The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, December 04, 1851, Image 3

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nit conceive how a man in Conklites
costunoes,could act better than ho has
done shoo his conviction;;
The instrument. of 'loath -4aa a.` , lever 1
w i t h one arm , abort two feet longar„thari•
titer, and s erected in the Jailyard
athte{aite' wa sbororigh. To the !eager. arm
or e attached three 56 lb. weights,, and
w pm the shorter yrisoner - was auspen-
J e d, The !engem .was fastened with a
acr d to,n beam, and by cutting the. cord,
the weightsand'tho other arm of the
lever ins suddenly raised about six feet.
In the enclosure about 200 persons Were
weei bled, Jurpnen, Special Deputies arid
ot h m a The Utica Citizens' Coipii and
t he Wittman Corps were on duty.
At 11 o'clock the death-warranteitigned
• by Judges Gridley, Root, Evans, and Pen
teld, was read by the District Attorney to
- t h e prisoner in his cell ,;• he listened to it
ca l m ly, and then shook hands with those
about hint,
At ilt the prisoner was brought from,
his cell, a ccompanied by Rev. Mr. 'Fowler.
Ifs was attired in a black coat and pants,
and his arms were tied behind him. On
his band was the death-cap, and around
his throat the fatal rope., Ho was, placed
on a chair beneath the gallows.
Rev. s_r Fowler then said: "Conklin
w ishes me to say for him, that he has noth
ing to add to that which he has already
committed to paper, but'he. prays that his
awful trample may be sanctified to all
present; he prayslhat it may be a warn
ing to all to shun his course, and prepare
you fur the certain death that awaits you
it; be entreats that you may all be ready
at the appointed hour to meet him in judg
ment." The reverend gentleman then de
livered a fervent prayer for the- paidon of
the prisoner, and that he might be with
Christ that hour in Paradise. '-Conklin
said, "Jesus receive my spirit." • Mr. Fo
wler responded, " The Lord have mercy on
your soul."
The prisoner was perfectly calm, and ex
hibited no signs of fear, but met death-like
one whc saw a better prospect beyond the
While under-Sheriff Osborn was adjust
ing the rope, Conklin once or twice repeat
ed the words, Lord . haus, receive my
spirit." The death-cap was pulled over
his face, the rope was cut, and Conklin was
instantly raised several feet from the
ground. His neck was not broken,• but
the jerk rendered him insensible, and he
probably suffered no pain afterward, - al
though his pulse was observed, by Drs.
Smith, Flatlet and Cobb, who were in• at
tendance, to beat from .1.2 to 13 mitn4ths
after be was suspended. His death was,
easy, though ho lingered long. As he
rose from the ground, he clenched his fists,
hot after a while a few convulsions, and
then all was over. The body was suffered
to bang about thirty minutes ; it was then
placed in a coffin, and brought in a hearse
to the residence of his father in the city. '
Teqerday, Conklin directed to Rev. Mr.
Yowler a warning for all to shun his evil
days. He traces his ruin to saloon tip
pling and, engine house debauchery, and
exhorts all to temperance.
The Confession is in his father's hands,
andLwill not lie published until Monday or
Tue:\day next„, Possibly the names of the
pershs implicated may never be published,
as it may be impossible to substantiate all
the charges.
-- One, of the most lamentable occurrences
that wo have ever been called on to record,
took place at Vtrard school No. 26. in Green!.
wich avenue, opposite Chailes street, Non
' day - afternoon, November 24th, when neat',
ly fifty children lost their lives :and Many
more were so severely injured Ithat in all
probability they will not recoveO. We will
give the facts of the . case at once, and as
briefly as possible. The dehool,hoese is to
magnificent four story edifice, with a wind
ing staircase from the first! floor to die up:-
per landing. This stairway is not spiral,
but is 'formed of short flight4l--of stairs,
winding round a square, well. 1 The first
or ground floor is used as a play-ground
for the scholars and is paved !with flagt
stones. The second story!..of the building
is the primary department of
the institution; in the third story is the
-female department of the upper school, and
in the fourth 'story the. male department_
The entrance to eaeltof the schoolrooms
is from the landings of the stairs. , I The en
-7 - 1 ter side Qf the stairs was guarded by an or-
A Series of Villainies Confessed. i dinary wooden bannister, of no great height
—A Confederate of Monroe Ed- aed not firmly ! secured at the bottom,i . or
ere the balusters were connected With
The San Francisco Herald contains the th Stairs. -
confession of Robinson, one of the three - This description of the stairway will co
rm lately hung at Sacramento by the pee= able the reader better,to understand what
ple, rrhieh is an account of a series of suc- follows. At about tweecloch in the ' er.
cessful villaini•s, nithout a parallel,in Bal- ternoon, one of the teachers in the . , female
timore New York, Philadelphia, Louisville, department, a Miss Harrison, NVOS taken
one Other cities. The following, embracing! with a fainting fit; and in order to her rem
his operations in several places is interest-, ver she was carried out into the 1 passage
ing: - way, where a cry was•raised of 'f Water I
November, 1837, I was in Albany ;, I water. !" by one of her coinpaninne, This
then became acquainted with Monroe Ed-, cry was not understood, or else ; the ache].
ward at the Exchange hotel ; he inquired 1 ars thought that the water was wanted to
for Mr. Hunt; be said he was very a" - J extin,guish fire, and the _nest moment the
ions 0 - find him; I told him he was at the ' cr y o f "Fire !" 'was raised, and spread like
Howard House, New York; I went with. 'wildfire through the-building. In a - mo-
him and found him there, they consulted ment subordination was at an end. Thcl
together for some time, and concluded to children - from - the Primaly departMent i
,takeme their partner, as I was a very rushed to the stairs, as did also the schol-,1
good scribe. I was dressed rather rough ; are on the Igor above theth. The stair-1
they expended about $3OO in jewels and I way-was 'soon ' filled, - and the balusters so
clothes to make me look genteel and - not great that they gave way, precipitating the
suspicions; then we.went to business ; we
forged &check on Hodges, Beal & Co_., children - over the stairs down to the ground,
I floor. ,As the "
rash . increased, se did the
puseqed the check, they told me the firm Inumbers that there hurled over the store
had not as mach money on deposit as the into the space below:..' Two of the female
check called for; I returned to my part - -
Mrs mid told them what had happened. rea
teachers made an effort to stop the child-
Mr. H. took $3OO and made a 'deposit ; but so great - was the panic that their/
efforts were vaiti;and they were themselves
in thename of Id, B. & Co. ; by this means !hurried along with the current and d,espito i
ascertained the amount; he drew another ''their e
eheekto the amount of £20,000; I pre- efforts were carried over ihe stairs in=
rented it; they cashed it without ray to the space below. In the . !upper room, I
hey-1 the boys' department; Mr. ItlcNally took
itatioe ; I got three $lOOO and the balance
5 38500 hills; I took it to our room and 1 his stand -with his back against, the doer,
and forbade anyone to go - out. AlthoUgh
my partners gave me's3soo for it, the panic pervaded his roomas well as the
April , 4th, I met them in Philadelphia,
at z kie e hotel, in Chestnut street above rest Of the building, yet be stood. firm, and,
thus succeeded in saving the : ives of may,
drth; after being there two , days, they- perhaps of hundreds, for bad the ,larger
'asked rne to writ:Ridgway's name; I ac-
Prtined three or four hours every day for, boys rushed npon the stairs , as hid the
twelve ; by thistime I could counterfeit younger children, Heaven only kriovis howvery well ; there was laid before me 20 I muoh.more sad would have beet the discs
an 4 out
checks; I wrote on them all,ter than it Doi- is._ We learn that mime tot'- the boys jumped out of the window, AO
of the aumber got one with a perfect si
the g. th a t one of them - had his neck ; broken, ti
ttire of Mr. Ridgway; I filled alteck
for PO 00 •
-0, tine Mr. Edwards finished the fall: There-altogetherthe
the check
bywritingthe building but a - few short of 1,800 Bella- .
Brown e 3 Co:, at. tbe h rs - (1 764 we understood to be the
enact Ridgway,which made the firm - Brown
Zcec• .1 .11 t
,•, un took the cheek very number.) ' While Mr.- McNally . remained
coolly -firm at his post, the destructiOn'of life was
eau put it in his \pocket and walked out ; going ,
ir ated it to a certain' bank, and drew Hundreds on bundreds
_went ever the
,OOP, all in $lOO and 850 -notes; hestairs, tint ere was il th ai a pile of human be-
Vane back with his wallet f l' -
Idren--ei ht feet square
ded I - et , we p; I u 4. 3 was diyi - ings—a mass of obi. g
sent $lOOO to- inn and about .tweliie-.-feet in height. 'T e
and wrote to her that I drew it in a i c , f "firew a s now given outside' and
a rm o,
3 1t. Ed* • = the - pollee were soon acbatid and took pis
. Edwards said we must riot the Bat- session otthie premises ,- as -lien - net they
inure )3
ank through next •thel6th f d ' dth work of 'Media
Hay a i met • . ,on ' 3 could , ap commence e .
~., g
draw In Baltimore; Mr. Edwards out the childireefrom think perikmepoMtion.
me to a check for $15,000,' sign; iP
.4 hate that were top Were.„4... catirse,
ed Rothe Coles & C
a nd told cL; h e gave it , to me but slightly:injured, but as soon as these
loct , eto get the money for ie; I re-, bad been retooved. the most - . l leid - rePdiag
~ d . do it says be what are you afraid.' Spectacle presented itielk , S o me
' l, lam afraid of nothin , but 1,. it not! • ' f th - " It . BO owl -ehil. ,
take the check there • b gln
~.. ~ the policemen were a ers, w_,9_ , &
' 4 * I will oi ' th' - y that, says ! Ed= Idren were there, :. They -workat! - manfully,
_ 1 ga o bank and get same and deserve ell praise;; : body•-cafter / body
s' u lot paper money' I . then agreed toT t: k:out; of them 'lifeless at
go cal take the aleck ' wa s Aea many _ •
_ 0 e; he told me
_to let; f ir st came too Iyhen'they`nac:e meal breath.
hiss g and got some. gold and when :they l ed the an ey I fresh air, Int: Ilmisi.. alas Yore be.
leY!ug ate the gold a' t the• h - • bt- to
theel; d did so • th-lt u ,Pfeseal yond aid, and, deat was u o r plainly':,
ti It the cheek a ' a d told cashier merely look- I marked upoti-their . oanid- features ,:_ .-89 . e
Mi h e l„ avtwo ,. the teller to pay [were injared - by the-fall, and . laY.W l 4 lllO gl
. O c tfiusand d H '
(L a rs 41 OW lip a opy • some , - tanned ' while _others I
.bandred - ,dellar notes tad , . -- thn rent = io live
hundred notes i.',EdWaidii„4tayed
there sometime afterwards,-in order to:de
tect any"snspioion ;'we Setiiinated, - ,T 4 ,Mfst: in
Wheeling,. Ouinb &laid la. Cincinnati ;:we
were in. Cineideati, in . Janiary;lB4l ;
niained - Aere - .abou(fOeir;:ldays.;..,Eawarde
and. myself Earged , cheek-_: - on ? - the':Gai
Light Company Bilklie/onging_telfedgia'
& C 0... I signed HodgeS,`as kresident;and.
EdWarda 'signed Wine; name:; 6034 1 . the',
1 - back, of the oheek,'..Whieh liati- - ter be:done
before - the cheek: gond ;11Unt
sighed the Cashier's . nrinte;'Hunt:took the
-. check dad . drew". •ther- amount
was $20,000; • I: - got es,o9o.;Edisraida
said he "despised a cheek; that : wai drawn
for lesithan $.50,00(); ho either wanted : ter
mike a big rise or none at all::
We then went to - I.4onisvillit%tcigetbei.4
Hunt and Edwards feted _a eheek'.on..l3li,t .
ram Go:drink for - $-`20,000; - :Ediardsime.
minted -it at:an, excli.nee .ofEee':at.; heavj
discount for - the- - meney ; - ,the.,banker said
he did'xiot have that amount. in
. office;
(this was '
after hours the rear
son lin - efferod-it at-a" diadourik).: b t would
taka,him to;the cashier orthe bank • it:wai
_drawn on;
_tre - -went to the ,Cashier;. I pre, -
seated it, be
,told mi3 - he would go , to:lho
President, - We saw him ; Lpresented it, and
he ordered it -paid; ",they, „would .jnot give
.me any ortbat money, we... quarreiled , and
separated ; they Wont in'NeWOrleaus,an.d
I went another direction.
They - forged checks on tko New,Orleans
and Mobile banks; -they 'returned to, New
York 'and forged a note there, which (
ed his conviction ; I was= not interested in
the, three last crimes; not having timer.'
am compelled to clpse, my confession in re
lation to Edwardi and Mint.
On the scaffold thii fellow mado another
confession,' implicating some of the most
respectable men in California in his villaiti
ies. His last confession we believe to be
occasioned by spite,- becanse those =persons
did not interfere to save him. In his last
confession be said his name was Wm.Ben,j.
Eteppard. - • '
It-appears that Robinstin was found en
listed in the mounted rifles, on his way to
Oregon, which seotns- rather strange, after
years of snaccssful making .his
Partied.= of - the ;Catastrophe
in l'iTew York. •
'shrieked with . pain; Mid lAbeta : again; `wlion
released gentler for - -tome, apparently
nficonsciont 'of thei awful scene throug4
which they had policeman,
Mr: Seabrin,giongoing•to the etelmel4ouse
was, - .on - the inatant, greeted by the sight of
bislittle girl's face, her: head
.was all that
Trturvisiblei • tier body-being-revereci with
those" of her companions:: s.;
Mr. Seabring, urged by.paternal feedings,
of iourse direeted his at-once to the
release-of his danghter. - While he was's()
engaged a than, came _up,. and- ?aid hold of
him, saying, ." My child is therei'and on-,'
deavored to take - the flee° en; which "Mr.
Seabring - . . Finding - hp - could not
nanve;hiat, he struck- at him, thui: endeav
oriag displaCpMr.,S., and g . c 2 t o; posi
tion to Work Mare effectually in search of
hislost 'Mr S succeeded la_regen
ing_his child, who, praired-to . be lint slightly
_He said he forgave - the man who
struck at him; ho knew too vrell his feel
ings to_ blame him, for any act of rashness
perpetrated at that time. The bodice of
the dead and wounded, were 'Mostly, unless
claimed on ':the spot, 'taken to, the_ Ninth
Ward : station. House, .which is near -the
sahool. In a few minutes dews of the Reel
dent spread through the neighborhood, and
mothers eama rushing to the scene- by
scores, all, in anguish; but all, rat first buoy
ed up- hope:: - Occasionally a !nether
would, recognize the lifeless form of a child,
as it was lifted from 'the mass, , and then
the piercing ery of Agony that would rend
the air, Ob,.God may it never be. ours
again to heir. -
And notv the neighborhood thorouoh
ly arouse , and crowds flocked to the scene
of the disaster. Many of the dead, dying,
and wounded were taken t to
, the station
house, where the entire lodging rem of the
policemen, was turned into a hospital, and
their bedk all used as couches for dead bo
dies and injured- children. This was, in
deed, a sad sight,' -parents, whose children
were missing,. came 'here to . confirm :their
hopes or fears._ Here might be seen a life
less body, :with an agonized mother stand
log over it, wringing her hands in the ex
cess of her grief.
_There was a father look,
leg-the picture - of sorrow, as he beheld the
form of a loved one that he had so lately
parted with in,health, and then, ..further on
was a family standing 'round the bed of a
little sufferer,. whose painful writhiugs 'gave
evidence of the patients sufferings. One
after another the bodies of the dead were
removed, and at length litters wore provided
and the wounded were carried away also.
It teas a sad. evening in, the Ninth Ward
Nearly one hundred families either mourned
the loss of children, or watched anxiously
over the forms Of - the wounded. The Ca
tastrophe was almost the only topic of con
veriation. Small knots of men stood• on
the corners of the streets, and recounted
the occurrences of the afternoon. A pall
seemed to have settle on everything and all
Greenwich Avenue was in mourning.—.N.
Y. Herald.
There will be a Universalist Meeting at the
Se.hobl.llonse in Lenox, near Charles 13. Titus'
at early , candle light, Sunday eve:Deu.
In Auburn, Nov'ember Bth, 1851,1Irztx M.,
daughter - of John.and Polly Lathrop, aged 18
years, 6 months and iG days
Dimock, October 74 Practir BEnrriarn,
aged .SS-years. _
In Jessup, September. ilth, PLuvx JAMES,
only son of Israel E. and. Mary Birclaard, aged
1 year, 11 months ,and 25 day's.. - .
In Bridgewater, on the morning ofi Novem
ber !nth, from taking poison, ',Miss Nitxcy 0e-
TAVIA, daughter of Themes and Polly Hick
cox, aged 25 years: • - ',
For nearly six months the deceased ims,lieen
partially deranged. The causes of her de.
rangement are not Clearly, known. At first
her health was found failing, and with it her
mind was •impaired no much that much the
time she regarded her own parents and . sisters
her enemies. • It is supposed that ill health
and the confusion that surrounded her while
ht her sister' - in Waverly, at a railroad sta
tion, ffected ler nervous system, and thus de
ranged her n d. • About six'weeks since it
was thought she had recovered her reason en
tirely, as she seemed different,' being more
kind;affeetionate,and anxious to have all things
agreeable.; but the sequel-shows all, was not
right. It is now. thought by, her friends that
she had been contemplating herdestruction for
a hang, time, and probably came to a full con
clusion about the time they thought her resto- i
red. 'To complete this, Thursday morning I
about four 'o'clock, after spending a restless
night, she arose, vying, '.` Yes, I must do It,"
and then went to an adjoining'room and drank
about two ounces of Corrosive Sublimate,—
Her sister, with whom she slept,instantly gave
tie alarm to the family., The physician was
sent for - , - but did not arrive till a few - moments
i ihefOre her death. She lived about two hours
' only, Thus Lai passed away, in, the prime of
life, a promising girl, hy_her own hand, though
i guided by a deranged mind. .Her funeral - wee
I attended by a large concourse of deeply -sym
pathising friends on Sunday the 30th ult. We -
i Cari•isnly commend !the mourners to Him who
Bath said.‘My - greee is-suffieleat for you;l. -
' ' i• . ' ZO.II:I4I.MIcATED.
Er As there healed', and probably may be
many more erroneous rePortsi "put 'recircula
tion in relation te the causes that led to my
daughter's derang,ciment,' therefore 'to put a
stop to some of theta, I would was never ~
caused by her being Mesinerised, fir she was
never operated upon,•neither was she ever op
posed by her pareats in anything 'relating to
marriage: • i T. N. lIIENCOX=
ON the let ofJan(tary",IBS2At.GLENIVOOLP
iiOTEL in the Talley' of the Tunkhannoak
Singnehanna Co. Good amain will' be in attend
The &bite arireeneetrally intited :to attend
GROW.GROW&" Yronrie toss.
To Cowitty Merchants •and Pod
... .
• ..- Aar& •
now, store, apu reccivini au Immense stuck of
Don- tar, Ariction'ealeti In Nei York, eihicti he will cell
at wri, , locale cs.low if not lower tban thCy can ba bought
in the City.;, ..Tkornt (*keen:lyrists part the following,
• Co ognee ' pontatuine, ' Bear, and - other' Oils.
Shav ng aud toilet soaps, playing verde, fine and
dress g Combs, hairy bat, shoe and tooth brushes',
pock t knivee, razors very- hiw,-Envelopett, doll
*add .11 htittdit;- rubber rattles, robber tlolthetuls,
walk pocket - books; rotor strops fe!yhivi, finny,
box / 4. ° 111 °4 - PerfizetY. drawing and elate pen
t*, (petering pinefeteel Beads, pocket, ink. steads,
tooth paste; toilet.eowder enoffboaee,band glasses,
po:rt Ji.forinatieettlesry lirgerissertment; • bituith -
Orgaitt4 pot(' lutiees._very. low nad 'chalk belle,
The subsetibiYinduld else tall the sti.teition 'or !ti c
pAbl to tsinamenee stoeirofyrossasewetues
.flits; mite, onfectlotterY, ett , , VW!? Itt; CC 4w . ito
pert • they . canhchought 'cu 2 .7 Voit*establistpaegt .
Weg4, f New-fork , • : M
lihitglzarAtoni Dec. 2,154 7 c•- /8.343
Et . art .
A ltit ixiongireasorment ofllagr
ft1:1:4Y: ir
Sgn : tn t , 3 floe,Mullett do, au(' a Itarety tal: they styles
• - • .A. .1; EVANS.
Bingbaiatore t Decembeidth; 1851; . .- . .• •
ot) CIIAINS'or all weights andvaltarte, by
Deo'. 4th, PM. ' .A... 1. EVANS
'I3LATED WAILE in every snrluty. slz :. CaUo List:oto s
Castors; Candllsticks, and Traya;!Sponno,
Forks, nutter knives:, ote, et.p:i by.. . -
Dec, itb 'SI. - . A, J.
A NXIOUS to respond to the
. - and•lncreasing pat
,.. tre , •-• , Ventage ei lata ntUiterStill - trienda
asd ctutemere,' In the way most;
.01311113dYti to the Interest tit alt
I• c , -;t9 concerned, the Subscriber takes
pletilltlite-hr stating that he - has
41 .4 Jost • setumed from. New York,
with the most coniplete and. ex ,
• t,,nelvo assortment of goods ever.
opentd In this county, embracing in its variety .many
articlelinokbefore kept by him, and which busboy-a se,
lected with groat care, having been bought directly from
themanutootar en, and 'snootier,. and wilt bo sold at
the Smallest lhring profit. - Nitrating to all accrdlalln.
vitatlens to call and examine his goods and prices, he it
mains as ever,the publio's .
Most respectful Servant.,
. RTANS, ••••
„. , • - • Washington et.•
ithighainton,Dosemberfid, 1851.
A &seine have supposed that I was about to ifontrose, from my. selling off - geode at
auction; I take this method , to'correci- such ideas ,
and 'Would say that the business will be . carried
f 11):, as formerly, except that if a Man wishes to buy
Yoythieg in my line they can positively, do it 15
per cent. cheaper than, they have - ever done it in
thisplaee. I shall confine :thy trade principally
to Watches and by buying low for cash, I can
and will sell tower 11 1i any man in • this county.
In two weeks I will have - a fall assortment.:.. All
kinds, of - tium pieces carefully repaired and warren.
ted. Amongst the mimeroue shiips in this [deed ,
don't forget the True one is the ptaco to buy cheap
Tiirnpike at, in the Cindy shop:
Wm. W. TRUE. •
'Montrose; Dec. 3d,
AdM into the; enclosure of. the subscriber on
Cor about the 15th 4ay-of September last, a red
yearling heifer. The owner Can haye tho semo
by proving property, paYinz:chargea etc: _
. .
Dimock, Nov. 25th, 1851. , -. 48' acv
.• - ..:• STRAYEIL • • -
F ROM the enbscriber, in Silver Lake; on or
about: the - 15th of September last, six sheep.
three white and three, bleak. As the owner is- in
indigent circurnstauces, any interdiction in. regard
to them; left with her„J.. J.D. Murphy,: Esq., off at
this o ffi ce, will he gmtetelly received. -
Silver Lake; Dec. 2, 1851.. •
THE subscriber wilt pay east for all good'primo
Fuz, Mink, Martin, Otter._ Fisher and Bear
skins, at fair prices,aud.although Coon and Musk
rat are very low this year in market, yet he t at
boy them is trade or part cash at what they , ara
./11. C. TYLER.
Montroso, Dec. 1.'51.
FOUND, - . `
Bridgewater, a few days since, a nice buck
skin fur glove, nituleto fit the right hand, The
owner can have the same by calling at this office
~and paying for this advertisement
.Montrose, Dec. 4th, w
TN exchange for goods by the subscriber; all
.1-kinds of Merchantable Grain, also, Beeswax,
Geese Feathers,, seed, Rags, Butter,
Cheese, Lard; pork, etc.. ;
Montrose, Dec. 1, '5l.
2-6a41 .
"VIGIL' pafres of readlitg *natter in each No.
,dlbeing sixteen pages of additional reading over
and above the usual quantity given in the 83
The proprietors of this popular periodical . will
•spare no expense in the atiort;to impart the most
decided superiority to their magazine, and trust to
receive the !same marked atipreciaticin that hes
heretofore rewarded their enterprise.
American - Literature in the highest Class will be
found in their pages. _
Superb embellishments, contesting partly of
transcripts. from_ original paintings by, eminent.-
American Artists, will alone exceed in value the'
price of a year's subscription..
A Humorous Department has been - added to
their usual form of construction, where Puck out
rivalling Punch, will monthly open his portfolio of
tha choicest 'good things',gathered front all parts
of the world. A summary of Musical Literary
and Artistic Intelligence; will beprepored for ev
ery number by - Mr. Chas. 'G.' Leland, embracing
as a prominent feature, interesting accounts of the
aml,o.e of Continental Europe, and their publica
tions.. This -with a full and impartial Review_
Department, will they hope meet with the appro—
valet their literary friends.- - '
Original designs of Cottage and Villa Architec
ture, by T. Wadskier.
Rebus illustrationi of proVerbial philosophy,
Poetical Enigmas, Music,Fashiens, Crotchet pat-
terns, Embroidery, - etc., will, contribute to the
rnenthly variety :they promise their subscribers.
Ily postal law,' which, went into opera
tion in July last, the postage on this - magazine is
greatly reduced.olnen paid quarterly in advance
it is new as follows-Ender 500 'Miles 23 cents,
over 500 miles 5 cente. •
Terms for 1852, paysib,lC in advance.
One copy one year $3. Two copies one year,
$5. Five copies one year $lO. Ten copies one
yeoi,s.2ll,oud au extra, copy to the person sending
a club of ten. One.copy two - Years $5. Siuglo
Nos. 25 cts,_ tlr
Small notes of thp" States received ai
Addrfts - JOHN SARTAIN & Co.,
' Philadelphia.
-IU - Saatu'lles •Ilagazid s e and, the-Monitor:a Rem
eerat one year. for 83 50. - ,
door below the Democrat Printing of
-11.../flce, basement. story.
E. SnA➢Ea takes this method to return to his
nnmerouseustom'ers Ws sincere, thanks for their
very liberal patronage heretofore extended to him,
and-trusts that it will be continued, for the time to
come. -
In addition to hie business 89 heretofore carried
on, he has procured tsMachine ha' the cutting of
mince and sassagemeat. lie invites farmer's, and
others having meat to cut, to give him a, ca t:
Bring op your Meat, and thassave a great deal of
Jabot and time:—Charges, very moderate.-
Moutrose,Nov: 13, 1851.
The Subscribers having resumed , the above
Named !wetness under the Marl Ckgemi4nt
Mr." Alfred Sayre, respectfully solicit froui
old custOmers ia that hue, a return of their:Pat.
ronage—Mr. Sayre , is an Experieuced and skilful
workmoit, ha - Xing` learned his business and for
many years worked : in some of best 'shops - in
Nett' York Gity; is competent
,to do any kind of
work 1 hat marbe . .Eatrusted•to him 4—Piomptuess
moderato elthrgei the , warranting: of rill :god
watches, we true: will secure a full sham_ of:Pat
routiga. Gold Rini made to order, and all kinds of
Jewelrq repaired. BENTLY RFAD.
'' - Axlniiiii_ Ftiiitoili.Notice'.--'-';':,
that Ipttetworittulatitratlon
17111kT h rl av CEE L I :eis " g :d fi b l i 104 1 7 1 i 4. 7 :1 4 t iza ha o ' ck grui lit0 0 1, Vi n iftl b l i lt a CFU er ' e t ast, b0
4 es ; ! .. ll iii ta i
4>11';'123! " 11°4 lit'iiiad -Add.
bunt.rwith sald - extate litp.
. •,thilm.Yrthet,..," inug.ttAreir, Liz, nittOLLiltD. ,
34114"--°-- -- - - e - L W BIRCEWID.
AVRII . I3I !or :11 , a,th Sisigjor. ;
' ' - •
GoDErs - raurs BOOK
. _
-TatiADy's BOOK for the - eniteitig,..y.piii
preeent many: novel_ features "shitedle th e
adinuteing,deur ends °Elfin ;ban
over been the object orthevablisher to take the
lead ansong the popular-Magazines of this country
and the host;of inutatori who laurel been constatit-
IV foliawing 7 Atolling aftezhira vain'27",,rnro . : Ina;
Vent to rateit Ilia brilliant sueotez r ; •
-To the rnagazine-ahitia we: molt lOolt. for the
effusions of the master' minds of Litenstore.:
ticks Willbe published front-all the beef American
writers rna(r and fetniile.,, . _ ,
Godey's' Ladesßoaz for January. will contain
in tulditioi to the numerous Vugresing•
three of whiCh are colored, an. additional quantity
of reading - by American mailers: l'he tens of
thousands ...of notices that we" - hire .froin 'the
contemporary press eitatlish the fuel that. kis
Most iliviiificent:Pitioclical in'the liror/(4!
Gociey'e ieliable Fashion Plates Monthly, with
descriptions—betedes cif chnt'upon thit.Fash-,
ions every mouth giving full explanations Of ev
orything new ln it ! to - Fashionable World. - •
...Oily Model cottages.' Thislett departmenrpc-_
cullarlkour own,untl the heathy and utility of our.
models has evcrywl.o.-0 been-acknowledged:.
Fon Tim LADIES!:—We have.undopeted,ll-
ceipts,,Model Cottqes;ll.lhdel'cottaeFurniture.
Patterns for. Window curtains; Ctetchet. work ;
Knitting, Netting, Patchwork; iretehee - tlewer :
work;Lace Collar werk, children's and Infants
clothes,-capes, Cape; chentisetes-ht, fi ne ; every
thing tmt,can interest tiladY, will *find its,appro
printo place in her own took. • ,
'TERMS—Cash in Adeande.
•I c opy cineyear $3. 2 copies ono year -$ ;
copy two yours 85. f Five copiev_ono year $lO.
I copy five years $lO. - 10 copies one year $2O,
and one extra copy to tha person getting up the
club of ten. • • . .
• - Address •
113 Cheituirt - street, Philadelphia.
Godey's Lady!it Beak and , thoi Monti-ova
Democrat ono year for $3 SO
Haug out the Basanoil!
At the head of Pi atik flood Navigation.
T he'' Subseribeerhas ;again returned _:frora N. N.
wheie he found the peoPle, at home 'and would
inform his Iriends, o d the Public at - , l.jarge,lliat
his stock of Goods now arriving was 'brisght at the.
lowest prices:arid mostly,for cash,-and ns an ear
nest of whit he iutends to do in the Way: Of sel l .
ling, 'would say dud he. wilt *sell Lis Goods from
five to ten per cent cheaper then they have been
sold in these. 'digging,, and would most
cordially Invite nil his old clamourers lund' every
body else) after having looked through the • mar.:
ket to cull and buy of him he can' spit thein,
his assartmentlitleneral, Usual cif
Dry Goods, among ivhich May •be found Freneh
and other Broad ,Cloths, Ladies Dress Goods,
prints, dazing', beautiful silk- warp and other
peons. gloves mitt' silk lace, and other Veils,' heavy
sheetings splendid bath cotton
-yarn &c.:&c. 4.c.
-Also best 'Peter s :Sugars, cassia, cloves, copper,
rice, Throb!,, refined and soda saleratus; Tobacco.
iron and steel; eutley, Fish, - Silt, fletVer,' and
nails, ,Powder and shot, Boots and Shoes. Lamp
Oil and molasses, &Milo Robes, Leather, &c. and
he would add, that he' remembers and shall.' with
gratltude those who • lave' been really,, his
friends by buying and paying as they agreed. and
to those who never pay let him in all , friendship'
say there is bad time corning ' . ' •
' {:. TYLER
Montrose Nar.l3tli 1851. .• '
_ .
0 D. VIRGIL, Tenders his, professidual ser
vices to tho citizens of Montrose and vicinity
_whom he proposes to locum as , RESIDENT
DENTIST. It will ho his endeavor to -the 'best of
his ability to serve those who may fa*. him with
their patronage: Ha does tiot propose so to cheap.
en the profession as to lower its dignity; , or pro=
yoke the Charge - of incompetency,; but knowing
thin:the high prices of Dentistry deter min t y who
very mach need its benefits, but feel too poor to
purchase theni, ho does propose to consider the.
circumstances of individualp and
,ehaige 'occur- .
dingly. He sincerely ltoPes . that, none; however
limited their means will let. the opportunity slip
of purchasing fur 4 little money sogreat a benefit.
Row' many weeks and months ofbitter, sleepless
agony, mighfbe prevented by a little timely at.
teution, to the Teeth: - IVlty ! the- whole earth
is filled with -groans (rota toothache On almost
every family this dire spectre.pein holds its night.
longyigils . And - I remedy? 0s there - no yes,
says one, lave a pulled, Does that save it ! No
Milos!. forever! Does that prevent "the decay,
sin.' add loss - of others? , . _
p Ncii it is but the certain harbinger of their like
fete.- Can .nothing then hedoue to rstrere' and
acre.. Yes, nine-tenths Of airthis misery and loss
might be.proVeuted by a seasonable
the Dentist. Make it a point to base your teeth
carefully examined at least once - a year,' and as
soon as a cavity makes itstippearairce, have it well
filled and,vid toothache _will not haunt
yOur night slumbers, be assured. Dr. V. will es- -
teem it plea - sure to, wait en len at "any time
between the hours of 9 A. Sl. and.s P. at Ins
Office:in Odd Yellow's Halt, corner of :Chestnut
and Turepike'streets. Work warranted.
Jir:o3, .z; Ott. 25th, 1851, 45, 30 -
Now Boot and Shoe Store
.•., . . ,
HE new firm of Keeler & -Stoddard have
Topened a Boot and Shoe storwouMain street,
first do or . !glow- the Brick corner in which. Ahoy
carterate.- .
.=: .
The Lnenest - Assoraneni , '
of Boots, Shuec and Findings,at the lowest pikes
IN MONTROSE. - : '". -
We sell for, ready pay and small peeling
The citizens of the villag',and country are re
spectfully invited to call at a' real' kennine Boot
and shoe store where Boats and shoes are sold in-:
stead of Beer - and Oysters, • ' - :• , , ,
. It' before 1.14e'• Pepple,.*:
That we have a fall assortment among Wlijoh eve
.; .
Mens Cask sore water piCof hoote,lonk leggun t
garians, calf half sole'and pump boots, ;half
sole boots; thick hoots, Mar, kip and cowhide bro . -
gans,9vir shoes, etc.:..•
Youths Calf, Kip and cowhide home, boys thick
boots, etc.
Ledimi French channel Gaifor4 ; patent Fox
welt Gititore. enameled and Kid-Polkas, enameled
front lace. Follies,, kid .and .goal, Jenny-, LI:Ws,
New York tles, excelslers;lenni.. Linde Baseline.,
kid ties, fibbers, - etc: ' -••
Mis,f t :s goat and Wilt Ltico boots, Jenny Lind's
eunineled-Polkas, Dutch boots, - etc. - •
Childrens button Shoes', gout atulenanneled lace
boots; Gaiters, Downing's ete. '
Among ourtindingsnreoffei,Frenelfealrociiis,
Oak and Hemlock twined Calf 'skins, Aforneco;
pink and White lining. skins, led,' hlue.. meMou,
Reana,Tinding, -upper loather, oak 'and heinlook
soleleatheff- pegs, sine unite, sparnbles; heel ball,'
webbing, eta.
N. B. Work made to ordoitind.repniring neat.
ly done. - . - ;44
To the :Public;
A .11EL TURRELL bee juot returnedirom Rio
ity of New York s with a largo aud desizabla
aosortawat of : ' - ' - •
whicliwill be sold very lois , for cash, or ready pay:
The stock is composed or tvfirst rate sisonment et
Drop, aledicines,-L'hetnicals, Paints, Oils;
Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, Glass-ware, spooitsc
Spectacles, • Musical In:Ann - nerds ; ,
Yankee' Notions,-and '
• •Liquors,
- 1)1 7 . f :2'004 -
1 3 fotwOre; Stoneware,'
Atitrors, 13tatioripry,liroshoNt -- :
.111odicallostroniepts, PerfoTogrt.'
Trusses, Supporters. - 13houldor:Drqe-
sh oes , clupphino, Buroing -ifulPsi
Clocks, %debts, 'moil; '
A regu,Nrreafl rhYeici4Et wilt`. he. Arreonstrtret
attenergace tp nrelistiii **ailing upori , vistorntre.
MI persons wishing , 104furchase Drugs, deeds ip
any of the eforsaid dripertteentrii%,lllllndlt.hefrin
tereste promoted; by
,ualliUg first et the . Drug' au4
Variety More of '
New .-,Attlierd-Sl4. Zress
_.Goode. Goe - - , Krripori_nin.=w
BURRI TT - 111 again In intakid with: it nen;
and-polargeestoole Inatet long and
square Shawls Lodieredress (Dods of pew and
e firiaettreduned still , lower. as
the city ~crtihr .p ard ,tallit'itpon.. the timrket. , . 41nd
inotuding.alro Ida general enpnlioa for Ihe:roU
W.lther.trudo aieeerle B ., c r c c hi'ry;
flordwars. Heti rind Winter Caps;
&Obi , .s ll ,Cefic . 'atovelt
etO. ell whiUb;lle will sell- on hispitnit tib,eral
terms and at prices that cannot bet; 6 ei4,.( 0 ,,e,C101 1 ;
Produce lot approved. credit..
N: 4 Flour, and sat(canstaiiiik oh baid;':,
, - •
_ Now 11fford 061:21 11551'-:44tf .
Ey s -. 6' •
over o • -
14hr iito inter :
11 R cote! R. tho. Tottering Way'.
mess can be Totind at: theohoi)Aarinsrly.pcsupied
J'iroes-on.&134001:" ,
Having received instruction from hf g..G :C.
:s.cott of .Nenr. yOr4, ho Mifflin; him Eel( ,thas.
pin suit All_ who itpny fit or dint with;tttuir;stilt,.
bitn. Fall stid..r,iute FarbiOne 'for 18blintii352,
N. c.
i l l ailOriligt —
OHN dROvklS; the . well known Tailor-hits
U . - again made . Ps appeitrande Montrose to op.
crab iu the above named business at the old - stand
- difectly , ..over4.Lathrim)r Dry: Goods-;sitore, and
would again tender his services to the:liublic,,Obd.
cliche theieplitionage:' • '
Making and Aiutting . tlime in the most , approved
style of thettge,nad donnori the: shortest notice as,
Montrose, Feb. 1 .
Tatty..- = •
ErIfIE UNDERSIGNED; formerly Periteati - Dir many
years of theLaroyetteDurriell stone .Manufactory,
240 IVashlngtOn st:, N.:?.,( IV:.Tyatk,Agen t,)eroU td In
forathle frlende and the 'public in general, that no lieu
' ,- ,Bm — ghttton; N.' V.
In 4 Leroy type , itpts . Phstrtii - ilater s
, And soilCitaa share of their patronage.
- - Ile will have constantly on band a larges took of French
Burr 311112t0n - es, as also atom° supply rit'Esoplas end
fittlnetoneei ale, Prench Ilurt - Bleelsa; bolting cloth ?
cereen wire and Plaster Paris. • . - .
The undersigned assures his friends and the pnblte,
that ho will faithfully' execute all onsets entrusted to
hie care, not only In quality, bu t in prPes of articles fur
nished, entitle lielte their kindpatrcuage. -
Orders by letter :will Ice executed with as touch ears
and as cheap ley as ;when purcheeere are on the spot. -
Millers and Ifillwrights are requested to call and exam
ne We stock. and Workmanship:- . - • -
Binghanston.July,,lBsl. . • .
BY.the to as ho is now preparing to get up his
fall tut ck, offers to his nurarrous• customers, - his
present largo assortment - of - goals at . lower priens - lhan
any similar establishment, In Western New. York. This
stock cough train part; era large stock - of Gbldlnd Silver
English patent; Levers, otitis own iniportation,varratitcd
superior to any everoffered in tdis County Gold and
Silver anchor Loren and Lepines, Gold.:,Locksts,
bits, Spectacles. greastpins,pracelots, Earrings, Finger
ti rigs, C nit 0112,N:tun Pearl!' volt , guard and rob chains,
Seals, Keys, .k.c. Also, av7;ytuock of Ulm' Ware,com.
prising overy article in that line, warranted pive as coin,
a fall assort coma of plated warn, In every variety. Fan.
cy Goods, Clocks, Cutlery, Combsol - c.
liinghatitton. Oot. 10 ALFRED EVANS.
.. ~ • .. . . .
. ......, - . T - CANFIELD would say.
-. 7 - - -
j ..- "
.14 , AO lintinscrous friends - and
A.' -
% -'''''', i f t r Y o t P:!; kFchir.ixo,sit„
C returned
argil ad
• - - 1 1 , 't / 0 .1 .‘"1. - c . • MIMI to his exteasireasiortment
. ~ -
a ., p,4 consiitltig .. of - I,S , ELI c !to ti t
ar-Nt : __ . .„4. -4 4 .i- , eltile..nedii=7.7.7o.laiog
. .........4, . yest anti fob chalus,Lockets,thim
blea,specks,jlSigi.,;bracelels, fine: and ear rings; Cuff
pins, broaches, . armlets, peatl - and shell bull eases ' Pen
and pencil caseschoral beads, cutlery , Perfumery, NIS •
ver, Brittannat and plated , intro t Accordeons, flutes
tuning tasks:violin strings, J cioektri'irallets port 3lojnas,
Needles*, and fa ncy 'goods,. Watch glasses; 4.011 and ma.
tallitle for the tradetiy the 4uantity. The above will by
sold at the lowest prices.: acrltiatrhea and 'lewdly, of
all kind a repaired oa.shori. notice at the aid . stand neai
ly opse j site pc Phi.enis, Court st. Linghandon. .--- '
- Ailocits foi. $2,60 tina•uti. 1.53 hours and 8 days and- A,
larm New style and warm:dad at -1 .. L. I,IB.I4BTELD. -
• Watches.
ir.rpine e Ver s t e .l l c e al n n d ‘s, l . Bt en er es es . :a a tp L a t i E entst h gold v a ei nil l ;tl - -
ver easee: Now went te my vary nittuerOcks Mends and
the public in general. •• Amnit Jae' to say that my rer,y
long experience has enabled sae to select such !Watches
as shal.M ma credit and the purchisera lasting service.
It should he borne l in mind :that,:-Importers in general
are not atwaywr - Weteh Makers but agentenr merchants.
Under these eiramstances l'select cceoiding to ralfjudg•
meat and no Wards Is 'permitted •cr leave,until taken
epart,'esatnlnerland regulated fit for the :reters pocket.
A written. warrant given for two years accidents excepted.
Repairs Ice. ileum 'a:business - from 7 A 7P. M.
N E: G. 0 ,01). -S
. .
H. .
w EBB jlist returned from
'NE - YORK, with sloe
stock ofi'all goods; ohlebs be offers for sate to those %did
WILL PAY for tilt tii, at as low rates as can. be =arca
hly asked. • Not forgetthig doe, thanks to such of Ids
friends, as have botetoforobcoght roods of him andpaid
forthem, be barites them to "CO3I.W.AGATN." ,
Moetroaejleit. -s;
2A R R
DUltßrlThdsjust ieeelvetl.a•now iutti superior
Ale assettment of •• r' • •
• and Wintei Goods., •
noire:ling an elegant variety of Ladies Dzessiilools, Win
ter Long Shawls, - tfile - stylo -. Menet Itibbons, -Winter'
Catir;Staplo Goode &ea of the, most deelrabbi . stylaf,
which, having been pit:tithe...lA at the, late ta_suc •ptice,s,
will be sold unueualke • •
New Abllforci, Nepf,tlo;lss,l,: ' ,
NEW . - .GO DS I --.
3.FAV ro fj , 2 3 M 4 e. 86-7L,L4 , 10,
A RD now Cedavlag a large and desirable stock of
- F LI. AND W IN:ECU Mt watS„
'consisting - of their usual Tirhey . or Dry Goods; Groceries,
Croclteiy, Ilardwarei Drugs, Nledietnes, Polnts,olle.Dyes
stuffs, tiu, stone, mud Tooderi Motu, - iron. ateet,•
Lelother, beau [lila' shoes, ,Thoklng - ;gle,uosee,. mad
plates, sash, glass,' and putty, hats, caps, corpottng, oil.'
clothe:wall-and window paper, Clockai,watchbe,..dewelry s
silver Vpoons, rriuslcal 144 r perfumery, - britsles,
all of which they offeron the most favorable tame.
outrose,Oef: . , • -
Tu , :ulec;itcrio rt4 , (ixtrg:f r
stpek; quite'an_ aSsortment of Fall goods, consieting
of D ry goods, Orroccif es; 11114,1%1a euilndin llubbers,flonts
and Shoes, BOVO/IT.pott ossiti roll them as low
as nay cososazt shoat this part of the markt or. she-
Wake/pv..04 ready follsi,or iiinak of, iredlt,--
Thanlis loan airAyciii, 'riga arefucors,o6l body' In
cite-1110 sEid bu 3 . , . ,
31911.tr90,,8ep!...10; _ ,
We* , popularSchots' llook
TORY; together with - iiIIIOOIIAPHY of D151'1210.
UISURD PEIISOSB, to which ia appended au epitomic of
Adopted and wed In the Publiesehoota of Phihda! nay • S. - . JONES 47, Co., PubF.fae - rs . - ,.
.8. W; C(ir. Fonitliand Rair„
Teaohere and school Committee, citlii r ,„l,,„
us poet be furnished vit: o ' cop t .es fo l. cuaninu..
0:5" A tallith , / ilomPlo!easaort al o o t, oy Bowie .
emir y forialint tb!. 'Lowest. . .
- •
„ •
as ‘ns .6 ,ttade',Clothing.-•-_,
A Wat, OE al:Arrinient of latert. styles ; Just orelfC4
anu r^f. sato at a small advance for ready: par,-
';wr"",,tt door to Jtidgo 'Tyler'''. MOTS and SIIOES.
.;3 o "..filad good auortmentlnfigeree lleota,• course and
,Valf umi. Morocco altlef
.gliock—Wouieto atom
caarpQ mad aildeldhlreri,72 code*. Tits
longed lot In ttivnt awl pFpbaldf tlto • rlicaPlat ireelvtnt
. .
.IA7IIouIAS vitt, itarrict..lmo left' niy
14 *mid without, ,ontcousa, or ptorovallon; I tlkerv.
fpro rapktri nii porropl:to r rofOrtiarboilmoi:firiniting
her on my ier - onnt.os I ni.lkpay ifo - dolda orfter - con
tracting rotor et& 4oro. r- ittirlONY WILIONT.
patbroPl Nor. Clo
... -
TnaLTNIF, At - fordo - ma; Ouiters,".litinjhri, eifirtonftrq ,
.V Iliff2,1 1 1caleril, also Viellir4trlngt, begs:ln/L =of inn
b,wkif t phovt frigate, gmrratter:fLitiarfstof • iiiitninivits,
ofe, a laitiaiarvalnlefil just .. fiffiTeo' . 4 ;Of fts.f,Vs;-:-
111(11MADIVELL'S Pre mina! Stnrcb I,l3bErt,firegvuing
TolneUEl.-+llll/.104 glom .N.Lll;en etglos
Dwain.% ebirts.
itti tkultrics.kZi 4 4 - -- P0 P*ll,o 44akueedi
sbArt 4 tollar rattonote , firo 12)Ccts. 1i0r541414
/404414Q0i Nqv4 o .tlBsl, „ - "AB gIet(IIIIIELL.--
4A14 CiIItRANTS r Campbatituaz;: - Pelersiace.
IA Mustard, Gene[ pip - oriTwille,Blekekhut an Buges
&c., s l g, ; • j••N411114,4i/R.
The Buy.:
4tUrsiZiggf: 4 o.,aektlatat
• liftiehinfes 1%144 IkaietA
uninewortice; 28 OlEtroadtwar,
- -
,AC CUirnilatc`d CAE*.
.taL - - •
Guaranty Ctipitat` •40,000
This is "an ` Asai iati of
ers; formed foi;ihd 'intthee 'benefic of tads •
Oth&.: iri case of- sick:zedsor dedzki74'':.
1 f . b 6 .-Podultent. .-:following ies ,
Il breotng a Life Member; and"will entitbd to w
teei3kly.brlaellt during life,4l you ebogid by. dbabled ;by.
Sietnets,or Ite:delont, bozo attending to yo' Oil:Wary,
broil:As onorOUnatiOnitukat thetleataittitd R ntetabow.
this Astoeelatlon-
tcr ou
atteli appropriate ' $241 to be palr aaa i ,
itmeriti bnefit, pm!" or poliona !hall .br )
apthenizoil tO, path' 4..
xz.Ln Lir Dziecoix: vosi. trains; '5O *ins
Two t 1 9 1 1; 1 1 1 A 7 4 1 r 3 : o Usip draw,. P4 2 ; I:rFa -
Four ' lFire . .. , • . • ,•At
tti UO.
•-,. • • - a y •
tri e T, " •• e. 93,
Feat du rates fiotiis2,oo44, #4,oi3i •
These overt:lay yoara - of ageirtn be ehtirdtwlAPer
;4ve., $2,40 Adtuissiwn Fee mill be charged irt adiEtion t
to the White. thetrstiear; sad ;insist be P4M; l ltlder,
time oneaklng applleatlon;inatt
,thelest ear's dwelt;
.. 1 1 1 1illity days.. Th e evialsathod of thklestltAieb
agents imlers It perfectlyiectue, and f hate no IttePN
Raney In. nuddeg the e7arenteei that ilibtraeitta will Tor,
premplly pa1d.'..41. ad rurtherot °tad ftwilto attia4ka
the renewing- WES' EIItENIVES • "
" • Eon. David Towanda. floe. . •
iatdsylllei lion. Y. Thllt4esteri It • E. Littleigsq44
Ex ; Qum, Alontvoiellfon;llotice 1 313*Ier ,N•z• 6 0 k
'gem LiOntb.bpricoideld; . • - -
' 'Each member is farelibcil with it eapiei the tltt p r ,
tlie Aarohia4on .ietd receire the illeuthly•
tee" which enables theet•tio know the prosperity ands
"eately of ttlif h stitution, Yarther Intonnatiettebeesint-t
1 7 given bYvailing etike rstiter.'s Odlete. of theJ.ll94:a _
tenet Dcinereat,'? over WC. Ty Itr's stark :•• •
- •••
,„• A. J. Ag i t.: l'orlieeitee, co,
Montrose, 0ct..30, 1851. !• 444 :
Notice. to the. Publics , —
New SaaaanablaTail a:4l - IVinter,Voods at-400
.(Ifeat (be. Pripa. Store of
DEUS leave t. take this opportunity of teridiring
It sincere t hanks to rds friends and oust omers.for the.
generous:patronage duty. have; extended ; auk
attire same time infosto them thistle bat jack
frepallew Yolk. stit a - very lOrgearwloholee selection o 4
holly and Staple brjr 'Alva afresh and - sexton:
. s tre assorimentefOroceries;Provistons,Doetsandhhoes, ;
Hats and 'Cape, Hardware; - Crockery, - ice., Drags an d
Aledtclnrsl will ba sold for Cash and produce 0 a t,
yeti Sundt advance, tan:ices which defy. ilk caninctlclon.,
Fl o ur, Pork , Fish , Salcor4olesaleandeetall,--4nislinidl
also remark thaOuisdhcreestrictly to the gym tem or al,
ways a ,calog tholenesv priceat Orst,therebY givlagthck
sameiterantage to all who may favor hlm With tbottßejli
Brent Bend Clothing StOic,.
hest and' cheapest assortment oif SeWyr
Made Clothing In the Village oft - treat-Hand; Pis, tread,
'Clottis,Doe Skinsthisalmcres and Vesting' of allavattivii
enitolde for the Ealleritilrliiter Trade, which hi hi:lciest.
suchprices as to satisfy cuyptie that thlsts the place fur.
them to deal. in Minsequen co of the great InqMase of bin ;
business he has been obliged to greatly emiargeblstitock h
which he now olfers,to hls. friends and the NAM" for own
amination, confident t fiat I n , PO doing Ahoy .Itlna mute"
thhig to their advantage. ' The subscriber bas made ar-,
rangcsnents to manufactord clothing In all its rarlouiq'
branchea, apd is now pretiaqui ttitiell the sione, warrant ;
el to bearinspectlon. - Customs .work Nut cutting done,'
nt the latest style aa d shoitoSt notice all kinds of tan,
orelrimmlngsforaished aniffor sale. Do notforgekths o .
spot.' Store nearlyopposlepthe Mansion Hon •
Groat Bend, Sept.,lB3o,
ew - 11Trangementi
Extensive Chair and Furniture 'Estrik,
ment. •
• Vn:w.Txtl2. & 6:411'70-141i fulty - comPTOPA
heir nrrangementsfer manufaetnring and- 11 1: 4 1P-•
ing constantly on hated all and every kind °lnoue trei.
Furniture, mantifacture tl Out of the best quality, of
hominy, Black Walnnt,klaple, Chem, Ind 'mbar Bhp-.
bey, end in the hest end most durable manner: Among :
the artielci which tecy•intend to keep on band, or mkt
'to order,are /daltionimy, - Bleck - Walnut, Cherry, ancrlifi...,
:pleßnicarts. Side Boards, Eccrettairs,Ateek VilFlll;l7l,.±,
tre, Card, net t - and other.Tibles ; Stand, -of
2iety • frorae,Se4eee,Divent, Ottomans, Bedsteadof alfkinds and steles, niadivof Alattegaar,.pl F ek
- nut, Cherry, and Ab '
ide. -• • --
, ALStl.73lahogany.lllack Walnut, Curl and . 131rdstyle.
klaple,•and Fancy Chairs, of evely variety end' &Ea tp
tion, which theyhave nowen• hand. and
ket intend. toler*
a courtant supply. Any . arlioly o.esired be syypti
on a few days noti . . .
, As the subscriVers have oftin been a eliCited to
their business and to Opeitawestablithment of the kind
in Alontrose whieb• could supply overyyarldke of,bonsft
hold Parniturc, wolf lave the trouble of Sending' to thu
Rities for Such articles, theyhope to meet nub liberal
„tiatroctund eucouragimeut.; . W. 8111711, ,
'• • i • . A Ll'X'll,Blll7lll. •
ROBT. , . .
blontrse,Jnie 411851.-2331 . - E.11,:1S1111'11, -
Cotner of Court and_ Wilt/Wagtail istit,
TTllEfibbseriber takes plesinreln Sunktuaelngte, taa
public, that in et/asap:knee of the liberal pattnSlCll
bestowed Upon this eStabilshment the past years -htataa
bamton: The steel: cot: rises cs_e7 styleind qnsility oh
Croittgio ET in general use , for Table and Tollcs. Wye,
and Still be solain setts or hy the single
variety of- : ' _
anal:way ar:ticleit,such ir.s Fruit. Baskett4Ceird atanbl.
Colognellottles, Vases, 4 O„tte-re,. .her with aistrge stock ef ,
tan* PiSis.'lVAlt IE4 consisting z of • cut, , yrrne4 end
plain Taint:plass, Goblets, Ifines, Deconton, fruith owls,
Dialtar; Nappies, Pitchers, Candlesticks; insane,' Specie ;
Jars, T/ nature Dot ties, Lamp - Globes istuf Qbitnne7s of all
Sires, ice. Also constantly on timid, an asioittnent of
Bpirit,:Lard, Solar, anti COlPittette tattoPo, GillePfl• 4
doles, and lialittuiterns, Also a large lot et'
Window - Ehades, Tea Trays,llastors. 'fable Ilaiiisepta-,
led, German Sliver - Ind' Drittannia Table and tei, vi m*.
Quttlery, etc. all of which mill bp sold very lowlhe.
Curb. 111th inereasLl facilities forbustneaSs, and WM , "
raltttrig , attention to dm manta of his =stainers, the nil.,
derldgned hopes to merit the tontinnel,patzvissge
community. " -OTERACRE,Agetit.
e Binghamton, May 21114;551, - . epa
. .. . . .
... .. . . .. .
( STROLOGre-TLlBeciebrated Dr: 41.1 r." ROBACK.
4.r.Prdreiser of Astrologer s A strottemy,pbreutdogy, midi
• Geomancy, combined witle - OPN.3ITRATION, from Ewen,
dcni. allies No. 71' LOD Csl.:Eltreet, Thlladephia, offers,
his. services to the citisciontof 31entros .e.: He - -has back
tOnsulted by all gaittOwilid brads of„'Europe s - tuid - en .r .
joys a higher reputatlort as art r Astiologer ann. my Ow,
living. , Nattvitles calculated'a ccordiug• to'Neoutitatty-T..
Ladles ..$,- Gentlemen.s3. - Persons
. .ata distance cark,
bare their nativltice drown Lif sending 'the dais' of that
dorattlocir birth. All lettere. , cr otalulog the above; fie,
•will receive inkm edlste attentipt,, N o th r iu tt teat t o o oy
pinta the world *Attu& • ea' durable paper; and he le,
Prt'Palwillo alokellsoorillaPotter by conjuration on an
of the followinglopicsov.r k istap _ soles oren . y ar th e,
Emmental neeolllpllaiMint .at a ',wealthy= marriage, he hark
the power . to redeem rue% as ' , s ae s ", s p sb a an . a shw
Bottle; and for all ense'...of - hatardienit for the rents
ofstolen or lost prey er t y , end thi- purchasing of lott o.
tickets. , 'Tboueanr•a of the abOVe Waned Men hate been
A ono In thhteitTaild lta vicinity. saul In tb e ljnite4 &ate*.
'to tbefullsatirokesio r i of all. : - 10:000-• Nalliitea or Dom..
oscopcs bare ',nen eal4.ll . u_einz the. last Druz ycara whllek
_hero:- Lettere wilt anweer every purpose, and will do ark ,
well as to 'call to person, andtbe mall is ...nerssolafe that .
persbns need . uotfear to truatmoner through the Post'
Witco. Dr. Itikboeit veer:via item ZOO' to 100 0:tette - TA •
monthly.and has InTermieiett 'cma. •,All letters will be,
relisiira sly at tended to if p relp a id: = Per :particulars calk.
attla/ Democrat °Moe and get an Astrologital-dhitartant
,- . C..71'..N0DACE.... , ,
' • ''-'...-• ,'? a Whitest. - New 'Tikrit - -
k r -
anU tale.
ar. to toeuili - itlio. Poet-office ecrant"
• • - .07.7. 00
• . _ .
TVS?' a , new and , teke art
L" 00111,16 :d Itendy.onade Clothing., Got & Mote,
f0:14 , 41 !luta & Coo
. otter apd ettapPlef .Ps4
t:anoi7 04
e ,latieY 8 tationciy; itoolca, Ctenbe; pruitheir 4
Salves 4c, - .
Panay articles to unmerene to teentlen, all•
designs toeell forte,idy pay, undeopteqeently as,* dun&
aa the elleapeat,t if nal . ekeapee-' ,- z .
' A row doeen PaitIVOOLEN ESOCKS wanted. ,
.: . 'Nontrose z Oot, 8, GEO.
ocks, Watc' lies,lc4"eutv — itr,
Musical .floxes , as.ilecordian, •
L,4...1nigt 1 4 ITALIATab 33! 0: EDVVAIMS, -
0 0 :0 9 / b .soR P 4.8
: 4 2 /1
1 :
Goads, wilisofil7caelfaixbd '
IVANTED 21'400 besher Oats, 104000
11 els of Rye- end Ctini'ter. wbltl the blgkeq
price watts Paiii in-eash tlr trade: by
• - -' - • D, 10,it
MOMS t^:Ctils; Drugs, MTexilaiti4;-I,ye tigkiVelfraii:'
I..Willilow 34 oh, hut aPti.tent, • MM._ bIiIIISITSf
;meat, attaalyrays 1 1 . 4,7 "&"Y - 4 r , REAP• • •
T4X.VENCTB oiltimp;Latilot,;and,TsPlllll4,(ll Alpo
ye e Cur, cogket7, tte: p for tale by
_ , ;,•,. ;.4reAlko RIAD.
, .
CtiiiiPtio add nuillingiliiktlitorlitualtiitizt;',
00T ' •kis alwt
Atoithon.; May Irovosser.. Unshod's. - 4
- .
" 1 44,4 tiUlt “ , C r mid for-0101r.
, :400 44 1 t#P95sfi
, ,