The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 25, 1851, Image 3

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    - .
Lints Washin!..lton'7=.4Tational
Library Burned. -
1 TB , congressional Library was.neally
oroye d by &el ea Wednesday lasti._and
Thepublic buildings narrowly *aped.
The estimates' lops is over .a quarter of a
Anong;the works consumed, was
braiy of ,lfferson, and many others
ihi,yelanot bo replaced at any expense.
1 , „,,...r5; following article troth the
a , .ztv L ont• 4t/as lis much like the boy's
4 , -
tin of porpendieular —"straight down
, ' taut
up.” -
r , Buelianah---The suocession
The Last Hope of Dethocracy.
lob not feel disposed, whilst 'annoy
e i hi an e quinoxial cough, and a Scptern
bet chiil, to go into a very elaborate die
eturse ea the subject of the.Presideney,—
sa, the duty we owe to others than our
telres, requires That we should advar\co .
1 ,, h t h e s ubject of the next Presidency.—
ifre can afford any light we'shall be very
id of it; but, lt wo 4. render . darkness
n;Ne," we shall not stand alone, and no:
Oly will be injured.
3Vo commence therefore, what we haie
te'sar to dav, with the avowal , of thelaot,
t hit, if 31i..James'Buchartan, is not nom
;„ ' t o; by the Democratic party, their can
di ate for the suceeSsion; the election, so
fa as the democracy of the United States
i s
tot hesitate m eerned, may, be considered •decided.
to make the avowal as
W d
the result of conviction, by which we shall
teiezdy to stand, through all the coming
chi:Ns and changes of the approachinm
Buchanan ;is the only mart- In the
taited States, on the democratic side, wino
n ..i iv arry the electoral vote of Pennsylvania.
lithe democrats 'iptuinate Gen. Cass, or
an6ther now Imein candidate, Ponnsyl
%aria ;rill give her vote to General Scott;
cr te whoever may be thesshig candidate.
uf this, no intelligent man, need entertain
50';itary doubt. In /Int event, General
Se4lt,othe Whig candidate fur the Pres
;o.l ,ev2r be maw be, commences
the states, of Sew Pennsylva,
ranched o:du. He -bags" the whole of
tbSca Circe states, without difficulty ; and
aftet that, what becomes of the election
It: Mr. Buchanan carries Pennsylvania,
be takes from the whigs the only positive
and ,:.;nfidettt * hope they have of success ;
&net, even then, it is by no means car
fain, that they can be defeated. Still Mr.
Buchanan's chance, at the " tap of the
drum," is far better than that of any oth- -
ererlidatc, and he will had off with a
brilliant prospect before him— he will to
bay the least of it, be far better circum
amend than any competitor.
if the democratic parry is really ambi 7
tioui of defeat, let it refuse to nominate
Mr.:llaehanan, and at - once effect its ob
ject—it et once thrbtrs itself ont of power
furs quarter of a century at least, if not
forettr.' I.l.fuse to nominate him, and the
wbias ermmenee the battle for the succes
sion; With eighty-:even votes out of the ,
hundred and seventeen necessary to consti
tuter. majority and elect. And the votes;
thus ;5 he a! piled, could be obtained,
from agland and one of the slave
states—for ii,stnneo, the string
ud.,i g trate of Carolina.
iut Prtild ney is within the grasp of
demoeratic party, if Mr. Buchanan be
pliood at the head of it, as its Candidate
zed standard bearer. Without hits all is
lost blend hope V redemption.
A New Express Line.
eapj Jas. Sisk, the veil known propri
dor orSisk & Co's Freight Lino, on the
rie [ULNA, has established an Express
Line fir the delivery of packages, 31erchan
dise, &c., on the Lackairanna and Western
Railroad, (better known as the Legget's
Gap road,) and fr,m his well known ca
peln,:iategrity nd business habits and
qualifications, the public may safely entrust
their business to his care. We bare been
aelmioted with Cant. Sisk, for the past
tea yaks, daring ;Alai time he has been
eurstantly e:npl.,yed on the Erie road in I
business of this kind, and we hate no hes
hoer in recommending him to the,public
Collfi`l6Ce. He is prompt; active: and en
ergetio4 aid besides, one of your whole
sealed; every-day sort of men, calculated
to" role friends and keep them." We I
wish him all success in this new branch of '
Insiness—D;p Criuricr.
'Rail Road Accident. ' The Cacandaigua Express train on file
Erie 'kill-cad met with an accident near
I Veatiesdav night, occasioned by
the breaking o!' a rail. The engine and
luggage car !aised on safeiy, but the last
ar trti thrown tir the 'track, dragging
tith itithe next car. There were but 'few
peengers in the rear car, and none were
inigertinsiy injured, though several were
tirsideranly bruised. No bones were ,bro'- -
he. 'the passengers in the second cur
sire-not injured. The night was intense
Iyeolk and the accident was doubtless 00 1 7
esioned by frost in the rail. The pas
,r!tget4 went on after a short delay, and
TntheLi New-York , at 11 o'clock, aboui
'utrhaiirs behind time.
....ilother Great Smash. . 1
The L‘lail Train Which left here yester
day mokaing, (Dee. llith,)at,lo o'clock 33
mian'.4 going East, came in collision
with a 'refight Train coming West, near
Lel:thiaxen, smashing both
pieees damaging, the baggage, mail
and eaq or two of !the passenger cars.—
Berirall persrins, were injured—none, we
to nadertnd, seriously. Mr, Richard Ely,
314 Agent, fro th this village, was io
t 4 mail car, and c.mped unhurt. Some
!qy was to blame, but we are not Baffin
itatly informed to oaf who.—Bingham
toa Rvit,
.S'Atte of the former friends of Webster
c tlsiot d ial!y say a sharp thing of him. goi
~ ,s tuc, Judge Allen remarked in a speechnil. a recent eani'ass in Massachusetts,
thit hci, did not wonder at the
.number of
tames 4tained to the paper nominating
Weletti to the Preiiciency, as it must be a
Lzury to Boston merchants -to see a Web
'lr sa,i•
:ttk their io
am on' which nothing. icas
tU' ;Girls. Isbo rise early und,/,talk
t , sal roses frpm Urora's face; -but
ttey vatli in bed till ten, Aurora
It'4l!tkre baeli
Dr. G:'2.llsitio'cli: having - kond journey . ,
leaves the business of-his office itrehar„oe of
Dr. C..C..fielney, to vhdm. he comments his
Mends. • ' • - botf
' - NOTIOE.,.
'There a special imedting of the OM
vocation- of North Eastern Pa.; -in St- Mat
the s Pike,' Bradford ethint,y. ' Ser=
vice to commence on Tuesiiity, 30th hist, at
3 O'clock, P. 3f. Servities three times on each
of the following days: 4QIIN
The Electie Botanic: „Medi eal Sheiety
meet at- the Court House in Montrose,
Tue.sday, January 6th, 1852, A. general at.
tendlnee is .aolieited. The Meeting
addressed by .'Dr R. Thayet 11,4 others.•
- Notice
Those per4on.s employed - tts : Sehettl ° resell - -
ere in the township. of -Bridge - Water, for the
predent whiter, who have 'not been examined,
are. hereby notified to meet at the 1-Ithise of
Wtn. K. I-fateh, in thelßorough of Muntrose,
on Saturday the 10th day of January, next, at;
1 o'etottlr exaunnatiow
By order., - bf the Board
- - BULIMIA Com.
3fontrese, Dee. :.14, Issl. ,
13 Rev. 1- 3fulkey, on the morning of Dee.
.113 d, 1851, ut,ttiohouse'cif W. - Crocker,
Mr. RictrAno D. - DArtitnn .snd Miss 4)) - e.ItY
Ce cinit,ail of Briiigen'4ter,ton*ship..
At the residence of her fathei, id-gandford,
Broome-co., N. Y:; on' Vie 111thipsti,34rrit W.,
wife 'Of,Charlei:K; Jenkins. arid daughter of
Elijah and Afttry Whitney, in 'the 300 year of
her age." With the, subject ofthis brief notiee
the writer-has had an :intimate acquaintance
'froth her early, ehildhood i and it is but'paying
"affection's mete tribute' to departed; worth'
1 to say that she, pCssesSed In 'an ciainent de.'
. I gree all those domestic virtues ankehristian
graces' so ennobling to the characier 'and so
well calculated ' to.aequire the respect Maivvin
the affection of all Within the circle i g her net,
rquaintance. - In . the various relatiobsisf wife,
i mOther, ' daughter, sister and friendi she
,dis- I
I allarged every duty incumbent - upon her With
I exemplary. fidelity and disinterested affection.
With a firmness of purpose and herpiCself de-
ration worthy the Spartan age, sho,accompan-
led her husband- to California. anti There in a
land of strang,ersjor from the hoine of her;
ichildhood,cheerfully participated in . - his toilsl
and privatiens,and sought to cheer hith by bed
society. But declining health"sooMadmonislid
ed- her to seek a more salubrionslelinie, anal
she accordingly started for home. Puring heti
journey she reeeii.ed every attention and kind
ness which. situation and circumstances would
,-.. , t ~
permit. - But .the fatigue - and privations Mei
, dent to a !Ong journey and a passage across
the Isthmus during the -rainy sca4m;,proved
too - much for endurance, and she reached lie:
paternal home in a state of utter physical pros
tration. Could the kind-sympathy and assidu
ous care of hffeetionate parents andfriends, or
the Unremitting attentions of . skillful physi
cians hare availed, Death's fatal shift had bean
averted - and She - had stilt been spared, 'But
that fatal malady; the Panama. fever, was too i '
firmly seated to yield to' the most efficientl
roedical-trehtrnent,Mad' after' enduing for a
few; short weeks the meat intensei suffering,
which .she bore with exemplary patience and!
resignation, and an-unwavering and, triumph
ant trust in the mercy
,of her Bedeetner which
a life so blameless would naturally itispire,
"Her sun of life sat, r,t the morn*, star,"
N'Vlileh maes not down obscured by,clouds,
Nor hides behind the darkened West, :
Butmelts away into tae light of heaven.
1 NV:11,
Hear Ye ! 'Hear. Ye !
A"persons indebted to the subscriber are re
quested to make payment-speedily—at least
prior to Ist of February nextz • , •
beeembr 18ti
To the Hon.dhe Judges of tee Court of Quar
ter - Sessions of the Peisce,irkUndlor-ihe Courrz
ty of gusgmeheinna :
I"petition, of Metriman 3 fatrici of the i3o
re of Montrose iu said county, respectfully rep
resents; that they are provided with suitable con
veniences to keep a. Grocery in the Borough afore
; and that it is their iutentioa to app y to the
next Court of Quarter SeSsioni to be holden In end
for said county orithe third monday of January
next, for a-heel:we to keep a. Groceiy, end, to sell
strong beer, ski - or other liquors, according to the
act of Assembly 'of 14th D. 1851:
men.r.uN & PATRICK'.
Montrose, Dec. 23.16t1. , - • fe.wi 1
tplit undersigned, appointed' bythe Court to re
if port a distribution of-the assets In the hands of
Charles 'Tingley, Administrator of the estate of
Alonzo Carpenter, deceased.--also to distribute the
proceeds arising from the Slieriips eaten Of the real
estate.of Chas. Cltandler, dec'd., and of the real
estate at Lafayette Trowbridge; herebY Sites no. I
tide that ho will attend td the diitiei of said up-
pointment, in the above named cases respectively, . WATC/lIIIIPAMING,
'at lila office in - Itlontroie; on Friday the 16th day 1 AT THE 'OLD STAND AG tIN.
of January nest, at ;one
_o'clock P. A., at ri•hich ; rilbe Subscribers haring restinted - the akove
time all pernatis intercited are relttired to Present I A. Named business under the innnagernent of 1
their claims or be debarred front corn Mg-upon said I Mr, Alfred Sayre; respectfully solicit from their 1
To the lion:the .I:lldges,rl #4. Court of guar; funds. • - - WM. 3. TURRELL, Auditor. old customers in that liao - a return of their Pat
ter Sessions rf the peace, in &nd for the.coun, ' 14 e. 13 -i l P l * -: ' .
.: . .51.1 i 4 • renege —M r. Sa}-re is an Experienced and skilful
ill of sosquohanna :. _ , ~. , _ - ri t rmw.e rb ,---- 0 ,-ving- Etc ra-frigi- .6 T-tire-Eor p -flai c ::_ r l workman baring learned his business and for
T HE petition orßenjatiiiii Glidden vt. the/demo .
tth e i. With 9sger' e y es h a ' seizes the moa n' s ' conanyiears worked in some. o nt to do any kind of
resents, that he is provided with suitab(o-co of the best 01, in
of Friend.erilie in said' eininty, respeaSnlly'rer • cos in the fienrenn;;; and h e i a i. a, and rapidly !_ nl New York City, in compete
computes where she crosses :Aber test change. p o iwork that may be Entrusted to hirit.-- , Promptness
alerteei to keep a'if - devil' id the hiirodgh aPte. !He finds the. new Moen occurring fir the ; f nch'vrate charges . Iliti warraining, of all good i
watches. ve trust will s:ecurea (nil share of Pat -1
and that it is his intention to apply to- lite r t sun's track ; he looks - around' another revolu- '. F
! renege. Gold Rings made to order , and all kinds of
Court of Quarter Sessions , to be. lioldeti an i lion ; the place of the new moon . falls - closer: '
said county on the third rrionday,ofJannary.w !to the sun's path, _and the next .
y _ eth..cioser. ,l Jer i z o l7 i r . opaired.. -_BENTLY rj• READ.
2. 1.'"1.
fora license to keep it g,rocett, - audto :it'll s 4
1 '1 unfit renchiivr . ferward with ph:row , i ntellect-; E t ' - • •-•.)
beef, ire; or othfi_lhialins; according to the ac. ' vend-ni.,
g lid'atlast finds n nerd muss whch iht
Assemblyof , d4th•-.liprilia.d2lBsl.
..,.".- I
..,' 1 4' l Oecirs precisely emnpnied time 'of the, - .
' . : ... / 1 - C , :ii) ,l)4 lpassitte scioss the. - sun's track: 'Here he ninkes i -
s I ..ltattow),.andsuf2the . ,dail of the Occurrence of 1
Clocks,.Watches, and jetrelry,
- Mirisltal Bolcs .t... Aecorileons 5 '
Ilipaittd and IYarratited ,by
; . J..G „EDWARDS, :, , .1- -
Shop in the store of J.!..4. WilliatneftSortilv Gib
. .
", son, Pa. • 50m3
F+SC~sif!e,Doe.: S, ISM,
To tbx 'Hon: the Judges i f the Criurl 13' .quar_
ier Sessions of l'i:troe, in and fort e'coun
ty:cf: S'urscpie7tann4: , . - :
THE petition of issac bollard of tbelborentk
of Ifontioin in said con4Y, respectfully refire
seats, that ho is provided; wnh initable-conoettien
tea to keep -a grocery in the . borough aforesaid ;
and that it Is his retention -• to aripl to OA' best
Court of ginirtei-Seigona to lie hold n iitand for
said-county on thetlunl nitinda;;;••of ,lonnary iiext,,
for a licensa, to keep a gr a ced , and' fo sell strong
beer, ale, or other. T licinors', according to the sit of
Assembly of filth ' Di 1851.,
II y:Wa
Montrose, Deetrabir 2:4
Auditor'a Mitiev.
TFIE undersigned hiving been apPabiled by the'
,Orphan's Court ,of, Sualuchanna,! county, 'anj
Auditor, to have-a bearing on!thaexecotion,s filed
to thiAdutintstrator's occoutit'of Ala littamiond,
Adiutaistrater of Giles L'oiria, dec'd.; also td make
distribution of the assets in Mb hands of .A.Chain
brrfia;Atisalitistiator of 'Josiah' Lord, deb'd:',
moag the . erfditorii of tberaid decedent, hereby .
gives notice.that he tyillah.eini to thb..,4titiesi
said 4ppointinent; in-thc.'.above natited: - cases * - re. ;
spechrety,xtt the otribbor.LT. Richards,: Esq., '
- Montrose, :Saturday the?2,4ffi' day :of
.. ,,,Janna I
next, at one o'clock P.M., at trbieh Mae and Place!
all peraOns interested are' required to present Their
claimeor be debarredtiona coming tipon inch &ode. ,
IL IL...FRAZIER, - Atiditor.
' - ' 5214 !
S. H Pierson
TkratEllfri ofDii Cods, Read/
- Mae Clotblug,3Thode IslancU end tot:int:oh -.1.10e,
P. N.V.—T.ll(i Tellow,Ston 'Op town. t.
Carbondale, Pa; - •
• •
IXTANTEll..Onethottmal?d virCniTicum
►Y /SAAR, fiTO, - b;031:11Vit . 1) 941011 Wbeat Brati ; i omd
Produce -01'11U kande, tot whiCh'etish win be rata. •
Carboxtdale, -- Nocomber2l4Blsl... - . :5*6
. ,
rftlit onbaariber will pay eitalitor all goti; slime
Otier, Fisher and - 11e..,i;
although Coati ilia ..4ltiek
, rat aro'irry 10*.t4is year hi "market; yet ho will
- - - - - bay thew in,traila -or part cash at, what -
thq Awe
.---- • •
• , , , at. c. TYLER
rioNTATNINGrot.rg., 3 '7. irja ntin n t .. Illoalroao; Dec: I, = -• •- •
125 :Leto eteareg fenced,. well watered,: atist...,t
bnlatinee timbered. .E.teell en t Z11,1)11-
alet Wells on the prelnleee, or en & „it riza.scoN,,,
- ' •
LAcrit,tiviiiiikoAu, tiad Saloot
44 or rotail at Nos!4lllforti Depot, by Qi 4un.tarr.,
Deoeintitr , lssz. - -
Regis'ters" Notice.-
uaLtolitiTice is hereby,kiven to ;nil-per-
I sdhs ,coricorried in the following tatetes, to %sit :
listate.'of Elscartl Maxon,
X.VhitneY and J W. Dittlen Adm'rix;
, •
.kstati:l - of Oliver WeAtherby,deo'l, Luke
Weti,EliorbyiAdra'r.; . •- •
Eitago of Nathan itdthrop,-
eatliariaojlaylorA,J , oto Lathrop , Aditer.•
-V, ' itatii of •Cbaupey taiOdr,,
J. toiral .Guaidian • -
°That the aCcouidaats have nettled their at:•
counts hi the Register's office in.aud for tlie4oun
ty' Sasiluotianaa, dud that the same'Vill be
preseUted to the Judges of the Orphatis! L'ourt of
amid couoty, in Montroso, on the 19th day of Jan..
nary 'nekt, for ceufirutatiou and allowance:
J. T.I....kNODON' i Register.
Iligister'e "(Ace. Dec. 9.3, 1851,' - -
Lac4awarnitio. Itallro
Per Paieenaer Trains with ! Special Messengers for. eI:C .
fortepraing , of Aterchan4se Pantvge.t of, -
• every &sedition, Specie,' Bank Noles, 4e.
VOTtS;Draftt, andlls collected, all orders alteltd.
ed to with promptness and ut vasonabil? entei.
'The Agenta the Lad:lto - antra ST. Weston Ilaltroad
Company will act as agents for the above express line.
Fxprestttilingons *lll be ih readiness" two* the arrival
of 'each train at Scranton, to forwanlL with. a:spat - ell,
Mere/mm/ire, ate., to Pittston, Wilkesharre. Ore, -
Letltt t 4
Searle of Montrose, is. authorized to receive
and fortrard Express Freight from. that place to the
Montrose Station, and from acid Station to Montrose.
it ff. Martha of rankliannock,' will receive and for
ward ttpress Fialglit from that piaci, to • Tunkbauuock
Station, and - from thOt Station to Tunkbannork
' . • -.TAVES SISK',
.-2.v . orOmlsez,lS.ll.-52tt • - /3.11. TUROOP
ossuL .as Comet
par. rutted States a America, conrcions of their
glerious calling, sent• a vessel to distant Turkey to
break the chains by which the mightiest despots of Eu
rope fettered the activity of the illustrious exiled Dun
i:Arian chief , whose very name disturbed the proud se.
entity ,id" their slumber. Ile is now the nation's guest
Ile comes to muse our sympathy and ask'our aid for
'his people and them cause. In view of the Kotauth cx.
citemeut, and other considerations which more directly
concern ourselves,. the late litre of Drs. J. Or. D. P.
Brundage is dissolved by mutual consent. It has be
comenceesmry ely:' to close up the again. of
our old Books, which have been front one to sitteca
years standing; and would respectfully beg leave to can
thenttention of all tho4c indebted, to a settlement of
the saute w:thout further notice or delay. The notes
and boas maybe found in the bands of .1. W. Brun
ilare fora short time. mead, can be made to either
Of the late partner , . - J.IP, J.W. way:lrmo n.
Gihson. Jan. 1,1632.. D. P. BruNn.ton.
Dr. D. F. Prundam respectful); asks leave to tender
his sin cern thanks to the citizen% of Susquehanna. It
serne.‘tlayne and Vi'youting counties for their very
oral patronage, and many proofs of frleral.hip. Ile d•-
signs a permanent residence in Gibson. and may bo
found, as usual, at the old ogles of Dre..l. Iv. a-. f). F.
Brundage, when not professionally to caged.
52m2 . D. F. BR! NDAGE.
?THE Notes and:Accounts of the late firm o
1 Eldred a-, NtitreOmb ate itt.the hands of A.
Chamberlin, Esqy fat coliection,.und unless set
tled before the first of January they Will be sued
iudiecOmirtateiy. G. D. ELDRED.
D0e,.19, 1851..', , 5 cw. 4
To the lion. the Judges of the Court of Quar
to Session tf the Peace, in and for the Coun
. ty of Susquehanna :
VVV[IE Petition of , Enoch Chambers, of the BL,ro'
I of . Dundaff in, said county, respectfully repre:
sents, that he is provided with suitable convenien
`ces to keep a CrticerY in the Borough aforesaid ;
nod that it is his intention to apply to the next
court of QuarteiSessions to be holden in and
for said county on the . third Monday of January
next, for a license to keep a Grocery, and to sat
strong beer, ail, or other liquors, according, to the
act. of Assembly of .14th of April, A. D. 1851.
Dundiff,-,Dec. 17,1851. 51w4
rpHE undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the
Orphan's Come of Susquehanna comity to
make distribution of the assets remaining in the
hands of D. Oakley and Elizabeth Greenwood,
Executers of the last will and testament of Aaron
Greenwood, decettstl, will atteud to the dutiei of
'that appointment at the office of B.: S. Bentley,
Esq . in likntrose, on Friday the lerh day of Jan=
"nary next, at• 2 o'clock c-at., at which time and
•place all persons inierewed will present their
clalms before me "or be debarred from coming in
for a share of such assets.”---
L. F. FITCII, Auditor.
Dec. 1.0, 1551, - er4
52' w
Turnpike '
TUE z;ztual meeting. of she , Stoeitholdetv. of
:the -Leuor'ittid:Harmbuy Teurnpike /road
CoOmpany will be held ta the bonse , of 'Joel Steen....
haekl! in Gibson tiowrwhip, on . Monday the fifth
day 40annary - itettt;_l4o'cliielt; A. 1114 to elect
ope,rtenson te eenre rresident, one Secretary,
one Treasurer and eix managers', IO sefie the en
sdiug year. By oldefof the Board.
50w3),, " BENJ. COMMFOST. Secretary.
•--.Turnpik* e Notice.
1 I\rdrlCE is hereby given. 3o the Stoc (1-
1 1 11 ers of-the ItroOklyn and _Lenox Turnpike
Road Oompanct that The anneal meeting of-the
,Stockholders of said company will be;held at the
1/01160. Of Grow andißnithent, itt Letter. on Ihe
Ann Monday intJandary next, at one'o,'Clock I..xt
[. .dow3j - GROW,: President.
lian:with his Throat Cutl
BOT he did it hlmsolf, the Barber had nothing. tO
with it no man ever hoard of such' a thing_ being
.done by the Barber, while the Newspapers gra full of
Instances of men doing it theniselies.,A razor is a data;
ttgons thing. and none' but an experienced workman
should Debit/owed to handle it. should thick
thls, mid not trust to himmdf,Sor no one cantell erhat
may happen to -him. .Nore If yet/never touch a razor
you will neverend your th.oat with% .so just call on
CIIIMIIX . S TlL'ilAit, Barber fe Eearle's
building, next door to Postoflice, who will' - shave you 45'
isia4th: as. a new lioniiwbe;
ilolittosi Dec -10 1551 - • • Sotf
IVTAite,S io Peri iiyis - talbr i rlaot and Irlatfblaj; 2411 i
Noutroat, May 13. H 1,10;rs. &t.elpssPtesi.'
Sisk & Throops
Auditor's" Notice.
Auditor's Notioe.
Eliertifie Sales.
1)Y 'ilttue of writs of.'Ven. .Exi - isstecl - out of
the Court f. Common Ple:us Suaquelian
ne - aunty; and to me. directed,.l- will expose to
Public Sale at tho'Ccurt Hondo frt..illontrose; on
qatnixtay -January 17t1i; -1852, at oue ecloek:r.
ar„ all that.cortain piece o.r.parerrof land, sitlitife'
in the township of (Afford, itt filo county of Sns:
queliatinzi,b r ounded arnl:ilejScribcd as fottewii, to
wit: (iu tho laud.: of f IVillii
err east by lands of l'ficimaißurdickinu (he '
by lands . of Alanson HilliStdU;iind - otithe•l'reat try _
landi Of gen:Moll% Gu i lei.eitintahaing.4o acid., be
the same - Mere tn. - less, togethei.witift the- appur
teutirrces,-mici franied dwelling hoinie,'one , frameit
kin, Que. - Clothing Shap, ono.pithard; arid . about
IS acroi iMproyed, late the • Tlionms
Ustick and Samuel C.'..llfuntaney. ,• • • .‘. •
.....re4en in execution at the - suit orsillf &
CO.against-Thomas S t atMlerP.•
-[lBO,, - -
All that tortilla Piedo or parcel-of hind, siiiihtei
ntid.being in the township of r4pringville, ur
the conntrorSusqueitanun, and State-of .Penturyl
'vonia, bounded and described as follows, to wit;
On the, north. by the - road . leading Crony-Spring.
vill. to Brooklyn, ott .the east try" the road • leading
to Nicholson, and on the south and West by lands
of A, al ardBloy, containing one-lirtlf acre,-ba. the
same more or less, togathor with the appurtiniutt
cts,-ofie trained dwelling house,one trained briny,
rind allimproved, lute the estate .of Polly frotiilley.
Takeititreirectition nt the suit of Vatvin.teet;
to the use of henry 11., Piutciy 4fraitot " Polly
lloadley, With -notice to Clarli titirr T. I'.
C. 111; c!!:/zE i luto
Sheriff's ofaCc, Montrose, t
Dec. 15, 1851. 5 • • *r
Shoriff's Sales.
. „
BY 'Virtue of Li writ of 'Von. Ex. issued r oUtot;
the 'Court of Common-Pleas of Sumueliattna
eountj'and to the directed, 1 11011 expose to Pub--
he sale at the Court House in Montrose, on Saw.
day the lith of January next.nt..oue o'clock i;s:
—All that Certain piece or parcel of bad, situate,
lying and being in the township of Rush, in t 6
cuusty.ol Susquehanna utid State 01 Pethisylva
nia,boatulect and deer:rib-do's follows, to twit: On
the north- by Junds of I'. Cotrell, - on the east by
lands of L. Vanitaaven, un the south by lands of
L.ll. Avrest, and-on the west by:lands of, Win.
M. Ilinhesiey, cont9ining fi fty acres, be the'sathe
111.1111 or less, tOgl.tilar with the appurtenances,
one frantzd house and one framed barn and about
fifteen acres improved, late the estate of Cyrus' W. I
- Taken in execution at the snit of Juhu Cottrell
aaaiust CytusiV. Coulstcrk. ' •
All that certain 'piece or parcel of, land, situate
in the township ofJaieksom,eounty Susqueliam !
no and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and, des.
I cubed as follows, to wit: Pu`the north by lauds
of John Griffis, on the east by land of Widow
I IloWgliton, and on the south and west by landteof
Lewis Marsh, containing 3 acres, he the same
more or less, together with the appurteuand'es, I
saw-mill and all improved.
Taken in execution at the suit of E. T. ropng
against Nathithio
hilt. -
ALSO,' •
it s virtue of a writ of Lee. Pa„ issued and di
rected as above. I will expose to sale at the
same time and place, all that certain tract or par
cel Uf hind situate in the townshitkof Lenox, in
tie CountY of Sitiqpiebannit and State of Pennsyl
vania, and batted, bounded and described as fel
foxes, to Wit: Beginiiiwi- at a post and a7taies the
south-weatTerner of Robert warrantee;
north 01112 degree east, One 'hundred and ten perch
es to a pest and stones.; thence partly by a line of
John Brundage, jr.'s land, south one degree west
forty-five perelies to a post and stones; thence by
the saute south eighty-nine degrees eastsixteen
and five-tenth perches to a post and stones thence
Vastly by a line Nn. 16, south one degree west six-
ix-five perches to a post and stones ; and' thence
nortti.eiglity-trine degrees west one hundred and"
eighteen perches to the place of beginning, con
taining seventy-nine acresomd one bundrad and
seventeen perches, together with the apptirtenan
ces, one frame house, one log barn, one log house;
and - forty acres improved..
!Taken in execution at the suit of Albert.:Cm
bcrlin, Administrator de bards nen'inf
dler, fr., deceased, against Isaac- Wood Mfr.
G. II.'ELDRED, Sheriff:
Sheritrioffice, Montrose,
Dec. 14; 1851. •
TAKEN from the house of the subsciibeT i
or about the 4th of May last, an Acconut
Book, containiug about three hundred dollars,
($300) of accounts, and a number, of notes
and seceipts of a considerable amount, also a
counterfeit detector, coutainlnb all the names
presidents and casilleis of all thu baaks,in the Uni
tdd States. A number of other articles missing.
Whoever will return said property to the subscri
ber shall be liberally rewarded, and receive the
thanks of the Eubsa iLez Also, thin is 'to forbid
any person paying any accounts or notes payable
to me to any other perion, except myielf or„Wife.
taneshoro, Dec- 3,1851. -lafr
excbinge to: goods by: Elio - suliscriber, '4ll
.o ,4lllids of Mez - chastalde Crain, also, Ilyeaviax,.
!Feathers, 'Timothy Rigs, Butter,
Cheese, Lard,,pork, etc. •
;Montrose, Dec/ 1, 'SI; ; -
To. Country 'Merchants and..Ped , -
', Jars:
C, I•W El; , e p r r ggl := 4 and grocer, ins. in
• Isr g an imtuenae stock
taught at auction tinter lit Neti 1. - Ork, which he trill
atultoletale as tow irnot totter than they can be bought
lulhe The stock' et , teptite In part the felloirlair
Calor-ea, Potnat newt, •i3ear and other Otte, Shairing
and ot her Seaptt, Playing eartl9,Tine &'DrerFingeorobs,-,
Hair, Hat, Shoe and l'opth ttrushop, Pocket Kuirea,
very. tow,. Envetopei., Poll and Doll Roads, Watlet.i,
Fdcltei Dirake, Razor ~itrops- very low, Fancy • Botees,
'French Pf , d,untety, prawhig,,PDASlatqp,rmas, Drcsßtng
Tins, Steel liewle,.Pocket .Ink . Stands, Tooth Parte,jrvi
ict.rowilcr,:inua llcats ' /laud Glassrs,TortUcHneo t
very, large ; auortrnent, Iftnah Organa,.Peu
very low, Balsa, etc; •
- . .
Tho subscriber would also the attention of tlu
public in his paimenst, stnek orDing's.Nedielne,orine.!:,
Oils,' Fruits; Contectioncry„ ctc., which will- 1)e s4lkl
nheaptr than they, ean 15e boU gb_t at any other cstnbiOn•
meat went-o! ew York. co.viVELLii
Illn:bimton,Lsen; 2 ; 18.51. -
. . - . , , .
• - - ',..- . 4..i. - '• -- - A:NXI,OtS to respoilil to . the
:74 6 ,-. .
.(I. Ilbentl and increasing OW
., - 0. "'" - „rocnigned hie.numarou's friesids
( 4 .k..
‘ ,, N ik
a ,--..„ - ' 3"2 a cm:tome:l, hsthe vey =Mgt
i n - ; - -I?: :Of ..
sentlncive to. the interest nt all
, - . , ..' • K conternttl, titti enbaeriber takes
• ai - Vii, . ;
. - _ ....,-. p . iessare: in stating tbat he:lists
°..,.. a." ~• just sexism-11 •from 'blew York,
~.. , e,'„ . ... 9 .-.., ,', -. sith the mortcompleto and - ex.
:NO , ,-:'":-' • • toners heeoilinent of gody eitr
jorened In tbt# aunty, rinatin.Cfpg - in its variety limp).
articles tiot before kept by him, tro d - sthiet` , has been I 1)-
lected. - with mat caret haVinit,tkern 13 tingti t directly tram
the ipsirufactpscrs, and impottim,.lisd s'lll be fold; at
the smallest hsitag profit. Xxiending to ail. a eerdial in
sitatiem to call and examine. his goods and prices; here;
mains ae erer,the public's"; - ' • ' • - - .'
- -Alattseerreetful Emeant, , ,
~.,. , ':-
. ' '
~ .• . -:- ----;:-.- ;, , - ALVIIED,T., - . ,- -
, rstoctiosotios messsliskeisa; ism. .• - . .. ... 48 t f
irlot , 4t bdifKiiiTs 7 7TatirMEtits fi,Uttpatterne,hy • '
you. Deehi'lsbr„ ..;-.'-'.- . '
~ : A. i; EVAtil3l.,!.
":. H • ..•
AA nor. TrinatELL: Drug:init. iftAinfiiii;i 0 i
li.siettes tc, giva•everytanilly sarilliehroanti antuffy
a gaixl Almanac for gem 1852. , They nro th , rofore
bmbliuvite4 to comoor-seridliol get onemtultotitty.
• - • epsm- , -
14,,TATuar...s ow* resnetly for Oppepsfe r - obtained /rota
gfunci. rot t4e Ciastrkluire of the Os. For Sqlo
by - ; 'ADEL TWIRELL, Blontre36.
PROMIXA T/ONS Courty. ss. , •
DinLiuni.lV: %%natl..) In the enuripl. tontinou
•_vs-Pleas of 'isuitlConnty,.
ciTiisnti:c Vino - Anetist T. I 85I;
To . Virgil Where.ei.-iilSubpinna'
inDivorce . to A itituat '1851;
.tvae - tlulfr -- kturne'd "nen 61.114itlitase, and
thereon- nii. alias- in .-:seid
cause ietunnthte to "Not:-Tenn, Itit upon- thea Which; proof wee made to:,thetesiii:Datirt
that diegilitl.Cattnif ine,Virgit "crottltt tint ite'tbitad
in mjr•Dailiiiicit. . • -- •
• 'This notice is therefbra to require vitt triaPPast
before Abe - Judea said
-Court, on thck third
Priortday. of Jaatiarineit:to
plaint, • -.• G ERE; Into' Sherifn
-"fdrenfF,'s office, Msatruse, - •
Sr,' 1851.
Andrew Spearbeckl In the , Coiirt,pf Cdinrhon
- : Vb. - Pleas of said County'orAtt-
MinF;rva SPeartlerk.)grtst Ternt, IES), No: 9t.
Minerva Spearbecic e.• Whereas, a Suhpa)•
int in' Divorce %via issued to AlmirstTernt, 1851;
which - Was duty teturned saa:est ineentus, and
thetecit clidhas S:uhpwali :was bonedin-:aid
'cause retarnalihk to': Tam, 1851,. open the
return of which proof was nut& Co thesaidCotirt
that said llinefsa SiiedrUccii oat • Ei found
in my. •
- •
, .
notice 'ix (116rertre Irt rettiro yilit • tn . ap
pettr Aii-t.5 Oki 114-6' et 11w said dc - ittrt on th 6
third Monday 'of: jitttliiry - - at. , xt,4A 'tiusver- "Aid .
Cbi»igniitt, • V. M:6 ERB .) htte
Sht•rill'i otilcr. Mnotrat , e; -
Dee. - - ' -
susgutriatliNA pottliiy ss. -" • -
Tininiii lio4ver ) In the Court or Common Pleas
vs. " - of enid. Colnity;:of.'Augtot
Mirriba Hoover,'') 18411, No. -.", ';
To Maribitlidocrir Where* a„-Suliprena .iu
Divorce tuna ieeiLed to . AugnstTerni,lBsl, which
teus.dttly:returned 11011 e*l incerjus, untltltoreon
an 'afirne Sulipinda 'was issued
turiteble Nov. Term.
-18x1. upon tho return of
which proof was niada to the said, Court that' the
Raid .itlitriba . Hoover could not be found. in my
. • -
, , . ... .
This tubed is tht.7irFfore- to require-you to op.
pear bofore, the Juiy of , s tid Court au the third
Monday of January, ne,irt, to 'answer ~,said
plaint, 4-e... - G. 8.-ELDRED, Sheria! --
• • Sherifi's orii , e' Montr , ;st.-, / . ' . '-• " -
Per. 9, 1651. ' - i - . 49w6
- . 1
\ topi c :4 atroa ,
tGli 7'Y pages of reciding:tiloaler ii'ench No.
_L4t , e:ng sixteen pages of intuitional reading ovoi
and above the usual qnsonity given in the,e3 ana
no_ proprietors or. this popular per - indica' will
spare no expense. in the dirt to import :the Most
decided atiper:o:ity to their magaiine, and trust to
receive the same marked appreciation that huh
hefetofore rewarded their enterprise.
American Literature in the highest class will be
found in their page&
Superb embellishrrients, ecns'sting parlik of
transcripts from, original paintings by eminent
American Artisisi wilt alone exceed in value the
price of a years stligcription.
A IlitinorouS , .D..partitient has been tidded to
their usual foim of cunicruction. where Pack out
rivalling Punch,' will tnenthly open his portfolio of
the choiCest 'good thin g s' gathered (rein all parts
of the world. A sunitnary of ,Mirsicul 'faiterary
and Artistic Intelligence, will be prepared for ev
ery number by Mr. Cites. G. Leland, embracing
as a prominent feature, interesting accounts of the
authors of Curitinetital Europe, and their publica
tions. This with it full mud impartial Review
Department, will they hope meet with the appro
val of their literary friends.
Original designs of Cottage and Villa Architec
ture, by T. Wadi.kieF. -
Rebus illustrations of proverbial philosophy,
Poetical Enigmas; At usie,Fushions, Crotchet pat
terns, Embroidery, etc., will contribute to - the
monthly variety they promise their silbeeribers.
By the new postal lair, which trent into-opera
tion in July last. the loyikogo ou ihis magaziue is
greatly reduced. When quarterly in advance
it is now Tie follows—liuder 511i.1 Luaus ceuts,)
over,soo wiles 5 cents.. .
ArlFs2, payable in' uilvihe r e.
One. ctir,;:c ono year t w 3-; l'wo copies ono year.
:35. Fire copies one, year $lO. Ten copies one
yeor s2o,ond an extra copy to the penkriti gentlitig.
club of ten. One-copy two yearn Single
Nos. 2 - 5 ctn. .
Scria:l uotes of the fiifEireat -Sint ro6eited at
par. -
rn - siviiin•3, Magazine and tilo 'MontrilJa Pe/11.
mat. ouo year for -SO. . •
Few . . Lrrangettelit I
Extensive Chair and Fai.nititte - Mtat
& Co. Imic new fully e - Mnpleiind
VV their orrangementsfor ntAuumetnaug and keep.
lug constantly on hand All and every kind (gnu uveheld
Furniture, manufactured-out of / Lt. Ltst quallt v of Ma.
hOzany, Clark Walnut, Maple. Ch.;try :ma oilier
-her, andln the hest and mont. &arable Manner. Among
the artieles,which fnty Inv:tette tees ombend, of make
to citict,Art, Sinhogany, Mark Sraloat, Cherry, :mat
plelhareans, Sidc lloards, Secretaries. Book ellore; Coni
tre, Card. Pier, and other Tablet ; Stands of every . va,
gotas, Sttces,liituins, Ottomans, &e. Bedsteads
ofkintis ana styles, made of Mahogany, Bitch Wal;.
nut, CherrY, and Maple. _,—Mahogohy.lllaCk
,aud Idtplieye
Maple. and Fancy Chaiisl of every variety end arscrip,
Clan, which they have noirhand. and intend to k ee p
aeon>tunt supply.; Alai article doilind
on a few tinys,nOilea. .
As tAewukscrihetshaveoften been salleitcd to Mtlirgre
their buiincs's and to open An estabihhment of the kind
in Mont rove which 'could supply evcry'Nstridty ofhonse.
hid! Furniture. and save' the trouble hg sepap to the
Cities for Frith articles: they hope to'meet with latent
patron and enOcuragen - cht. SMITaf,
- A filltlTll.
3100 rose, lune 411452 - Vt. k. SMFF:i-.
Joseph L rfferrunan..-
rriAnr.s this mtitiod'nfinrorlran g . his frttn , le
-L public generally': that - he hes just . - reeeired tram
Sot' •York, an assol , tritatt of Goads, coils:sting' tin part)
or:hurts and ltdoey Dry (lands .Ctseeeries, - Craeltery,
Hardware. 'Dye Stuns, Ste., *filch -he will dispose of, r
pnali, Prod tice;or +tittered credit, on 22 , CIVOTAIrterrII6
and at lOW PriCes as at any other e.stablishincnt In the
'roomy. • And he would hero say, to these wild/rein the
habit of t riAng oitt'of town 'to Turehttre Fends.- that he
irill be happy to hare the pticaege. of ;eournieinu them
but he= do as well by theta as those that make wore
han•aild grester.pretensione... Please_ coil at hts Store
lv Upsourille and satisfy yourielres on that subject.
• 11:ANTED.;-Poitlry, eta ejlutteriand-Sheep
for•whiett, part Cush will be Pohl. •
Uponrille, Noy.
New Goods.
TUST, received by tho etthreribe a near and baize:att.
ECrtrni-mt. o 1 heady-rondo eiathitnr, Boots a'Shoell
falldari unto & Caps, ettp letter and irrappior,,Pi,
pre% by the MVO or leis quantity,- - ,
Tolvelliog and . conie.on Trunks: a fetrrlogKanddon.b
1e abet Guns, fancy Stationery, Books - , Carob?, troth
Naives • . • . •
Vatcy articles to numerous to mentlen, ell whICA hb
hits to e el! for re:!4.lipay,t4lll cour,Cilicotly as !cli . e , ep
Utile-oho:mot,' if rktftier; - -
Moly dozen SONC+3 tfantett.
Soutroso, Oct. 8, Ml—, GBO. ICLLEII..
• Ilieativ•lllado Clothing: •
. A ;LAI-Ai E alq , ottm'rut of lafert 'styles, jun recideed
, ntid for rale ad a null advance for ready pay.-'
Stor'p next door t 1 udgo Tyler'S. 1100TresadS110ES,
1 new and 'good assortment entleh's Bents; coarse and
fine. -Calf and - norbrenAten's .show-41'omen's shoes,
coarse and fine—Misses, Boys Cbililre u'r shocr. - 0a
largest 16E In (oven and probably Ow cheapest received
alneethe Lye. • •
. 'citensite asuatraentof finger.tiatctia
otalirm by, VI art, Garnq.! , ,Etatrald, I..!x,fLikn et and
Stone, alSo very heavy Wain 18 awl 20 - swat fLae,
Cbascd, do, aad a variety of tbq styles by - - •
ItlngliatitittniDeiointserT4eni vim ; '
L . —•
1. !VIA WOOL wanted on occenfit
.UrIVVI..I. or in eiehnnge for' Cloths 9r other
Goods, with sinne cps/01140d hi. by 1 . -
Montrose, Mayl:9; M. Cr TYLER.--.'
UTANTED 20,000 bootie! 00.110d/00k bush
11, els of Rye sod Corn for which! the highest
price will be paid in cash ortrads by, - -
TloNTB,..ollcDrigif,74edleines, DiviltitiTs - , , Perforr.=
cry,. • 'Mallow Sash, tilaml and r tit tr, froth homil
y:tent, ".11XNTLET & READ.
'EXTR4CTS of Itose,Lemon and for
I:o;aokk.crhetc.i forrst
. .
ON 60-16 t ofihnduryilBs2o4ENweioil_ l
1.19 TEL hullo -Tuliklistiinock
izsgachainia Co. GoOd tnuaic.wiii
mice. - • , F
Thepubtie are respectfully. invited j to
84td - GRO W.
ROTfIERS„ Propriotors.
AREo'n)Qii.yr.,-,.!upplistql dint, 1 mut ; taloa
• leave::,lGotra - “rom
fitiction,l take thillm6thint Crirroct'efucli'ldrair,
and would say' that, thOlinalniso *ill ba tarried
on is forinerly f except thatrif a man wlehes to buy
anything iu my litiethry con ‘ posificely do it
par cent,. cheaper than. they have. ever (folio it ib
this place. 7 teholf Confine - toy tritdd -piinCipidlk
totWtitclieebuyiinglo*. for .cash I cart
and will Oen loahr than - any. mattid 1111$ county.
fu:A‘Vo-weeks huvo u full siorirtuirnt:- All
kiteda of linie 'pieces carefully repaired nod warren=
led,: datougst the numcOng place
den=t' forget the' line one is" the pi i,teit 'ter tioy
Turupikc - Et. in dui Candy:chop.: :.„ • • .
1 ,15rnt:W
Nolitroses:pc . c. 1851
GoDEY's r muis : pnic
lIIE LADY'S' i 110011 for the en : 9o'v y enr
win present meny novel featureksuited to the
advancing demands of the. public taste 4
ever been the object of 'the publisher io talto' the
lead atnong the pcipfilitilAltigattnei - Of thla conntry
'uturtlio host'eflinitntorif who'll - tire been constant;
iv fullnwing-- , toilitteafter hint in •valuttre 'our
tleieut-to, attest. his:brilliant sueet Ns., -
To the magetine alczte 3ve, mtleL look
for the
eirnsteriS of Iho I,iteNttire.
be'publislied - fromull
writers nial.. and femal e . - ,
. „
Guilty's La dy'i Book -fur January. will, Captain
in add:tion to. the'numcrous beautiful' Engravings
three of which are colored, itn :additional gnantity
of rOaditnt- by Ami!rican tivthors. - 'The temr•of
thonsiMas of'.iCes , that We' !mire From the
contemporary, press „estaklish Lite,fuct ,that.-it is
Afflgnfficen4 the World
Gitde?s reliable I"ashitni Pia tes'3/untlity, whir
full descriittiousbnettles Chit chat upon the' Fzish..
ions' every month ; explanationa •of uv
erything new in the b ushiottable, World. ;
Our Modcicettair,es. This is a departtnent
cuhnrly our own, and: the Veatity and utility uf our
uuukde bus ' every w,liere been acknowledged. ' : •
Toa inn' LA Dft:S!!.,..-We have:tuition/tied lit` 7
nelot. Model Cottages, Model Cottage Vtirnitnre.
Patterns for Wit 4 low curtrqus, .CrotChet "work,
Netting; Patchwork, crotchet flower
wet ft, Lucu Collar 'I work, children's: and lid-ants
clothes, capes, caps, 'clieniiscics'—iti fine, 'every-
MM.. that can intettst a lady, will find its appro
priutesplace to heiHown Doak,. . • .
'TER.ll4i—Casli in Adrance. -
I copy. one year 153.',2 copieiktne yesr $ . • 1
copy ttvti yenta $5. Fite copies utie - year $10.:
I copy - Live' years .9 t o. 10 copies one yetir 89.0,
and one extra copy! to the person getting up...the
club of ten, ' ! _ . .
Ad.iress L. A. CDDEr, -
113 tint trettt;
tL Graltl‘ti Ludv'it Book and the 3foutraie
Democrat one year - for' . .s3 .50 -•
D. VI likklL, (fenders bra professional .ler-
Visvices to the clti-4e - ns of Montrose and Vicinity
among whom he IfteposeSto - lueste as Ftr:iM3ENT
It Will ha his endeavor to the beta. of
his ability to serve those who may favor him with
their petromigo. lie does dot propose so to cheap 7
etf the profession us to lower its dignity, or pro
voke the chargo inCompetency, Lut iMowing,
that the 11-4:h prices of Dentigtry deter many who
very, touch need its benefits, but feel too poor to
purchase them, he! does propcise consider ,the
eiropnetwites of individuals and charge accor
dingly. He sincerely hopes that none, hew - ever
limited theienteons, will fri - the . Olgtorthany slip
of purchasing fur alittle money Acigrcril a benefit.
How rilaily week's and mouths of bitter, s!eeplees
agony, might be prevented by a little timely at
tention to the Teeth. Whyl- the tyholo earth
is filled tvittt grosits from toothache „•ill almost
every family Ulla dire spectre-pain holds its night
long vigils And is there no retnedy? 0 yes,
says one, hove a pulled Does that save it 'No
Les lost forever! Does that prevent the dilcayi
pain. otal lose of Others?
No, it is but' t. 4 certain harbingeraf their like
fate. Gan nothing .then - betlono to rehire and
save. .Yes; niue-tenths Oran this misery and loss
might bt preveuttid by a seasonable applicatititi to
the Ddlititit. Mdko ha . point to.have ydar teeth
carefully ranmited at least nueo
,ft year, and as
/mod us a cavity makes ifs appearance, have it well
Idled and gritn.viiittiedtootliael t s will pot haunt
your night slumbein, bo aisured. Dr. V. will
teem .it a pleastlio to Wait on ydu at any;-time
between the hours 0194.91- and 5 P. Of.; at but
°nice inn Odd Pellont's Hall, corner of Chestritit
and Turnpike streets. Werkviiiatifet.l..
lf / tt Oat.:2stii. 1851; 45,.3m
New Boot and Shoe Store -,
rrHE new firnalorKeeter B. Stinidiird have
1. opened a Boot - end Shoe store on Main direct,
first door beleie the Brick corner iii Willett they
offer tor vale
. , .
• The Irtip•st Awsortmeitt •' •
of Boots, Shoes and Findings* the lowest prices
iVe nen for ready pay uud small profits
The citizens or the xillage_and country,- are re ,
opecifoll . k invited to' call •at a real geeitino Boot
end slioe store where Boots and shoes are sold in - -
need ofßeer nod Oysters...' . t
Keep it befote I ie . People;
That we-have a full ussoltrnent among which we
enumerate e. - ; •
Moucpork . tiolqti , aier proof boom,lotti le I
gariaiii, calf half nolo and pump boots,, fit
sofa bouts, bick hdoiti, calf, kip and cciwli
gaps, 13ivcr shoes, cfc. .. . '
Youth& Ctilf,Kiii.lo_6olide bootalto
booth etC. - • • ; • . •
Ladies Freuelt (Jailerl4 pate 't Fox
welt Gaiters, enameled and Kid tolkuN e nmeled
flout lace Polkas, - kid Ind , goat - jzsinv
Nevt York'tiesiexcelsiors i ;h9sly Linds'Rusettea,
kid lies; tillibers; , •
,11.1isses goat and calf Lace boots, Jenny Lind's
enameled Nikes, D' ' oectt boets, etc. -.
Childreak' button shoes, gout uud enameled !nee
boots; Caiters,Dowriing'ootc. . • .
Among oar. Findings tee otter FrencliCa!f
Oak and Hemlock-,tanned ChM', skims, .Morocco,
pint: and white- linis);.; etitte, red, biae,, 'maroon,.
Roans, Bituling, inter leattibr; oak Mid Itetnleck
soleletither, pegs, z,ne: uails, gparablea,_ heel lan;
x.ebbing, etc. - I
N. R. - iferk made to older end r4airing
ly done. • , -
To the , Public: • .
.BEL 7tHREI,I4 - hes just returned from the
.t.eity,of New Yo*, with et Large nud - dettirablo
assortment of-,: ; - - •
mhlchmiii e sold very low,for on' eh. ai teadlF pay.
The stook is composed of n first rate assortment of
Drugs, Medieines,; Chemicals, 'Pkints, Oils,
I.)ye-Sluirs ) Greee:ries; Gless.iyare;spnims,
Sfweetneles, .11./usient. Instruments,
Yankee L Notions 'lnd " •
- Dry- Goods • '
• Itnrdivnte,
.StoneWafei - •
• Mirrors, Stationery, 13niShes,
'Medical Instintnents, PetfurnerT,_
- Tiijiises;-StletiditerS; . Sholilder-fireceis,; .
Shoes, Can:ond° ',Burning 'Fluid; ,LaaVs)
ClOcks,WiltehOdeNveiry, - - ,
A regulrir read Pl:islet:ln will be in erinstotit
attendance te - rosistjin. -upon. e:listofn
All persons wishing tir pureheadDruzii, Good* in
any . ot afdrsaid dqmr,finents,will'find
Molests promoted, by - calling first. thr.Drug end
Vonety Store of . ' ABOt, TURRELL..
Atentrose,Nov. 1 1851.- - • •
. EVIL .
BultßltT Imam; teed—red dew 'and Lpnio '
anortra4at of,
Wall and 'Winter (rnd's. 2 . ' •
neladiag 'an elegant VAripty di:adios Ores% grnds; Win
ter Long Bbaine; new atylti lionnet - )l,l4bonir, )Vinter
Cape, Snpla dead; 41. C:: of the- moat derixOltl •otylei;
which,havlng: been parelas - ed nt tlia late Pena inier;
wlll ba sad unueually -
Nan Milford ; - ' -"
A t he head of Ir. IR orig. Novi go II on s
I heSubstlrlbet has again returned frorri„N..Yr
where ho found the people at tiornor and wash"
informte is frientrs,undthei Public ht Large, that
his stock Of Goode now arriving Was be tight at INS.'
lowest priceininlinostly,fofErigh, and no an; 'ear.;
nest'Of what he intemaottt Air th 6 Way of set.;
ling; would say that he- will natl. hie Goods . from
five to ten por cent cheaper then theY;'hitire beidL
sold in these diggins, far cash:. arid: wOdtd moat
cordially 'invite all hia old enatornera-(dliti- over/
body. else) afterhating looked through Ma onar.r
ket and tiDy-of Mai if ho can Dolt Orrin,;
his assortment is general, cancleting no- ustial of •
Dry qoada; among whichinay,be found Froriet.
and other Broad Cloths,.".Ladies, Dress Goody/
prints, detains, Deatilifulaillst 'warp_ and other' ati
glovei mite silk lace, And.ather Imavyr
sheetingt splendid- • bath coubn 'yarn-s't. dte.
-Also-best Torts, Sugars,. bassi aTclirve6,-coppiri
rieei Th.rebto reflued antl' 6 o , l4:Paleriing t Tobacco
iron - and' steel, . entley;. Pith, Saki flower". 104
niiils; Priider. and shot,' Deals mat Shocs,. : Lamp s
Oil and' molneses, Ilietle Robes; Leather; &e.tuid
lie-ihat he remeritheri araihrill, whir
gratitude those. = who have bee* -hif
friends by buying and pying as they agreed. an
to those ,ego never pay let him hi atl frlondshiPl
eny thwo isbad tinui etinfing% •
" -
- " •"" ' _
Now. ..Milford Sha.Wl. and , Dies 4
Goods. - Tylit'orium.
yr ,nultat 'l7 is, uvitifin tanritet tie
1.1.4 'and 'inlatertLeftialt of-Winter lung
eriniire Shatels&tudie't dreis Goods efienr
splendid patient - 4nd prides reduced Still
the city. cash panic: tells u pon the inarket - ;7• • And
inel'n . ding,ttlee his gedertil suP, lies fur the fe,ll.4ts
Winter trade ill Dry Coeds, Cieceriet. crockery!
Hardwire, Iron &'Ne.i4,l - falt and 'Winter Capri
Bennett, Bitfraln ilebps'i Beets - eyStie - eil: Stove*
etc. etc. all which he will sell en Wit nodal liberal
worms and at prices that; cannot: Le beatfor,taithit
1 5 ri ,, Inte or approved; credit: : • -.- N.
It Fleur and Salt C'ensiently `on hand,.
NiinT 111;fdri1 Oct: Q.l ibsl4-4.41f '
Eye6..c;* or . the Left-
N T C . BI Li I4i9g inters
o cal of RV. Jaillesun, jii the 2'uilorilig 6614., call-be fon& at th....llol),.fdriniirly
Juqison &filtkself. •--•
laving ieceived itteirrtetioh flom- Gei
Scott of New Yoik,,hq Mitiera;hitneeir.:that'hi
'can iutt all, who'mayAilicir.4iin with thefir, env
torsi: Fall Vashionl v far 11751. and 1852,
just• ,
recivett.• .
.4 • C. BISSE4.,
Oct:l6 1851-52—m3; ' • - • •
- :
TOIIN GROV4S, the .well noun •' lailo:has
t./ again macdr his appe'ailwee iit
,Blontrnse to ,
orate in the abol , e undleamusineits at ihe
r _oldisiand
directly over Luttitoye "Pry .Goottcsioie;
would at t ain tender his Servieei to themiblie; and
elicits, their Untrttrip*C. • . • -
and ogling (lane in. the Mold.
style Lind. thine oil tiro iiitortfit uOtitting
tonal. , '
.'" •
ritontraer, r 0,.. ie. -
71' is ith fotraoriY
of th e Lafayette Burr sto k.3llaisfa etas,.
f 245 Washington sr, N. Y. (14. Ty S.A,A getf lb.
font hiR friends and Urn, U t ak. iD.ottieria,lbed ha!
• Bifighamtoni - N - Y• r •
Ler 07 Id gurv, , atilt.- Phenix- rtoiej)
And solidtsa share of flier patronage. ,
Ite Iti (Oulu ethistaiitl, oxiliaiul a largeglick OfFialio
Burr 31111 Stones, ac also a , la me, 'supply of nuptial:Li:3
Kola-stones, 31ei, Freneh Burr Blocks,"bultlsig:clidliy
screen wire and Plcuiter • . .•
•Thc uthirralive.l I.4stirs- frirtaitheitttblitt
that he nil]: Luthfully.exeCuity order* cuicustitd tit
.his are, not only In qualltyyliut T4ll - Es ornrtiaalfnfa
nlsheikand solicits Shell' king paicenace. ,
OiderS litter will beexecuted wit h - irtirciieh . 'are
'nod' as cheaply at whimpUrcluiertl• are on.
Millen and. Millwrights' are tan and ermuul
Ina his - ituck aria work:U=slop. •
- ; JOltsin 4tILLIVADt.•
..Bitir,hainlon,,July,lBsl. • as
. • 4 IttFIiiIIMCE -
Denial Sekrle. MoittruEe Thulnali P. Philney, Escj.4
Dumb ff Caleb Carinalt,•l4lcuiltriLee;- I. B. Drakolt
. - -
B Y 'lie anliscriber, es it now lleparing to getup 1110
fail stock, he offers to hie tItIMMUS customers,. hid
preient hiege assortment of goods ut lower prices' their
any similar eStablislifrient, In IVettern New _Fork.. Thii
stock consists; to part, of a large.itimk 'of Gold and Silver'
English patent Levers, of his own importation,warranted.
superior io any over offered in Llis County i'Gold and
Silver anchor Levers and Lupine ~Gold Lockets,. nits+
tiles, Spectacles, 9reast.plns,llracelots, Earrings, Finger
plin,Fene Pencils, vest, suardand rob' chains ,
Seals, Keys, &c, Also, Avery stock , of Miser Ware cant,
prising hvery article in drat line warrant:ea pwenicoini
a fall assortnient of plated waia, in'everr variety. Fad.
ay goods, Clocks, Cutlery. Combs, 4c. , •
13iriihamtoni Oet.lo •- ALFRED .1."EVA111..-,
. --:.
.. . - The time le Buy; .--'-_--. ---:
. . y CAISFIFILD wonld4aZY
kJ . . ' .1.1- tO t. 14 tIMUCTOI33 friends and
.• rr" • ' .. ~ tits Lbincrs in Illontrestandilein o ,
' - -....," 44 fry; - that iie has:just rettinuni
,- J o 1 , 2 from New York with Carp ed ,
i • •..,2" .. .c diem tti his emensiveatiortment
'• ' ' 10 ,.f5,, c nehting.:of -MT at it chi a. int
t O . ; .‘' `'/', rn., -- n Bold and sLver revere and Lepini
'''..-P-41-•:,:„. : • full Jewelled and plain gold gustd
• .'"'"°•-- vest on'! fob elsalus,LcieketsAhn
bles, specks, Sings, tracelell;finger and ear rings, raft
pins, broaches,. armlets," ptoati and shell card =ism,. pert
and pencil cases,choral beads; cutlery, Perfueacry, -Sit ,
ver, Drittantha tun" phalli NVltue,tocoideons,Enteil
tuning forks, violin strings, clockSorallets,‘port Monett;
Needles', and finny goods, reicliglaises, tools andrinal
tcrielafor the trade by the quantity.. The
,above will. bh,
old at the lowest prices. ~1.7. ll addles and . Jewelry Of'
all Mink repaired on abort notiee ht the old strind:nearr
ly . opso6te . thc Plumaix, Cotari ft.' llingiuuntim. - -..-
ClockS for ST,OGrainic rip. "Ddhouse and h days and 'Ae
lam New-Style a.
nd saranted .. -
.at L'. tANFIZLD.t
. ,
• • , - -. -,'
0 - N itt i e 4 ' rll l e c Tla ta n n d t . t a h t e t t ' . e"Vesa.alre and
E en tt t g e l t h at c l ta t a l n r. 4%;
V er. cases. Now a Went to voy voryn um erous friends El4ll
the. p Male tn 'general.' remelt me to Fay:that my-rm . /
long kperience has etiabled me Ito - stlectanch Watch*,
as And Ac: and credit and the - Nit citaser a lasting service
It theta(' he borne in Mind tint,; tmliorters In genera{
iore not always Watch makers but Kteutit or nierchantas
I n. V der Mesa cirunistancci I select ceettrdittat tit mffjUdit
meet end no truth to - penult tedl *0 leave,. until .ttaken
I %mart. examined and regulated flt for the wearers pocket,
-I .k.atrit ten tearran t 'given rah two years accidents exceitt etls
21cputra itc. Mum of busthess Item TA. M. to 7 I!, 111
. - .• ' '•iJ. A. SINOTAION,
edOsist tog or theicutual A•artAty of Priottoinli,
Crockery, hardware. Drags, lllcalether,Palats. 01111.Dyea
stuffs, tin, Atone, autLlVOetten „Ware,. iron. ateel,nallsi
Fhb, Leather, boots - stu+es; - Icyiktne elapses; tut
plates; gash glisg:, and plias,' hats, caps; -
cloths. wall and window paper, clocks, wathos, Jeweler.
Meet iptions;itinsienl tn.truneuts, perfumery; brtithcat
atc all of wltch they, offer ou. the mostfaTatabletai*
Itfontraic Oct. I 1361. - -
New Goods, - 2nil in. z
ir •Tr .uhreribtr g !IV f '1 f: 11' i - ! r-. tow?
I Eitock. quite an - Biro rt Cot af. Foit gfilido","
of Dry Goods, Grime - ries; llordwartt; India Iltibbettillbold
and Shoes, nouttliT FOR PASII,AII4 will set! them es, lose
se any doNests About this pirt, of the iroild or '! sta
There for the ready John, outhe right *bid of . ..efts:ll .;•.:
Thsni:s Munroe favors, tcliat4lrefuorr, twerp boly 1124
Tito() to -Pall sine!) 141: • '
3fontrota,Sept - .141, 1851: • • •
Vett . and popular School bank.
C Milt Ell f:SE I E . 8 i13,174A1LY1 nr 1-;* TITS
a:./. TO Ftlir?.. to.tetlnn with .adrIOI4RAPIIIY atTISTIS4 , ,
I.IBIIIM PERSON3,:ta apfactided tin epitome of
ITEATTIEN ArytrnoLoGY,.. : , NA.TURAis
1 411110SOPHY;GENEttAL ASTJtONI " 03[Y: 'Ol4
.. kloptad and Iliad In that PabStoctotda dr Philadelpldo
S.. JONES & Publisher*, 4-
, W.S7o.:Yourth and Rneo
- Teat : tl;l4 itlifieffool Candift calk. hrr,lng,letterGl
iinst'pald;wllll.inttirulshea atyfei far litiadtniz
ta- fill and rinaipl et e" tiligartaian t Books indStti.
°nary rprenie at the Lnwest.Prirr...
A li NMYIOt [of übberv,' /4tekini
Geteri!:—Alio gentletion's. lubbcrj, .rictith
#llps; tectived by - ; . - •_
":" BENTLEY ok:ItEAD./:
•-- Notice); •
di l t v eo u tt , e id a . b ias ti r ml:l4 .
"onirbito, Jdfir 25,16,K - - - P,11.:P1111/11W,
g064, , i0nd Laid Conkfinesiote, taro's' Somingfor
.41:tQr, ettilb/che!p . '
. .
. ,