The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 11, 1851, Image 3

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..... .... .....
so IWO ,1 ion in Norther) men
s &E. E.B. CHASE; Eprroiti,
nosTtosEi - p4,.
wednesday, December 10, 1051.
r IV° goto Press Tuesiky night. f
ir We print this paper fur the politicians
Ek. , 11 issue a "cloUble sheer
ibis week.—
We shall publish another paper Paturdn) -
dgenday nest, and, thus give the number we
got be want of paper. Our nest<<vill contain
suety of tzvs Sze: ,r„
Our Book Table.
rr*rs 31aga:ine for December, presents
vle ry AM-action to PC reader. Its Biogra-•
e a ies, Tales, Poetry, Essays, , and Rishion
pl a t e s, all serve to sustain the high character
t his popular work has gained. Addresi
p~rS Brothers, 82 Cliff st, NeAvl.'ork.
pir Ters. This number commences the fOuith..
vehicle. •
Fraz, the title of a new magazine of
si pa ges, devoted exclusively to the interests
of _agriculture, horticulture, &c., is published
!D eathly by C. M. Saxton, 152 Fulton st., New
ro :tat 50 cents a year,Equt •
Intermationa2 31aga:ine, . that has so
zegdaly visited us the past year, is agin on
olTn.ble. The Dece..iber number contains a
wriety. This number doses the fourth
• •
' , The 1).41ar 31v, a,:ini!,'unlike its cotepapo
nries,but neevizsited us since October. Can
the publishers account for this?
' The Message.
We displace everything else in order to
pali!ish the Message entire. We' do so, not
on account of any particular merit which the
document possesses in our judgment, but rahn
er tlut our readers may see the big side of
Whiggcry. We may not be, permitted tci
pr an opinion of the thing without displeas
ing ear Whig friends, so we will. quote a pass
ae or two from the Whig - Bible, the Tribune,
in the won's of the worshipful Greeley. Hear
him: •
'And while the best characteristic of this
Message iethe abundance of its facts, its pre
vailing defect is a non-assertion, almost -non
men:ninon, of principles. All is second-hand,
stpertleinl, make-shift, and much is tempori,
zing, timid, irresolute. Even with regard to
onr Foreign Relations, to which a very large
share of the Message is very properly devo
ted, while its statement of facts show a com
mendable alacrity and assiduity in the ruital.
inept of our obligations to Foreign Powers;-,
the reader is often befogged with regard to ;
the principles v.hich have guided .the Presi
dential course. The denunciation of Pilibus
6isei is pretty well expressed ; the claim for
the United States of having led, not followed, I
other rations in establishing and enforcing, the
doctrines of neutrality and non-intervention,
is: jut and happy; an for once the clear ,
tit:axial:ion of a vital principle is very nearly I
rallieved in the'pnragraph begiping,,
laid: tons with all, but entirpljag alliances
with none.' That is altegetheifthe mostcom
racly and forcibly expressed of ;any portion'
of thedoeutheat. We are not jsertnitted to
know precise: Ghat the President proposes
to'do in ease tie strong arm of foreign pow
er '43 invoked to AtiL public sentiment and re
foss the spirit of Freedom in any country;
irA the daft of the paragraph is good."
And thus throufrli the whole Message the
roder wit be refreshed, with the tameness
end timidity of its author. *Mr. Faimonr. es: I
tiqatty inte,nds making a strike for the Presi
eancy in '52, hince his total " non-recognition
vfltrinciples." From one end to the other—
%licit is a pretty long sketch—two look in
vain for the first parngraph that smells of '44
lit i'4s Whiggery. All the darliii; measures I
of: that notable party are passed over in si- ;
unworthy the notice of the dig,nified
Whig Executive, if we may exce2t one groan
for the defunct Tariff of '42, in a mild • and i
modified forth. And in that thiare.sident has
not a word for a home market, and only a
`small bill" for protection. The '44 plat
form, the last one laid down by the Whigs, - is!
nowhere recognized, and squaring the. party I
by the :Message,they ripper.: much like the 1 .
three wise men of Gotham, who went to sea
is a tool, floating about without either from - -
Fan, rudder or sails.
Anybody at all acrid:dated with Whiggery
is its modern form would, howerei. Tecognize
lir. Fillmore as a Whig well schooled, and
rspl.rin . ,; for futare,position. This " a on-recog,-
aitior. of principles," as Greeley calls it, is the
hest and most impr'ored edition of Whig tac
tlti, of width Horace should be the last man.
to complain. In no other way can the Whigs'
tam for success, and since '44, in no other
Tay hare tiler fought a battle. Why, then
eautld Greeley find fault, Save because yin
rote has got the start of Scott in the
are! 'Ah, there's the rub:" Of all ca.ndi
dam, the President is the-least committed,
ar.d therefore the most likely to be• accepted
by Cie Whig Convention. And then, ye stars!
t!".:4 will become of Seward, Greeley & Co.?
Really, we did look for some recognition of
laiatiples on which the party would b.!: .likely
to nand in '52. But that is not the policy:
as heretofore, the country will be called upon
to take the Whig candidate as the 4' nilger .
'bought the pig"—for better or -worsa-:-the'
1 ? 0 .3 being the object aimed at. By
too:se they hope and aim to run a candidate
Rhq can be anything to everybody and all ilsi ! .
t.trr.a, as all their old measures .have been
orer,snd ovet.again repudiated by the .Ameri
•ranixople. They dare not cothelbefore.the
e qtitlT and even recognize - the Tariff of '4it,
All4eir hobbies have repeatedly and
hol,e;!esgy condemned—the ' . mensuren of the
tirraccratic party so :triumphantly austuined-'7.
ihaidefeat, overwhelming and total,..stares
14a1 is tho face when they talk :lit erecting a..
V44t'n essentially inhering frimi - the Betaerf
t 4 4', We should not be surprised is
the 'h claiMing great friendshi :foe
ATatiffof '46, "with ionie,sliglit -and unint-:,
,IP!vial E4difi =tiona,":and atv,u4 deny that.
•Nlitiuty ever recognized the Tariff of '42.--
7 qatidetit has paved the way for the leap!
tf ' lre'it lines. are sufficient for- the daposal.
.Compromise 'measures, 'though the::
president thin s its the subject matter
ja • them came well nigh bloWing the
Ittotos. 'That - a .atuall.matter,'
. . . -
theugli; iu hie
['keit" *veal?) ,
theet once, if w -understand bitii3Orukthere is
no &osier nom of .- thio salt'iOslng, savor
even — : though .`maybe
riecessarrlor the
to.givo-',Greeloy. the lend, and . go in
for their repeal..- Their 'Adoption
r by pal npi
venal Whig party". in Ike organization Of-the
Hoiloo, tor ill'o - pllrPo - so,ol 4 electing a Speaker;
would bo no tuirrier to, a repeal
We lvtie"nc;i Limo .and space taidevotO fur.
ther to this inbj!, , ct-'' 'Wo arise 'itll to - read
the docnment for tliernisefves. -
'._ • Toimjn - reongTess.l. - --:. ,-
As . yet, nothing otimportance has 'fraiaSpi
red in Congress, niidti front thediscatisioti,ef
Mr rooto i e'Resol ution, introdicert in the,S.oO
ate, lei:Amin a national Kossuth.'
The Resolution- was- introduced. immediately
after the orgairizathie,ind little :apprehension'
was had that it 'would Meet with uny Opposi
tion. ' - ', - - ' • i ,
On.Wedaesday lesttho debate became.ex.
I citing' and vehement::' It'' was supported ,by
I Messrs. route. and Cass,ana
,oppose -
Messrs. Dawson and Thaderwood:' - The gni=
leries vvere crowded,
~but: the distinguishing
1 feature
,the occasion . was i the'preienee of.
the' Russian,Minister. 'He paid the deepest
attention to the discussion. It is'said that he
'regarded Foote' with: nii:eiptiiiien 'of e0n...,
tempt While, hd„ u'ai speaking,: ' .Whet Mr.
Cass arose, however,and thundered forth -lan-1
measured anathemas at the'attrocious conduct
of Russia in relation to .Kessuth and tfungary,
'his countenance assumed" : a melancholy o'
I pression as if touched-with a presentimene.of
{the unterrified Derneeracy of this country;;
When, hewever, Mr. DaWson'and'Mr. Under
wood, both whip, took-.the Russian , side t. of
-1 the question; a happy'emile passed over the
I countenance of the 31inister of Despetisni, and
, . .
I he seemed delighted. . Ue had heard Kossuth,
I his compatriots and their causei-denounced in
1 the American Senate, by American Senators„
iShamd on the men who dare thus cater t'.9 the
gratification of imperial tyrr.anny, by deneune
. ing - the spirit of ..l..iberty - and - the' rnen whoso
bosoms it swells. Kossuth isnow the great
champion of Freedom for-the World, and 'es.
1 peeially the champion of- Freedord in Eu
rope. In his person have thersubjects of red
handed oppression there a leader, and his-nris.
sion, yet unfulfilled, is destined to Work a rad
ical overturning of thrones: .
So violent was the oppolition to the resolu
tion, that Mr. Foote withdrew it on Thuisday,
of course very ranch to the gratification of the
Minister of the Emperor of all the .Russins.
Those Whig Senators are certainly .deserting
of ~and probably will receive, some . memorial
of his Majesty's consideration for their distin
evished services. We think that this denion. 1
stration.will make Kossuth a • Dernoerat if he
is not already one, .
... ' I I - I
kagnificent reception of the
The Dgarttire from Staten 'lsland, and Trip
up the Bay and Rireri—;-Arrire! at Castle
garden—Attempt and Failure Qe Kossuth to
Speai in the Garden-7'lga Hundred Thou
sand Persons in the Btreeth, . •
At an mrly hour on Saturday morning last,.
arrangements were begun for the reception of
Kossuth in the city. "A !Steamer was dis
patched to Staten lsland to bringi the 3fagyar
Chief to the city. At ten o'clock liessuth left
the Island liccompanled , by Lieutenant Nelson,
who escorted Madame liossuth ; and Dr. Do:
ane, who escorted Madame Pulaszicy. On
leaving the wharf, before proceeding on hoard,
he thanked Major , liagadorn, the oTteer in,
command, for the attention that had been paid
to him, to which' the :Major replied that it
would always be iooked upon by him and his
companion in arms, 1:5 the' highest_ honer, of
their lives to have Versed as a guard to. Kos
I •
The scene at the wharf batiks de.scrip . -
flea. When the Vanderbilt put alongside,tho
I rash to get on board was terrible. The Rich
montrGnards were oh dutyi'all did .their ut.
most to keep; back :the crowd; but, many
I jumped on board in spite of their hayo_nets........
There were several encounters between alder
men reporters and others.: -
The shipping in the harbor was gaily deco
rated, in honor of the great Mag,yar ; the steam
( boat in the East. River rang. their salutations
with • their bells, and from the heightsi
I amateur -cannon welcomed the illus.
I trious stranger. . He' seemed much gratified;
land welkhe b might at such a reception: •
On coming opposite-the Navy 'yard; he was
!saluted by,a national salute - from the North
Carolina-and the other ships : o war lying there.
!The yards - of She North Caroliaa were manned
and - the cheering of the sailors was louo 'and
enthusiastic. It VAS responded - to from the
lsteamboat with :her gun and tremendous
cheers. • ' • -
Oncoming opposite the .B.attery, the, scene ,
that me the eye.was glorious. ,The military
! were all Idmww.upin front. • Their beautiful
uniforms and their: arms glitterin e rr in the sun
the vast-multitudes that were at their back
filling the entire area of she Parkond tunount
ing apparently= tn. about 100,0Q0 persons,_ in
eluding these who weroeutside'andeould not
find even standing room within=all presented
a coilp &rail that a governor, or 'even ati emp
eror might well feel, proud '„ • ,
:A shout ef welcome 'front This 'vast:military
and civic Multitude :rent the air, while the
guns from the.Battertblazed forth their them
der. 'Owing-in:Want of time tlie remainder of
the intended , ezcursion up the North river was
abandoned, aad the-Vanderbilt put into Castle
Garden, but from want efwater and the great
'numbers in the‘ boat ..who'ltept it all to one
side, it Was impossible:lo land fora consider;
able thne. "The greatest excitementprevailed
and some got out in .stnall heats. '
. -At length a landing, was' effeeted,. - and'the
great Magyar, accompanied bY lul.sgite, Mi
tered the old fort amidst the'deafcrung acida,
tuationsef thousands. -
. Eleven ,o'cleek was the hour - appointed for
the reception. of .Kossath'.ut 'Castle Garden,
but it was not until. - twelve that, the landing
Nalr mide: In the - ,Meart time siverrit thou.
sand peoplciwere sawn/bled. within the spa.
eious hall. •- Among them- avere'severat lathes;
the..fcir sex evidently.takingms ninehltitemt,
and being; as desis'otia of 'seeing:and hearing
the great Vaigyai. as the 'men. At ::,10,03,01 ,
Kossuth disembarked,' and then.: - enSiMg....a
scene of exeitewent .which it is' iMpossthis
to portray. Bang, beam - bale, went the guns,
—tap, tnp,l4, wint,the drums. Hurrah,
rah ! - Three cheeral Boaz - bang, liing;T - 7 r
Huirak! - Three moth. There
There's Kossuth - I Hurrah!
Immedidtely on his entering,ihebandstitok,
- - _
Orallaii•to Abe , e . 11 ,•This
incrensed 2the exeltentent.X
.IsiOnr.he appears, - and , is recognined.„ We
'eafinetdescribe-the - scene. _ Ten thousand vet
eekpieclsiin. his_ .
hats, are :linied•in.';hts honor,=: The•dish is
dreadnl.-immienso: bodies; of. 'nien".wavo:_to
''ned froilike the.neentlin lierrienne: Three
icheenimore—•!-Hurrnh," -hurrah;: herrah," . .and
he',_: - very. - foundatign . fs Shalien,_ - . - Order;". tinder;
bang.„ - : The.laides Sri frightened,
hnd the police' dolheir. best , to preserve Met,
At length's' quiet is restored.. and, p) . .3,
eutliintroduced'itollayorKingsland.,: Tae , •
144'0r addressed Kossuth itr•art appro.;
priste speech; to libich , atterapted 'to reply,
but snch • nrits'eliel.noiie of the".excited throng
that it was itiveSSible fort - din
,to henr.d:
Afterseveral 'attempts- to go on,' he finally re,
Hied to -the notes - his
speeek to the priii that it ceight,
,be printed
'an& read the handieda_ 'Jar thousands ni4o
'locked to:hear shall publish it in.full
next n:lek. , ' 7',
Term commences March 4, 1851, and
FIRST sipsum.
SENATE, Dec I:—The Senate. consists
'of two Senators froth- each Statei. Sitio
the admission of,Catifornia, there are thir-: States, repre4ented by 62 Senatori.
Tho Senators who head Over from 'the 4th
of -last March were forty-one, viz :7—eigh
teen whigs, and twenty-three democrats: . - .7 .
Of the twenty-one new Senators, two are
yet to be elected, from `
_the 'following
States .
Californir—Lcg' is' Tatum democratic.
Connecticut—Legislature to be' chosen
in 4ril, 1852.
Whigs io Italics Democrats a ri Roman
those marked F. , S. are Free-Sailers ;
those, elected as Union - men ; S:' R., - those
elected , an Southern or State Plights men
PRESIDET, Wm. R. King.
SECRETARY, Ashimry-Dielcens.
Expires. •
Jeretniab Cleniens t •
William. R. King, (S. IL) ' 1855
tVin. K. Sebastian, • 1853
Solon BorlUnd, .1855
Truman Smith, 1855
• C4LIPoIINIA. - ' •
Wm. M.. Oiin, • . : : 1855
Presley gprizance,‘ - ' 1855
trams A. 'Bayard, 1857
Jackson Morton,
.Stephora R. Mallory.
Wm. C. Dazosop,
James Whiteomb„
Jesse D. Briabt, - - 1857
• if:Lucas.
Stephen A. Douglass, 1853'
James Shields, 1855
GeOrgo W. Jones,
Augustus C. Dodge,
foseph R. Underwood,
Henry Clay,
Solomon U. Downs, U.,
Pierre Soule - , S. A , •
James W. Woodbury,
'litinnibal •
• James .4.: Pearce, - -
Thomas 0: Pratt,
Henry 8. Foote,(ll.)t
Jefferson Davis, (S.
Alphens Feick
Lewis 'Vass;
Divid It. -Atchison,
Henry'. S. Geyer,
• Jelin D. Hale, F. S.; '
Moses 'Norris
yaw vont.
Wm. H Seward, F. S.,
(31amilton Fish; -
Jacob IV: Driller,
Robsrt.F. Stockton, •
Willie P. Mangam, - 1853
Geo E. Badger.' 1855
Salmon P. Chase, F. S., 1855
Bel. P. Wade, • •, • 185 T
.ra'aies Cooper; l. 1853
Richard Brodhead, Jr., - 4857 ;
John H. Clar&e,; : ' 1853
Charles T:James,
1817I'Ll eanor.ts.a. _
R. Bariwell Ithett l S. a, 1853
A. P. Butler, IL, = 1855
Bell, - • 1853
'Jaines C. Jones, ~1857
Sath Houston, •
Thomas Auk;
William flpharit,
R.- M. T. Hauer', S. ,
jaine B -2 4.Ma 80 , S. 11.,
Rase P. Walker,
*Botiert Toombs (Whig) has been Meet.
;id to sudectd' Mr. Berrien at the' eiiiirsi
-tion . of biarlermlin• 1853. - •
- t Said biro resi ned, to take effect on
the Btblei3uarY, 1852,
-Medinal. _
01 tbomeMbers elect, and those fielding
over.,..tbirty-font. are domecrita, 'twenty.
two aiwythiga, and lone:free -soilersj Of
the.-free*loll, Rate:sad 'fiewartit were
' , elected tip;a udion of wilts and free idlers,
Biltnne.r and . Obese were elected ;by demo-.
crate and free aoilera;coMbined. jxxigO
(dem.), ;of • WisconsOn Fiab (wbig), of
New Yorkl. Poeta (!big); of.,Verment4.-
siod (sthig). of i Ohio. • age - 41 5 4 put
deem by. some as free erdlers.
owe* - OP1:0_$.01
The House consists 'huricired,and
tirirtptbreo members, 1164 fOst territorial del.
eg!ltes Tbsio delegatesi however; ;hats no,
tirr. MEMBERS •
Alattaar . ai •
John lirrn'tg,- S. It Timothy Jenkins,
:Tanis Abeiprambie,
Sampson Wilarris t s.nlie);:rllOane4,-
William It. Smith, . Loander Babcock,- • •
Oe.oree &Houston, • Ll-anie'l T... Tones:
W. R.' W; Cobb, V. How;
Akx. Whi4; • Hralbridt,*-
Anttalisas. - - Wm.
Itooo W.Johi3son,sat A. AL'Sk . erniarhorn, _
contrEmrlcur: Jenedigh Hoyord, . •
Charles C'hapoan, Ranben.itobie,
C. Br ,
C. F Cleveland ; , S. 9"„jijatam, - • .
O. S. Seymour, A, P. I/a:mall,.
cArarcorsi, • Lorenzo , Eturrowsi
Edward P. Marshall, izasr.r.:
Joseph W. AlcCorkle, Nathilik D. Strattoii,
DELAit'ARE• . - Chailes, Skelton ;
Oeorge. R. Riddle, Isaac Wildriik,
yr.orito A Geo.
Edwaid C. !Cabell, Rodin:lll'3l. Priee;
otokoia. - BORTH. CAROLINA..
Jog. W.ineiliOrl, sit.. Z./A: eqn,, , men,S.R.
JaioliJohlastin, U.,- Joseph n .P. Caldwell,-
liavid J. Bailey, S.R., Alln!d..Dockery;
Chailes'Alurphy, U., James T. lforebead,•
E. W..Chastoin, U., A. W VO s noble,
JuniusHillyer, U., . John R. J. Daniel;;.
A. Stephens, -U., %V. S. Ashe,'
Robert Toombs, U.,. Edward Stanell,
James Lockhart;',
Cyrus - L. Dunham,
John L. RobinsOn,
S. W..P.arker,
Thos. A. Hendricks,
Willis.A. Gorman,:
John g.liivis;
Daniel„ Mace; .
Graham-N. Fitch,
Samuel Breiuou,
Wirt. H. Bissell,:
Willis Allen, •
Orl'ando B. Fieklini
Richard S. : Moloney,
Wm. A. Richardson,
Thomas camphelli
Rieutni Yates,
Unc - oln L. Clerk,
Bernhardp Henn,
I t inn Boy d,
Benj. E. Grey,
Presley Ewing, .
Wm. T. Wad, *Joseph Lano,
Aidison While, . Thom.stl B. Florence,,
Humphrey Atarshall, joseeh R. Chandkr;
J. C IhTekinbridge, llcnry D: ;More,
J. C, Mason . , John Robbins, Jr.
it. C. Stanton, John
Loursasa. - Thomas Ross,
Louis St. Martin. IT., 'John A. Morrison,
J. A. Landry,. Thaddeus Sterens,
A. GJPenti. U., J. Glancy Jones.
Isaac E. Morse, S. R., Milo M. Dirumick,
/JAME. • Henry AL
Moses McDonald, .Galushi Grow,
John Appleton, ' James Gamble,
Ruben Goodenow, - 21-111: DibiOaus,
Charles Andrews, Williain 11. Kurts, -
Ephraim ., K, Smart, ; McLahahati, ;-
Israel Washburn, Jr.; 'Axßdrew Parker;
D, Fuller; John L. Dawson,
• srAsseenvir.iii. H. Kuhns,
Km. Appleton, ' John ,
Robt. Rantoul Jr. H. F. S . Thomas Hmei,
JameS H.Ditneau, - John W. Howe, F,S..
H. Thompson, .- John IL Walker,
Char/es Allen, F. S., Alfred Gilmore,
George 7. Davis, - -EnODE Ist.aso.
Z. Goridrich,- George E. King,
Horace Mann, F. S. Benj. It Thurston;
Orin for*.. CAROLINA.
Zeno Scudder, Daniel Wallace, S. R.
DURWARD. James L Orr,
Richard .1. H)Ecis, J. A: Woodward, 3. R.
William T. Hamilton, limes 3lcQueen, S; R.
Edward Hammond, Arinli:tead Burt, S. R.'
T. Y. Welsh, • - William Aiken, S. R.
Alexander Evans, Win: F. Colcock,
Joseph S. Calenau, tessEsss..
. 1857
E•.,J Penninrsii, Albert G. Watkins, .
C. E. Stuart, 4 . 191 n. Ji. Cliurchwell,
James h Conger, John' Kamp ) , •
Inssotritt. George W. /ones,
- Joha; F. Darb, William K Polk;
Gilchrist Porter„:, 'Meredith! P. Gentry,
John a, citzta m ,
Willard P. Halk ' Isham G. Harris,
John S now, k'rederick P. Stanton,
_C. It Yt'ill ms,
B. D. Hoban, U. • - TEXAS.-
John A. Wilcox, U. ,Richardsozi Scirry,
John:D. Freeman, It Volney E. Howard,-
.. I k. G.-Brown, S. R. - OTAIL
- • MINNESOTA: - *Sohn 3L Bernhisel,
*H. IL Siblny, YIRGuiLt6.
NEW HAMPSHIRE. John S.neon &
Amos Tuck, F. S. Rt Kidder Meade, KR.
Charles H. Fowles. Thos H. Av,erett,,S. R.
I,Jared Perkins; -.
,Thos ; B. Babcock, S.R.
Harry Hibbard, ' PAIIIIIS Powell, S. R.
IrEIV YORK. John S. Caskie, S. R."'
John G. Floyd, Thornea -Myth U.
_Obediah Rezone, -A. it Holliday, S. it.
,Emanuel B Hart. James strother,
Jif Hobart Hates; "CharCes J. Fiialkairc
ceowe Briggs, john Letcher; •:
James Brooks, IL.tinionittt'on, - ,:
4braham P.*Stevizis, kay; Dieliallee;
Gilbert Mae, '4.14;'11. Beale, U.
William Mulish G Tbejopion o U. -
,I6 r i u s.s c ij o i mma k er , . - vsariosr.
Idsiah Sutherland;Jr., .Ahirnea
AliL 04 yinOur n i'' Hebani,! '
John L.',Scheelcraft; Oanyea,:aleaeheint.
'Join H Boid, Bartlett, ji.•
Joseph Russel, : wiscospri,.
jobs We CharleA3
Aleisader - H.Jioe4:: 'Zini• P.:Z*Ol4;
P,r 4o . Mpg, - F. - 8 -mug* D. Dot y;?:e.
John W. Forney
David Outlaw, -
• . NEW 111EXICO...
'IL W. IVeightwan,
David T. Disney,-
L. 11.' CaMpbilt,
fikani, 8e241. -
: Stanton,
Alfred,R - Egerton,
Frederick Green,
Jahn:L. Taylor,- •
Edson-B. Olds,
Charles ~Pweetzer, . •
George H. Busby,-
John IVelsh,
Junes 3T.-Gaylord,
Wm, F. Hunter, .
John Johnson,
Joseph Cable,
David K. Carter,
Eben. Neloon, F. S.
S. J. R. Gictriiiigs,} l .
N. S. Townsend,.'
, o
_ 4 • 5, ,.. :1134.•
• . whin. dent wjtiff.4letn.
illabania r • • -1: , 2. e „ • ;:.‘•,'
Arkaniris, "; —,-
!California, ":•-; 1
Cortriectitit,. .; ", 1 3L', '•• .1, " ~•`. 3
Delaware: • " 1
Georgia., • • 2 ,6 3 5 •
Indiana,. • '2, 3"- 1•
Illinois;:;;', - 1" 6 ,'.l ,
lowa,i , • - • 2 • '1
Kelirnekr.."" 5 6 6 "
Lonishina, • l:r 3- 1 3.:
Massachusetts,,,,, • -9.- 10
Ataridand," 4 2 3 3
Mt e l lit 4 n , • 2'3
2 6 I •-•
1 2 •
" •
tiississippi, L. - 4
Now -
2 ' 2 2 -
New-. York, •- • 17 17 -32 2
New_ Jersey, ' •1 _ . 4 5;„ 1
North Carolina, s 6 3 . 6 . 3
Ohio; 'lO
,11 12, 11-:' .
Pennoylcania,' , 'l5 2,
R hode island, • - ~ 1 4 - - 2
South Carolina, 7 ' 7
Tennessee, , 7:, e 4 ", 7
Texas; - 2 2 •
Vertnont, z 3. 1 3 ' 1
Virginia, • , 2 - •13 2 13
Wisconsin, L - —3 1 2
90 -143 'll5. 118
pemocritic major: t), 53
Temoeratie majority in 13 _ • 3
Deruberatic gain, • - • dp
Nmajority of tbd House is ‘-" : • ' l l7
Democrats elected, - 143
Southern rights men; - 21 - .dent - indl'whig, 22
Free Soiiers, • - 13
Witkregard• to the votes by States;'-which
°emu's, in case thO'Presidential 'elentbin is re
ferred to the "irowie Ilepresentatives j the
Democratic Sta(Ss 7 -21.1 Whig States —I
Arkansas, (Secession) - Florida,
Alabama, (truien) : . '. Missouri,
_4O. blassaellusetts,
Connecticut, - do: • „ .Michigan,
-Delaware,.' do. - Maryland,
Georgia, do.`, Noith',Carolina,
Illinois, do. -
Indiana, _ do. • • •
lown,, do. . DiCided-4
Loni Siana, do. ' Rentueicy,
.0 do. _ New Hampshire
Mississippi, ' do. New York,
New Jersey,. do. . Rhode Island;
Ohio,. - do. '
Pennsylvania, do. RECAEaVLATItiM.-
Soutli Carolina,(Seeession)Democratic, .20
Texas ((Inion) ' Whig andlivided, 11
Tennesseei do.:
Virginia, ; do. , Democratic Maj. 9
Wisconsin; do. - .
•Delegates from the Territories.
- A.E•T'Tgrstr • -
12 Forest Lake; 013 the . 6th inst., by.E.14.. A. L.
Pirst, Mr. 'SLUE{ CATEILi of Montrose, and
Miss.kna .13tran, of the forrner'prnee.
Lacevvillo on the 4th inst., '?drs.' AGNES L.
, , .
-wife of Geofge Lacey, aged 24 years; -
- - Shelas,left and afflicted family 'and a large
circle of relatives and friends who deeply dr
plore' her lois. She, ivas an exemplary
her of the BaptistsChnrelt. . Her. death was
peneeful and happy., .
"Blessed are they who die in' the Lord."-
- Suequehanna . County se.
BENJAMIN W.-V/lIGLI.t 11l the Court of Cemmon
, vs.. ". ,- . . Pleas of said Countsi; of
BRINECAT Vznarr . AMVISI T. 1851. No. 138.
To- Catharine .Virgil : - Whereas. it Subpcene
in Divorce was issued to August-Tenth /85/.
Whicli__.waa duly returned non eat inst. - Ltd. and
thereon an 'alias Sabi:sena wee heated in mid
cause tkurnable to Nov. Term,lBsl. upon ' tho
returo of which t proof was made to thasaid. Court
that the said Catharine Virgil could not he foiled
in my . Bailiwick. .''. - -
This notice is therefore to require you.ttieppear
before the'Judges of the said Court, op
,the third
Monday of January next, to humid. .Snid
C,2II..GERP, ,lute Sheriff.'
Sheriffs office, illontrqe i
„Dec, 64 1851.
,ZUSQIIEILL,INACorNtx 83; - -.
Andrew Spearbeck In "the Conn of 'Common
vs. Pleas of said Cotifity of Aur.
Mineria Spearbeck dust Term, 1851, - N0.96:-
To lemerva-Speatteek : i Vs.tiereas.:a.Sotmozr:
na in •Dirarce.was issued to August Tarim, 1851,
which . was duly retnitsed _non est. inceMess, And
thereon en alias Solmcsna was leaned iu. said.
cause returnable to Islmi. Term, 1851, :upon the
return of which proof Was made to the said Court
that said Minerva. Spearbeck could not' be found
in my Bailiwick, - • ..., - -
, . .
This notice is therefore to require_ you to .iiN
pear before the Judges of the said Cotirt on the
third Monday of January next, to answer said
complaint, 4.c.' . C. M. CERN, late Sheriff.' , .
SheriffsiEce. 51otitrose, - ? i
- . ; - _ '---,
' Den: , 1051. - , ' -
Thomas floover 'ln the Court of CommUn 'Pleas
• us. -- of said' County,' of. August 7 1 4
Mariba - 'looser: 1851, No. 186. -; ,
To Moritimpoorie: Where* a:6oblicena i n-
Divorce was issued to August Term, 1851. whish
was duly returned nail eat ineenitte, and theieou
an alias Sabixena 4s iisned in 'said.dause, ie
tuniatio to Not Tina, 1851, upon the return,of
.which proof was made to the said Court:that the
said Alariba Itiovet could not be fo s tnid; in mg
, This notice-is. theiefore - to require pit. to up,
pear before the Judges of said Court-on-the third
Monday of January next; to- answer ' . said coin:.
plaint,.cte. -.. ' :G. B. ELDRED, Bharat
Sheriff's (ace Afontrosei.U.
. - Dot; 9, 185;. - i,,,
- -
TAKEN from the housMot thenubieriber, ens
or about the 4th of- ]lay lest,, au Acconst
Book, contalaing about thTee" hundred' dollars.
-($31.101 of aCeounts, a4d a number_ of notes
.and receipts of a considerable amount, also-a
cotmterfeit detector, contaiaini the ntiineis
presideMauna a/phi:Moot all tit°, banks id tba
ted Suite& - A number of other articles 'missing,.
Wboeter will returuasid prOperty to the 'OW:4-
ber shall be liberallyiewarded, and . ieocive
thanktiat.tlie'subscriber . Also, thie , is :to forbid
any person paying:any accounts or nateei,payable
to mo'toany'otbee Persoii k except myielf Or wife.
" . '
Lane•boro. - Ue0,3.1851. Ott-
IShlteby given that , Applications . he*. 'beei
'inade to the Ceort •of VortnnonTleeiot
qachaeon County, to grant Charters oflucotdo s ntS.
tion to. the I .Eatt - r ilridgetvater S ociety of- the
Iletltodiet Episcopal' chntch;!!! . tied 'to - the rim, -
P 61411,40 COugnegniion stisiushanui:.
, eoidine .Me Act of A.satnbly of 93111, of =do.
tuber, A. 1840:-'r
WAUD, Prothoueteeyt.
'ace Des/tease
Dee. $ ' 494
ULM 7 4 0. 11 47,
4 1.341istias, tilnallassn4 TrusOpooar.
avariretnepa‘ ly
!do l , • '
1 0 2 41/' " 4.lePiarlf4,
.... +,. l3ointf : _,-,
011 49 . 9'14 14%ifibD
911.9999 . 1,1852;91-G E- ,
tiqr,t.L;ii l che 1a11i,9 7 ,i3f...Mi - nst7tb9,99pck
8 . 90 49691191 Cu. i:Gii9a../4,aia 41 'P_ tie in a tad•
ante...:_ • „ 2 ,... - --+ }:.,-..-.':'::-' - ~.- -,..,- t
Ili'lftiiliiire i•66etitztitt 149itea to. tiltit4:'
autt - GRP W & BROM ERS: Pifiliiiilaia•
. ,
, .
Cl;Into thaTencloilbrn_td - the i '
'abant the trnh dis Y-or 3.ititerniiikart;fit;itid
yearling lieifer: The owner can 'have the same
by, proving.proptitY; payilm-cliosgen .
• ' ,DYRk.LvpiRQP.
lihrock.Nay.jeith 1 8 5 / 4 : - 48 3w
AS sores have"_ supPosett that':Piped-about
loravelteutrose; from my._ selling off gosdi at.
auction; I take this method to correct such ideeit;.
and . would say that the bleiness - will;.llo:;carried:
Owns formerly, except that if 'a
Men WiekeeitO tiny.
anything in my line they nen poaitively do it 15
per cent. cheaper than , they-hare ever dclite- it"l4
this place. I shall cou6ne my trade ~princiPallY:
to %Vetches and by buying 'fora 'for cash. I gam
and soul soli lower than any man in this county:
In tWo weeks I will haven full aseortmen4 - 'l4ll
kinde of time pieces carefelly yeptilreetend warieu..
ted. Amongst the rennet-our ethaps in :this - pierce
don't forget the True one is the piece to 60 ; pftSafe
Tonipfire st. in , tha. candy .
, Win'. W. TRUE:.
Montrose, Tice. ,3d; 1851. = • ••• , 48tr
• GODEYS - !Aims 2001k_ - ••,
T -HE I.4DY'S-,IIO O K for"the t !monk :yalr
Will present tnauy novel featnite tidied to the
advancing ieinandslof the petiii kite: , has
over been the' object of the . pd6iiiher-to take :the
readlarneag the popular Magazin:oB . 4)f this dottntri(
and the hest of itditateriivho
ly.felloarint—.toilfutaftei hini is yain.'--are:attf
firdent ikk attest. his btitliaut ""
To the !negaziati atone: weinnwt Ints!s•for the
effusions - of the master -- iniiidte:of
ticks will bdpablisbed front all - the heat:Aireiieitit
tyritete male and fenialB -.
,Gcidey'si tadyfs Each 3 aUsniry,contsdu
in addition to the uwilenoes beautiful Edgravitige
duce of whiCh are eidercd; tut 'additional quantity.
attending by AnieriCan'tsithinn... , Thit teOo of
thousands of novices that: we have. from -she
contemporary, Oven, Catat.bah'ate tact that :ittv
• .., . n
.11cisi'. 1 1tag,nificent: Periudical i the IVor2d t.
fellable .
Geddr ,Fashion Plates. Monthly; -- with
descriptions : --beaulex chitcluit upon the Fash
ions every mouth ;living full explanations of en
erything new in the..k'asitionable,ll-Calik,„ _ •
Our Nadel Cottage's.' -This department pe-.
culitirly 'our own, and the, beauty and utility Of our
models everywhere been acknowledged.:. •
Fon TIM LAD/6 !!-Wt hive'tuichmhted - Re-'
cciptr, Model - Cottages, Model Cottagd Furniture.
Patterns :for- Window curtains,
„Crotchet work,
Kuittint Netting,- Patchwork, crotchet .flower
work,'Laeecollar work, childria'sand
clOtheti;Mipes, .fine,, every,
thing that can interest a find its appro. ,
prittto place iti her own Book. --
S4Cailt Adt:ancej., -".
I cam; one year $.7.' 2 copiesone year $
*Copy two - Five copies one year $lO.
I copy - five_ Fears $lO, JO oppies ono ,yean $2O;
undone extra copy to the person getting up the
flub of .
Addrzss .. • -• L. A. GPPEYi:
/13 ChestutiLetreet, Philadelphia...,
ELT Gade'fa I:l4Wit Bbols.au4. ligpnyciiii
Democrat one y4ar40r.83 50 .
;Tenders his :professional - /Or-,
ovices to the citizens of Montrose and vicinity
among whitm hi proposes to locate- curlizsmasti.
DXXIIST.:, It Will he his eneavor fo'llie best of
his ability to serve those who may favor him with
their patronage. lie does not propose so to cheap-
en the profession as to lower its dignity, . or_ pro:,_
yoke the charge 'et tueonmetency, - but knowing
ihat the high priCedol" Dentistrytieter many who
vary much need its benefits, butfeel lob pear; to
purchasetluM, he does propose; to consider . the
circumstances of individuals. and charge accor
dingly:. He sincerely !Miles' thattome, however
limited their meaus; let the Opportunity slip
.of purchasing for money so great a benefit.
How , many weeks and months of bitter, sleepless
agony, might be prevented by a little . titti!ly at =
ten:thin ,the, ! the' whole - earth
is filled with . greshicifrotiv[toothiclidOn%alinest
every family this dire' spectre-pain holds its night
long Altd Is there - no remedy? - .11)
says one, hors rg 06ileet 'Dikeethat sari it "No
it's lost . forever: Does:that 'prevent tho'. decay,
nod loss of,others? • -
NO,ll is but the,!ceituin'harbitiger of their like
fate. '' . (len 'bathing then bedone to, refieei and
sore. :: :Yes; tinelterithe of Otitis mittery end loss
Wright bu preveuted-by a seasonable application to
the Make it a point Co have your teeth
carefully, spinin'etldt least meet): a year, end
*mins %cavity makei its appearance. have it well
filled and grim.visaged toothache will untThanut
your night slurnhersi be: as - tiered. - Dr. V: rill' es- .
teem it pleasure
.to. wait-iitt,lYott at* any 'time _
between the houre of OA: 51. and , s-P, IC at has
Office in Odd PelloW'S Hall, 'cern - 14 , o( .Chestnat
and Turnpike streette., Work warranted;•
if Niel 11 Oct.'2.sth. - 18.51, • - 45, 3111.-
New Boot , and Shoe Store '`
THE mini firm of Keeler' . Btodderd !Moo
- I...opened a - Boot aud Shoo store on Main greet,
first door below tho • Brick 'cornet' in which they
offer for eat() - • : • •• : -
. .
_The . Liegrat Assortment.
of Bettie, Shoes nod FiOdings,at the Jowestpriees
'IN ItONTRO . §.II;-: • •
We cell [oirrady pay arkd emu] 'profits
. .
The citizens or the village ouct.esedotry. are re.
spectfully invited tir call- at a real .genuine Boot
and shoe store where:Baits - and shoos are sold in - -
sheld of Beer and Oysters. • ;
Keep it before the People,
That we have, a foitaesortate#t among %Thiel)•vye
enumerate; . _ •
. . _
Cork ioliiriter prat( bootth!oug leg 'lnn
gariatis, calf hall' sof& and pump hoots; 'Kip . _ hulf
sole boots, thickbootti r calt, "tip and corshido boo',
gans,-Oser shoos. etc .
Youths Calf,.Kip and cowhide hbots, boys Thick
boots, etc. • • : •
Ladies French channel. Gaiters, raten't Fox
welt Gallons; imam:led cud Kid Poilins;Unamelerk
from lacS: ratite, kid . aid gest, Junks I t tllitt%
NMI, York ties, election', Jeuti3; Linde kosottou,
kid tics, rubbons, ' ' .
. . . _
Mishesgoat and calf Ltieti' beots,enny La a
1' "
enameled Polkas, Wick , boots,-etc..
Oh Wrens' button shtses4ind iindinanaeled lace
boate. °alters, Davaing'a eta.. •.• -
Among ma Findings we offer French' calf akin!,
Oak and Hemlock tanned ;Calf akiust Afolocco,
'pink and white salts,., red, blue, maroon,
!loans. platigrypper leather, oak and- hemlock ,
salideadter, Prge, g l ue nails, cambia', heel
webbing, etc.
' N. H. Nock made ta oider and repairing nail. ;
ly dons: ' • 44
To the _
A - "L- TcrititELy,-ipts just. retunied rrein the
eitY,tif New YO;14 witke largo - awl tleiiirable
useortiaout of - - • ,
G 0 - 0 DS -"'
which will be sold verylow - lorcash or ready psi.
The - atm* isconipsed of a first tutees:minutest of
Drugs, - .4tiedisiocs, Chemicals, Puists, Oils,
Dye.Stufre, Groceries;.Glatitware i tipearili,
Spectaeles,--.Musical InstruMestr t `s"
Taititeoi Noiiiinti ; , find r.
Dry GoodS;
Hordwure; ISlOnewitrit„ - - •
Mirrors; 'Stationery, Brushes,
- Instrureepp, Perfumery - -'
- cusses S upporters ; , _Shakier. ossew ,
, Shook - CatejAingct, Bilraina.2llald,'2lAusi*
Clacks. Watche s; . •-•
.A regular reed-Physicianwill , he , itc - teietaitti
atte° g° ll2l St - alating.apa .cssomirs.
' All persons wishing ;q . parciasso.Proirs. 00041 in
any of Os fctriii4 deriimonte, will find Itiefiln
'Penis iireiaoted;ly calling first at the Drug
Variety Store ADV:PIAT/ARW'
,~; -
-- , -uut.Lvaelianner-Ar,
At the otesidatArintatitlinnad ria 4 tlpalliolee -
—T4oso.ofitiethisne.d. tenanted - froth - MY:
where he found-the picipleathotne.apirwetildt
inform hie 1 40441id i the,filbOo ott. Loge, that.,.'
hieetauk, Ofgk el koi 4 -arriYiniewno brugbt 1 0 1 114
lowest-prices and mostly, for cub, and an an -af..
nest of what - ha inundate do in: tii way`iiiiinkl..
Ting. would say that he - ,will - oell • hit - (toedn• Ihno
five to ten. percent cheaper the.a- 1107 1 ftavo beta,'
sold itithere digginu' t, for onsheandnaroold , :conat.,
coidielly 4nvite. ail Witold, custotneve (ad': twerp
WO obis) aitor. kevinglookett thyme! -- dis:•44:-.
ket to Oil! and, buy of bin) if_ he s a t fait IlietOC
hie ' annortment' in geiterali-nondating int. sneiv o y :
My Ooodio.nosong which duty la fooni. Fouttchil
and other Broad Clothe. ,_ Lediout, Dress - .1M00d5;,,• '
' printi,deloitia.,bebnallita',Wo*-"4" cala ' r:Likl "' •
Panne. Waves mite.sii k lace . ,, end o ,th tavr '
nheetingn splendid bath . v40 1 :0 14 0 46 . 8 . 44 ;-4** 4 ‘.
-41 1 w bst, Tenn.
Sagan. , ,c44l44 , skorin.coepori,+ TIM Thiebtkrefiued antt ead 4 4aleintho, 3. 44Ae° •
howl and steet...entie,y, Fitbi, - 4alt,:-flow,er.., 41436.
nails, Powdox and shot. Baotazid - Shoes. Letup,
tiit and molonnee, 'lnfra,* Rau, Leatheit imandt
'*.lux re to entherkezut kWh. with'
kvatitode ttiona _who" have :. bee4 really. Weil
I fliyudaby buying. und . paying us 'they twice& apd..
1 to - ituiii. t o m n•oar paY:tet him lu,
: nil tideinpk,,,
say theta is bid- thatir entnitig' -- i - ' • . .
..1 • ~,' - -; -e : . .r. , ~:-., •,
'- .., • .“.-4
.fl- , tmzi'y
' z,Z.B.- 1 ..,,
1 Itfontrcant Nei. tltitlf3,sl-; '.., .-: ~ , --- ,1 ,--,.--,,
Now, 'Milford, Shawl and 111 , 0414 ,
Goods. ,
AIBURRII'I' nt again ortitrirkieCwith finsons'
it' - and entsred stack :-'411. - Wiittiti tank '1,04 -
Square Shawls' &-intdiei &nix:Gonda-4Am enct
splendid liatterns,unet .- priCeiredneed stilt lower k sp,
iho airy' - cash panic tells upon Ininiftet.
inektdinielsrr h4gkiter,tatitripOienlir r itirc,Fig
Winter trade hi. grY.. Grade. Orc'egriri.tcrocker7 ‘
Hardwars;'lran & Nails, Bias end Winter Caps
gabiqi, gnats '4 - Shaiii:
etc: eta.-all'svhitth he, wilt sell on his nsited
tennsaud,ut.R:krr.o,444.l , ...cnrinot he lent,for.:ol4l,
Piodnce . or approvitd . ,credit;' :
N. D.- Floor tcud tialfeatislailly
Necelli'ford 0et.:211/551-41tf
Dyres civet the - Lilt- '
.C. BISSELL, hashig_puxelsisSed this toter.
1.1. • eat of It, FL-Jeme , ton;th the rattosiug has,
'loess, eon be :hoed al the shop fortnetlyozcopiett
Jtimetten . 4si Bissell. •• •
llaving red instrUction Isom MS.
.Scotla New: York. he.iilitterl hilusalt that tos
can snit all `tvlio!may fa'veir,lhim nose,
tam: k'ultauil.viirilitetlaslilous for 1451 and 1852 4
just reCke* ; N.
. • ilontrase. Oct 16 . 1851.;;42,m3._,_
JToxirr GROVES; the.vell neiVa... 'Tailor has
ngailintudri hia eppeartineh in Itiontrtnie t6OF4 1 .
orate to the above aatitecl,haeinesi at the Wattled
directly; over Lathtopi Dry Goode stein itull
'would Agate leaderlis Aimee,- to the'!ptiblia,4ol4
elicits their pFitroeive,*:: ,
Meltitig-tted cuttiuj Sine in the roost. appiovitit
style of the ate,itud donctlitt tliasbuites' t itotice 44
thesobseriher, is be is now preparing ii;go . op life
_fail "took, he ciders to his pumerons_ =women,
present large assortment of goods at•-lower prices than •
any similar estahlishipentilri Western Ninri,York: This
sEngllrh tock isists; in part, of alarge-steelentOolditud ({liver patent_Lerersoifliis.nwmitoportatlon,wsnsoledl
superior to any evekeffered in Wig Gamily ;.Gold•sidel
Silver anehor Linens and Levine', Gold Loekets;',
bles,Spe stades, Breastpins, Ifmeehide,'Esmings, - Tloger.
44 °O , Coa0 10 • 3 •Pirne:PencitPeliest.atsed and rob shahs. •
Seals,lllya:stev.Ailso,wiway stock, of tilverywrw,tioirt. -
prising ncery article Ia that lige 'warranted pure as coin s
a fultassortmeat etplated waW, la dery satl..ty,. Auk.
Goods, Clocks; CutteryAlcenbs; de; • •• - •
Binghamton: Oat • 10 r< c c4', A LitmED J,LE3rimg;
. . - - -- B u tf-..]: ',.--....
',. - 'itte -- ,time:_to - : . ..;;77 .
.. . _ ..
~,, ..... '.:.'.": ".".:1 - ,: - ., C.4.1% iE'l ft I;ll.weitlitsfyk
• ' cji., - - - '. -- '' - ' iJ.7tktiti ll 7l l llotOUSttiellall *MC
' ' , P r ' ' ' east °tetra in AI oo IMO* IPti. i CiZ.
. . .
1 ..., • ~, -:' ~• - , I ty, tlial.-11*- has Suet -restrrnedt—
t ti f trona' NOT IYark"trith ifarge ad.
I '.l I . ' --". 06. (Midis to Me rafeaslyeatiortniant,
, '-'• • .1 . . 4 !:. „. ,„ euitimini , of, tii".tt If tikes e m P.•
„,• - Gold and Amer leeere apt Leplps
A . r •
” t- ',..' L:.--:. " fullJetrolleithatt Otahigeld peril ,
..., - :..z- - " .1 • - vett azi ifobeltudno,LOetettethloc, '„.
, blerierarakr, Wir,s, • braeelelr, Gager and ear •ringei raft ".
plak,braaches, nail CAMS; ItiitilE ,•'.
tad penetbeasot,chbiei lieaile,letttlail,.Pertinnee7, At0tu,, , ,,.,
. ver, 'hitt:mots *4l Plated
41;1 WI tertecorthoutr,lloteto
uamtegforke, violinviolinrtrin., clocks. 'wallet!, Port'Earm!‘ •
Needier. t clad o7 plied , '" Witch glt4tee, zeols. and'oso„,
textels tor theirode by the,quantili„t The above :win . b, - - -
rold at the lineest jer . leer„.,zamyatrilii aid JewelT7. o e„ .
all Idt4larepairlyl ea short notree at. the old stood hear. ..
17 opeosite the /racial, C'eurt at!Bloghtenten., : ,- -- ..,!1.
Coehs: tie ,sl,OO and up: • 3'l iMmitiraM4B dun; um),,i.,,,
lama_ Gew. etyle and ohrouted . at.._ 1. C.O.FIELM---
•• -Wat es.
sitCcilmi, erilenotijind
acid other escapcsnente in gold and AI-,
Ter cages: Now a word toiiiil'ancquxleraViartfilligiV,lll4,-,4
the patine In general. Tema., ine tolay. that:orrery
.10nr experience bas,enalited rue to tes, anch-WaSebota -:?
as Mal tio roe credit :awl . the fiufamtera totingsrodoe.l'
It elionid be berno s talniod that,' Importers In. gaueralt- •••
are fijit -
ai*Zpir _Watch IZatigirb 3tor wrghantiL
Under tbese eltillustaisetst IV -elect oceordNg judg;
moat and do Wialc Is . pOnidt Fed 'to leave gritil , i.k ra ,
opart. examined and reinldftdliktot (tie .
%gritted warrant glien Tor two ieare accidents umlaut,
jtepatra so. licula of hrisin6is.lrOth M. to 7P. Al, .
N GO FIRS JostOD.St ,-
returne d
L14, - ;e1 `7lr..V'Ei New voRE r loth filta -:`-
stoek"of Pa ll goods, whirls bo . offoretartaletiktbose , eftlit.
tdr !btu' at as It* ratas ,
can be reason*.
bly w wail.. Not Not ttitilt.hig , shier thanks' to sash' of hi*
(rinds, oe barn etniore:br *at anode of him sad p#l4 .
far them, be Invites theta tia...CU.31k1,01/MI.P
llantrasa,ll4l.,lotb..lPl.; •
N-EW` 1. RR - - 1-VA L
H . DURU' ItsejusC recolyed-0 wok set supeytalk
• ' ~ 1 14 a Ll I Anil Vitt ter G rands.: •
nettvliali ad degaot garlgty of lomlieo Dross oeeds.-Win
ter Loug:-Shan•lit, nOw inpluid .WlDierg;
Capp. Ft4tplp GefedL dr.a., of dm mod deihrlibls rtylas,;:—
which, having bem parch:RA:lo4u Aal,ir.r.larza.
will,bo 0014 onuonaily loa.
TOTAMILSrrao,I I -1 -
A AE flow NetivinX - wlwrze ibd desirable *tad
'WALL AND asoiII*TRINALVOGN." - ' " • '
eimesting-ortbeirmsoal 'meet, Dryooods,Onoetstiii , "
rwekery, ilabbraro,DrUr, filedlcines; Yalnte, 0110 : Dy•;•
stn tlwofaite.Wud Vi*NferilWare, Wow. ,
Leatlacr, toots n u t - Mom., looking glowitwomdi
plates,lath;glu4;nad pyltty,'hatp, i4pP, carpeting, °IX ,
calitbs, wall isisdirkidowpartm,cloelm; wittAeL , Jaren
slicer mous. mut** fastrunenter iterfOUlM. bruslolti" .
to.. an orwhichthey °fret on th-cs montawotaitienws,
NotarosicOet: 3,1851. - •• •• • , ,
Goodtki .2l 3o l l l, Market*
rrti.T.lo-nibt r rec. Pt:l _ •
, tto-f.rtr. '
'doe*: quit eon assintraenVot TAW goods,- eonstrtlag
otDry Goods, Grooarietanatditore:lnglig/tunent,Soota,
nod, Bboes, , aaaturtrdoCcoalr, 14al sell'theoits to
al ay cameo:ex about ttals , part .or the 'iorlit 7 or anti'
wherefor the ready Johlw or thb right krnd" of
Thanks to iintbe torero, al.of arefavOrl: every beily
Tient to eall.aart bo). • • Si. 0:171.Va:
3toutpose, Sept. 10,' 101.
Few and pepelat - SehOOr.
romourizxstritstuifiir OftlarrvEnsAL. MIR „'
TOLLY: totetberwitts a ISIOGICAPUrorDISTINO• -
UiSIJEDTERSONB, tfi which Is appeadedan ephow•
kmATEIEN: ciitrzuoLouty,
. - pintostspxy,- - GmsrEßALAwritox.:--
- OXY,' 'Iind'4PiIYSIOLOGY. , _ '•• -
:Adcipted iind used tn thorrntUtionbonds of PbUnddltalkif
liC.JON4Ek.kMiTiOlieheil. - ;
• 'r Fonaindatiia . ..ati4'-P14111: , ;
•-• Teseberi and seheid feet tddrriddot lett4lnt4
pnat• tar dIdgeln:1011 !dn,:_ . i . *LuntasiL
Mr. * in* and camptele mrerßtiaat
,pt.Dp4lßf dad/iiik , •
on dr;?9,tods jbatlolito,lllner, - : - .4 ,
Triorao,.Agoottleopi: - 0144,m,itykajoh .eut/1103 tea-
A rir•w: Malay*: 0 11 1 vi,4strfau
aw cj i ob oat made; __
avu , . mm." 147.,
ow, s;Arsomonetwernbjust, tirOsed•Steto44,..44`::
-4 yob tram Now. Mara: 4, 4 g
~~y'_ ~.
1 11.4 4 11 WXl i ttpaan4 8141 +4LalbiifilfirAll
17 4 1 1400. --410 I eve* Au path flaw In' Mew
ispootissi flnuthifes,l46.,::tht iagftrati horittedj
stdttatiteolue Fiietintar.iy**oo- .14,4"61111'.
gancros A' pal • .! - t , U u
so.wiwri , '
• f +R+ aTJNG,mauuian iiitting,
'47 7 • 'NUM*.
ANI'SpVIIIPAITV 4 .• campbor alkas r tepromativ
UluitartiLattltlaper,Wwiue,l3taticippant, $ l Ollll
0.'0; 411037 , • - ^: ' 1111/4,41,W
rzlt Pr,Kz'► alat at famr dv~tr» p bas 4 a
i!;7i. blrla* t ! is
.. ~-. :5