THE DEMOCRAT. NON -3A 1 , 11 17Aftrt 2: t .- 18 5? • • krishitinsibie ••• .}lhe abed in the morning • teary the hour of noon. TheOcorn - esdnoM snapping and, snarling • ,ifitecauge she was, called so soon - ; -,• ' is still in tho - rilMeig; • Her cheeks still dabbled with paint, ' R0[1, 1 .1 . 118 of her lust - night's blushes, • sheibtentled to faint. „. • . She. oats tmon then unshaven ' , • •-• AncUmen with ...:the lIINViDt hair," ! • Shoi eloquent over Mustaches, The glie each n foreign - me. .• ' • She talks of: Italian music, Auditing in love with the moon, • - ' • And:though but Omens° should moot her, She inksewayin a swoon._ •, - Ifer-feet are so very little, • 11cr hands are &lvery white, , • Het ein-eliare so vary heavy, Aodiher head go;very s light ; • Her color is made of cosmetics. l'hciUgh this she!nerer will oivu, :'• mallet mostly of cotton, ' Her heart is made wholly of stone. • ! ' . She tolls In love with afellow, - . - • \V h i swells.with;a foreign air ; ; He marries herfor her money, She Marries him for his hair; , Ooe lof the very, best matches— , • Both are well m a ted in life, _ Shells got a fool for a husband, got a fool fora wife. Writte'n for t.ho Democrat. Tho West. • • , • It is said that when Pet , rarch bad not Lie favorite author: Virgil,l on hand, be amused bimsdf by sitting dewn and refi ing on what he, bad read ; soit is with .us after having wandero over tne boundless Prairie,ef the west 7 —wo review the attract- Ise seenes and sketch' that we have wit nessed arr read, and would gladly deline ate a fain ontline of 'such to the reader. The world is intericsted in the progress of - the west. All things conspire to plant herein this great valley of unequalled , re sources the scat of eiiilization. Here must, , /te the grant( centre of whatever is great in mental ahhievemen6, and magnificent in - material advaneement. Here learning and liberty, Democracy and progress, are to be enthroned, to impartilifeand hope, law and. order to the world. i For this reason, all mankind havo a • iieeP interest, in what is being done in this wide domain, watered by the Mississippi and its tributaries. The people who are now in p . ossession, are the actors in Tali that is shaping the deAiny of, the west; and it dtivolves upon them to.. examine Itheir,positiOn and their responsi bility.. Let us Oa* at what the west has been; is, and is destined to become. We cannot very I well determine the boundaries of the weit,except by including all that lies in the Alississippi valley. To the east are tbe Alleghenies, which divide the wet* of the west from those of the Atlantic ,at the far west are the Rocky nionntakis, which separate the waters of the Mississippi, from those of the Pacific' ocean, All that intervenes constitutes the great valley, and Belongs to what, is at present known, throughout the world, as Tag It embraces western Virginia, western PennsylVania, and Western New York, to, gether 'With all the territory from the lakes of 'the North, to the Gulp and the Colorado of. the Stiuth, and west .to tho -Rocky Mountain& list 14 contrast the population of this sestina in 1800, with that of 1850. Louis iana was; not then purchased of•'France.= There were then half n of people in this valley, and in 1850, there were 11, 042,1311 I Thus thcl west, has increased; from . half's million jto ,cleven millions in Half a ce6tury ; we will' not boast of this, for it is{ no• more. than should have been untieipated, in such a land, 'We mast now glance at the extent of_ter ritory inbluded within this secti , in, and cm• braced by. the Alleghenies on the cast, and the'Rocky mountainS on the west. - The whole extent of the U. S. and Territory, betwecni the two oceans is as follows. -- Whole Pxtent in sqr. mi1e5,,3,322.684 • The West; • 2,002,779 .1.319,9°5 Thus. appears - thht the Mississippi vat-: i ley contains truly two-thirds e:f the whole Republi. Surely, ; to use the emphatic language of the , day, this is some, derided• ! ly, for one river I It, is true a small lion of the northweit. is drained by the Lakes; end another section of the south. • west is drained by the - Gulf' of Mexico.— The whele drained by - the Gulf and. Lakes is about, 400,000 sqraniles or 256,000.000 sexes, leaving over 1000,000,000 of acres belonging to the Mississippi river valley, • ,•one-half of the' Repuhlie. The population , fifty years hence- at the close of the present century is estimated it 100,000.000; and there is but little doubt when all things:are taken into Consideration, -that the Genii of American progress in 'l9OO, can salute each other from the stunmit of the -eastern and weetern. mountains, over tha habita tions 4100,00,0 H .people,blessed with , exhaustless possibilities, beyond-the dreams of human expectation. ThaYeso - urces of a rapid groWth i n lalley.have'scarcely is yet been indicated • laiweatifias - ,heen done.. Al the hiSis of all prosperity, we have the best soil that • . the sun f looks down non, almost all of I which larauseeptible Of profitable culture,. or•advintskteetts Vise for some lofty human purpose;, Exeluding some desert wastes 34 the territory towards the, western moan-, tains and. but - little farther account is to be made for Waste. !arida. `` This 'embraces that. -which. is 'best adapted , ,to ,produce • tilidifdaritly the fold that' is . most: useful , for man.l.- Its staples are of--- , sneb , :vittrietry, shit we need -scarcely look to - day , - otlier quarter.of the . Globe, for any' human eons , . fit;,:o4* - s.•to.those Vreatetaplesett-sub-•: Wheat•and corn i our valley papartilleL . vn the fate of the whale world. The Munro! resources of ,the valley are WM:ins& In !ea] wei ire!' fitrored An en3inentidegree. - Oa the '4liliti+ve a coalfield kmbraciogr*stern -, VhOtiut,, , wei-, tern 'Peon's, and eastern;, Ohio, or - about ..60,000.5qr. miles, yieLand.aifeliSsiblaiiitt trifling labor; orittie Omit), we' gTe other coalfield occupying the centra portkm of southern Michigan ; the Westward *.• ‘• have a coalfield ernbraemg•nearly all of 10.- inois, and the sauthWestern portion Of In dia:us; and further;on _toward ,the 'Booty mountains; it, is supposed, and from good authOrity. that, two fieldi'. May bei found Whew required, Capabbi of , pupplyiog drove almost intermitiablo Prairies with fuel for doMestie and manuf3eturing purposes. In iron our valley is prfilific : wo have not only 'the - conimon scaly ti,e in aburi dancei.but We have ',mountains of almost virghi iron. In copper * , take Superior chal. lenges the - world. and already aro they tak i. ingthe proper steps . for organixin& cop= perStafe out of that portion 'of Michigan lying between the lakes Huron -and Supe rior._ln•T,Lead we are wantiOg ;I west. ern Wisconsin, eastern . DOB,' and- some portion Of Missouri aniTennesee . , produce this metal in abundance.; In gold wc.ean not boast,-but this we can do; California• will always be ready to height the cars of the projected Pacific road with •the precious dust, and - with steam velocity bring twour valley, in exchange for produciinos which are immensely more valuable thin the yt:V. low sands.. • 'I.• - Then look at our position tespeeting.nav igation 'and ficilitiee for. intereninmunice tion with every section .of . our , valley, and with the outer Whirl. 'The ,Mississippi enci . its tributaries can" bear le the ocean 'lfor more thanfour thousand miles, a burden of uteful piod&ts Os immense as the tide of waters that sweeps forever onward to the highway t,f Nations, and7continents.lFrom the far northeast., and the .still (att* northwest, he reaches forth his ar ms to clasp, tbehuge masses of artificial . and I nisi productions that may be. sPared for other people. Then there are. those inot thorn "inland,seas," 'already bearing - a commerce of near two millions.. Ileside the natnraladvantages, We can construct railways at a far legs oxpense than: the'pee 7 . ple of any other 'country. While. they are laying, the iron tract .in nther.quarters at an expense of from 30 to 50 th , iM , OMl'dol, lars per mile, we are doing the same at from 10 t 0.15. thousand. , -This is - Owing to the evenness of the snrfare arid the - readYl access to the necessary} it Tirrel advantages we are 'rapidly improving.. - 41-! ready has the Iron 'Horse left the shores rifi the Atlantic and wended way from wei, ; tern Penn's, on to the head - of lake gan, stopping at the great emporium. of the' west, Chicago, to regain his strengtli,where. he seems at a loss iyhichlone of the several diffetent routes to choose; haat laSt-with a whistle, a bound, and a plunge, he ritilies. onto the interior of Illinois ; and- will soon disturb the solitude of the , Fattier of" wa , ters.• Not content with this: heivever, he wheels and rushes mirth- south to Cairn, anillinslies still 'on . to Nishrille to nieettis competitors friim Mobile,; and Chariest/Iml. while on his-return north he literally marks the Prairie off in town lots, and passes yet onward to disturb the quietude of other lands. What can we conclude from this? Why, that this great val:ey is 'destined - to be the grand manufacturing mitre of the world. Where on the broad - face •of .the earth is there another such a valley, comprising all the elements of production, in almost every department oflabor ? .If no other section can be found which posscses so many ad vantages, it follows neces:•arily that the re-' 1 1 snit must boas above stated. In !addition to all this, we have a 'population `of une quailed energy, and the progress we are' m;kino in education, will soon ' develop: th se energies in all this variety. The west; was settled by the most ergetic, enter-1 - m prising, chivalrous' . people - in the world —I The best of • Europe settled the east. iri I mass, Virginia and Carolina, and the bet -11 ter portion of the settlers at an early day, scaled the mountains, and pla.:xed into the confines of the :western wihiereess. From them a strong -current of.vitality, his been . propelled through their-de.sceiniants, Whose ranks have increased by, accessions of thel most rude, it.may be,. but nevertheless, the best of minhind. Wit h . . 1 his energy, tad all these ;elements, what can we ,not do in nmnufarturing? The Tali trtat.Mml, wmil. flax, hemp and cotton,_are gr'own and can I be produced toiny extent cm our Soil, so I that distatit transportation Will be tuti cc- i essary. _ We have coal enough for twice the number onr valley can hold for count lass ages. And then we lqtre a grain grow ing country . -that surpasses .any portion .of 1 the earth. The water communications and I the' extreme :cheapness of railroads will !furnish ready access to any portimi of the west. All we need fa the settlerrient ,of the country and the consequent accumula tion of capital and labor, to C'Ornpete sue- - , cessfully with 11.1aSsaehuSetts - and England. in alltinds ofmanufavtares.. ' We hatle even the soil for silk growing. and we will not. hesitate to compete with France also.' '• -; - Immigration to our valley will increase `during the next 20 years beyond the mist . Isanginne anticipations; and when-tee shall ' begin to drive England nut of the market's of the world, a large portion of her porde., • tion will seek a home in:the west, /With Shis harnin energy, the Vitality of allutili tarian, !injects, and all these advantages over uther see tions,we shall ultimately Sur.- pass all otber people in the hi7lter walks of - civilization. Here will 'arise the most no ble. men ,and women, ,and "the' most pro= found scholars, the most ingetious artists, and, the most truthful philosophers: it can not be otherwise ; for where the Causes are, there also, will b h e - the effects. . .. . Weave - entered upon an extensive sub ject and have not , space to continue _our , reflections at this time,_: i- - -.- Rnt'shall he tiiotie; call?. %! 1 - ..lle . content with:nothir g,if not bleasettwitifnll. , • It well for all It; onnsbler these think s, and t beentrie.-ituriroltedi.teitk!,tbe lade Of! - -demanded Us ; !as !into rig in this scene; fountliO kips!. 7341;:; stahtial basis for all rising treat net's.. must _fill our ialley-!icithi ahappy pen Ple - ;" and Upon" : tbis - all ':nar . : ! .greatikeeS de pends: ilusi,see tbitt'.eye i ry Ohild l .4-; ! ! ! tends Selland iiatirngtefses in .education..-e. 'is saigh.tierthati!itionayi!•••and . Fit th - e- -- iiiiiiiril'adsintagoi - *bieb - - a kind bestnaiii! opati,. tie; .tie:_naiiiint,! beArily . grent.iithOut science AzniverkilY Babg . ble . siqd,- by • tiattlra! tilyiire every_Otbei.iection; the responsibility _ -teats' upon -tbUwaild ing**ttierier pp,! : great Btatti staid -the trionn'tains,!nr • . n pan .• a !sterile ' lvrth'ol',that! . it& bate mako _ _ . , i This,endja tale -kept in - ttew,-tor f lin4 eight of. tOl _that is , worth Wstruggleia gone. - Why have ilioawvast - Prairies beta ' fin' ages solitutlesi-beCause they were not under thW infiiienCe of niirtd. , that ,Diving Spirit which tnovrdovei the originalwhew. brings ot:der end beauty out of solitaiy wastes. O:M.-P..' g,MHZIWO Z2Zta), . . - I e Tyler, riDADER Lk:DRY GOODS, G rPecties, Creekory, TWO; 1,/ ware, Tinware, fiLih, Win,: Zuni, Panda, .to, ite.; meow*, eaah for an idadsof3lo . lfitig,Furs.: Sion' tin; bele* the Court, Ronan. , " • ; Chrl - etv Tillman; h AIR "011EbSINO SALOON. Seidel Oulldiug r ur?it doutto thel'oehdlice,Muntruse t Pa. • S. S: •Wzne ester ? A T'f.ORN ET . AT. L A Ttogthannock; Vs. 0 glee in .[A. ninrk'a-iirien - - Sind's . & Co ;vsn'T Ati'D faCIIANOB --TABLE. ,o_l7lec3doors 11 , .below Kt .4.1'5 Hotel dloplroserl'a. ' _ . - L. • &S. B Chase, - A .. 4:TORSHIS AT LAW, Montrose. Office °vet Trz "storci. . • LL - . 13..1..1uA55.1 1.1. CiLats., Congdon. StErling,. DIC. LER BLA alma Slo Nni4 E NTS, Titian sroarsi,Ta.:- ix:t.,lo, ,' Between 'the, Canal .13r/dga sand Court. buthug, Cotart, ,fit, 02• J. 11. Whitney- Traveling Agent. . . 2117 W. D.. -Ttowbridge, - • . nEALEII URI 00016, !toots and - shoes, Jewelry, AI Notions &0., Great Bcrai • „ 264 • BOOT AND SHOE mAtlft AND DEPAIDT.R. Shop li oar Baldwin 4- Wry Shop, Montrose. • Dr, O. C:Edwards, 'DGYSICIAN, AND P.PDA EON. Harford, Pa, . Office 2 1 deers below G. J. Pride's store. " `47tl • Dr,•Ja,ittes Brooks; • -• DITTSICTAN ANIE•StInGEO:ti: and tienler Dnigt, cinco, Paints. CIIs, Dyes; &c- Corner nt Church and Pine streets, opvila its Cu ! .F. Lusk's, Great Dimoolc i ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ocoee au Turnpike street, 1 door west of thentd Re gutter Printing °Mee, 211ont- • Tra , zesdell. AA TTORNEY AT LAW, (Veal Itcni, Pa. °Mei with Col: P.. Lusk: • 3.:C. r Ed*ards, T) EPATREIL OF COCKS, W AVlllVS,.feweiry, u - .LL cal Holex 4 d Ae.cordeoric: -• Shop In the: swim of J. A. tratiiaule,_Soutii,abioth. som3 1 , : -S. s- H - Pi e r s on .. 1 . . . • -., ' DEA LE't In all kinannt Dry Gonda, Groeerlos.lteady ; Moan Clothing, 11,1 - 14.1 e island and common Lime, Luniber, Prmil Finn?, andProdue...of all kinds. P. N. C.—Tho NOW, Stern up loan. , ' . • 'CATboudhle. Pa. .. , I • ~ , . ' DIED2I.V. PUBLISHED' reeitv i vniattFDAv mamma - ST . B;B. - & .E. - 13; Chap% ." XDITOILSAND PROPF,IETORt _ • ; -TERMS. - . - , Oro &Afar and fifty coatis per annum, catili in advance, or two dollars if not paid' until the en lot' the year, or time of euln , cription,. _tio paper will be dircoutlnu -LI until all arrearageos ail , paid. except at the option bf the P.obliehers. Alt communications moat be port paid to receive attention. All Letters connected with the oMee should be dir.ected t S . B. di B. B. tlhaie;Moutrose; Sato ucli anna 'Count y, 'a. - M"'Edi tote °Mee over 31 C. Tyler's iste;re, , RATES OF ADVEETIS.IIA; One square (12 Uneenr th•ce Insertions, . $1 00 Each subsequent insertion; • - - - 25 One square three months, - - • .2 50 One square six months, - - . 400 Business .Jards, four lines or less. • - ---300 Yearly odvertist ments, not ot , tour squares, 700 One column one year. ' • - • -- 30 00 Yearly advertisers crill be restricted to the 'business in which they are engaged. Jon WORK r7The Publishers 'having a large assoritnent Of Job Prickling materials, are prepared to execute all- kinds of lob work with nestoessand ilespatcb.. ' . tY. of every deserlption constintry on band or p. intol to order. • Liver Complahit, JAUNDICE, triSi'EPSTA, CURONIC OR, NERVOUS 7-- DEBILITY, DLSLASES OF TUE KIDNEYS, IND all discos= arising from a disorderdd liver or stomach, such as constipation, inward piles, full. tiers or blood to the head, ac:diry of the stomach. nan sea. heart-burn, dsgiret for food, tonnes, or weight in the stomach, sour eructations, sinking or Mattering at the pit of the stomach, swimming of the heal, halved or l difficult breathing, fluttering at the heart, choki g or rin ftdenting eensalions when in a lying poetureolimettess los vision. dots or webs before the sight fever and, dull pain in the tiesid;dericieney or permit-anon, yelloWnesa of "the skin and eyes pain in she side. hack, chest. limbs' Ae., sudden flushes of beat, burning inlthe flesh, con 'tlstant Imaginints of evil, and great depressein of spirits, . hoticeo the Pubic. --._ __. can be effectually cured by, - eonsisting ortheir usual varietrof Dry Coeds, C-ireen'es, I NeiD Seasonuote .rall and Itiinter G d Dr - lli,ufldad'srelrbra!rtGcrman Bi:ters, 1 Creel:tell', lardware. Drugs, Medicine, Paintr,lis.Dye- - " 8 altAe ne Price Store of . - ROST/tate T , stuff., tin, stone. and Wooden Ware, iron. etee GreatO t, nails,. nEGS I eaye to take this opportunity of tenderiug hIS ril C. lit JACKSON, Al' TUE GERMAN MEDICINE Fish, Leather; bout* end ehoes, loeklog gins-see, and 1 " 14 - 11 . 1 EN 111 F -31 ,4 LiFtlll Italie], rst. _ - -- ST IRE, 120 ARCH ST.,•Plit LADELPIIIA. I plates. sash. glut., and putty, hats, caps, carpeting. oil ' smum‘,mualeatiu ,,,, fluent% perfumery, bru Aug, . generoru, patronage they have extended to him; and Their power over tie above diseases, is not excelled. if elothi ; wall and window paper. clucks , watches, Jewelry . J-S sincere thanks to his friends and customers for the ~ at the same time Inform them that he has just returned , equalled, by any other pieparation in the United States, ', raver ra„, tb e eons attest, in many eas e s after skilful physicians : &c., all of which they efferon the most favorable trims. bad failed , illoranne,Oet..l,lEsl.• ' , . , . . from New York with over large and choice selection of These Bitters are nattily the Site - titian of Invalids. - Posscsring great thiamin the rectification of diecases of is, . Aetv Good.q, 2nd'in filarliet. - 1 : . tie eassort moot of Greceriee, Provisions, Duo t sanild hoes, !late and Caps, liardirare. Cro k y & D d c er . c... rugs an the Liver are' lesserglands, exercising the most search very small advance, nt priees which defy all competition_ ;Mg porn= in wcalmess and affections of the threstivo or. T rf ut*rrt 7 , . r is 11 , •WI t ,I' I..'.'' • Ve pram.' Medicines, which will be sold for cash and produce at a stock, quite an assortment of Tell goods, consistingi . ons, they are, withal safe certain and pt-meant . • of Dry Gooda, Groceries, fferdware. India Itubberii,Bonts ,• Flour,Pork,Flth,Salt, wholesaleandr etail,—be would i READ AND BE C TIINCED. , , awl Shoes, tiaCtiHt Tort e•sw e and will sell them alt lOw also remark that hc a iheresstrietly to the system of al- The Phlox of the Dr ston Bee said, D eeintier22d-..- , as any e.sacertn about this part of the world or else-, ways n using theloweat priceat Ont.:hereby &int' tbe Dr. Deojtands Celebrate-I Gentian Bitters, for theeare i here or the tea& Job; or tho right kznd of credit., I same advantage to all who may favor him with their at of-Liver Complaitit. Jaundice, Dyspepsia., Chronic or , w 1 J • i _ , Thanks to all for favors, what a relators, every body i n . tonne. • I NoTaarts Debiltry, IP-deservedly o tters. of the most popular! - trnieln• sat the day. These BitCarribeen used by avited to 'all and Mal. - 11. 0 - . TYLER. ' Great Bend Clothing Store. --, Mot:dense, Sept. le, 1551. ,-., t housande, and n friend at our elbow say, be taut koinselft - The largest. best and cheapest assortment of R ea dy _ received an effectual and pennamat cure of Liver Com- A, t . ' , Made clothing in the Village of Great Bond, Pa., Broad plaintfrout thense of this remedy: it e are amvinted -, iNew and popular School book teloths.Doe Sllne,Caestrueri a and Vesting). atoll qualitlee that. in the use of Opel. Dicers, the patient constantly • ,suitable for the Fall and Winter Trade. which he efferent I E *e • e gains strength and vigar—a fact worthy of great consid. rIOSIPII UFA. IN E.. CIIIMARY of Cie ITEII SAL lIIS i encirprices as to satisfy, anypne that this's tbe Morel - or oration. The, are Pi matt in ta-te and rmell, rind tan ~.-/ TORY, together with a BIOGRAPHY of LISTING I them to dial. In consequence of the ;teat increase of his be used by p T.olls with the most delicate .tonnuts with VISTED PERSONS, Vi which is appended an epitome of i bust nele he has been obliged to greatly enlargehisstock, Isafety, under any eircurnetrinees. _we are epeaking from IfEATHEN- • IFIYTBOLOGY, - fs:ATuRAL,‘ which he now offers tolde friends nd the public fur ex. experience, rnd to the ithirted ste advise their use. PHILOSOPIIY;GENERAL ASTBOii.. =Mat ion . eonfelen t that in so doing they willilnd mime. Scot *sr Weekly, one of the best literary papers pub- thing t o their advantage. Thoeubserther has mede are O.IIY, nnd PHYSIOLOGY 1 . ... rongemente to reantifucture clot/dog In all its ration, Rabid; said. August 25tt •.-- - , , , •• . Rolland". Germart.l3;tters. manufactured by Dr. Adopted and used in the Publimehoelt of Philadelphia , branebee, end Is now Plena. ed to eel! the name. warrant- Ja s , on, are'now resomMended by some of the most I _ B. S. JONES & Co: ' Publishers. 1 - lod to bear inspection. Custom work and cutting dont prom.nent members' of the medical faculty aerie, art - tie t • q w .. ,at the latest etyle and ebortest n otiee,—all kinds of tail ,Of much eflesey in cases of female wereiness. Ar , Frith ) . . Cor. Fourth • mad iltiee sts., Pima. i ortetrimentme f ['entailed and for sate. Donotforget the ,is the ease, we would advise =lino her. to obiain a Isit- -- Teachers and Arlen! Committeel nddreeslng lettere to I spot. Store nearly oppo.ite the 'Mansion Teter. , _ tie *mu r h miimee t h erie , ‘ . yea nin th alennesa, Persona o f paid, will !refurnished witheopies for examine- Greatßend,Sept.,ll3s(4 - . -• 1.. S. LENIIEIM. debilitated emistitutions will find there Kitten , odes*. ta- 004 ---- geom. to their health. an we know titan cap Tien,* the fCT A frlland coupleteassortment of Books and Sta • - salutary effect they have npen weak , reens." , cane y forvale at the Lowest Prices. '' 1 - t ' MOUE EI'IU~NCI 'FIRST IN lIAItICET ' .., . - 3 . . I The. Philadelphia Saturday Cali it,-. the best familyi , , , , news riper buldisired in the United Statue =ye of Dr r ' ' . . -' " DievvGoods: - .. ' llootlittell German Bitters— .. 1 IBM' received by the subscriber is new and large ate. pir r - lA - Tr:pp :trAS jnit• returned "from .. 111 , , 04 . n , t p ed we re,..„„ummu what are t e rme d . et eortment of Ready-made Clothing, Boots It shoes. A-L• ce * r , r JUI-11.5.1,1 NEW YORK, with a fine Patent Neje no. i e the confidence wed patronage of our pall fashion Mats & Caps. Cap letter and wrapping p a -stock of Fall goode, which be offers for sale to aware rho eesderi. and therefore when we reeeiranctd Dr. Hoof- F`' .. . bl the ren".• Cr len' nosntity- ' ` 1 ' t WILL PAI ---- fortht m. at ns row rates as can be reasona hands German Bitters we eish to be cuss netay understood Tmvellieg and common Trunk., a fewsintle and deub- 1 bly asked.. Tot targeting due thanks to such iof Ills , that no tot epeaking of the mistral= of the den le, iot Onus, fancy Stationery, Books, Combs, Brushes, friende. as have he etafore lir tight geode of hlm and paid i that are nosed abont for a trier period ` and then forgot. Knaves cc. _ for them, he invites them to "COME AGAIN." Iten after they have con theirgnilty raee of mischief. but Fancy articles to nnelerons to raeni.ion, all which lie Montrose, Sept. Inth, 1851: of a meilieluehing established, universally proved, -and designs to sett for ready Pay, and conecquentty as! cheap Isillich bus wet the hearty approval of thelecnity itself." na the cheapest; if, not cheaper. . ' to wet! to the =adore/the genuine. They have the' • A tew dozen pair WOOLEN SOCKS wanted.- liqt! i 141.1 , tare Of C . M. 2 terisoN upon the wrapper,' ritelitre*s• Oct • 8 . 1851. - .. OEO. FULLER. sal his name, blownin the bottle, wilhoat whieh they are . . ' spnrteva. - - For sale wholenterind settill at the German Medicine , I 4 . 10 re. 10. 120 Arch streetone door below Sixth-Phila. delphi ; and nby respectable dealers generally through the a . antry." Prices Reined —To triable eh eters= of invalids to enjoy the advantage% of, their great restorative powers: ' ' Recta Kers& 75 (ferns • Also for Sale by ABEL TGREELL,Druggisf,Mentrose., . . „ • To ~Conn *Tamils and -Pcid ti ,4II__COLA'ELI., prugett and: ari letr . Lee noir -1;:i* a on, e.u4 la ineej win an inintense ck 'FANCY: AND STA PLK.GOODS: _ ,bought nt auction Wei In New Ti eitili which ho will sell tit.whoiesale as low It pot:timer Mum they tan be bought in the' clty; • The stock .comyrisesla'perit the following . . . -Coltiznes, Poinstsm,„ Bear ai3l6iher:-OnPilbaying and otherSoops. - PlayinSPeards. Mitt& 010 , SWICCOSUbS, llair. fiat , ShOsisid l'aptbllrsAbett, Pt:K*4lEol l es. na . sori Ter" tow, EsTelirps', Dolt and Dollltendo:Wallets, frooka.:-. - Raior Strops seriloiS. Vsnot.l3oXPS, French Perfumery. Diawtu¢ ,and Sias Retiellailheeting Pine, Steel Biadt; Pocket bit Staudt; Tooth Piste, Tni- Poyilerf-011fr Boxes,'lland Olssole,Port biansafts, s Ye ylerrt _ assortment.)Nenth`Orgths;'Pep)OlTes", I,ew.iin4 ehalk.' eta . Kw , , .• The subseetiii would also earl the 'ettentlm of the public to his iremenre .itoelterforegt,-Mixllctinet. Otis. Fruits: eonreetisnery, ite4, 'bleb-will.' be pad chti , Per, !Ann trees I:moose:4 at anyscher esitsblisb. meat *est of-N York.' Singhtsatpn !Deo. 2, 7651,- /lOW CLIATICS` oral iiiplitAß tAclplitiervill.y - 4th, PM. , A. LZVANI. ''" - th 'tile' tO . BuY 1 - 1 - .H. r ~. cr- . - , i' ~• - - A:l , J' , tic. T E Ili li - E . AI).. - ---' '' - --6-i-lw'ritii;ro -would . , Pluladelphia, Medical House.. - *-- - ,-. .- •-• . -to tds numerous frintan an ' .....--. - '. ..• Lt e m s totoes n et, solo t , „ a 3 11 , . Established fift eelf .0 ar 5 ago,yDR.I4INKr,- - , .1: - . Cy • that to ! beg. putt returned - :LIN; North West tomer of ..Thitit and. ~, ~. . t ....: : *, . .Z.. : t,.. , .. i : fr o m .;,. ne w Y o o f r . k u u , ~ , u ..,, ...* , ). llfth'lllatlPl. 84 " •.' ' . "Union _.Streets, ,beticeen ,S'rtze e, and; , .., , ... • .. .. & site. otreets, - !etattaa :pm • . rt..019'( ',lttion to Ida esteusiv enesOrturent , -,-- • • ~,,,•...,,• ...,,,,,, , FIFTEEN TEAIIB of' extensive 'n 0 untoterillited L g rP tu in trd i.. ' practieq spent In this list er, clty,' e l i • .... r . :, ....' 4 /: ~, . , • f' ' '''...- : . If u - e - o ts l it d t e L aw n , il fuo s et . 1 d . ciei ida l eir si I na t m cg,,,z), u l I l a Ann:. mostexpert end euccestituf yrectitioner fru and neer,in blot, spooks, Wigs,•-hmeelets, Linger ',and our ,rings, mill. the trentmlnt of all diseases of 6 prlcato.unturti..:Pem . , Fins, broaciteth arteletel"Pfa'faftler card, Mselli Fell cons afflicted With. ulcers en, the body,.throat or legs; I rinduoned cases, chore) twenm,nuti ; DerfnMery, sit,: pain& in the head or hon es, inercureal rheumatism Strim.', " ye r, Mittel:min and plated Wsaire..liceirnlcons, flutes three, gravel, diseases. arising fr om youthful L'SrerSta or inning forks, violin strings, etocklii willets,'Port Blonds, •• impurities of the blood, nbereby.the constitution has needles, Needles, and Caney 'coals, Watelrglesses, tools and ma.l hem me 'enfeebled tirenil Dented with ElleCeell. •• , tetials for the trade - by the quantity. The above will ho 1. - lie who places himself under the care of Pr. 4-- -may sold at the lowest prices; • MrlVattites - end Jewelry of , religiously confide in his honor as n gentierenn, endcom• all kinds repairmine shortnotlce nt.the old . stand near 7 MAI/ rely Itilen his Canes nphysimert. •--'' . : :- ly OPEC/Site the RhCelllX.-COurt 24 ElDribilloton, , TAKE PARTICI:MAU an •TICO —Yowl. men . who hive - : • ,•• -•- • . •• : - •- ', ' Oct - 18.1851: ' injured theruselves' by 'a certnin•preetice.tzelutgedlll;•••' Clocks , for sl,oorinditp . .2 38 hottri end Bdays and A..., a habit frequency learned from evil companions, or at, larm New style and cremated at . • p..cAtinELD.. I Oril,O o l—the ithets Of which arenightly - felt, ' , yenta:rn ' " . • - - asleep,. and destroy both Mind and. body, should apply infundiately. ' 'Weakness and consfitutionel debility, loss of urnscn'er energy, ph) tiOtil Ifirrfilldt nod general prostration, Irritablilty•and tat nervous orations, ,Indb gestion, sluggishness of the liver. and teary disease in any way connected with the - procreaticifunctions, cured and fall vigor restored... • ~ ,'• , : , • . , Reaill , Youth and • Manliatld: .` A '.V'irarous ~ , Life or Premature .. - Death: ,' Kinkelitt on. • . self preSerramon. Only 25 cents. ' - - • . This Book-just published is filled - with'useful Informk. tion. on the, infirmities and disea ses of-the generative organs. letuldre