The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 20, 1851, Image 3

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    inhuman Cruelty of . a Step
Polly Omstead' has been fond guilty
of the murder, by slow: degrees; of her own,
g a p child in Illinois.. . • •
• it a ppears that Ornstead - married again
In about three weeks after the .death of his
fi ts ; wife—nt Which. tima :the ' , child , waa
shoat five Lyears old;: This was about
tiAteen mo nths ago. • - Soon after ate mar
' ris ci ge the nevr wife endfined the littid g i r l
in tho kitchen, and there kept her most of
the time tied, and
,withotit fire: , this
situation sh i p was forced to remain up to the ,
time of her death; having no food" allowed
her except half a pint.Of coffee or milk and
! a piece of cold corn bread every day.
No bed-clothes were allowed her in any fufther than a.iingle scanty quilt.
This fiendish Woman often amused herself
by beating the child in the - most outrage
ous manner, and on one occasiqn, compelled
another child to choke her until she . was
black in the face. She continually forced
hetto eat rotten fruit and vegatAles of va
dons kinds, together with other filth which
it would not be seemly to describe., Some-
I times she would fasten the little girl miler
the kitchen floor and leave her there for,
hours. Other details were .given. which
are too' shocking -for publication. Tbe
poor little sufferer often wished "herself
dead. On one occasion she escaped from
the kitchen and was seen trying to climb a
pole which stood in the yard. Upon be
ing asked where she was going; she replied
s h e was going to the ocher world to..,see
her mother. The-heartless steptnothe; or- I
dered her down with curse's, and the tremb-;
hat , little creature fell, id her weakness her
bead piriking viole ttly against the wall of
she house.
' The jury found the woman guilty of man=
slaughter, and she was sentenced to two
years service in the State Prison. -
A Reminiscence.
Sixty-nine years ago, the 4th of Novem
ber, a party of adventurers from the East
.' ern States, after a long and tedious journey,
descended the Ohio River, and encamped
upon fte spot where Newport Barracks
• now stand. They were separated for the
several '•stations" in Kentucky, and turn
ed their steps through the wilderness, first
. pledging each other, in a spirit that may
be termed prophetically romantic, to, Meet
upon the same spot, or such of them as
might survive, in fi ly years from that, day.
This agreernett was made on the 4th,day
of November, 1782.
• In the year 1832, on the 4th day of No
vember, precisely fifty years after the time
of the agreement, four of the old band ?het
upon the spot, to fulfil their promise! One
of them was over ninety years of age; the
rest were under three score and ten. Af
ter remaining a few days, they turned their
steps hivneward—not through a wilderness
'as they did half a la andred years before,
'but through scenes of busy life and the,
bum of industrial millions; nor did they
, promise another meeting, as that was an
event fined by a higher will; and -It his
taken place ! they ai•e all dead !
A Prophecy.
- The following sentence, copied from a
Toutth of July oration delivered in th©
hewn of Boston in 1787, by Judge Dawes,
more wild and improbable than almost
any of the wild flights with which men now
amuse themeelves :
'Ni leoislation common, in certain eases
to all the t- States, will make us a nation in
reality as wall as in name. This will per-.
tan us to respect our own station, and to
treat on equal grounds with other powers;
Will suffer us to be just at home • and re-'
fiectable abroad; will render property se
cure, and convince us that the payment of
debts is our truest policy and our highest
honor. This will encourage husbandry and
arts—will settle with numerous families
the banks of Ohio aiul the borders of Ken
vebec. !flutes neglected waves; Supe
ridr's wilderness of waters, now fororn and
unemployed, shall bear the countless ves
sel!of internal traffic. Niagara's foaming
cataract, crowned with columns of vapor
B,nd refracted fires, shall not altayS bar the
iutercourse of the mighty lakes. The me
chanic arts shall find a passage from Erie
to Ontario, and Champlain shall be-led in
tttuwpb to the bosom of the deep,"
Wondeis of the Heavens-
John Hersheil, in his essay on the
pawn of the 'telescope to penetrate into
space, says there arestars .so infinitely re
mote as to be situated at the distance of
trelvn millions of millions of millions of
miles from the 'earth ; so that
,light, which
travels with a velocity of twelve millions of I
miles in a minute, would require two mill
ions of years fuilts transit from those dis
tant orbs to our own;-while the astrono
mer, who should record the aspect or mu
lotions of such! a star, would be relating,
not its history at the present day, but that
vbich toot lace two millionS of years gone
by, What is Our earth in space so almost_
infinite : and swill more, What is man, that
4 e:should be the 'special object of regard
to the infinite Author of this system of •
. .
.. ..
the talented Is.l !C. from 'Ulnae, has . .ge - n
erolly been reg , arded as 'the bravest of the
br'Ord. It will be see, however; from the
it 'Y' Prompts! which we clip
,from- the
Ileilville (III.) Advocate, that he has late ;
is been. publicly', Rued, and . stranger still,
he tamely submitted.- - - Cin. .F.:rty ' ''- ---.• . •• • -
Msantse,t the residenee of Vir:.,C.:
kilmey in this" city, on the 23d inst., - hy
lloil l'ilr. Ostlangerberg, Ilon:Nir.illistell
' 4l ) ilios Elizab l e, ib K. Kane ,:of liaskas ,-
lar,,lllinois, i ' '._
1 4e Order the "lone Star" is. the
Into of a new l or
direct ganization'. of, la, Isecretj
or in the I United Stet es,.:Whose oh; I
jeel is to "extend the area of freedomi all'
6T iT the w orld"--Culai in particulai., - I- t ,
oolisar s to bare its prineipalAttarteraiin
;tl'Orleaos, where end journal; a' Fren • ch '
.4 by the. way; Le Courrier, has.' at 'its - I
4l .olumn a I" Star-Spangled-Baniske,,
st•l'Lone Star" etimbined, and - the niat=,
E ar sP' " •: lids let Cube!" ' It is fully, vv. !:
'fllisted the next Filibuster project; in'
itch there will 'probably' be more `'patrl•7
Clops" than plueder. - • --• • - '''
c_, John B. Gougb, the method tem
:trloo lecturer, preaching is Wendt, ,
L - . '
I • - Noti
• - Dr.' G. Z. Dimeet 'havi, g 'gone la journey;
leavei the business'nf.l4 place inreharg,e of
Dr.' a C. Hase.v, ,t 4 w h o he no in mends' his
friends. - ' 50tf
. /410/1144L
There Willben special meitin of the Con
.vor.,..ttion', of North Ensteni Pa, Id St. Mat
w Church, Pike, Bradford count. Ser._
rice to commence : on Tuesday,43oth Kist, at
3 O'clock, V. hr. Scivic,e.s three times oh each
of tho following:44s. - JOHN LONG. '
' The Electie Botanic Medical Society will
meet 4,tlie bond, name in Montrose, on
Tuesday', Januar.); Gth, .1852. -. A generill
tendance is solicited. The meeting be
addressedby Dr: Thayer :Ind - other&
In Scottville, Wyoming county, - on the 2d ult.,
Ass ELIZA, WI& of Reabea F,.-passet, and
only LutherLuther`and Eliza A. Onotr,
of. Franklin,. Suiquehanna,county, ia,
•2lBtyear of ho , nge.
- At the age of 17 she ,obtained a h* . in
Christ and lived 'an exemPlaiy chile 'Usti for
about three 'years. She' had been . 13bn - ring
under the spasms of apoplexy, which appears
to he the cause_ of:her last illness = which' : ter
minuted in:her death, - , Her friends deeplY la
ment their loss, yet mourn not 'as those [Wile
hare no hope: She has left, behind a [ Yell
grounded assurance that she has gone to reap
the reward of the righteous.'
•In Silver Lake on the 14th inst.,Dsns. C. only
child of Edmond G. and Elects Meekei,
aged four years: • -
Thou Wert , too •fair ard- bright •-for earth, [an
. mercy called - away , •,'
Ere thou inalst learnedshis bitterness, inrho
, Thiess to dwell; ' [l .
Among the shining ones shove, who cease ` not
night nor day, ' Fi • ,
To strike their golden lyres to Ilim, - who'do•
,eth all things well." 11
N(YrICrE,', •
rriftE Notes and Accounts of the late :firrrs
A. - Eldred Newcomb ate in the hands of A.
Chamberlin, s' tp, for collection ,-rind unites' tied before the .first January they will he B'o4
iadismiminatety. 8..E./,,DitEll.
19, 1851. '511,w4
To the Iron. the Jact,; , es.ef i the Co!trt of IQ:tar
ter Sessions ( . l' the Peace, and finithelCoyn
ty of Susqueh.m.ritt '• .
TIM Petition of Enokh Chambers,!of the Duro'
of Dundaff in said. county, vespeictfullyrepre,-
Rents, that he is. provided with suitable convenien
ces to keep a Grocery -in the Burough'eforeisaid-;
and that it is his intenteution to applyici the next
Court of Quarter Sessione to be holden 'in ,and
for said county on the third Monday Of January
next, for a license to keep a C7rocery, land to sell
strong beer, all, or other liquors, according to the
act of Assembly of ,14th of April, A. 1). 1851.
Dundatt, Dec. 17, ISS1: . 51w4 I
Auditor's Notice.
HE undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Susquehanna. county to
I make distribittion of the assets reMeining in the
hendi of D. Oakley and Elizabeth" Greenivood,
Execittors of the last .will and testament of Aaron
Green wood;deceaSed, Will, attend to the duties of
that appointment. ar.ther office of "B: S. Bentley.
Esq iu ikketrose, on Fr:daythe 16th dayof San
itary nest, at 2 O'CIOCIVP.III., at which time and
place, all Perseus interested will present their
elaims-before me." or be debarred fremoontiug to
for a share of - such'.askt.4.7 - - 1
. .
Dec. 19;-1851,
L. F. FITCIi, Auditor.
' alw4
. -.
- • .11 - tiditor's.Notice.. -
. .
TIIE nadefsigatd,,appointed by the Court to re--
port a clistlibution of 'the assets in the hiinds Of
Charles Tingley, Admmistrator of the .eihate of
Alonzo Carpenter,tlieeased —also to diltribllte the,
1 proceeds arising froin 1,6 Sherifre sale; of the :real i
estate of LOfeyelte:Troirbridge, hereby no- I
Lice that he icill-attend to the . duties et s'id ap
pointment, in, the atiot.enatned case* rnspe tively, j
at his office ill illontrose,;onTriday the 1 th day-1
of .January neit, at line.' o'clock' s. 0.; at {which'
time ail persane imerested are required to present 1
their claims - Or beilebarred from coming upon said 1
Dee. 19;1831. . ' I ,
„. „
.1 Llot
- I3ounty. Land Clain :Lints
Wno.Rerformed.._thoie service in-any of the
companies discharged at Derivate, Nov.
22,1814, are hereby notified that as farther, proof
of servn*:Mittehtapplictnfe mitt' larraciired.l
will meet them at my office in Montrose,. on Sat.
arday the 2811 i inst to Perfeet the ettdm paeh
soldier. in neCordenee with the fequiremeut of the
Pension :Department, lu.order_to •ficilitata the
busiuess.l, request all claimants alluded to above;
to attend at that time:.:;' • ; •
.-•• •
• DIMIOCK,tand and rimsion'Ageint.
Xont.rosr, Dec. 16, • - - -
Clocks, Watchet, and ia6WeIYI
Aluslcai Boxes .4cordeons,
Befaircilind - IVarrardo by.:::?" :
Shop in thsinore:oti_jf4. ..Son;l3 Gib.
:sou ; ; Pa. :
Ttin — eNo ca
animal meeting of the Stnekliolders- or
1: the 11,enox' 'and Harmony ruurnisika - Rnad
Company . . will be beld7in. 4.le..houseif4ciel Steen
back,in nont4ay ithe fifth
day of January next, it lenUlelocic
cete'perann px - .seive- as 'Presidents' unp,'Oecretam
ona - Treitsuecr and rsii Inanagefictoi4ye,theyens
suing yens.. By order of the
.. Boara:- 1 1
40;o) 1.1EN.74 COMFORT: grcrlitatv,,,,
Turnpike"o CO. -- • -'•
NOTICk is .fterebrgivad., _lke. : Sticiiiadd.
, era' of Oa
Road Company that:the at:lntuit bleetiag..-of Abe.
Stochholders of, raid coninank will tie, the
house - of , Groar and
,'Orothets, in Lenox, en' the
first Monday hiJannary zeal; at ode 6'46.0
150E3] President:
A Itlan with Throii.tutif
Le did - it himself, the Burber:had:nothlng Sti.t.tdtv
with it 11l man eller heard of snob *OWNltilpg
dosebythe' Barber, white the Netespaperk ore fu .of
instances ofpion doing It thetareives , --At .HurOr•is a 'lan"
gerplis thing and none but hn . experionfaskisOlicaunk
should be Attaatekl to.handleit. , ..Ereryncian 'sheosid
of this, sad at 'trust to himself, for no ono emact:ten *hat'
may happen to Mo. = flow If you rinrer touch A ru*or
y on, will noires. cut yome th mit mita& 14 *squat' nslt
CILSULES 17.1,314,1 q, Barherfo ItshrProsSer,ht &IWO
bitlidiuib =ext. door t0. ,- Postofike;•nho . ,will'shase
yop as
smooth as a new „horn t.:411.11,LE&10441.15-.
Montrose, Dog. 16,16/1.: - Afar
r illifqubscriberAvili ipayearth for ail
..tocid. prime
Foz, Miajt, Otter,Fislier
skive, at faiiprices,aad 'att.boasbt.ppOir and
rat are ieiy MO; tbis year yei.lie• : will
buy iu trade ar,part Oask a-Jibed-AO areivorth.
'. 2 %/ 0041 T. , ge Ase% 4?0,
• In' a asTirpri.. ,
TN exeheage pl.l,
I.kindriof'4l.erellanteble .ensis,,sEse, ;Beeswax;
Geese: Feillbers;
ellipse, 14 - t •
s - • fiktLe.- i iiti.Sit. —
Montrose, Do. -
.. ..,...._
,•• She is Sales.- -,' --
DI , sir no' of writs orVirt.. Ex'. listri4 'Out of
. the ourfof Cottimon Franker Snaquehati
.nte county and to me riireeted, I_ Will'impose to
Public Sal 'at • the Vona House in Montrose, on
Saturday, .Tinitztry .17th,"1852, at ono O'clock P.
AL. all that certain piece or pucel of land, situate
in the tewnship of. Gliffurd, in, the county of Sus
quebannal bounded and described ha follows, to
wit: Du" the north
_by lands of, Williani 1 . . Maas-
er; east by lands of Thomas Burdick, on the south
by lands of Alanson Hallsted, and on the wait by
rands of Sainnot T. Guile; Containing 40 acres, be
Clio same more, or lees,' together with the appur
%enances; ono framed dwelling house, one' framed
barn, one Clothing Shop, ime orchant'atid about
18 acres improved, late thelestate of Thomas M.
Ustick and Samuel C. Marital:ley. • .
Taken in execution at the'sait of. M. Wilcox a.
Co. against Thomas 111.1/Stick .a u a Samuel G.
Mantaney.-: -, , - .. , . : -
- • ALSO, • =
'., All that piece of parcel of laid, Situate,
lying and being in.the township of3gt➢nueilie; iu
the county of Susquehanna, and State of Pasy!.
varsia, bounded and describetl us folloWS, to wit
On;the,'north ."by the road - .leading `froni Spring.
ville to Brooklyn, on the east by the road leading
to Nicholson, and ou the south and west by lands
of A. Beardsley, containing one-half .acre, be the
same more or lees; together- with the; appurtenan.:
cea, one ft - amid:dwelling honsi,efie framed ham,
and all improved; late the estate of Polly Headley.
Taken in execution at the suit of Calvin fret,
to the use of-Henry M. Pierce; ogainst Polly I
Headley, with notice to Clark Burr; T. T.
• -
C. M. GERE, late Sheriff.
; Sherif:Pacifies, Nontrizse, • •
Dec. 15; 185 L ' , • •
Sheriff's Sales.
B -
I' virtue of a writ of Yen. Ex issued out of
, the Court or (..ommolt Pleas of Susquehanna
County and tonne directed, I will expose to pub
lic sale-at the Court House in - Montrose, on Satur
day-the 17th of January next. at one o'clock r.
II that. certain piece or parcel of land; situate,
lying and being in the township of Rush, in -the
county ot Siiiquelianna and State of, penneylva
ina,bouuded aid described as follows, to wit
the north b‘r hands of 'lVCotrell, on, the east by
Jarids of 1..-Vitnbuoven, on the south - by lands of
L. B. Avrest, and on the Weit by lands of Win.,
ittnialtesleY, 'containing fifty acres; be the seine
more or less, , together with the appurtenances,
one framed house and one framed barn and about
fifteen acres improved, late the estate of Cyrus W.
'onis:ock. 2 •
Taken in exeelition at the gait ofJulm Cottrell
against CyruslE Comstock.-
' - • ALSO. . '
All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate
in the township ofJockison, connty Sizapiehan
na and State of. Pennsylvania, bunuded and des
cribed as folloWs, to wit: On the north by lands
-Julia Griffis; on the east by land of -Widow
Houghton, elution the smutty - and tees , by lands of
Lewis Marsh; Containing 3 acres, be the same
more or less, together with the appartenanees,-1
saw=mill and all iMproyed.
Taken in execation it the - snit of E. T. Young
against Nadia* hilt.
By. virtue Of 'a writ of Ler, 'issued 'and di
rected as abtWe, L will expose to public sale at the
same time and place, all that certain tract or par
eel of land situate' in the township of Lenox, in
Alm county of SuSimehanua and State of Pennsyl
vania, and butted, bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit: Beginuing at a p?st and stones the
south-west corner of Robert PaisleY's warrantee;
north one degree 'east, one hundred and ten perch
es to a post and stones; thence;partly by a liue ef
John. Brundage, jr.'s laud, south one degree west
forty-five perches to n'post and kones; thence by
the same south eighty- 1 0 e degrees east sixteen
and five-tenth perches to a post owl stones ; thence
partly by a line No, 16, south one, degree west six
ty-five perches -to a post - tuul stones; and thence
port!, eighty-nine degrees West ?one bundred and
eighteen ,perches to. the place of beginning, con
&Ming seventy-nine acres, and one hundred and
tieventeen perches, together with the appurtenan
ces, one frame house, one tog barn, one lug house,
lend forty.acres impioved. t -
Taken in execution at the snif of Alhert Chum
berth), Administrator de Louie min of Cha's.Chan-
Wet, jr., d eceased, aga t Isaac Woodnift
G. B. ELDRED, Sherife
Sheriff's office, Montrose, -
Dee. 14,-1.551. -
rriAK EN from the house;of, the; subscriber, on
_L• or about the dth of May last, an Account
Book; containing about 'three hundred dollars,
($300). or iloooonts,.,ood a number of ; notes
and receipti Of a• donsidgmble -amoual,...als4 a
counterfeit ;detector, containing all the names
presidents and caslrieiSof all the banks in the Diti
ted States. !A number of 'other articles , inhaling.
Whoever said the subseri
ber. shall be liberally rewarded; and receive' the
thanks of the subscriber • Also, this is , to forbid
any person paying accounts or'notes , payable
to ma to any other pensm.exaept myself or Aitife...
• :• JAMES - McDONALD. •
• Lani , sloom, Dec. 2.18.51.", 4911 • 1
hereby given that, Applications - have Nen
made to the Court of Common Piess of. Stis.
,gttehatmo county, to avant . Chrirtvra Of, .lueortiora.
lion to -.the "East , Bridgemitter. Society of the
Church," and to. the First
Presbyterian 'orizregation of Susiwehanua l ac
coiding to. the Act of , 'Assembly of 1311 of Oc•
.tober; D.. 1840 .: .
F. A. WARD, Poill26i:until'
N-Dtlionolaire(offices 11 -6 131.1, -
Dec.' 8;1851. is-
lie SUbseribera - having resumed the above
Named business under - the management of
Mr. Alfred Sive respectfully solicit from their
etietorners in drat • line -a return of their Pat.
ronag,e,: Sayre it an Eiperieuced and tkilftil
wOrkinin, Wring learned his bUtioess. and for
many years worked in some of the - brot "atom - in
New York. fy, is COMpetent to de ariy‘.kiod
work that may be Entrusted hildni.-P,romptinsit
moderate charges ~ the warranting- of all good
watches.. .we trust will reenreti follatiars
ionage-Gokl Rings made to,order.aud 101,1011 door
Jewelry_ repaired. - . - ,BENTLY t.} READ.
TO'Conntry McTchants and Fed-
COLWELL, Einggier n _lnd Ornerr,lniiinewin
,• ore and Is repai n ting an Immense stock • f n
F.ANCTANO - STA.PLE I- .1600D5,,
y•oirs,lnble-bo irillaen
meholeisle Ise lor , ltuoE.lorer thin they .ean be bought
In theca*. Tlre n tor k ionninriar n is On• p a rt the Allowing
Polognesi.Pointainnsi :Ear
ned other Maps, Playing Cards, Vine Drentog
fraltglat, nob Tooth litnubee, Poeket.Kniree,lia
rstira very _low;`:.Zliti'elope.; DWI and ' oirflead, - Wallets;
[Pecker' Booki,7.ltaror Strop's rer "iowl Pastes doses,
Frain , / P.rfilmeit. DraWing.itattOrtecPriiellsi Dsceeing
Pini, ELM: Beada. Pocket Ink Stands, Tooth Piste, Tol
led Powitlex:,Snallalazea,liand ObstariPurtlinntakte;
veryn , large , riasartmeritslMeriktiOrgan,, Pen Erdreei
Terriair," - andetilkaltlsi.eta. eta. , - • -
!nip - subscribes_irould Ms* rail ortla
4)101110 16 Lb tint:mate atkiitDra*,lfectielnee,itinOt,
fralta, -be" odd.
Choperthalithey-eeiibeiori erkatlaxiyotheiVetebael
rutaCsrestor,fievr.Tt4e; - _._ - P.. ci*VVE4APAY
etc ISM;
„ _
•-•. . . .
heady - Mad e ! Clothlngv :,,- .-
A. JAMIE. assi/rtnlept of -latest et ylvV, lorlincilved
and for sale et' a Falai' , advance' for Avady nay.—
e. i ore Arne door to JuitgeTylees.-_ll(loTertemitiltiOnk
_ , --- i A new nod good Assortment Atli en's )lents,m)irso and
~. .....,....: ,-.... . :,.•••,..•-•.: A Nxioui l e , r erp on ei f .tp , , ,t i le i fine. _ Cal ran ti noTOCCO Moles ehneit Mintier allites,
..'. „...,
~ ,Fr_
... % . ! ,,, i.: ,.. ;:: : - 1.-illtral lin d -Inereiu'Ant Talk e°azie.mllyllleriltifneyt - ,DeytFlult.llWrete . i slMes,....The
~, -P P _ iiti, tonne of. hrit . timnerons frienft L ar g e t, t 2Q. ln ,t. c l" AT I- IL,T,r'!: ! L W.
.tr i ,
~1 11 r,,,t...-,t. L 'co,4 , vd
, ~ .;,.. - -,... 1", 1 , 3,1 auto:RIC In the voy'stiost 04000 6 . 0 00 . , -- . -P - ,;.- , 1,... k-, ~, ;. , ....- , :i - -
...,:• i
~ 0- w •'!,,. i ..sohduely . kto ..tbeintemst ..fCs-,1.i. ...,, - ,-, . .piNGßumei:!,-: -4,, , 1 --
. t 1.. , -
,9 C., concerned. fiteteuteerlber lalics .
pleceimr fi, ;ftati n g thitb e h a t -1,- - A
,YEBY nittlavit o essonatAlitoAugerzings i iis ;Val
c...., I
...:C ''';'' :7 2 . ' *raj t r b e t o ti n i t t - co rMi mpi e t * .l. u s'' lrC . , i rit ; ',.rtaneVaseillerynesesl4-paia131474 da,,i'lliF.mtill,anitb,2"o!car."l"ar,tilititt
. 10 ..'---'. . • '. - tetelfe siiertment ofkoeilseset 00,011 d o ioo4 A 0440 t7°t the: nYlCstr ..'.`' •-*•'•
ojiened in thhi - 'o o 4 l loi9 . ..extibriehig-t.u. its variety . many I- ' ',..._. __ -- . - - - -- - . ,:,..-•••' '-;..•-......"....4'... 41 4P4r,q,,,,
,Lruties.ot, w ori; A cp. t., „ bloxispnr.whteik.:l-disteen. so- t , -499. 11Deeerrilber awn, saes.
... ( !„ ,
Itetid *la crait o . 4 oethathig been bought. dircetlY front 7
the inanufactuies S. turn! itePor Ws; 'tag 4111 - ve kola ae 40_ r iltifi LBWIF.. O °L lilliit id C a . ace° i,tit .
tioa is uii i t.ll,,u go , fit, :,
_lt z t a ,si ng tu , gdi a w idi. 3 l... -
.40 , Lprioikr...or . al!IC174 . 0dittle tilOtilll tiy-lirhdt, ‘
Yitatiou to PO 9 9/X•ezdfillan 148 ,49 0 41.9+4 1 Allem; klOkt:;, liii&L • with, vault - cash *died. bi- by ...: - ,71,-::,..:...; ...., -..
taglnwitieverithipubszeit- -I ' . . _ -_-•:' - . '':,,-`. ' L :! ' i • :',--: '<.• -- '.,'.2ainif-troge: May ',si i , : ,., !.-31:' CA .4'Y.,LE14. ,
--:, ~,t,..- ,' , . , .1' .. , - - . - 4 1 . 1 SEED "I. E V A . N B I. - •
TWAN.T RD . ,2 0 . .000 bisiel'Otleti;-.10;0,
4 k :b lbagbaatnittlesiotiiiad.-isati.. 4 , -,.‘,- Oat ...# t lell 9r ye , 4 Fcern - 9t.ytin tke ili g h t q
.i-otr eitifirtT,Fiiiia4 mdpiturvA , by l plet944ltl/4it ft;Fil,lik9f
tilide by • , -
ljr, .7,..1)m - ,4tbiliptc... - ;.: ~.' .I.A. J. EVAN". ~ •., -` ,-.. ~.. ..-', I' :t.' ,-, .',.. s p,
.14 ,T.,.. ik. c. 0.•..1 - .
IMEL',7II:OI WELL. Detiurgloit t ltioilirp6t4i
Xi. *rhea to giro every. fa fully to Atteqbebanoeconoty ,
agood , tbo ytar 1832, , on) ..thorefpro
betetgiOjte4 -coon or studio:hi get7o no tritultousli.
. .
PRoClatin — TIONS.' -- : r -
StrequeNarad.Coup9 ss. ..--
egriAgnii*".:Viantr, In the,Catert ot n'
.- fa., -, _•-',:,-, PjVallAr• amid Couisty,V
Carttsints'lrritait.: - :, AtiguitZ , lBsl,'No.l3B.
F, . To Ciath4rine Virgli:: l,- oredii Oak/sena
in -varce" %vas limed' to Ati,guit Tenni:l6sk'
which : - was dalk - returned ;ion estiniekttig, ad
thereon:an irlias Salm:Mutt wati iiiktietl. irt Amid
Canso: raiuitiable•to Nov. Tenrt;lSS/i•--Oiron the'
return or iittich, proof was made to. the said Court,
that .the said Catharine Virgit'oritild riot he (bowl
in, ray Bailiwick. -•---- , _ - - . ,
Thit uoticais therefore to require you to appear
before the Judges of the said Court, on, the; third
. 51onday of-January next, to . answer: said corn:
plaint, &c, • , • o.llf. GEItE, tato Sheriff •
Sheriff's office' Montrone, I .:.: .
Dec, 6, 1651. . -.' . :$ - • --, _ --... .., ,
$ugAVETtAtiNs. COUNTY . SS.' c, - ' -1 .• '••• •••• •
Andrew Spcarbeck In tho- Cann ,
or - Coalmen
Pleas Of laid County,of
iklinerva Spearbeekit Term, 1851; N 0.96.
To filmeria Speartca:.i - 1. -
_DU in Divorce: was issued to :August Terns, 1851,
which was duly retuned non eat inbeatusi and
thereon nu 'alias bubpmia was iesued in said
cause returnable to Nov . . Term; 1851, upon the.
return otwhich proof was'made to the said Court
that saitt.lfinerva Spearbeck could not be - found
in my Bailiwick. - 1'
I ` -`: Th i s notice is therefore_ to require you . , to ap
pear before the Judges of the said Court on the
'third Monday, of January — next, tn - ansieer: said
complaint, .5.c. C. M. GERA', late Sheriff.
Sheriffs office. Mentrose, • . -
Thorinis HooVer j In rho Court of COMMOII Pleas
vs.. of said Coanty, of August - . T.;
Medlin Hoover:, )1851, No.
To Mariba /looter: • Whereas, rkSuhrxena in
Divorce was irened to Aug* Term,ltlsl, which
was duly 'returned non eat invent:fa, and thereon
nu a/iris:Subpoena ties issued iu said Cense, re
turnable- to Nov. Term,lBsl,Upon the letum of
which proof was made to the said Ccairf tharthe
said Riar iba Hoover could not•lisifotind :in my
MUM: kit. - -
This notice is therefore to require you to ap
pear before the Judges of arid Court (mitre third
Monday olleuuary. next, - to answer said corn
plaint, 4 , c, • ELDRED, Sheriff.
•Sheritrs office Montrose, j
,Dec. 9; .151.. S
EIGII TY pages of reading matter in each No.
being sixteen pagewor.additional, reading over
. and above tho usual quantity given in the .$3 Ma:
gazines. . ' . .
The proprietors of this popular periodical ;will
eparo no expense iu die effort to impart the Most
decided superiority to their , magazine, and trust to
receive Mef same marked appreciation' thatlias
heretofore rewarded their enterprise.
I American Literature in the highest class will be
I found in their pages. , •
Superb embellishnerits, cons sting,par of
'transcripts from original paintings• by- eminent
American Artists, will alone exceed 'in vainetthe
price of a year's subscription., • .
Humorous Department has, been- added to
their-usual form of construction, where Puck out=
rivalling Punch, will monthly Open his portfolio of
the choicest 'good things' 'gathered from all parts.
of the world. A summary.6l Musical ,Literary
and Artistic Intelligence, will be. prepared for ev
eriatmbor by Mr. Ch G.. - Leland, etnhrating
as a prominent feature, interesting aciountsof the
authors of Continental -Europe; and their'publica.:
This with a full end - impartial, Review
Department, will thor hope Meet!with.the appro.
sal of their literary frietuLs.' . - • . •
Qriginal.designa of.Cotta,ge anti Villa Architec,
lure, by.T.Wedekier. • . - •
Rebus illustrations of proverbial philosophy,
Poetical Enigmas, Alusic,Feshionsi„Cretchet pat=
ferns. • Embroidery, to_ the
monthly variety they promise their subscribers..
By the new postal law, which tient into opera-.
tiou in July. last..thepostage , on this- magazine is
greatly reduced.. When paid quarterly in advance
41 is now as fellowar—Under 5110 miles 24 cents,
over 500 mike 5 cents . -
. .
• Terme for 1852, payable. in adronce. •
One copy one year $3. Two copies one year,
$5. Five copies ono year $lO. Ten copies- one
yeor $2.0, cud an extra copy to the person sending
a club of ten, One.copy. two years $5. Single
Nos. 25 cts,
Smell notes of the diffeient States received at
Address JOIIN SARTAIN & do.,
•- - : , Philadelphia..
- 6E3'Sartain i e.3lagitzine and the Montrose Dem
ocrat one yeeefor $3,50. -- ' -
.r. ew Arrangetent t -
Exten iird Chair - and-Piiiiiitare Esta b
, ,
Txrat,ir. SMITEL & Co. hare ,now fully completed
1' , their oil - engem ents for manufacturing and ,keep
lug constantly on band all and every kind ofllousehold
Furniture, manufactured out. of the best quality of 31a.
hognny, Ills elt.Wainut, 31r.ple. Ches ry.and . other. lum
ber, audio the beacond most durable manner.- • Among
the artielesiddela t II ey Intend to keep on band, - ornsake
to order,tare Alahomany, Black Walnut. Cherry, mad Mu.
plellureans. Sideltuards,.s ecretarles, liook Cases; Cen
tre, gard. Pier, and other Tablet; Stands of esteryvat...
Bards, Sett res,Diva ties • Otimmaus, fte.,,ltecisteads
of ailikitidt and styles made of -Mahogany, Elirk;
nut, thero, and Maple. .
ALSO-,i'dollogany.ltli 'ek Wain ut,Curl and litirdaseye'
klaple;and Fancy Chairs, Of every variety and diserin.-
- lion, *Welt they bare now on bend. and intend to keep
a cent - tan supply.. Anyarticledeslrc,w9lbeaupp llal
on a tecr,oya notice. .
Aathe subscribers hare - oft en - tient' olfeited t o online I
their husinces end to oven an establishment of Can kind
in alontaose which could supply every varldty of hous e. bold Furniture; and BIIYO the -trouble or 'rending to the
Cities for such articles. they hope tai meet, with ilhero
patron and encourage Men t. IE:'F3II-Tll,
• - . ROB?. LA:s3iinr„ ,-
Alforttrese, June 4i 1 &S' 1 .-23, 1. E. R. SkitTst- • „
Joseph -I; klerriman
rp.x.,RB this method of informing his trtende end' the:
'l. public generally, that lie has jut. received front
New rork, an assormentrof Goods, conslsting <ler part)
of Staple and' Fahey Dry Goods '
'Groceries Crockery,
nordwnre,llye Staffs, &e.; which he Will for,..pcodue N or orprored credit, on astrivornbletertab
and ht as low priceispa et any other establishment in the
county: AnG he maid here shy, to those Who are in the
hablt-of goingout of teiva• to- rorrehase goods. that be
will be happy to have the 'privilege of cauvinchirthho
that he can do as well by themes these that - mato - more
she.* and greater pretensions. cplee t o ;t ail et
In tlowinvitle and satisfy yourselves on ihet atibOct..
WANTED-- , Ponbry, Game. Butter, :risidthien , Pella,
=for whlch. - Part.Cfah sftt b°l"44.
Vpsonyille, Not, 5 r 18517-17t1,, , „
'••-• ..New;;Ooods, .-
TUATreeetved by the eubieribcr a. new and iargeF"
I sortment Readysnatt " Ciotti! iv, - Reet,tv Skoog.
: F a n rad i ten nets aeCsps,Jdap letter and wrapisingya;
pe-, by the ream or lees quantity:
Travviling and common "Trtmktt4 few and deal.:
le shot Gtnt,tatteyntanonegtdtooka,Coptbsyllttlittlea,
Fumy articles to taiinerouti taention,`All
designs to reit for ready portend csa?egtenliF a a..!chtt.oP
as the ebmpest,'.ft not" (106064; ."
~ •
A few dozen pair WAO•tit LSOCRS•vaitM.: •
-Montrose,Oct:B4Bsl. - Gl:(}.` FULLER
ID/ll 3 T B ;""Olte;Dnilitadatelnel;DyelSititri,Tegnur
trty,:, Window SnotiAllasitlind' kit tty fteeh
Went, nudalways nn and.ol ' , BEN IlAY:in B PAD:—
7VITItiI.CTS' al Ittira,letitonfinal VsulD a ,tar ItivoliTi.
J.:4 Ice. Cream) roakarb tt..c... t for rata by , *.-, - , .
! .:. Dr4iTtigi'ila - 4114,D,
. . . . .. . . ,
( I N thvi 'afliumary,los2...ati6%L.ENWOGli
NaflCryti f le - the TIN', at the; Teukhentiock
: Y,s ( lq.etlatinato*- ; , C(Rd .thhee• 1611 heis-tttteed
iinee. • • •:••••••• •
-Th eid vectitilli iniitt4 - el tend. -
ft4td GEIP W: 'lSt
this aubecriberbt
or About tho 15th :day .. of September . est; # fed
yearlipth b ale r: The
owner, the "auto
by, proving praptly; paying' chores 'etc. • •
Dimock,'Nov. - 251h; 1851. • 48 14..
= slur 'AHOY t
s- mime have "supposed that` /vat" . abonf, to
. 13 ..letvre - Routroier,front my, selling offgitods at
atiction s -4 take this method to correct suet ideas,
and:would say that ;the businese will "be-carried!
on as fortnerly;exCepftlutk if &Mau 'reiihes to boy
nyth ing:in my line they catrpositicely do it - 15
per cent. cheaper than they have Over domiAt • in
tilts place,' I ahall confine My trade principally
to'Wnichei and bir: buYing loW• for cash can
and win ielllower Mau nnyman iu this' comity:
In two weeks I will bove,a full tissortineht;
kinds of tirne . pieces Carefully repaired imd;Warrau
ted: • Amongst the ntimerotts shops: iu • this piece
don't forget the True one is the phice tohuy cheep
Turnpikei t t the-Candy tdrop.::: •
- • • = W W TRUE. •
Montrase, Dec. 3t154861. 4t3tf •
PIM LADY'S "BOOK tor,the, ensomg year
wilfpresient - nianY novel features suited to the
advancing deennuds of the- public taste.- It 'Nes
ever been the ohject'erthe publisher,to talte the
lead among, the popular Alagszines of title country
end the hest of inmators who have been tollStittlt
iy following—...toiling after hiin in vain•—:are'euf
ticient to.attest his brilliarit.suectss,
To themagazine . alene,:We must look ter the
et:rushing of the master : minds of .LitCrature.
published ; from ell the hest American
writers Mato and female. .
.IGolley'S LadY's Book for Janitiry..vvill contain
in addition to the numerous beautiful Engravings
three of which . are colored, art additional quantity
of rending • by-Aniericair arthori: - - Tiro - fins. 'of
thousands of notices that: we_ have front the
contemporary- press: eStal•lish 'the fect„thlit it; is
the • - " .
Dlost ..11iindfleknt Periodical ire the World
Codey's reliable Fashion Plates - Monthly, with
full descriptions—besides chit chat npon,The Fasly
iotfi every month ; giving full explanations of ev
crything new in the Fushionablu j4orld.
Our *odd cottages.' This is.a depot - latent:Pe.
auliarly, our own, and lhe. licautY and utility of our
models Ilea everywhere been acknowledged:. •
Fon THE Lames ll—SVo have undoubted-Ee..
ceii.ts, 'Model' Coltagen, Morl4Coliage Furuiiitre.
Patterns fa: Window . curtains, Crotchet work,
Knittint ,-.. Netting, Patchwork, 'crotchet flower
work; Lace Collar work; children's Mid Infants
clothes capes, cap e , fine,. every
thing tiiat can interest a'letly; will find'ite appro
priate place her own Book: • ' . ,
TERMS—:Ciplcin Adranee:'
1 copy one yeer - $3. ,1.1 copiesoneyear $ -1'
copy two years $5.• Five-copies one yenr $lO.
copy five years $10:: 10 espies one .year $.lO,
endoite . extrdcopy to the person ,getting, up the
club of ten. -•
Adirese' - , L. A. GODEY.
113 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. ,
..[Er Godey'sLady's Book And the . Montrose
Democrat one year for $3 51)
.0 D. VIRGIL, Tenders his professional ;lei.
iicOsso the.c ftizens,of sloatrnse anti Vicinity
among, whom he, proposes t o
loCati. as , Rasnormr
Demmer. • It trill be hilrend‘Myor to the best •id
his ability - to serve those Who Tim); favor hint with'
their patronage. He does ontlimPose stile chettp- .
en, tho_professiOnas to lower its dignity, tor pro
voke the charge of Incompetency, hut, krieiving_
that the high prices - Of DeutistrYdeter many who
Very much need its benefits; but feel too psxtr• to
purchase - them, he does , propose- to consider • dv
circumstances of - individuals end 'charge ifeeer
dingly, He sineetely hopettllint . none, however
Minted their means, will let the opportunity, silp
of Purchasing for a lilac Money Bt) treat; IL benefit.
How many weehs c ond moittint of hitter, • sleepless
agony, might bo ineventtid by a little • thnly at to. Why.! Elm whole earth,
is filled Willi - gtoans from toothache •, in almost
every family this dire, spectre-pain bottle its.nigh t
long yigils' , And' is there- 'remedy 7 - Oyes,.
save one, liars it pulled Does that save it ! Nu.
lost forever!, .Does that 'Prevent—the decay,
pain. and lass of Others? •
No, it is.but - the _certain harbinger of their like
fate. Can nothing_ then bedoae. to relieve mid
sate. Yes, nine -tenths (gull this misery , and huts
might tie prevented bya seasonable application to
the Demist. Make it a point to have yoarteeth
carefully examined at lea& once a year, end •as
sot:Masa cavity niakes its appearance, have it well
filled.and grim.,visaged teotheche will not haunt
your night slonahers, be.assarittf ;;Dr. V. will cc
teetrt a.pleneura to 'wait on. von at any :time
bet mien the Nuns of 9-4: M: and 5 -P.-M., - at his
Office in Odd Feiloara'Hall;-eorne'r of ~Chestrint
and Turnpike strepte:_ ‘Vork
ir Oct. 251 b, 1851; 45,3 m •
.:New.BoOt:arid Shoo Store•:•
REELER- & - STODDAIRD. , . • •
•uocv -fitot Keeler ;Sicidtlard have
eßemeit a Boot and strel.,t,
fir it-doer befoiv the Brick earner in Whiell they
offer for 11310 • •
The Lurgest.Armoettuesst
oC BpOis, - Shoes and%Findinks,at the lowest prices
We sail for real pay stud small profits
Thecitizens tlie'vilfdie tirere•
FpeCtrylly call. at's real gcsuitio Boot
and shoe store where Boots and shoes are sold in
etad of . Beer and Oysters. :
Keep:it bofore • Veiktile .
That' we have a full assortment aniang; Whit tye
I%lf,ins Cork sofa water proof lniote,lottg Ilun
garians, calf half solo and pump boots,- ,half
sole boots, thick baofs, Calf. - kip and co,Whitlehro-.
gads, Oyer Shoes, ate. : • '
• . .
-Youths Calf, Kip and cowhide boas', boa thipk
jbdies French ,Channel,Goiterti,
welt, Gaiters, enameled and. Kid Polkas, enameled
front lace, Polkas; •kid and. goat - .4:ix's 1.4:6'5;
New York ties, eicelsiors, Jen'uy Glints 4esettea,
kid'iies, rubbers,. etc. „. • - -
•Atissesgoot aud-calf Lace -boots; ;leap/ * - ,Lin4'i
enatiele&PolktiK;Dutcli - looti,.ele. .• :-
Cliddrente bath - fa nhoeti, goat and enameled ieee
'bowe l Gaiters, Boviminv,'lsetc.
mon.onr • Findings OS office FreactiCalf skins,
Oak and flintlock tanned., (;41r, skins,r:MOroceo
pink andieltitc etitM, red, blde, jattrootti
Roans, Bindit4, ltiii)er leather; oak end IteinloOk
iolele'ather,''Regs,F t uO sporahtea,''hierbnit,l
webbing, eft.
24.43. ;York madala order and
ly - ' •
• .
11tt,TU !Lit frprit
I city ‘'Ne'iv York . wittfalarge ` und„deeirubia
aasoyttpout , of- -”
. -' 600 0 S '''''''. ''
7-• C artier cif Venn attd Washingtonlle,
THRliutialilb:iliikei 6 TesaUiviti atinountinti Witte
which tiilt tie iialti:iretit'l6llllf9t caArt'llif; 1)14'
~' - - Po._ lic ,, •Ailttio MAP° Mance of thellbertil peottaiNgt
M s . / 4 05 km aampiase4 or a first rate earn itinent or i -ailtuaett mint; tblieetatittAmeat the paetiear t be Ws
Oro oft fitteileittes -,• CheuticAic Paiute 01 • I
. 1 tlemwtwtrivnonoentty tit inotiltiithebidittientithith
beitoio n ,l.Th e , g i oc k amprjent etery ate* end otalltrof,
, • Ple-ritutrs, Grfjetlfiet;GLittit-wirti iipoon, : - -il raw We genera I liffihfor Table:sautVollet Ware,
• Spee,taCt6C-../Ifitaletil.'lllettirni t t;wts„ -- - • ettletUAtie !KO nJette , e,ttit!ilielle seelee..: Ale% a ,
Yluitegir"'Mitruiii;!'tfial - • '
. 4 '', - -..."..1..1'.^ . ,, k u ci ii ~,"'; :' ,' ..:,? ,". „r .: ; : '.
,:; : 7: L' . ::: :::: , :':. tr., r i° 0 , 1 1 ; 1 1, 51 1 , , f oil e 'ar littaa wrialre.....,;;Abtrijoe elarinnott,t; I 7 4 C - HINA TEA' B ,, E it TT . ; 4 3_, DINNER war..:,l
- . 01; .ttleo!Vjollg . ewp ft h olT kv o p s , v sui t( aril Farr ertictniti - all Walt Thislatiti;Card IWO,
. ,... . , ... .„ ,
~„. „, , , 0 et tousle, sap 'ether txturee rot Ittetstmeole.• curSKAVAlkttrih'"°•t 4 e , ..t w ho l litt. A tam' s t " it lit
--.? ' ..: - T 1.., M.„,,,... : ''. "''' --,.:,..- :' , fC'.. II figgfiltflrfrlMPTltj st di , t 'A:A - er . --. '': - V - '-* GI Ai . WA fa 11.'t consi:gpx . or: cut , -armed me&
: ,it - - -;-. .....Y s- W . ...1 . - - _ . .-
,-. Allnittl)ge ' N0T.4116150 - i, IP'r nt -qiuni" I. ptatjiftohblers,flithieti,qtitiefiltee - iiktimt" ' 'raft biter.'
i7.,..mllttlltilarei- E4cirretVare:;'.'.','?'• f . Y. / . 11 --- 1 -7 ) 1" --- h , v . -.. ,-; . i'T '' , " .. . 4 . -r , - '- ;-,, - Mataar, tinkly', rltilleiv, eatudipialckK..4itephAlP44lll •
... 1 . :.,
~ -11iith'.4*::441114911"41" etri ' ; '' '' ' '• '; ' 0 Ac tl '". 4T;tO 'PiTinfilitt'Sk. ictij"iiiiter , i - rii,e 7 e iliti:lnk ;alai Onaturallattlaa k loamp,Olober etid Mime two gill
•• -..1 • ; 44 , 4114f. flii,tiu orien ts
- -Perftunr Pr, ,-'-',. - i-v , = uontasphirt:::catb 6 4, l lV i u ld " lbi lAnkf; cdttart; ,ggf r ficzt a tv . .t . . l l , i fft:is balal g i an' iseVolit•l_
trimiiii, stioorti4s,
_is4 ll l,l6,.,fi tacs ;l:2;', hi dart piul innate! Yaetwitir : 141ca3 : 414 fre a ); - ktt a iAle 14. • tiellebi.and illit t"t e r"' i'lldrilt " lTe f°4ll4'''llPlilk '
s i irim:,camojimAliiiliing fluid, , ,,Lamps, ,! .. ,: llonemec, Nue, 20,, 11351_ , ~ --,,:-; ~A4licu lima& t•t•, , .- ,-,
„ . .-4 -1,
,--• 'LOOKINGX•I 4 AtVEk ~, ~, ',......." ,
111 -k • Vtri l l t ;lic a , jewelry -•isi ~,, .- ,-•_-••- -, , - . • • - , •.. ,--, „, , , ... ~•,... • ilium* f bailee' ' ' - - eil.l! tile wit* la.
;..... o e, 8 4 ~ , . : f.. f C.' ' . • ' -' - --. DI, ATED IV-Agfliti treed. ibrliti ilk r'.‘ttelfit bralkale ) tel,fi mama 091eir el an 'hi d• Pri 7Pi ta e o l a it ia °r Tibt a 111 Imagoes ° Ili.
i A T " i • ega ter!rolid_ rtiPticiatt. will .be in, constaut, - ,. l .:esttoni;:eandiesticks,"-tattind ,l'ilL4 4 :ktio.oo,;',.Tablit Ca 141;10c10 -111 1Vrr t Web-Z* 1111 : 1 Z veli'..:_'" l "'
nuiticlunca iii neeir lir , :yitailittiv;wptcr; , .ttietom:re, i'cikh„ "AutterladYro. - ato,;`,iil.irbr" - ..,.._-
~,; SAtittOrlattioptltit,Zit TeelutleA tearbtwisiwia,tata - a..t..1-
, ... 7 re. 4th e .61,, ' ) - .., . ; A;'4.pl74n, - mitttrig attention In tbd want, able nustosalmtir. :IF'' ,
A 11. pe maxis st/labialt to Pilr.aN woe Druvi, Good, - r i it"
tunt,iir.ibeeirorsaid;departateate;will.fimit,tbeWiaj - . - - ' .-
~. -,-- ;,.'711 jiP4 lig" 'OA .4 .t.'._ , -
~ , I tl'lf ul 'fi t haael to 01.4 4 thq3 1 . 1.M14 1 4 ==:. 11 . 0
tareataronadeil4 , ll Capiai - atilt oit tfifOrtre and ' '- x . r . ' ---'„," ,"'''- , 110. j I'r.! ,111,- tx.,--_,,,..--i .... oi. • . .:Pipahaziricip Mal 0 : 920.1414;!. ..!-, 1: 4 ..1' 13 . 1 1 4
YaritilY,§'Lara 'Or ''' ''" •-•':' 'A rilli Ititutt L: - 'IN miss . re t iTor
Js ( n ji" ' •I' • 1 • ••' --"--,„ ; , - 1 1 , .1 ' ,t.
. . er 'of the Gastric ,infoo' or t an
Woe . seta' EsZ aututg,ilita.,,c-re .-:-.,- ;,- -' 4-;! , -,' -- ,--.,--
i Montrone, &sov i' lBsl. ' ''' - --'• '-- -'• ''‘ ' by '- ' ' -•; ; - , -AtIEL-I"CtititigiL IV/ Irai.. _ . .Trt,sa _
o t hirstsarid ol L eiaiskitnaitlllikvignt sin •
rrin Subseiiherhes Again *lonic& fhineff.- •N%
.1. whets he foundllte peopleatiturnei•aud would
inform his — lttentli, aid the. riblifilat-Large, that
.bis.stock. °Woods nowoniring was brught at the
lowest priCes and mostly.for cash; an IA an teat'
1 uestrof what fie - ihtpildet 10 ihiiil - 1110iraj-likt ad-
I Ong, wined oak that he jvilli aell:blit'Gotidt.'
five to ten Vet aenetheaperilieit they ,
ve been
sold in these' diggins,- - for cash," nnd 'would i ntost
cordially-itnite •Itisold eixforriets (dad I ,Viri 1
kir/yoke) after 'baring looked ,throtigh'the
icet to call , and boy or him if herein; Bait'-them,
hissassortment is general, eansistinrtis:•utinal of
Dry Gawk, :anon whielt•tnaylie found IFretieh
and ether Broad Cloths, Ladies Dress Goads,
prials,'detai es; biaut fel silk 'Warp' vial:4ler
pacast gloves Wits silk loce,..nod othorxeile, heavy
'beatings eprendid high:cotton yarn &C. 1,..c.•15.c.
Also best,Teai; Sugars,' conk, clovelfikoppre,
rire,Threble refitted and soda saleratuWVObdoco.,
iron and steel, entley,` 00‘var;.'.and
nails, Powder; oat! shut, Boots and Shoes, Lamp
Oil and naolasses. - Btiffulo Robes. Leather,.
be would addi that, he rememberit aud altall; With I
gratitude those - who have been =' really rh is 1
friends by. buying...and paying as.:they.s,grsett and ;
to those who. ueverpsy kt hi. friendship I
say, there is bad thus coming., -•, • --•- '
• LE*
AliiritrOle•NOv.3.3th • •,-
Row... Milford -ShavtrLan&Diiiis
Riti at..egaiu uitirketitith tie%tir
AJLe,upct .enlarged stocir„;44 ltrult ter totle•and
Squate'gliaiqtj& Lutleittreei 0000 e el iletv.,,,e.ed
splectlitlifinterue:Uott prices reduced stilt Idtir, us
the city cash Panic tells upots . the . /Junket.
including nitro his general sOr.li4,lei the Fell S
Wiuter trade in Dry GdMis, crockery;
liorttarere. Itiitt. Nuns', little.eUil Ceps;
Bonnets, DOT& Itahes;tiootk.-4.i,sithep.. - , Stoyor-,
rte. "etc., nil wfiichhue will cell ..fsl hi: uetiii Jiberul
terms itha ti(ijriCes thoCeauuot be,,beet:for:cashi I
-Protiume or rifitirofect •
N.B Flour n'ull tcbnFlnrrl[y;'ott..haud. .;
New„3tilterit Oct. mil . tbsl-44it".
• ' •
. • 17,
Eyes ` over _ t he . , !;.BisspLf.phavip g pui s hiispd _the inter.
_ • eat of ticii.:..lamesomin - thirrailorin g hue:
iness, can .ound at the shop forMarly'oCcupied
ilnviug reccieed •instructioit from 744.- d. C.
Scott'of Nets.' York, he flatters himself- that he
cin snit all who 110 y favor NMiritli'their...ons.'
tom. Full and winter Fashions forf.l.ssi and 1552,
Jost recived. ••• ; • •N.
Montrose, 0ci.315 18.51-42-m3. ,
TOIIN GROVES,the trolltrrnitrit
tl again !nude hie appearance , in NontiOse-to op
erste n the,aboVe IMMO' 'rtt the old Stand
directly over. Lathrop's Dry Geode sioreOlnd
would again tender his services toth O , tind.
olieits theirpntronuge; , 2!` _
Moking and dulling aonaiu the-'most , appraved
style of the age, and done on the shorte#notirie-es
31ot/trade, Feb.,l2,
BDV the subscriber. so he isnow preparing to getni
. fall steals, he oven to his uunterone.eurtomers, , hls
useent large astbrttn en t goads at - !osier prices. than
milar establishment, Western New ;York. Thli
stoelreoisists, impart, of a largt 'toe* of Geld and Silver
English patent Levers, of his own importatton,Varrantcd
superior to nay over in Mix County; Gold' and
Silver anchor Levers and Leplces, Cold Lockets
bite, Spectacles; 'Breastpins n faction', So relagsinager
rlags,tluidpins,Pene Pencils, velf,ccuird and rob chains,
Seals, Keys. 0,-:A.100, sOret7stock;of Lilver,Ware,comk
prtsing.nvery article lisdhst hne aareantedpu.e.lll , wink stall asiOrtaient ot plated lar4in
cy Croods, - Clocks,Vatlery,ctitnbs,4 '
Ello.ham6M.' Oct. 10- ALPII.Eitd. EVANS:,
, . .
. .
- nel time: iollap! • - -
.. .
..:"...- '... -•- -- H. - T C.I.IIitIELD - •woldd say
4 7 ' - ;„.. . .1.1 to hisnumcrous friends and .
\--' - z _ . cristonleraln!Moptrose.andslcin...
. ' • -- - ...14 ltyi that....letias just- returned
._•,k 02 from Kew - York with alargo ad
. I „." • ''' ‘.: 2( . dition to bls extensiyeassortmotit
4) :1,
! • . .''' , , - 14 ! - .1 . . ~e4'. consktine• 'of - 1V sit tle h ew.,.
' 4)., -°_,, o ': - Gold and sEver leveret:mil Lepine,
' ..„, r. , 2!....•: , .. ..--, full jewelled nod plain gold guard
1 .... ' -.•
,_ vest on-I fah'clitilbs,ioekrts.thlm-:
hies, appals, Wigs,. brarelels. finger "and ear ring., cuff
ptna, broaches, armlets. peal and 'bell caid 'onset, pen
an d p enc il easea,chneal beads, entlcry, Perfunierr, Sil
ver, Itrittannia and plated lira:e.e,Accordeons, flutes
tuning foeks,..eiolin Strings, - ends, wallets,. port Mons',
Needles, and funny rood., Watch glosses, toots and Ina
terials for the trade by thnquantily. -.The above wiff•be
sold at the lihres t prices... Xrlratthes snit Jewelrk of
all kinds repaired on short - notion at' the'old stand near
ly opsolite the Phtenix, Court st. Binghamton...
... . , .1851.
Melts for 81.001 - nd up'. ' - 30 - hortrs and 8 d av itrind - A- -
lartri. New styli:rend waren tail Ist •• • : L. cANFIEtax I
---, - -
ON Ple a selection of Geneva awl English Drier, Li
pine Vertical and - other v , eap,emeute in gold and
ver es Now a word te in'y eery tiumernus friends and
the public In general. 'Permit me today that my very
long experience has'enabled me Mist-tact such Watches
as Mal de me cie.fil. and the
.lasting aervice.
Itsbogld he - borne to that,. Import Or e. in ; gelling
are nor always Watch makers but agents or tattehiititE.
Under theie cirtitostinca eccording d o nave*
talent and ;Xle. Wee!' ,Li permitted 'a. teare tintil"..taken
epart.;exatufned and reguiatcd'llt for tbecriarers Pocket.
A written warrant given for two years weeldentsexcepted.
' IlOurs of business from 7 - A. ILI° 7, P. AL
. - .
:,_. 0.- ,
- : - ."-. 2 ... FARST, IN ELBRET,-- -, :7.
.: - . - Ga,o-11-.S.
~,, ,
-IfAS - aft 'rt , unietl•froth
H.. T.HWEBB NEW i YORIC, with a thre
flock tif Fallgooda,whirti he offersfor owe to tliciipt irtm
WILL PAr tor thfht.'stastow-ititeti ita iwitlire'reakitta
} bly_asaftL , Not . C"rgt . duo "' thanks Id : Avett: ar. 111.1
1 Irieticla. - is have ha . . et °fora bcuett gamin of blin 'and pay.
torthem, heluvitea thila tit "11.3131 E AGAIN." .
Mantrati.,,fieyt.yith, 185
1,, , . .;. ~ • - _ -
. ..._
iff—:.-nurcitrTrfitiquA s4irfOr
,F el e gantitd fei• riafro
00luilnT an Taziety of Ladles Dresß 0 oode.-Witi
ter "Limg Ellawls,; new- style bonnet Ribbons,. Motet
Cops,fla ply tie odk, - Zr.t.;. of'O'fOlorirabl4estyles,
.whirli,nisving•beet!.iputtlittsolatribilatii prices, j
will :be lottl-ptivoisatty . . • -
- Now XlTlfor.l, - -
N-E.W- -0 00 D S
ttiVOINIZ-Z - Z614t134123.
noir ricalefira a lantana dostralle
eufishitlni ofthelr ulual. railer" of Dry Dourly, Procerfes,
Drucker", Itard.ware,Drriga, Rairar i elle, Dye
mtplire, tin t etirme, and Woollen* War* !rob. ettielocalle;!
L"ttbet, ehlarial inoirtnit gloaaos, .a 5
'plate,:rerolvglas+, and puffy ; hots , cape , carpeting. ail
clothe, wall and tfitldnwikiPeriejairkairrateries, Jewelry.
i.i leer rpoon a t m uc/ca -trimen la, perfumery; bra ritrutr:
&e., all of which clreyrillerarJakil Moat fitorabla terms,
Montruse,Cirt.l;lBsl: •- - • '
- - 2nd I
•xelir., 00 e - r
IT •
• • , • •
utecobi ris r dif.l r. J r: ‘ 1
• stork. quiteayi '„usii}itritlit or. Val iroo4K.'.iionsieting
or Dry 0 omli, Grnertrje#, II d%arc, Intik It iibberpilloott
nnil• Mem: botion T Von cAsat, Arid vtillittirtlierwairo*
asny cniettrts-,pliont•thys ,
or; tif the-
Whereforthcireay ,f„o4l;nr,tili - righ - 4 ktpeti, 'of credit, .--
TbAnks loan for • rivors, at . :af•
turd to 4 , all'and btu . • s ti • c.
•Ilbpqnic;S:ept-.•10 •- •
• • '
Kew and, popular'66l tiOok
C _
COMPBEIIE:SSI yit susi.ukitr.oCVNLYNllSAis MIS
Torn% 10 ,ethorvdth A BIOGRAPHY orDISTINO
UISUED P BItSOUP, Vr *Meth la oppeod m
od an volta, of
-` OMY . nod_
Adoptcd arta us s. ed to thittubilrattoNoOf Phipoleloll*
11,W, - Piliiiitt'a + iikli*N44
Teschsilittamehnol C r omnifitceo od4o.teoillett e mt
lining yak!, Fll!,..berulikklied:wlA cages (07,4ustnina.
tien. f I• " < :
Mr A Bi/ di Oar. Itwlttrixxbrtmentift boolifaild 4to
' ° o4 r f0 , 403 1 , 1AC tit4orvlt Yr l o% ...).1*!•
„rtnE fINDEttSIGNE , formerly roreman for many
f' . 1 yeah atthi• Lafayetta Ilan Millstone Manufactory.
24Q Washington tl., N. V.,4,W. Tyack,Sgene,) would
; form bb7rir,iils andlite. public to general, that is
. .
• •
-•- Binghatton, N.:
Its min bore constant ly s onkand a latgestoek of ,Bails
Barr r MillStones, as a Imo [gage supply or Ettopas and
linlo-stortor,' also French 'num Blocks, lacilliang Moat.
screen wire, and PlasteeParia-- • .
The titi teralitned ree.ids Mends and literal!.
that .ho faitlifelly'ne otos, all orders entrusted ta
Ids are, not only in Talky, but ittpriMa of articles fur.
n sad s , Wits Shalt ilnd paternal*. .
'Orders by letter will be *scented with es mieb ears
it'fittes cheaply as whenporeharcel.ardpon The spot.—.
llitless Mot Millwrights are setinested 'to 0111 and,exam.
Inv Ma etoek and workmanship. - • •
~,• • :. • JOLINV.IittI.I.IV.Aff._
'•. ' \
ttENEltEl'iteg' . .• . :
Thomas P: Pbtane7:sll4-1
idPlr; • Calob' C; ?malt; pletintllee; , l; B. pr4ft.
goehihid'e mutuatßpnefit
•`ltearich :office; 280 Brasil tofuN. 'v.
4ccurctrilatede4sh Cdpi
tat., $33,000
Guaranty •,- - 60,000
Thisis an Association Mechanics and oil'-
. ers,furnied fia'ilielnutual. benefit of each
other,in case cf. sick' -nese•or accident;
B Y the pavment. of the following •annual Atte, yen
will become a Life Member, and will he entitled to
weekly luaiflt during life, if you should be - disabled by
sie b n e . ..vr - Arciagroaromintebaing to your ordinary
business or occupation, and at the decease of a member
this Association shall appropriate . $:0 to be field's's
funeral benefiti . te such. person or. per son a :ashen - be
authorised to receive It.. , - •
res. atm Dr.1.061T Von 11,1 11111117itigit 50 TSALII IT
Two doltws a pier yea anl, draw,' per vier- .412 00
ThreeFour' - t • a O O
Fir Si x " •• . • ' , • II 00
• : 00
ET&ltt- '
0 00
• runtle, rates from $,OO to $1,00.•
Their o f fiAy yeari of age will bo cbazged 25 per et.
extra.- $.1,50 Atindeahin Per .111 be charged In addition.
to theeboar, the Brat year, - and tonal be Paid at thw
time of making application; and: the first year'i deposit.
within thirtytdays. The organisation sodbb Tnatitutko
is such as renders it peifectly /Bettie, n bats Po hes,
I .taserio ills:dug th e guarantee , that ail benefit* will tan
promolly . pabl. And f artbetvw maid inettoattentlan: to
the follownx - g• 11 FE MENU ES ; .
David Wilmot, Towanda. Bon: a: A. GroSOM.
•lardsailta; Gon,..R. B. Suentrz o D. n
E.ehaFe, 3lon !rose; 110rhEl
onice Creel ey
Hon, E. 0.- Itebell. Sprizigfield r Masx. i • • -'-'
• Each is furnished mith aie itt tbe 111-L
of the A asocia member .lon and will receive the "vy
Monthly Asp a er. ws
Jet" , abiell enables them to know tho prosperity ;and
einei,frof ash Filtution. Further Informalon ebeerful.
IF glean bjesilin , g at the " Editor'sollice"'of the 'lion.
trove Deraocrat ! ' over 11.0. '4ler r sitore. . - - . ••: •
Jl. J . 1)..4419,40,„ tor Slum's - . Co
Mentreee, Oct:10,18M. • • 44tf., . • '
„To - Dairymen and . lrarmerii,
. Vahiithlipiofieitk for Sale,:
A-Ysi"q3l:o°hrn2n"a.casuiPillynintraißne.atrietil et:141%1'4
50 acres of
Whichls under good improvement
Thri'turni Is will detlgnecl_for an d ry,end la capable or
feeding 413 NUYS dUring SUMEller -winter, and el*
part Of it la welt watersd:• , The buildings und land arcs
in good onirilition and' the fences, which !are or stone
and rani+ aro suinc4„ - There are two large bans wpm
the , PreMises.hes Idea granary and 'coot =lent stied ,
for cattle.. 't hive twohatds principally ofgralterlfrvdta
and other fruit trees. • -
. Said farm has a eery pleasant anCi'dedrabli location I;
about two miles from Montrose, the County seatofuossli
quehanna county. antlcironi °toiler from the - Leggetta I;
Clap Ira Cum.!, to which thereto e'Plank lineal:4race= ,;
arrow Notion . and if Tell COUTen tett to meeting* and.
I schools, and mechanies.; ” • . • „
, Also eupther.Yaluable Penh radjolngthw aticrie; tons I,
tnininewo acres, of which 150, amps is - under I'
state of 1 11101 - mloo. iljpon ;it there tau lartreilrataw
dweilloc bona*, and out ont buildings to correspondvand n
-large orchard. - It is well watered andleuPed,artd 14116 :1
rably adaptod to dairiPtirbriser...... , ' •
Said property , will liesold reit con abletenn a pors '
tion of the purchare money May remain Upon Dondatol
".3lortgage ;mit alle purchaser-, •
Application mayhe made personally or -by, letter to
Wail 'Tisane M.A. J. - Ntrounk;ilontrose.' 'Weald
nounfy. candtiny fti rt her partieulara that may bct mph%
njwill La c pen.- - 23tf • - -
igotice .to
NeharSesmnable Fall and Winter - Os4:dirdt
Ciro: One - Price &wee !!.. • • t
L. S, Greta Windt ('ills -•'
DROS Navel° takalbte opportunity - of tendering ii!.
lit sincere thhuts to Ida frlendalanst enstonsershfor the
gehieoue patsonagr they haV't eltinlded. tO , him; and
affhe maple time inform them that he him jut kettuned
IfroMNen York Cttsur verg largeand choice selettlon of
Fancy and staple Dry,aoods. . Also , a fresh and eaten.
ele eisiortmeutoffircierits,Provleinne,Bootsantlelmea s
; flats and Opivittlllll4l7o, PrOCktry. Ico.,Dragi and
winch nlit be fold for cash and produce at a,
, very mall advance, at'kitearrhlehdefyClcompetition.
Fl o ur , 'Pork,kleh,Sattystolesaleandreialle.-helrealti
also rintkaekthai he a lheresatitt tly to the ;system of al.
wiry"' i) Raul Wieno4 prieelt drit.thereby glviudtbi
tame advantage to all who tatty favor him with etclt
Great Rend Clothing Store. = '
Thoicirgele, bast and, ohaapest linortinent of.Readr,
/fade Clothing In
.lit.. Village et Great Bend, _Pau; Bread
Clothe, D onikine,tiatelm erre and Lettings °fail ettalltlei
inhabit. forth Sal and ill tad Tradefitehlet he acre a e
such priecs as to Xe.tiArytuvr one that thine the place fee
them to deal. in tonsequ re of the greet Increase of
bostsiete helm a be ctioldtged to greatly enlarge his stuck,
which he now. 'acre table fsimnde And the publiolotok
arnMation. confident thititt addningthereillend some;
Wept* their adrintage; . - Theanhaeriberrbai madam..
rengementi to manure - eta& elithing,in all its Tattoo*
breath ea: knit id now prepa.ol Mtn, iittnutt; gcotton workand:cuttingd anß
it th lateat ety Pealed shorted tne geer—ell Wade of tall=
oreetrimminge furnished Cad for Rale. lintiot forget tits
spat, Pete ocaciYOppfoliethellatirdanlioneeo
•, °fiat liehd ,B otiil l ls9. - : 60 " I LI
i';..'',:„I.'i'PROOKER7 f3TOItEif,