:I%l' .' 7 , i..:! e AU*AD : '-'::- . ...• .$::.1.A11.1_ -Mang 1 =Ong". Tress.. - The rules for trideplantitig ,are-few and simple, and easilybrne in mind, First -11:14 irittlierli the best time, .or` .I , might sity the only, time, ,fob transplanting should, • -never he done When 'ill, ground is wet.-- - The barthrshould -conch every part of, the mote;`:ilia holes should be .manured, but mapOrn - should not touch the footle. Octo. bet. and November, after the , first hard frosts ' have,elleekeil their growth. is the Lost sea.: fo" rtransplanting hardy tre4. - Peach plum cherry slid evergreett-trees are better •: - ..eetriire , ed in the spring, as earlyas pos ible , hat they may& in 0 - 6 fall if the - roots are - proorite i l - by In - -transplanting tree+ ~ the . tope_ p-nend in ,propin..- •-• *ion to the ?note. and the roots in prOpor• bitoi in'the: branding: - If, only the small Pres 'of roots have been broken, then'the , Sop vino be ,out in 'proportion. In trans. planting seedlings the top root, merely re 7 quires to . hi shOrteued, or ,broken roots eat oft ape - need he. told to preserve the rootekri . much as i/rissible, for' every - one ' - ,llinstiktrove that' that is the hest. The tile , in efreAree, the longer the rn. , ts should be lett. Clilive the roots plenty of room, place ettemlin their natural order. Let the tree , stand lust as high as it did 'befre it - was takin up. Press ttio earth round , the roots. , Fill up anAltinvo the surface smooth,- Two abr Ahree.daYs rifte,r transplanting' • -.artless the trees are verY short, - fasten On in to vtake r s wall driven into the ground. I If an orantid in - cultivated, it will grow_np in half tho ttme. . . • , I have Peen very good plan,. I should Clink, for raising fruit trees in great abun darted; from' the trunks of the old' decayed U WI Isaul to be very SUCCeS • I 'tll, the peach, some of youtmaders would try it; and ; in the course of time, - repert. Take some old and partly decayed, tree, and ent.' off late ni fall, or very early in the spring, all , of its branches. close to the think ;' , Ors the sided the tree least decayed dig away all the earth for two fect deep. land the same distance from the - trunk.— On the hppotite side of the tree dig a deep trench, say eighteen or twenty-four inches broardand deep, as long as the truck, be ginning at the bottom .of the trunk. In this trench bend the tree carefully dawn, ending off at the side first dug, ell the roots ;sde]) prevent' its bending. Smote it this position, and then - cover it lightly with rich mould. In a few weeks o'great many shoots will spring out of the ground and grow with g6at topidt,is.,— ThesMat the end oil two years, may be ta ken up singly and transplanted. Choice specimens maybe preserved without' limit. , iu this. way." *1 Hinves and Brokon Wind. si l ts an inquiry in the "Newspaper" concerning the best maAner -of treating Ittoives or broken wind, ft disease to which many ;otherwise valuable 'horses are: sub ject. [ Broken wind may originate fierii a' variety of causes. For instance, driving or --Tiffin , * a horse rapidly on a full stomach. may rapture the, air-cells of the soundest _lunge:, I t believe if a horse is fed upon eroverhay, and as roach is given to him as iiiidesires to Oat, and then worked with his ,storriaelt distended by this fond. hemay be. broken 'winded. It is the, opinion of some Writers, that hroken wind arises from some riattiral defoririity ; for instance, that , the,bings ;are ton large for the_ chest, or the chest too small _for, the lungs, This may. Perhaps be the ease in some instances. I -tint I rani much, inclined to doubt it. If this were always_the ease, it would be im possible to givo'a remedy ',that would b e orany service. :It is the opinion of some Very eminent farriers, that from full or foul feeding and little exercise, there may con , stantly engender. O. quantity of tough,l phlegmatic matter, which, aceumulatitig by I slow degresa, may fill up some of that infi ! nity Of minute passages, with which the ; langs . :we known to t abound, so as to ab t ritruet: the air vess-ls in their necessary PX- I • parision for the offioe of respiration; and it is this obstruction, or partial suppression that in sudden or hasty ezwtiuns. ruptures the air-cells and effects the alrioicy of , the whole. These obstructions once formed, eontinue to accumulate, and eventually ren ...der the- 4tngs ton,-rigid for tha 11 - Reese:try purpeses of respiratihn. rotten in spealt-i ,ing of the remedies t tn be applied for the restoration of a broken-Winded horse, says.; "so iremedal skill can repair the broken down structure of the lungs," Ile mom . mode careful attention to feeding; so that tht3 food should lie in little compass ; plen ty Datil, but very little hay, and no elmff. and horse should not 'he suffered to , drink istuuch water as he likes. until the day's work is over. lie recommends greetifood, and isavwthat =rote are prirtiettlarly_ use ful, ; Next in impaitance.ts exercise- ::'The broken winded !torsi) should not stand idle in the Stable a single day. If proper tention is paid to the horse, as regards fee ding. and exercise, rind.an occasional plivs ,. ic'givert, be eat be rendered comfortable to himself and no ,great nuisance to „the owns!. I have 'frequently thrown into his feed a small table, -spoonful of tartar met ic, hod foundlt to answers good:purpose. . ' 1 . 7•0163.11 , 124 FE E D.—It is generally ad : -mitred:that farmers might save much by a : ..rkiftirm'.' in their Method-of fat ting.hogs 10 the matter *lf feeding, a herd of eight tiwitie, whi h wilt consume, according to , the 1 fan rninna' computation, fi - teen bushela of corn 1, - s ; piece; In order to get them in .a markets. ' f - ;Ile 'condition, amounting to one ,hundred 'II and twenty...bushels, ;there might hea saving ' i.-ofet-lesst• - forty. :bushels; ..byTitteiiiiing nr - , cont.:ink:lWe; food.-before feediog. ' This. when colt is gelling at :35 cents.ws at pies. :, isat.,isemiivalent to. $2O. "",Wituld that not _Spai-far •she trouble and labor ? - It' is cOel : f paced that toil and foss 'Of getting .it r.Friti!;tiol is ten per cent . ao that the -:eheap io st .113.i0 steam or boil the grain sufficient ),' ly te,thcioroughllioftin _it also saving the . ..1 /Iter of;hauling it ', to , mill. - A n y . person ki *fit -Will take` a glace at the sty. where tAliiwino are crammed-with bard corn, teed in 11:sOgittneitt 'to demonstrate t hiwn , is a loss of marfuttrar sr one third, thatils sirtrilid by iinforfre*Oin Bowe :eats antiiely, midi 1. -4.s.444.screakont.- vox Pubusinvists4 ons'is'a 'S$ BA • LI. (task - . - IPIT 9 iIIII*.I PROPRIETORS. - TERMS.--Ost noLtdut alto came per annum. carat in advance ' , or two &glare if nat paid until the ender the year, or time tif intikriptiou; Na Ouper will be-discautinued hutil aireiradva are paid, eirpf at the option of the Publishers.. An communications -mutt be, roititAip to le-. ceive attention. . .• • . - Anion:era ;connected with the °fitte r :should be directed to 5.13. & E.-B. en.tes, • Muntroat. Sun. ar Editors' office over 111:, G. Tyler's Store DATES OF Anvieuirisit. squate, (12 line* or Iccs;) 3 infsertiani,:.sloo -Each embpequent insertion, ! ' 25 . Oactqaare, 3 moths, - 4 - month", * '4 !CO Basinets ard". 4 lines or ler", 4- 310(c . , Yearly Advertinements;not boer4 -squnres,• . 7 UU - One colunn,..one -ye nr, " 7 ••r - •L -1 10 00- 'Yearly Adveolic "vitt -be i•st ricted teß . e siuces'in which'iln,j7 are Otiga,e4, . . re The PuldiAers,.having a large assortment ofJob Printing Alateriali, are preffamd to execute all kiudaof.Jul3 WORK with aaatness and des ! patch• . . , * s • BLANKS of . every description vconstantly (In hand, or printed to order. - ' ' .14 1 4:1,M4. 0 :4;. 1 P.ZL; DR. JAMES BROOKS, Physician and ;Surgeon, isud. drolor in Drugs, 111ediciurP !Paints Oita, Dice:` &a: Omer of Church and Pura create, opposite Col. F, Great Betid,Pa.. - , . JOHN IS. 191310 CK,. Atterney'at Law.. 'o2le t , on TattlPikelttfeet emed , xtr west of the old' Itegietcr relating (glee; Mon - • - . • , - 4 . . • M. L. TrUCESPELL, ATTORNEY ':„AT LAW; witb:CoL.F.lLusk PECER DECELE*, Esq. HAVING born appointed to,' Gay: rish.or N on York, ita II a 'Co:l=l66lol,er for that SPietlia take the peiiat and 'acknorledgimneLt of bred* atiututtwr, instrucacutr, attend to btlaineas balls iniftnit canticle). at his °Moe at Otett Bend, Pa: ' eiCipt.lo,lsso - to.S.,WIACSIESTIEII,7 - ATTORNEY AT .LAW,. Tunkhannock, Pa, Ojicein &ark's Brick Rom 'DR. G. M. GAMELE. FlTEF .2Semuc llC o E u i i l l l e. t , Fe ee h . z i e formerly retidane sof ITarford.. tepecralacr 2tr, 1830. -; • 812Nii-• . LIVERY AND. EXCIIANGE STABLE, Montrose. Penntn. E. IL Sr. 8;1L -- -CHAI8E, AT ',LW. MONTROSE. PA. (o . sce over 'Tyler's Store.) E. B. Cuntic. JOB, a COI DON,• DIAtEIR 1x MAREILT. MONTIAANIA; T , rte STOilig, TA tLV,Ai r bagmen' the, CALM tridgo and ' IL•nurt Court .boupe, Court ot, ninglian.toi, pi Y. 071 , 3; 31111tney Travellng Atrnt. ; riat Oratt, / 1 ' 67 0" —7 a a/ - DGT-GOO S, GROCERIES, }DOTS AND SIIO6, . J'eavvirp, imitates, &C. ' Great Bend, Jure :0!6. 1551. 26 if C. rd. 'S4IPXMONS. - BOOT AND SHOE MAKERA' REPAIREP trFer A. Itildsie'w,Sailtilery ,QZ:I2-1:4213 TilawileatT -SHAVING & HAIRDRESSING SALOON Searles Baild!ug uezi duo; io tfle Port Office, Montrose, Pa. • 111.1.;tf, 1861 '.1;11S1-110U - SE, 'lB5l Great Geed, Penn'ti, , - `Addison Bry:ant, -Eroprietnr. STA• V.S Lave this Iv, ly -I..ierent Points. on the nmenTdiffeeent Trak! of Cara. A la, I.kr vey Teems furnished by Mr..M.Trueedell;mt short notice and urine which cannel Lill to mat. ' - • MEM;;MiI=ZI - Abel lurrell • • Dealer' In Dragr, edeincs, Cl - 4 cuita,r; paints, 011 i, Camphine, Fluid, Lamps, Dye at aftql meal. 3.Dry goods ilardware,Sonewnre, G iIIMPTI n, Clocks, IVti Joh , elry, apoan,,pectacreis Musical lastrumentil,, Truaseo, Medical Instruments, -Loom pof =my. 51iirors,'61a tionery,bra.her, alums, Taulee' lctiore, Alantrost., Pa. MISCELLANEOUS. • Farm — s - for,bale 1111 sabeeribere will act . as ageutr foi the private inde of Real Estato=Fersue, Iltdiee'rand Ude—Aera ted in Saiquebannti county, l'a. All alio with to oiler their p:oporty for tale can give h utlatate deaeripilm nt their Farms or Lot, et follow* ; Number ot acre,,, how manytruproved, and now watered.; building' , Orchard, grafted or common fruit ; Other fruit trees, and shade tram; boW far Item Alontrote ' and the 111111171iminl to a depot on the New York ecErie 'Railroad price arid lertne of payment- All who with to melt ondrrebtee Real Engle, will p• "cite prompt 'attettloa by calling on or addresdng tot at elentro.e,Stuitruebeena county-4'a. ta"Cortre7ance from .31ontrose to the preruiteffre• of ehtoge. Office on Turnpike eire'et,tdoore west of•the/3riet 'corner. . . Farrar and Lot, are nos ioTerfd for role: No. I , 40 Acres, 30 improved,. Frame .1.1,0,u*0 and Ilaro ''gip 2, SO .Jo SO ; do.sold do Ico:3.100 do' 60' :do No. 4.100 do. 50 do sold do • do N 0.5.70 do . : 40 ' do, do , d. 240.6.96 do 35 !34:.', do do No:7. Sr4ireoVurehottse and Lot. N 0.9,145 aerro7.l imProtod , frotned 10. uge aria ..... . , . . No. D. 523 i .do 3.5 .do so 2 l do - . do' ' , N0.1%2 ....do . _do . „ do . do . :. i No.ll, ' " sold do ', do .d Lt t.:o.12.1O1 etTeP79, moripiedirtmed house and bora - 3.13.340 do 200 -dog do 'do - 1 N 0.14,56 do 50 do. 'old 49 do de • 50,15.168 do_ 60 do do do: . do N o . la. 120 do 55 do void do- . do Ne.17..100 do 75 .. do do, • do.• 4e' N 0.18.112 do SO , do. ; do do.. do No* 10. 200 do 150 do do do ..' de No-10.145 doloo do ' • 'do -• do : •de N 0.21.190 46 120 do • -do • dal . do N 0.22, 9011 . do 45 do .do , - do. do No, 23, 45 de . do ao , del - do • NO. 24. - 232 d0'225. do • •do do. • do • N 9.25.123 do co : • • do do' - 'do N 0.26.106. lo 140 -do . do: ' do No. 7.' 80 do 45 void: do -do:. . , do " Moores ynn Alisd tall 'and demi dne. N -.20. 134awee, 90 improvvd,tramehotiv . v . stoners N 0.33071 do 100- v‘• ' Nn.31.135 'do . _ 95 ti No: 8:.180' do' 125 " • 4i 280. 33.160 de -60 . .• .v - No. 05. 159 89 . , :" • N 0.33. 390 do 170 . . No. 37. 190 do 143 -" ", " N 0.38, 170 'do 100 - vi 31.175 .do -90 do • do! 2 4o - • do . No„ 40 BO.' de, 45 do do' do _: . do NO. 41. 212 • de '163 'do sold do,- de' • *do xo 42. 72.; '• do SO': ' do . No. 43,-4 sold- . do • • do • . No. 44 128 do 135 •do .do , do. do No. 45 800 dti' 200 do . do do 'do: • N0.46.120.3.eres 80 improved,franie hous . e . end bus No. 47 200 dO -170 • do, do '..do 46 88 - do '6O - do do - - do' . do • .140.. 30.83 ,do, 83 •do .' • d 0... N.11.--rervonvdeslvlngto peirhesetuay . ol,tlre "We byglvinth the umbel 011 obtai ns fulideveriptinn • - • • • ALFRED .• •••-." E M 0 71;1•E:D • IKO. - 1411 Kt 410 E STREET (Betweeni'Witrii and Filth, ofkotileTtenitiEt.) 1/4A...1;W:i11:1' TATIIEitE - the ProprleOrli IneWnteed V W - ditties. to supply the,growingdemand lot fluent's . wtdeb'sts wide spread reputation bye treated. , Thls,lnkls now so ,well ottaltliahed in Abe good opinion 'ad douldeneeottili Ametleinkutae, that, it Is scarcely otteesenr. to say any thlegin its - toor; and theraann• Winter tozeithltOpportntiity to say thattbecontldeote thin 'gored slutltnos 4vitbuord. ;." • .addition to the M& watiotio a wtttlnlY,llik: br 'also monittoctiters' ktumaktine Ctitert •for mending , Glato end tlblnCoo well as a wopevier hair Do;* teal only is neeettire to insure Its ratan DANN antl 3 a Pealing Jrar. via adapter for r pen , geeiwntl e ßottleeihed a very to*.prlcepta torte orstrialtqatiattgeo... -. • ,_ • _ • , r.o.Alefsiidtkorkl to JUSEP,II P-110VVII; . • , No 144 itaceltresfa, „ , Bays= OA 444 oPposite.CraartiSt, O1:0c - : ? .KS;ATtlIEF, , , & STOVES, OIV ARM &c, . . , , ~ .., '' NOtlce belt witowit ' • A. - -'• G • Pride .‘ . - e • .-- -.- George • _... .-. To .thi inhabitariti4f i SusVuihiittpct' aJi Is ifir.te - celvtilinvia Tioy, Utica, end Alban; a larg e • 3:A.Bll3g:stun (let e)Ptipil oftitheiliea o. , at eater ot . „.. ...,.... assoltmeet . or - , -..--- . . the reek lever escapetweti and detached It ter temp,- tiots4 to sr...l'pri or, st nel Sika p S toves,' taint inciter, toltobert tiosled ot E'er cft-Lfvelpf.9 l . re. for wont fr coal, embraeingell the newest and hest pat. teeny with. k 60 , 11 1103114' A. Died id this . .pinee, - and term" which will he soul on the moit-lavorubte Imps • with thlsltDAollllClllllrht ofintpyirg ti'pert:'of Air. Aber - . ':, .1 , 'The YaititeesStOve" iiiprob bb , , elf things ionsld- Tttilel'a Mors:. Graft:fel forthe unbounded*thlenee ( Ted, the beat large °Vni.fitur.' '•!'ci t. I ! .l 'F'B 4° ! , !A n le d n a . replied: Does herkby give make 'that le" eouseltuente . and will b e sold at the: ' ' ' .. - ' • '' et the aforesaid Able 'I erred's tentinet Lae lett Ids old , .. . : •c : ',lreoploN_ ,Exchange•r. ~ s t and . tas before tulcertisedlund nt_thealteethlliiinurcs - as low as they can bithought t hie s hie of NorthAiver.",. hisvery numerous. caste:ltem that ho 1.5* it , connection ,We are how - raCeivitig e 'fine' nsiortmerd of elevated With, neither will he biehewtrable for any Wattles Jew- ovens. In .hart the Must fastidious, ran he suited with city ty. ether • property delivered at Mr. Abel Terrell's - anything, In the line nfstoves„ - pine, or trimudege. him for repairs or oth4liiise -, ; ...- -, • ,f 1 : c :,- , , Periled, August 22, 11E4, • : iMOntrose, Main ot., opposite!' Democrat" ofece. . . . a -- , . —r— togishratenftrifilies . . .„r .. . use sr.. las this day 1 1 11 P b ife i' ' ' a . ' - ...i.. received from the Manaufue- , z ....." .., ,, torv.another let of his teperior 1 ,0 - IP. Duglish"Lever Wateher,of. direr , (o es'" ) J a . '' I, 01.1 . d en/ es . ,fu . lljeweled,aud plain I 4 -' : 4 }, e 'il ' i t osf Mze p .. e a r:a t ii ll S Y .7l:l ln it lll ga iv7 :good" . t. if; ,1,,..... Mine-keeper atlewer priest' thee 1 vt_ ,--;..F. - they can obtain. them elsosthert4 • ‘,. - v..'" ''' - . aro Invited to .tell and examine thou 'as thc anbieriber - can -with contllence. warrant": thetnitapetiotto any Watches OUT offfied tor salein this futility , . 1.." ' • - ALFRED J. EvANs. . 11ingtimten, Ang.l2, ',51. __- . - Washington lit. SMEltapre—A full assortment otS ilver Forks, sperms ilreamerei sugar antt'ss4 shovels. But ter helves, 4a. for - sale by - - i '.. ,:. A. J. KVANS. .:. Aug. lt; 180. , ' ..- -..— itt 141, I 1. t. t ITC c t • D'po'ons. : ' . • • - AStock of r Ora floe /libels tittle and tea Spoons, Brlttaneware, wire *tentthem,' table and ,tea epoons, buff table and tea erects. Also:fill er, ,It ,ver.plated; Germ an Alter opoons, ete.icteAnsriert itcd and selling low for the quality, at - TERRY:WS. Mnntrose.,lnly 3,1851. • •• • • 11.1 la t i t Ihasebeen 'encouraged by the rery• liberal imtronege rarely ed, to, till up my shop with the lamest 'and hest arrortnient OritrOO4P rver yet brontist to this ..miribtt.—: Init may befound overythlng belonging to a leyrelry and raney store, 3.llz.auolut.l4Vatehes,otarery description. Fl Iturnleit uld,p*rlor.tn4 oltni oon GamPS: which at this time Is the b-it thing In lase for a guod "Id dim light. YOueziii find them only nt. noutrOo. Woe/mhos:co:lBhp. - ' . - • RY. TUE hat this day r f.,(4%.4 'lmp tt meat of Trey rich gobils.'of 'tart month's imF er on fr. m Paris mmainiingklf tine gold ennmelted• huntind LeTera and Lepines. Pearl and Garnet Breastpinn and Ear Rings to match... Silk aid Bead work bags. beatnifulSana for Part !ea Diamond, Bob y. and Pearl Finger Rings, Brace let.. Gold Sleeve Buttons. acme beatitiful (u Ping, Ala; ye, Napkin !tinge, etc., to which he trouhl invite the a tent on of hit friehtla A. J. BtiArik% Binghamton, Sept. 3. '5l. Watebes Watches - I ' t OLD awl z , ilccacLever and Lupins tut F Jeweled And IT plain. lar(te assortment at the !cry lo%!est prices and warranted.. . . „ • Piighnnitn . n. L, , CASITEI.I) Watches; Jewell" , pRE übt;Ci , ber ha* received ah addition to hie • I.BEfink of Jewelry,-consistinff-of Gold Fob and Giulia Chains. Lockets, tinier Mimi, Ear Rincs, I3reat4 Pins, ilver Chains, Gold Viiimblea, Gold Pencils and,Peris, &c., tolvhich h. vvfifild in vile the intention of his friends, EVAN , nitihrtintrn, Minch 3,151 , Washltiglon-et 56fro; /Nee Silver Ware plated, en.] Gerftem / AG toGO"' tailver! eon Spring of Tahle , Ten 1 1 / 4 4 , 01.1:ream nttrf litenanlSpOnnA,Saltanl u:trSLnr ele.l'ovke~c.~En:raredßratij..at L. CAN/IF:LW& 0.1t.V.E1l coons. Sorts and gnires,trarranted•the beet 0 manurortared in America, At - • TIME'S. TmE last of the; 6 dos...lfb* Illocks Is gone but more o the some sort Is on the *ay; to Trip's dneetry Ahop. S. R. CM. ifiLOGKS. of yttrums.,patterne, received. thi Vddy,ilud for, stile eitenp by . llF:hrz,r.r& REAP. - "VINGE R R INtir•—A new . add. tplendid • sortmeidjust receirtht and far sale aboan by w. D. TROWBRIDGE. The- Riehest onleeTTOlCof 13rcrotping. nr..l Fin g er ;Never off.red In ningbamten. It 3. EVANS. NlVAlnilierjeweiry lunntitieil in'auit purchasers .• , W. Ti.. Tacoyuri it GE. Gold d Locket. ONO LE and-Dou divety hy , vtinThs.mtmi - • A RV' ANS. NVltAtn,•inn.ot borne' Very fine ITcii.nTrATCHiS perfect flaw kopets: Also Ore: 'Nate - hrs. quantiti..s. liy • A, J. EVANS. • t chit tl at coscror oust', at - TURRE,LL'S. Jan- 1. 1851. ' Gold Chains LOCKETS, nimVeisSpeekr,, Petiindrenr l l Crier , a a fail nisr ortment a : 1. CANFIELD'S.. . . LLEN'S IllivolverN, double andaingle ahnotqa.Ther -11. maineterai Carpet Bags: rmln'albs, and a great *a- Hatr at natinnajaitretigc.ad bp'.IIENTEET 6 'READ. CLIFF: TINS, breast Ma, Me nge and Eager rinv just TVed. . , A. J. I;VANS. • A NEW lot of breast pins yet:aired tbla dap by ' A' EVANS. . • • lilnalamton, Jane 9,1551, '25 tf LIOLD and +firer Wateii.osilverTableirea,Depseilen U saltSpooni, apdligeiicialinParßrarnt of Jewelry BENTLEY '& BEA T"S' and all aorta of - Notions. at - . , TUR.VS IUrVILE o : oegovi Voeket Eukr.ns at :•telat: 1851. TUBE ELLS. J EN iY LEND Ear 'loops t the late s tstyle Outot WATCHES - S. GItEAT re4netioninte price of Lever, Lspine and ,otherWa'ebeaat A.SINGL47OIi & Co. 4 Montrose, Oci--1,18,51. - • • Petroleum'or Rock. OIL NATURAL, tented); procured frohi a yell la AlIe• lighettr cam ty. f•Jur humltett • eet deep ' Put up anti Bold 6r iS. Ji. KIER, Canal Basin, Pittatul4, Pa. It is put uptu.bottleFjurt as it . flowr !tato the well without athnixtute of auy kind.' 'A II ye that itre atllcted ' • - ' READ! READ!! • • Ithenmetismjietdstnthepoverof the. Petroleum.' A OICAS r Larternetio.,lll.inion tg., July tb, 1851. • • •• Mr. Kier- 7 Lear sir, allow me as a stranger ao con gratidate you as the sole-prokrietor of an invaluable, called Petroletint or lIock!Oil Which Is deetined rte lung to take the phMe ofill'greatraedieinert, Many peraanalu this neighborhood hare tried•the Petrol. vat tun number ofh miring most of tl2einatitl . proaltghigblyt envficial in alt. I bare tatted it in congas. colds thearpatiem, totter.nraint, and swltnlng; for rheumatism I think it is a certain cure. ": wife hat: been afflicted With the Rheumatirm for toroeyecre and paver could get,ahy thing to relieve ber, in Ludt she tried'everything, and no thing woulddo her any good until the tried year Petro leum and it hasrcli eyed her entirely,•for my pm rt I think it is the greatest now In ttte.• "lourt &c., J. 1,E31. 1 0P. Anodic., letter frotn. Luzern , . co., 'recommenhing the re•roleum:, itnacit liars*, July th.l95L - _ M -Dear , r. Kitaa sir:-1 take goat tat-Ritmo lu eerti fAhui, to the virtues of your great natural ined'elisi called the Petroleum or Rock • Oil, whleq certainly a great medicine. I b Mght one dozen of your agent when he waralorm• here last fall. I tested Mtn c number of cues, and toned It tit : prove..good. ' I elm tent d it in ft CUP: of totter and found it 'Te' beneficial. I would like rgry ranch to bare another box -of ' &nit • like to be Itespattrally yourr, - •- ' „ J.Ni3lf DELL. , A . volee teem Susquehanna eo., certifying to Omer:rem, - ey of the Petroleum. o June'llth: 1851: llr.B. M. E a-;-Prog Sir:—Allowme to Certif . ; to the rirtner Orr - war natural tnedicipe callcd Pets-oh:tan orlteek Oil. I hal been sfaicted with the ltheucaatirm, for scum- time: trwarin SSiikesbarre Itst $‘lllllllC2 midget 'a tot tie frons your dg. nt -when-he trap along there,:lt ht eared me perfect ty. - I hare ohms seen IR t-sted In differ ent gr,aesofghenmatina,and coned it girerellef Ye . , rY, • ”. respectfiillyymila.; '. ' JAMES , : • - Tara matisoart.July 12th 1551 ' M. S.lll. liratt—Doir air—Allow me: to certify to the ; ,rlrtne, of your great usitural niedieineuallett Petroleums o hock Oil, which 1 believe la a good medicine. I hare' been afflicted with Neuralgia, paltrirt the n erre* for I hal last tett ycarr. and never could get -anything to" yeller« me . : in fact I tried atmast everything and nothing axial.' do me any good until I tried your Petrolemii.,which has general me -*cry 'Muth ^' 'I have also tested it Its'bunm, eealds. brutal.: lbais aluttys given relief itra very ahoittime , I think It IS the,gr atcst petit/tiller new In Wei L: _Very r,espeetfaily • -, Call and get acirculerfrctm- the agent. which Ore* - al full dekerlptiou of lt, For .rate by BENTLEY'. READ. Sold - wheleeale bY.llaitats, 1ta1.,. & No.V. 11 market street. Phttadelphla. ti9 Iy' ' . 6, 4- 4140 it /Tit 7-11)r. HUNTER willrerfeit.s6o 6_4V..V. Jag tu.nute Rei_eate of 'disease , amt. may rota ender pie rare, no nuuter,how lour standing orntflieting. artlan /MX are itilitedAo Mg Private Itoome.zB Korth .810 7 -IMTII.st:, Philo.. tbout • fetir I uterreptlety by Ntiberpothmta. Strangais and-Others who tigTebtmun.: Inxignateln,thesereetion of • Ovarian are invited so tall., Thetelsholuteelbjiiredtheauftlieshy soll tarrirt;:e err also tvited. • - : - •: 1 Res p tote Itrit.mm.l.—The afflicted - would tlo welt to' tonett.- - befaiitYruldttinaheli healtW arnlnisi: and. la man"cosestheirUressn.thehandsof obrstelens, Sp u r rant Odds item oftnalatlice, :It le eertatnty Itopossitdo for ounrottitto understand, all theille.the bun en funny nee entleetto,. Ever* teeptetible ickbyttelett boo his pe .ettneybmier.h.in *bleb be Is more euneestfill *bail Lae I,tothes orpfessorsi a 4,trithat be dertdanin4torlds gam and ,ettely. . r • nave!, .or en A anat. eietushridrievotettiOitia study nd'treatinentnfdl,Pilf(V. otbeiPxu.largeyas.. togother yrithillemyt_,lon' the body. ttiroot nose. otlege.tmlosto iltitored t. _•.benre., mertutba ihmunotinn. Atiiefneer, e gyeel., Irryttn odder. . 4 3i141,XXeSTIFItif treut youthful, el. - rams neitoptirittos oftlia ereht the eon atitu. Eon 'hex btoyoate safeebled,.anatlet tht Doetor an Oder rdstonttnart? 400 Übe , may Naas '.4binswelTep ander - .. ItAILROADS:' - ItiIIGUT fratii''' . ' "- CLOT MG TOOKS'-I.loOrtk'rc . . -• ... - , . . , . . 01181:'-:: , . - ~- ':-, ' i•STISQUEEtAIkiIiA • ---- ' l---- Aii Lii,BANY..& -- BUFFALO,i - •-• : • "--',.,' "''' -- ''i.N°w- H. qi ) _ . ,.. ••_ ~ :.__••,‘.., .-, per recebreat ey s übseriber.a-untrand , forge st o. ,,f - 141EFilst termer th , 'AC ItCti'VAoi* . ei: Erie, tayr,gii ins. - ADFPutlit c lie n tofAteeiy.nnde • Ciuthlng, ,Boot,ltit•l'ves , , .1, t on 6., m t e -, ,, n o,tl l ehr c r, 6 , 3 1 Prt •-,,... qu b h a ua n ni s i' i t b u ds, haiii - tette - ~ F illiii, l ftou lints!twt.opt"; , Cap letter a "hitavi appit,g: s• a; . t i ,wiii r ; b u t ..,. i l fid er l h „, ~.• ;11E , , 11 . e len, ~ , V.,1 ,4_ ry . ..,• : . io..•,•hy the rev. or feta quantity.... , 1 '',,,-,..,. , i ~ I'M., • - ---,•-•"' suPerrai, • - - Qs: .- ' 4 ' :-' and Eily riga. Lliketit' '' - i- - . , - '' '' ,',Flayslih.gend,tominen Isnui.s, a fee; single and dont', i - —Aaoa .ISAAC •G-Rily,- iL: ... EyFill y Boriv i, szli 41triET L , Thit i.).„ ,l e t r n iay.. i t,o 4 ii e ws; latiliy Statlolaityptoolia,Uotu - 111 , 4Itru,htw, ,- .. ;-•,,,, ~ , , ... „. ‘, . „,.,,. ~ ..., ~ r . , 1 , ,t ~ LIE: , utystiritien , a r l e n a- osill ' ir;aithi 4 t. ie6eil k Fllliltilße; ~.- FL l t 'i tey - art Clisie " tiliniernitsiet% 41;tion' t ' alI 'Which:lief 91 ...i hr =' , ... c tI l i n es i. f, t tn .. tty , .1 , : cniirro - r.t) ; p rui , c 2ll. [ A ~i, al , ki,,,i.,. a t,h e r o il ow if i t po i n t,, ,i t : , li,V, ; ' '.. iildesigna tst sell for seOdy inty, tuld'cousequeldly as` cheap-, . 71 i ens Avs,stunt Instrueni ts , s ee ••-e, Buffet°, Ai: 104, B atm' ta,_ ll crgen,. ltoches ;ere Cantinthat us lite ehcoPteft r :. - 11 Ruti"."o_ ,.... 'crs_, :- ',. - • , ,,j .. . - __.• ; ._,.... . ; ~,' 2, „ , ,,: i !f117,:, , f,,:::::::. g r b :::::::::::4 ; :i t. f4: 4:..x4 ,, . 11i nif, (tonere, Bre:No . lw", vid,'Lodi; Winder., handing, Jeri' ' ; A . lew dosen tutir, IFOtna44 pox. wanted.-- , i. ~ . , .e... 1 F and . I tiseiptinarlon;tnrni s h ,„"; et % ' Fill Lfilt . wun the (ore that the In tlt rl t h e nil creep, Havana, _Milli:cut, llosselmads, horning , -Eheleai - Is 'NPutrflee , klet•U.' l6 . l • , " -; -= . 1 til'-i- - s •, , i tt • i t .. -. non rennet/41km, li'lictoryville,Staing Port, Iteddres sstry,4t oFolti 1110 ' -, •e 7 , - -I,,Trici - iiilio s i : ib . A , pith:tic— ~ • i ea . otita-P tutor. • ail, Candor, ttwege Uutoii, Binghamton, Crea Bend "" • ' a ulna, 1' '- ' • • ' - '''' .Latiosbeto . ,,Deptisia!, and ilancuckeevery on o pup . rem' abroad., -., , e sea tt ,- Le Sks L Lra tithe S 2 ,11. , , Keettati Fit:tide ra , • . ...? 'nig ztudies oftho Fri:nary D °parte,' ' ft!, an' . I (Sunder' gepted•oiod continue with resfi l l ' l Y a i r n it iilew re c u kli g ', / . 1 Y .e.4".. ' 5 ., da . t r ,.7 , .. g i t i t i it , ! •• } o a , t i l e ' 'ii p i r at ie ll : . _ s i t; r f e i o . j , ll° ,`-. 14 : a ,.: it , 1. . 4 ... 4 . 1 i* ... " A ,...,, ,' .. 1 ...,, , r , r i l t l ic ' xrs in i :: . lb T r u i l ' l l i i6 : t;)i4ll . l ' lout theseasen. -Theitillilittend to foeirmatitig thesatim - ! ' - ' - REas leave to thni mppertunify of tendering Ifia The fr!emehoo'hylietchea quit s Ae s ,l t it ' v - per t to the New York Marled, aracreit, will receivethe, person. , ;',, . • . al attention Of exierienced Ant,oonten, who will attend to. the.sellingoftbaxitue. tlnd tietnrit theprocectlshillanii•-•:!,•calrliocu,„reptlt'rnool.44ezhlii4felbe.l,:id..a.euxOtAe.c.iu4itretlioc.bel4lbir._tuhde .: 11 /D v. ep u n i r g t i ni i, ei. i t .i. ,..: ~h;.,!.., of the . til ... 7, ! a 00 , 4 _ p eneytle ,4 st e pte 'fey (luoil,e. Also nfreels,and extol- ~ , Latin„ Creek ono Freoeh, with the; • ableruuds :4 ultlicr orthe above points, to thefollo.ving at the acme time inform then, that he Imi:jiu , t returned depaitmehli. „........ ~ , z . . ', ~• , =•emle , , ' • •' ane • Iludale,3torehonse of 'leery iliw ; Attlee:Storehouse . reona New ,Yeric vitt; aae, y large - and !leder 'selection et ,Tite steelier, oftheClassical Depsrime nt • '-• s of Ilcure,:lyfard; flatavia,itorehonse of Lucius A. Suoth sif ore ecrleicTrovisinna, Ebot s omit:boss, I ';ufthe )vaabiatemOspartuient,i n Whol e Bergen' S toroleause -t .f2 Daniel ''MCPlierstiti; iteehester ' *ra-OOrllllenl fStore.o . f ealrbanks .&„ Eldredge; re ace Office of . 0.4 lind , Valls, illatelvesze: Crockery,up padi, er,part ...... .-,.. , ~. ~ .: , e.• I Walter •..l9rooran ; G opera, b. Lawrence ; ITterden Store, Medicines, which will be Feld for rash ayd pr , tr.ture a t - '7l. 'Moak - with tine'otPlMaci, , 4 , 01 ) e I hoesu of Whitney & Molten ; .ovld.Yergtistn'k Sprague, very small edvance. at Price* whirl!' defy al comPetlt ion. I Ittawlngland Painting, 1'„ ; 10,00 'lt !Lodi; 0, uniee Landing, Storchatme of 'T. Tuthllt & Co., i Four, Pork, Fish, Salt; wholet.aleend retuil,—he would,Oernion • • .• . , , , 6.0 ~ tJetreflnl, °taco of IL' O. l'forluo, nn the Nee, Cavan°. alseremark anal 1104 %heres, strictly 00110' tyPtcro of al.i. '36 pnpll will be admitted forks} thana• ~,,,`,,_'' ,• - ntfice qtl4_ If Phelpq, Itillport.pture oril scullOf...W • w e ts e min(; the loateit' price at. first . thereby giving' the .I).FSP••••cled IseruDgcrocet made with yb.l' ' I ~ .I„.t L. , .:tu . I • ''. i Arnold; Elmira, storehouse of l'hurman . & Inghram. .r,o,Delle , . ,:• .:, ~ - • ..i. : • "''- - • ' ' ' ° U 4l6°Uut °f '. ickur '" °f °"' Wet 4 e' dandle •7•olet ' Ilsodes oillee'ofJ. A. Ferrell; Conlin- tare of UM y• : 'tame advaptegeta all who Luny (oval hltd .wiih. their pat A dtducllen Will he me g,. l e th „, hmon t ro n , ,, , ~ f . , . .... TIME subseriher;. h ming entertel Into; elepartitership Facteryvllle, ,ore sr of Charlet' IL flit.' pilots,: dder:a ; tit, i '_ Great:gin() Clotning - .Stare. ' - • i i• , .. T. i sis : -,,,.. • - - . w.n. JE.6up,,imn. Ferry; rare of IL& O. P. Morgan ; Re , astore•, , , The I mit ist;. beseatiif ieheapest -- usairrtmerit Of - Beedlt ...... ttimt - , 00 ,„ , ,,i1;,:tr:..Y 1 '....... - .• -. ' •. --- U• -J. In the Store, - Tin and sheet lron business - ore pre.. rnarge or: A r. 15 MEAL D P. .ClfseuN, witi ''''' of P. II: Drake ; •Ctindor. store Of S. Barager; Olirege ere.; Mstda Clothing InAbe.Till ago of,Great,fiend. Pai,;linefil ,- ' • l' -• • ''' ' ' --,=, =' , pared to attend te any seders in thciellne at the shitr. l , t „ t ,,,, t m e Thry n ettee themse l ves t h a t 1,, e y i ng st e m . Reno!' Nathaniel „Eiht; Union , store of ,0 N. :Wheeler,' cloth's:Boo gkitria:aisither. I, and Vesting'. of all qualittot 4. - :',. NV 001)11:111e1 ,, Q EL , ~. ~. . _ h i„ y wiii have . Binghamton, °Moe of J:imes Sisk ; (treat Rend. oniee of. knitable for the Fall ntellWititerrfradis.which he off&TS 4 'l . ~. , e.,_ ,'"• ''' . . 1) 4.1.r.41,41. I otten,tien to business and lea ii rives, apt LAllCSbilro.Office of r A ; Ward; DepUsits Mich Priee,s, ea to-satinfA 'Ty, one that this's the place•fGr 1 ~ '• At 11) - 1771 , rk - Slit olltdittnu , 'Mi n t I,i art a sortable share of public pa tt (liege Their aseortmen t i F. Churchill; & Bean ; Itaneock. store of All.4iOn - a... them to'deal.,ln ceasequenee of the great loci' ore of his, wita, ,,, a ,, k , - 1 .,, ,nr i n . 40, b. .. - . y Chia, ofstoves lagood, having the latest end most Improved ' "' a r c ° I EnsiP It coves. •3 A *.' *l*ls . Binghamton, • ..j _business he has been obliged tit g reatly.antargehiPMock,:. patternk. among which are the fion.sblesor Vulcan—a ' • " -espetent am...tare-a neetrsary. -', . -. a l es •-, . l W,M. MlllTNEY.iDtesilen, ''' , .•-i whieb he new. o ff ers to his frirlids -nil the 'public' fee ca- - •,hiee- eu , s 51 - an • - 114 . T14-P • l3th nrrfle- ' - • fi r" "ti.• t u k ti n de c r f t ' l- 64 5,,,,„ n5, , stove. which took the foot Premium at. the State Fair at ORO. P. MONELL. do. '., ' l i t a i m on in p e t t o io;t ti e r mifi aa . , li i . , n l i ti th x - 4 ,.. tin T 's t o ii. d . . u 'in ba g ,l ll b e v y r w h i n ll i fl m o , d o s te ,, to o ...es . ,' Syracuse in 1850. E-0 Fen st Queen; Er 4 Forelt Queen enlarged; 'Key e term Air T,lght,'Phoenix. do do. . NATIIANIEL ELLS, Owego . • . Tno advantages of the instituti ' i A Premien . Parlor stoves. box stoves—for coat or wood: t AllENTS.—Rnfbile. Ilenry thlw ; Attlee. Theinaa SY- • rengements. to mmufacture elethic e e.in all 1 g various m olt heeith . e ., mot ~. on, w t .r,,g t m tr. , ... Ait kind's of 'ph, were t ens rine/and tin tube*. kope on ~ ford ; Hatarla,Lurille A• Snlith; ISCl7terl.DarliellinPher• ' hi.linel3,4,'end fallow pranhied en 'ell eh!, attriie," -.; h menu eta a on al stlin: °l-i te h i Y a tcit r hs ' ee ge ni l t i d: M ele-- ;; 141 ;pe 4°.femd- imosltiesirable to pan net's 'Molar,, r ' '';s "flair I. il Rochester, Fairhanke & Eldridge; hand—sold at priers that will suit. All kindsof prollue. Jou : e " Pu .' l3 ' T "'' ' .e 4 I° h e ue l l"Fe etl e u t - ' 17 u'ima. , u o rk mi d - cuttlu g dou r I . t ab , n , ed fo i r i bir i tr t u i rtin , o. A eneva;C. Lawren,•e; Ovid. Fergus - tin ;et tile,)atlet styteaud elm' test notice„—ull Medi' of talh i taken In payment:lnd cash net refused, Opposite the old ! I .. Valteriorioran; I:very'f, unity wRi ,he afferaidb ,ih,„„,' Etter* of Mille und Knapp. Si YRS! flr. wEntEit. i ... "'Prague i. Loll; Dundee LandingcTuthill &. (14,4 Jets; meetrimm'ogis fiireislied mitt for - init.:- Itone;t forget ch.! wontmilt., July 10, 'll. • . l;fi 1F ' ' "Preen. fl• 0 Norton; 11;teann, F„Pliel os t, Mill port, .T. . spot, St ore, pearly epeteite thrManslon Dense. - - board. • a Stull; iforseheads. 3.' 1 1: Ferrell; flerning: Arm; 1. AT'S f •flfeat Bend i.1,1',pt., - 18:::(1. '' ' „11,.5, rzsgzim.... bi t - -- , i •, • . . . , rigid; Elm'ra. Thurman & lingliram: Factor:evilly. C 11. m.e , •.- , ~ ~,• , : ,; ' '7 ,--- ":" -- ' - ' ;'' • . 4- .i. i Shepherd; Aurora. if; & O. P.'s . Morgan, Ithaett. P. 11. • criew aud;popular School - . cook- en weeks .enid—a vaeatlon of two act _ I siacceedin '' i quarter . - •° ' e 4 4elice, g eflc I . : ' pea - ke; °Atom% S. Baracer; Tinton , C..i.N.• Wheeler;•! • -,-.• '. - • ~,,,,, ',,- SUNM.ORY ' c" em c Year le 1'1'14'44" f''n (in"ter"t6' Great newt. F. Churchill; Lonesborn'. F. A. Ward ; De. 0 11 -` I PRY ,II E , '“ , " `'' l ". "' '''' " ''"-"-' 1 . .- ' " ' ,T erms of ilii *ti - paalt,Rnidga*, Dean; lion , •nek. Allison & Reese,. I'• TO it.Y;' le,rettieetel th tie RIOORA - PIIVOf BISTINC•' , .--' . . _ .1.1 on. , • - id: . oontl_bonril may be obtainefat ti Otl, nil .t ,1 In SIIEO.P Wosa, ta *bleb hi apfisniled an ettitione of t.The stildtit, of ths - Primary EepatiMeut, pet et. • For Rooms lu the . Acta, iky . epply to t tesie s " I HEATHEN, : ::AlY'l'llOl4/GY,- , :NATURAL' ~. -'"', , ' ' .' I witisany etherlsrauelew, •. ' ' 119 •• . • tnnraonAr2ul,.eat, p.. quarter 0 4 ; 0 • B1111.0801ill" tJENF.RAI.,II,Bfi'Ii.PIN-' .- Ilighei'Aeinlemie, ' , - do' • r ' ' ' •. 1 te ' ' • o:itA r ` •Ind • • PiIYSI()LOGV. •• - - rionewsk4 4.?- , - - . do-. .. •.1 , ' , „ ~ ' Adonfed ..of.a thied In th'e - Publii.sehoOlset Philadelphia.. ,I mocri. - ' '' - ' " . -B.- 8. JONES far -4:64 - Publisherl4. S. W.-.Cor. Fourth until Ruee, ids.. Philo:, c rr n r „ we c . Teachermutdltehool Committres addri,ssirpt lett..re fe1 . .. , 'us post paid,' will be furniahed with copies ter exoteina.l Bon. Pf.se' A toll-and rocopletensmortmen.t of Eooks and Eta eerie V rai4ale at the I.,iVeit PrVes. , -• ' STOVES! sTogsl!. • Stoves,. liVar'e,' Oita Pipe. 'EY Siam State Air 'right cooking stove, for it burning ivood or coal, the best in use.- Rough oud Ready donblo oven ,cooking stove' Elevated do do do .!do rfrnllnN do do Victor - in . do do .., do .. - Empire State .5 do Clinton Air 'right . do do - 2U Siz p o und,ltiuds of Parlor Stoves for rod or cull. . • • 4 ,Sizre Or 6 plats Stoves. Coal and Wood Stovee for shop, school howler ihe.ta.st d ie. e t ipirf, braes, titi bad iron , stove were.. Teusv.ii; raiglith. owl el iurricun Stove 'Stoop, Tin. linA Zinc tub..e,..je.. for eak 1 , 3: the 160 A dui. Or 'F e !ia ,, ll a( the Eip , lr Foundry Depot. 't• • e- WILS ON' Co Mnotroie, Nor. 2.8. EAGLE FOUNDRY! Ware „Rollin in Lyons nr Chandler's - • Long Bui lding: , • A Irriwrul nrsortmrtit or Cooking; l'arlun•Shorand Coal StoreS, Stobe pipe, Elbows, Zino,'Sheet Iron, Copper, Brass, Wire, Bar Iron, . •• . 'Nail Rods, round& square , • Cast Steel all sizes; 'round 4 . square Iron, all sizes, Side ill • - • Green Sward, Excelsior, Genesee' 4. ' • ' TrorsterPloitn„Strate Cut ters, Corn Shillers,Sate Arbors, ..Morticing Machines; Mill .Cranks, Balance , ll 7 .heels, Pots, Dish -Kettles. Spi ders, Tea 'Ke ttles,- Tee Irtins, n brella n Stands,Punips,Ledd Pipe, ..Shingle Machines; .Scrapers, Sleigh Shoes, Jack Serewg, All - kinds of Castings on hand or made to order -1110,0, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Warr ol bond, or made to order. . WILSON & CO. • Montrose. Nov. 5, Ino. • Sprout's Combined Carriage Springs. • ! T,N OFFERING t hiii 'Much celebM Ted 'Spring to the public the SobacztiXrst•depeUtfully Wien candid exam:nation as to mi. in s ti ls. • A s f s i l ie roperidrity over till other springs.. let ilMse have tested them, bear .tvititenr, and the saline:t iters are willing to abide by the th cis: u. It Mte . been eauefutto examined by Inca of eciene-: and by them cheerfully re'cotnnientit d . to the palm.-- A carriage can be Wilt with these Springs cheap. er ; 591bs.'liehter, more durable and for ruse it is not equalled by 'any springs noir hitter. , • :All Springs warranted.- Maitnfactured fyy! SPROUT. BURROWS. &CO. • Elk Lake. Snaq . a. County. Po: • A i ors - rs-=L. W . & A Sittoirr. " ft.l•tf. Mime, Win and Copper Mare , 111•• Silliseribers - -are jun .pareharrd 'a fargr , stock aloe and Capper Warr, which they , offer t' ;republic .as chrap as Ow cheapest. D. ILL:VT-1111OP Montrore, Dec. 10; 1850. • The best STOVE out THE Keystone State Air:Light Cooking 'Store, I ninnutactured and for sale by ,WlLsom & co NEW. 600DS ALVOITS dr. CEIA DI. Ea. - h/ontrose ahcrEanesboro', Olernowrereli . lng a large abd erde:ndid areortmenl of 11.,Gooda, whirll will besold cheap for eneh. . Sheetinga, Shirting. Ticking, gaffing, Wnddirg, grit; gars, Cotton aud Woolen Yarn, Ca, nil and Ai:kitting Itarn;l3xotedelotb P aitd Catosimeies, Carpete and Carp , t gap, Trunk e. glack,Blue and (ikeen robv.:ll4s,Japated Ware,Cr , mltery and 0 Sage Ware; Hardin re, GROCERI S • , Crnebed, puha, !red and) O. Sn4ara, entree. Ilfolapeet, Black and ree,n Tear; Pork, Afatierel,Cothlitt, Carller, spices, 6:c: - _ _ :BOOKS •STATIONERY. %Velars receiving ala geasto.ttn era ol 4110:Inds' fsebno flooks.(Euglisb, Vreneb, Greek and German) 111.• bleu, MistOries. Miscellaneous Works, Mrdleal . Rooks, Cards. Tissue and Note Paper, tee: tee. • Tboie n want of Hooks and Stationery will please glee Us a call, at we ntend sell 'cheap for rash,. , • , STOVES AND IRON WARE. • - Cooking . , Parlo,r.Sbop and :CoMStru - te.leifko. Eibnwm stove Ware,:lmn scrapers, filott:Cobellvss, straw cutte a, Plow Pohl tp. etc.. ht Vicyfboro'. PORK. SALT FLOUR.: , by the bbl.rt otbe - rtriv.-o.ndlms bs, the box or i l *- 11150. d.lls, G huts, PALI ts and EMMCMMIE , . Old Dr, Jacob's,i. P Tout:tread's. and Sand'otuirra pusitUt -76 etutr per Bottle. LYONS kAIII4NDLEIL .11untrore mil. uobolro';Nov.74Bso, ' ...... Vgopdserund lurid ea o—a ft4i 7 n iiiipt. t ii,,i- " v , vi i sur;f4T Wit4i,uhaitist ,--.. • ' ,-, - '- TO ruiru.'s ---,_ ..The People"ErFnen. T. - i•olisiON; sitl ' itliiaci > If: I'i DAIS D mentor as :ID ItaitLeuElFiiciefu Extruo 1 from the plinth called Mitch-ha:el, and purely from ttuit wit lithe ex cep t tha (it'll lit tle A Isobel - to retest tit.' It wlls cure al local pain and.intlamatlonsl•fold sot ep, fresh 'rounds od bruises. Piles!, and all detentes of the bowels ail a throttle it dUre s toothlittliei ear-ache and an excellent rem ny fur Equates, . • ".• •.• • • •-•• - truly lt proressee t Oita, thi People's Fri/Mar Prorldence ha r scattered uhunt the tun' d • Paths 0. minythlngethatoofitribute greatly to.itte comfott and happineee or every body ; hence theft; great value, and well mak - they be called kirronds 4thapeoplft .• ft:inward here rotvardattainst Isoposltton,- man by the name orAilencer. has manhfrictured and offered for sate a Tortoni. article called 4he .Cortik•iletraef.—that would be extract of tbd bar:el-nut :.-the genuine It ae wblte aid at pure as water, while theponrious Article Is c olored,whlch eipblePthe pubis, I diatintulph.• - • Nonereoulue.nurthopeamited Pontt'r Palo Destroyer'. wAI. K. II Anil - , ltootree , e.ithl tore-km4l and me. 'ctine.douleregeuentlly . .Ageuts ;; A " - peisois itairbied4ti old .finn 'of T .; II tregtotstriito.9ll;apd'si!lte it line become tikesairy 16 buile ill agar eltamiarrinzed itutnedintely.; -7 Noiri .11!r, intscribei, ifthe.stire'orliti‘denA - 'r RACY ifitYDEiv: • Ne,4 Mircli 9.5, . lARPETlplUr,matils and nnitti9g. af.. • • , . - • 7 nut's. Itio;2! M _ • . . , ILO subscriber hasing wade trot Taise,be been to .NetrYorltitelreting ' , err gtekti variety ol almost all klnibrof Goods; iblt.b I.e maid nit," Tetpeitr fullyinrlte bit ikitodsand ibepublieVeninally to ap t ,* esolgorernthentselveskeeordlnly 7 o mary-n t dingy, for thefourth. orlitly. • - • -141 - :C.llras: - Ilkatrositqaasl9,.losl., ' : : - . • . Capt. Jam efil Will vvv.rlntmul the bti.input throughont tht whole re. and receive and lilt all or.lere for - • Orar..-vi ea. 11',11 , 1....,F10b. ./t 41 . irhiehWill,behonßht at .the bure.t wholeenick tlie•P in NeberYoricorni lorwarJetl, to, any of the above named Depots. . , Blew-Stage Aribangemcat at Great. Bend. , ilF . tiro , Dalli Lines or Stages front Grin, Grmil to, - I innerly.. will herentßae leave =he kaurt.ad!)tetctof IleadyaNtille - • tinUth in tho Immediate vicinity nt the Dot nt n foi• i .L Jima tee.eised own; At 4 t..)1 awl 41 P. .. on the airivul n: Pb.. 4 " ( o r 0 ,, I e a a o s toad trains:coin Vsur York, pa,,slng thr;ugh - St*Slithrd ,finieb e kt dnoc tnludge ce ROOT: , and Fl4o.l:fi. to Nlontrn4, t,benrr n foil .In.e rut 1. le c. nutiton r A pPw a nd g 9 od nseortnarnt nt=1 0 1..n . rj)14 , 45 2 unxis".."7_ r d th,r, woo t..enOngsitie TonkbonnnekitUl Wilkosburie , g o o, Colt m o d Morocea Nitn's ehnrl—n , • Frm'' , finot h, r N r uc to r ripe. iihingtnn:Centrev enan ,,,h t id r y, f , o,sl,ltviCe The l'inthlence and Hyde Park to Sevin tntda.tthese places lar,pnl. lot la tgwn and prvtiably the ebtapest - etonirsed bring along the linen( chit Lrzirtt. Gap Railroad) Re. i ijuat , t h e turning. ch.• stage leaven Perontnnla nt 4 A • o!"...'P'"gng: - thmool the those Mares to 31Antroike, whew' tine liura troop in rime torsacb the Orval Bend Depot before the - train. znina CROCKERY • Corner Illlift atiti . Y6iiiiiiiffelneita, I . TllE?ubsrtibertntel p l tnsotein annrun e t, , ,, to tie. 'public. tint 1n ennseluente rif"the theral t ett:wage best on ed upon tilt establlahle:' n!- !beiter..4l. has • eat; trained pegn,snentlYon ue harts .. tts ; ; humten.l The atockcomprirt eii4y.itile;4l m . ,litality of r o c It I.: s In general ure„for Tol.le anti I oiltd. Vt a l e , To Dairymen and Farniern l land's...lll be eoldinSettlieirly the single eiticia, garletyof• , ••• i • " %• Valuable property for . el lIN a TE SETTS, DINNER WARE. ; • A FAR3I of ',2od acres sit u dte in ; hritlg t sale. 10.13/141 awl Fancy artieles'.Suids tioO'ruit Fpsiels. Card stands. .13-Susquehanna Coera and stptt 01 l'elinpleolva of Gult%;ll.4tottles, Voter, I", togel het, tth ala ge stork S•f" ISU acres of !which le tinder: g o/4 net toitudtt:t • t•-.....e o nstpting of eat- pressed and The farm Is wt 11 designed tot o oelry.onis etpoble 01113itumblers, Goblets. it , Ines. Decanter,. Fruit Fowls, C ,, W44lUtialf eutoroit altitri , 'Pro licry , l t ielteo. Piteliera; Specie port oi it in will votes ed. 71,be lut itt:t f.tiandinad are , Jots, Tip ct ure,tlo,ttl t i, letropSilobes Pad rblitiveyi(of all in good condition and tie anus. b are tal etotiit!ridieet. ke Moo cottantly on hand. an I:seen:tent it and railtreirenisiogo• 4.- Thttr. arc two large taita" batd, , Solar, and tlantpbene Ltirota;'GigOtG. , the prenittea. bes•dea a graii.9 aret rens. "icbrd ' dot ve,aud nail La , t 13.11!.. ,21,11 , 0 a lorg.-10, ui. • 'roe cattle. .1 litre orcliardni,rincli otgiattfilttuitiil • • LOOK! (;-“I.ASFIS • and oilier fruit trees. • . • • • y • ~ • ' • Sluider' Tea Trays. tlii•tore. Toblc Matti; pit. Said farm has a nets pleasant and desirable locating tr nen -.Goer an.l liritta in a Table :Ind ten PPD. - mot , about tiro retie+ tron,'Nentzote'. th e lt evil Peat cif us. • • tit:eh:lona c o unty , shdi,teut fi llir f ft, m Cuttiery, ka., ail of "itch wit{ be 'sold very lost for imrenoll tanbreo uslncoo,. nod noire- Gap itaitreed. to gbleb riser o nt, }teed it! proetva =attar attenti.:r to th bit crid.ltr•ers the' mod of completion-and is sett' cuLtinlttlt to 'ince , tr i g, and - - 1 !." " • • " dersnuted hopes tee tuerttthe 'continued patronage the ochools, and meehanics. ; i ••' " • ••• • • " P. I. Or Ellt• - %eis Agrnt • Also another rislushie Forte adjoins the a inv.., eon- • . _till . 4ll:a.satoit p Oily 27:05. 1331; • raining 2uo /Serra; of stitch 1:1s netts Is nedet sChigh ; , state of cultivation. pen it tbere,ien large, tram* 1 ,, 5T1G0,..b9 y—Tti Celebrated Dr. -Itl TRACK •daellint house, and out bialldings to enifestiond end '^ .C.l.th,frPsor Xstrology. APtrnrintay. Phrenology . and ; large orchard. It it reel 'retort!! and let:cede:o metal- • treuntancy. noratoned tittir I.IO:SJIItIA'f from ewe. , rably adapted to'doir, purposes. . ' dru,sitace 1,041;t1T :greet. Fiti t telephia. offero Sail prnperty.y-lit be sold en reit:onside rerraS. e'por• - Lis Ferri trete Oho vitt:tn. rot Man trope.- tie hint been ; tinn or the purchase toilees-Jusy.rarnaiteuretel.intaland cant afted the - e.'orni benito.Ot tlitfolle. d' Martgage evil the porrfia t t r. .r 'Jaye a higher reputation no on Aotio;eget than 'any 0. ; ApplientiOn may be made perisonalts , 'leitt.e to living. Nativives ea:ciliated according pi Geomaney— linn, sit... Jason^ nr .1. 'been at llontroen.: a said Cagier 53. Genti , nien`, 5.5.• Perstup ut tr7iliptioce con. county. snit any further na titular,. it at may "I Null , : have their flan:sates liragn by f ?atilt:4 -tEkdate of the • n • : 1 e attention: :1. at lt it' et '4,l , nt,th any New Itoous: ; part at the unrltlarritttlti. ore .dnrr•hle I n; Er t'and he' is • " - prvpaied to rust, use or liirp,,pri•r hy conjure:tor, orr any I.IAYIIEN & of New Oonds! of the foilowir.k to.plesi-P•l'ousislat tolvicegielAi Pir't be hove arrived. conmritd lig a eallii•te '4ii..;prt. sneeepinulaccompishunrnt Ora stealthy . wart Cage, h es • t , contter to retie,'" such are "ivt 'to ths 11 , r - or the. in iii of Ur' O'ntig• Gn'evri' 4 . 11 Wrik 7 ait'• 'St"" I. l :,tile; and fornilc• A of and for t recovery Pipe Z:ne. 7si oils, Wasp, Sash ; nodcu J. Ware °lintel:l or loot prOperty. and • lie fairrhiieltg orb - Attu' Driiga and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Fish', Flour tictets , Tion ondi. nooie alinye nutzeil caw) , hist e loe rn and Salt ' e betide .-itY nod it slrieinity rod iti ihe ltfattps , - & Il to Merrill CIS i.farliff. Tlr k 0 , 1!)•tk 0 tiO ter ern. • Also it first r a t e iiot and gOod otourttuent 'oa . ctipep trice I•eeVeast during' the last four, years while' 'Ready Made a luiusl script ions. .-i.'here. wnsWee is-ery"purres e: and idle d y_as 113oots and Silaye t flats, ads atel EOuuks and, ,•Itell as to call hp fier?ton. and the no t , 00 Safe that ; almost ' 'nos need nltt fe'r 1-'l;4 Inoue • throunb he Pntrl everyshiti usually found tiottittry -r" ' ) • rk r , - f4ibacit'eltiores trent• Saa to loco fetters Stare: , awl:tidy:end has tirver-5t. , ..:1 on, . Afl letters uill:he Our Qaut.o: must be sold, rind str?lrti; , .l at- the , rm!,..1.,n0yntb.1,..1,-,frT,,,rhid. 76r - yartienleit rap - very . to west possloo-.,pr , C03.• Our irien.s.nre.itter Detunernt nil get. air . Ast!olocirol inaarilae. . itOtiACK. „ led to calt-atqf look ut'our stuck. „ • • - •• • • o:White re.' :CAI , 'York Produce of trios' alllthals, wattled in excultie, frTille particular. toitneutioa tbe 'Post-office. enunty. for goods by-the subscribes,"' • • ' and Siiite, . •• 144 w 5111fard!, : lIANI)EN Lirti.E. I I * .ew Atrargement.l .ilay &, - ' • * 1 . , rate' npive :.ared;- Furniture •Estab- H • :,110111lITT nee now.instore. nrw:tit.o 'choler: , se , olfiry abode, I ncluiing a giant ark* or ! f / Pe!)# -4 • • = ' Ladies' DrePa tionda,fh-ape and rthe summer Shawls,:W. SMITH & , 'bass. now fally,completed SUS - *tote.: Frece-h Lace, Fancy ,striw V their error ,•tiitntt ti;iirtutine and, keep:* Leghorn Boaneti; a beautiful arsortment of Iloint t leg Constantly on bond all anal every kind tit Household Hilbert. Flowers and Trlattaings 'of hew styles, Ittoek Vomit urr,..manufact d tutt otitis- tett ' l eant) of 31a.; Sill: and !ACV , . for Man titles. Bontitt Silk, blank Lace hogany. *lark Iralwar. Dupre . reel rind Cher lam- Etro. Cloth. 'Veney Capsiniires.'Nehtingx and bet, Rini lit the best and:wrest durable nianner:-.'Autong ; summer tiloths, &Tweet Bags. Trunk Nails; thiotii.nntl - the artieleatrbleVetn ft-tend t Cep tin ?dlnd, 61. Make. Shoes, eaintedivi n dow •Jhadei,coepeti ng , Hate: •Calw. to order.are Mahogany; Black Walnut. Cherry, obn "; with a large and general 'altFertn4nt erlinrd Wore. ' , lettuce:tot.. Sidelitivrits.Fecretttrit R, rook Casts; Crockery, I r7l. :/ralenen, Pninte,Medielneti, tills.SloYee; tre; Card.trleir. nod ..tlier •tahi ; :. 4 tehde army ! 0., ell s which will he roll at tie lowest price...and on 'riety; tiotas T sktteee,lttrane,pr tr wave. & - e.• Bedetembi: the 'non rrnontiable terrna. N B: l ie au }Ando ot • idea Orlini'atiti el till, ' gamic of.,,Mahogrii,y, %Val prmlnce wanted. Plocka In partleulor, and , tlie‘ highest nut. tlb tind Maple. ; • •• • - ;Ace r slob paid for Wool. Pinar and Kalecontstatitli; .St).-110hopiny jilock malnutolurdond Wrdseye on hand. •, • i • " .—ol oo le,„' e nd'-p ane y I 'hair!. or variety "end tlviscrin-! New 3ritford,ltsy, 27,1851. . • ,• Wan trldA the , : line* now no h and int6ld to keep T C ount! , i nsurmie , . 0 nnriiny ,_ o a n ctzl i et ,, nn d t av i o n i rZ t; ' ,;.. Any erHele derlted app He'd ihesundpreigiini agent- for, this_trell.krtown AA the Auhpriiherk.haye often been eqUeited eliaege and long. elstablished institutilTM rejieetWilie their Lori litre and to open an eptabliPirnent of the *lnd : • .. •• - - i n shin t rote which . Wahl ender %-aritlty houie. the public that he will re.ceice:upputrattotur for in- ro ; . reel (I_4f:l .rg ti imitrurnitnre. and h • t f t th • onetime against loot or damage by fire tit Hultdinge;.eltl,e‘fo r Fuel Artielee.they I.VSPe to .thret • with liberal I (iootlit„Furniture, &c. •" • 13., - R. LFwir,Agent, patron tind'eneOurngethent. irtm.Vr.l.ssllTif,, -' I . / 1 / 6 nt" . cP• Apr. 11 . ' sl, I ;11011T‘. :.A.SI.IITII;' atontroye. /not 41 Pl:it.-E...erm I T -T° firm nrPot.:&. been dissolvedin by utto. at et:agent •-• • OST: Slot trate, july 1:!.51 MITTS,: - , ' , DIbSAUTA)M , • frilE Co-partherehip ;heretofore ewistio.g.; under the I name , and atyle of Lioll nOs Ea Toy. tat his day dlooniv-, ed by . matind Ilidebted tint pteape wetly without delay.; •• • • LIES. •yv, ‘:'.. EATON. N• p.n.; notes. Anil acronntenr ilea! rasp l'Otenti'ialib P. I:Mon.-at [ha Ott *toad.. where: 110 aoi,t !noelo.is rj''odthebuelneci.and tellgoods, at frtqatty reduc e d prie e s, 4" ;'R. P. EATp4. ; II Alarfdtd, Au 'p7tla ' .C.LOTH, ORES S I f \ l-d . i rpligAyl)perlber.loin'w,preborril lbn. 'sheete,it initiel• and in the nenteitt'Plyle. Iron, 12.t.1 •Itteentsthind'ararrauteidsiell- think; Frothier •laken• in _PvYlutint • • P. n . , Y,E O PII!w , ELL.• iCainp•ePi.,24, • • , Also.tt Willy tine leeeete Sniith'sßellieeirrefel the I errient • r the neon t rein from the West '(!nrltondale, ern. Enmtncrsyple.New 3111krt1,11nrtnrcl. T.enex :that Dun. daft. - ' ' , TILLTSDELI:tt CO. • tr Great nand. Jan. 224851 )1 isCEbbA NEOTIS A lEVE4T.I.S3)**T'S Tailoring,.•- ,, ..,•_ pa ' fiN.GROVES, the welt ktimen "Tail o r hum g,ain made his tippearntiEe Moutrotie:tonp ertite iu the übove named business at the o 4 stand directly over . Lathrop's' Pry _Goods more, mid would again.tender his servides ld the publl'e, and ttlicita their patronage. • • : Making and cutting done in the triosi , o6rovtd style of the age, laud done an the iihiirtist notice us usual.. • 1 31rontrono. . ‘• • • NT A 11..s'73T;;tiiii;nrry' Floor nu d'Florghlr 31nntro*r. uy la. LTaNnAc ettaNDLEU..... tNT Et 7", uuttbAiOirTnsinelior Gam, Papri4taittre Maptgra. "Atter Rivet; T?rinc,l3inekiag and'i3u4lits &c., for,+ni!by - ; I N. P,G1.10.11D, ~TrsT reelied fresb,roapply of Primt.iledlclnes,tvaints 111,:lurnisti, Glue, Tin, Ware /cr. pt. I j - • -Os* • -• • • • , A N lot or Lkiwp Mil; I Gnitf4s-61,6 gutheii: Pl!,41) cops. &C., just received by- " •• ,BENTLEir f.7 . A . . .r_LObt), PPII nom' ,vzirtiajoulPldefl!.,l4 st4 , luß k_Tand b.ot qualitiesfor 1!11,t: by • .tr t ijii-nji . iil)'r.ir.. F - LOVR and ialt for ante at • : 14,425iC0: A I.FM): PROOF fAlNT:bi'lhe'bbl . /17 lb., for Foto 11 ' U. ail the r4.)nrA tatty bn goe np front olde Impo sition feria Note to Work et lea el en Late flu! neind eE pence nod twice at valuable. and Is eneitnble fur . the elnford . tiptiot iB3l;' • NOtICO. •_, I Atnntw, nit of Milhs Sli4mon .1 Knapp:are. in the - hitpOs of Wm. J l'orrpl4-1444-witinotinctiotiti to•pi*cti them • 'Molitiolt4o3..o. 4. 1851,' - .. lieiv..lllllfOrd - StinveZepot,=.l "' . •i - I - 1 . ' fj 111YRUITT. novr in stove new end • - :rtment of Cnnicing. Parlor.. anal . Shop . Stover, (Or wnalonstenvi.incluiting the ncw And 2 ninst tinnenvivt . tindi nt Ticht. Lowe.° yen. coinm on :en 4 elbri tg4 o'veil./tc:Ozith , ttnio pine:Sheet Iron, and Ztne Stave Tubes, tee.. which he will sill very.lor fur calm' sp. proved credit. Saptazebes. lIILSCELIANEOUS 'l;titl'.l.CioutTlalut at tour IPA I art , vi.r Luudrr la t 1):11. LKTII ner & CO , • betitiies. poplins. I.styns, slut n•rt : it sasl Ad Dross Goods just 61.4 , 44 0 1. 1 - • • )• ,1 ' • r " " EINI'LEY BEST tjuldfor iitTe . . ' "•' kitiic See& •• • - ANY gattoilty of Flax fr?eed want In vichungefor Oro eo - • • N. DULLARD. •.!:1 , • trit 'A IN 101 o . ; ,; 1111 uta - ; • ' •IL ULU; • ' VINOE It: WI rid e wiriptettc• pnttiltrirreeeteett inlaid morning, from OP, McilutivtdrY,hr; • Blugltuttoti,Junolli 1551.: otr ,Tho:Las t Wonder.- T; BA,lttill!,:thlfllit abowt lotto' s tiOn tidy; eouppy the celefirtted • Vire ?milt, tutieblril. 4 Vila •to flanfeetgftt. vri;tl;t4 by, a,thundilicTeir, Odcti,vilt poi out tpitlargt,pt tip. t o .. staortv:', thla Vas nor [too • th e fact that Jung manyes, Tam, jiLidate. rred - ; E; , 'IVALLILSOVIINTEIR and it uew.nrepake4 to.wait otc bitiAeil di inth.lila wind 01w/4Y-10311i 1 .' ° ;"" ni' ttioi pits ca. Collin i pint - tat,a tet7i ;inn+ , '8 -7 • ' • MrintrowOaE.,lBsl.t' !-"•..' - DIIILT:IP8 Patti a Pli,e beim! . or IVOlateit which Icy adoubtedly the bast now In nee, for rate it D. R. LAIVIROP & Oil'e, -:(z ACADEMICAL • WYODIIIVG SEMINA.EY., allngstenn,,Luzerne ~oiinfs a Pa, rigus inatitation hakone of the most. deshilile lay tour in Northern Pennsylvania. fillopton it a on, pleai ant and ralubrion, 0110m116 Wait of rr,a, barre. and acceaviblaby d.tlly doges from all. pm,/a. tonntry. 'the ,ir•s now been in ripeati.,, dai lug - *Web Ira patrntagcdarteen Uteri 44 .eon.tar:tly locreuming; , 'Through :the ntuni2r. it en: of Wm. Swetland. Li • n ad.litionalseminary building-4 by 49 tea. and Poen.. high.lll%%lll+t horn rouldeted, and by, th, 14," of lieu. 7.ltia lien net r. t hi: viihnai W,w' tnrahhed ny intualno and axonal r library:, entirely pas, 'h., Philosophical and Astronnadmil Apparel Aer thei Inrtit ution regarded. a - ho: hit, Ima. Ittlguot it. as ofn high order, and amide irietits In Naturnt Seicnee The 'loan, of Instruction for the tainin:yeir hu ' ii,,,v.'Efolihr ri ir.'%olittlA• . 7 1 2 9- ;.. YTKINCIPAL, ' ' 'Ple7., Iribtoi. ~ -with'