of the prafdo twice? Jhautheie who 'Swaim
other ilasinica. , l'Verwoisld therefore deem. it nal,
access's," 14 . 11 'P Y. illitoo givtne a list - cf.wor l 4
and pcieer, that - • •
- _ `Coptpctirin is defied,. •
In ttolicised, '
"And eviefictioir grictrantitAl ,
1111PORTANT TO SilitlENl.4loo-t,
- -We keep also on hand he french tanned &de feats.
ert French and American, Latf..Sktus,:nserocce.s
,I f inings, Bindings, Shoe-nails. Per, `i'snd-stanes,,
Shoe4nises ' , Peg- floats, liamnurs..Tinasts,
Seem Tocias, Kit and French Shoe Tonle of re,C.3 -
description; Boot Ciimps,.Wer,Shoe-thread, Eire:.
svebb, Heel.ball Blacking, &c.' " _ "
,Shoemakers are rcepC minty solicited. 4to 'alai*,
ineour Stock - before pure - Nun, as onr. WAS tn.{
findings are-alf selected by one talus ttliderstsTA
thebusinecs. Store directly nposae SearTes Until,
Don't forget the place.
, .
The subscriber eregid Ease thank tivnireell
friends for the liberal patronage kre, has receives
forthe hilit‘eus - years,' hoping- , thst be Mi.'s aitl
rnerit a
. eherenf their patronage its be intends tst
keep his Esti:ug Saloon and Grocery as hersomfors,
SeN t 18 ' ' MElHlLltattst.,
' • :ZEST . AL 131TRIMEtt '
n D. VIRGIL, Tenders -his 'profeekonerfri..
AJevices to the citizens of Montrose ondvicinitr
Ong phoen ho proposes-to locate as Reinastro
Datmer. lt will be his endeavor to the best of'
P litti
hiesabilitY to serve thoao Whit pip far Or hint with
their patronage.: Ho &tenet propotte so id Cheap.
en , the prafefaiorras to tower int di:gnity, et Oft,.
voice the charge ~" of Indontipeteney.. tint, krowine
that the high prices of Dentistry deter En - any wha
vem much need its &merger, hut feet too poor ,to
. - pithoso . thent; he doei propose to' eonaldr th..
eireumstarrecrof itniividanta — and tharre occur.
dingty.: - .-He.eincerfiy-hopei that.. ponei herwevie
liinitedtheirlrieens, wilt tit the opportunity ebp
ofputehaving for a Littte - nottnexongreot a bejtoet,
Hotenuttly tvieki and intinifis of bitter, ilieplette
agony. "might be pretreated br-a little 'timely , at.
tention to the -, Teetit. ' Why I , Ws, whole forth
is fitted' aith, groana Irian. tOotbacho ; in ohnosO
every fitniV this dire, apeetre.pithrholds its night.
Jong vigils . s And iti there - no remedy? 0 vet;
save one v helve a-pulled ", Does that save it! 'Nor
4'efett.fetteeeit . /tette thot. :- Ittecetk the. decor.
pain. 'and love of tither*?
No t it ialiur the,certairtharbinger of their' .likr.
fete, % Gan nothing than bedonts:to 'refine end
BIIM * Yea r oine.tentheaf all dna tnitteiy and tato
might be pretvented-bytitonsonable.applie.ation to
the-.Doritiat. „Janke it ttpoint Inhofe your teeth,
:ear'efol o ly_efontinedat least once 2tt. year. - and_ ay
semi s tn el:miry - makes itioppettranee, have it welt
tired and grint-vieeged toothache pill not -haunt
your..night ishanberailie4tieured.',.Tfr.Votrill.ea.
teem it ta Weasel:* ta' ettit- on 'ion ot . any - . tint*
betvieett the houni of 5 * 51. and S P. At. at- bol
t:hike in Odd rellowaltalf. 'earner of - Chestnut
wild Tartipike . setFeets.' ' 'Work trarranted.'?' ' -.- :
- . Arnxum,,Oct. «5114 185 1,. • 45. Rai, -- -
New Boot acid-Shoe . Store
rrlik,l new firm of .Keeler Stodurlar4 bate
.11. opened a Root and Shia store on Melt street,
first &or below the Brier corner hi witleh . I.6sy
O'er for salts -•-• !
The tarlresi
oc Bools k ,Shora and Finding:4m tholotestirleite
We sell for ready pay ronOtOptiii;i44l*
TheCitilawiot- their illagocand'eeelltry 2 4ta 11 09'‘.
spatially isvite4 tilt nut gamins 2001
and shoe atora whore Boots , and shoes tits sous in
at. id of Oaer nod Oyaters., , ,
lieepLitAielbee the People,:
That we have assortment amen whipla%arta
inomenste s - , • '
:Mane Cork soie.water ``roof bootit,longlegaukee
garians,..calf half vale and t Punip bc4l'l* halt
solo booty, thick boots, calf, kip and could e twee,
gene 91fer ghats, ate ! . '
- ;
7 1rciathiignifigipsud 0 0 w 146 W 9% eidek 7
'Lading, frennh channel; aaitontl.piteut Foig
Well Gelber*, ernspeted 40 Kid. Polkas, enameled,
front l i m o ' potbee, kid, ha goat 'ituxt..l4neei
Nes. York' tire, exceietoke; Janby Linde Rosetta
kid tiee, robbers, eta; _ •
Miner goat and cultleuae beet*, 'tont-X/444
miamelid Polkne; Dutch tote, eta. .
children - le button ltroel,goot andenartialedblei
boote, Gaiters, Downing'sretei'-
Arden oUr roldirige r, offer French wilt Wat t
04 And Hemlock. tatted Golf akin.., Moroceo t
pink ind white, Riling" Alas, red, We, marooni
‘ upper:teather, oak and hemlock.
eoteleathar, pegi,l4lo tutil% Windbag Pni balli
webbing, W. • -
•Work made tptgdor aud sepal seat'
- • '4Btf '
A.31E11 A N.,- ;