The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 18, 1851, Image 3

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    Murder at Beach Havp..
learn that a man by •the name of
Deknont Stookey was shot at Betteh Haven
sada) , last. The deeensedmas tiovn
:topauper, of uncommon iihysical strength
f ue, and ferocity of temper. . He .was su b
et to eileptid,
fits, more than bilf an: idot,
•:d like creatitres of this ordsii. - Of a: sub
,. .
ti ta d dangerous atsposttion. He „was
laced ander the charge' of-Air. Charles
t iq bert,„ of Beach Haven,.by be overseers
of t h e poor, Mpon the usual conditions.—
seybert had groat difficulty; in main-
Dlr.tidaingany g evernatent over biro, and bat
derstand given the pootmasters 'no
tiv to rentu v,e him, ,On Saturday list,
While gr. S,cybert was sitting at his kitch
fire, Stookey entered t o room,
roe sp.
preached the fire, and, as Mr, S ey bert sup
pod, reached out hia han to ta
But fire; ke some.:
ding front the mantle ove r
the „
issteadof doing this, he seized Mr. Seybert
by the throat; throw him upon the Boer,
u h a ated hire until he was insensible,' and
thou d r agged .him by the hair, into the
street Bat for the timely, interference of
3 young house maid and a small boy avls'o '
Ipened to b present, it is believed that
sto ap a e y we old e
have killed Beybert. Upon
recovering, Mr, Seybert gave Stookey no
tier that he must keep away from his house
and that he would not have him about there.
Tor self protection he loaded a pistol and
plaudit in his pocket, and declared it , his
intention to defend bimself •if Stooley
should again attack him. On Sunday fore
noon Mr. Saybert went to his room for the
v ,urposc of taking something from his trunk.
Ile found Stookey laying upon his bed,
Which was placed near the door through
which 'Seybert had to pass. Stookey .
clic a move apparently to place himself
between Seybert and the door. declaring, as
se understand, that "now be (Stookey)
bad get him and one of them should not
leave the room alive." Mr. Seybert, as be
believed in self defence, and with no pros
pect before him bat destruction by an mi
-1 reasoning giant unless lie did defend him
self, drew his pistol and,shot Stookey
through the head. These arc the circum
stances as near to we can learn them after
careful inquiry. Mr. Seybert, on Monday
came to this place and voluntarily cave
himself np to the Sheriff, and remains in
prison until the matter can be thoroughly
investigated, although not confined under
any legal process. In the whole matter
Mr. Seybert doubtless believed that be was
acting strictly within the line of his duty
is defending his life in his own house
after givin g his savage enemy warning to
keep away from the premises. But know
• ing the strength and savace disposition l of
stookey, and aware of: the fact that Stine:
hey was already under bonds for threaten
ing the life of his step-mother, it is to be
regretted that Seybert did not, after
the firAnssanit,tnke immediate legal means
to remove c.) daagerous a character from the
eighborhood Wilkesharre Farmer.
Dr. G. Z. Minoci having gone n journey,
Imo the business of his office in charge of
Dc.,C.. C. iialsey, to vhom he commends Ms;
friends. .50tf
Susquehanna, Academy. -
Tice present term of the Susquebann Aead-
Clq Will dose on radar• evening, December
19th. 1851.
Plize.Eslibition will take place on Fri
-4.2y razing at 6 o'ritlck_
hines will be awarded to the three gentle
men, who shall excel in declamation, and to
the !tree ladies who shall present the best
The following committees bare been select
ed to award the prizes:
Ar:aziatioa.-1?... liven, Esq., F. B. Street
er, Esq., Rev. John Long.
Cumposiann.—]ion. Wm. Jessup, Rev. 11.
.Rifer, J. T. Richards, Esq.
Declamation in Primary Department. —Wm.
J. Terrell, Esq„ Albert Chara Esq„ Geo.
Feller. Esq. ISAev GaAs - , Principal.
Ileatroie, Dec. r 3, 1851.
Inihnieek, Dec. ith, Mr. DAWSON YOr:CG,
agei 41 Mr, Young, was one of the salt of
the enrth. He tra4respucted by all who knew
iiin life, and deeply Inn - tented in death.
In lionesdale on the 24th of Oct. last, Joss
11CRiatutt.. aged 38 years.
Tise deceased was the eldest son of Asa
and Ilatilda Craridall, formerly of this place.
A 5 Choeunut, Susrfa, co., Pa., Mrs. CHLOE
&tit; wife of lir. Amos Heath, aged 47
rear. She sought the Lord, r.nd 'obtained
the pardon or ,111 E, and the witness of justifi
cation, 17 years ago, and joined the church.—
She ices exemplary ill her attendance upon
tiT r rrfans of grace in the House of God, un
-21 preiceated by affliction. But she realize:?
ta? prpeuce of Gad in the chamber of sick
s?si. ' Forsmeral years past she was the sub
;mt of muck af f liction arising, from a compli
cation; of diseases, yet she was remarkably
rasmned amidst them all. -Great was her
raze in contemplating, her dissolution and ex
it to glory, and shouted aloud the proses of
God.. The companion of fier earlier years
fs? . l4 keenly this stroke of his Heavenly Fa-'
114 but is lookingi by faith for grace for ,the
temut, for a reunion in fairer'climes abose.
Mocks, Watches, and 3,eNtre3.r7,.
Ittralcat4oxes 8. Accoidems,
Repaired and li r riernted by
Shrp n tht store of Williams, South:Gib
sou, Pa. 50=3
Turnpike Notice.
T E E tonal meeting of the Stockholders of
tilt Lenox and llarmouy Tunrnpike Road
11 Eollsuy will be held at the house of Joel Steen
41,in Gityinn township, on Monday the fifth
du. dilannaril next, at ten o'clock A. Af•l to elect
tat parean'to serve as President, one Secretary;
am Treasurer and six managers, to serve the en '
jag 'year. By artiste of the Board. -
463] BENI.COMFORT.4 Secretary'
' • Turnpike
Nonce is hereby given to the Stockhold
tis a the krooklyo and Lenox Turnpike
that Ulf: • tumnal meeting of the
6 tA tihddera of said cOmpany willbes held at the .
, `t, of GPM arid li"rothelt, in Lenox, on. the
;‘,lor.di t y iu January next, at one o'clock r.
fAtil E..R. GROW, President.
~ - - . . .
RORIUBLEI . . - 1. 11
1 .. 1: Na n with his Tlixog Cut I, ~
Bit it hitmlf, the Barber had nothlag to do
,_ siltit tti man ever heard of such a thine, being
.9. ,_ * krar Luber whi , e th News apart; Aro full or; n dolng it . them o selves P Krasor ts a dart-';
a`Ca Wag Lit none ' ut an exPerituced worltmatu.
lan! titheeed to ha wile it. Every man ih°uld think
e . „,,,
! trust to thaself, for no one Can toll what
yk o'll to akhrt. Z. \ ow if you ue . ver touch a razor
oaer out you tit oat eittlytt, so Inn call on
-4 TILMAN Barber Et Mar Dresser, In Searles;
lsw. , it a l! t aaa door 10 Postoffice; WIN Will shave you a
iii.„7,.."a beW tporn babe. CIitAItIOI.7IIZIAN.
1'"Det...16, 1531, - IlOtf .
Shenifs.s. Ba
Bsycirrino of : w rit of Ven: ;ant of
the Court of Common Pleas of Sturquehaw.
na county, and to mq directetf, 1 Wilrexpose - to
Publio'Srile• at the Court Rome ImA:entitle, on
Saturdikri" :Tenuity 1832, at one o'clock r.
thot certain pieen. and parcel
.of land sit
uate, lying and being in the - .totensh ip of Manna
lay, "tho County :of Susquehinint ; bourided'and
deeoßbed as follows,19: - wit Oa the
,noith" by, the
Susquehanna River, ,on, the sOuth.and West by
lands of 1).1.. Morgan, on the east.. by lands of P.
L".llOrgart and landsof :the Isleiv niad, Erie
Railroad Company, containing about one kundred
and nineteen acres, together with Po appurtenan
cee, one framed beim arid kern and an dry:hard,
and !about - 70 acres improved, it being the - - rime
land.deeded' by Wm.O. Sabin to 'Sedate Griswold,
by deed bdaring.datn May - 15th, A- D. 1819, and
recorded in Deed gook No. 18, page 289, late the
estate of Sedate Griswold. ",
takea le.execatiiiti at the tilt - tit WilliqraS.
Sabin against Sedate Criewoi " ad. - • . .
Allibel certain•pleea;er pirael of lend, situate
in the township Of-Clifford, in the county of Sus
quehanna, bounded•-and described as, follows, to
wit: On the•north by Nub of Willia m I. Weay.
er, east by lauds of Thomas Burdick', on the Mill
by lands of Alamo /fanged, and on the west by
lands of Saoirial Gnat', eontaining:4o acres; be
the came, mere or less, together with the' eppor-'
tenancesonto framed dwelling house, euo . r framed
barn,onci Plething'Shopi ono omliard;titid Wont
IS acres improve,d, late the estate of 'Thomas
Ustith and Samuel C. Itlenteney. - • -.
Taken hi - execution' at bf M. Wilcox t.
Co. against 713 =pa 111:-Ustiek ' ace 4'tinmel.lG,
illantaucy.` - L.-
. i
• 1
• Aisco -
. . , .
All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate,
lying and being in - the. township • of.Siiring ville; in
the county of Susquehanna, and State of-Pennsyl
vania, bounded and, described ai follows; to wit:
On the north -by thoload leading friorn Spring
ville to, Brooklyn; on•the ,east by the road' leading
to Nicholson, and on thesouth and west by lands
of A. Beardsley, coutainintinue4talf acre t •b&the
same more..or less, together with the Omniemit,:
ces, on framed dwelling houseione framed barn;
and ail improned, late the:estate of. Polly
Taken in execution at the suit of Calvin Leek
to the use of Henry M. BierOe, ,against Pplly
lloadley, With natio° to Clark Burr; T. -
. 1 . • GEB,E, tats Sheriff.... I
Sherini office; Montroae; .I
• - Dec. 15, resr. _ , 5 -
Sheriff's Sales: • I
. .
IDY virtue of a.writ of Yen.-Ex. issued. out .of
_II the Court of common Pleas of Susianehanna
county and to ine directed, 1 will expose to pub-.
he saleutlho Courthouse in Satur
day the 17th nfJanuary next. at one &climb P.
—All that certain piece Or parcel of land; vitiate,
lying and being in the township of, hush;.in'tire
conaty of l'usgnehanua and State..of Pennsylva
nia, bounded and described as follttits; to wit :
the' north b i lands of T. Cowell, on the east by
lands of L. Vanhariseri, on .the.sonth .by.lands.of
L. IL Avrest, and on the west by lands of .\Vm : :
M. Bialtesley, containing fifty acres, Le the sane'
more or less, together with the appurtenances„
nbant fifteen acres impisiced,late thirostate of Cy
roe %V. e.'emstock.
Taken in execution at - the trait of John Cottrell
against Cyrus IV. Comstcrh: •
By virtue of a writ of Lee, Fa.,lssued and di
rected as above, I will expose to public sale:at - the
same time and place, all that certain tract or par
cel of land situate in the township of. Lenox, in
the county of Susquehanna and State of Penusyl
vaniai.and batted, bounded, and described asifol
lows, to wit: Beginning at a Twist end stones the
south-west corner of Robert Paisley's warrantee;
north one'degree east, one hundred and teaperch=
ea to a post and stones; thence partly by a line of
John • Brundage, jr.'s land, south one degree west
forty-five perches to a post and siones; the'tiee by
the same south ; eighty-nine degrees east Sixteen
and fire• tenth perches to a post arid stones; thence
partly by , a line No. Ifiri'southone degree west six
ty-five perches to a past and storms; and thence
north eighty-nine degrees. West one bandr4d and
eighteen perches to the -place of :beginning, con
taMing seventy-nine acres; and one hundred end
seventeen,perclies, together with the appurtenan
ces, one frame house, one log barn, one log hcese,
and forty acres improved:
Taken in exeCutiomat the suit of Albert Cham
berlin, Administrator de bolus non of 'Chres.Chan
dler, jr., deceased, against Isaac Woodruff.
• - G. B. ELDRED, Sheriff
Sheriff - a' pfEce, - Montrose, I
' Dec. 14, IESI. S
AITZL TV"Ti M inref 4 t . Tßnittra ce.
wishes to give news family in Sur Ibetianna county
a gond Aln,.iien for ftto scar T 852. 11 es. artr therefore
hereby ierviteg-t o come or seal aria get one gratuitously.
. '. 'Tepsin, 5 . .
NATURE'S own remedy for Itysimpita, obtaibi'd from
Rennet or the Gastric Juice a the Or, For a*
by ABEL T ILIERELL, Montroza•
, .. .
rillte Subscribers haying resnmed , the above
_L. Named -business under 11M,1 manue , ement - or
mr. Alfred Sayre, respectfully selicit from their
old customers in that hue a return of their Pat
ronage—Mr. Sayre is an; Experienced and skilful,
workman, learned buying leaed his business - - and or''
many "years worked inionte of the best `sliolis in
New York Gity, is competent ta'tle any, Itind: of
work thitt may be Entrusted to llim.—Promptness
.charges the warranting of all good
watches. we trust will secure a full share or Pat
renege. Gold Rings made,to order, nail all-kindsof
Jewelry, repaired. BEN TLY 1. READ. .
Nov. 12.1351- . . . ' . - ' •
- .
THE sabneriber will pay rash for al! good prime
Foz, Mink, Martin, Otter, Fisher and Be h r
skins, at' fair priees,a - ad ttithaaghO l oon and Mask. ,
rat ate very - foto thie year in market,- yet•he trill
bay them in trade or •part cash at *hat they' are
worth. • • •
Montrose, - --. •
TN exchange for goods by: the.'stibscr iber, all
Xltitids of Merchantablq Grain; also; , Beestiard
Geeie Feathers, Tonothy -seed; lingo, Batter,;
Cheese, last porkiete.. -
- ' • - TYLER.
.141.Ontrose, Dee. 1, '5l. •
.. ,
A NXIOUS to' respced • to, the'
• . „:- - 1,,,,, ~ „I 11 literal and increasing - pan.
- .-
' SP"'" - . . 'renege ofdlis _numerous fri 'di
,-- i i , elk aid customers, in the - .tray DAOSt•
A . .'. 4. rondurieede the Inteiest of all
- : 3( ., coacerutukthe subscriber takes
, ter - ! f it pleasure In stating that he has
..", ~ '..!, ~ ''''.,„ just' returned from New , York,- I
C 4. .''e4- - ;4 7 -7-,- , wittithe most Complete end ea-1
, - _-=' -"`°- J"' _ .I.ensilve assertment of goods ever I
opened In thiseritinty,emicanciag in Ma „ casiety, many.;
articles not before kept bp.hita; and which , hasheense.l
lected with groat Care, having been bought dlrect;ffroM
the manufeernrus, nod fropotters, and will be aold • P •
he smallest dieing profit.- Estandlarg to all a coral Alla.
election to colleted coma:due . 1 / 4 Sao l lamal Priem'ile.m
mains ea ever,thepublte's •,. • ~ ,,,-. ~ , -
Alcat respectful Zermat t ,
~,,,,,, ij, "._
. . - • • • .Virashiss:ton et.
Bii)ghataton,DeseratierSil, I, . -Ott '
trIOLD CitAINS of all 7eizta...s 4nc!'pattenisibr r '
lS Dec..4th,1851. • , A. J. EVAN
TO Country Merehantsand Ped
JL E. llr t ie - eivin sl an st it; r 6 er 1111-nn
bought at auction sales in ;New York, which liewlll-sell
at wholesale as low It not lower than they eau be bonsbtil
in the city. - Ihc stock:comprises , to part tile fellevrink
Colognes,.Pomaturer,.Tiesi raial other Olte k lihexiiik
and _o ther Soaps; Playing Canis. Fine &Braiskikeerabs,
Hair, Ital, Sboo L
and Tooth Brushes , . Pocket lindeinfillne
sore Ircry low, - Etivelope., Dail and Doll4leatte;Walletsi
Pocket Booker Blame Strops -tory' lotir.-yeitcy Etrkett,
French Perfumery, Dmitri= and Slate Pewits; Dressing
Picas, Steel - Beadis, Pocket ink-Standsaootlttestei Toi
let Powder ~Ennid lloses,..lland dill&terel•FortAtertnates ,.
Nay large assortment, lilautbOmusit;! , tu.aldril,'
lery and Chalk Balls, eta, - '
The. subscriber would whio 'ostk• itttentitaaa4,ol ,
Indlfid to hie immense' et** 9t.BetXl., ViNtclfl, e ! ,
Bibb Boureetionory, etc., erhie&will„.be eold ,
chespore.han they caw bekaughtt *SY Othar - Lnab.. l „ lsll '
Inept west ot ,Diew York, .
, BipshapatorisDee. lOU -- • - • • •
„ o r/null:lED .. inupspn-atonNtnci nr
• ,• . „
nor.san clays per
aumun l calla in advance, or •two'dollars not paid
until the mid Ofthe your; or time of subscription:. !
•NO papesWill dieinatinnecl until arrearigel
are Paid. except .at the option ofthe Publishers. ,
• • All comMonications must be , POST rain
eelve attention. • • • ."•
Aliletters:corinected 'with the (ACC,'
directed to 5,;8. - -ds E. IL CHASE, Montrose; Shsg.
_Co.; Pa.- -
iIT Editors' °ace over,,M.eiTyler's Store. •
- • •
Ono square, (12 lines Or less,) 3 insertions, $lOO
- Each stibsequent insertion, • • • . 25
One square, 3 - months, , . ; .• • - 2:50
" ",frripanihs, r 4 00
nusiuesa itrils, 4 lines or-less, . 3.00
Yearly. Advertiseinentsi - not over 4 square& 7-00
One: column,. one year, - 30 00
Yearly Advertisers will be restricted-to the bu
siness in which they . are - engur , ed.'
ID' The • Publishers, having a large assortment
ollob Printing; Materials, ere prepared to execute
all kinds or JOB WORIC•WitU ;ficatriesti and des
** BLANKS -of ' every .deseriptiow constantly
en hand, or printed, to order.. • -
Nuequ . datum County as. . • ~ . -,_
Bmassum,lV.l% , 'lnom , -1u the Court of Common
• Na. Pleas of" said County, of
.C.sitrituss Vnton... ,)August 'rasa, N 0.138.
To Catharine Virgil: Whereas:a Subrunn
in Divorce -
,wits isitted to August Term, 1951,
which wad duty returned Min eat inventus, and
thereon , an alias &Auino wus issued in said
cause returnable to Nov. Term, 1851, Mum the'
relmn'of which; proof was made to the said . Conrt
'that the said Catharine Virgil could not be found
in my Bailiwick.' . • , ,
This notice is therefore to require you to appear
before the Judges of the said Court, oii•the third
Monday of January next, to answer said - com
plaint, &c.
_i , C. 31. GERD, lato Sheriff.
Sheriff's office, Moutrose, I , •.- ,
Dec. 6, 1951. , '
Andrew Spearbeck' In ; the - Conrt of Common
' . re, - , i Pleas of said County of Au-
Minerva Spearbeek , vast Term, 1851, N 0.96.-
To Minerva :,:iirorbek : Whereas, a Sabine •
nail) Divorce ,Wei issued to August Term, 1851,
Which ' was duly returned non est intentus, and
therein an 'alias Subpcena Was issued in said
cause returnable to Nov. Term,'lBsl, 'mien the
return of which proof seas made to the said Court
thnt.said Minetva Spearbeck could not be found
in my Dailiwie4 7 ; ' ' ..
This notice is therefore to require yon -to ap
pear before thei Judges of :lie said Court on the
third Monday `of January next, to' answer 'said
complaint, 4-c. 1. 1 C:SI...VERE, late Sheriff.
Sheriffs office..'MOntroso, i . I- •
' Dec. o,' 1851. I • S
SUSQUIth k.N.NA ChUlitT 89. .
Thomas Iloover In the Court of Cerninon Pleas
vs: - • of said County, of August T.,
Mariba 'Hoover; 1851, No.• 186. • . .
-To Morass HoOrer: Whereas, a Subprma in
Divorce was issued to August Term,lBsl, which
was duly returned mitt, eat inventus t and thereon
an alias Slibucena wan issued in; said cause, re
turnable to Nov. Term, 1851,,upen the return of
which proof was mnde,to the said Court that Ole
said . .Mariba Hoover could not tic found in my
Bailiwick.. •- ", . ' , - • - • ' -
This notice
_is therefore to reqdire you -to ap
pear before the3udge* of said Court on the third
Monday of Jauttari. nest, to answer said coat
plaint, 4c. • G. B. -ELDRED, Sheriff.
Sheriffs office Montrose, I
Dec., 9, ISM
.- . 'NOTICE.
EN 'Aim the house of 'the subscriber, on
'or about the'4th Of May last, an Account
L4olta containing'! Ant three, hundred. dollars,
($300) of 'Accounts; and . nrimbar of notes
and receipts at a, considerable 'arhount; also a
counterfeit detector, containing all the. names
presideute and anshieis of all the banks-in the UM=
ted Statei. nuiplier of other - articles missing.
Whoever will return said property to the subscri t
her shall be liberally rewarded, cad receive the
thanks of the subscriber Also, this is to forbid
any person-paying any accounts or notes payable
to me to any other person, except myrielf or wife.
I. l anesboro;-Dec: 3, ISM. ' 49tf
S hereby given that . Applitations have been
made to the Court of Common Pleas of -Sus
quehanna Connty; to grant Chartera of Ineordora-
Lion le the i.'East Bridgewater 'Society of the
Methodist Episcopal' Church," and to the First
Presbytezian Congregation of. Susquehanna, ac
cording to the Adt of-Assembly of 13th of Oc
tober, A. p. 184 fr:. • - •
; - WARD;'Prothonotary. , ,
PrOthcmotary's office, .11onuosea. • .
Doe•sB, - . , S
• ..
ElGHTYpages of mailing matter
,sniach - -N o.
leing tixteen pages - of .additional read ing.over
and above the.nsaalquantity givenin the 84:210-
gaziueß. '
.J 'f he roprietortt'of this popular periodical trill
spare no expensilit . the.eflott to impart the most.
decided Isuperiority to their inagazineAtudiruit: to
receive the same marked appreciation that -has
heretofore rewarded their enterpriie.
-American Literature in the highest class will be .
found in their pagis. ••• • • •
,Superb embellishments, consisting partly,_
transcript/1 from original Paintings - trt ' eminent
.4merican - Artis:s;;Will alone exceed in value the
price of a'year's sidiscription: • - •' - • •
A humorous Department has te,
their usual form of construction. 'Wheio Pack out..:
'Punch; will monthly open;his portfolio of r
the choicest 'good things", gathered from alt parts '
of the world. ~, A -surpmary : ol-3Lusici4 Literary
and Artistic litelliietiee;-willito prepsreil for ev
orP somber by 51r. Chati. 'G. -Leland, • 'embracing
ass prnminetit feature, interesting cecounts of the
! authors of Continental Europe. and their pubsea:
, tious. This ':wifbl Plattand impartial Review
hiyie'riteet with the appro.
valortheirlitetary friends. - . •- •
Original chteigns of Cottagirmtd Arcbltec- -
Lure, by T. waddifer: •"- • - - • . _ . •
Rebus illoStrations proierbittr: philosoPlig;
Poetical.Eniginap,4lasic,Fishions,• Crotchet pat-•
t terns, Embrejdoryi,:etz,r.sii,ll contribute` to the
I monthly yarie,fy.they promise thilienhicribers,,
titestess Postal law: tvbieti went rak, opera.
iconinJtily last; hie postage on this 'magazine*
grestly:redaced...hrpen paid imarturly in advance;
it is-now- n es follows-Under 500 : tnitcs, ceo , ,
over.soo tulles 5. cents.
Terbtefeiles2,iieyable n ettiVdflee:„.. -
One copy one year $3. - Talt-voptes eta year,
$5: Five eopies.ene year $lO. 'Pen iioples nue.
year•s2oi,mad an clam copy to the Persoaleadiag
a club of PM. • Vila , copy prior 135:
Noe. 25 ele. = . • • -
• Small notes oil - tlitTerent - Stateitreceilied
Addritle - SARTAIN -& - Citi;:-
• Philadelphia.
V'Slutairee IVlegatinei and the Mentroselletn;
eery 't Sear ter
Joseph ;
hts.friendaand , the
- public generally,. that ho' hay jai t..receirrd Isom.
:!lest, Tort - act assortment of Grinds; torksletttor Or pad)
UfIS holt and Vatiey Orr oods;..A3rocerlaii - Cro.kem,
ilardware,Dye gauffeace., winch be will dispose of, for
Cash, Produce,oroperated credit, - on atfasotabletertna,
and cl as Ic4 Primus at AU 4 . 43ther dosidiebuteni in _the
county: M 4 he would bete Alay s to titedrisrbo ere hat*
• ofidng oatAltiosp to purchase goods, that he
will be hippy to hare the integer, 'of conduclisS- them
that he can do lks . Welliq Lhe m .lllltheeetbat hisbeiztote
'shot and Treater'Retentions. -Please; call at t.e*e
intlfiecesirllle Wed &Witty youreelrei on that - Ambled — -
. _ •
I , WaNTEP.-Pottltry; Game. Butter,aud Vamp .peliji
for whic l Ated Gash .
o i tiotiti ,
W SOOYgz sow- ,
lA N 'the let - ofJottety,lBs.l,at GLENWOOD
VHOTH.L in the - valley of the, Tunkhinuoch
,SusgerhatureL'o. -Geed metric wit) bo in attend.
Th e inibliosatirmeettulliinvitea to_tittend.
8-Ha . GROW BRO'I'DERS.-Ptoptirtate.
• •
C4/Meto the euetosare of the stibseribotan
ovetous the 15thirlay of September leet::: red
yeartiog !Mica.- The owner eau he the memo
by`proving: property,rying'eharges ete.
•-••••• • DYER LATHROP.'
DithoOk,4ov..'l2sth", 1851. 48 3w
„ .
. .
A S - aarric base soppOs4d.that was shoot to
X.l.leave Montrose, from my selling aligned! at
auctleni'l mho thistnethod to correct such ideas-,
and would say that the busineis will , Carried
on is formerly, except that if amen Wishes to buy
'anything in, my line - they Can pritirely do it 15
per cent. cheapsr thatethey have ever done, it' in
t hi s place. I shall confine my trade: principally
to Watches. and by buying- low for cab .1 can
and tent Pell lower then any man in this - county.
in two weeks I will have - a full assortment. '
Madan( time pieces carefully repaired aid wurrati—
ltd. Amongst the Jrumet ous - shirpc iti this place
don't forget the True one is theplacci tolmy cheap
Turnpike at. is tho Gaudyshop.
. —•
14m: W. TRUE. •
Moatiose ; - Dec. 3d; end',
Gott LADY'S toork. , r •
THE LADY'S BOOK for thif etmenig .year
will fiesent many - 11ml features suited to the
advancing demands of the - public taste. It :has
ever been the object of the publisher to take . -the
lead among the popidar Magazines of this country
and the host of . intitatere who have been constant
ly following- 7 .toilingaftef him Mvaite- 7 are bur
&kilt to attest his brilliant 'success, ' ".
To the magazine alone. Wo - .must beds . for the
effusions of the master minds of Literature. Ar.
Licks will he published-from the best American
writers mato and female. _ ' .
Gorliy's Lady'aciek for!Januarp. wilt.cantain
in addition to the numeinuebeautiftil Enginvings•
three of Which are colored, an additional quantity
of readinz; by American, artliont. The telia .of
thousands of notices dint • we have from. the
contemporary' press estal•lish the, fact that - it is
Most :Magnificent Perialeall: the World !
Godey's reliable Fashion Plates_ Monthly, With
full descriptions — besides chitchat upon the Fash
ions every, month ; giving full, eiplanations of ev:
erything new in the Fashionable World. •
Our MOdel Cottages.' This is a &Tail dicta pe
caliarly one own, and the beauty a n d u tili ty of our,
models hike everywhere been acknowledged. '
F ort 'trig Lome! —Me have undatibted Re
ceit•ts,'Model Cottages, Model Cottage Furniture.
Patterns 'foe NVidtlow curtains, Crotchet teork,
Netting, Patchwork; Crotchet Rower:,
work, Late Collar work, children's and Infants
clothes, capes, cape, chemisetes—in tine, every•
thing that cart interest 4 lady, will find its .nppro.
• .
printo place in her own Boidt:
TERMS—Cashin Ailrance.
. I copy 'one year $3. 2 copies one year $ 1
copy two years $5. Five copies one year $lO.
1 copy five; years $lO. 10 copies one year $9O,
and one extra copy to the person getting up the
club of ten.
Address L. A. GODLY,
113 Chestnut street,
ET.Goders - Lady's Boole nod the -Montrose
Democrat one year for $3 50 . •
C.D 3 .. VIRGIL, 'renders his professional per.
s vices to the citizens of Monte* and vicinity
among' whom he proposes to locate as REFIDENT
De - It will be his endeavor to the best of
his ability to serve these who may favor him with
their patronage. He does not propose so to cheap.
en the profession as to loWer its dignity,
yoke the charge of Incompetency. but knowing
that the high prices of 'Dentistildeter grap y who
very much - need its benefits, but feeltoci poor to
purchase them, he does propoSe to consider the
circumstances of individuals and charge occur.
dinglY._ He sincerely hopes that none, however
limited their means, will let the opportunity slip
of purchasing for a tilde money so greet a benefit.
How many - weeks andmotiths.of bitter, sleepless
agony, might he prevented by a little', timely' ate',
tention, to. the Teeth. Why: the whole -earth,
is filled with groans from toOthieho ; in --almost
every_ family this direspectre-pa in . holds its right .
long vigils . <tad is„ there, no remedy?' 'll pat,
says one, koce,:t pulled :Does that save it
lest 'forever - Hoes .that prevent the '<Laney;
pain. and loss of others? •
No, it is but .the certain harbinger of their like
fate. Can nothing then bedone to relieve and
• save— Yea, nine.tenths oral) this misery-and loss
might be prevented 'bye seasonable application to
the Dentist: Make tt a point tolaave your teeth
carefully examined et least- once a year; - and as
min as a cavity makes its appearance, five ft well
611ed,and grim.viiaged teethecite will not *haunt
yodr night slumbers; ho assured. Dr. V. will es
teem it a - pleasure to. wait on 'yon at Wily tithe,
between the-hours of 9 A.M. aiid 5 P,111., at his
Office in Odd Fellow's - Hall. corner.- of Chestnut
and Turnpike streets. Work warranted.
tit titl a, get. :25lh', '45,3m
New Boot and Shoe Store
MBE mew firm of Keeler & Stoddard hove
l opened a Boot and Shim store 'on Muip street;
first et4ol'l4elow the Brick - 'obilier. in which thiS%
offer for l eate . . „.; - • -
I rb e c corz ..4 l lissoriritmit
of Boots, Shoes and Findlltre,at • thetnetapriees
We.selikotreaar pay' audsmattprofils
The citizensor the village and country are re
spectfully invited to can. at , a real genuine Boot
and shoe store where Boots and shoes are sold hp;
stut.dnf Beer and Oysters., , -
:Keepit before the Peopl e,,
Thac•rve have a full issortmentatuout avltich We,
enumerate - • ,- • - :
Meus Cork nolo water proof hools,lorig leg Ilan.
garians, nud pump boots, Kip half
sole boots, thick boots, calf, kip - and cowhide bro-;
gone, Over shoes, etc. - • , , -
Youth's Calf, Kip and cowhide boots, boy=s thick
boots,.efe..• ' • • • " -
. Ladies :trench channel: Gaiters; patent Fox
welt Gaiters..eutimeled and kid Polkas, enameled
trout lace Polkas, .kid. and .goat Jekxy
New York lies; cicelrlors;Jenny 14ii4s Beretta/I,
kid ties; rabbi:mi .- ere. -
Mine*goat and calf Ltice-baottr, Jenny Lidd's•
enameled Polkas, 'Dutch boots, etc. -
Childreirs'lnnton aboes; gout and eitiiiieled bee
boots, Gaiteni,-Doivninglir etc.
: Among our Findings witoffer French edit skins.
Oak andliemleck:lanned Calf skins; Nerocco;
PinVand white ruling red,.;blue, maroon,
Roans, Binding, upper leather, oak and hemlock
soleleathat, pegs - ,s.tic .nails, :spat - eking, ,fte.el-brill,
nebbing, etc : ' • "- ,
• N. B. Work made to ordirand rePairing heat
To the - ! •
ABEL TERRELL heeled retarded train the
chy of New York, With alarga and desitetite
aseortmeut of
which will be sold very low forcasn or ready . - fifty.
The stock is wmptpted of ti rust rate assortment or
Drugs, Medicines,, ,Cliernicals, P a i n t s , on %
Dye•Stults, Groceries, Glass-wo're, spoons,
Speeticies, /1/usitfat InsOtnnents„
Yintkeo Nations, - mad ' ' _
; .‘: ALSO,
_ Dry GOotis;
' • Hartiwatoi , Stontuvare,
AlitTors; Stationery,
Medical'lnstalititents, Perfumety;
. 'Trusses Supporters, -!Shoulderßritees;
Shoes, Csropitlite, tirningJ'lttid, - :4llmps,
!Clijeks; - W4tcheS,4ewOrYe.Zze. • -•-
• nralst WARE In evetivroisty,vis - Cate 13.0 k et
regular lead ',Pitislchtn Will 'be lis7.e 1 -
onstant ma s ters, vsnotestlesii, sZtellsas Trays, stioads,
etteriesoci I.4:nisistjn• waiting, upon . " - costornere. Yorks, notterrat
,ves,Cte n etc.iby
A tipersorut .obine.tstriurcYnise.Propf, Goode' in Pee; dth;' 6 /' t: .0. •
May of the.aferreeid Opartmentei will flail their. ln,
tercets Promoted. by celling..firet at the Drag, end
I Vatriety:Storvref.: ' ADELTY, IIRE11 1 1; TILOIIII foi ca L, • '
D R T +sl:o?,
Karig- - out7theTalmerti - z - -i
At lUD head oR Nlgtrlc 09al.
The Shbierihei fins again returneefraraltlY.
..Lwhere ho found the_ people at benne; and;ivould
infofmhirfricnds.and•th e at' Large; that
hie stock of Goiods hiftv'atiiiingAias &fight at the
loWest'prices and mettlyjnetuish, Sodas tin 4 oar.
nesp)f what ho' intends to dii 4 in - tbe :- Way'slag.
Wonld saythat War sell:thi n Goods fron
five to ten per cent ihentiarllten ihey .have been
sold hi there' diggius,-*for ezi - sh.• nod .wenittlnest
cordially invite all hie old °natemen • (eSid•,cvery_
body else } after having leaked 'Abrongh the Mar
ket to call and buy of hint if he can Snit :theta,
hie nisertinent` is getierril - , - COnsisting :as 'risual of
Dry GoOde,- theta ;French '
and other /road Cloths, - -ladies sDress
prints, delains,•beimtiful silk warp and other: al :
poet's, &yes mita silk lade,'lnd other Tints:: ildfiVY
sheetings.eplendid bath cotton yarn ,S;c:
Also bestl'eas, Sugars, cossini - cloVeS, copper,
Th rebid ' refined and soda' sole ratu s, -Tobacco;
iron and • - steel, - cittley,, S. itit, flower,--add ,
nails, PoWder and shut, Hoots and: Shoes, lamp
Oil and molesiee,l3nllitto Reber, Letither,Ac.rintl
heVrould' add; that he roinembere and shall, with
gratitude: those . - who • have been really: his
friends by buying. and paying as• they agreed. and
to those who -never pay let; hint iu friendship
say there isbad lime coming. .
Montrose Nov. IStli 1E51: • - - '
Now • 3111 ford "Sha'w . d Diem
Goods, Etriporium.
HIIIIItHITT is niain ill'unaket with anew
e : and enititred stock- or Brinter- long and
stplart; Shatvls•& Ladies 'dregs Goods of tiew and
splendid patternr,und pricesredeeed still , loWer, as
tiro city cash pude tells npou._theAnarket.. And
including also his general sup:.lies for the Full &
Whiter trado'in 1)11; Goods, Groceries,. 'crockery,
Hardware, Imn A:, Nage, Hats and Motet:Ceps,
Bonnets, Buffalo Robes, Boatel. Shoes. Stover
etc. etc. all which he will sell on his mina liberat
terms and at pricee that roduot-be teat for cash,
Prodace or approved credit— • -
N. B _Fleur and Suit eouitontli on hand. .;,•
New Milford Oct. 2.1.1b51-4.4tf
Eyes over the . :Left: -
C. nissELL, basin purchased this
1.1 . eSt of R. F. Jameson, in the Tailoring bus.;
iness, cap hO :bond* theSlicihforniorlyjicenpied
' T. • •
Having received ins tritetion from Mr. G. C.
4'cott of Now . York, he . fiatters himself that,
can suit nil who. nnylavor
,hitn with their
torn. Full and widierFasidons for 1851 and 1:35%
just retived. N. O. 111SSELL:
Atontroso, - • "
TOIIN GROVES, the well known -Tailor Mei
el again made Ws appearance in Montrose,
crate in the above named hnsinesiat the old stand
directly over Lathrop' pry Geode store, and
would . ngain Zander his-services to the public, and
elicits their patronage. . , - • --
Making and crating done in the most. appmv . ed .
style of the age, and done au the shortest initials his
usual: -
- ,
BT the stibscriber, tut he is now preparing to grt up his
fall stock, be otters to his numerous ,cwstomers,. bit
present large assortment at goods at lowmpricrs.than
any similar ostablishment,in Western New York. This
stock consists; ora large Funk of Gold and Silver
English pateurleters, orbit own !moor t at ion,wart anted
superior to any ever offered, in fibs 'Cnuttly; Gold and
Silver anchor Lovers .11r1,3 Lepine!, Gold Lockets. - Thin.,
bles, Spectacles. Breastpins, B ra eelots, Earrings, ringer
rings, Cuff pinsPetto Pencil.", rest, guard and rob chains,
Seale, Keys, loc. Also, a very stock of Laver Ware,corm
prising only arileloin that line, warranted on.c
a full assortment of plate/ ware, 41 Cyciv,:varinty.
ey Goods, Clocks, Cutlery, Combs,4
Binghamton. Get, 10 - ALFRED ErAxs.
the time to Buy.
. . j CANFIELD would say
. . ~. .IJ to his numerous friends end ,
• o ' --
~..... customers in illoutrese and virtu
v ~,,- .so ity, that-be has Past returned
- . j ,' . 2 from New 'York with Marge ed- 1
7 0;" c moon tows.extemocanctraient.
eb • !-;,-1. 4 .. ; conshting of. VW -stdi et Is es,
' it . i.' (101 l and si.ver levers anttLephae
1 ) , ~i dil ) ljetrelletlastl 'Plain gold guord
vest an I rub chains,Lockets,thim--
bles, specks, AViga,.bracelels. finger and ear- clam tuff
pins, broaches, armlets.. pead end shell card eases, pen
and pencil cases, choral beadi;entlery, - Perfurnery, Sli
ver, nrittennla awl plated Ware:Areas/Ism% flutes .
tuning forks, violin strings, clocks, Wallets, port Mouse.
Needles, and (twat goods ' Watch glasses, tools' and ran.
terials for the trade by the quantity.. The above will be
sold at the lowest prices.. I'y.7tVattles and Jewelry of
all kinds repaired on short notice at the old stand near
llopsosite the Phcenix, Court st. Ilingliandon. . • .
Oct 16.1851;
Clocks far ..;%i.OO 3nd hnurs and 8 days nnd A
ir-To' New solo dud,yaracted .r.t CANFIELD.
- Watches - -_..
ON sale a ;Mention - of Germia and English Lever,Le
pine ettleal awl othereseapc,ruents In gold and sll
ver cases. 'New a ward tc my vary n umernus friends' and
the public in general., - Permit me to iafthat my . eery
long experience has enabled me to such Watches:
as shill ma credit and thepnrebsaeto.looting service.
It should hd barnii In mind that. Imparters In general
are not always Watch makers hut agent • or merchants.
Ender tbe..o, 'airnntstances I /Orel eectirding to WI „indg
ment and ne Wach IK pannittol to - tease until taken
apart. examined and rrplated fit for the IteaterapticV,et.
A writtenwarriint girth for two years aceiden ts exc apt ed.
Repairs fk.C. JlG# : ng . 9l:busitiTEs from 1' A. M. to P. 31.
. .1. A. s.!..Npfzzus,-
N E W. 0.01) S
' W 1141thrnframH. JEBBI4-a,wit nne
stook of Fall goows;whieb be offals for rale to More who
WILL PAX (vellum, at as low rater' as ean be reerona=
bly netted.' 'Not forg'ettina due 'thank* to curb of Ms
friends, as hare bet e tcifore bought good rof bim and paid
for them, be ft:tritest - bon to ;
Mont rote. Fret. 10th, 102,1.
• ~ .
N E.W .AR R 1 1 / 1 -.7 , L.
liflllllll'T-hasjost Seceived anew and sn'periOr
-1-.1.• assortment of - ,
• Wssf I land Tlignter Clnesdis. • • -
neltiding an elegant vatiely of Ladies Dross °clods, 'Din
ter •Long -Shawls. new style Bonnet Ribbons. Winter
Caps, Ftarlc H oods '&e— of the most &Arabic ,wlop,
'which. having been, I.niehased at the late Panic . prices,
still be sold unusually low. • • •
New illilfortt, Sept.2o, 1841. - • • •
A p lo.,l l. 4Anw p rir g in, " ,
trdestralith Ftock tif '
.euttilsting ottlteir uanal variety of Dry. Goo.latanosrdes,
Ernalvry, Hardware, Drop, llletllelues.
ntutrti, tin, stone. and;Wbotlen steel, nani,
1511;rLeather, - .b0...ta :arid phew. 10014 glasact. - glad
plates. sash. glas., and putty, bats, caps, earpetitlif. Oil
elo r ths. wall awl winded, paper;elacks, watcher'," Jewelry.
sliver ipootol, musical ttr.t ranleut I, perfumery, bru-tes,
yce.i, au of witleh they offerors the mostlovorable tothas.
11023trose,Oir. 1;1851.
'ew G00d.4 ' 2nd In'
obstillur lv tv , lll t la!`.`.. !' Yr: fe, , n•F
• J . Stock, quite an astortiiientAif joode..eoniitliog
of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, India Itubberr,lloota
and Floe*, toren'? von CASH, and will stall thou as low
as any:coxes:net about this part or. the 'world or chi
trherefor the.retly Johit, or the right kind of: eredlt,
Thanks to alifor favors, what orefurors. every body •hz
vited to rail awl buy. ; .; ' 7M. C.TYLEIL,
Montrose,Rept. 18, 18 . 51. •
Vow and
I populat
stiatarAur Schoot _ book
toptherisob s BIOGRAPHY of DISTLNG
, WHIM PERSONS, 11 itblell Is opplided els 'fpitoste . of
03IY and 'PHYSIQI.O,GY. '
Adopted end used ie the Pebliesehoolsot Ohltanelphfa
S. JONES & rumisheo.,;;
S. W..: Car: Fourth and Racerata.;
Teneh@r[atidoehooleemmitterf andivishqc tetteretti
us pelt paidi'whil'hetuinlshed with envies toe examine
- Ca" A full and entriplete atnuottainfot idOtiaaastil
arlfotralettS thnlpwesb
... . . .
lOLT NS, deeordeonSo3altstr; - `banos,: ebirienetts,
PlRS,Tlexdoes, Also Violin' strides bows, lestrovtioni
books, sheet "intede,--and other:n*ll2mi for iottreivietiks,
004 s. . large isfort alenijubt strived- sr Tenlazsepi,.:,
- .: •
nliounrEblat Preciluit StstrlaustreilainitzlaS
JUr wiettig,,orlli eves sirporkglois :Minn Collets
Boircratsilgilets, Oatablim.a.-•4hs time= Matured',
in WO. atutcallar Factorter Pace 12,4 4tat!Torsullety
Monti:nee, Nov.:Una , TURRELL.,I
/WS Burnorts Fluid (Air
':::llllll.llll4kalikitalUtimpat i.
nninch °Mee.. 2 4 / 9 .arcutdyftlitye N. If._
A mated ccuraCaitiV4pl-:
tar ! - $ 38,001
, .
'This is -*saver - calm. '..llfedanics- and :ath:
en; finined 'for thelptitc* benefit of ecrek
-.'other; in case Aif,:sicknos,
DT' the iiveneat etibo fbnOrit l l. l “ ll " 24 - rate ß ,. y ol
-IJwillbes6metalfe StetebetOutd Mittb6 etaltteito
weekly basent daring ityou shealS be 001011 Al
detains or.kceldent. then attending to, your grams
busineint er 4re - client limiting at the decease of a member
thls.Assoefstion alma. apyinpriate; $2O 40 .tot POL'al
funeral benefit; to each prim a ' p „i ou „
,hall .be
.authorised to seer-lie -. • - , ; •
a /4.T, Ft 11 "9 6 14) 7*4Fg it
Twoqlollstett `ivins/nuti Tier 'ands' '
-..-- - F-linibi• rated : from $2,0) to iaT,tiCt.'.
• ThMte - orer Ity peen of still brehatcod 25 per ;et:
1 extra.. $l,-50 Admistion Fee will he eluirgetlin mil/Dior
to tbo store; the Ent yet"; liar! . Wise' be paid at I:
time tiFinaking Diddles t lon, , and the Erik, ye.r's dewed
within thirty do} , s.Theteritinitintiott Of thivitistilutioq
Ts ineli be render. it:perfectly seems, and T bore lio'bes•
Raney in making the guar:twee, t hati_all benefits:will l'
;promptly paid, And further. seal invite titientliin'
tholullowillit Lit II FN.:REM:ES: -,' i: , '-• ' - ..„.„
lion: David u unto; Towanda* non: 0. A: Crow, NA..
lard grille; lion.lT,- B. Eltreettr; It B. Littla,E4,S;l3 1
FA% t Moo, Niontrirsvollet.llo ate Greeley,
lion. E. A.
!knelt, Springfield. Thum. - -• ...
_.... "- Eneb member js tarnished with a oriyAl Ilei flyAmti
tit the Assecht'lon- ..lid will reed re the ~'Slonthly .Itercir—
ter"' wideli - ttisbles them. to know the
,Prosperity end
i P army either 0 rtitiotlen.- 'Further iniortnstion-ehrierin I.
ly given by ealliuF at the
. 4‘. Editor'.otflee ut tbe!•.‘Ten•-
trots Democrat ," over M. - 'O. Tyler!. store. • •
- 1A..1, DA l'ls, Ag t. ro StiNeit.'Co
Di Oct ..19,1851;
~ .
Notice to the Publie.
New Miler 'CoodA attke
- r • - ''Orerie Orie Price Store'ef
L. S.I.ENDELTI. Orem Berud...ra. ' 1
DEOS teei•ct n take this opport unjay of tendering Vs
L'slncerethankatohisfriende nag eintoniere,foi ;be
generous pateonavi they hare , extended to /him and
ratite same tlmaluform these that he has Just Returned
from Now Vora with' ts lary largeand cbniee.soleNlon at
Fancy and Staple Dry Gouda. • Also .a fresh and .exten
*iv easSortznenrof (traceries, r r oVlsinns, rootsandhlmesi
'nets 'and Caps, Hardware,. Crockery,' /r.c.,Drlogs sod
Mtelielned, which will he Fold for cash and produce at a
very FLIIOII advance, it prices which defy all 'competition.
Flour,Pork,Fishi6nltiwholesale and retatle—he rrufd
alio remarli that he a4beret strictly to tic system nf al
ways n infig theloirest pricent 151st:thereby givtuathe
romeadvantago to all who may favor him with their pat
Great Clothing Store.- -
Thelargest, ' best awl-cheapest assortraiii of Mealy
3lade Chu bine in the_Village of Great Pend, Pa., Brood
Clotbs.troo Skins,thuesinierrt and Vestingentail qualities
spit &Meter theYa I lend_ Winter Tnide, which he °retest
euchprlcea its to satisfy any ono that this is the place for
them to de:al:JD eilasequenee of the great lnercase of his
husinesslie hes beep obliged to greatly ornimgc hiss tirk,
which he now oilers'° hie friends and the plibliefor ea
amination. congdent thstin eo doing they wilitlnd simic
thingto their advantage. The subscriber had , made ar
?alignment/it° oxen tractor° clothing In ell Its various
breeches. mut is now peepsred to self the saimorerrint v
ed to bear inspection. Custom work and cutting done
at theiatevt tyle and shortest n kitril of tail.'
ors'irimmltursfurntshed and for tele: Do 'totter...M . l
spot. Store nearly op p e the Mansion Beare.,
Oreat Dend,gept4lBso. -
Few Arrangement 1,
Extensive Chair. _
and Furniture Esta:
.meat. • _ - _ I
1XT31.11%, 2311 4 111, di Co. hate now.Stilly:eompleted
V V their ariongsments for manufacturing rind keep
ing : Constantly on alland user, kind of llotissbold .
Vurniture, manufactured out of the best quality °rids.
:ho&ny, - Black Walnut, Maple. Chesty. ard • taller him
hes, and In the best sail most durable aninuer...;dniong
the articles which they intend to keep oa hand, Cr make
to order,are 31abrigany; Mack 'Walnut. Cherry; and Me
piellureatis,,SWe Boards, Seerctartesitook Caere; Ctn.:
tre;Card, Pier, and other Tabl CP - Stands 'of every sa
tiety vSofas, Setrect. Divans: Ottomans,l4e. Bedsteads
of all kinds and stylus, made of Mahogany-111nek Wal
nut.Cberry, and Maple,: —"
ALSO,-illabogany His ek Tralunt,Cerrl and -Birdseye
Maple, end Fancy frhairs, of *very variety - end dvacrip..
tion,'which they have now on band.- and Intend to keep
a constant supply. ,
~dlny article desli h d trfl4 bpsup'plbtd
on alSiedayanotlie.,', '
g the aubscrlberabave often been 'tailgated t cseniarge
their business and 10 area an establishment of the kind
in iltontroso *hick could supply every trirldty ofhOnae:,
hold Furniture; and'runre.the trouble of. sending to the
Cities for such articlea. they hope to meet iith fibers ,
patron and encouragement. , 2311211,'
J 1,1,11
, X!,11. SMITH.
- nonT. A.s.mrnr;
Montrose, June 411331.-241. E. B. ,SIMIT 11, •
~- C orner'of Court and Washington
friar! Subic-Aber ttikes 'Pies sure Ju r 'announcing the
.Ipublle,• that la &MSS lueuee of thetlbrtal tatronsgO
bestowed upon thin; establishment the part year, be has
drterminedperrwinently,to continue:oc burinciesin Ilk*"
beaten. The stock comprises every styfesnd quality Of
Croy kwry to general use, for Table and Toilet %Tate,
and will 110 sold In sensor by the en& article:'
and Fancy articles; inch ail 'Fruit Baskets, Card' slitids,
Coltgnallottlee; Vases, dc,, together wittr a hugettoek of
!MAIO...WAR E. consisting of CM, premed and
Tumblers; Goblets, Aft now Decanters, Fruit Goals,
Inches, I%apples -Metiers, Candlesticks, Lontils, Specie
Jere, Tio.cbareenttles,tamp Globes and Chimneys of all
sizes. &c. Alraelmstantly on hand: an-osoortmont. of
Spine Lard, -Solar, and CamphenoLamps, Gfrall"-
dzslerz, mid flail Lanfem3s Also a large lot of
Window' Shade? ,; Tea Trays, Vaitors, , Table Matti.; pla
ted. German Silver and Britton - tea Table and lea spoons,
intleriebo.; all of 41bieli villl be sold 'ter, loor for
'Cash.: f inertiosed facilities for business, and note,
mitttng attention to thoisanti of his onstorneri, - the an.
dersigned hopes 0'1131;11i the mintloucd pntremogr'cil flie
connannity.: • • Pot.O . F,EBACE.,Ater•Dt•- •
ginghomton, :kin''' . 27110851; '' . . • 22`
. . . .
A sTIZOLOOT-;--TDECelebrated D . r. , ,- O. 11'.. I lion,toK:
1 - I:Professorif Akioloin': A stilitiomy,Phieriolog; !and
Geornoney, combined with CO:SJUllitTloll4frinistlwee
-1 den, office No. 71 I.oellSr Etreci; Phlladepbia, ,olTers
his 'serilies Co the altliens or Mantel:die. , lle haabeen
cousulied.hy Sill the moaned- heads:el P.sitrope, and en-
I joys 1411glier reputation as viii Attlidoger then 'any - one
Iliving. 'NA Staines calculated tulconlingto Deoionnef—
Ladies t. 3, Dontlersien,es. :Persons at a ,distance can
have tiviir uativif tea . drawn - kikending - Ibe llativiit the
day oft licir birth:: - Attletters tont:aides the; above tee
ivillreeelee immediate sit tent:on; Nstiritles scut .to any
i part tiftto world:written on driribld'perM'; ant lio Ss
prefared to audio tiFtt of Ids poirrrhy copjlirotion,niany,
1 of the following topica—Alonsiehip. advice given for the
Mlerersiliitmeompliflumiimtbf tt weal thrinarriape- he boa
the power to redeem such :mato giern to *helmet orate
bottle; anti forellea eel , of hazard, and for tf one/wiry .
ofstolen or lost Property'i and ibti pnrebasing Of lottery ,
tickets.. Thon.ends of the above named ens. ii Lust e. titan
1 doneritthis city and its elanity. and In the United Stites
, t Othefull setts faction of all: - 10 . 004 Natio' tee ot,lloro
' camper. haec hcenciset daring. the last fourlearawki l le.
here. ' Letters will answer artery 'purpose, end will do `as
wallas too- call In Prilion,andt h O. mallte :now Po-garil that
pcesons need not fear to trust money through ..the poet
i Mee.' ' 'Di: Itoback' recwerea front 500 to 1000• retina
monthly:and has nerermlased- ono' All..lettein wilt be
relicionelyetteridettrolf'pre-poid. 'Poi particulars rail
at the Democrat alas end get 'au Astroldkical AlMatilli , ;
. : ..,, ,
..... ' 1, ; .., i .': 0. W 4 110/IACKiI --, • ''';)
. . ..- .
. glrilipartlenlar to oeutlon the Post-office. coun ty
and State. -
..., :,., ', 2-. ••, ' : 111 y, - -
- .
TILTT 70100004 by theinabserlbrr a aril. pad tame 0.
sortrovnt of ItiadY•aisde "Ciottdstg: Boot., lb; Shoos•
rall faeldoh flats CaPs.•; Cap lettrr and erripplr;g 111,
Pr", I/ the renal or Ices qui:taffy.. , ,
Trio...Mak add coannen Trunks, a fetribirlein4doPh.'
le ghat 00a0,(anay.thatlobriyillookiriVombs, Bruattes,
Foloel d e.• ; •
Parley erftletesto - iiiimirote to mentlOO, ileybril: be
derlgps to cell for readrpay, apct roarequeatty !Owl%
as the rbrapest,'. if not cheaper. • .
A•frordoun 01015'00LE:I iioOlCSiiiinted:
ligu!rof 0 ,04. 8.18r4.,- - ,t, ~.,f/EO-ruumn.
'-Irtelatdr•—ade' oth Mg') •;:4' •
;;AI, AMIE, Pas,dillArAt Of. lite 01 , itTleihjp weired
and for sate at ; advance for natty pay:-
1 4 tore next dOtir td J adget Tyler's. , BOOTS end
A now awl goodAseortalent of blen'a Welt!, coarse sad
a:le. Outland Morocco blea's rb,orez-Tromtal, 0600,
VATIC and 13:(0 , -;:tflires/Boyirrattehildirrer at err. The
largh:o, yet liktownprptool4,lollo ellfaPeafr n'SOT.P I
slneethe fire. , •
'ICI- AAA fr 1 1 0 cPWIts
11J la 'Orin eiccianitelpiClolha or o ther
0°04,1 5 , 001 iirnict v 51116010 •
Montiose; blai,ll
IVl;7p.Pi l i :. ; , '!!' ! e_ QC iP m o !. t!' ':; , ' ' Z;i t iN 11: ! Pf?rg i b' i c '', 4
pi.e.‘olift , i'_pii4 l .iii. - ii4. ` ii! , iiiiiidi*fi2° - ::: , ;., - : -, .:!
~,:, '::.!:.: ,-.: ~,,'.. -., ,i: ,' : ,: : ',:-0 7 .1V4, 0 .,06, -' : , ;
. .
pAINTEf, 'One, Drugs; Mettlelnes, Dye et u tt s ,-,r of v uu ,
orb Window 8E14 4 91nm anti Po tty lflesh tomer;
m6i4o; widajwars!kpil hontl; -- — 17,11 r a:1 1 7'
Vflt Atf 8 of Rate, tem olOtibfrtiftifia; far favbrip
EIFF fixttati etc ifirrad - ; „ t „,
amphina.4llllP , 4*lirehliffarimie al
V, ,
' s , ' LIir;III7.I4LARD73,;,
VARA a to OPPen7lOO l / 4 1190r.V0l 1140bItt, MO,
`.Mont se . . • Iraq& eniiiitiaL.
o,lBlU3slinutre /put timbre! sad tottsge by NSW
rrhEaIND.EII.S.IEN.I:I), fornierly; Porentinx.for pair
1 years of the lutrayqtte Linn Millstone Marinfaetoei s
11 ,1 ) Vir274bingtim at., N . Wiryack, Agin t,) would In.-
(orru filo frivitiltuud We public inseaeral,Aa* he has
established a -
.er .4 .Ler"s". IF7II opp Phenix Hotel.'
Anti oJltrltso share orthele patrOtulge,
Ito sill harp coastently outland/4one stook of Freseb.
Dori Illlttaitones ; Ratko a largo supply of EaclPlas IVA
!Crawl : Ones, also Fretteh ilurr Mocks, hellos . . eloth.,
Ccrosaulrc nook Plaster Parls. •
The naJerslgned - assures inbller;
that , ardere.- eareuste4
tit e erto et only In - qoallty,buttriorftes orartlehls fur.
alspali; sod aollcils ihst , k md plitrcnaga. . •
- obi ; T. lsy icitcc,ulll be- oxecnted with as mtteh, tugs
sad as clicaplOy alien
poreliaiere are on' the epoti—.
miters ' If Illurtgl.fitSris requestid to call and smatca
no, his stock and )Yortaatiship.. • -
• - JOItit.W.SULUVAN., .
Bingham ton; - . 7utr;
• , nrVittxcE.
i;nl4 - oi:i4l`f , ..:l4foritrrne: Tbr aim P; i'bhuel• Ex..
DunditlT,7 Otletk:Oszolcilf, 7/glepOrTilleel L
, - B: Disks.
Drl4ge . 73 ter: „ : • ..
, .
Philad.elphia':lllcidicaA House:
.Eitablishe4fireenlear's aga,l-y DR. KINKS.:
, LIN,' 2Vor‘thlVest Cortier - or Third and •- '
rttitrf :Streets,
...Spruce Cat ' . • '
: --i, -Pine . -43freeoPhilladelphiv. ~. . . .
V/ETEEN WARP of ,extentive ana opiate:strobe& ,
.1: prier ire Sp tut In this efty; has a rendered Dr. B..thett ,
moat exhort and sueeestful prnctitlseer faranduser, ire
the treatment (dell diseases ore. private nature, .P4ll*,
cone afflicted frith uteri en the botly, throat ' or lap,: '
pains In theltacd er hostes,uterenmai shetunatlem tarty.
tures, grarel,disocao.arising from youthful erecters cr.
Impurities of the blood,- whereby the constltntlort Um
hem ms enfeebled are alltrestrawith selecatts. , -. - L .--, . - .
Ile who places himself tinder the pre of Dr: H.' mai
religiottitY eotrede lilts henru•Sis a gentlesmus,gend con-
Hotly, rely ,upou Nesbit) as sAysletan., - ~ , ,--; ^- ,
Taxi PAIVIICII;Alt IC incr. —Tbuntt Ilien 4)4 limn
Injured -tbeteutebres .by ' a errtabt practice Indulged In,
a habit frequent!" learned. fromevll companions, or di .
licbClol—tbe effeets of whkh are nightly felt; even "hap
' eeleep, and destroy both intudAtui :tondyi'alinUld Agar •
Immediately. .ilTeettnrus and ccustltutiemel debility,.
. ofmusen'iii, in estry, oleyeleal Istraltet de and gametal -
prostration, Irritability endell n emus affeetioni.lndb..
gestion alusgh-Eni-ss- of line liver, Ind every disease int
any na y oanemetiel with - the procreatteefttuttlorue. aimed '
and Olt vigor rAetnieti. • . ; ,•, ,
..., •,. ,„: ..,
Read I:: liiiith aiq .) 111anhbod, . - itr" ririrowt . .
Lift ,or Prentiztuie Death.' '.- Kiiikelin'oti
- -.- se/J:preeerrateon. - yt mut,. ..• •
-: Ws Beek juteVonbllshed Is filled orithrteeftel infoistut.. -
Ulm, on tho infirudiles and &reales of.the gebetatirs -
.orgens. It addresses itreltalike to :Teeth, Newbold:,
and 01.4 de-cuts
1 shonld be read by all. , The valuable,
advice and Imprearioe- warning It gives, will mama
pone of ruler).- onil stiffed ny;nrid save an nusdir thou
sands of lire,,. Parents, by reading it,' will learn bow
to preeent,the destruction of their Children. - '
- •0.11-emittanee orbleents;enclosed Ina letters it&
dressed to Tir-iftliritian,N.W.. Cornor of Thir ant _-
Golan Strata, between Pomace andldne Philatle4l4. -
will ensure n book ; under enrelope.- per ;Own - midi "-.. •
Persons ate, distance may address Dr. K. by,lettet, ,
enclosing a fee. and be enred el heme. - - '
Pucks:gm of Illefkinis.-DitiMione, d'e.,forwanted, tr:
*ending nrerulteance,'aud put up secure from Damage , .
oiVericeity. . •• "' ~ -"' -.-- • ,', - '-:
.Uttok•sel!rps,Neull AtentP.Pedivii. gaverausers, sail '
all others eupolleil with 'the (bore work at very-law
1851 ~1851.
Great Bend, .Pen : r
Addison Bqant..),Froirietor
lenve thlellcore for different 'Os%
on the arrival different Trains of Cars. Alto,'
cry Teams ClenTiliaa 1fy11e.".11. - abort teelett
and- terrni whieh capneileiltO
N. 13.—A cave evil earrit!ge,erili:eorivri guerilla iz4
frecrthri airs. - ••' •'
Abiel Tthell
Donfor In Drugs, 3redlclrch. Ctwg:nlgti pants, Cauiphini., Luang...Dye stairk,Oroce . rics:Drygoods,
Unaware. stoneware. Offs ware, Clocks, _Witches. Aye.'
Qr.., 5p001?... fr.:tank-a, Nusitatlistrpments, .Trusses,,
InetintnWatsAairrotai perfurnerz r ". - Mirrors elks.
tlonory,br7low, shans,ynolrew orlon&
Pa, . .
FlaA, Se
<seedwan r
; Ftwx„
ANT qti ant tt y ofiiqxSeediaiil
eerie, rir Gish by
Oct. .3.- -
s. atiAntts..TrzzaztAist:'
Seart44 Building u6xi-door'to the `Pooh Office,-
htoutroseiTiu , at2tf
8:5• •
TORN, 1 .1" AT ',kit w.
'/'unkhannock, Pa., Office in panes Brick Rom
: r:
't...11 , :564.4%.,00,A1iE,,:,„„:. , ,,_,.
Cosari housq . , 4:o ll 4:o; lllll lo. 4l 4 l 4.P;N:le..fitr4in:
.iniittley traveling.' 4mit. -. • .• $T Em' •
• -;V!.;.7,.,...!1 1 :3,071.!3P.:1)031: , , , :
• Jewel rs, N0,1.15,,il
Circet Pand,,iutte 20th, 1631';
61/(IT N,99tIt !Ma & REM .) •=
DR 0,
r 41.1 4 - t, A ipsnci.l.
--A#U; ,4 0 001
*ixt40:4411.44vD *tumor s ,
sitirtord t
Cffiqe 2 fiooratokw G;G,Piideti 'Storeo4lll
'"" DR:litgrs - mt:QalM* --
Pit} ioieii mid Drug'.
31.ediciue4 Paiute' Oite, 1 1116,, - enter ot%
QMP*I aipd Puig kroitg, oppagta Cot; lk Weir s
Grarst Baud, Pa,
•- ..1011$ if,.
Attorney as tativ. lathe i+ik tufts*. ifrid.
onegoof wpf gate 014A$404rhirlitUlt 02co. Sas*
~Y ~ti aiß;l~=;
10 W 4 t Ae.44,16:4":04-6e'l!!itk
Ffit--r.r?-o:l.4!it:ll.4.4Alklattliiipi per baStirld
-•- ' , . "11.1t t; ..4.litsol v ar
- '
eilitiextb ngefor Qv*
.. .x.,N. , 041411).: .