t l4) , ; cratiF : nem° 1, - Doiegaies froin,the- Several townships, ine. Conventioit, at the Court.: !dense, pei ri a l v evening Jan. 26, I 852; "pursuant' to go • ...dogs notice. The Convention. being,ealled !":,,,, by 0.10. Ilempatenud, ESq.,Chairman 1 " . " -- county atanding-,::Comenittee, F.B. B. 000e8TER, E!q:, :was eldose , Pre.sideni; gioti Tilts and Itortnn Ifiirris 'Vice ?reacts, s ad George Fuller: and ; .Francis e i si ,Secretay e • Tto tonships being called: in - order the . 0 05 .i n g Delegate s aPPearekgeSented -their cedoll4s and took their seats;. Arisen-11aq Barney, Timothy, Griffin. in. Carter, i'utrick ogewater—Harrey Tyler, D. D. Warner. Ikuoklyn—R.o.3liles, R. W. Gren3. ecoot—Francis Quinn, David Sherer. • curord—No Delegates. yooek—R. T. Stephens, John Voting. flatlaff—No Delegutes.. Fast lake—Moses StoPpard, Elisha Gril ls. frankliaAlonzo Williams, Tans Smith. frienclaville—G. W. Glidden, N. Y. Leet. . ' Gibson—Thadeus Whitney. Great Bend—F. Lusk, David Thomas. • garmony—F.Scott. ft:dont—Wm. C. Tiffany, Tyler Brewster. fferrick—Shubael Dimeek. Jackson—hoses B. Wheaton. • . Jessnp—Robert Griffis, A. B. Lathrop. , Lathrop—E• S. Brown, Lake Bronson. L e n ox —Elisha Bell, It. W. Benjamin. Liberty—D. 0. Turret!, Geo. %V. Crandall. rildletown—Barney Kenyon. Slontrose—Geo, Fuller, F.D. Streeter. Neu Milford—James W. Belknap, Daniel cSfillan. Rash—john Granger, Erastus Maynard. Silver Lake—John D. Murphy, Timothy lforp Springville—Justus Knapp, Samuel Sat, tuntk Thomson -31. J. 3fumford, William Sale bug' It war moved that Daniel Baker and John B a ker be admitted as Delegates from Clifford. : A f ter re marks, Col. Lusk moved as a substi tute that the Delegates who have presented 'Credentials, proceed to the appropriate I:tini ness of this Convention.. Lost, Ayes 23,Nays 24. The original motion carried, and Messrs., Baker, took their seats as Delegates fromClif. ford. The Convention being organized, and its ob ject being stated by the Chairman, Col. Lusk moved that Gen. LEWIS CASS, be the choice of this Convention for the Presidency: Judge Warner moved as an amendment, that the game. of Lewis Cass be stricken out, and JAMES BUCHANAN i sorted. Col. Lusk after remarks moved as a substitute that W. 1. Miner be the choice of this Convention.— Lost. He then moved as a substitute that Taos. H. BEITON be the choice of this Con vection. Lost. He then moved that the Ddb qua be culled and each declare :Lira voce their choice for the Presidency. Carried. The vote being taken gave the following result: James Buchanan, 40 votes; Thomas H.Ben ha, b votes ; W. L Marcy, 2 votes ; Wm. 0. Butler, I vote , ; Lewis Cass, 2 rotes. The Convention then proceeded to the elec tion of a Representative Delegate, to the next State Convention at Harrisburg. 11.1.1iiven, Wm. Hartley, Tnoatas Johnson, and Wm. C. Word Were named. The rote being taken, R. I, Nivel had 35 votes, Win. Hartley 7, Thos. Johnson 2, Win. C. Ward 2. R. J. Nivrov Esq. was therefore declared duly elected. CoL Lusk then offered the following Reso lution : Resolred, That this Convention concede to Wyoming county the other Representative Delegate to the Harrisburg Convention, and tot 0. G. Hempstead, R. T. Stephens, and lista' Knapp, be conferees to meet - others from Wvomin,7 and counties, to Set tle upon that Delegate. ,Adopted. resolution was then offered that we con cede to Bradford county the Senatorial Dele gate, that F. A. Ward, Jonas Carter, and Geo. Faller be Senatorial Conferees to meet Con ferees from Bradford and Wyoming counties, to choose that Delegate. hates Knapp, Esq., then offered the follow irg Resolution to the Convention, which was rasaninuntsly , adopted. Resolved. That the annual Democratic coun ty Convention, for the purpote of nominating n ticket to be supported by the Democratic Electors of Susquehanna county, shall hereaf- I ter be held the • First Monday of September, t, at one o'clock P. M., instead of the first Mon.„ day evening of August Court as heretofore. Geo. Fuller thetroffered the following Res. olitions which Were adopted: Resolved, That the services of James BII• damn are recorded in our hearts not less than in the pages of• National History. His brill. iant career in the House of Representatives and in the Senate of the Natiou—his success ful mission abroad, conferred by the patriot' Andrew Jackson—and his truly able adminis tration of the {guise duties of Secretory of I tate under President Polk, have stamped him I - as one of the moat enlightened Statesmen of the age, well fitted not only to occupy, lint to adorn the Presideutial office. • Reso/red, That Pennsylvania whose metrop. ohs was The cradle of Liberty, and, whose soil thank the best blood of the Revolution,—by Gtr unwavering attachment to the great cause of Republicanism and Democracy, has well tuned the honor' of furnishing the next Pres ident to the country,—and that our Delegates to the fourth of March Convention be instruct.. ed to support the nomination of Hon., James BlChanan in that body. That we - are satisfied that this ministration of Governor Bigler, will be a for tunate one for our BThte,—that it will realiie ell the hopes of its friends, and disappoint the. Predictions of its toes—that we regard' him as in able and incorruptible Statesman- 7 .a Dem.,, (Fat" in whom is no guile." -11430 1tcl - i That' "the Democracy of the RortiAshould be honored with a nominee for tad Commissioner, by the fourth of - March Contention and that we recognize in Colonel Conlon F. ALeson Of Bradford county a condi.: date every way acceptable, and that our Dele-1 iltes be instructed to -use all - honorable en..l, 484, 0 rs to secore his nominations—and that in lie event of a failure; John B. Bretton' e c al *flarvicoun'y is our second choice; from losslity as well as from other consideiations. '1 e m otion of F. A. Ward,.Esq., 'Ordered , proceedings of this Convention - be • .Po in the Dethocratie papers of this Sen" atop and Representative District. , . Oa motion The Convotion adjourned. (Signed by the officers.) • • tir Gen. Cary, and Mr. Seivard have intro ! toed Resolutions into the: Senate toltanin intervention. . • VRI11)101'413 - - ; Catharine N. Forrest• vs..EdteitiForrest MONDAY' dati- 1 : 26; • Prick"kV at the.bect er ;c l c; 1 04 0 Oak , ley restunetbis seat Upon thi3 beieb. Eve ry racantlplaci - in-tfie -.Court roans wan-al= ready' ocCupied'excepktbe jury', hot.: :Nis Fermat :soon outared6 Porrest, was already, in his seat.-: In about five iniuutes'l4l l : l , anliu ren 'aerie in, 'nod the Court was opened. The--jury were thee admitted, looking pale and'. rather: depressed.: Alf answertng-_to their. neines, the.._eleric - . proieeded AiSk them if they were lii ‘ e , pared'svith their ver ! diet. foreman rose and said they ivenS, and 'banded to; the :sealed 'package'vrt ich thitiatter,dpened'and band ed to the court. ' lodge. Oakley took the d'oeninent,conSist ing- of several sheets; and prmeeded to-run his eyes over its contents in Silence, While the audience, ., the Coupsel.and t he more deeply concerned! .- eat fixed in breathless, suspense.' Mr. Forrest"seemed to - be composed; and showed less interest : : than titight have: been anticipated, in the result. - Mra.'‘Foriest, (no. longer Mra. Foirest, but Mrs. Sinclair ) ] showed ;by hei fate and manner that. her future peace, if not her life, depended upon tha contents.of that, papei, which thit'ootirt was silently . peinsing. She almost gaiped for breath vrhen it was handed back to the , clerk ta be read 'to the, jury closed her eyes and grew pale, then opened them and looked-around arif for authethinito resk them upon, to steady het mitikeepher from fainting: . • . ;;. When - the - clerk read the answer which exonerated Mrs. Forrest front theguiltwith which she - had beck _charted. there ..was loud apPlansckamonti portion of the audi ence, and yeklouder 'expressions of appro bation followed the anitouneetnent , n 1 her which"-the jury had fixed at, 'three thousand dollars per annum. . - • . When the clerk had concluded; Mr. Van Buren asked that the; jury might Lib - polled. The clerk then proceeded to interroOte them individually. Is this yourverdict. as yon wish ii to stand recorded Y Baal' ewe' ed-Promptly, " it is," until the name of Mr -Page was called who hesitated a dto , meet to'rise, he thenbowed; pie clerk ask ed his answer; he bowed agam. Mr. Van Buren then remarked that he did not bear the witness's answer Mr. page then ate ; ted, distinctly, " It 14." By this time the tenor of the verdict had reached the crowd„gathered autside of the building, -numbering trom 800 L. 1940 peo ple, aud tremendona ;shouts 'and hurrrahs came echoing back, Indicating that to a large number, at least, the Verdict; was not unsatisfactory. i • With ait Mrs. Forrest immediately retired attendant to an' adjacent room, while the counsel, proceeded to have the verdict pro perly recorded. Mr. Van Buren asked for a stay of pin. ceedings, to enable- him , to take the Opinir of the ceurt abovettpon some of *the que lions of law that he had raised; and i O'Cuimer asked the ,court to appeiiiti t- morrow morning to meet the counsel ai just the form of judgement. The Court decided to meet the '-couniel at that time, and said that the -allowance or tithe fur ma king-a-bill of exceptiorrs would tie granted as the Same, as a matter of c:mrsu.l The cattrt was then adjourned.f .f ,Mr. Forrest and Mr. Nr,ati Buren soon left the court, and when,they bad made their appearance at thin door they were-met with loud cheers; and attended for some distance by a 'avid crowd •of friends, who took that mode of testifying their sympathy for Mr. Forrest. , - Mrs, Forrest-had not yet left the , build ing-. The crowd Was still large a.:.d kept increasing. After some twenty minutes delay,it was deemed best to leave, there be ing no prospect of aiiore favorable dppor tunily psesenting itself ,11:Irs. Forrest thst took ?Jr. O'Conner's arm, and walking througb tho ChintiVers of the Superior C•Jurt, in which Jiidge Paine was holding -a court and through the Cir cuit Court room, in which Judge, Edwards I was trying a cause, they descended, by the i back way into Chambers street, and turned their steps toward BOadway. retreat, was soon discovered, and the crowd in a few moments came thron,ging - throng') the doors and over the , fences filling up Chambers street; shouting and - hurraliing most vehemently, but crowding and alarm-, in; =the object pf their curiosity not a little. When they got to Briladwayi the imposts'- . bility of getting into an omuihits with safety was apparent, and they refuge in the House,--wher-thcyreioained until a: proper conveyance , Could be primped to transport Mrs. Forrest to some place of se curity, which Ist believe was successfully done. - - Thus, ends ono-41 411 e longest, most bit- terly litigated, and in some respects one of the most disgusting trials-that lever was I held in this country.. - This - the thirty,-third day that the cause has been in progresi.— And the Press of, the whole country, bas growled from day to day-with all its- foul details. , The Society of Friends. In the defence of Hannairay of the charge of treason, John Dl. Read, Esq.; used the following language "I have a word to say in rnlation toils Soeiety. of Friends, Who have their Customs .and their tights. They, ire' . kind;philan- I tbropie_ and humane; ,but • will not carry . 1 arms. .:This State was fontided ; l4 Qua ker—tbe best law-giver that came toI ibis! country. - He refused to. carry orliairms,.l yet bow did it - effeet the State The Society of 'Friends 'heti: - dwindled down to a small minority-sieve Fenn'i day. I yet they have the - Jiame privileges and tbe saMe rights. -If they ar e, milled out in *el they paitheirfines rather than g0..1 If they ere sntritotmedtio;gO - they, suffer their property teberleviedtpe!lsath er than obey such a mandate,: As is a free -country, and* hive no,-iestatliabetli .they-;.might ; be permitted; to Worship . as-they please.; While we allowed - otheia:_the pritiilege.af ibese scruples, without queitioning thejr leYetrY. 4,ll ere were: l 4er PleeiY:ef-ahers , here readyto Sustain the::govermeint,with', their:lives,.and to =march in support :or the national , He - seid„ir-the'-Presidenti had originally eellea - ailaa, tfie North instead .of the Stiuth t-11 he'4W% out 11exien4,w4i. ten, - ,ithoneand. Jun, youMnt, &Wei: epiiii teikCealrfteieltoiliz . Gen' TaShir not have been left lin;ihe battle field of Buena :Vis ta hinkrifulvt men; hafa l l A-saerifiee before,- - er e'onterid itigtatio; five timectlieir number., : = - '" On last ;Thetsday_ beautiftd young residing in • lititniltoti - atreet„ took into heir.head.t "Om would .thebatillituenta of the lerdi - of 411,1 ikkkea ;Ii tt _procured', 4 -, 4 11 suit of clothes; and with asbining little bet .ver, bat; stuck pently on: eue side of :bet bead.'ringlets as blaeli ai the 'raveteiviing, cheeks the, color of melted Tubtes„.and.eyes that flashed like, diantnnds,..sbe, proceeded to . amotillion party :iv, one of = our Hotels, and, toidt-a pe4tion io„the — Smite* the ladies said, " .what's sweet young, man I " and, desired ray earnesily to be ea griainted• with But la I ,be would et be introduced: to-, any. , arm ; and" strutt,d about. - Oahe - in .. ,band - mnd ' m eek -like a regular- Broadway dandy. 'After, gettink tired. at the rrty 'Or rather-0e; went uptown and stepped-Into tine-of Our:OYeter ,HouseS,'ealled foillate of" raw," and. a Mug of Reading Ale, after whieti - sbe took'a seat at the Stoves= Prei--1 entlyihree or. feur,geotletnett "stepped ,in. one-of-whom immediately reengnmed . her. and after calling' he.t up` to' drink; 'he' made it - known among the company. At first she stoutly dented it, bet soon she owned the corn?, The ladyin breeches then: begged the gentlentin* for tnerey!it- sake not to make her mama knewn - which they prom ! ised,and she4ettitied boine,—Lehig4 Reg - ' letvE A UNDRED LIVES LOST BY-A W . - TER SPOUT L—lntelligence was received at ;Londo - n-under date of _Malta. No.ilday• Dectimfier,,of most-awful occurrence at the Island of 'Sicily, which - had beeti swept by two enerthOus water spouts,-Accompan ied by a terrible burricane; Those. who witnessed the'' phenomena, 'dean? ibed -"the water spouts 113 two immense suberieal bo dies of water' reaching from the vlouds. their cones. nearly, touching the earth,.and, as far as cr;uld :be judged, at . a . qoarter pf a mile apart,travelling With immense velOO ity, They' passed over the bland near Marsala. In."-their progress houses were Unroofed, trees urirooted. Men and women, horses, cattle and sheep were raised up, drawn into their tiortex and borne On to destruction. ;During their passage rain de scended cataracts,- accompanied with hailttanes - ofenormons size,' and masses of ice. Going over. Castellatharro, near Sta bia, itmiestroyed half 'the tOwn, and washed two hundred inhabitants into the sea, who all perished. Upwards of 500 persoits have been destroyed by this, terrible visitation, and an immense amount of property, the country being—laid waste for. miles. - The shipping, irt: the harbor suffered severely, matry vessels beinm destroyed and 'their crews drowned. AFter the occurrence num-- hers of dead htiman bodies were picked up, all ft ightfully"Mutilated and swollen. OnEam—Gen. Lane, Territorial dele gate to Congress from. Oregon, writes in reference to 'the settlement, soil and climate or alit. ttcritoryj Ile estimates the'popu !titian at 20,000, and says the immigration is rapidly increasing,- owing not only to the natural advantages of- the country, but to the liberal provisions made in actual set; tiers by a late law of Ceegr.ss. The pop: illation is of a substantial chancier,. much tetter than is usually found in. New coun-:. Om Those who contetnpiate leaiing for Oregon'sle.uld be ready to leave St. Joseph, nit the Mii4seuri river, with a proper outfit, the first day of May. - 0x teams , are tench tte preferred. Proviiions-for the trip. and sufficient 'blankets for bedding. with, such tools 'only as are ncecssary for repair ing aoragoe, should. be taken. Dry polls, groceries, furniture and farming utensils,! of all kinds, are abutubtot in Oregon, and ?no one should think of taking such thirigs with •them. :It must, not, however; be stlfi posed that no inconveniences aro to be x perienced by emigrants as they arrive . • rar Early last fail a stranger from New York appeared at Belvidere and' represent ed bimselt" as the agent, of Patrick O'Brien, Jeremy 'Kelly, Thomas Kelly, .Thituitut Wheelcr, Thomas Merrin, T. Moss E.-B. Arroursinith„ respectable . genth-men said to be Iloitig business in that city; whose names he filed in the County Clerk's 'office 'as a list; of the 'stockholders tor new bank to be opened at Belvidere under the new banking law of New'Jersey. He nbtained theCterk's-certificate and left, but neither Patrick nor jerenty nor the agent liaS been heard of sinec, although the billr; of a bank called the "Public Stock ef Belridere," have made their appearance and are report ed as selling' in Wall street for 99 cents rin dollar. The( Belvidere folks fcel anx ious icainaw-where, the batik fobe foand. Easton Argus. - - . is ItEmauxanti3Occuutir.:,ict. ..-.lt ,letter from a teacher: in 'Somerset , tounty; hid., I !. Says: .On the 25th of NoveMber, a female l of I.oyearatli - died suddenly in my school. She asked Termissinn...to retire few Min utes before 1.011 - .-.m.--...Afrter having reeited -birdman as isual:and.ifter walking a few -paces from the door,she fainted.,' .06,Itting immediately talc eiv up. and -laid softly down in the schoolhouse she-expired: 'What ii , most - . remaricable;''whati. she awoke that_ morning- ate' told her- Mother—that :she t idreameA that : She had went to school_ and I died, and was , carried to ' i: her_aunts. which actually. and literally . cam e _CO piss the same llai'" 1 : '' ' .! _ _ H:- ";_ ' '-:•_.'...;± ' Foi Paitsoss StirMATED —At Now York ride - alb ., a familir namotiros4.s.,On- . sisting of ftritfira, tilia—ftwolrothers. andjames„liatliailoo; vife of Philip,-and Tames tifs'aos, : mived into . thelissement bnit*g in the , reiwi Pr,•41741" weatY• To Alle'etrioinithii4ulll4lfow or:oluifioal, in en :neck forpaee; eloSed the Wiadowelinit &ars - and_went ta' , 1612 , the orntng thO' oeighttiwi*alled 1 i t iA*Tioakett at the -door imt could . pt Nno :Pearing ,satnethin - g was wrong. the oalled4:-.Polioasola,:vho '_broke 'Open ihkAlinritiaimmediately ralifklit;t ll e boa. los tlicsir.----jt was , toe late, howoTei, , . • airt , The following Bill tastbeen intro --dneEd-hlia'Ailo—nate-lifEhiliAliciliian;: derson: ! - -•: -- :.:Li -, „':. •'' :, W.efertos ; peorriiro for !the completion of i -...-• helslirth-i&onch . eitcosion4 the " . .'-Pttirtivtannict 'Canal:- . -, • . Secoion.l.: .1k it enacted:, y.t a armee ii . e:d ,flenio - 4's• Representatives iif tbe,Cent ! 'lnunWelleh o f Pennsylvania-in,,fiernirtil 'Aji : ! -SeiribliinoLand it. ie.:hereby , enacted - 44 - i the e.tOlierity, .Of tire ii!irmi.'..Tha_t4e;fibir . r.' , einnr Or the ..ooretnenweelth bo and' he j is. 'lO - iebt-autlitirized.to liorrner.eir:42-Taith of.Tt.hflijounnoniealtll nod of - the reienne bereineftei:inentiOned 40d - irbielits her'ebjr spee.ifiettillrpledged-foi • thelinytaenrof the intareet4tid re-paypent of the prineiiial,the .litill:,'.ffif . eisht .litindreALtied .arty: thousand dollar* and issue eertikentes-.ef loan there- ,for redeeieibli in thirty yearifiont,datelo be paid iniiithelniernal unproverneyi 'fund, and appropriated to the eiponditures- nder this net Vie iyaid_loan - to beat' interns ,nt it rate nOteiet4ding six per vent per I nem, pay - able halriearly in - specie , on thefirst et Jstrurriy and July, to be tiwared - 'the 'N't . wth Braneb C4.llaVLoan. - ..:: ~' ' _. ::, Section - 2; That there Shall be titinually seraFiart7by the - Cunimissiimers of the in tonal improvement funit'the revenue -ac cruing on the said canal (rim and after the pasiagenf this - Set for - the payment of the interest and -.final liquidation of .the debt hereby'autherized, audit stall be theduty of `said nottunissioners, after paying the iro terest'annually to invest the surplus to lc, With its accumulation of interest in thre saittluan - ,-or in any„other loan of .the Couninatoiealtli, if said bait cannot . be par .ehasetl at its par-valat::the spid-invest meet to form a sinking fund for the re aemption of the principal et titaturity;,. That the Money authorized tebe 'borrowed- by this set shall be: appli 7 edlto , the Immediate!eornpletion,'of the Noith tranck extension or the . Pennsylva nia Canal; miit - the Canal Commis-iners are hereby.' directed :tonemplete -said CanaLin the shortest_ limit predicable. . . • .. Tie re 'lvi Al li ', P e ll EP a Coustlc S i n at?o ll. nOrihe :n eth beg of the Franklin Chapter or the Alpha Entilon Society-at Elnrfor4 University, no - Wednesday evening, February 11th. The attendance of .all its members is earnestly lacked: By order of the A:. E. Society: • , - , A - =. l Wurrssr, , .. , . - L. Wu.ll. , BLasntso; ...• . I. N. •Li6i: -. .. Jam:art' 27, - 1852. '.• . ~...- '';' • ' - . - sSoeial Gathering ; There will be: a Soeial Gathering of old students at Hayford University, ,Wednes.: dtiy,,Februiry 11th, at 1,1 o'clock P. A general attendance is 'solicited.' A eon veyance to the University:will bo in readi ness at. the Monirose-Depot. on•the arrival of the- cars - front Scranton'and, the stage fain Montrase, and' a conveyance back in rime ,for ,the. ears frnat - Great. Bend t:tad the stage for Montrose. •- - There Will be' Atings`of the Societies in, the evening. Ilarford University, Jan. 27. - Religions Notice: The Convocation:of North Eastern Penn- Sylvania nil) meet in St,Andrevr's Church, Springville, on. Frida y, the eth Februa ry, and continue Session thn •ttve daya . s . Public service thrCe"times each day. Joan LONG. Dedication at Siisqnelnuina De - The first and new y built Methodist Epis copal Church at Susquehanna Village, on the New York& Erie Railroad, Providence pertuitiing, be dedicated to the wor ship of Almighty God on Thursday the sth of February ; ;1852. We invite • brethren generally, both in - the ministry-and met* . bership;_to — attend.- • Services to commence at precisely 1 (Mock P. 11. Tlie Conitegationai Church in Harford, bay ing,been'closcd for some months to be repair ed and_remodeled, will be re-opened for public woiehip on Thirsday the 29th instant, with service f appropriate . to . ench.an occasion. ~Serv ices commence at 11 o'clock A.ll. A general invitation to attend is_given to per sons residing in the pities or neighboring towns. TTeelif : In Gibson, on the 3d inst., by EM. A. M. Fish 31" r. PiitikspzitLlanzirfo of Pitts tonoand. Miss Muir JANi of Raiford: - - - 22c1 'bask, -FICASE.S.,EU9EICF., Daughter of C. L. Brown, Big., aged 16 Sears Irferrigit fiencl,c;i2 the'26ib; last., of Con - sun - fp. tiori,'Cituttrsi E. _334 tsou, aged about -; • • In this Briiough, on Wednesday tho 21st 'WitLtilkl . COOPElt, infant , son of .M. C. & S 11. aged 5 months-and 19 _ The sweetest flower first fades. • = -:Vendee. • : TlLL'tiksold on t h e , premises of the iittbicri, next, Y ,brr,,,ou.,..§itturdliy._ J.dth :of ~February One four.yeant old .Butt code breeding Mere; one Ihre4 Yeirs'otileolti 'two_ yearliugolts two sucking cottsvoneyuke of four years old oxen; two'yaks. of three years old steers; two pairs' of to oytarsolditeers; eia emir, ten yeirliogs one two titirsip. buggy operttorea buggy; lour pigs.aud otber_property, pot mentioned. Sale to commence atasneeelock 111.'- Terms, as inch*. credit for .filt seittit fire. Ind "'under twenty &thus, acid :"nine'. months for all tiler sums - „Notes with iciod eudoreeri will be reqnsfea: . FREDERICK-FOSI*II. litiditviiter, Sinner,' 9, 1859 . 4w3 Ciiii)e .u.itoStittl of Amer.:... conecioni Pl,their scot irettscri CO distant TurkeY to break the'chains by. hich thtemlghtlest despots or ltu• rope fettered the tethriti of the Blast tie exiled !Inn giallo 'Wet, whose eery mune dirt/rhea- the proud set, entity Of sht•ii *Welber, - 'Bile note the imtitties - itieet Ile tome; $o rouse oar sympathy-CBS itst our aid' tor nisi people acid their mat in vicw - or the Keratati ea: Mtement.and other tonaideratione whletiinsire directly concern ourselves, • he late fine of Drs: y..ry. Brundage Is dissolved by mutual conmentl It baste. jeoutinecomary Vpositleelyr, to close up- the -.ittraire et, our 'Old Beaks; Which hire"teen Dom' One - te auto of year, etanding; and could rettpretfully beg leave to ten 'theatteutien or all .thotte tudebted;terasteftithomit 'all ' the tame without farther it *Um 3:1 , - deny., , The• notes and_hoolut may roundin tba,bands W. Brune 11::Notioe Mutates a eberttimm Payment et i n beteide •to either ottbe tate Oartutm , -•,, . T ET TERS otadietWittratlett or. the Betide of D 1351•••• •= - -tblbsen. Jan. 11;1552. ,•• ,-;‘, •D. F. BIB:MD*0BI • Jut titif,BlL4V,•tate Irriendsrille. deceased: haring •••DrD. et Brandagetuspeetratir adurteaire to tender , lien grante d to the undersigned, tiOttea it herebygiren hit sincere thank,' to the citiz , ns of Igunuebanita: tudetvedpo the estate to call and itttle the same-1 ter*, WayneandWyomingcounties:fortheirverylib ,Pithant'delay, Slidell yawns Wing demands against 'awl oatienage;'and ortny - proorsor *Ueda)* us dr -641 eatste•seiti plMte precut them duly atteeted ter Mmes. *permanent, residence tn ' Glbeen. , and mar- he eettlemeat. NCO ym, Aper. fano& a., lanai; et !be aid °Mee et Dist .5.45%* Da. .n o otroso 3ollry 7;1552: • drat- Brondsgeiwbenntetprofely-enteseti.! 52m2 • - ~• •• ••: • :, ,Executor'SNoice "aud v. - K yr — ins , Tesabieobity , ob''the'Retitto of- Pilialt II ell to ' a lotto ar -- p 'of grhnted , g am ' h e h 111 11..W2 21 Wi1d *l s 119t O L UIL? cat , l b t bi - " a ttrd notati'Diabigitetitoalf finatibrad. • °a" er ' b - 'fah etid Otb da aof YobiStOrt- ogtit.e Weill 'and settle t e sate liftticiltdeay, Tbneacla-47..4" $914.41.415811P, - • '"' l 7lloergdilloYiliS &Oita, log . * 4l l 'BROWN i'• a"- t thetirdial attest4t4 for keit tot. - -" sen -Aulpees oft). •-: 11,1053 ; .pc-soik W.017303DEL10,A - r Notica. • :the - COurt :of Btainwhentio. noun t 31-and in me deftted. 1, will Fexpose • to , . publicttele PklritE PKKAIS.E.i,.. eftlDet 1 1," -- Yennoittv. '102,%11 164, ;certain 1 - wn:lnory.dpolting hntiso, `sixteen 'fiat 'by thirty Nei the gnitendiWith'et lead to en 08h:ink-part: °retold building„ nntaty [feet wide: na- the , &cond.-extending -tho -„-whige length ortinid house. with a piazza lu.,itoui of said t iwa.stoii part. extending the Whole Me l:iatire. Vitiriti..3vith nine ttielve light:WiddiWit in the Al' :the= centre With eide“lightictwo thitnnoyev tfo4 khe whole hitildiogiritinted:white, !nevoid bullding being toettted.itkr the township or :Herrick, in Atte county atorkstsid,„;On• the rood Detid 11 - Vottbeetitii Torn. pike,tear the Hotel of Tdditt"'and. tietwAtig througlrthollniOnettotttfmitirtito - ontfed) to the ,Kelmdtit4 Otettgo 're4tpiketßoad together with 1 .9 1 Pound IF* apporte= Aiiineestweiesnry for the nrope:r end onjoy theottliereof."' •= ' Tikeninesiontion-ot the snit t2eTabar,l. Lew, is to the use. of .keetlll Aooneo, net:Thom - tus ;Kelly. ':• : BY Simile ' cif, - a Writ otirend. &J. lskl ' ilit fld directed 'h rabova, twill: expose'-to public , ittle:a t the,' same , lime and place. all, thatcertain • pfOgek and parcel tifland situate; lyint and being in the icitinship - Of ,Herrick In WO county Of Sutquhan tia;batioded and , deicrihed ea Toni - sive: te . I wit:--- f, On the north byleidsof L TOM., oti.thei 7 east by lands of 'hi. Ewing, on the onth by lands ofJohn ! Dunn, awl west by lauds unknown; containk;l4o acres, be the' same mom or tem ; togrther With the appurtenances, two frimed houses, one framed barn; °Mt °tabard:. and about 42 acres initirnied ; late the estate of Thema" Kelly:' - = '-- ',:- • Taken in eiecntion at. the suit of.Joseplt B.` Slocum reel:homes Kelly. - . . ~„ . - G. B. El 4 Dittri, Sheriff. SlieriEri office, Montrose. 1 , . ' Jan. 2R ; 1852, -- .-' - • - : " •- -1 . _ :Ptoolaina.tiot._ SUSAVEHANN A ,COUN'r,Y.S4":, .... :.' _ -.. ElialinDsborni In _th e Court of' - Comromon vet; 7 • 'Piens iif said County; of Dia- JulitrA nit- tislitird: ieinbet Terra, 1851 i Nii: ' 7 •• To Jirlici4nn Osborn: • Whereat: a Subpio an itr Divorce' was. issued_ toNovernber l'orrn, 1851,.whieh was duly returned nopest interring, ind.thereouvu alias Siibp:enn was iiinunt in Inn , : cause, returinibie to 'January Totrit, l ,.lPiifi,. - uPtin the retiirii tif which proof was ritildn•• torttie'sriid Court *ha t• the 'said Juni Antt•Osborn _could. not be found in Fay Aniliwick,, : •_.,;. : . i. . Thikuotice %is therefore, to require, yen to. appear befoie ttie r indq , s'of this. silid'enert _on the third MenclaY'Cif - A pril ' rielt; 6 ithswer wiid•dortiOlithit, tj , 6.'; • -• • ' • • • •, .4 o.l2:4DRED,..Slieriff.' •-• Sheriff's office, ..11touttuse,1/ ;i. • ;• -. : -- ' Jan, 28, f8.52.' , - •IS ;_, . : ..- , ItvG • , m ute d- • • - • 000 me b D up.i.,.: r t colt IVecks„by , ttis terl ix er t; 1 ;tit kinds, liroatic i rattrar r Nel t t'o r re pricer oleo, nervily all kinds of goods, onstintly being irecetield; mod will by sold at tbolotoestSgures__for coshico.i anil nla wauled, ,auy gniuitlty . orcaskon u6tes and old accounts. Moutiose; Jan . -143851: .td;C: TYJER, • To all whom it may. Concerl. lIE UNDERSIGNED, late (hitter to and Tot... Messrs: T ,Sebnltyth Co., Military Tailor. of Bn.rlingtoa.St. Bond ;I:,ondon; haringarrired in Montrose, it ready 'pre. pared to cat garments Fall and Spring fashions,Preneh sindEaglish, netr forget t lug Araartean,,- Cal and see, at Mr: Singleton's private raildence, - n est door to 'Squire Cato's, Vain-st.,Montrnse: Tailors taught the 'recent Improved list °fencing, Terms Mont- • - . . WM, D, WYATT. • btieci Fr= subscriber ts anxious fot nett:learnt of to AC= 1 neonate, -end persons who hare netionntostanding from one to four years, are.eornestly requested to come and sett-le the tame Immedletely. . ' WEDD. - Alen trosoJumary 10,1852. - - Administrator's. I\ -T ETTERS Administrator's. estate - orJAYS* -la OAKLEY, deed. tate of thn township ;of I:rankly:4 haring been granted to the °Weren't:m.l,- tiotice Is he, e by gireti to all Indebted to' the estate to call and nettle the sanoivithout delay, and all peso a barltg.demands Wind the estate trill please present them duly attest ed Tor settlement. ..TAS. A. OAKLEY. I , mn.nouasz oAELV, rs • nrookini, Dee. 25, 1652. , • rod ' D/813 . ointiOni rrittE cOPARTNEESITIP 'Peretrfere ettettna• w i der .1: the name and firm of Sisk & Throop, In the Clarets bath:eta on the L.& W.R. IL., is tide day? illoolved by mutual entreat. - - JANIES Jan, •' •": • D. TIMOOP. , . P. S.—The business . ' wilt hiteater be eanie4 on bi Tbeoep & 02-See iideerthereent. i litt . - SHIPPING FURS.' fil'HE subscriber will pay. caskfor. all good prima Foz, Mink;Martiti,:Otter,j, Fisher and Be,.r skins; at fair prices,aud although G'oinu and bleak rat are rery low this year in uraiket, let he Will buy them in trade or part cash at what they are worth— . • . Montrose. Dec..]. '5l. • • 31. Z. TYLER-, - ' NOTICE. AKEN from the , house at the subscriber;-on T .orjtbent the - 4th of May fest, Account Bank, containing .about three • hundred dollars, (8300)1 of accountsi.and . a numbVr , notes and receipts 'of considenthle -amclunt,• tilso • a counterfeit detector, containing .all the•rnamett presidents and cashieisof all the bank; in the Uni: ted .States.YA eitinitisr of -other:aiticles missing. Whoever -will return said, property to the sibseria bee shalt be- liberally rewarded, andlreceive; the thanks of the subscriber Also, this; is to forbid any person payingnny aceonnts'or notes payable to tne - to any other - peurni,exCept niyielf or wife. JAMES McDONALD. Lane Pbbro; • Dee::3," I Etsl: 491 f Auditoni Notice. N the matter of 'John Shererjr. i ltdminitdreitet I of the estate of James T. Sherer, (teed. notice is beteby given•thatiliandersigned, an_auditor to whom was reft;rtect•the exceptions 6led it the re port of distnbUtion of asserts among the creditor'', will attend to tho dunes or-that reference on Salmi day The eoventeentif day 6r.lrmiary.l.o2, at 'Pee o'clock r. icy a chis officernt which time and place all interested can attend, nr , be debarred from coming itt for a shate oillietosets. • , J. C. MILLER , Apdyar. -„llontiere,lstb Dea,lBsl. : I OTiCE. T HE I!:,oosondAccounte the Ate firm .of - Eldred & NOwcomb_me iu ifie hands Of AI Chambellin. Esq., for collection. andl unleoi 'pet. fled . before Aefiret of Janciaryitheif (will Wined indiscriminately.; .:. '„ . _ Dec. 1.9 i 1851:! =. ; 2 .• "-..- 51iv4 Z:mpjk3'.Notiett XTOTICE ii heteby,g!ietrto the! Stockheld .l.l ere' Itiooklyn''and Ttinipike . Road„Centla,tar ;hat, t h e. attune! peOinft of the Stockholdem of, said eompeny 4 tivill he,. heldekth e houee Of-Grom ind,B,lnthtim itt-Lihox, on the Inn Monday.he - Janne ty - nott. et one p'eleek . 150 vi3l ,„ . E., R.: - • - - - ; •1 - ; Lo;;,. . • . - . . the resideli'Fauf_Eft.Streetetills,;ca theca -toriron,pf- tl!fr.9lb4p!lt.i#.4sterl.,brad..piiriei'cors• lii!nirii.beinqn:firaren unci.t.wept'y dt.11.4111 Thii ill • rew4rded ry lesi4eg-said:puiSt tho„storii uc 'Abet Torten.!: •'..lkrutitraft Jan,l,s - 18522 • . • SHEET IitUSIC-lit Sandat 15: - Bear= Yel- ALT...part:6o.ll4ebti.4lo tito eobseriket.ere nt - quested to mike paynieqt.opeedilyr—it lout prior to let "ot rellitoiry next. 2 Bli t ACKMAN." • -tifeeembeil,leaL. ,•• ' * 214; • Sti'mplehannit - • County Permylealya. TEM Wiptqlerto. at thtelnetritullmi Dill opta for-the rretipflon ut ,oe3deo tion Wedtieiday, thd litli'day of disputarr. utttlir. , the dlrcasuparrision. Of •Xr,; tPttr AnD P. (ilDSvsoliFhaU lars!ozopetent notistanee az,-; . . ~ . . . , Theadeintakeeof tidal nttltutltr, lelth - - iiitilt t 0. 1 0; eality.health an .- moral Infleeuere render ti vue of the most desleahhito *mitts. liar *adieu send thee children. ' abe,d for fustructiva..,. ,. ; . . -; ....... ! Every' t= ditty wilF,he afforded bytha htftabilatiti 'lot the aecoMmedation:of ottidettslruM abread. - == - 0. -: .-,-- : , The Amdemic year, divided into four term* cif twelve weeks eeet.--s seetatoti 'ono week ittnnetystely son ! . ceetlin each ter nr;•7-:?.. . , _ Terms of Tuition.— Tha ottolica of tile primary Dep artment ; • term,. . - • ; • ' 60 Common Anciently, per tern, $2 &in IlightKAcadmale; • "-• ••• •,2• ' ••-• -'CO Freneh.aritiinriy r ,6 00 .0004 boln ntyy,l.le - 0b4inc0.8 . 1,41 400 r 1.15 $1 25 :;,:.'..liiiootio.ii;.;tif::';illifi*4l IMPORICAIckTf, . /TICE tuuleittlgried haring reeeatly,paeehared the Wati J. known "Ilitavorto IIILL8," are now preparriiko do rill,:klnds of liourtpg;tlitibaft• ,promptneis. • Puritinlar attention will bit:paid •go C9.4 , ' taltl - 111Prk;lifidnOvalint Oared' to refliti to our etiartins: era full satisfaction.' The high rfputaticrn wrack ikit "Ilartonl Milts" hart inivirtgly bad.. M infend skull b.- ' fullysttitastria.Undmven utiorte. We 'shell piryeark ur, Inrat, Rya; Curt awl 7E:irk:cigar; L ort . J, keep on band for sale, he all than , and at fill' price., Flour. Meat. Feel, tze.. all 0 ; 04 bott quail We hope; b: .an I earnest endeavor i to incrit theroitfidenee and patronage. of the ptiblid,'W 'ecetre if in full,kml ttelektra :awe • rispoodupy anti Forylially intlte lit • . • . U. OVILV ,` , lLarront,tran.B;lB4:, ' • • C: MILLER.:' Busili9 - 48 Notice, Air WILSitYi would rerpeetfnay request Cu bar. iii. ing artiettliernetounts with Wm; to'nell snored. 'Jost the some.' • :••• • ''• •'; •'• • 'the Uereandle budn'Otei will be eoininned nt h4s old stand, rinderlhe firm of- 7.1. s'. Pon. - They intend to keep a general variety, end Cun ever be reedy Atll thank:Ur to tfeeoiriniodate there titui.faser_ theta with n tall. They will keep on han4 large; stock of . tort la-LaosAla t rocera ppd. .-. • • •finietiqu'rsein ' • _ • Partieulnr attention, will be-given to thls 'branch or 'the huriners, to keep a foil usertment. •-•Carpenter!, Blacksraltio., Harness, Corrine,. ttoot and Shoe inakeia, PM all fisidtlie,irtleles they, wenC.: - • • : : Beets.bluita, and the #kalerlats to tosketbem of kept On bead by:,.-. • '• . : 4 :WILSON ft SON. 31notrose, den: 1, 1852. . lyltf • Administrator's Notice,. LE kik:US of: Admmistpitien order estate of Asst. Tavitotr,inte of 11m - fords thmetlfrd. baring been granted to the! undersigned, notice hi hereby given to . all Indebted to. the estate to call and)tetilethesainsiwith elat delay, and alt. !Persons having amanitas: against the estate will please prevent them dniy attested for settle:. meet. . Tp94Ey, itatfordiJaM ' ' • Iw6: • • HORRIBLE! L: - = = - Maitwith his Throat-Cat! nirr he did it himself, the Barber : ad nothing to . do ..nrith it No man ever beard of such a thing being done by- the-Darter,ivhilo the Newspaper's' file- fall , of instances .'f men doing it themselves A likor is a d 111; and' none but an experienied workman should be alostied handle it... Every rant ebonld think of this, and not trust.to himself for on one earl tall what may happen to him. Nowo you never touch ',razor you will nevi , ,e cut; your tb_oat with it.ll l o Just call on CHAILLES TIGIIAN, Berber en Hair Dregeor. in Searle's building: next doter • o Postoillee, who will shave you as smooth as a new born babe illytkirtp; !MALAN. ' Montrose, Doe. 16,1851. - • _ liatt . . -Coal! Coal!' .i..... -., r:AcKiwAlqvico4..l... Zane -And Sal r-..iet whet esill ...LA caret...l,llot .NrieliolllCordDepot, by 11. BLIVILITT. , December,' 1861 .' , - ' - -•-• • ..... „ . • -N EW AR-FI-I.VD L AQRRITT knell:lst reaped a new and superior - . aasertment of . • • - ' -• • Fratlsairiolykloster Crondsii , Deluding nn elecant sanely of Ladles Dross Goods, Wifi er Lenz Sliattts. nsw 'style Bonnet gibbons. Winter Caw, Staple Cools 'kr.. of the .moat" &Alibis styles, which. having been Purchased at tho late PAIIIC prices, will he 604 notionally 'Mtn- Amt 24. IS3I. - Administrator's Sale. .MO7IOE ie Hereby given 'that . the lalloWine awl Other. property will be gold - at public I aile:at the late' realtlence of Av.! . Traylor, deed.. in Horror& On Friday,- J.annary'3oth,inattutt. at one o'clock r. ,Two horses, cows, two heifers, Own Fiala old.) font tona of hay, one conking stave end for-, niture, four carriage wheels. chains. plows., hat: row teeth beddil4. tedstesde.floorn on a ppara; top; &cake. , Terms Tuadeltiolidlin The day of . . - Ant,l2l TINGLEY., Adm7/c r:e.' ' i,1852. • • • • - • - •• Id Ne'w Milford Shawl and Dress Goods. i.Enipokiuin. PURR ITT is mien' irr niarket with a new -11.- and enlarged stock . of 'Winter tang and sipiare Shawls .&, Ludic" dress Goods of new and splendid patterns,und Pric'esredric4atill lower, as thc city, cash panic tells upon the inarket. ~And includini also his general sup. lien forthe-Fin & Winter trade in Pry Goods, Giticeries; crockery; Hardware. Iran &-Nails. Hats and :Winter Caps, Bonnet's, Buffalo Robes; Beata . ax&bees. 'Stoves etc. etc. all which he will sell ontis"usnal liberal terms arid; at prices that earwig be beat for "cub, Produce or approved credit. N. B. 'clout azil Saltpcitistantiy onfiela. 3litfoni 06t.211b51444tr, : SHIP-AHOY AS some have , supposed that 1 teas. iibont to .C.3l.lray.e: Montrose, from my selling ofigondsat auction, 1 take this method . to correct suchlicleao, and non say that the beitietra will be an~ri►d 'iolOrriterly;- eicept - that *roan wishes bay attythitiein . my- line they ctn.positirelp, do it 15 Tor. cent. theaper.than they have everdone it in - this place: 1 shall euasite 'my trade 'principally to Watches hod by„buying low 'for sash . . can and "ririfl eell tower dies duy man - in 'this county. .1n: tivo, 'weeks . tv have - a full assorunctit.-. All kinda,of time , pieces carefully repaired and.warran. Atustagat the nuileirous aqiup, this place don't ferget the Trne one 'tithe plactitO hay-cheep Turnpike. at. the - Ciiidy shop. - • ' . • Wert, W. TRUE. Blontratie, Dec. 3d, 1851;, , _ - 48tf To the =Public. BEL TuItIIELL Itesjost returned front the „LlLeity:olliew Yorlt.,,withfolarfia and !*lFlble assorln,m4,9f , , , - GOODS told very low tor snob or rendy,pay. :The, stool leidompoied of a'firetfikte iitatorintenr of `Drtigai- - /laielne4 Paints, - - 04, `llyt4Stuffe;GiccCried;Gisia:tirrire;tipoinis,' 'Sitictnclen",: Musical Instruments, ' lranke,d Notioad,:. and LitCucirao.l ALSO,- • Dry Goods; tordware.StAnTNAre* Jiliriora,Seatifinery, Instritin'entsiPellomerYi titiaseit; Supporters. Shtnitder.firrCiii,'• , ;sho - esi .Camphine,"-Ilturnitig:Finid;.‘4lionra, cioeks,-,Watetteli, Jewelry, •fitc. , 1 5 L A regular read. Physician will constant atteni!ence, to , assist In, 'waiting, upon, Cnstont4rs# All persons Wash* ti'purcliase DrUßliit Nods in any of die atoisaid depertmentsiWKfind - thileitt: tereits promoted:by calling first at the'Diust. and =Variety StOM *opt...l:came/4. - ',.„llontrqsa,,Not• 1 /152. _ 7. * . - MEE Rivislfist thi dere 9r" ;PlircirB,. Mont 4aJlu3 7Q Iso i _ 411 , ROAD , - TO i WLAL_ TH. ~ litthelMtlidridit=ttn:ltElke ml nage imy,..,4,ackeJ, yqf ON than 4ealtho and rirsirorYncith, neat/og. _That thEinestion UAL,* shall ihir ha Idltalnill larseearad. xrirehave. a. - Cough;• - told,^ Brotendeim - dethism,- Catarrh; ll InfluMlll l / 4 13;1111611)106 - , nr ant utheraillietiorefi= Luor Cl6.st; you will find In, Iltro„Ulitrutil, urs \ C O lF POUSlV i iiirtrillrtirlll4oD - noor:a sure and sate ttotedX.MlltXool.4ol4l4:OVEßMlttl&littiVionp Or - Ileopl hireup, no be tter remedy ma ba found. Thebes samlsbeen Meted - yak It, and eietilfteatestOr ISA carafe, powers. nom lump poStessien' idacteltbernut_ . doubt, the greatest' Masedfor OA age;fornor attefttion or tha L a n its. , Then•ittestd lahseal Haat illeihriegady .. - haaIOZIS, been kaolin, out, its butt talon Mourn IMA ' ilciaa.lasetaWsqicest`of 4enerarf - war' tut', " ' Ilfstter - . myself that th e above tem:Meant:l4 'piled, CA that i anlightenedindolbs nt USO, 6 111 Mtn tzlmuli rtitteteo aas Mimed to ail - ,:.:-,.. f.. e o? ,: -".." ish,%- _.-. ';' , ...f ..'.'.. , ..A. ' - d. wrOnts su noriteia.-4 w • .e*,. .1 tes anteiltinr condition: to lessen your arm, i pertdenidelostu i renlf• •• ties, which Ido by providing reryturtander crisping. ' a remedy for their Ilia that Is adapted to their Wins& -.- ticsoritb,out the fear of ransequentes from muntdut thariire w it h vbrater, - 16 destrdmive and detrlinensitt by so man,ytimasends *tout raw, ..Whoankrlems,yrostase . ' feels for the su ff ering_inrant; where eriekotre the.crow ' • Indicatiotraltitell&ing..wrlthing with pains from the* o.:_qivariaraCroattrithalbmit le stistottery, Inditodiftg . great' herviui I:nation s often, Ohs> front teething,- °ilea buitightin death's 4 - iceir front choler•-biraraturi.. and eSemill.vlilaareeambas twurrehment ,Or_nrusilik ' Thivoreern all'or - these curia In It thir, - atmost.'l4; • remedy thila have heettfor put iti perfecting. in an estentiVe praatim urgently twenty prat/ and now Ottrt [ It to. YOXI UMW that 1:UW=1211.4 %I'r...l,harbiimPe itoto.thit itESTORATTNE and 31011111.11 1 6;1121.1=0 , Whesetittlarnionly has been used it Ws mt. , wittizig• bo undoti faver,and, on yoU, Tilde 1041 ORR-comfort Cr the welfare erydde darnel; italic - , i ask yeti to itistri..,..t`• trial. and you, will' say 44.0.ty,fil ya.balMlf, lab *UPS 0 Itother's.liellet."' . . ~ WORM34re alto priiklactive Or eiest - Aorare.44lln! . dies °tripes., yews, he soprotanutoPwl.fele every luso . r rends awores'ani'Where'snspeesed.it„ Is their " duty to extenninatelhonloi speedily as pOPIDIfi.'IffniCJI coo UV done only with afendos es of Dr pi rocrentrOglit POS. HO li,nblatitbilYond 4 3 34iiim. 'RIM antreernlinre of the day. ' It will dcstro them; and the vary 111:12all _ dole fades ii niceptable`t* , .the children' that • 'diallios medicines of any. Aludg .714 ,lis. st. happy, eampqamd:Ar Nannies* regetehle;tnedicluts, Malin their cornbLtuto .- ; tion;produnesnutderfureirsciatupyla dune Ilth.ydenarthsonmensystem, '. .-l lstrA ‘.: It you are angering from ders , resenr ord. g , m:: ,- .itch; laver, or liostels.ititt boa Fever, beelacte,mmir • stomach, or • heart-burn,:listaienoy, conjyynetroi Ma many othienititiment sreheams. toe their .1100Mb:it ,you Rafe only to take a few. dopes af, ...pr e Marasrat . DILLIOL'S plte,fi,*!, and you hire. a cure, They ,act ilstaut dieeasei by removing thd 'lonleireetotinethe se. eretions of all the orgatutor the bear - and",h,..m.lth la this cunAurnce, '..,,," --: • ' - ' • • *this., =fined with mire, weak, ,or: IndaMed rine'. rifarSlF,.hrltt.altri a xenutay AO ti ts agou t i the test of years 'es euperieuee;and rest oredthe most cearrithent - hTtlyotherf romellylmottO bodiltiltd ,Dr. Shrtxges Vila wArtn.. These nompriao the list or Dr. Threares Co. . m /lila Midklneb f ita ..honed'be in the handiersitery'. huusußfeper, AB& goad rem e l ls:alum! ready,andiableta Only es:unfree a trial to moire theft *nine°. , - ' t . 4 iirento Nu ntos -allentley 4 la. Bead, :Montego i . N. exmlia'r It -en, Rush; M . N. Sou thwell: gush; O.C. . 'wrioht • Middietowurn:ouddin. - .Yrientlitillet , P: ,fh . - ROOM'. Jessup; Orackney ge ?dolor, igraclser; Si - e . 'Grover. ThmachScott £1 Req. frdnavnitt Dr Law - beet; Auburn ; ', Lime., Toespkisrs, Temphitieville:- Hy , den 4,,,LictlP. New Wilford t, pr. B rt. ,,,k s , p r 0 5 ,8 . 2 4; Joseph 1.. 31terbion:TpsOnehlr- ' `• .. ..:7-: It ISCASDEEI., - OetteratAgent, pireittit• - - - ".1 " TURREINS:. . 4„ , _ . The LateetNews. Expre.so.' T IL . su E bseribans'n , nuld inform theiririendaand:l irable in ~..eueit4_,- that thi3rAavaiiiscro4 turned from New York wither large and email* ;stock i 7 rao o .DSivrnk mein g,every: articlo. tkia BOOT . -sfk SRO that , la. called -far im this and nade_curangements witttAtter.tnanaractureito•fo'e.. warditdditional - trupplies,, whetreirer wanted, at such kreii enablo Oslo Sell mach IoW. . , 4 ,r than ever before sold al Mcintiose, - Being pm., ties! shoOrnalEttii; Oar opinicin is drill aro know the Winttsrof the people better than those who ittrils‘,..- other hasittesoi., We would therefore deem ix oall, necessary ,today, instead ofigiyiug, a list of wet* slidprides; that ' - ' • • • COnitielloti defied g And satisfaction guarantied: • • ; 113 PORTA TOSUOEMAIiaaI. We keep shoos hand hemlock tensed sols,lestls., ;e:7, el,watf„and Ametricod, Calf §kins, morocco. Liait4s, aludings,'Shoe , ti r eils. Pegs, nhatd-stones. .'hoe-knaves;'Peg-floatsri Hummer., tinging. RaspliTtielii;,-K,it turd French Shoe Tootsoreverr deSeriPtioa, "tont Crimps,,Was, &o.ball.Blacking, tilioetnalrxis tire respectfullySoliehed to ;alibi.- itte'our stook before purchasing, as' our tcw kr . 40 fiudings are all selected by Pone wilt" nederslay. , * the.trosinees. Store direcUi °posit* Searles Hetet... DPlll4forgetth4 place, • , • ' 4:IIERRiMAN.. _,G, The subscriber wonld also' thank his nor Brous friends tor the liberal patronage he has received tor the lan four years, hoping that he may_hilt ninth a 'eh are Of their paroling!. , iut en& to. keep kis Eaiipg Saloon and Grocery as berefof4r.., Sept. 113;--tf '- I I:A:MERRIMAN: - •- 7 ,:DENTAL BURGER . D. y4F q .;i!..;'y r uderis, his profcsyional -sec. VICE* to the,citizenSOf_Montrotta among whom ho proPoseit'M locate. as: Ltsitinttwr• :'Dmrrurt. It will betas endeavor best! his,abllity, to serve. those, Who .may faiOr hint with, their patronage. Ile does not Foliose loiri Ova?, en the pinfesykon, as to Lower its dignity: or yoke I,lie charge - of luiiitripotitlcy, but lipci.viing thp• h igti Trice! i).r Dentieirideter many Who. Very mucllterd"- its benefits, but:feel too' , poor 14 purchia;.them,,hedoesi *pose (Or:consider" ttns. -citenmstances of indiyidtiola.cuad charge Amcor, die gly.' lie sincerely hopes barges't limited their Means; Will let the opportunity of Purchasing for taints money so great a benefit..! How many seeks and 'montbs'of bitter, sleepless' agony, naighcbe prevented by a little i litnoly" , ,at4 tention , to, the Teeth: Why tho .whole itart t )y; Ailed groans: _front . toothache ; in altriost! fainilythit dike - spectre-Pain And 1 'remedy? O yeii,l says .one, hate Of pulled 1 - Dorathit sate it t lost forever Does that_ ; reseal; the -,decay,! ;and loss Of. 9litlt? ' • NO, it is hitt - the Certain herhinier of ttieir like I Can theni.bidon' e retiree acid tare. • uint) , tenthe atilt this:raisery' Mid loss mighl, be preyetited.byaisinisonable application to, ,the, frontlet.. :Make, it a point to hare your. teeth at least, 1. CaCO '.'ll.'jeir,r end as soar' as a cavity Flakeiltii'appraTaact. tilledtind grint.yitiaged Icipthiclie: will not haunt your night sliimbem.beilmtured. es. a l plCayurerto, wait on you at any. Outs ,!:oitcyestl.illa hoary Of 9A__,,11. and 5 P. M., at its Office i 4 Odd Felloanilfall: coiner , ni - "Ctiet4rnit, and'Ttannikii streets; ' Welk • ! :-. 1 .fdaysost,',Oct: - •2sth,' . 1851: !!; New Boot-and :Shoo - Store ,t•STODRAIRD.. ,-; : paw`find ur_x4elsr. - & .z sd, - ,:idied }OC T* opened &limit 'and Slioo - etord'ed Maid *eel, first door Weir' thd Brick - Codidi iehletr- th4y offer , f o r cat, . " • r 'lke !almost Aminsunent, . ofliOis,,§iioes and Fintitnge,at the ;weal prkite •'" • IN . 3IONTROSE. We iihll Int read r tin* an 4 imall profits eitiiens tiie.viltilgo' end cptintry ...are vu. OPectrilki7Artilestio:cull real vnuine Bpot add ,thoe etore,why.rd 1300t1 and ,elipcs_nre Indsl in -ssMtd of Meet . , . Keep it ibegiiie' 1 . Mute hailtt full' asifor'idneut:nni . Ong which W. inunierate .r.-MendCeek'deld cveveer lirct f baots4Nag.leg•ifdd. X arialm, dal( 111 f Auld, 4fid purnV i bootw s KT; bolt sore' Voide:ohigebodie, ealf,:4lp'anif - covelaide = boysthick Ladiek,froneli ,chnnnfit Gaiters. indent: Poi _deli Gaiters, .eddidelift e derided trolit; Polkas,* kid lied goat Jcyatti : Ltiin!ts 'lliiilYiale!tiii;eliceiriii:not Jenny , Linds4tosettea, kid dent nibbani, - ideti- 1 i i ttittlent/31,itit,IVsal,f1:ace.bopte, JoppY , ,44d t a enameled ifpllFedf t butch boats, • , Childredie buifotiOmeihittnitr,ikddeniniiired lies `-= '.; 1105111 intiVoilr'irindinewoiStirieitch caltskilfg: JaurAkiul flemlotivAantiiict Orilt 'skiufk . gotbecos 40.7hiteiipkw sklrliee red, Owl • 9,l,loioAtri ippee hemlock oqleleathti:*gsr;zind hoot tills *ebbing,'it le; t- q• • r.::•‘&13.1 ;Fork made-to allot sod rtinOtkirmitt. i ly done., -I,T • -• •-4# , . ISQ.. 'l, •4lSir . g - Ilain* , , iniitetinvett ,to U6rde/04*411tatrtliii.tv.: i;iilk..:/!0! 4 Y . .V' 1:..f.n, , f,Fe1,;• . ..4:•; :,,.,,,, i .:. .,„., • t.):: - ,.;:te:t'v1-1.1 - I' , ,1::":';-:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers