The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, November 06, 1851, Image 3

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    vitence Comes the Present Mon
ey Preesure
What was the cause of the great mone
tire crisis that overtook this country in
i s 37-8; and covered it, as it ware -with
6 oil five
log yoars 2 • It was over much ,
credit. Too' much speculation and too lit-
Buying so far outran paying,
'110.11,e ishor,
whole country was eventually
senod op with the spt's end—over
igioining,bankruptcy. A ruin that noth
i; s hort or 4116 groat sponge. the nation-
Igotrupt act, could wipe out. People
-al he rich at a single bound. They
tad so t patience to wait nn the slsetplimee
ow pro
cesi of time And labor. The con
i s known. Cn Gr at Britian, two or
three yens aka, a railroad mania overran
that nation. A map of the country resem
bitd the face of are as vra,[so closely
and thorou;hly ;a intersected' with
lines of r oads. For the construction of
these, co mpanies industriously employed
themselves in the sale of stocks and bor
rowiag, of money. A railroad there was
thought vibe the only road to fortune, and
erehady seemed to be pressing forward
fors.ticket, Men bo'ught and sold shares.
in lines of unmade roads, to the amount of
hundreds of thousands of dollars, and lived
extravagantly for years on the result of
their trail in them. The end came, and
is vas such an end as always Mims a
coarse of profligacy, England suffered a
r eseirion, second only to our own i , a few
' Je ns before, Confidence was prostrated,
business was at a stand, and, ruin and des
olation left an impress that time has hard
ly yet were away, It is the misfortune
of cations as' well as of individuals, that
the lessoni of experience. in affairs of debt
and credit, are never remembered. The
people of the United States have -already
forgottea the general bankruptcy in 1840;
and thqugh the speculations in town lois
sod "other.fancies" have not been so great
-as they then were, d.bts have been piled
. ashigh, and probably nearly as much mon-
ey has been lost in copper mines and pro
jected railroad, as was :qv:Aiwa by the
'fancies' of 1840. Like causes produce
like effects and those who are iiptiring,for
the cause of the preseni. stridgency in the
inmey•tnarket, we point to the itninense
al/113 that have within the last few years,
been invested in railroads and other , works
of internal improvement; to the monster
hoes of ocean stearnars, and to our sow:m
imeos in Crlifornia, and the large balance
hared yet to be duo our Atlantic cities
from that State. From Maine to Texas
there is scarcely a city, county, town, or
b oroug h that has not, fur two- or three
years poor been in the market with their
bends, borrowing uson - ey—at par,' if they
mid, and if not at par, then at ten twen
ty or fifty per cent discount. While the
hub continued to swell 'the currency and
to aid accommadations to all who asked
them, this system of improvidence was
felt But as the United States is a
-whole world. nor its commerical `rela tions
to trade between its own ports, this cheap =
elling a ttracted
of the currenCy eventually
attention abroad, and we have bee n for the
Li so f orei gn
hat year or two ded with fab- I
ries Every other wins couldunderwork I
es, beCansesthe banks had e
t,be te c o n k a s, with neap that a tio g n reat dal of th it j t i o 'eY bu s y o
a More val.
tA currency. eUuld pr ‘ adira manufactured
130di cheaper, and afford to soil them low-
tincur town marker,in spite of a I T ;-
tea . tire tax of form 30 to 30 per cent.—
Oareurreney, of coin and paper was of
tied value at home, so lung as the bank e
open but those who flout ed
our market
with foreign productions always discrimi
nate in favor-of the coin. They never
took our bank paper- 7 -that - was left fur
at, until within a few months the proper -•1
the of coin to paper was found to be so
wide that the banks. fur self-preservatiou, I
were fumed to curtail, acc..mmadations were
Mtrowed—paper was called iu, and then I
commenced the pressure, The banks I
heretofore Ole fountain of money, hate the
great malustrom that swallows everything. I
The present stingeuey, though produced by,
the hanks, may save the country from
• much more serious consequences. The er
rors to be compinined of are adherent with
or banking system— a system which priv
eleges certain individuals to make money '
out of lamblack and rags, at pleasure. It
is ,the bank and paper money,.and the spir
it and speculatio n and profligacy that they
'provok e much more than the tariff, that,!
hasprodueed our present trimbles. A re
dundant current., will nullify any tariff
The banks were wrong in Increasing their
abilities -to the public, ar.d Ir IV"d2lls I
sire equally wrong in being seduced into,
'heir debt. All the evil may be traced to '
the one cause.—paper mono—and yet 69
many friends has this paper motley pew
chased, that it is likely to shufle its sins
bp° innocent shoulders by crying mad- .
dug agaiist the tariff —Ledger.
Tux WIFE OF Kosstrrn —The Yew
Tork 4presi, in an artiA e on the expo
44striaal of liostatk, relates the follow
-1% incident, illustrativ e of the devotion of
lot) wife to her husliand after being ekiled
,in Turkey :
:With him comes his heroic wife, who,
ftte his'exile comnieneed in Turkey, with
.faeredible sacrifices and devoted disregard
4 a thousand dangers, traversed hostile
erritories, submitted to deprivations and
midjamtlufferinca of every kind, joined
kantis retreat 1.1 . .,• the foot of Mount
inky. I; was under Cie protection of
c lhualtort [torn the Bluish consul general,
at Belgrade. that asAritish subiects, un
der assumed nacies, She anti her cempa.n
adions were enabled ;accomplish this great
venture, and when,! Oil the twentyfeighth
I, aencrier was sent in advance otthent,
4 apprise •Rossuth 0 their approach 40
64 46, (he was ill; 'and °tu:count of the
Inlay plans of the Austrains.-to assssinate
Nal. the Sultan'santhorities veldt! a not al-
I! him leave &undo. and go to meet Abid I
Ilk) the news of liet, deliverence and her i
, P P rc iaell occasioned the liveliest satishie- 1 l
Loa 11 all the refugei; and - the, Hungari 7 1
tis and Poles went as far as the gates of
t4 citY to meet this heroic martyr to the
%ce of Mingary. It was night when the
age neared the city ;.and as it entered
homed Aground the s treets lighted with
• ~ -
in lights. green, white, red,
ibeclirs of the Hungarian flag, and
tele4 zed 'with the most friendl was
y shouts
7 the whole body of the refuges. And
uP account from which we have quoted I
Pas on to say
"When „Madatne—Kossidlt:•,rietumnded
front - itercarrinia . sloti'foutotlierself, in the
Presinee of he:- luisbit.d, Win - bat risen
from his bed of illness• to receive the' poor
'Ma r is F.—n: of tho plains of Hungaria.
In place. orreoeiving receiving; his ,arsus, M.
ItOssutli, overcome by ,feelings of-,admir
atiou' for the. sufferings Which Lis :wife had
undergone, and by gr.tritudo for tter
tfon to the cause of her country, threw
himself at !ter .feet and kisited them: She
endeavored to speak and offer her husband
consolation and tranquility, while ber own
poor feeble . heart was ready' burst with
emotion. Her voice failed her.; and amid
the reiterated shouts, of the'' ‘ Hungarians
and Poles, his bcoritiWoman was carded. to
her husband's apartments:7 . • r
In nor rejoicings,tberefore, at the Der , .
ation and the CUITIIIIg !tither of the', great
patriot, let us not - forget the heroic ..,adlen
tures of his noble wife. ' -
SiGaOR GOIN G IN ITALICI-.-0a- Oitinna
will remember our some-time resident in
Spriogaeld, Signor" Guidk.the Italian vocal
ist. He writes a letter from Italy to Mr.
Binmcts, of Boston; giving an account of
some stirring scenes in which he ha r.beett 4
partiepitant, ~He says that he was dogged
and watched from the day of his arrival in
Italy. Somewhere in Lombardy, he atten
ded a party and sung: attracting a crowd,
unknown to himself, around the house.
For this, ho Was arrested and repritnandeti.
He then determined An'-return to America
obtained his-passport , and-the h evening be
fore he sailed, united With Some 11.61,6 in
slipper. Duting the evening he toasted the
United States, which was hilariously re
isponded to, when the room was snrrounded,
and the. whole party marched off to prison.
'As aohief promoter of the political club,"
fhe was sentenced to ten yeirs in the galleys,
and the rest of the company to six-months
imprisonment. The intercession of relo
rives procured a 'commutation of, this sere=
renee to three sears eofinenient. in the tor
tress.- -On their way from Nadine tit . the
prison, a furious storm arose: when near the
Alps, the gnard were attacked, and he
escaped. Over. mountains and through
moors they fIA oto Peidinont, where they
were safe. Signor Gnidi writes from Genoa,
with means exhusted. and ; he says, "GA
.oily knows , when 1 will be able to-reach the
lind, liherty."—Sprindield
Republican.oa. 20. g '
Kosioth.—A letter from London in the
New York - Herald says, it Will probably be
six weeks from ti e date of that letter, Oc
tober 311 before Kormith reaelles II e
States.. The Missisyippi was, ervected
Southavartim ott 69 Bth fast:, ":‘
FATTIER MATREW preic!led his farowell
sermon in New -York, - ,on the 19th.'
July 4th, 1849, wheel he began his
can misiion, he has enrolled over 300,000
names, and since 1847. when _he ;: began . liis
labors in the Temperance Cause; ever eiz
million two hundred thousand,'
A Peasto-GATilsniss ;111.setiise is in
operation in. New Jiampabire,
• is. at
tached to a wagon. The wagon‘ : is placed
at one end of the potato field, with oxen •
or horses attached, and as :'it passes down
the rows, digs the potatoes, sepeiatei them
from the dirt, and loads them into the wag-,
Ma. LETCUEA arrived at Vern Crnst on
the 4th 'lilac and was received pith a na l
tinnal salute from the Castle of San Suan
de 171lua lie left Vero .Grui .on the fld
inst., fur the City of Mexico.
PETRIFIED 3 / 4 10 1 „—Tlie , Morris (Ill.)
Yeoman says Saturday last, While
the hands of Mr. Oliver were digging , coal
at his tiline a few miles above Morris, on
the bank of the canal, they lexlituned the
body of a man, in a perfect state of,petri
faction. From the cordury eleth in , which
the legs, encased, the cords and seams of
which are 'perfectly defined. it is supposed
to be . the body Orono of the Irish. laborers
engaged in the coustroction :of the ; (anal.
The limbs are nearly Iterfect; and are com
pletely transformed-intci storm: Pertions
of the body are in possession of Dr: Hand
and may be seen at the offico of the Yeo
awaits blur4er
• Mfg.
On Sunday night about 9 o'clock, - a
most outrageous murder was'eommitted in
11.loyamsing, iu tbe vicinity of Twelfth ti . :4l
and Shippen streets, at a house kePt by
Owen U. Quinn. There appears to bare
tMen a difEculty between two rival - gangs.
and the /ult. was that a youn,
named l'kle ary, - was killed. .
The - wounds inflicted upon his body were
upon the - neck, on the left side at the: low
er jaw, extending to the corner of the month
and the upper lip!cut in . two. The - chin
was also cut from the top to the bAtom,
and the left;nd right cheeks were : scarred.
There were number of -the, wounds, ( tus
king in all nine upOn - liii fade. hod body.—
A stab uponthe leftaide, near the
ribs, ap
pears to have inflicted the - fatal injury. -
After McGary was stabbed, be was
picked up and:, conveyed into a drug :store
where his 'vrowids were attended to as soon
as 'passible: . Fle was 'ben ennveyetrto his
made:no. at Llev .nth and. South streets, by
the Marsbars police and several others.
The deceased is about twenty-tour .. years
of age, an assistant in the storaof las moth
er, at Eleventir_and,
,l3outh streets, and a
biotbez of gm Irienionant of
.tie marshars
police of the,Mitriet. "
. ~
.' At a late ..hour, (1,13 . o'clOolt). we: left,
the curoner's Toqueit iiiveitigatinithls'itt
rooktis 'murder. , -There • - doubt-but
allele. or . -the. - real .:pkrpetratori ' ailt '-,14,e.
brought to.juStiutt -- Vo..rolaia:li;ozugiv4ig
- VERY DisTaessiso.—Lset week Pied.
I crick Roemer. ti mefehentrof Oho tnbeFfbni
Pennsylvania, : failed. Ills were
eatimuted• at thirty thousand &Aim Re
wes - eeteequently arrested at the instigi-
Mortar hiaereditorsr On Sir_ednesdayrught i
Leuis INeing of Ohambersburg, , one
Of bit Print44eudorters,..anti .fellow . los
Irsinommitteil• suicide: egon thureoelpt of
the news.' The Chatobersbuiißepasitery.
sass that scarcely bad the mirpse ofthe
fotunate man been escorted to his raiidenms
ere It nor excitement:Was Created -by'l the
appearance, of limner
_in the custody of .
the :SherifE- an bad 'lien attested and
brought to tura at the inatigatioskef soote
of his-ereditorti to answer-to tbe charge of
having - fraudulent:TX:involved . tbeni. He
witta taken into.a hotel nearly oppoSite the
residence Of 'Dening.'' They:mmiciliately
changed 'to the opposite side of . . the street.
and.antrautidelf the hits).; . : 'oho 'feeling of
griefand.aatiew before manifested in ev
ery countenance, now gave way to send
manta ofiudignatiOn.. The • Sheriff; tote
eiar. was permitted to disoharge his duty
without interruptiolvand Roemer was ta
ken from the hotel to the office of, Justice
ArMstrong, where his; - eXamination corn:
menu& After several hours -thus en;
`gaged, lie Wes committed to prison to await
It further hearing on the - following
No ore appeared to g.i his baiL The man
who but a few days ago migh t hare com
mandedhUndreds to his reseue- 7 = who but
a fetes days before enjoyed -the stonficience
of tkc community to an extent altogether
unlimited-teas noW "without' la friend.
• The followini day be was again brought ',
before the justice--but in the meantime
the feeling of resentment and indignation
against him had softened down into-one of,
commisseration, or -at least of forgivoess
and his creditors withdrew the proseCution
they had commenced. The unfortunate,
deeply harrassed, and sorrowing man, was
permitted to go his way in peace.
office in Hodson was foreibly entered on
the night of the 18th tilt), and all the let
letters from; New York, lof the previous
mail neeived that night, tith Many others,
wera proloined No •clue, al yet to the
thieves, The department. however, is . up
on the watch, and it risi hoped that the
villains will soon receive the reirard of mail
Gen. Houston on Thinaldson, &e.
AUNTSVILLE, Texas. Saturday. Sept. 27
1851. To the Editor ofithe Union:
DEAR Stn: My attention has been
called lg a friend to an 'ditorial in The
Richmond Enquicr of A 2d inst. In it
you suggest that I sought to, disclaim the
agency of Mr. C. H Donaldson, so tar as
he may have Wahl to Connect me with
his If there is any - such
person a's Mr. C. Et Donaldson, or ever has
been, iti Texas, I am nut aware of the
nor have I been able to Of am information
of any such individual, 1 have seen sever
al gentlemen who have recently eonvasscd
our State in the late, elections, and not one
of them has ever heard of Mr. Donaidsom
Inclosed I send you several editorials
from'newspapers, from whieh you may he
enabled - th come to some satisfa .tory eon
elusions_as to the importance which should
atach to the Donaldson Humiug,
Fnittier II al rdits I hive nothing to do
with the affair. If Mr. C. if. Donaldson
is Oval Personand,ean ever bo identified,
itcwill be , found that neither he nor any
Otkee person. in truth, has any' pledges,
bargains, of agreements with any individu
als or cliques, for any political purpose
whatsoever; now coold las an, honerable
man sanction such a course.
', I will leave you, Sir, and all intelligent
men to divine ‘ Its object , for which this
extraordii ary correspondeoce has been got
ten up, with a vapid attempt° connect my
name with prioieples to which I have ever
been opposed. So far as it has been nee
esSary or proper in the dinhaige of my
public duties. either in speaking, voting
or acting, I have sought no concealment
of my, principles ; and it is he to iuyself
that I shiMlil remain,consistant with the ,
past in all things which may affiet my own
character, and the peace, prosperity and
honor of our ca entry. I am,. very truly,
your most obedient servant,
A `Nut for7Clairvoy
Clairvoyance will look up, aft r this, if
we are to believe the N. Y. Ere ing Post.
So far-back as Febtiary, 1851, a elairvoy-
Mit, on being interrogated re flieeliix the
Arctic expedetlons, at:siert:id that Capt.
Austin, who commanded one of the English
ones• wages that time, in longitude 95 deg.
45 min. west. - This predietion'was recor
ded in Dr. Gregory's woks on Animal
Magnetism, published in Edingburi last
spring, and re-issued'here sometime during
the past suminci., We remember distieet
ly reading the fact in that work months
ago. -Since that period, Capt. Austin, as
is well known, has returned, and strange
to say, his log-book shows,that on the day
speciqed,,he actually_ was in the place men
tioned by theiclairvoyaut. This was good
guessuig at any rate, even if nothing more;
and cannot but make el airvoyance Ovular
,some extent, at least withili 'certain Or
der of The art,'or science, or IV ! i
fusion, We know net exactly whet to call it,
has been falling into disrepute of late, 'Mid
we remember mora than one instance,: in,
which this very prediction was, unmerci
fully quizzed, bet so lucky a hit will give
it a. new impettis ; i' as well as confotind the
onbelievers.—Erening Bulletin.
The World's Pair.
The premith awarded at this exhibition
are as follows: •I
, ,
To Great Britain; :.791 To United States, 5
To Germany, /9 1' To Russia. 3
To Austria, : - 4 To Switzerland, 2
To Belgium, '2 To Holland, 1
To Tuscany, = 12 To Rome, 1
•To Spain, •' - 1 To Turkey, 1
To France, ' 56 Total, 169
But one is given for the same articles ex
hibited in both Great Britain and France; so
that the actual number issued will be tot 368.
The live, obtained Iv eitizeas of the United
States are =aided as followS: , .
: TO C. H. lifeCoradA, Chicago, 'lllinois, for
bis Virginia Reaper;. -- . .- .. .
To David Dick, 3 genarine. Vresterl 3 Piny
sylvania, for liis,.Aigl-Friction Press. •
ITO Charles Goodyenr ' New haven,: Coml.,
for hisjodio,ubber;Fobries.
To W. Bond &sSOla, Boston, 3latw., for an
Pvaric Ciod. -.
.'- • -
' -
• lAN.=
• )!.
• •
, •- EaCti9l:lo
New Tprk
~ The Election in Neat Toth - on'Tuestilny
lust has resulted in.'s coniplete , Detnoenttic.vie s
11 V 4 i c.' ll4 lPitfoil, two
thirds Of the City otEUes i thisleversing things.
from last year. TheCitz gives the State' ticl".
et 'Auntlooo titsjoriti.. We have' int Teturhs
so as to tell how the Stete Vas - WA
litrt•Ci t. _
In biniOck' on tho' 16tlr: ult.; 1;y Rev', L B
Gilman . , Mr. ANStL E.TEMICSI,IURY RtbOk
lye;to MISS 2111rizr bintock. '
Auburn on'the 2d inst.:, afters lingering ill:
ness, gr. Joits - Nrmuarr, aged•sl years.
• gr. - Newman Aras.a most worthy citizen, A
kind "husband and an atreetionate father. He
has left a wife and children to deeply .mourn.
In Pralntrim, Wyoming county, on the 26th
Luwis J. STUDDEVAST, in the 24til,
lear of his age. •
e retained his reason to the last, and left
the world with a,. foll•assumnce of a blessed
,;Ciroulta of tho -- Evening
With the current 'year l .the Evenin g Post cum.
menet& the sioarr-surin year -Of its existence, as
a Daily Journal.- For a lade more than half of
; that tiatte,it has been the leading, and much of the'
time'lliti only . Organ of Democratic sentiment,
published in the city of New York, and is 'one of
thO oldest daily journals in the .Luited.Stat'es. •
It is about tweuty-live years since the !Even
jog Post conunenced, under one of infprescut con
ductors, to plead fur lrerdoni cf trade, and far there
reudamentel principles of legislation which!are at
war with all niudopolies having .a legislativeiorigiti.!
It then an d fee -many yeens after, stood! islone
among th e . northern journale: airor which I either
silently or openly, were advocating protectiVe and
prefereutial legislation. ;It was one of
-the 4arliest
champion - oer the rights of 'the - Striates! under the
Federal compact ; it has resisted with unceasing
'efrurt,that system of internal improvements which
arciiie time threatened the bedding enterprise - of
this Country With the unequid and Isn't_ competi:
lion of - the general government; it has 'opposed
special legislation and all grants of special privil
eges,wherever and whenever its opposition seemed
required; it labored, with no ordinary devotion, to
rid the couutry'of the National Bank;.and to es
tablish in its stead, 'the Sub-Treasury system,
which now 'remains ! one of the most durable gpd
conspicuous monuments of American stotesmilh
ship; it is one of the most devoted, as it wee, one
of the earliest advocates of a system of iTheap
Postage; it haisteadrustly defended the right of
petition ;"it resisted the passage of the last Hank. .
rupt 'Law ; it it:sister, the assumption of the State
debts; .it has, resisted every -effort to: extend the
aretior Human Slavery, and it has uniformly en.
deemed to maintain the anprentacy of the Laws,'
while they remained as sech , boweeer nnitlat they
might be in their character, or oppressive in their
However humble tiny have been our agency in
shapingthe sentiments Of the nation respecting
questions of. Fast etniroveray, about which 'the
greatest diversities of opinion at different times pre
veiled, and against many of Whiefi the waves'. and
storms of popular passion beat with 'relentless vio
lence for yew*, it invigorates nor ciaifidenem in the:
policy of our journal,' to find, for the gunner of as
century during which it has been under the charge
crone or
.both of lie present conductors , that it has
always :correspondeNt with the final judgments of
the Nation, so (Sr as they have yet been expressed
and proportionable dimiiiiehes - our solicitude about
the oak/tate dem:initiation of questions which are
yet under distussion before tho people.
White we have much to be grateful for, in the
support heretofore given by the public to the &c
-uing our readers will bear witness that we.
have made corresponding efforts •to merit it. 'Du
ring the past year.we have added to the strength
of our commercial and Marine departments an an-
nual expense of bettieen two - nud three thousand
dollars, and have- established a 'telegraphic corres
pondence. with all the principal cities in the Union.
of an additional annual expense of from three to
five thousand dollars. •
We have, also, during the past year, enlarged
both our *mi•Weekly and Weekly tditions to
the size. of.our Daily, and have thus added 'over
twelie full columns to their .capacities, without
any increase in their. prices, which are lower, we
believe, than those ofany other papers, of equal
interest sod value, published in the United States.
.large addition to our expenses, which a
these improveventa have occasioned, Will be taken
into cortsideratietkwe k ternst v by Our •
tired not be told that our circulation malt be vast
ly increased to justify them.
The price of the Evening Post, 'Weekly, is for a
single copy payable in advance, 81 00
For Eleven copies-to one address, 10 00
The price of the Evening ftst,.4erni-tireek
ly, is fur atingle copy ,payable in advance 3 00
For. Ten copies to one address, , .2.0 00
Or fur any number between Five .a Ten,
Two dollars per copy,
The Evening Post, daily, - to mail Subscrib.
era, in advance,
9 00
It is not our Custom to appoint Local Agents to
solicit subscriptions. nor to place much reliance on'
age.its. but any person may aid us'if he will, by
taking this prospectus, and asking those who like
the Evening Post,th band him the money for a year
which he can remit at Club price, and thus obtain
pay for his time uud trouble. If our friends would
favor-ns with a list - of persons in their county or
neighborhood, who feel'au interest in the 'circuits.
tion of the views advocated in . the columns of our
Journal,to whom we might with propriety forward
our circulars, they may greatly oblige us.
JOH N BIGELO 0.7 , • ,
New York,Oct.2s, '5l. Proprietors. -1
- P.s.—We are always gratetal for any ; mares.
prudence, giving news of piddle interest. whether
social; political, cemmercial, agricultural, Meehan- •
ictd. or of,any other kind, and we beg to make our
acknowledgments -to such of Mir subscribers as
have (aimed us in this way, We beg LINO to add
that We would esteem it a favor if, at lean once
year-*when renewing their s ubscriptions , if most
convenient-- , they would send us iheirimpiessions
°four course, that we may,know in Whet partied
tars it may be improved. Sacltietters will be very
useful to us, and we hope, in the end, wilt prove
advantageous to their authors. ' • '•
C. B RYAN TS. Co. "
Id Naomi street; N.Y.
A LL those indebted to the subscriber, either
-CIL by Note or Book A6conut, are requested to
call end settle the' same on or before the first day
of December next, as after tlintdate tliey will be
left in the hands of trproper officer for collection.
Montrose, Nov. 4, 1851. -
Plain Call and,
ji.9.THROP & CO.
Montrose z Nov. 6..
• . Public.Vendue• • •
fprig following propgrry will be'tosit at imbue irendue
4. at the house •of Edsha 0 ard townsbip.. of
Bridgewater -pa Fantasy, Kim: 25,11331, tuCOUIMetICe at
tap Well:ink A. Al.: A Yoko of oxen {:years old, / two
yeasaold colt, 2 nowt, tome eheep,2 lugs, &quantity of
hay, 1 two from wagon, 1 bridle and saddle. a lot of
fanningutentilt,Yi lot of household Furniture Rao nu
raerout to mention.
TtItAIS.—All owns over' $5; 3, ix; o th s " cr e dit I kth
gorid fecuM,2i ind triterest; ' ELV-116.GARD. '
BridgtvAttr, Ore. 29, 180-45*-2
lATEIEIiEAB my wife ilerrlit,' bee' left. 'my bed mid,
V bawd *latent Any, cause Or orrima tied ; I there
fore efinOon'all peekene straklet biarborlog oy ironing
hrrsomr ceount •se will poy debts or. b fr e on .
tmeting after tide Oat*.' 1,141.1 GUT.
LaThr0P,Pr0i..6,1851.;4:44 0 . . • •
tpoK but' for your teeth. Cold. w e . 44,
,couik au, 'ond by a little cure you rntiy
probably 'save yourselves many 43Q lunar. of suffer
jug. Let the riftiilfhlast-of the winter winds her.-
qr. you off te, the Dentist's Moe ilk the Odd E'cl.
lows 114 where by a tunoll outlay, of ro,oney - It
huge outgo,..of.eowfort nuty be pretested.
C. D. VlrfOlf„ Dentirt,
Trifitkpai,..4eaoadosma, Gallant, banjo;, chislonetia,
V. ow, pjaatoor, ..also Polio ttriosa bon; instruction
books, abnetamale. and other Cato:rotor 'lnstramaata,
lac., a largo attlilaknotjatt at Nranatt,•a:
gostraas Pot. 1, Id% , • • •
ItWE'irTILE 1111°.
Zi1042112111 ifC
iIBTUItert Da •
' • Nechanle's 'Mutual Benefit .
Uninch office, 280 ISruadivarl X. Y.
Accumulated Cash Capi-
'tel. $20,000
Guaranty, Capita, - 40,000
This is an Association of Mechanics aid oth
ers formed for the mutual henefit of each
other, in ease. of sickness or airident. '
B'V the payment of tho following annual rater, you
rrill become a Life Member, and Rill be entitled to I
weekly benefit during life, if you should be disabled by
filet:tress or Accidefit, from attending to your ordinary
Ludlam* or nectipittinll.
TRARLY DRVOIRT 110 k )lEIVRIRII 17151011 R t>D Yanse ge
. -
Two dollars &jeer you PA will VI N
a•wThree, per week 0 . 2 00
Four - • 0 00
Five e
Eight . . . aco
Those ever fitly years ofsge alit tie charged Viper et.
extra. $l,OO Admission Fee will be the in addition
to the above, the dna year, and must be paid at the
time eirotakinst application, and the Seer year's deposit
within thirty days. The organisation of thh Institution
Is ouch as renders it perfectly 110Ctliit , and I have no hes
'Macy in making the guarantee, that all benefits will be
promptly paid. And further, mould invite attention to
the following REF g ;
lion. David Wilmot , Towanda • llon. 0. A. Grow, Mite
lardsville ; Hon. F. B. Streeter, it it. Uttle,Esq.,Et. D ti
alontmse: thta. 110 'ate Greeley, N.Y. city;
lion. E. D.Dench, Springfield, Mass: " •
Each memberis furnished with a opy of the By-Laws
of the Asseciivio, and will receive the .31ontlfiritepor
toe' which enablesthear tekncw the prosperity end
betty of (bola elitist ion. Further inrormatloo cheerful
ly gluon bycalilug " E4Utor'sOrßee" of the ‘filoro
troy Demorrai,over M. C. Tyler's store.
A. J. DAVIS, Aga for Sustra. Co.
Auntruto. 0rt.20.1551: _ intr.
New Boat and Shoe. Store.
• ~ K iagima& Erropparin.
HE new Sim of Reeler ;fir. todderd have
'1 opened a Boot and Shoe l l atoreint Mainetreet i
first door below the. Brick corner:in which they
offer for , sale ' •
The Laroeut Aosortraept. -
of. Boots, Shoes And Findinge,erthe lowest prices
We sell for ready pay and email prellto
. The citizens o r, the village and country are re.
spectlally invited to call at a real genuine Boot
and Flu* store where Boats And.thoeittre sold in.
raved of Leacher and Oyster!". -
Beep It before 'the People, '
That we have a full assortment'among which we
enumerate i • -
Mons Cork bole waterinoof boots.long It rg Hon.
garians, calf half sole and pump-boots.' Kip half
sole boots. thick boots, calf: kip and cowhide brit.-
gans,OTer shoes, etc.
, -
Youths Calf, Kip and cowhide boots, boss thick
boots, etc. '
Ladies ;French channel Gaiters. 'patent Fox
Welk Gaiters. enameled and Kid Polkas, enameled.
front Ince Polkais, kid and " goat Jsx.vv
New York ties. excelsiors, Jenny Lindi Rosettes,
kid ties. robbers, etc.
slisses goat and calf Lace_ Ivo% JennP Lind's
enameled Polkas,. Dutch boot., etc. •
Children's' button shoes, goat students:noted lace
boots, Gaiters, Downing's etc.
Among our Findings' we off;:r - French calf
k He;nlook tanned - 1;W skina.:4Votoecop;
pink and white lining skins, red,: hlue"... maroan.
Roans, Binding, upper leather, oatond" herahick.
soleleattier, pegs, :me nails, sparsillfes,,, heel., bill,
webbing, etc, .• ." • - -
• N. B. • Work made to order and reliairing 'neat=
ly done.. • . ". 44
Clunpls isle and Burning Fluid for sale at•'
• , To the. P — nblie• -
ADEL TURRELL hay just retorhed froth the
city of New York, with a large 7 4o-deeirabte
assoritheut Of • •..
, .
wbich will be sold very .low for cash or ready pay.
The stock.iscomnbsed ore first rate iisiertm.nt of
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils,
Dye-Stuffs, Groceries, Glass-ware, spoons,
Spectacles, Alusical Instruments, •
. • Yankee Notions, and
. Liquors,
Dry Goods,
_ - 'llardware,_Stenenraie;
. Mirrors, Stationery,Trushes,
Medical Instruments, Perfumery, .
Trusses, Supporters. Shoulder-Braces,
Shoes, Camphine, Burning Fluid, Letups,
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, fk.e. far Do not
forget to enqiiire first at TORRELL'S.
ifffntrose, Oct. 30, 1851. "
Register's Notice.
DUBLIC'NOTICE is hereby given to till per.
I sons coucerued iu fo!lowiuz estates, to wit:
Estate of Elisha Harding, dec'd., Elizabeth
Harding Ex'r'x.
Estate of.T. J. Whitman, dee'd.,Jacob Whit
Estate of Ann"Slianion, dee'd, Thomas
Shantion, • • • ,
Estate of Daniel Ha inerAee'd.,Geo.Gledbill
and Abram Burdick; Adm'r. • - •
Estate•of Hilbard dee'd,ll Dayton,
Adidr. - • .
Estate of. Hiram Webster- deed., S. %V
Truesdell, Anin'r.
Estate of Caswell Ives, dee'd, G. B. !vett one
of the Adm'rs:
That "the accountants have settled their,ac
counts in 'the Register's Office, in and for the
county of Susquehanna: and that the sauna will be
presented before the Judges of the Orphan's Court
at MantrOse, on Monday the 17th day of Ncv-ern
bei nest, for eonfiniaution taild allowance.
, .
CUARLES L. BROWN, Register.,
Register's Office, Montrose,l
Oct, 30; 1051. S
Ca,ution Extra.
The undersigned would respectf ully, soggist to
those persons who are in any manner in debt to
him 'for fee! in the public officesor otherwise that
he designs closinzurt his m otters very soon after
the close of his official tom, cud desires this may
be received as a sufficient citation, and insure spee
dy Mind prompt payment:
• " C.l. BROWN Recorder
Montrose Oct. 28, 1851. 44w3.
'Auditors Notice:
TheT. .
undersigned, having been appoluted by the
Orpheus Court. of Susquehanna County, en
auditur tei Make distribmion of the assets in the
handed ft. gichurdeon, administrator of the Estate
of John -Robinson,'deCeased, muting. the legal
heirs of acid decedent, will attend 16.7 the duties of
hie appointment, at hie officein Moutrosit on S a t.
urdey, , the 22d dny of November pent, at 2 o'cloCk
P. M. 'All persona busing Maims upon raid fund
will present them ut: that time,. 1or• be debarred
there after. . •
DIMOCK Aud itor,'
MI 44w4.
Auditor's Notice.
THE undersigned an auditor iiimirled hy. the
Orphans court of Sasiltiyhti,unr, , County
woke distribution of the :mow, rp.;naining in the
hands of It T . StephenaAdininiigrater of the Es:
tote ofJuntes Stiertnan, -. 4ec.eired, -- will 'attend to
the duties of appointliter.t at hie office in Moe.
troseoul Friday the tilth, ;day
,tif Novernbii ' of
2:o'clock P. M. At which time ii.nd 'pfaceSititin
tereated 'may attend. . -
J. C. MILIJ,ER, Auditor,
• •
CAMZ Iran the incioante of the mOjeerilber ahciut the
12111- day-of Sept.. Blx fiheop. three bitiok and three
white. Theovuerof+which!l requested to pro,. propel•
ty aqd Wig thew away: - •
Jeroop Oct. 101.-4UB.
„ liiesv..Goo4syilutt _llllarkel.....
IL Iv • oit ti to
'stock; quite on assortment of ra l ls o a s . e s atti4
'of Dry floods, , Oroceetts, ItordwistO, Tinto nubbars,Uonts
and W 11004; VOOAIIIT POR Ceti; and 9111 PHI th . em at toy
WS on, cw , ettnn about thti Tni : or the world or (the,
where forihs ready Agin; or the right . #lneProf
Thankittg qt.( for form, Ichninrsfaoors, erf 57 body' in.
'Tr4.oil and buy. •-. . 131. q ua.
onttoito; Boot. 15 1551;
r .:EI7aItAQYB ortiete,Looloo, And Vanitio, for tiaeorri,
Jr -e ree Cream, cookery, etc., (areal° e • , .
Maim eandf• !just refilled aud7iiiale by -
-' - '` - ` I ISHERIETS" Arlat
lopy. iirtiutafa-wrtt ,tiC. Yen. Ai,,,Jaetted natal
„,L.P• the Court of Vommou, reel
_ . 4-11nwpiehtm.
nu 'county; to me 'directiaraiidjdOlivera. will
exposettilinblid 410,;GiAir,t. Routes tu
trae ibe Ifilth day of Nov. nest, at 1
o'clock 4.4 n.. ailtthat :certain 'piece or parcel of hunk
situate lying and being in ioinerbip Greall
Bend,in tho Coliatp of •Suvirehainta, '6w:rutted
and described , - es cohort, to, Witt , - oti, the.-north
by -lend - of T. Trowbridge!. and: E: Skire!.
ner ;- on the.east by lanitottl:T.lfoung; onithe
sonth,?y hunt of :LT: 'rrewbridge atul &Young;
and on the west by laud of tho Steam Mill Cmit.
trany,, sacalled i containing enehundred end Sc?.
entre') acres, be the tune mine -nt-less, together
with the appurtenances, one • framed - homer, one
framed banyand sheds, ono Wagonliouse, 2 'or.
..chards and about 6tlecresiimproved. . •
Also - one other PieCe of parcel land situate
in the same township aud.county.eforesald, holm•
tied and.described as followei to- wit: beginning
Stnpost tit the uotth eust corner ofthe laiof
Bradley. on:the east .rids of the Cochen:
-tau and Great Bend Turnpike, Road, end :unnieg
bank from the retie:Pitt the direction of the south
Hoeafield Studley's lot, seventy feet to a coiner ;
thence in a southerly, course 011 line parallel
With the line of 'fence on the east tilde. of tiaid
Turnpike lined, twenty-live fret to, a corner;
thence towards seid 'Turnpike Road he a line par
allel With the 'first deseribed tine seventy feet;
thence in a line penillel With tliesecond described
line of the said road fence, twenty:five feet to the
place of begitming, - conteining seventeen hundred
cud fifty feet, be the same more or, letia,together
With the appurtentinces,'one (ntted house add ell
improved. . • -
Takeuin exeeatieti at the suit of NeIBOXI
Werner - Ts; Chertettie.'Smith. -Q .
. - - - - • .- •• •
- -All that certain .Piece or. parcel. of -land lying'
and bring in tha township of Letsex, it the county
of Stisquelottuni and Stine ofPeunsylvania,boutt 7 ,
did nod described op folloO r to wit; on the tomb,
lialsted, and
on.the isouth'hyjnisde At ...Wad, con taining
three acres, be the . sante- inont
_less, - together
with the appartetiah , cee,eine sow end all
Takru':in ;;xitctition,ftithit shit of likrscin' and
ariplatiain vs, lanaclAl.
-4140 .
All that oil - hale piece or paecif of land situate
lying-and being in thii township of Great Bend. ih
the county of Suslifehainti . bounded . lind described
' NNW,. to:wit : at. lb& south Welt
Ciiiiier . of-a, lot owned-land.occupied by Ebenezer
Brown, : in the fence Opok-the ezet aide of the
,Cochectoit and Great Bend Turnpike, Road, and
' running thence back frorw.alid.road fence on the
south line of wild Brown's lot one bandied 'feet to
a conitt.of said'OlOwn's lot ; 'thence - in:et "tooth=
erly directionin a int let whit th e nit, T.ornl .
pike toad fehce..ebtty feet top stake and •!°'''"!
thence in WAvesterly''-direCtienEiti lipe'-"Perallet
'With the Rest - described lino - oneltiftidiiid feet - to a
coiner in . the. litie . of so id R oad fenCe, thence in, a
northerly direction iu iinewith*fil road !fence
- sixty feet; to - the place :lit-tieginiting, containing
six hundred ,feet of lautii 41.0101),VA more or legoi
tegedier with the..oppartenantes,. Clue .(rained
dwelling dwelling and all improved:
'fake° in 'executiett'.itt- - thv shit of Mimi .7.
Young.au4 Andre* W. Drownson , vs. Lafayette
Trowbridge. • • •
By is writ of roc: Fe.. issued and directed 'as,
above, all duo certain tract or parcel. of land sit 7
Date in the townships of Rush and Bridgewater,
in the county of Susqueliannwand gate of Penn'.
sylvenia, and butted,., botindeA end:described as
follows, to. wit: beginuing' - at hemlock stake,
corner standing in the Creek, intersecting the old
boundary finite running a south eissterly-direetim,
which is the partition line between Rosi
and the said Russel,Very ;' thence south deg.
. 0116 hundred and seven perches to a post old
corner; thence ioutti"67 east fifteen- perches
and one-tenth tti et! post; thence 'smith 11.13 and
feur-tuth•fte4ches,", to a birch' tree; thence west
135 perehes,, to the first tnentiorted -lauds, con
taining one hundred acres, with Allowances - tke.,
be it the samo nier4 Or less, together with :the ap
purtenances; one framed 'Muse two harns, au or
chard and about Gil acres improved. .
Taken in eseciunitiat the suit , of Zeta Ve.-y ;
surviving •L'seauttir oldie lust Will- and Testa -
weever' Area Very; deceased. vs... Russe l. Very;
with "notice to terra teueuts.• • . .
-- - „
- - Ay - vine° of, writ,„of Oa?. "veal.
pieces Mid parcels of land situate : lying and being
tu the tosinshipm; Gibson, in the county of "Sus
quehanna, hounded aim described as' follows, to
wit; begitining in the centre of the road ou the
line maw between ; Fitch Eessigaie• and Potter
Pickering and runsring on that line in a southerly
direction twenty Mid a hilt Mds lathe south side
of the Tunktutintock creek, from thence up the
creek forty rods, from thence across the creek
five rods to a stake; and stones; thence down the
creek seveuteen and a helliods to a stake; thence-
six rods to a stake tut the *corner of the burying
ground, from thence westerly fire rods twelve and
a half feet to a stake at another. corner of the
burying ground; thence 'northerly' thirteen and a
half rods' to a stake near the meeting "hoses;
thence three rodiabd five feet „itt a westerly di.
rection to a stake ; •thence to the road centre sev
en reds. thence by,the centre oftke road six and
a half reds;
M the place of beginuiug, supposed , to
contain three and a hull acres, be the sumo more
or less, all improved.
Alsoome other bounded as follows, to wit: bet
ginning at the centre of the toad on the same cor
ner of the above. described land and running in j
the °writ of the Mad in an easterly direction to I
the east flue of the meeting home lot '
• thenc e !
parallel with the west line 'of said laud to the
north, line; thence On the north line to the 'north
west corner two stake mid stones
. thenee on the
west hue in, a southerly direction to the 'place of
beginning; containing three acres, be the •641110
more nr less, elm dwelling house' and one 'barn
thereon and all' improved.
Also one oiler tot bounded on the north by
lands Lf Fitch • 'Ressiguie rust by lands, of Fitch
Nesitignie, jowli by titutforeaill Ressiguie, and
west by land of O. Edwards', Daniel Broader.
and Hamilton Bonner, containing - fifteen acres of, ;
wed laud, he the name more or ters;-. 1 , '1
. •
. Also one other lot bounded as followsi to" wit:
It giuniug.on toe centre . of the.bridge across the
Bell creek, thence south 2 deg. meat eleven per
ches down the paid creek to. the centre of the
Tunkhatmock creek; thence 'ulong the centre of
the Samelnorth eight and three-fourth.deg. east
eleven perches lo niCoriter in mill creek, thence
north teriand three-fourth deg. 'west 'ten perches
to a corner in the creek road, thence along Imia
road west to the plugs: -Of beginning. containing
one hundred and four percbee, be the satin. more
or less, together- with the appurtenances., one
thieninghonee and ell: improved. • -
Taken in execution .at the
,suit- of,Johnstart dr, I
Very en.. D. T. Znivrenee. .
, MSG , : • I
• 411 that certain piece and parcel of land situate
lying mid being in the township of JaelmonAi tha
county of buspiehaptitt and statOof Pennsylvania,
bounded ond desodhed as follow., to ;OU-on the
north by-landa of John Griffis, on. the east by binds
of widow Houghton.' and _oh .the south- and West
bylaudtof Lewis 114rsh, containing three - acres,
be the same more or, less, together with the op.
Inirteitanaea, orie,saw mill, mid all M3Provad!,
Taket . i hiexecutiva Ilt=the Nub GCE. T. Yopng
no. Plathssiet ". • •
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate
lying and being in th ' e township' Of, Gileton' In the
county orSusqueltantra. bounded and deneribed
folowe, to wit : ,on the- north by, lands of--G.
Abel ; , on the east by hinds of R. on the
south) y fondant' Purnnel. Harlow E detedit and on
th 4 weal* finds or PtiYer_PAYnepjr9 containing
28 acres be ihertamecrwire or No,. together - with
the appprienanceitonepfchard and nbcutlltlacree
iniptoved, , -
Takes in-execntion at the 4uit John Will
iamir and Abel Rice egeetitoli of Elie. Van - Witt.
kit: deed. ca. Oliver Pique,
'!',C. AL GERM,
. .
Administrator's 0 CO.
N&TICE is harelty giant that letters oholmlnlstration
have bean panted to the undersigned nu dm Wet*
of PM:tr . Withal law of Dhutick township deceased; all
paninta hating ~ w itaettled accounts with sitil estate wilt
plane ogdju . nthe woulatimidiatsiviriN.
! 10. W. BIBOMPW.
'Muth Ott. 11116111.4 401.
- -SatotarOti s oe7 ,
Tx.o._Olidolotitmed having been...-#byeAnted by
apti Orptiour?-Coo t t of liniiil - uelnon a County.,
ni AuOicOiltijnakir-llotiitintiati . the a"els iq
_ _of the Aderof Ryneatoon.
4 0 e 141 -, 1100 ,ig VihtfitrAteoftlecedent.
eill, Mug. In tlio datioadtviiitpyolntrrient. tato
*Moo 0f.31% Richard., Estp._ in-biontiono.
Friday, tho 'lo* hday of. Nov- iiiitt.'ot I o'clock
Al,l lonians hiving crottur tipoirol k id fond w p
present ihffliat that time or Ilk daburrsdther oat ger. • 1 1;AZIt:R,'Auditor
iitoutom.:On't. 18t—1i.44 - - . _
• bums' trator, - awe-.
EMITS oi'lktainlotiottoo: of Oakestate or Photo
'LA Thoolo' OW' of Omit Bond deouisinT, baiing bees
'lmitated tokhi: uukiongood, notice io.betebi given to .
indebted to t.ho estate to call sod settle ihosome with.
nut delay; WO stn' panties ktoriogi . 4ouionibialtithirt, &hi
estatomill plea se prosaut tbem doly.atoofed for sett. Wolk' • ' • DAVID, TUOMAS After.
an* Uoid Oct . . $5;1841--42,e. 1
.. • • ' •
'4ldrium" stratoret Notice. •
70Torre,EL Is Lirby giralt this 'etteis t. lilt& la Cats atsano
Intra lama mated Sf:i Isinknalgned Os mat*
pf Nathan manta dareasa4;4lantattat Band lawnalgp.
All venous baring.- unartiM-anroarlibt with mild mats
, 1111 pisose &Oust tbraiunaltaanedlatoly.• . , • ; •
• ittlw4Y.ll•&l4..' 441er
•t 8 : Ci2Al3ISc
G;Va4 DWI: 1 041. $851'44714; •
lAdi niatay.atat'irtiotieea
. LETTE/c 8 oilidazflifsitstitot4 or It ti ; Jritais
Clark,.dat tate a( flkie ronsaldp-'. of: Grait Band.
haring been granted to tba anderiknnedooleaSt ham.
by open to nit Intlebtr4 so the vials ran tall 'anilsolitiffi
tba gam 'Whoat dalayi antd all.pasc."2lwhifi4oooldll.
airatnit erratitiiitly . lasso prat.= skein Uttar.
at far aattlenaent; i' ,I4I4 I I IIIOIIIJS. lawr.
Great 5nad.04,41;;111410.41* -..
.• • •
r6s, off e r the teft , --- '•
1 3 / 1 06tiattiiiiit 0/Chased the inter
, . AI egt2Ot m coon. ui thei 2.ltiletintbstn.
Anise, coo he fottinlat, the shop forpaiy!itcapiort!
Tit^ , eson - - -
-Ffavini itivtruCtilin. train -
Scott of, New' York. he ilatteP thu b.
cull cult tdr whei may, kvor hip teith their :COP.
top. Foli find *lutes rashionefor.).B4l cud 184,
just recived. , • 'fit. C. BASS ELL.
'dturitiose; Oct. 16 4851--12:7rn: -
ti font Shaw -an •48
" GO - EmPOium
H BURiti rrisog,in Moak with: o with &new .
` and enfarged stock -n` Winter ion c and
squereShawls dv Lidieti ifien Goods of nate. and
splendid pattems.aud prices"reduced kill friirer. es
the city, cash panto tells upon 'the Market: And
including also his general sup:lies for the Fin 6;,.
Winter trade in Dry Goods, Gracerirh. crockery.
Ilardweri•s Iron & Nails, Ham and Winter Caps.
Ihnitteteißuffilo Robes; Booti, 4. Sheet. Stoves
ete.etal all Which he will fell on his usual
terrne.and at prices that cannot be beat for caidi a
,Produce or , approved credit.-, • •-
-N. B Flour nod Saltconstantly on hand.
Nerd Milford bet. :11
eaobp'WANTED. ,
B. we substriber. as be is now preparing to get up Ista
fall stock, he offers to his numerous customers, ma
present large assortment id cootie:at lower priers than
anj+simiter establishment:in Westan New York. This
000 cOD gas, in patiosf a large stock of Cold and gibesEnglhh patent Levers, of kismet" hoportationowinerdc4
invested its any twee offered la tills County; doll amt
silver anchor lovers Iliad Lepinew, Cold Lockets: 'Thin a
'blot. Spectacles. Breastpins, Bratelots,Earsingsallnge.
tisags, Cuff pin4Pene Pencils; rest; gauifsed rob chains.
yseals.Erys. etc, disa, a rem
eseen entree ware,eoms
pi news:Ude le that nue warrantede as cola.
a fallassortuteut of mated were; iseeritrriuiety.
ey Goods, clucks, Cutis l y, conshs,ele. , , •
• Slierlasattn. Oat: 10 ALIBED.I. EVANS.
fraz lINDERSIGYED, formerly Foreman' for Tinny
yeast nf the Lafayette erMill stone Ilannfactoiy,
240 Washington et., N. ( )W. Tysck,Agent,)wetid ht.
form hit **oda anctthe public in general, thath* by
establishes: a •
n rLe rrs , llu std. Wes :ropy; inses t
Awl solicits a share otthesr patronage.
Ile trillium constantly en hand alargesteek of
Burr Mill Stones, saws° a large supply ef Esepas
Kuingtoaes, also /*south Burr blacks, 'bolting :cloth.
(screen wire and Plaster Paris. • , •
The undersigned aesuree his friends end the public.
that he will faithfully 'acente,all urders entrusted to
his care, not only in quality , but i prj•scs et artialss fa t.
ribbed, andsollans their Wed pstranage.
'orders by letter whit be egyoutal with /Janina esse
and at abeaPieY st Whim purchasers we on the Ispot,s.
Wars and nil lersights srs request.. d total' and eau;
Inc his stook and Workmanship.
• . •• .101 IN tr.SITLgVAN.
ninghimion,Julg,lB33. : •;- •- • ge
lairifttiflLlßT, .L.lttitilbk
A RE VIT.:V4V,7I, 4 4I!.IIII:gtef -
c‘iitelsting of dials usual variety et pry Gands, l enverlea,
Ciaekery, pardware. Drugi.aledielnes,Valzda,Plls:Llyea
stags, ills, stone, and Wooden Wait; frou-steeLmailyi
Fish, Leather, boas dad shoes, ' looking atrium. - Sag
plates, sash. level, nod Pan!, bate caps, carpeting,
cloths, wall aad * ladowpaper:aloaLwonlithes, Jewelry,
allies 'poop's, musical La.tremeats,'„perrumem Washes.
tee., all of - which they agar the moat favorable tezmi.
. Montrose:Oct-1.1651- • . .
. -- ,
. . . .. ~ ..
• The _time te - Buyt. •-• '.
- , - -..... T VA.Arrugl,D.wruld say
. • - , z . - 4,1,- -7 :LI. tii big numerocil ftlendirand
zfo-- eirstocnets in 3.lobtrine ands kin*
• • '-'. ':- -[ n. ity. - lbot he has Just returned
. . ‘`,, •- - , ,-„, Irmo New -York with ilarge ads
1 •
• * :'•
: X..,
ditlon to, his eatensiveassortanFillt
• - ' ~ - - 61-, . ../ eonsl.tlnc - !of IN "iii - Cr hOh
.re°, ' 4 '/^ ,:.:!:+t bold:and allevr !inert and LeOpe
, 7%. ~P---- ....4 , - ' full ,Inwelled lad plain - gold Rtind
••• • - . 44 •4';''''' . -' ~.•
.vest and fob thishis;Loeicets,thlca.
bin, 'Pecks. Wig*, ,Dniceleff. Anger. and ear: rimer, era
pins, liroselms," armlets.' pead end ?hell card eases pen pencil assos,ehoral beads, cutlery; Pertomery, - 'Bll,
wew, itrittannia and plated 'Wu re:AcCordeons. antes
ennitiglorks, violin stngs; clooks,.Walltts Von Nonni.
Needles, and buoy p ur l*, ii'eteh glossy. tools and ra.
terlals for the trade by the quantity. l' l t above w il l be
cold at the lowest pricer ; Zis,iVatebes Mid JewillTY or
all kinds snaked on short notlee'at the: old Altai:4am,
ly °poodle thiPhceuir.; Conceit. Einghomton.
. •• • :
... i • '•,. ' '; - , •-• . - - Oct 1C4E51.
CIOCIni LOT 9,00 andip. Snhoura and 8 days end, Ae
him New 'sty enact waritnied ,at L. CANFIELD.
. • TratcheEl:
sale a ielection of Genera and Englialt
1.../ pine Veqicat Inbar eactipencepv Ingot! andtill•
Ter e ases Ziow a weed temyraryntunerotterriends
the pribilciin gentral. - Permiarae to sag that mr, reap
ion experience has enabled me to select each . Wittches
'es Neil 4o me credit .aniLtim ptimhisete, lasting sereleo,
It 111001 he borne In mini that, Importer* In - general
Ore not islwa3is Welch makers but ieranta er mrrehatitt.
Under then; driametancee I select cceerdina tome - kap
meat and androoWsett h :permitted +a leer° until takes
eXimined gttd rqulated lit fcie the wearers pocket,
rutin warrentgiren for tile yearsacchlenta excepted,
4 1 1 , 1 1 1r.k.0. • Mum or . buslnest from 7 A. 17. to 7 P.
• - . • .7. A. SINGLRI'ON. ,
101000 li t
014 r :: 1;.- eXc l h j a () tig i4 n w to ki r n gl d ott li to ne r ecl Ori:; -
Gootia, with soini; cash mixed in by , -
• Montrose,' May 29. 9 1 : a TyLER.
el Onto, 10.000. busk
1r -e4 (O l t
Which" 'the' highesa
kice yeillbo paid itt cioh or trailtfiy ,; ' '
-./) L,&. Co
13113T8, Oil., Drugs. itlei[irtnes,9yr stutriam
• it', • WI 040 W SAIIOI4 4 itild'VUtty,afteehreenti.
=nut. andotwors no s b a n dd. lINNSTAIT*III[AIr,
ClockticWatoles, &Jewelry
- ahatent-Boxes '
11111roloOD Olralntitoo J.1:11 EDWAD.I99,
, . .
. ; •doutlalthann ka.•
!, 18:WEBB' "A" 14, 7 4 4d ur"""ca
NEW oRK; too •
steektif pall good sowliteli be efferti for isle to Mart
WILE PAY tor thtli t ,.. t o no low rotor , po,list Ty reunion "•,••
bty asked: , • Not reeget.hivdne 'thonlio - ta- soca of
['timid*, as bays he tet ofore.kir right gnodt orbint and pita
for them; he invites arm tn . t't.,4111•0 40 4/la n '• •-•
ItTantmot gent: 1 Mt.'
nuidirrebiiiqui ; yeeds , ff tut 4 attpatioll
4::Le Itlat.statent'or • ' •••"
• ral; anti AVlnler . airtons. • •
' neWitte an aliment vette!). enr44le*D**** Good*, Wit*
ter Lorl4linialell, 42v5i 43 , 111. Boottat Ribbon*, Whitey 4
Cape, Reed* sg' the mm)! desintbla strea k •
ihich,b*ming boateptirchastd at the 'lats . -Pim Prima
wlal be sold tneatually•••• t , ••• ; • :
2iter )111ferd, Sept4tl,. 1831... •1 - 2 '
aGOOdEr .7-
!nimbi .
vatreo, at, eh M I4 ,uminCrincjiltr. Catahottilli
at. LYONS 4IG.
- • • Flown. -
Brovrcluzirt.4llo,44ormat °bop Pr orb' a* tb
iltOf nr H, 1, wins.
/air 24. In' ' •
4.1.10% . 1.1.1;,e501verc hpd guitk-Auntll443
tola, orjrt ruFe v littql llrick, ,Ciq!ibPrit..jeg 0104
l'hettnopio.44; brvli { t - *. voup plectra: . In di. .410 tic
Carpet !ise, eto n jaii fonelved auitfhtiAloby.