The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 08, 1852, Image 2

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    From the, Haul *lre (I,loss)Grac , ,
"'A Yolithful-Mbrantr of Congress.
It is !said that ift:ii r* present :
eomposOd of an unusually:, largo:, number of
both now and:young members. :,,,That'there
are as a leadingjoura4l has large
number who, at ofthe present
` session, were siirprtseit at seeingtheir-own
',shadows in a- Congressional glass for the
first time, may. be learned - - from en list of
IlAtiltS;'pliblisled in yours .of . the
That there is ono; very young mealier, I
am quite sure—so: young as hardly to come
within the limits of the He has
Ifeetiltnown to many readers'af your paper;
and nis ha is an example of ltvliat - ,• ro
solv4;,(iMiTgy, and •perseVellanco'will eiceom
plish-in-thnfaci•of.diffitultiesi it -may not
review +is career.
. - Elo l .vonf-years ago; th ere ; Come.
.from the 1
kack t tvoods of Pennsylvania, -a:
. yotith of .1
site le and, uh iiltivated 'habit:4; to coin- 1 i
tifin,poliisediteatiori in Aniherst
say,caramerece;•,fOr he had - rcia _nothing '
- discipline: to be ; olitained',in a New
Bagland Join:lol,4a ha +ad madd fen' of
the ambitions here deemed". necessary for,
' tiTStion 'HO had : lodged 'an-
dthe' r ritind`nif trandog: = In his own glow-rf
tog words,_ he; 'l,md . inany, time watched
forthCilleer .If, the, ,salt, liolca, and ;,chased
t4iirt.•;;‘) cr.ee4 ,7,- . :From. his home • dut•f l
1. ths lip-bad rarted logs"
nog Summer ,ra )n•
rwo the:Susquehanna', an.l tramped back I
againoyer the lilac 'Ridge and the - A.llooi-
Thus like Patrick r• !leery, • while 1
angling,for the trout, he was unconsciously
'storing his raind Inith Materials of plot
naiare, During the winter
be was:so, situated as to hear such .debates,
nna•conitisels antirevolutionary anecdotes,
• to the lioneit;yearitary were wont to indul b te
in'a country _post offico.".. It was here
kis iniaginationwas,kindled and his,patro.
ism nieaseil by the story of Wyomina.,arld
and Saratcon, and Yorkiown,
Air,Jicl4 wore afterwards so often his watc -
w.trdi., There too be was tanght to regard .
Thomas Jeffersonlas the great apostle of
democratic libertY,and the into of Ids_ pot
laical clia'ractir"itaS early determined,
-Fired with an- ambition to act• the pa-
trine find the philanthropist himself, sand 1
such n preparation, quitting his rafts I
and hunting grounds, he set Ont_for college
Of Carse hp was fOund to have what was
called' poor: fit.. '
.: 1 It was evident he knew •
a P '
tome ,of the subliniities of the Alleghenies,
than of Homer or Virgil; and had as much
fattiness. for. hemlock knots and chestnut
Ives , as tor 'Greek -roots: Yet as -'the root
'if the matter' , was", evidently in -him, he.
- The 'diamond in rough' anon be-,
men to reveal its 'true
. natutc., *Not di's;
Outage& ny'di'fficultics nor intimidated _by
partial fail ores at first, he steadily advanced
gaining in time .resp ect . and confidence of
his classmates and instructors, and aebi.v
ing new victories over 'his - text books and
he stood among' the very,first
• •
Of his claSs. • ,
used_ the pen ,with case" and effect,
yet his great power lay in his lability for
extempore speaking: All his sequisi
tiona were happily tumid .to account here.
ll,P'nould'lcel off the Words ad infinitum,
and not seem' impoverished, 'They genet
ally Were for a definite'end,:and reached it,
but if occasion required, he could.- at I/-
moment's warning, 'darken :ecunsel
words ty.VrotADPAeert--X t I' 2l ' l ' --4
c, or a o up an
ivlla hour,of Congress; lie will notbe
loss for the winged' words.
Out first
_remembrance of shim is as he
stood storming forth the long and loosely
• tonnectedietitencesin a Freshman's detra
flog SocietY: -.His person was tall, 'slender,
and: somewhat 'stiff; Lis facetllin, pale, and i
expressive of decision; his eye dark,,deep
set; end piereia His gest•ares were rude.
Ills words and thoughts; pinked up on the
§usqueharnia and in the, forests of Tenn:
sylvarda, , were expressed with suchwairete
aita.eivra , Ntoesti, asto - eteito
litrit.h*nr; l ' Taut tire' ail •Of .. -Webster,
his 'dialect 'Was SOO improved, and iris sent 1
'eloquenee faind .ient
targsterl listeoers in_ village near.
Democracy and" popular , lights, were dila
constant- texts, :sod he fnund enough; even
iii college lifejr , keenalive his inbornep t ,l
position to 'monopolies,' 'aristocracies,' nod
• *old . ;f• - ~- • - _
, ::n7 . os'o,l* , tliii,progri•ssive schen) ; would
stand cro..An advanced outposts of. a pro
gress'ingage to beret:Fa newer: - In
this direction lies his :danger use reformer
ores DarcrerenenTorinnist; I
coVefed - systernin, ailsn't•lC. tigCl
test of ttadr, flerlt"*Oo l ,trnth 1
Citittiatinn)i.prOg_ressive, Whether ; c Mbodi t -;
• vAI-#ilinliy.s.44seleac i o,,,,cir govcreritenii
and-religiou_r:,Like.•eralilek whom he ;fitly
peril:Mated -ia .a nammeam.nrent . ;erolloquY;l
be3Futlld boldly set foith'lr; the face Df
• -the World a new Systern,' if - satiiffed'
trulk-Inatinit' hita_would : 'recant:l
• for fear hat Op . place in :liii.'vecalidary 1
Thai' erents their d i
ariv'shpforn;4io that it was often ; predieted
try his - olaianates,-thatle would +a'
in.CnagreisWithinfireyears'afteihis grad
wation, - !: fitiored"the.`ac'com2
taliStitient - OFtho:propheCi" his
friends, almost within the period
1 autumn - after his graduatinei;be tea
the stump le Ids Dative:and- the.
•• etnintlei for:Tolland ' His
rage told et t"' * 11' 1
1.. r • - ' •• PP rre Y.; Pa 1 .44
• peiglitiOrs,,,,andifitrafolk,'„wlio, had in fOrmer4
.1i 11 .tr.1.-. l le,Prd r INItiVe_.eIOCIACUCC OAS.?
NFllit r boysattheidashe.s.' , :Along thebankal
tittle Sniquelianira, ever the - Allegba.;
nies44difamiliat.tondi: were againleard -
lie :Well boa;
tir'otp,wills 'of democToy,
rfi, hiaaddiesi, and' tr"
eironiitinces..l4 trisparly to sway:the-1
1141tiar,inind, -owl:funded - „try, :al
strong DemderatioAulluence; :and aftef i
- and * praiiiiing lawfWittr" Ti ilmot
t f"t celebrated`' c.rated •'proviso; lie .
, • iakt••).parfiettirned his
- o:wp district. IVhat wilrocetif o Ate up*-
: 1 03ttfPn fattTPr .17442r;P-nift:PgaulT!•oPher
"is.: father or the • nine; it:
1 sit o,ltafe4ocbiliemyr.bathe Lean
lioriesedeasoniati , a ;friend -orlittniati rights
_ 0 oinctow, siffe4 I ) h ttiJ. j
tj• 4.,, 4
:: • L,llis i Ariguratattinges willlsenagntier , in the'
abovei tn
the liwPaents :0f:p . *11416: Af-G:titiw
;•of Fironvirania:l; •
- - ULa S I O : C
~ The.,Vargost Circutialion In Northern
• Irsokausylvansa-1,01 311- CoplabWeekti ri--,,
'IiftUSiIIAT;JAN fin ; 552 •
' Court Basin this idnce one u;eek from
Monday next. - "We want our delinquent' silt);
scriber?, to remember thni tben;uili be 'a con-,
venient time to aid us. , We are in want,of
funds-badly, othenvise we would not be so
earnest •
. .
. .
"A Youthful Mouth6r .of: iCon
In another part-of toAlay's .- paper we . ' pub
lish an•article. under thegabovehead, • ftorp a
paper on our table . Pulatiiheldfat:Northaniptoni.
Mass. : We j‘idge that itwilthe read With in
terest by our - renders, - the most of whom are
personally ,iteqUainte(l,, with gr . : , ,Piiq*,.. the '
subject of the article; !ince seen him in his
boyhood, when la t t,WatChed...the.adecr of the'
salt licks and chased them , to the creel'ts,"—.
and - still Turtheren'Wheri lie, as it: Were,•liurst
into manhood at . Onee .. the'ace — ernPlislied,rlratorl
the radical Democrat, the honorable andihig,h.
minded politician,on _whom, NOW. pride;•.they
conferred honorsmore generally' reserved for
older and More experienced head's: :1' l'
The Writer.of thearfiele. hap fallen into on 4,
error. Mr. caowyracticerl law with Hon. DI
Wnzurr, about one year;and WaS.obliged to
leave.his office on account of ill health; bUt
did not study with that, - izeritlenaan. - ; Hie legal
studies were completed in the office (if F. R
Srar.ernic ESq., of this; county. We judge
by the tone of the urticlothat. it - ,w;,sa written
I by a.College mate of 'lll - r.••GroW.. 'The allu.
1 sion made telis great industry arll_persever
lance while in College, to make up for a [tie&
I ciency in prepnration, we hare 'before under:.
stood as truthful. --It was there; too, that he
laid tire foundations sot..a disease witieh .since
has prevented hint from following hiS - profes.
sion, and greatly circumscribed' the !sphere of
his activity. He left the Bar nearly
. a year be
fore hie election to Congressomil-enged in
I agriculture, much to : the benefit Of his health
Iwhich was inmaired btclese sedenLtry !lab
' its. The shdrt space 'of time . l was at the
Bar, he distinguished himself asap eloquent
adiceate no ksithan he preVionSty had - done
lin the political field as an effective public ore
' tar. - His many friends • would' hall hii return
to the honorable prefeSsion Which he chose,
as the fieldsuitab . .e for the display of his brill
{ mat powers of mind, - --k. - profession to.whitill
' he would laccolne - an , orrmrpent, aiwell as use
-ful to community. lVP•earild;not say less in
alluding to such - ar article as the one Inques-
Oen.. " • . , ,„. • -.
: 2 .. - 1, . - .i, . -
- - -
Tho nett County Convontion..•
By reference =to 'the protieedings ,61 the
County Committee it will be seen thal, elec
tions aro to be hehrin theUeve . i.tlelectiOn Dis
tricta SaturdAy preceding the aecond 3 onday
of January Court for the purPose of electing
delegates to meet in County Convention the
followin,g Monday evening. The prMeipal
busincis Of the Convention 1.0-4 , :driert
vention r.t Harrisburg, to put in nomination .sa
candidate for Canal Commissioner; to.'form
au elecierial ticket'and elect Delegates to the
Baltimore Convention to put in nomination -d
candidate for the Presidency -and VicePresV,
dency; We hope'ttia gentlemen iiMned to act
as a bliard'of election, will be Prouipt-in the
discharge_ of their duties, and get out as 'full
attendance as possible in order ttrit the Videc
• 1
9I the party-may balis fully heard na circum
stances will admit.
We May properly state that the 'Pried , - of
re-oreniiing the party- has been 'Considerably
agitated of late in, perhaPs,` all seetions of the
county: Tt Was undoubtedly expected byrna
fly' that - the County . Conitaittee .would take
some action in the premises, in order thatdel- -
ekatea Might be elected With reference to that
, ,
°Wet:, lire,however, understand that- the'y
did riot feel'autho4zed to do so, rather leaving
it : tothe Convention when assembled tatalie
such action as map seem from
best. .Tudging
opinietis wo Itao fteord 'e4r e essed - ',by "'very
many of our pa4ly fronidilrerentl'Toenlitles in
the eounty,tve.should Think that our
nation as -i - party 'might be amended 'sci - as'te
be niueh Inure acceptable to'the partfiit'ftert
era]: ',the present.repreientation by 4.4epiet
6444 2,0 zzn!aged ps. ir.toTe . fully "3 4 * 84
the ; voice , of the whole partyin`•Cohientilni
1 And ;then the Conientioniivdtliin4*ithvii
held at ' sortie 06 -
the delegates, would not - be , prevented,
front d'ally discharging, their duties by reason
of a•crowd'of and:rnedcilingSpei:taters.=:-
ITuE s the Viiinaiite . ilas okgr, noaction,We
! de,not wish to appearas forestdling , the .ito•
lion, of the Coniebtion which. will soon assem-
I ble;and therefore defer reiriarkti, -, which we
might' o therwisem, e,tin ifie'mattcrstial! its:
sonic shade.,- .
t_l7.7,..A.,writer in the Earrisl*,
.(11thig paper) says after tit .111 r; Bums*.
Atia , wilt tie the nontinee - nt the-ifent.4 aria
Gib; s6 . 6rt: 0 14 Whigs fgr:.tiidTie4l39 ; ;
4qer.4l be 9citi4 by an over
whelaingtpajority.- : , -;Ve -should :like to - see
that battle,- inifilope'we Which event
we Pioph&i3= , that:Gen: wilt' lies
4:tore ;Wan ; by. the fire,
4 ),..e . i'ettry *At 4;innot•take
a' plate of emir In the *lite:: ,Wlll3O
Atty ; ', , Beettanwi as his competitor
;- Tiiit;iiiisf.'niz—Tlie '*oldest'xiOther
Oat leas been cifkrienced -in i #.lii,4 2.reg;po f9F
illailrYarst .i'As,bn.rriday :niglit-the .th - ;of
, .
.. ,
Decertiber;lB6l;. f .;AtG l e a t nefid itiii-mtren , ;
trimmed fro m 24,10 - -20 green beToto;:cro...
It iv . ili'd_cit is cold - h&c IMiaief. ' ' .- '''-' -
Paris corrwoadeni'of
17,-Avgnipgrastl - svo laara guat,o.o , majority
fartorais , Ntiflo;iimi-at - , racelit,‘Electian 4
were pollad one Mowed to _
SkikliP 44ed..„
, •
g . ' Ee T l
- 6rosAritY
glad to Bee
)V"l3. - fimi *"1/*
the S ' 0
.4:. - ;::.: 7 .4:',',. - ,;:.:;,:,,
i 1 ' Canal-Couithis s iciritir. 3 -'. , , " Deilocratic Ctiainti,Convolition .
We hale lefore indieitedfrean.whatseCtion ••-'- ,
~...',, •
~frir l atku . - • '
of the SCji.:* -We totweivcal the nmxiine ,,
eof the !..::„. ',.-:,,.:-
..,' — ':,.„-7: .._,,,_' ~..-„..-
next fotittli of ifarth Coeventien ididuld come,
and have itt 6 l Our.`-`ieas44l; the. faith Oat mitten,_ Collitilled :ati: the House; of -Writ,'•
:' - At'a: meeting of:the-County= Central ("Ore=
lii!itt r us.':„ :,,E,O the N orth infra!, not the North R ak i,; i n the,,,ijprough of Montrosc, on Satur,
lift previohs political' geOgraphY;sbelooga the day . .tho e7t.h . da'y of Decemler -hlt.,.parsuant
(honor of furnishing the' candidate for that re- •
sponsible position. It belongs to the North 1 mg notice of a County Convention, to be held
to gt notice, for the purPose of calling and giv- 1
lin Justice to art, important hie:44l7lof thu Com
wealth,—in,Joitice to a Arue; tried and :6th thnt the Court-HOuse, on - the evening of the 4th
Monday of JANUARY inst., (it being the .
faithful section of the - Dere&ratie partyof the I ( b ay )
After having 'chosen :a Chairman and
State,-in jnstieo t o th e wholepity :becausel Seeretary,the following named gentlemen were
it wilt redound to the interest - of the Made!, nppointed. Committees to give notice of and
and last, not least, in justice to 'those men of iiiperintend-the Oleetion of delegate§ in their
the North who , bare herctofbre atciod Its, faith..
furientinele ori the Walls'ef Democracy, ratli- several election districts, Oti Saturday the ‘.:i4th,
day of Janiar?, lietWeen the hours of four and
er than_l:t'gneats in the'palaces of Whiggery. s i x P. 3 11.. Colwentlon to hi held' 'Monday I
%ye have many such men in, the North, and - -.. %.;,.: a' week 'f t
vak., E ,, 2... b. ,00uary Court. .•_
one of th'eih will preiented at
,the next Con- ,
+flea for the ofli e above mentioned. , That
Auburn--TliteMas-Adams, Edward Dawson,
Patrick Donlin - :
man is Ca. GoRD N 1...- MASON, of Bradford -Apolaicn—llany • Barney, Timothy Griffin,
cetinty. ;r
„ ,
-• We shalt not ';mpley'otir pen at eulogizing , . tiridgetratcrl—k - K. Bush, Wm.:Gardner,
Edwin UM • • . - -
Col. Rases.: Ille needs do such work, at our . . , - . •
hands,. though we may say with propriety 'and Brookijn-N=Daniel Torry; E•'.G.,' ;Williams,
Wtn,•L Richar&oh. - ' - ,
-without dlipragetncht - to, other gentleglett -Chocenut--Michael Kane, Jr:,DavidSherer,
Who.will be whined in . Convention, that Col Francis, Quinn. . .
' 'CliSord--,- . op • '. t
Asos possesses every . qualification
for the full and- satisfactory discharge of the' - . -17. 1.utn 't. - -' ' r.
' 1 ' 'J I - %her Thomai Burdick - S.
dutiesof the tilßee ; ,and that in this respect I b
- 1 imoc,,--.ames O. Bu llard ,
' 0 ' Chas; EL' Gil
er , . , A. ro .
t C: J,
wo consider lam second to no man . named. As Dundar—Sidney Lb Wells, George ' Cone,
. ~.., ,
an active,' pradiUd., taisines man he has feW E. P. PhianeY. . .
equals, and nil will ao'ree with us that the Ca.. so r est Lake—EN. Brewster, Stanley
hal Board,.above.Olt_diEccs in the Common- re' 11, T homas . Mcchm. '
Prank/hi—Alonzo Williams, Rufus Smith,
Wealth, isho old be filled with particular: _refer
ence to such capabilities',- in order to on di
eient,-judicious, and_ wholenorne . adminiatration
Of its ifildrs; especially While ire nre . engaged
in the construction' of iinPurtant works and the
consequent outlay or large sums of money.—
With men oflpractical 'experience at the &lin,
our Works Will present different i4slicot in the
&arability . 'and expense of their
strection and repairs than otherwise, •
r' hir xtasos, has also had considerable expo.:
rienceln - the general affairs Of:the State: in
the Saate :he was a poPuh4 inernber, and ac-.
qqired:much,epeiience•in that position ; that
Will be of service to him _:nh member • of , the
Canid:Board-, :Altogether, We think Ads nomi
nation would liWa fortunate; event fot the par
ty, and his election fortunate for the interests
of the.Cominonwealth:- :ytro • think-his nomi
ohtion would be fortunate for the • party,: be.:
cause' there are considerations connected -with
, -
the coming caniass, that cannot be disregard,
ed with safety. We cannot afford to enter that
carivaSs' with the energies of our party at all
paralized. Give, then, the' ever-true Deruec
raCy of the North . their .candiriate;—give us
one of our. own , men,—something to arouse
our home pride, our sectional enthusiasm, rind .
We" will give such majorities in the_ 114orth as
have not been drearacci of: • We Will give a
Deniocmtic,State triamPli that will Insure a
I national victory.
Arthur's Home Gazette, opens the year with
new attractions. This paper has y world-wide
popularity;and 5h0ujj!„,rp.e,..;,.... -- potrotrage
..reverytanYty;dislrous of a good and useful
jourbal. The paper is entirely unler tlie'ion
trol of T. S. Arthur, who is a ;well-known
writer. Terms; ;10 copies $15,00. _
The Home Gazette and Godey 's Lady's Book
one year for $4.., T. S. Arthur & Co., 107
Walnut st., j •
.Demnerfair R,erive—Contents. i Deem
her, 1851, Code Of Procedure:; 3, Time and
itsadvaneement ; 3, Popular government;
frisk Poets; s,lteedyrill (cont.) 6,.Duelling;
7, Political portraits with. 'pen and pencil,—
Hoii, 'l'irni;_ll. Polk, of Tennessee
,; Finan
ei4 and "Commercial Re view 9, PUlitical;,
l 0; Seienti fie.; 11; 3liscellaneous :13,:1 oticea.
of ,New-BOoks, - ..- - ;
is a standard Political and Literary.
Wock,',and is a valuahle acquisitien . to,ani Li-,
Terms; $3 per year.- "Kettell; & Moore 170'
The- Home ,foitriai, , edited s'hy &
I.VI Ms; ulatitv; - that Weekly fath of
ilr newspaper, :om. :
inallmO commends itself every.
, •,
loVer of lac:attire. • In the language .of their
Prosteetus, "as a New - Year's present' froM a
Gentleinan'tdri b la4; Homti:JOirmil
he, of which the'
n remeMbiancels ;.rettereci
cycrfweek,anA it is, inlsurpasse4l,as a gift in
12;:4 4oplei'l $5,00.
,c.reat Bond Doput.,. •
- Frt.
11;2 .i. : 7340 A.:422 a.w . 10. A. 34, &IA P
Weaa. •
t 3 . 611 ; IC I -4, l ,tExP. ITarirt. , Ceal Tit;
5,0 .A.w.11401.px. V4A. At. ' :
0.404. E
. .
47CO 3 , , , iresS busstood adjoiirried ., during
the /folidayL-_,Thei will .probably. go -to work.
new. inearnest,-1414 we, expect . to:see 'lis;ness
disli,itehe4, - . We Itepe so at_all eeitts...' , ,Kes,
suth is at ll'ashin,gtontig , :prejiarations,are
yanking l'or ‘ A granchiception Dinner, niter
stinith'lre been the, two
P.l.4u4sViii - qtytx t d kITO eteet
thO •Convezt . ...
tion,.i.ostiuote+il :for 31.r.,Bucimoan.' by. -.over-_
Seitattir, retired f . ipm , p4
coptiolth,e - Worth pr47k.liAniopret.' Tinder
4 .1/ 0* oi 4 rge i . t. 11 1; 3 1104 1 ,t)be •cS?ritinuec
aro:itot informed. ,--r
terrible roe - tts:''rleip . o..•
dim lei arisen 1131164120 v. - It
ger; ' ,.j .kleraine tlireatens. for tlpi prices cif,
grairilarO . aPPAtiali on tte
PraisiatikioVernmenf :iirenOr caused pure,hases . be.taatie in Southern Bassin,
i witittlo lope• nfAvartilog,oft th eat 'Trinity I
(of sufFeliag.. , > 'lndeed, ci it' experienced
1847. the :tearful 'eonietitieuees-'of - Seth. a
iflolo.. Th9l news news'ofJ.l)Wthilititt rpobilP
zatiee Vas
reakiPwPnithe'fiblio inind*Apa - ,cdusid-,1
erable numbers of vox.. have:, beau thrown
oaf ofernploymeut; in
Book Notices.
!:'-$, - .l;*ti. - 64 -
IL L . . Diniver.4.• - . .
. Frientisrflte—Chas. Campbell, - Win. Robbe,
Calvin Leet
Gibson—a .S. Ames, - John Smiley •
• , It.
Tuttle; ' ' - ' -••- - '- '
Great fle;ttl—Franitlin LusltDaitid Thomas,'
'.i.. C. Fish. i- ' " • .
Ilarinony-4lenry Day, Richard A: Webb"
Leti Iltestrull.
'//enford--i-.Lorin T. - Farrar, Laban Capron,
Amass Cline.
//erriek-Walter Lyon, Shubael Dimock,
Almon Spo,r.
Jackson.--Alonzo Bryant Daniel Farrar, 31.
B. Wht•aton i .
• ....Jessup,- I ,A: B. Lithrop, J. C. Sherman The-
odors Sha3 - 7
141!from—Seth 'Bisbee, G. S. Tewksbury,
g. N. Lord.
- Lenox—Charles Conrad, J. H. Marcel Eli
slia Dell.
Liberty—David 0. Turrell, Anson 'Beeman,
Daniel, Adntns.
P. Hollister, Rithard-
Donell, D. L. Canfield'.
Montrose—M. C. Tyler, Win. K. Hatch, S.,
Acw 11.117ford—Elliot Aldrich, Jarne's W.
Belknap, E. S. Page
Rash—N. J. Sherwood, Ernstus. Maynard,
Josiah Ellis.
Silrer Lake—Timothy 'Murphy, M. D.G-aige,
Dennis Sullivan.
Springville—Justus Knapp,AmoS Williams,
Samuel' Sutto 1", Jr.
Thomson—M. T..• 'Whitney, Chester Stod:
(lard, Ebenezer. Messenger. -
Q. G. HEMPSTED, Chairthan.
War. Turaiit.t., Secretary. -
BEtiEfITS or TOBACCO Smoss.—Mr. Robeft
Ellis, surgeon; the principal editor of the
cial catalogno of the London Exhibition, has
the following remarks, vol. 1 . 180, which
itnrsr - prt• ear 3 0 or smog, c-ristng
brethren :
" The total amount of tobacco raised - for
home consumption, in 1843, amounted to near- i
ly 17,000,000 lbs.. North" America atone Pro -1
duceS annually upward of 5000,000
The combustion of this mass a .vcr b etmto ;
material" would yield about 340,000,000 lbs. of j
carbonie acid gas, go that, the yearly, income of
carbonic. acid gas from tobacco
. smoke. alone
cannot he less than 1;o00m00,000 lbs., a large'
contribution to the andualdemand.ferthii ga*,
made upon the atmosphere for the vegetation
of the world Henceforth let nesOne twit the
smoker,withidleness - anctunim portance. Ev
erY pipe_ "is, en, agricultural. ,furnace . -every
smoker a' Inatitrfactercr of vegetation, the con
sumer of a . weed that he may rear more-large-,
ly hii own prOvision.7 . • 1 : .
,- ,
A `ROLE PA3ILLY Poisoirsn.-- Three'
Deaths---A young,- girl,. named- liancy,si
' Farrell 'eniPloyed in the family or Mr" Eli- '
sha Forrest, of Cincinnati.'has been arres- t
tedun the charge of.administering poison',
to them. ' It appears that, - a - few Weeks]
! age, Lis son; aged eight:was taken ill and;
I died in anhour,and on Werineidaiamitlier
son died,. the oldest having also Wen at-.t
1 tack e,d,.. lint . Woofer:ed. ~ Subserviently _a; 1
post Mortero examination was held upon!
the'body of the child,. which died: last, - and
i it resulted in finding,poison in'the stomach.!
I Ito girl , was suspected from _:the - fact - that
she remained - in good -health during , tho - 1
whole time, and sincelliedit bas been -its:l
•certairied from whinit she had. purchased!'
rifienic, :as shesairt — io 'till, rats. -- Shell
itOtitlyinaintairili her
,innocence,, il-, . - Und,"i When , 1
tointO t ted,tet jail'ivioce very little eciii,-,
cern. : -,' - ~,-:,' -,- ' -- '.• ,' -.. -'• 71'- : ' ''
Gott) - OnEcce!i. - •;—Or'en'oit papers min,
toin further accounts otthis discover3rl of,
gold in - large '.quantitieß in . ~Quecit #Char`:l
lotte's -Jalapa. TIM gold is - found on the
surface of the ground .neeithe benek; and
is ditg by the natives; in' great quantities,
Without sorbing like e'Rck or s4ovel,hei-,
ing ?anti : tools eari
make ilionselvcs ; they-manage to get, from
two`to eight ounces per day - to the-hand:
They are, very friendly-to the whites; and
anxious to Lave them coma and trade and
dig, with-theM; " Oxen? OiMrtette's"Jslaod
•ii,jit the North, P,ocifio :Ocean; nndeen . _lie
leeelied - abOut,*eyeri,days Sail'from
egon City.
fanzto—.2l: suit .was decided in New York
on Yrida:y4st, in which the plaiatiffs recov
ered, damages '-to ',the: amount of so,poo
agairis Lewis Tappan of that city.
plaintiffs: were tuerehants_in Mr
TlLTOliii the• premireter ",a =a • MOnantlio
agency eistablishinent appeals, that
the phintifts in ease, J. li. , Beard4 4 '
were nianid:Ao purcVzse.goolls_ia the
city of, New. York, and-as •is the custom
_among, inerebanti, c applicaitariraS 4 - nnde
Mr; - ipOlien for informatioa as to - the Stara
ing. of
. Aile ":14eSsrsi. B. B T, a ansi_er - given,
was snob as to deter parties; from selling to
them ; and ion' boing,renannitrated with,
taPPeri - raised alter„lhor,ont:iy," on kis
kooks, and henes the ettitfOr.damagen,-
States, tbut,,A. - sure
- Pr,! 3 VgatioPf of 'foilroa4 tba
each titan 14Cthe..4400tOrii.
otirely festene4 -in -a near ;
. p)secci ir=
eetly in front of the:lemuoilyo, •
- .
Thirty-Second Congrese--Firet opinion, and expressions on any' and all
`-t....., Session, - -t; subjecti, isthe right of a freeman under a
SENATE,. Jan. , . s.—,Long before - 10 o'- Free Government,' The only sure reliance
clocl4:evely[evenualatling to the-Senate,. iti every is onsthe virtue, intelligence,
'eras throtiged'with:persene itexions to wit- and integrity of the people to correct all er
aces [Keissuth'ireeeption in: the Senate;- , pro, 'lt becomes •not the American to
[At •-il , '[ the :galleries. were opened, , ,and , bow pith blind to opinions or in-
Lamidst- the greatest tumult 'and confuilontistitatieni beeause,of their grey age., 'For
i immediately filled to their utmost 'capacity. t , whileknowledge is 'growing more comp:l.c
-1 The Senate was called to order at twelve ilensive, man's .re.lations becoming better
o'clock;" and opened with prayer by the Iknown,lle who would cling,, blindly to - all
Chaplain, Rev. Mr: Butler. - - I the notions of other times nets a ' suicidal
After reading of the• journal,' presents- part to the best interests of. the:resent.
tion tot' petitions, &e.- • ' _ • While truth and soeiety are progressive, he ,
Mr. Morton,gave notice of a bill grant- who would seek the one with. lan - honest I
ing land to Florida for a plank road in that heart and fearless 'mind, anti act with a
State; - • [ • Igencrons soul for the best interest of the
- Mr . ; Mangum moved' that the fules be I other, centiot entertain all-the 'militia - of
suspended so' far as to- admit' ladies. behind ' his - predecessors..
[. • . - - ,
the _bar of the Senate, whichwas agreed to. If the doctrine 'of non-intervention was ,
Madame Kossuth then entered the Son; proper for in the days of WWI
- on the arm taf ,Mri -Gain, and ington, and even thouilt bequeathed to us
Count Falsity foltowed with l
ether-'ladiei ,in his dying legacy', has "not the time come, ,
of Kosenth's suite. -.. - .. .. . or will it'never arrive, for this Republic:to
_ .Mr. - Cooper ,presented variOus . : remon- deeidenbetber in its foreign relations' it is ,
strances a gaiuit Ake , tratistaiseion - of mails' an inVeterat et rule net'er in any case •to be
ea Sunday. - -- t • . , - _, 'departed fratri; that we inust - itand With
[.- At .1 o'clock, Messrs.-Shields and Sew, Ifolded arms and closed Bpi and see a - brave
lard entered the -Chamber, accompanied -by people goaded by the wrone [ of centuries
Kossuth._ -•- --'• - ' and battling for the rights which
_God and,
`Mr. ''Shields saitlM .. r.. President, we nature had given them.: and. even when they
have:the honor to intioduce Louis Ktii3siith thitve driven 'the - invader fronertheir soil;'
to the Senate of . the United Stetea.. , 'struck down by the hireling myrmidons of
I The Chair [- invited Kossntli- to a'-seat uoiteddespots,.and their. country drenched
placed in front of the Secretary's desk. with theblood of the noble:a : rid the' brave,
The Senate then
. rose; and Kossuth ad- blotted frem the MO of nations'? it is the
winced to his seat . and sat down.
.--- ~ legiey of wisdom fled humanity [bequeath-
Mr..Mangum7L'ln order that Senators ed by Washington and his etimpatriots,that
and all Others may have the opportunity of American freemen must forever, in silence,
paying-their respects to illustrious guest be pierced with the "shrieks of liberty" as
1 moVe that the Senatenow adjourn. - her votaries falls ' -. ,
The motion.teas agreed to, and the Son- 'Whatever may be the polloy or decision
ate adjoutned. : , , - of our Government-in reference to: armed
The crowd "advanced; and were introcitic- intervention, ns the generous spirit sits not
'ed to Kossuth by. Messrs. Seward and at the itecial board with the robber and the
Shields. .. • assassin, let' it, at least, in its intercourse
IlousE.---Mr. Carter moved a suspen- with other nation's, be as circumspect in its
sion of the rules fer the purpose - of introdu- company as the private citizen.' '• To that
eing a resolution authorizing the Speaker nation which' tramples on the laws of na
ito appoint a: committee of five towaitupon thins and the:citretnoti rights, of huin a titY,
Kossuth, andintriuluee him to the. House- let, it not eiteed the hand of fellowship:—
He said if the House intended this ninth - Let us our [ shores, and to the
of respect - to the distinguished inati,it must hearts of our Countrymen; the exile driven
be done between this and Friday; as- he' by oppression end wrong from Abe fireside
would then leave the city. - " of his fathers. - I - - •
Mr. Stuart caused to be read an 'emend-
I meet, which - he intended to Offer, .' that •
I the Chairman of' said - committee introduce
I him'in these words—'.We introduce Louis
Kossuth to the House of Representatives:
on which the members are requested to rise
and the Speaker will invite him to a seat."
The question being taken, the motion to
sespend was agreed to. Yeas, 117 ; Nays,
151. ,
'Mr. Carter . then introduced 'lds 'resold-
tion, and under the operation of the,previ
otis qeestion, it passed. Yeas, 123; Nays,
I During the 'debate in the ,House, last
Week, on the Kossuth resolution, some re
milks were made - by Mr. 7.ll[oitima's of,
Virginia that brought out the - following el- ,
oquent reply from Mr. Grow; which we,
find reported in the Globe: . 1
Mr. Grow—lt wag, not my pnrposo thui '
eerly in, the session to mingle in the - do-,
- bates of this Hall ; nor Mould 1 at this - late ,
remarks but for the charge that, has just
fallen from the lips of the gentleman from
Virginia, [Mr.:lllc3ltillin.] I cannot re;
i frein from replying ; when I have the words'
lof Kossuth to do it With. Let his own lan;
guage defend him against the '!barge of au
decay. He comes here advocating the
rights of crushed humanity and the :cause
I of his native land, and asks the- Anieriean
1 people for their aid against the despots of
his country. . Frankly he lays his claims
1 and wishes before- his hearers, - and asks,
[ their consideration. He asks thernas men
standing under : the shadoW of Washington; I
to consider' the cause of humanity; -and
-for this lie is charged - with being guilty of
I..the greatest impudence l_ Ale his requests
1 tinreasonablc,that they should : net:be heard?
He brings to their elucidation the light of,
i his master intellect, and the impulses of a
i warm heart. ,-,, In. what- consists: his -beim-
dencol D4CS' he :make- a demand' upon
[this G - overnment or People; and attempt by
threats or it'? . Be
presents his - cauSe andirenionsi - and asks
you- for, a voluntary ,decision ; and' if. in:his
, favor, then he:will leave your :shores—the
[ herald of glad. tidinge j to enthralled pationa:
But if yourinswer no,[in Ids 'ctivn--lan,guage
I '. you will See . a:mournful tear in the eye of I
humenityits invest boa:ring With' a Ser
rowful sighe(the - degiver 6ustlie - ne;
eepted." '' If you anstver,-sou.Would
- rith-1
er be ua friendly termswith th e• Czar than liberty:and. indepa ndeneel of ,
, Hungary, •Italy; Gerinang, and France, yet "I
dreadfiil as it is will-itipelbeitetir of stir."
rats , frotiiiiiy eye,atitl say tei ',nig'' brethren;
let,:iiii_ [ tway,, and go to the - ,Lord'slist - sup;[
per, and.; then : to battle, ,and to . . death. -- _ ..I
'will say toAliete,Ahere is. , ne. help . [ ..fer ,Ais
bat in our. trust in : .God atidiit Our. own _ A u[i nak 4, 23 ,' o,[ '
...,., •I A . ina e wo,
or : .
soot' -swords[• .: I al - ill'hava - you : :ait l ) , ' a : 1. 11 97 East"- describes -with e i hareeteristie 'exag-
log farewell; and- bless you tritti- the' warm- I eration, the rettiark f ablpr e errties”l.. gua
est wishes of my heart; . sand pray [ -to :God) ne, es it Drenteter
`that the Sun of Freedoin may never declin i e l i nth r bot i d il l ic i , " rs • a [ e .er • . P p i a - n ' t f„ e i a l l ; n i t s ' n : 1 8 11 (1 - ,s t e l e 'a l
trait the horizen of yOur , haPpy, , land?' '-
this_b i ts
,',itnpudeme i e; *
. i i [ r - W bat way' to trt began-o'lly the vines - camp n
iald i l rap a streak and alttengli,he started offal
:youmve an apest e o liberty 'appeal _tor , the top othis-, [ apeed the vinesiovertoOk hiet
[..t:h° U l 'o l o3' l 'o 44_ la :a people all [l iia land taking out Ins knyekto eut the[plaguy.
[dountry has drank-the,;life-blood-:riot:; only things,
I°'"°-gs, be
°ffoundi ' :[ P°°ke a• largo encumber
enctencumber gene to
iof its' own tnartyrs,,but Ofseed the martyrs of
1 everyielime 1 ? - : - Dv It' iinPident':for. a ma '
1 juit••escapedficirn 'Austrian ':dungeons and.
Turkish exile' to 4110 up in' thtilace' ofi
nations - and' advectate,,the conscious; iighti
of mari,?,,,T,B it " ; impudent'.'. foF.t'lla l .T [ PPre =
,sentativp Of a I [ brive "people to present. the
eleims Of his,fatherland to tins:'sympathiee
oldie descendants :41it,Wieshington,IFiatilt=
lin;und jefieienn ?•---to make his - appenl id
behidf efbleetting' 'bumanitY , to a people.
Whose Orerf - battle-field in :the: - first-and
second war-felititicPanderietijs,reirwiih . the ,
hoed . of,,,foreiknere—ra, a, eeantry iltat,' lo '
rhe : iteltr,ot peril, reoeiyed:the, - aid of a ;Lk'
fey° tte, :Der-ahlb; •,- and- Koticietelto, , -end
whoSe 8011 ; etiitholds:the tiebetrot Pulaski
,'';b& (inieTrupting:)":'l4lsits
iiu'deneci-li in tittemptin4 'te',4elitrey
teachings of WlshiPo. o , o ! ,
~ Mr, Giroy-7.llevoutlS Wo tlg .too
teiebings, of that greatest ,of ceortet
- T itod
Waves grant the: day.. ma never . : came
when 4therwise . vitktbe Anieri
eantill the insiitetiot4,-olimione,:iana
ince, both living:and dead, lifithistenntrk,
40(i$11:414ers, are heiO,..o9Pef - - 01 kt . :OPOO
s'uljeats of inauli,diic'n'o4o - n. :PrOdouL Of
Legislative CFicuses at Harris-
• burg. • •
11Alt lIISDU G, several cau
cuSeslo nomiriatecandidates for, aflieera of
the :two Houses ,of the Legislature, to be'
elected to-morroivonet this evening. The
Demoaratiocanens for officers of the House,
nominated John S. Rhey of Armstrong, for
Speaker, by acclamation. -Tbe Natives
nominated Freclerilik'Reel, for Speaker, and
alull ticket for the siiberdiriate offieei.—
The Whigs nninieatcd John Acker of Ches
for Speaker;.l) . avid Fleming,of. Harris
burgs.. for Clerk h n Dillow, of Lancaster,
for- Sergeantal- Arms, and ThomaS - Lesper
of Lehanonjor Door-keeper. -
There was no Democratic caucus for
ficers of the Seitite, There were sixteen
Whigs . (Senat?rs) Present at the Whig eau
aim Mr.. ,Mathias -declinednominationfor Speaker of the Scoate, and ;the eancus
then unanimously nominated John 11,.Wal-
. mb -"- - -
There is a prospect of. a very.fnll attend
nee at the organization ta- morrow.
k 2: The Forrest Divorce Case -is 'ma - -
king sorne.queor, developments in refer-1
enee to the fiee and easy intercourse of
certain leaders of the tort in ,Newer York,
With these gentry it, is'a''compliment for a
gentleman tekiss the wife of. his friend
when he mokes'an afternoon call; and she;
by way of returning the compliment, locks
him up in tho garret for three days.. An
other interesting custom is to honor an ab-;
sent friend's house by an assemblage ,isf a
dozen, male and female acquaintances at an
evening champagne party, and after.arink
ing until Oak's; and divans•wilinno longer
hold. theta, to take a .prcimisenoui
• till Morning on the 'parlor 'carpet. 1 3 .
Willis Should, xYrite a book descriptive of
I•these scenes,_'-It -would take. better than'
" Letters - front e Under-'-a-, Bridge?"—Pike
' ‘r , - • . • - -,*
12‘0 6 ",0“ the'l4th nltt,..a , mast Ilistres4
sing_. : aaeident occurred in : the
. -Mines of
crohnitown,. it • MeKeysliurg, Schuyitill
county: - , Jahn;Lawler and Mithael
liven; were-working to4ethor brest of
the mine, wheni one of, :the pillars: giving
Way, '• it suddenly eaVed', in. Sullivan
Made Ms eseepO.,, With injuries so sii-
were that:littie Itope'is,entertained:for.
recovery, u „
,aw er ,was eon:l,Rn y-,,m 1 ,
volvod in the ruins, and bis,dead•lindy was
!Int-discovered ,until Sunday: morning last:
They were ,bOth , yenng Irishmn- , -;jost
verging into mitinbotedie prime, : with Welt
hopes and promises for the future'.
Aoz or CMOIDATES -Pon,TILE ramir 7
nErret:;4lr..Clay is_ sovOnty.4v6.
Wubstir and,Gen, -.Cass-are, about;-sixty .
sight. ::`,Gen. Oeott: is, sixty .. .se - yen. Gen.
Tiouston, - -Com. toek fo D i ' 0 en: Wool; Gov:-
Marcy, and Geri. Butler; '`,are 'eneti-,n,bout
sixty. 31r.'Buiihiain. is sixty 7 two:, . Gen;
Lane i s upsistfr fifty l :tbree.. Jliggq
DOU"litif IS` ttiiiiy-Pinfi
Wm.-11tacco;'Gekrertior elect,
toe - been eleeted 'eh 'hetiorotir member -of
.op:lir to tlio,ktter . infoiniing the
feet; 4 . ret9c4rhii):tihe4d.te ;th t,4
e : soefe
aPaPaYelfe.- 1411 ,44440 1 irz4 1 49tY1p
be comes to Ilertiiborg.--, •
-- - .TiOngsrtsorter. l -4)0I . enton sfnemils
in. Missouri; iinve ,
noinibrited , 'him` fortion'-'
gress ind fetaitiniended the follVit2g'Pek,=
For. J-Priaiiieyt o r
-!! Wii.:-o.lltuTLEi,' ••Ky4
-;- •sli'itre Preoident„,-
Gov, Biglor'ei
SecretarJ ofthe Conano
We learn, from unquestionable elation.
ty, that the Governor 'elect, Cot Bigler,
has tendered the':oppointalent- of & trot.
ry.: of tbe" Coninionwealth to Francis
Esq., of Schuylkill ;body, vit
has sighified his aeceptaneo of the office.
The appointment's one!vindh strikes a t
as being, in 'an especial MOnner, a suit
one. Mr. Hughes possesses talents o f t
high order, and those talents, whilst d i e t
have,given him a distinguished plaecia ti;
estimation, of his fellow-eitizens, have 4.
ways been - exercised with great', zeal in b e
half, of. the Democratic cause and 'le •
cipld. Of these lie has ever heen,theile.-
eided ehampien, and, the tamer of his ti t ,
pence has invariably been effectual'
,_. la
rousing our political brethren to that atii.
vity and ardor which is indispensabl e
I success. • _ - 1
Mr. Hughes was eleet+3 to the Se l o
of Pennsylvania. in 1843, by the nom,
dented majority of upwards of 3,806 toth .
In Pottsville, a ,is place of residence, alai
about. MO ballots were cost; there a t ,
hnt 16 °votes - against him, and in Muni
immediate ward,-out - of 400 ballots, tha t
was but a
,single one given to his compel.
tor. These facts speak loudly as to ti e
regard which- these who - know 31r.114 4
best, entertain for bim, whilst the jonnab
of tho 'Senate, -during the time he vas t
member of. that; body,- testify, with EN
clearness,• to big integrity and sterling dt,'
moeraoy as a statesman. -
We-ore-gratified to record!his eppol e t.,
ment to the -important office 'to which it l
has been called by Governor Bigler, 6. 1
cause we knOw that in him the Chief %, .
trate of ourchoice_ will possess an altb,
prudent, arid thoroughly demeeratie cop
seller, and also because we know of
in the State whose general Obaracteri t l
whose energetic services during -the lut
hard-fought campaign, better entitlele t
to so eminent a distinction.
We !urn also that our townsman,lll
James Campbell, has been tendered ul
has accepted, the appointment of Annu l
General. ;.Of this gentleman and his gnu
merits, bah as a lawyer'and as a man, a l
bad occasion to!Speak so frequently doi l
the late campaign, that we do not Noe
necessary; to repeat them now. Deferi
by disorganization, and by the most
worthy means, Governor Bigler !leash
his appreciation of them and of their efts
by this appintment. We have me
known an appointment so universally al
ed fOr by the.Demoeratie Press of the Sm.
In -this, however, it has only uttered k
; sentiments of .tbe entire Democracy,.
• The enemies Of Judge Camphe
their bad accomplished much by defo&l
him, but they have only gken a tut!!
stranger claim - on the affections of ibed
°made masses, and they will find Et
whilst he is universally respected la
lovfd, they rwe every where avoided. fr.t
ernor Bigler has shown by this minljd
determined act, that be is truly and full
the! guardian . of the usages and pritqa
of the party, and dear as he has Cietla
to it, this appointment, made in them
ner it has been, will make him doublyta
Important Novement
-A correspondent of the IslaajoriThn
endorsed by the editor as a well-infari
man, says that the_ object: ofthell
company of emigrants - who recentlit
San Francisco for the" Sandwich
to esi.ibliSh a republican State there. h
this and a Constitotion bad been krd
previous - to the departure of, the expea,
ft is thought that the enterprisaiser*
under the auspices of Sing! Kanebn.4
who expects by this ,movement to non
more favorable reception in his appliens
fora union with' the American Gan
ment, •
apstruotive flre occurred rat'
falo, an Saturday, destroying a larger".
be . r'of . businoss planes, including twirl
the Erie and Attica. , Amount of lon
Mr° An eitcnsivo conflagration ors"
red at Philadelphia, on'Saturday to*
destroying property valued at 2 or 8i4,01
Several persona were buried under a itle'
Wall. 'Five bodies have been *gent
..r t -r. Local polities., rup high adi
Western contiry. candidate for t
try olerkla Texas offered to re4iitatr
nagea•for.nothing, mil
mayell, promised to do the same, and •
in a' cradle: .- • - '
511 e Binghatitton Democrat,
:tleintarldalthat- a party ,of eirgincers tura
atitiaing!, the, route' up the valley
Chenango,r6paratory•to a location d
Syracuse and Binghamton Railroad,.
The' members of, the Montrose Bandon
quested till tneeftit the SIMP of W. W.S. I
&Co Friday , evci.' January 9th, on basbeg i
importance IS to' be transacted. By eridl
the Captain. • •jt A. 531113
. .
;Donation Visit.
The:; friends of Rev. A. 0. wow
make- their Dizeniiion at his hetil
BI entrose, on, the 'afternoon end eveniq d
9th of January twit. All' sue incifell
Acknowledgemen t
:Mi. and Mni. :11.143i.; tender their r W
neknOwleddenieet to their frienihTn.
afternoon nnd!everiing of Dccrinberr , ,
lied: them with: their -very 'acceptable
tions he not: see the hoed of
Providence the dispensallon , li r.'tirepated to 'express las •
lhdt severe_ indisposition presented
seeing. his friends: end from exlicllig P
host ever; none the ss
.stid 10'9er :bre 4:that
Reneitiot9r - 0 1 m
lore a b un d antly Too.
fo'r their generous; freawilt
, T •r ,
griou al ,Society N e e'
win -meet St:the C0 061 4 1 '
13,i11110finessdny.evening of ,the - first ! t o' .
'4ftrilkark,COurti, tojeceiVe tho.repOrtCw
craps end
- award proliums
r.tet.emeh, othei.liugineks rib may
the. society,:Tind 'elect ottecis to
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