The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 13, 1851, Image 1
_ 1. . , ,1• . I . .. . . . _ , . . . _....,.... . .. , I ; ',1.• ' k ; i t . ; • ; ' 1..., r . , • . . , k, i ). : : ? „. . ,_..., , . , . _.... ~ . ~ ~.., ......• .., ~ .--...............____ _ • „ ....... j .: , a . F ., • , . _N t . & , ••• -. t . v - : ..,, , ,i , 0,,e _ .. - . r , 7 • . t,• ,• .i. ' . I", e -.' , / i .-: %: '' ---: - ' '.' l-- ": / • ''. , `....::: ; .1, - `l: 7. "' 7 . _•,. g ,• .. :.. , .f, -•; _ 4` ~ . i ; ..:. . - - • • - - ' • - • !,.....,•; -, . }:::„:- . 1 :.`,.- •,'"; l' i:-..•-• , ' ,• . ....1% - ty, -. ', .A.: t., •L.- - :' ,, .. 4.. - . ' .--.../ ....• / 4 `•• ...---. - ,' ; , .•, ; _.', ~.•.' ', . . .., r, ,i'. - ~ . . . i. .. ..., ,•• , ~ ~:', , ' .'-'. '' 0 'T '•:.- ''''': ; ' '''•''''.- '.- - -.. . 1 , - :• f '. 1 r -, , ' , 'O4 -4 4‘ .. • . ~. . • , . ..., , - ... . .., .. ... -: .... ~- .4-. . , -- : ~, ..- - A tfr .. -.-. . ,e,..- .-..•-. - ---: ...4 0-- 0 - -- - '4 , - 2,- • - - O , Y .i. ' - -1, - Zo ' - *.‹; - . -r)." - N. - .`.°' i -,. .- • , ~ p ersol, -:. ..- - , --- - '- • - 4 • ~,, .. 4I . - - (ft 4 t .- • . ... . .. H I • ' I • . —; .- ' . , .._ . . . ~... . . .. ~ , . . . . . . : . • - , _ .. . ...--. ; „..1......""ff" ........ ""*" . " — " .. . , . . ,11 Ttgar4Illerfrattntl- 'egraTtalltr' . ..-., , . ... .. . .... . -- - • .: . ~ . . . .. . ' .... i .- ) S E P . . A..,, THURSDAY , 1 . 1. ., ;: i: 2rez ... -,,... 44 1 lA. T y .-... ; 1 .;,,,, .. ~id opt,: Jaw- wourth,i; ~ lio• tv.;;A: / 4 . tie, in- ..h.oi „,ir zin g , i t ji.ii it ,rii i .' • ' -1 - 4 .. 'Costittr Lee?' •1 A •• II • .....:...;-.......: ~ ... . ~...:;.!..,:...,...., .--___, . _..,. , . . .. -.. ...,-!..., hoot. 10..,:te . 4,01n . ,- , .is re, here y_on, litt , ol , • eroni Arbor's Howe . G'4 , 115.... --..-. .- .., et:l:%, 0 L,lti ilttylitiOil'i 4,t,hAt itt?.llitt.T.-.-o:ilide VIII Wit , tuve minty . ~ A lyni ,.. . - ~, iiik ' AP . i:",6.' it:01,1-'nntatii:itr;:illyiltitig g4;roil. 1 itiOringl...: the. way sae dresses! itidietttorisfe 1 - me l it, - r • -.: . 4 „ : "7,t1. 1 . 46 .P,. ..... ....? .- .1 i Anti thew 1 'A' iiit LI it , Ati Tsr Iti ti llt 10..- ' 1 extrvvv•itit• Atid 'the I.itit I. .' ... I " .• . . • ; , ...,.. ~., ,- - pits., hay,' I . • - . . I , oil, as ,it shwteass Lou. pint tl• r ,mr of these; - I. , ... . - v'ilitid did tarplitie notice that its the itittiserin! - . 'I titar . tisr lit tlii. - 1 . 1.41it i . 61 . 111•;tig,- bitty p - . .. - , junto y l aw,. p o t in v 4. gold pire.e.'- - l'he , rattled neterdttnt to set ettletnterso, hi • , t,o .vwsrts,so; or T. - S, Atone& to.;:tn'theOalet et tte ICI st.'uf the •P' 4 . . 11 ) . '.' 414 e.r.ituite . as I Wriiiliis Walk; w nattieteocurr .1 f tit thiitt'd Ma Ltu".1111 r eel N I liit.F.tat. .IIIIUVFILII•Oill,..., tt4tv''s eltar , cler .. 7 ' I. 7 o. ta tia ttri iTh rt .w at . e.:! . s.,) , i , v r arae. t,ulaWn. , .ain tt02 : •1i .. 44 . istrat: i, ~•,,Hit,,.,1 ii c , 1 , 8 - 1 „- „ ‘„,,1 qi, 1 .i,o;;; • . . . ._ ((s mi . iied ) . . . aint saute 'Os tisein wofilit tit . .. . her And sh ‘'.rield . .( ; )r / - . Woi 4.,•al!it. your Tetley; ted .fiekty, rotor= sui.b . ; ci , ; ,... H. , isi t ii i rk ii j',. • I knoW it'lletty ; but it Would tr,vs, beets "t life P r .!s e.t ,et li,' oo.ighWie. kit , ' nitwit b,..tte r r..Ati . •thtre 1 tiought , rotated:tide mit . , as IV pat h, ellitheSlOF the naming `Winter ;. Iniwever.: fermi! .. -. ' . I P. ma , , . Si y no more about it, n* . .yon'tqu.riel, deity; r' te. , " ', ' u ' i r.. lint l'arisir you• put on atiyittlitg.. hat that ; 1,, ; "I. death. it looks so like tryitqtw . app':•ar - ati.ivii ,y'our }."' 4 0 approach retAittn.' - ' , '.-. ..---- • . - ' And may be,lll be a: good . w , '‘ , ..itbove . maitre dies. prest•tit station one uf .the..ic. days,' said . ~.. . . exultingly.. . • Mop , 1 •"e• -- i ' Nell dtd tuft reply - ; lint ,slie to - tie two sighs Grey's with, unebturert.,bl-_, ti ! the last sweet smile i presentiments, th A were hi when .a snort time titter '• Atherton and his L:l , -' • XI& to spring, ed, with :1 13.1 y wl , days ()row ion, p.m. I ion, - The ger'•y's p nation:. sting, I deafly grati'' Aj,ws wale!' yet no joys pos.! h& „,!le . lir • I 1 .2 f A. tietn re. h.qtri , ifs] sad in!r, ; death's d irk verge, n tear 1.11 she.' .he lighl.llo parr the sit, oni ash ft:ea:hes utoaa I te Ai ' ! - , the itt.t. tiii% 91,1" as 111:11,:frd Cliii of . Ai, in 'll5 titillii/ 14 ' 0(061 1 fi i. ' Pre 8. kE. B _CpSE. PROPRIETORS Plaktit • 0 - - Treusistedfrorn the French of Jr. Ua Letmir. tize• - • Autumn. 4f:ain: F erree% in dyinz verdim rind. w..iplut par d , hIM tears all h,lmo ; rprey aillantil lay, %rhos , . cep •ct sad, D ,rp t s end saftens nil my w it h 6pezfilfol step Irt lout ly woodland path, lui;'e mak the yeer'o retreating' form, ' wh e u; tottihre.hrt the shadeo of deaih, rie l van's veird stye scarce tell the approach Stamm. I • re, ithet., Wolin 'tllys. when tuttstre dies, li,iFley Erne, all !r•aglirialls thiiiza I mac- D e fl e atilcif a frIrTI, she lisle two sighs Thitsrsft-froin dyteg-litss the lest sweet smile So rorly from the sholv of life to *prim:, {feepiag for surnentir days of bop • loo_ past, ►still Ita% Sok w,ttl eav:v'e p 'tattoo: Ming, dad view dopartedjqs watch yet uo joys pos- Etrth. wt. val.& ware. h.:artful and itt!r, For you, on death'id Irk verge, a tear Ctl shed, loceiy the lighl,ito pore the min t , Taal anion; ant t;:eatlaet aroaa I thu heal ~rUath.4Pthis cts t. Pd tl-a in ; 'Ns Intorted coil of fleeter and of ; Sull, is 'its &whs. titi,l-11, may reins m of fir, to for ult. Perch uoa, all aliroadO ;a Cuter ity. • •anry ;•tii+rianal. My s>nl may see, I TO feid m y **ll;rit Nita a kludn-d eye. ." 7De tinier renal!. 4161qt:taps to the gule, theatuittg . tut latent et. ere it the ; lake the wail Or Axl. o•ra t ut • Toy 3111;:nr. b..cri?.£,;tft s. poi •s-rted toog Cf wit w udn vii.;ch o'er it iorrd to sweep My lyre . a,uae. ury v 'lie • a t ry •.1 v, Taiz, And my sweet 111:114..forsube.i. t unic rti) werp Yet gill, rp thin k•. if wort light bri-ear , of r vrpi Lulu ric'i p•rfu or. idiou'd Tad sfunt harp. wo hreAth of 11,aveli Would Wake (lace mtir us maim melody. Aid dots t'ty lov,ivo:ce to; WM.! ill .I;',re. I thlli triple f .1. tilt , I tarter toriog, Ts IKet+l word nt t. r, echit.tiz o'er iity lyre. Sun brratk the Ppe.l! tlt tt bards esolt guidon 114' Jbrrcrri wreath furkite., of childish hours, Culled Own the v:ttli of ding. d plot.; A myttie gialliA .1, of littist • treittiu - ed littwervi Erg talufd by hope, 114.1 , wd with 1!/..111 . 13..11 to ti. deign irlionr ham :lad is a Rainy r•'rmr, I r6-INIgLy. a',Atf. [ i0v..:1 1., 44a.; 7.oa?jileir and Ir.r, u'o rb time, 1, 2h114t bl 4 !:11Z - • E r. Tn•ldtlitH g by the ' , l: b:lby 11.1. Frii.v.ol,. I.v .rs 14 w . 4 trur Iliad e ,rtal that tees !unknown to titre. Nuthoozirt, creel, in ittle;, that 1/Wu ditrll not Wh • Sittlthi vary Wilt itot'ona 2.1 - T livli-d. Wighlili n von to .7.111• at (119.1, nrIN of !iest. Th 7 fe.mLirto ma-A sti , ?, zool my rinrit yi.urnrd Tik ow oil i 197:11.d till-. 'it Rom 0p.4 of &Zile. 0:1 thou tau,*.st flume to nint lij'y Orr whu dx-Pt IP:ron , l th. And toldst;fite that the word witich furm , d •thrin - aft. i liad p nrtr to erash path ith . nintr cradd Int high. 6101. shPn Nev. arm the ettrtria dark whiz' Tardm.ptoaed tbrattl i res startling saded Wae hoard, krliprv're,inn IhPre. lnth.n :121tremh1e s 1: n p Npiitilinz . tip In th. Idoz". llr motl4l thou did Mff a~ .gitp Alis!igiaty n rrn 1 44 made the floweri, we love tied eau alright ' • . Bp'sthe;swift harrichor 'op I otfu l ' , Lorna' I r r'iildliod p oupd. nit o,m• r . nrimptin ? dream C f riir. if nit. !ntip f!Tinnv diy, ritintiineit rtidietti nit.t.ll','s 2hitim. Traprirst. tIF twantifo!, it fled orrrty. i .11', lo t nnr hmu....dint borne. pr poriPtit !Ali, -• , . rt. iii,p,,ltme .tialtoy' t with iiii rtlPh ittz spring. .rolltdy o'.k , . the otill, sod pm:terror:ow. I rhrr il.:ft et Purnm4 birds torte wont to I 'Oz. 4. &Liam.; left —nod nR n.r am `n l i" l - * kr Sanaa %Ai tiSzil!, H 04.111111 y PhH(lO " 4 .firs tear th.o •I:neto.d an • bovelin ..Sr., And my *nu; spiri y t reitthrre was a past. 11. "^n ;I chilrlieh tiriet oway. - Awl far. hi other kale ;Tuid al ran zer fitment "PIT lea. ;lieu 0h.% azain, co *HP go'y As an. Aome 'mid - Southern Lon- 8 - • 'rtill; anmoirdir 4.l"*e`••raY, 6mn Mgr. on 14,; hoar, eharm my f.t:Ym•y tmr.. awny.. ittlionvtor g.lePOWert • T thm! ( ""m tmOh ••eMild thotodetemul one gleam tkisiltqlio urn rmamm6ibnvP, thinly vu. rdt. hmirt• timm iyinrd Iwziatt 1110341)1thees tmniet—that titime of for. : • • 49 .1! IENT hit P h A f 4 .I”Tsl,lPks tißSt4,ll 14 111 111197 II- VPSRPI With it* ki Alennthia, EgYp_t. .She is 'cil lo r lt 11,D iee-boasS also. t~Y_ Y --- si.ittl ntie .nhil 'another; ..; the way . 1 4,, Treitt.d it- zing Tit har atriwidlC - 4; few, seciindki •,1:1L!. - - I r retirt.d; and Ahti stared, as . ir _itirira4 at bet' , word bakes mY.lteiirt boutn) - -', I einiiiittetliiei ter: o. l l lu n i t. t fi - c T • ti ;L ff er e ., , , t; ,. :o ‘.ri lf . i n f t i t;_ a fain b c hi e li il d int i t i j it e te:tl io int b e.; Como' Leet.. t .•Ind how. ite,:tidaloug, to to. riere you, blits:h! yoti,-"tdhl'llre' 811•gli!,id. ean : ghastly, ....:'' ...-- , • .. ;:...... ~.2 . inlo.nN,,,,,,kultBti;:l4l,lll7l:;li.divse,ften.iovit,t,li-:-.6.0.:',.4;:i-in.ii.n.• iris. , .... ~,. . ; , :::t.. . ~ ~,.,,:„. C 0 t , lli inielitiiiff:i Of tlatijd : Caee:c-etand el4 . con nottuvrpoor-litelfv riite - crintintied;,-itti-• • s h irt ~:Ilainoili 'gnine to:, bed r ! tiit'.•ly;•lttit.' ' It iild'not : iiitur s 'Aityiltitig gt:iiii. , id - iohod,•'., r .. 1 knon.tliii `lnity.,,itt; ;lima itanish - ` , T!' 4 9 hliU :Igo ;' wits the 'response, 1 silo 19, ; ' comprehending h e r . B . iief l ye; ~t`'lii. il;, frOnt . her . ;• !intply, and t vitlinnt.commenl,,ho told .her ihe•Way site dresstts! ftMietihin'sfy 1 - 411 4 , 1 it; -64 14;11j 1 4 d ean" 4 Itletit my be..rt ;•i i ii - `, T • = • ••' i-, '•; ,-;,•'••-•-• : " ' ~.•• !-- , .poet . tet a )nisi. "II it 11111/ %Vs ralivjel 1 / 1 0 . ful. ' l4 lor,v; Id s rii lic listi , tit•d: to • Lher ekqu en t I I ' e tti rit t r i:e g uO dk. . ASA : the hattglity :nits . she-pits' have: -- WrittillitiOol• liettt.--w t Orithipped- her ;I1 -' .it ; Wake her: thou t-,lell ' her •tn emote to my lining and which he red ale, d to•I\ elf.' -, I Words, Ids tee - grew pallid;brit thatlivitti.his. ott;itSit sitte,wati too. g' t'ltcl Pr Miy of . them, 4..1 Ie,dIIIIIVI M I 14 , ,id th it is 14.We:wind:I -Bnt Ilk I clizonber noW; I •tnifst see s her-1- Mis ill ;.I MADAME :-, . , ~ . j . • -:• •• . 0 11 1 7. manifestrstitat of fi:ellat•.! • ;•'-- !,":,'":_ '-'•-•,-, : lArid did t•tiPtilW ttie that in the subset ) : :dr ea m iv s/r,,,,n e i vi . the . : Aj'll4;/',(11.... ',delicious i titusksee heti' unit She; hurritsl b4,ek,• for - • -Tlwresistil vouha ; ladt.kere, ishanPPearn to; • - •Ido, Ihiu Di n r -prtitt3iiitorti.i,fntiniedo i,i., Riot)ibrll4l3l tlAtldelit - Orldizi . .-Initv pilm- ~errant of happiness:: I will, ei skii he torte . felt the dmidral faititncsa conting,on nun. . litiv,e'no, to, iterTonid , ri!i!.• ‘ ‘,ll not tell-lieti phew.-- ...§..),: , laircai ne . !um? .bringin g .„,fi n n . .-di*,. Bi . t - pottery 'lila littt in, alittlititice.'-- l'itese, and np,-•••'l:iviii haver , trouble hey ciiitin-tiever . ;•l•- , I Whet . is the- mat tiT r eit - elsitntol•flapnaft,lll;tme. . 1 3Ite . wt•rks ivory, hard. utt„ . ttlup ~tttur, k , I gt . ,ct .uptltt.,:het •fmthi.y.,1,060..1,,,,h.,.'wai•-a ir l m. 4l T, 6ll ter.;:iptite,-as seribuit hints; were shiwle liiit;as :I•-• laiee - ,...1.1,' in the isiglit• of he's . ven, l who had haitily titesSeil herself, end- nave ett 1 lut she dott!tnake i enough to pay 'tier board, vet'y r:ce, t !It ttest! ! giri....... hh i e .iop tu d, oo,t ai I !udvllm•l?jug, ll'llY's ellaratler.;: Meity. Of: her .11etty isinitM ,•,..if it lijan illominn, it .svill hist ; t i red Nelrs room; ' why, Nell . ii .t ,oilsynn? l and mother is very poor, : and ; 'earl t, Ito anl het It e. Li t t loon• ty0b1a t ,,,,,,,, r 4 wry r orilt a l to cotiticibs-iehheti 14)11 . s - tier vvith etinttifttpt- ',tie tocsin'.'' , Tell het i yi,l • l frouble. , lure y ‘ on sick?, .Vltere : .l.4 getty . r .., .' i . I Or. n?111in4 . .. Aly ste . . hen. fowl -the Lily., btlteve..ltim...,youog.;..wpn!: tr.,.poney-.101 . • • •O • • r . . hi 6t deigit ftitip'eak to more • tell her I pracidie m.ty•lo-i 88. 11:114)1,/ as ' .." tome rued ;bon lieside eie, ; mnrmutvd,i !if ; mills. and she sti . ),e itlH• 11 sure she s.ny !let , i rt tompertne)our . alhier._ta m e .thr,.....t. - ••• (Continued.)- ' - '-• ' •• . l'ilt:'ri m A in tid 9 e l ti t r il i i el % :l l , u deier t i s • i• It -"li n t 'tot' ;,1 .% Ia o I t"is . .'i i r t•.th' •.. ' T . ': . i 2 '"- •'' •. '. Nil,ll, - Whir . Wii.3 lie ;bon belplesa, tilien the, lin une attic far tori.m. and tt4J(I mtoolvritettil..,'*ney: eftelaithed Nellentir,g cn d st i til g i l t.; 4 tVVII it A'k'at!!l%. your tummy; ,lietty, taut . : j. _, • I moo. u Mita slits' in liJr-n.w.i.rvii -i nrOl so .4,- lieit 1.. •And,:l Win e i., An. ynur.tnatner's ; maks, rind .4.41 lii tisOnsdi i , .•liiiiilii•ii, she ilitetv her I you, end Perfetps you would 'know het; so ,4 elibitt ftep : tall flaw . , u Idle InT 11 4 .4 fl at .fi e d mi d tit, We pros,,,.t,t being-oe. tore of klorie•-• mine. never touch ; 7 yritt. will . Stu:1 1 1" i :trots ; ttronnll hei i t tee, and burstirt hitoteir s; . tvloll.l:l4l, t ‘ i• v i;tihl o .t t a l i i , t; I l i o b it e r rtv i . . r t4-ti v •ri ou tt t - t ) : lei r re lT l / 4 :l l n s i i t r et h et oc l o ; i i t i lt a b le t Tili n iatn' t , t) ," 13 4 H a i n + j tegi l knoW it'lleitc ;but itriVonki ii;vs• litien ~,,, more i; . ,1 71.; , , ,., , ,, iii.:: :, : , :t ~ , , , ,i- , , , i,e_n ! .., , ,T )t .t .,;. 1z , , i , 1i i.d. nut, ...I_lLly. hue gone ;I - et ty 11..slif . much ticstterAti l .li4ve 1 - liiiiigil . viiiinirrtilite ! ; 41 , ) t i . 1 1 0 . , t 11 ;:' u l t c , il t . h i nl ' . 11114 . 1 i i-t , 1 . 11 1i 4t .:, 1 :T ; i r. i ive ;mist min) her ;int, as W V don''t know iv Ositi • Uti'l ,11 ,1 ill gold - heal the lort e . t k i t l ;n re e ttn h t elothes - tor the auming 'Winter ;.I 1. t It` -4 ' - ' -: " -• "r : -e- $ l il t •t rt t.idt ? e" in ' I L ie; po;Itii•; 1 1 - •• - "L •i ' di. l ' l C ". fl;ij i er' 1 1 ' 1,- t- t i l l i t i t •i t e i; I c i t! ' " ‘ t. i t - ., ( hj", lo.s . ;•iitl! -1- ..:' f 7 =.' '• -- . ' ' No :: Van eannot, mean What you s l iiv; re- Sort of ti Chameter: she may be, and ,at tiny igiivi) bi.ek. ittkidaitted•liappin r ; , si, it•S : . : ln noc ' en t s.ty HO i11ir1.1 . 11 . 1.1011i. it, lt*;:tVoll4t q u ' ra ''''; ii " t q.t" 'tse . 4;•d;ttitiiin th .t Ids li . e'sit W-it sloWly hrelsk ' ;'' • i do- noi. wi -1 1 •• her to.' he etid, nll/1111111V 1 Plitt Ifinialt with' energy. ' * •i ' ' nite, e:tra a ff ord to .keip ik.r. ,•-• ' ' . ' 'nye! 'NO. • There Is tioney'C o a l ; n e pti.; hut Furish yoti• put on atiyitung • hat that ; 1.i.; . Lie ii4ti. ther . ate her etildite " tes . : Ind 'striv ' et; •titi hitterly,..tli N at she wsW;I4I repent, j h a v e . t i.'o , .4• Yes, site'. has 'wine, zuel taketi I)4th my - . Direet to Mrs. ; Arnit•tritng, :Oaten) St. • eve left, With; iny'itisti4- ; ;:.•11 IS' atitrini•ht•d ; OS, t it looks:so Hite talingto• appear - titi , your - 11/ t. ;:itiev it : itt; : dtlen coyness; hid .1;11(71i . ii V ( 111 . ..ill ll in.: it l ii it, i t i t s t y bv: VV.1114 1 1/Viin.e.' :•..GI;CHii i trunk mid her oval. :.' .0h 1 Hannah, I never I .0 r .id Nell, elastiing her hands in nrony. ipuin thim:•nint Aha threw it h o rt n ti , l u e: g h . 7. : : :::: : stai ," a •' . , • ' ' L . „ ; , ;;I , ' ~, •'•, • ' ' ; obs . 'erYe'd 'saw th: t•• ; tlii :neat biiire O.:Jill:4w. with ili t tl i t, Ni;11 ii1; 1 1 %;qll sou Inner "bravelV I 'will fdreinited she could do so.' .. - -1: -. 1' if theY'slinnld tura lier out, where:would she) feet,." so I. mpurityinir Itentik s * , r i c ,ir e i. , No; : ' Am t truly,) \ i ile. n : g oo o'w , ty.:ltttove AnY the ride) iti4 of it:6 'whr:d-;• - It•fi e t, fiet• e rt ,th ri t 1 ) ,: ; „, 1 ili p te lp ; ' g „„d „f : tht on y •f r i ol d, - 1 4 i, 1 ., I Hannah teas silent fur a few - Moments; 'jtl go ! and she is wOrking: on stilt ; work ; tbr •al-1 ; Mt: 4 11 Iwttlill:, she be prvtit•pt station one of .these days,' said . H i lt j'. 1- : 1 alit could hut b.-cattle Itis wife, afar iiiiitlit'' be., ter.ll .• 1 . .. . ,-' . ; -: - -': ••". alnot, he, She. ssid; lit hiSt % stiolltingly l ;. 4 Het- I IM'ai nutting. '1 sumo e ; InnV, ti t 1411er . 'ijay , rich, /.-tt yen tire, a/lYour,gold, all y• outhous e s, extiltingfV.. . ''; •• ; it! :sit de.rr.tded,. his pasison. burst mit" like' . • tl/11 ..Wlll . kninise Mitts) touch wine. a g la. •i It triutt to set ' s Mend ; ' she- Will ; rettiricilicr bil'ird : t. I ni . ust ; gn there -most go direct- , ail, your . Irda . uould be ...beggpriy_ T ree h t o p emle Nell ii:4 . itit.reply:; hot - .slie went to Mrs.. •-, • tote , ' petit , up • .tiirriititii ; and h e was Out h il t: I • 4V(1....1, I pruo,L ie you ;filreWell r ...d lie ws.s-1 in the noitoing,'. , r •iin; sli;.11 Meet-het .iit' the I}• --alti Write..wnte-now,llannah. -Poor !Jetty 1' fur tho that u:,,kk e d yeo.,g,,,rkw, has Grey's with, 1111C61110/,, thotightsektal sad m ,; t s . ' • •,; ,;. - ' . ' -: ' ; : ;),,',-,„,. ~_ . - ;-• :..• =-• .. ';-, nI p, / Hu y li e ;.(101i:t b e 111,,rna.d: ,-, ' • .."-- . ' I have written uhmitty,l vitt .U l lllll'll, PS bine .01Y sister: l ' ' 1 -1 % ''..- , :. • ... presentiments, th st wort in no iv.ty banish. 41 1.. . , ';'i aen 14•'‘‘'• , till .=.:tind Wept; and gi"jeved,ilnd l i .l trethb' e fair ve'u :, !kW; 1 tre • nible for you; ' ••.‘ow, • I reineinher:. I siw notne toinks iii ilium fis otir cohlil gpt • un , opPortunity ti , i4PV:ll!. ' Yort do uot•eiipect,,he wilt niiiii , 6o .14 "whew.; snort time after thei'lirrived 1 1,„ „r t . 4 1„,1 tit ~.,;w..,ri„, r.,'wri-r1,;;; , i i i tv4.1 1 i,, - „i i „-•„„ ;; ,, t , t , kr sister .. • .-- the flirt rem just, the ,t,,Ot Or the sLiirs, ' I writte when I re c e i ve d this, and in .Alr. Atherton, niter bra momentary' isdepHijj, Atherton and his English frwnd were alintitis ' I. „ I ' l e .aiiry snot :ittended lier ' wkrk,titUrtilics t l- ecin..l " I • I ' itai•t ' heip.ll.; r (111 nut love him: she re- I 4 . rN / mine lip to bed - .tn•night. - Now: you may fil . o iiiiii"N! ''' - -i •'• ' -• - r . ' '." . W f l/1 9 t.t.,. • - -" • - ed, with tt easy whim' theS 113 j "lien ": 60 1: uo7 m .;, 41 ,; iirt het n , n ,,, rali j jjetty , „„„.„,w er ' e !,, pul , I ' ,p e a f i v s t er k.,„l,-, '•,-.•' ' ; ; , i be min: thi.t." Ile tty hair then) . •, ...,„0 . : thank yoll,:ithank 'you; 1 4111. th Myr' ; I sh . ntild clonsider het dbigneed liy, at' nlll,, •l• • ' • ' • fore. - The trentleinesi were surprisestaind evi- „., 4 , r4 t „„",„„ e s- - - •. ' ' • ' ' • •• Ito 1-;m ii i v,' l l l i,'. Atherton 'l l -' 1 I stairs this evening, thlit they might bui hand Pilaf': how good•ytto lowe been to Me; how :tree VI It': : him; now: lucid Ni II; :entail); nod t i l i i• ,; n i t i l t ,l: Re; gr? . t i. i ti .l l7 4 l :: , !i i i ,i i t i .d. gli h i• F i i . e t . ,!,, y ,, listi e, •7: 14If4r1etiii: i . l • l o , l' i n. t...i . i. e . ; l , i t l i t i t lr ltt n ,:ios t i,, , 3, 4 t h iell l e , i ir. l ,l3, :i .ivle. rp .wi l i r ei n i: l ii ., ..., ii A N ,, , ,t .), (1 ; ,, wi11, , 1 , 11,..t hf i1 k . I, o‘. w . ould . ~ i narry [ you r l'i , o' ,. t ; n ) o iii i , l i i::r u i:i i n i tr ti ? you .! 1. s ' „ bi Nen,. with ro ' by , R. .811,..181:v1. st•rviir,!vretP;),ll,,ilittill:tiira3R'o,4;tutrii;iffit.(l7,•osspromi-... lirs A til• d il , y l . ;o " - I , l .•i ns : h - . lion • ot I . ed - . the I.!iite ,: ,ch :• eiii;.47it . • 1 ; ••'/ :;. "'`' l 'v l !' win' lit "' e • heat ' itttail Y r I • • I tie wt:re the•Cmi • Wien a titS or the hOome 1 ' , lie Ni s . •e t i I . l tv W4/111,1, 4 --, 1 .- . 1 ti‘i• e.l - 4.u . ..11, Mt Mid hen was the reenhilini • ot 1 40,4;110 living tear to 00d, replied Ilannah. the merele.nt...c ... . , • .---..-•: •.._.. • : 1- •• 1 The lady had , tatty:T.l atod Allis ,1 rt 4 i•' ' I ti l l; .ii testy. • bit riled ) Atov i li it; w s not in the '' t 4 01 1 iii;' ' Vt ' l t think he Winill Marty 'von, 1 feeliv; •• well,"we will just i t (10W11 tliere to tethittlS% /• - --: •* l ,' ' ' - 'AMI. Iritthei; en/Wooed Nell:still 'stitidixig dill), and treated the sisteN nits gte..t. ntspeet, --. '. ..• .. . though at . ter hearhikt , 0 ,.. ;mi ... Icire)!, ihdisit . i. t .. Mu Zt•ii it -- new'it • i ' aciet i ovise ". - t h e would- her; ' 1:111);iiti . i. l iti flu 11 .4 .. ' 4 e . 1iim proud. nittiliyi h e certain ;oh ! thank God it is';. . i ___,, .-; -..--- -, - 1 hefore hint,' ttie lady,' to iv II is etigagedi th site determined ; to ;hake the eist 0 nut list ti . ..11oVv,cd 'ilvtt ' v to go', ev • C ' 4i d • • • •Wri .to.! r and ' ..eknowle'risre }nu Itti l bi t , wile f' .•' • ' f They descend...4l tit- tiiirs, thurZ• I 'w : its one ;' - ofi!trzta JX. ...' , ' 1 ~..ii: I i.h.r of.this7and, frominis;ewitc.ljps,,, • I ' l l tae p sor :fifth.. fia• its late she , lk d follow.Ml .11..tte, %v.:A silt• 1 11, inn we. !tin;; . vivleLtly. , it Oink Then; r-it w ! sti*Nell's, and a ciirpet -bag, . Estly on a brightiDeesial a tr• nuirning„ . Nefl, l • • • , , , 11 ; e. ; lit be,!tin - C , we; ~or jvio .0"pi,,,,, 1, 1 ,„,„. line, - ,llor. ee:?V.ta•it it could . 11 " t di - .7. 4 • 8 'i " i tarp s o Whesiev et it Wits she,! :aid th t 1 l.' I I iii I was Ni•ll's him" ; 'lke pour girl gave one •still looking pale raid e.vhattsted i took a ear- t"r: If rt.T"„rt . I ,' t.rileißli i! 1 ' 11 ") 11 0E4 tt) Plar:. lipvll ndatirAiitsi or rii,.4,•, w.ais..• ti,;•.trt . .,, .1 ' Voti know he wOnlil not, tie. pont, infattia -'" 1 tv..14 not very "flue,' fate this tellifil: :she salt t e d sister: eNefltned Nell; t oti kritstv be wont.] 1 desi);ltiliir gi;IIIIii at flahnithots she- moriiiiir flap , from the di.pot in Illistoti, and direried ty a! , 14 ` 1 ! ttitlerlwlth a witetan's Ike - art.', , tits voice ri ll with • tatsition • this 14 a - plot,a, s•jd t" 111 "'"• 41 . 1 , 1 e 'P' lll 4 " 1 " , ir it w 'i m I "l'''-1 in her . litiljehaniber •rlihntiv •and ulatty.ettsi.; nut • t r worlds, bi•etalle ihe thougla. to his ed, • You see tottv ; vim are eertsin luny: 040 the drivisr ft/ set het) down in S dem,-, 0 .I_l flung woman: ulitt the 'itterehant, ;We; ractory 4; 1 : 1 tlmhth, she • !v.". het '1" 91 t••••,:'," 1, t„doki../g or . ll t tly; tj:rliOr:Cproj et 4 :drib . r ot. 1 I,.. it ' r e i,,tiv es , You"' kthin; • ` lie is -illian•itlik ,811:1111 pang,' paling her hand to lier.healt. Mrs: Arinntrong's 110.4 ing- hiillBe. She wait it he fra,i 3l.ll i - viti"irY s'e-' 44 11-0 -e - r .; e 1 141 04 li•ct ittr - ;ter •resetie.fititn 'lite fate she tbared ; took they. . 1 • oh, such; tlisgr. ee, it will ruin, us, ttliti . ..Os •umhereiLioto 8 reptioletahle liiiikinir plrliir, rind to scheme; Pike Will Direr believe you: : - before, and tirepsring : to giv, 43 1144 14 e l l ''ell h er ri '" ''" ire !' -•• ' "l• ,I • 1 -..‘c Whitt Iter. ' She'll:Ai iniplitrial Awn:ill's :is i , t - lio: he . ii i:1- never mom her,' sail /Mir, 'both; l lat.'4l 111 . r-.• - . --. . - --.1 . :Wilt up word thitt it: lath. tent to see the , 1 YITY, tiviL . we, eltal.l see ' ''. replied NO, Si • The Erlistlisimi'la w''''• ek t:tritla" 1 t '' . fi 't" .4ll i ,ist . ,-.11c.•;,,, n d tie latter ti id 4.a-hi t . he : ors' wiiii 1 i fesi..ahtt• 1 - C,:ii i i h e r te;:rS. •., 7 - .. •' ' •I•. • ft 'Won't •Ittirt•vitti, : idear Nell,' don't (lisp 'ir:' .tratt,ger from Lowell . ' Aoswer waS rout-MAI 0 .' 1 !"IY 1 1!' nth;, di) pm: i ~ ; ~ _ : , • • . his ma) .11 Will , i4 :Ili 111,4 . 1111 11•714 , iire iniiks, Au. i' • • ,-, ' • •• . • • - lter arm 0/111111d • fiettc,.s Waki., llr t ;1•11:f Itt•r lit'l- 1 • The'n :why do e s he 11Of %{,11) - yUll •'6,4enlyl 1 said 11,111 1 / 1 11. isssisting bet up the st,' its; while that-P.I W Might. (.11111i• 111/IW° 11iir . 1 1 , ninety, .` 11 , "Ong Witinsin," it:.l . tl „the, .luerehnnt,,, more. teri" foss "" N '''L a l " ) '4 ""'":" r "•-•"'""..- '' 1 ter'ovt • it gales manlier' with ler soli hue times I Why do e s he. appoint ineethuss ct - fiti: Moises i the te.irs rolled over her. 41wn eliecsks, t dtin't nd Nell, trettildint• With appri•liensin t i, asemi. reifelnetitlY, • • • uli - 4 dm : l4 yottr, , ,sisterwantl cold sini;e, or a slig'd bow, se. : .reeS„y eigaing 1 , , , . •• • 1 i to' orto.s tin anketptainta t w e th„t might end in I.of his mule's dependents. O . ! irtili t • II resolve to on sot; ir !she will befsn.wicked. it 13 not ded two flights or mt..irm, and Silently 810 ol.for w int t • flow' ctin We,idjust , this to ....,1). • .,k, to, Or glance at Ids:. ex.rept wile!) lie 1 8 -, 41 . 0n .. ir . in ,i•- • _.. di , . , r.,e.e. - solo', times' Getty ' /tette, rioter in tee hitit ag. in': or tit lest soil!' Cluit, (1,..,:ir. Look hi tile Almigltic, try a Milthent : t thi• hip, rm. she lia4, a eroopl e t e molter? . Woull you'rnlif IdS tirtliketar . ~ :„hire..sed Le:. II). iv ,i) 'die...l4oy "'" d it . " l . 1 teould ;111-4i ii ek 1,e7,,14 said - looking ; prowl. sw e e t. tid li e ; is_ not ashamed. or yoo„ • bee...,use Ito lisytet"ith MA alliS.: OM '•ltist: . lliiiiiisili t s survi•ymr nettvip. nutni.• s te herselfsat there. - . 4 tit•"". ll d,l'e rtilPle• tit thin tinlinnOM'lst girl,' H e e mild ni•11. 1111deint 4 lid it...; he. an ••bjeci • t'f r iv „,, ,•,,,.„4 , 1 i ,„ .. , ... ' :.-' . - - • • - Vl/11 work iii a r ',tory.' - kind valid's were not entirely tist•leSs. i Nell for her lienrt fold fie, i 'who irinight l ia•; her ~.sktd Nell : atmak.eittial Ittuiatr Ale'r self:con. se teueh •at tent:Mil la are•tor.afi t ' ei c:es,sligh . ' ilo eilli .t.:11 . 11ii: 31fm3 Meredith; .l tia • ve no 1 • ' tie is n..t -tsh mic lor •:.: .. : to - r tort id /bur, walked her whole - tivit, iniv.ird- f. ee inlrie‘l in lierhatilt. her work, n I 'rat. pea • • 111 "1"d• - • •:Lottlyst that,:s4; - and she phieed the' tea, regarded:with 1 ettert ia.ritK react., by 4 . • Inini .trire befbre . , him., ....'ll:ta lie.iserupled to ' •I • 'lt is ii ie• t "b' .' he mut saetory gm, .. •_ ; .i.• i, t- i '' II V* • 4' l D. • ti k • I • 1-• -. "- • 111 11 1110 is-I - tlet'se. ' her . ...1114 iy; frenzied % but octwsrdly ; 'ohm , her bands .Ineket, baving•tailestat lier r 1..11•11111. 1, 11 li ,r to I. : 0.3411.1 . 1 • 11 1% Ull ,i/ ~ ...rig/ 1.. t, sin I.; .. . .1 . . ' ' ter did not il••re triist hems!, t-. speilk; for her etmeh,..l, and her eet•s tearless:. •• -- f l moils she hoiked • np. and sec•imr , ~et.t. in'a feiv inn- - hit 11, it i .„. 1 betriy thst .yrintig ..heart. into- perhaps fatal inure.ito himself, - tsse-t-:•,A:otticivoo w mast .r, i ;• " b :', l ; 1 ' • ;": 1 . 1 " . . , ~ „- :di .l ~ -• , ,1 : -,.-. . . • :'• •,'.' ~ tl t b•ti tr ; 1 h e r t er: , , What Will vntrilot . • skt•ti Ifinn-h - 'B l .lit• 1 lowirds iiinl fell it iOn•li I er bu r As sa ' „ n •, fitfulness for hicii? What- if 111 is wiles ;had :%11 formless .4 einsw te.s, ode- i'aie: . tet - i.r, fors..! I ""•1 other. T i „. !'""" i . I s '; .1 " . " 1 "..- . n. i n i tnr . , ;no i nusga. tion w..t; Ft tito,,, it L L •••:' - fit Nell * ied lfer bit° 1 in:ide Il • er nO;ti • utee.tif - lor Jirt--! mayo.:lNi % lea d e d n i the ei,re.• • ' . 1 i s ..:.-; 1 ,` ' e ''•' ..'''' "` 4 „ 4 ' !..;" . 1 ".. . 1 . 1 11. .. 1 ' 111 11 . 1 . H .. "F S :- • .:...1 . 1 :..- Ik.' .. t . . , ".t it ) .. j / le-el.._ hi th e 1.-4...ii•da or Ow e-rtil nit, Mu& •; the little citoinle.r. ti' ' ' nti tc,t, down besideler . ' zr'sve ellises".•Y e r tine se; vontig 'Mid liwelif , - . .... . ~,,, u, ,;,. h 1 s•-. 1... ~:i 'A $,‘.. r ,1. %1-.tet ..0., ! ...4 luta the 44,.../A 1 in a t... 0 o-Il' if .r-Ct s ~ :1 1. ..! , on_lrt:-t, 7 1t .. ‘',, .... i "„,, -.. i . - , , .... .... •, , ',.• 1 ~' 'li 0 1 • h t 4 / li . w.,4 4 (;n5, - a:., ;1 1 F,' -.'' i d, -• :.•-•••• 611 . t 1 A• 4 the e --1-:. 11 Y 1 "-. 13 ` t Imo •e• -.- '-'''' . i tale tale i o'4 pi -4 ..iii ii%li i ik ;wi t th ere js,o o it,. iMr • cefultirilii 11 it 'th • Engh4fall.ift. 1111t7.7711 i ' law 0 I ii.s.aniv., ra.hl At il i'; os b 'ro i ink! IVAs stir,irote. .atle 4. innge /11 iTri/IM , t i : . :' . ! , j (Mr lt• p ,:ss or iia.... y a V 4i l in ' 1111 " 11 ' " 1 1 "'" ; "'""t r'"" -t.,:;: . r •'": t tee-• .. in : iiie;, ;tn mo iitiie•ila 'the - doe,' oil •d 1 • cll . yt t istin -' -rd . one - coromt null will t" iTost' lll .. "' . • •''-' ' ' ' • - `: . 1 i ten Tote, In, mournful, so hagglird,.slie,looki•d ~11 .• •ctury girl.' _. ; ; ; were con Yer '''"""' ' a '""-' 1 " ; ‘ . tili 's ' At ' in """ thlt Thildl t llliMi of ctlli t e i rs ' 't ' iffect tier liC rt.: " • ' I i ' llib t o r m e ,". -,O;tiser ' • " ilsits the 'Ettglislini . an lefi j • But, toy 'drat KW, ynn :ire sick noir, Inirn. ' snit fin; a ithititent, ishe - Crincirsed with lii Jan - ' , - (To Ire( 4 4lllntietl.) - - • fr.llll his hr t ...4,st as /re.111.4111111/4! . 1/74 W : tli,llli. T.ll/1 ~, 4;11i YVL sae. WAR inn 11.krillniml-fir from it. i ,SsertMlni;el e til intlneov e ; Initist :Ai. ntithf .0 - i n_ op still] fever; you must nut ceitturentit.' , Ina:tone. • -t - ' ''•' • • ' ...s tae blize of the e_ni.l : .lebra roll ni n ii, , .-.)" --,'. -'- t Site its li•se one grimiivg thotitg.. a • .I.irk. pss. 1 Atheitoii: 'Once' his,princildeit'e,xt•it t sl IttO•rtir•.' . • Yes,l !mist gO. I touNt•flini Lit: --,.(cfnty • ..fl' sister!. tfait:..voa ',U . re-; r.c ll salting, he t"....d q mos ..d g '' tel fc'it•ll :Ware I rejceting . 1 lie guide or - the ft i.Oi•Sly light z fait a totnipaidimi.lark' - , i•,•,4,- --- or•th ue - nhort Iteurenly Pallier! • -ffittai ili. do ytoi -1 1111eIlliiiic t Inti6V,ll 1, 4, ..t7Xe1ai11i1411 i INell. a :beautitulstuile;, one expremmire, glidwe. . .- ~ -, .1. .... t,;;;:i.ii , .iudAi,piti;cl o "s e c , lontti.and %quiet ills-' ,months. laid 'done inneli -towari! tilititer,',iirer for a moment on liet Miserable . future?' • 1-- . - It teaking Ill'et herr er, jvilile Iletty'etunittok.., 1. , If w•S e 11 " 11 "th:. ' 4 .W sA'lr the -11iFtttr" aid ~..,.ro.lhi.• • th e Ilichi s iv d iliget7i• ill. her I) :Vb..' ' the ,-an d ...xatitple of the vounestuttettl.Efnest ''' l'es, i stiffer with von, Nell Iteliec'e'ritt•'on- 1 Asitlell s .t.: it/Using s - ae . 24 st_riled- In• - :. 6 . l%,rten. It was an - exaiiiplilic-fiutt of t hese 'le not. so keenly ; .114 ;11 iv turn old well nine- Nog to; her tr 'tut whfll'a volt unt,rlala•ll:l.4: , ill INV, yott kthitY Ito!y jnytuily I would receive ;new it. He ea... 1 -.1 it rdalty to hat lips, oh ; SeiVei h,.‘' n"/I•• I"' 1-11,1 ", Alt, t1"'": with " gt."""••• 1„„d ;b„;,;i ; ~„4„, . ~,,iiivij.s!le : B l ,o 9 act iont ti ''. ii I'll d. 4 or the poet : ' tier, - Bin. thy deic.r ithilii,, how ' will you; tind PI" r , ;•' , ' I ''- '. - . . . ' l ' l 1 " • "'''""'" his d 'l'''"" r "' It ''''''' l ''' id """ cdeier . m. fe ' Ai:l ta t iii IfiK ilreseortmigni 1 .- ,- - --,.. - - . ..- ' r I " , 1 perhileilt, Ent it ult4Wered :,11 the : Puri:toe tit: 1 41. .. 3 i,,',4; : , iiillilit •iiiil•ll • ay. ' tOf i it 4 r•• site r ts I , lre, 1$ /t, 111 (1rod4'r ", S". Ii ii inii.."l Shetld k • .2-I .i 4 ' idc entmore. I knew I - slionill he sentted mid ji•er ' which it 11%.71 ilieatiell. • ii . el 1 .7 '1:.t iirsi Si:n ..27'1 I. ; fi ...: l t r . i ii ~L d mvii '4. • ts t . AEI ,• ~,' i ' i l-';',; ot. hi ' l , , ; -. . . That ; Ur b. listed,uee . ds 1nit .. ..t0 b,- seen ; . 11 - " I cnuld tint,:l did mit d re, I bad not the ..: _; 1 ','. 4 • ~a , ""; " • tl ,;.'. r • r ! . ', • • `;'l7 ,k 'e. r'" , 1,4 it I felt likt; a ;tante thing -no--'t wood' Z_.4. ,4 . 1.1.:1 11/it iill,4..oulta . r on!! her f ce„ . 1 ett.ann go maul) tit,' 1 1 . 18 PA) 1 . 11 ; 11 r if sac Si , oulf , in t.• tale girmnol. /I•sw, 'viten- t 4 ',I• 4 ,-. ) ,, ..- 4 , ,, 1 I , . :slits i i t.," ' li ., • rt :',... 1 ,, , , , . . 1 ii : 1 t • t • " " 11°- ifi-ve:/hrlol intit the jarili sooner: hut Ott ! it el he o:, .thed 'l./oui s,ioir of int`r In na.tare l l'''''.7"• ';';',..; L .' '', ~ ... • ',' " .',',:.'"''' 1 . V • hod enditre,-Iliett pity, 1 lam entbr,ee. fgo t.) the node, :mil untoldhie s iniquitous eon- . ; •,, " who w a. her l IR % . /iu 0 . i .. . 7 I l k. n0r ...! 0tr...... ; .,:i d ., sum o, .......itint ; r• ,duel 1 / 14 1113 . 'nepht•vv.- ..1 . . 1 Nell. if volt knew hew ,I have mool•t,mi, von . ' Th t she w s beime I b.• , n •-; I k thought he- . Itwed limy. pats,ionatrly..-- d 'n 1 i ' limo ' 1 would tisiiik inv porL.ltint•ntitifficitmt! -.7 . ' ideal Of 111 illk iii..tits and ...r ire 4,111.• %•-il i W-i. i 1 "" 11 1 1 : 1 ;,T. ''), 4 l .‘ ti t r i L l. : l i ' d i i.. n r i i t,";. f t, t , f , t , ' r i n ' 1 4 : `,r t 4 1 1 : i i ;; ; Ilerhip S ite ‘ alict. tts . nt te:t 14 11i.4 V tlitile nature , T 1 ";!' I t( ", 114 ,'".' t ,"'','P'," l : 48 1 is°n•n- lilt 1 "." 1 • :Nell had fut. - been ;there but , an • knur, find ; Il t all pr , ity r . e t, n nlll.lte. - ', was :1 I •,;;,, r •';,, ; '. ,- 1 '• 1 1 1 1 4 i, . ' •- 1 •. . 4 ~ s W._s ell hte of lining: but, them he dui - nia 1 . 1111 TY:h . 11 ' 1 9","t 11 i'lle)' "II ( . 111 2P 3 ! 1. Hitt . • . .. .. m 4.34 Rt.Au• !tint 1/,....111i1e 111 hie tot., •. . • - • .. , . k e w' 1 ork or Lu th er s t i ll; ~,,,,d u m .; yn- il tub] her -: 1,1 her story. Gii the day i l • most to., itinelt tu re_.l•2e: ::rue f it 'sfore het-di, s snow n hither lieu mild marry her or pot,- ","" .; .. . , I : 1 'tit . ..WU - With wbiest - Miss • Green Gad been so t thotight lunch, nor very memo - mil' t 111 • 1 „,'• 11,',"11•11)• • I-1 of bet elopemet, word Was- lent to Iltiritye,; . 4 „. , 1 ;I Ti• ' 4 , l ' fl ' i l l. i s e Et ' n F 4 '" 11 '' 41 , 1derm g, i ' l ';'''''.' •74.. t'' nitten impressed.. '1 ^I ilk unele ii s dangerously sick:and raise)_ giuoen, ant. ,gottrong. o; ;mitre i ezait.toins, 1 h ; : 0 ., . .r. lieti y .Allow ay, 11VV...r. 4 , lin Muttered", alma that ,oe Ica ~:, . t tinier, tii ti it,. ; . '' t tutor sdniost- ins:me with -the coMtl'et ok ta:t ', , e , i,his il"" 1 " . di le fireieltee- - This .he did •niii herself .i slikum.?st.4, ""lNs-i..1) - 4. 1, •• lt "g r •'''t 1 bet h eell lii elt//ehea it. jib. •oil:v. r will I, give 1 l ''' 1-"`!•."" bat thif ty... i tt ho • -in ; .1.,.. , 1. 1 .4 , Ittl•e :p i - I feelit ' insit. Sin. could hear no definite odious.. !ell "PUY till theY•vvere on their wtty to 11 . 113- i t .anti foreinost hi, the r..tiks of ;be airy ".and • np i ni , , ,, ri ,,,,,, „,.. ‘ „- l i : - You „,,, v bi,,'y 1 I it. 4...11 re..., It 141: t% 1 , 11 , 1 , it • t/....1 i . , 111111 . 11, t d -vt i l h. i ..s . ~._ ,:•.! a, _ ii,.. , 1 hotel. , They told 1,„ k a a l l t 1 ton. when . he said lic• Would Iti:lve her, pot per- I 1 fl-liiiitl. - -.. . he. .1., :e5 ,„ 4 .„ 4 ,,,, 10 ., ; _i i , 14 in y , 1 ,,, e 4 4, , ,,, h , i r _._ 1 poctase, tre es slat ;; , c url - . -.l_ no t , 111 i. in , 1. , r , ~ i . ll , ; L . X . L7 r . 1 V ,. _,. siuck,_iii 4140,1-VVVilnni dil 5 4 .1111 d 1 ly providt ; ol nd , , and retarn Its quiet dy nm • id:!; 1".. In g irl! .• ; , -.,'1. • , t utte'ilt :emitter-hut :Ik:l , Ittlarett 4. ltd in I (1 ,," -i s I ' l4 ' ,"" I '.! . in " li nk ,"t 11 "'t ' " 1 ) 111 . 0 . 1 ....=, ; ,.. e .. 1 .." ',.......,,,,W 14 . K.„, 1, 1 utiele 'NI/ 01ild 'be out - id' danger. ..lO' the eiirit:l4) -- I:4 i);iiiiir liv•iv ivitlikil•itikilar i , n.r s.uuelituo "Iter -t-P4r . 1 ."1" 1 " 1 "re s "" ''''''. fie M'i,,, , ,t or tied, lon nue. :13 - 1 truly „ hi , ~,,,, ; 114.• met tier now tern 100..1•U'otly, atld wort- . ---,,,..- •, , , ; ...•- tier limo?. and in . dignatio . m.sho nverlieard a , silent iinsl ;dist r...ettlf; imt,use t it it it ''''' •••• in " ' 214 I . ' -' " stitt•4% our tows - '' been • • Ott.:red bifere i 1,.. son.- tl •eisive sum • but it wioefoit,;tl .13 Irish Nervant tier . to t.,,..t.,• .. ~.., • ... . Awl entno, Ilti to her, ent, )vith t 1 converts:churl carried on • 111 .French, . between, ' i i • .!.. 1-; wr iwitiri liriiime. 3 id. t11:4 peilp,i)3 the lady t ier eaisek, :aid the "too intense 11.. t if in l iter •,, t .,,,i,„7,, h , : „ . .. - ., ,, - - - -., rtiliSreftlit'4l . lll: Silt 10e,'Sill'r t r; 1 . ) , ..-I , 4orre . N 1 .14.• :: 'Oiled leer Cenci:Olt to gt, w it,' tem ,I t pew ; _ n, I i an,iw,,,,id ,d ee I,t in ..tbst - t • ;Ju l 1.6. , [for 'cr. anti ayt tt ig, tip, enough ormii,i,ellSht• i!VtS. Were W,14' , :.el ji .i;;faliy :lb. ".er sost-•y.- . 4 •;, i f ,-. li i• i i., l , r V•iti ~ i ei . er grittw lint- ; rna"/•741".•1"-Y•-• -: . Il n ~,,,'t . 1.,,471 h i d 1 „„ t; it," 4 ,„ 0 1 ; 1:4 1 -1,,, '.' i i ' ilueersr to ther tied' i 1,,. t i ll w „„ , • . . B i nd, . be did not ; Mend to 1 : l'Slor did she st:irt froat her reverie, until ..' ,: i .' o .; u *. r .,,,,'„ rd , lnt , •, - -Rilli 1 ,, ; ; ;; ,,• .(1. , ,i 1; :re )bole; ; Miss Green last )lulu gained Strength entaigh I. .: ! marry' r:.and thi; , *Ming twin seenosi to en- i • , ..i - .lt Ite: :a 'ti t• ittiiii-i - nre: of 11 'r ' sist•jr - - !Ilonal. niention e d tie "n. -. ..ines . 4 ,t: .e• kiS: - ..f t:.` i .i.:... L ,_,.... ipr, ti11"„.4,411,tit-ip et,- t eity,,,- ! tO'Ue fs- km, home. But; 41.1.'5l she was In •/ . .!CI)::',1: 4 ; j ift i l i nd.ii , mho, 7 with .thr ;,:i- )kek - eh . ;; ; T, . joy the- nimir miehtily. and 'treaded Iter,:-she; ti:vs t • ' • . , . _ ; 1,,u ii ti ... w mi l , howl; h tv e 14.iied and strug-: IS I•ra invil.d•forlitec hey .spille Wall i:everely- -••" u ptit oc ; o r f i t; LA . n t„ , t ,,,,, , .;.-- . -,s' , •'.. thouttht tvith diminished respi•et • Whim they' . • . tinder the ; • J hive in. , ,ii-,1 nun: speak of tons . Mr..Arlier. i gleitAiil.WW".inie - "l;vtirtliV id - if:eta - .t - being as T I itojttn•tl. ' IL. tat.,ll Meredith, so the torts s stk.; ' N4l • II ••- "..1 1 -"' • I '4 . • t ' ' tt l• I , Iszittin tlie.eity, he esrrit-4 her ton ~fasliiiiiiablel ; ton; she:476V 4 utate. Irss lisislaessi tri• 111 4l1 1 r„.., - •,•il,c.J. ei.ti "t s tioic-4).1!G44/ . ./11iiir !tit 'stud beeit citatify„r 9n ad ;r. i„i• hiss G wen ,bhti, i. ~,,, 1 rt. „. (t 3; nest r. ,,, n „ r " 17 „, p, ,s „it lim.,rtlipu house; ,and left her a purse of money, otith old :1/r. Alberto - if. :Ts:ivy ,i' ehe i• Ism s t „" ' .' . ,taut .. g t , • , • - Cl ' I 1 liskedlii4 forgiven% Ss ['or her 1 1 0,;,,,t,,,„, 4 ,1 gazed on the imuteeutlystu vet faceal ir I is. I t '. - ' s- ! ptotnittimr ta i come hick shinanial jduritev an 1 • - - .. my prospects art !49. • .iiipi e -a . .1.1111 ..! . de' Itl'. tibia NM the girl she wtadd icre of , t ,,.. , ~ " - . ; iniontely nett s laid one. of th e poltalest_tneci in ; 1 , 1; ,,, i .„, i ,„, p, - ,ii, i ..... win5 ,„ . .. 1; in ,,, i , very ti.,t=toy- 1 ' 1 '' - ''' i • • her till' •'• • tl 'k' ; lied astios.l 1. 'WU li .41,11 • ti nc• lin in,,„ ; „ . 1 d ' 'if •ti • chin. , liesrt linrritsf back to ' l ' - "" ''' r t `' ri"i•A• P 11 14" , t II ' - If I -• : Idli ' t: re . tt.•,v if OU F.. I till . •. • • ' • ' 1 1,,,,k; ; ,,, i t „,, t tie ,-, m „'; h e ~,, i ,i,,l,E;fie ri t e .te , : 1 inithins,y thi,,:ee. laid beetutte- it 1 1., an tvi„ ... .„ ; ..... ; ~.., :..,,, . ,;, ; ;......,. .• :mnrried ritk.Speedilv- as 1 possible,...and after 1 n 1 Hefty's liet:rt Imilasna. this intelligi•tiee.-- s -,, s t ; nn - .e,..,...„ ; i d h ill, i n n i„, ,„4„,...`" ' 1 titimble.lchri:-tian iii;iii..ti...; Arid there was a 1 eful t lsel •" - I th :lt"ht•,•' l '. ;;;;.‘(..!) . "at - 'It": 1 1'-'"• ph or t ineo,r, ean w tam e a s no ir , end wire. H e r i .contita• Le... wc.ta fa.rootten! _ • • 1 - -' l ' •.`" • ' - - • - s." ' --- 1 1 . •• ' • 1 ore t eft Moe in her 111.n/term: lier countenance i th e r e , looked iiptin her uHu toty. it "'ls so."' .1.. t,, ... i f cx:" limisrtiii wheli for !wi th : bear lieshated.---0111 you too At•l', have von, - 1•• '" . , a nd : •, -• • '- - • 0"•••(1 thioto , ll - 1164441 . 0ry th: t - Getty lual ''• ""' ' 17 ' l '• .'- .• .- ' ' : --1 mide4Stard tiiii, young; Athertedis•r :6(4 1 come i,, benoid .i - or int . m•ti• 1 bat ty it SIMI! you 1 Y'l''' -11 '' a t "'II": he:stadia; Itt•r Ltignage,; 11 Is' ff 1 * • • I d rhos %iihrt - vect'll -•iil ;nod- her.self reensattittlii, with reirsid to con- irict; I shrink -I jtidge others% ise foot. hisap- , tiole, . rti i thz , sl ,,, i i . 1 ,- e;:t; n •r o . i t ,..,,... (4. , : i „ h i ; ;Ii 1, , ,o,v i, :, t ;:nd• ; ll,,v; tl g. She . tor:k :her departurei 1,1",'," , : i " ,n - s : - 6 0 . 1 r x ei. " - .4 21 , 1 1 .11;,, L I :. 1 ) , - 1 1 1 , . i r nt.r. who, ; Flie'aren trv d 'Caine to ficr de' night ' - p,..itrative,shonldn't you, Nell?' ' ' . ,• i nom a ' iit.a.; he ~ ii".llli..d--- i oille held his arnet :UT& team; ant! ; regrets. : : Nu low t i vin . . d it i tore.: l 1 1 1 ,! - before. awl tklid in hollow tones. nix;'-petty, -you !titer .4.r . , I 1 ? 11. 11 t " N4I tr i i f . ,1 .• . ‘ rt 1 or-to ...01 , /ton-talt, am". Hot • have :killed int.; .were intoleittble. .'_ ...: . . Nell shook her Ittosti. ; ' •'• I • - I high, while hie ev e *t:int-Avid' ii-unsocr.:l fire. 1 1 " 1 " ; :',"•••0, 1 . 1 t itt . 1 % 4 1• 4 1 :: . •i , it! e• -I : --; t1 • ''' ' t 1 th.4. ll Wee t i: and i l lantml. Meredith did lit 4 Igo ; t ' t .W,41 1 d,,n - t kia,e 7; perhaps If lee isaetiing.,•_ ymi,ever iii.,4,,eir ! .• oot, , who Jute,' you,l -1 4 1 , 4 1 y..- 1 !! •t. ; s• Flu: lo abed the money; but het , heart:W:4i • t • '.: near: it:hen' N4l and ;Heat i-i ." • ' brit' m''t ie.taint' bv the lit•ii of idek l' • ''. ; - - t rn:,rried will ref.trin him. 11.-intrts- says In- isf N e il ; 1 klittw you wind.] not: - lie. tiiiik litii.; ;:, 1 , 114 : l e' L . drol l , ..,,,. • i.,,, L , k „!.., .,1 j?" 4 4,;• , ...' .Z.. 4 ~.. ,'". ' i .- . .. , F . I ~ 'SO NH MA. Slll7 et;ttld Mit verd her iiniivreiiim, • eavt. i st to, a .1.14. of grerst noshin g , hand tind le let p., elm r 4.111, /HZ' 11 .1.., te i •. I . . - J' - 11 iIIItIV ' i t - ti' ! were • co :CC1 , 11:11:4nr 'summit riett Gall to tier . irlenn,,•llll/1104 , 11117! 11/ ver 111411 Dimly ;;Ilu spir- In( r 'oit • b el; the' punt& 'tviilunit est.:lino' him li •tt •a f I l'• I-4' r. • Of; 't •II •''' -- Nell' • intensitY , of : mental eten 44i ' •-.- . e - -- . ' . .--,' • one l'ir. the RtWilons, I fictii•ve... tier is,a very 1 ohm, ; Ids owichstal tyamiltutatid. -dry. licit on ' 4l "" th rt. ; ,•"7"" .. i . , 1 1 ' ..' ,"'" i , I " ''', "" 1 , 1 u "' •!" • '-' 1.. f"; i,- ~.,(1.,1 tsiisiur,iin• fur she mesint In leave the house. / estimable girl. only. WES.MIII,t, - I iillfil/ld lo srdly ,! him, ineviaNi'd Stood- lat-i..e : drOps ,of _tut iss - kr A ; 11 ' .9. -'.!.." .. '''''''''„ l '' . „'" - ';'''' 4 "; ":11 noun . it tt IL . : lind wrough . t . tipit t n ; ty ‘r ystt_e t , l a v u n \ 1 , r . ..., i i i .. 1 t o ; inon ,, di 4 ,, i , L . ! She did liVe , it, sme lt this; think she wind/ know her cowls „ . : could l i f ie i 4 11 " ."ei." Mil n'4it-ill ' ils 9134 • 44!: ih ; "li!inftedl I"lFtiC•ttli tt i •ii '? . " r c et za rtt t e r ii ( X. l. . '" All i" l ' ‘ ‘ • ‘ •% ' o l iii-r r • tr i72 ' 1 1: ( :• r r " l i t t • i t i • t zl iii i i' l i u rt h il n „l I f-L ni ' rent l sti i ons " av t • l r " li t er ' i t li • :: 1/ '''', i ",,, b i te 1 1 ' 1 , 4 •," 111 " a t 6 " I " : " 411 .un .1("Ik.-: her in,; a very ,:itniilble cresiture. I ~ 1...t.n-. from strikin g his brow, repoattotly, Lot; beaten i '''. „ tO Ilii:11/1poit i1dpe.1"... ,, -.T ....7 ... ,. ,r . ! ,b l 'ilqSii'li.V•t*Vr . Silit• t . ~.. 1 ; tid ! i l(!i ci ii)iiiiii.iiit;ieli.tiiiii:w.l's iLttied‘lli liv 7 let- I L t i l l. " - ii t 'w•is :litiliti to listen what I hear of her. En, c qoiai.. !in. $0 , ..1.!1-'1;i low I kivil boefl'i%topg e d. ' 1 IlaVe been :. • J . ," I • t tli • oiris.b e min to r hist 4 1 .; li 4' I • •'• ' • ..rst tit -t•Gial wool! restttre lier ' But , ' ll i t Neil: s!le coati:Pell, ' t will Work i girl, you ktinte, told me :ids.: for all Ella is li er „„ 0 „1.• - ; „);•. ,_ ; ' ; ; • ; ~... • 1 ter5 . .„ . 140, I 1. , , ~:. , ~,, 7 . ... , ( ~.... t. t l l. .te,i pm ; iv,. .. ~.d _ ;; 1 i , ; , . t i d int* fill f , ers oir I...rurii I Will_ go 4,4 to. th e r,,,..; ,tl torformer pont .tontitort.-.The girls' foal ; 'Very often_ the wi ow Lt-e 110'ti t t ome n.• e r . .1 . 2 '. t . - ,10 rednct.ii in eirtomottances,this!tye Itliy. girl r-.... illy shisul frOinflie, flash of his d ar k eye . 1 " -„' „ .. k . •, i; 1 . What da.they. think of lit, ... ,i'V 11:4 Can 'Tett everything .; sit b 'side her. herself Worn ; out with.•:riel :int! 1 t"t.t'• ' ;in Boston keef"S IT a etsrresfitinsteoe it it h her, i , 'Co • titter, Is.- CAM; 'Whisitt-itst Nelklies;w,aple 1. 1 "'I". t 1 t h ",, r . " 1 119 : n ah th . arr i a r l i .. , I 1 r . '., ' 1 r ‘ • • •• lit ih 4 lodirol 'son tess'tlet•litiii ' eit in :111 '1 thhilt "f 16 . 4 ? 1 IF•111t di , gr„'Ved you-.; end xeeins to think. as Oinesi Of ber . dir ' eVer. - -....-1-fratite lib ling tvitil einoticin, , ,, her whole •sout 17174:"..`ft'ri. torture : ?` ; ,, ( ;,.,: r ;,; n t . ; . e it ;,, 1 .. ft ,:, 0 '.7', 1 ;:::7;', 1 ; ':•.* l ' l '''',. 1 . 1 1 4 ,' t :,,;, '`,„. 4 „; 4 `, tt ni e , ~4 , 4 . n,- , ,i„i n t i ,dl,; . . 1 diSgrated mYSeI", Every. gisod person, must 1 s That shims a good. betrt. s , -The rio.tels•ws.4 1 ;1. ,}l-,r tif i n,„ .:- .. : ..; , ; ..; t i "- let '. . j t ft jeered Iti,-iii'Lthni:,•i-eid:e'r,.inii'. ilett ' v%ii:lili s h; i :r, hot ' n 4.m: 1' it tV;II4 •'• t1;11 . the-Hopeful 'Oi• 1 '1"814."",-"'"'""tio, Tonder, ino.wonder.f anti mho!, male !prig :., „Mosel 11014 Wyrl‘ mere chi:diva ;, ~, I. h„ r ii,..1i„, -- ,144,,,..._ 04, y„,...cfmritT ' ,gx: i , n ; ... e‘ ,lf - " .' ii •• '1 17' ,, % . 1 - !. .ii I ' riot , ' ;•• ' - f ' ;•l.l ' n tiMe • i l k e i li .ek, w i ts 4 1 ,60/Vl°6.n Ilir,ll)itning r ee. , „ • • ~.„ ~ , ~ , ,_. I in' guess slie thinks - moue' ;if him. than he 1 : ! ,Itti, %eq . ; e;.;1 • 111, so: IN.liii that; God is my ti it- 1.." 41 erm ) ,n'o'te 1 L'• .” '' ' , MI , . 111 '„ 1 1 . 111 ' ..el 4 - 111, ‘" '" ". , •• , ' ,r flaisholi depart •d clone. - ...1t swig nearly. nine' !longer : roi l ed pod thowed trithlielth. but loin- I - But Nell held the repentant-girl more - Owle t ! r.Ott of her. - I - Alin -cssT,•44 'n repogastee to I ne .,,,, j;Wo.tit'ir phißge,ojs;i4a , ;e: : ', ;•Tht he. •!..'el l. I ... . kwl •11 tllev r •tunied •imillitoi N-11 lid s .` l: , indit.lll;ity • his eves itoore bri.iht, entire • ; Its 4 arni•tovitile a priteritrsilent ilitinks...; 'tint sort of lietrOthing.- . . I WA a .itian is tn.- . 1 fn•in his czi• a stiailldag,ger, ',ds•cip, deep i•tof " t -1 '"„ „; :•• ... -,-, `• ~ ~.,-; ;',.`;,,, „, . ~..,'", ,1r i li•• I ' i'r fbt IMIIIoW and eireled cCith dirk I ..dviiiir weld Hp f.snit her liappyliesrt in bent:- - berso apt to nmkegli go o d 11 1114 '1 ) 4d Wi When ;tit : 4.'ll44;n iiit tile.villian; iviiii).ivould bt4r.iy.,..viiy, I!ft-4..1.,"-ull'''' ; ,''.. ) ...%',T.:.'"3" 1 ; - ;',;! . .. 1 : ',.. 4 - . 1"-',r , " ,. ;t. .lir 1. 1. •111 1 : 11 1 , , , U _ r ..., , . , 1 -. o - • I i en. ~- • ..- -.• : • I-- •-• • - --', !-• .• ' 1 beezereitieg his oak frey , wilt: . ...:".. l' , ,• ; . , • .. ~ - 1 t :" """"'!"':' •.'" ' '..1,4 , l i tti ,'t,"?'! l " ' fi " ' t .' '-') •I "';''`' I , ' . , 1 .• 1- , r t le '. . f r i n uht ' 4 Antloity dear,stititer, you 'certainly Cali no 1/I i 1 h •' 'I Nell AVM - 'nit;tiontess {vitt) honor '. Net ty I: N.llv- ; i4 gla I tha a tn.. had t tld of. that ___. , 1 . .. , ~ ; , s- 'bomb deelsit, d, ai,d cAt wit to _A ; - T hus, low tu ant cuing it aistrc . 7 1 1 {'. - . ;-- lady boor ohded away , fiefore • • die'' retired • tos with the intisit tott.tpte.,llllBl.'lT4 . by the detatrt- I inflow love him l' ..I. • ; _.•-• -,,... ,'.. ; eir..patient in the preseniNlltlit•tty; t, lir i 1 11( arid /I ti tier 1,, / 0 • 11 ' 1 I •".- . N I" r - '' 4 ' --" -'''''' •-' - 7 ' .77 ' -; ---- 1. ' '-- - --: r bete cleiniar • and when she :,tiptrieti tio. dmirlle r e lif a siterle beim, from•the p:.ths . or ree'tik 1. - :netts" At' ;R s ile nt fin' - nlfew tnoments,- and. . prevknot -Lnpresstfin4.. Or 111'1,.eli .4 cter : were -.: ' , Don't fear:lie mintinned, with the re irons 1;,iu... :tasted ii a ; ? ti;‘olit, tot. rouill'ill/itt'. ilk! Welit 1-trith.. - - . - -' . 4 ' ' -' . '". - to ti •4'.ii,f teolle- I stretigthithaf.„ In a lior Inn me fast t hey, retkrit. ;wife of-ins atityi-• I Id --Ifiu--- lilt 1 i er ,., 1 / 1 . 1113 s '' I dim ii lull) 44; I;:irl).ii;i4iiii)iiriii 4 id. every ditto' 1 . •• ' She will.cOnie Trek ek to toe:' slid • • sejl,often, !Ali! .1\141.t1 yon ; kne tr,lloty,_ hp .h l a, R. i n y en , .. 1 . 4 1 flonti.,, linvisg ; staid, Le ill tt 4 multi over an ; eyed lanai, littry Ail•-; ". t-s- " r "" 4 ,•".` s f a '''"'''' flit' lit•t : tii;ter, bid hone btal itetfi: her: • • She 1 ai... She s a t„. dining her eonva rm.:emu..., Vlllnria. towlis niV love. 0.•:I vtish Iws it tle . ;:q.t . . hunt. .. . , :: -: -,, ..- 1 - , hatt'been pitlowed -ulna' tuy '''' mare :f"" 111../V• be "'ineet Isiiii - f • AC's...lolled; I :Will : t e d. and tilde. st t irtnight "after the tionimehee-,- ••' nosh !•tlear /Jetts% hush! that. 14 . t•ieke i l. ~.. theeh got to their holedinghopm e Ilitr 1 pillowed asl .; :wife's- head: t haw ' ' ' , be-nut ...e 1 ' Irtilqilll . •,Ciinnitier.2l4d•tarii : she l'in e nt l lf her illness. -. • I haven stoMg impress:l Yon:have, had greLt tonirage-ymi. haye vetett ie,rtied. that Conner Lea , Istd.b...en there: i1rit,.. ;, 1 wi e l e h e d thipiturs-b a l it., fr, ~: - • ..-- ...,-; :- ilinst but soon-she un-; le'V.wv.ty.sti IfOlgt skiflint 1 nii :il seelier again-114.V fterhalai 1.1 I ' o o7 - Y Oll "ill it Fellows it'id-h° l 'O'k erh l ult° :4"iW!* 4, , ' 6:O i• He %tea liitheiviiiii4,;; - thi• B,' prt, & l ee* iit be e_ . ~,d with -.lir. I ' ei,,- -IP ..- i - '•u' • ' - she:tord him the yutirig,,./ :ilii.ii ii. t 1 gonf..4,- : fill; the dump 4 ~ . Di•• •• •• - • - '' - • , .•. ", : • Ar•lit)er fiutow . G4tY . l tr." RETTY. AND'ITELLe . . , . . pitll* C. Atitticir of Ovrtcadeituss-11,"&c.. &e rattled ne , lord:ng to net oreoamtv, t¢ •,-141 Mar 28311; by T: ti. Atone t.:o.;;;n 'the Oakt ortLe Ct ti l 'uf the Distticeetay ! , - 1-tailm',ol,s set NI tbrlskat bletritt at PA:n. VubiWn.-ttiu bia4 . merat,' _ .. . .mayy fieurttswreely.drir., ~ ,--- o e damp -hitfi front'ilis :forelielal, mai its' i- in l ; to think, - sli e sat l/ nto tenka) and limtiqi, 4111 Conner 49d tai.ipea,A --thought : o el ,--- t. relltre-'brilit ; neettiett , ' tif-initig him niori.e VII Litit,,.l„- y iittleimine4lie intuit teiHfile.forebod. i-. ...7 1• 4 4 trS!"; 11 / (1 • 1 "4- lia l'ii • ' ' i l 4 4 . 8 0 •Wilt• P • Sii't• • 1 - j - iLii , eir. , , '• Wile •- 41; lie tiiiiied ' baek /telly' 'liall LoN :ll} bvr ' li.uttly , siiirit; - hut/ she .etutmed had seen tarn bnt.. en hour 1 .)...... : lie : b_'-fi 1 gi.4le , , sfie liiiti4lmen - iti fair to hi 'room, MO .; then, 4,elt, andtafinig : her aural` strove. to hurried tl. and- Imtraior fiv.tke iterv-V,whgt . 1 4 ,,'*,..4 her.e.wiri., , :lNelf, tvag:;-.lenie: ivithliini,tivoi4l i y nerdett it:4l, .1-t._,ilr. : ! triik. , 4.1%.7.11;.nd iveri. - 11)t . vNihnli,, ,lind. v•:,let.ilit;.! • tr - glinl-POe tir ii, d , sile'-w, lB ` 44- kghti..Med.= '.. Atf-Sooti its 'Yet bemte.ed 'und -sfie' Ihrett.' ifieiiilthitrii again, 11,4 i OA i' dbipt t--el 4 sile -. om•sr.- - ii.silit' PT iv I , 4' , i'it - • 1 ti!lkildilli lii i'll'ti i l4l lll • 1 1 mfsiiiti .;:1' the. ' link; , t4oliit,' ' -11::17.111 ' - - .'- , il i ..L..... ., n- .. .. rt.: , in for I miId4rIVIVITs . 11 ' '1 2!" . ! b:ii.Nell; ; filitig - nekeieol-4 , _%e - upon 'Mini Pll 4, ke out, hatxter nothing, for.tiere treris NI of nitmtliv and - ishirp - mini! of je )mirty . rfoyt. joint . [. s o ; j,„4 4l l iiigly 0 jill :tVOldei 'lsli - lit Teh - faeil2 . I :i•ftt ' War& , : l ' !lryip . g . ,. ittl';'.3' . , :: laid : .1b ~Y ly .p..eitig, from the litittme: and he •IV4.lit h!!Ille' t n . )1114 ei'' tille - "MI/l4 Ids attentnini :md -finally perinsath , d ~,..,,,,,,i fl„:: ih„rmw.rm - no, she Mii yule. inhe, e d ifitie 'elpilubt.i, - threw:. 1114 Petin' , l).. l!i ), '4'1 ,01 ! 1 , Min tip sit iitiw ii.beedde , her,. Sim -I-Pied Ivilli ' ita,*l,--niiks'...4fier 1111, in 4 liar' .: , Ki ter's friM,li - ti; his Vt.tiri ..f...i.--in ma r . .. 4 .- 11 '' . -118L';flii r II fl'9 I . f. ' fri t h, Of -M. ti:'as eMnp imiliely sane,: tilid,tin ring' wit'll.the - eaifit.t. bagst , nothiMv U . , s 4 - If - I:MC:Ma hinisiel I* dintif ttlilif! imrni.ji ~b;if- 't r . ,,,,' itid9 l )-re It'n:.t. t;iiet iiimi - ifel.tiedtiouriiiti; lA'filt !iiinbiomi ll AM: eornei, -Mid': beer p.riki - I in th e fiit - t-ernes's of hit”' threiMilirie,A. kineicliq'. i " ir, - -,Bsur e o,ot fitglitistraibre mantier.tiirst i 100:,..faided ;on : thei.fica.r. -.- Cal.44M ,- up thri Mar:. e:ime 16 him like ii . httlemfis Tie ,bre.i1.,... - .he i i -4...1,-,e l „ qWil li ii;:fl: :,, ,tl. dempd , ta ... f , t; i ., :re , irvi iliniuith -: 4- hey.-, 'e:totid -- -Pit; ithinflil4, 4. , :; - • - • • • ' e••• • • °-' '' " ' ~. I. ll p - 'di . 'stood' si ,iii i .r %% Nit , - gi , illy v caut -. . .ittid in his sext4l-0 awe's,/ .1.-114, it „hatk,in..iic [ iii:etiirliele they had limy, - JAI Om! sort 01 liptty' P ll 7. l .2einent" in innistdr--hi:r tilsZ 4 1(1 r. him im.rly.imil ; 11;r: it"} Chu the l i; at liii.e li, el-v.1 1 4 1 1i.. dreamy hoiriii, Which Aie - Wel tiiiiiit v n tv• In th" 44 "/ *A P fir. b . 4 f , l.ti 1 .4iii.. : ki 1 A3 ,1 i liud retionot I , o,lWhak . he 101101 y Jived . ivon!tit Komi. unl.eleOtile , mid sudden aiirrow '-ia .'firxt . , sviirkiA-Iliniidf Into 1 )10 now! Ifint Pe.‘Y"4" ', ll -` , he j e t - I N, to hi, tortoted,l, ? “l, -By .her .. por- milized. : , .Tlicti an ;witty- p.itawas overspread I. , re•it Cad ; .nriii netiri , i,ioHoi 111‘4 . -71 nPu l,4 e•t'f„ . . ' it'll - 41;o. ho'l4't'v'uP c . i . e 4 11gi'r int? lli'l' I ) 04 : 1; ilier E ee, iik uli e;Zi r jelu'li Y ith W ' l llet 'l nt Mt/riled to UN: GraY") , found ', II T 'mTKltiv r ?I'l .4_,ii .ati, - 6-runi,iii a Ittle iietelitalliquLd iiii;iki'xi i hi4„ii;"81o; tioxiiil;:ii.iyh: e iilOir; slip .iiink eoni..ll:rattinerl to their ' bod riling ll ltme , :ittrrl . ,;ir &Out hi 4 ix,' tui -. bu'ivell '4 4 ' 011 ) 1 4w Ilei I/ 6 ' Ltitif iiii 'the 1144.- ' Piir xi fin 4 tiin'.;'llnO. 11. 41111114.116" hp u;ent lanai! att.titi an . wittert ' would . bolus :.. '-'-•' ' ' t ' i girl 'I .1 'CI ti ' tioiehaible; liken ..atotVlv I e .11 - here land much less -- . ~ ,' , 4 •Y('N i will gi te AV Another ; , nhent- klst kotniog to he.h3elf;aJa,,tottereittherTeet,ailiii l' . ''•-' - ' - 'in )- • t 1.4 J'ithii Mkt • altewill neier iteieit ,•11To .. her atrepoth with a orrt:it Olio t she • 1 / 4 : . ctr 4l. '""ilt - ':-, me ; 411 othela iiietise -- - . , ' ariiexi thel l ,nip op,in s x.irif iTeephig to ILO , 1 he pt at tile 4 iOr 1 Ileitea contlactltretran to orrlltiart Ideal Art : 4 NOl , ne,' - nald Ni4l, vilth a quivering lip. . I daft Bfere Itli to . e wither, a talk among the will &hi. 'Wan it not a aluene,tl ‘.l believe „you, Nedl, he tocciainied, alto/10d beckoned to u young girl . i , tiolind notyet. tctatraz. ilea% Ellerfrlanzez, egranalltaiv„ AVITITUCCk 'rani IriZeiratatti. I ' StI I, ! ,, :„Pit', , TIIITRS.DAY - ,,N;;VEmilq{ : - . ),?„, .1,51, ,TONTIt 4411 tien\r from , , .!,401 . yrin .114!ina1),9r4;A:is, 'after 4514-11:44 lit•en.y.rope r I Ivive.wk 'doubt it trio ld overeoint: .. y . 64 Wald Mate ti +1 Tiite,eertriinr;it wnnl(l - 'rest9re . me try health; it . would be eiritius soiee r lmiitMl lllnMifi sn Ring ' T sl4Julif ..Jet . well ianikedii,tely'; it would give rww,ntrenttil;,:: : . Wrll—= 111,44411 hesikted, for a - umw! it, I-It;ive froiii ? Where Im'f4lie c Nall—bille i 4 11041.011•••tikt AIM 4trotig's, iii f ""Ntit'matik h jr; her chait, ;Ind bowcti Whim tiked tig:iitr. liet9 ! e,t ;; sureniql A re.urti: ', • 't exClArnvil, tising . 'to het r ee l flip; gladnowu,Atretigthrtiln',, ftim e , hilt, i k s ! ti, fitrktotteli; ~, Fhtitnitli; is ; the • eauiu nutty, thq . iunocont Istitur +,th.; d tys ' • 1 ' She Is , your sister,' willipere(l s Yes, toy sister, trust—eh how the very race ytoir..retartt. - '.whei•elio the money lie left; with son r • .rti•tty- u nve her Sister iturses.lienry tirh aoht. . r • r could not ((mei) n f irthin,rr nt it, Kell,~nd mita mean ettonvir to Itrin, :the liltit.).l , C, thiplonfri would let him - (4ivn there it iv.' and Shtt jrniiited tir the tnatitel.. l h.iYe tho' t tii-o hi- three tinten, - I would try, hint then her fenrlbl word canto to my rind 7 tlhl 'not (tare:, ...11W guinfi:N'ol.r. - - NIA far ; rest tittietly . here till -1., retttro,- it h..yery..iiiim;! aryl her - okistvesl i lirnivi she' hurried rrnin'the • . Tie hear or hau-- ennatiet i e innr: - Intypd Nell, its Ithe. 1 4 0041 ' 1 40re , itnl. d F itlie tr lace likpst.3 or tionwtiation eon 'otrvatt. She ring the enijitirine'N cetfin,-wis Ushered into n mignitleent where se:4 1(4. ljersidr Fit. the i . vini : eiiitied up her Ontne. t1'f4,..111 nt t r i - mil • ot• I , tiro , (I entrininndlughinkilig persnmige; Witlfrath; or , a benevolent ea 4 of euttpten ince; still tliore W - kinl,4 expr:iiisioni,:whiehtfue ivrimuient; midi. Nell ,slinnii; , kir tu t i, — spvih• frith 6!rit~ nrul read Mum. /14 seemed impreigied with her wan. - • ' • VOLUME VIII, NUMBEE 46 Iro isoin tsllarti' warmly .. • • seconded the's:Cinpittliy in,"ElV:oi'2l)fXoB4lth; • W01:1114 the idea of extending reception us serrleei in the ..entiie'of free. dom. his elotpienee, and his exalted • personal Ar.r. tier, entitle him to.. - .,11Te.' du nokdoubt, sneh ayrecption will be extendediuhinfr nor do Ire dmilit Ili l it YOU by_ nil: classt•s' of ofirlutitintrymon. notwithsEnding the 'Olin Ls - I:inking tit render it ihefreetire..frhe 141.ntinivia 111:4 irek.oni e s Kotisntli.' is no, seg. tional seatintent. It is ull-pennding and tint. rers..l, find will .be elicited Maturimsed wh6v. ever, the ( demand Lit.. ; Weicart: not donlit.that the reltiuse or the - ,lltorgariart hero, br the 3 1.thonimetlah. eitiborities; u 11114 I. the' release .of Metither. - O'Brien t Mitelteil. awhile other Irish exited, Ott the part. of the British- talterities; and we are Lted -in this helitf ::nd in this h4e by the for. wail and Etrontble. manner in - which :Kosstith: has been greeted in Eng Ilmi t sri toncetWon,rts t h .tgrecting, f r, t: injtll4 ice ;of , . the Eng. lirh polier - os exhibited ag..inst the Irish palm As. Hod, let. ns - trust; 11.1,re:id:se the.. speedy thO.,e brave, fait lligent;. - and perserinted Men., It seeing," intle'ed:. !la if the • release' •of Kossuth e tird beeil• i Wished for isrthO 'EnOishnntli- ortletAhAt' - the_ht I ter taight , .bare :an exense:'for Firing ' freedom. to the • eloquent 'and chivalric Irish.. teen.. But wle.terer the.tnotive intry'beltr.W. -.„ ,„ i Rani to Riots:lll4'og Annie :feehug".displa3ed, (tent itins? Seefire the ti: of tlieuxp;:triated ittrints'now confined in I the inhnspita'•bh. ('ol(d)ies i,f - Groat'''Brifidn' !This,:then, iteingithecoun course is left -to,tis, ?---Cliarly,t-W.Wdenmothiz jl w rish as e hare welcomed the Hung:4lA 4.s ii l l. Atld-114 ,Wv,!•lifbold itndtit biti't.k the ftlters , Of 7 t Triiiki L I until. us 'Joie etitiOresti. - eJled upon' Austria to .set ilk 11auttrs` free. ' 'Kossuth: is a' - great'. bnf he ;Shot Whit ibelfo than,' I-3fetti,ther;:o7Brien :Like= hitito I - they hart-twill unsneCessful l'::ad though, tin.; like,,iiitu, theY led no their ,kourogy.i.Onti their. conskreyin ,t - . Ault. I'd i - were testi • consPirflon.s...:.-Ei!g;, hind is !lOW rerOgiiize the'ser. riees, of Itisisut h . to fri•odirn : - of tali - ad , she onnUt he ttlitutto thenirritS of : these who :struck-fir - the same cat se, erOn!iqininst herrelt We. eertainly .eattni.-1, I ford. lo . tlixteriminate r but *itl be et:titsi npon;to now in . prvp:,nition tor ii,10,0t4. Hirt glitrions lenders of :IriSV likraliint, shall he:' bee lii set Not art the'A tin ticou continent. - - , , - • now GI us noids etc Made. , . . .. : firsinr.s tbe',i ner:tion. or . mirrors, _relleula. , , ti.4'gifaistii..s. t'!;i • U'faiWi.” e : - io ,titprk, the Void limn; the rri .. i,f mi.: h irg:g I: ii bei:dii silet a Igo -first - diseoi•i;ri.if ifi"..ille clia4:l ousen,.of 31 itiv ri6, niqi iii . pr:!eilei d there - , a i :.,11:e; rttfeitt' ti , yi -- MT'. ii e - xtersive - .eile., 7 t.e..inv o ll 'gibs' bemis tare . :frrprefat. en( tr( m lit i'em f . & ghee tching; 1 i, ll ' t"llllPeitgi.l l c 4 r:Wilieh 140 : rentded ',. be fusion; u.r . B Itabes of.the: rmier, size arty, .4rot. drawn. frolt 100 ;lil- coo rect• in . lengths: :nut "of !ID "Itos;,:ible i•olOti,,,.(jn 17(11'1(4 • : thv• pre. ; rife 1 n.oi li it iidri.d . ' tlitrit" iiindeir,) rind ~ ors:, brorien'intia' linnzths: of - iieti-ci;k4.!. - Thesiarea ' then:chi . the - Oril khife -int§ fr.fitinents' of the felliti length .ti-`lii4.-diz.Oetererthey- OoW , pieifeiti, ti ni fornc-iff Innidsc' tlie.:idt4s . of - . wllleli;.bOlv.ever.ure,so 14 buri).tliti.ti.ey % F Oll Id I ' Olt the threrd - 4 in uidell they bravo to be strung. Tbe,ealiciitiat e.e'onto•quenity to:' be! rounded 1 4 ? ,faisiiu.", - rnid . Va tb7uol . .en - tirlu :inpet - bo: per.* .' Kiioitiii It puit 'n aii , iitiftna,bri. :t pia.,e,iliyi they . ". - Ili ,oilii;tliti'n Iti.i'vi4l hi', /4iik itigi , ther, they. i `p re ntixori in' eo:1 tinutrnd. ri.u . 'dered elry . .-fre. - vinUN 1111116 r 14 ing . .. revoking ~ 1 iltlinderin;hl4l4 . .• tbry: n Ili' teutili.] ,Tlittlits.'... i4Alll.6;ila, - .pre, Henn-iiirPizii:. ,threlrgh,44e . es," ivarteri to . I b . dr hire. c in! „01:ttig :oic.n.. V. f, ildo, ' I,i. ~ ,vii,- „ ,i,,, . , ... ni•siflt.s -Ilk , 4144411:y' Loiltivg , bi . .4 . (i4:- - i,ifhttrui - kilia :. ill - in=init itnted, milled - I • t la ne,whiff ir; 6t. '• - iid mrre . ex. per es r: a ;1, I r lIPT I , . , , r wr,T AN e , - 41 - Vesie, alre i pteruzu d.. ke;.itt istire s NUR 11 eurd , i;fgti-aik urifteued by -a.glru. 111 - 0!,.. 'er'u Lin), nrtnnid, rn . - iron *i re. - -.7'bril, 911411 . 'mode in ifidtution -of fieurifor talk , arm:mints' tho invention of which ‘dutext how' the year