EMMEN strixecest. -13nOMIAT'DiCel)Aw1 4- 1851 altwaliAmragto . - _,. `7- T iiiiata of ilivix4ty. WheLthe ;Thilversltt , of St. Andrew rota .fier . hennrs, n j certain Mitdstor, who 'deemed, Wathiiminitspitions*uld -6 more seceita= tie'acid u i dre usetn i it 'ivhat' the GerMans4lllpo - 4 ,doetor's hat," put 'Aff, in his purse,and Went ie St. AndreWs to:purehase _for himself nAl.egiree,"_His thanservsot riFona ispi'ea him t imdlwas present when his master wan,aimittedlto, his lon i i desired honor. On his return "the doetOrini sent for his servant, waadaressed him as follows: . tuphio;Saunderit, yell'aye be sure to cal me I the' dodor,and gin ucibody vents at le Shoot lac; ye'!! aye tie - sup tesav the docter's In his study, on the doctor'S engaged, or the, doctor wilbsCe yen in a crack.? - • - ' That a'_de,pends," the relAre u whether ye ea' me the dectOr too," the reverend doctor started. "Ay., We test se:' 'continued the et; "for when:: I !audit 'cost sae little, 1 e'en got a ,diplonta Faysetf." yell just be good enough to say; poctnr,lpat on, some coal; or doctor, bring thaWhiatey and bat water, - and gin nnibodtapeers abeet roe; ye'!! be sure to say the dectofs in the pantry, or the 'doctor's digging pointees, as the l case' may be. I'M!! • herkeen satire of the foregoing ::extract- i admirable. We commend it to those who -loig in receive nnd bestew Wies.nndTowni in. the United States containirig over 10,000 inliabitnnts _ (PreliarO from Hares GoograPh-) I. Now york, 1 " New York, " 515,507 2. Pitiladelpiia, Pennsylvania, 408,817 - 1 3. 1• 11altituOm *ulna, - 189,048 4. Boston,. 1, Massachusetts, A. New Orleans, :I;alisfarm, . 116,348 6. - Cincinnati, Ohio, - 115,436 7. ;Brooklyn; : New York, 97,338 .8. ,St.: Lords; . 3lissonrl, - 64,252 9:; Albany, , New York, 50,763 10. iPittsburd, - Penn. 5.0,519 Kentucky, 43,193 _l2:' Chltrlestou, South Carolina, 42,985 "13:Dutralo, 1. • ' New York,- Providencp, _ .Ithode i'3.'WaSltington, D. Columbia, IG. Newark,. " ;-,New Jersey, 17. ,Roebeitei, New York, Mass., 19; New... York, 23.•Clittago, Illinois, , Ticq, New York, ,'22. Rio6mond ; - Itutitha, - ' San Traneisco, California, (est) 24 Syiacese, New York, . . 25., • Allegheny, Pennsylvania, • Detroit, Michigan, Pniland,l lain, - i/.B. l 3Slobile, . 41abama, 29.'NeW Mien, - Connecticut, 'BO. Salem, . , I(umn 31. ' Iflilwa6kie,Wisconsin, 33. , Boxbneyj .Itrnogi -33.i Columbu`s,- " Ohio, • Wnteenter, )dassa. •35. Utiea,, , New York, 36. Charle.stciwn, . 37: Clevelend, - Ohio; NevV.iindfoid, .4 , * • 39.; Reaffing,: • 'Nun. . 40:: Cambridge, 41. Savannah, , Georgia, (eat) 43. Kangor, ) 43.'-Norfolk', • ,lira., 4< • 44. Lynn, ' 1, 1n.10 45: Lafayette, . XAMiaien 416.. Pearsbarg,, • Va., -47- Wilmington, Debzwars, 43: Pcinglikeepsie, New York, 49 : . Manchester,. N.H. SO.. Dartford _ - Conn. 31. Lancaster, - Penn. - .52. Lockport, New York, • Oswego; do 34. Springfield, - Massa • Newburg,, New York; . 36,, "Wheeling, 'Va, 57: ,Paterson, New. Jersey, 18. Dayton, - Ohio, ; 59: Taunton,.. Massa. 36. Norwich, Conn. lil. Kingston, Now York. • '62. New Bruuswick,New Jersey, 63. Nolwill% Tennessee, (est) • Lexington, „tentuziY, (est) 65. : Natchez,` .. ..- ' curse, (est) Things worth Hnolviiig. • • Leurenheek nye thaftherti Ara more animals • itt-ttut mil 4et a single fitth than glean are mon up. en the esith. iterodotaa,a:Gptekitutterien,itabts.thattahes be area in.Eithit, the A:pi tint priest told him that they bad a traditicii,thatthe sun me- twice iu thereat, and eat twice in the - eatt.! ..Cotton wasi first planied in - the United Stittet4 in ihe year/789.; • Isiagieas;; ii mid. from the entrails of a The ancient Persians trained -their chhdren to epenli the to live strictly tem*. kkbodies t tOriteitinttes, have impenetrability, extensien, fipre, divisibility,, inertia, and Sttrac ton. - ,• • • • Holhaelt days, Liberty, to t anda the facility of doing; for his:tiara haPpiness every- thing which does nnfinjpre or Zminieh this happi T nese oiltis treeectes ; and that trigh is axe. every 11*eittittible lawe, penults each individahl to de for his ea% Pecans: feDci- Iv • = Meal. dappsed. or seyea.olon—red, blue, FeeP1i7 . 0 16 .4 Yell°i° and iztdigN -Afttistkorgi, 9Tee*.! philosopyer, - who hied 11 4 4 /..*°!* Cirjet, tharvirttisciailids being in#epeltdazit of -caussiittaii.':i4d!4ll4 to " 2 tintaire WI, our IvNi4o.4l4itict ..34tge.Is'pia Taced from the tho lonian lowa rhe Zs* • 7'4vroeiireir ore—oiglit; Mkt, luring, null, ;"they urv , the megtzPi-b7 whiich we#l"' theautditieurObjects. C.-02 00 0011 1 0,micoed itaaltP o6,4 blid* auctlttareina.,'- - ' • • ,`, zkoar-itei*onsjiistalAtit, worth ididlcrizal a ZUDLDDIDD IMNIT 110111IDAr.: &-E. B. Chase, - tamale AND 'Domino -U., TERNS.--ON 6 nOitait ann irrOa osmrapet annum, cash in anima t or two dollars if not paid until die tide' tha year; or time of setwerhition. • ' 'No paper will be dlsoontinaeditntlfarrOtrages are paiff,excePtit the optioapf the Palle. re. - -- • Itoi An commtiniintiozus must be roat,:eito 0 its . . calve attention . - ' ' • ' - -'- -J=._,' 's ".- Alllettera connected with the °Meehould be direeteito 5.13. &E. B: Cagan; JO:4lgram, Sun. zr Editoreofftee over lg. C.-Tylari Store. -; BATES or AuvicirpringVlG. . ...._ . .. A t e aquae, (12 linel or lists.).3 - inpernons, 8 100 Each - subsequent insertion, --- = - 25 . One equate, 3 • months. , - - -.- • -- 1 -'- . 25Q ~- 4 * - -. -:6 menthe; - • :. _ -:;, - ' 400 ' --- Buitine se 'Mlle, 41ines or leis. -4: - - ' - o , '3 011 Yearly Advertiainients;nof over sq piles: - 7 O One agnate; one yews - .- • - ' -. . . 30.00 ' - -.Yearly Advertiseri willine restricted to the bit einem in which they are engaged. • • . . . , -47-The Publishers hating a large amortment of Job Printing Materials, are prepared to exempt alt kinds of JOB WORK, svith neatnetei audtles i - * * *BLANKS of: aver,' description Constantly on hand, or printei teenier. - I;tagil gala eztvii4 DR. JAMES BROOKS, -1 Phpsidan and Surgeon; and-dealer - In: Diags, - Medicineis ,Paints Oils, Pyes, &c. Inner, Chuiet and Pine streets, opposite Col. P. Lusk's, Great Bend, Pa. • JOHIN Q. DIMOCK, Atternerat Law. Men as Turnpike one* .11 &gm. eat of the old Aegistectrintleg Pince' idcak* eseMs; . • • M. L.:-TRUEEIDEILL; • ATTORNEY. AT. LAW, P.m (it Bend. Pa.--QjAie with' Cal. F. Luck - PETER DECKER, ESQ. trAvnia teen appolt4 ed by tio&• Etab,of 241! Yori; its II a Oonadisslonerfor that Sate totake Obemotand acknowledgeratat of Dee4sAtia other Instruirenta, aiU attend to baldness calletn that capacity at . blii °Moat Great Bood,Pa. 5ept.19,1860 —l7 • ; ; WII CIIIESTERT - 7 . ATTORNEY. AT LA W, Tunkhannock, Pa.; Once iri Stark's Bricl 8010 OR- G. M.. GAMBLE. D PSIDENCE In 'the time formerly, the ; residence of 11; ;S'ainnel Guile, deceased. - )• ; Hetiord, Deeemberf2s, 18,50* -. • i ; D. D. HINDS Itth , u, LIVERY AND EXCHANGE STABLE Iliontrosi4.,Pentea. E. 11. & S. IL CHASE, ATTC7.II TO AT 1 4. 1 47. (offic itl e: N er Tl Zlrs E'Piore) E. 13. CnAge 'JOB ONG 1 ' ': CS!ENTS; San roN'A - 3; MA 3, &C. Between the Canal Bridge and Ckut Court bony.., Cont . st, Itinghamtim, N. Y.. C7l: B. • Wldtneg Traveling agent.- - 27 tfin - —77 774: 1 2)..• 'I'ACV733II.I) DEALER DRY-GOO S, GIiocEILIES, BOOTS AND %LOSS, Jewelry, lio4lonst ac. Great Bezd, June 20th,1851. VS it C. ice. SMIST NS. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER & REPAIREP . CIZABLIII3 TIZaiILAINT . SHAVING , Sr..HAIrf,HRESSING SALOON - Searle's Building next door to the Post Office, Montrose, Pa. ulAltf. • 1061 - LUBB HOUSE, 185. Great Bead,' Pea n'a Addison Bryant. - FroprietOr. Q TAG leave this i i i 1y .tor different .poloti, On the arrival different 'Trains of Cars. ells% Lir,' ery Teams furnished by Mr. M. Truesdell, at short nbtlee and terrnsarhich =net fall to sett:. , . IMP3iMii;IN=I Abel Turrelli - .. 'Dealer la Drugw, Medicines, Cberelesus„ . paints,' 011 e, Campblne, Flula,Laraps, Dye stuns,GroeeneDrygoods 'Hardware, stoneware, Glassware, Clocks, Watche4. Jew elry spoons, spectacles,. Maslcallnstrcmeats, Trrusses, Medical Instruments, Liquors, perfumery t .Inrcsisr eta tlonery,brushei, Yankee Sa it imaa, e. l ,_ 310r4rose,.Da- _ 34 ly. . 0: C. EDWARDS,- ' PHYSICIAN AND . SiliGl6oN, - ilarford t Pa. office .2 doors bolosi G. G. Pride's toi.e.-47tf MISCELLANEOUS. AFFLICTED READ. Philadelphiainidieel House. Establishedfifteen. „Oafs a„;* by DR: HI NEB LIN,' North' West Memer ff Third- and: Union Streets, Petteeen Spruce. and . Pine, Streets, Philkdelphiv. • . g . A or • TzArat Of Argentin and truliterroptel - J: practise spent In this city, have rendered Dr. It.the most expert:and successful practitioner &rand near, ht the treatment of all diseases of a prisate =tuna. Pes sons afflicted with ulcers ea the body, throat or legs, penal:fate heart or bones, aserourtsal Theanustbmistrie- Auras, =met, disessei arising from youthful mteenes or impurities of the blood, wrhereby.the constittoos be. becomrionfeebled assail treated with IMOCeell. 10,441 10.255 10,233 10,019 10,000 10,000 10,000 Bewboplaeeehimielfnndertbe,eareofDr. it. May redlgionsly confide In his lactose aontreman, and ctxm-.1 Idently rely upon his still as aphyclaa. Tana kmuncuLaz TiOncti —Young men who bare I Linjgred themselves by a certain practice Indulged in— a habit tregutmtly legrned from evil companions -or it , school—the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and destroy both mind and, body, should apply immediately. - Weakness - and constitutional debility, loss of muscular clergy, - Ayes"' lassitude and general prostration, irritability and all nervous affections, hid!. gesticrn, sluggishness of tbe liver. end every disease in any way connected withthe procretire functions, cured and fallilgor - smeared. , • Read! Ycraih and Manhood. A . Vigorous We or Preinctiure Death: • . - . selfpreservaeton. Only 25 milt. - Thh Bookjust Oiled with Useful Informa tion, on the lotiradtles and direares of the generative organs. It addresses War alike to Yorth, Manhood, and Ord Ags, and ishould be caul by ell; The estimable advice and impressible -warning it gives, will prevent years erotism And sulterlavardlnve Annually thou sands atilres.. Parents, byte:Al:rig it; will learn:boa to prevent the'deltraction ottbeir children. ` • ' • remittance of Mends, enclosed In a letter ad= dressed to Dr. ILINKELTS, N. W. Comer or Thu d and . llnlon Ptreeta, between Spruce and Pine, Philadelphia, will muntre it book, under envelope, per return . Persona at a Maternal:nay address Dr. K. by letter; enclosing a ree.and bemired alumna. • ' • Packager Orlifediciars, Direct 4ms,:frc., foritaided, by gendixtg a remittance, and put nparoure tram Damage or Cnriosity, •• • -••• , • - Book-aelient,Wews Aitente, Pedlar: Osznrasiers, and all others supplied with the above *ark 1M 'very IoU Iribt Burning Fliildicer sale by , C. TYLER : = Flax Seed. A NlrctuiintltyofFlaxtiged.wazdf din izehangeforOro .. arriesor Caabby - .I. F. BULLARD. etie . 9. THE itotes, Cud Cacci" of MM. If Sherman an d Mils AS. Koapp, Are itithe_tuontle of:Wsu. 2. TITO] EWI., with inetnictione to collect_ them FOB Mouttcoe,- - • •- , • • Nesr Milford Staviitepot.. • - augur: hagnow in idorfi s iiewind sortmentof Cooklng,Polor, welt eitOp - Storityfor • • • sad cold ;Including the ne} . aad mow boomed, •di or ;Air Tigbt;lauge Oven couunort.wid elevated & • vishe., wi th atoTeidpv,Sheetked,and Zirteii4oy4 abes /to ieblehhe wiilwA very larssidkos, ijo• Rep • ; ES—a tint ride-assortment • • '`^ : l" , " • gtrup t onst onto. Molasses comb for. 3-4 ibo- goof 4rogort 101-$l,-8164.-Ouxtleo tbr sl,,ated`Ottott Groom* to to proportke i scoorlittg to tutOtrioOTIIIIIIEWS - = L ART./1618U. irt`i• *oft formals . 4'04 ft? - CADEMICAt r SUSQUEEGINNA, ACADEMY. te r gttbo v e r d d ratO tf the TintilAtitin iittelo' 64.01:Vi1e it% o litt°t=ocituP 111,41:-SILA.0-_GRAY- . . • - - 1119 MAGNI.' CGAWFOAD,-treeeptrear, • .„ . ' Pit-ti competent araistantintitraeten. _ 1 . - . The reputittion'etlir: GRAY iiii an, etch:int end sue eesaal Teacher and Dirdpilnartan, faralth the TT illatteit liftb tbiittgllTSllCA that the Institution eannot faille its management td Meet the hlgheat expectations and niali °fits Parcae,- -' _ - ' ' - - , _ . • . Ldirangements wilt be Made taitheeenifortablettecom- ItPdati o A of Puelt• (ram alload. - - ..- .. , ....-: .• . - '' . .j' _ ' ' lintetts . GP' , TUITION; - - Testildlei a fthe PrimariDepaitMent. $2,60 nerterm Tbetoramoratranehes -of the Anadamie -- _ - ; 1 . Department, .-•--- .- -' - ,- . Mu ,`, the li*her branehelOar tho Acage. mi e . '' departments --,-`, - - • .. . -7' e, O O al -Thea - tadieti ortheetaMiealGenaitinent ,•- } . ._l - Latin; Greek ana French, rdin Cheap ' :.',' . eftheAeaderateatDepaiment,lniihole .„ •. . orient -- - - - T,OO - i. tiaacwith use of Plano, - .., . .. :, --. 10,00 -. . 4 . ' - Dravingand . .Fainting, '. , . 2.. 6,00 - - , 4, ' -.: • German.- ' Ne p Emit mill he - admitted fa tete theria t erm anima by special arrangement made with the Prindpai..-- - , A dedection wiltbe made in the bgts Memo of abeenee oriaeemant gateknere (lane weeks' duration or more. - ' W6l. JESSUP, Presldent:' R.J4Nroairs.Bol9. ' ' ' • m Idontro.Sena 1,1661- ''' , . . , ' •-- 1 -- - ' . ' ••• WOODS Dit`r • At Ditipak Susiu&trina Count] Penn'a . . "U . tratiottoin hr opened for the reception of students, YV. on Monday the 13th of. Oct. - next, under the Jamie --Slate Charge nittir,WILLAMD P:-GIBSi.tNi with all the cempetent assistance necessary. • . The advantages of this inalittition, wltb regard to lo cality, health an 4 moral hdinences render it one of the toostdesitable to parents who *Silt° send their childrei . abread.for instruction, • • . • . Pverl fa ell itY , wfil be Warded bfthe. Inhabitants for the accomuiodation of studints in regard to rooms or Th,o academic year, is divided into four quarters of elev en Ivreeks. each—a tocaltbn of two weeks hhMediately ircteceeding each quarter. . • Tema of Tuition. The ittCalea of the Primary Department, per' gustier, $2 50 Common ktademtei . . 300 Meter Ar,ademlo, - do 400 Clothed, • -do . _ 00 reneh,vith any other branches, - 6 00 05r Good board map bo" obtained at $1 00, to $1.25 per wade. Poet] ootne in tho Academy. apply to t4epiln 4414.: -- 43=3 - • •W'rOKING O, O I ARY.. :1 • . . :.111Ingston Lucerne. countb Pa: Tans Institution iaa ode of the Most, desirable leen , .Ltiopein Northoni PetoPylranla.- HinOtan le a edict, pleasant and salabriotorrinage, one mile West of Wilkes. barrel and acceisibleby daily stages from all Parts of the country. The khool has now been in operation eeren years; dating which its patronage has been liberal and constantly incrkasing. • •' . . - Through the ninulficenee of Wm. Swethind. Evil., an whil Lionel fi emit:lasi - handing 40 by 40fect, and three et o. ries'high: has ides been completed, and by the liberality oft:foul Ziba Bennett, the school is now furnished - with air disable and extensive library. entirely- new... The Chemical; Philosophical !andAstronomical. Apparatus of thelnstitutien is regarded, by ail who hare knowl edge oftti as oft high otter; and ample fOr full experi ments In Natural Seined . - - ... - • • Thdloard of Instruction Or the ensuing year Is as fol. Rev: - LlexiMpla , • - PRINCTCPAL. • Roe. Vomit.' C. Natant. A:, MU, • . - Teacher -of Ancient Languages. T. - -liverfk A:- 11;9 • Teacher of Mathematics. - _ S. 13. env/ flay. C. rr: itairs . 44'i - • Telcher of Natural Science. sus!muls xgr.-*lfewtlaltes , As•iiitant Pupil.- • lseNlarl".,nle I =9 yrecetalreis. and Teacher of Modern Magnate MAW Es f.he* 14114tont . 4 4:chun t . Tcnche r of bludem Languages. Nies Jane $. Nelson jt Lich re er tro of r t • CPaintin Qre aw au , • • Teacherof Music. • - • - • • All of the above teachers are employed in the school the whole of exult day except the Teacher a Draw i tg and Mr. Wtstake. I The former devotes su c h A portion e ach da y ' het cn*" may be necessary, and the tat rteaches one heir Of each day. The public wilt perceiv thatby this arrangement the schoot is under the super vision and instruction of s very full board of. teachers -and the Trustees conddently that no pans wit be spared to promote the most ;thorough improvement o theeptla. - '' ' • _The ecesaary expenses oflbleinstitution are moder ate. 'Pukka:l, exclusive of orramcussi branches, from 83 to 134,50 per quartef Board $1,50 per weekorashing 373, per dozen, and Mel $;,50 Per annum- • ! The discipline of the Institution combines mildness with Ai:metes, inculcating sound, moral and religious prinhiplas, erseetring end order and correct deportutent. - The nresent term of this' school will continue' till the 234 of Stec. next. 'Stridulate are admitted- at any time but thilmost suitable time for entering le the beginning, or the Middle of each term.' Tbore-who may wish to: at tend the school throngli tbe reinainder of the Pall and thredezont the Winter, would do well to enter as soon as the gOrh or Inst. , There lit be s vacation of two vette tqt tb ti close of tbe present tern: The next term cm:sista of thirteen weekscomendng January lithclos reatogues of the 4: : enainary sind amp InfonMationiela tio toil can b a had by addressing the Principal, oreither of undersigned. b. A. Env:PART), Pres. nOUNDS,See‘v, •- • . , Kingston, Oct 4, 18 51-42-tf. , ' SPRINGVILLE AC TirFall te r m of this- ostltution cotemenee on donday the "Xddly of September, Inst., wider the - . Rev. A.R. Sloati A. It. • - The 'Year fill criiiristifourAeademic iermis of twelve , - - • 1 . PRICES ORTUITION. 1 The PemaryDep - Lnient,embratlng Reading; IF,ritine', Evening, dri elle, - Geography, and Granimar,.s2 50 The higher branc es of the English Department, 330 Classical Dena ea r -:, -- • ~ ~- I - ..-- 430 French and Drawing, eisch, " ' ' ' - I . 400 ' Those wbo wlsb to incline for College, .Teaching, or • a a c tlye duties of life, will here find eyes, reeessary .3' - 3ar - 1 I The'LatestNews - Ey Express. THE ,rntiercribere world inform their friends and the public hr general, that they have just re.: turned from New York with a larg&and extensive stocker GoODS, embracing every' liticle in the BOOT & SHOE LINE. • that hi eilled - for in this .market,; and having mid° arrangements with the manufactures to for ward additional supplies; whenever wanted, and sueh'prices tie will enable) us to sell much low er thae ever before sold in 'Montrose, Being pran tical shoemakers, our opinion kith's!. weiknow the *tuts of the people better than those who are in Other bindings-1, We would therefore deem it only nicenstiryito say, insteadOf giving a list of work an4Pe"! that -• • • - • - Goinpetion he defied, _.. • • - luspeetpnl eolieitedi: Ainkelili = • And - smisfactkm guirantied ! 11.DIPORTAIVIrTIWSLIORRIAlititS. 1 , , We keep also on hand hemlock tanned elrle leath er ; Ef13136 and Anterimui Calf. Skins', 'Morocco Lininge, B ind lase, Shoe-nails. Pegs, IS'a.nd.stoues, Shoe-kniSes, .`Peg-floats, ; , ilammere, 'Pitmen, Ravi, Tacks, Kit and French Shoe Toole of every description, Boot Crinips,War,Shoe-thread, Boot Webb, Heel-ball. Blacking, rk.c. , ~ . • Shoemikers are respectfully'solicited o exam-. ine our stockbtfore purchasing, as our ools and findiegi oriall selectedhjr one , who un erstands the boomers. ' Store directly oposite Sear es Motel. Don't forget the place,,' -; . _ ~ ' '• I . . -, i A.MERRIIHAN. • • - 1 . , ; ,IG. W. PATRICK. Thesubieribersmald also thank his numerous friends= for the litmus! Pationage he hoe received for the Is four years, hoping that he may ,atilt ruerite share of their patronage as be intends to keep_hisEatjug SiAoonand Groeery as herotofoie: Sept. A. MERRIMAN; . WIOWII. ' Ml' 1 • 8 Plc,"o _for'sale cheap for rub *tribe of ' J. WEND. July 24, : • : • LLI • 144volyera. ouble an. tangle barrelled Pis ety Num, Barb Aria, Crowbars, log ebasos, Thermal:a lrotbretbm;aoltppraders,lndlaltubbere, OolTerbags eto.,fost metre and for sale by. • I , BENTLEY .P 13.11411. P : Aupply olldaekerelaad Codfiskjust °period nd fo Or' 'D. R. tarnaor & - - - - - FDIG=MIN743erne very ttrpetterneseuvraa, ade morning froth the ory, ; 1 ;111a,v!wetcar f ! e!, 26 tf- by aL. EPOS let URBINO 8 1 03 ati-tftaPne,eonniantly on halt 4-rat th e I "estim_P.Ticefs - vouturcwa. N0v.13, 1861. , ; - ITIOLINtiard ACCORDEONS, - -justanired, a large T. , ^4lllloMMentiar4ll-be oold'at At great reduction in PAM at r, - ' f*" 171RilELLIL - I6B'a,llllNEßALlatts /14,0 P INT, bythe bbl. or ib , ellwr NO* br-1- • _ Allthicolare may be got up from We comps, Jiltise fetes State:to Black at. ten ibis Ulf the avast !expense sea twice es valuable, ;seat is suitable foe the *neat, work, - • - - • ,Ners Sept.lo, 3 ILt3 . • :y ' - CLOCKS; WATOECOS, JEWELRY & Sotice:ofileinovai. . • !To the inhabitants ' - of ~Susquehanna .Co. J. A; singlet un a (iste) pupil of Litherfind (Patentee or the rack lever escaptintnt) and ditacbed lever . cunt-. moist tanker, tonobeet noskell of LON Et:Live:lMo', re cently albs 74 Marc Bentley re Read of this place, 11.13 d 'rata this announcement occupyltig andet of Sir.. Abel Tareel's Store: ^Grntefulforthe uebounded.conaldence reprised.' Does hereby glee notice 'that in conSvinence of,the aforesald'Ablo Tureen's conduct bus left his alit stanibtas before adeeetisedmed at the same time Wares his very numerous customers that he has no conneetiOn sitit,teltrier adll helm answerable for anylfatcbesjeet., ehyor °ther •ProPertf delivered at itr. Abel Turrell'i Stdrafer repairs orothersiss , ' Montrose, st„ opposite. , Demoev*".. dace.' , ~ . . . - "Engashratent, L ever.-Watehes ... , ', - Pol - .. • Mum-Subscriber hal this day - - ' lior' - ' ' - a recefeed-from the Maturate& .. ~.. -'''' , " -tory:another tot of his. superior .. . : - ,:,, ...4 g og mhyLerer Watches:of differ- I 4 • 2_ *,. IS eat siscs andstylee, hi:slWer-ando. NI .. , ,„„., ~ .., p c . Gold eases t full,feiroled,and lapin ' . . ','-.,. ,',z, Those ' porsons . wishing a -good. AN. - 4 7.,-„% titne4reeper at Buyer prices then' ,1401... .- ~-,- , they can Obtain them .eiseirhere' . . . , .. - - aro invited to, Cali - and examine them, as tho sub - seiner. can with- confidence warrant them superior te - any weitcbcs ever offered for salein this county..:..,-, '; . . '- AIRKED J. EV ANS. - Binghamton, Ang.l2, 'sl:' ' ' , • - '' Washlngtonst. SILVER ware—a. rail assortment ofSiirerForks, *peons Creamers, sugar and salt shovels. Butterlcuives, On for Sale by - ' . - : A. J. 'EVANS ‘7O l . I/04.14; 18n. 1 '.. '•. • r. lVathingt Qll treet . LARGE stork , f extra fine Alhate tableand tea spoAons; 13rittania-ware, wire sfengthened table and • Spoons • •._ r tea spoons, buff table and tea spoons. -,Also, silver, sib ver plated, Geruesnlsliver spoons, etc., ere.; just received and selling low for the Wilily, at - TERRELL'S. Montrose`, July. 3,1831.. . . • . ' P r • 'Dave been encouraged by the "very liberal patronage 1 recelved;toiillupmyshop with the largest and best attrortinent of goods everyet bronglit to this )market— bait may bcfound everything belongingto a Jewelry - and fancystore, oz. Clocks 4.lVatehes,adevery description. BurningPluld,parloilmil common Lamps, which at this time Is the best thing In use for a good and cheap light. You can find them only at - TRUES. ' Ilontrose, nivemberfio,lB3o. - FASHIONABLE ti L Eftiari: TIIE subscriber has this day , i!ceived (mosso tment Of very rich goods, of last month's imp orni from Paris. consisting of fine`golis enamelled bunting, Levers and Lepines. Pearl and Garnet ISTNlStpinis end Ear 'Brigs to match, Silk and Bead work Imo.-beitutiful. Faris for Parties. Diamond, Ruby, and Pearl- Finger Rings, firaco lets, Gold'Sleeve Buttons; some beautiful Cuff Pins, - 511.: vet Napkin Rings, &c., to which he would Invite the at tent on of biz friends. - A EVANS. Bingbandori Sent. 3, '3l. Watches.' Watelieir -7 .= lOLD and Silver,LVITZ and Lepines full jeweled and U plain, a large assortment at the very lowest prices and warranted. - Binghamton, Oct. 14,1E40. L. CANFIELD. ' Watches, Jewelry. &c • TJIE nbscriber has received un,Addition to hi stock of Jewelry, consisting of Gold Fob and Guard Chain% LOckets, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pius. liver Chains, Gold Thimbles, Gold Pencils/int] Pens,l&c., ;Sr,e. to which he would in vite the attention-if his friends. 'EVAN , Binglininton, March 3,'51 Washington st, 567:Pieces;--ITZ‘lo". 6 .lrtlans g ed,AdVflAn, Desert,Cream and NustardSpooae, Salt and Sugar Shot , els. Forks & a - ., En,Trared gratis, at L. 0 ANFIELD , S. ILVEIt Spoon4FOrts and KuiveE,w3zrauted th hest S manufactined I n 'America, at TRUE'S. - Ira-Blast ot the. 6 4oa. 20s Clod is gone but rnoro o .1 thesamesortisenthe i waytoTrue's.lewelry shop., CLOCKS, of *admits patterns, received thi V day, and for Sale cheap hp • • ' BENTLEY lo READ. F INGER. RIN9S—A new and splendid as sertmerdjusti received "lorealeegbyV nolisi a The Richest. • SMECTIONnf Briast Pins iFarrin gs an d Finger Rings ever iiffered tu BI agbamt on ,by A. J. FS ANS. WATCHES and other jowetry in quantities •-•- _ to suit purchasers by • • ' • - W. D. 71;OWBRIIIGE. 1G Id Lockets. - CCINOLE and Double ofevery rite, by ll lAnabamton.l ; A. J. E VAN, Inuthin¢ton-gt Some Very Fine GOEDIVATCUES :perfect alive: Wet ebeg, all quautitteP, by A. J. EVANS. A NEIV supply of JEWELRY, and Watches VA.. at cost form! at TURRELL'S. - Jan. 1, .1851. , • • : Gila. Chains LDCRETS, Thimbles, Spa eka, Pen and Pencil Cam; a a fall , do..f - ortinent L. CANFIELD'S; A LLECIsii Revolvers, double andsinglesbookers,Tber mometers, Carpet Dap, Umbrell as, an d a mot va riety of notionsjust received by BENTLEY db READ. GU Pr PM., breast rbas, Ea' ID rings and finger rings ree'd. ' A:J. )VANS. Aug. _ NEW Lot of breast pint! receive tbh dap by A. J. EVANS Binghamton, June tf GoLannd All erWatchea,sEyerTable,Tea,Desvartan . rah Spoons, and ageneralassortment ofJewelry lIENTLE,.y & REA oys, and alrsort4 of :Sodom, at r,GRE'S Vlont: o co Roui. Pocket liaives at IN/ Sept JB5l - TI J ENNY p.IND Ear !loopo,rthelateststqlt WATC H E rtREAT reduction in the .price of Lo et %X other Watches at J. A. ST2SpLETON & Montrose, 0ct.1,1551. , ' Petroleum or' Rock 101 ..1 NATURAL remedy procured from a ben In Atte- Sigherry couutY, four hundred met deep.; Put upand sold by S. M. FilElt, Canal }ludo; Pittsburgh; Pa.. It is put uphshottlesjust us it' novo from the - arell without admixture of any kind. All ye ikat are tsfilleteff READ! - READII Rheumatism yields to thepower of. the Petroleum. A voice from LuzerneCo; Union tp., July fith,13.51. , 1 Mr. Iller.=-Dia sir , allow me as a stranger to eon gratulateyou as he vole proprietor, or an, Invaluable, called Petroleum r Rock Oil, which IS death:adore long to take the place f all great medicines.- Maly personsin this neighborhood have tried the Parolannin a number of eases curing m st of than and proVing highly beneficial in all. I live tee ed it in coughs, gilds. rheumatism,. totter, mains, and swelling ; • for rheumatism I. think It '. a tertuin cure. Mt wife has been afflicted - with the Rheumatism for come years and never could get any thing to relieve her, In fact she tried everything, , and no. thing word ado her any good until she tried 'your Petra. letim audit has relieved her entirely, ftir my part I - think' it is the greatest painkiller nosh' use..- Tours ike., -I eir' J. Jr.ssor. 1 - Anotheiletterfrom lA:acme co., resOmmenhing tic Pexed emit.: • . • Busealla yew, July 70,1851. Mr. Kirke—Dear sir:—l take, great pleasure in cat =-• fying to this virtue§ of your great natural medicine aired the Petioleum or Rock 011, which is certainly a great medicine. thought one dozen of your agent , when ho wacalong here last fall, I tested. Kin a number of eases,- and found it to prove grod. I also testedlt In a ease of tatter and!found it very -beneficial. I would like very. much to have another box of It, for &don't. like tobe ' withoutit.; .. Respectfully yours,• • ,• " - -- - . ;.....,. . ' . • . ' :., J. OAMPIIRLL.. ' A voice from Susquehanna co., certifying to the eftleti cy of,the Petroleum. DVINDIPIi, June sth, 1811. ' Mr.. S. li:Eint-Dear sir:—Allow me to ceitify to the virtues ofyournaturalmedleinemiledPetrolcum orßoetz; Oil.- I had been afflicted vnth the Itheunuitian for soar' time. I was in Wilkesbarre• last stunio er and get a bot- 1 tie from your Agent when ho - was = along there; It ban; cured me perfectly. I hare since seen is tested in (PQM!. I eat casesofacum slim, andfcrund Wgiverellet in all. . _. . - Veryrespeetfnllyyours, •-•-- ' - 1 _ .-• JA311:8 ininvrort.. • .• . - - .. Triatu . ancricw;ZulYl2thillitsl:- - 11.... fr. S. M. Mint—Sear sir-:41low me to certify to the virtues °fp:Mega:at natural medicine called Petroleum or Rock OIL which I believe it a good Modfrine. Dm° been agir44 with Senchigia,•pain In the nerves fp: the Me: tat yeara,and -never could get anything to relieve Me; In cacti tried almost everything and nothing would do me any good until I tried yOur Petrolenm, which has relieved me very much; I have also tested it. In . burns, scalds, and bruises, it bis'ultrays gtrezi 'relief In - a very shorttime.• I think it Is the graded pain killernow. in- Imo. -` • = - - c•- •Veryrespeetfullyyourn.' •' ' - • l'll 021. . . Call and get a circular from the unlit, which Nivel or' , foll deFeeption of IL' , or oaIo'brIIENTLEY d• BEAD. Sold wholerale by Mums, lists,ds . co, No. 201 misrkpt stroet,Phlladelphla.• - - - _2oly • P . 1114 LIPS Paten t Plpe Boxer' foi Wooden - wiletreen which is undoubtedly the betel:lmila use, fin talent itl s Zniunop &COI. CLOTH -ORE . A GENERAL - B . t''L CK-OF i 4 0.........„ MW Q 0 00% AT LATHROP Ai CO., Please call alla eXaMifia. _ _ LATITROP 4 0.), ifintrose, Nov. 8. - ' ", MILE inbseeiberJe nate prepared eheitest notice Ind in the nest' 18 eenteiond wartanted well. done. payment. Jinni:4B44.23, 18.51..,-#lxn3. CIATIPET,ING,m!tti!ttn , d mattingtz ta - ,, ‘-' 1 • 2.. STOV E S; ` ILARDWARA •• - rfinoaroceiving from 2'royjlAlCa, taut Albany; a large .Lassortment of . Cooking, Ptirlorl and 'Shop Stovel, for wood or coal -embracing all the newest and bast pat • tents width will be sold on the most favorable terms , "The Farmer' Stove" is problblYi all , things mas 111• ered, the best large oven stove that is made In America and will bo sold att-the - reopleht _ as lowasthay can bq . banght this !tido of North Hirer. C Wo aro now rocoltuag a tine assortment of elevated ovens. In Wort themost fastidlosui tan ho suited whir anything in the lino ofetoves, ill)°, or trimmings. Harforg; , August 22, . Irl'HE subseribm h*ing'enered• kit* eo-partnershiP • 1 bathe Btoio, Tin und sheet Troll busincre aro pre pared to attend to any orders in theirilne at the eher; test notite They ftatter themseireethatby giving strict attention to business and ion prlece, that they will , have arcasonable share ofpublie patronage. Tbeirassortment ofstov,es booed, having the latest End moat !wavered patterns:among whack are the Iron-sidee ur Vulcan—a strive uhiclitook the 'first Premium at. the State Fair at Speeds° In 1860. E-0 Sorest Queen; P.---0 Bored Queen enlarged; Key-atone Air Tight, Phoenix, .do do; Plimium • Parlor Stoves, box stoves—for coal or wood.. 'kinds of Tin ware, steno sine and tin tubes, kept etr (6 ha —sold at prices that will ' suit. Ailkinds of produce to en in payment and ca6b net refused. Opporitethe old Et re of Mille ondKnapp. .- _ ' • SATRE & IVERSTE:IL. ,- . ontrose, July 10, 'tit ' • 281 y •- . t Sprout's ' Combined Carriage . - Spruigs ~ - - IN43EFRING this traiti 'celobnitted Spring to the public the Subscribers respectfully solicit candid examination as toils merits.;- As for its superiority over all other springs; 100, those who have tested them, bear witness, and the subscri.i here are willing to abide by the decision. It has been carefully examined by .men'of science, and by them cheerfully recommended to the public.—. A carriage can be built - with these Springs cheap. Cr ; 50 lbs. lighter, more durable and for ease his not equalled by ,any-springs now in „use. . ' All Springs tvormuted. Manufactured by - - SPROUT,.I3,URROWS, &CO, . _ Elk 'Lake - , Susq'a. County, Pa' Aonrive,-L. II: & A &sour: , 274 f. 4 Stove, Tin and - Ropper Ware IFHE subscribers "...eve jUst purchased a large. stock "of ov .:s, Tin and Copper Ware, which they offer to .nepablic as cheap as the cheapest. Dec.D. RILATHROP Co. Montrose, c 10, 185 Q; • A good accond hand cooking a:t on, also a good nrw c 11 ter, for cale,clicap at Tuanntgla The People* rriend T. T. POND'S, of Ithaca, N. Yi . .pAt DCSTISOTELL AND ROlLlNGExenacr.—AnExtrac froni the shrub called Witch-hazel, and-purely from that with the exception ota little Alcoholto preserveit„: It willeure all local, pain and ingamatlons, old sores, frestrwoundsandbrulscs, Pileicand all.diseases *of the bowels of a chronic nat nre, tooth-ache, ear-ache and, an excellontremcdytorfemales, Ate. It is only what it professes to be, 'thercoplesFriefidi Provldencehasscattered along the rtagged_pathe ofilfe manythings thetcontribute greatly' to the confort ana happinessof every body; hence their great True, and well may they becalledlrlendi of the People,' One word here t °guard against imposition. • man by the name ofspencer, has manufactured and Offered for sale aspurions article called the CoryllErblact,—that wouldbe extract of the hazelMnt:—tho genttine le as whiteand as pares» Water. while the spurious article is colored,wbi eh enables the pallet() distinguish. lionceonnine,butthosemarked Pond'sPainDestreyer WILK. lIITCII, Montrose, and store-keepers and mo. ine-dealersgenerally, Agents, Take Nance. • • LL persons indebted tb obi firm T II: 11!.. Hoyden, are re - quested to call, find 'settle the same as it has become necessary to have all such aniline arranged immediatOly. The Books and Notes may be found with the subscriber; at tho store of Hayden 4- Little. ), ! - TRACY:HAYDEN: ' Ne Milford, March,24, 'SI-13tf. OLD Pen 'and extension holders 'of 'Size all „ Gand best qualities for sale by ' - D Rover'n Ink Iffannfactory., RESIOVEDTO • • I- - ."110. 144: RACE STREET (Between Fourth and Fifth, opposite Crain St.) • PHILADELPHIA. "(VEER ihe Proprietoris enabled, . by Inereitsc 4 clfii, 1 dales, to supplythe growingdemand forstoiran'a ! mit which Its wide spread reputation has created. This fakia now so well established in the good opinion_ ' and °milldam° ofthe American Public, that itis scareely necessary to say atiY thing ha it s favor - and' the mann. natures taxes this opportunity to say thati theconddence thus secured shall not be abused. 'ln addition to the various kinds of Writing ink; be also manufactures Adamantine _Cement for mending Glass and China, oe well as a superior Haii Dye; a trial only is necessary to Insure its future use, and a - Sealing War, well adaptee for Draggest and Bottlers, at a very low price, hi large or small quantities. - Erders addressed to JOSEPII E./10TM, • •• , . Manufacturer, • • Ng.144 Race' Street, ' Between 4th & sth, opposite Grown Si., 7 .I..LAMEL,PIIIA; , -SSOFORFEIT—Dr-MINTER wiliforfeit $5O tug to cure any case of disease that may come under his care, no matter how long standing or afflicting. II EU sax are invited to his Private Rooms, 38 north SEV3 THst.,Phila.,Trithout fear of Interruption by other patients. - Strangers and °Marimba havebeen un fortunate in the seteetion of a physician are invited. to 'call. 'Those who havelojuredth emseives by solitary vice are also inTited. - *. • d f d - REID AND UEFLECS =The *fine would .do wilt° reflect' before trusting their healt , happinetuoind to many canes their lives, in thrhan of physicians, igiter rant of this eines of maladies. It i certainly impossible for one man tottrulerstand all Chet le the human family nresubjett to. Every respectable-physician has hispe cutler branch,in which he is more successful than his blether professors, and- to that he -devotes most of his time and study.. . . ~ . , 74EAns or r naciicn,eicinsivelvdeviited totho study .and treatment of diseases of the sexual organs, together with utters 'won the body, throat, nose, orlegs,painsin the head c ..tbones, mercurial rheumatism, strictures, 'gavel, Irregnlaritiec &sense arising from youthful ex presis ovimptirities ofthe biGed,:stliereby • the constitn hon has become enfeebled, :enables the Doctor to offer s teal nitazu to all who may place themselves under Montrose Livery Stable.. THREE Horses , ; Three Open Buggiesy, i - One Covered Bitggy, ' One Lumber - Waggon, - One Spring Waggon, ' Two Sleighs, Three Cutters, One pair Bain, One Sett:TentrilHarness,.., • One Sett Carriage Harness, . - - Three Single Harnesit, Saddle, Bridle, Blankets, 'Sireingles, &a. • ThQ above property will besold vezyebeapfor cash or Com andOato at Cub prices. - • _ _ D. D. IMiDS tz co: ' lamtroie, September-3d, 15.51. ,46 If . . - P. T. Mt, the great hurabnager, le dung Into thts"catatrythe celebrated In:041=1i hltator4 a machine act larger than 4 egret, mill; ;worked by a thanab-screw; solitch ant pat ottithe lemon Arita. staatly.. Dot tble has stotatag.ta do with • the fact that Joatt,lacvalt,T4or has jimat rec'd the : , . . . • . • • • - FALL &" WINTER FASHIONS,: - end Is pow prepared to good frieadarritt, ingal alacrity, skill, and good buroor. - - - Da' Call In if you want: Capitaltits; at the chop over Latbrope store. _ B. Cutting dorm umiak -% • : Montrose JOIN apargii . - &SING,. o dress cloth ,art the i et style, from 120 Produce taken in -1 . BOUTUWELL. TX :111MILITTItas now instoro. a- now and cholas ae. , rilalection of Wy Goods, in eluding great reirletyof, LadleS , Bress Good's, Craps!' and Othe - summer fiturniEd Blikktantillasi Parasols, French Lace,l'anty Straw ' ant. I..euhons Boanets;.. a beautiful assortment ot Banat Ribbon, Flower/mild Trimming* of nets •atylas, Blao Silk and Laces. fOr Mantillas, BohrietSilk; -black Lao" Yells, Broad Cloth; Taney Candmeres, Testbura and gnome? Cloths, Cnrpot Bags, Truitt Nails,- - Bootrand ffhoes,PaintedWindow Sbades,,Garpeting,llits, _Cap!, eto., with a large and utaeralassortoient ofßard Ware, Croekeri,lron, Groceries; Paints,Malleinas,olls,Btores 4o.,'allotwhich ;Glib, sold, at the lowestortca audio the most ssaaonable Corms. NIB. • Nearly all lands, of produeo wanted. Socks In 'particular, and the Malted' price% Cash paid for Wool: 'Tlon,f and Balteanstantly Nalt STOVES! STOVES!! FOR SALE The ast Wonder. RAILROADS, gREIGEtToka ALBANY .&11011}TALO I : . queliannaltallOondsilioncca , andCayugaLattes; - ::. ---. EVERYBODYWMA.RKET LIE ritaßstib,ribersarenoiepreparedtoroceiverllElGHT of GU kande, at thefollowing points; tie; • Buffalo, Attica, Bat tivi4 Bergen,'Rocluastor, Misreads , tut, Geneva - , - Dreisdeii, Ovid, Lein, Dundee, Lauding, Jet .erstat i llavana,:ll(lllport; Horseheads; Corning, Pacturyville,Springport,,Reddeeslerry, Auto:44oos ens ; Candor, Owego, Union, ;Binghamton, , Great 'Bend Lanesbero',Deposlt,und Haneocti, every daillithogeoB (Sundays caceptedjand oonthinewith regularltyttirmig out theseason. • They unlettered to forwardingthe Saw e to the New York Muketortierelt willreccive the person-' al attention ofexperienced salaam en eh o mill attend to thesellingofthe sante, and rct urn the pre ceednln abletuudsatcltheroftho shore points; to thefollowing Driffalo,Stcirelmuse ofliettry!Datr , ;•Attlia,Storelionso of llenietiyford; Datairla,Storehonsefiff i rleillitA;Smlth, Bergen, Storehouse of Daniel IlePliersou; Rochester, Store,of Fairbanks &' Eldred; Canandegna,Office of Walter Corcoran, Geneva, Lawrence ;- Dresen Store, house of 'Whitney &Monett"; Orld,Fergniion &Sprague, Lodi; Dundee. Landing, litorchousc . of T. Tit & Co., Jefferson; office. , of E. 0 . - Norton , on the:Pier Havana. offleeof./. r.. Phelps; Millport; store of 1; Stull ;Marie. Heada, office ord. A. Ferrell; Coming,- store of Wm. J. Arnold; `Elmira, storehouse of Thurinan F4ctorytllle, store of Charleii 11. Shepherd'-Bender's Perry; Aurora, store of H.& G. - P.:Horgan ;Ithaca,stcor of P. H. Drake; Candor, store of S. Earner; Owego.of floe of Nathaniel ;; Unlon,.; store of. 0. N . Wheeler. Binghiunton,ofilco of - James Sisk.; Croat Bend, office of P: Churchill ;.Laneshore'; - since of F. A.Ward; Petiort ,t store of Ensign &Dcan;'llanioeß, store of Allison. & Reeves. . 'JAS. SINK. Binghamtoni ;- _WM. WITITNEY,=Dresden,-'• - 1 OEO. P. MONELI,, - do. - 4 - -"- -• 'NATHANIEL ELLS, Owego: AGENTS.—Buffalo; Henry flaw; Attica, Thomat Sy- ford; ilatarlaiLuelusA. Smith ,• Rergen,DanielfficPher- son; Rochester, Fairbankif & Eldridge; - Canindagria; WalterCorcoran; Geneva, C.llavirenec;-Orld, Ferguson & Sprague; Lodi; Dundee Landlar„ 'Tuthill &Co.; - Jef. ferson, E. eV Norton; Phelpsi Mllipert, Stoll; Horseheads, J. A. Ferrell; Corning, Win._ J. Ar. nold ; Elmira ;Thurman &Inghram ; Factoryville,C . If. Shepherd; Aurora.ll. & •gergan ; Ithaca, p; 0. Drake;_ Candor, 8, - Barager;: Onion, 0; N; Wheeler; G reatilend, F. ChurOilr; Lariesboro', P. A. Wind; De. poslt,Ensign.& Dean; Ilitrieock;Allisou & Reeyes.— ..' . . 'Capt. James Sisk, 1. • Willgaperlntond rho business throughout tiie whole mond receive and till ail ordersfor . • • ' ' irr.rocorlels, yru v., Visit. Oysters, 4eV,c. wllcbw 11 tiobettAt at the lOyeatieholesato pekes In 'Sew York, and forwarded to'anyo tho above- named __Depots. . ." 7 • • ;22—tf New Stage Arrangement at Great Bend. • . - TAltivci Stages from Gris t Bend to ITintroseivrlitheteaftar leave the Railroad "Icicle( C. Smith hi the immediate vicinity of the Depot, no fol. owe : Al 4 A. 81. and 11 P. the arrival of the RAH road trains from New York, pasaing through New 5111fetd" to Ytlontroec, wheure a Daub line rune, in eennexicat therewith to Springville Tunkbennockand Wilkesbarte anotheryla. N!cholson, knetemillo, Abington'tletitre; Providence and Hyde Park td Serantonia,(these places being along the line of the Leggeta apltaltroad.) Ile timing, the stage loaves Scrantonia ata A. Dl...passing through the above places to 11outrose, whence the RUCS leave in time toreacii the Croat Bend Depot before the trains going East. • ~•-• ' , - Also. a Daily line leavhs Smith'aßalltraitiotel on the arrival of the noon train from; the West fur Carbondale via.'Sutrattyraville t New 3117ord,ilarford.Lenoaand Dull. TRUMEL .kro. dreatllentl, Jan, 22.1851. - MISCELLANEOUS ADVERIISMi;i: • Tci.Dallirymen and Fariners • Val:tab& property for. Sole, Ak FARM of2oo acres situate I n Bridgewatei townaldn Susquehanna County aintstate of Ferinelvania of :50 acres of which is under good improvement The farm Is well designed fora dalry,and is eapatlo cf fFeding 40 cows during summer and whiter, and :every pular It is well watered. The buildings andiand are in good Condition and the fences, which are of stone and rails are also good. There are two large hams upon the premises, besides a granary nod convenient shed for cattle. Three Orchards principally ofgraftedfrults and otherfrult trees. ; Said farm has a !cry pleasant and dee rnsll)le-ipcat.lan about two mile!, from Montrose, the County - scat ofSist-, qnehanna county, arid about 0 miler !rem the Lmetts Gap Railroad, to which therels a rionk lioadin proccvs ofeompletlon, and isvcry convenient to meetings and schools, and mechanics. Also anotherVninable Farm adjeingthe shore, con = talning2oo acres, - of ;which 150 acres is undera.high state of cultivation. Upon It there is a large frame +Meld= house, and out buildings to correspond and r: large orchard: /t Is well watered and fencrilaud admi rably adapted to dairy purposes. Said property will be sold on rearenabletern3s, a por tion of the purchase money may remain upon Sonatina Mortgage to snit the purchaser. Application may be made prrsonallynr by letter to lion. Win. Jcssuo or R. J. siren at lifontrose, .'n said county, and any further particularstbat reay ego/r -ed be ciren.-23sf : New Goods, TILAYDEN & LITTLE'S stock of NOW Goods -ILL have arrived, comprising a complete assort. mont of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,' Stove Pipe Zinc, Nails, Glues, Sash Wooden Ware Dogs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, • Fish, Flour and Snit.. Also I a first rite lot and good assortment:of IteadyN ado Clothing, of almost all deseripiione. , • Boot and Shads, Hats, ..!rt pp awl Bonnete and almost everything, usually found in a country Store. _ • Oar Goode must - be sold, and shall be. at the very lowest possible prices.: Oar friends - aro invi ted to call and look at ourstock. • ' Produce of most all Made, wanted iri exchang e for goOds by the subscribers, HAYDEN & LITTLE. Now Milford May Ist 1851. . Farms for Sale, Mgt Subscribers .will act as agents. for theprirate J. rale corneal ls, IloesanLots—locre , ted in Susquehanna coistato—Fa unty rm, Pa. AU us who d wish ts)' offer their p roperty for sale can give, a minute description of theirParme or Lets as follows;- Number of acres, bow manyltoprcired,andhow watered; Buildings; Orchard, grafted or common fruit ; other fruittrecs, and shade trees; how far from Montrose, and the nearest pelnt to a depot on the New .York & Edo Railroad price and ertna orpayment., All whowish to Sell orporchase Heal Estate, will teive prompt attention by calling on or addressing us at !don trat:, /3 usquehanna county, Pa - . • Ca.Conveyanc o from Montrose to they - remise:deck,: charge °Mee on Turnpike street, 4 doors weir of rbeßriek corner. ThefbilowingFarms and Lotraranow ofiersi for sale: .210.1,40 aeree,3 9 :lmprovedarame Rouse and Zorn No. No 2,50 .doso " sold. do es - • N 0.3,160 'do CO do ; -do - do N 0.4,10 0. do. 50 r. do -sold ,do - do - No. 5,70 ;do -AO" - do,._ - do..' do , " 1-. No. 6.96 do 3$ do '. do' 'dp No. 7, Store,Warelouse and Lot. - •1 . , • No.B, 145 beres7s Ireprored, framed liourr 'And; . • .No. 0052 X do 35 do, sold „do do, • . N 0.10,2 ~do . do do .do. No.ll, • - sold ..--. do it; • V 0.12,100 aerea7o mproved,framed home ond:barn '.0.13;390 do - 200 'do do .do •_dir • 'N0.14,50 do 50 do sold do db N 0.15,168 do 560. - do-do do , sib • 'W0r16,120 do 55. - do sold do do • do .N 0.77,100, do 75 - do. ' do do' I 10 - N 0.18,112 do 80- do do: do • . I dO, ' N 019,200 do 150 •- do . .do • . j dcl•' . N 0.20,145. do 100. do • do . - I do .do Nc5,21,190' do 120 do .do 'do do N0,22,001k--do 45 - do -• do - do - N 0.23, 95 '3O .dogdo -do ~.. N0:29,202 'Alo 225 - do do . do - , N 0.25,125 do 100 '_ '-'do :-do • - do N 0.20,100, do .140 ~,- • -do . do' . "do N 0.27, 80 - 45':. gold -do do :do No. 23,11 aerie good &SW WM and dwelling. N • 29;131-neres,ol) improved,frameimisoonslbart • N 0.80,174 dd 100-- "' - -• • No, 31,:135 do' 95 " " No. 32,180 •is . 111 - Si No. 83,160'd0 -• 60 - 41 • I " - 1 • " 34. 150 Ao 100, - - ". - N0.'35, 150 -89 .• se r 'sr ' 4 _ N 0.30, 300 'do 170 H - ' ; • " " No, 37,100• do 140 No:3E4-170 do 100 '- • ". 11 ' : No. 39 175 dcr 90: dO do -.- N6:402 800 do. 45 do do---c do. .do -. No.: 47412 ;I , do 100 'do, . dO' do • N 0.492 do 50 ;. do .- do do;, 'do - : No 43,. sold ' -do do .do Rot 94 188 -05 -do -- do.:‘ •'• do -do' N 0 9 .45 800 ~do' 200 do. d 0.,: do - .`do: Na 46 , 12 04eres•801mtroved,franib hone And hire - No. 47 200 .; do; 7370 .do . • :-.do de. - No , 46 89- - 60 'do': -- do.. - ' do do'. : N 0.50 63.- -.do 03 do do do..- ''.N.ll.—Pergonadeslrini; to'porellotioiny Of the Abicre pygly . ing theroxabet cab oPtain folldeseripiton. ' ' '• . • .ALFRED WALDWThr. E. O.IIAIIOOOS IfOrktrose,ni. Oetobei.lBoo.tf...;•r RE PrOorkitai at feu/ doilais er4tindred st - F- - D.lt. lwrisaor Es to s, gieuhstt. 'Et &MAGI Diipiiines, Palilino, imps, and -IJy !ofDressOciods . -just opc.ardby; • -• • • ' .nENTL.Erictik&p; . . . DISSOLIPTION; - P A F n M at ean an lel l iana r d et ßar - tlltb ng d syA e e t s , ov edbymutual consent.' todebted trill please settle. isithout delay.".., • -, • ; Dori-EATON, beN.-11.—=The notes a'accoints 'of the late Ons ina found vitt, V. Xat nd oni at the: old Stand, whore be y alit still continuo to carry op tisbnsiness,ond sett gowj at greatly reduced prices. - - H.O.VZON. Hariotd, Aug.:5C.11,1852. • • Oitf 1 for the &dual and Nmanmtente. of tI • NNRITCAIS . .DIi3EASES, dad of dab Cocoidaints which are : caused - by it ii paired,'.wFaken&l. os tudicalihy iondition of the Isir.txcitrs . sirsTrat. This benialfil and consinient application of,the jet-long pcnverA of GALVANISM- end MAGNETISs4 been prononnted by distinguished physicians, 104 4 :ruropeend the Muted Slates, to lao the most raisdk alt;Mssa: discovery, of the .dge. I Dr. CDRISPE'S_GILVANIC Btu ' MAGNETIC , rzum. Is and with the most perfect. and, certain sum's' k • • GENEIL-Art •PE BILPIIy, Strengthening. the WeslreASd body, giving tens b ox , vinous organs, Ind InsigoraVag_the entire System. sik, In VMS, CRAMP, PAltALYfill,‘ and PALSY, DYtfcr SIA Cr .INDIOESTION, RHEUMATISM, ACUTE 14 .CHRONIC,. GOUT; EPILEPSY, LISNSAGO, buy. NESS, NERVOUS, THENIOILS, PA LIITATIOX Gy THE HEART, APOPLEXY, NEURALGIA, PAINS iS -the SIDE end CHEST, LIVER COMPLAINT, SPINAL COMPLAINT, end - CURVATURE of the Sl'aiY, Rif COMPLAINT; DISEASES of the XIDNEVS, DEy. CIENCY of NERVOUS and PHYSICAL ENERGY, Ist all NERVOUS DISEASESewld s ch comidaints stirs fret ono simple erase—ntanely;: - , ' A- Derengetnent or. the riCITPIIS Sgt ea- In .NE31170118 COMPLAINTS; Dregs end Mell eines increase the diqease, for they weaken the vitalise v i e . of th e already prostrated system; trier Sys eteegthertint, lifellsing, 'Wring influence of Gat vanisro; as applied ty this Iva liful end wonderful eovery, the exhausted patient nd Weakened raffetith mitered to farmer health, strength, elasticity and Ats !MC:greet peculiirity• and excellence of • Dr. Christie's Galvanic Ccirativco. eoneitts In the feet !het they chest and cant dis~cnt T rd applgeall.T, in plae in e t o je f . t oti e a ezLit m od. o f Nit ti "fw g: d phsilicking the L in ks — h " oidelOy - undet the They etrengthin Me whdle system, einuilize the eireer. !ion the. blood, promote the len then:, and 11 4 . 1 , the:olo . les! injury under any cireurralhers. Since thr:z ba t_aore thou rroductioia to the Vetted States, only three yeartlil74 . 0 7 5 - 1 •0 - 0. Persons • • ill eluding all age*, elutes and condition!, anion 'MA were a large number of ladies, vbe are peculiarly text to Nervous pomplalnts, hate been 4. pm:my AND Przuwarrarrir mar; - when alt hope of relief had-been giveu up, and rtep thing else been tried in vain! To - .illustrate the nee of the GALVANIC BEV/, suppose the case of a :person adlicted with that hued civilization, DYSPEPSIA, 'or any other Chronic or tics one Disorder. In ordinary cases, stimulants are tits; which, by their action on the nerves and monies et tie stomach, - attordtemporaryrelief, but Which Isms lie patient. in a lower state. and with injured faculties, est the action than excited has ceased. Now cacti with the effect resulting fbom the applicatinnof theGAL VANIC BELT. Take a Dyspepti; wagerer, even is as worst iymptoms of art attack, and simply tie the Eel around the Body, neing',the Magnetic Plaid as dintUt In a short period dim snsensible perspiration will the - yeshiva element of the Belt, thereby causing SRI Tonto circulation which will pass on to the negative,sl thence back again to the positive, thus keeping upteca Urinous Galvanic - circulation- thmughont the Irina Thus the mast severe cases of DYSPEPSIA an RI. MANENTLY CURED. A FEW DAYS IS Altair SUFFICIENT TO ERADICATE THE DISEASE II . CERTIFICITES iAM D TESTDIONIIIS , . . Of the pipet - 17telottbted Glum:toter, From all parts of tharconntry could b 9 given, to fill every column In this paper AN EXTRAOIIDENARt CASE, - Wblets conclusively proves thit : "Trtith is , stranger than Mtn?! CIIILE OF REEDNATISR, BRONiItITIS, AND DISPEPU REV. DR. LANDIS, A CLERGYMAN • a New Jersey, of distinguished attainments and tuts! . visitation : SinnT,i, Mar . :Terser, July 12, ISA DE. A. IL Thrersien—Dear :-Yon Wish to Iraciid sae what has been the result in my own case, of tbs plicatiowof THE GALVANIC BELT AND NESKLACI. Hy -reply is as follows:.- I ' • For about twenty years I - bad been sufferir• frat Dyspepsia.. Every.. year the symptems became sea, non could I &shin petrnanent relieflfrem any conned medical treatment whatever. Abort Vise runt years On, in ! corsequenee of frequent exposure to the wertberth the discharge of my pastoral duties, I became subject b severe Cb mule Rheumatism, for,year after in; cathed rrie indescribable anguish. Farther: lathe:rant of '4l and '46, in consequence of preaching a great ad in my own and various other churches in this reginl was attacked by the' Bronchitis, which sena ben= • severe as to require an Immediate suspension of-stylus torsi labors lify nervous systrza WOE don thorso4 prostrated and as my Bronchitis becatnewerse,so sir iny Dyspepsia end Rheumatic affection4-4ns eri,W4 that these disorders! were 'connected !With 'each ale 'through the medico:3,of the Nervous System. In MI whole pharmacopeia there seemed to be no remria agent Which coubx reach and recuperate my Nero sy4em ; every thing that I had tried for thie pupae tsi goropietev failed. At last I was ledhy my friends tore sonlno.yonr inventions, !and (though with no Very we vim:bops:lr of theft efficiency,) I determined to byes effect of the application of She GALVANIC BELT IV NECKLACE, with. the MAGNETIC FLUID. Mel In June, 1841. Tour Uaxar ASTONISHMENT. IN TWO Del ut DTSIMISTA Han GONE TM asonr DATE! WA/ vino TO RESUME EIT PASTOWAII.I.IOOO.3, doe this I scars oar TED A MING= DENTICSOI ACCOUNT OW THE BIIONTRTNIi Asti wr ltneurwriel.arecriox sits cavicit CWIN TS TIIOCIITE..011:2 &fells tie wonderful and happy mob_ of•the experiment' • • - !hare recommended the BELT and MUIR to !:"/ - who have been likewise-suffering frem!Nettralgle stio Lions: Thep. have tried them, worm HAWSE ILIUM BELIEVE, IN EVENT CASE. • . ." I am, dear sir, Very respectfully yours,- " -! RDBERT Lana • DR. ;CHRISTIE'S ,t GALVANIC NECKLACE Is need tar all complaints affeeting the Threet or Heat suck as Bremehltis;inflamraation of the Throat, Nerves and SW( Headache, Dizziness of the Read, Noundris it the Face,. Buzzing - or Roaring in the Ear Daiwa which Is generally Nervous, and that distressing plant, called Tic Dolorous. .• , • :DR. CHRISTIE'S •. GALVANIC. BRACELETS Are:found of, vasiserrice lo cases of CearaWoes ar ras Spasmodic tomPLaiuts, And general :Various Affectios tiflhollioad' and sipper extremities. Also itirsisy rartlyalS; and all discuss caused by a deficiency of Edn , oriVervona plorgylu tha limbs eir other orgithid ils Tie Doloreurc and genralgia, . There dreadful mid egonizing:coinplainte are ism dietely rclicra by the application of the OALTANIC BUT , Niet LAcc and 41131 D. The Bel! iliffnees the Electricd/. through the system the Necklace be e a local elect or .the Fluid ado dirictlitipontbehlfeeted nerves. lo Om, dialreefttfilictione the application NEVER FALLS • FITS' AND -04:5NVULSICiNe. • The . an' alarming and terrible `complains are 410 1 1 1 canned, dercniesetnt of the./Verren The EON* DPACELZTO AND FLt sX , . will cure pearly, every ease. 30 matte: how young . or old the4ittiant, or howeemland the compla int.: Numerous and astenishing prods are ilk lessesslon of the proprietor. , • • , • • . - hianyinindied . Certidentis from all parts of Rs country of .tbe melt, extraordinary' 01114101er eon ba giren,lr required. : 110. No trouble orineoneenienee attends the ace at AR GALKINICARTICLRA and LW may be worn by the most feeble and, delicate,wilh tm fees-cue. and Safety. in runny casen'the sensation aced • ing their use is flighty pleasant end agrcedle: Tlityo l be sent to any tart of We country.. r cre - o Three The:Galvenio Niekinee; • Two - 1)011m; The Getennio,Braeolete,..l... One DOllar Steil The Magnetic( One Dollar. 01- :The articles are aeconwertled by ,fall and p4h direction& lanaphlets W ith full IsulicWArs 3", be W _911#0111 . 0104#04 Agent. ,L r j • -•- • ' • PARTICULAR CAUTION/ Cl7'; B!setr.re.r.V.. Nougat:sidle atut Wort/des! peilstior Cia . Ci; . :MCSRE,FiEAO,,K , ":0.1=114, Aor.ivr,,lfon, .tI9T . F.D, IMAM . • • , sniitaw,ri NI: 1,14 0 1i . BantliZ - SeR . 44 Agents fief_ A NJ W lot ofjadies ilutpbero Bus,kiel dt irouilimide Rubbers, Plu' c 40 , 7 4:0;414 febeiyedbk"' - -‘• " • —BENTLEY RE _ AD' -.." Notlcei; tsE flan of Pot it Plitt, has b o dtssolied by mate , T J.. -al consent. - • - • MGM: POST, gO • arm, July 2.5,1 m. rms.