• • - , l ' h t ^ ..?" , erott;el ,,, P,l,-",,,•yi, =4, , • , • "•-. • ' 11_ ;7. , .6%7 Ta _ , . .‘. -.3 • -1 ~- . - 8. B. &B. R CHASE, PROPRIETORS e , e , - ' fierilt to decipher. • 'Who Wrote it, of . Theeitheitons'eould not prevail epee Nell eThe sunlierhe did not look bailee beight 7 as first rate chance, and turn' him (Melt finished_ . --','„ efebode mined conjecture. - The old -Woman" to remein with "them-enot even iletty' - lest's' it streemedihroughthe factory end we •th • laweer;as he tvastlittel be might ** m e- .A„ annoyed her; ithin fel; more syrnpiah,:with From wre nt o, H one Ge eette n .; -, - sens Probably tempted by the enorrreane Mune ned - . 1 7, 1 06ing entreaty e e The - letter- Wotild" merriment of. the hearted gir l s :h a s ', s e t :. Ernest Grafton; whoe.beethe way, was now s ' i t , e • • ', e , - ~, of 'which he 'bathes given her the knowledge: w il ling a have gone back to the utetoryi with, r e neeo e ee ee liletel. Xl' 1 a '•' •', Silo searchedit, 2000Ni:ewe pretty children, hr,-ste e real was the effection that inspired the ad, the afflicted; one there nre broke - eh of suPply a vacant pellet, in i small, but kettle.' eere.„ On .a.liE ansno T *env 9.asineen e . . one apparently three, the rather five, years old. her,-bdt that was Nip° ordained, and expected in v. few. months lto. seible. Nell soothed those within the walls of a firetoryi: ••• • , ..• gent parish, had brought his mother expresslye -o_ - • — 7,r I- ', .. -• - I :NO One else eared to be burdened with theme her with promises of frekuent letters and gee One day, Null was surprised by a visit from to see ?ell, for never had'heleheld I weitaittli , ._, BY ems. C. 'W. Denison; e ~ She renewed to efontreal, and hoarded . up her elision/4. v is it, and returned to time 'lettere', Hoene, who bioughe with him a young (rimed, in whom so matyrexcellencies united; holed - Author of n'nertradellusatll '' &e &o ' . treasure' and lived end -brought 'them up, as lorteleient happy in the consciousness•that sho whin he int a• d , Ernest - G .1 ' p.' heard her story , from Horace,: Who. earnestly e '-'-' ' '1 - `'' =" ''• " • ' • ' had -firmly • a ir- ro twe asrat en. ,ee , . '. • e r d- . 1 .ii o -- .. • ..... :if she hadeven utterly destitute. - _ • resisted a their inducements- to came with a siehmens filen' Het'- , •R . tt desired his marriage with her; tw i ems :Entered eeeeretee to eeeeteentnees, heiteseateetek "Nell 'to* h d - butdid 't know May Where el • not entitled b ' relit'.,,.. e y „ IT e.s. Arthnr.V. uo.,in theoctee cram, Cleficiir the -...„- w as ,. ae ' 4B e ' she no 1 ..' .t - h a d b een ' ' ' did t- - that h fell an levee id Brie , , s he llne . Y, r , len-.not well for time; th fact , el.°,seen .° ' l ay ,a e , e• , District court of the r ntueLDtatcson tout* the Zaist. - Wriouter-,snei was happy orrice The splendor salp. fueri whore only the ties of grunted's' tering witlea kind of slow fever,' erel her sise went. ' : - '-; '' ' • ern platelet. nteetanSennin• - rubeilna }kg `Dexitenra, t" or the greet room, the atateeness of the old. would retain ber in a position of wealthy, Yet, ter mit, Watch with' her , stay Welt' her , ieht From that time Conner Lee regained Ids lo pereesslon. --•- • : • le e te, bewildered h •tb knowled to her epriehe mind servile dependence.. ,• d • '' - Nell ' •l l e I - elasticityof spirit; the .- new hopes • -- ' (Concluded.) - '- •,•. ma 4 2.loW, her 0 .as , h , e had , preceded Nell Lo . and ay, till she recovered. was as "t nsee . •- . . e.e• , , - _ , - , that Hetty was not her sister troubl e d hen- - • T eetory prec at- well.-- ish ; Imeoten interest was a inerkeyphee when awakened, encouraged his heart, ana s t ren gth. And, overcome by her violent esnotionsealie Timidly she risked about her 'own pareritagee The fentory girls made it a great hobby, and the geed ot Others'eene at stake he toril. ened his frame. &trite Nell retired' for the sank back again in her seat, and thongliratee and learned that she had been poorphan from Nell'eree welcomed with congratulations and illy no epaind; and, if 'she left, beeprofitabl - night, twee letters Were put into her tuardwone resisted strongly, burst into tear* ,• - . her earliest infancy-ea dependent- orphatetoo ; heeds 'lf questions. Hette was somewhat ex-; piece tnitst be given be afioth e r • arid ',na s a l ly from Hannah Meredith. one mailed at Woke; In a moment She raised her heed again, and for her father died proilig,atmunfortanate; and honereted for the firmness she displayed in, s h e mi g ht not againteeover it. But, no mat! logien; The latter was from /11rs''GraY"'"ne' slowly wiped the tears from Lee eyes., The her Mother, laid broken.hearted in tee gree n leaving Home° Atherton, and they. Were- o - ter, duty' celled•und she resolved to gee Be- errant:ding Nell on her own, and Betty's good merchant oat Tepid as restutue, his gaze riveted The sweat Mrs. Atherton, who had. always , soink of the more g enerous ones-as ready to fore nieht ehe -eves- beside Hefty's couch,erieve tertarie, and reeuesting her to corresponcleee., open the miniature., His face was almost been a friend of her mother, under all eireurri- rPreise as they had. been to blame.• Hannah ed at the change vielel e in her appoi amee „_- The other,. ramounced the tidings of lent leadea in its hue, his lips and ellen indeed all Bmi:we - Nana who fancied the pretty'ehild, tope , Meredith lied not yet returned from the coun- ,She had been reek nearly tatveele Hetty eves e;reen's sudden death :-.' a harpy denthneaid tes,featuies were working aoneelsieely. . Nell, it to briar' with her own. - - •r. . fry, so the piece ',veined doublylonesenne te., miserable; -she waeheart-alek. Hereonsciencia Heiniah,' for she fell asleep,' in the =full tree was,frightened at his appearance. , ' eThene eionght Nell, 'I, who must over be- poor Nell., She hastened to the widow Lee's • tormented here she was ll:Meted by Conner's united of the Christine' religion. In bee - last , ' Who is this? lie asked eiraply, but with dependent:4 r will go back to the-factory and AS aeon as possible, and found 'consolation in• mournful face, and the reinembience of his letter to me,' weenie Hannah,' how eloquently a husky and fereed voice. 1 • - - , the kind hearts there. I shall be imppi e r...-.. lierentlectioa and condolefice. • She, learned . language in his last interview. 'lie , 'sniil I she pleaded My forgiveness; and dated' the eeeee si ster-at 'cost I have elways supposen'e Anti Betty-se e , deer girl will find tee sphere - trent ehe widow that Couner st..J. ,if P 4l / 1 . 1 - 4112 4^ wouhl repent,' she murmered, continually; th e° °t ' her fire' reneger,* impressions, back to: her ao, ' 1 ; ,-. he 'alike she is so well fatal to move. I am, Melancholy, pursued his studiee wite. neje:line 6it is now rav turn to loyeevithoet twee.' . little Harriet's death bed . She menthe? last ' Bather name-ber name r 1 1 ,• . • glad; fioneapee very semi, or h e rn i . , e _ _ , geed reeler; lb had now abetter ialory and iler 'uncle, eelled. in the best medical eilviee; love to you all.' , ' •• 4 - ° ' Leitty telloweeee i; •r l . , ,ieet t overewith teat imielfisli reJoleiug over !fie - nib:emit... lie eell grieved for Mete; ale' 'lint: elle exchemed, lifting - her limier rice to : --- e' ' • • elletty-llester-a perfeetresemblanceelie one she could never more call sister,- sprang thoriglehe newt mentioned her name: But 'rollssiweet faee, 'they 'caviare cure me n tho : Tw° Years only have Pipea.an 4 Hattroza muttered, tend the Mime tome! r - . , . • the eol. tears to limeeyes; and she shrank from thee iieuthes all sorrowe, and who ltriews-re disease is beyond their, precriptiens. Neil in- Nell are both happy wives. Hettyls not in Nell loeked• ere h er inel e e a ti or , tureea to theeinerehant'e serntildebee glenee. tho- Wi t iose it it! , this only to her.self-who tinutted dud Conner might be' setit for slice, , &rein. With Iter,htiehand, sho aceemieetlied wonder'. , Mr. Atherton arose and nerroesee , ' nernelemee Ateerten as ItettY . S , 0111 1/I'o.o linows 'hut he might tuna to Nell, dm_ Nell, u . t , 3 caght on . gorly at the idea, but, she die not • her uncle, •••vhoevel, advised to 'travel for 'the. hurried to a small •Oabintrt.. flo teok from- ther,' Said Nell, after ie few riloisents„! ileieg eoble X'ell,ltita 114L1 te-do 80 nultly seer:dices,' dere; pee r Le i ne, to menti on it t o h o e p rou d benefit of his health. A' bright prospect of teepee n little perece came beee, anai,'ngerly, her eletir eyes upon tile A iet.chant. , i -, 11.11 0 hba com. out of trial se Pere and gooa; unne. re s e e e e e t ee o n eo se , hi m , s he B ,,'l t i , to ' uouilidness and flime opens before the ' young ma ldid in evenimely unaware . , ef her preeeeee. [ - ' Glad t t , t4'S ens r ev e rl etnea eft .4flierton, awl tree heret leaped at the thougin tele, see. m e., h a ter,rieeee„e, it would be mill she tvi died' / 31 v.Ver ; fel' leis' ed ee ente are, undoubtedly, of Teller estoelehmerit he ,proeueed a. meeree. his eluieli paling again ,ms. lie fixed lies halide . tat It let cnill \t ml , in this Worin; that inuch, m learn; tr,m , 'altee to th L l f in est °rue '' , a "`" " time partner of 8° ' gel°. - tore, only a little largo. end en:ea:ling :detest On tier enes of 1.1-ahnir o, es if to templet t bile. iNeif had one mishieno performt froth which Conner; she could. nut be,ir the 'burden thee belted n anal -as .thd - honorable Mn-.-, he _ a perfect fee seat) et' elletty. Her owe heart self, :eel g.meil pioreiegly in her eaa,-- , Good *he elmest semek; but she 11.44.1 promised ilet. Wllicraselug her any, tenser; it would kill ' cannot lint win it km Ii reputation. - began to beat tor', wildly, and Ler thoughts, Ileatt•nest nines Getesen e Neel s t e n e a t o ty, mm iii) with tee mittir.a impukiteness of her h sr. , •_ • ~ , - Noll re:distsaill the poetry of Joie in a ocit. • were tumoltuous and distonnt•cted. - hear liotself titte; ruhiro-a.,ed„ -'I „ rs ;4 1 1110 , t , ohlrack•r, - though tees time 'proalpted by n: ' 'e m e l t f re t any more, Be tte e se ed Nee , her • ergo. In a beautiftil little Gothic structure , . There rhe exelehned, placing them side, meou helmet] Le, tee theweet tent, possibly, lie right eirldt and 31 gOOII°IIIIIIIVC, detailed it riot _ e ., )0 lighted up witieduternthiation, el 13/111 in liteelly buried in trees, - end surrounded by by side, then tanairegelturried'y te her, he ral- reielt lute marled fice-hie enter! Do yoo unworearly to Make creme:ohm, typere Nile magi: it; Cornier will come.' Anil so see did; garden sweets, jest out of the eity, she resides • ded,-. now I went to' know who you are, see ho (o hi it in'oirpoati,l l 'The Ahnighty he ti eellied the eliresi: grief :in tine, ohe hnef see overcame heel the merchant's ,natf Con. 111 'perfeet cordentment-and with: her, the ' young wettum 1 what is emir origin :ad eviler@ 1/kite prevented Vier horrible thing'? Ito/ te ed plo re d Nen. to t( ,11 c owier Lbw. he repented ni.r i a'prejtulicea'; and the latter, ou 'a iiels int: widot•.••lee, who -cannot deny that Nell is yet 'do you coma from? I have a strangepresent- be au atrocity ruop,trllf.,•led; I ant, ogitated, her raahnes,,, mid 411 rig trued him with af- tunnel intiming, set in re.suilipteousle furbish. her favorite. Good Mrs. Grafton, the mother ' ' meet.' - , uneen ed, et the melt! smpposition I Ah, the feetie.e. - -• ‘ eel elianiber, Once more by the side of poor of Ernest, has seine strange notions: among Nell tole bin, tersely, what the reader ele -id e a Ls terrible ! Ali, / ,sitrolder ! Brdi I for. • Orfthe evenin,g of Nell 's ti sit to the wid- Hetty, whose serrew had teetered her elieek, them, one. that a Mother-ineaw, and a needee', ready 1:173W5, 01 11Cn C4ily ellildlloo3l, and the , get :104, my m 1 -it- yeting lady. Accept -ply •OlN's, CiMner milked home uith her, andshe ' and given a softer lustre to her auk eye. Nell • manied couple never get along 640 smeoehly, ' few ma it'. spoken by the OU Al, 011lan on her • warmest, tbanks fer your herd:less to my niece told elm iii, all nettle' grief. all her remorse left them teeetlier es SOOII /IS she had udjueted tc v ether ;se slit et resides in the cit,e, east dyingebein -•- • e - Hngowl lo to eeerp 'her, to my arms! • You She let hie heart - beat dig-mast item-arm, and . Betty's teller. s ; and it seemed a lone tong . far enough to make, the ride to and free a 110311 , ' n Yee-welly -so far, e.he coineideperi is pretty eave been'ins4lizirabiC-.--SO You 'ti ,I reauiu ; les voice w.ie•treundoes end len., as he eaid-- ill./tir, until elle was suindioned; enek7l •On' ex tat And this happened,,you ei.y, in Mean ; Mid you '.'u II : shore tny love and tity wealth, ' Nell, she - cannot have the love that I once ig e," e semeed to te e h er e ll was wo e .„ -, ,In Hetty's,bouidair, hang two eetitnies in treat.: IS there. any other duel! ply other Se, no'.',,rart:.,li o of enine refreshment; and g.,'wq Mr; el le tels thrown it from herntrano - There were Craves of tears an the invalid:a , maseive frumee. They are Nell handiwork, prooe, have you?' '-• prep ere the child for my yisit-or, stop. ~ I Idol i3' ii my . hontst afeeetions, lli eat. for. i cheek, but her [hinds were Oilseed in both of' and were painted secret y, some f ew months ' 'lit,. woznau who' tent: eharge f of as, and will aerel a carriage to ti ai-nia, lam ' given her; I shell strive to fm-abet her.' Conner's, r rd he glancea,at Nell em ith a bright; before ilette% wedding. Ott the der of the whose mem we bear, left Os a little 1, ,B, t vid e b, l not well enough to go myself.', - • Nell thoUglit Ito wus Ungenerous, neaudable; but transient smile; for it 'worried rot if the ' ceremony and just titter the perforinance, Nell • she said, neither of us must „open l ionnere un- With wlert. tlifierett• feelings Nell left _the and el le ahnint told-tele 80. ' aridness that'll:id hung so like a palL 'weer hien "lereed the Pictures to be placed iehere ; they der pain of her curse: l, I 1 mereliaretWdbeel - and With west strangn eme. 'You may Meet so, ow drew sister,' for thus countenmee, had brooded there too - loug to , now !mug, and then solicited the attention of ' leer verse,' mattered the nierebentelisdain- Co es she iiieed the latch and neelin stood be.. he alienes celled Nell; but if vou knew the 1,, e , mig ne e e , • 1 e the bride 'and grieve So ma few moments. Slue' frilly. 'I Will seed genre one,' lied fie :Ling - fore %jolty !.; She had lael down, and sleep hours of:mg:dell I, hare spent, 'the keen nli3. Comier wee uredlo 'dine with the Ather: ' let i•t heel le the' bendoile and stOPP • ed , eilentlee t tlielell violently. " Whit s le is our is ter weres .1- ' hal; una, etelen upon her. Her eb ee k cry I have cedured at theught of her perfidy.; tons:and' lee cens g eeted. .The modest de:lrene- ' e,e nt feee ' theta, e as . the eleeuree attracted her John; mire down the rerectiens this lady will u,,,s r oc, mei her heir- disordered; brit she You could ~ not benne me. _ I had throned her, on Yeeevident atilt:worded and earetul ilignity„ ' 5 'W, r , 1 ,'" . ... , , „.;, 'i . ," ~,5 „ ,...,, • give you; and being a letir here in postession-e was smileifneie hemider the iniideneir of some - crou7lo 110.1" faultless , and-24 shrined 'bur in: h I oft e young incident, Minuted the attention e a " 11 '. "41" rep resen ted .'e g"'' . " 7 .o rt' of some one in that, house.' - , • ae, ~ , be:mead dremn ; and Nell e thought she looked me hurena heart; it was wrong, Perhalea- :- e, of themerehant. 'As be teMiiersed ivith him, read, a -dilapidated an unfinished rooirewm. ' Allow me, sire sad Nell, inrerisea ana be- like' en angel; - Seine one 'bad pLeee.rna not. °eget to have coneidered she was lea n mottal , luiringleemi told' the 'sniry 'of his stre.4 °joker, plasteringalude floorUnd te huge , &to tendered,' to write a hue toher. She does quet .r fregritze ;totters at, leer fieeelde, imae: -e-ere thouh' g I "'n W tier ealt in: elin -Aar Wine'. Ind 'hiseaepirahia ta eyhts-M'cipilev; h eegl e-tor - Me ' P tee6 ' llele meic fe e' bi e' g li mmer ed a . few F c e 4-B .' not know I have' come, here; and her sum- . the ream leoked es if a busy herd hail been ple- I did not dream- that vanit,y and false:, e d aer ° l ent wer e my of one so riekma t i c , ex. ,. Oat the•tvre•telied hearth, two rile (+damn . prise-' - .' , arrrenging, it evith more taste than it had dis. hood, Coield etesecrete so beautiful acre ature; : ailed inenertes regard. As m- public benefile e . _ c ' e) , ila e ed ,_ • s ° '... i ' rdi " -and de j ecte • .pr ft el l ' Yes, yet,' interrupted the merchant, 'ldol peeved-before, . • , -- - and when, Ilea &rude clap of 'thunder, the tor, elr. Atlierton wee, and is still kite mu, in ee "' e 'en' s ''' . in the/1e poor creatures OYf an bring ;nee ink and paper here.'- ' The hive that welled up in her heart, as she • strenge truth broee on my soul, a great cloud . Beaton. Many are the Orphans Wien point to : Neil as the) aPPeared on the night- a-* •- , And Nell wrote- . - ' 'stood lookleg at the sweet sleeper,' seemed • fell upoe_my spirit, nail 'shall wear it forever. ' - him and speak of other years ; faits spent' in witch Allowey's death. "Dr AP.. 117.1'1"1": ' : ' stronger than ever. She yearned mere in- .6 But she repents, she repents, e murmured. (Hien cold garret% 'where the morsel they eat,- - •14 hut might we have been, Neill' asked Do not be surprised .at the request r.ceera- tensely towards her, -Ewen as she felt that the - ' Nell , aiYou would not be nuforgivieg, r . - was bestowed by the hand of chnity; !many: Hefty, with it solemn face. ES the tens *elicit panyin - ,g this. Tier to be happy. God isevorke ties of nature no tonere hallowed their affee- ' I sail, Nell, I have forgiven her, forgiven . tire they who the world would not recognize up to her eyes. ' ee d • to theta. in g out so me strange deliverance for y0u...- . ,tion. ••e ' • '- " , e her for in .king ray life henceforth a wilder- ai its own, till this good mar an e proud, d au- They Xenia to the other, . ere , ,o, - Sind the box .snd expect my nturn soon.; ' , Before night, Betty knew all. I ' till not ness. my heart a nesert ; bat my rnatihooct to- stere though lie miget ieern, gave of his sub- ' girls; neatly dressed, Mood at their isecuatetnixl • atternpt to portray ,her astonishment; b e t 1 : coils from being 't t 9 -the petty eleethine ef stance, in sure', and saved melee heartsetoree work by the factory window. ' -e„..„ ..,, ." • When the man had gone, Nell Alt .:Aloft will tell hew she ,hung npon the neck of Nell, ass °Man Sceprico. See is rich n ow, for &its member and bless - hit., an the day of' prosper- . 'I tha l ik 3'9us Ne!Vteeeemeeed nette: lirlyt_ , and uneasy. ' The merchant, as he tramped,- p ‘ ,.*lerattely murmuring that she was yet _her and beyone Mt; she is suirounfle,l by aristo. i te , - , ; „ , airembling lip, weee Conner eel , III : , slowly across the floor, nddressed her. but eel. sistereeme, more then sister; that. her counsel, • critic relatives. who, no doubt will smelt out a e Conner spoke huneblyeet hie nspiritionsande praise of the exquisite etelenefihadre E TC: ... dom ; but when he did, it wee with a strange Awl lovely. exampleeliad saved her, she believe , fitting niete.e for her She ie easily dazzled, the difficulties in the ;way of attaining, an elni. l serve to keep me humble. 'I , , seay . mixture of pi and reeltbnitye• The box.eatuk.-ell, tuanee times Crept deStraotiOn ; that she she atilt forget Me 80011. No the gulf is wi- • nonce - among mere Anonsin of Me Atherton; ' proud to own that I have been a factory gait, at last, and, as the reerchnet proceeded to olpene. would pattake of no pleasure hereafter-, an- dened between us. I will woo fame. and make , , , and are' houomble,' practiced in the city with • thelleh the factory huts be t ele thejeee ar um ,: it, porn Nell trembled nearly to faintieg, to shred bylhernthat she lowel-her as mother, her rey laisti,esse I'ean do it, I feet that- 1 -... great success. lie, too, tvaB widele knoveatoe huluil ect ilun. Y' 7t u lt m ei e re a lof COll. ' wrought was her meld by 'the exeiting eir- sister: - friend, all in ell; rind how, as she h-ad ' was - holt for, somethihg moreahan merely to eione If Conner could have the advantage of - / et ° , ° ''°° more e wo y your ~., cumstances that had been crowded into the last: passed the, sad hours in this lonely chamber, it da: r had f; __ire .sm.±..e. 1 ..... a mo..ve, a holy, beautifal - a f ew y ears a r t Sly neat this gestisinsi), Mr. - .1. 4 _ -man, , ssed,histride to iis to • oe , few hours. • - - - e, she had thanked God, ,anein rind again, for • impalleichrestened . these Mali aspirations.-... , Atherten thought,there would be a fair chimes 7 li n - ie 'n ° en sudden l y Horaceasp " it thef' • - Every scene Connected with that dieinal diy, - :such aelster, and site had promised to imitate Thetenetiee is no more, W th light has f' nen- ' of success for him + Accordingly ; withott in-, e d unli' w e • h I hoe& u - what - teamixl ' ue Spirit Of ,Boatity, and drialited in the sheltered house . in the lien in her' Christian duties, and become More- out aloe; nee path, but, though dimly, I can timating his project to Conner, and filled with oor, nump anr y. g le . „ „. , - ' like , if it•miehibepermitted. - ' see my voye and I will reach the goal of'lnve •' f making lt • . to be a letter. ' I --- , commons, came with a xitidness of a tee ' ea h - e - • tenni. Be to m Nell 11 ed ' ' t"P idea ' CI ,lm his protege, he wrote •, , *see eerie: he e i c ki n i e d,4 s • ve ddi ng ' g iftf o f It? RUCs nitres. - rioted realitY. ' .', e Of Horace she eeidlittle. She was almost • nlrl 1... . f' k e •• • a ecinnee nr ', vie itnniediat°lY to his cousin requesting at 1484 Ratty' :tether that Will mune a widaing, • . - __, "fee mee dumb with home at beau imprudence, her ' sere Lest r, as nothing more of woman. ' • h ospir . ea , ~ The merchant sat down.a rhe hue op _ , , , . from him ' He-came off 'the same day , saw ' ' l e d gi g hi le le --an te elm ro ay on e - - a oil) city lido:les - her light, ed the box to compose hiruself for a few mon. d Nell ould not bel glancing u toted. els • • . .6 . permtlati, - rashness-nay; she would con it her guilt an •Pe• , . 0 P ,le • Conner, sounded him with reference to Me -• . Sto I- hi exelalined as Hetty held ilia her lid wheclA her coarse in a joyonsflight; ' . tsa belt,lie •od contents, Ile: 'crime! ' -- - meneer examen its • , • . , ; i • • face, tv h its brow so spiritually, i • fltelfee ttmla, legal knowledgeeand perceived at once that ' . Po e ' - e - kneeler track throozh the balmy air, t - first drew out a folded letter.. that ,looked as e ' ".The lee spell isbroketieshe whispered to Nell, ' and ask a herself-'if elite Tan, this super:. he was a very remarkable young man. Cone. • nand; 'stop tor a moment, wtuie I sew non f ant wer everewatiair.ted with a hir.•Te:. • ty the bleelems that cloister and whiten three; in eas she Laid her cheekr hers 'I mar • being he could not but think, if it had Lein for long years.. Ins eye main 1 15' -against' - i • 1. w" °DeN .III " nee WaB peredaded tii relinquish Lis - orlito ot ' 1 . Q T .- -- -- - , love him as a hum -but, Ohl how long it , truth, tee littleoeonner Lee livinein the fume t o • •and 'under • the Farina:tee' oteeir Piece+ ellis , , , . . - • -, e ;hi leaves the torn °Elli e mountains tilyewer its pages, mad a sudden light broke •., . . • e * ~, e , „, , e _le nulls, ... . „ krt ow we were, o ,anawatt a N a il , _ .. . green , hi s f ace , ma all be before I ten forget his besenens. eleeee i house on montrcai COllllllOlll9. , 1411 e ' Atherton, emarrumeed his Studies with the eel. -' "" over 'Well, here's et most awfully penitentlitttere • ladgents the Willey with crptal sheen. '• • And• thought traveled bor diee or Inm now a sisterly tenderness . 'There is no doubt n ow he exelnlmed,r_ap. , then,back to P° d f . e , o nor b . ebi•ated eanneellos -, I • , .• . - * addressed to uncle, Atherton, in which hoop* ld 1 t -11 11 h' - • •di • enif e l o h e d voi•e• and risir i o l e - Conner- • - , .. wou rreso u e eel aower to oar or, - • 4 mom I know wh h • ' , eft e e rested at nate, , i ..ee tel a e ' ' ' - ' h ed , _what day, was mono( the happiest of Nell's . belies recovered sortie. of' his loiries e - and' he„, tr the roses are pilling wail dere light • moved towir& Nell. ' ' '-- et' ll' e Id ^ 'if I bat knew. hoist! for a m nt, any kindlier emotion. She -,,• ~ life • and when she again took rtby c t until Mr hareetuined the. ' , he sea entree Tea "„, eie aatinma ' Y a 4 Eu m G retesorr eTh e se 4 e eon are rio ,ke e „t o mould-ntone for tnye cruelty. I' ust begin-to coneele. l, . „ , 4:1 herself. But what a work of ma r e; , , . • -'` teeny's - side, her'lreart went tip in silent thank- 50 uulawuffly taken front you glib'. Ifeleita t eitorer of hoist re rl ,X: p a r d . h . Arikk g ° Me, but, God bless you e an d he s ii es qu i ver .' ,realizenehat dt treasure, ihave, thrown from er e ot d Jae ot iron determination it had been , torres to ire makee ; foi eottoholitmeso , so . ___ ~ any from a friend that !Jetty wnsgoing to berme. • ed, as he lield out his hand, even have steed mee ' 'just begin to iiee how much vanityand -,-yet e e felt better andpuree-for the ordeal.. _L e e, , '''', -, , ~ , e f, .. . ' '''''''Pell l' enlae 'th h wi ' ngg' 'b • ' • • ' ' ' ' • th titnaire to Woe to prlipse others and the She flitted Conner's goodnvolutmore cheer- "'" - ": - ' 1 ,..,' ;.., - • , , ned, and tee/fleeted that this should •be glean .in L e music on Mg ~ •en a near relation to the child of my own lend- e . • 1 • I f I tha f 1 d . et ' ''e 0 i Aello slue /tette, hollefnlive` lam en- - you both, on your wedding daT. - Lguese,wo s Is setae. fills it wile ecstaiyi ' mourned Meter.. ' She is mY nfeee - Iliste t ' r . longng after riches; had to do with my pear • u e ate an dhat he wore a- bepper other creature now-/ do believe I shall be • • : 't 'i f " N 11 b' t 'Ye it to b r noire.= it on wet . or e,n ea , liser 1 1 : jc,,,;.. ' pr•assion-fer Horace.' . She Auddered. ' Con -no sae nes to a ere d retreat , "enen te ° 3o4 -Y lea g -Ic ' st teie ee'' . "'• e-ei 4 - • t h., - , ,- , Hi s ... ... help nu rine good for Ilettv from this little smile et en'they parted, and she couhl. not - • - well tamorrow. How sweet it rise° feel the H e r e are has proofs of racers repeetancos.... And then he told of his sister's Deady, al- - 3 /er W/.. despise me mote , ' • nPleotell of conscience; and Nati to.daY, is Take them, girls.' ; --• '. . , ', , nee bowerin g eines o'er waters Obit will never stoop to, woo roe again,--;. , manui. a , •on. . 1 . • meet; most weeping es ,ho pictured her loveliness i- _ble • ' ' the first time for a vear,-Ive have been tlt the. ' In tho paper .Weie 'twoe'ehicketaiaab tie': fse levies the wave where 'll But,' p•ill oven now be tnie to him. ,No oto. Hat E. erst etter was, a vete+, loiagand.very . . frelle she was:--too ood for , ,t,,,11es . . , e green leaves dip, _hoer gentleemad na b e , g er man shall : OM merhande ' • ' weleo one. She smoke of reetered spirits, 1t . 'ehte n menthe lave w ' not te-fin el . ' th ' dolhint ' f ' Bet -one tie ac cne et, e , , 1 e, • ic - ten onsand , . One or eI. , - io , •as it eurlesAke tt maiden's lip, this world, in wench elm was sent to sojourn , .P, _ _ ~e, , e„. eof the. ndnese of ner newefonnd reintives' the I. huve felt re,* lighthearted and bapinea- ' Nell. ~, _ _ en , , Fee her tren3olousbasoni would hide iii - raw, bet for little brief time. She was more thim , leo not tie r:ashatett,. ---. ' d Ana I may 'tell you,' ,filiti vootinned, after a • '5 I t . issall yours ,fiettYr * , eiig 1,011 0 4 Per" tomb l ' ' - rdi • ril I • d b ell who keel or over, the hope that she loves again. '- 0 Aa I I (4 e ' Y y he- e and • el‘ell, may sm, both agamst my '-' Gcl'd sldofliel thb tyfl God an , pen r iome, e eon o her war. • ' - uniehment l'' robe, g e parties, the COM 01111C1" 0, 04 11M1' ll lout" - ' 1 ' 1 1 t Conner . :'l'l 11 't d fully i te ,, mer i eere ee bee , pose, w in, rem , ime onee .. . , .• _ , .. e _ , her der , so -.ecited her husbend, (a, miusin • e e - - L. ' beether brie for' enable NA'S:in' tat" '' ' „ ,„,„ .It htimbied Ole Yery Much,' eseure yoira Nell, ' Not a, Cent ef !nearer/anted Betty, eerie! lite L- 1, .e.e. elitingsne'r the Western sky b e f ore li e m arr i er lo th a t , . f rom th a t ev e n ; L a deserwe to suffer., I have sligliteil year end . _ h . •'' ' i ' i •time •: ' - ' --• ashen Ito unfolded to me the'elfeefi of mv' in is all mine here - epee this spot, I Make you I .11; ends-tort; Icahn's o'll ' • 'd ' 'd I - d Pli hli d "rile" , ( e ri mu:lath e skirts or each - - Bopp ; . min seeme s iattere ,a . wag e paisne , • • e e les ordinary avocatioll ilitri - ilia ectustomed edleriee• oreepme old • • . . and -been traitor. to iny own' eon- of tin •pmess ran t iroug i entirecentents. .. . . ~ , . .„.I, , e , .. , , Had Conner_ Lee, been , et er e . Site h •than • She etil addressed lier as der& teeter told here d 'e e e etma n n ev e '"lnetTY• I rim wining it slleuldee bririal gift of rt.-provided, aftet yoer , • , •6 d 1 t t e be cal :ed by its right , Mnie, n0w,.,. itu, Nell, . you title dear bother Leek with You";, for .1. e 4 tl . ' without - 'l the poor elate 1 thoul'd 14Te idolized hitie--i e, --0' , n? aie ier,,en en Tea e ts • ' • ' ' 1 Suddenly thev mussed bun Terrifie4 epee:se harder of crimson amid gold, , zeal * ' • • -* r Is iV e lett [mu bed rot forgotten rite when • Ir - 'veil b e - ppler with i l ea.' t. N el a t, her to ewe her home.- '- e ' ' `'- h i ' .. , . ,en „ now she ,i . in, ll , , , ... care-not Or 'Wert 1. , -.1. owe i 13 nune,e . , , . •,-, - , ' ' I t - 1 h rue whenle first &died inn 'Bette hove my Nlf mohstrited although =er heart ins= • at his ebsenee and lb tof ht ce ild, With 4 'tit seine linge'ring, anbcams love 1 . 4) stay 4. • ' • t• A ' `r 3 1. 1 .r., ~... 41 eee e'eria. I Lie 1 bee e I-alien ever *I le WM; tifa mt i, ad • h • i , .• " -Be eoandeug comp non 0 6 tee B awe -"iliel uikir n ''' ar* l ''''' ' ' n • '. ' itl ee ' chatme , man. 'llo expresses fbe greecetcoree' ' g In . n g ° I )/Ine P au i t aw eS. • soughtetdm dtetreetedile R ee vedde w ere ef • have a haPPY im i nw e nt ng fe am ' -I n A' r•- ..4c • feta 1' hieecoruln •t - and eeeeres Mo' thit he hem around us at trifle.] t h ' • fercd' eitieesearelerd o nrem dragged; neither , -poor woolen .-e0w , .....en!, .ier eisoppoint. , eo , ~ e •• c she - wrote, ' that brother el et • ' ~ - • . .- . •6 „ • . e.,- n. ~i .3 -.. , _,,, . ilerfry thrlited as dt net'er'did-befere! Vllye ' filmiest too full fer'epeeoh. At IlettY wnww-i we fete - teed our vowksguia; but he, said it c. net lieten to `it word, besides koreceyohied, IA -; f i' l • t ( I.' , a a Li- ' -ip • ' '=- would be several-yeant before be conld claim, , lie - nentreatiee; and, uneleAthertnn,' erkti,lik. , qP:ta ler presence is feita . vith 'i ll' "I.' ' - a el. ' time leer money were spared by ilie a - Inert - ea raent Ilea bee:el-not - because Cornier, did not, - elite tli , ei)ature o le o I" , lee • ;mein,. the w 3 Royer w ee he . hed e neeenee e icemen,. , ti , , 4 t detiil "d th "Inide froin tbe r3. 1110-14.1.17 that she loved you beselorin who. ii JIM way, item no coca criterion 'of ' * . • o - ' . ' ee tnerCIV R the land•c I d t °d ePee; P Ilr ; flu-1447in Pru4cu ee t'al2. ' the E f Urch ' But ' ' n° tt. dj d• o•d,' e t 1. enj lii 4i: Erfoisi ii,(wAits• his drendful inlltlOnco tlepart-;) ble competence, wonid he oak my hpn.d 'br my comenny, tette were fast - asset - 44g, te, Pal" . ~ - aPc, ” crowes the stream • din,, :s or,the 105t`..440, mune • • 3 i g( 11 -an br .1 " 11 11 1 ? e u .11 'r ' -r. u ' - ii u ' • I '. 4 's n • ed. T rimOr l'fi's correspondent-it - with a ceree leliele.' ~ • ~.f •, ~ take of the innwirege,dinner, insistee,npon Lti1 1 .., :-Lk-k 1i . ,,, t .ot ffit mre Et fairy dream : . With a man'tan'synaning, he had dis,gu.sed , . • I't I ig l q t , e f 1 7 ( i P "'il en ' ! e 1 - 9 ' , e d n 4 ' II lain 34 re N .11 vou w uld ' 4 I st‘i Mr. Athe;rton's rim matter,' said Nell; =Opting lt--seyneg that /fatty had s Rerfeetr,, i fliHit throu It tl 1 lilt , elf and flu- : le d seeeee d,,,o l e ine ee ne . ootinfe y foe 0 him; sha rift ter--neee ~ - 4 . .. 4 -S,l 11 Ot f.o ' ' net he 'w•ge - much intern:dee-in Melee hie 'it to dishoice t i' - as shepleased, said that oo•s• •••' g '" g ads° m° air , "': ''; ' d t`.., 1 i ..3 ; lieu b ell.ro look . her in -tee - Theo Dqrlitl.. 0! that, / , admlee, P= rall/3T/d1 Me cow - iterate of Conner.) ''`e • 1 : J., ,1. a ~,, .ie e 6- ' 9 "' ,• b. Sp otß4ant ' Y l ° everisv•here :- , -r ail el ee e ' r e • ••• 11 ' w ee f al.l4 e .l4 '''' -).° ' te e: a • uld e b•• -k ' t •el 'rt,' ' ' abe . 8 he 11.118 I , :llik'd tO t hilik sereensly 011 Ilk corn' I°°l ' e " A t ' 4141 v ' te " i '.' ' a " ( " 437f " nt ') ' ll , a"" them could no_ be, a more praisewort h y a ~l, copsicemble money with hem ha-',- m" with ell L 9 ~ . 9 -4- bit (-ill 19 , )Lar. en el •. • , , ~, . • • nertion while he was conversing' -, ; Jeer - --- ' _.• .... __•• __•,.. • ' ' ',, • ' '''i g e th w e 1 I eide e neo en t >et t o n e n f e e. duet SI 14Sneetwes mol hat ne Ilea eoine to' e-o . ' . o'• .. • • -- , • r, ,---•• • - e e . t 42.. w i , ~, „ tleemethod of madoress, diepeeedeir some re.,l . °°. ,'; 3 '":" V° - I " --a i ' l . i 1 ' , d .1, :,. •.. , ' ,`lll3 MUSt he impreeeed,evitli - Iris noble op- •• _, t 3O Yolreee, ii:!01` reader, that Nell was sna,=, .en 41.41.11011 Cy was c..s. •• 1 . • '• ' ' a 4 d row etre- - • , - ,le con Anson 1 nit lie wom ruder Lire Inc - ier he mouth „, : , , , , , s „, . , ,alea), ie emete re the VlClagy 1:4 Avenge lie ~Slatie 'ti c ..t mer l i n ,' N e il an d Hefty- even ) or it mo, He s t , ,td- teat he e on ee ree d l e pearailee,' repliee'lletty, eionteleetly. ~ ' learn , , bled to purchase that :beau:tient.. l i t the t te.t. ill a " -:: r llttra w b, rr i e _ " t , „ t ".•,YJ u s' Iturming °teals veins hiaereditors, ployions telne departure., ,', in;•,- , 1 t'd Cm. tee !site; so ex. , Freirele ri - tir 0 11M•111M' 110 did, ho elle e• not, Nell' if eureneelia le if loneleeiteoned me cottage, where ehe reenlea at present' 0 16' , t .. . 3, a._ ee 11.43 onebled to de , .13 l i e. k ern e ) • e .- er i mete zleV/ 24 Peeltl e I --L - ',, . - ... - ' ,* . 1 r.-- ' iy i ' ' e.Ti'.in co ' eon) lishe woman - the dere ed wife, Um kltid GLOII (Mak for over two e •-- 1 moat a. • gone of t e . Wed, 11 itee o e• r ---- er a " h• ,, 0 qed end nervous that Nell bad to rally ;ler 'min, :43 110 VOnnt; men 'wee a relanvo,of Inc • setoro and- tru lITdo I 'fedi° th es um e i 4, . .., t , ... pees in the hoe, tfieenithehent learned the es- " - t, ti ‘ A ' d 1 e ' f 1 - t tied ti fal I dadded haref his love' mid uow - plc ere•dhw thmenretin ' - friend, and the 099 t "era/ . 1 43/eratOr.oflus , tern:see rove up to Ito uor , amy, tt ~ le •Se WO to ~ 0 •. , .._ s ' - 6 . • . r ite __,.. . o -,. • , I - 7 - -1:74;---7------------------, ' . 4. - L• ( ru n -- • • , . •eells eu Y. , dl' dot bu .- .. - Door, for mines anion , , , . ,- , • , lees engin, ot e "e , 'ID .8 nre OS easily lost &steer. elle e• t. 181 4 1115 P .• : • • _ in a two reomentslioraee Atherton steed - Ere. - ' ' . '' 1 , ' ' deeeesieeeeeenel eeme Peer ee .v 4, • et n e e e'n' :, -,- '- Ilene '.e a ereeell eerie", bate word The poor-gentleineme(said the - scrawl) laid befor e them Hie e_yea looked- red, as If he • It wa an interesting letter. arid Null laid ite ape Ilremese sac you lent feelY.Witil inn, ,Ween ; el ene j a akaan , and , th e Be iri r.Dr. , o , , ~ok, in 14,111. It JS a very melt and tinder w nme, a little Lan at Qme• had been recently weeping, 'and bits manner doe n, aeh .l e l3, bee de nertilier, that hae I , • , ~, . , • 1, •. , . ..e• . • purbin.', ,' ~ -., - '• ',-' . pricg s " , o ft° w hen 'dropped' by, chance, - bee ..rd old Mrs. Allewar, -- lieing . reputed a w a s abashed, He coeld kenreely ertleulate, that dam in'Oliglit gad yet kappy pews. '; ' In the ereniii, rietty sat map, and them was ,•• -' = •,-• •, • =', ' ,--- ''• , ' ',` - " we t •-._ ' - ' witch, - and famous for' ep'efliaa such disordem - 11‘1;' aisterr: 4$ lie follidd lititty,in his arm - s. 'Hann 4 3rerollith Neal, teet to -return 'el', the'equfte ,a graluniee in her room, for ' Bireacee ' W; 3 fit l 4 .lllo ..tellowing anecdote In the BOP- W"lf nne e ;., --e- e •---e -------- --moreover beintis iOrt , of'difendent on tine, 'Come,' he said reetreemeg les unction, facto r y. eller mother was infirm, and:elle wan, i with his delleatemet high twee wife, wee there, e. ton Record-with time refuel*. 'lt isa,,pelt * en e i s res t es e eeteer women •be e sire it is bonen. of theinnekeeper, eves emit foi toluene _uncle ea leapetheat te fee vou--..but; lira/. T:t . iy, n, t Meet' t•.'ne_ed o,l, 0 t ~• 1 101 0 0 - ne'shies, the let a -aid Connerer te-ho e leoe ,oe , „ aa, braveleel nod elere, even itrelotelleeS e • ',ale': '''.•• eseeke s e e ‘ ' 'reef ie - " l e °n ecked' All thet's ne- bite. - Nieffile lie New deleg, in 'an ' Mitered of s i e f er ee en d - eoe, de t s tire ed-erie yOU forgeee : terMore that, ilintee, theteo - eerteln yeamo - gentle,nianly, as ;tenet' the eempeny t end ? ltfre ~ ,TA the . 11 eiliter• ele tenenee - . .." . ur ae women to sto •e• '•- r a I , ' 'I - h bt"f- -- - "- -• i . e o c i. , • „ t o ,4.0 1 0 e r xi , r, jet, . ,•rad 1. . - eraser' di r ripe • ' ete coned the easel-in to rtrssutattoursjasiy, , , p rooms. atvay reasomne in orme eeenet re ve erect ou 80 . owl', h e fty, jso erenbee ee hi re b e for,e Hee e phy 1., T A! hall _at. 344 g 4 311_ wn a , jell . - Athertem e nn , tea Levy o tan , ,„ ~ ... , ,e,,, • . , : . -.,...-„ . ~ • am-Ito ' ' - firm stetted son of •t entisytwaree l e•Aseroroos . ' ; • ' • a litrge,' aim Of m'onoy Which he - hiid wi th ireele en ; {h a t la y ta ti n tions toward you. 'were-hen.' tioed lee enro - the - 'wree and vet imeiriefe erre and eleven eeeted eoreplinienting -diere at ~.. el g , , , , . Wi lla _ _ ') etc nu Ist r noimierims e • '.-- m tor dhr to take c•areeeff the ebildren ;A ' 1 Pt d 0 oeue rev snit; ' keep lie therenatil he should sieureiltdprimi ' truthowonld teed merrird .her •hiniself e le be * rawly pdl,ol 11. , 0 0,, .-•A piec e of theastonishment the ) Pc c ' - ' ' nntlh ' nu " 84" e ec-nne Y 1 4 1 ''- ' " f b; rl t hli d ' `'i 'ted -So Neil, lie ' i'l II '' -- thus' ' . It 4-41 1/ .144."4'81°°':/16 doomed 'l'l44' to 'lllll''' "and send' them then, relapsing again :rep r - eaeh es hive' been unman. ,-:_ ' ' - or: le ,le o a en o t4i teal • ' "celdd_ reel el teleelele ' -•eee flew Zen- - Pete 4 . ..- 1 - 1 k - h ie ' l e - e - i re . s t •= , et e eras snuck weir Th e t-TI . '''' & Porte 1 . - n"" °f a Lady le into itisaility„ raved till he died. - ' . ' ,i0r. , «.- , .:-.' - e-t- k .,-liina-60 aid Nellf-be - ''''llhe a eeteedel e b o eiteflioinareeWd e ecaree-reticet ieeycillwealcre, OtillaYragito' lakiiiPo : ;-: VreAdok l'e aa '1 4e P' , . -Pl° - - r Pflikt io z•• - n of the last Li ,actection of a secretary' ef 4 th 4 t Ile kert. wit . , a th at waa b ra . AN m e e eltd b ei n sc al e d in a ta ticor A i . , . eeette vire tha 4.... , ,, „. ,' -,,,e,4 furc.-,Ay-torainiitt tenra f ir kt`Refi, ( .' - fe!,t l ,'° l %. ; 414 . , ';' - whas,t iNigi . ,,,; -II - 0_,,0 u 1g a _,, a146 ,,,,s 114,4 t .. iPa g l = isu ,l'' th a - -,l,„ l ti l l e ati o 4a 1 4 ' - ie,-**- 4 ' ttAt 1 fit Auburn locke. ,- ';`, rography matt Crudely briginrd, ''en4 T • 'et' &aspen Men - both, and, unable, to/ 4 1.-,•,- - , - •'..-•' '.•'..;'' '-'' '` *'''-' `-'- • --4 '-lacityktiluii4 2 - ,t 1 -N* 4 'e l "`i ICIL- 16•" *., `AtinUr 4 - - . n ' ' - ' "r - '• ••• I ; them-, led them to the carnage. , To ono Who . Denies - hit; Ood. U.stas, g►BT U'COT. Oh, wbo data say thero inn* God, Wh'ero hoVietil this bounteous earth ? mar:cowl thou deny - ll:sovereign power that gave thee birth? Costliew.the Heaven and Earth at" will ~ A l i Ciro deny thy Maker still ? • 'met too; on Ocean's wide domain, Jed dAbt that there a God Both reign? riew the fair 3foon—the queen of Night,— , Foe sun—the source of life , and light, And ven, ,, ,naert Saviour's Power, In rnq star-.in every flOtver. Ur! to the earful thunder's roll, Teich shakes the earth from potato pole,- 5e the red lightning's vivid fire= CH thoughts of God thy hrest inspire. p,hold the wiid toranado's path, Oar God commands in hours of wrath,- • I`Vs srourze to PISS, with dread, and death, ',V re tiOPSOMS Spread thefr odorous breath, ' Weere waters meet with frightful rear, • tnd forced by wi ld winds lash the shore,— knd where. adventurous natotts weep Theo . thcasimds buried lithe deep. ;cast ace all this, vain loan, and say,. There's sot a power thou wouldst. obey? s there 'math Heaven's wide expanse tee dark idofeter of chance, lies dares to doubt the Great First Cause, Chick gave the Universe its laws? it:, sinful mortal, ere too lat4e, rake thee to thy lest estate* OCIffFS Illy God, who rules Obove— : •:ay to the Lord of Truth and Love r , e's ever ready to forgive. ' sj that thou tney'st forever live, •letkiake I hear a spit it 'sigh is via cartel th ill to dic e ,- ' o Eire no kept bey . ond the ft:lMb,' , cks4o souls immortal coast:tot bloom. A SIMED MLODS. rot h:'; ; at stars vrhith Baru the uight, erica a INgsfa I dwallici spare,. "here kindred spirts re•anite, . Whom dAeth'has tarn asander here, tom sweet it seers at ears te Aid leave this blights(' oil; afar—; eial with coal, to tit-aye the AY, Sad sawn way from star to star: etch' how dark, how, drear, how lone Wald seem the brightest frond of brim fraaderte; through each radiant one, We failed to find the loved of this! f then no more the ties shOuld twine, Which death's cold hand alone can, sever, • h, then these elate in mockery shine, llcre hateful as they shine forever. conaothe ! , --each hope end fear Torablights the eye or clouds the brow, ' =taints there is a happier sphere , Thou this black world that holds 05 130 W ere is a voice which sorrow hears, lybea heaviest weighs life's galling chain ; Tis heaven that whispers "dr} thy tears= The pure in heart shall meet again # , *4 4 4 10 4 41- 0 - 0-*4 l oi4ttil,_4l**4o*;4o;ti*-4i.Argitit. - ititz. , :if::-.: =v,i , . --, :...4.::. - .. - , - -.;-: -, -.-:. , 7 , - , -,F.----:.?...-.:------,-':,-,- .--z, , -:,-. ':... i •-, :-. ....:. ,--- - - •.- - IMMILIABT) _ ,, f:':• - • - - ,,,,- - - -_,':,--.' , ---_,_;::,:::- -- :: .: 1 _' -.- : -- - , _. -- 12.. 7- 7777 7-7 4, 7 7777 ..;,::,,o.ongpswltauusimy,-NOVEltifEß:2o.'lBl‘ VOLUME VII..\NUMBERO': ~;. NE=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers